ÜÜ ÜÜ ٠٠٠٠٠ جئ ST ظ .الن؟الاآل0ل .No Government could subsist ،for a Day if single Errors could justify Defection.’’—Dy

Vol. X. GEORGETOWN, FRIDAY, ARIL 30, 1824, (No. 1,401.

٩=== NOTICE. ,FOR BELFAST \ ٠ .NEW FLOUR AND CAROLINA RICE. MARSHALS orrics ;٠ INDUSTRY,aster،ا؛؛, )The FirstClassA. Bl a IN ٠ ا -r. FERGUSON Surgeon, has renod to Vlis ٠٠٠٠٠— SINGEN House, opposite the Royal Hotel, Bourdris ,freight o'r passage برأ 4؛،.Just Landing, ex the Schooner Wellington,Yrom Barbados, ; 't o Sail about tlie 20th proximo ived from His Honor the؛٠sua٠٥٩.٠uthority ec Nيح -يرر '."'ا؛ جج و - '٠ .CHOICE Parcel of Superfine BALTIMORE MStreet FLOUR, and Fresh CAROLINA RICE; very 28th April, 1824. A ICivil Justice for the United Colony of Demerara and Es-please apply tu the Master on board, or to low for cash. he Undersigned having beeii appointed Treasurer to A. SUTHERLAND. sequebo, &c. &c.; tile undersigned, in Iiis capacity of De- MURRAY, JONES, and Co. tile Committee for presenting an Address to his Ex.- 'puty First Marshal of said United Colony, will expose for 30th April, 1824. 30th April, 1824. Tcellency' Major General Murray, requests the Subscriberssale to the. highest bidder, in presence of the' Honourable , FOR I ONDO جع '-ith as little delay as possible, the a- Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at tlie Court •؛Office, V to pay at his٠ . ;BELL INA, Capt. Wildgooss ؛TH'E SUBSCRIBERS . The Shi House in Georgetown, on Tuesday the Fourth of Mayen- Have received pet- Industry, from Belfast, ai. VIRET. suiirg, at 12 o’clock at noon— -or passage (having good accommodation), apply to the Mas ؛ -he following articles, wliich, toge her 28th April, 1824. First—In behalf of Francis A. Walrond, olitainer of ar with a General Assortment of DY GOODSand rest, plaiptiff— versus Francis A. Barrow; the defendant's ter on board, or to 1:0 Tplantation stores on hand, will be disposed of HE Subscribers to a Piece of Plate, intended to be mulatto man named Joe or Joseph. presented to Major Simpson, are requested to.'attend BEN. HARPER. very low for cash—or to tlieir punctual customers on ac- Second--In behalf of j. H. Albouy, partner and repre- 30th April, 1824. Tat Marshall’s Hotel on Monday next the 3d of May, at 3 -Count, viz.: sentative ،jf the late firm of Benjamin and Albouys, plain ,The fast-savingI R ShipLONDON, ALBINIA, A. 1 ٠. o’clock, p. m. for the purpose of nominating a Coinmittee tiffs—wru F. w. Tuckerman; the defendant's negroes Prime mess pork in whole and lialf barrels and appointing a Treasurer to collect the Sbuscriptions. Prime mess beef in ditto a'nd ditto namefl Saturday, Red Swaan, and Secundo. April 24th, 1824. Pickled and dried rounds of beef Third-In behalf of Alexander M( Lean and David Tur- '1 Sail- in all June. For freight or passage, apply to the ner, representatives in tliis Colony of Mrs. Stacy, of Lon- Master on board, or to .؛ ؛ ,Pickled ribs of beef in kegs FOR SALE Ox and pigs’ tongues in kegs don, sole heiress of lier deceased son Francis Stacy, late of .LEACH and L. FITZGERALD .١١٢ Seymour; a No e ًاا11اًا ١٢?:—t inportImported I by the Ship Leonora, from Liverpool, th¡; (olony, plain^flfe Dried 'ox tongues'and liams 3.0th April, 1824. -to he de ؛pay 11 ,؛182 ؛oAlay ’؛t١؟Rendered lard in' kegs, oats in punclieons Gutterest (?umberland in'firkins hams Lime in large new hfads. Cuilfle^s, dated" the٤ Kegs of Scots'.barley Lady and Countess slates FORLIVERPOOL, BDouble and single GlosterOats : in puncheons fendant n tire'following manner:—six. hundred guilders Temper lime in jars and kegs The Ship CAEDO IA, ;Bispham, Master ؛.Building lime in new hogsheads clieese Hay in trusses thereof on the 19th of September, 1823, and the balance on .j Long' wood hoop.s, fire bricks Pine cheese Paints and paint oil .tlie 19tl of Marell, 1824. ng fish in boxes 1 Stockholm tar Forth—In behalf of Thomas Burrows, plaintiff—tiers To Sail alrout tlie 15th or 20th proximo. Has superior إ Metal pots of various sizes Sail canvass, and cordage from Finch to 9-thread ratline Herrings in kits Pitch Ewd Alleyne, defendant; the defendant’s property, con- accommodation for passengers. For freight or passage,, Small boxes of soap and candles ■،' "' .i Bristol tripe in jars Patent iron chain cables ' sisting of an old diring table, a sofa table, a card talrle, a apply to tlie Master, or Hampers of pofetoes . Potatoes ’ Anchors for colony craft j small n end table, a c eret, eight maho any hair o tomed M'INROY, SANDBACH, and Co. " .Mustard Sheathing copper aiid nails chairs, a black pony, and a quarto edition of Johnson’s 28th Api'il, 1823 ؛ Stripe and plaih drill .rl barley Composition nailsand spikes dictionary, in .2 volumes؟bed sheeting Pe 5-4 -١Vhoever shal'1 conceive to have any right, claim, or inte En biscuit l'n kegs ؛ Irish linen in whole aud. half pieces .-44 ALSO ON HAND, Barclay's best Lon'don brown ses¡- to the above, properties, and intending to oppose the ؛ \ .Long lawn, diaper, and damask tut porter ا ALS.0, Double refined sugar Cod and scale fish sale thereof, are to address themselves in due time, to me To Sail on the 14111 ،if May. For freight.or Passage, ap٠؛، White pine lumber the aforesaid Deputy First Marshal, when I will appoint؛ Fine Clioice Old MADEIRA, in pipes, Ihds. quarter Brandy, per'pipe; R. O. staves and shooks sucli person or 'persons (as are thereto qualified by Law) a ply to tlie Master on board, or and half-quarter casks; and double brown stout porter in .RICHARD'GRAY ■٢ i. i d.-iy of hearing before, the Honourable Court of Criminal ؛ Superior old Port wine W. O. shooks ؛ hogsheads. i The Consignees of a Cased Pipe Madeira Wine marked ؛ -Best yellow bark Lamp oil and Civil Justice, for the trial of the same, and those incli ؛ .MURRAY, JONES) and Go and two Hogsheads marked CA, I.) by the above ر .and ned to pnrehase will please attend on tlie day and at tlie place (I. E؛ lobacco' ■Superior Memel Plank .inch above-mentioned. Vessel, are requested to come forward and claim-tlie same ٦ GASH will be given for 50 Bales Good Clean COTTON. Roman cement Terras .th, 1824. Kingston, 21st April, 1824؛، 30th April, 1824. . ) Pemau Deals, very suitable Demerara, Apr24 Best Welsh fire bricks for cane punts j. D HALEY’ Dep. First Marshal. —^forldndon" ح .MINROY, SANDBACH, and Co ٠ 'ا ,Rum wanted N pursuance of authority received from His Honor the -yNDRED PUN؟ حال؟ ٥n٢؛ H Oi’ RuS President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and CHEONS rum, on delivery, by C Wanted to Hire for. 12 months certain,--10 or 12 Effec- ICivil Justice for the United Colony of Demerara and Sail in May. For freiglit or passage, liaving 'good ؛١CH and L. FITZGERALD. ti.ve NEGRO ،MEN, accustomed to field work. Wil w. LE 28tli April, 1824. Essequebo, &c. &c. &c.; the undersigned, in his capacity Who have received per brig Elizabeth and Esther, direct of Deputy First Marshal of said Colony, will expose for accommodation, please apply to tile Master, or ! 19th April, 1824. fron Newfoundland-Prime New Cod Fish in 3, 4, 6, and FOR SALE, sale to the highest bidder, in presence of the Honourable JOHN LANE. «, quintal casks. Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court- F—; ’ ;Master ذمز ,deliverable House in Georgetown, on Tuesday the 4th of May ensuing ٠,INS ٠ Apply of (o at this'Office.ATLANTA ؛ antity^؛,nyin Town 30th April, 1824. The Bris ^SSEQUEBO, ، 2 o’clock at noon ٦ at ٠ .th April, 1824؟A8 ١١٢illiam Cook, plain­ to leave the River the' Second Springs in May. -For freight .NOTICE. In behalf of William Lucas, q.q tie, unfortunately either dliveted m thoughlad a NOTICE, tiff—versus George Gill; the defendant’s South East Quar­ or pas-age, liaving excellent- accommodation; apply to tlia؛ a؛ heGOLI) Undersigned WA CH havingof ١١rith the buildings thereon, situated in ,ter of Lot N’j. 11 ll Persons tvho have left WATCHES^ with the Un- Captain on board, Messrs. Glen and M‘Kill'0p, or th« errorT for another, or otherwise lost—hereby requests any dersi'gned, to be Repaired, arerequstedtocall forthem, the middle dam of Stabroek. undersigned. . person into whose bands it may have fallen, to have the Demerara, April 24th, 1824. Awithin Otte' Month from date, failing which they 'will be OWEN KERNAN. .kindness to restore it;—it is upon the horizontal prill،-¡- J. D. HALEY, Dep. First Marshal. 14th'April, 18^4 pie, a repeating and musical watch, numbered on the case Sold at ^endite to pay Exjences, as he then leaves dis Co- lony. Tliose indebted to him a'resolicited to settle tlieir Ac- N pursuance of authority received from His Honor the ا:ئت .Any reward required will be given with pleasure .361,٥ counts immediately; and those having claims against him President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and I r date the 21st instant; I, the؛J-H- GUYOT- are requested to call upon him for payment. (Civil Justice, &c. &c. bearin . 'will expose for sale to freight or passage, apply at tie c ut tnhue 0؛ ,Wcrlen.Rus.ti April 28th. 1824 j' Hl GUYOT. tjndersigned Deputy First Marshal tryT٠at٠the Court- House؛١ee٢Q^t؛٥fe „ili'jime؟٠iA’١C٥ *١OTs ؛The Subscriber renders respectfuHha^nks to his friend NOTICE. in George-town, at 12 o’clock at noon, on Tuesday the the last Several years, in his line as Carpenter, and begs lea.ve 4th of May next— ,OR،BRISTOL, NEW VOLUNTEER؛HOSE few Proprietors of Buildings erected on the . The First ClassShip to state, that being obliged to .go to Europe for the benefit of front Lands of Plantation Vlissingen, who have not First—Two-thirds of Lot No. 31, with the buildings his lieaith. he has hired liis Carpentei N'egroes to Messrs. Tyet renewed the expired Leases of their respective Lots,thereon, situated in Werk-en-Rurt district, formerly the Geo. j. Howard and John Hill, and not doubting they property of F Butteweg, to be resold for account and risk . .apply٥ خ ٠,or passage جhoard,May next. orto For freight ؛To the Sail Master the 13t onة are hereby earnestly requested to do so previous to the 15th will prove worthy of encouragement, recommends them to May next; as the undersigned (from peremptory orders of C. A Fisler, Guardian of the minor J. C. Scheffers, public favour. received from his constituents) will, after that period, be as purchaser, and J. J. Vlaardinger١voud and the First He particularly entreats tlie favour of those 'indebted to BEN. H'ARPER. under the necessity of resorting to unpleasant means, at Mortgage as securities—they having failed to comply with 31st March, 1824. him, to make immediate payment; those especially long in La١v, against the said Proprietors. the conditions of sale at execution on the 5th of August *' ٦١• arrears, not complying within eight days, he will be under 'FOR LONDON, — the painful necessity of putting in suit. P. C. OUCKAMA, 26th April, 1824. q.q. Plantation Vlissingen. Second—Two-third parts of Lot No. 19, with the build­ The Brig SYMMETRY, JOHN BELL, ings thereon, situated in Charlestown district, lately the •: ;Captain Davison ١. ,١ve, for account and To Sail in the montli of May next. Fur 'freight or passage soth April, 1824. THE SUBSCRIBERS ■property of Mrs. J. Dempster—as ab HE Undersigned having, by the addition of Mr. Haye Imported by the Albinia, from London, bisk of L. H- W. Mack, appointed Guardian to the minor apply to the Master on board, or to children of W. B. Dempster, as purchaser—and L H.W. .Bell،s Prime Carpenter Negroes, a large Effective HE following ASSORTMENT of GOODS, which w. LEACH and L. FITZGERALD Mack and C. W. E. Hofstede, as securities; they being ٦٢ ­TGang at command, respectfully intimate that they are rea in default of complying with the tenor of the conditions on ¿9th .March, 1824. dy to undertake CARPENTER JOBS to a considerable tual customers only, on account, viz.: extent, either in Town or Country, aud will feel greatly which the property was sold at Marshal’s Sale on the 8th Ocatrr=Moiial٠ ٠ .Leadenhal 1-market best corned beef, in half brrls. packed of April, 1823 Obliged for a share of Public Patronage—they can promise up for family use Demerara, the 24th April, 1824. quick dispatch, and will use every exertion to give general Imperial French plums in flasks J. D. HALEY, Dep. First Marshal. {.New currants,, and shelled Jordan almonds in flasks (By permission of His Excellency the Governor ٦ - .satisfaction HOWARD and HILL. Muscatel and Valencia raisins in flasks N pursuance of authority received from His Honor the ­30th April, 1824، Preserved patent fresh salmon in small jars President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Ci S٦ENEFIT٠؛Fine salad oil,• Durham mustard Ivil Justice, for the United Colony of Demerara and Esse­ CLOWN c. &c. -The Undersigned in his capacity of& CHARLES CONYERS and Co. White wine vinegar quebo &c٠ flaVe just received per the Brig Elizabeth and Esther, direct Vermacelli and sago in small canisters Deputy First Marshal of said United Colony, will expose R. BEN A BEN GO respectfully informs the Ladies from Newfoundland, Mixed spices for sale to the highest bidder, in presence of the Honourable and Gentlemen of Georgetown and Vicinity, that Mbis Benefit will take place EW MADEIRA and WEST INDIA COD FISH Pickled girkins and onions Counsellers .Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court in different size casks, Best white biscuit in japanned canisters house in Georgetown, on Tuesday the 4th of May ensuing, On SA TURDAY E VENING, the 1st f May; Fine pearl and Scots’ barley in jugs N LAMP OIL in barrels and jars; at Twelve o’clock, at noon— Fine satin and stout drill First—In behalf of Charles Vincent and M. J. Retemey- on which occasion, himselfand Company will use their ut٠ which they offer for Sale on very moderate terms, for Florentine, India dimity and jean er, q. q. plantation Klein Pouderoyen, plaiutiff—versus most endeavours to give general satisfaction. prompt payment in Colonial Produce. Russia sheeting and duck J. H. Beekman, defendant—The defendant’s wood-land 28th April, 1824. Fine and coarse Irish linen and long lawns called Berlyn, with all the buildings thereon, situated in Mr. Benabengo will introduce numerous new Feats of .the river Demerara . ٦ Real French linen cambric, imitation ditto .. ٠٠..THE SUBSCRIBERS HORSEMANSHIP AND TUMBLING Bordered white muslin and cross-bar handkerchiefs Second—In behalf of N. Hugenholtz, plaintiff—versus Miss Breschakd will make her third appearance. Have Received per the Ship Beilina, Linen bed tick and diaper M. S. Schmidt, widow Weyerman, drawer, and C. C. De HE FOLLOWING GOODS, which they offer for Pintill is", britannias, and cotton shirting Witt, endorser, defendants—the second named defendant The tvhole to conclude with the laughable Pantomime of T Sale cheap for Cash :— Fine Welch flannel C. C. De Witt’s water or mud lot No. 10, with the stelling .HARLEQUIN’S FROLICS ٠ Ladies’ cordovan and morocco shoes Cotton counterpanes and hammocks and buildings thereon, situated in front of plantation W'erk Ladies’ and girls’ white cotton stockings Fine cotton shirts with frills en Rust. Superfine water-proof hats Ladies’ black silk stockings, with cotton tops and feet Third—Tn behalf of George Robertson and Co., plain- *** Tickets to e had at Mr. H. Fkmt, coner of Amtri« .١sus N Taylor, free coloured man, defendant’s one- ca Street«?)

