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Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

2-18-1916 Deming Graphic, 02-18-1916 N. S. Rose

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Recommended Citation Rose, N. S.. "Deming Graphic, 02-18-1916." (1916).

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learti Scclal Circle Pcrsby-lerin- OF RED 'in Mr. Allierl Field. Mr. Achsn Fielu hums out ti:e latch str;;;g for The Siicinl Cirelo of the il DUE GOIZ ml Mr. Arthur Knithcr "At ironic" do ehiireh gave n very pleasing IiiiiiIiiv (i nil Wednesday nt the Ficln Hi mill a profitable Valentine social FARMERS (J. FLAGGERS IS ARRESTED S0IE!ET0 liotnc on Silver avenue, when they visiting cozed; expected hint Friilny evening. Mr. J. Mmi In r,-'- cm was the hostess hI her home on entertained nt was n i' .:nd Very enjoyable social nl'fiiir. o Pine lreet. Sixty-fiv- e member of the rlinrrll nml their friemli wer Bailey and Hon Left the City fori'i'il',.il'vii'""i;""' "" "'' '' '! Was With Orosco, Ending by Flight . Iictieul order, tin- - number being di- - present The silver offering iimoiinr - Committee on Enetrtalnment hai Arranged Elaborate Program for Next From Ojinaga When Revolution cnicage it inouee immigration iilnl for I In1 two n Tlii Fii-li- l il to if HI. Tuesday and Wednesday When Delegates from all over New Mexico Into the Mlmbrei Valley. lininc wiim pnifiiscly decorated in The lilernry program nrrungeil for Collapsed Two Years Ago. eiit-ret- 1 evening in ".recti t iiinl trailing vnes, Will Coma to Demino t-- AHand the Second Annual Convention of New!11"' wii especially with rod carnation. The ...... i ing. wime of the best local liilent Mexico ana norw Aiigcitmon: i iiirieciiiu Cavalry WAS NUMEROUS INQUIRIES COMING ...lor schem of red iui.I civm was buiiie unnreri 1.ll,ri,,l(!iM., m- ,- jc,.hinei LIVING QUIETLY IN CITY I Icanicd nut in the tiilile decoration, With Regimental Band Coming, Many Social Functions Planned.' Watson was dressed ii ii pink cupid, .vliile vn lent ine suggestions were cf- - nml delivered the viilentineH to tliwj o Federal Secretary Lane of Denting Chamber 'etivcly xhowii in the dninty liinel it i'.iii-- t. for Mr. Mn ml Jmicoii, who Warrant Issued Wednetisav card wen- - henrt- - ' i n the pO!.iiiiisireiH. .virs. .mot iiihi of Commerce Organizing Local ..erved. The wore i The eiiltlemen of the stale wilt meet Wednewhiy, Fehrnnry 'S. Morning: Was Taken to El Paso llllM'd. , her iiUlniili wrved n dninty luneh next Tuesday mid Wednesday ill 10 t ii, in. Meeting of ho enliven li to Secure a $1,000 Bail. End of Publicity Endeavor. At Monthly rlnin-,iin- il en .the women heing Keleeled the afternoon ciilc Dcui'iig in I he mililliil enliven-jtio- n Kffnnd Adelphi Chili roomx. Mi-- .. high-i'm- ! lion nl the their the formers' J. 0. Moir mmle the of I lie N'fvv Mexieo Cntlle nnd iM'urli fnm 'J p. in. DUplny ilcill hy Thirteenth -- IiiiiIoWh en- -t on n white wreen. score. Wednesday iiflernoon Ilor-- e lirowef".' Five IIiHlie K. Aoeii4lion. (inincx, a Mexican resident (t. Huiley nml I'. II. lion left .1. Will -- miidi' highest I The ileeiiriilioim nnd Mrs. I'. on the -- it ml vinilor-- . expeeleii. The teonlh . S. I'liviilry on Silver uve Chi-eag- o. un of Dfiiiiiig' rcl'imcc the eity Wednesday evening for were Kiiggeolive of St. Viilentiiie. colony, was core. iiiili'oiuU wliit'h Drni- - inieiiiionkey drill; nioniiteil wrelling: il Npeeiiil represen- three iiilrrn'H nirc-ti- yesterday hy Deputy I'. They lire the Tlio-- invited fro Mmiiliiy iil'ler- Mi. A. W. IIhiimiii mid Mr. P. i iii hiive put on ieeiiil - mn-ii- rule- nnd nmunli'il eomhnl nl S. Marshal .1. It. (iahislia Alhu-iiiera- c, tative of the Denting Chamber of M. II. Anieiil, f). Soiilhworth Imve isiied invilu of noon were: Mcsd.inics -l- inl f'n'i''! llin"!(.lliNll : i gun drill. on a IimIcuiI complaint Commerce nposlleH to the funnel I., II. (I. HimIi, min I mn- - lor n luncheon nl Hie llnrvey C. llmwu, Drown. Among the ore, . will viMtor ehnrgegiiig ciiii- -i iiacy with of the Middle Went. They lln-l- F. 1. ,. Hp. in. liriuiil Imll nl the t rvWjl limine next Momhiy iifternoon. orii i. I). I'. Itcrrynuiu, Willimn . Mi'Doiinlil, - tiovrriiiir Ktiite ol' Mexico, die lule tin- territory contingent to . M.i-i- Im- - Dickl'oril. .lohn Cnrlictl. Dull'. Frank II. F. Pnnkey tlil-r- .- will liii nMied h.v Snnitor of bimy, 0. llucrla to organic nnd etpiip a inil-:ln- ry Chicago, explaining the iosilrilitic 1 1 K. It. .u tint' . (Iri'i'iiiniui, (inrcia, K. New S. or-- 1 - I.iiild. prt"idi'iil of the Mexico the Tliii'leenili I'. t'lirnlry Bridge and Hearts cxpidition ugaiiist the Kcpuhlie of the "Deniiiig; Land Plan," to pos- Hull, Will Hull, II. II Mary II. I'. iilli-'- i. Amii'iilttire nml Meeiinnie eheHtni. - I.I.. .. . Tl...... v. (.. Iw in of Mrs. George A. Shpiird nnd Mr. of Mevieo. Hi- wii. held o the fed- - kiuic srnier-.- i o? i llllil-nl- l, K. F. Iliilnilton, llnwnril, Art- -: Foster, of . week l.ntlier Proleor The eoininiltee wihen to net in .Ijiiics Sliepiird entcrtiiined nt liridke tlill .11111.1 I'll . U II.V the territory for lit least fix Ii. C. Hoffman, W. K .Molt, H. Know- - ellll!ll:l. miiinnl hiishmidrv of the Stale Col- -' I I I llni'-- e hnving In mid henrts Tuesdny aftciuinii nt the. .oil llcl'orc . V .111 I i It. iM'fore orgnnixing n hnmcsecker'ii .1. i touch with miuiis (.! Ic, C. Kelly. II. II. Kelly. . lege; .1. l.'iiwootl, seeretiirv ol home ol the lust nmneil. The nlfnn V. Hi, hond was lixed ut excursion. .1. Lnughriin, I mm rent. Die coiiimiltee will guiiruiitce Lcffler, I'. iI. the slnle smuliiry entile hnnrd ill was in honor of their cousin. Mis 1.000. Meanwhile the iwiuiries continue l.i'-lc- llcii- - - ilnlin r. Tlioinns Marshall, 1 lM,.vm The Incut hold nccoiiiino- Union: D. K. It. Sellers, former mny-- Sii-i- c Shepiiril, who is visiting I Inn, Il is reported that (iomi z ponr mto I linmnei' oi nnd other to rv mv,.,., M, i ilin. Ii. v. M. l.iimililin. it - fenrcil, will he iiiinlc- - or of Alluiiucriite. dntiolis, from WHrrcnshiirg, Mo. Hie hmnp Mexicans resident in Texas Inul suc- from those tlmt Imve rend the ,' . j, ... K i .1 luerce rU. -- o The eoininiltee on eiitcrliiiiimeiit is ipiate for the enlt rliiinmeiil of ii- - iirtisiicnlly in violet ceeded in raising neWH sent oiil from ilciornled money for the pur- ity'iiil clories M. .i nn. .1. II ..Moir. C. A. Met Very, - Il Willimiis Itullierforil, Morris Xord- inmiy visiinrs. Ims heeu suggested nml green. Thirty-fiv- e guests nl chase insi-- Iniving I of nruis nnd other cipiipuietil Iteming. They l on F. I.. Foulkes, Clyde Furl Fly, Thoni-- liinis nml N. A. Ilolicli. They hnv, llinl ihe merchuiils ol' the city li'iiilcd. Mr. F. I.. Foulks iiiikIi' I in such nil expedition is eoneerning the liind llinl is, M;s-c- lor lis detailed Milstcr, nml the s F.slliei (hut l u program is iiileniled male licit places nf Inisiuess for hiiilicsi -- ion. in hriiL'c. mid Mr. S. in the complaint. to he given nwny to iielnnl sclllcrs. Tlnr-- Dor- I'.iilii'li, liickrortl, .i Clink, I e- - in those In keep lie visiting cowmen busy tin. occiisiim, ami liniior of p niiidc the highest score lh (ionic hits heeu n resilient l.mic is getting out niiswcr to these: Mnlioiiey. soM' of othy Dnl'l'. mid Miti'.v cry ol tiieir stay in licming. an gugi i acw .vicxico ,, n follow minute linn Following Ihe games tilt Dclning tor two vent's least, om-'- i iniiiiries nnd is oi' Weilnesilny iif;er-linii- Those invited The prournm is as follows: chief industry. :; with nil those hostesses served ilniiily refreshments n eoinlortalile adolie cottage in system In keep in touch A. . were: Mcsdnincs Pol, A riling to a current report of , , in the OFFICIAL PltotlUAM (,r ,,m,iv enjoyed the the Mexican ipuirlcr. It's wife nnd llnit lime shown mi iuleivsl Ini-il- . Peyton. Pieiiliee, Miiruuret H cut tic .unitary hourd, the is-- Tuesday, Fehriiary the stale n t,ii. oilier Millihres Vnlley. He iiilenils In , ,r meiuhcrs of hi, family have Knillii'l. lieiirv Kaillicl, Chris Itnithel, Dcuiing c- -, Ml n. in. Meeting of the conven- cattle shipments irom hved iiiictly. (ionic.' in iie' o new scl of liternliii'e, setting! (!. interest limner Kennies, W. liiillnrl'iil'd. Adelph' on eeed ill iiuiuhcl' llinl of liny other The EpwOli hLCBgUC the iidvimtuges of Iteming nnd tion nl the rlnli rooms Mexican politics mi. well known forth (leo. Shepiiril, Jiime Sliepiird, in- - M.-lh- - . Seoll, lowu or city in the stale. The league of the In ii-- He lie litis sev-e- (iold llVcllllc. nll. Knworth made t'rc'incnl visit, to lis Iriliulni'.v territory, D. Clnis. Si hoi'lT. Frmih , S. Swope, In the city is esiiniulc nl nnoiil ,.mi-,.- meet- - lie in- 1J i (Iiaml hurheene at ner entile ,j, h,.,r I'' Paso ami was keep in view hy the iidverlisiiig "stunts" thut Slier-iiiiii- X. Fre.l i, ' Smiinels P. Stud, million Approxiinnlcly evening I in- - of (Iold avenue nml Pine street. dollar. ,u M.cinl last Fridny at illltllol' lic.. tends to pul on to keep lip the P. D. i,. iSmmis, Alice Smith, - .TIi.IMmi liciol entile shipped ( IV J P .in.- Display drills hy Thirleenlh of nre ,. ,. y,.4 m, Mr,. K. eVsl. Thnr- - Soiiiliwnrlli, Tucker, Frnnk I siiln-- r from the loeal slock yards to (he .1. Ifh- - , . S. finally on Silver avenue: ;.,,.,.. The hnkellinll game on tin. S. Kishlur of I.n Angeles. The fiimicrs have hecii very t . . . rl ,l. 'II . .1 I Gil., I I, ,. I ii mm i i s n- ii, vuir, nyior. - uinrki-t- of II -l . -- veiling snmewhat v response to the reipiesi drill : musical ride: hurdle race: mn- nil interfered :is in the city Sat iinlnv enronte to erul in their . T. W. Well,, llios,-Mha- .IIV. t. ioii. i I The riipul rise in the value ot cuttle wj,h nllcndiince, hut ! l curry on i' li the Santa Kiln. Mr. Kishlur is a n, 1111113 liiml ueeessnry K 1V(ik ,, Wiims, slock-- , during the past ten years has placen wi-r- enough lie in nlteiul-- j frolic How- - lt :.:o p. for the lucky to ii'.incer. JTie uniiiie eommunity projecl. Miivme .1 Wnlson, ,Vl11, ' Willimns. ( eultle raising on i; pcrinnnenl uiul Itispl- -' i 11 ,,,,It men nl the Adelphi lull rooms. mice thoroughly enjoyed the rver more iicrenge neeiled. ,.. MilVine Willimiis. John Wnts tliininishing !J p. in - (irantl hall al the Crystal ptolilahle lmi. The lality tlispetised. Sidney I,. of New York e iiunilwr come to the vnlley thut it , Wriuht. i'.. I. York. Morris , will iilwuy iiuike the lh,-- The music will he hy the gia- - rmiges ( if y and Moe I Ippcnlicimer Lou Uiive hIiowii mi interest in Hie plan, J11(.k Til uers, mid of y, local breeding grounds of great tin wa-il- a in Iteming Mmi- - Hie tree Th'rleciilh C. S. Cavalry orchestra Iloiucr Jones is ile, Ky made a week-en- d to there will not he enough of Mj Sw.,pe. Knllieriiir viit )( (f ..,.tl of nine pieces. portaiice ill the industry. v on Inisiuess, Iteming. hind to give them farm of w m yMfaU.lU W,iddill. jlire. Installs Vulcanizing WROTE A BOOK ON 0L0 FORT THERE WILL BE A BIG INDIAN Plant TO HOLD FARMERS' SHORT COURSE Weaver rtroiliers just Oemlng Ride Club Meets TtlRKIH FflRTKESS FAHS BttORF. CUMMINGS NORTH OF CITY P0W-W0- HERE FEB. 22 and 23 have open ed their new v rit.i' Deiuinu Kit le Club held Us HERE BEGINNING FEBRUARY 28 steam plant - IN THE CAUCASUS at I till N. S;vcr Inst Sunday nf- THE RUSSIANS Then1 will Im' a big Indian pnu-wn- avenue. The plain first rmW pnielice Tl (Irnphie tin received from meinhers tried out I heir Iteming Pui'sdny nml Wed- contains an elaborate ciiiiptiicnt fov len n. The Thornton the in next ("apt. William Parker making nn-- l with plensing and nesday. The aborigines will hold a of the new tires out of old one new guiiH of hi latest I k "Annals Short Course for Farmers work ( irosM'etiis should be liberally pal hy gained ciitlnie-iasii- i for the , burning at the slake, siinke dance, i"iiied Erzerum, Chief City of Turkish Ar nf Old Fort Ciiiniuings." now in pres-- Mlmhres Valley Will be Held at the I. shunt well. The club will and will siuoke the pipe of ce. al iiiotorisfs Hull will upprccintc to ami to he issued soon. This work meet next Sun- menia, Could not Withstand Mus local degree team of lluiieliuea Various School Houses of the I!..' rv ice offered. hold another pnielice will he ery interesting rending, not The lied day. covite Hammering: 100,000 Men I...... 1... - nt' thi.i , Tribe of the Improved Order of Beginning on February 28. inn, 10 III!' .:....'-"ll-.-- ... ii.' s.".li"ii County Men will have charge of Ihe Fleeing Through Mountain Passes, hm t all tlmi enjoy reading of ihe The Modern Woodman Fell off the Water Wagon ilnys wiicll tins ttiis lie 111111 The loeal-lalei- 'l l:ip produced by city street sprink- will si The driver of the Tuesday the purmlc art pine-lieull- y wooly wes." School children ep In response lo reiUets from the Kllis I trot Weil-- 1 I I her al ihe Crystal the water wagon" S : 1 ." p. m miiig up ler "fell off 11I10111 al i"in nil the important farming . .. 1. With the cuplnrc of Fr.eruni by ihe mlly oiighl lo know more the lleater Wediiedi'. evening was a nv. anil lor a iif111111 nnnr inmn Itoiilcvnrd to Silver avcinie: up Sil- - A. I I 1011 I - the eolllltV. t'. ueii . l"s'"',v lie seel ol lie eoilli- ''..etutiliilies of success both in rendil:oii nnd iu ihe ..;..; livelv on (Iold ..venue and ""' '" ' "'" ver avenue to Pine street: Il e to Armenia, Per- - try they cull home. The volume will ( l,,.v of the exfen- - size ot' ilie nudienie. They product- corner of thi nlioiis has shilicd lo ot (tolil ' Spruce street. At'lhe I Tlie foi- - norihwet collier aveiiiu of the Xew Mexieo and Mesopotamia. Dispatches nmke n valuable text k. siou department ion, while intended luiiinlv a- - an ml Dr. P. M. Steed's office sia. where the hri.ves n ill circle the ulley near the gnrrisoii ol" lovviic: - taken from the fore word: College of Agriculture and Mechunic vertiscinent ihe for bi- - from say lor Modern Wood ihe alley lieing loo narrow The Council Itrnnil, and other n inn noli Ileeiie. mid in daugw "Fort ClllllUliuus! What memories Ails, will send a force from his n an and K vmI Neighbors ortter. - style of driving, the wagon and tenli ; , ,.,,,,,,,. tableau will be demonsl rated. It. I., ut. lie has also invited ' I. ed'le- tioll.t!. and. when came ,a will by the "I. prop .mrietl eompmiy. the ,( , )m The parade be headed system and i.nyer ( '.sinter of the Sniita Fe ei-l- tngetl, entertaining. The glorimn Thirteenth I'. S. Cavalry hand. The Southwestern enl wldl'd bvX'owm.i.f "he MHUarv ever in nllied capitals d, r ve ii.spirati the It. S. Trmnbcll of the ti. inaile iii priiciimlly from local Tl r, parade will be illuminated all along demon- the Hussia.i s.iccesm,. facili- - hill., mid I inlain at whose feet railroad, both agricultural talent, and for amateurs nil did re Inl (Id M Prugle the route. ie" wai .1 Trebi,ond on the 1, nestled. Here it s, I. a shelter strators nf recognised ability, to mnrkahly well. Alex Hamilton, .1 " " ,1 re Hn' of a w tl in ins tin agricultural conduct of the Four Hundred, wii n Mr. Ocorge Mcintosh of i licgMi Mon- in Mesop, in o refuge to the weary a.,.1 i.nper.U, and Mr. -- hurt course, which to 'v.ieal Lord Dii'nln'arv. and Dace solK-- r ..i.inent fel- - Mi .mny tl a verv and Itenver, Colo., l in Dcuiing H al Fighlini.' on the western front has ,d iniigrunls and traveler win. sopH-i- off day February nml continue for Hoffman was tic Dutch butcher lo the i.l.vsieian re- the., ... it nnd relief. A Wednesday o flast week on their one week. Prof. Cooley will handle Divight afternoon lessened in int i.y. been us.; of ced for succor lert'eetion. M.CIine was a tVLrL vesterdav Pacifit -- had weather. Similar con. veritable sentinel ol the Southwest. turn from the nl, aim the subject of horticulture; M'. Haiti cowboy: Fart Cieotle' Priurle was' held to the grand prevailing visiting Iv where for sienl a few dnys their cr will discus livestock and crops: nigger try ...,. injur. whiel. he di.ions prevail in llnssiu. 'The little h.s singing earned for him four on a c of friends, Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Shcriunn. La will about dairying. the , weary year, ut u tune w.ldier Pro. It a talk encores, his ling V broken Vienna reM.rls a def. al tor mmiy mid ai was that of mllieieii o the driver The visitor were taken to F.I Puso will j imlinns i an outpost attack at Jave- - weiiriii:.' ihe national uniform live rof Trumbull address the a profc-sjoit- burnt cork art ''hi. n was the severest injury by Sherman iu the ,! e(). Mr. nnd Mr. faimer on subjvvt appropriate to Mis. It,i,. Kusbeia. Miss Willi hitters' automobile. Fi-h- . . It i given out (hat the l.usitaiiia diiranee, sorroundctl by the desnlat-- r local need. Perry, Mis Fiiuua and Mr. Im lM.eiik.ii solit.ulcH, nnd menaced fol- gnve a verv'n(.'renient with (hnnany of vat The tentative itinerary is as Mae Oil, did remarkably well in their isuiM fbillii.s . ; ; ,,. i... ,1... fm-s- hnv Farly last Thursday morning a -- Tin- ... - I'.iiicil Slules. The bv. Ihe most rcile.s of lows : everal purls. piano music tMirtv last rnuay evening of orellv i:,,-.,,,- ,,. II. Imssiiilor. however, has t i.biindoiieil. aro sou was bom to Mrs. II. Uolnrt Mrs. Co- -- - i - - . iiou ier or Med Mountain, Monday Feb. 2R: Koberl ley wit the product tier home on mckci im-ino- lie '" b.1-1- flourishing which ItisbtM', who is some i l !.. asked for assurance that (lei ihe seals of towns, of s'iulin Feb. 'JO: Cot ion of :ui nrtit. All who saw lb,. house wa msiriuiiy...I., Capitol Dome. Tneday ill not nlnk hnern without hut for the exertion of thee sol- week with her luinuits, Mr. and Mn. erformnnce pronounced it a pink nnd while. nianv u.uhu and Waterloo, Wednednv soot.. warning. diers, would never have come into Weaver. or Wtter than that of the average The guest Ver.' entertnincd with March 1; Myndu nnd Cnnibrav. iM'ing, ami the memory of the deeds ng At l oelock - Thursilay Marih 2: Mimhies tOl.l "stroll players." and dancing. - Hummel, Todd, AIM Willters DCao done during' these lonely year of Mr. Waller Mr. .1: Mountain refreh.i,enl were ereo. , Town I, Friday March I wall Jim Ijitham visitors in Adelphi: Alee Withers. . U year old peril, fades a rapidly a the and Mr. were 4. T," . held al the View, Sat unlay March C. ITollen-bec- dnnee C. Ilollenbeek nnd Mr. k e 1 the i crumble.' Null Saturday. visiting basketball l..r-- t ave. Ky.. died ued,,y at of he cantonment The various district school houses club hie dimming of icso were injured in a Mr...... I Mrs. F C. Parnsk old Fort ha fallen to -i Crucei, win, Wing en- ne of w- the meeting center. Local m frl n'si-dci- le wall crumbled, V. S. long a prominent it runaway accident Sunday morning . . I.r o:..i...... i U WiiW ri IVnnnu ruin, il 'doby' have Ililli, children, .m linn' to persons, including school a they were returning iinniimi. . it liim III. seeker, no longer ciitehe the of Iteming, where be was for- from a trip. ii.- lie i ami Old (limy Hutu! Shelby Phillip. Mr. Tony in. .to " will be on the programs. John In llie Kloliila inotllltllillu will, Mr. Currish. gleam ot the mornings first beam merly secn-lnr- of the cluinilicr of Mi Kosnlie Deckerl was the brother of Mrs. ag- - Deckert, nml F.I Mtison. insinie.oro. m,, HollenWek's w . i .. ,i...u l...... ! I.,..,.,.,- W'il- hers IV"... ils ..ii,'. -emcefill- flagstaff. eoimnene, ha conic to Paso to,,r.. eollnr the ehaperones. I wn oroiiicr, ". riculture in the Luna County Hign were ." wears hip sam make hi home, and will bring hi frni,,ir(1() nnd h n( of Cave arrivt il "n the city Only 'Ohl linn.y still s" ' S,,,,, Representative S. J. llre - ( vUl nm1 B,llkMi w-- bile ai d keep it ever- family here al Ihe clo,. of the sellout lr.u,.,, M Parent-Goodm- and will depart tomorrow cret. - ' an vesterdav Smith, mid other will present top- ,,,.,,,, ,, '. vnn ,,rniH Mf i... '..l.l..... l uh.'tT...... Iniriil will 'lusting vigil a the sentinel of Cook' year. Mr. Ililli ha taken the P. r. .Parent of llitrlev nnd Mrs i..i i ... . e . . . O . I . of interest. 'Von ii vi ho was with thein Mnfferet) I I anon anil oi ine ?ouinwesi. agency nf a strong riiilveston life Mebeera J. flotidniun of Phoenix, ade It i the intention to announce a "Thn'viilluiit serviee of these vet- - insurance company. slight minnes. Vine I n Iteriniis were married here Tuesday at next week. Ari., Mi Hen I M. definite program condition, according to the report. 7 o'clock : tlitiich 'erHiis of Ihe Indian War attracted rice Ililli wishes to il. Methodist oarsoiiaue nl -- -- .... ,,. i i ii itt the time,. iimi.l th. thank nil of those who helH'd her The accident we caused by Mr. and I tv s ti . -,.n,l in (llv hy the Rev. R. C. Morgnn. tie iiiiiiiii .liii 'in,, t .... will of our huge nnd busy nation il in the F.l Paso llen.i.i contest, m Ladles' Social Circle lis.pp:ng of the iiiBletre4, which v H. ol lllinev were ine ,i Hie Presbvleriiin ehiireh hnbi roar Mr. Tlinier only teedily which she won beautiful . , . . frightened the horse that they Holt, The newlv wed went to , regular monthly meeting Monday, life: and they were loo the T. wil.iee. fonrotten. Vet 'their eonsiHineiiee set of Community silver. ed. The party wa taken home in Hurley, where the bntlegrooin " ""v Feb. '.'I at .1 ociock in ine anernooi church will meet with ah . ton-ig- reaching imHirtnnee, ami The silver, in it ma bona nv chest. automobile. Dr. F. D. Vieker CupiH-- r Com- - t the ehiin-h- The toHi were of far win. ployetl h.v the (liiiin Fn-- Thnredny, i eminently fitting thc i displayed in the window of a local Mr. Sherman Feb. ntu pve the injured medical While in Deming the visitor will he "Korea" and the tiomr top it that rned pan.V.. should be commemorated." drugstore. 24. attention. were guest tbe Xew Hotel Dine, io "The Indiaiia. 11 W VT QtMrorv. LaRov Hon. Dr. I W. A. Knott, A. D. Walker, F. E. Kim. ON ( Nesch's Crust Drend BEST bull, and Scott Weisener were among It Pttsr EARTH the visitor from Hondale Wednes- Do Electrically" (Evory Uaf Wraaywa) day.

