Tho Thames Tunnel. j ' The" Thames Tunnel is an object of pc- i&iTT&u - culiar interest. Estimated in a commer- ; cial sense, it is a failure, but as a triumph j of engineering, it is an extraordinary sue. j cess. Sir M. J. Brumel has himself ex- A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. i plained the origin of his idea :for his work ■ saying it was suggested to him by the op- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ! erations of tho tevedo, a testaceous worm, < covered with a cylindrical shell, Which ----BY— ; eats its way through wood. . This humble J O H N Gr. 3 3 0 D M E S , < creature taught a mode for the excavation !-of'the .tunnel which has been the wonder ! and admiration of the most experienced Term s :-^8S par Y ear. engineers, and which will forever remain i^ -F lfty Cents dednetod H pfttd Yearly it* Advance* ^■U-MBER a monument to the genius Of its author, BUCHANAN, MIOH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 6,: 1879. gg j The principal instrument employed by y-GLra. X I I . ' him was a huge frame or shield, by means OFFICE,—Xiv Rfteonl EulRUng* Oftli Street. : of which the weight of tlio superincumb- ■ eht bottom of the river was supported, Tho Reign of Ice. “That’8 the finest fowl I ’ve ever scon in - Weighing a Bay of Light. ' Village Morals. wMlst the men Who were undermining iny life! "Why, it’s finer than Our par­ •. Mr. -W •,; Qrookes, E. R. 8., gave at tho Business Director?. son’s brood hen. On my word, I should3 I The opinion generally prevails, that a the river wore sheltered in the cells of the --W gTIM C- Eouscrt from tho cliilt of a frozen sleep. K.qyalilnStitution, in one pi" tile “Eriday " village is the safest place to bring up boys. shield below. The work lbr the Tunnel 1’ho lee-Klng spoke with eutscs deep, like to have that fowl. A fowl can always)" [evening discourses,” a lecture upon tho iincl a grain or two, and can almost; ; This idea is tho more unfortunate for was commenced in March, 1825, and SOCIETIES- Ami bade tho bitterest North-Wind blow mechanical action of light. A very im­ . country people, as their perfect feeling of completed in August, 1841. Duringfhesc LOOK BE Down from tire realm of eternal snow. itself. I think it would bo a gobd^bx-, I. O. O. F. portant experiment, shown for the first ' security against the encroachments of vi- years vast obstacles liad been overcome, Down from tho home of tho lee and frost, change if I could got that for my gooicif time, was that of the method of “weigh­ ,’cious influences, too. often prevents their.. about two- millions of dollars had been The rt'gnfar meeting* of Rti'Van^n Tu’HfatvNC’ 7a Are Where sllenee reigns and lifo is lost, ing” a. ray of light. Although, light is held a t their hull, lu. ltucLin \n*aU«nd» With speed, and hate, and a cruel hand. Crookes not only showed, his apparatus, U It Mq Vkil.N , G \V wW «!'••«« Sl'LTU.^CC. ** Ho furrowed tho seas with frozen foam, “Exchange!” repeated, the man; “well, complacently confident that their chil­ miration. It is about twelve hundred feet And mocked the mariner’s dream of home, that would not ho a bad thing." but actually “weighed” the light of a can­ dren are aiL right, they may in reality be ’long, and lias two arches side by side. SUMMIT LODGE HO, 192, Of wife and child and sweet surcease Ancl so they exchanged; the toll-takor dle, Tho principle on which it is con­ all wrong. City people realize that they- structed is based on the fact that a fine * must alertly protect a child from the evil. V. A A. M , luiUs a rt’jxul ,r :m tain:; i yitv M-.nnKy From strife and storm In a port of peace, at the barrier kept the goose, and the Pinching. cvctiinu on o.- la-tore ilia lull ot ilu-moon. in i-.iolv lifless M On slippery deck, with sUfTning sail, peasant carried away tlie fowl. thread of glass suspended at one end may :, that prowls all about him; but country’ m outh. Xho seamen saw the gathering gale, bo turned round and round some twenty folks feel so safe from "barm, that they * It is fortunate for the Chinese that they - It. N MnwRtr, W. M. T» 1'. R msi-ms. $*-•. —Now he had done a good deal of busi­ And, freezing, stood by the ley mast, ness on his way to the fair, und lie was or thirty times without breaking, and it knock the watch dog vigilent precaution, ■have an epidemic of cholera so seldom, -OF has a tendency to untwist itself again. A BTJCHANAN LODGE K ns of this Lod^e oat, and a glass of brandy to drink; and crowding they have no chance but to he are held a t M»»3dfa thill, oo Fruity evi r.iu^ou er Iieleutless, and cold, and cruel, came lie, soon lie was in front of tho inn. He was ends in a tube, and at one part of it is a i their sons, under their very no ses . ’decimated. ' When an epidemic does helore th« nil of the tnwn In e»ch To cast his curse o’er this land of rest, just about w> step iu when tho hostler small cross thread, to which is attached f The corrupt influences of a village are 'come they find thomselves quite helpless pKTit Smith W\ M. U l \ *ikx\ st»*k tftv Where hearts are wuriu and homes are blest. a disc of pith with one side blackened. ! more dangerous than those of a city, be- in the absence of anything like sanitary The traveler, tracking his homeles? way. camo out; so they met at tho door. Tho At the .junction of this cross-piece is ft hostler was carrying a sack. : cause the only measures of precaution ’arrangements, and take refuge in gong- ATTORNEYS, Begging for bread in the storm that day, small, circular mirror, so arranged that a taken against them, are, that good people Dcating, paper-burning, and “sing-songs.” m i n t F I T TMfl ’fell frozen and dead In the ley air. “What have you in that sack?” asked ray of light thrown on to it from a lime givo bad ones a severe letting alone, and Many strange remedies are Used by them, E. M . BX.XS3TPXOK, B ijii i JI u As the mocking wind denied his prayer. the peasant. light shall bo reflected on to a graduated imagine that their offspring; will tread The widow shrank with shivering dread 'and among the most curious of these is AUcruey »ml Cocoselloc at L:vwv «t«d bVtcifar In “Rotten apples,” answered the hostler; scale, and any twisting of the glass thread ! studiously in their footsteps. In this, one (referred to by Dr . David Manson in CU»urery O ffie over $fabl««*ft S«>ve umhanhn. From his ley coach, lit her chilly bed, “a whole sackful of them—enough to feed shall be thus recorded. As the repulsion - they are a “heap muchce” mistaken. Vice herpun* 0 nnty,M ttU And. her heart stood still tn the cold embrace a very able report recently published on the pigs with.” by radiation occurs only in vacuo,'a Spren- was never prevented from contaminating >n epidemic of cholera last year at Amoy) Of that spectral ilensl with the .fatal face, “Why, that’s a terrible waste! I should gel pump is employed to produce in the J. J.VAK XlIBER, ills clime was deice at the homes of the poor: : a community by such a course, moro ;of pinching various parts "of the body of Alfariinv and ConnseUoP At K w , an«t tLdictlur in Bat the rich In their palaces bolted the door, liko to take them to my old woman at tube as perfect: a vacuum as is possible. than au uncleaned, unattended ulcer, from the: person affected with cash. In Amoy, Oliancwry Collectnnw m«l*k and pw*»t* w promp'^v And laughed him to scorn, and he hastened away home. Last year the old tree by the turf- To one end of the glass thread there is a eating the.healthy flesh about it. Bad during the epidemic, a skilled “pincher” remittal; 00,C-\omv First Naha* (d Pucnnti turning disc and a Harding’s counter, and «i»* Auch ifo visit the « ivtehcd ones over the way. hole only boro a single applo, and we : -morals will never quarantine themselves 'commanded a high rate of wages. It kept it on tho cupboard till it was quite this is outside the tube. Air, Crookes has for anybody’s accommodation, till they happened to a foreigner there that one of DAVID E.HIOTkTAK, A N D A- The woes of the wretched were carried back rotten and spoilt ‘It was always prop­ contrived a means by which the disc can . are made to do so, any more than the bis sorvants discovered that he possessed To tho bitter North on the wind’s wild track. be used without interfering with the vac­ . miasmatic poison of a swamp will refrain >n innate talent for pinching, and that in­ Attoruey and Connstdlor at fasw,nndS*‘ticiT0' iu Chan­ And tho, touched with the old dcstro erty,’ my old woman said; but here slio uum. Such, briefly is the construction of cery Collection* tuado awl in<*. omI* promptly rt*« could seo a quantity of property—a wliolo I from creexiing into the house of the man stead of earning $4 a month as a coolie, uviUvd utlke Kinmi ft, IL»\vvvh Lu ck. Of power sup:- me over heat and lire, the apparatus. It is u3ed iu this way.— sackful. Yes, I shall bo glad to show 'who lives The sensible thing to ho could as a “pincher” earn, at least $30- rrophette sp u v in the frigid blast: The light to be “weighed” is allowed to do, is, to drain tho swamp. ••Tho human r - <• must end at last, them to her. Wliat will I givo? I will fall on tho pith. This, as in the simpler JAMESW.ORS, give my fowl in exchange.” " "Villages, by that stability and conser­ Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Oflstv wt H .1 *1. Despite their pinto andthetr faithless prayers, radiometers, is repelled, and its motion vatism which tends to keep families for I warn intending shepherds that there VttU K lptr, unctmuau, M kh >.tettc«ci*a furvcltwil Their selfish si heums and worldly cares. And he gavo tho fowl accordingly, and causes a torsion of the glass thread and a is no other domestic animal which needs and ColJections a. sprcinHv. ■ I^< >XS - generations, aggregate . finally, a larger I’ll crush then-1 a.iuw with endless death; received the apples, which ho carried in­ motion of the mirror spot along the scale. percentage of concentrated wickedness better- care or food, for profitable thrift, III chill their i* -arts, -nngeiil their breath; to the guest-room. He leaned the sack The turning disc is employed to unwind and idleness than ci ties in which families than sheep ; that out of their finely-grind­ GEORGE XV EDV/ARDS, I’ll freeze for a ■• ■ *■ - • avaitti carefully by the stove, and then went to the thread against this-action, the mirror .are continually broken up by-the imprOve- ing manure mill comes nothing that is Attorney and ConnstdUirat Law. Office cor re t Main From central lire to outer girth ; spot going back to zero on the scale. The not first put into tlie hopper; that yet an i tecoml Mr*t«:*, Niles, Mich. Their farms shall bo but frozen land ; the table. But the stove, was hot; he had ,mentor deaths of individual members, uot thought of that. Many guests wero Harding’s counter tells the dogree of tor­ '.and cannot so inevitably transmit a; pro- with proper care and skill, a well-selected nm Their ships bo locked In lej strand; sion the glass thread has undergone by flock of tho right kind of sheep, in the PHYSICIANS. Their cities, tilled with woe and ice, present—horse-dealers, Ox-herds, and two •geny of crime ancl pauperism. Englishmen—and the two Englishmen counting the amount of unwinding re-, A bad family in " the country is in. a right place, can bo made to pay one hun­ Shall lifeless stand tn lifeless ice: dred per cent on their cost every year. It E. S. DODD. M. 33., Hie long-comjilahiihg waves shall be wero so rich that their pockets bulged out quired. Then a little iron weight, the much more hopeless condition for reform At (In (i!d Stand, »n Fnmt Streat. one-hundredth of a grain, which is within is true that a flock will clear a field of Phvslelan and Surgeon penal atrehtun* glren to I’eaeeful and slid on the frozen sea; With gold coins and almost burst; and than in a city. No one advises, warns, or »,hr«*ui,» itiseusos. OHu*'-. m E rt * .t *»»;•'*» «Hng The Ocean, chained from shore to show, they would bet, too, as you shall hear. the tube, is lifted by a magnet on to the interferes with it. The children grow up Weeds, briers, and rubbish, and will enrich Shire Ki'siduuce on U.i j 'h Worm , *tdi- hu 1111 Hiss-s-s! hiss-s-s l What was that by little cross-bar; its weight causes a tor­ Tike their parents, and degenerate with it; but it will not five upon theso alone. vhalinu. Mil h BlfCHAhlAlf* MIOH ili i li l il Mi Shalt boast his mighty strength no more. The reign of Justice I ’ll renew’, the stove? Tho apples wore beginning to sion, tho mirror spot travels along the each generation. There is little private, To relish tMs rough herbage tlio sheep scale, and the unwinding is performed as must be fed liberally upon supplementary G. H . RIcLlN. M. I>„ And banish all tho selfish crew, Toast. and no" concentrated effort to uplift them, "Whose sin, and shame, and quick desire “What is that?” before. A candle placed six inches away and they become in time the poisonous food, such as bran, meal, cut clover, grass, Uomtv paihic Phypiciau amt Surgeon, ttpecial atico- Find l'uosi ami life in heat and lire. from tlio pith was found to give 1,028 de­ social swamp, the emanations from which or green-corn fodder, and always a pint a tiua paid ttulir iim' i Hci* .uulrt'siititiir ill! I fm m m “Why, do you know—” said our peas­ on Portage street mmmimI honm'^wntli ‘"t frrvnt ant. grees of revolution, and the littlo iron •steal abi-oad and work ruin whilomen sleep. Bay per head of linseed oil-cake meal, At war with life, and scorning prayer. weight 10,021 degrees. ThenAit is mere­ When a child is twelve or fourteen bran or other grain food. Then, with this irevkKK His cwso Is now In tho bhtor air. And- lie told the whole story of the DENTISTS. DBAtBR IX Mwi'l/ horso that he had changed for a cow, and ly a matter of calculation to compare the years old, the average parent begins to alloy, tho sheep’s foo t will take on a gold­ The ground Is clad for the grave to-day, ' all tho rest of it, down to the apples. two, and tho mechanical forco of the can­ •have a glimmering apprehension that he en tinge, and will edge with gold the J. M. WXESON, And, should no power the Ice-King stay, dle-light is expresed in grains. A “stand­ farmer’s pocket, by making his poor lands A wall ot wo and wild despair “Woll, your old woman will give it to is growing up, and that there are some Denit.-t Office first door north of th e Bank. OhatgoA ard” candle six inches off was found to subjects about which it is his duty to in­ rich; giving him at the same time a lamb UeiuontMonwl sati^ftetmn tcuaranteetl. Fine Boots, Shoes, "Would strike the unrelenting air; you well when you get homo!” said one be equivalent to 0.00172 grains. Mr. or two, and a fleeco every year. Afield \ r A'oieelcss and cold, the Earth would roll, of the two Englishmen. “There will be struct aud advise him. Accordingly in a AlUeless hero, with frozen soul. Crookes has made experiments on the lubberly, inefficient and utterly back­ may bo enriched, too, by sowing rapeseed DR. J. XV. SEISTEE. a disturbance.” sun’s light, and lias worked out some cal­ handed manner, he sets- about a work this month at the rate of a peck per acre, —[Bloomington Pantograph. “What—give me what?” said the peas­ Beutist, luw liMroonv* over the fltange Store, wher* culations on it. It is equal to 82 grains which should have been begun some years and when the crop is of thrifty growth’ h «is prepared to do nU werk pei tainiug tv* the pr.» ancl Htibbers, ant. “She will kiss me and say, ‘What feite* \>u. FiM ng tooth with ti* o gmd t»r tiivk1!* and on the square loot, 57 tons on the square before. The result is, tliat his anxiety is the sheep may be turned in to eat it down regU atimr Chtldr o*’* Tu th a Hpoci.d^Y, C7«:iv/»’3 the old man does is always right?’ ” mile, or three thousand million tons on "relieved, and tliat ha thinks he has enter- through the late fall and early spring, thus reasonable* I at** k« oj> a tiw t«* *•? th«*s,d. ff yon b-*vr >\ ited Europe shortly ai'terward, and next their own, to the ‘-jumping off place.” il-»lV-* mm:«v *.| ut J*rt :«••*« it viF* p»V }»*U der tree hangs over the paling, and be­ peasant’s hut.' made his appearance as a writer for the fects were soon apparent, a pfliysician was S. & W . W . SM ITH, US.l fcr** miBiuio neath its branches, at the loot of the pal­ “Good ovoning, old woman.1’ City people understand tliat the allure-! lent for, and Ordered brandy among other KESB & POST, .North American Review aud the author ■merits of the road to rain, must be coun­ Beall r« in Staple and Fiiucv fU»>ri rr(wt C roriver^ *>». ing, is a pool of water iu which a few “Good evening, old man.” of some sketche on European history. antidotes. Here came in the prohibition Crockety. Central )*U-rk I <»• of M: in t*.r»et I* • t yl iT 3Iai»S lf, Xilfs-SIii-li. ducks are disporting themselves. There ‘T'vo madfe the exchange." ter balanced by those of thepath of virtue, vote lately passed by Norwich. The chau ut, Mich* Next ho wont to Congress, became a and provide all sorts of innocent, health­ is ft yard dog, too, who barks at all “Yes, you understand what you’ro Whig after the sect of Tyler, and was druggist had been prosecuted or threat­ If Yen Want to Bay about,” said tho woman. ful, amusements for.the young. Country ened for selling brandy, and the law was S. P . &*C. C. HIGH* comers. subsequently sent to China as "United Just such a farm-house stood out in the And she embraced him and paid no at­ people expect boys to stay quietly by a so .rigidly enforced that the article could fct»alers iu B iy Oo»hL* and Notion5*. RoeV lUeck States Commissioner. In that capacity Silent fireside, reading goody books, play- • Street, Buch.iuan, Mich. country; and in this house dwolt ati old tention to the stranger guests, nor did she ho negotiated the first treaty with China not b.e found. Finally a druggist was pi g"ITUI^P I couple—a peasant and liis wife. Small as notice the sack. ing cats cradle, satisfied with the sabbath: found who had some, and to save the lives which this country .had with the Celes­ school picnic and church sociable for re­ E. B. WEHVER & CO., ■ieLi? I liilllJ l was their property, there was a single ar­ , “I got a cow in exchange for the horse," tials. Ho -served as1 a Colonel in the Mex­ of the children he was persuaded to let ticle that they could do without—a horse saidhe. creation and are frequently" amazed that some of it go. I t came in good time, tor Dealers: in Clothing. G entlem en^ Funilxliit g (3 od» Ami lrav it cliPapt-v than any Clot Inns Ron so ican War, was a-Justice of the Supreme they have been doing something very dif­ Hah*.Caps, Ikw ieiy, fseok. W*ar. Unck»lvi fitvids in tho State can sod it to yon, call on which made a living out of tho grass it “Heaven be thanked!” said she; “what Court of Massachusetts, and afterward tho limbs of the children had become Bmhrellan, »tc., Ituchaxmn.Mich. found by tho high-road. Tho old peasant glorious milk wo shall have, and butter ferent for a long time on tlio sly. City numb and paralyzed. Tho brandy .Stim­ the Attorney General of President Pietco. people exercise rigid supervision., over \YHTT— rode into town on this horse; and often end cheese on the table 1 That was a cap­ Then he presided over the Democratic ulated ’ the circulation and roused the B. P. BEARBSLET. his neighbors borrowed it from him, and their children’s associates. ■ Country peo­ dhildron. There lives were saved at the J. J U L IU S , ital exchange!” Convention of 1SC0 at. Charleston. In ple often dare not make distinctions where Bonier in Books, Stationery, Porlodicals* Ao„ Ac, I\ rendered the old couple some service in “Yes, but I changed the cow for a 1SGG. he was serving as ono of three Com­ last moment but the druggist is to be 0 . Unilding, Buchanan, M idi SStf they see the necessity for them. City prosecuted. THE BSO CLOTHIER. return for the loan of it. But they thought "shoep.” missioners appointed to codify the laws people realize that the most effectual way it would be best if they sold the horse3or “All, that’s better still!” cried the wife; of the United States. Ho was afterward B. T- HOREEV exchanged it for something that might be to escape pestilence, is -to root it out iu K ». 40 St AIK S J- , "you alwaysthink of everything; wehave Minister to Spain, the chief attorney of its own quarter. Country people indif­ ; The snowfalls throughout Switzerland Star Foundry. Alt kinds of casting* such aa plow more" useful to them. But what might the United States in the Geneva Commis­ ]>ointa, sugar kottle3,.sleigh shoes, Ac. Iron turning 3STT3L-&3S, - M I C H . just pasture enough for a sheep, ‘ Ewe’s ferently believe it will spread only among just before Christmas were almost unprec­ and: job. w ork done to Older* Old motal. taken in this something be? milk and cheese, and woolen jackets and sion, and was nominated as a Justice of the Class with which it originated. edented. In Freiburg it has snowed, exch-*ngo fo r w ork.. Corner o f F ront and Portago “You’ll know that best, old man,” said the Supreme Court by President Grant, Street*. Buchanan, Mich. stockings! Tho cow cannot give those, Says a local journal, as in “tho year of the the wife. “It is a fair day to-day, so ride and her hairs will only come oft’. How but his nomination was withdrawn,in con- great snow,” 1784. In Lausanne no such W.D.