- ٠٠,. ■ ٠.- ٠ ٠ ٠ ■٠٠٠ ■ • ■ ■٦ ...... _ ٠—؛٠٠٠٠٠٠٠■ ,٦ , ■ ٠٠٠ ٠■ ٠٠٠٦— ...... „..٠...... ? .^٠٠٠٠٠٠, . ٠„ ٠٠ ?٦r«r٦؟٠٦e;،h٠L٠e-rt٢-٩tr٠tr ٠٠ -٠»،؟ ٠١٠ with so heinous an offence; but I cannot, in my spe- be very different on such a subject. He in a letter to it is to direct the moving machinery of power,.to look iist, on tlie 8th December following, not oniy؛THE SUBSCRIBERS the Colo ١vhich I feel to look into culations, resist the desire narrowly and with a guarded and circunispect eye, at ؛ ,from Belfast ١^r/؟.»Have received by tlie'A،4 ice of؛', some parts of Mr Austin’s conduct, when employed - refutes the mistatements of the Saints, on said pan the conduct of' that useless and good-for-nothing A EargePERS, Assortment of IRISH LINENS and DIA- as a judge, and under oath as a witness. In the Board - plilet, but with a disinterestedness and Ghristian bene beings who are daily acquiring strength by additionalهـ of Evidence, of which he was a member, we have his volence for wliich he is distinguished, bears Air. Austin numbers-the s'able Skinned Danglrs, or the Free ؛ Linen, checks, best oz. thread. Linen Shirts recorded declaration that the criminality of Smith was | along with himself out of the charge of entertaining and Black Dandies!! so clearly apparent, that it was necessary to send him uttering improper sentiments on the conjugal tie among Tliey are generally speaking appended to the O!if«i٠rd ؛ OCS:!١ Strong walking Mould candles in whole and lialf boxes before the General Court-Martial for trial. Ndiv,■ mark slaves—for at that time, observe, Mr. A. was only’ a skirt of some great man’s equ'ipage, and take shelter, as hypocrite ! OI', Mr. Browne occasion may require, undei’ the fringe of such a man’s, /«،.؛¿’،-«Soap in di ¡.to anil ditto suspected not a co Prime Pork in whole and half barrels, ditto Beef, ,his conduct when called before that Court as a witness-.-„ءك ء؛ذعالجال,t؟I am sure, would not have acted as lie did |u٦ne. In ditto and ditt،». - i He swore, in the first instance, that he had heard no w. JOHNSTON and H. APCALAIONT. j thing from the negroes which could attach guilt to .for men nor Angels can hypocrisy discern “ ——— !' in whicli they were bornyl d'brouht up but froiivlii'l Smith: — on his cross-examination, however, after ”.But God himself;؛ -30th April, 1824. -through the master’s libei'ality, for some real, or sup ؛ Let Ils see, then, bow Mr. Ausrin intended to recom —.RAN A٦v٠AY poseil good conduct, they have been emancipated Many of them live in the rookery peculiar to the spe- s lettei's on slavery anil slave mar-'٥ .'From the Subscriber, on Saturday last tie 25thTnst،ut. the course of Ml' ------Now, Readers, permit me to ask you if this was pre cies, who call tliemselves free, blit are not -rely so. SA Al; upposd to be hr- riages, he has occasion to express himself thus—[see ؛A Congo Negro Nem٦ Royal-Gazette ofthe 5th and the. Chronicle of the 7th 'They are a dangerous race of ingralos, anti their Quaker’* ’s- varication—or perversity—or inconsistency--o٢ ٦ of Plantation٠ ’ ­ب ;ح boured in the neighliourhood per م out-goings anil in-homings, should be attended to, and ٦'٦>،٥؛٦، Beforelconclde, Ibegtoaddmytesti-“- ٠ f jury? You will answer, I think, neither—but a com- j lookd at with the utmost possible vigilance on the ,٠٩۴٠١ ' ! ٦f them all،n٠mnd -Ijall, East Coafet, where he formerly belonged to. AVJio -Popuت I oytotliegeneral good conduct of th Save٠ستي:؟;تةةا ١ ; rif ٠د د ؛Colony Jgil, or deliver Ilim to pound of then all ؟ever will lodge ¡lim in th 'till- undersigned will receive the usual'reward. ؛joined in the٠la٠te٠ ب.تت،ئة egroes whoثعبأ؛that the unliappy to٩ ,'؛any one in١جخح؟لك opinion, of٠ .)ةشة؛unit the coilin٦ ask the٠ ؛ام،ت؛»ماةرس ,JAMES STUART

.,-آل ؛ ^aild dod he-^an ، ٦ ح - ■٠ "-■فدحدس:غ ع ' ” آ •‘•"•■-'د -د p ج ؛ .Pl. De Kindcren Canal No. 1 ٥٠Mr Austin’s Letter to the Missionary, Soci- desire or tlie possibility of throwing off tlie mild and le-'racter O It is not ■(inly scandaium magnalum, llut it em- gitimate authority of their master - -mild, because no ؛ ety far less of cruelty, has yet beei al .No Fkiend to Saintia Hvrocaisv- ؛؛h I all Instance of hard sh^ ^أأ؛ ew lines, wh cl lave ^een؛ in its ؛،VENDUE SALE boili 21st April, 1824. ؟On Thursdity the 27tli of May. by order of John Mathew ثىب:قسسح(؛يةأائ"ةدة٠ةلسةتء،ده ­and Richard Battv, Executors to the late John Ro ,ts. at liis late residence in Robb’s-Street،؛ be it. came to hand, .yvif ll ٩ة Quantity of superior old Ruiu, Brandy, Ac. in lots ' occasionally annoyed, exactly — to suit purchasers, and what further m٩y appear .١s on its head,’* numberless a،, they axe؛fectia؛ink ofthe delusion, which has been practised on these “ all itsimpe \؛ n ؛٥ p٠:٣ :ي reactio^ 0 ؛(vhether he h s a —In orthography—punctuatiop-and every tiling else— ؛ ٠ذجب pryinin which،;™■؛; cree^res. and the depth •;?،٠٦> -Also, tlwrnterest of the renewal of the Lease ■of one-sixth interesting fomnlp of colour, wlio some time ago ar misery PITY into T hemwhich from they’جptli of’؛:?and I themus dl للىئةأاعهم,٢creatures poor؛ةئ؛ ’ -hear !-ا ؛part of Lot No. 2.5. Middle-Street, Robbs-town. being the tFbideprivwlbydiathofhCTinteresting etiale o colour, who lalfil some usband? time a .strictly as is appppvsin.tle-original ؛ ¿have been plngedj I MUST „d I DO PITY "THEM fo ٠ orue ا٠ the d٠١؛Ii؛ ٢here h_ ,Berbic٠e ٠fro٠m٠ d 11 ere؟riv act-ass ofل u nicati n of litan. whom this.؛If the c rtn لختجاش٠لتحةئجط٢ئذجقي:سيجيأل س .south west corner of said lot, with the building thereon au- ours calls his friend, was at all to be compared with that ؛tv ell, may the guilty ٠” ! ١vledr?٠kn٦ tractions, anda ewliteiay eil for lack of :؛٦eHr"S٥ حلاي<'ب Terms for the land and buildings, 6 and 12 months; for ،' dv* ledge ! \liad yoitth, some Jiersonal attractions, and a few lite ary ed or'lak of ln٠:١ the other articles three of the latter, we are not in the least, astonished that the I have ئ0ر1،، ٠؛ her insery ex la ؟ ٥or authors:؛٤h 'ئآ؛ ؛ئلئ"”لهس٦؟ئ ئز،٦م٦إ٢هعأقآ:ثا:ه ةأبع;س .S. A. GOODMAN [.r or authors of' ther inisery X laibi)،, Editor of the Colonist should decline to insert it a d h e don^ wck dly( but these shee¡) what ؛ne ؛ ؛الال ند إة٥" ئيرج“’؛ ؛*h T١e ٠٠-٦٩٠٠ ٧*٦٦-٠-c ؛٠؛،۶,٠٩٢/ ٩'» •٠٥ *■٠٠ ، ’•٠“١ i۶.-v٠،t٦٩؟٩؛١tw٠٠٣٦٥r٣٦،M؛c33؛Mraux٠؟٠smn٠٥١٠٦6٥٠W'.'«d»4 .These are Mr. Browne’s fixed opi- To THE EDITOR OF THE GUIANA CHRONICLE ”٠? h۶ve they done t٠؛Commtrml 3hi Kt٢،٦ ,nions on the subject, maturely and deliberately weighed ؛ ed pui-pose of singing hymns, or of' being taught t٠o -----°■٥ y^٥----- Sir—Through the medium of your Press. I request ؛written and sent abroad in tlie world. But whit doe ؛ sing'them. Tlie widow in question soon caught the ARRIVl•^). —,١Voi'thv Mr. Austin ^ay, on reading tlie above sentiments, and Insertion of these lines, if deemed ؛ penetrating eye of our not too fastidious clergyman, I ١vhich was sent to ,tliat too, while tlie red flag was yet displayed, and con- The Letter of my Friend, Titan ؛ April 28. Brig Industry, Blain, from Belfast nderstand--and I will ask lii'm, if she was not invited 30. Schr. Wellington, Duskee, Barbados forthwith to become a sister in this holv conventicle of I versing with a friend of'liis (of whom a little nlore anon) the Colonist. Insertion was denied, as it did not meet the Approbation of its Editor- Editorial Reply ،، See ٦ ١mei٦٠3(act lh٠ose sci٦'١ ،I wiil riiakc Mr. Brmuiie T;t— ؛her compliance١؛; second-handed virtue?-She was means directly or indirectly; to nwkelnin dis- Colonist of the 30th January, For as to the assertions دخ I will ٩ح ٩Vilsons, Campbell, for Liverpool .was obtained, and cannot be severely censured Brig .؟2 it IS not mine, and as l very reluc- contained in Titans Letter which were alledged, & from ،٥ ,this opinion avow٠٠٦ ا؛ tow, Newfoundland was certainly deeply'affected with grief for the loss١s of؛؟■ ,Brigt. Elizabeth & Esther — ­the Inducement which Led him to Attack the Sup, ؛:و٦:!٠أ?كحئحال0آي؛ًا:٠أًاهًايعه ter was then spotless-he¡؛ Schr. Eleanor (m.b.) Ballantine, Barbados hr ha .29 30. Schr. Lady Wardc, Reid, Surinam for consolation in her dejection and h SOO d lei' feet TianoneOf th fa-fet h d, ¡lcoo ed posed. True Minister of the Gospel of Peace, were, and ,١١7ill not allow such Schr. Maria, Bynoe, Barbados are again grounded, the Inhabitants — ­Ship Zeemeuw, Bakker, Amsterdam a person, for the P،evd. Mr. Austin is the Man¿ to Ad — garbled fables of Saintship; I have living proofs, at a minister on Sunday the Sacrament., For he has not only ؛ ook؟ sorrowswith the inost sacred .precepts from the Betrayed the Trust of his Office, in Pledging his Honor ord٠؛call, who will be happy of the opportunity• thus a : ض;: بي£الالب-ي؛ ٦اكال .IMPORTS AT GEORGETOWN ­to Falsehoods, But the Confidence which were Enter هي :ب ؛ئ ئ ,elth i 0 ح باليا:ًا ٢ام Aus :ًا! April 29. Ship Beilina, Wildgooss, from London and in^e^l another a^; ye invisible tained of him by the Community. As a Traitor, (at,؛ ai da s it w 1 ا ecaiiie tile unhappy؛ Falmouth—general cargo. A^r. Austin remenber that she .٠I trust -the divine stol of the African Fraternity. As least) his Shuddering hast Proven him to be ببع Brigt. Elizabeth & Esther, Stowe, from Newfound­ yictim of sediict on?—tliat he ۴as acquainted with the -— ,Ere this, the Editor of the Colonist has Weighed Well gn upon M1٦؛'.a^id, knowing it, admitted lier to tlie sacramenal s oa I hd h alo e٥hellish de »أ أل .land, with ¡90 casks dry fish of his frietiils: suggesting to in Spite of،، Gigantic Bebel— who deserves the Elegant ; ؛and Brwne, I acquainted one ^!؛Brig Industry, Blain, from Belfast—-general cargo. tible, diiring the period oflier guilty conne^io — -are Epithet applied to Titan—For Information is Required؛short period previous to liei' giving birth to a him, the propriety of admonishing Ml'. B. to be a١ ع Ship Albinia, Shadforth, from London—-gen. cargo. but .30 cllington, Duskee, from Barbados, with 40’١٦ .Sch٣ — ,Austin, and to be Tutious how he Mr. Austin & his Ignorant Friends is pleased to Say:؛ the visits of ٥٢ t; d .child? . this 1٠ .ierces rice, 200 brrls. •flour, 40. empty puncheons؛ I require information only on th s subject; and, as I -answered, in any’ way. Ills niost trifling note, as there was ،، He Shall, Behold us with Pity—For my own Part—I EXTORTS. - know that lie has been very rigid in his sef t ny as to a trap laid fi r him, nd for tliat whiCh must be infinite am much obliged certainly for his Compassion,- -But as lie.has a Hell within his Own Breast—he Stands much -؛11؟ d his ب! Schr. Maria, Bynoe, to Baibados, with 61 bags 2 the character of his coinniunicantS; let hm give to yoi^ ly dearer to Ilin than his life^ his honou .29 Pew-holders, all the knowleilge wliich lie has on racter as a Minister of the Gospel. Whether Mr: A in need of pity himself—How wretched must be his. ؟brrls. coffee, 3 cords firewood, 112 brrls. pickled fish, 1 hi -٦Vhen he is obliged to Express what his Consic ,I know n ; u:, one thing I trust mind, ؛:؟te؛ inade th ؛ pigs pease. 10 bags rite. this sulj t؛ horse, 1 chaise, 12 Ship Underwood. Rimming،, n, to London, with t — .At parting, let me ask Mr. Austin, if he did not af- that if he has, he lias not succeeded ence tells him is Untrue, For the Present 408 iibds. 