SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Written comments should be sent to: Timothy Johnston 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103
[email protected] Final Mitigated Negative Declaration Sunol Long Term Improvements Project Planning Department Case No. 2012.0054E Preliminary MND Publication Date: February 18, 2015 Final MND Publication Date: December 2, 2015 Sunol Long Term Improvements Project Mitigated Negative Declaration Planning Department Case No. 2012.0054E December 2, 2015 City and County of San Francisco San Francisco Planning Department Final Mitigated Negative Declaration Date: February 18, 2015; amended on [Publication Date] (amendments to the PMND are shown as follows: deletions in strikethrough; additions in double underline) Case No.: 2012.0054E Project Title: Sunol Long Term Improvements Project Project Location: 505 Paloma Road, Sunol, CA Parcel Nos.: 96-375-12-2; 96-375-14 Project Site Size: Approximately 51 acres including access and staging areas Lead Agency: San Francisco Planning Department Staff Contact: Timothy Johnston – (415) 575-9035
[email protected] PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes to implement the Sunol Long Term Improvement (SLTI) Project (the “project”), which is comprised of two main elements: improvements to the existing Sunol Corporation Yard (Sunol Yard) and development of a new interpretive center, to be named “the Alameda Creek Watershed Center” (Watershed Center), in the vicinity of the Sunol Water Temple. The proposed project site is located in a primarily rural setting, south of the Town of Sunol and west of the State Route 84/Interstate 680 junction, in Alameda County, California. Adjoining the project site are gravel quarry operations, the Sunol Water Temple and Agricultural Park, Alameda Creek, Arroyo de la Laguna, SFPUC water supply facilities, and the Town of Sunol.