Mr. and Mm. I. K. Ilollinger of where Service SDeming't First CI&M Bakery Quality, and Myndns were iu the city yesterday. Satisfaction is Guaranteed. Headquarters (or Everything in the Bakery Line. Special orders (or fancy Bakery Goods solicited. Kd J. Bernwiok of Hondale made business trii to Domlntr yesterday. IPhone Orders Delivered. Horn Industry. Mm. Moon, mother of Will Moon, who with his family recutntly located on the Jacobs-Shenua- n place on the Nesch's Sanitary Bakery Borderland route, arrived Wednesday from Grandview ,Teas, with her family. Her huHband in enroute IN LUNCH ROOM CONNECTION wilh their household effect. When I In-- will PAUL NESCH, Prop. Utor TELEPHONE 159 elder Mr. Moon arrives, be look for a location near Doming. At present he and his family will visit hi mm iiml family. Your .loliu A n try nf I'ortlund, Oregon, Neighbor's who htm lieen seuding n few day GET WISE 334 when you in Deming, muile a trip to Silver City Success Tuesday, returning to the city Wed TO FACTS want good, fresh tiesdny.

Can be yours Charles llriiini-ri- l nf Florence, Kiklu., arrived in t!ie city Tuesday if you use j GROCERIES evening. G-- E Electric Feed, Hay and Coal FAYWOOD ITEMS

PROMPT SERVICE GOOD GOODS j - Motors Tin- farmers up here have received v LARGE ASSORTMENT ifi'ncriMis Nnmplcs nf garden seeds I'nini Senator Catron and Senator Lot u halp you lo do to. Full. Il is quit a help to them. The W will gladly advU you. vi'lcran politicians never forget the We will furnith lbs S. women. "Howdy! How's your motor and alto Ika A. COX It's power lo run Iham. wife and how lire yon?" The Misses Kula, Helm, and Tlielum HoNleiti mid Walton Ilolstoiu mo-Inr- to Old Town nnil sient last Sunday wilh their sister, Mrs. Cliff New Mexico Childs. IWA Mrs. O. 1". Turner and Walter 8in-- j were Old Town visitors the first Implement Co. Inc. nl' I lie week. ClilT Cliilds I'litnc down from Hurl-ic- y Saturday to simmhI the week-en- d wild his liimilv. Everything for the farm. Deming Ice & Electric .Frank Jnriliiu was out from Dem-- I iuv Mouiliiy mi liiisiness.

MANUKAC I URERS' AGF.N I S Willimu iicul In Tyroue Company Siiiuliiy, rvturiiiutr Monday. f uirbanka-Mors- e t. Co., Layne Ik Bowler pinups, Emertton Ri antinliani I.. L. Freelmid nod family e.tect to leave this week for Roawell. Tuev Imp. Co., Standard Mowing Marhinea will ifo nvcrlniiil.

Newton Wagons, Rimro Silos. Mr. ami Mr. T. C. McDermolt Imic ret uracil to their liunui at Fuywnod, Phone 231 106 Gold Ave. Wayne Whitchill and wife spent n few Jays in Deming on business. They miiili- - tin- - trip from Tyrone iu I Inn- car. Mr. Wliileliill lluit Demmer is Gr llicy have Iiml I lie heaviest snow in owing I lit years iu nioiiuliiins, a liire nuin-lii- 'f nl' pine trees liiint: lirnketi ilowu In the wciulil nl' lite hiinw.

Garage Mr. Park ami Mr. Tom Tetuplelmi inln Hi'iiiinu Sut urdiiy. Mrs. Progressive Community - Telilplelon - uelliui; to lie iptilc all forQuick and expert driver.

I'n-- n r llnui tiny other oiiitiiiitiil v Mr. Moriruii, tin. V surveyor, in mil hern New Mexico, It - now has nut to Caniurc ranch lliis i ill" ."i.OIMi iii I Good week :i ily luthi ti lit in the Service surveying some lamls for the ' til t it mie lit I In' iiin- -i ininrliint company. I.ii'iniiiv, - .'in.l III i li rnttli- liiiiiii, K Wf hit nil I Iii' ji.h iluv iiml uiiilil. -- - It i ' Mr. iiml Mrs. Vaughn Keu- - ci limi- - "I tin- Southwest. n waiting here. Ami mir mi'ii nri' Ash of I Ciil.. will 1 Iih'iiIi iI mi hive u'l i'iit riiilriiiiili hihI nil liiurliinisl-- i lluit run llnil your ticll, arrive in iiig this III mouth. Tlicy suit- I'll- I'lUHlll II Will I'lnlll ruiT fil ic- - Innilili' iiml run' it right mm. (hit arc li.nkinir for a in iilluu il tu ii'i'1iii inlii tin1 liiviit 'price. Inn, tin' reasonable, h'ull line able locnl.ioti in I In. Sunshine Slate, -- he- - in Kcillictl il riiv il - ilititii'il nun- day I" nl' Kuril parts iiml iiiitniiiiiliili' feces-"nrii'- s. .as ruins ton lunch tn illllll'. Sim-tin- and lighting sys- sail them. Mr. Ash is a master in tems nri- - limiilk'il by i'iniiM'tciit mi'ii. the Masonii Indue. Thev will visit Wi' iniiinlniii a siss'ilouieter Service Old Town. Million. I'limii' IT.'I, "J0:i, '.Mil. 1. I). Suuiliwnrlli bus hioiiuht out INVEST IN DEMING'S LOTS Hlfl licml of dairy cattle to the Cn-- j THE PARK GARAGE nium ranch. A meat deal of im- - provitnr is licinir ilnnc. The lake will Sil ii.i til rne ill mi tlii nri(iliHl lie anil eeinciiled. Sam Wnt. luuil-i- li nf llrlllillU. Sulit nil ens, j kiiw nf lli'iniiiif has the contract for Vim me li"t ) laic In take this work. A large hum will be built iiilimitiigc nl nf tin1 ric in mines, mid several silos constructed. viliiili i liiiiilnl In I'uiiir Willi I In- - in 1 iii population. In ii"t mer- - Farmers in this seel inn are clenti-- , I.Mlli till- - Speculative t't'llllH''. Till J. A. Mahoney, (Inc.) iiii; their ililchcs. The catllemcii are In!-- , - l'ii-- nri- aninir 1 iiml shrewd buy- , vneeimiling for black lev. er-, will nut Iml In tniiki- - -- clcetinn-it1 Mr. O. C. Herryninn will not he nl niirr. Cull il! I In "Hi if thr Undertakers and Embalmers home Monday, February the four- Water t '. ii lit hihI art ii it v infor- teenth. mation .iml tuny icipiile. g- -f Investment Mesilmncs F.. T. Il.iilsnn, Kd Bell, IIRSI-CUV-- EVERYTHING S Will flrcgson, Solt, ami Will flregson motored up to tb-- t Crotchett home Day Phones Night Phones Saturday.