&C.J, STEELING, into town, and get rid of the horse for sequenco of the discovery of some words American Girl Diplomatists. P. A. WHITE. you think of everything!” snow has been known since 1829. In the r v n L K s , jsxicx-x., money, or make a good exchange, which­ once used by Mm which squinted strongly Drugght and Apothecary. South side of Front street. . “Hut I changed away the sheep for a It is a singular fact, says tho Philadel­ ikhone valley all the trains were stopped. Huchanau. M ich. Keep a full n^ortment ot ever you do will bo right to me. Ride to in the direction of secession. phia Press, that fifteen of the ladies con­ Tn Geneva no fewer than six hundred and tho fair." goose'.” : This is a brief record of the chequered : “Then "this year we shall really have nected with the present Diplomatic Corps seventy laborers were employed in clear­ JOHN TVEISGERBER., Staple ml Fancy Do ‘you Want And she fastened his neckerchief for life of a very versatile man. He was a at Washington are. American girls whose ing the streets and public places. The roast gcose to eat, my dear old man. You statesman of the model of Lord Halifax, klanufaeturer of liumher. Custom sawing: ilono to him, for she could do that better than lie >re alwnys thinking of giving me pleas­ beauty and diplomacy captured distin­ saloon steamship Helvetia, on the lake of order*and at reasonable nuos. Cash paid for all B 3^ - s ? y -«54-ffiac»c&SE9.. could; and shotted it in a double bow for the trimmer. He saw too many sides, Zug, which carries so many tourists from kind* of bolt*. Mill on South Oak Street. Buchanan, ure. How charming that is! Wo can let guished husbands. Among the number Mioh. Cloths, Cassimortfs, Oilcloths, she could do that very prettily Then’she and was too incapable of-sticking to any are wives of the" French, Italian, Guate­ all nations to the lligi-Arth Mountain brushed his hat foWid and round with the •the goose walk about With a string to he ono to havo the influence in life to which malan, and Turkish. Ministers, and many Railway in summer, was sunk by the mere N. HAMILTON; palm of her hand, and gave film a kiss. ilog, and she’ll grow fatter still before we his abilities entitled" him. He had less others of lesser rank, including Mrs. Yung weight of the enormous mass of snow Ladies’ and Children’s Purs. 'roast her.” notion of principles and more of rules. Auctioneer; Will attend to all calls, promptly^ and' Sblo Agents for tliepopnlur BoJie rode away upon the horse that was Wing, of the Chinese Legation, who was which fell "upon it. The blinding snow­ Sell at aSu.reasonabld: ratc^ as any oilier good to tie sold or to be bartered for something “But I gave away the goose for a fowl,” He was a Whig, and f hen he was ftBreck- ft Miss Bartlett, of Connecticut. Id the storm upon the lake of Geneva stopped tfoneer fa the county. Resideoco and Pi, 0. addreas, said the man. Buchanan, Mich. Tubular Ribbing. elso. Yes, the old man knew what lie enridge Democrat. He was legislator, Diplomatic Corpse of Europe there are tlio steamboat traffic, after the Cygnc had All Goods Sold ub tho Very Lowest Prices.. was about. ‘ ‘A fowl 1 * That was a good exchange,” lawyer, diplomat, author, military man. also several American Indies, such as the ijeen driven upon a sandbank near Yille- GEORGE BIRD, 40yl replied the woman. “Tho fowl' will lay I t would be difficult to find, any other wife of the Italian Minister to the Hague; n’euve. ■ A letter from Luzerno-says : “Wc The sun shone hotly down, not a cloud !eggs and hatch them, and wo shall have American who served his countryin so Proprietor of Bird’s ^Bu.^ Will run hfr *£us t$ and was to be seen in the sky. - The road was and others. Whether American women liavo such a gigantic fall of snow here as from tho Railroad trains and hotels* or to any part chickens; we Shall have a whole poultry- many and so varied capacities. But, as have a peculiar penchant for diplomacy, dever has been scen_ so early within the of the Tillage. Pare ouly 25 cents, Including bag* very dusty, for many people, who were all yard 1 Oh, that’s just what I was Wishing we have said, lie-hasnot left a reputation, Race* DR. A. N, VAN RIPER, bound for the fair, were driving, or riding, Or diplomatists for them, is a question- to .memory of auy living person. It is three ■for.” as he did not wield an influence, at all decide. At all events, diplomacy is a feet deep in the streets;1’ • or walking upon it. There was no shel­ “ “Yes, .bjit -I exchanged the fowl for a commensurate with his abilities, but lie ter anywhere from .the sunbeams. career for which our women seem to be Sack of shriveled apples.” died worth a million, of dollars made by admirably adapted. They have also Among the rest was a man- trudging i “What?—I must positively kiss you. for ; A young man named Hubbard lives AUCTIONEER. along, and driving a cow-to "the fair. The his money-getting and money-keeping "broken down the exclusiveness of heredi­ with Perry Worden, in Scriba. The oth- ’that,” exclaimed the Wif?. "My dear, ability, and loved'his dollars to the last.- tary aristocracy, and some of -them are c.ow was as beautiful a creature as any good . husband! Now, I- will tell you dr night Hubbard went to a dance, and A NY ONE: having hoosohold or o th er goods to sell cow could be. connected with the oldest noble, families was out nearly, all night. He was sleepy £X at; public auction* will find it to their lulvan- Something. Do you know you, had hard­ of England and the Continen t. Proverb­ tage to, employ “She gives good milk, I ’m sure,” said ly left mo this morning before 1 began His Eirst Share, next'morning, hut nevertheless got up at Consultiog and Operating Surgeon for Deafness, Dliad- the peasant. “That would be a very good ial as is their beaiity, their natural .grace the usual early hour, and. was present at W ,G. THOMPSON Aactionoor, nessj aad un diacases and ileformitlca of tho 'thinking "flow I could give you something A young "man and his favorite compan­ and dignity of manner and their intelli­ exchange—the cow for the horse,” Wary nice this; evening? I thought it ion sat near the front at Burdette’s lec­ family prayers. After: ‘the-rest'of tile GAIiIBH, 55IGH, “Hallo, you there with the cow 1” he gence are no less striking- : family, arose from their knees it was jSUyp?- a © lHS;saTs.»« Should be pancakes, with savory herbs ture . one evening. When, the Iowa. said. “I ’ll tellypu what—I fancy a horse man had just finished convulsing his hear­ observed that Hubbard still remained in ^ .a .tc s>lo, Operations performed at the residence of tho patient. I had eggs, and bacon, too, but I wanted costs more than a cow, but I don’t core ers with an account of a youth’s first sh.av- an humble" attitude, his head resting be­ ew-W b hnvo an Intorcsfe iu tho largest stock or for that"; a cow would bo more useful to kerbs. So I Went over to the sclioolinas-, A Gentle Hint. tween his hands on the chair. The good .tor’s—they liavo herbs there, I know—but iug encounter ivith a barber, tlio young DE-: JB^IL.X^'STSrO-SDS, me here. If you like, we'll exchange.” man "leaned over and whispered: Some time ago there lived a gentleman deacon, thinking; tlie young man Was in a A1TIFI0ML. EYES -N xisriD - ' “To be sure I will,” said the man; and 'the a mean -Woman,. of indolent habits in Sussex, who .made it s'eripns and, penitent mood, concluded not jthough.sho/topks sp sweet I begged; her. ; “That’s true to life, I can tell you." fa tho ■northwest, and w ill insert them to corres­ they exchanged accordingly. j “How can you tell mo?" inquired: liis a business in the winter season to visit liis to disturb him,'.and went" out and did Notary Public & Conveyancer. pond with uuy sizo or color at ft ronSonahlo price. So that was settled, and the peasant to lend mo. a handful of herbs. ‘Lend,’, friends extensively. After wearing out Communications by mail .promptly answered girl. most of the chores which Hubbard was in ftronays rollcrtMi and promptly remitted. Real Ka- might have turned back, for he had done she answorod "me: ‘nothing at all ‘grows Ms welcome in his immediate vicinity, he: tlib habit of doing. AYlicn Mr. "Worden A.* DT. VAK RIPERy El. D., : “How?” he inquiredih a Whisper; “why tftte Av'Ont. Make* out FeiiRioii. Papera asiisuaU the business lie ciuho to do ; but as he had ' in our-'garden, not "oven a shriveled apple.' thought he would visit an old Quaker returned to the house, about two hours «^O Q ica on tlio North aiilo of Front Street, over R-ncliaTxan. ^£ich* once made up his mind to go to the'fair, that’s just .the way I felt, when I first got friend, .some twenty utiles away, who had Dodd’s Drug Store., Buclnumiu Mich. 2Gtf I 'could not even" lend you’a shriveled>p- shaved.” . later he found. Hubbard still on his knees. bo determined to proceed merely to have plo,- my .dear-i-woman:11 But- now I- -can- i “When was "that?” she asked...... ' been- an old school-fellow of his. . On hia_ "Thinking "to offer him consolation, lie" ;a look at it; so ho went oirto the town lend her; ten or a Wholo sackful. That : “Oli, before I raised my mustache,’’he arrival ha was cordially received by the" knelt down by him and found the young J. W. K. Lister, with his cow. , , , * .... ’I’m very glad .of;- that makes me laugh 1” replied., . - Quaker, he thinldng his visitor...had.taken man was fast asleep.—Oswego Times. Loading" tho animal, he strode steadily ‘And With" that she gave'him, a sounding i “What mustache?” she queried, a littlo touch-pains to'come-so far to. see liini. Ho; fill on; and after a time ho overtook a’ man kiss. ' ...... surprised. treated liis friend with great attention "and who was driving a sheep. I t was a good 1 -‘*1 .like that!” oxclaimed .both tho Eng­ “What mustache do you suppose,” "ho politeness for several days, and as lie did; | Not long ago an officer of the London lishmen "together. “Always.going down. retorted, turning red. , ■" not see any signs of his leaving,, ho" be­ : School Board was crossing Covent Garden fat sheep, with a fine fleece on its back. jjlarket at a late hour, when ho found a “I should like to have that follow,” " bill1, and always irierry; that’s Worth" the: i “Why, Charley," whispered tho girl, came uneasy, but lie bote it with patience All Business in Conveyanc­ said our peasant to himself. “Ho would money:” So they paid a -hundred weight ‘T‘I never saw any mustache. Do you till the morning of the- eighth day, when little fellow making his bed for tlie flight of the" peasant, Who was not mean—” • ho-said to hint": in "a fruit basket. “Would you not like ing, Foreclosure, &e., find plenty of grass by our paling, and in I “My.friend; I ’m afraid tlie.q ;Will never- : to g o to .school- and be well cared for? tho winter we could keep him in the room 'scolded,; but kissed.- . , . . : ,‘,‘Neyer mind-what I mean,” hissed the- Promptly Attended to. yisit me again.” - , : ; asked the official. .“No,” replied'.tlie 'Urcli- With us. Porhaps it would be more prac­ • Yc8,.it always pays, when the wife seas young, "man between his .clenched teeth, »■ ■— ■ And ho stared-very hard-at the- lecturer t -“Oh,"yes, I ,shall,” said tho visitor. -"I : &. ./’But do you not know that I am one tical to have a shoep instead of a cow. and always. - assorts' that. her husband of the people who are ' authorized to bike Collections Made anil Money Prompt­ F €1II M U M 'S Shall we exchange?” •knows .best; "and’that Whatever ho does is the balance of tlio: evening, but, somehow hav.e‘enjoyed my visit- very "much. I. shall couldn’t see: anything to laugh at; Sun­ certainly some again;”; . " up", little boys whom I find' as I find yon, ly Forwarded. The man with the sheep was quite Yght; : and- take them to school?” “I knows vou 4"E~5 i'cady, and tho bargain Was struck. So tho day night ho wont to see a new girl. j “Nay,” said the. Quaker, “I think Iheo 4SrO.fficft. fa F oi’s building, in rooms formerly occu­ peasant wont on in the high-road with his will-never visit me again,” . - ere, old chap, if you.find them iii the pied by E. M. PIimDtoii. S4tC j -“What makes you think I will never : greets; but this hero is not street I t is Sheep. | Y- ' ^ The. Old Yolks. Respiration Anected by Hood. Come- again?!’ asked tho .visitor.,; ■ - private property; and If you interferes Rotary Plow, complete with Soon he overtook another man, who • Dp the young ppople ovor think that" • A .very careful examination, by Div j .“If • thee does - never leave,” said'tho with my liberty the Duke of Bedford will W. E. PLIMPTON, jointer, - - $14.00 came into the road from a field, carrying Quaker, “Iiqw- canst thee come again?” be down upon you. I knows the limit as a groat gooBC under his arm. they will bo old; that, they .will soon feel Speck, of the changes produe’ the res- - Notary Public, Conveyancer, Pension^ No, 20 Iron Beam, complete .that tho grasshopper is" a burden and fear juratory process by the use of fatty food,, • The visitor -left. well os you.” “That’s a heavy tiling you liavo there. 5 • ■ ______and Collection. Agent. with jointer, " - 18.00 is in the- way?: Only a few short" years of- coffee, of quinine, alcohol, and water, It has plenty of feathers and plenty of ,sngo that .aged man-: and" lceble -.woman and by'tho inspiration of air respectively \ The -Silent-Stranger. Attention h especially culled to rates ou iosnranco. q A bright eyed 3-year-old was seated in Low as the lowest, and iu good cornpaales, N , 20 Iron Beam, with chill­ fat, and would look well tied to a string were .young, strong .and full-of lifo; their rich-in carbouic acid; poor in oxygen, and . A stranger- sat in a comer of tho car and paddling in the water at our place. -loving liearts.'were gusliing 'jvith, tender­ rich in oxygen", lias led him to the follow"-, his chair at the dinner "table. Mamma D ETRO IT FIltli!A \I> SrAniNK IfJS. CO. ed mold-board, extra, 1.00 FARM of *15 acroH, bast quality of Inud, lienee to New York, in easy attitude, his . liad-placed him snugly up to the-table, Capitalj$300,000 ; AssuU*. §HH),000- Ah within one mlleol Front Street. Fnrlmnsm. That would be something for my .old wo-, ness and pare" for'fho'littlo" ones;"who now ing-conclusions-: With all increased pro- fcot upon a large black "trunk. The gen­ South Bend Chilled Plows and Re­ ijood'honw, may burn, largo orchard, huyo -fc-?ga,a- 'thoifiplaces.- -Do nbt jostle-that- j)Ortid‘n:bf hydrogen in diet, the amount pinned .on liis bib, and succeeded, in get- I'A NEIIFX H A LL INS. CO. Ofr" BOSTON.- apriitg iiearxho ltonwo. Wheat onground will go. with man;, she could mako all kinds of profit tlemanly' conductor, going liis "rounds, at ti ng Ms,mischievous little hauds quiet and pairs at List. tho piano. TVill lm sold a t n bargain. out of it. How ofton she has said: ‘If wo ]agod couplo out of your pathway;, but of air inspired aud expired decreases; and tlio' first station politely iiitbrmod tho Capital, $400,000; Assots ovor $500,000. rather lift them with tender pare ‘over the nutriments, such ns sugar, which contain, making him “hush,” when father pro­ Office.with E. M. Plimptoni ovor Noblo’s atoro, Ru- Plain points, - - 40 A BA UGA IN .—A lot on Day’s Aa'ftuno, cor- only had a goose 1’ Now, perhaps, sho stranger that tlio trunk must be put in the ceeded to aBk tlio blessing. iYhilo this chatian lUich.- SStf nor Ohicjtjro H»reof. S largo two ft lory house, |||n||n can have one; and, if passible, it shall bo rough,‘"declining road; 'You may have littlo hydrogen in comparison with their. ■ baggage car. • * " . . , . Cutter points, - - - 50 in- cnod condition. Cost $2,000. Will bo sold • qx-ygen, involve more exertion of "the res­ " was in rprogress, little chubby make a dis­ hors. Shall we exchange? I ’ll give you ’forgottonvHowy caT'efullyf.thpy" kept'your ■ | To which the stranger- nothing -replied; covery; >It was tliat all..of tlie plates ou Discount from above list lor dirtebonp. my sheep for your goose, and thank you' jtondcr -feet -;i"rom .stumbling, -and with piratory.-organs thaivsuch’ as aro rich: in j At the second Station the displeased ■ hydrogen, like. tho fats; tho more carbon : tiiO:tablo,fexcept Ms own-little plate;: wore cash. • A HOtJSW AND LOT on Front Streot, Hu-^ into tho bargain.” jwhat care- they watched your.,advancing ".qonduefor, .more'-"decidedly, told"- tho- ' ip one pile at “ papa’s place,’.’ and, as it iX ebanun. Corner lot; good buildings; plen- l|s|i^ : Tho other man had not tho least objec­ steps. .But' thoyfiiaver"nof,:forgb{ten, and predominates in. "the food, In lirobortion Bjtraiiger; that lie must" put the trunk in the' ty oT small fruits; ploasaiit: location. Good L to - hydrogen,- tho more air is 'exlvaiecl "in • ■' Bccmcd to him, were put there to got theben- I am also agent lor C. & G. tilth and oimy terms* tion; and accordingly they exchanged, the tiin’o1 Will coi^e"when- you y ill'b e for­ Ijaggiigo car. - - * " eiif df the solemn ceremony. ;:So, scarcely Cooper’s Traction or Self-Propel­ ’ancl our peasant becamo proprietor of the cibly: ; romindedy b'fl it,!, toy ’. tlio" - -lovcT- you* proportion to .tliat firibaled;:.the '!nibre‘'car-r i To which thojstfiihger: hothin'jr replied! 1 waitin-for-tho “Amen,” lie held out,his TTODSR AND LOT, near Front Street, in gooso. have, for-your bjipj bon.incrqaseB in.the diet: ah prbjioiftion to ling Engines. ItiiiioH* Addition Good story and a half - I At ’the iliifd' stati'on fhe vexed ‘ conduc-i;'’ ! own plate in both hauds, Baying, “Please,, lion so, largo lot.. (44 HquatO rods) fo rS .1 5 0 11 By this time he was very near the town. hand you'the.i samo ,bit.ter:,'c)lp.,tp - drink hydrogen, tlio more carbon :e acidbis ovol-. tof more" Inipei-iitivCly told :tiibi stranger • papa,-pray; on my-plate, too.” . —. Send for Circular.*or will take in oxchnmio a good team, harness 'T he crowd on tho high-road becamegfoat- that you pour ouVfor that' aged father hncj vod and the moro oxygen is taken.'up,^ •’ and-wagon. A hargHin. that' Tie miist l)ut- llie-trunk inihO'-bnlg- : M m ler and greater ; tlicrorwas, quito. ojcrush of stricken, mptheiY'J’ yeril|f;;■’'ftyriffi’-j what whileIKo: richer ,the xliet'. in'hyti^dgeti’tl'io- gage car, or it would bo put off tlici traito - B. T , MORLEY,. f O A /,'T i * p l ? Q 80 a m s improved; 80 aerosol measure, ye'ntote’ff it^ to: ^esg: ,qxygen-;;is required.- An,:nfm’d3ph.ei'e; : .j Tq-Wliich , I A-bronze etatue_of Lord Brougtonanis X O U ci.V JA u-D O j- boooh and nmplo timber. Good men and cattle. They'Walkodiin’tho’road, yo.u .a g a in .T h in t ’ot", the, Anxious .days... containing, ,5. qr . 0 per bent r^'^a.rb0»Tc'’ Buchanan, Mich. orchard of 100 trees, grafted fruit. Good buildings; rand close by the palings; and, at [ the;ba« : j At .tho’fouftblsfation tlio Irato-coUdupt''- .'tb bo . Siuveiled in! a .public square, -of J. F. HAHN, Undertaker. ■well watorodt «aod quality of soil; one and ono-lmlf ' far ,'sbme pun- . fof-had'tlie'h’bhk puf bfi’anE!ieffi":-"t--*'J -Cannes, Franco, to' roplace the'.bust set up miiofl north of Gnlien. Will bo sold at a bargain. A riot tlvey .even walked; into thWtollTman’Si yoiir nc^lMd?"'i^cmbe^her'IovU^fcaro;"' aninll puymout down, romnindec on long time nt seven ,fltesT^tUout-6ppf(iBi6nq:afc4^^^|q*»clpt'‘ j TS»wBidhYliil4(Erang6r -ten ye’ars "ago.’ Brougbinan first-made HOLIDAY PRSSEf'ITS. potato-field, whore his -one; fowl .was strii t-: horipatie"nccIinid'fion"gTsu'ffering|Writh.’.your.', porcoat.. intercut. ring about, with a string' to- his leg, least ' grSat5icxertion‘ tf as tocid3'e*dd-ilfS^ytk$®3ffi - j ,At .the fifth station- lho‘.fiioIiifiSd'‘:bbn-v ‘the"'! town-liis winter residence in 1831, Trlnlii»fjl?r4^>tosfor H'Jonsnr© ijthoYfbi'Ush zof* ono. m in u tp at allTthg^cailjonitJ aijid;'- ;whCnjitwas a auiall fishing village. • His. Metalic and Casket Coffins* Troli^T itndl Instrnoilon. it should, take fright’at the- crowd,- and-' ' duclor, addres^singLlho.estranger,-;begged . S £ ^ ^ J > A matsur DaiNtiNO Is a delightful aiwl ih'ame.’dybypur be ' ptpduced ;i^Jh"e..T3paj,:'is-xeto'j]ttpa . in the. him, to remember thatjie. liad .but-dono, presence, .-together, w ith, irs picturesque Beady-made, constantly on hand,, or mado to order: * \ PhMtsfag. pniitiruo for tho Boys. J t gives J A M FOK SAXE. stray away, and so" bo IdsY Tliii fowl had-' impatient or unkind to her,,'now tliat She on short notice, blood.' " . " " ; ^ ' v‘ . oitcTlsbonnarew fl numlicr of English sel- t horn a Safo aod boneficfal amusomonb; 1 O H JO AES good land, 1)4 miles aontli’B shortltaikfcathersj' aiid’ Winked ,with ■41 tf LEVI LOGAN. yo'li will rsihember,- tod I liver the goods, ■ * “Ddn’t Cato f ’tnm’t-my irtihk-R1' its inCrelissd pfoiperity. ' MM^aSiSssaw

. . . T h e B.errien .. County Record, : Buchanan, Michigan, Thursday, V 'February ’,6, 1879;

