
W.TILTON, a CO., EditorS&Proprietors. " yColIaty, "she61laybe right, THE MONTANAY[yCuntry, or Wron." POST. N. ~it Iy:.fl:, It IPer Year ltA1 yOL. 1. CITY OF VIRGINIA, TERRITORY, SATURDAYE APRIL 15, 1865. NO. 34.

I I i I I I II I I I III i i I i L. W. McMra.] [W. Y. Lmov.. mnamack. correspondece. The Dams osse so Uasmas. McMATE & LOVELL, LATEI• W TELRO• APU. iiug their leader, Capt MeDougal. Captain Attorneys at [From our speial Cerreneoeet. Gregory, on our side, wm killed. Law, Virginia(tyi, M. T.,willpromp. the opening of a wagon toad from the Washington, March 13. tly attend to all profeional buiness entrusted to New Orleane, March 18. D. W. their care. B nACK, Feb.12th, 1865. mining dIstrts of Mantea to the itaest, The report Tilton, I Co., 32-2m* by a abort and soetiscble current a few days past, that The grand movement against Mobile Dus Posr :- route, and one the Consul had been D. W. Tn0ro. Bax. . Dmrras. that will avid the necessity of crossing the t ordered commeneed yesterday by Gem. Beaton 3rd rClIXSlRS AINDP•OPmIETORS. Wm. 1)ECKER. "aelieving we rejoice to me to leave Matamoras, is without founds- division, 13th corps, and Col. Bertram, let : ocky MoIntsiajis of vast importaneto totion. In feat, the Consul, Mr. re- Office at the City eook tores, C•rner The cure removed." this Territory azd matter in which every Pierce, brigade, 2nd corps. Gen. Tech's and of Wallace and Jackson Streets. Surgene Dentitt. coitisen of signed his oee last year, and consequently Stoke's brigade are also moving in the di- "Othello's occupation's gone." The Montana has an interest; and we thet closing of the Consulate was a matter ONE DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE re pleased to obeere that a move of the rection. of Bennecs. TERMS, IN GOLD: OFFICEBuilding. Patients visitedat theirreidence high comedy which has been on these of course. In view of the complications greatest importanee has been made j New York, Merch 24. copy, -- $7.50 when deired. b in the ineident to the war in Mexico and the One one year, tf-40 boards for sixty days, closed Tuesda) even- riwbt direction. The Herald's London correspondent statee so,copy, six months, 4.00 ing blockade of the Rio Grande, the United that: within a couple of years the ONecopy, three months, - - - 2.50 at 10 o'clock. The spectators were n aticaipaton of a renewal, the eoning States Government has Prines since that time pre- Imperial of France is to make a royal visit states of A vderstlIng. ROATH & CO., bored, the actors were wear, the soenery Spring, of indian heetilities on the Platte, ferred to be represented by a commercial dilapdated, and the foot-lights dim. a company was last winter organised for to the United States and take a tour of the Bssinescards, (fvelines or lees,) one year $2000 JUST RECEIVED DI The agent, instead of a Consul, as this class of a, " " six months, 15 00 AMERICANrectfrom theWATCHES meafactorim. whole round of cheap nonsense had long the purpose of opening a road and build- country. He Is to be attended by a splendid oficers have no political functions and don't fleet and two ., ,( " " " " three montls 10 00 Every description ofJewery mantactaured from Ibeen exhausted. Even dullness became ing a telegraph lne from Virginia City to require or three Ministers of State official recognition by the govern- and move about with brlliano. One square one year, (ten lines or less) 40 00 the Native Gold. Call, Examine Specimes, familiarly stale, and stupidity reigned un. the States; and afterwards incorprated ment of the country in which 25 00 aud th judge. they reside. The one square six months " " " " questioned monarch of the assembled wis- under the name of the "Missour River Nationale Opinion, Prince Napo- three months " " " 15 00 Newbern, March 18. leon'sI ODnsquare, Sign of the XAX OTHRWATCH, dom. The two houses waited the greater and Roeky Mountain Wagon Road and organ, commends Sherman's opera- Quartercolumn,.one year, 60 00 Officers just from the front state that an Itions and tactics in the highest terms, and " part of the p. Telegraph Company," which company six months 45 00 VIRGINIA CITY, Montana Temtory. m., on clerks and on the order was read to the troops on Saturday asccses the rebels of having fired Charles- , " three " 30 00 Governor, afterwards consolidated with the "Bose- i Virginia City, Sept. 10, 1864. who had his