PROMPT Ik V-. 1 4' :i . 12 30 uhiiici miii muiiiy bpeui a very enjoyable evening at the Ed Bell 244 SERVICE 244 ranch Sunday evening.

Mrs. Chance of .Hun Marcial K I his week visiting the E. T. Hodsoi United Land Company home. The Rev. J. D. Henry filled his Butter Wrappers For Sale usual apHiihtment Sunday and deliv. rred a very interesting Rermou.

R, IL Carier of Santa Fe visited in Deming lata last .week. In a rojry much rfebnrexf Mexico (yiiearfofi, but we ry hotly Benton County Nursery Co., Rogers, Ark. War With nurwm that tliv Mr I the place to buy I lie best bargains in strictly first class, hifh grade, state inspected, fruit trees, lurry plants, irriiM vines, ornamentals, etc., fur Spring planting (live u about Are minute of your time Hinl be convinced that w nr offering you llie grentctt hnrgnius you wire ever offered in nursery stuck. We tire located in t tie very henrt of I In- - OgHrks, in one of the fluent fruit sections of iiu world. County, Arkansas, hears the 1 iou of having more Here in fruit tlinn any ilnee in I lie world for the area il covers. Our tre-t- are propagated t'onn the fluent verities of fruit ami the healthiest trees (frown. They are first elans in every resiect. Guaranteed. They nre grown by mi exiert nurseryman, a iiihh who has been on llii job more than a iiiarter of a century. This stock uiusl move for Spring plantinif or go on the brush pile mill be burned, lielow are the vnritie We are offering ami the prices are rut in two.

Apples Early Ozark, Eureka. 4.MHI Krummel Oel. Very Ijte CIiiik Stone Pears Ker llenriiiK wirU, 100. 10 ter 1000. 1100 Kurly KllierlH n Free Stone 1 .pe I7.MI .Maiumolli 1 41 All In Lots of Ho 50 SO to 00 500 and up Grapes, in hits of to fill, wax now lOe; 50 to Cliuit test of In Lots of I to 50 50 to 500 500 and up is-- Va IU) 1700 Fn-- e I.".,- J a (I. mi r u IJf ii.iw iuiw ."iU0, was Hie, now lie; .Mill mid up, was (ie, now Hale (Million Dollar I'enelt) Stoue 'I In I II. Bai :lli ii.iw Wmm mi' I.i.. Uni, ;'ii nnw I".- W arn J(K n now Hi 4 N i I fi mw lili I to Utile 20e. lii ft. waft Ail nnw L'6r Waa 4H nnw ?i Wan .in m.w t.V 4 II (I wnm l.'ie 25c mw Va uiit nnw In le. Mniires Karly, Catawba, Coneord. Niagra. I'll. anil Kurly Klhertu, were 4., now lo :nt inn lie 2HIO Kiiiihre Summer limit Henry Hay Very Knrly .1100 I turtle! I .siilll.lll r ijni Yellow Triinsparenl Very Knrly Peaches Cherries Jno Clupp Futorile Slimmer 1 Very Knrly Too Karly Harvest ti.Ml Anjoa In Lots I 50 siiimi.i-i- ' Hasplicrry Knrly Summer of to 50 to 500 500 and up - J I.I" l.ivcliinil In Lots of I to 50 50 to 500 500 and up .I.MMI timber-- .1 in 4 (1. .Mi mi 'j: Wan mi .'Of Waa an now Fall .T.'iiii Wilson June Knrly Summer 4'i iim el 1100 Flemi-- li '.' I.i :l II Mil. I.V Wn Vir tUr Waa M naw l'JIO Ovebouse Karly r.enaly full 7.Ml Strihliling June Knrly Summer mitr tr niiw 4t Wry ri it. I n. wm. '.'ii- unit lor Wm in now AV Wan I'Jr miw nV IIMMI IIMMI KelTil. Winter Knrly Summer Karly iehnioiid Knrly :il.riii Mcidcn lllusli I II II '.'.'if .U' I'Ji- IHi III nv I.i a. Waa Uili iuiw Waa tmw 7'J-- 70 Nellis i Monlmoreiiey Mid Seu son Winter Winter til.'Hi Id il Astrai'liau l.nle Summer Semi-Clin- KiiL'li-- M i 11 mm Horse Apples l.nte Sumiai'r JIHlll Mayflower Very Kurly g -- Hi h r Lute l.'ilMill Keii Itird Very Knrly Semi-I'lii- SWEET CHERRIES ApriCOtS: :i 4 Jin SiMilllier l.lneell Late Summer l'me to feel., was J.'ie, no. '.:. I '.'.Ml I Hill Itlnek :i.mi Imperial Hiiinho dale Summer Greensboro Very Knrly Free Stone Tnrturian Kurly Karly lloldeii, Siih rb, Moorcpark. sun Alexander Very Knrly Ijunlierl u Rhubarb: 1 mo Kail Wiuesni Knrly Fall I'lintr Stone or l'ie I'lnm, was tile, now lie. I '.'0 Windsor .M7:i Wealthy Kurly Full mill Sueeil Very Kurly t'linir Stone It Lute Asparagus: a- - Hie w ;e. 7iill Kurek.k Gooseberries: 7IUI Un-l- y t'onts Knrly Full Wry Knrly Free Stone in lots of i to 6o, was .'llle, now l'ie: Mill Kuriy Plums .Ml .Mill, Ol-'- Winter I. Wndilell Free Stone to ms ,V, now He. Dowiiinc, .'i Grilles Golden Early Houtditon .Mill In Lots of I to 50 50 to 500 500 and up TlMIII Rome lleauly Knrly Winter Alton Kurly Free Stone Industry. !l In I It. wrti. Mil Mi.w W in. Ilu V '.'a nnw IU' Karly Winter 7.MI .Mamie Ho- -. Knrly Semi-Clin- g Currants:.. w. me, now i;.-- . lied Dateh, Fuv's I'.'IMHI Joiialhaii Keil June 'ery Kurly Knrly Winter iilllill I'niiimii Knrly Free Sloue l.i I'rolille. IIMMI Shaiinoii I'ippin IJ00 Wild (loos,. Very Knrly I .at e Winter mm Chiimpiou Knrly Free Stone Raspberries:.. I n Lots nt' 1 to ,MI, wus fie, now Yellow Newton I'ippin :iJIMI :ie: Abuiiiluiiee Karly .Ml 1,'ilHHI l.nte Winter lilill Arp Iteauty Kurly Free Stone to .Mill, wus Ie, now L'e; .Mill and up, wa .'Ie. Delieioils '.MOO Kurbnnk Karly l.nle Winter jooo Kiuueralil Knrly Free Stone How C.e. I nmlieilMiil I lllk ), lireu; (Hlk), .Mi- 7HIIII In no .1000 Wixoii Lain l.ale Winter I sou tt. II,. (In. n Free Stone ller (Ked . MIIIMI Hell Dnvis Ii40 Itlite Damson Lute I'.'.Ml t n I JIMMIII Winesup l.ate Winter 'rawi'oril Karly Free Stone Blackberries: In lots of to fid, was fie, now .'Ie; Stayiiiau U7.-- I (lolil Karly 7mm Mid .Ml film, I IlilHI Mi otli Mlni-- Twii; l.nle Winter Slump the world Season Free Stone to was :ie, now '":,e; .Mill and up, was 1 10 (lerman I'ruues Karly .Mum ('Unit Cling 1 IJ.'illll Arkansas Black l.ale Winter HliI Mixon Stone L'C.e, now C.e. Karly Harvest, Snyder, mini liiuram I .lit f Winler Jlilillll Kllierla n Free Stone Mereereau, Itnthbiirii, Mid-Seas- Fn-- Ornamental Plants , :iniiii Shoekley l.nle Winter J.iim .Muaiiln'u Itosf Stone Himalaya: Was in,-- now tie. llimi I leu li Clinit n Clint; I I .Ml, '.'I OH l.iiiihc rlnigs l.ale Winter Stone Roses: Field drown; lendini; varities. Were fide. Dewberries: os of to was fie, now Ue; .Ml .Mum Crawford Late Free Stone '.'.'ie. .Mill, .'Ie, fiOO fMMHI lliinlsinan Favorite Lute Winter now Tube Hoses, bulbs, lie. lo was now J'jej and up, wuh 2'je, MMMl 1 ' S.'illll Biildiviu Late Winter Captain Kile Lute Free Stone Cannas: All colors; were L'lle, now Lie. now mi', Austin, Improved Luereiiu. lillllll Missouri I'ippin Late Winter Jiiimi Cro- - liy Lntc Free Stone Butterfly Bush: Was rtie, now .''.. Juneberrles: Wus iiie, now fie. I .'.mm t r.'iiin llaiianna l.ale Winter Clberta Cliuu Late line Stone Fems: Wen "die., now "J5e. Loganberries: Was L'oe, now fie. imin (ii, lil Dust ( linir Quinces: .1 4 '.'illll York linpeiiiil Late Winter l.nte Stone Geraniums: Were Hie, now .v. In feet, was .'lfc, now l.'ie. Chnmp-io- :i7: Golden Sweet Sllllilller 7 .'ill Siilway Lute Climr Stone Soft Maples: li lo H feet, were :i.'ie. now 'J0e. (Iraiiue. liflll I'lirailise Sweet Willlel 'mill l.nle F.Hierta Lute Free Stone Tulip Poplars: Il to N feet, were 10e, now 20c. Mulberries: .1 to 4 feet, a, :nie, now 1 .").. New l.'ilill Iteil Clintf n : urn Florence ( 'rail Kurly Winler Indian Late Stone Carolina Poplars: to h ieet, were 'J.'ie, now I5e. Kverbearinu, liiissian. :iimi Whilnev t'rali I'.arlv Winter liiiiiu: While I'.nu'lisli Late Clinu Stone Cnl. I'rivelts, 2 to U feet, were lie, now 4e. Japanese Persimmon: :i to 1 feet, was f.iie. now Strawberries By The Million 7000 Heath Clint; l.ale Clint; Stone Arborvilue: 'J to :i feet, was 1.00, now 4.ji lllle. Mikado, linpei ial. s.'.im i n t tu Cliuu Stone ill l tllll plants lHle: IIMMI. tX.'ill; 0.000. ifJ.YlMI lien Late Send your order for frost proof Cnbbnue Pecans: Paper Shell, lunliied or t: i n ied. Sluart, Mitchell Early, Excelsior, Klontlyke Aroma, J ilin Slensoii (let. Verv Lule Free Stone pin ill . I'rii'e (lunraiiteed. I'nbst, Sehley. to :i feet, were 1.50, now !0e.

All our sloek has been uispeeled by llie Stale Nursery Inspeetor ulid found nbsolufely free from all itiseets and diseases. All stoek i f'limiiinteil before leaving the Nursery. Our shipping season be. uins about Mareli the '.'oili. Send in your order now, don't wail, as the llrt in is llie first served. If we nre mil of any of the varieties you order may we substitute with one as near it ns possible? ..'i.0(l We fi We puv Ire'e.hl or express eliarj;es on orders aiiioii ni ini; to or more, nllow per eent. disco. ml on all orders iieeonipanied with the cash. And remember our fll'AH ANTF.K is, you must be sati il. We lied. In this Ad, tell us in what paper you saw mm ran lee everything we ship to reach you in first elnss eonditioti. Mail us your order today. Ymirs for Miisine- - $df Benton County Nursery Company, Rogers, Arkansas

