HT. JOHN8 K.i- .

Kern Archer

HIGH CLASS THE AMERICAN JOB Printing Oorerg the tradliiK territory of Maple Kaidila thoroufchly. Advertlgerg thug Ket reHiiItg. We gtrlve to he a uelKhbor A SPECIALTY WITH and a friend to the jieople of Maiile THE AMERICAN Itupidg and gurroiindliiK territory.


.M.ATHERTON .MAN .MAKING CHRISTIAN CHIRI'H NOTES A LAND OK INSTANT BEAl’TV SI'OT OF CO.M- MYSTERY-COMEDY AT CHAUTAUQUA L. E. .Oull, Pastor COM.MUMCATION MtlNPLACE Pl.AT M’e exisK't Gist's grace dnriiig the The telephone can la* ereillteil with I. C. Rlcliniui id Sliuw’g With W'iial summer moiiHis. Has lie not Hie revohiHimixlug life on the farm. Little fitfort .Nature Can Be .Ag.sigl- right III ex|Ms*t oiir devotion? It has hrimght the city and eouiitry ed In BeautifyiiiR Ordinary .Next Snndny we will preiieh from together: It has ohiileratisl distance; SiirroiiiidiiiRS. the text—"Wlinl think ye of Christ?" it has develoissl iielghhorllness among Producer of Fuiiiouh Youth Nerieg of Come and let ns worship togelher. farmers, ami It has ls*<*ii of enistimnhie Mov Iiik Pirtureg to Ian'- One would have to travel many miles We eiill yonr iiltentlon In onr Sunday value to the farmer in faellitiiHiig Ids ture Here to Hud a more picturesiine Job of land- .Si'hiMil and invite all. A plaix* that hiisiness and saving his time. Interests everyone. sca|s* work than Is to he seen near II Is dillienll to 1*01111^01101111 how The l.iidles Aid Soelely will meet the farmer call very well do without Jl'HGK Wll.MS BROWN Matherton. At the summit of a Ioiir hill at Hu* Inline of .Mrs. .Vniiie Bhink next the telephone, hut then, for Hint matter, leadliiR smith from .Maph* river hriilRe Friilny aflernism. I.el eaeli menilH*r it would Is* pretly hard for iiii.v of ns Film -‘Duniiy Agkg Why” Will Be lives 1. ('. HIchmmal. a retlrisl farmer. he Iiresent If isissihle. III (lls|s*n.s(* with It. The whole strnc- Mhowii on tile .Si'reen Pre«-eMl- His* is on the east side of the Hire of mislern hnsiness is hnllt arounil iiit; Hig liectiire Get more miles out of your Gasoline Hie lelepinme and Us quick metliud hipliway. is new and of the Iiuiirji Iow hy using Bell Crown. —HAUVEY'S of eoinmunieiitlon. ty|K*. In front is a pretty lawn. Oceaglonully in the IncKer cities Formerly he llvisl mi the opisisite side ■'j>er8oiiHl aimk 'Hranees" of motion pl<’- fiXKKifiSifiXKKyiKXifiifiKyiyiiliysKiRSifniiXifiyiifiXifiXifiyniiifiifiyiiiiiR ture t'elehrltles are advertised In con ­ of the road, on his larpe farm. Now iii nection with a Him in wliich they are that he has retirisl he has time for put- apiteariiiK. hut to our kuowledBe no author of a lllmtHi story has lieretofore tiiiR into extH'Ution his ideas of assist- iiiR nature in lH*autlfylnK tliiiiRs. ifi made a tour apiM-ariii); In conutH'tioii Ssene From “Wandering Spooks" with the showini; of his tilm. Where his house stands was once an On the third day of our ('(uumunily umsailh lookiiiR hill. Now the lot has On the night of the second day, that splendid plays that be has presented Chautniuiua .ludKc Willis Itrowii. au­ furiously funny mystery comedy, In the past. The scene of the play is thor of more than HI) motion ]iicture lie**!! Rraded. slopiiiR Rracefnlly toward “Wandering Spooks, ” ts to be pre­ hack-stBKe In a theatre. The play I Stop!£ook!listen!f stories, known as "The JudKe Hrown the rtmd. Where ordinarily it would sented at our Community Chautauqua. starts off dealing with the snobbish­ Herles" is to apisair in conne< ‘tlon with have taken years to have ohtalmsi a All three acts of the play are Ailed ness of certain classes of American so ­ n two reel feature tllm entitled. “Danny Roisl ••catch” of Rrass there Is now a with thrills, chills and laughter— ciety, but soon all of the characters Asks Why." .liidRe Itrown is nationally diH'Itly caris'ttsl lawn. haviiiR las'ii de- suaplcion, suspense and mystery are are caught in the baffling net of In­ known as a worker with Isiys ami predominant. Just who ’"nie Flash” trigue. The radio plays Its part—clue Kiris and his film prisluctlons are all velo|ssl within the last year. A stone is—Just how he works —is a problem upon clue piles up—each one thinks stories of youth. Kollowine the show- RariiRe. hiiilt to liarmontiu* with the that concerns every member of the ne can solve the mystery. iiiK of "Danny .\sks Why" on tlie same house, does not detract from the pleas- east and every member of the audi ­ Larry Ott, a young newspaper re­ nlKht of the Chautamiua. .ludRc itrown iiiR apiM‘arance of the plmi*. ence. porter; Dorothy Dolney, an actress; will talk ro- where the housi* stands, hut the spriiiRs distinctly different from any of the Flash” all play important parts. £ook into our Window Krams of tine mu.sic; Klwlra i’latt ami went dry. .Mr. UichmomI huilt drive ­ Vermai Stone, fun-makers : a unii|ue ways aloiiR the diti-li, widemsl it In travel le<‘ture hy Carveth Wells, the one place and huilt a tiny island. Then At Maple Rapids, July 17 to 21 famous Kiik IIsIi KiiRluecr: a four act e diiR into the siiritiRs and water Is'Raii listen to this: historical drama. "The House of Hlm- trickllnR down to the isiiid. Now it is mon ”; a my.stery comtsly "WamlerluK HlhsI with the clear, emd water, and I'RETTV WEDIHNti OF DE.ITII OK MAXINE CH.LSK Spook.s" ; a proRram of neRro music hy attracts the attention,of ever.v iK*rson COI'I'ERNOLL -UPTON WnshliiRtou's Se act lat is well .