After all the excitement about the; W ashington, Dob. 3—A Washing­ Gapt. D. Hi McGomas is in the' field; The third inter-collegiate contest be-- \VU REM liVE senatorial matter it is not yet certain ton dispatch to a Chicago paper some as a temperaneo lecturer; tween, Adrian; Hillsdale nml Kalama­ That i f .everyone would use .U!o)-i Bit] F lS W f time ago slated tliabfL’roasuror.G ilfillan tlici'Q w ill be a vacancy, for Senator zoo colleges was held at Adrian last tere freely, * there would be muck less AT COST I had attempted toanakc Secretary Shev- There wore $292;049AS in tlie State- . sickness and mis cry in ti 10, world; aiul JOHN G. HOLMES, Editor. fClirisliancy has not. t yet tendered liis. man’S: plan, more successful by sending- Treasury, Eeb. i. I’riday. . As. Visual, :i .Hillsdale lady people nreiusl; Jlndmg* this ont, while L O l'D S li. resignation and: lie may nob do so eith­ a great. number of -circulars-, to private The. Legislature will convene again carried off tlie first piize as the. best f amiliesdceeping! well. at a trifling cost THURSDAY,FEBRtTARY <5, ‘lS I9." er,, The pretension lias given a pretty individuals, as well, us banking institu­ by its use. 7V"e advise all to try it,— ¥ TO ©LOSE OUT! next Monday.." ; * essayist. Her name; is Luella Pierce. , good- chance for thertree- expression of tions, notifying tlieur -that “silver iir The.prize, oration was delivered by JJ,&jt,RoschcsteriRIY. - amounts',of from $j,000 to. $ 10,000 w ill Marcellus; Gass comity, asks LI ^L eg­ . M e w F i r m 'JDh&sale of fouv’.per ctenfc.: lkmds’fotf opinion in the matter if nothing more Glias. R. Barber of Kalamazoo. be sent free to any address;” A letter islature to incorporate that place,as a, ■• L.lSTLVC. tl\e week amounted to'$24,049,S()0., 1 has been received by the Treasurer A young lady in Battle Creek named -JKXJXL- village. ~ $o lasting is tlie edor of Dr. Place’s LOUDER., A lively time of swallowing may be from an Illinois backwoodsman, which Ada Sherwood went coasting down a Pet Rose; YlangrYJang, Th ibet Musty says:; “I have seen the plan of Secre­ A monthly poultry journal will soon , AJista-Bouquet,. and tiier scents, that It seems hartl to .And any thing in expected about the time of the Spring tary Sherman; also tho plan of yours. lull one night; recently, and suddenly 0 Bpess Goods, Bilks our exchanges on the1 senatorial ques­ conventions; It will all depend: upon bo established at Battle Creek. T’liis a handkerchief being perfumed with Now;:I am a deserving poor man, with fotmd herself in the river in about them wilhstill retain the odor after be­ tion but ‘•Chandler.” , which party is the best greased, wlieth- a large family and no money, and you w i 11 in ake tl i e tw elftli p a p er or p eri od- four feet of water. A little boy with M EW ffilS fI .Velvets, Satins, ical published at t-liat' city. » ing washed. No one who has used Dr. er the/Nationals will-swallow theDem- say that you ‘will send free to any her assisted her in getting out. " ! Price’s Uiiuiue Perfumes can have address from $1,000 up to $10,000.’ 1. A live-years old daughter of Harvey failed to notice their ricli, fresh fra­ Up to the first 6£ Pchruary, there1 ocrats or the Democrats swallow the will take any anount from the lowest We are credibly informed tliat there Wool Siiawls, had been coined $19,9I9,1S.3 o f the new Greenies. Wliicliever it is will need a figure named up to the $10,000, and Miller, of Hrizelton; Genesee' county; grance; are two brothers residing in the vicin­ 7Vc ileslveto sny Lo Die public genemlJy tliat silver dollars, and o f these :§13j920,000 first-close dose of pliysic soon after: will make good use of it. I think, if pulled a vessel o f hot . liquid upon ity of Yestaburg named James and you wan tt o* give it away to. the deserv­ V-e lutvea :* -Felt Skirts are still in the treasury. herself; Sunday, and was scalded to Proctor Shephard, and the former be­ ing poor; I woidd indeed like one death. h ' ' One of the causes of the alleged fail-; that gets some of the silver dollars; so ing the father of 22 children and the Sr, C lo a k s Reports- from Europe state that, the :live.of the Kish Commission in this know, aiul send as much as possi­ L. K. Brodyis said tohavesold seven latter of 23 children. The gentlemen Full #Wfl GOftifiiTE STOCK plague is producing great consterna­ Stale is-that the. hikes have not been ble-to a; needy poor inan,amldo aGod’s black walnut -trees from his farm in have another brother who resides in tion;, the citizens fleeing from it in all ^cleared df pick'evol before; putting' in blessing.. Inclosed you, will find tlie Ifabins, St.. Joseph county,, to Grand ----- or- piece cut out of the paper.. My iuldrcss Ionia county who is the father of 27 directions. It is now spreading in the other fisli. They are the. worst River parties, for $1,100. • Slic leuvcs a liuslMintl an<1 tw o sm all cliilnvling.Annie, Jare Mice well! against 3,2to,SSO bushels at this time my 22:10). Met the experiment is- taken to Corunna, for burial. hold a family reunion they would be :Ke Yylio sent tliee, hatli reeallefl thee Crockery, Sc.7 likely to bo tried in Michigan. Tlie la st year, ■.;■■ Representative Hewitt, of Alabama. Two coloredmen.namedKrankRabd obliged to. lease the New York Acade­ iia ck. to ITiiii an cl .His to flw ell. Siyecpiisg Bed iictlons Was asked a few days since how he Rational or Irredeemable ass and the Democratic or Bourbon ox are being and Roah Smith have been arrested my of Music.—East Saginaw Jlerahl. . iT ever m o re om *.hom e Yvill aelio A ttd Wo pnipOB*4 to flcll.1 gOOrt gOOd$ -IN— The sale’of four' per cent, bonds for thought. Grant would run in the South­ coaxed and lashed hy certain political at East Saginaw for a burglary at La­ The Hillsdale Board of Supervisors 'Witli tlie m usic of liliy feot. ern states if nominated in .ISSO for the 8haU -Nyc IcnoYr tliatiTingingi‘0ot;step the month of January ^amounted to teamsters, in tlie hope of hauling* peer. have decreed tliat county officers eau- ■unien w e reach thegolfleii street,? Paisley Siiawls, Felt Skirts, ^Presidency. In reply he said: “Run? through, the mire a Supreme Bulge $44,8,360,7 50, and, $130,000,000 of the npt receive their salaries except at As Oh* ap as tlie Olieapest; W e haven’t got rifles and sliot-gims and two regents who shall be accepta­ A large number of counterfeit Silver Sliall ■v\,,e laiow oiir angel Annie Hosiery and Underwear, sixes were called, for Redemption, Am the time of the meeting of the Board,' ^ricl Uie countlessitkces tliere? ■enough in the South to keep the nig­ ble-in the soft-money element of the half-dollars are complained of by the additional call for $20,000,000, Wfis State. The- Aim Arbor Democrat. when their pay will be allowed them. JEmpty arms are reaching upward. jtss'Call and sco nS for tlie next thirty days gers- from voting for him.” Which merchants of Battle Creck as in circu­ G rasping only eiiipty aii*! for those goods. made Saturday, Grand Rapids Democrat, Ionia Stand­ Thus, county officers: will receive no seems to be the general feeling among ard; Lansing Journal and Riles Mir­ lation, They are skillfully executed, pay for tlieir services from.March to Pure;ancl spotless as live snoiyilft,Ices' the Southern Democrats. ror, are among tho Democratic news­ and appear to be type-metal silver Palling on. l>er lonely grave Don’t Forgit O-eo. W ym an Co,, During the month of" January there papers favoring this plan; and the plated, and calculated to deceive the October, seven,months, while the mon­ Was that life, tliat in our liliwlness 98- awl 96 Sliclilgnn Street. were $2^m,725 of legal tenders re­ Allegan Democrat (now Greenback) most expert. ey appropriated and raised for that Wo would, fain have .tried to save. Moses,W. Diehl has issued, the: call deemed iu gold; nml the- amount of and the. Hastings Journal, in behalf purpose is lying idle. It is hardly nec­ Wlio sh all te ll wliafc sn a re s an d pitfalls SOUTH IBEND, IND. for the Greenback State Convention, to of the third; party, lean the same way. II. S. Smith, the man * who was not coin in the treasimy Ar:is, increased essary to add that that Board of Su- lifighii have been our darling’s share? Como nnd ayaniinn onrgoodF, as wo will rnkopioaa- nominate State officers for the Spring On the other hand, the Ypsilanti Sen­ elected Governor of Michigan, is now Ah l no stain of sin can reach her* lira ia showing you, even if yon do not purchase. You $200,712 and there were $32,-178,006 of tinel and the Pontiac Bill-Poster de­ pervisors has a Greenback majority. election; to be held iuXansing, March making a patent window screen with Up abovo “the goldeivsUiirl1* crui fiend y«‘tir liMlo ones, and tlioy will rccrivo Iho coin obligations paid. nounce any attempt at “compromise j\tto:t»u>a a§ tbo ohloc ones. 4 In his call lie has omitted the most; or pandering to this or that element.” a fly-catching anil fly-killing attach­ Maj. Geo. C. Hopper, paymaster of the So with white lips> while and quivering, prominent feature of the Rational Tlie. Battle Creek Journal, represent­ ment. Sorb of f (1) iat affair, you Michigan Central road-—main line and Wc will swy r*Thy w ill be done.” l\raiting, longing, for thc-morning The free Press is as muni as a mute platform of principles, ‘,'The immediate ing; some Republicanism in tho Green­ know. all of its branches—was in town this about the selling out of the Democrat­ back partysays that “many people are we’ll m eet our darling one. TUB B E S T andunconditional repeal of tlie resump- The balance of cash in the State morning,officially, and fell in tlie way S. .T. E. ic party to Moses Yv. Pield and the unwilling to confide in the Democracy tion act.” Wonder how he could pos­ Treasury; Jan. 25, was $264,252.9-1. Re­ of an Eagle reporter, Ittakeshimtwo W A W E m O F A L L Nationals. Probably it was so sur­ just now under any circumstances. E s ta te ol* A u g u s tu s E . W liito ^ X5oo’o wot b u n g ycur Hsofh with ycn.-i was an awful joke on the honests mon­ scriptural plan. While we believe a fluid OOiinty, lipid ut tho ProhutO' onidb, in iha \-n- ; Springfield; Mass., lias; prohibited $36,701.77; leaving a balance Eeb., 1, travels about 1,400 miles. He now .lugp of B6mqii SpringflU oii: iho 2S.lh tlhy of jjnmr ey part of the party. strong effort: w ill1 be made to amal­ nry, ti* tho vour ouo tliftiifjanil oiglit lnuulroil nml the blinds and screens; .from being gamate the enemies of honest money, 1S79, of $305,7l9.lS ;i increase for the pays-more than 5,000 men, employes of floventy nino. NIMENTS! yet there are not votes enough in the company, moffthlv, and disbursed I’rPsGTYt;, Aio.tundor H. .Loocia, Jtnlgb'Of Vrobuto. placed before.the doors and windows, week, $41,470.2-1.—Lansinq; Republican. ... In tho muLtorof thOiMstutc ol jCagjmtns FOR MAN OR BEAST. The subject of taxation of montages of drinking' saloons. This will no Michigan which can be combined; to this last trip t lie modest sum of $220,- tiotousort. The,Bay City Tribune says: Reports Onroniling uml filing tlio. potilioii, diily vorinoil, of is employing the minds of our legis­ beat a Republican, ticket; headed by 000, of wliicli over $200,000 was to , '’When a morllcine lins infalliljly iid petitionor giro iiotico to tlio persons i.nioc* . -Reports received at the Bureau of plunder. The Major carries a good e^fed...... in saidestate, estate, of of t‘ tlifii poudoncy pf-said potifloji, Iviii im eu t. lively mill It that both gold and silver continues to although the thermometer is among Statistics show that there was a large was killed while choppihg timber on aud the hearing thereof, by oahsing n copy of lids order- ^Ijrhig.sihl-riliiKeneoof a^nlxmlile liorse) his farm, in I’orter, Cass county, on the guard with him, and lie and liis guards to be publisbod in, tlio. BKhaiEN^bopNTy ilECORD, a :i.»» v.'ti, iho JifJony of nn n\vfo 1 sea lit or \ accumulate in the, vaults.. There are a the nineties, he wants .the blinds down falling of last year in, the import of nowsimpor printed, and circulufod in said pouaiy it)t BREAD* j iiura the honv»ift Of I’lwu- [ merchandize from Great Britain to 2Sth. He got in th e way of a falling are a!!- well armed with Spencer rifles throe sncooHSive woelcs i»rovi«)ns to said (lav of liGHT* overcome, mul of :l UionsiimT* C few millions of those six per cent, and the lattice door closely shut.— i»K-- . * ..... Ihnitl on*' o th e r find mercTest this country. Imports of wool from tree and was crushed. He was about and revolvers. The pay car is a sort of * [i.V'i*] .ATjKX AND KR ». l.E151)K pc ufm-mOii hy tho old rolinblo H lc» bonds, still unpaid, and it may be well Inter Ocean. Great Britain to. the United States, in traveling arsenal and fort, and hence (A . ol^*4 T udgjnf frcba.fc.. Pies, Cakes, &e.3 D aily. ii%uk Jflufihti^ hinim ciit. 1S77 were over $3*500,000. This, year 00 years old. .•II Jhrms* of'ouj\v:m l d i s e a s e ;nve| to use some of the surplus1 in cancel­ has never been attacked.— G'raml Rap­ imnvJ hy tho ling some of them. The Canucks have issued, an. order they were only $300,000. The imports: It has recently been discovered that of worsted fell off $4,000;000; exports of ids Eagle. prohibiting the importation of Amer­ a lad is living in Pittsford, Hillsdale ■paper;,-about one-half; linen, $11,000,-, “The richest bloocl, sweetest breath The survey is- being made for the ican cattle into Canada for three 000.,-. cotton piece goods,. $13,000,000; county, who three or four years ago and fairest sldn in Hop Bitters.” months. This looks as if tliesliipments and lead about 20 per cent . ran away from his parents in Elkhart, A Gold-Bug Tiiamting tn R ag$.— “A li ttle Hop Bitterssfives hig doc^ i! Muslims? l.inlmo-nt;-. erection of a ship canal across the 1*S- th e I3an, (ioart; 'Or Dish. * I: orn.'irates inusclej menihrane and F from this country were materially in­ L id; and the paren ts were subsequen tly An old man, with tattered garments tor bills and long- sickness. litiwsuV. l o th o v o iy h o n e , b im is h in g p a in | upper part of the peninsula of "Florida, \ earing disease "willi a power lim it terfering with the- sale of Canadian arrested on suspicion of havingmurder- and unsteady step, went into thehbuse “Thafciiivalid.-wife, motbeiy sister and an., appropriation for1 the purpose Washington,- Pebruary l.—The oroliild can be made the picture of fails. It 5Anmedicine needed by3 beef and that they expect by three of a resident; of St, James, on Thurs­ : i?” eryhoUy, from the mndicre, w h o .ru les i :has been made by Congress. -reduction of tlie debt during January edhim and theplace repeatedly search­ heal tli witli Hop Bitters/"1 months to got rid of their stock, when is $2,751,9S0; cash in treasury, $3S2,- ed for liis remains. And all this time day night, and asked for something to “When worn down and ready to All Goods Delivered Free, they will return to good beef, once '450,695; gold and silver certificates, tlie boy has. been with a. family in eat, stating that he was nearly starved take your bed, Hop Bitters is what The Democrats in the House are in­ more. $20;197,SS0; United States notes held to death. He spoke very broken Drench you need.” , I i S T A N t i Pittsford. “Don’t physic and: physic* for it dulging in a free family fight with •for redemption of certificates of deposit to the girl who came to the. door, he ;o\ -rt <*r«,to1hcmcrckant j $40,940,000; United States notes held Tlie citizens of Ingham county have weakens .and destroys, hut take Hop Highest Market Price Paid 5v ipu-r*. e n d t h e w o o d c iitte r Avlto s p lits J being a German by birth.: He was-ta­ 2 id,: ill J XVit’t1ill¥ !\XU. . | Representative Bragg, of 'Wisconsin, The split in the Democratic party" iu for redemption of fractional currency, presented a petition to the Legislature, Bitters, that build up 'continually.” ken in. and given- a good supper, and for Produce. s it «tr»*a Jthcmmvtism ayltcn nl! other} as centerpiece;, The Republican mem­ this; State has; at last taken form., $S,300,S24; called bonds not matured asking for a law making females eligi- “Physicians of all schools use aud Snpplii-i-tioivs tail, bers take exquisite pleasure in urging fol- which four per- cent' bonds have when about to leave the lady of the recommend Hop Bitters. Test them.” We trust byr fair .dealing dealing to meritmci a liberal f Vhiswonilowul There was a stormy meeting of the ble to election as, school district ofii- share ol* your patronagesp a tro n a g e s been issued, $157,161,950a house told Jiim that lie might: take “Health is beauty* and joy—Hop on the fight that is to divide the State committee in Detroit, last Rri- ccvs;. and township and, county supers Bitters gives health and beauty.” whatlie had not .eaten. I 11 stowing* S. SAEM0ES Si BSC. northern -and southern parties of the dayyand the ruling majority decided intondents of schools; also, asking for “There are more cures made witli I N I M E N T the pieces of bread and meat away in Democracy. that the smart thing for tlie party to Some ingenious fellow is going to uniformity of text-books in our com­ Hop Bitters than all othermedicines.” ispo»‘di3y e u ro s such ailnienls of thei asi« S iO iirn iN E babifflliso- f HITMAN FIjKSII as l get a patent on a collar filled with a capacious pocket on the inside of liis “When the brain is wearied, the lulfcly audsjiflsditycurwl. l'iln- do would, be to co-operate with the mon schools. * nerves unstrung, tho muscles weak, lety. Iin puljliciir^ Sand Stamp J Isihcum utifliu, Swellings, Jitiffi brads, to: be worn by sheep as a, protec­ ragged coat he accidently let fall to tlie I D f fnr Toll paxUculars. Dr Carlton, The legislative committee for the Greenbackers, and have accordingly use Hop Bitters.” 203 S. Clark it , Chicago, UL S Contractcil idunclc^ B urns [ tion against dogs. The idea of the ge­ The Boai'd of Supervisors of Midland floor a well-worn buckskin pouch, m and SroldS} Cuts, B ru ises aii2ains,|| •be-all: right, but the dogs in this: vicin­ resolution asking, the Legislature to so out innumerable pieces bp gold coin. B itters.” '■■.■■■ this week. There are some serious ing the Greenback convention, which . H I l 11 T I E 001 A l l Kipples. Caked Breast, ity; would laugh at so simple a protec­ revise the laws- regulating the collec­ The oldman scrambled after his wealth Hop fongh i'iirc and;3?nsaa Itclief is S' iadeed evesy fc-rn: of external tlis- l charges made against those!in charge it ,1® expected will adjourn one day, Pleasani;, Saro aiul Gbcap. 3 case* ' | tion, as a collar., In order to have a tion of taxes in this State, as to afford nervously, and soon regained all of It Is the greatest rom odvfor the cl is- a of the asylum, and if found true the and so the two act together. The ac­ sure-thing oil tlie dogs we suggest to Seias-Wovltfsr. 5 orders and a c c id e n ts to which thoi security to purchasers of taxtities, and them except one. The family 'stood B r u t s C u u a t io n are suhjoct that liass perpetrators should be punished to tion: of the Dree Press as a Democratic , the inventor that lie envelope the ever heen hnofimv It cmes sheep in a dress of leather and have to compel laud owners to'pay tlieir looking on with amazement during- fe’ura ls s s , S w ia n iy , 5U5JT .T o in ts , & the full extent of the'law, and if not sheet was denounced in severe terms tlie; spikes at least an inch in length, taxes or to forfeibtlieir rights to such- this interesting proceeding. Alien lie FoiaassluL*, U nrnuss ftioveSr Jlo o r the .public should know it. Let there on account of its honest belief on the The iK’rra Ocean, nff a poluicu j hit? ui, btaods con- v-seSj Screw 1 Vo ran. thickly set from tlie top of tlie animal’s 'lands.. / had gone, a five-franc piece, worn as fosStdb'sit the bead ol tba XlopubHcan jrs fa of the West, a mi as a uw iabla aiid rohacle ne^fipiperlm s a B be n, thorough investigation. financial, question, and the “softs” pro­ head to his hoofs, and then—lock him, lS»«.a*.v Ittoras, Scratehes. S smooth as the bottom of»a flat-iron, reputation second to tamo; Vfsiir-aJtlm? mtv principles, b u t v.evur f.uUA 0 3 Fsia’CS, 2 * 1 )1 1 , ISvHi irihu upon was found on the floor. It was expect­ to do Its fnl! duly t i critical unu lifts never itOiH financial tactics or be unceremoniously The, only sure protection ever found sportsmen, lived on pork alone. The ^ the, asid every other ailment, ® Among those prominently named ed that fie would return and claim liis tntodf a sti iho hard blofivs In rtofensfroF fba Republi­ ^*,7 'ivisidt Siic: ocvnpauts ;<>r tluviHi thrown overboard as a party organ and in this section was to kill tlie dogs, but gist,of all the legisation they have can causa, i fr has never ctose-i * be a good' r, luasi Stock Vnrd arc liable* *5 for the senatorial! contest in this State,, gold, but he did not.