.! (i. IVnntti of Dcming was hers Wednesday on business. Pumping W. A. Cosier and Mrs. Casler Complete were in the county sent Monday. Outfits for Stockmen W. B. Hnys of Fort Bnynrd visit, Clark il Grocery Company II. I.. Williams Tuesday. When yoi; instnll a SAM- Henry SON WINDMILL or a Freeman, who has been in Kl I'iisii for several days on busi- ami Jack, STOVI'.U entrine Staple and Fancy Groceries ness, returned lumie Monday night. you nre assured thai it will Morning Times at Bargain Price "DKLIYKir and will keep Sonic time niji, ,i prominent busi-ne- ss right on delivering I he water BAKERY IN CONNECTION mail of New Mexico when stop, pint: KI V:j...i without coiistnnt utteution or in nnulc the follnwiiiir renin rk : expensive repnirs. "Wp consider the Kl I'aso Morning Times one nl' Wo curry u complete line Phone Us Your Order the licst pnpers that reaches our Immes. It of Water Supplies for teh takes the liruail on. field. Its news depart, give aerviee. Stocknau and edit-orin- incut is reliable and clean. Its ls PHONE 69 are strong, conservative, nnd lo the point. All in all, it is a bii Southwestern Machinery Supply Co. iicwspncr and desenins; of bijf thinir. The Times hns been large- Hay Grain ly instrumental in the rapid growth and development 0f the Southwest. You can get the daily nnd Sunday Times by mail from Fehrunry 2 to February -- 0 for $3.90. Nothing do- KIEF ing at that price before or after that MARTIN date. The rctnilnr price of the Times IN... is S .r year, and if yon tako ad. vantage of this A 1 CHICHESTER Mr. iiml Mrs. Mnllett of Myndii hnrtrnin offer you S PILLS will save 1.10. TIME TABLE 'F-r- r . TMK ll wou III! isu. were in Miee Wednesday after lum. LUMBER Ll(--t Amk Jmttr It'UHrftM I f You .;. 4 ki t hw-ur-! UiamM.i Imt. ciin leave your subscription at I'lll m U4 J i..'..i.kVHr4V mom iiii .ll, -- n. V the office of the Beming Graphic and 4.. SANTA nt VIi Taiks llkrr. Rut imp V IWllj ft tf it will receive prompt HffkN4 & Mr. Lee is still nt work on hi nttention. everything in building line I All "Nit ttllM I'll.l.,,. CA And the 10:10 . m M Ar. 4il . m 117 I. It house. When completed, it will lm S010 BY DRlGLSTS CVLRYHHCRE me of the nicest homes the neitih-- II. II. Simnierfield of Silver City Ar. J UA p. tit T:4A 1. of ! ! was n HONDALE, - NEW MEXICO HOUTHERM PACirtO borhood. visitor in Denting late last week. ' 111! DvparU I:lt . . MIESSE NOTES We are having ideal weather now. i p. s... 10 Dcviru 7:t0 Too pretty to last long, we are afraid. Mrs. Ruth Hidden of No. I :0 . Santa Fe PPrtt -- ' topped over in the city last nMk4 Ptilr D. Q. Penzotti and the K. Friday A. Riv. C, Kenneth Freeman fiu-out- .... 101 Prparu ' nnd Mr. Casey! to Yuma, Morunn, both ihsim1 Ari. SPECIAL UNTIL NEXT FRIDAY Mo. t Dtpru t:0 P- of Doniin, nre drilling a well on' the former's' No. PptrW A. through .Miesso Thursduy on I t:t their land. They have several more to' way Myndux. Alfred Rnmey of Los Gatos, Cat, Eli PA80 SOlTHWKRTr.KN to drill, when this one is completed.. was a visitor in Deming late last No. Depart! for Tjtom T:B0 . tl Mj. Lm' son departed Saturday' week. Soup, pint, 7ic No. S4 Arrlrrt J: 10 p. Mrs. Paiire shipped her household So. Puparti fur T:10 a. for his home Iliiteh. : Hatklli at troods Friday to Hurley where Mr.! No. 32 J SO p. F. F. Lanisus Arrln i and Teddy Bart Regular 10c ,1 1'iiilte has been some time in the' let t New ha been received here fronij of Kl 1'iiso were Deming visitors carpenter work. She will leave in n last Mr. Lnnpefit nnd daiigliter. Mis Friday. SNIPER'S CONDENSED MAKES 2 OR 3 PINTS few days for the same place. Kdith, Htatinic that they had reached their home in I.onjrpoint, III., nafe- - A W. P. Birch field's Milliliter Hull of the Princess Spot Cash Store, F. C. Parrish ' wniron wus up thea- JAN KEE from hU ranch Wednesday. ter made a business trip to El Paso Dry 6oods Inte Inst week. The olnh met Tlinrsday with Mi. J. J. Wallace ! Groceries 4 haa just fininshed Rop Cawler. Five niMiliem were moving Birtrang Bide. N. Sliver Ave. to Lake Valley. Miss Atheleue Coleman j preNent and one visitor. We failed departed to learn where for Wilna Friday to attend a party GRAPHIC ADS FOR RESULTS. the next meeting will W. J. McCliire leaves in a few day .be brld. lo be given in the evening by Mr. and for the mines. Mrs. Back Bounds. THE DEMING GRAPHIC CS3L CITS CF I'llll.lSHKD EVERT FRIDAY ESTAHUSllKD IN 1902 KISS ( CLYDE EARL ELY, Editor and Own Calaaaa Coan e ware la batag aaaab tor Jtn Ckm, belleyad to ha Um area1 abater la a gigantic eoaapiraay to damage baldtaca, destroy property and Uka kaauva! Entered at the PustnlTu-- an Second Clasa Mutter. Subscription Wo ARE liales. la a aaarchWti awveaieal anion taoj YOU Two Dollars per Year: Six Month, One Dollar; Three Months, Fifty eetahuahed order of aaaloiy. Otobm I aooaaed at hartal plaeed nokwa i I'wiiW. ciuburiptiou lt Foreign t'ountrica. Fifty Cents Extra la aeap eerred lo 100 dietlngakahed gwaela at a RESPECTFULLY reeont haae)n la aoaor ot Arehbiahop Mun Mala. I'roae'a frioad, Joka Allagrenl, iu ADYKKTISIMI KATES: arraigned Taaaday oa ekargea ot eaaapiraay Invited lo visit our inatitution nud jrive iim a aha re of your biiaineaa. lo murder and of allaaapl lo Murder. Ilia Fifteen cents a single column inch on monthly - miiiiniinu contract- with hand waa filed at 3S.0O0 aad tka hearing The personal attention which the ol'Uuera of tllia batik extend to ev- f eight inches, Mh'lo column; eighteen cent, a miiikIo column inch waa eoalinued anltl March I. Meanwhlmj Ik nulire renewed aeratlay of loan! ery customer is a moat important factor in efficient Cor single insertions or less than four insertion; locul column, letter truaranteeinit a the priannor oa which aaaplaloa of a plot cent a line each insertion; business locul, one cent u aaa baaed. The potloa Invaatlfated the pm) service to all. alhllitr Ikal Jean Crenea. la hla flight from word; no local advertisements less tliiui II II ecu cents; kla rooming houae, aiifht bare carried wade no foreign advertisements less llinu twenty-liv- e bumbo. Herapa ot awlal la hla lodging. In- I diealed that batata had beea aiade there ituU; curd ot hunks, li fly cent; resolutions j The Bank Deming twenty-th- e ' of respect, of cents nil inch Wanhlngton The liberality of varioae Joint Oltlrnl Bunk in Luna County land enmmiaaioue In nettling elaiata for prop- - i eriy inken In the ranal anne. haa rubbed Ik DKM1NU. .NEW MKXICO, Fill DAY, FF.BhTAKY 18, llUfl. 1'niled Hi aire ot milllona of dollara. den. Cine- j IhaU laal Maturday told tbe hotiM Interilale OFFICKKS AND DIRECTORS: rommerre rnmmlttee. Willi I irevenlK lKuiiii; from licin nil iluil its uiukI urdent Inmslcr All ot the land In tbe III Mile atrip along; liuvc dreiunedf Just jn'tty jcnlou,v hiiioiik the l ilirent. Scnclc, little, the ranal ailbiee! lo to elalma would not be detiriidiUK, hut ever pretielit. It kcctt nil conununitic. down. worth more lhan 1,00(I.IHMI. at in I mil ).v ammn. w. value, when the ire.iy waa made, the general i U . A. MAHONEY. I'he A. W. POLLARD ! aaid. bin II la likrlv to roat 117.000 niHl at A. w WHY THE XATIONAI- - AKI) Ol HAS I'KEYAILED tin rot now taing taid. C. HAITI IKL. CwJr TUGS. K. TAYLOR Tlierc Het-ni- to he a diiMi(iu on the pnrt of mun cdilnii lo liuike .'77 HodTfUry ,i,Kitttf UhIh? C. it iiiurtyr of ot Wnr (l.iiriMiii. Ilurn-i- ni make n mihty II HROWS. Avistanl Cahit, C. L. HAKER thitl tin (JtTinnti Kiivrritni?iirt iintioiiiiN-i- m both - He ioor umrtyr, to lemieriim'iit mid virtue. wu ticuerullv reciiiii Mii t .inkiiiK rmiil mrrhiinliwn Willi- y.etl a h it iiiuu of more thiiu ordiniiry lability und fomlmtiveucMn; I lie hitter mil wnrniiii Mftvr Frb. 19 hai rmfprnifl th $5().(XK) .(Uiilily Iium inaile him the victim of n enisle ideii. He wiih too "ii(;-heiide- iniii h of .ulimarln wtrfarr. Hit CAPITAL SURPLUS $40,000 lo he of service to lu country und like of State Hrvun he t.tuitntiia nxrMtmfiil print( WMttMdAy rim m.iI I finally urtspii-- nnlil ihn I nltoH Hlaiot SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR I a i lid when he mu- -l needeil. He litia RENT wui not deservetl the honors lluit tlriiTiuhiM whf!h.r any thine In it mnflirti have been hit, wiih lit new Mtttv f m Ink in k uriiinl inff

onli-iieiil- luini (larriioii quit the eubinet ItecuiiKe he knew that In- - lan for u l nl Jti. I I ofOiNlaf n liny were not iicceilnhle to t'utiLTCK. He hud iiileudcd lo ileMry Il Miiiiit mil hit Amtrkaii rftillitl ilmi I hi ntnwntpnt tvt-- A the Xalinnal (lunrd by eiiMT-elin- i: it by ituother force would thai have tt ' liiM-r- and that ih nrwly announritl nutoiuiiticnlly displaced it. He did not pretend tlmt hi plan wiiia anything lirrmnu iilmiaf in jNihry rfrm ult artniMl but a niakesliil't a preparation lor nniver-a-l service. The plan hud no liilm. might include UtvM. Ifrtrr lhl( record of eKTienre to recommend it. Others did not see in it the ml i,uii,iina agnvrnfiii nnaiiy m MmptMi if will' U- U ftarlfy the aitlaimitivhrln) cluimed it by the of wnr. Indeed, untaxes lor secretary whatever of vir h mvr.Mtry lit flarlfy 1h oittialhm. tue it imiy have pussessed, wn of Net by the one urent drawback tlmt it I'niiiit tmt Hriioliirff tri1 Hrrptary T.nw would have been impossible to net 41)0,011(1 men or any ciinsiileralilc part of mux it w liU npinhin that In that number to enlist under so ueuk n system. Iteiiii; enlisted by conifressiou. mi I h- - new tihniar.nt rampairn H ititl the intfiilimi .if tlw tlcrman Rnfmniriit al districts, it wuulil have been impossible to hnve held the same men to- ti Miik "linen " Mr. 1.atiiti U undrraltxvft gether in the same units for more than u year at n time, without which, lo liai inftiniHHl him ilial niirli a tatttwnt in the short time set apart for truuini-- ', i; eoiihl not lie turned into an ef- frmii ili (tirmaii irrpriiminl la ilaira14f ficient fiiHitnu; machine. In I be hum periods between I minings, it would i v Vliib t'rnni'o and Klandera are tbe tieldat have no orvutiir.ntion no hciuv, in Hut it would have ex- fact. made an of tmlitNr.v artWity that lain now ronimaiid cellent political machine, for all of it- - hick of military strength. rhief altftilion. th oierahnii ot Ihe ftniiktina Those that had nivcn their lime and enemy to the patriotic, uuhoiiored, in tlicil- raiii'n!!' rampnlkn ere developing ti4 alii ii Niinu of htltril. ihe deTelipiueit ml uiiieiuiincriitive duties of the National (luard were not to pas- W. D. MURRAY F.. of Hie rnpllire of nine of tbe fori of lho L. FOULKS sively see the orKanir.alion so painfully created destroyed because Proaidont of una Turkish frontliold of KrRerum, Hie i'hlif rityi Caahier How time Mr. Cm. man's hobby. much had Harrison nivcn to national f Turkish Annenia. where It la aaid Ilial J. COOPER B. HALL and A. L. MAPI f. without payf an.oori men are loeked up wiih not more Vice Preaiaionl Aaaiatant Caahir'i. uiider-lan- I'rovtaUma. The officers of the National (luard d I lie weaknesses as weelll """ and deplore then, .p.ite ,.s .unci, as Mr. (iarri-n- u. They know it i ,tio,u," j ,., .VhTpCri" it only iu inline. They know how inefficient is because of lack of iliscip. . ,i .. line and iiMiilcl.llilV. Hut the I tilled Mutes pi ertniielit has never vet tried ' rhleaan WiJ II nni I nirrr.H. ol The Ilia! make any I hill); else out of the Niitional (luard. At the present time it Wiaroiikih aliiilrlil. arruaed of Nilaoninr former awt'rllii'nrt Vranein, 1,amlTt, I I Vnrinn real money and time for n ciiixcn to be a private. inly high patriot-t-t- ii costs a wboae ImmIv waa found in the wooda In t.uke' I the po-ili- c. No lias made oricnumitinii othei' body of Foreal Inat week, rhanfi'd hia ntory Tmadai, " men contribute so liberally of time ami money for the public uooil. Mr. ttfi'orilnil lo Ntnte'a Altornev flad. anil ad- Deming National Bank (iarnson'a put riot ism has never been etilleil on to stand this (est. mitlrd Inn ina an empty Itoiile from a tfadiaon. Vu,. lafore iroilia lo keop No mun has ever itaiued esteem in his community by wenrinir the shabby ilrna lon'. iunt lbt lrt with I In iiirl iu tin- - north ahore $40.0fH) lirauil of the "tin soldier." Yet it is the Niitional (luard, with the tiny reK CAPITAL SURPLUS $40.(KM) army, that must stand the first terrible -- hock of con Hid - to siicrifiec I - to fmtl mo imiaioi oiilaitii'r nrni ' their lite- -, in fact, because of the alnio- -l eiiuilual .leulecl n so culleil Mm. tiiirvlitrkitjOirilliiabrillurnifwv v Ihe nf ihe eirl han nlt.'ed Ilia state-me- n that place "pork" fur bcf"ir ifmr"lu,-- . lllliot illi- - Solicits Your Business Il - true thai ry reiterate- - hhIi ilreaty -- inneiie-- tlmt "ibe mi lili.i ran away" in almo-- l every lore un anr in nlucli In- - country )m- - en Vi-- Tin- Iti'iHil ln ao all. ni' .hImi,-i- Kill I , H u pLiiiorm inli'iolfil a 'jiil'ciI. so did be federal I'lunlcer-- believer I'lilleil 4111 lo face a ki'iiioli' fur tlo Itiipulini nu uiiiiotntl rain disciplined and prepared enemy. Nnlhiui: el-- e -- hurl of a miracle could pimi eniloral Ihe Whitman lnte adlulnia-Itaiio- el-- e -- kill - floilleil. In tin- - DF.MINf.. lillpK'li, science und eiiimectioii it niil- -l In' noil nnmed I. senator .latitea V. NEW MEXICO rii-tlv n ini iiiln iril that "nulilia mean- - -- tut troop- - ualhered,. jr . n..v.-rn..- riiario. whitman. K. n. after the liianiier of federal Volnnlcers nlnl -- int out for a lew ila.Vs li, tin r Tt r ami siaie IIimii. ri'iiiiMo'an trailer of llo- aatial)'. a Ibe -- omelhini: llicy had 11. kuowb'iliic ot. Seldom was the orjiintnlinu kept .. ,. . , . . "ftia Fi'iir to New orlt late In up nun passeo. ne liner uie ciuereiiey .miiioiiiii iiualil lis at present IIhf naliotial ronyi'lilion. 35 constituted hn- - 11 coulinuoiis beiiiL', is eiiiipped, and ha- - been drilled. The prinripal Miiiila in tbe platform were 06 is for two year- -. It has been said that eonardiee is "consciousness diM'ar of riiuiilili' Mparntlon for lha rummoM ilefen-- ); eronom indliatrial and of deficit." The -- wnuwer is soon taken out of the recruit when he faces nntirinl a well - milifnrv. a ree know- the cold steel of the rcKuhir. The retiular - thai the to -- ! surest way otuiui'iiilattou fur n naval aem-ra- l laff and v uet killed is to disnlicy his officer-- and run away. He has more fear than aolialanlinl atriilirtbeniuc of naval ami mtlitart the recruit, because be kii"W- - what is before him. Hut he kiio" what to fori'ia of Ihe I'llitrd Hlnloa do mid realizes that the only way to come oul with a whole skin is to do Wt York Tbe ateamshif, llnllon o und it. The luilitiiimaii, to lack of triiiniiiL'. doc- - not iru-- bis owinv t officers I'arifir und ft Una foot pier of Ihe Sew Yolk and still less himself. He rnilic- - when it - too bite that the fiifhtinjt Ilork rompalo iu flrooklvti ere ib itroyed liiio'biiie which opposes linn pne--i- s even trick of I lie rifle and bayonet h, fin earl, W'rilneada? neirninr Tin- ahipi and were partly m d, and - tlum. uglily at In'inc iu camp mid field, The - that pa uie liahlera iroyid ami two nr-o- an- pos-ib- le i seizes the stoutest hearts, and n l..ry turned into - . 11 rout. Han Kranelaro The fisbarnl aranil Jnry )L Tbe Niitional (lunrd orcauiatioii po-c- e- many advaulaue- - over the rl,irtird nnolber indii'lineol. eaeh. Morula)' in U M B tbe bomb idnt eaae BKain- -t Kraut lliipo onanl E R propi-- ed Continental army. It keeps up the contncl throiiiihoiit the year for tlormany here- Itarioi K If drill- - i tin ouch weekly and yearly camps. Its material in Ihe hand- - of its von Hehai'k. Tire fonatil for tlermato itarna, member- und they become more or les- - viith it lieilli-oau- t - familiar and its use. The lieora--i Wilbelm Von llrinrkeu. of Lath, aShingles, Cement, Doors, Sasli, Wall men know each other and their officers, which - conducive to confidence. the Herman army eonneeled with the llrrmaa Board, Building The Tinted States Kovenimeut docs not possess sufficient rcuuhir e: t'harlea r f'roaler. unit Marraref Cornell, deteelirea br the rotianlafe, Paper, Builders Hardware, Corrugated Roofing, House Paints -- I'ri'-i-ilc- troops to protect the several states, hence the need for nt .1 l:ite troops. J. II Van Koolla-rire- and lnnie Mmiih. Wilson Hdiuitled this in his prcpitrvilne-- s when he said Ins "felt like advising Texas to huihl up ils ranker force" that it ini;hl pro- Kear lilmiral tlranl. the rhief. and tbe firat aea duty offleo, tect its own borders s"am- -( the Mexican Imiidil- -. The -- talc- arc not willing Mimbres Valley Lumber 1,1 Company apaar al the hearings nf Ihe hoaae naval control of their military to to turn over nil forces the federal uoveriiment rommiltee. aid Monday lhat he Irelleved the under existing conditions. They lire willimr, however, that the slate ton es Ameriean tvie of anlenarine ahould la al oar J. V. SCHURTZ, Manager -- bull be used for the national defense. They have willinjjly accepted the abandoned and only larger hoata nf at leant South Silver Avenue 1 niiTKardly support of eonnress, and are willini; lo accept more, uivnn; more aofl lona aurfarc iliadrement la ennalrilrled. Phone Ihia he aaid. 07 federal is financially It waa hoala nf aiae. whirk had iu return. If the rovernnicut and morally unable to done Ihe moat efflrlent work for the rjerraaa upport un amy, what can lie expected of imliviiluals states.' It is pus-id- le navy in ihe present war. for cnnjrress to jret exactly wluit it is willimr to pay for. t'onuress has the power to create 11 lniycr refrular nriuy, if more than tin- - is needed, .Inilninir f'liflnn. Arts. The walk nut of emHoyeo of the llefroit Copper Cnaipany laat Friday trout pa- -l conitrrss cannot be wholly Ini-le- il to "provide for tro aellled ftatarday aftreaona In Ihe defense," as is required by the constitution. commoii will be held THE OXYCETYLENE WELDING The citizens of Ieiiiiii(f know how difficult il is to maintain the locul uiiil of the National (luard. The uniforms provided by the federal govern- Wahinaion- National prepared rieaa prob PROCESS r holding of ment would Tory's unuy. The men innsl iprovide lln-i- own -- hoes, lema again are ihe neater ihe Mac i I llgr-in- . of ihe rongreaetonal nanootlee aeiivit, shirU, und underclothinir. They not provided with overi-oal-- Their eoneluded Ha heariuga nu atilitarr defeaaa how lonir nobody know- - in the I'hilippiucs vuns have seen nervice and nneaiiona Chairman rhamherlaio and hit aa- We have just installed one of the finest welding plants in elsewhere. The yearly camps are "mod houses, beeail-- e of the absence of aneiatea oa the aenate anliiary defrnae due to a slmrtaK of funds. mate. Monday begaa tho fraaiag of a Istl oa this part of the state and are prepared to do all kinds of The National Ouord idea haa prevailed Im i ;iu-- e it ha- - deserved lo pre- - lK."uh,'', rhalmaa Hay and auwhera nf tbe haa welding in .Let vud. Kven President Wilon is but a reeenl converi lo prepurctlnesa hud i,,,, reaumed work e.riy to the k a satisfactory manner. us fix it right. to be frightened into it, rather than hnvint; embraced il as the result of of redtafting tho bnae defense bin deliberate reasoning. The ronntrv at large is just awnkeiiiiiir to the danger Thr """" eoaaaaitte. Mnaday begaa and the necessity of preparing to meet it. The National liuitrd exists! "hk'""'"'!!,'"!.rr """ Blacksmithing, :. "and of T"" '""Z Farm Implements beeaiiae a lew all alonir knew the danger. They are asking if the Hip ,rlBM. those that have so un-- . tun Winkle untlo the work of faithfully labored 1 - Phone 108 221 S. Gold Ave. ' supported, foisting their panic-strike- n nnd half-bake- d ideas on the, country 7 Waaaington Mneaker Clark and other Koata They shall not! Until the time comes, and grant il ninv come noon, when'"" of eoogre H"d naeady m every roter ia rJ--a .hoo.-r- ," let the naU-- na ,or i(1 ,he keepin, L F. i 1 C. PETERSON or tlioae tnat Oeem it an aoaor aim a pnturKe 10 uroin-- u even iu tue iaeei.TZr"$sm.0O0 la tha (I OOO.Ooo aleadrIZ?approona of contumely tod neglect. I tad. J re TIE VISITING ST0C1MDJ