\t o ’chsk. to the strains of .Mr. and .Mrs. (' have had the I i'lniuestlonahly this year's Chautau- lo do. He is of a im*chaulcal turn of I.oheiiRriiis' W(*ddiiiR march. I he hride Hua offers to season ticket holders an mind ami i|uile deaf. He has a novel s.vmiiiiHiy of a large eommiiiiity of a|i|M*ariHl at H m* rose eoven*(l siair arch |H'o|ile ill Hieir time of sorrow and yet will see there! eieejalonul entertainment value. way of mowiiiR his larpe lawn. He where she was m(*t h.v her faila*r, who At Ma|ile itapids, July 17th to 21sl liouRht a half doxen ordinary lawn of hii|M*, .siirriiw tlml tlie end m’ ifi gave her in iiArrlaRc. '1 lie' hridal come and yet lni|H*fnl that their lovi*d Inclusive. mowers, connectiHl them in a stralRht imrty proceisled Ln|i the aisle foniasl lim*. and tlxisl up an arranRenient for one niigid he spnriNi n while longer hy rlhiMiiis held * Joy T1iirI(*.v and nty'*.isi. , pushiiiR th(*m with ati old aiitomohile. |{iitli l(iims(*,v. ti, Ifie (.nil iii.rior* where A (JKK.YT LITTLE “OBTAINEK" tt cost iitilte a lot.of rmniiey. and one .Vhixlne Li.nidi* Cliasi* liorn file eeremon.v was |N*vformed h(*for(' a of his frlCnds, hsikiiiR on as he was .Mni'*li 2;{. Mtl7 In Tiiwnsidii. (■'Uiileg F Howard, w lio^sucr ’essfully hnildliiR iLe isld hsikinR ma<-him*. iirof semi-eirenlar altar of llisir liaskets fll (Jfidiin t'onuly, .Micliigaii. nnd de hsl with Cyrlufiii l.lossoin*-' i.iir.' wli'-'*/ It may^ mean the saving of ptit u over on several of our husiness isuimleti tii^ ipiestton ; ^ile.l this l^e June 11.-1)127 in 1 :.'MI men last summer, has Issm arrested in l’(*onU*s. Kev. Dull read tin- service. in Hie afteriioim. at the age of ten •■What'll you do If It don ’t work'*" nsiiiR the ring eer(*mon,v. LunsiuR, ai) the funeral Take a pair of Soft-Lite Lenses with you on Harry ('o]i)M*nioll. of Grass Lake, .Mr. from out of town were: .Mrs. Charles and .Mrs. Fay ('oii|H'rnoII and Mrs. II. Cole of M'lishington. D. C.: .Mrs. Floyd Haskell, of .laeksoii, .Mr. and W. F. Benson. Lehiinon. N. Y. :.Mrs. your vacation trip. They will remove that “tired”, .Mrs. Itoy I'lilon and family, of Itoehes- on your wants D. .V. Cole nnd diiiigider .Mary and ter. and Miss Helen Hradley, of .Mus­ •Mr. nnd .Mrs. C. D. Crisik of .Mai>le kegon. ltii|iids; Mr. nnd Mrs. .Mnnson Chase. “burned” sensation of your eyes. This serious .Mr. and .Mrs. F'riink .Vnilersan nnd NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS son C.vril, and .Mrs. Geo. Cam|ilH*II of If you are planning on Building discomfort caused from the glare on water and SI. .lolms: .Mrs. Crhana Buck and I will Is* at till* .Maple lta|ilds I’ro- .Inliii Wllhnr of Detroit; .Mr. and .Mrs. dnee tVi., 'I'nesdays and Thursdays Bird Cnsliinan of BiiHi; .Miss IVannetu or Repairing, give us a chance bright sun-light, can be avoided with the proper until July 27tli. to r(*eelve vlllagi* taxes, N'ieliols of loniii : .Mr. nnd .Mrs. O. C. after that dale four iht cent will rs* Benson of Evarl : Clarence Benson of to figure your wants; our stocks eliargisl. .Miamii. Fill.: Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ed. Collins glasses. NEVA WFIlSTFIt and son of .Vdii : .Mrs. V. .1. Willey. Vlllagi* Treasnrer. Friink .Staid, and .Mr.iind .Mrs. H. C. are complete and our price is lliinsen of l.iinsing. and Mrs. Nettle MARKS GRAYE OK Irwin nnd fiiinil.v of Eiist I.ansiiig. — right, and we deliver it right D. N. ALLEN, D. O. S. The Luke (Idessii Wiive. REAL O. A. R. IN .11 Mil.E on thejob. Pkoaie 14 Maple RapMa Snow ci'iiielery In Itoiialil tomishlii. .Methislisl ehnreli lead in iira.ver, anil Ionia ('oniily, was tin* seem* of an Holden Cook, ii hoy .scout. soniid(*d ta|is. L After the |irogrnni wits thought eon- eiMM'hal event last Sniiday aftermion (■iil(I(*d. Mrs. .lames Emery of .McBride. If you don ’t care to take the re­ when the .Stevens .Mason hnshiind Is a great grandson ehaiiler of Hie D. It, marked aiioHier of JIrs. Snow sisike impromptu for the sponsibility of doing this work real daiigliler's grave with an approp ­ deseendiinis nnd her messiige. while H. M. PACK 10 SONS riate and Htriiig proRraiii. hrlef. WHS eliHinently s|Hik(*n. It was the grave of Mrs. .Mniison Those iiresent ineludisl .Mrs. isivina or haven’t the time, let us the MOTION Snow, dnngliter of William Pang- Emery. |>nsl K(l years of age. of Fal- MMAt: PlatarM ohrn. soldier of Hie ItevoliiHonar.v war. inoiiHi. Mil'll., a great grand-ihinghter contract complete; we don ’t care BEST II had long la*(*ii forgotten and jiingle- of Panghorn an ilher tlirei* eldldren and lirnsh had covered the idat. hnt Hirongh families. Mr. and .Mrs. James Emery. how large or how small the job Hie efforts of Hie D. It.. des(x*iideiits Ilf MeBriile. and son Itolliiiid .1. nnd •;;;H1ini:;!!t!!IiinH!n!!!K!IU!!!B{nime;Hi!HHi!IUIt!;IH;!:!!IB*a!!::iiiini!i!!!i!m>!:*!!::;*;:i!::::;:;:;;:;;li:;!i:!*:l;*!Sia were found and Hie history of the wife nnd diinghter of Almii; Mr. nnd Nunday Hhowg at 7 (glow time) Ail othrrg game ag heretofore. Panghorn-Snow families was ohtaimsi. .Mrs. William Wells of Sheridan, anil is: we can do it. The grave was mark(*i1 Sunday with ■Mrs. Carrie T(*<*d and two daughters, Civ a lironxe marker in Hie preseiiei* of of Sheridan.