1 tierce 3 brrls. sugar, 50 puns, rum, 1 hhd. Tie¡ cmiiinunity' can IIOW acconnt for tlie very’ ex I am your obdt Well W’isher- ؛؛؛d o؛ter lie was suminoned as an evidence on 'he tri ces 1 brrl. 651 bags coffee, 1 -keg cassava, 2 shrub, 75 ti٠ old copper taich'es. Smith, hold frequent interviews with his. (Smith’s) traordinary and contumacious conduct of. Mr. Austin G. Nest us .nd. ai'1'ange with him .tlie questions to. be before the Court-Martial, on tlie trial o'f his brother Demerara April 24 1824؟ , Gouiel such was his inconsistency—his prevarication— ب asked, anil the n wers to be given to tliei.il., when Smith To.THE PRINTER OF THE GUIANA GHRDNICLE. afed on and forth.er, i he was not catechised by his indirect and hesitating, replies—his altci'ing and *** The remark with which we accompanied the nolifica-. Mr. Arrindell on this subject, before lie went into 'amending what he had alreaily sworn to—thS tlie Rev. Mr. LuiiAR and the ؟Sir—1( has been mentioned to me to day, by a friend, tion of the arrival of th before he would swear ٠ ,Court hail to be twice cleared .. 1 . . . ٠_ . ؟Court that a rajpbrt. has !:ten in general circulation, that I have Rev. Mr. Nurse in this Colony, having, we regret be،*ii in the habit of Importing for the late Missionary Smith, Ladies anti Gentlemen, Mr. Austin las voluntarily to the truth of wliat' he hail already subsci'ibetl as a to find, given rise to an erroneous impression that .١f Evidence,' viz: —“ Tliat lie had، plunged into such an ex eipe of guilt, that those who niien ber of tlie Boat'd those •Gentlemen entertained feelings of PERSomi -rvligiisus and other tats of an improper tendency, for dis hostility towards tlie Rev. Ml. Austin, as a brother !ب، eyro^ attribute their misfortunes, t٥؛٥ األأجغم)|ييح|ةعفت ;not ٢هتجمكع e؟قئt . ا١ب?بع ٢عااايهؤل١٧ ’ع االالء؛ 11ئ;؟بهيعئج nd that I carried؛; ;ii<>ii؛t.p٠۶uy٦a٠؛'،٠tk٠nSGr^'i؛P -Clergyman, we beg to correct such part of our state ج* *. .conclusion ؟rnicre. ۶ ' meut as is calculated tn lc d.n sucl١٠، bog leave most solemnly ؛ In vindication of my character1 -A Petition to liis Excellency the Lieutenant-Gover لهلل ٠س'ظ”٠هجةةئ ؛ةةجعه to.deny my having done either tile, on or the other. The NOR, on tlie present state of tlie (-'lurch Establishment ver liad with Mr. Smith, anil to whom in this Co! ny-s now really ’for signatures and may؟' olily transaction I ,be seen at tliis Office ث٠٠عحل’:؛؛ةبغةتقصاب٠خسىشًاجج^ I was very little known, W’.as carrying home to get bound for him a parcel of boolis, and tl y were only such as are to o’ ب' لئأ1’؛غاله؟1ةا؛ه ٤٥۴ h IS ؛t“'i ترلرعل;،للعل ,You nut no اد8ا3ذ»هـ ch ry he hould bet ay؛ be found ill the librai-y of any clergyman—which can be t ل٠0،:دكا: أ اله¡؟ 6،ه:٠ألآ٦ *ا١ fun^tionarie that” w ٥؛١٦٦i،٠٧ery individual . pu on »;٦f٥ you call ot revisit his church . l by the invoice of the book-binder, which is fortunately |e. liana eittenttlc،’-؛v'!؛pr ؛االلئإاة.I كلth d٠٦ ■٦''،jter:¡إلمبيا٦حا،يا0۶۴٤و؟١ئ[ -da ؛be fixed a mark of de ؛wil ,ده in my possession, and which lies at tlie Royal Gazette Office who entere it" for inspection. George Herburn. ,GEORGETOWN إ اء١لع ٩ ٢٦؛لد >د<اًاالاهئ:ب:للأل٢0 ياب٧ر ءشي;o bro ghSt partici با الeحل الالisة ! - debestai eitn ر:be denoimceil the generalلللهاع هح٦٦vvill anti he3 .ئنذاغاذ ١ك ;with siispici'in :ررت! April 28th, 1824. .FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1824 ةخآلغ:تهربح>ةألجالهئةخشخخ;مم٦تق٢له;يه٣يسمغ cm^ntinit٢8٤Ugreat,as to؛o?th ط؛ ٠٠.,٠٠.٠;؛ ٦٠, ٠;.٠ ,٠>■ ٠:’ ٠٠ ٠ ٠”. '•“-۴ته٠٠ . . 01 ؛hear, until h either rentes the hove ة I hall (؛ «:„¥>، دب اكا٠٠ئ ١أر;؟أ;جبم د، 1, - TO T IE in all the varied languages of this world, to express it. Does the Reverend Mr. Austin remember some oh- PEW-HOLDERS OF ST. GEORGE’S CHURCH. challenges me to produce it. Your obedient Servant, I am. Sir, &c. &c., servations which he made in the house of a coloured An Episcopalian. return ؛٠Uo٦c-CUi:ens, Presbuteros. womanofthis. town, a.very short time after hi( he spirit ا!مهم’ةز٢ mottos or quotations, into the nes or common ؛؛’either if you had been aceustomeil, from hisfirsi introduction, to regard him with indiff'erence. His attention to the tion tlie houses he is in tlie habit of Visiting, and the oughou8ء ’ ck٢and”forward ؛Ju ret ؛ n o ١'c <:أ:ل lignified species of co 11 osit on I am well؛ and more duties of his station, was exemplary at the commence-, convei'sations he is in the habit of starting, he will, ment of liis Ministry, and at once secured your esteem doubtless, fail not to have a tolerably good conception and regai’tl. I shall not, therefore, add to the .bitter-, of what we allude to, and be able to account for tlie fol- ness of your disappointment, by unnecessary asperity of expression;—my language shrill be that Of truth— lowing portion of the Brewer Buxton’s Speech in the anil !'will exercise the most temperate discretion in late debate, upon Mr. Canning’s motion, in the House exposing the degeneracy of this arch-hypocrite, who of Co.mmons ;:ةهق؛::«٠ ائأل؛هي-ئ":كي8جةاهًابأئ:3١ة٠ هاف; إ٠ؤا٠يج?0سفففس ٠ has suddenly, and most completely, fallen from the liigli pre-eminence which, but a'few months ago, he On the character of the master, it must exercise the occupied—and which he can never, never regain. . .' most pernicious influence. He had tlie power of cutting of ٠= en؛؟|،ie tia٥l nd١h e٢to'؛٢n١٥r هجدي ققجزتآج open night and day— asunder the tenderest affections, anti tearing to pieces all ؟The gates ،if hell ar “ the .ties of flesh and blood. This was a monstrous power ةطصاو;اشج٦٧ا؟٢تشل6صت؛ئتآ3!'ل٠"شألشالج٣تئ؛ح£0٢سمعائ؟هب؛١ب0ح;تهثًا:^الئSmooih the descent, anti easy is tlie wav; 0 -or haranguing with delusive sw'ay the brood of Ethiopi- in tlie hands of a man. Still further, tlie master may de ؛ —But to retUin, ahd view’ the cheerful skies In this the task anil mihty labour 1'ies.” sequen.tly, 1 liis OATH before the Court-Martial assem- an gazers who on every side surrounded liis pulpit. The prive a slave of' liis property; if the master dies, leaving ا His ignominy is great; and I ha've a fearful list of bled for the trial of the Missionary Sniitli and the re-, peculiar nature of the different circumstances which ad two children, one may take the wife and cliildren, and tile إ been elicited and brought to liglit resje ting him, while ؛ .crimes on which to question him; liel negroes Proceed I then :--but first, it may be proper to pre- otlier tlie property. He Could furnish the House with ail Firstlv—As to wicked and deiilierate lies. he underwent and stood his trial, roved him ificon- mise that tliere was lio- cause to instigate tlie Reverend instance of this kind, which occurred in Demerara. In Sf-0 dly—As to the * * * * testibly, to have been the basest slave to wliatever could !،Air. Al tin to such a diabolical machination as that to j August last a master liad upon liis ,estate a negro, calle Thirdly-"—On something which assimilates to perjury. be detailed.—Air.، Browiie and heaved, it appears، on j stir up tlie innate avarice of' liis heart, or rouse into ,*ا terms of'mud familiarity—indeed, friendshipas I i activity tlie ambition of liis degraded and grovelling Bii.ly, who liad a wife and thirteen hildren. The master - ٥...... -..."-“...Fourthly،11.„)-„„،—-On“ defamation seduction of mind. Tliat extraordinary production lie gave to thd dies, and the. property is divided between his two sons, named' ؟ircuipstances touching th؟ -0n:y٠؛؛؛Fift ' -»¿shall prove, anil on which I fotinil my accusation of إ -virtuous female, who had flown to religion for con ؛1 worltlas an earnest of his well-doing, and the sui-generis Rogers, one of whom takes the wife :،nd cliildren, an،'، the ؛ -gratitude.) Indeed, their common calling—their inter .ا infer the afflicting dispensation of Providence - solation, under the afflicting Iiispensutic..______manner in wliicli lie served liis God anil the cause in epriving her of a beloved luland. coursecourse asas dispenserdispenser aniland guardiansguardians ofof the' the'““ publicpublic "cha- ha-' other the slave Bilta'. Tliis unfortunate slave 'is debarred I . of the Gospel, authorise US to conclude th ,he was a from seeing his wife and children, and threatened with a؛ioopher؛he fi-.'.st item ill this account, is interwoven and.ill- rity ”-their foelings -as Christians and p' man possessed of no Orffnary share of observaOn; and ؛ lid philosophers (I؛ ind in- rity” their feelings as Christians؛ st item ill this account, is interwoven.'؛Th(' fi hogging if lie :hould visit them. To complete liis distress, that he was led on to adopt .the. horrid and frantic like' :؛ ^٠s٠rt ny would not miscall the Revcrtnd Mr. Austin) ill a؟ I ^sertfd in S٩c?'kI٦ ٤٩٤٩٥؛* he is advertised for sale, and doesnot know whether he may إ and, isolated community like this, made it likely there ا that !¿Austin had told a deliberate lie to Is -course he prosecuted 110،'fl، in a want of moral discern إ ' . ا .re ecting his correspondence with tlie Mis could l e no cau e ؛أالئأاًا miles on one side, or 50 miles at the otlier sille ؟met, or from an incapacity in general knowledge or be settled .0 ؛ tlien, tliat on tlie 14th day of ن„™--,remember'd --اbe ٠٠؛~nonaries. The ntlcnin to whom I referred, has, I ItT، will. understanding, but from tlie deep . depravity which of the place where liis wife and family are settled. The da y understand, admitted to its filllest extent all tliat I December, 1823, a communication appeared in the Co- wrought within him, and actiiateil by a secret spi-ing, of.sale was advertised for the 27th, and, ill the meantime, lonist. Journal, signed Demerariensis—a writer, when -lien brought forward. Mr Austin is; therefoi'e, a con- 'the every impulse of liis nature—but more of this at on tlie 17th, the insurrection breaks out., and this unfortu، victed liar on this score- Indeed, was I to wi'ite on on wing who “ soars with no middle fliglit,” and who. some future period. » nate slave, as it was not unnatural to suppose, became one ؛i«،■ addressing yon; at p esent, 8 ون٤ cم؟آل[b؛إن٥ اle1؛-’،؟Iys 11■'؛l١ ؛son ٠ 'this suhject in every publication of the Ghronicle, I It,on anthatlocciisioii, ¿¿net ron .produced .. for the first tune, I had seen- imee of tlie insurrectionist, and when the. last accounts cameذا ؛' I ا ت: think that I could p otluce, on eacli occasion, a fi'esli the Debate on the 'Abolition Bill, ds publish dby th; y °* sajute, ^ th focoin g reverence, that body of all away, he was lianging in chain's in Georgetown.” .lie from, bis lips—so exuberant is the stock ا in which, the inongst u -the Honorable fraternity of ¿ienaars. For- Society for the Abolition of Slavery;” I.t will not be necessary for US to tell the inhabitants ****** ٠٠.