We have been in this immediate vicinity for over forty years and we believe that it has been sufficient time to learn your needs. You will find our stock to be com- plete in every detail, with just the articles you wish. We carry the highest grade merchandise obtainable and we call special attention to the following lines:


Our stock is also complete in all things for the women and children. Make our store your headquarters while in town. Tola UNBAUER MERC. CO.

REEDY S MIRROR ON DEMING Miiiibres Valley is to he brought to A. M. Mint)! of Dallas, Texas, was TO PLAN GIVE AWAY LAND the alti'iiliou of teliaul mid othei a visitor in tin- citv the first of th farmers throu)(hout the Middle West. week. Mr. Mini, is a service expert The following- editorial in taken The uenu of the solution of the land for the Steudeliaker Motor Cur Com- from Ueedy's Mirror, n simile tm question is in the Deming seheins. pany. 51 innuuzine published in St. I.tni s, Mo: The de veliqiers are to pet 11 chnnee ti. Tlier's v in. uellinn nwny frmn the buy what they develop. The just Ml- -. M. S. Cleut; of Denver, Colo.. - hind W'lu'ii'Vfi- i week-en- iiiesiiiu. ft the terms depends on tin n. wn a d visitor in the til y. land, there is I hi- - iiu. imi. Mr, one irart priee. (If eourse, I he Innd de- 7 mi).'hl say, wherever I here is land veloped will eiihnnee the mine of A. T. Meyer of Den,-"r- , Colo., wan there isn't any lam! tor those Hint near-b- y laud untleveloH'tl. Put tint; a visitor in the city Saturday. 'want In use it. There". 11 land ipies-lio- the laud in the eonlnd nf the ehmuh- 308,213 l ord cars were sold last year. down in New Me.xii'o, a- - I uathet er of eomiueree is it sort of pluyinu Mr. mid Mrs. Tlmiiuis Sims of l.os Universal Car." Your necessity. I lie N. "The li'oin heuiiiiL', M.. (lrahie. It al Innd iiiiliiinali.alitin or puhlie own. Angeles, Cnl.. were week-en- d visito-nr- - They nerve everybody, please everybody, was the siihjeet ol eoiisiileraliiiii in erhip. The llt'ininir plan for land in Deming. save money for everybody by reliable ser- ! service a lueetiuu reeeutly nf the riliiins develiipmeiit is soiuethini; new. It is vice, economical operation and mainten- lobs I'lianiher of t'oiiiineree. hetuiiic'tt IH'1 H'il'ei't, but there is enoilL'li ot Mrs. J. W. .lack-o- n of I'inos Altos ns is ti belter pirn f n( hiiiiies men waul to allrat-- l iouilu. the iu lit idea in it to lead those thai were visitors in the city the last of ance. Why experiment? Watch the f'ords - s ...uu tK- iery-ia- iwi-iu- linn to the la rins in tl tiivnt Mim- - are earryiin; it out to the truth about hist week. by! with of Ford ; vi.traiiH-.- l rm- - go Talk the owners Ml if:ii hres Valley." They nre gtmm ,.t t'n- Iwk ami call 4 to semi land ownership ir general. Investigate for Prices ' cars. yourself. .' tint men to hrinjr t.i the nlteution ... nu tt'.io oi.cnpv the of I.. S. Ka-.-- made a business trip - f fitnn-seekin- lower than ever. Runabout $390; Tour- j iti'itis their the i' niliit- I lie advantn-ite- s - 4 to Hurley Monday. :. . . , Ii'm r case .f Truiii- ing Car $440; Town Car $640, f. o. b., .! of the Mitnhres Valley. And the I. ..'! St . viie 1 ilh tlit I0LA ITEMS Detroit. Why pay more? jj !.w '! e tnim'il man. have n plan In iudiiee Mople to set IX THE PROBATE COURT. COUNTY OT Jj i' ni "if uiitwuiiid rut. tie upon the land mid work it. That I.UXA. STATE OF NEW MEXICO. M i x .1.1 I Hi .i.l llie aitaiht'il i.iii-- In tho 1 plan eiitileiuplnles plnfinir under eon. Mrs. II. I.iiens has been ill with Uallur ol th EUta of) ! 1. S., ni the Y.. I.C ti't.l Zflmer Kirhardion. itceaai.d. f S. Agt. it- v of the eliiinilier of eoinniereo u rl 111 ism. Dr. Steed Jas. Kerr, '' can qualilv lr attended Ailminlilratrlx' Xotice. J II. HrtW v .III la hotly land in the valley ;: I rue of that Mr. I.iiens, who suffered intensely. Xi.tire ia hrrvliT iron thai In andaraiinod. i ' 2 j ' 'ifalnt. t sen mule i Iminrsi-eker- Phone 173 Phone 292 to lie (fivell free to i We all wish her a speedy reeoverv. Anna i. Rirhardann. waa on lha 8th 4ay of t I i.l HI '.I I .. -- . lll'W Villi lull iihiii eertuiu eoiiililioiis. I'mler enn-trai- lain, duly appointed ailminntra t I- i:il- at yjnrckuua Deming, N. M. if :iiait lrl nf tlw. ratal of E. line o( h. with the ehmuher of ei.uiineree, Rlrharttann. ivoi Dr. Hnllintrshend has been busy aVtssvsl. All poraona 1..1I luf ininnnf the I.C. S. harlnc nlalau aratnat the settler is to he (nven po!.sessinii Ihr aaid arr 1.1 i.;.. is slum 11 liy preparini; his hot beds for tomato ratals rrquirrd to praarnl th is Saltii ol the (Uiinlily of land he is nhle to tilt IlliHll )ll ;ivi r .( IKIIfl-ti- plants. umr. ilul) nirifird. within en er from of wtlaiiiarilv iiltt-- i l y ls develop after s'eit to lib ihr dair aid appointment, lha Umr reHi imq; Hiilurien raise') furnished hy the oiviiniKiitiou. hjr law for lha ptvarntatinn of anrh 11 :il aiivaiuei.K'iil mi itiitiuli Mr. Oilhert, one of our former' liaitna. and if not ao prrasnlrd and HVad. this, 11 piuupini; pinul, inethniK Card of Thanks 1. C. S. hfl. Ni. necewity fur neiuhhois, is now living in the lion, thr rlaim will hr barrrd hy Tlrtna of tho Ir.ivmg I101111!. Nu IksiI to buy. of tillnce, and kind- - of erops are all in aneh eaa mad dale district. Mr. Gilbert will do lalua and pnntdad. All My ilniiu'lilcrK mill I wish to lluink jM.u kiiii; tlie xiiiixill mls ran ,i to lie sM'filiet hy the eivie Imdy in iK- int1rltid In laid rstatr ara nsn4rd nu expense and places ymi nriler sniiie farniini!, hut will devote the mtv sincerely nil llml gave us as- order that the eiieles waste of lo arttl with lha nndrrairnrd. nu Mark It KOW most of his time to cattle rnisin?. .n?i o sistance mill sympathy dining I lie may lw eliniiiinted. At HiniARnsox UmimniWr ' Kriof. ol illness ii ml nt tin- - di'ii III ni' m v ' lalaraalioaal Carreapaailrac Schaola the end a (riven snv fiv fr wife nf K. Hirhardana, A , saa. SCMAHTOM, PA. frrrai Mis. N'uni Unl'fcrty. Bi half of the mid a half, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Gibson and lit- VV. POLLARD. I ttiM llliirt ltinftf oMlftll ia aanir i4rt, uereiiue , !.' I lily . Signiil Patrick HnflVrlv. in. ht tb iMililu. UmI ui i,..i... interest in the equipment is to revert tle son returned to loin Saturday i .i tilim,ii. t i.:r,t. frh , (a Am,hh,iWW HvsalAg krftjirt4 V krM to the nriirinnl owner, who is then, at from Arkansas. They had beet, ISi-i-ii. larnung r.lrftirl tmmimrwt HHSik9u Mr.hM. DrallMMaa the option of the settler, eoinpelled by cone nearly two months traveling; in Mrs. K. T. HiiiI-i- niul ninllit-r- . .Mrs. MM.iHl.ukltfr H.t.-)l.- -l Ilmkii, his sell Arkansas, Oklahoma, and A Ail.vMialiif MM Tt4ilifi I .it eontrnet to to the settler nt Texai. son was born ; mill Mrs. iin- - il.innint fthuw tJttrHIC fttn.SMnr IflpMlf Sunday moriiiu-- twda I hmmiHl TttW MtMMlMl MJ the low priee ntrreed upon when h After siendinfr the holidays with to Mr. ami Mrs. Kpimaniu In iilini-i- l tin- - lliiiiii-s.'iiilir- ('lull HiMrtlal IIUMr Mfj CI. II Inimv Flores. bSiMri.l UvMiiHlNS initial Hirreenient was inatle. The in. their daughter, they visited Hot t The ut her is employed Lm-I'aii- er lili'i'lillV III llnliilale WcHllPsilny. .imrMMfl 1 n n. Ar.il1 at the I 1M tention is in this inanni-- r to prevent Springs and Littii Rock in Arkansas, store. J Plik. atul liin m. J t.rrmtlr.ll mhm ri the takiiin an unearned and then went to Denton, Texas,. tfcllliB MUM of inerement Miss .luWillii Will kins vh-ii- ) Snt- - bv the land owner. Further detaila They had n splendid time. It speaks Sent Noma for Burial POPUlflfAIBCHAKlty unlay mid Sunday 111 Deiiunir visit-in- if ri'inaii' to be worked out. The lanil well for Xew Mexico that they wert Irirnds. ' .VlM The hndv of Mrs. yori naff.Hv. in the valley i now held in lnn ulad to return. A1AGAZINB J 54.9 S'.. wile ..I I'aiiick Hnfferty of tl.iViqv -- Those thnt own it It odictl at the 300 ARTICLES 300 ILLUSTSAiO: - Cit,Z trnets. nre ara residence on (5o, l aur-prio- Pri-r- i An eiiu-r- MiiMii.'iil wns jriven r'ridnv Some of us were certainly Inst jEKP Informed of the WorH'i holiliiiB it as iilation. It is mi- - avenue Friday, was sent Rntttr-da- r I nginerring, Mcctnrk'a n.ul vci ' n. nl'trriiiMiii nt tin. si'liiml liousp by sei to learn that there toma- hami y J; i are afternoon to Qfringfield. iFathrraiMl Son and All the .developed. Now I hey want other 111., (OuMctnm- - Old und Youn- - Mtnim' ... i. . la- - si'h.uil rliildren. Mrs. U'ul-- li and toes on the market labeled "loin." aeeompanied by 1 M lb raviiritn Mkiub la th.- tr J husband and daiivdi. i - V. It. nt and HHipe to enme in develop it. kH(brnilMil IWiofM Hut sou, Krnnk, Mrs. Annit- (Inins. mm 8ott, and As there is no cannery here, we er. The J. A. Mahoney Pa-cil'- undertakinir Southern ie Mr. Mimd tliiin wen' visitors. tri'iiernl ninnaKPi1 of the Illiie nieiiilNT of Deiniuc's elianilu'r n( wonder if it in a cane of having hon- estaldishmen had 1 charge of tbe fWritt Can UndrV--v- ir (In-gsm- eompany, in Demint SY Mr. ami Mrs. Will i nMnt arrived eommeree, Mr. A. Y. Pidlard, said ors thrust npon na. - I'rarlitttl itlnufr-- Aboy tttirka.ulv.. , ..; 1. 