—Ionia Co. News. Friday, Satorday, Jana X4*XS an iiiteresttsi gronii and was one of We carry all our help insured and Hie lH>fit <*ereiii(>nlnls Hie clinpter has AliTO PL.ATES GREEN had in a long time. Aa a result of the effort tlio desei'iid- you take no chance. “Millioiudres** enta pri*fi<*nt agreeil to see that Hie Mlehlgnii'a 11)2S nntomohile lleense plates will have a gr(*(*n haekgronml with UeorRe Sidney. Louise Fnzemln. and Vern Gordon. What oeiiiefery la pincwl in a resiavtahle eoiidltloii. eaiieelally the I’niiglHirii- nnd while lelterliig. aiinoniiws the Can ’t those thr(>e conuHltans produce in laiiRhter? “WhlgperinR Secretary of Stale. Coidraet has l«>**ii Get our price complete. Smith Rides. ” News. Snow plat. The iirogrnni waa ojviied wlHi Hie nwiirdisl to the Jackson prison indnst- aiiigliig of the Aral and si*(*oiid ver,aea rles for 1.‘2o(!,ll()ti of the new plates. The word ''.Miehlgan'’ will Is* earrlisl tuaMtay, Motaday, Jtiaie X6*X 7 of “America'' and Hieii Mra. F.lmer miniiiimiiiiniiniiniir Cowan, regent of Hie 1). A. It. gave a nhove the nnmis'r on the passenger car lilatory of the I'anglnirii-Siiow families licenses, and instead of designatitig and the lahlet was nnvi*ih*d h.v Edith LtHHl.lMNl as a diamoiiil el|iher the nnm- **The Dark Aaigel** Belle and Liniiie Ti*<*d of Sheridan. lH*r will li(*r(*nft(*r Is* written in full. di*s(*eiideiita of the seventh geiicraHoii The (JeorRe Fltxniaurlee niasterplwe. witli Vllma Hatikli*}' and following 1‘atigliorii. Mrs. ’ I*. Itris'k. Kent Moss, n former Maple Itnplds Upton Lumber & Hardware Co. Konold t'olman. A powerful drama of life and love 'mid shot tiiid ehalriiian of the historleni i*ommitte hoy. dlisl III I.anslag Tnesdny. He shell. Due of the yi*ar ’s truly Rreat pletiires. Comeily, "HK MY of Hie ehapter then gave a “Trllmle was a memls'r of the Mn|>l<* Hnplils WIFE'. News. To the Ploiie(*ra". Then Hie gathering, l/iMlge I. O. O. F. Funeral will lie held MAPLE RAProS sang the last verse of “Ailierlea’’ and Saturday nfleriiism at 2:lt(l o'elisk at Rev. W. P. Kendrick,, paainr of the the liimie of Wm. Musa, in Ht. Johns. Freshman Week New ALBION GIVES B. A. Naval Acadamy Graduates Given Rewards Step in “£/” Plan Beach Blazer Freshman week, to be inaugurated DEGREE TO SEVERAL at the Univer.sity of Michigan next fall, promises to be a new step in the WEST STATE STUDENTS direction of humanized education for future students at the institution. .According to Prof. William A. A iiuinLit'r of west Michixoii hIu - Frayer of tlie history department, rt'ci‘iv<'>rri'(' of Itachf- chairman of the committee in charge lor of urtti at the ninety-second an ­ of the program, no effort will he .-pared to give the freshmen a proper nual ('omire neeinent of Alhinri col ­ start on their new life. The dominant lege. Airioan' them wen-; Charles C. aim of the plan is to bring about a Barclay, Scottville; Clarence W. more effective personal contact be­ Barclay, tJrand Kaphls; Orel Bur­ tween .-tuilents and faculty. dick, Hart: Huldah N. Grieder, Alden; The idea was conceived and put "a / into effect first in 1932 at the Uni­ (v. A. Jacokes, Kreinont; Mary A. versity of Maine by President Little, I’arsons, Muski'tron Height.-; Krances now president of the University of 1,. Peatling, Boyne City; Nellie .May .Michigan. Since that time the plan Ward, Grand liapid.-; K.sther A. ha.s been adopted by more than 100 Wooten, (ireenville. .American in.-titutions. Norman D. .A;iderson, Six I.akse; Begistrar Ira Smith has alreaily Carl K. Schills, Grand I,edge; Mor ­ taken a preliminary step in the pro ­ ris 1.. Strong, Ionia. gram in .sending out a detailed ques­ Miss Klla .Mildred h'liiiTian of tionnaire to prosfx ’ctive students. As Grand Bapiils received tin; degri'e of j soon as a freshman arriveii he will be bachelor of music and a certificate to i assigneil to a faculty advisor. There teach mu.sic in the public .school.^. ! will he more than 50 of these ailvi.s- Miss Bernice V. Kleinhans of St. ors, each of whom will be a.ssisted by laiuis, Mich., was also granted a music .-everal upper cla.s.smen. teacher’s certificate. ’Pile committee proposi'.s to bring Speaking on the theme. “Tite Word every entering freshman to the cam­ from Wa.-ihington, ” Bishop William I’. pus liy Monday morning. Sept. 12, .McDowell of Wa.-ihington said: aftei- which will follow .seven days of “Irresistible forces have pushed exten.sive activity. Cla.ssification will Washington into the world for its be earried on the same as usual, with good, and our good, let us hope. the exception that each student will “The tragedy of the war was that he give?! a definite time a.s»ignment. the paths to the German univer.sitie.- □1 This plan, according to the commit ­ have been allowed to grow up to tee, should eliminate most of the de ­ gra-ss. In the old days one .sought hi.- lay characteristic of cla.ssification in Ph. 1). i:i Germany. We were for ­ Diplomas are not the only rewards received by K*'*^duates of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, the tunate in not losing our youth or our Mo. To the left we see Ensii^n W. Y. C. Hughes being compensated with la kiss from his fiancee, Miss Grace An extensive program provitles for money in the cataclysm of 1914-1018. Douglas. Both are from Florida. To the right Ensign Fred Litty of Kansas City, Mu., is shown receiving his some feature nearly every hour of the We must be thi' schoolmaster of the epaulettes from Miss Doris Detell of Baltimore. Mrl. .