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ÜÜ ÜÜ ٠٠٠٠٠ جئ ST ظ .ﻻن؟ﻻاﻵ0ل .No Government could subsist ،for a Day if single Errors could justify Defection.’’—Dy Vol. X. GEORGETOWN, FRIDAY, ARIL 30, 1824, (No. 1,401. ٩=== NOTICE. ,FOR BELFAST \ ٠ .NEW FLOUR AND CAROLINA RICE. MARSHALS orrics ;٠ INDUSTRY,aster،ا؛؛, )The FirstClassA. Bl a IN ٠ ا -r. FERGUSON Surgeon, has renod to Vlis ٠٠٠٠٠— SINGEN House, opposite the Royal Hotel, Bourdris ,freight o'r passage برأ 4؛،.Just Landing, ex the Schooner Wellington,Yrom Barbados, ; 't o Sail about tlie 20th proximo ived from His Honor the؛٠sua٠٥٩.٠uthority ec Nيح -يرر '."'ا؛ جج و - '٠ .CHOICE Parcel of Superfine BALTIMORE MStreet FLOUR, and Fresh CAROLINA RICE; very 28th April, 1824. A ICivil Justice for the United Colony of Demerara and Es-please apply tu the Master on board, or to low for cash. he Undersigned having beeii appointed Treasurer to A. SUTHERLAND. sequebo, &c. &c.; tile undersigned, in Iiis capacity of De- MURRAY, JONES, and Co. tile Committee for presenting an Address to his Ex.- 'puty First Marshal of said United Colony, will expose for 30th April, 1824. 30th April, 1824. Tcellency' Major General Murray, requests the Subscriberssale to the. highest bidder, in presence of the' Honourable , FOR I ONDO جع '-ith as little delay as possible, the a- Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at tlie Court •؛Office, V to pay at his٠ . ;BELL INA, Capt. Wildgooss ؛TH'E SUBSCRIBERS . The Shi House in Georgetown, on Tuesday the Fourth of Mayen- Have received pet- Industry, from Belfast, ai. VIRET. suiirg, at 12 o’clock at noon— -or passage (having good accommodation), apply to the Mas ؛ -he following articles, wliich, toge her 28th April, 1824. First—In behalf of Francis A. Walrond, olitainer of ar with a General Assortment of DY GOODSand rest, plaiptiff— versus Francis A. Barrow; the defendant's ter on board, or to 1:0 Tplantation stores on hand, will be disposed of HE Subscribers to a Piece of Plate, intended to be mulatto man named Joe or Joseph. presented to Major Simpson, are requested to.'attend BEN. HARPER. very low for cash—or to tlieir punctual customers on ac- Second--In behalf of j. H. Albouy, partner and repre- 30th April, 1824. Tat Marshall’s Hotel on Monday next the 3d of May, at 3 -Count, viz.: sentative ،jf the late firm of Benjamin and Albouys, plain ,The fast-savingI R ShipLONDON, ALBINIA, A. 1 ٠. o’clock, p. m. for the purpose of nominating a Coinmittee tiffs—wru F. w. Tuckerman; the defendant's negroes Prime mess pork in whole and lialf barrels and appointing a Treasurer to collect the Sbuscriptions. Prime mess beef in ditto a'nd ditto namefl Saturday, Red Swaan, and Secundo. April 24th, 1824. Pickled and dried rounds of beef Third-In behalf of Alexander M( Lean and David Tur- '1 Sail- in all June. For freight or passage, apply to the ner, representatives in tliis Colony of Mrs. Stacy, of Lon- Master on board, or to .؛ ؛ ,Pickled ribs of beef in kegs FOR SALE Ox and pigs’ tongues in kegs don, sole heiress of lier deceased son Francis Stacy, late of .LEACH and L. FITZGERALD .١١٢ Seymour; a No e ًاا11اًا ١٢?:—t inportImported I by the Ship Leonora, from Liverpool, th¡; (olony, plain^flfe Dried 'ox tongues'and liams 3.0th April, 1824. -to he de ؛pay 11 ,؛182 ؛oAlay ’؛t١؟Rendered lard in' kegs, oats in punclieons Gutterest (?umberland in'firkins hams Lime in large new hfads. Cuilfle^s, dated" the٤ Kegs of Scots'.barley Lady and Countess slates FORLIVERPOOL, BDouble and single GlosterOats : in puncheons fendant n tire'following manner:—six. hundred guilders Temper lime in jars and kegs The Ship CAEDO IA, ;Bispham, Master ؛.Building lime in new hogsheads clieese Hay in trusses thereof on the 19th of September, 1823, and the balance on .j Long' wood hoop.s, fire bricks Pine cheese Paints and paint oil .tlie 19tl of Marell, 1824. ng fish in boxes 1 Stockholm tar Forth—In behalf of Thomas Burrows, plaintiff—tiers To Sail alrout tlie 15th or 20th proximo. Has superior إ Metal pots of various sizes Sail canvass, and cordage from Finch to 9-thread ratline Herrings in kits Pitch Ewd Alleyne, defendant; the defendant’s property, con- accommodation for passengers. For freight or passage,, Small boxes of soap and candles ■،' "' .i Bristol tripe in jars Patent iron chain cables ' sisting of an old diring table, a sofa table, a card talrle, a apply to tlie Master, or Hampers of pofetoes . Potatoes ’ Anchors for colony craft j small n end table, a c eret, eight maho any hair o tomed M'INROY, SANDBACH, and Co. " .Mustard Sheathing copper aiid nails chairs, a black pony, and a quarto edition of Johnson’s 28th Api'il, 1823 ؛ Stripe and plaih drill .rl barley Composition nailsand spikes dictionary, in .2 volumes؟