4.. SiiiiiIiit nt the home of Air. mid Mrs. .Muiulny in hia private ear, the Del H.a to iiu luiriMi inwiii in M'it that every member there wan I In was returning from an and Allen (Inins. Monte. Miss Mildred Kimmel departed Ho.. for Engineer ca tnl IclMm-J- i Outfit. I MJixe. i. r.i eastern trip hy way of Kl Pasn, not a man present, probably, who did State James A. Fre: h Silver City Monday morning to at- - " .irc .1 stortinir went from here. not hld from 1 00 tu 1,.'i00 acres and C. B. Rand nf Santa Fe wt,-- Him via coir Mm. J. K. W'nlstiii of Itinemi fimie tend school. eonld easily afford ' to visitors in the city Snnday. to Tuesday to wnd thfl day Van Pollock and H. Cheater Etov rOPVLA MCCNANIC MAOAZlClJ (rive up hnlf his under villi Mrs. W. V. Comer and family P. D. L. MeTanrin of Alhaquerqua of holdins the J. M. McTeer week-en- of Albuquerque ar- en of Tyrone were d i;. nr-- of Silver avenue. was a risitor in the city Sunday. plan. On this basis the land in tha rived in tbe city Monday morning. on in the city. Kyi trfl Esiai Q Tha Rev. 8. R. MrClura addreaaod CAPITOL DCXE BULL CALVES Cc:ch Lcupdd the high school Wadnaaday moniing.j From Regntered Stock , Hi address was directed largely toi pan- - and Slecification. (t( Professional Director the seniors and other upperelassmen. j Mr. S. (. Whtwler leaves the codi- - ApplicAtion. "At your ag, and now that you are iminity Thursday for a s' IF you want to improve your ...... leavioK school, yon have very grave visit with her daughter, Mrs. Orlre Herd JAM KM K. WAPIHLIi ! you can't do better R. F. HAMILTON (robleuiH to face. Your faith wiU Stephenson, in Miami, Aria. HIXS LEE; and HI'NSKI.Olt Ite shakeu by many different factors. than get a Bull Calf sired by ATTORN ATTORNKY Above all: stand by the truth and' Xrt Oaius mid family, Miss Temiy Regutered Guernsey Bull, stapte an. Fancy Croceriei I'hona Mahonay Bldg. Baker Block ! (Jains, Harry Knierv, Hoy work and strive with all your might Itell, Geo. Morookmead No. Alss Bast Candlts, You whatever! Hell. Klizahrtli Itell, Gnrcon, for it. have no rujht ami mother t IIIXKSF. AND JAI'ANKKK I Thia ia to your own opinion; miles founded HK'iit Sunday in he Florida mount. 24753. animal one AKTICLKS ains. A. TEMKK on truth." of the deacendanta of Glen- - AT UiWKST I'KICKS A. V A I' (HIT A WATSON Silver Ave. wood Mainstay, 16th A. R. m ATTORNKY-AT-LA- I R. Wharton of Kl 1'oso was in Mrs. K. T. Hudson and mother took COUNSKI-OR- ImmI week dinner Sunday nl the home Dillnnl No. 87; was sired ATTORN FYS and S lute on business. of !y Garrrn Ptn Oaius. 4ty Hall de Rouvrt, dam Lucy of Mer-io- n, Mrs. L. F. Harris uud son, Jaek big milk Haker Blin k Spruoa HI. llurris, who have bein spending The Kev. K. I'. Morgan filled his a producer. Mime time in Kl l'aso, eauie through regular HMiiuliuent Sunday. He Write JAN F. T It 13 1 D , M.D. Itemiuir last Friday morning euroute preuelicd a very iiileresting sermon. 1'IIYSICIAN AND KUKGKON oaoa Sprsw StrsH ! Silver City. They are in this see-lin- n NEW MEXICO COlTAt.F. ss V. C. F I K I, D K R K. T. Ilod-n- n KtwIstsM OoUast Sisslsrissi I'or the benefit of the sou's Mr. entertained the .SANATORIUM lri4iltuiHrkMii t..N4ini'. r im si Mother- -' I'lnb ul her Inline Tliesduy. (if. ttfiul NHhlrl. !' r'" AMni Pbsns, hslsBa Pksss. llBa UFA I. F.STATK nnd li.ultli. t HffAROH It; FlltS ui mH ot The siilijeel ili- -i u eil by the mem- Silver City, New Mcx. ttn isalfiilalMiity. lltnk ivlfti iwa, iMil autalios la dlsMWS wosmsi ssd i;ONVEYAN('JNn w Otlli sstswrsd I limit-Seek.- PATf NTS BUILD FOTOHI ckllilmn ind lulireylaU. . Mr--. II. It. Weeks, who hai been ill bers was "hnii'l Mouse Seek; lHM4.irilt ll mw, whiU U InvitM yiMt. thirlmi imf or Blfkl I Miad tnlay Notary I'nhlie Snruee HI. in Kl I'umo several weeks, eaiiie Mainly refreshment- - were mvsi jnm tmum'f Wrllr fr It T to ( MllVilMO H'lllMll In iN'iiiiui; IiikI Friday morning le served by the hostess. CO. llnV I lilt I NX - D. SWIFT t SoliuiiHiiville, Ariz. Her KlllMltll'r Mll'Jltioll till nn- h PATINT LAWViaa, I it M'lioul iln A M K K H . V I K li I) F R nieee. Mi" F. A. Fitcarurti nnd A. Mis- - 'fenny Uains, alio ha- - been nnir iii winliT 303 Seventh 81., WuhtBgtoa. D. C. A. V. COI.hARD nu It. Week- - of Santa Kitn met her in her brothers, N'ort, Allen, aim ATTOUNFV-AT-I.A- llemillg. Dillnnl llnin- -, relumed In her lininn ATTORNKY-AT-LA- in Texas Thur-da- y. At lliii ty a - eouviiieeil lull Ma honey Bldg. Hold ft Hpniee iiiiiii Yon have mi big Are left after Iteii Hlm k of I'ii Siriiii;- - I'lii'-il- the inn jorily of men are fools; t yunr eookiiic is finishi'il if you use Fielder Hnilding Fine Ht. ennie into the oily uilli lil'tv invute The yinniL' men nnd buy- - eujuyeii -- ily he admits Ihal be - of the nut iine blocks. I'lniiie 'Jli.'t. Walki"-Fu- el Hint oevernl -- kiliik mid f- x -- kin-. themselves nnirli at the rabbir jorily. C. II. YOU NO, V. 8. - -- I Co.- If. f Uw ilrsnd Ripidi Vnurissr; He turned them in fur tde '. t im . drive ill lie Wheeler raneli Sunday a Traiwfer adv. Or,.i.i nmrninu. alS A. MONTF.NYOIIL KKHIIIKNOR PIIONR ISA Mr. A. W. Swindle -- I i.n i nur Gwa.sD Cs7 . ni Nam H'afHaa fuM h trmntfit V: ill the eity Tiu'mIhv ini.rnm . v.v 1.1 f. W. n- liit Im'cii on I lie siek I'HYHH IAN AND SI'KOKON Iriini Tyrone In Clil'tuii, An.., to juii. la with I In' In miiH'. Li!ioCnaPc:l l 'alls AiiHwered l'romilly lit-- r She mi- - iiceiiiiiiiiiiieit Hay or Night 1'eleihoiiH UHti Mi -- Mi- -. j liy I lie viiiiliif -- on- of (ienrue Mucin, Mr. and . Il. xti r. Hudson, Wondarfol Simpls "Gets-It- " Ksver - ... I lla-ke- ulin will jiiin ilir;r father. ninl im.i.irril lu In' lll Fall to Ksmovs Any Corn Easily. and Ofllee, Spriiee Htriet 'liiekeii riini'li Sunday evrninu. "Wouldn't It Jar you? Hers I'v burn kiiiiik sIoiik tor yur. wllh one K. J. M irnii F. K. Morion S. Kiiiululiil "I Suenrii Will ilfiprruts corn nftar nnothrr, Iryliia Kiiiery left to art rid of tluni with salves ihut ur in (lie rity Monday. Hurry the rmiiniimil v Mm ( AN A; MORTON It, F. HOFFMAN, M. U. T'li-il- ay a Im-in- rail in Hurley z fr HFNTISTS Jerry Mule of Kurt Hiiynrd ami Smitn liila. 1 I'HVSU'IAN AND HI RGKON in the tir-- of tile week. the eity l well! Teleihuiie '.'7 Mil Inn iey Building C, W, Hu-kii- i- - ilnlliii'.' Iii- - llfllee in Old Teleiliune Building It. 1. Hyiiu nf ilver l ily ilil'IMT. ur in liemiiiu ilie tir-- t ul tin Phone JJlU Hilver Avenue week. Dii'k Wulkin- - bail tin- j You'll find lln- - Market nlwayx P. M. HTKKD. M. I. lin hi- - uf vim: ilnir killeil Sunilnv. fill every want r.'iulv lu your I'MYSM IAN AND srHUKt)N John W. Leuvell nnd Muni- - l j in eliiiiee OR. H. W. ARMSTRONG liemge Wittkin 1'mnilv or-- Kirk of Suit l.nke. t'ily, I'liili, wern ami mot j . Oflire Phone 811; ReKideiiee Phone ft I POULTRY. STEAKS. CHOPS, in Iteming the fir-- of the week. j' i lu 'uliiniliii- - Siindii v. DR. BLANCHK ARMSTRONG H0AS1S. HAMS. BACON. I .1. MO I M. Kleointhie Physiuiuua .lilili'e K. I.. Metller of - fruee-vi-ile- il Minx Hell link ilmiier with the (I. It. D. Imni- SAUSAGE in the it the fir-- l "I - Sunday. RMllnlel I'm. Sura "C!ta-!t- for Tliina AND lrinlunles under the founder of the urns 1. Mr Your PHYSICIAN SI'ROFON t suit havs tuur soil lw AT YFIfY I.OWKHT l'l;h Mr- -. - Sen-ne- Ili'Mii im- - been iiiili- ill rat oft the toi-a- titpca Ihnt atlck lo lFial glrra :u tie. ear. sua, ; A. T. Still, Kirksville, Mo. ninl I lie iliiy- -, lull i uw-Iv the atoi'klaii, tiuniliiKes iilimH'rs h iilnl-il- y JL W. II. II. Llewellyn of I.u- - t rw-- lett now pticktiKv a :il ili:i really exeellelil m.d itiruAi w.irl. and the nilinf nf slaaaea ial that nuike n of tho lnen, PIHiSi: Hi'.i OFFICK: :tOU K r.'iaoiM unit . Coijper u ii- - iii tin- - Tin hiy unii'Mxiiiu. nn be obtained. Mi rity sors. Then I tried Dots-I- t' Just unco jTeb jiboneM' Ofllee, 72; Rosidenett, and you ouslit to huvr aeen ttiul corn coma off Juat Ilka a bnnunn pvvl." It's And yon will find this mark 'all Muffed ha filled his new m. almnle, wonderful. It's the hum way, C. R. Iluuhe, P. A. Hughvs el aluayn and sanitary, X W . C . R A W N -- W pulnlena, unplled nev- S O -- Tlie-dn- y itlull illi llll nil IK in In two seeomlx. W. Met'urdy l'l.lll.IIIV uf 11 S. pelll nil er hurls healthy enll or Irritates. it- - ninl bi'lp iii.i- -l I'uiirli'oiiH and IIUOTHFRS hi- - niiieh lit lluliil.'iie. lie i- - eiiliux' Nothlns to tireas on the corn. Never IIKIIIKS falla. Uult the old wnva fur unee any- I iriini in . I'nderluker in.' mid iniirvinc hi- - way and 'ry "ileta-ll- " tonlicht For Fire liiMiriniee liiun.e V. Mrl'mi lia- - Imiiuht corna. wurta and l.unlona, TELEPHONE 49 ninl "tlela-lt- '' la sold everywhere, a I ie ( i".il li.'jul uf i iiiiii' nn. lin- - jiiii n:o, bottle, or aent illroci by l'.. Uiwronce Kinlmlniei' Abstrui'ls and t'onveyaueiig lr Claude Imii. e uf San MiitvuiI ChlvsKO, 111. tin' il.iirv a Co., 'irii.i'il in the ril i' Tiniilny inorii Phone 23U 115 Spruce Snbl Mi Mi llilhi' ,iiii leruliiiiiended St. iiij in vi -- it Mi? K. T. II. ILul jiin of HENRY MEYER ii- - , OSTEOPATH Uiiiiinu. A i, iiinl.i t ut tin, rillin. of Ihi-- - lln u Id' lieM ..'in lelnedy h't I'liiiiiiiiiity Uiillii'ii'.l nl the I). N. lillSSl li 1)1(1 II I'll, K. S. M I LFoWI. MD., D O - lii- Wi'iliie-iln- y I. A. KINS' Farm Stationery Officers' Ball i.iui- - In. mi- -l nil; lit to FAR T ! liiaduale of the Ainerieaii M bill T my ti.iin- - L'uuil bye. Kirks-vill- more, The iiffirer- -' Inill Saturday even, Sebiiul uf Osteopathy of looks like loudness when -- 'lit: lit CiiIiiiiiIiii- - wn- - iittemled liy tint Mismniri you eiiil mil li tter- - on printed xtn-- l Mi I in ii a joined in iiurri:iire innery. Come in and lei us tin-na- Mi i I'iiye Meleye, Manjarel nl Sill Til COPPKR AYR. pnl in Nuleii uf lliiiiiilliin, Texas, your I'ariu, l(iiiililih, nnd Helen Sunpe, Mr. m il l! SPECIALTIES: Chop Suey, Noodles, Short Orders TKI.FI'ilONK of ymii' own name, TeMi- -, We lf7 nl liiiliin, Siiinbiy. wish to j and the niiu-rie- Mr- -. A. W. M.SV...I.. Mr. nnd .Mrs. mime of the parlner you join her other friend- - in her on -- I lin e I'ryor, A. W. Uroi k. Ray nine letter beadi. If Iimi ,ine-- - . R liriiy-m- i. nnd l.nwTenee t'oniH-r- EAGLE EST AURANT Mr. ninl Mi'. S. O. Baker nnd Miss Hen-n- lien- - I.ieul. C. ('. il ninl Mr, Los Angeles, Cnl., K. Iluren-U'i- ii over A nuinber uf y.iiini; - gathered Hernia linker of eiiiue from limi Driiiiiiir n- - Phone 288 Pine Street mi the then in Doming Saturday. ne nt the Inn f Mr. mid Mr. II. P. were vixitors t'ily on all trip Monday. limi-- e mie-t- -. n The bull was ureal D i M i I Yt tnl- - Friday anil -- ienl a very e n 4 . i p r i ' t r -- Vol. ninl Mr. Sloeiun en iirre. Miss Ia I i.veliiniL'. A. C. Sailor uud L F. Sills of Pain-- ! Shelloii of .Im nf tertained the Denting nr it t nj Open 6 a. m. week-en- 12 p. m. I m, TexiiH, were d visitors in j Arizona was in the eity the lireiikfa-- Sunday inurniiiK. A linlnt first nf t l!..y li,ll, Klix:iM-l- Bill, ami theirj tin. eity eiiroiilu lo Silver City, the week. mii-ei- t a given at llie hi- -i in iiintber -- H'iit Sunday the home uf liuiinr of the visitor. al l. X. I lain- -.