-even-day pi-riod. including concerts, world. ma.s.s meetings, mixers, lecture.s and “.Mind making is infinitely more im­ sports. portant than money making, we miust \eu IjOW Uehnes “Psychological tests,” according to remember. No periods in human his­ CO-EOS TO STUDY Teacher Training HV HSU A.NU Prof. Frayer, “will be given for every By MME. IJSBETH tory have been more importitnt than freshman. ’Ph-'se are not to .serve jvs entrance requirements; rather we A splendid wrap for the woman thosi' which await the college gradu ­ There are now 13 educational insti­ LOVING hope by such means to be better able who yearns for the unusual in clothes \ ates of toda> The service for which CARE OF BABIES tutions in Michigan that have lieeii up- : they are trained is no .-mall service . to advise .-tudents regarding their as well as smartnes.s i.s this long blazer proved for the purpose of giving the By Mrs. Virginia Lee “l,et us not in our smugness weake:i studies. ” designed for beach wear. .Michig'a:i .^tatv colng. co-iil.> will one year of profes.sionul training as The Great Adventure One of the plan which is ex- America by disregarding law.- we do It reaches down to the hem of the not like. I'nies; our .America v Household Suggestions care for a long coat of this striking hour,- each morning, five days in the Pleasant; Northern State Normal ; „,,,| then thj*nls! we are en pattern, it may be cut off and .still be How la -a housefly a'jile to walk up­ Week, ill the college nui'.sery. The School, Marquette; We-terl; >*talf cdllege. The mxst time away good for sport.s wear. side down on a smootp ceiling? This .school wi)l stmt .Itine 27, continuing Normal School. Kalamuzdo; Detroit home learriingVo he men iinil / M^NU MINT j A red felt turban trimmed with a Isn ’t creamed Viehna chiciten and is a quastion which ha-'long h on dis ­ fer five weeks , Teachers’ College, Detroitetroitj J the Michi4Michi-^. omen! . . red bow on the side completes the stitawberry cvi.stard pie slice eyiugh to ontfit. puted and i.s not yet i^Ttied satisfac­ Caie of the Aifuiit.- will lie part of gan County No-rmal TrainifigTrainilig,Clfcs.sei l)ut agn.'i,agn.A, ai’il one *!iuvnuv ni^ .-eems i till' regular courses for co-eds in the Ferris Institute, Big Rapid.-; Emanuel . . .. I be planned for a “companjA ’ dinner? ------torily, says “The Pathfinder.’’ For ­ a.s if all our dreams —our \v ery’fel: ou^- ‘i" 'hick- STYLE WHIMSIES merly it was widely believed that in home economicsconomics division, and beginbegin- .Missionary College. Berrien Springs; i dreams that we hardl ;iing the fall ti'im in .September the Calvin College, Grand Kupids; .Sacred -piye-.- -seem to he coming true, and ' en. and d-i not make the pie so large sects such as flies are enabled to walk that it cannot he finished up at one .....Handkerchiefs are. the, most fused upside down on a smooth surface be will he expanded to a full Heart College, Marywood. Grand Rap- i,ypath Uik m.’al, or in one dav .anvwuy, as it will "^ting things on the shop counters cause each one of their feet acts like lime .-e.'.s'ion. Tht' work wdl be su- ids, t.ollege. Battle Creek, Nazareth -jng adventure of all—“getting mar- not be so good after it has .-tood thes® days. -They come in every color a miniature air pump. The insect, it pei vised tiy instructors in the home Battle Creek College, Batth’ Creek;' yjpj • And after thi.s that •■Teat event of the rainbow and trimmed with lace, economic.' departrnent. I Academy, Kalamazoo. —parenthood, w’hich is a most in- ;iwhile. was sard, had thi‘ ability to remove Creamed Vienna Chicken hand-painting, and ertibroidery. the air from under its feet by means Tn I'Xplanation of the plan, home' This new law provides tliut to re- teresting and hazardou.- undertaking, ■coiiomic.s in.structors declared ‘‘tlie i ceive a county certificate to teach^ then there ate all the hu-iness Mashed Potatoes or Buttered of suckers through the hairs. This was Noodles j Gold metal .satin is one of the nov ­ suppo-sed to cause the pre.ssure of the childieii will lie occuided with a sim- school a per.son mu.-t have had at ventures to keep us in- elty fabrics employed in the French |)le and flexible progiain of singing | least one year of profe.ssional trai:dng | t,.,.(.,,ted in life and then the of Asparagus with Buttered Crumbs air from the outside to hold the fly Lettuce Salad miaching for a ing water, season with salt, pepper Here is a new way to vary tlie usual mology ha.c brought the following re­ buttered carrots: Bcrapi' and cook the r Honor Student specifusd period prior to that date. TheLlll* All C 1_* l_ • 1-1 ^ 1 A. ClllMand paprika and simmer untilUIILtI tenderfcxlixi\.ls r ply: “The foot of the housefly bears ®X- th!’* ’wrifr 'Thicken with flour and add a gill of carroU in the u.sual manner. When two curved lateral claws and between law also provides that with somi One of thi’ eight honor co-ed stu- •ive . V ' .-our cream, mushrooms and green dram them and put through the them a pair of membraneous pads. ception.s iio person shall teach or give.■V®: about decided that life I.s not "'orth I .potato ricer. Add pientv of butter, dents of the University of Michigan instruction.