To City for New Building
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l«tm»Mmm«»»«f«tM r* -i—f . ,'"v> SUi:i:iT FEEL PUBLIC LIB&ABY 75 MAPLE ST. ?ervmg Summit Since 1 SUM!:IT I;.J. 273-4000 " $7 A YEAR to City for New Building fonany the library ^^^3 .Ros SBSgBSafs noted. c Jffigwagiaets gtarjars-ga •^•jLtay—* Part Odds Kent Van AMen, Hobart avenue, S?"^S*!«fl> «**>•?»» •»» th"sent^te proposead Allen facilit, yHobar was tnea avenue.r tuft' aalf * HasssssHasW -'< ' / • M*!MSKRKBUEK^^^BKE1 hank considered for senior j g, and he approved, "A wouldbeSSUenttbro sent to the ting than off in a ravine." , tjri- ."-^™»..™l sreiegai, ana mat meant the ctty -™^'t to« to toe traMaction, in any grounoHireakinK could occur 4 nme^ww.^Onnapmident ^SSTSSTMM*?Y^'to tailk^ Dresenuuon before ooundi mad* • bedon«taittprei^locBtton,8adaiiif **. ... r IQOIIBt, p JWQQ BWAD WAS! "* •"• ™ <*B H«sK!JWa?^» 1HC |IMaH 'Off IBS WWil In the haaas a( Cvmmen CameU lor evatuOpa. (nriuM^Wove by Council . - ..{, r .$* • .• -, ,^| menxMfS WIH pea eooiniWBrinnrwttni. 4^mS l, Michael.Creen; • inembeVif (be wayitriw." - . "" >- Chamber of Commerce, William HesaJTif rcsidenni Jwd probtenw Stampe*; from the Police Department, la favor wen Cquncilwoman financially, they would not pay for the Sergeant Robert Haley; and a sbottoer, .iftnjw, «i» has worked on the care of the trees. "If they let the trees, LuchBogumil. SHU to be appointes d is a ven.tosof.the tree ordinance, go, it could become a safety factor. commuter from Ward J. ww President Murray Ross and Trees add beauty and value to a com- Goancilinan Thomas Kelsey, Against munity. We should do something to In other business, Raymond Ruppert, were Edward Otocka, Thomas Button encourage people to plant trees." < 33 Edgewood road asked about using the aad Thomas Kent. Other councdmen said if there were a $*1 million grant for senior citizen One of the things which may have gypsy moth infestation, homeowners housing in the Community Development resulted in the negative votes was the might not spray the city's trees, and area as "there would be a minimum section concerning care of the city's deteriorating trees could line the streets. amount of objection from citizens", and trees in the right-of-way strip. Residents New Committee Dr. Ross said it was being given con- il"(lB«lag".(«ofFebriiarysadiys, would have the responsibility of the Councilwoman Janet Whitman an- sideration. only two were eloady; the rest being bright and sunny, with trees' pruning and care. Some council- nounced the formation of a parking There was no agreement among taking adVsatsge ef tte Mttor csM woatter test weekeaJ. cast Common Council yet on the site, or sites, " • •, acrns a fromed yastacrpoel Msd. Temperatures. precbHatiM amwrnttng to barely an tech, the driest since men had expressed concern that committee which would study the ltJt. Moderating temseratares moved in an Tuesdsy pushing residents wouldn't pay the cost of situation on the streets in the downtown Dr. Ross said, but the decision would be UMtbardygotert«rfm«t«^f«flvesfralght4>y«.iBOTla«d announced as soon as possible. enough Ice for skaters i« have a fleM *»y. The s«b*ee*tag the mercury above the 40-degree mark. SUil, no snow. (Judy upkeep and trees would die. area and in the city's lots. "They will readhtgs were cemW»e«wtth bright, aaaay skies aad ae snow Brick Freedman pbeto) 8 Administrators Polled Senior Citizen Housing Middle School : 1 Yes, 6,Maybes, 1 No Building Locations to be Limited to 2 ByAjmeCoofier • Education last week received answers Interviewed in a workship session in feel committed to put up that number, he In a poll of eight school"idmlnWratort ranging from one definite endorsement the Wilson School cafeteria Thursday At Common Council's closed meeting have asked the Housing Authority to on the future, of a vn grade Middle and six maybe* to one out-and-out night were Assistant Junior High last week to discuss senior citizen answer some questions for us on two said. School In Summit, the Board of rejection of the concept Principal Marie Simone, Elementary housing, two things emerged: the sites. Once they have supplied the in- "We have said all along we will build Coordinator Paul. Ryan and the six location will be limited to no more than formation, we will evaluate the sites and up to 150 units. If the site selected will Summit elementary school principals. two sites andl» units aren't mandatory. determine if we go to one or two sites and take 133. we won't owe the rest But if at Police Arrest 2 Women Mn. Simone ws* the only administrator After the meeting. Dr. Murry Ross, which ones they wiU be." a later date, more senior citizen housing to come out uneouivocably in favor of Council president, said: "I had felt three Based on the site selection, if the land is needed, then Council will take a new the three-grade {fiddle School plan. "I sites would be fine, but in discussing It, is not large enough for the 150 units look at it There is no feeling we owe ISO. feel very strongly mat a 6-7-8 program we agreed on limiting it to two sites. We proposed, then Common Council won't We will do the best we can, based on the In $14,000 Theft of Jewelry site, to get close to that number." via awer door. would be • tetter program," she said, Two Newark women were arrested by rejecting a U grade alternative. Expenditures Total 818,441,198.39 Dr. Ross hopes to keep to the Council's police last Friday morning and charged Although the notice arrested two timetable of having a decision ready by suspectsTfor breaking and entry, other Responding to Franklin School with toe. break*! and Mm theft of alncW Russell Titus who said he was the end of March. Council will hold a Jewelry from an Edgewood road home break-Ins throughout the week were also series of meetings to discuss the location reported. ^pessimistic about whether we can staff City School and Municipal Saiml»w»noufb«ore. a school In such a way that it can em- -. of the controversial $9.1 million project to Police Chief Frank On Monday, an Essex road home was slated for Summit with a grant already broken Into and a purse and a television body the Middle School concepts and ; »t the time of their arreit, program," Mrs, Simone stated that awarded from the Housing and Urban to^taB«l«(rf»nw^tap«« set stolen. Budgets Get Unanimous OK Development Agency for 150 units of Orithe-Bameday, a Rowan road home many of the Junior High teachers 0 in »Uver me. Jewelry already have the qualities that would Two budgets were adopted Tuesday Schober from the Board of Education senior citizen housing. from the home. Bom was eotiired, but nothing taken. Police Possible sites include the strongly . think the entrants wen frightened oft mate mem successful in a 6-7-8 setting. night by Common Council, the public and Thomas Button and Thomas Kelsey ^M inVnton County jail in "They have bad course work and school's for $8,811,500 for operating from Common Council. contested Franklin-Hobart tract of land, lef lj»,W) each. ,• after thsy had piled everything they . Roosevelt school, the Community weS^ ht a front hall. background in psychology, have taught expenses and the municipal, making a were identified as in elementary as well as Junior High total city budget of $18,441,196.89. Lucy Bogumil, president of the Development area in the center of the 7,;»!«» Maria fltteh, . aUvenHexe was also stolm from a Summit Taxpayers Association, noted Ctts and Elm street Also the Edison Valley View avenae home last Wed- schools and an creative and constantly Councilman Thomas Button said, of the school portion of the budget was 56 ne»d«y;llntry was made througha front innovating," she said. Furthermore, a the municipal budget, "We have been recreation grounds may be considered. nsea goodporttonof thestaff was hired in the able to maintain the city and stay within percent of the total city budget. She No site is without its problems, ac- last seven to tight yean with Just these the cap, unlike some communities, and suggested reducing school expenses' as cording to the Housing Authority, which A back dtiir'was wedlo gain entry enrollment declined. will be in charge of seeing the project "-"" ^"den road borne, also last qualifications in mind, she added this year the state has returned it with no Brayton School principal Wilbur adverse comments." Mayor Lovett said, "The Board of constructed once the site is approved by Police slid nothing was Common Council. Van Investigation is con- Nelson, taking the opposite view said he He thanked former treasurer Jack School Estimate is anxious to work was "unalterably opposed" to the Savage, who died last December, who closely with the Board of Education on t&mi • <cop»nmdonl»«Bt»> ' started work on the budget, and Kenneth things like salaries, administrators and ' DeRoberts who finished it for "their teachers, with declining enrollment." mineuver wai missing fi, When questioned by Mrs. Bogumil about tte Jin* d«" Tto theft Council began its public administrators' salaries, he noted it was of Ibe ft«fla.m. meeting, the Board of School Estimate admissable to pay certain individuals a In on iM^rriaavenue met at 7:30 and approved unanimously high salary but it had to be justified. S#lS the school's 198041 budget. Mayor "We are attempting In Summit to pay Orange two dan later/However, police the salaries which will draw the ex- reponea (nsianotnercao, praan in me iab*tMsl James bovett presided over the group sime Morris iivenoli.djrtve.