—Montreal Gazette. indepondem ol tillpo JUcul and party considerations £3 A \ went v live cent hotlh* of Mexican r a new paper; started in Detroit at once. tlie trouble of that is, it is never tried asked is a liogish demandthatMicliigan; With tho record of jseveu ycurj1 confcioatlous worti ^ l i n i m e n t h a s ortcsi SMVod n | there appears the name of Omar D; and efilcioutsvrYico’bclrnd it MilcGiliftcsto of char- I^j\aluah50 horse, a life on cinUcln'S, or] So it is evident, that on the r>th of until after the sheep are dead. game shall be dogged by none but actor, Tjie JiJTSK OoeAS ontiaa upon the work oi a now E^yoai-s ci£1 o r t i m v l Conger, present Representative in Con­ Michigan dogs, killed by - none but year; on tors upon 1hn work of a year the m m im­ ■“U tlie h o n e . v/hhtuii, ir. Scwtr* Jlgoes to | March next, eitherthe Greenback party Si op-over checks on the Michigan portant, perhaps, in.its liisloi-y, and tliO THO$fc aioaiuut-- gress, Mr. Conger has made an excel­ C'V p* 'h.'vciy rooi ofthv m.iKrr, penrlraliuji will swallow tlie Democratic or nice: Michigan ‘‘gentlemen; sports ” and con­ Central w ill hereafter be given as an H . E . BRADL onsin tlio hlsfoiy oi ihe r.cpnht:uan party. Twines lent recordimthepositionhenow holds,, STATE ITEMS. aro tilieady totming for fhr- fiieat battle ai 1S?0, aud versa. sumed inside the state limits; Next accommodation only, : upon regular tliu cOunLy hi!3 Hover folfc iho Jiowi o fsln u n ca and and, would fill the Michigan seat in thing known, some one will; ask the first-class unlimited tickefs, both alilo suppoi torS of prtaclpli' for tho sake of p>inciplo Detroiters buy wood from Windsor through and local, good for ten days as itw .n l Sn iho coming year. Xt l m ht en the good the. Senate w ith ability. H e is one of legislature to fence in the state.—Sews. fortune of-T ns iNTira O'jraN to load in the ibnnatiou The cities of Memphis and Mobile farmers at $1.70 per cord. from date of issue, and will not be ac­ PHOTOGRAPHER of public opinion; nntf to lxavo a treniendons following those men the Southern- war claim­ Ic lias maintained this poeitio n as loader because of have applied to the Legislatures of A fatal epidemic is prevailing among The list of appropriations for harbor cepted for passage after expiration of ants; would he pleased to see out of limit, and are positively not transfera­ its unquoslioiiod loyalty to 1.U6 fttjidainonfsil pi’iucfplcs their respective States for the repeal the horses in tlie .neighborhood of St. -HAS RKMOVUD T 0 - o f tuo party. ItSholdneSB: an uefonding thorn, and its the way; improvemements, as made out by the ble. No stop-over cliecks}will be: issued Tiiirncys In discnsslng great political questions As of their city charters, and in the case Louis, Gratiot county.. sub-committee of commerce, gives St. Tub .Inter Qcs,vt?’ lias spuiidod the key tiolo of the upon seconcl-elass, emigrant, special, coDlostg In years pasfc, B-oimblicatis: w ill look to i t ns a of Memphis the bill to repeal lias been Eleven of tlie largest locomotives-on Joseph $10,000, Michigan City $25,000, limited, round trip, or excursion tick­ fuitUfui ij^uido aud. T-eador In liiti cpufilug yoar Arul ets.—South Bend Tribune. ; *■» Sccoiu! Door West of th ey w ill uojjibo diSftppointod; Tho paper w illutaud, The amount of four per cent, bonds passed: The reason given by these the Michigan. Central railroad have and South Haven §10,000. Tlie entire as it always has stood, tho organ ol no faction or cHquc, liftlflfug ta il io front mule for iho piinoiples that are being sold to parties in. this cities for this move is that they are been retired: from service on account amount proposed for this: purpose is tnathavo made tlio'conntry whatit is Trom out House, . T iie JliTER GcsMf’ ;o?pocta to roccivo r~ont onounco country, should be the best- evidence both, in debt, although not more than of disabilities received in the recent $1,003,000. A pine tree was cut at Bums’ camp, and (>ppor,oats hard blowa, aud to j-oturn ihom with to; our Greenback friends that their old either could pay with proper exertion, interoHti; Front Republicans iwid friend? it e^'peclB snow blockade. During the month, of January there north of Darwell, out of which was only Bitch consideration and fiJniRss as any polilicul cry, “There i s not enough money in and the repeal of their charters will were1 twenty-four convicts received at cut : 10 logs, as follows: Twelve logs. journal may clalnVaLtho haijds of tiioso inter. -ted in* Robins and snow-birds weraseen to­ Biicliiim m , M ichigan. tho .snrcees o f .Ihii party and'in llio'’ iruiiaph o f pai iy the country for the; wants of trade,” be an aid to them in repudiation; Re­ gether in Midland a few days ago. - the State Prison at Jackson; 22 were 12 feet long, six logs Hi, and one 14. piindjilod. Tlio iflfluoi nro ahurply On the pudiation lias become the rule-among nnoHido ia tho solid t’onili .utdod by iho Ifiomonmlio should be heralded abroad with'the The former have been seen in a num­ discharged and two pardoned, leaving The largest log measured 30 inches party; on tho miliar (lut Republican party. Naturally. greatest possible demonstration. the SouthemStates, and the rule-might the same number at the end as at the in diameter, and tlie smallest 12 inches atbuch a (imollopuhUcauH will turn it a paper able, ber of places in this State., aggrofcfllvo, «ndurunqurstionedloyalty; AM lliat wo ADAMSON’S apply equally well with cities, corpor­ beginning of the month, 799 are now at tlie top end.—Rost and Tribune. ask is that (hoy judge Tiro I.NTSft'OoKAN by^iis own The Post and Tribune is about to FIRST-GLASS WORK ntUu’.’U!cou, nudiiot by v;hat» Dmuormiic organs and SAMPLE ations and individuals “as,with States, This comes pretty near putting Cal­ cmvibusTivtTa fi:iy Of iL, Botanic Balsam The first payment of the annual in­ get into another libel suit on account confined in t he prison. - Curl'S Omghit, .Cdlds% and the time seems near when debt ifornia in the shade on the big tree o f party confudrritlions JlopublTcans w ill FREE mo, £c. $5,00(1 ItaWrtFtl terest on, the Government debtsincerer- of publishing the letter from Hillsdale There is a probability that the. prop­ AT LOW PRICES. choose tho bustuofivspapor. And in i!»is patilcular —TO— for ft lyotfOr nr!ini6. fflfOO paying will have- become- an obsolete question. - . Tin: I.n’tbii Oosat? has no Huporiors. I f i a In ovory for a casm it iw7/ not cum. sumption, shows the good effect of regarding'the political chicanery prac­ osition to build a railroad from Mar­ s:(‘n«o of tho word n nalioji;** noufijmpor, prefl«*niing J m , Over. flO 000 iMi.t.'icH ftnhl. term in that .section. homoaml rproiga luuvft iu aUmolivi' thape innl nc- .m ftUiluGtn fnilnmyot Sam- that condition; of the nationalfinances. ticed by Montgomery, the Supervisor quette to Mackinaw will pass the Sen­ coujpan.vjng'Sl witli lalofibgimto'mmon- plo boMl**a co nt tlio Prng^Storos Largo liOttliaUu The treasury clerks are now busy with of that place, recently. The people of this country have i t will 1>»»i< ■sHney.pfjisiwgxw uny o f its coutempora- a*?i. Truuo fluppliodhy The Columbus, Mississippi, Indepen­ ate. t IINE'PEE^TH REPORT riorf. im.H'0 mCfuaje juiu m ore dr^criintnsuing. For the interest.paymenb. and find that, in­ spoken: They declare b}*- their patron­ two ye:tra Iitvo been futlwf atid of Fai$an(i; Willianas^iGlo,. Detroit,'Mich. dent lays down the following openly 'In Rorth Plains, Ionia county, Jan. -A tramp rang -the. door-bell at Mr. age of T homas’ E ci.eotrtc Ore, that •—OF TtlE; bigbar cbarartfiT .than tho?o. o f any other IVc^loru stead of bondholders striving to draw deftanfc. bull-dozing code, which shows jounnl; its Wellington ami foreign correspontloiice (311 O n r T r r° nt5Jon 'TldayfllnvoHtiiionfcof ( P l D D 29, a boy named George Wilber, aged M. H. Joy’s , residence, yesterday, and they belivo it to be an article of genu­ E a M ife rM ’ j ! f u t u a l li’»i,« l i i « n i ,: n n ,e a s s o » moro rwnbi.blo* ooYi'fi'lKg nun O topjcs of fipficlal and in Nort.h-1Voo* an absolute despotism:, ; ness or lamess, hurts of various kinds, Huiil 'f'm u pivay iUeeemlveivR i. 20 was the Greenbackers “"We; accord, to every man, within the named Henry Kildufii. A quarrel is told a pitiful story, said he was very will ha emdiiiTifltft- with M.toh, fniprovammifca added as Omchil ,Uopr7SSs372- fiisihv and 1 ,'io.honm T hey w?U tiod tuch a vapor iu Address B. O. VIOIvlilltY, Au^iiBtftj^taino. no man. The action of the party TnnlNTF.u Oo«/iN whii'h devotes more v Hen J ion than all' such; obligations, gold was. demand-: match; and this being! furnished he ed mid. electrized. ■ iany oilier p d iltcd newKiiaprtr to dcpai fuion&t propftrod O A Fftnfcv Carils; ChromOvSnowfliikn, Ao^un 2 alikn, supreme. Sis who will not how down to‘it Mr; W. A, Jackson, an old resident AmownIxrGceivccl from as'sc.ssnic.nts, ?2,202.SS- and conductod vHh tho want# of lioinO and tamily in UUwU!ivUh hamOilOclfii : - .1*...... MfnkleTA Co;, Nassau, - -N V ’ ed. mustbemadeto how. * * * If it is of poldwater, fell from the roof of his drew a cigar from his vest pocket, lit “ u • 'a p6Hcy./6es... lp2.00 view. ’1 his applies fo /i^ri^nlJnnd, Rduca- “ ft jiticrcasefliami lional, Sciontfnoand Sochit matif in Montlvftnd. oxponses gimranU‘'VlSR.TIS5,M tS —Bond for our Soh*ct trade- w ith Burope has- been in favor can cure yourself. It has established t.lio Total Teceipts...... i.....w»w.« $2,070,83 will iccoivo moro ntionno-', cv««, than In p.mtyears, A of-Looiil Nownpupora; iiont Iron ou apiiliciition. Ad- ” expression: be* insisted upon, than our skull. There (is a tremendous ice jam at ' ^xip^NriiTtiiussv and will ho a cmuploto nueyelop'1m. Of iniomuitrm tiresa 0 KO. XL HOWE LE A CO., 10 Spnieo S t, N.Y . of this country to-the amount of $305,- enemies had to impose it upon us in lact - that Consumption can he cured, not acccAuiiJo oitbtdii th e rtTfrohCcvjHirii^ie« of A new depot is soon to-be built by Port Huron, caused by tlie ice break­ Aniountr.paid Tor lossosv.'...u...;.i..%;.... ^1:300103 largocitie.s Jit ilopavimout Tito ijrrEr. Oqean lula nilXEB CAIIOS, with nvino 10 clR. Apentfl 5-12,571, against $140,050,112 for 1S77. violation of every law, human and dir whi]e for. Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping ** ’.19.09 nunvtftuot only in ipatn* in its lugh chm aclor, 3>nt ro “Within the party”—that is, so long Battle Creek:: ron and coming down in- immense Throat and'Luhgs, it is absolutely with­ ■ ■ t( • “ A tto r n e y :fees*4.v....v, 2i»;00 mako ic answe r more oonrplotcly tho drninuds ofBub* •Collar ;an«l Slilkor Troo to»AgHnt$. the largest increase for a single year 12.00 Nfatj light, (luruhloi clioip. N o Ufiiuea as lie votes and supports the- straight quantities into th e St: Clair River. In out an equal. Two doses will relievo “ .. u .•Dept. Com.ofXns...i..... scribai S- ever known., A report of recent .date Democratic; ticket, a man may have . Tlie Supervisors of Kent county “ “ *■ ofllee rout...... , 5.00. najniml—oxcola all olhorp. Ti.nm-rfl some places it is piled up 15 and 20 feet your child of Group,; It is pleasant- to 237.10 tho jiiisi yunird ft now Tiiarsofer aorl ahov.* Iu,!- Avnnt it. OuthuiU allotliors Adju&l- shows that $1,974,173 more gold .lias some freedom of preference .and "ex1 have instructed- the county clerk to; por* irico I.? is th o ' ontgrdtvih of TltE. OcsitN nhlo.. 3?itflftny:liorflo. high; One. of the Grand TrunkR-ail- take, and perfectly harmfeas to theyoung- Tptal'e^ieiifliture^ $2,370,83 policy of In# lirmo iriH'uaH, pad, while 11is Our ilia l)06t on eai lb, been imported diming the year than pression of opinion ;; but “outside: the prosecute ministers and justices of the onfluroaf puroi’ cL-uii m ilk. Kiivm. its (Democratic] party we accord privi­ way ferries lias been in the middle of; est child, and no mothercan afford to be. upiq-io in its* fruBhnt^S Arid K^piap li Isjuna^uOllod 'lh cost ovory Wook. Sella vapidly* J^ent peace who neglect or refuse to make: rTliere have1 been: two firostdnring tlie year., its auiTjir lilts>m gotifcof tc ige«Iivi> and pntc- was exported, while in 1S77 the export • leges to no man. The; action of the .without it. You can use two-thirds of a licaiififiirniatlbTi bH aMo«iofojnr-s. l ^ by mail tp any p art ol llio-IJ S. •Friid returns of the marriages solemnized by the river, wedged in, for several days. Tlie clweliing and 'cbntents df Cirrus Odell* L:i0 stainp for imiticnlnra. exceeded- the-import by §25,000,000. [Democratic] party must be. supreme." bottle, and if wliat we say is not true 'n6^varil:TownisTii])j '.GasSiOQ'ttbtSjYbiu’n J; -W. OUEBNCSr, GenoralAgcat^ He who will not bow down to it'[the them. . . The bill to reduce the fire test of il­ •imiy 0j 1S7S; loss $400,...The clwplling anfl ooii- .wilf'bT in chartro of one of thom ose expo- 78 Court land .Si., N. V. we will refund-the price paid. Price 10 .'teiits, of Ira -.1 1, Triini Gorclor}:. iic rrie ji iToSvn'^ rionced acricultural ♦•ditorff ItitliQ West, pod will glva Democratic party] must be made to luminating .oil lias been reported favor­ sliip, DefTlebjCojintyf.TJbiriiecl-Dccqiiiber 12, It is said that Lyman K. Holmes, of cents, 50 cents, and §1.00 per bottle, -If 1S78; loss n o t aClju'stodii Alsoy tlio.(Twelling:aiiil oftch wcrk tln v ly bio!?; suggestions aml-^i$cu3Sion3 The House Committee on, Coinage, how,” even if he he made to do so “un­ Bloomingdale, Van Buren county, is ably by the Senate committee to whom your lungs are sore or chest or back contents, of .TolmOTanoveri of Niles Township. of practical inlerqsL ■' Weights and Measures met Friday lawfully.” Here you have; the; bull­ Berrien County, was flomagciT by Jive, March .SttB-i-A-S-lPBfaSiST A., J. Thompson & Co., dozer’s Democratic: Southern, code in a about to bring suit against the Sheriff: it was referred. We trust the Senate lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold 20; lS78,i,o th 4 am o u n t o f $38.00. - T he b a rn o f lias luccmio a fitandavd outhorie*. u'.nong hon-pmon, morning and. agreed to report favora­ by W. A. SeversoDv . • »/ ; \.y Thomas DinnsJv of Milton Township, Cass * and is ropuhlTflherl rroni^’otdc to wcolt in many :of ther G EN ER A L " nutshell.— tfi Tribune;, of Kalamazoo county for false impris­ will allow It to remain as it is. It is Connty;rwas rstrnck by lightning' Angfist 21, ( Ufanii and Stock .lourniils .pf All ques- bly, Rorbes’ bill, which provides that onment. Holmes : was arrested 'for cheaperund far more pleasant to pay 1S7S; oam ag e.$21.00. T lie b a rn o f N; M. A llen tioriH of Euhscrihci’6 ail. to disoasea huCI " troatmon t of Have; you Dyspepsia; are you Consti­ •was also stra c lc b y lig litn in g ; dam age $1.00: 1 stock uro answered. wiGiou fc charge hyT a distinguished Commission MerchantSj the Secretary of; the Treasury' shall embezzelment of county funds while a few 'cents per gallon- extra for oil .rAftrJilS ’BADGNR, P resident; and experienced: epocialist. This, department wilt bo cause to be exchanged at the Treasury We are perpetually told by the con­ pated, have you a Yellow, Skin, Loss 'of TOIXTAMTIASLETIi Secretary.. " 4flfc3i maintained at its presentrhigh standard. For the J*urc7(asc and Sale, o f federates that no frauds have, been lie’ was county treasurer, and claims that will nob explode thairrt, is to'pay and at all the SubrTreasuries of »tlie Appetite, Headache.? If so, don’t fail to '£•££23: devoted fo: .Grain, Seeds. Hides, Green antl Driftl 4 practiced in tlie: Southern. States;; that that the sheriff was a trifle too ollicious funeral expenses and, for burned build­ use SHILOH’S SYSTEM YITAL1Z- • *::A* o s t-• ••■ Woman’s:iutereatand U'oilc,.vviH bti tiuMuu^a in ih u United* States, legal-tender silver dol­ cinating and obaorbiug rboofcdf generous uud Cbuservali vp spi i t tin t has marie it Emits, Butter and Eggs, &e. the elections were all, serene; and hon­ in. the matter. ings;, - • .•> . ER. It:is .guaranteed- to relieve you, popular. ■. • • r , . lars for trade dollars of 420 grains est; that " the heavy .Democratic ma­ STANLEY Uirilliug adyeotures. .A com* .i Tlie Greenback: State Central Com- Tlie Oakland, county fanners 'are' :and will you continue ■ to suffer when pletorecordoflbogrfhatoxplpr- 'S'3E53 ^ JParticular Attention Given lo JPmils standard silver at par, and shall recoin jority in former’Republican counties atiooa in tho hom t o f tho Dark hiw h a d a Eep.ulatlon loif reliublUty And c«*mj?leieiu'8s you can be cured on such terms-as these?; in Afr ic a Qootinoat,ftmlmftrvolonsjonr- were cast by negroes, converted into; piittee has been called to meet. at Lan­ being-worried a little .'by^thelpatent,- Boot Edition for alii -.own.. It v.dU idimdn ln chrHgo af tbu aapio and Vegetables. said trade dollars; into legal-tender Price 40 cents, and 75roent8. Sold by ney down tho Congoi by JI jbmiy editor, and w ill made up Avlth tho 'waiilft of thu sympathy by tho white, league; and sing: next month to fix a date for.liold- gate men.-. Therefore they are* banding Agonts. M. Stanley. iNo .; otber: .edi^dn; "readers in.TfoW- . - dollars ofi4l2J^' grains of standard sil­ , that, every statement about, buldozing,' W . A. Severson. “ can- cumpuro w ith it forinUruct'-' i?f4> "Water St., €Iiie:vgo. ingra.State convention for the nomi­ together- to contest * the gate claims in ivooeea aud cboapnesH: A G K IV TS" W A iV 'I'E llT o ver, as now- provided by law, and shot-giui eleetionaering, and tissue bill-* - XDv EvXCTXOST ’I'iib fKT£it Oc2aN will present; a nation: o f Regents and a Justice of the the courts. They" w;mbRb!(Lin'd but sond for lull particulars ami bo conviucod j/orjo savo; iBoriiUby a-popiiJar-WoSteru ftulhoc. t^vorlcg ground ItEFEBEXCKS; shall stop further coinage- of; trade, -lots is a Republican lie. But' the: : iWells!-Persian'Perfume 9HAGKME timo send 50ola, a t ouco for canvnibing boolc, and in iho Wobt.iiot .t'onchorl npon Ijithorlo diy wrUetts of 'Huntsville (Ala;) Advocate, a Demo­ Supreme; Court. It is understood tliat why they sliould pay royalty-on apat-. stflto. cboico o f towns]iip3.' .ITofusoJy Xlluslratod; licUon,.nim repjolo willi IncldOnfc1 and mlventui’e. In German National Bank, Cidiuigo.'^ • 4 ■ dollars, • ' . J ; TACK” is rich and fragrant. 'Try it. Oyor.iOO Pages; Price onliiy $2.25. Bhort stonofl. Ekovchf^.^uid goaeial Hiorary inisctillany Ifitll. Pftttoraon it Co>. Union Stock Afti tlH. Cl.inftgo 1 cratic paper, comes, to us with a state-, tlic Deniocratic Committee will meet out dated 1SG3, for a :gate* they ■- were Sold by "Wv A., Severson. Ajddrossi^ roitsm ziL ^:l*rc»IAiaiS/:.-:‘ ; Tns I nter Oc&tN will pander to no low taste, bnt will ■ ment, that in a single county in Missis­ ;45w4;. ' 18S WestI j'iftii Stbeet, CINCINNATI, .0. givO'lho best.- . . , at tlie. same time; • ■ using as long ago as •lSoS.^ , : In those tiniea-of' dRpresshm ft’n'l^carcity.orm ont,y> The:directors, f t ' the> iBank; of Glas-, sip p i 25 true; bills have been .‘found: ;peoplo. w ill'tp ru t.toj-tlia-. ;-l8-iJi'oroh'eaije8b. -<&& o c o - gow.haveTjeen'con'ncted'ahd two of ; against,bulldozers' for unlawfully in- ; A young, man in Monroe, went into Last iEriday, Jac. Croyf’-ofi North X N w n oiiiss OME 1(00 Di IMPORTANT To moot th hj-vdemand:-tU6. prioo Af TiiR iS'i'ER Ocr an terfering;in‘the, recent election.. The haa bcen redubed to «.$l for-Tnf W££Ktr, $2 50.for* them sentenced to elghteeifand tlie re£ tlie! country after-a load of wood, the Landing caught S skunks/ LitstSatur- By the.■• unnatural combination by T he S smiAYeeki/ttmj d ;$10 for- T he : DAiLY. J n flhort, C. HAIDM'REA/S .confederates should gag- their own other day, and onjiis way home, perch­ urday, T. Walters, Pranklin street, ignorant:, persons, for.baking v-powders- To Consumptives .The lNTER 0a8AN:\viU b0; a’bottO rpapdi than over —TOR-r mainder to eight months’1 imprison-' newspapers, as-'they did in regard to fore* apd will ho fiirnislift(l"fer.1es3: ulc|niiyV -.;■-,.v :-;: • j ed on top of liis load, saw a couple of ’bought 73 skunk‘sldns, of, wliicli 40 theyfrender; the food Veryfindigestible, : :;A Gontleimm having* bcen;r80 ‘fortunato> usTo euro Saniplo copies sontsiroo* Allconnuuaication should Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Satchels, ment:. Scottislv justice seeins.)to. be the’ abominations-- of slavery 20 years as : the .chemical- action in. the:., stomach liis souiof Consumption in iis worst;stigeSjfttter being ho'addr6SS0d;;.vC'j\;^--:.J -^l girls on the sidewalk and commenced wore black and commanded §1.50 to glvonup]tp''dlo\,by':tbpni08tt45^ Whip’s, Blankets, Buffalo Robes,; . not much .different from that in A ttip.i1 'ago. ■Lansing Sep ublican. ■prevents .their:- being digested.-*, ‘ Dr dO8ire8;t6^mftl0.;knbwnLt^ ;:-Xw,bich;; proy ' . * lira INTER OCEAN, ica. If these fellows, had,stolen one a flirtation with; them, to the', neglect $1.00 per-skin., Spotted oiieS are worth [Price’s Cream- Baking -Powder is eeaaful;i'n?evGfyca3e)';t o ^ Chicago,I!l. . - - Lap Rqbes, Cornbs, Brushes, ’ -■ Bronchitis. Oougba;:OoldBj.ConEunipliou\ and all , or: ANXinixapak firs i.inis. oi? tuabk. hundredth part as mueh"-as fheyRlid, - ’ The third installment- of $300,000 of of liis horses, and when he came to his. '“3 cents lo\$1.5d.-' Slnee'that, t’ime the prepared , by. . the ‘ application- , of tious o f-tho Throafc andjXnngBj'QUd wilPBond tho .-dxuggisl|(-ir^& rth^nSi^:liaY^fo,uudi scientific, principles, forming a'perfeeb-- RocfpoVifreoKof^chargb’ tbM l Mhoso .who' dosiro it; if ,01d no'Vfspaporo for^ealcat ;thifl they would iindoubteip^lia^ejreeeivfed! !tho'idemMty."jOfS!iIexicoAVaS’paid,ihto senses he found- Mmselftand liis load: jftSKteiy* J'- Y,., A they ,iWiU>forward their.; add resfl; to DANIELvAftliB, f JlephliTng..dono ;a shorfc^ nolico, -and at ~ 34 Liberty St„ Now,YorKi 45m0 " 'hiodoTfitc uvicesi. .Motto^-t'Livc and let live*" - lifS sentence; < 7 ih’ * ■thoiHnited StateViTreasui'y^lost wefek.* in the clitchi; theperfmnery, irade/dead busied,”; -: office.^" ‘ * , „ ^ * i " . ^ * t

/■'Iw . ‘WnsiSli ] ... 7: -t--1 t- s

The Berrien Counts Record* Buehanan, Michgan, Thursday, February 6, 1879.