- in any of the regular or ,,p These pads are covered below with wniu> ntifl ch#» miirnt u/** ! miit i ‘ ' ' .salt,i, ...... pepis ’i- and. i paprika and give innumerable closely set hairs which selec ed bv VVjwern Junior Honorary , eWmentary grade studies m any pri- ..r,e„r Mrs. l ee: 1 am a .school society of that .school is Mu-s Jean vote, denominational, parochial school tracher in mv earl" thirties Am fair Strawberry Cu.tard Pie—Mash two ^ them a vigorous heating. .secrete a small amount of viscid Hathaway, daughter of I)r. and Mrs., within this .state who does not hold a:f;‘‘t,,Vlo:ifing hav!’ gl.od clot^^^^^^^^ liquor. This L- what enables them to cup.s of fresh .strawberries, aild one , walk upside down on the ceilings. ’’ luthtiwflju „ • uof loniu.I 1 * ! ccrtiticatf* auciisuch fls wouldwuuiu quo-MijGu&.]if\' ninihim jrooil • positJori, and i Ii .'Unposi ‘ cup of sugar and a tablespoon oi | Economy, honor IS based on .schola.stie, or her to teach in grades of the; ^ happC .successful cornstarch. Simmer until thickeneil ; Don ’t b" afraid you are extravagant and cuinpu- ach.evenien s. She was public .schools of the .state. ; Lee I am not. and then add two egg yolks, cook for few ■ when you fill your refrigerator with salutatonan of her jrraduatinir cla.s.< ._ o —______i au- i • ai . ai. • a v minutes, remove from stove and add ' ice It i- economy to keep the ice ! am thinkinjr that there ih not much here in 192.5 and attained many othi i j When making pies from fresh or one table.spoon butter. Pour into che.-t full, for when the ice get,- low I u.5'^/0 /?%=» gether twice. Mix lightly ingredients Follows in Fatbar’i Fooltitpt and combine the two mixture*. Pry Edna Honeywell of St. Louis, Re •lacti President Not of itself, hut the. // o//e» ry/fc/ on a hot. well greased waffle iron, | daughter of Capt. Harry E. Honey- The National Federation of Mu.-ic serve with maple syrup. -By Marion , well, dean of American balloonist#. Clubs recently re-olectod Mrs! Edgar Only the willing will wins. Eorbe- .Magazine Jane Parker, Home Economic Dept., I has already made two balloon flights, Stilman Kelley of Oxford. O., presi Calumet Baking Powder Co. I and hopes to make five more, one of ) dent. \ Stale Will Ask "King Ren” FIREMEN OF STATE to Pay for Innane Patients ECONOMIST SEES I’lans to collect fees paiii by the STABLE BUSINESS le vTSiT CHARLOHE state of .Michigan and Berrien county for the care of insane patients and ' harloltf will fht< rtuiii the Mich- i dependent children who were forced Business in 1927 will be good but may not prove ak good a* in 1926, iRan State Kirenn'ii ’s Ab.-oeiutioti July to leave the House of David colon), were announced by Ralph E. Hughes, Haul J. Stokes of Indianapolis de ­ 13. The convention of the ius^ociation a.ssistant attorney general. clared at the opening of the twelfth will he helil in^ing July IJ, 13 Evidenc,e unearthed by Hughes in annual convention of the Interna ­ anil 14, but on the afternoon of .luly an investigation, so far incomplete, tional Purchasing Agents ’ association at Grand Rapids. 13 it will come to Charlotte, where a .shows about a dozen member* of the Benton Harbor cult have been con ­ Stokes, who is economist of the proBram of entrctainmeiit it. being National Retail Hardware association, provided. It is cximt U-iI between 300 fined in the Kalamazoo hospital at the expense of state and county. predicti-d that during the next few aivd 400 will be presented. months agriculture production will Sports event.s, a lire dein- In addition, Hughes charges, many members of the cult have been buried cause a rising tendency in prices but onstration, bani|Uet, dance and the­ in the potters ’ Held at the expense of industrial production, affected by re ater party are among the features the public. s<‘rve production capacity and comp*'- planned. tition, does not point to an increase. 'Die Maple City Kireineiis ’ Club has In one known instance live children were confined in state schools while He .saw little change in conditions be­ voteil $150 toward the expense of the fore 1930. meeting, the city council has voted their parents, former cult members, I were patients at Kalamazoo ho.ons on whom factors in prosperity, do not obtain at (lOV. and Mr.s. (Ireen will attend. the present time. ■State Insurance Commi.ssioner Liv­ 1 the insane individual is legally de- ; pendent an- re.sponsible to the state ingston will umpire the baseball game. ; for maintaining the 'individual in It is appropriate that Charlotte Form New Air Line ; question, ” Hughes said. ‘‘.Since mem- shoulil be host to thi.-. organization as Between Benton Harbor Charlotte was a charter member and hers of the House of David turnodi all and Chicago helped organize the a.s.sociation .'iO their property over to the cult w'ith i the understanding they would be years ago under the regime of Chief I cared for, we believe we can force Plans have been announced at Ben­ Hobnet. Charlotte has had delegale.s ton Harbor of the formation of the at the state convention every year ; payment for their care in a.sylum.s. j ‘‘The state has paid $4,752 for care Benton Harbor Airway.s company, -nice and has had three presidents which will establish a pa.sssmger air of the state association--C. K. K. ! of insane patients at the Kalamazoo ' hospital since 1902. Berrien county line service between that city and Baxter, now in the west; the late 1>. the. paid $1,700, while in one case the U. Chicago within the next month. lu .1. Donovan and Sam