—Secondly sentiments of Air. Austin, respecting slave marriages, is Has be not engine tlie affections of spotless innocence give ne for my unmannerly rudeness in making ,yon a of this Colony, that the whole of the above, from begin-- anil purity, only to deceive, to betray, and to desert; expressed. As Mr. Browne found liis name in the same I Ojjnien go-between. All I iue to say to the Ho- nor۵ole fraternity is,'that since they area stout healthy ning to end, isoneindivisibleand perfectfalsehood. They إ nay, lie lias doubtless ilone more—for is not so infa- paiuphlet, coupleil witli not only Air. Austins, but mous a breach of is sacreil anil moral in society, with those of the two wily Missionaries, Elliott anil class of men'—having’ more spare, than well employed ¿«0«, that it is; but the people at-home do not; and or holy in religion, calculated to entail endless misery Davies,—he felt it liis duty to enter into a tietail of his ; those who look up to the Honorable Members of the” ,time OU their hands, I would as a person who wishes ؛ sentiments, on the subject of slave marriages, anil ail <• 1 h devoted head of its victim—and to blight tlie anil even prays for tile lasting prosperity of this coiony, House of Commons for correct statemonts of facts, and hopes and prospects of her, whose unsuspecting confi- exposure of the improper way in which his rfame came ; earnestly request of them, or thosevvhoduty andoffce who compliment their representatives at the expence of‘ ؛ deuce looked for'peace, happiness, and comfort, from to be conjoined 'with theirs; and as he conceived that Browne, I trust that Gentleman will pardon me, as I have their discretion, are very difficult and obstinate folks to the wretch who has destroyed them all? doctrinally, Air. Austin’s views and liis ouglit *not to acquaintance» but judge ¿10111 cope with and very teyacious of being forced into a !؛011■ذ٢لخل؛ is؛ It tlie honour of ه اله"’’ ؛آ y - ، ٠ the trad spirit ohs triti g ■•-ط -I.',' thii'd consideration, refers to tlie crime of per .presume too much on the then sentiments of Mr آ God forbid that I should diargc any pe on * I ','ir١؛j Imerara ®a?ettt le ®«fa lonicle, an٥

؛authentic e ioiks VENSUE SAt^S. tation Vreisland, and known OU the general chart as .sub .THE fairy’s S۵NG .No. 2,2 -أهبهل HIS MAJESTY GEORGE THE ourth On Monday aid Tuesday, tlie 3d and 4th of May, by order Also, hy order of the Board of Orphans and Unadminis- . ٠HEN the village is rapt in quiet sleep. F of Thomas Pinnoi k, Robb's Street; at three montlis’ lered Estates, at the Vendue office:—a Piece of Land, And the hum of voices is still. credit, comprising about an acre,.and a dwelling House thereon, From our tiny mansions 'We softly creep. ILLUSTRIOUS FAMILY. situated on Hog Island,; belonging to tlie boodel of J. p. And Ilie to the thymy hill. Lupe. JI I It must be left to the faithl'ul historian to calculate H٦ And tliere we trip with our nimble .feet. net muslin, flounced and worked robes, ginghams, fancy Also, a negro woman named Sally Ann, belonging to .that valuable checked 6-4 muslin, Irish linen in whole and lialf pieced, the estate of Robert Hanson and Co'؛While tlie moouliearns fall On tie fell. the national effects attending tile loss o And our melody is the music sweet life—a loss such as England never before sustained^ long lawn, linen and cotton check's in small pieces, calicoes Also, by order of Jane Lannan-the negro woman Pin- That peals from tlie heather bell. such as she will nee, perhaps, entirely' recover, be- assorted-, Britannias in 28-yard pieces, platillas in 30-yard cess, an excellent washer and house servant, and can work cause the qualities of the Prmcess Charlotte assimilated pieces, Japan muslin, cotton shirting, satin stripe muslin, in the field; at. a credit of six months. And oft we gather a .garland ^ir. ٦v. G. Alleyne—the negro James; at witli her education, to render lier peculiarly suited to hair-coi’d dimity, waistcoat patterns, wliite and striped jean. Also, by order of Of flowers and .sprays so green'. the high'station which liuman foresiglit imagined she Madias handkerchiefs, CTape shawls and scarfs. East India three and sixmonths credit. And a garland foim for the. flowing hair checked sarsnet, crape dresses, plaid silk patterns, figured Also,, by order of Sarali Nunes, executrix to the estate of Of our lovely fairy Queen. was to fill. In lier death she was full of honor, and it became a subject of general regret, that, on that solemn blue, green, and pink silks; sundry brass ware, scouring D. Yearwood-—two negroes: Maria,' a good washer and' And then 'from the beautiful fairy laud. and melari h ly occasion, prejudice and enmity were brooms, York.lall lamps complete, 3 lever brass' steelyard¿, plain cook, and her daughter. Charlotte, a tractable house Dutcli steelyards, tin scales, copper tea kettles, pit-saw and servant,. 12 years of age. Also, tlie sixth-part of Lot No, Where never did mortal tread, allowed to pie ail against paying'those out'Ward marks -end sweet dreams and Vision'¿ bland of respect to tier mother which the Princess had regU- smiths'.files, braces with 36 bits, fluted gridirons, sash fil- 74, with the buildings thereon, situated in' Kingston, con؟. We feet wide, with a,ا fl OU around the peasant's bed. listers, grooving and plough planes, stayfiars, T and H Ilin- sisting of-a house 24 feet long and 4 0'1' ,stories liigbnegro looms هide, 2-١١ fer y observed in tier own. conduct. When speaking ges, table knives and'forks, pins and' needles, fine goltl back gallery 8 feet brooches and brea t pins';' iron box locks, negro knives, kitclien, Ac. The negroes, at 6 and 9 months; the land -!؛And ever we -cause from fhe maiden’s 'breast publicly of the affliction of her father’s family, no me Ail turbulent thoughts to flee,. t'ion was made'respecting her female parent, ;.even in iron-tinned and Britannia metal spoons, pen knives. Seis- and buildings at 6, 12, and 18 montlis credit. And Wc'show her the form of her lover lilest. tlie inscription, which is 'meant to point out her re- sars, tortoise-shell temple combs, silk umbrellas and para- Also, by order of J. Power, at 6 months credit— Hamon, Who sails on tlie moonlit sea. liiains to posterity, tliat na-me is omitted; a circum- sols, ladies’ and children’s shoes, ladies’ and misses’ straw a stout healthy negro, accustomed'to work in the field; s We know not the woes of a woi'ld like this. stance'in itself so singular, cannot fail to excite doub- bonnets and hats, lavender water, essences and scented soap, also a good carpenter and boat builder. Registry to be No cares do our lives annoy— fill surmises in tlie opinion of futuregenerations. Tlie black willow bonnets, dust brushes, buck looking glasses, s'een o'n the day of sale. Our days are a round-of endless bliss, widowed Prince was not unmindful of that duty, he chisse'ls,. gouges, &c. S. A. GOODMAN, ١Vednesday the 12thof May, at.tlie Vendue.Office,.by s. A. GOODMAN. On ؛A scene of .eternal joy. dispatched a messenger to the Princess of Wales who ٠ .th May, by order of J. - HenkY H. order of J. DavIson, for D. M'Culloch and Co؟. as she was every, ،lay looking for news from England, On Wednesday the ن THE PJan at ion LAND .OF P R 0 MISE^ situated[ ج -٠,in Cumingsburgh هيرل. j residence ، ■i اhis. at٠ ؛' "Nature her own ¡surgeon —Speaking of tlie nature heal’d of.liis arrival will delight; and not 'having any I Holmes and Clire of simple and compound fractures. Dr. Hunter person near who understood the English language, she alk, and about IS’١١ H upon which there is-a good Plantain observed in his Lectures, th٩tin treating the compound, opei'led the.packet herself,'urged by anxious fears and s. A. GOODMAN. acres in Coffee. Tlie buildings consist, of a new dwelling- many surgeons did' mischief, and irritated the wound impatient hopes-the'truth thu's'liastily imparted, with-' ,house, 36 feet long by 18 wide, with 2 galleries tlie entire 'a" large logie in good repair, about 70 ؟length of tfie house ٠ by their officious and artificial manner of dressing it. out the aid of a friend to mitigate its pangs, overwhelm On Wednesday 5th May, try order of w. Johnstone and Instead of that practice, he recommended treatin the med tlie parent, and she sunk senseless from her seat.’ H. M‘CAlmont, at tl'reir Store opposite Messrs. Benja- feet ldng by 22 wide, and a range of. negro houses. This min and Allrouy, to close sundry consignments, that state she was conveyed'to lier bed, where sire place was formerly occupied by the late Russel Allen, in ؛ble n the sameOf that'practice, way as the In؛s؛sunplecompound fracture; a much and as p^confirmation suffered an illness of several weeks. The beginning of tile boat building business, for which it is every way cal. abundant supply of all kinds of wood ؛tliat year had been adverse to her happiness-in her culated, having 11’ ٦"٠G-٠,used to relate the following singular case :■.،Mr .en checks, wl^te in the neighbourhood ذآل٦آلل sheet ng,’ cot on 11 اال continental excursions the persons wfiose di|ilomatic tnirshn, Rus' ؛who was confined in 'the Infirmary at Edinburgh, ha* .afforded tliem tlie means of paying her res’- s, A. GOODMAN ؛ving apparently recovered, was allowed to take an ai- situations ,،pect, had fled at her ajiproach—this conduct had pain- shifting'trowsers, prill fed vests, bombazett jackets, trades- On Thursday the 13th of May, by order of P. Walbrajا n in the garden by himself, he took the resolution؛r ,ed but it liad not subdued hei’ feelings; but tlie loss of man's trowsers, jackets anil slrirts, negro jackets and hats.— at his Store in Robb’s-Street, at 3 months' creditا -of Qjaking his escape and actually scaled' the garden wall. In dropping himself from 'the wall lie pulled a her daughter operated as a fatal stroke, which was to Also, a quantit.y of Supeiior London bottled Poi'ter, and ...... ٦ .deprive lier of liei’ last remaining liope. Tile Regent what furtlrer may appearا large cap-tone al'ong with him, and occasioned a large compound fracture in his leg. The surgeon, who WIS was also said to have beeti deeply affected—the more, Also, at same time and place-one hundred boxes bloom and strong shoes, half pieces linen, sheetings, bretagnes, .instantly brought to him, set the leg, dreSsed the wou'nd perhaps, as the event happened whilst lie was yisiting raisins. foolscap and post paper, shoe brushes, empty porter hh،ls his particular friends. Gn learning the sad catastro- ______Si a. GOODMAN &c. Also, one trunk containing 90 pair of mens’ strong Applied the eighteen-ta led bandage &c. in the usual »hoes, and one ease of handkerchiefs; which, being a con­ .er all this, as the patient appeared to bevery phe his .Royal Highness retired to B-n, wliere, On Wednesday and Thursday? the'5 1 and 6th of May, by signment, will be sold cheap :ماب y٠؟w taTm, the surgeon went away, and the patient was left if we were il-lnatured enough to suppose lie could suf- ordei- of p. Miller; at liis residence Brick Dam, Also, 50 kegs fresh split pease, 2 gallons; 50 ditto fine .was well aware' that he fer himSelfto be amused, the number of cards lised in . pearl barley, 2 galls, each—؛to take, some rest. Mr. G .d gotten a broken legj'but his disordered imagination the ensuing month, might give room to guess his Occu- ______S. A. GOODMAN إ B s. A GOODMAN. jndu d the belief that the surgeon had mistaken the pation—..but owe would ratlier conclude they were in- On Friday and Saturday, the 14th and 15th May, oh Plan­ ,his skill upon the sound 'leg, which tended merely for the diversion of those who had tlie On Thursday the 6th of May, by order of tile Provisional tation Farm, by order of S. Crameb and J. F. Sils !