
A Condensed History of American 1776Ð1999

1776Ð99 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890

1785 1802 1810 1820 1834 1840’s 1850’s 1862 1874 1887 1890 The Philadelphia Society George First American agricul- Agriculture Committee, McCormick reaper The growing use of fac- Commercial corn and U.S. Department of Availability of barbed Hatch Experiment Second Morrill Act broad- for the Promotion of Parke Custis instituted tural periodical, the U.S. House of patented tory-made agricultural belts began to Agriculture established wire allowed fencing of Station Act set up ened -grant program Agriculture and other agricultural fair in Agricultural , Representatives, machinery increased develop , ending era Federal- coopera- and set up funding for agricultural groups Arlington, VA began publication established ’s need for cash 1862 of unrestricted, open- tion in agricultural black land-grant schools organized and encouraged com- The drive for agricultur- range research 1825 mercial farming al culminated 1890 1793 Agriculture Committee, in the passage of the Census showed that the Invention of cotton gin U.S. Senate, Morrill Land Grant frontier settlement era established College Act was over

1862 1890 Homestead Act gave First Federal free public land to per- Inspection Act sons willing to it 1896 1865-70 Rural Free Delivery The sys- USDA(RFD)TED started tem in the South replaced the old slave system INSPEC 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990Ð99

1900-1910 1914 1922 1932-36 1945-70 1954 1964 1970 1980’s 1990 1997 George Washington Smith-Lever Extension Capper-Volstead Act and dust-bowl Revolution in agricultur- Agricultural Trade Stamp Act and Environmental Quality became Food, Agriculture, USDA issues Civil Rights Carver, director of agri- Act passed setting up a gave cooperatives legal conditions developed al brought Development and War on Improvement Act a viable technique for Conservation, and Action Team report, offer- cultural research at national extension standing greatly increased yields Assistance Act (P.L. improving and Trade Act and Omnibus ing 92 recommendations Tuskegee Institute, service 1933 and more specialized, 480) facilitated agricul- products Budget Reconciliation for overcoming past pioneered in finding new Agricultural Adjustment capital-intensive tural exports and Act increased ’ injustices uses for peanuts, sweet Act (AAA) initiated crop foreign 1985 flexibility in planting potatoes, and , and marketing controls 1946 Food Act low- under 1998 thus helping to diversify National School Lunch 1954-55 ered government farm programs HACCP is implemented southern agriculture. 1936 Act supports, promoted to target and reduce the Conservation and program begins exports, and set up the 1993 presence of pathogens 1902 Domestic Act 1947 Conservation Reserve Revised General in meat and Reclamation Act linked farm programs General Agreement on 1956 Program Agreement on Tariffs facilitated with conservation Tariffs and Trade Soil Bank Program and Trade (GATT) and 1999 (GATT) established authorized new North American Drop in many commodi- 1906 1936 working procedures Free Trade Agreement ties prices, combined with Food and Drug Act, a Rural Electrification Act that substantially (NAFTA) lowered trade disastrous weather in landmark in (REA) greatly improved reduced tariffs between barriers many parts of the country, quality of rural life member nations caused increased 1908 1996 demand for USDA farm President Roosevelt’s Federal Agriculture programs Country Life Improvement and Commission was estab- Reform Act revised 1999 lished and focused farm programs to The "Roadless Initiative" attention on rural increase reliance on is implemented to pre- problems signals serve roadless tracts in National Forests, secur- ing and habi- tat and protecting natural resources