eye closely on the last from Cox, commanding, stating that he Iton. It adds that gJslcolumn, one year, 90 00 e man City and Fort Laramie Wagon Road they have never been 3m--31 gentlemen, and carefully xmined every would be joined by Sherman in three days, anything but rebels against a just Govern- six months, 60 00 bill. There were nervous jentlemen in and Telegraph Company," and elected N. " three months 45 00 which created the greatest enthusiasm. -senthaving for their watchword slaves J.T. HENDERSON, either House who were interested in bills P. Langford, President, Samuel Word, and Oge column, one year, 150 00 A slavery. which the Governor could Secretary, and Samuel T. Hauser, Treas- report states that Sherman is in posses- " sixmonths' 100 00 PAINTER AND SIGN WRITER. kill by masterly Mexican news via Havana contradicts the " three months, 75 00 urer of the Consolidated Company. The ision of Goldsboro and that the enemy are inactivity. In the Council the dull hours rushing to Kingston to prevent our reported defection of Cortinas from the Office on Cover Street, Vgaimnaa Clty. were whiled away by the question of a ter- Board of Directors are Chief Justice H. back ReSular advertisers will be allowed to change forces from crossing the Neuse river at that Imperial cause. He was still devoted to additional charge. 6-1ly* ritorialI seal, and an occasional hegira across L. Roamer, W. B. Dance, Hon. A. S. Pot- quarterly without ter, Harry Burns, point. The enemy left 700 dead on the Maximilian and engaged in suppressing should be addresed the road for such creature comforts as Harby N. P. Langford, Col. All bussiness communications Foster and Capt. Kerchival, gentlemen well feld before crossing the river, which we guerillas. The troubles between the Em- to D. W. TILTON & Co., Virgtnia City, M. T. LIME AND BRICK. alone could furnish on tick. An occasional known in this Territory for their business 1buried. There are many wounded in our peror and the church party do not abate. Job Printing of every description executed in a BY announcement of " Message from the Gov- hands. The Pope is said to have remonstrated and at reasonable rates. enterprise and energy, and under whose I The Shamrock has gone up the guperior manner ernor " would cause the President to take Neuse to Kingston. The river against the Imperial order decreeing liberty HENRY BAIER. that Websterian head of his out of both 1direction everything will be done that can is high. Also Flue Building, Emake the route which they have selected, a of religious opinion. and all kinds of brick work hands, where he carefully kept it most of n ew York, March 14. OFFICIAL DISECTORY. one to order. 6-3m safe and desirable one for emigrants to Maximillian has SChicago, April 2. the time, and the silence which indicated published a decree es- President Lincoln telegraphs from City Territorial Officers. that the members were reflecting on the travel over. tablishing the Catholic Church as the State Win. CHUMASERO.. Messrs. Bridger and Bozeman have joined Sreligion.i All others not opposed to civili- Point at eight o'clock this, Sunday, morn- matter in a serious mood would again in- ing, as follows : Last night Gen. Grant GorV•aon, , Bannack City; A TTORNEY AT LAW, VIRGINIA CITY, MON- tervene. their interests in their respective roads zation and good habits will be tolerated, 6EcasllrY, H. P. TORSEY; tan Territory. Omce, in Post Oice building, with those of this Company, and have been Ibut new religions must be authorized by telegraphed me that Sheridan, with his Calt JnsrtIs, H. L. HOSMER, on Wallace street. 4--tf Councilman Thompson finally commenc- employed to conduct the emigration from Government. cavalry and the 5th corps, had captured ASSocIATrJUSTICE, AMMI GIDDINGS, ed writing, and in the quiet which reigned, Fort Laramie, through to the settled per- Newr York, March 15. three brigades of infantry and a train of " L. B. WILLISTON, Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. pen wagons, also several batteries. The pris- ; you could hear the harsh scratch of his tion of Montana; and ferries across the It appears by later news that the defense Anrr. GIsIERAL, E. B. NEALLEY, Virginia paper as had not oners number several thousand. MARSHaAL,C. J. BUCK, as it ran rapidly over such t Big Horn, Clark's Fork and the Yellow- of Fort Mays by the Union garrison, was a