Pc is expected now that the wagon If a few of the many families who Bensibre’—By the. proceedings of body was carried oh the pickets across tlie ensuing year: E. Nickerson, Presi­ Remember This. m m m i h e a r d . have been used to the weekly visits of the- Common Council, in anotheT col­ the cemetery to tlie road. There is a dent; Win. J. Nott, Secretary; C. P. I t is with pleasure I can now safely factory will start up next Monday, to Phelps, Treasurer, Directors:Myram, run until four hundred wagons have the Record for several years miss it in umn, it will be seen that Trustee Roe determination to try and ferret out Fish, Josephus Fisher, Thos. Harrs, recommend to the public a medicine for THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, IS7S. been made. a week or two they" need not think it introduced a resolution to issue the the guilty ones, believing them to be Sani’lJ. Barnard, Sain’l Marrs. Auditors the treatment of consumption, asthma, at all strange. There are a few to bonds of tbe village at seven per cent., in this community, ami believing that Wm, S. Farmer, W. A. Smith, Chas. chronic sore throat, catarrh, etc,, which To Advertisers. A petitiox is being circulated ask­ whom we have sent it as long as we to raise money to pay the village in­ a man who is so devoid of all feeling Hogue. W. L. Hogue was continued as X can safely assert has no equal. This The “Record” is the heat Advertising debtedness now drawing ten per cent. of humanity as to rob a grave in the Business Manager of the store in Ben­ medicine has lately been introduced in Medium in South-western Michigan, ing the Legislature to grant the privi­ propose to without pay, and if they ton Harbor. the United States, and is called the hav ng the largest circulation of any lege of forming a military company in want it any more-they must come in The resolution was passed. This, like dark hours of the night, will commit paper in this part, of the State. Great English Cough Remedy. I f you this place. and settle. the funding process applied by the almost any crime known to the law, want a medicine for any disease of the Government, will'be. attended with- a Mr. and Mrs. Abe Martin Commenc­ Locals. •ARrems. throat and lungs, call at my store and Matt. B art., for some time, an em­ small amount of expense, but will save ed keeping house last week. On Thurs­ Geo. r. .Rowell & Co., 41 Park Row, Y. The N iles Pulp Mill is probably re­ Notice is hereby given, that my ac­ purchase a bottle of the Great English Y., S. If- Pettiagill, S’? Park Row, Y. Y,, ploye in the Star foundry, has been ceiving abont as much free advertis­ tbe village abont £45 per year, which day evening, having everything in or­ count hook has been unlawfully taken Cough Remedy. I guarantee every aud Rowell & Chesnuui, St. I.ouis, Missouri, very sick the last two weeks. Better ing on account of the amount of work is worth looking after. der, about sixty-five of their friends from me. All persons indebted to me bottle. Return it if not satisfied after aro our authorised agents to contract for are hereby notified to not pay anything now. done by them last year, as any house called in to see them. They were pre­ using one-quarter the contents, and re­ AKB AGENTS FOIt^l'RE advertis ng, at our lowest rates, for the col­ due me to any person except myself. " ceive back your money. F. A. White, umns of the Bkrriks County Rkcord. in Michigan. Nearly every paper in There was an attempt made to raise pared for tlie party. Abe anil Ella . olvvS M. G; Owen. Mu. W ire. S. H owe was in attend­ know just how to entertain a party of- Druggist, the State has had something to say £250 to donate to the man who could Strayed. — There came upon my I MPRO V E D ance at the Fanners* Institute, at about it. No charge for this notice. he induced to take the National oil that kind. A gentleman and lady premises, in Weesaw township, about Dowmgiae, last week. He reports an Three or four doses of Great English UsT O ZB L E Mr. Scull in’s hands and run it in the dressed in masked costume arrived, and the first of November, one dark red Cough Remedy is warranted to relieve interesting session. Howard Smith lias purchased the interest of the Democracy, but as no were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Skem- steer, 3 years old, with under hit out the worst case of sore tin oat you can Will close out lus entire line ot erhorn. They Soon retired. It was a Of left ear, and half crop out of right 'DUPLEX CORSET right to operate, the Sanders & Smith one could be found to take it for that ear. The’ owner may recover property produce. ,» There seems to be but few dissent­ Feather Renovator in Jackson county. amount, it is understood that Mr. mirthful and pleasant affair long to by paying costs. Austin A dams. B O O T S &d S H O R E S * ing voices in opposition to the election Mr. Smith is a man of steady habits, Scnllin is to be made a present Of the be remembered, especially by Mr. and 52tf. U se Caution,—In calling for that of Each. Chandler to the Senate, to be and we predict that he will make a money, perhaps not the full amount, Mrs. Martin. N otice.'—The undersigned gives no­ excellent medicine, the Great English heard in this countv. success in this Ins new venture, ne as a sort of tickler to keep him in good The Good Templar’s Social came off tice that lie lias lost tivo notes, one by Cough Remedy, be sure you get no Hats and Caps, other palmed off on yon. will commence operations in Jackson spirits. Wonderful how remarkably on Friday evening last. A pleasant Albert Northrop and Stephen North­ rop to G. W. Rupley, for £SS.20, the T ub widow of Charles Cornfield, who city in a short time. liberal some people are. on certain oc­ turnout and some cash the result. W est’s Liver P ills Cure Sick Headache. was killed by a log rolling on him near other by Tincent Oruiiiwell and How­ casions. Mrs. L- M. Boice, of Grand Rapids, ard Wright to G. W. Rupley, for $40- Consumption Cured. Dowagiae, a lew weeks since, is noiv State temperance lecturer for the Wo­ Barnard Covert, and an accompa­ 25. Parties are hereby warned against A n old physican, retired froqi prac­ repovted insane. niment, gave two interesting concerts men’s Christian Union, lectures here purchasing these notes, and the givers ---- AXI>--- - A N ires special to the Liter-Ocean tice, haying had placed in his hands by in this place, on Wednesday and to-day, in Good Templar’s H all to the to pay them to none other than the of January 30, says: subscriber. G. W. Rupret. an East India missionary, the formula of If. R. Pier, whose death was chron­ Thursday evenings. Mr. Covert is an ladies ; will organize a Union here. a simple animal vegetable remedy for RESTS’ FURMSIUSR GOODS, icled in these columns last week as “A sudden wedding in high life took extraordinary man. At the advanced place in this city to-day, the Mglx con­ Mrs. Mary Hilton is home again, also Sugar-cured Hams and Dried the speedy and permanent cure for having occurred in Riverside, was a her sister, Mrs. Lewis, from Indianapo­ Beef cheap, at Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asth­ —§?or tus— age of Tr> years lie retains the power of tracting parties being ex-Governor brother of It. It. Pike, of the Pike his voice in a remarkable degree. His Miller, of Minnesota, a widower of 00 lis. S. & W. W. Smith’s. ma, and all Throat and Lung Affec­ winters, and Miss Bessie Macgofiin, House, Xiles. selections are mostly of the revolution­ George Butterfield, living with Mr. Everybody see the great bargains tions, also a positive and radical cure NEXT THIRTY DAYS, niece of ex-Governor Macgofiin, of for Nervous Debility‘and all Nervous ary patriotic style, and are real invig­ Kentucky, a lady of 20 summers. Miss Wilson, is quite low. Has been sick on High’s 5 cent Table. It v?ill Errr. Sarkpeks brought eight good for many months, Complaints, alter having tested its won­ orating. Macgofiin was accompanying Govern­ pay you. derful curative powers in thousands of otu e sized pickerel to town yesterday, and or Miller from New York to Minneso­ Hon. Wm. Chamberlain came home Y ’ .—H r. Ik 11. Moon is an au­ cases, has felt it his duty to make it thorised agent for collections and the sold them in about as many minutes. A troupe of Jubilee Singers gave ta to be governess in liis family, and from Lansing last Friday evening, Still the TALLY FIVE leads the match was made on the. cars. The known to his suffering fellows. Actuat­ They were caught from Dayton mill an entertainment in the hall, Friday also Mr. O. 0- Eytlier. Mr. C. went to them all. Only to he found at solicitation of new subscriptions for ceremony was performed by the Rev. ed by this motive and a desire to relieve We have just received a very large line o f the IUiooEB, and any money paid him pond. evening, but some how or other the Dr. McMurdy.” Kalamazoo last evening to meet a com­ Severson’s Drug Store. human sufferings, I will send free of people of Buchanan have had a full mittee at the Insane Asylum. by our subscribers w ill be accounted A later report says that the above is A full stock of tho George Fox charge to all who desire it, this recipe, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Pacific Poplins, Camel for the same as i f paid at this office. Parents, read this to your boys four supply of jubilee music, and they were lioax so far as titles are concerned. M's. Kuppernuss, 75 years of age, famous starch, at ’ D odd’s. with full directions for preparing and Hair, Manchester and Beige Suitings, times and then, sing it to them twice: not well patronized. Other troupes died Sunday. She lived with her son. using in German, French, or English. Velvets, Black and Trimming Silks, A fine lino of now goods, of neck­ Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, Cheap Dress Goods, Repellants, Coxckut lo-morrow evening. "Orville Sadler, son of Prof. Sadler, who contemplate coming here make a Mortal Combat.—Wm. Glen, an Fred about two miles from town. of Spring Arbor, was killed a few days wear, cassimeres and fine English naming this paper, IT. W . Siierau, Flannels, Prints, Yarns, note of this. I t e m i z e r . Blankets, Brown and ago while "catching on” a sleigh.” Irishman for some time in the employ wosrted suits just received, at Weav­ 14-9 Powers' Bloch, Rochester, N . Yl A very little snow now would make of Dr. MeLin, and W. H. Waterman Bleached Cotton,; The Niles Democrat wants to know er’s. See them. Ladies’ Hose,5 good sleighing. met in deadly ennbat last evening Profificiiiiitfs o rtiie Com m on C ouncil of The Death-Rate of Mr. TV. II. V incent has traded his the opinion of the county press re­ Children’s Hose, about six o'clock, in Waterman’s shop tlie Village of Cuclmunn. Hew Kid Gloves, 50 cts., 75 ets., Bet vers, Cassimeres, house and lot, near IV. O. Hamilton's, garding a man who w ill take a paper Our country is getting to be fearfully The Kecokd is twelve year# old to- under the hank. Glen went into the A regular meeting of the Common $1.00 and $1,50, best line of hook Ladies’, Gents’ & Childrens for a forty-acre farm near Hill’s Cor­ eight years 'without paying a cent for alarming, the average of life being les­ Hnderwear, Shawls, Felt Skirts, day. shop and got into a quarrel with Wa­ Council of the Village of Buchanan and lace in town, at H igh’s. sened every year, without any reasona­ ners, and will go for to be a Granger. it. We are unprepared to say, but we was held at the Council room, in En­ Balmoral Skirts, Shirting Flannel, Success to him. terman about Dr. McLin’s accounts, I mportant to Germans.—St. ble cause, death resulting generally Lined Gloves, Kid Gloves, Ribbons, Ties, have but little sympathy for the pub­ gine House No. 1, on Friday evening, Bows, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Ac. Theue was a social Imp at Cottage when Glen drew a revolver,Waterman Jan. 31,1S79. Jacobs Oil, Hamburg Drops, and from the most insignificant origin. A t Hill last night. lisher who is foolish enough to keep this season of tlie year especially, a cold Mu. E ri Grover, an old veteran of a razor and business commenced. Glen Present—F. H. Derrick, President; Hamburg Breast Tea, at Severson’s sending his paper to any man that B. D. Harper, Recorder; Trustees is such a common thing that in the hur­ the rebellion, died at Ms home iii this retreated to the steps leading to the Drug Store, Corner Front & Main Turs far this lias been a rich winter long without pay for it. Black, Hamilton, Johnson, Kingery, ry of every day life we are apt to over­ In short wejliaye alfull stoekjof place. Tuesday afternoon, after an ill­ shop, when be fire three shots through Mowrey and Roe. streets. look tlie dangers attending it and often for liverymen. the glass door, but Waterman dodged The minutes of the regular meeting ness of about '‘twelve hours, aged r>J Mr. Wirr. Chtroiurl intends When you want 5 cent goods, find too late, that a Fever or Lung into the corner of the room and tlie held Dee. 20, ISIS, were read and ap­ years, 5 months and i:> days. spending a month or more in a trip call at the Double S t o r e of trouble has already set in. Thousands H e. J oiix ltooi’u-. has been very ill bullets lodged into tbe wall, and both proved. lose their li ves in this way every winter, the last Week. through the lumber districts of the Moved bv Mr. Hamilton, supported T. M. E ulton & Co. T he "Michigan light guards.” from came out of the fracas with whole .while had Bosehee’s German Syrup northern part of this peninsula for by Mr. Jolmson, that a committee of Query : “Why will men smoke Niles, were on dress parade on Front skins. A warrant was placed in Mar­ two he appointed by the President to been taken, a cure would have resulted, Which welsliall he pleased to show you. Gkorue Metcalf. an old resident the purpose of becoming better ac­ common tobacco, when they can street Tuesday afternoon, three abreast shal Hathaway’s hands for Glen’s ar­ confer with tlie Fire Company and as­ and a large bill from a Doctor been of Yiles, died Siuulav. quainted with the lumber business, buy Marburg Bros. ‘Seal of North and well mounted. Come again, boys, rest and he, accompanied by Constable certain their wants in regard to tlieir avoided, For all diseases of the Throat and for the purpose of making some organization. Motion carried. C arolinaat tbe same price ?”18yl and Lungs, Bosehee’s German Syrup when von want to show yourselves. Evans, tried until mid-night to capture It 'Will be Our Aim to Let Nfo Last w eek was examination week purchases. He also expects to lm\e The President appointed Trustees has proven itself to he tlie greatest dis­ him, but this morning lie was still at Black and Hamilton as such Commit­ See tho NEW- stock of Wall - Concern Undersell Us. in the Union Schools. better health in consequence of the Paper, at the Dollblo Store of T. covery of its kind in medicine. Every T he Mirror's Cook is in the height trip. He started this morning. large, in town, and the officers stand­ tee. Druggist ill thi3 country will tell you of his glory since he heard of the Dem­ ing about the streets telling people The following bills were read: M. Fulton & Co. YalextdvES become a staple article of its wonderful effect. Over 950,000 ocratic pow wow at Detroit last Fri­ what a runner Glen was, Rather a GENERAL FUND, CAN and One Gallon of good bottles sold last year without a single OTJR GOODS HAVE EVER BEEN at this time of year. The Sir. Riley, who was recently in­ H. Y. Hathaway, 35 day’s service, day. The part of the Democratic par­ jured by falling a tree near Three Oaks, joke, if all of the officers in town can­ §33.60 ; oil, &c., 91 e l s ...... §34 5l Syrup for 50 cents, at failure known. not bag a small bit of game as that in Oxoe in a while a wagon creeps into ty of which he is a remnant has got and afterward died from the effect of James Glover, 4-10 day’s work on wa­ T. M. F ulton & Co. less than fifteen hours, when he doesn’t ter-works...... co Marked in Plain Figures- use. but they look out of place. the upper hand. the amputation of liis leg and was Cliew Jackson’s EcsT'.Sweet. Navy Tolmceo. BUCHANAN PRICES CURRENT. leave town and is on the streets part of Win. Talbot, turning shafts for water­ buried in that place, has been resur­ works...... 1 25 When visiting Niles, if you have, The man who built the bridge across the time. VorrcciedeveryTridnudaitmornitipfortheRtcordfif Attention is called to the new acl- rected for the benefit of the medical J. W. R. Lister, Justice lees.,...... 1 90 any old jewelry, take it to J. Crock­ S. tC IK JP. in Orooeritsand, Trooi- the river, between this place and Ber­ lb R. Soullin, printing...... 3 50 stoft FrontSLretifBuchanan.Mich. vertisement of E. B. Weaver & Co. science. Some of the people o f Three er Brown, ono floor east of tbe Cit­ Thesef*&urcs rejirtBent thep rice:p a id by dealers, un rien Springs, has received about £1,000 h ig h w a y ru x n . Oaks accuse the Niles fraternity of ITEMS 1T.CN n.WTOX, izens’ National Bank, with W. G. lisoilieruiisc specified. l'or his services. Will he build it iq> Wm. Lough, 0-10 day’s team work,.... 1 20 Pickef.e e Fisinxc; is unite an extern- doing the resurrecting, but tlie doctors We are told by tbe farmers that tbe IT. A. Hathaway, 1+ “ 3 00 Blish, and have it worked over into Wlioftt, White, per bushel...... again for the remaining £300 he was to 90 sive business in Ilayton, this winter. there, of course, deny it. wheat is all right yet. Yatban Yorris, -j- day’s on streets.. . . . 50 new. Wheat, red, por bushel...... 80 L. A1void,i • “ “ 50 i’lour, White, per barrel, soiling...... 5 00 receive ? A series of meetings arc being held Flour, rod, per barrel, selling...... 4 50 David Clark, 3 7-10 “ 3 70 10,000 rolls of Wall Paper to bo Buckwheut Flour, soiling, per 25 lb. sack.. Prof. Streeter lias a rousing class L o n s Knott, an employe of the at the Mount Zion church by their pas­ Thos; Lord, 4 2-10 “ '• 4 20 Olovor Seed, p o rbnshel...... - ...... 4 50 Bt conversation with Senator Michigan Central Railroad Company sold this spring, from the best mills Timothy good, por^bnshol...... 1 50 of youngsters in training in music at tor, Mr. Burton—hope good may be Chas. Russell, 2 “ “ 2 00 Corn, per bushel...... 25@3Q Chamberlain we learn that he is now 2 00 in tlie country, at H igh’s, Yiles. in Niles, met with a rather serious ac­ the result. 3L Hatchett, 2 “ “ Onto, porhu3hol...... *...... 25 in favor of Ex-Governor Bagley as F. Fry, 11-10 " " 1 10 Bran, por ton, soiling...... *...... 10 08 cident Friday, while handling some Mr. E. Kelly, of Greene, Iowa, is vis­ Joseph Clout, 14 “ “ 150 LOCK BEFORE Pork, live, por hundrep...... 2 00@2 25 candidate for United States Senator,’to Pork, dressed, por.hundrod...... 3 50 E etkeskKtative Sterxs made the heavy square bridge timber. A stick iting friends here. O. A. Woodworth, draying...... 190 YOH BUY. Pork,nioss, perponnd ...... 06 Reoord a pleasant call, Tuesday fore­ lilt the vacancy caused by the resigna­ fourteen inches square fell from the CEMETERY FUND. Com Iteftl, bolted,per hundred, selling..... 1 25 Mr. Stow was agreeably surprised by T. M. FULTON & CO. Plnster, por barrol, selling...... 1 75 noon. tion of Senator Christianey, fiat car, striking eornerwise across his Thos- Lord, 3 3-10 day’s work...... 3 30 XXay, tamo, per to n ...... 8 00@10 00 a number of sleigh-loads of voung folks Sec those 25cts. wool hose, at Hay, marsh, por ton ...... 5 00@3 00 leg, and cutting it entirely off between recently. They brought oysters, &c., The Committee on Finance and Claims 3r»lt,iine, por barrol. selling...... 1 25 The Benton Harbor people have having examined the above bills and Weaver’s. Tbe best in town for Salt, coarse, por barrol, soiling...... 2 00 It tried hard all this forenoon to the ankle and the knee, notlung hold­ ami all bad a nice time. Beans, per bushol...... 1 2 5 asked the Legislature by a petition to foimdtliem correct,'it was moved bjr Mr. the price. snow, and may make it out before ing the two parts together but a small One of the big girls bad to be ex­ Wood, 18 Inch,per cord...... j. 1 00@1 25 establish a lower rate of interest. Hamilton, supported by Mr. Kingerv, Wood,4 feet,per cord...... 2 50 Summer vet. . bit of skin. The wound was dressed pelled from school for setting abad ex­ that the bills be allowed, and tlie Re­ Now Ruscbing, very handsome, Butter, porponnd..t...... There would be no trouble in getting Sgga, por dozen...... ~ 15 by Dr. Bonine. ample before the smaller oiies;shc was corder directed to draw tlie proper or­ at H igh’s. Lard, per pound...... 6 George; IT. Jerome. Pish Commis­ signers to sncli a petition in any part ders for tlieir payment. Motion adopt­ Tallow, perpound...... 6@6 saucy to the teacher—served her right, It pays to trade at Honoy,por pound...... 12J^ sioner, lias our thanks for a full report of the State. j.lst or testers. ed. "Green Apples, p er bushel...... 30 and that is what all appear to think. Mr. Roe presented the following res­ T. M. E h l t o n & Go’s. Chickens, porpound...... - ...... 6 C. S. BLACK, B.P. WARREN, of his department for ibis. Remaining in the Post Office at Buehnnan, Brick, por thonsand, selling...... 5 50@6 Op Oni warm weather caught a severe Wednesday, Feb. u, 1S7!>. Dayton Lodge, L O. O. F. appears olution and moved its adoption, vvMeh PROPRIETOR. MANAGER. motion was supported by Mr. Hamil­ DODD’S DRUG STORE. Hides, green, per pound...a...... 4 K cold Friday night, and the consequence Dayton, James It. Slianinee, S.iricli to he prospering; they have just re­ Hides, dry, por ponud...... 12j£ Remember the Concert by the Band ton: Pelts...... — 60@1 75 was a brisk snow storm Saturday, very Hughs, Frank Stevens, Maggie Mrs. ceived two dozen new chairs, West’s Liver Bills Cure Indigestion. Hackorel,, porpound,soiling...... 10 in the hall to-morrow evening. Go Horner, Betty Mrs. W illiams, Grant R. Resolved, That the Common Council White Pish, pot pound, soiling...... 05 much improving the sleighing which Burnett Peters fell through a win­ of the Tillage of Buchanan issue bonds SAUSAGE CHOPPED. Potatoes ...... 