LOOK BE Lifless M M in T Mibiuio
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Tho Thames Tunnel. j ' The" Thames Tunnel is an object of pc- i&iTT&u - culiar interest. Estimated in a commer- ; cial sense, it is a failure, but as a triumph j of engineering, it is an extraordinary sue. j cess. Sir M. J. Brumel has himself ex- A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. i plained the origin of his idea :for his work ■ saying it was suggested to him by the op- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ! erations of tho tevedo, a testaceous worm, < covered with a cylindrical shell, Which ----BY— ; eats its way through wood. This humble J O H N Gr. 3 3 0 D M E S , < creature taught a mode for the excavation !-of'the .tunnel which has been the wonder ! and admiration of the most experienced Term s :-^8S par Y ear. engineers, and which will forever remain i^ -F lfty Cents dednetod H pfttd Yearly it* Advance* ^■U-MBER a monument to the genius Of its author, BUCHANAN, MIOH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 6,: 1879. gg j The principal instrument employed by y-GLra. X I I . ' him was a huge frame or shield, by means OFFICE,—Xiv Rfteonl EulRUng* Oftli Street. : of which the weight of tlio superincumb- ■ eht bottom of the river was supported, Tho Reign of Ice. “That’8 the finest fowl I ’ve ever scon in - Weighing a Bay of Light. ' Village Morals. wMlst the men Who were undermining iny life! "Why, it’s finer than Our par •. Mr. -W •,; Qrookes, E. R. 8., gave at tho Business Director?. son’s brood hen. On my word, I should3 I The opinion generally prevails, that a the river wore sheltered in the cells of the --W gTIM C- Eouscrt from tho cliilt of a frozen sleep. K.qyalilnStitution, in one pi" tile “Eriday " village is the safest place to bring up boys. shield below. The work lbr the Tunnel 1’ho lee-Klng spoke with eutscs deep, like to have that fowl. A fowl can always)" [evening discourses,” a lecture upon tho iincl a grain or two, and can almost; ; This idea is tho more unfortunate for was commenced in March, 1825, and SOCIETIES- Ami bade tho bitterest North-Wind blow mechanical action of light. A very im . country people, as their perfect feeling of completed in August, 1841. Duringfhesc LOOK BE Down from tire realm of eternal snow. itself. I think it would bo a gobd^bx-, I. O. O. F. portant experiment, shown for the first ' security against the encroachments of vi- years vast obstacles liad been overcome, Down from tho home of tho lee and frost, change if I could got that for my gooicif time, was that of the method of “weigh ,’cious influences, too. often prevents their.. about two- millions of dollars had been The rt'gnfar meeting* of Rti'Van^n Tu’HfatvNC’ 7a Are Where sllenee reigns and lifo is lost, ing” a. ray of light. Although, light is held a t their hull, lu. ltucLin \n*<m Tut*sdAy ovonlnsf Tho North-Wind cRme at the King’s command, “Shall we exchange?’’ ho asked the toll- : mental ’reception of the fact, that it is spent, and a degree of energy and skill ot o*«h week, at 7 o'clock Transient Urctliren in You Oiin lmy a taker. ■ • generally regarded as imponderable, Mr. mainly a delusion and that wMlc they are exhibited which attracted universal ad good standing m e cordially Invited n>aU«nd» With speed, and hate, and a cruel hand. Crookes not only showed, his apparatus, U It Mq Vkil.N , G \V wW «!'••««Sl'LTU.^CC. ** Ho furrowed tho seas with frozen foam, “Exchange!” repeated, the man; “well, complacently confident that their chil miration. It is about twelve hundred feet And mocked the mariner’s dream of home, that would not ho a bad thing." but actually “weighed” the light of a can dren are aiL right, they may in reality be ’long, and lias two arches side by side. SUMMIT LODGE HO, 192, Of wife and child and sweet surcease Ancl so they exchanged; the toll-takor dle, Tho principle on which it is con all wrong. City people realize that they- structed is based on the fact that a fine * must alertly protect a child from the evil. V. A A. M , luiUs a rt’jxul ,r :m tain:; i yitv M-.nnKy From strife and storm In a port of peace, at the barrier kept the goose, and the Pinching. cvctiinu on o.