M. BOYD, MUSTACHE AND HAIR COLORING. before been "cabbaged." This morning, Grant, having ordered an SCRYvYOR G(sjEAN., stone, are being established, and bridges ver 7 brave one, and resulted in finally ALDITOR, JOHN S. LOTT. He arose and offered a resolution tender- are being built across the smaller streams obliging the rebels to retreat. attack along the whole line,telegraphs as fol- J. HULL. Seuth 81Ae of Wallace Street, Va. City TrASonrV., JOHN ing the thanks of the Council to the Pres. wherever they are needed, along the line Sherman met with no opposition on his lows : Both Wright and Parker got through ScrmRIT•e•DErT, T. J. DIMSDALE, SmcooL dent of the Council in the usual complimen- of the route. The Company will also open march, and fought no battie. The rebel the enemy's lines. The battle now rages AssrssOR, T. C. EVERTS. LYONS &WHITE, Proprietors. furiously. Sheridan with his cavalry and RvEaUa, N. P. LANGFORD. tary and deserved terms. The President vac- up their main line of road to the meoth of scouts were hovering round him. The di- COL'R INTERNAL the 5th corps and Mills division of the 24 3--y ated the chair, which was filled by a pro tem athe Yellowstone, and branches to Fort Ben- vision of cavalry of Gen. McBattens, in to him this morning County Officers of Madison County. appointment. The resolution did not ex- ton, Milk River, etc. the rear of Taylor, has not been seen. corps, which was sent s HOTEL, is now sweeping down from the west. All actly suit Potter, nor were its polite phrasess The Fort Laramie branch is the most im- Newbern, March 18. County Commissioners, JAMES Fsnocus, consonant with the caprices of Bagg, and tportant one to this Territory, for over it now looks highly favorable. J. E. MCCLO •W. Wallace street, VirginiaCity, M. T. J. M. Castner In a debate in the North Carolina Legis- A second dispatch, dated 11 o'clock, from SFaD. K. ROOr. proprietor. The proprietor announces to his old even Merriman looked as if he was non- will roll the great tide of emigration which I plussed for once, while Dr. lature, a few weeks since, one letter stated the President, shows a smash up of the Judge, Tros. C. Jo.NES. frienda and the public generally, that he is now Leavitt and thei recent mineral discoveries in Montana tl Probate prepared to accommodate boarders by the meal, day that the entire effective force of the Con- rebel lines in front of Petersburg by NEIL HowsI. Worden were as pleasant and smiling ass will speedily bring us. We regard the f Sheriff, or week at low rates. His table furnished federacy numbered only 121,000 men, which Treasurer, ---- with the Wright. Parker and Ord, who have joined beat the market affords. 26-tf usual. opening of this road as an enterprise of statement, on being questioned, was sub- in the fight with Sheridan's cavalry and Recorder, Rossar N. HILL. incalculable importance to this Assessor let District, JaRRY Coot. Bagg essayed to write a substitute, but Territory. stantiateds by an official document from and of the 2d division, AMistant By the present circuitous route via South F the 5th corps part JOHN S. ATCHISON, failing, the aid of a member of the "Third B Richmond. The State authorities in North the on the enemy's Pass or Bridger's Pass, the best part of the are coming in from west, uniietpal Officers of Virginia City. House" was invoked whose superlatives P Carolina, who allow no guerrillas to prowl flank. suited the Honorables not at all, so allll oseason is consumed in getting to Montana, within the borders of the State, have re- NOTARY PUBLIC. will be a A dispatch from Gen. Grant's Adjt. Mayor-P. S. Prours. looked to Merriman to help them out of the wwhile by the Big Horn route, there peatedly remonstrated with the authorities Gen. says, fighting has been going on three Magistrate-T. W. TALLuArsRO. saving of seven hundred miles of travel to Police REVENUE STAMPS AND BLANKS dilemma. at Richmond against the inhuman treat- days, during which the forces on both sides Marshal-W•:. DrASCYr. Virginia City, and to the towns in the the rebel government to Clerk-C. J. D. CUrTIs. FOR SALE AT Bagg made remarks, which, from the p meat extended by have exhibited unsurpassed valor. This is Prickly Pear Basin, and to other mining prisoners of war. Attorney-Joa. C. TORE. laughter they invoked from him were, I pre- there will be a say- all we have received thus far, but