40(5150 and hear some good music. Laughton, George Webster, Sarah A. was becoming rather the worse for Lewis, Janies W- dow at the post oflice. Damage $1.50. to the amount' of one thousand five I will chop and season Sausage the wear. This list is published Irce for the informa­ A drunken man in town last night. dollars, each bond being of the denom- in-first-class 6tyle for 1-1 cents per For 8U.50 cash in advance we will illation of $100, hearing interest at Soeciai Notices. Buchanan, Mich. tion of the readers of the R ecord, therefore Where did you get your whisky? Been pound, or chop for .one cent. 1 sell the Record one year and a copy there is no charge for delivery of letters ad­ 7 per cent., interest payable annually, In reply to the petition of the citi­ to Galien ? . Uxo. have a first class power chopper and Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. vertised herein. Persons will, however, in said bonds to be payable at the pleas­ MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. GREATEST INDUCEMENTS EVER zens of Dowagiae, asking to have the claiming any of the above, call for “adver-. ure of the Common Council of the warrant extra nice work. Day Express stopped at that place, tised letters.” L. P Alexander P. M. Tillage of Buchanan after three years ITER'S J-Roai THREE OAK S. O. S. T oup.j e . Time Table—.Tune 23, 1S7S. OFFERED TO FARMERS! llEFRESEXTATtVES Ward and Sterns Superintendent Ledyard writes a very from date, or on demand of tlie holders JNighi and Senator Chamberlain returned George Butterfield, who is men­ Feb. 2 ,1S70. of said bonds after ten years from See those fine Persian Silk Hand­ ♦Mail. *Accom. good letter explaining why it cannot Express. Wo have all the loading varieties of Apples and from Lansing Saturday morning. tioned in our “Items From Three Tlie earth pig saw- Ms shadow Feb. date. The proceeds of the sale of kerchiefs and ties, at W e a v e r ’s . Chicago...... JLv. 7 00 A. M. 4 00 P .M . 9 00 V. M Pears, Our treeB are first-class in every particular, be* be done, and bis reasons are quite sat­ 2. S o more need of tlie weather re­ said bonds to he applied exclusively SensinKton..ri...... 7 50 4 50 9 50 iug large, thrifty, tstocRy, and very handsome, and isfactory. Oaks” as being very sick, died Tues­ to the payment of the present indebt- The BOYS all CHEW the Lake...... 3 40 5-45 10 32 will be sold for less moaey than the same quality cou. ports for six weeks. Miclugan City.-..... 9 25 6 35 1115 bo had.for at any other Nursery is the couutry. The regular meeting of the Common day. He has been in a helpless condi­ ness of tbe village. cent Tobacco, found only at Now Buffalo...... 9 47 0 67 11 35 Council was held last Friday evening, Sylvester Copeland, Dr. Wilcox, Mrs. The motion to adopt the resolution Throe Oaks - ...... to 02 712 MR. F rank Bortox will offer liis tion for about seven or eight years, T. M. E ulto n & Go’s. B uohanan...... 10 32 7 43 PLEASE EXAMINE PRICES: See proceedings in another column. n e attempted to board a freight train at McCann and Mrs. Levey are on the was adopted. N ilos...... 1045 S12. 12 35 A .’M< Apples, 4 to 5 years old, G to S ft. high, extra hoary, personal property for sale at public sick list. Sir. McGee not much better. Moved bj7 Mr. Roe, suppiorted Mr. West’s Liver Pills Cure Liver Complaint. Dowagiae...... 1115 S 40 103* lO ceata each. the crossing, at Wilson’s mill, and was Decatur...... 11 so 9 05 127 Apples, 3 to 4 years old, 5}£ to 7 it high, heavy, $S motion at his residence, four and one- Johnson, that, the Gommon Council ad­ IA»Y BEADXIFIEtlS. 9 23 F red. McOmrer, of the Berrien Mrs. Steven Martin is also on .the sick Lawton,...... 11 57 per 100. lialf miles north of this place, next thrown in sucli a way as to break his journ. Carried. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, Kalamazoo...... 12 80 P. M. 10 cd 2 17 Crabs (TranscendentAnd Ilislop)3to5 years old, 5 Springs Era was in town Tuesday and list, and Stevbn Martin wears a black B. D. arper Recorder. Galesburg...... 12 52 2 37 to 7 foot nigh, heavy, SlOper 100. Wednesday, Feb. Bolton is back, and he has since had no use of Ms H , rosy checks and sparkling eyes with Battle Crook...... 127 3 15 12. Mr. eye and bruised countenance—the re­ Pears, 3 to 5 years Old, 5 to 7 foot, 1st class, 80 cent** made the Record a short call. making preparation to move to Col- lower limbs. all the cosmetics of France, or beauti- M arshall...... 2 25 3 49 each, $25 per 100. sult of a kick from one of his Missouri fiers of tlie world, while in poor health, Albion ...... 252 410 Mountain Ash, 10 to 12 ft, 15 centr each,$10 p erio d . orado. COUNTY PRESS Jackson...... Ly 3 45 5 40 A, M. 4 55 "LombardPoplar, 10 to 12 t t , 10 centB eocu, $S per The mill yards in this place have There was a meeting of the North­ horses. and nothing will give you such good Grass Lako...... 4 OS 6 07 100. [Niles Mirror.] Ohelsoa...... 4 40 G 31 Norway Spruce and Austrian Pine, 5 to G ft.hlgh, not been better filled with logs for sev­ western Produce Exchange Associa­ Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, of Chicago, will health, strength and beauty as Hop D exter...... 5 00 6 47 25 cents each. The feather business is becomin Airs. Chas. Severns, of Daily, Cass Bitters. A trial is certain proof. See Aim Arbor...... 5 20 710 6 2S Special rates for large quantities. eral years than they are this winter. tion in this place yesterday. Tliis is a preach this (Tuesday) evening at the Ypsilantl...... 5 SS 7 27 6 45 contagious in this place. We Ieam County, fell, on TPednesclay last, from another column. Wayne Junction.. 6 02 7 62 7 09 * Grange organization, as the lengthy Baptist church. He Will probably oc­ ,, S 25 7 45 that Everett McCollum and Wm. H. tlie top ’ to the bottom of tlie stairs, t h e norsEKEEw: us- resx’onsi- G.T. Junction...- U o3 Farmers areinvitod to form clubs and send a repr-e- Mrs. Grover desires us to return cupy tlie pulpit here for one year. breaking her left arm above the elbow, D etroit...... A r C4S S 40 S 00 Cox have purchased Dr. Derrick's in­ name will indicate. Their purpose is B 1 X I T V . Bentative to examine onr trees. We confidently aeser .thanks to the friends who wereso kind I must give, you a short history of and otherwise injuring her. -• “Mail Accom. •.Evening th at our trees are terest in this county, and will manage to procure the best market for their . How many suffer from dyspepsia anil E i press. * in assisting them on the occasion of produce, and for the best rates on the stranger whom I wrote about in a [St. Joseph Daily Yews, Thursday.]" other ills, by neglect of the housekeep­ Detroit...... Bv. 7 00 A M. 4 4SP.S1. 6 20 P. M. the business, hereafter. GKT. Junction...... 715 I s 00 O 85 Equal to the Best their recent bereavement. goods purchased, and for these purpos­ previous letter, whose leg was crushed A huge sturgeon, five and one-half er to see that the food provided is WAyno Ju n ctio n . 7 46 u 82 710 made from articles that are not injuri­ Y ysilanti...... A.... 3 10 6 00 ‘ 7 36J grown in Western New York, and wo are prepared es have kept Mr, Thomas Mason, of by a falling tree, and then amputated; feet in length and weighing about 100 Aun Arbor.—.*.*.. 8 30 6 SO S 10 to prove to tbe satisfaction of any person, that Mr; George Richards was married W. E. Cooper was around handing pounds has been on exhibition to-day ous to health. Among the articles, D&xter...... S 56 6 53 S 31 this county, in Chicago the last year The tree fell aud crushed his leg. Ho which are perfectly pure aud whole­ Cholsoa...... 915 7 03* 8 45 ’ Our Retail Prices are From to Miss Clara Roe, at hek father's resi­ out the cigars, yesterday, saying it was at Sweet’s corner. I t was captured in Grass Lake...... 9 47 . 7 S3 9 07 The organization is so well pleased laid in the snow for two hours, a small the lake by Phil Jeneit and IV. IVeek- some,, is Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Jackson...... 10 20 SOO 940 25 to 50 per cent. Lower dence on Main street, last Thursday liis birthday, but discovered this morn­ Powder., Encourage its sale by a lib­ A lbion...... 11 Ot 10-33 with tlie result of last year’s business boy trying to help him to the house ler, M arshall...... 11 50 11 03 than the same grades can be furnished at wholesale evening. ing that he was one day behind time, eral patronage. by ilia Eastern Nurseries. Please boar iu-iaind tbatour that they have concluded to keep Mr. with a sled. Unable to do so, he went [Yiles Democrat. I Buttlo Crook...... 1219 I\ Id 11 35 Tuesday being liis birthday*- The ci­ In spite of flannels, coughs and Galesburg.....*...*. 12 52 12 07 A.M. Mason in Chicago another year. Ber­ for help. He then laid for several A man by the name of Swartz, work­ Kalamazoo 113 •t 30 A. M. 12 25 TREES HAVE NEVER BEEN CULLED, Oct of the old house into the new, gars were jnst as good, however. colds will make a lodgment in the sys­ Lawton...... *...... l o t 5 05 L 08} rien comity leads the State oil the per­ days without the best of care, so said. ing for Geo. H. Rough, had one of his tem. But, they are not tenants at will. Decatur ...... 211 5 20 1 27 and that we are prepared to furnish all the lending 3s what may well be said of J. K. ------^•^s**-**—------fingers terribly mashed hy getting it Dowagiae...... 2.IS fi 45 1 57 Varieties in quantities 10 suit the heaviest, planters, fection of her Grange organizations. Was removed to Thos. Martin’s, ill our Toucan dispossess them with Palo’s 0 80 2 81 fit-member, we will not be undersold. Correspondence Woods and family. They make the The Buchanan Manufacturing Com­ into a corn shelter---- At a meeting Niles...... 3 Qfi villag’c, whore lie liad tlie best of care. Honey o f Ilorehovnd and Tar., in less Buchanan*...... * 319 U 43 2 54 respectfully solicited, Satisfaction guaranteed. change tliis afternoon. pany has been receiving large amounts on Saturday last, of the officers of tlie time than it takes a sheriff to execute Throo Oako...... 34!) 7 13 S2S Wholesale price list furnished on application. Then his leg was amputated as the Berrien County Agricultural Societj’, Now Buffalo...... 4 03 7 23 345 Gall on or address of maple lumber in two-inch plank, A bort twenty-five or thirty went a writ. Sold by all Druggists- Michigan City..... 4 SO 7 55 4 15 from this place to Niles, last Friday only hope of saving his life. I-Ie died it was decided to hold the next annual Pike’s Toothache Drops cure in 1 Ltiko...... 5 13 S 40 604 B. F. WARREN. Manager. W anted.—10,000 cords of green or from Galien, and has had it all drawn K ensington...... 9 40 5 55 two houvs-after. Was then placed in county fair at this city September 20f minute. 6 05 dry maple wood on subscription for here by teams, thus furnishing em­ evening, to hear the CamillaUrso Con­ Chicago...*...... Ar G 55 10 30 645 a cofiin vvithrihe amputated leg; was [ Yiles Republican.] Weal’s Liver Pills Cure Dyspepsia, GRAND RALHD8 AN!) KALAMAZOO EXPRESS the R ecord, Bring it along just as ployment for several teamsters. They cert, and all pronounce themselves Loasre8 Bolroit 2 fit) p. m., arriving ftt Grand Kapida WHEN EEVER AND AGUE, taken to the new’ cemetery and decent­ Geo. II. Jerome left this morning- 9 20 p :in , and Kalama/o 8 40 p m. fast as you please. well pleased, especially with soprano Wall paper, new styles. Side; MALARIA, AND ALL FEVERS pay £2 per thousand for drawing. ly buried.. Nothing is definitely i’or Jackson .to deposit 30,000 Califor­ - IU5TURNIN0, Loavos Grand Tlapids G Ifi a m. and CAN BE CURED and the violin music. When we be­ wall, colling paper, with new deigns, .Unlamazoo 0 00 a. n t, arriving at Detroit 1L 45 ;a. in. known of Ms history previous to liis nia salmon in the Grand river. Near ♦Sundays excaplod. jj;Snturd«y and Sunday excepted FOR 50 CENTS, C. B. Ghttrothre boasts that lie lives come as good a performer on the vio­ Lawton and Decatur 2,500 of the same at H ig h ’s . ■ The rail-road aid bond tax is rattier arrival here, a few days since. Some JIsnuy C. WsNTWonm O. I 3, efi 71 A., (Jhicaoo. It is criminal to sufier. An absolute means of cure in the only four-story dwelling in lin as she, wc wilt make some rich were placed in the Paw Paw river. . IT E.-Lkbyaiul Ce.n. Manager% DotroiL, is found in stirring up the people of Chikaming, three or four days after liis burial, a CCREn OP IVHI NK1XG. man a present of the Record office About the same number have-been SITOT jI A ’S Buchanan. The stories each stand on Berrien count}', and they are resorting “A young friend of mine was cured and go “fiddling.” person living south of this place sug­ placed in the St. Joseph. tlie ground, hOAvever. to every means possible to prevent its of an insatiable thirst for liquor, that -JSL gested the propriety of examining the [Berrien Springs Journal.] had so prostrated his system that he Infallible Ague Pills. collection. The latest dodge is to re­ The February number of tlie Amer­ pauper’s grave. Marshal D. F. Bom- The building of the new river steam­ ToalV who ftTG BufTevius from the errors and indis­ . This specific cures not only Chills and Fevets, Reports come from different parts was unable to do any business. He cretions of you tit, nervous weakness, early decay,loss but every form of'Malariul taint, from Aching Bones fuse to bid a penny on property seized ican Agriculturist contains a long mersheim and W. K. Savvyor visited er is progressing nicely, The hull is was entirely cured by the rise Of XIop Of mntihnod^&c., 1 will soud :i recipo that will cure to the Blmkes. There is no m istake about it, if yon of the State of a fearful mortality nearly'finished and the deck will be you, EXIKEi OF OlTARGM. This j»reat remedy was get the right article. and offered for sale.—Post and Tribune, and interesting article on tlie exten­ the grave, and from appearances sup­ Bitters. It allayed- burning discovered by n:ln^HSiuna^3, in-'South America. Send Remember tbe name—S hell's A gne 3?lUs. among bees this winter. How is it in la id ... .There are six hoys at the poor thirst; took away the appetite for ft Relf-addro«sod onvelopo to tho Hev, .“Joseph T .I nman, Remember the price—IPlfty C ents. sive lumbering interests of this State, posed the grave to have been robbed; this vicinity? farm between the ages of three and liquor; made his nerves steady,, and lie S/aZion Dt JHbte TToitsc. JVtiw Tork City. If your druggist has none, I will send them by Three of our village nimrods went Tlie pants that were on tlie body when mail on receipt of 50 cents, or I will send a box free illustrated by views of the log way in eleven years... .The People vs. And- has remained a sober and steady man to any person not able to pay for them. Address, in tlie country Tuesday forenoon and tlie Menominee river, and.the lumber­ buried were found on the top of the drew Countryman, convicted of tlie for more than two years, and lias no r t jptu week in your own town, ?D oufit Xreo. No A n infant son o f E. N. Crawford, of |sv rink Header, if you want a business at JOSEPH SH0LL, Burlington, If. J. captured twenty-live rabbits, or some­ men's camps. The March number will grave, also the cloths that were wrap­ ahdiiCticm of a girl under sixteen years desire to return to liis cups, aiid I know which, person's of eilhor sox can m ake great Lowell, was caught in the machinery of age for tlie purpose of concubinage, Of a number ol; others that have been payult ihQ.tinio they w ork j writo for particulars tb IT, thing that looked like -rabbits when ped around tlie amputated leg. lie LIai.lstt A Co., Portland, Matoo. 6yl of liis father’s llouring-inill on the 3d contain an article concerning the min­ was sentenced to the State Prison, at cured of drinking by it.”—From alead- AGENTS profits per week. Willprpv dressed, and as no one lias complained ing interest and extensive works in procured assistance, repaired to the $ it or forfeit $500. New articles, Ju and had the calf of his leg torn off. hard labor, for two years and six. ingR.B. Official, Chicago,Ills- 57.60 pateuted. Samples sent free to B of losing that number of cats we must iron, ore and copper in the northern grave, and after throwing out the, dirt, months. Old papers for sajo at this office. Address W.- H. CnrDK8TKH,21tt Falton:fit.. N. Y. F on Sale.—A nice quarto Bible, take their word for it. peninsula. They have a correspond­ found the coffin minus the corpse, ex­ A petition is being circulated in [Berrien Springs Era.] finely illustrated, contains the apoc­ Niles to send to the Legislature for the ent who is paying special attention to cept the leg; that ivasleft in the coffin. John Storickhad a stroke of paraly­ rypha, concordance, a complete history A proposition to build a fine ball sis last week, and has, no use of his establishment of a reform school for the interests of this State. The people here are very much excited of the manuscript and early editions in tliis place is being seriously talked in regard to the grave robbery, especi­ right side---- Sheep-killing dogs are on girls. their regular rounds. R..-F. Moore, of of the Bible, biographical sketches of of and wo trust that it w ill be done, There was a meeting of the ex-sol- ally those who have buried relatives Berrien township, having had'- seven translators and .eminent reformers, 9 for that is just what Buchanan needs, diers of tliis place, at thoBngino house Dr . H erman, of New Troy, has there recently. The people here feel killed and twenty wounded last Satin- scenes and events in the life of Christ, at the present time. A first class hall last evening for the purpose of form­ day night...... Representative Ward purchased a house and lot in tliisqilaee satisfied, from all the circumstances the Apostles and Evangelists. Helps could he made to produce a good in­ ing a Soldiers and Sailors’ Monumental lias presented to-tlie - legislature a nu­ and intends moving here for the connected with the ease, that the par­ to students of the Bible, consisting of come in this place if properly man­ Association, tlie object of which is to merously signed- petition asking the purpose of practicing liis profession, ties who took up the body live in tliis passage of a law which shall permit notes on the Old and New Testaments, aged, f ' erect a suitable monument on the Sol­ vicinity. It was a very large colfin a woman to he elected to tlie office of and apocrypha; Lawson’s comprehen­ ■ dier’s lot in Oak Ridge cemetery. An Superintendent of, Inspector of schools, Mrs. N. J ohnson has. been in Iowa ■— \ tbe man was buried in, and tlie parties sive Bible Dictionary; and tlic’Rsalms L evi Logan will offer a portion of organization was formed with G. E. or to hold any office in connection witli {lie last two months on a visit with who took the body knew.all about it of David in metre, finely,bound[in full Ms personal property for sale at pnb- Terriere, President; W. F . Molsborry, the public schools. ' • her brother, and expects to return to. before they went to the grave,' as they morocco. Inquire at this offifeik’ tf; Re auction on tlie farm lie lias just Vice-President; W. I. Himes, Secreta­ took a bit and key-liolc saw. Thej- [Sti JoaepU Traveler-Herald.] morrow. - TnEMFFEKElVCE.- sold? one and a half mile south of H ill’s ry; and J. C. Dick, Treasury. Direc­ sawed across the, bead and foot of the A lively'xain-’yisited this section on A. •!- * ..**■ I - ' Mondayand thafwitha warmer atmdsV Dr. Price’s -Extract of Vanilla is Corners, on Wednesday, February 10th. tors—C. E. Terriere, W. I, Himes, J. A. coffin, split out the center of the top, .'UNIQUE .PERFUMES arc Hip Gems of aff.Uaors.k; '; ■ There was a surprise party at Than. pliere have caused’ the show' to. melt! madb of the .true Mexican VanRfit Mr. Logan, unlike the majority who Jones, 0. D. Carlisle, John Barmorc,' and pulled the body through". Two ' TOOTHENE. An agreeable, liealtliful Liquiffff)entifrice. Hamilton’s Saturday evening for away quite, rapidly. ’The roads are bean,' while most of the.;so-ealled ex­ LEMON SUCARL A substitute for Lemons; . ~ sell out in tills vicinity, is not going N. II. Merrill and John Hanover. A pickets taken from the fence in tlie almost impassable, and- business, John’s beneGt. H e was out with the tract : of vanilla in- i'.ho'inarket’is but .♦RXT.RACT- JAMAICA.CINCER. . From’tbe pure Dot. West, hut Inis purchased the Bl. M. constitution was adopted and a com­ village were found at the gate of the therefore diill.. .At a late meeting of: an imitation, made from tlie toiiqua, band while the company was getting the Northern Berrien Co-operation STEELE & RRicE’S^LUPUUN'YEASYCEMS.- ; . Pennell farm, about a mile West: of town mittee appointed to draft by-laws—to cemetery. Cemetery is two miles or snuff bean. Dr. Price’s Extract t ' ;. .-J \? ''’~The''BeH'Dry,HopfcastintheTForl'a. ■ . -i.-;!-. >* ; „" together; and will stay with us. Association, held in* Beliton. Harbor Vanilla has the fine, delicate flavin* Of report at the next meeting. from tlie village. It is supposed the the following were elected officers for .the fimih • ■ • , •" - STEELE ; & PRICE; Maiiifrs., Chicago, 8 tvLoui* & Cincmn&ti]

•: ’i-'- ' •- ; r' ■ «v’j. •. •.• • ’j... ' Q f?Q The Berrien County%/ Becord, * Buchanan. ' Michigan, _ Thursday, February. 6, O $ O