Robinson. W. S. Veterans ’ Bureau cared for an in- addition, a fast freight service of an F. Stirling, a former chief of the hour or less may be put in running Kalon Itapids department, now a SACCO •sane former member of the House of David at a of $1,941.” order for light shipments between tlharlotte resident, also was a presi­ I Hughes’ records will be offered in Benton Harbor and the surrounding dent. State Fire .Mar.shal Charles ! evidence at the receivership suit point.s. The project is hacked by Lone of Charlotte i.. .statistician of , against the colony, it was stated. Ernest Trimble, Harold .Ma.s.sey mid the -tate organization. o William Strine. Midwestern Fruit Growers WANTED- Visit Berrien County Salesmen and Sale*ladiat tt» hniiiHt* oiif of the b«-t 'Ubtlivislona For the pui'iiose of conducting ex- )oi Htt‘d on the W«‘»t 8nie of the City t>f Leads in r>»-tn>it. Hiulily ichtrlcteil and liiitv- ten.-ive field studies of virus very low. Within anyones reach to buy. \ C«Mh liboral cotntniAaioiis paid and no of raspberries, growers of .small defcrrc ’d. If inttTChttKl write to the \ UNITED STATES REALTY (T)IU» . Mr. ® a* fruits, pomologist.s and nursery in- ('has. H. San-son, Prea.. 3U8 Hammond spi-ctors from u number of midwest- Automobile Iliiildiny, Detroit. Michigan. - <1 ern .states will tour Berrien eounty June 23 and 24, according to an an ­ nouncement made by Herbert E. Pow ­ Insurance ell, state commis.sioner of agricultural department of Michigan State Col ­ MAY OPEN HOLLAND ^Plnn $6,000,000 Merger IPLEDGE MILLIONS FOR lege. More than 12,000 more policies Berrien county is the center of than nearest competitor. Abour (iraiid Rapids finarickil circles ha., ■ Michigan’.s small fruit di.strict and the 60,000 leading business men and HOSPITAL THIS YEAR been .stirred by the announcement ef DETROIT WORLD PORT I principal nnspberry, blackberry and farmer.-; are insured. the'd con.solidation of the iii- , dewberry farms will be inspected in terests of the Indu.stliul Hank. Wic j an effort to learn methods of con- Werk on Holland ’s new municipal iili Inilustrial Company and the MichijJn .Miis$ii I* Runiiit-y, pr«sil Resignations of Dr. W. F. Dodge, •o cuit ship... owiiert by the Detroit- bill overfooking the city in avory ; chief surgeon at the .Michigan Sol- of Assets E. Frey, piesiiieiit of th' Imlu.steiid New York Transit Corporation, in ­ ‘ diers ’ Home, and of Captain Harry reel ion. The .street leading to the Bank, will heail tin industrial com ­ augurated the first all-water .service Rork, (iuarterm.a.ster, were accepted The company has more automo ­ grouiidii ha.s been paved, making the pany and William .41deii Smith, pii si- in hi.story between Di-tvoit and New by the board of managers of the home biles insured than any other building easily acces.sible from all dent of the .Michigan Guaranty Cor- York reeeiitly. The.v will hi- used on , at its meeting in Lansing. parts of the city. The ho.spital i.s built povation, will be chairman of thi- a regular .scheduh- ovi-v this route via company in Michigan and has a William J. Remus, pharmacist, who of brick and present.- a imposing hoard. the Welland canal. Lake Ontario to state wide service to take care MOSWniKS structure. , was suspended when the recent in- The new and enlarged linlu.-trial Oswego, N. V., and the Erie eanal. ! vestigation into the home's affairs wa.s of claim.*. ' 'Phe building is lieing. financed by Company will Income the successor Wi-<-kly .--11 dings will be made. The ha begun, has been dL-scharged. the board of public works and will of the .Michigan Guaranty Corjiora- ship .sailed with a mi.scellaneous If not in.ured, look up local represent an investment of approxi ­ tion. Only preliminary .steps of the ■ Dr. Dodge came to Grand Rppids cargo on .May 26. The trip ri-(|uires I from Big Kapid-s about 18 months agent or write to the mately $150,000. It is so arranged consolidation have thus far been ex­ six day.s. I ago. Captain Rork, whose former that units can he addeil when in- ecuted with no definiti- details of tin- o FLY I crea.seil accommodations are needed. new financial structure announced. home was in Saginaw, has been an Citizens’ Mutual ySPRAYl The present ho.-pitiil, formerly the Board of directors of the .Michigan Automobile Jolts officer at the home nine years. The home of Dr. Henry Kreniers, has ren ­ Guaranty has voted to ac<|Uire the Being Studied A^ou; : fpslgnations are effective June 30. Tanglefoot Sprar ______1 ------o- ■ - Automobile Insurance acuUka'^llquidfire^ dered excellent .-ervice, although the entire capital stock of tin- Iiidu.strial when Qsed againet building has repeatedly been far too Bank and thi- pr('.--ent Industrial Com ­ A meehanical "bucking broncho ” is i if® ■‘eally good for you it is good I moaquitoea. It liter* .-mall to meet demands. pany. .Stockholders of these institu ­ being utilized by the bureau of stand- j >««•• organization. —Forboa Maga- I Company ally burnt them up. tions have completed arrangements ards at Washington in an effort t Qmmri $1. 