suficient Treasurer--Jos . ROCKFLtLOW. ALLEN k M1ILLARWS BDANK. camps east of this city sume, facetious. Merriman'sresolution was Sing of eight hundred miles of travel, thus Washington, March 20. to show that all goes well. Aeseesor-TuoMAs PEARSON. examination (Signed,) Rauts. Street Commissioner-H. J. Joawsox. VIRGINIA CITY, MONTANA TERRITORY. proper enough in terms, but an n enabling the emigrants to reach the "dig- A letter from Admiral Lee of Bridgeport, 30-tf developed the fact that the President was gings " in the midst of the mining season. Alabama, states that taking advantage of thanked, which was Elk river, From Lass lhance. not one of the olicers The grass along this route will feed thou- ihigh water, he had pushed up llasonsc. BILLIARD HALL, said to Merriman, who retorted by saying and dispersed Roddy's forces, and that the Virginia City MONTANA sands of teams ; the water is goad and IHslua, April 1st, 1865. The regular communications of Virginia City, Montana Territory. that he wrote that resolution, and if he had Alabamians are determined to returnto the held on the 2d Saboltkie abundant, and there is game sufficient to Eatroas PosT:-1 went from Virginia Lodge, A. F. A A. M., are A Posnanski, Proprietors. 26-ti desired to have the President inserted, he Union. and 4th Saturdays in each month. :esupply an army. As a mail route it has no City to Blackfoot, thence to Silver Bow sad P. S. PFOUTS, W. M. should have so written it. By this time rallies through which it Baltimore, March 21. F. C. COILnLL, M. D. S. L. F. Wano, M. D superior; the rich came back by the way of the Big Hole Riv- Sect'y. President Lawrence had retired to the The steamer Europa has arrived at Wash- ALax.'DAvIs, , passes affording at almost all points de- I 'as Ophir Drs. CORNELL & WARD. ante-room, in the rear, in utter dis P Major H. B. Compton, er here. It is so long since at famed sirable ranches for stations. In the winter iington, bringing Blackfoot, that what I have to Churlch. contempt also. with dispatches from Sheridan. He also Gulch on the PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. gest, and I hope, with proper these' vallies are nearly free from snow, and ' say about it may not be interesting, but as Preaching every Sabbath by Rev. A. M. Tonar, Thompson insisted, and his resolutions, brought with him seventeen rebel battle Church. Sabbath School i there are no mountains of any consequence I write to you, I will. Ophir at 11 A. M. at the Union (Successors to) well deserved, went through with an ill flags, captured by Sheridan during his raid, 1 promised to at 2 P. M. All are invited to attend. to cross, and over this route our mails could Gulch is situated on the north side and Drs. BROOKE & GLICK. grace from two or three of the members. be' brought from Omaha in eight days in several of which he captured himself from Preaching every Sabbath, by Rev. A. M. HOUGn, Bagg of- at the is a tributary of the Little Blackfoot River. 10 o'clock, A. N., and 7 Office on Jackson Street, below Wallace, Virginia Then Merriman's followed, and ten days in the winter. Early's headquarters. Sherman was in the M. E. Church, at ex- the summer, and It is about 140 miles north of Virginia City, p.I. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, P. m. City, Montana Territory.' ly-lt fered one, well deserved, thanking the We trust that our delegate may at the next White House on the Pamunky river on Sun. o'clock, sent them commencing to move towards and from 20 to 25 miles north of Cotton- sellent little page. The Governor session of Congress, prevail upon the Post day, but was wood, in the Deer Lodge Valley. The ENCOURRAGE HOME MANUFACTURE. he had no further communi- Office Department to transmit our mails the James river, where he has probably by EUSINESs CARDS. word that was from three to four feet deep, to make. Bagg got nervous, and inin over this route, that we may not be cut off thisI time arrived. snow SOAP! CANDLES!! cation when we were there; so that we could not all inconceivable ways sought to coax a bill communication with the States for Heek andA Ladder Company Ne. 1. ifrom all New York, March 21. tell much about it. It looks well, however; DOTTER, JOHNSON A TANNER, corner of Co- certain "cripples" f at 7 o'clock, P. 1. ver and Broadway streets, Manufacturers, from him incorporating five or six weeks at a time, as