Domestic. items for Feeding Dairy Cows. An erudite Indiami correspondent of! W . H. TALBO: All Sorts. The health of weakly persons is thought A good butter cow ought not to cat less the Cincinnati Commercial writes that; 45 Years Before the Public. to bo affected by carbonate of lead in. than from six to eight quarts of meal per Prof. Tingtcy's parngravitant and ilia-’ Ur. Clarence Price Several cases of highway robbery have I THE GENUINE common white paint,; arsenic or antimony day, but not clear corn moat. Bran >3 not gravitant: discovery, “besides other re-* recently oceured. in htichoacan. forms, extends the boundaries of concrete, HAS M l-GSISIST, in. -wall-paper, poisonous dyes in dress Worth, much to make butter, but mixed The typhus is inaldng fearful Tarages stuffs and arsenical dust from green Yetvf with com meal gives health and thrift. and contracts those Of abstract numbers; P R * C m M e l t A J r a S gives a now signification, to the vinculum ;' in tlie City of Zacatecas. etian blinds. The meal, if fed alone, passos directly VISITED RULES •' CELEBRATED into tho 1 ‘third stomach,” without reiuas- eliminates imaginary roots; destroys the Five asbestos lttines have been ditoov- Sponge Gake.—Ono cup sugar,, two tication, Tho water tho cow drinks may geometrical foundation for belief in a ered in the province of Quebec, Canada. eggs, six tablcspoonsfiil cold water, ono increase tho quantity of milk, bnt it will fourth dimension in space; and gives geo­ TW ENTY YEARS. IiIVER PILLS, Vade Hampton has a daughter that tcaspoonful cream tartar, one-half tea­ not produce butter. metrical equivalents for terms of any fdii and tion of the skin; his spirits are low; carbon with one of oil Of turpentine, and Spaniards adopted tile gai-rote from the principal cities of Turkey in Asia, espec­ Made only by 26th ol hi. imy 1^79 At, Laporte, I ml, MyeTs Moors, as; in its primitive form, it exactly ially Diarbekir, Mosul, and Bagdad. No Uouee^ on SanirtlA the 23th of i.>c»-mber Shop on ■ Chicago street, near and although he is satisfied that exer­ “Whysliouid we celebrate Washington’s then adding enough gutta pereha to make Paiiefttfi will ftfldrftHrniU loftovs tn Hr V Olarenct* mill race. ' 1(,„ birthday more than mine?” asked the a tough, thickly-flowing liquid. One es­ resembles, the punishment of the bow­ doubt Disraeli Imd this In view when ho NIOHOLSi SHEPARD & GO., Price Wanke*r*»n. \ W w tib hi-nmu cise would be beneficial to him, yet string in uso among Mohammedan na­ determined to secure Hie possession of teacher* “Because be never told a lie!" sential pre-requisite to' a thorough union B A m ® CREEK, ilticn. he can scarcely summon up fortitude shouted .a little boy’. tions. Cyprus, which of itself is of no apparent of the piirtsconsists in freedom of the sur­ enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts In November 31 distilleries and fixtures faces to be joined front grease. This may­ advantage to Great Britain. ■ F A R M FOR SALE. every remedy. Several of the above Franklin at Versailles. A HAIMH of J20 ncros oui«inilo south 400 stnnds, and 82,000 gal lons of beer, be accomplished by laying a cloth upon symptoms attend the disease, but cases and a lot of whisky were captured by rev­ them and applying a hot iron for a time. I t is. said that Franklin’s appearance at A silver mine which promises to be have occurred where few of them ex­ enue officers in Iredell county, N . O. The cement is then applied to both pieces, Versailles in a plain suit of drab cloth valuable has been discovered in the same isted, yet examination of the body, the surfaces brought in contact and pres­ series of speers of the Allegheny Moun­ Moose hunting by the lumbermen in was,, like SO many other notable circum­ after death, has shown the liver to sure applied until the joint is dry. stances, accidental, his court suit not ar­ tains through which the great copper lead tlie Canada forests is an exciting and runs, which, extends from. Pennsylvania have been extensively deranged. quite profitable sport this season. Eng­ Keeping Iron and Steel Goods. From riving in time, and the King sending to tell firm to come as he was.’ Be this as It through Virginia, North Carolina, Ten­ n>- nintcliic^ Gram-aavintr, Tunc- lish gentlemen pay .round sums for tlie Bust—Iron, andstecl goods of all descrip­ nessee and Georgia. The vein, judging having, mi l Money-Saving Threshers of tills titty and AGUE AND FEVER. heads of the moose for ornaments. tions are kept free from, rust in the fol­ may,, there sccras to be evidence1 to show geiuiratleiu Ueyond all ltlvalry for Rapid Work, Per­ from specimens tested by analysis, prom­ fect Cieaniug, aud ior BavIng Grulu from Wastage. D r . c ane s L iver P ills, in Ten mired in South Carolina and pre­ lowing manner: Dissolve half an oituce that lie subsequently appeared in a black T C. M L ’ velvet embroidered coat, and a small ises to yield a fine compensation to .the lLATN iluiscrs w ill not Submit to iho cases of A gue and F ever, when pared in Baltimore wras lately exhibited of camphor In one .pound of hog’s lard, ennrtneurt wastage of Grain .fc tito inferior work done by in V. n.4i n . to i to healer •, who were una­ take off the scum and mix as much black nvord, and tho portraits taken of him in owners. e tl»o other iiiMchines, Wlren once posted on the difference. taken with Quinine, are productive of France paint to liis dressing handsomely. h e e Tt t i k -e Tiu-cainW E xdchsos the most happy results. No better ble to distinguish it from similar varie­ lead as will giro the mixture an iron tund otton 3 to 6 'jhnes that amount) can he lunrte by ties n ! lune-c and Japanese growth. color. Iron and steel goods, as well ns One, by Greuze; represents him in a green Literary young man, at a party: “Miss T tho Exlm Grain SAVED by these Improved Machines. cathartic can be used, preparatory to, machinery of all kinds; rubbed over -with silk dressing gown, edged with fdr.ia’rtcT. O Revolving: Shafts Tnsltlo the Sepa- The Yankee characters in “Joshua Jones, have you see Crabbo’s Tales?" rnmr. Kutlrely free irom Jlerttera, Tickers, Baddies, or after taking Quinine. We would this mixture; and left with it on for twen­ alight-colored satin Waistcoat and frilled Young lady scornfully: “I was not aware < and till aueh llme-waatlng ami graln-vrudtlug compll- advise all who are afflicted with this Whitcomb’’ wore drawn from living per­ ihirt. caHoim. Torfectly adapted to all Kliida aivd Comittlousot sons in Swnnzey, 3S’. Jl., and wlien the ty-four hours, and then rubbed with a that crabs had tails.” Literary young Grain,N Wet or Dry, Jmng or Short, Hesuled or Bound. disease to give them a fair trial. linen cloth, will keep clean for months. man, covered with confusion: “I beg OT only Vastly Supei’ior for AVhoat^ play was on tlie singe in Boston a large (MtS, Burley, Hye, nnd like Grains, but tho onlV Suc- For all bilious derangements, and as excursion party went from Swauzev to see I f tire machinery is for exportation it A Luxurious Mode of Exercise. your pardon, ma’am; I should have said retwful Thresher In Flax, Timothy,Millet, Clover, and should be kept thickly coated with this read Crabbo’s Tales I” Young lady, an­ like Seeds. Beqnlres no “ attnclnuoius ” or “ rebuilding,f a simple purgative,they are unequaled. it. The skill of the inventor, it seems, ha* to chAngo from Grain to Seed*. during the voyage. grily scornful: “And I was not aware that H A correspondent wants to knowif there come: to the relief of the wood-sawyer, ajARVJETQUS for Simplicity of Parts, SSWASS 6F ESS’EATIOKS. red crabs had tails either.” Exit young m 7i3lng less than one-lmlf tlm ustml Bells and Gears. was ever a ilatn thrown across the Missis­ and transformed the drudgery associated I’** Tdnkesno Litterings or Scntierings. The genuine are never sugar coated. C e l l a r s . man. ' sippi. Oh, yes, lots oi" ’em. During the with this profession into a luxurious O U R Sizes of Separators Dfftde, raiur- Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, There are hundreds of houses in the mode of exercise. The “swinging-saw,” lug front Mix tn Twelve Horae size, and two stylva ot with the impression D r . M cL an e’s L iv e r Via: I’naiaKL;ami Confederates used to F Mouutotl Horse Powera to tnatch. country, that are built over dark; noisome as described in the Scientific Nows, con­ John Gunn stood by the stove at school Til l s . come d»«n on opposite sides of tlie river T!EABI Pow er Titreslters a Specialty. and throw “dams” across at each other holes of dampness, impure air, decaying sists of an easy chair mounted upon a with his month full of water. Jimmy S A Jqx-cial elze Separatoriumle expressly for Steuni Tower. The genuine M cL a n e’s L iv e r P il l s bear vegetables aud rotting timbers, says’the substantial framework, into which the Cross snapped his cheek ami Johnny let the signatures of C. Mc L a n e and F lem in g frequently. U R Unrivailccl Steam Thresher En ­ B ros, on the wrappers. American: Builder. Those holes in the happy operator aeats himself; and by a the water lly. Teacher calls Johnny up. O gines, wltlL Valuable Jni)>roveineiita nud Distinctive Australia is likely soon to have another ground are called cellars, but they are so swinging movement sets the saw In rapid “Johnny, why did you spurt water over Fcrttnres, C»r beyond any other nfako or bind. Insist upon having the genuine D r, C. cabie. to he, heavily subsidized by the ]X Thorough AVorkmausliip, Elegant McL an e’s L iv e r Pil l s , prepared by Fiem- unsuited for the purpose which they are motion. IVlien the trees are felled the your comrades?” “please, sir, I couldn’t 3 PlnUli, 1> rfectinn of Parts, Completetieas ofNquIpnietit, Australian colonies. Government mes­ designed to servo that they deserve rather position of the saw can be readily changed * etc., our <‘ViBit.vTOB,,Tlireeher Outfits are Incomparable. 5 ng Bros., of Pit tsburgh, Pa., the market being help it; Jim Cross snapped me.’ Matties, full of imitations of the name PlcJutMie, sages will lie transmitted at 50 per cent, to be called “death traps.” Light is as to serve the purpose of cutting off the OR Particulars^ call on onr Dealers did you snap John Gun?” “Yes, sir; hut F or write to ua for Jlliisimtod Circular, which we mall free. spelled differently but same pronunciation. and press messages at 75 percent under essential to the healthfulness and purity branches. I didn’t knq^khe was loaded.’’ Verdict tlie usual rates. of a cellar as it is to the dining-room or —accident^ •■Snooting. Tho editor of tlie Bepublicauo, of Tes­ parlor. Tha requisite of a good collar arc The president of the New York Elevat­ sin, Switzerland, has been condemned by freedom from dampness, light, and a tem­ BOOKS MILLION ed Kailway company, Cyrus IV- Field, [ W W n r w r i Alargc.Bew nnd complete Guido to T P T jf a local court to three months’ impiison- perature low enough to prevent decay, and L v | f i f i i i ' l W edlock, contaimn", with many makes a very extraordinary report of the MORTGAGE SALE. m f»j fcb* *■ V|g other?, the tollowinp chapters; A lnont for printing an article deemed to be there is no difficulty in securing these condition of the Tapid-transit pioneer in TYEEA.TJLT having been made in the payment of ft competent Womanhood, Selection ot derogatory to the dignity of a gendaime. conditions if cellars are only constructed this city. Its: track, as far as completed, JJ certain Mortgage made by Oliver M. Durand, of Evttlcne. ot Virghrity. Tcnt-___ above ground. Dark, .close houses arc Buchanan, Derrien County aod State of MioMgn.11, »o LLS Japan imports most of its fancy colored is thirty miles long. Its trains carry George II. Mclitn oi the same place, hearing dato ...... Advice to brulegrooi mi, Advice to husbands. notoriously unhealthy, and every possible March seventh, A. D. 1S73, which Mortgage Wfta given Advice______to wives, . Prostitutipn,...... i ti s causes, Celebacy and paper from Germany, and also straw nearly ono hundred thousand passengers Mntrlmonv .compared, Conftupal duties. Conception, Con­ device is resorted to light and admit air a day and run on an average the enorm­ to secure the sum OP two hundred dollars; With inter- finement, LOvc and Courtship, Impediments to Marriage, £*9 gl board forcartoucbe audbookbiudingpurj set at the rata of ten per cent, por uuunm, interest in male and female.tie. Science ot Heproductiou,---- v:—1» i.a Single, life poses. The exports are mostly in writing currents in them; yet we see cellars that ous distance of twenty-seven thousand payable annually, which paid Mortgage wits recorded considered, Law of»f-Marriage, Al Law ol'Divorce, Legal Tights f e l i l l d March 12,; A. D-lSTS-iu Hbor number six on page 497, of married women,u, etc..e.—, Including------n ------Diseases peculiar------to— D. I. C.' NOTED BiMINE and other paper and in rags. The im­ are a hundred times worse than, the dark­ miles. The financial showing is still more W omen, their causes and. treatment. A book for private est of houses left without light or ventila­ in tho office o f the Register of Deoils of Beirten and considerate rcatlinff. of 0t2O pages, with full 1’late En- 'L*',n a b s o l o t * 1! and itu-OH isf ul>lo for THE* ME WSRTf THEIR ports of paper are mostly from China. favorable On May 16, 1S77, it had less Oonhty anil State of Michigan, which said Mortgage gravIugSi by mail, sealed for CO cents. tion, to breed the germs of disease and than $10,000 in cash, and owed $278,000. was hy thosrdd GeorgeTLMcUn dnly aliened to Samu­ i‘Tka‘T he Priyato Morllml...Medical Adviser/ , 1 Its Introduction and World-renowned Typhoid fever is very prevalent among death. All houses require cellars, both el Redden and John Graham, of said Oounty aud otrSyrhi-hilts,______Gonorrhoea.a. ttlcet, Stricture,Vn___ Vnricoeele, reputation was the death-blow to high- WEIGHT In COLD Now it owes not a dollar,, and has $768,- State,, on tho. 7th day of April, A . J). 1S73. Thcro is c., also on.. Spcnnattorhcca.______Si alDebility,amlljn* swine in England, and the malady lias for the storing room they afford and their potency, from Scil-nbuse and E-xecssrs. causing Seminal -DRUNK- priced machines. 000 In bank. This: road, its president claimed to bo due upon said M oitgagoat the (Into of Emissions,______, ___Nervousness, ness. Aversion to Society, Confusion of been declared by an order in council to contribution to the comfort and health of says, pays a tax to the city of 5 per cent this notice, tho sum or two hundred and twenty dol­ Ideas,I’hyricatdecav,•’-----,->im«oss Dimness of of right. right. Dek-etiveAiemoTy, Detective AiomoTy, miurdvlnfa ropvrsit*c*t tud the n v of -Opium. To-1 THERE ARE NO SECOND-HAND SAISi be a disease within the meaning of the lars, ami no proceedings haying been Imd at law or Doss ot Sexual Tower, cte. making marriage improper be c ». Nutootics and SHnntlauts ronioviug all | D r-T utt:—Dear Sir: For ten years I have the dwellers; but there is no reason why on its net annual income, which tax; lie eqnlty for tbo collection of aftid mono)* due upou said or unhappy, treatmenr, and a great jmuiy ta^o, desire ami habit of nsingauy of Ibom t en- B WHITE MACHINES IN THE MARKET. been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and contagious diseases act. I t is commonly Mortgage. Notice is heroby given, pursuant to a valuable receipts for tho euro of all private disease; same This is a very important matter, as It is a well- sanitary laws should bo set at defiance in says, now amounts from; $25,000 to $30,- size, over GO plates, GJ cents. dt rltiff tho ta3te or desire lor ary of them perfec t-1 Piles. L^istSprineyourPittswerereeommendetl known among farmers as the soldiers’ dis­ their construction, neither is there any ne­ 000 a year, and. this tax will increase with power of aalo in said Mortgago contained, tho premises “Medical Ac!vicf^,, ly ooious and disgusting Giving everyone por- \ known and undisputed tact that many of the .so- to m e; i used them (but with little faith). I described in said Mortgage, to-wit: hot number a lecture on M anhood nud Womunltcod, 10 ccr.t3; or red aud irrotii-tnblo control of *ha sobriety of S called first-class machines tvhich are offered sc am now a well man, have good appetite, diges­ ease or the red disease. cessity for groping about in darkness, and, tie increased, income o ff he road. fourteen (14) in ISlock “A,” in Mahala Mansfield’s n«l~ fill three in. one nicely bound volume, $1. They contain themselves and their friends. j cheap new-a-days are those that have been re­ tion perfect, regular stools, piles gone, and I ditfon to the village of ltuchanan, according to the GOO pages tied over i OO 3 Hunt rations, emhroehig cvery- It prevents that ab olnto pbyri ?U nnd moral i possessed (that is. taken back from customers have gained forty pounds solid flesh. They are A rapid and emphatic recital of the fol­ besides, when light is admitted: there is thingon the genermire system that is worth knowing, and worth, thotr w eight iu gold. an immunity Bom the danger of Are recorded plat thoreof, will bo sold at pobPc unction, ufe much Hint is not published ri any other wtu'-c. The com­ pr..stratiou Ut»tloU«»w« theauddo*) ‘breaking Off| after use) and rebuilt and put upon tho market lowing simple narrative is an infallible “IVe know tho public is down us,” re­ tho frontdoor of tho Couvt IIouso. ia tho \iib igcof bined volume is tiostttvciy tho hist Vopular Medtenl Book from using stmmUntS or narcotics. J Iliiv. E. L. SIJirFCl-;, Louisville, Ey. cure for lispiug: Hobbs meets Snobbs and which attends carrying a light into the 3 THE^WHITE IS THE PEER OF AKY SEWING marked the old milkman, as he dipped Berrion Springs, in said Countyf.ou published, and tuosedissntiafi d After gelling it can have P-ickaco. prepaid, to cure j to 5 persons, §2. or I Kobbs; Hobbs bobs to Snobbs and .Friday* tho 1 4 lh day o f February, their money refunded. The Author is an (xpcrioncOd at your Druggist5*, $175. Ten, pernor** and char- j MACHINE NOW UPON THE MARKET. A TORPED LIVES darkness, and which, from accident or ThysU-ian of many ytura pnu lire, (as is well known,) and IT IS MUCH LARGER THAN THE FAMILY MA­ out the desired quart from one of his big the advice given, nud Krlca for treatment laid down, will ibiblo societies should uso it is the fruitful source o f many diseases* such as Nobbs; Hobbs nobs with Snobbs and carelessness, results sometimes in a disas­ A. D, !S79, nt eleven o’clock in the forenoon of said It it harmlc-s and never-failing CHINES OF THE SINGER, HOWE AND WEED Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Dysen­ cans, “but the public is mistaken. In day, to satisfy the amount duo upon sn*d Mortgage, be found' of great value to those suffering from impurities robs Nobbs’ fobs. “This is,” says Nobbs, trous fire. of the system, early crrors.’osl vigor, or any of the numer­ HOI* Bia'TRKSilXFG.CO , SoieA^*S., j tery, Bilious Fever, Apae and Fever, Jaundice, tho first place we put in a little water— together with on attorney fee of twouty dollars*, pro* ous troubles coming midcr the head ot “Private” or " it COSTS MORE TO MANUFACTURE THAN PUe.slRhcuniatism1KIdneyCcinplaint,Colic,etc. “tlie worst of Hobbs’ jobs;” and Snobbs vided for in said Mortgage, and tho other costs of tore- ••Chronic” diseases.---- Sent in single volume?, or complete ItOCHLSSTElt Iff. Y . I EITHER OF THE AFORESAID MACHINES. only a bit to make up for shrinkage. It in one, for Price in Stamps Silver or Currency. (Consul­ T iiifsl’ills exert a powerful inihieuee on tho sobs. Humane and Bational Cure- for Boras closuro. tation confidential, ami lcticrs’nre promptly andtrankly ITS CONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLE, POSITIVc AND 1.1 vtuvanti will with err flin ty relieve that Impor­ goes to the big dealers, and they ain’t a November 20, A, D. 1S7S.* answeredwithout charge.) Address: Dr. Butts’ Dispen­ DURABLE. tant organ fromdiseuse, and restore its normal When the Professor, celebrated in col­ Colic. bit keerful when they get to pouring in SAMUEL W . IvKDDBN, sary, 13 N. 8th Sb^St.Xouis,Mb. (Established1847.) The Hop Cough Cure ITS WORKMANSHIP IS UNSURPASSED. functions. JOHN GRAHAM, lege, desired bread with his “one fish- Colic is one of the: most fatal diseases: Water. They sell it to the grocers, and F o r sale by ierf«et e.uro w here j and hereby iossurcs them that they will learn ing the WHITS, indicates their adaptability to nourish the body, viand which composed ids frugal meal coli care readily detected. The animal ter’with the other, and they are thinking • something to their advantage.-—-Not a Truss.1) tliore is a .sluuloivofhopc. hence tbeir efficacy in curing nervous clobilitv, would in a few years become an article of scrapes with its fore feet, kicks at tho about politics and get in too much. The Try itonno aud yon 'will find i t bo." dyspepsia, wasting oi tho muscles, sluggishness Mortgage Sale. Prices ail Tams Mb SatMacturj, oitheuvor,chro:n5ceonst!pat!on. ami imparting commerce that would be found on the belly, and shifts about, turns around, servant gal goes after the milk for the I’orSafehy all Druggists heal th a n d stre n g th to th e system. breakfast-table of the rigid Presbyterian smells the floor, cronclies, puts the noso family and drinks a third of it, and she EFAULT having beenxuado iu the payment of a PROF. HARRIS’ RADICAL CURE AGEKES ■WASTED I of Scotland and at the festive board of the certaiu sum of money* secured to be paid by nn in­ FOB SPERMATTOEHCEA. CONSTIPATION. to the flanks, lies down, rolls, remains for puts in water to make up the measure; denture of Mortgage bearing date the 17tb day of “heathen Chinee.” ’, ------T H E ------CHin limKe money btstor a5 work for us than at White Sewing Machine Co,, Only with regularity of the bowels canperfect a time on the back, and breathes heavily and, you see, when the family gets it the DApiil, A.D.1S72, made and executed by Samuel DuU- health be enjoyed. When the constipation is of nett and Nancy JJenpett, his wife, oi Galieu Township, anything else Capital not reqnircd; wo will start A snob invited a connoisseur in wines throughout. taste ain't, there, and; they goes for us poor “SEMINAL- PASTILLE” you, $12 por day at home mado by the Industrious. CLEVELAND, r. recent date, a single dose of SU IT’S PILLS Berrien Countv and State of Michigan, to John A Valuable Discovery will sumco, but if it has become habituafone to dine with him, telling him that he had But there is a ready and safe means of old men, who hasn’t a dishonesthair in oUr UMon women,-boys and girls wanted everywhere to Buckles, o f Berrion County an d Stato of Michigan and aud NewDcparturc itiMed F o r s a le "by JO H N "W. B E IS T L E ,-B u e h s n - pill should bo takin every night, gradual!- lessen­ lai.d in some wine which would astonish, relief and cure in. every homestead in the heads. That's the way, mister-—geo up; recorded in the offico of tho Register o f Deeds o f said ical Science, an entirely work for ns. Now is the time. Costly ontfltand terms ing the frequency or tho dose until a regular daily County, ou the 7th day of May, 1S72, a t o'clock New and positively effect­ free. Add re T a u r A Ob., AmriiH'a, Maine. 6yl tm, Hicti Office iu Bough's Block. movement ia obtained, Ivhlch trill soon, follow. him. At the critical moment the host land—a means and method recently there, Homer.” ive Bemcuy lor Iho speedy P. M., and recorded in Liber 4 of Mortgngesfon Pago and permanent Cure of §»!cl Everyw here, S3 Cents. says: ‘.‘Well, now, what do you think of brought forward at a meeting of the Lon­ 552, on which said Mortgage tbero is claimed to bo Seminal Emissions & OFFICE. 