؛e, estowed ٠؛required no attention, and left the shattered limb to lionor to pe selected as tlie companions of liis solitude. Administrators of tlie Estate ol' Robert Phibbs, deceas- Attornies of Victor A. HeVi.igei shift for itself, und r this firm persuasion, convinced The Queen, wlio, when the intelligence reached Bath, .ed, at tie Office lately occupied by him, that his surgeon whs too ignorant to perceive ^is blun- was at table witli some 'Select fi’iends, was much and IHI H,. ­ter, too conceited to be set riglit and too proud to suf- sei’iously.'afflicted; indeed it was noticed that her Ma- ... sideboard, ،fliairs, library ditto, bedsteads, mattresses, bol fer such humiliation, he thou ht t would be most pru- .jesty ’s liealtli and spirits declined front tliat hour Na- lamps, a cart witlr liarness, 2 saddles, a tent-boat with oars, sters, &c. complete; mahogany book cases, cloth presses, sails, and sliade, to be seen opposite Messrs. Munro, Man- dent in his present stat'e of subjection, for the cue of tional feeling seemed paralyzed—business ami amuse- chest of dra١vers, large and small looking glasses, large and son, and Co.'s, where she lies'; two negro boys named Jack small chandelairs, hall lamps, astral ditto, silver spoons and his broken leg, to make the It use lie co'uld of the ment were alike forgotten, until tlie wheel o'f fate, re- and Jim; a pair duelling pistols, by Beckwith, with case ١١are, chriStal quiring that public sorrow should give away to general forks, ivory handled knives and forks, glass judgement and dexterity which God had given liim. complete, .another pair of d':'tto with case, a' pair holster pis- ditto, irendulums, an eight-day clock, breakfast and din­ He removed all the apparatus from the broken leg with preservation, the usual operations were again renewed; tols with holsters, a pair pocket pistols, a ،!agger and belt, ner China services (very superior porcelain de seve), blue .reat attent o , that lie might be 'able to apply it to 'but not with their former v'igo'ur. In tile succeeding tliree swords with scabbards, belts, knots, &'C. two doubld- earthen ware, &c؟ ­ling-pieces witli cases, a shooting bag, five Also, a large and valuable collection of Books, cata'the other leg so exactly in the same manner, that tile yeai’ some royal marriages took place; tliat ofthe Pritt- barrelled fo١١ ;١vhich may be had at the Guiana Chronicle Office sliould not be able to discover the alteration; cess Elizabetli was solemnized with great magnificence, muskets, a pair sworl sticks, a sliootihg chair, a travelling logues of مراال؟، ،١vrit_ three hhds. Dutch beer, old rum in bottles and in punche nd lest any suspicion should arise and leail to an en- and in the presence of most of her l^ïiiïiiy—the Regent trunk, two dressing cases complete, a brass-moulted؟ ­arid discovery, lie 'thought he sliould be still more was absent, not liking to. witness tlie gay ceremonials ing desk, a plain ،litto, an office desk, an iron C'hest, tliree ons, Madeira and Port wines, liqueurs, gin in cases, vine q~»ir٧ secure by secreting or hiding the otlier leg, tliat it miglnt after the recent loss of his daughter; and the Duke' of presses, a stamper, cliairs, tables, boxes, a gold watch, a gar, sweet oil in flasks, patent oil for the astral lamps, in ;pot be found, and appear in evidence a^ nst him; he. Cumberland.declined being present, not ،:lioosi'ng to be silver ditto, two gold watch diains and seals, two reading jugs anti flasks; two draft horses, a top chaise with harness glasses, a p'air green spectacles, a case containing a pair of therefore tore a large hole in the slueet and feather lied, a' guest W'he'i’e Iiis Duell ess was not admitted. The and what further may appear on the day of sale. -old .mounted spectacles and spare glasses, a gold segai- Also, a faithfully-built four-oar’d.tent boat, in good ،m٠¿ and huried the wounded leg among tile feather's, when Princess Elizabeth, from liei’ affable and clieerful dis- .Case, trinkets, t١vo trunks of wearin¿ apparel. Also tlie der, and newly painted ibe Surgeon visited him the next day, he said for a- positio'n, was always a t vourite with tile public, but following Books. —Oeuvres Postliumes de M. Potliier, .3 S. A. GOODMAN■ while he had 'been in pain, but tliat, by a fortunate and John Bill was inclined to be angry with hei’ for leav- vols.; Bactyk in Civile Salten, 1 vol.; Ainsworth's Latin On Monday and Tuesday, the 17th and 18th of May, by went off as by a ing England, when lier Royal Father’s situation wtli and English Dictionary, 1 vol.; Hugo de Groot van liet ط»1 ب ’ د، .6الشره ال ؛h he الحجأ« ■ order of George Ross, at his Store, -٠٠that he had continued perfectly easy over sinci‘, so uncertain, and the Queen’s b'ealtli declining;; but Recht des Oorlog n Vi'ietles 1 vol.; Decision en Obser-ehar،n٠ ٢٢HEfollo١ving GOODS : — Gentlemen's superfine blue -lien lie'Considered tlie danger of her being left was- vatien door wyleri Johannes Loenius, J.U.D. a vol.; Hol؟. ٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠ ladsche Consul latien en Advysen, 6 vol.-,-; w. Van Al- black cloth, green baize, children’s beavers, plain white and ,٠he-aKechtsgeleer،lheid،؛٥?٠i٦١.د -TT ' .:-„-,’;,"٠٦ * ،’■،ed the precincts of matrimony was tile Duke OGltil- pn ؤ: ٠ئحت and no syniptom ؤبه ulse؟:؛: ,asy؛ figured satin, black satin, sarsnet, ancl Canton crapes, black :„؛tch of V ٥ :bridge, for each unmarried member of the Royal Fa. 1 vol.; Jutlicial Guide, translated fro 1 IS ,el w ”the foot ad leg Silk hose, black bombazeens, line jaconet andmuil muslins ء I he٢said ''L jlist mily seemed o think it a duty to der Linden, 1 vol.; Utreehtse Consultatien, 1 vol..; Cen- sura Forensis Theoretico Practica, 1 vol.; Pauli G.F.P.N. elegant flounced muslin robes, coloured flounced robes, di­ look.’ The patient seeped much alarmed at the pro contribute in filling up tlie cliasm which a late death Morula j. c. .Manier van Procedeerfen, 2yols.; Redenerend mities, seersuckers, ginghams, calicoes, cotton cambric, fine josal, and entreated liirri, for mercy’s sake, to desist had left near the throne. The liiglier circles talkefl Vertoog over het Notarisamp.t, 1 vol.; Kort Begrip van't 6-4 bed sheeting, nankeens, linen platillas, musquito net­ because, be said, the least notion in the woi'ld would mil-ch of the Duke of w ——-, whose gay parties in Nederlandsche Advysboek, 1 vol.; Practyk Notyriael, 1 ting, checks, black silk handkerchiefs, white ditto, printed disturb It, and bring all liis pains back again. The sur- Paris atracted hither many of tlie English Court; yet, vol.; Nederlandsche Practyk, 1 vol.; w. Sewel’s English cambric and Madras handkerchiefs,■ 3 cases fine pullieat ­eon assured him that the bed clothes touched notliing though liis 'Staff consisted of more than tlii'ee hundred and Dutch Dictionary, 2 vols.; Le Droit de la Nature et handkerchiefs, huckaback and fine diaper, sets iv،iry han¿ ,٠2 dled knives an،l forks, cut cruet stands, soil irons, hoes ,but tlie cradle, arid that lifting them up could not in persons, and tliat he gave Frencli parties with English des Gens, 2 vols.; Le Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix ­profusion, tlie natives'treate،l his gall.antry W'ith a con، vols.; Nederlands Advysboek, door Isac Van den Berg, 4 fine post and large folio paper, 1 and 2 quire books, half ,the least move either the leg'or the foot; and tlien ob، bound plantation journals, ladies’ and gentlemen’s shoes temptuous smile—and an 'attempt to assassinate him vols.; .Consultatien en Advysen, door Hendrik .Sehrasfert, ­١vine and porter corks, Carolina rice, green tea, ear ,eng to the st.udents, that the appearance of the foot porter ؛was spoken of without being'followed'by any evil con- 5 vols،; Verhandelingen over Burgerlyke Rechtszaken, 5 ,١١Tare in casks, blue dinner sets complete, figs, raisins Was favourable as he could wish, he expressed his satis- then if we except tie Alien Act, proposed Soon vols.; De Beginseleh des Rechts, 1 vol.; Paratilla Jui’is ؟sequence faction, and tooli liis leave. The visit of every subse- Novissimi, 1 vol.; Hollandsche Consultatien en Advysen, and olives, pitch pine boards, plank, scantling, flooring .١١ine per dozen quept day, till'the fiftli or sixth, was equally satisfactory after, and on wliich tlie Regent was so detei’miried, tliat 6 vol.; Practyk in Civile s:iken, 1 vol.; Abybrecht's Re- boards, tar, &c. Also, Madeira to tlie surgeon and the^a tent, when the surgeon be- when, on 'tile 6th of June, the day appointed for dis- denerentlVertoog over't Notaris Ampt, 1 vol.; Abybrecht’s ■______S. A. GOODMAN. solving the Pai’liament, a'nd every thing was prepared came very anxious to seethe 'ound, and he cetermi- Aanmerkingen Over liet Redenerend Vertoog over’t Nota- On Thursday the 20th of May, by order of J. C. Schui.tz, ued to remove tine dressing. This the patient resisted, fol’ his going to tlie House, Iiis Royal Highness, on fin- ris Ampt, 1 vol.; Verhandeling van Handspleggen Arrest at plantation Lelietidaal, East Coast,who is about leav­ ,٠op Pei’soonen, &c. 1 vol.; Practyk'in Civile Saken, 1 vol.; ing the Colony first with prayers, and .then witli imprecations, but at dirig tliat Bill, in favor of which he had pledged Iiis last was obliged to submit. Tine, surgeon witli a cau- woi’d to his Allies, 11 ad not passed, lie declared, with Inleidirig tot de Hollandsche Recbtsgeleerdheid, 1 vol.; ;.JOUS and tender hand removed tlie bandages; and, as some (legree of warmth،،—،¿a، if the Ministers should Kort. Begrip van 't Nederlandsche Advysboek, 1 vol¿ Verhandeling over de Misdaden en der zelver Straffen, 1 ­١١enton, expressed t.h.e'pleasure wliich lie felt on badge, tliat lie would have others^ and " tlial he 8)10111 nicle on the Sth of March last. Also, a variety of House.؟b vol.; 'Kort Begrip der Utrechtse Consultatien, 1 vol.; De- skin, both above and below the wound, in so not go tliftt day, nor tlie next, until it was his pleasure.” hold Furniture—plate, glassware, &c.; cattle, two horses ؟peeing th ,؛؛Tile matter was reconsidei’ed; 'tlie Bill went success- cisien en Observation ،loor Johannes Loenius, J.U.D. 1 and a gig, a few sheep and goats. The following Negroe natural .a condition. At length he lifted up the, dres- vol.; E. Buys' Dictionai’y of Terms of Arts, 1 vol.; Va.n fully through its progress onilie 9tbad on the oth viz. :—Mattist, a good house carpenter; Hope, a good sings, which he found quite loose, and seeing the leg Leeuwen’s Roman Dutcli Law, 1 vol.; Codex Batavus, 2 the' labourers we e dismissed. cotmer; Franeina, a house servant, and her three Sambo pow perfectly sound, his astonishment may be easily vols.;'Verhandeling'van het Hollandschj'ZeelOndsch, &c. chiltiren, ■Hz: John, seven years ol،l» SusannaK three years ^magiped. After a short pause he passed bis fingers a- Public Attention at tliat period, was called to the v'ersterf Recht, 1 vol.; Verhandeling over de Straffe van de old, and Elizabeth, nine months old ; Patience, a seam­ long the tifea, and then said, “ I only know that a frac Duke of Kent’s arrivld fi’om the Continent, where lie Kruiivagen, 1 vol.; Consultatien, Advysen, en Advertisse- stress and house servant, with her son Richmond, four tyre and .wound tliere cer.tainly were, and now there is had mari’ied the widow of his'Serene Highness Prince menten, 1'Vol.; Boyer’s Frencli and English Dictionary, years old ;■ Julia, a house servant; Mingo, a field negro ; certainly neither.” Presently'he recovered liimselfen- Leiningen, the youngest daugliter of the late reigning 1 vol.; Uti-echtse Consultatien, Advysen, &c.; Verhande- Margaret, a good washer, with her sons Betterhope, a house at ling over de Judicieele Practyk, 1 vol.; Weegens Testa- boy, and Anthony, and her daughter Caroline ; and what !