we have been Correspondence between Davis, Lee and has a good slate bed rock and plent of MEET regularly every uonday, district, and granting them certain to m.,at uasonic nalL By order of i.suitableWholesale for and drifting, Retail of dealers. the best decription.A miner's candlePar- from his the deep Grant, concerning a military convention water; but we saw no big prospects. It is Captain. and the Council nlthe past winter, in consequence of ---tf Tox. BAUve. privileges, but it was no go, snows in the mountain passes. settle our dificulties, is published, and con- said that there is no gold on the bars, and ties buying will save the freight hither and have a adjourned .ine die. At the Big Horn River, the emigration tains no new fact, except the one that Davis from all I heard and saw, my conclusions City Coamcilt N.. 2, U. L. A. first rate article. 3m--26* west Virginia In the House-as it was notto form anysy fr(from Minnesota, by the route directly closed his letter, giving Lee authority to were against its being afirst rategulch; but meet every Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock. T ILL Pres't. portion of the next Assembly-more feelinghg frfrom St. Paul, will touch this road; and act, with these words-" Enter into such an I may be mistaken--1 hope so. SVBy order of A. M. TORBET, Jowx S. Lswrs, N. BBAxs, D. M. Giu.z.. point be- 18-tf was manifested, and I doubt if Courtraghtht ththat from City, at some arrangement as will cause at least a tem- the Silver Bow diggings will prove II.J. PAVLtso0, Sec'y. so I think LEWIS,S HALE & CO. cracked a joke for the last half hour. Thehe twtween Port Laramie and the Big Horn, porary suspension of hostilities." to be good, but expensive to work, on ac- Jerry Cook. W. F. Sanders. k.Jewelry Manufacturers. Council sent a committee to settle withh ththat from all quarters of the east, the em- The Herald describes the new rebel pri- count of want of fall in the creek. Silver SANDERS & COOK. McCormick for cutting furniture, but he as-- igrationig will come to us, by way of this vateer steamer, named the Confederete Lodes are staked off in all directions in the Jewelry made to order from sured them that he had received and got rid idroroad; and in this view of the matter States, and says the authorities at Nassau of Butte City, on the Silver ATTORNEYS at Law, Virginia City, Montana LS VERYthe Native description Gold, ofand warranted. Particular neighborhood of all his scrip, andthe joke ended there.e* evevery citizen of Montana is interested in have refused her the right of asylum and Bow. If the lodes staked off are all good, . Territory. attention paid to repairing fine watches. Also Ea- to travel. 3--ly - graving done to order. As the hours drew on apace, and the lastst hahaving the route opened she will therefore be unable to coal and con- it must be one of the richest silver mining r, IGNOF TI GOLDWATla h sesrLVrgis City,I T of the Governor was received,*, The Company under whose direction the tinue her cruise. W. Borrox, message countries in the world, besides being rich W. M.. SrrToRn, R. B. Psanorr, L. an roroad is now being opened, intend to con- lew York, March 23. Iowa. Col.L. February 25, 1865. 27-tf Representative Faulds, a most excellent man in gold and copper. Cal. Beaver Head, made a short speech, inin struct,at, as soon as possible, an eleetro-tele- It is reported that Sherman arrived be- at " Last Chance," & BORTON, from But the diggings here STAFFORD, PARROTT which he related the pleasure he felt at hav-'- graph line from Fort Laramie, to the wes- fore the defences of Raleigh on Saturday, as it is usually called, in the Prickly Pear on Idaho street, oppositeits NOTICE TO •UILDERS Attorneys at Law, Office ing made the acquaintance of the members,, totern boundary of this Territory, connect- and having planted his guns in a position Valley, take the lead of anything in Mon- the court house, Virginia City, Montana Territory. L. ROCKENFIELD & C. WHITSON North- a summons to 2-3m his regret at the inal separation so soon toto ining with other lines running to the commanding the city, sent tana, at the present time, and there are A RE prepared to de all kinds of Plastering in a take place, and closed by giving them someoe wWestern portion of Russian America, and Johnson to surrender. many gulches still to prove. "Last Chance Behr- Ben. HOTEL, A