35;pint 75d: Ite power will aatonUh Howell, Michigan H pHit SOdi Sup*r’ rou. And Tengirfbot Pentwater’s "White for the .stock deliv(-ry. .Mr. Frey has solve the sofrets of motor car motion. ^ ------_ . Sprmfr, J5 o«nf« quality coeta no more. Elephant” Building been i lecti-d to the Guaranty hoard as The perplexities of the multiple jolts,; Classified Advertisement* THE TANGLEFOOT COMPANY the initial .step toward his executive jars and jounces to which the motorist ______ORAND RAPIDB. MICH. Sold to Chicagoanleadership. is subjected in poox ’ly maintaini-d ou-(.Qp^syipy^TiON REMEDY GUAR- The Industrial Bank will coiitinui- tomobilcs are occasioning the experi-' sntei-ii. M eiiIs. r i. Box is-iA. WbIIh J. E. Littler ha..- «old the Littler Walla. WatthinirfoH 89-IA;; Ground Almonds V. in its pn-.sent building under the .same ments. firow them in raw buililing at I’entwater to Kdwarii Du­ executive pi-rsoiitn-l for soon- time The ‘bucking broucho ’Ms fashioned I NEW beauty discovery and money RHrden. A delioiMi vall of Chicago. It wa.s organize,! 10 veur.- ago under in the .style of a vibrating chair,; Maker. Lady Valencia Cream a new dli- nut. with M flBVW What Is a ^ a 1 V ______1 icovery makes your skin soft ana white, re­ i r«Bemblin{c th« Ow This building, known as the ‘‘white the ‘‘.Morri.* Plan." Its growth has mounted on U connecting rod, ! qulrlng no vanlRhing cream (»r powder. Olves Mi rcoanut or the elephant,” was built for a hotel in the one end of which supports the ,seat!t>MUty «nd rh»im with first acpUcatlon. /mond. The meat k Diuretic? been vi-ry rapid, th,- original -tock i.* H snow-white, roveratf early OO's by George Williams of Chi­ said to have multiplie,! in value t,-n while the other ig linked to an «ccen-| j for The simple inKredlent* ^^^with a tbio sheU M People Are Learning the Value of cago and more than $100,000. times during this period. It.- trie electric geiu-rator, which can bei'-*" i>r housht at your . Use It ^ akin of brown rol«» Before the building wa-s occupied the , J ^ - u 4. I yourself, then sell 6 to 10 jara daily to your It srown cloie to ^ Occasional Use. resourci'.s ,-xc<-,-d $3,000,000. Thc- operated so as to givf* about ^'very | oeijj^bora. Satisfaction sruaranteed. Send Rurface, is very pr^ panic of 1803 hit Pentwater and the present Michigan (iuaranty Corpora ­ known motion of a rough-riding car. i "o'* •’eip nay n,'/taK» and tha <-o,t llAc. a Rinffle ntfl building subsequently reverted to the U. 4 J 4.1. 4^ 4.1. ..4.* 4.V.. 1 of tnia ad for this simple formula for makinsr J^yleldinir from 200 || veryone knows that a lax­ tion has n-sources of $2,500,000. Ig insistod' tn&t tno motions of tne ^ Lady Valencia Cream. Take quick Hfivantawe 800 nutB in a kB E ative stimulates the bowels. state for taxes. I..ater it wa.< taken Tile Industrial Company, owned by mechanical chair are found, in one i Sale, .Sprvira, ssss So Marsh- and will do woU B over by the tow.iship and then pro ­ any kind of bo H. B A diuretic performs a similar th'- stockholder.-; of the hank, -was cruise or another in all car.s, manyi______the nuti are plantod function to the kidneys. Under visionally donated to K. O. Gardner, formed two year.s ago when the bank movements, it ha.s bei-n .shown, cuus-j-i-vE LOST my heart " (a beauiiful in the sprint tba thestrain of our modem life, who sold it to Littler ill 1021. ino- ni.-ntnl huyards hocniise thpv irri-' "ons) ; poatpaid, send 2Sc in stamp, same as potatooe t our organs are apt to become .separated its bond dejjartment into a ing nitnini nazaras oecause eney irn Pnrhe. ...'.i E. Main St . Nonixtown. bit crop can be eo^ year Littler sold the north end of the separat* ’ corporation to mei-t the tate the driver and make him nervous | Pennaylvanla. pected about potat* sluggisli and require assistance. building to George Birdsey, who re­ harvent Ume. Thev grow BO rapidly and More and more people are rapid growth in business. and fidgety. produce such immenaa cro]roDB that you modeled it for ues as a motion picture ‘ FOR SALE learning to use Doan's Pi//s,oc­ Pre.sidi-nt Frey .stateil that the Iii- ■Automobile manufacturers are giv ­ FARM NEAR FLINT. 70 ACRES. 500 Ap­ be aurpriRed. Everybody likeB them, fl house. lOc for a package of these nuta. or casionally, to insure good elim­ rlustrial Bank will continue to func ­ ing closf- attention to the bureau ’s ple trvps. l.-'iOO pench. fiort plum, peiir. cherry 25c and get 8 packages. Address Noto Hii ination which is so essential tion with its pri-s.-nt .senior and junior te.sts. .So far the jouncing chair has treew, rM beniing fruit Albert Brendel, Garden Club. 58 Market St., f^rand Rapida, Route 4. Kenton. Michignii. 88-91 Mich. to good health. More than 50,- officers and the hoard con-sisting of shown that sensitivity to curious mo ­ 000 grateful users have given the following member.-;: William Al­ tions differ. Motion.* that are disa ­ LOOK. WORLD’S SMALLEST BIBLE. SIZE NOVELTY GARDEN CLUB Doan’s signed recommenda ­ pontage fttamp. Profanely illuntrated. Pont- 58 Market Ave., S. W tions. Scarcely a community len Smith, John K. Frey, Gilbert I,. greeable to some cause no discomfort paid 38c. Comhinatlnn needle book. 98 but has its representation. Ask PILE SUFFEREHS Daane. Stuart E. Knappen, Arthur H. to others. needlen 40c. R, tJay. Axtell, Nehranka. Grand Rapida, Michifan your neighbor! Vandi-nherg, Kellar .Stem and Tom Thoits. Holland Post Cited \ PILLS 'El o by American Legion\ DOAN’S 60c Grand Rapids Wood Children Cr^ Stbntdant Dhmtic to the KUtoey Product Used in Thi- Willnnl G. Loenhouts of leHwMillMVB CO.MIS. Cfaui_Bugal« N. V. GET RELIEF EASY Lindbergh's Plane the .Am.-rican I.egion of Holland wa.