؛eremony was perior؟ Coburg. The ؛؛ pugh to l-ecollect that it was the othei’ les wlien he Duke -said, " Where is the her leg?” turning oft' the bed- that Court dn the 29th of May, ahrf'tley had come' to -me'nten, 1 vol.; Abybreght's Redenerend over't Notaris- further may appear on the day of Sale. The above-named .vol.; Postletl'm't’s are all voung, healthy, and well-disposed people ؛ ampt, 1 vol.; Carey’s Englisli Atlas1 airiecl, which e؛ng re-n؛sensible now England forthepwpose of be ٦——- - fclothes at tlie same time. M،. G ١vill be made known on the day of Verhandeling der Byf- Terms of payment ;.؟ven tobk place at Kew Palace on the 13t،i of July': Commercial Dictionary, 2 vol hat the leg would be di covered, tlrew it out from tlie straffelyke Misdaden. 2 vols.; p. Bort’s llechtsgele،rde at the same time, tliat tile Duke of Clarence was united Sale. feathers, saying, with'great resentment arid rage, that Werken, 1 vol.; Dictionnaire Geograpilique, 6 vols.; Lo- S. A. GOODMAN. fie would now expose to the world the surgeon s igno- to the' Princess Adelaide ol' Saxe Meinirigen. The eal Guide, 1 vol.; Newspapers bound up, 6 vols. On Friday the 21st of May, by order of Sciiaade Van ^ance. .“This leg,” said he, (holding out the broken Pi’ince Regent .acted asfother to 'the' two brides—the ,s. A. Goodman. Wyk, pi-ive an،! q q. at his house Brick-dam, Stabroek 'Queen was pi’esent' 'a.t 'the.nuptials, though o much in- —؛leg witli a cake of blood and feathers crusted over and lately occupied by Mrs Caley disposed as to be obliged to dine in private The Duke On Monday and Tuesday, the lOtli and 11 th of May, by ’ ٠٠ ٠ ٢١١١ ' " ,round the wound,), “this leg, thank God! is as sound Ol’der of Lucas and Cook, at their Store ب as any .plan’s—there,” (pointing to tile other,) “ is tlie of Kent had not been on very cordial terms with Iiis broken le¿—you see'what a desperate condition it is brother, the Regent, since 181'5, when he'foemoriali- board,H mirror,' bureau, chest of drawers, sophas, chairs, three in; and that fellow, being, called, did nothing for it Zed the latter, through Lord Liverpool, for tlie pur- Rmuslins, 'Cotton cambrics, fine jaconet, striped muslins, hair- table services complete, a handsome set tea China, night ١vitli bedding, &c. bidet he was fetched to set ،1 broken leg, and bound up pose of)stating his'pecuniary difficulties, v^hich he tie. cord', cross٠bar, and flowered muslins, ،limity, counterpanes chairs, t١vo bedsteads, one of which— ,Bengal, lombazeen and and globes, different glassware, a knife tray, working table ؟this !’ After venting Iiis indignation, lie liegged some clared were the result of a 'succession of unfavorable and quilts, Carlisle checks, bin, of theyouiig surgeon to bind up his broken leg again, occurrences—stating, that, fol’ five years Iiis 'Royal Fa - blak crape, China silk, ricli China crape dres-. toilet glass, liquor cdse, two very goo،l water vats, bathing .ther hail made him only a trifling allowance 'for' his. ses, scarfs and shawls, elegant embroidered ditto, 'China co- tubs, and what further may appear on the day of sale ؛^؛nd one.) foi- that it was in greiit ^ai ؛meaning tie so) .loured silks in pieces and gown patterns. Bandanna and S. A. GOLDMAN ؛،sent o Gibraltar lie ha ؛personal expenses ; that' hei ؛was muclidiurbe(! with .tliis impertinent examination ,no allowance for outfit, nor any provision (*'it the ex- Madras handkerchiefs, ladies', gentlemen’s, and boys’, stock- On Mondiiv the 24th of Mav, by order of George Breton ؛and’ if not treated with care would make liim a miser :fngs, plain and rilled black silk ditto, fine and.coarse flan able ohject and at best a cripple fer life. Tlie surge- 'ception of 50001. fiom the King’s privy at his residence in Cumingsburg, nearly opposite the late • ---- .gentlemen s !)lue and residence of Robert l’hipps, deceased ؛ne], gingham and silk umbrellas ٢١ ------on seeing the diturbed imagination qf his patient, and 1799, when lie received 12,0001. a- er. The memo- black cloth coats, superfine silk and toilinet waistcoats, gen heing convinced by the agitation, which that misappre- 1’ial stated tlie hardsflip of not being allowbd that sum tiemen’s, ladies’, and youths' dress and lialf dress slroes, until'he was thirty-two years of age, and the same was, ,١ofa table to match؛ he ision had raised, hat it would be, upon tlie whole, best'London-made hogskin sadtlles single-reined bridles, seats, ditto ditto couch with ditto, and iod،granted to' .the Dike of Clarence, at the age of twenty- gig harness, a large assortment of n Is from 3dy. t.o 6-inch ditto card, perhbroke, and dining tables, imitation rose١١ ؛safer to indulge his wild conceit, with great humanity OOOl, hdbenidvai spikes, flour in barrels, split pease in jugs,.'200 dozen best ciiairs/handsome wall shai’es, anti shade candlesticks, plated؛؛as well as go'od sense, desired the youn en to humoui four—it further stated :-.-tha٥4 him, by putting, tlie apparatus on the sound leg. iron ced to extricate the latter from his difficulties, ahd on brown stout porter; beer in packages of 7 dozen each. Here-, candlesticks without shades, cut glass deCanters, butter glas­ ’'that moment the perturbation of the patient subsided, ly' 50001. was given to Ilim forthe same purpose. 'And fordsliire cyder, soap and candles in half boxes, double re- ses, tumblers, and wines! plated bottle stands, plated liqueur and he was quite reasonable in all other respects. The on entering minutely into the companative situation of fined sugar, hyson tea. Also, to close sales of stindry con-' and cruet stands, plated snufl'ers, clothes presses, a large ma­ himself and the Duke of Clarence, it appeared theme- signments, Madeira wine in pipes, lilids. andlialf qr. casks', hogany bedstead with handsome carved pillars, a tent ditto ture a gradually perfected—the wound was liealed, etlen „'are in puncheons, oats-and bran, staple cordage and tlie callus completed.. rii'oi’ialist liad'by no means received equal advantages with ditto, mattresses, &c., table and tea spoons, China tea assorted. East koker canvas, camlrooses, &c. witli liislirotliei’. service, and imitation ditto, coffee ditto with trays, mahoga­ Also, on each day of sale-Greenheart Plank from 1 in. ny book case, with secretaire and other drawers; a collec­ Tile Prince replied witbexpressions of regret, tliat lie ­١vhich are—Merulas s Manner of Pro "to 4 inches thick, cabacally ditto, greenlieart and wallaba tion of books, among ;Anlrishman, named Arthur Burns, from the conn- liad it not in his power to spare' from the Civil List ١ ,an Leewen’s Roman Dutch Law, Ulrig Huber’١ ,try of Tyrone, now living as a labourer in Higghstreet, timber of various dimensions. ceeding ١an Der Linilen s ,en’s Papaguay؛،٦Tan AIp and gave it as Iiis opinion tliat it would lie improper to s. A. GOODMAN. Lybregts, and Glasgow,.lias been, left by an uncle, who resided as k addi’ess Parliament on tlie subject. After this decision Judicial, Practical, and Mercantile Guide, translated into ,th of May, by order of Hugh Rodieل On Wednesday the 2 , merchant in Calcutta, tlie immense sum of 190,0001, of the Pi'ince Regent, his brother re old ori retii’ing English; a few paintings and Afenetian blinds. Also, a 3t tlie Vendue Office, ­nd our mercliant vessels, witli a handsome portable cabinet piano, in gotxl order, with Mu؟.besides some .estates, "."٠ ٠ -- - -- (to the Continent,'which plan lie immediately put ill' If large quantity of other most valuable and costly articles, execution ; residing principally at Bl’nssels, Until the- sic, &c.; a violin and case; a top chaise newly painte.d and au- fA varnished, horse saddle, an،l bridles, and what further may؟ Duchess ؟amongst which is a gpld talile. It appears by the will ensuin'g year, when the attractions O'f hi that his uncle some time ago sent him 50001 entrusted : of January, 1819, drawn by the late Milliken Craig, on ac- ,؛ill ran ٦١ ;Also, Fortune, an excellent cook and groom؛sed his visit to Colmrg. Convinced of the propriety count of plantation Patentia, on Messrs. Adam and Ross, ،3 -liisown COIIII ؛I’ of Ijeg mai rd acciirding to tie las 0 ٠٠--tp• the care of a fgentleman 111 the metropolis,. -, who in London, in favour of George Robertson, and endorsed by a complete house servant: a registry of them can be seen at BurnSjkept it hiielf, try? lie came to Engliin،!, and then returned anti fixed liinr, subject to a deduction of tire Net Proceeds of Sale of p٥o٢ ؛forwarding it 0 بكا ٢ح .GOODMAN.، . ٠ um٥٥٠.٠ppli٥,„٠ .Princess, hiscon- said plantation, sold at Vendue on the 25 h of March, 1224؛hich the ١١ ,en aftervvarcls lieame a bankrupt classed his resideiice at AiiKirbacii؛;٦ ك؛قand "' -s Re ent of tile Principality, and guar- Also, by order of Dr. Hugli Rodie—-Plantation Patien؛ sortoccupied ؛ paying 7s. in ؟urns along wit the rest 0 his, creditors^ LUr,-r rr A l'i m iiji.ui. i i.i 1*H im t'-i !،■1n..> *،—■'.٠ ٠ ٦٠ '-lin to her son. Price Meiningen, who 'was then a tia, situate:،! on the west bank of theriveT Demera 3, bound) ؛٠-as” yet, -----never ----eeiئ ,has عhe "ع أت'Mlpound, it"which dividend ٥ *the ci;؛١؛edby A; Srai٠؛Printed and Publi۵ -Glasgow Chronicle. minor. ed on tlie north by Hababoe Creek and on tire south by plan„ خ؛ال٢ THE COLONIST. ل1’'دقد8ضةس٠قققطغةخققغغ٦طقض'”ىطعشمض٠س٠'٠|٠'^٠|ض٠٠|ت ٠€iHirFnilsut»، Also, by order of Dr. Hugh Rodie—■ Plantation PATIENTIA, eolonial 1C situated on the west bank of the river Demerara, bounded on tire north by Hababoe Creek and on the south by plantation Vriesland, ١NOTICE leaving tilis herebyColony given, tliatthe following Persons’ irttend .and kno١vn on the general chart as sub. No. 22 On Monday and Tuesday, the 3d and 4th of May, by order of S. A. GOODMAN. ELEGY BY A SCHOOL-BOY. Thomas Pinnock, Robb’s Street; at three months’ credit, On Thursday the 13th of May, by order of P. Walbran, at his Robert Pinkerton, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from' March 29. ATENT wire thread, Japan, rornal, and pullicat handkerchiefs, Richard Wilkinson, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from March 29. Flow blest was I at Dobson’s ball! Berkeley neck handkerchiefs, book and jaconet muslin, flounced Store in Robb’s-street, at 3 months’ credit, The fiddlers come, my partner chosen ! Sophia Bernard and two minor children, with two sfervants, one andP worked robes, ginghams, fancy checked 6-6-44 muslin, Irish linen My oranges were five in all, tlie property of s.' Bernard, and the otlier Boedel R. Harvie, in 14 .yard days or 6 weeks, from April 5■؟