Workmanlike manner and at a low flare, they good advice which there is no imminentant ththence by sub-marine cable across The victory claimed by the rebels at Gulch," "Grizzly Gulch," a tributary of CALIFOIRNIA If both having served many years at the business. danger of their following. Mayhew made duing'sin Straits;eonsummating in its connection tonville, assuming the of cial statement to Last Chance, and the " Dry Gulch," are Nevada City, Montana Territory. you want a good job done, give them a call. For [c-with the great Anglo-Russian Telegraph amounts to nothing but a mo- further particulars enquire at OGr•th & Thompson's akindly and creditable speech, and alsoMc- s7 be correct, the best, so far, and probably as good as tried to heal up his old more withith LiLine running from London to North East- mentary check to Sherman's left. The next Alder Gulch; but labor under a great dif- -. - Porutson.. Store, Idaho Street. Cormick LOUIS BELANGER, - - 8m-24 "Franklin." I presume he has some decentat ernor Asia, (and now in process of construe- news from that quarter will doubtless be ficulty for want of sufficient water for min- Sibley, of the plans of the feelings left, and really expressed them,m, tition under the direction of Hiram the entire accomplishment ing purposes. This hotel is situated on Main street, and in with the J.lolbegan's Restauraut? but why did he forget them, and write that ?tEsq.,g, and Perry McD. Collins, Esq.,) the Sherman. Helena is a lively mining town about as best part of the City. The table supplied : Washington, March 24. affords, and the saloon furnisheded JACKSONbT., - - * * VIRGINIA, of the undersigned projectp1 of uniting by telegraph the great large as Nevada City; but many of the houses best the market questionable resolution army of the with the best liquors. The orator, however, who was to say oaleale commercialcc emporiums of the two conti- Advices received from the are being built to hold lots and for specula- prices.es. In John Hugh's Building. taken Rooms and beds can be had at reasonable was Hufaker, who, with that nasal twang,g, nanents. Potomac say a great deal of firing has tion. I would not be surprised, however, Charges for board moderate. t41e |rT HIS House will keep open day and night for the the exclusive property of localal The president and treasurer of the com- place lately, the rebels opening fire on some if by next fall it should become the largest | accommodation of guests. Mealsserved up at long since as every preachers, hoped to meet his brethren else-e- pany, while in Washington last winter. had of our working parties as well on town in the Territory, located as it is in HENRY JAIESON, all hours. The table will always be supplied with Collins and station, and upon passing the season slford. where, and we all joined with him in thehe seseveral interviews with Messrs. house and signal the immediate vicinity of the Prickly Pear Lgame, fish or any other luxury re- no injury. The MERCHANT TAILOR, A Bar, with the choicest articles of Wines, Liq- wish that if meet we must, it might be else-se- gSibley (who are now at St. Petersburg), trains, but has so far done Valley-one of the very best in Montana- eat nor. and Cigars, is connected with the house. telegraph of the line Stonewall, Wallace street and then the House was a thing ofgof garding the establishment of this picket fire of the same portion and near the Missouri River, Jefferson and Three doors above the 31-tf where, mainly to City M. T. line;i and it was with more especial refer- iskept up onstantly at night, Boulder Valleys. Virginia must do away Virginia the past. army. cloths, cassimeres and am not going to write its history. elence,* to 'this project that the present com- prevent desertions from the rebel with her City taxes and look sharply to her THE beet assortment of JUSTU JVOOLE. New I exchane Richmond vest patterns, constantly kept on hand and have done well. Not pany was organized. The rebels refuse to interests if this plaeoo does not outstrip her The Union minority daily drilled in made up after the latest fashion. 