35 HDBSAY ST., BEW YOBS. due and unpaid at the date of this notico the sum of Im potency by thconly that, chi” “I don’t know what youbought don, Farmer’s Club, by Mr. Frederic Poma Bai, the brilliant young Mahratta true way, viz: Direot seventeen hundred and fortyrono 67-100 ($t,741 07) A pplication to the prin­ it for,” says the expert, gently but firmly, Street, a gentleman of great skill and ex­ lady, whose profound knowledge of San­ dollars, and no suit at law or proceedings in equity* cipal Scat of thcDisease, acting by Absorption, and exer­ 1 H E •STTOGIEjSS H e t S a s “but it isn’t that.” perience in the training and management scrit literature and facility in original having been instituted to recover tho sameor any part ting its specific influence on the Seminal B esides BJac- PcsUivesv Curo« i thereof: notice is therefore hereby given that by vir* ulQtory Ducts, Prostrate Gland mul Urc-thra. The Use Which ha3 followed tho introdnstion o f tho The family physician was congratulat­ of horses. "When ahorse shows the symp­ composition have given her a recognized tueof a power of sale contained in said Mortgage and of the .Remedy is attended with no pain or inconvenience, these Lutio f it is qnickly dissolved nnd soon Bbsorhed, producing au Thcy n o ing the lady of the house, on the good toms of an attack of colic, apply at once, position among modern pandits, is now now become operative, and in pursuance ot flie statuto Im m ediate soothing and rostorative effect upou the sex­ Distress fnen i; in such case mado And provided, the land described in ual and nen-ous organizations wrecked from self-abu-e sia, I nil health other G-year-old son, who, she said says Mr. Street, a horse-cloth, or woolen only 22 years old. She began to learn said Mortgage, to-wlti The north half of tile noth- and excesses, stopping the d rain from the svetem, restor- t l rug wrung out of boiling water, to tho inglhe m ind to health ami sound m em ory, removing Too Hu H had not had an ache or a pain for a year. Sanscrit with her mother’s help at the east qnarter ot section number eighteen (IS) in towu- the Dimness of Sight, Nervous Debility, Confusion Proves it to bo tho most porfoct construction A perfec f The youth spoke to his father afterward, belly and up the sides, and cover with ofldeas,Aversion toSociety, Ete.Etc.and theappear- DivYim’S-M. : , « s s early age of 4 years. She has lately trav­ of tho kind over otferod to tho public, combin­ Dri»\vi:in r u another couple of cloths to retain tho atico of prem ature old age usually accompanying this 4 saying, “Ma is mistaken about that ; I had eled, in company with a brother, through­ bo^old at pu'blic auction or vendue, at tho front door trouble, and restoring perfect Sexual Vigor, whereaLhas ing th e best and m ost tiiorongSiljr 5a theSIouxin w.., heat. As they cool, renew the cloth as of me the village of Berrion Springs, been dormant for years. This mode of treatment has stood Tongue-, Tain iu thegpf a-hard pain this summer, after she whip­ out the length and breadth; Of the penin­ the test in very severe cases, ami is now a pronounced tested principles of Scwissg £ a . SidtSdco. They ped me.”—Lome Sentinel. often aS; needful. A large bran poultice, sula. A t Calcutta she was welcomed by in tho said Oounty of Berrion, on tho success. D rugs arc too much prescribed in these troubles, ia*e tho Bowels and G5 21st clrty of F ebruary, A. D.lSTOj and, ns many can bear witness to, with-but little 1! any ettiac ineclianism , present Cwtstip as hot: as can be borne, Is equally effective a party of Bengali and English ladles, to permanent good. There is no Nonsense nbout this Prepara­ audPilos TJ>* yjnnU-oa Last year there were 142 violent deaths at II o’clock in tho forenoon of said day, to satisfy tion, Practical observation enables us to positively guaran­ EXCELLENCE OP MATEItliL, cst andd easiest to tak». Only on** pill a «i.» v.feS and retains the beat longer. whom she exhibited her extraordinary tho^ amount which shall thou be duo ou Mtid Mortgage, tee that K will give satisfaction.------During the eight CABEFBESESS OP ADJUSTMENT, 4 0 in a vvial. ‘ ‘ Purely Price 2) c “i«ts £$ in Vermont, including 3 murders, 34 sui­ years that it has been in geucrul use, we have tlioiiMiml* iy ull Drugsists. 0 power of improvisation in stokas, or verses together V. UU Uio costs and charges*o( stud foreclosure Ot tcstiiimninls n? to its value, and it is now concecd- SIMPLICITY OP MANAGEMENT, Sold by cides, 20 accidental brownings, 13 deaths composed in accordance with the elabo­ aud sale, aud nlso an attorney ieo therein provided for. cil by the Metlival Profession to- he the most rational EZGHTNESS OF RUNNING CARTER MEDICINE CO., Prop’re, Erie, * by tlie ears, 12 by falls,’ 9 by carriage ac­ Treatment for Glanders, Dated November 27,1S7S menus yet discovered of reaching and etiring tins very prev­ givo VIbIh by man for one dollar. rate rules of Sanscrit poetry. In a set JOHN I5UCKLB5. M ortgage. alent trouble, that Is well known to be the cause of untold aud BEAUTY OF FINISH, cidents and 6 accidental shootings. Hang­ misery to so imuy, am! upon whom quacks prey with Editors Press:—SeeiDg in your valuable speech, also in Sanscrit, She showed that 33 B allengek,A tt’y for Mortgagee. 4‘2wl3 their useless uoaf rums and big feea.The Bemedy 13'put up f £ rcoolOBll tho requirements of its departmont ing was the favorite method of self-mur­ in a neat box, enough to last a month, and sent in a plain paper that tho glanders were bad about neither seclusion of women nor early wrapper by mail scaled for $ 3.—Two boxes, fsu'Hlcicm to in tho family, and proves itself & der, and the youngest and oldest suicides eftect a permanent enre unless in severe cases) g 5 Three the city, and having had some experience marriage existed in the early days of Hin­ boxes fasting three full months, wlll stop emission?, ami were 14 and 91, respectively. in the treatment of tho disease in Illinois Mortgage Sale restore vigor, in theworst eases. $ 7.— DIRECTIONS doo history. for ttolng'will accompany EACH BOX. some years ago, I send the directions for EFAULT, having been made in the condition of a j ' Sent! for a Descriptive Pamphlet giving Anatomical St. Louis hag a free lodging house, *• IUu.>trutTons,wh1cli will convince the most seepiical where from 300 to 600 porsons, mostly treating them as I did, and I cured a Wilhelmshaven, on the North Sea, is certain Mortgage by the non-payment of tbo in that they con he restored to perfect manhood, and number of cases, terest due thereon, executed by George Backer, of ^ llqcil for the duties of life, same ns if never aireclod. Illustrated Price Lists furnished on application lo the Company or the Local Agent. tramps, sleep every night. A new rule is now the most extensive German naval es­ Dthe township of Buchanan, County of Berrien ntid f • MSealedforstamp to anyone. SoldONXiYby the^.) that every lodger must be vaccinated, and Eecipe for the condition powder used: tablishment. New mercantile docks are State of Michigan, Mortgagor, to I loreoce M M, CJoso, i . -i»SS REMEDY CO. MF’G.CHEMiSTS. One-quarter pound sulphur; one-quarter of the city and county of Jack-on ami State aforesaid, AGENTS WANTED, to whom the most libera! inducements will be offered* on the first night of its enforcement tlie now being made in connection, with the MoUgagee, dated 'November 20lh A. J>. 1S77, and ' i :r.||».Sls. ST. LOUIS, MO. pound alum; one-quarter pound copperas ; Address SSGWALT SEWING ISACHINE C0.3 ? 9 Jackson St., Chicano, HI. physicians operated on nearly 400 arms. war harbor, around which, lie the naval recorded on the 22d day of November, IS77. in tho Many objected, but tbo alternative was a one-quarter pound rosin; one-quarter yards, and depots. Coast defences protect office o f the R egbter ot Deeds for said Berrien County*, pound saltpeter. Pulverize andinix. Dose; In liber 20 of Mortgages, < n page 40S, t»y which the night in the streets, and ns the weather the town Of IVilhelmshaven on. the east pow erof sale contained in. e&id.morrgAge Ima become was bitterly cold, none chose it. one tablespoonful twice a day in ground and northeast. AH the works are con­ opernlIve,.aud said, iuterest having fentfdncd ntqmiri and iu arrears for more th in teu .days, and said Mort­ IMPLICITY! & feed. nected by telegraph with the Central sta­ gagee, by written notice duly served u|ton faid Mort­ American smokers have long since be­ Injection for the head: One-half pint _ tion. Along the coast are observatories, gagor, .having eheted to consider tbn whole.oi the 0 come accustomed to “Havana” cigars spirits' turpentine; one pint sweet oil, * principal snm mentioned in said mortgage, with all lMPLlBEO l MAINTAIHEI made of American tobacco. And now used for announcing the approach, of hos­ nrre irageof interest thereon, due and payatdo imme- S mixed. Use n large syringe, with a long tile vessels,. which may be blown up by diitely ns provided in said moitgage, ou which mort­ Improvements Sepiember51870I Spanish smokers seem to want them, in­ tube, bent so as to stand at one side of the gagethcro is claimed to be due and pAyatde at the asmuch as the Minister of Spain lias tele­ torpedoes fired from the land at the mo­ date nf this notice the sum of five uuodred and sixty JTaviup TOfiartl fo r Iho dem and of th is horse. ment vessels are over them, their exact po­ dollars for principal and luterost, and Also nn attorney* progrcsslTO n;D TAB IV. P. A. CkAio. and the statute in such case made and provided, the Imr cured Crick in the Back, aud the same quantity which road '“Arnold Drinkright,” painted Edison’s sisters tell a good story of Ed­ premises described in said mortgage,to-wit: AH that Lame back of eight years’ standing. It cures dwelled WITH FOB. THE CUKE OF certain piece or parcel of land sitnato and boing in . out the first three letters, leaving it “Old ison’s boyhood : “Ho tried to sat on Neck, and all other Tumors,- Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Coughs, ColSs, TnSuensa, Soarsoaoss, Difficult The, Best Cow for Small Farm s, eggs,” she said. “What’s that? How? the Township of Buchanan, in tho Cannty of Berrien Contraction of the Muscles Stiff Jo in ts,. Spinal Diffi­ - • Im portant Iniprovesnents. Drinkright” Tho sign was soon restored and State of Michigan, ami described'as follows, to- culties, and Pain and Soreness in any part no mutter Broathlng, and. all Affections of tho Throat, to its former condition, and then tlie boys "What do you mean?” inquired the listen­ wit: Commencing at the Bouth-weat comer ot the where It may be, nor from what cause it may arine, It Botadtiistsuiding tho VTGTGIt. has dong bco:i The Live Stock Becord says: “Our north oast quarter of Section tbirty-ei.Y, town seven Bronchial Tubes, and Bungs, leading painted a D before tlio first name, making opinion, and. also that of the principal er. “"Why, he was about air, I should always does yon good, tw enty five cents’ worth has thoyooer of any machino in tho rnniket—n fact south range eighteen west,, anil running thence east cured bad casos of Gbronic and Bloody Bysenteryi to Consumption,. it “Barnokl Drinkright.” And then the dairymen of the country, is, that tho Jer­ think, and he found out how the goose twelve anu 50-1.00 chains;, thence north ton chains; One toaspoonful euros Colic in fifteen minutes, It ■supported ty n, host of volunteer' witnesses—wo This infallible remedy is composed of the thence west twolvo and.50100 chains; thonco south will euro any caso of piles that it is posiiblo to cure. grocer in despair painted the name out. sey, commonly called Alderney, is abovo was sitting,and then saw what the surpris­ ten chains to place of Loginning. Also coiumoncing now confidently claim for ifc greater H oney of the plant Horehound, in chemical Six or O'ght applications are warranted to cure any union with T a r -Balm, extracted from the The returns of tho Prussian income-tax all others the best cow. They are easily ing result was. One day we missed him, at a point which is ten chains north and fivo anil case oT Rxcoriatcd Nipples or Inflamed Breast; Eor cimplieity, a wonderful reduction of kept,, very docila—a point not to be over­ called, sent messengers, couldn’t find him 55-1CK) chains east of sontli-west corner of the north­ Bruises, if applied ofteu and bound up, thoro is never L if e P rin c iple o f the Barest tree A beis show that there aro only 1,240 persons east qnarter of said section thirty-six; thence norih the slightest discoloration to' the skin. It stops the gpgjfrietion, and altogctlicr a Lara Com- B alsamea, or Balm of Gilead. looked—-and beautiful; give milk of su­ anywhere. By and; by, don’t you think, nine and 90-1C0 chains to contor of diagonal road; who report incomes of $12,000, In tho pain or n Bnrn as Boon as applied j and is a positive cure The Honey of Horehound soothes AND perior richness, from which is produced father found; him curled up in a nest ho thonco south sixty-one and a quarter dogrocs, cast for Chilblains, Frostod Eeot, Boils, lVarts,. Corns, and hinalion cfLcsiraUc Qimlitics. For sale whole Kingdom there are only 179 per­ scatters all irritations andinflammations, and finely-colored, solid butter, having an had made in the barn and filled with eight and 32-100 chains along said road; tlienco sontli Wounds of ovory description on mail or boast. Prico by Merchants and others. sons who have an incomo of $36,000. The four and 38-100 chains; thence wcet: to placo of be­ 50 coiita and $1.00. Trial Size, 25 cents. POSTER, the Tar-balm cleanses and heals the throat equal texture and flavor. Butter made goose eggs, and hen’s eggs,;—actually sit­ ginning, or so inuch cheroot as may be necossary to MILBURN A CO.f Solo PropTs, Bnffiilo. N Y, 47y ^T S end for Ulnstratefl Circular and Brices. Liberal Terms to tbo Trade. -3 3 ^ and air passages leading to the lungs. F iv e Times thinks there are at least 2,000. per­ from-SUch. milk has. been known to keep ting on the eggs and trying to hatch, satisfy the amonutdno eud payable ou.said mortsaco, sons in the city of New York whose an­ with the interest, costs, charges and expenses allowed additional ingredients keep the organs cool, when placed In a dry (not cold) cellar them." by law and provided for in said mortgage, together Don’t'buy until you have seen the lightest, running machine in moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre­ nual income exceeds $12,000. without tho use of icc, and when taken with said attorney feo of $60, will be sold atpablic A L E C T U R E judice keep you from trying this great medi­ Conversation between an inquiring auction to the highest bidder; at tbo front door oi the the World,— the Ever Reliable "VICTOR/ 1 out was in a hard, firm condition, and was People^ will grumble in this world. ' TO Y O rnG M EN . cine of a famous "doctor who has saved tiiou- stranger and a steamboat pilot.; “That is Court Uouse, in the village of Berrien Springs* in the sands of lives by it in his large private practice. then Bold twelve to eighteen cents per The privilege of growling, says the Bos­ Oonuty of Berrien, State of Michigan, said Court J~ust jrublished, in a sealed enveloye. Price, six cents. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Black Mountain f” “Yes, sir, highest pound higher than hest ordinary butter. ton. Journal, is one esteemed by every House being the place of holding the Circuit Court N.B.—The Tar-Balm has no BAD TASTE or for the County of Berrien, the County where said A Lecture on: the Nature; Treatment; aud . radical MrDnfcEXOVra', COSSf., and Nos, ISO luttl ttoi TVabasii Avenue, CUXCAGO, vr.T.t smell, luounliiin above Lake George.” “A uy le­ The cost for Jerseys is not much more American citizen. A good story is told mortgaged premises are situated, on tho 19th day of cure of Seminal Weakness or Spermatorrhoea,.induced gend or story connected with that moun­ than for scrub, and they will more than of two friends. One was inclined to ac­ April, A. 33.1879, a t 10 o’clock in tbo loreuoon. by Self-Abuse, Involuntary ^Emissions, Impotency, TRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE. tain?” “Lots of ’em. Two lovers went FLORENCE M. M. CLOSE, Mortgagee. Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gen­ Mrs. FRANC W HITMAN, Agt., Buchanan. make up the difference in price in a few erally; Consumption, Epilepsy-and Fits; Mentalnnd Great saving to buy large sb-c. cept the inevitable: and make the best of J oskpd E. SAwriR, Pontiac, Mich.. Attorney for up that mountain once n.ud never came months.” it. The other was a trouble borrower, Physical Incapacity, Ac.—By ROBERT J . CUIiyBU- Ill B rad ley ’s P hotooT apli G!-st"I lory. “ Pike’s Tootliaeiie Drops ” Cure Mortgagee.: * WELL, &I. B., author of tho “Groon Book,”Ac, back again.” “Indeed! Why, what be­ Dated January 14,1879. 49wl3 nothing was just right with him. There The tvorld-renowDod anthor, in this admirable Lec­ in 1 Itlimite. t- came of them?” “Went down on tlio oth­ Hour Grapes Bipen. was always a fly in his jar. They died ture, clearly proves from his own experience'that tbo Sold bv all Druggists. er side!” and met above. Said N o,l—“Well, here awfnl consequences .of SoU-Abnae may be effectually According to Comptes Bendus, St. business you cau engage in. 75 to $2 Removed without, modicino, and Without dangerous 0. IT. GEITTMm Proihr N.Y A prize of $80,000 is offered by the Pierre and Magnion have arrived at the we are; did I not tell youthat it’would por day made by any wort^Lff eithe surgical operations',’bougies, instruments, rings, or W O C U R E ! m P A f ! Prussian government for some substance come out all right in the end?” No. 2______sex, right in their own locNFbs. Pur cordials, pointing out a modo of curo at.onco simple; suitable for making accurate -casts of cel­ following conclusions in regard .to tho “I supposoyou did; but I took cold on ticulara and samples worth $5 free- Improve yonr certaln'and eflectual, by means of.whicli: overy suffer­ SRSOES changes which grapes undergo while ri­ spare time at this business. Address] Stihson A Co., er, no matter wlmt his condition may be, may cure ' M e L E S r i Ageats Wanted. ebrated works of art. It must flow into the way; and, beside, my halo don’t fit Portland, Maine 5yl himself cheaply, privatoly antVradi'caZiy. 1 TIu* kosl boo’s ever puidi lnul oi' moulds easily without injuring the molds" pening. During the process they evolve very well. . fi3L-Thi8 Locture will prbvo* ft. Bopn to tliousandi rwRliMAN KoiiiauisuBOoirrlOulDti by ]p<*i carbonio acid in darkness as well as m and thousands. Guatantces a Cure in Diviuea of U?o diiTprout dpnoprina- more than plaster, and the substunco Sent under seal, in a plain onVolopo; to any address, tionifc inuslvalt’d wish Pino must undergo repeated cleanings without light, when exposed to air or placed in, Private Hospital, 203 A new work, price 50, postpaid, on recoipt of six cents or two.pos toge stamps. CATHOLIC S'ocfl ISngraving of 1'iriiope 33 A B - A suggestive feature of the iron trade is 8. CtsirkSt.,Chicago, cents byratul. Myste­ CHURCH. i 35T .ami 355^"VVJi-\rV. and I previous treatment. Applications,accom­ an indifferent light: Tho amount of ox­ •HI. O^Spedalty, all ries of. Nature, Physi­ Address the Publishers* ; W ILES OW M EM Om iJBOIW S ygen-evolved in air is always in,excess.of the marked decline in the production of Private, Chronic and ology of Mnrringc, Or­ THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY.; jLvtxiiS c f Iho oihur corunbntors iho Pub. panied by samples in the crude and fin­ Fem ale Ulucasem gans of Gencrntlon, 35y 4 i Ann St.,“Now Y ork; P i .0. Box4580, H.Iters, and eiDployinp no middleman, ?u*c* ah!<> lo give the oxygen taken up; this lias been re-, iron rails and a corresponding increaso: in Consultation fre e f C9 Diseases ,pf Youth aod by method ; requiring no KNIFE or LIGATURiS or other dan­ direct to O n a sv a ^ S frs tlio i& Y p v st e im n u iN - ished state, must bo presented to. the gov­ Lndica and Gentle- Manhood: a vrciilth of l y . Vor aud eii’cnliirB marked in the case of observations ex­ the manufacture of. rails made from Bes­ men, fiend one dollac LxJ choice and valuable la- gerous methods. This treatment cures after all other methods fail. sions. Sells ernment before Doccmbcr 1, J.S79. semer iteol. Bessemer steel rails were o for samples of'bcsi C9 formatloh; of -Interest 3. H . OITABtBSSlVS iV CO., ‘ tending over a long space of time. ru b b e r goods, and ,to both,sexes. Nothing 22»«4 , 8t. l^onis, Mo. A poor Irishman at Koch ester owed a can absorb or give off water according as, first mado in this- country in 1867, and, valuable; iQformntloti offensive to good taste A BARGAIN! by express. Rclln- and reflnotnent. Infor­ Prolapsus, Stricture, Fistula. Ulceration, rich man some money, and was unable to they armplaced: in n moist or .dry medi­ sinco then, this .industry has steadily risen, blc Feiaslc Pills, $5 mation' n ev er, before 1 yin* ACRES m ^FIRST-CLASS 1 pay. Tho rich man obtained judgment •from an. annual; product, of 2,650 tons to' er box. P rlv ato published..' No'family X t :U LiAND^within two miles um. AS’the change goes on the: acids de- omtf and, nurse Jor should be Without it..-, of- Buchanan; 120 'acr esimprqyed; and execution, but there was nothing on 432,169'.tons. for_1877. Since-1872. the Ladles doriiig'.vcon- CCPAddrcss, Dr, A. G. and all diseases of the Rectum, successfully treated. He also rpHIRTY AND OtJB- HALF ACRES or ’creaso in amounts, while the Quantity of* firicmenU" -r . ULIN,>20S Clarlc3t.,. -' ilS acres or'chardf iO'^acres,email X LAND, two and otie-lmlf miles uorrti ot which tlie sheriff could levy. The Irish­ .yeariy product'of iron rails hasifallenfronu' E . ■■ ■ ' rlniitatMn-; good-condition;vgood sugar increase. ' The acids and (the glu­ X-i - .j Btubnoeu. Twouty acres improved; good man had twolarge pigs, but the law-al­ •905,930 tons to(882,540 tons. jThe pro-. buildings, two good wollB^-fthd all nocoViary. improyo------Trams 1ion3eeadgra«eiy;'yooiiE orchard ol cose aro-Carried, to the grapes'by the’sap., motlts: .40 acres wheat. Wlll^bo’sold at' a..bargain.’ eighty diolceapple trees ; - ooo lihndrod peach treea. lows a man two, and the .sheriff could hot Here the acids are slowly.consumed(!while. •Auction of Bes'semer steel shows.n healthy A M ^ a w e o k .lu your own town, $5(Oiifit frpo. rN« luqolro at this offico Ulceration o f the Womb, and all. o ther diseases peculiar ,to the female ays^ thirty-live, of choice early fimi; nlno thbics pear treos take them." The rich men then b6ught growth during yccent years; the result for. A P H n ^ 8^ Bonder, i f you w aut^a ’busiuoss ail audeomo smalt frniij good cistern. The placo is the sugar increases in point of Concentia- V w which pursoua of oither sox can mako great temwithout the use of Speculum’ or caustics. under good fencing. ■ Fnrparticnhira, eisdniroon th- -two little pigs had them presente'd to the tihfl, and at a still later stage- the sugar 1877 being 637,343 tons; against 160,108' p\yall tho time thoy workj write for particulars- to HI Old newspapers for sale at thil Irishman, and thereupon took hi£ larger H A ttM t * Co., Portland, Maine. 5yl Office and Residence— Portage ffireety Buchananj Midh, premises, of MRS. VAN .KIRKBSDALL- or at tit i tself if QOMtimedi toss in l870i- v' office. Record ornepf BuclinuaB, 3otf bneifi ‘