in ?28-yard ؛in wliolewhole aidand half pieces,pieces, calicoes assorted, BritanniaBritannias Alas! they were not half-a-dozen ! shoes, half pieces linen, sheetings, bretagnes, platillas, oznaburgs, pieces, platillas in 80-yard pieces, Japan muslin, cotton shirting, E. H. Aiderman, wife, and three children, in- 14 days or 6 cotton shawls, cambrics, jaconet, large foolscap and post paper, shoe For soon a richer rival came, satin stripe muslin, hair-cord dimity, waistcoat patterns, white and weeks, from April 5, brushes, empty porter hhds., &c. Also, one trunk containing 90 And soon the bargain was concluded; striped jean, Madras handkerchiefs, crape shawls and scarfs, East A. Van Ess, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 6. pair of men’s strong shoes, and one case of handkerchiefs; which, My Peggy took him without shame, India checked sarsnet, crape dresses, plaid silk patterns, figured blue, Edward Cullin, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 6. beino■ a consignment, will be-sold cheap. And left me hopeless and deluded. green, and pink silks ; sundry brass ware, scouring brooms, York Jolm Bell, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 8. hall lamps complete, 3 lever brass ware steelyards, Dutch steelyards, S. A. GOODMAN. To leave me for an orange more! Catharine H. Williams, and one servant, in 14 days or 6 wetks, tin scales, copper tea kettles, pit-saw and smiths’ files, braces with Could not your pockets-full content ye? On Friday and Saturday, the 14th and 15th of May, on Plantation from April 9. What could you do with all that store? 36 bits, fitited gridirons, sasb fillisters, grooving and plough plane¿, Farm, by order of S. Cramer and J. F. Sils, Attorneys of J. w. Dunkin, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 9. .He had but six, and five were plenty. stay bars٥٠T and H hinges, table knives and forks, pinsand needles, Victor A. Heyliger— James Rossiter, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 10 fine gold brooches and breast pins ; iron box locks, negro knives, James Ansdell, in 14 days or by the ship Belmont, from April '10, And mine were biggest, I protest, iron tinned and Britannia metal spoons, pen knives, scissars, tor­ N. M‘Allister, in 14 days or 6 weeks from April 10. re only penny ones„ toise-shell temple combs, silk umbrellas and parasols, ladies’ and library ditto, bedsteads, mattrasses, bolsters, &c. complete; maho­ The slave Sally Ann, the property of J. G. Reid, in 14 days or؟For some of his w While mine were all the very best, children’s shoes,' ladies’ and misses’ straw bonnets ane hats, lavender gany book cases, cloth presses, chest of drawers, large and small 6 weeks, from April 12. ،As juicy, large, and sweet as any one’s. water, essences and scented soap, black willow bonnets, dust brushes, looking glasses, large and small candlesticks, hall lamps, astral do., Mrs. Middleton, in 14 days or'by the brig John, from April 12 Could I have thought, ye beaux and belles, buck looking glasses, chissels, gouges, &c. silver spoons and forks, ivory handled knives and forks, glass ware, L. Biggendorf, in 14 daj’s or by the ship Zeemeeuw, from April 12. An orange would have so undone me! Also, by order of Dr. Hugh Rodie—All his right and title to a chrystal ditto, pendulums, an eight-day clock, breakfast and dinner Mrs. Button, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 12. Or any thing the grocer sells, certain Protested Bill of Exchange for £666 13s, 4d. Sterling, China services (very superior porcelain de seve), blue earthen ware, Daniel 'rhomas, free black man, in 14 days or 6 weeks, frair Could move my fair one thus to shun me ! dated the 30th of January, 1819, drawn by the late Milliken Craig, &c. April 12. on account of Plantation Patientia, on Messrs. Adam and Ross, Also, a large and valuable collection of Books, catalogues of Diana Patterson, free coloured woman, in 14 days 01’ by the shijf All night I sat in fix’d disdain, London, in favour of George Robertson, and endorsed by him, sub­ which may be had at the Guiana Chronicle Office; three hogsheads Belmont, from April 12. While hornpipes numberless were hobbled ; ject to a deduction of the Net Proceeds of Sale of said Plantation, Dutch beer, old rum in bottles and in puncheons, Madeira and William Price, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 14. I watch'd my mistress and her swain, sold at Veudue on the 25th of March, 1824. Port wines,.■ liquers, gin in cases, vinegar, sweet oil in flasks, patent Robert Neilson, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 15. And saw his paltry present gobbled. Also, by order of Dr. Hugh Rodie—Plantation Patientia, situa­ oil for the astral lamps, in jugs and'flasks; two draft horses, a top Jolm M‘Pherson, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 15. But when the country-dance was call’d, ted on the west bank of the river Demerara, bounded on the north chaise with harness; and what further may appear on the day of George Ayrey’s, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 17. I could have cried with pure vexation; by Habbaboe Creek and on the south by Plantation Vreisland, and sale. John Murray, in 14 days or by the ship Underwood, from April For by the arms I saw’ her haul’d, known on the general chart sub. No. 22. S. A. GOODMAN. And led triumphant to her station, S. A. GOODMAN. Josepli Rosse, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from April 20. On Monday and Tuesday, the 17th and 18th of May, by order of ,١VILDAY What other could I think to take ? Oil Wednesday 5th May b.y order of w. Johnstone and H. CHARLES George Ross, at his Store, Joint Dep. Sec. ,chool she was the tallest; MCalmont, at their Store opposite 'Messrs Benjamin and following goods ’.-Gentlemen’s superfine blue w. J. ARMSTRONG,؛ Of all the ,Albouy, to close sundry consignments ٦٦٩iat choice worth making could I make١ ­whole and half barrels, soap *geen liaize, cliildren's beavers; plain wliite and figui’ed satin, black T the Commissary Court of the 3rd of May, 1824, the follow ؟¡؛None left me, but the very smallest! RIME BEEF and PORK and candles in wliole and' half boxes, a large assortment of ing Transports and Mortgages will be passed :— But now all thoughts of her adieu ! satin, sarsnet, and Canton crapes, black silk hose, black bombazeens, •By the representatives of James Story, Transport of the .P No. 1٠ This is no time for such diversion ; Irisli linens, an assortment of muslins consisting of hair cord, clieck,fine jaconets and mull muslins, elegant flounc.etl .muslin robes, di- mities, seersuckers, ginghams, calicoes, cot.ton cambric, fine 6-4 bed Concession or Lot No. 67, (sixty-seven) without buildings, situate ,Mair’s Introduction lies in vie١v, plain mull, .jaconet, and book muslin, Russia sheeting trowsers on the north side of Stabroek district—to J. M. Spooner, And I must write my Latin version-. printed vests, bombazette jackets anci shirts, negro jackets and slieeting, nankeens, linen platillas, musquito netting, cliecks, black hats.-Also a quantity of London bottled Porter, and what turther silk handkerchiefs, white ditto, printed cambric and Madras liand- 2. By Rose and Croal, Transport of Plantation Bushy Park, Yet all wiio that way are inclined, may appear. kerchiefs, 3 cases fine pullicat liandkercliiefs, huckaback and fine Cultivation and Buildings, situate on the west coast of this Colony This lesson learn from my undoing ; . Also, at the same time and place—100 boxes Bloom Raisins. diaper, sets ivory handled knives and forks, cut ci’uet stantls, sod —to Mrs. Ann Nugent. Unless your pockets.are well lined, s. A. GOODMAN. il’ons, hoes, fine post and large folio paper, 1 and 2 quire books, 3. By Edward Dawson, as Attorney of John Bolton, Transport ’Tis labour Jost to go a wooing. half-bound plantation journals, ladies' and gentlemen's shoes, can- of the west half of Lot No. 10 (ten), on the chart of Pitman and On Thursday tlie 6th of May, by order of the Provisional Admi- dies, mushroom ketclmp, and pickles assoi’ted, vinegar, porter, wine Ashlsy’s Square, made by the then S١٢orn Land Surveyor Chollet۴ ,but now kno١vn as the north half of Lot La B., in Murray *street THOS. PINNOCK nistrators of the Estate of Robert Phifps, deceased, at.the Of- and porter corks, Carolina rice, green tea, earten ware, in casks, ­the Sw’orn Land Surveyor Mil fice lately occupied by Ilim— lilue dinner sets complete, figs, raisins, and olives, pitch pine boards, Cumingsburg, on the new’ chart by٣ house—to Rose and Croal. a tchaise fo draught with harness coddle, and lamps,a carriage a cart with with'! harness a- plank, scantling, flooi’ing boards, tar, &c. Also, Madeira wine؛ ,’and() Hrseslamps ٦٦٧- -Has Imported in R١٩g Maney and Ship Seaforth, Captains M،Cub ­m and M، Dow al, from Liverpool— per dozen. 4. By the representative of Rhodie and Shand and John Staun fransport of the abandoned Plantation Patientia, situated on؟ ,٦ness, 2 saddles, a tent-boat with oars, sails, and sliade, to be seen S. A. GOODMAN. ton N Elegant Assortment of real thread lace, footing and edging black and white blond lace, military stocks, piping and trim­ the west bank of the river Domerara-—to Doctor H. Rodie opposite Messrs. Munro, Manson, and Co.'s, where she lies ; two On Thursday the 20th of May, by OJ’der of J. C. Schultz, at ingsilk, crimping boards,negro boys named Jack and Jim, a pair d'Uelling pistols, by Beck- 5. By Lachlan Cuming, a Second Mortgage on his Plantation’Amings various, a selection of ribbonds, se٦١ plantation Leliendaal, East Coast, who is about leaving the Co- Chateau Margo, cum annexis, situate on the east coast of Demerara. ,٦vhite, blue, green &c. with, with case complete; another pair of ditto witli case, a pair lony ,baby bodies and caps, plain gaitze ; pink Persians and wittins ; 4-4 and narrow black crapes ; superfine bom- liolster pistols with liolsters, a pair pocket pistols, a dagger and belt, —in favour of Thomas Daniel and Sons, of Bristol. bazeens, cotton chain gymp and cotton trimming cords assorted ; three swords with scabbards, belts, knots, &c. two double-barrelled 6. By P. Pool, Transport of the west quarter of the Concession, mens’s woodstock, Norway doe, ladies’ kid, cambric, and children’s fowling-pieces witli cases, a sliooting bag, five muskets, a pair sword or Lot formerly known as No. 38, (thirty-eight), and at present as sixty-one), situate in Werk en Rust district, with the) ,؟. of Marell last. Also, a variety of Ilouseliold F'urniture—plate, N61 .gloves; sugar loaf buttons, plain and twilled bombazette, black and sticks, a shootin، chair, a travelling trunk, two dressing cases com- glassware, &c. ; cattle, two horses and a gig, a few sheep and goats. buildings thereon—to the Estate of William Malzak, deceased white silk habit gloves ; pink and blue saucers; black and white plete, a brass-mounted writing desk, a plain ditto, an office desk, an Tlie following Negroes, viz. :-Mattist, a good liouse cai-penter; foundation muslin, muslin frilling, ladies’ and misses’ stays, artifi­ iron cliest-, three pi’esses, a stamper, chairs, tables, boxes, a gold 7. By H. J. J. Neuwieller, Transport of Lots Nos. 43 (forty- Hope, a good cooper; Francina, a house sei’vant, and her three three), 44 (forty-four), 45 (forty-five), and 46 (forty-six), with the feathers, beer, wine, and vial corks; parott. cages with watch, a silver .ditto, two gold watch chains and seals, two reading Sambo cliildren, viz : Jolm, seven years olii, Susannali, three years ؛cial flowers ٦Verk en Rust district—to ,gilt furniture, wire rat traps, oats; 551b. kegs nails 41b. to 131b -glassess, a pair green spectacles, a case containing a pair of gold Buildings thereon, situate in Newburg old, and Elizabeth, nine montli.s old ; Patience, a seamstress and Nicolas Evertzs, free coloured man. the 1000 ; 1, 2, and 3 gallon negro pots, patent coffee mills, iron mounted spectacles and spare glasses, a gold segar case, ti'inkets, house servant, with her son Riclimond, four years old ; Julia, a bottling wire, frying pans, tin sheets, G. R. iron handle cutlasses, two trunks wearing appai’t’1. Also tlie following Books—Oeuvres 8. By George Rainy, Transport of Plantation Cottage, situate ٠ liouse servant; Mingo, a fieltl negro ; Margaret, a good washei’, in Little Courabana district, east coast Demerara, with the Build vols. Practyk in Civile Saken, 1 vol. with Iter fons Betterhope, a lioitse boy, and Antliony, and Iter ؛cottage ovens, house-brooms, tin coffee percolators, conjurors com­ -Postliumes de M. Pothier, 5 plete, scissor penknives, scissors, negro knives ; knives and forks, Ainsworth's Latin and English Dictionary, Hugo de Groot van ings and Cultivation thereon, (without slaves)—to Alexander .daugliter Carolina; and wliat further may appear on tlie day of M،Kenzie penknivesj best razors in cases, mechanical and criterion razor strops, het Recht des Oorlogsen Vriedes, I vol. Decisien en Observatien sale. The above-named are all young, healthy, and well-disposed butchers’ knives and steels, tin sugar boxes with padlocks, tooth door wylen Johannes Loenius, J. u. D. a vol. Hollandsclie Con- 9. By John William Goddard, Transport of one undivided half people. of Plantation Hygeia, situate on Troolie Island, Essequebo،, with .Van Alphen Papegay, 2 vols. Terrns of payment will be made known on the day of Sale .’٦٦ .brushes, sod irons, brass barrel Italian irons, bullet molds, powder sultatien en A (ivysen, 6 vols horns ; plated'bugles, brass barrel pistols, single barrel steel mount­ Hedendaagsclie Rechtsgeleerdhcid, 1 vol. Judicial Guide, translat- one undivided half of all the Buildings, Cultivation, and one indi­ latent breech fowling pieces; ivory combs; tinned and black ed from tlie Dutch of Van ،ler Linden, 1 Vol. Utreclitse Consulta- s. A. GOODMAN vided half of 37 (thirty-seven) Slaves, names thereof to be seen at؛ ed ,tien, 1 vol. Cen'sura Forensis Theoretico Partica, 1 vol. Pauli G. this office, bejng the survivors of a number of 57 (fifty-seven) Slaves ٠٠ ,tacks in 1000 papers, wine and bottling cocks, handled hatchets ،On Friday the 21st May, by order of SgHaade Van Wyk, prive transported to the said J. W. Goddard, on the Gth of June, 1820- and q. q. at his liouse Brick-dam, Stabroek, lotely occupied by -؟best White Chapel gold and silver eyed needles, F. p. N. Merulaej, c. Manier van Procedeeren, 2 vols. Reden ٠ brass pad locks .Burgess ١١٢illian٦ to phis, silver thimbles، tortoise-shell coronet and temple combs ; steel rend Vertoog over liet Notariampt, 1 vol. Kort Begrip van't Ne- Mrs. Galey -of J. J. B. Heems ’and black waist clasps, figured and plain shirt buttons, gentlemen’s derlandsche Advysboek, 1 vol. Practyk Notariael, 1 vol. Neder- 10. By the Attorney or Agent in this Col٩n١ stiffeners, spejtre solder, gold, hoop, and coral earrings, tin chamber landsche .Practyk, 1 vo.1. w. Seivel's Eng'lisli and Du tell Dictiona- kerk, of Amsterdam, Transport of Plantation Land of Canaan, si­ -»■■؛،candlesticks, taupee combs, 'shoe boms,' japanned chamber pails, ry, 2 vols. Le Droit' de la Nature et de Gens, 2 vols. Le Droit de tuate on the east side of Dem،.،ara, with all the H٠٥14i٠w- c٠٠l ٥٠٠d ftmher .Appurtenances as sold by Execution ,on, and Slaves؛leau, chest of drawers, iophas, cliairs, thee table services comp te, t bandseine set tea .China, night chairs, two bedsteads, one of which ٠ umbrellas, la Guerre et de la- Paix, 2 vois. Nederlands Advysooek, door Isac t١؟١؛plain and frilled linen and check shirts, best gingh van den Berg, 4- vols. Consultation en AdVysen, door Hendrik Sale, on the 31st of March, 1<818, and transported by Letters of De­ plain and twilled silk ladies’ umbrellas and parasols, riddles, tin with bedding, &c. bidet and globes, different glassware, a knife .coffee pots ; children’،, and girls’ white cotton socks and hose, la­ Sclirastfert, 5 vols. Verliandellingen over Burgerlyke Rechtszaken, cree, on the Sth of May, 1822—to Williani Deeges 3 vols. De Beginselen des Reclits, 1 vol. Paratilla Juris Novissimi, tray, working table, toilet glass, liquor case, two very good water 11. By the representatives of John Hubbard and Charles Bean, dies’ cotton and silk stockings, men’sbleeched and unbleached socks; vats, bathing tubs, and what further may appear on the day of sale. bolland tapes, pink tape, bobbins, ferreting, Scotch thread assorted 1 vol. Hollandsclie Consultatien en Advysen, 6 vols. Practyk in Transport of Plantation Hoop and Success, being Lots No. 48 -١vhity٠brown, black, dark blue, nankeen patent Civile Saken, '1 vol. Abybrecht’s Redenerend Vertoog ov-er't No- s. A. GOODMAN. and 49 (forty-eight and forty ■nine), situate on the west coast of Esse ,numbers 8 to 44 taris Ampt, 1 vol. Abybrecht’s Aanmerkingen over liet Redene- quebo, with the Buildings thereon—to Roderick Cozier. thread, 6-4 cotton cambric 12 yard pieces, musquito netting, book, On Monday the 24th of May, by order of George BRE'rON, at his ,(jaconet, and mull muslin, Scotch cambric pocket handkerchiefs, rend Vei'toog ovei’ 't Notaris- Ampt, 1 vol. Verhandeling van 12. By Allan M،Donald, Transport of Lot No. 54 (fifty-four residence in Cumingsburg, nearly opposite the late residence situate in Kingston, as purchased at Execution Sale, on the Sth of white and brown platillas, dowlas, 4-4, 7-8, 3-4 Irish linen in whole, Handspleggen Ari’est op Persoonen, &c. 1 vol. Practyk in Civile of Robert Phipps, deceased— half, and 7 yard pieces, fine and coarse ; linen bed ticking, 10-4 Saken, 1 vol. Inleiding tot de Hollandsche Rechtsgeleerdheid, 1 October 1822, with the Buildings thereon—to Richard Gray. ٢٢jL HEconsisting Whole of of handsome Ins HOUSEHOLD mahogany chairs FURNITURE, with hair seats, ditto&c. IS. By’ Owen Kernan, Transport of the Buildings, situate on -patent sheeting, diaper towelling, 6-4 diaper table cloths, ozna- vol. Kort Begi'ip van. 't Nederlandsche Advysboek, 1 vol. Verhan burgs, 4-4 and 9-8 sheeting, calicoes assorted, furniture chintz, cot­ deling over de Misdaden en der zelver Straff'en, 1 vol. Kort Begrip Lot formerly known as No. 2 (turn), now as No. 7 (seven), in Ne١v ton Shirting, britannias in 28 and 7 yard pieces ; chamberrics, ging­ der Utrechtse Consultatien, 1 vol. Decisien en Observatien door ditto couch with ditto, and sofa table to match, ditto card, pembroke, Town, lying, bettveen the north canal of Stabroek and the sluice hams, furniture checks, black cambric, 7-8 and 4-4 checks, men’s Johannes Laenius, .1. u. D. 1 vol. E. Buys* Dictionary of Tei’ms and dining tables, imitation rosewood chairs, handsome wall shades, trench, part of the front land of Vlissingen Estate, together with his worsted socks, drill, white jean, corded dimity, long lawn, red and of Arts, 1 vol. Van Leuven’s Roman Dutch Law, 1 vol. Codex and shade candlesticks, plated candlesticks without shades, cut glass right, title, and interest in the land during the present lease—to black listed pocket handkerchiefs, nightcaps, black cotton stockings. Batavus, 2 vols. Vei'hantleling van liet Hollandscln, Zeelandsch.&c. decanters, butter glasses, tumblers, and wines, plated bottle stands, William and James Eccles and Co. plated liquer and cruet stands, plated snuffers, clothes presses, a N. B.—A GIG complete (per Seaforth,J to be seen on the pre­ versterf Recht, 1 vol. Verhandeling over de Straffe vail de Krui- Secretary’s Office, April 17, 1824. wagen, 1 vol. Consultatien, Advysen, en Advertissementen, 1 vol. large mahogany bedstead with handsome carved pillars, a tent do. .٦٦٣ILDAY, Joint Dep. Sec mises of Mr Symes, North-street. GUNPOWDER for Sale, with do. mattresses, &c. table and tea spoons, China tea service, and CHARLES by special licence. Boyer's French and English Dictionai’y, 1 vol. Utrechtse Consul- tatien, Advysen, &c. Verhandeling over de Judieieele Practyk, 1 imitation ditto, coffee ditto with trays, mahogany bookcase, with April 12, 1824. ١٧eegen’s Testamenten, 1 vol. Abybrecht's Redenerend over't secretaire and other drawers ; a collection of books, among winch .vol ٦ran Leewen’s Roman ,are—Merulte’s Manner of Proceeding ٠ NOTICE. Notaris Ampt, 1 vol. Carey's English Atlas, l vol. Postlethwait’s ١ ٠ Commercial Dictionary, 2 vols. Verhandeling der Byfstraffelyke Dutch Law, Ulrik Huber, Lybregts, and Van Alphen’s Pepeguay, Messrs Murray, Jones, and Co. ,١HE CONSIGNEES of the Undermentioned ARTICLES, Van Der Linden’s Judicial, Practical, and Mercantile Guide Mesdaden, 2 vols. p. Bort's Rechtsgeleerde Werken, 1 vol. Die- 5th April, 1824. .on board the Ship Seaforth, ROBERT M،Do٦VELL, Master, are tionnaire Geographique, 6 vols. Local Guide, 1 vol. New’spapers translated into English ; a few paintings and Venetian blinds ,٦requested to send for them immediately, otherwise they will bebound up, 6 vols. Also a handsome portable cabinet piano in good order, with Music SCHOUT’s LIST OF SLAVES LODGED IN THE COLONIAL JAIL. landed, and stored at their expense, viz.—* S. A. GOODMAN. &c. ; a violin and case ; a top chaise newly painted and varnished, An Iron Boiler, one Furnace Mouth, fifty bars Iron, one Iron hotse saddle, and bridles, and what further may appear. and two Copper Pipes, and one Barrel marked B in a diamond, On Monday and Tuesday, the 10th and 11th of May, by order of Also, Fortune, an excellent cooic and groom ; William a com­ Slaves. Proprietors. By whom sent. shipped by John Heyes and Co. of Liverpool, Lucas and Cook, at their Store in Robb’s-street, plete house servant, a registry of them can be seen at any time on Cupida...... Pl. Java...... '....., ,Military ٠١...... 'wn dowlas, 7-8 application. Billy...... Dr Rose the soth of January, 1819, Adam...... Jones...... 'Dienders Adrawn by the late Miliken Craig, on account of plantation Patientia,Port Wine, fresh Spa Water, London Brown Stout, Ale and Beer, Of from FIFTY to SIXTY PEOPLE, on Messrs Adam and Ross, London, in favour'of George Robert- Westmoreland Hams, Patent Oil, and fresh Garden Seeds. be employed on Plantation Anna Regina, Essequebo. Apply ۴ son, and endorsed by him, subject to a deduction of the Net Pro- Also—A general assortment of London-made Gentlemen’s Shoes GEORGETO١VN: Printed and Published by Wm. Tow art, at ceeds of Sale of said plantation, sold at Vendue on the 25th of and Blucher Boots, and Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes and Boots, &c. the Office, South-street., every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday .INROY, SANDBAGH, nd* *Co -March, 1S2*. ،KERSTEN and Co. Price, Two Joes per Aryium—Payable in Advance‘^