3m-24 GENERAL AUCTIONEER. of them can escape criticism or condom-a- The enterprise is a vast one, and will papers. Troops are being very soon. Vireos. all prse- to the of Live nation,e but the Territory owes them much chrirequire a great deal of money and ebreakingamp madpacking up. Deserters HALL. Particular attention given sale last night in front of the ninth EFrom t•e Deaver mw of March 15th OCCIDENTAL BILLIARD Stock and Rel Estate, sales of Stocks of Goods for the evil they have prevented, if not forfor v,verin labor to surmount the multiplied came in Virinia wlh;b must be encountered but heir arms and, equipments ColeerS Item.. ROCKFELLOW DENNEB'S BUILDING. in Store. Ofce at the Elephant Corral, have accomplished. Andand ddicfulties corps,'withthem. bringing 3m-18 the' good they now hare City, M. T. now that my friends have subsided, I can-BU uunder the direction of those who Jackson Street, Virgnias City. The " poor Indian" investigation is try- not speakif them unkindly. One domes-es- o1charge of it, we have no doubt of the sue- A gentlemea from Richmond reports that LU.WBER. of all that is pro- ining to fnd an idicatios of something or town. The bar supplied with infeliciti does not always break up thethe o,cessful consummation the rebels admit that the damage done by The fn est tables in tic of no one thing other, and has packed up for Fort Lyon. the best of Liquors and Cigars. MIL, on Stinkwater is prepared aU pposed, and we can conceive Sheridan smounts to fifty million dollars. of BRUNDY'Sto billsof Lmber of ayalse at short tfsm)y, and y little honeymoon row shall Perhaps it is on the bunt for lying stories. 16--41* JOHN H. KING. now saw seatithat would be of so much beneft to the He estimated the strength of the army notice. not prevent me from doing these gentlemen Our friends of the News most be a•ercis- of putting their names inin ZTerritory at large, as the opening of this in the Richmond entrenohments at 60,000, Their lumber yard in Virginia City, is in the the kindness with ed at the si•ht of the Atchison Prem, an. SECORD & FAVUETTE Corral, on Idaho street, whee they con- I wish, however, to dis4laim any aflaf- rtroad to emigration, and a connection with the home guards and emergency men Warsaw Srient. does not believe that aiaoeaingotbe ponderous fact that thirty statly keep the best article of all kinds of lumber of the twotwo the east, by mail and telegraphic fseilities. in Richmond. He sty SADDLERS & HARNESS MAKERS. of y with divers and sundryRt 45,000 though be has mulem teams have been loaded within at reasonable rates. Also a kood asotm.nt nset forgetFRANKLIN Johnson has over kept on hand. houses who shall a well from Richmond. days,d at that plae, eac with NIONSTANTLY on hand and manuatcturing from ash and lath costantly FRANKLIN. GOLD In CoirinnTCT.-Dt. Keith drawn several divisions te muleso styles of Saddles, Ddles, 37-tf the owner of a of merchndi se. God help ' the best material, all known mineralO~git and Deep gloom prevails in Richmond, snd ci thae and Double Harnes, or anything else made in of HHow big gey the wheels? It seems Bingle WgpLESALE th. titroat of land in Greenwich, Con., hea ads- everybody seems to feel that the day a irat class saddler shop. lm-14 Armr1 EnUsa IT.-Th ownae of Vein. One icee daily mails from the East are to be the reg- lately disovered some sixty ccovered upon It a gold reckoning is ome. ular order of the day. fossil elephant Sstraated therefrom was valued at . Dedre I Thexto, LIQUOR STORE. miles to he eastward of this city, yesrday sun aser. Cherry Creek i misbebhavg a little, bha ew York Fie Departaet is to be Cairo, March 25. authorities Gen.era Blacksmiths and Plough Man- A. NIELS .* started out with teams for the purpose of Tas' iag comised' to ow. The OeHN have provided Me tradsit for loeesotive sfcturvers, A fght ocearred between twenty of our hi up spladily in ot t • whoa. all who bave mot ci Cover strees. - - VsirWMf City. WWMakey which makes baibiite troeos and seventy guerillas thirty miles .t.. nlr.eothe pase t• wilb are ap- eah opany is to have a on Wedseday bt. Ar.isbi is psiDn 1 . of the best deseriptios, s"itable for Drinks. He c r sei the asho elohit o Sstesmroeach teoanied; cbmpaayo and hand dier?engine elevowit a1du mebll from Paduhb, PLOUGB8 made to orer, in dive him a call and examin bi stAok e WaaaEe eilt soity l satisfaction of the Daverits. SRiacha• se in thia co•utry psrtaisty of lln telying upon hte legraph. Twenty of the guerillas weskilled; I1 ie. beat possible manner. Heor, M•'SA dCas-- street, opp Caitr(Wifornia eatnh ge. the iirl. - Ter . S?'7' 'sad Sed in the most approved manner. 32tf 6-4m regad to