bed sheeting Pe 5-4 -١Vhoever shal'1 conceive to have any right, claim, or inte En biscuit l'n kegs ؛ Irish linen in whole aud. half pieces .-44 ALSO ON HAND, Barclay's best Lon'don brown ses¡- to the above, properties, and intending to oppose the ؛ \ .Long lawn, diaper, and damask tut porter ا ALS.0, Double refined sugar Cod and scale fish sale thereof, are to address themselves in due time, to me To Sail on the 14111 ،if May. For freight.or Passage, ap٠؛، White pine lumber the aforesaid Deputy First Marshal, when I will appoint؛ Fine Clioice Old MADEIRA, in pipes, Ihds. quarter Brandy, per'pipe; R. O. staves and shooks sucli person or 'persons (as are thereto qualified by Law) a ply to tlie Master on board, or and half-quarter casks; and double brown stout porter in .RICHARD'GRAY ■٢ i. i d.-iy of hearing before, the Honourable Court of Criminal ؛ Superior old Port wine W. O. shooks ؛ hogsheads. i The Consignees of a Cased Pipe Madeira Wine marked ؛ -Best yellow bark Lamp oil and Civil Justice, for the trial of the same, and those incli ؛ .MURRAY, JONES) and Go and two Hogsheads marked CA, I.) by the above ر .and ned to pnrehase will please attend on tlie day and at tlie place (I. E؛ lobacco' ■Superior Memel Plank .inch above-mentioned. Vessel, are requested to come forward and claim-tlie same ٦ GASH will be given for 50 Bales Good Clean COTTON. Roman cement Terras .th, 1824. Kingston, 21st April, 1824؛، 30th April, 1824. ) Pemau Deals, very suitable Demerara, Apr24 Best Welsh fire bricks for cane punts j. D HALEY’ Dep. First Marshal. ٠ 'ا um wanted —^forldndon" ح .R , MINROY, SANDBACH, and Co N pursuance of authority received from His Honor the -yNDRED PUN؟ حﻻ؟ ٥n٢؛ H Oi’ RuS President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and CHEONS rum, on delivery, by C Wanted to Hire for. 12 months certain,--10 or 12 Effec- ICivil Justice for the United Colony of Demerara and Sail in May. For freiglit or passage, liaving 'good ؛١CH and L. FITZGERALD. ti.ve NEGRO ،MEN, accustomed to field work. Wil w. LE 28tli April, 1824. Essequebo, &c. &c. &c.; the undersigned, in his capacity Who have received per brig Elizabeth and Esther, direct of Deputy First Marshal of said Colony, will expose for accommodation, please apply to tile Master, or ! 19th April, 1824. fron Newfoundland-Prime New Cod Fish in 3, 4, 6, and FOR SALE, sale to the highest bidder, in presence of the Honourable JOHN LANE. «, quintal casks. Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court- ’ ; ;F— Masterذمز ,deliverable House in Georgetown, on Tuesday the 4th of May ensuing ٠,INS ٠ Apply of (o at this'Office.ATLANTA ؛ antity^؛,nyin Town 30th April, 1824. The Bris ^SSEQUEBO, ، 2 o’clock at noon ٦ at ٠ .th April, 1824؟A8 ١١٢illiam Cook, plain to leave the River the' Second Springs in May. -For freight .NOTICE. In behalf of William Lucas, q.q tie, unfortunately either dliveted m thoughlad a NOTICE, tiff—versus George Gill; the defendant’s South East Quar or pas-age, liaving excellent- accommodation; apply to tlia؛ a؛ heGOLI) Undersigned WA CH havingof ١١rith the buildings thereon, situated in ,ter of Lot N’j. 11 ll Persons tvho have left WATCHES^ with the Un- Captain on board, Messrs. Glen and M‘Kill'0p, or th« errorT for another, or otherwise lost—hereby requests any dersi'gned, to be Repaired, arerequstedtocall forthem, the middle dam of Stabroek. undersigned. Demerara, April 24th, 1824. person into whose bands it may have fallen, to have the A OWEN KERNAN. .kindness to restore it;—it is upon the horizontal prill،-¡- within Otte' Month from date, failing which they 'will be J. D. HALEY, Dep. First Marshal Sold at ^endite to pay Exjences, as he then leaves dis Co- 14th'April, 18^4. pie, a repeating and musical watch, numbered on the case lony. Tliose indebted to him a'resolicited to settle tlieir Ac- N pursuance of authority received from His Honor the ا:ئت .Any reward required will be given with pleasure .361,٥ counts immediately; and those having claims against him President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and I r date the 21st instant; I, the؛J-H- GUYOT- are requested to call upon him for payment. (Civil Justice, &c. &c. bearin . 'will expose for sale to freight or passage, apply at tie c ut tnhue 0؛ ,Wcrlen.Rus.ti April 28th. 1824 j' Hl GUYOT. tjndersigned Deputy First Marshal tryT٠at٠the Court- House؛١ee٢Q^t؛٥fe „ili'jime؟٠iA’١C٥ *١OTs ؛The Subscriber renders respectfuHha^nks to his friend NOTICE.