- la-tore ilia lull ot ilu-moon. in i-.iolv lifless M On slippery deck, with sUfTning sail, peasant carried away tlie fowl. thread of glass suspended at one end may :, that prowls all about him; but country’ m outh. Xho seamen saw the gathering gale, bo turned round and round some twenty folks feel so safe from "barm, that they * It is fortunate for the Chinese that they - It. N MnwRtr, W. M. T» 1'. R msi-ms. $*-•. —Now he had done a good deal of busi And, freezing, stood by the ley mast, ness on his way to the fair, und lie was or thirty times without breaking, and it knock the watch dog vigilent precaution, ■have an epidemic of cholera so seldom, -OF has a tendency to untwist itself again. A BTJCHANAN LODGE K<X 6$. ■ J S W Palsied and dead in the spell of the blast, hot and tired. He wanted something to 1 on the head, and the robber, bad com- dor with their habits Of filth and over Down from the realm of the frigid sea, very fine thread is suspended, by both i pany, slyly despoils the moral natures of T%\ X M . The r^n lar tMiunmoic Ui> ns of this Lod^e oat, and a glass of brandy to drink; and crowding they have no chance but to he are held a t M»»3dfa thill, oo Fruity evi r.iu^ou er Iieleutless, and cold, and cruel, came lie, soon lie was in front of tho inn. He was ends in a tube, and at one part of it is a i their sons, under their very no ses . ’decimated. ' When an epidemic does helore th« nil of the tnwn In e»ch To cast his curse o’er this land of rest, just about w> step iu when tho hostler small cross thread, to which is attached f The corrupt influences of a village are 'come they find thomselves quite helpless pKTit Smith W\ M. U l \ *ikx\ st»*k tftv Where hearts are wuriu and homes are blest. a disc of pith with one side blackened. ! more dangerous than those of a city, be- in the absence of anything like sanitary The traveler, tracking his homeles? way. camo out; so they met at tho door. Tho At the .junction of this cross-piece is ft hostler was carrying a sack. : cause the only measures of precaution ’arrangements, and take refuge in gong- ATTORNEYS, Begging for bread in the storm that day, small, circular mirror, so arranged that a taken against them, are, that good people Dcating, paper-burning, and “sing-songs.” m i n t F I T TMfl ’fell frozen and dead In the ley air. “What have you in that sack?” asked ray of light thrown on to it from a lime givo bad ones a severe letting alone, and Many strange remedies are Used by them, E. M . BX.XS3TPXOK, B ijii i JI u As the mocking wind denied his prayer. the peasant. light shall bo reflected on to a graduated imagine that their offspring; will tread The widow shrank with shivering dread 'and among the most curious of these is AUcruey »ml Cocoselloc at L:vwv «t«d bVtcifar In “Rotten apples,” answered the hostler; scale, and any twisting of the glass thread ! studiously in their footsteps. In this, one (referred to by Dr . David Manson in CU»urery O ffie over $fabl««*ft S«>ve umhanhn. From his ley coach, lit her chilly bed, “a whole sackful of them—enough to feed shall be thus recorded. As the repulsion - they are a “heap muchce” mistaken. Vice herpun* 0 nnty,M ttU And. her heart stood still tn the cold embrace a very able report recently published on the pigs with.” by radiation occurs only in vacuo,'a Spren- was never prevented from contaminating >n epidemic of cholera last year at Amoy) Of that spectral ilensl with the .fatal face, “Why, that’s a terrible waste! I should gel pump is employed to produce in the J. J.VAK XlIBER, ills clime was deice at the homes of the poor: : a community by such a course, moro ;of pinching various parts "of the body of Alfariinv and ConnseUoP At K w , an«t tLdictlur in Bat the rich In their palaces bolted the door, liko to take them to my old woman at tube as perfect: a vacuum as is possible. than au uncleaned, unattended ulcer, from the: person affected with cash. In Amoy, Oliancwry Collectnnw m«l*k and pw*»t* w promp'^v And laughed him to scorn, and he hastened away home. Last year the old tree by the turf- To one end of the glass thread there is a eating the.healthy flesh about it. Bad during the epidemic, a skilled “pincher” remittal; 00,C-\omv First Naha* (d Pucnnti turning disc and a Harding’s counter, and «i»* Auch ifo visit the « ivtehcd ones over the way. hole only boro a single applo, and we : -morals will never quarantine themselves 'commanded a high rate of wages.