I ',.i.t .l.tliu Mi. vtt-i.l- l nt f'lililllituia .' ; rc- - i i v t-- : l- ii. ileome Ituhmiun uf Silver Cilv r i ' i ..i Vi...""r....i r..iin..i Tl..f!.ilrws ,r '" '" I'en.mylvmiiii SALE- - of El Paso Property, Myndus Property, Lots lute lit -- I week. He bad left his IIU-t- n enruiite In Fnrt Bnynrd to reeeivel mobile the Park enrni:e when he i refitment nl the government -- nui-t went ea- -l mid drove it to Silver City Lxmds for i Cottages n ii in. and and rent. on Iii- - ret urn. BMsBiBsaBsjsjBsaBjsB.j1 mumahssaaKssa mswaa m sv simimv mmmmtmmmmmHmmmmmmimmamammmmmmmmamimmmimmmamammmmm Firs in Baker Hotel Clyde, I'. S. itiiitiiirrtition A fire broke out in the basement F7or Free Booklet lu- Myndus Write to .a in the i it y -t week. ..f'tlie Baker lintel ut 0:40 Sunday uueiil, in but 'H extinguished hefora B. S. bupff. ROSEBOROUGH & DYER, 305 Mills Building, El Paso, Texas, -- i rion- - damage had been done. Thai "I'"', 'ieorue uud loeiil fire depiirtnieiit t'! T'"ti Hnwell were visilnr- - in Hem the nh.mi and deserve ercdit for si"K '"' "' ,,'' ,r",n th- - or see JOHN ROSEBOROUGH, at Myndus, New Mexico. piiekly subduing what threatened t( I'"' '''' be a serious hlaxe. It is believed . that rats kmtwing on mntehes in Iho Mr- -. Lulu Bale- - was in the eity ini-- h eonsed the fire. The huilding etirly in the week enrmite from El I. S CLAYTON is fnllv insured. Paso to Silver City. DR. PULLEY General Merchandise. Of Chicago, Illinois EASTMAN Complete, New Stock IS t MXDCCTIXO A FIRST-CLAS- S SANATORIUM AT MYVIM'R. Installed in New Store. AUTOGRAPHIC MODERN, SUXNINU WATER, OPERATING ROOM, KODAKS POST Of PICK IN BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT. RATES REASONABLE. AND SUPPLIES MYNDUS, NEW MEXICO W. P. TOSSELL &S0N Butter Wrappers and Cartons For Sale at this Office. 206 Gold Ave. Have both wrappers and cartons blank, or can print them for you. HoHrP pmbliemtien PUBLIC?ftLAND HALE Eighth OIIW u Um rntiilwiiner of Pubila Land TIip eitfhth ffrHilc promotion exam-inuliuii- fitutr ,m Meitcm will In held in the varioua A TRIAL Kuu , N.w Meitoo. Jan. I. 1916. 4 liiiul riMium in enrh dixtrict, each Xuiic to Jwrvliy giwn thml pursuant lu In Iciii'Imt the Lift your cup pruviKioti l an Act of Congi-M- appruvvd condiiftinir examinations Jim. au, iviu. in laws ol U 6ut of Smm uiM'ordinir to reiTilieil ruls and Inhale ilia war a, WILL Uvxtra, mi a the rulei and rrguUitoiu uf th COAL turn The first rxnininutioii iMtffanl (town Mam land Orttcw. ConuniMiouvr of J'ub iic intlk will ottar al t'uuie halt, ui tn will Im hclil April 7 and H, the first TWi REAL flavor, tiijfbvkt iMddttrk, at ton ocJocfc, A. M. un ri tit atv,i0i day Kridiiy and Siiiuriluy of that month. blmd H m CONVINCE of April, JUltt, in Uit low it oi ifiu,ug, Lwuuly ul Luna. Mala The ! mil will Im- - hrld Mny 5 and it la teal It SfW alrxiro, in irtiiii i tUm court houa tlwrv MM (I tor tin- - Better Send in Your Order ui, IM following tlrwirttM-- traru of land, vi. liniifit of thoxv that will All of itmiiuiia I, a, 4, A. o, 1. a. ii. lu not iiiiiiilrli' (hi irradf work until You'll find It la YOU U, IJ, U, 14, lj, 10, 17, 1M, IV yu. 41 tlnil lime, llmse thoHe for Ami-rica- n Bloc!: Coal Ixrforc anil that are, you au I SEAL BRAND Coffeo Afiiim oi wotiuiiB 2o, jti, jta, iu, u, ii i i, t'onditioiH'd in llif firnl examtn- - 1, M, Jj, Jb, l.Jtift., HoW., Lot 1, 4, J, , wake up some frosiy morning without ut ion. An indiiHlriiil hiilijcct add- h (we, 1 au ot is AeelHtu 1J,aBt.I J, J 4, ail, 1. iuH., H, (W., (lie t examina-lioii- fuel, when ffie rush is on. You will liavt BY ed to Miliji'i in which H FOR SALE au ul nwltoiia I, J, J, 4 .Sec. J, u . b, Im tiiki-n- , no liuuble in kpppin your house who. , hu ul MH:tioii i, ii, iJ( nuiht innkinir the total hetrl l.i. Ih, r. bwo. iu, all of imciioiib i, Jj, aa, of tt-- niiiired niilijepts. The pupil 4, JO, ii, a, an, .U, 1( 0J, Jli, 1, evenly and well witli American Block -- it ;(. limy take lux choii'p of uiduxtna; suh- - Deming U. bVt., an ui JMi'liuii 1, a, 4. 4n., . , m ., Merc. , Co. mm- the cleanest that from Gallup The 4i,4tu.ari ai'ir. i u'rv no ut ji'i'ts (Htfrinilliin-- manual training, comes the uu tuu laud. dunieslii- - si ii'iu o). If a pupil desires firIds. No slate to form clinkers that .iimi ii oi Avviiou a, 'I'. K. uV., oon laioinii it iu . I uiru miu u luipiuvw to tiiUe exiiiiiinnlioiiM in additional in. Ul lllft mi lot IllliU. burn out grates and cause loss of heat -- diiKtrinl hiiIijpi-- I , iitm (mint will be .u ind uu tltv ubov dvMsniMid laml will 1 ., it all burns. jvi.uti i Until in rot- Uiillui), if,wu lidded to the cimiitiiI aveniK secured wi at'if, h li i im MiraiMttl taunt lutirv oinn the exmiiiiiiitiiin for each ad !), mid mi addiiiuii tiiurfM tlie ma tifr uiuki it,r iu uupriitvtaciiu ui itttoi ditional induKlrinl Niiliject in which I Ton American llliirk Stove (?onl. - $8.00 MIUf. the nppliciint iniikch the minimum .tlMi , 1 Ton American Block 1'inil Well Drilling Ul J, ft.,.,i( Mr.W Wet. 1, (.'null'. The in ! iiicliniih pranmiiir - $8.75 I, , , J, Art W. t Ant will he th Ton ferritins lirtifUt . . $11.50 ft' ff.4 hro. '44, HttfcBMtt, r.l4 ftK. hiiHed on W W HW U Mc. S4, 1'. a4., K. At I'MKDim iii KnliHli, ndvunced hook. KXIT.IMKNCF.D Dlill.LF.If. TIIK MASTF.H ok ALL TOI.'MA-TloX- 'd V. T. 44., H. ttrt., loi i, WATKINS FUEL & TRANSFER i. KSnH, h'.r.H, There will he one examination in civ rtf.i I Mc. r..',,I. H. AVi WILL TIM! AT Vol- KICIIT. DF.KP WELLS A SPECIAL ill, JaJ., titt., w. au, ics which will include ipiestions in 1 S. Silver hv. y?, All of imic. aa. hVi ac. Phone rv 09 COMPANY 263 au, Ki j.stv, hkc a.'. M a nt. a.t, mid civicM of New Mexico. In TV. O. DEMIXli. NTAV MKXICli. N Hi , I. He, ai, T. saH l(. ., eon reiiilini;, the iiichtioin will be based Uniting .',4ba.iM cr. lliera arc upioto UHinlk uu Hi ik Uud. No bulk wUI In on the following selections front lor tJiai. riva lioliar ($6.uu; r ni Sciirson's ami Martin's Studies in VVM. DICKSON wlui-l- i Uu appratM-- valuu tlivntii. ih- Keiuliii); uitvaaiul lnddr will bo ittuirfd to pj ui for the Ki(hth Grade: raiJi or iwriiucd ktbangu at tua iiui ul kaU Mine : The mid the dray," "Of Xfv ill' loiul amount unrvd by hint lur Uicm laud liiu uiNjfit mini ul lauda will In mujtit u. Hooks," "Life and Character of BANE GARAGE i lit- fiillttwilig cuiidllioiik, vu: '1 tut aui'rvw. Wiikliiuirton," "Oh! Captain Mv t.'ap-- nil (MtlJrr pay mukt lu the ContuiiMiuiwr ui tiiin!" "The Death Garfield." 1'ublic Lkitdk, or lilt airHI holdiug uch kalu, of irmii tin. prioi ou.rixi by mm m "Viissouf." A number of questions Successors to the luiiil. 4 cent ir ht miri in ttuvannt lur tuv!...:ti i i roNVFNTinM mim ui .ucu uureu.M pr.; im 1. !, ls"' "sed on the followtnif ro IIM'llltfllt NIIU uu'M.UJIfllt MIlU Nil CU.U Ifi'ailmif-Liter- a m elect inns lrom tur. mviafiiial lu Mm Mimbres Valley Garage Ml uwiviii. ttua vat'li anil all for the eighth Krade: ul Mill MIUUUIIU Ml uu dupuMllMl M L'll ul Ol cmiti'd Kkcliauna at ihn nuiti of aalii, "The Hunker auil Hill Munmuent," and which amount, and all ul llirra am aulijvcl Ui "AutoiiyV Address to the People on NEW MEXICO CATTLF. AND lurli.Hure lu tlln Hlale ul New Xlellcu K at We are building for I uture success on Service not the auvoaaalul bidder duta nut ttkMUte eulilracl the Death of CncRur." willnii Uiirir daya allar it baa Iwan to I nalM manana kind, but Service that serves today. his means biiu b) tha Hlau Land Omca, aald conlrarl HORSE ASSOCIATION lu pruTid Ui lur paynurnt ul luv balancta nl ft. fl. I'littniaii of Elephant Butte low expense and satisfaction for you in the us'ol your car. t Ihn purcliaag pnea nl aaid Iracl ul land in Hnrlj equal annual Miatalltunla, wilb inlerr.1 returned to the city Wednesday to iuii all dulerrrd pauuia al lb raw ul luui with his old friends for a few Deming, February 22 and 23 lr cm Hr aiibuiu. m adianon, paynwuia and iiiujrual dun nn Oolubar lat of tact) yrar. and days. uch ulhfr rundiliuua, oblixatiuiia, and Irruu aa ma)- Im by law ChangeYour SiimIii FV will .I'll 1'riiin till Siiiliuiis uu ilnir Hiiom in NVw miuitvd J. Illcvius of Wineon TiresFor25c 'Ilia was visitor Cuinmiaaiuner uf Iul4ie Land., nr bia a ani'iil buldnif aurh Ml., raaorvaa Iba right t. iu the city Wednesday night. iimi I l CiiIoiiiiIii inn) F.I Mi'ii'u nlsii oin Triiiiiliiil, Pnso, Toxns, nl rji.l any and all bids ortarpil al aaid Mle. INik.e.iou undtr conlrarl nl aala Inr thtt almrv dfMTlbrd Iracta will ba glttin within thirl, I'r.if. D. (). Siiodpras of LI I'aso, Any where within the city limits. I vice I'AKi: AM) ONT.-TIIIK- HHi TIIK Udl XI) THU' dttM alltr dam nf Mia. wo sn cars are who lias been Kpendiug Wiini-- uij band and tba official aral ol Ih. sonio time in always waiting for your trouble and will be at your ser- Stutf Land UDic Ihia (lb day o( January. llcmintr, made a viwit to Silver City Ifi'hirti l.iinil IVIiinan M. UlilTK AN'I) TELL YOUIt A. II. I '.11(1. yesterday. vice instantly at your call. (Si(nd) HOBT. P. KRVIKX. i i;ii:nds akiu it. I'umraiatiunpr nf FuMie Landa. t Ntflta uf Nw Uciipn Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Adams, W. A. I'iral puMiratiun January 31, 101tt. Byrne, and M. S. Lchr were VV. S. CLARK, I.a.t l'ul.lication March S4, 1016. Silver Our vulcanizing ia the best. Agent City visitors in Deming Wednesday. You can bank on our prices being right nn Newspaper Tim iiriaawaiaaaaawMawi at Bargain Price Mrs. 8. J. Fleming, who has been nmmmiic'su: The HI I so Timet has 'a MorniuK visiiinn in Dcming, departed lor Cal- PHONE 113 miuoiiiit'cd n remnrkahlo bargain of- ifornia Tuesday. fer bcuimiini; Feb. li and extendiiitr to Feb. 'JO. You can tret, through thej Mrs. J. K. K.lilison, wife of the editor of the Graphic, a one year's Santa Fe brakemau who was injur- E. -- ubscriptiiui to llie daily and Sunday W. Young, Mgr. Paint and ed Feb. "i, arrived in Ueminjx Wed-nusd- Times by mail for $3.1)0. The rejpi uiuruiiiK lorm Vinlun, Texas, Inr price of tho Times is $8 a year. toaecompnny her husband to a San Wall Paper No subscript ions at the prize will be la Fe hospitul. uccepted either before or after the The nilvniii'c iu the coot of paint dates announced. Mrs. M. X. Doll made a visit o '.I mil eausi. a fulling off in tin. The Timci is much improved under F.I I'nso this week, returninir, Wednes-it- s TREES! TREES! TREES! inn . . tu any nppreciiible new miiniiKciuent, pvinir many day. Kcasinialile persons features of interest to the entire fain, j IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF FRUIT TREES. SHADE TREES, kiion that ily. W. vi-i- I 'i.. itv is worth inore when it is A. Moore of Albuipierque te Mult BERRY VINES, GRAPE VINES, SHRUBBERY, RHUBARB, AS- nell kept by beiiiu painted. A house ami Jeff tun exclusively in dthe city Tuesday. the Times mid the Sunday comic and litis been protected iimi pre-I'K'- il I PARAGUS ROOTS, ETC. HAVE THE FINEST STOCK AND mauii'-in- section is the best in the by the Use ol piod paint eotii-11- II. C. Stevens of Tyrone was a three LOWEST PRICES. tu, U 11 ureal it price fur either sub' stales lleiiiim; visitor Tuesday. r purpoM, and with all llie Take ndviinliim) of the great offer. Leave your order at the Graphic of C. L. BETTS, Im'.iii'iI villi.' iiial;ties, add-- , much r. Mr mid Mrs. C. A. Smith, who are tin iitul fice. sdv. inn their wedding journey, LTHE BOX 684 DEMING, N. M. i.infnit eiijnyiueul of those stopped in III. 11 ilu'cll therein. (iood paint nnnoi v DDnurv "''"""K yesterday enroute to Han. in. health ami I'lennliiH---- , .ui uitli Demmg Readers Can No Longer I.. In ueiuhburlioiiil Milne-.- . ,...:,.. llf the t.mpire Zinc Com- - e, I'll.' increased cost of a tinislnd D"U5V EVid,enr, , ''nn- - Mrs. Smiths home was in litis A long ,i'il of painliiii: uer furiner years l .,m,mrVi lull 11 leu dollar-- , tin. en- -t iniilcr-1.1I- - (, uf Told of ipiick relief of undoubted only it against A. J. of Denver; but former, rniinlii'.' third ih benefit. HOMES 11 ly 11 Deiuiiii; BUILDING iv. li i,l . labor. No property merchant, was in the city lur The facts are now confirmed. limi-- yesterdy. 1. miii T call aflol'il to let his e Such evidenceenifwyshrdliishrdlin is more of an art than just build- ile!i rniralc mnl ln-- e value tor tin Such testimony is complete the I). -- inttlt difference u dollars W. Murray, accompanied bv of lew ev nleiiec conclusive. ing houses. Look over Deming mi a paint bill. To wait Mrs. Murray, visited iu Dcining last another eitr It forms coiivineiinr pnmf of merit.! in- - Wednesday an, that Mm will pay twice the II I s.'...i: 'in n 1 and see how many cozy, comfort- 11. .t. r.eeiiiii;cr, .101 ftraiia avenue, ml-- . l been 11. -- e ut llie daniiiu'C due ie I , . Has, s Venus, X. M says: "Isuf-- A, ,., able dwellings have been design- I iiei'lecl thai must be overcome let j, rml frm rn lered trom pmu and lameness over ,llsilleg8 Wednesday. .1 in, ne liberal use of paint ami labor. my kindneys. Doan s Kidney Pills ed and built' by MORA N. e have 11 complete line of Mound thorouKhly rid me of the difficulties." ,. . , , . t l UilK: Absuliitely us umiil ' us CNTIM Kn CONF.DKXCK ,t llie het. We carry Iterry Htiw, viir. Over three years later, Mrs. Seel-- 1 ariiih-staiii- J mid etc. In inner said: "Dunn's Kidney Pills didi , si .el.. ... 1 ""m 5 WM tr work when used them and I "r'm1 ' want more lniMue- - mid lire h 1 " th" ar ''sday E. F. d....', hesitate to continue to recom-- ' , .ii ji.irv.l to take cure of it. mend them" " "" hr"nht Mon Judge Price, at all dealers. Don't W'rs rhartred with .tealinff ,,J 'rom Ivma simply ask for a kidney remed-y- tordov.. 45 was Moran boy p t Doan's Kidney Pills" the f""nd " of the wh,n .roe h" Olen Featherston that Mrs. Kcdineer ha twice pub- - licly recommended. Foster-Mifbur- n Painting, Paperhant'nii; and Tinting Sign Young ".Bounds of Separ & Co. Co., PrnM., Buffalo, X. Y. motored 107 Silver Ave. Phone 330 to Silver City Saturday and on to

FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS house truest of Mr. HFRF-'- ONF. WE BUII.T and Mrs. J. T. . fi r Rheumatism, Stomach Trou- - Warren. Mr. and lira. Bounds wili hies, Kidney ailments, Inflam-- rP,nrn to xh"t ranch honi- - 8- - ne"r ,h" nd lhi" nr NKW IIOTKL DINES ions. Arterial hardening, Lo- - lftr wk. enmotor Ataxia, Neryous - 0ne-0-Fi- break- E. I). Osborne and son of ve ACHOSS FUOM TIIK IMON STATION Ele. Hondala Phone inc. Perfect Traatment, mad, . business trip to Pemirj-- Perfect Health, Pleasure. Large terday. They have the pluj of tls Good Clean Beds. Baths, Modern Hotel, fiend for booklet "ew canning factory to be erc;! t FOR BETTER PRINTING etc T. C. UCDERMOTT HomUle. The new building ti located on Main street, acrossOf.xj the post office. Cheaper to rida than walk 10c J. W. DINES, Prop. Mrs. Ira Haas arrived veaUrr? auto. Phone 203 day or night ti I from California to juin W kW.i, The Graphic Cent Worn d Classified Ads f . 1 Bring Results If You Want Anything Telephone 105

V'AXTKI t h. 1. enuiue mill PLANTS FOR SALK Seed wert IOST-- A dnrk nil piiteoii with hmiil I l I M li. -. jlll point...- .Ie n t pound: ,, Hulit W)t. Return to Mi. Henry " root- - C yr.l em-I- t M,.v,.r ,,,,,1 reward, WANTF.I X.. 1 pump. Ko..erry plnnl- -, I tii- - eueh: and ...... r). , ...... TT FOR SALF. Two reliniiii-h- - . wo ifimil work hnpe-- . riiiierrv, J eneli: liniiiiloei. nml nicnt- - id luirKiiin priee- -. , Work hiiiIi ur iliinlili'. Hutli III' pI'plHT- - (JlllllllirV MVllllItt) . ;. , , will trade in mi t'oinl milk .' -- .!.! FOR SAI.K Jo h. i. engine mill Xu. eiicn, irenriiurv eetmiiri ie eneii. enw. .It MeKillllPV. If. 4 uiui. See J. (' . I m: mm ur plnee Inenl or- - ilfM with tin- - I'lurk (Iroeery 'ii."J"iM'. FRF.F. Cnli-eh- dirt Iiiih always Mi-- nuri tlll'ltl- -. FOR KXrllAXHK u . I L 'P ...... Vluiukit-- t.. j.l.ltiiu it. It... i.i.wl l.ut It' Jolt hnve anyth.nit t.. tm.le mi( , . ... ,... :.. y.m luiv,. fiw . to all you :l on i 'iif li t . .;,, 'proved: lie- -t ut -- oil: eorner of two liuililii.f. full mul uel -- free of hnrue. I 'Ul! TRADE It 4tt aire-- :M mile mud three mile- - until of lteniinjf; il. Teu-- , Seiirry eoiiuly, will liiiike ii splendid home Kite; any TO EXl'IIAXIIE HI) itere- - of deeded for Miinhre Valley i'iie iutere-te- d -- hniild inve-licnt- e. proierly. liiml I I 'J in DAVENPORTS mile of l.n .liirn, Colo., See iln ut onee iilmul Aily in the llruphie. Il'.'.'ip lhi. I lie Nn n l.oni- - Vnlley. All level mnl FoR SALE Seeo:nl hmiil iiutmno-hile- . FOR SALE 4 room linii-- e mi Silver inn lie enllivnleil. Mi- l- uooil wnler S. -- J. Kerr. Konl intent. 4tf niiil. tivemie. J.'ill eil-- ll monthly liuhl fully To exelumue for UK Excello Davenports are made in all IIAIV HIi S- 14 n liuudred; pnymetil- -. K- jm,r,.,. ,.v hind. See Fred liiitehiie.' rtf-- 1 for fifteen, from sherinnn '.Mlf finishes VV AM ED- - Hit vr party wiuitinu ten hemy liiyimr lrmti While Leulmrn: " to matrli our splendid supply of Helen on river: mint be Rood himl mir nrufitnlile etnerieiiee with th'n REWARD For liny miiri mint! -- mnl not ulijeet to overflow. -- I nun. venr; while Irenk on tine: mini Rockers and Library Tables. I.ltlle Flol'idii I'olllll'V Itnlli'll 4lf feel white; iniim; -- iiiee Dee. J.'i nt FOR EXI'IIAXUE Souie Kooil fnnn rn ii.'li of .1. D. Henry. Denrni:. L's liindH in MisNonri for himl here. I'oR SALE - Heifer ; nlo iia The Excello patent is simpler and more durable than mile nt Tronliiiilue Dniry Fnnn. one HOARD A X D Room Ai the Wim. FOR davenport inad j TRADE Seernl vooil unto. ii- -t nn four milt sniilh Deininu'.. tf Tent l'ollnie, for henllh eel.i r nnv Our guarantee goes with every sale, iimhiles eily lot- - tor or himl SAI.F Eiylity iiere of level rnte ri'iiNOIinlile; five lilnekx trom WELLS-PEUG- REALTY CO. llihil out- :imi oln1 hnlf mile nlithw.'Ht m- -t ol'tii e on old lil'nile roiid. Prices $25.00 to $60.00 t M. 1111 Land Specialists lloinl..l. , . Mnke me ol lVr: I'on.TRY FOR SALE I'iiiv Ined down rem nitihl? '.i'i ii.'i turn iinv While l.i '.'lloilis lioin'lll mid ohl Aihlie l'.o il.'.i. Ah FOR SALE iiooiloii. i".'l! for IlilteliillK from elee.'d tine mni. Ari. imr -- loel.. The r I'onltrv Vurd-- . on J. A. Inc. Xow - 11 MAH0NEY, 0M0X I'l.AXTS the lime .,1,1 .....i., ,.,! in... V. l ' Foil SALE Jitney lute; lint .11.-I- 1 if lo iniit for -- 11 l: mid to 11111- - I III lniiness. Sec E. A. Andrew .. tf onions Stuff I'f Qit.ilily' tnie I in the lull. I Imve the VttTll l'. Til JITVF.V I'VTrKtNS 13 FOR I'lymonth lio. I, kind 'ie 11 ioiiml in .Ml .oiiinl , SALE Burred nuln nt M ,.,.,, ,,, ,,' r;(. jn lt. .ii, ,. ,,f . oi kerel- -, pure bred mid prize win- - ot. Ini' order nt the Welln- - .jn.,,!:!!,., re foieed In im uiiijr. A. A. Altny. mnl I will I'ltone '.'15, Mr. tf I'enuh Renll.v 'otnpnny de. (,,,. ,iim.v ,.s fr,m tt-- I Im I.. I Inn- - FOR SALE Hilled nltiill'ii ill Ins- liter .'4tt to fifteen eent- - I'nmmeiiein : illi Snltirdny, h. 2. ulin Ii, two mile- - eiisl one mile -- null WANTED Wntkni-l-omir- of llomlnlit; 14 11 ton. Frank Siuned Sinn d l'..'I VAXTED-- W will hny your liiilen; Siuned Oi r & SALE- Jtit-- reliiniiii-hinii- il 111 hichei--l priee. Wnlkill- - Fuel I'oR - Itll.l.V WELLS' A I TO I.IVERV 11 l StocKmem! Triinsfer o. If knee liili; leneed; join -- Welcome Klin. mid lepnir Imp; nil work umirmilivi'. -- elionl M'ltion; uood out-i- de run of WANTED FI'RS--I- I tin- 0einiiui Ilnllie Wnlkcr in elmruo of re'. i" tun mile- lunge; well uml ete.; - trom Tniiiiini.' done nl ery work. .'."ill iJemilij;; will M'll elienp. Addn'rn V, nl priee . Adilu I. O. -- 4 -, I in eure of Uruphie. tf. t.. :tT:t IHIf LOST link- etiurim D. D. uml Riilh uml Dmhly uml Moth- TO STOREvS SALE - liood fiurnlv Imr-- e. WASTED Well work nny kind, THE FoR of OF er. ol I hiiriie- -i uml new I'huelon. See Fell- - eonerele pits 11 Hjieeiiilty Imiiii'e ai ninuto, oftiee. dhlf Dilliiel's -- eeninl liHinl -- tore .11 I'. O HILLY WELLS' A I To I.IVERY-'I'lion- e f''' .'Mil 01 IS; , FOR SAEE-Uu- led ultiilfn nt my '' home 'phone - run- - uny or l : Ion.-trip- rntieli, till old Ililtld plliee, ell- -t of FOR RENT u -- peeinliy. (live 1- 1- Domini;. Phone :i!.t-R- A W. n Iriil. S Iliinson. Mf. henllh-eeker-ui- TO LET t'otlnue- - for lli pjj FOl'VD Mold pee-I- . FOR SALE HuiiiUoint lioi--- hiur or willioiit lion nl. The Wilijj I'nir of rilnlued oh- - , ulm-l- i the ridinu lindle: innde enlirelv li Ininil. Tent I 'oilieji 'I'hoiie I7s. .' l f ownei .'.in hne mi iind i'oii-i-- t- iniiiiy-eolnre- d linirs prool of in imMiieiit for of I'OR RENT linproteil plnee lien I I In- - 11 noliee. Appl I'., lil'upliie. tf - ml llomlnle enmiiiiu fiielory. Splendid Aililn-H- - Hurry Smith, Box ", Deer We Have Special Values and Displays piilnpini; pliint. elioiee linniilo -- oil, THE PARK GARAGE I.qiIl'i--. .Mont. '"' e, re, lioii-- hum, pii-tn- W. This In All Lines of FOirs.VI.E-- - Rhode Red Deinim:, Xew Mevieo. Week Fine I'tiR KENT Four room hoii-- e, tut l(i. It., eifu- -, l. .Mm. I'ehrunry lit loekerel; lliitehinir or itnl'iii U'J Elm -- I reel I. D. Dentin);. To our Every eredil Henry, tf Mr- -. M. It. Alhir.1. Mtl' lui-i- ue . no unit r how enrefullv FOR SALE I'HEAI' - Wenver piuno - (i I re Immlled Im- - il- - I -- . It ul-- FOR RENT for either not only uml Ihiii'Ii: n Frniiklin -- winu inn-- 1 DRY -- GOODS hor-- e 01 w- -. "Jtt offer- I'lilli the ueeumuliilioti hine. Empiire 810 S. Gold live. tf Will Innle h. p. of Fnulk elniiiu- - nml So. 4 Aliierieuil of hill il uf- - 1 'OR SALE Xew Su.Von iniliouoliile eenlrifuuul pump lor deeded himl or l'er lo e- - iueiilent I II11I1011. 11 (li'J .it liiiiuuin. Ho IStf i II. D. Sihlev. Mie--- e. 'Jti Our iden to hnve von ti-fied CLOTHING FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 mnl reinli-- r you prompt nml ellieu-n- t I ' Hi l.'1'.NT- - :tjlt neres, lhree-iuur- t- desert relin.lll-lllliel,- t. six linl-i- lion -- en iee. We llilll he pit pii led In - - r 'niii- li'nm llomiuli- eniiuimj (net- town; well In lir--t wuti-- only lli.i'i flll'iii-- ll lllelil 1- 1- or elienner I t il: I"'-""- "- "I'l '''I fwl ; twenty Here- - niMied. "" '" thull von Imv Hie -e where. In HARDWARE It Ii ..I - to- , . , . siimly louin miiI. 'I hi- - - il - . . pninp.n-.- plnnl: elmiee , (, UllMo Ml. e. -- 'of the vnlley Hlid Kofi, lo ll.e I'l- -i nilh plemlid M. ,..,.. ., ,,, live one. Aililres- - J I'll -. See VV. X. "W enie lii...'i. 1- 1- eheup or ehenper tllnll other ilenl FURNITURE tf I'OR KENT II011-1- .. See Dr. I'. M. er- -. To do (hi- - we inil- -l the FOR SALE- - (i II. p. oil entine. new; Si !. tf eii-- h in hmul. To hnve II :A in 11 lialnm. A ild re- -- (jruplue lil f. linlul wlieli we liny, it - h r Ft 'i; lil NT Two wi-l- l furiii-lie- d en-- SALE Ten I'.il-e- ll Ter-ln- . thnl we hnve the h in hiiml when i'tllf power : nli nioili-r- m We -- ell. We do feel in iirmy nml nuvy model prt-- I'hoiie :tl7. 7tf .ml fine for hunter- - and euttle-inei- i. lnvim to the whole.nler from five Big' Now On d lion e in ,, ,. 1111 I.i- -t will -- ell for Sli;i- Il.n. .r eint more for nitiele. White Sale priee flili: - 1. ii 11 r- - nml - -- till 1,1 tin- . f Vt elieiipi-- r one- - loo. Cure of Oiiip. H.eiiu-- o niil- -t eoier hi- - lo 'f ie. from eredil hu-i- m he doe-- ; nml , s.-i- . .. -- Iioii-i-- -. im-ti- 11- 1- In to Hie FOR SALE Sint-l- eiirrim;e mnl Imr lil AT .oil utier iiuuint; New Spring Goods arriving ' daily lie I Wut-o- .1 I'.tiim-lioii- el' Mn pliee of the for lo ,n)d ne- -. Apply to J. ('. n. tf I'l.olie I'.ld'.'. if miolli. I'ili or leu . nl lo . oel FOR SALE-- Or for Seniee, eMrn t r i. nn. . ini; i;i-.- 01 Ii ii'iiin; ereiiii in Special Millinery lnl-- W. X .Me- - ro and line Jersey hull. We :iii -- lluil Ihi- - iti wild -- li"pinu poi'eh, plll'llv re would rurdy. j:!:f j t the i er to pnv from ten to .'nllil'i . Jll ol pi HO. ) I Ready-to-We- ar FOR S.VIJ-- Jersey Red -- liont- very i Iwetlly per eeul more for he joods Displays this week MISCELLANEOUS ' elienp. VV. X. Me l urdy. J.'ltf plirelui-e- d from 1- 1- lliuii he -- liuuM.

- Kln--e- -, ' in mind we k FOR SALE llimnluvii herrv roois. Fol D A 11 ir of im-- e -- un; 1 Im' ven d nt llu, olll. e on i.roof of v""r "'T" " null lite en. li. 11 il..en. S. Ool.l r''' 1 1 he your- - uml (he ours. nvenne. 4tf ""t-I''I'- - tf With this in mind, we hnve deeided LOOk 7 jewel Kliu wiiti-- .' (Ul FOR SALE Twenty ere- - lour -- ell only eii-- h in -- s..'.ii Ro-- r to for the future, Uiih'h out; yniiUK orehnrd; numll .il, '.'nilii.' to you Miliu- - rieeived, nml Mnnv tin rif u in Il Ill- - our pumping plnnl ; eheup. I'. O. Kox U'lll-lll- ll effieielll uml lollllioli- - HeHl Xo. DM. NlMtf lueiil. While Lime Tll'iitmeiil for tuhereil- - The store thai values built On mid utter Muieh I, I'Mli, .we FOR SALE llhiek-en- i lo-.- ii uml i nt.ii rli. VV . V. Slen nrl. -- hull eoiifine oiir-elv- e- to 11 -- Irietly iWhiiIs. V. E. Fonlk- -. J.'i f JM'Sonlli liol.l nvenne ill f en-- h Ini-i- ne . FtlU SAL- E- Fine Rhode R.-- Carpet Mild Rug Weaving We hp- - We wuiil your liu-i- iu uml we us-- . Postmaster's Examination Card o( Thanks Notice to Contractors For Bids ehii kens, "."ie for 11 Kfttinjr of 1.1 iireimred to weavi-- neiiuini Id tin.- - sure you Ivth oiiiiV'eni-einl- 'n ypvliu A werviee eivil exuniiiintion for We wi-- h to th.iuk our friend- - in - T. Moil...... Jll) X. Iron. rut rarpeli. Coiotiiiil ruir rnu. I'lnlT t'ontrnetor- are notified tliut hid- - sun yon thnl vou will ever find 1- 1- I lie on llon- - Hru--- of nt for their thoiichlfiil eou-ii- l- wunleil Two Mid -- . fmtu old injiruiu uml el lcininc tire fur the of Fo SAI.K in milk ruir prompt mid -- il '.Ml. lenvorinir to erve uml ,,. H. in Detniiui Fell. erulioii duriiijt the lu- -t illne of our hiirn- - north .Rmn-e- v. eurpiti, nortiereH, imn-l- i pillows, of Spnhliiiir. I'liiu- - and I'hoiie Slil It 2. II If elr nii-i- y our I'er-o- n- ile-ir- ui Hie - -- lo luke exnmi- hrolher. A let A. Wither. eeifieiiliiiii- enn Im-- Iind at FH RKN'T Room nt the Johnm Frank Baiw, 217 Silver nvenne. Tel., Yonr truly, anv of nnlion enn neenre the Mr. and Mr- -. F. t". Parri-- h the liimlnr vetil- -. R.Himmir Jfou-- e: nnd 'Phone f" "l TIIF. PARK (I.VRAliF , l.lnnk- - lolinn-le- Yeanrin. - from r Jnine- - S. VYilliei- , Miiuhre- l't tf aa-.j- - ... I - l'roiiii.M foinpany .. -- - - aiuuy rriCCSni .MiiiimpriiiK, eel- - or Ini I). Wltheni M. hu-in- e- VVH SALE Two wiiinil IVrcheron elenninir wstehex. I.IMI. Annreein-- 1 S. Nonl innde n trip Ie 11U0 Tne-dn- y j Mr. Mrs. R. S. mure, true douhle or iuxh; live t rent men t; 18 yeiiri' exiieriene. Ilnnover for the puriMi-- e of mid Iliirrinctoii of! fluirle. (liiilher- - r fonL". peak See W. X. Me -- utMTiiilemliiu: the Inyinsf triiekM l'H'" ,,r' II"" ',',.v on of Tyrone wa- - a oi vn- - in I In- - yearlinif colt and Inrjt horse. Satisfaction Ritariiiileed of ''f eily Snliirdiiy enroiite to "Y. X. MoCuxdv. tf23 Curdy. tf lor the ear to be und iu the mines, of the 'k enrouie to Hunts RiU.'iu tlio eity Sunday. 101 I'ttbO.