* j Testa ever • period of Uva years one of 10 in the United States to re­ fit thonoanda of esses prove inter- ceive- u citation for distinguished Credit or stanchness of Charles Japanese Climbing Ml treatment and removal of service the organization hap renden-.l OOMO la tho oBo qnlek, harmleoa, Lindbergh^g “Spirit of St. Loui-A ” is Cucumber pahilaaa, offecUva ''•y to givo pilo to its city. claimed for Graitrl Rapids by the Has- The citation is for the national di ­ A ittstinct new eEffesNTB real relief. Doctors agree kclite Manufacturing corporation. The .‘ucumber from and it mesne one need bother no rector of community .*(-rvic<- division I T « r> « n. The moro with ealveo and snppoalto. rea.*on is shown in a telegram received of the American Irf-gion. vines srs txtrs by James R. Fitzpatrick, secretary and ^ itroos snrl vtg- riaoL Planting 300 trees, a.ssisting the f o r o u s. end • No mattor how long or severely director of sales of the local concern, R,-il aiul bringing a new factory Qstoru gTsst climbers, from the Ryan Airlines of San Diego, p r o d u o Inc s yo« enffar—Jnet ewallow two emaU to Hullupd are the reasons for the s u r p r I s Ins harmleao piU* threa times daily builders of the plane. i imounr of su- with a littla water and in 24 hoora citation. The other nine towns ar<- * ssrior fruit on ‘‘The only plywood used in the Iocat,-d outside of Michiga^. I poles. fsncsii. l» many caeea and shortly after In plane ’s construction with the excep­ * elds of house. even bad easea the pUes and aufferw —------o ------, itc. Three lag go away eompletoly. Ono noor tion of the floor and seats is Has- rimes ths usual kelite,” the telegram .said in part. We Would Abandon Line MOTHl'R:- Fletcher’s ^Top from a sayai eelven area can ^amlr rtan as* 1 (•* M**4la( sllaa. now use Haskelite exclusively in wing •be irrown with I wa. aiwraM sa- kat •rmtaallr _iise. nice green •an «* work aa4 la f wadu tb* *ll« Fedenil Court at Detroit for the aban ­ f jolor. and flne vat* caaiabttir saa*. Tkit va* 1 vantli* consists of thin layers of wood, the Children .ill ages of Constipa­ ^slicing and pic t aad tkar* w n* tlsa *f a rttara. grain of adjacent layers at right donment of the interurban railway ti I I n g The 8 It. la ataml***." —J*a**k Wlattt. tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic .OSS 4Dd fruits being elevated do oot euf* Okaa Pain. N. T. angles, cemented; with a secret process line of the Detroit United Railway be­ far from wet weathar and insects It eats WOU m I’ll* Pin* ar* aiad* la ths warM’a blood albumen glue. Weight for tween Romeo and Imlay City, follow ­ and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by fruit constantly throughout the eeaaon larttat laktiilarlti at tntat lasradliala ing the recent hearing heltl before Tea will be pleased with It. Packet. l«c: t Mnltt* *s avao ■>■** dalleat* vanaa. weight the product is said to be much regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of pk‘s fir- poetpald Addrsse Novelty Oar- PaataTi asra* <*t laatlns ntalu bitnaal stronger than steel. Another asset William S. Sayres, Jr., .standing ma.--- 4*a CIttb Nfarket 9t . Grand Rapids, Irtaf lat aa4 laataTal at aaaa* It bias ti-ry in chancery. The line consists Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep. fti ‘re •aa’t Mar at tagtr aaatkar dar.^Gtt a lies in it# being absolutely waterproof. esa k*Ma St Caiaa PU. Pilb at drac of about twenty miles of trackage. It novelty garden club Eighty-flve per cent of the aircraft To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of alaaw *a kattla ky aiail la plala wrapyw built in America today use the local was operated at a $26,000 loss during •• Mark*! Ava., S. W. Ahsolutfly Harmless - No (>piales. Physicians everywhere recommend it Craad Rapids, Mickifaa Arm’s product in some amount. 1026, the receiver stated. m-jm

A New Heavy-Duty Power Tube Released A LOHERY WITHOUT A WINNER

The Demand for Still Greater new UX-171 when operating at tti By W. R. MOREHOUSE Public ReUtlona Commistlon, American Banker* Asaoclatlon Loud-Speaker Volume Without full capacity that it Is Imperative that a transformer or choke and bypass b« (There ie preeented herewith the first o/ a eerie* of arttciee espoeiug the witee Overloaded-Tube Distortion Is et eAarpere who are after your money.) Don ’t Delay placed between the tube and the loud ­ Met With a Tube of Ample speaker Accordingly, it is recom lmost unbelievable amounts are lost to the American people Electrical Proportions. mended that the plate current, or out ­ A annually from unwise ventures. This loss, estimated at near­ put from this power tube, be delivered ly one billion dollars a year, is accounted for when you take into ___ consideration that practically all of the money New York. —In order to provide still to an audio-frequency choke of from If you are thinking of a new greater power from the storage-battery 10 to SO henries, shunted across tbt '.WfW “invested" in numerous fake schemes and receiver, yet without the need for output, together with a 2 to 6 micro half-baked projects is forfeited by the invest ­ alternatlng-current-supply, there la farad bypass condenser In one lead ors. In presenting this series of articles re­ ^ade-to-Measure Suit for the to the loud-speaker and a direct con garding sharp practices and various kinds of nectlon for the other lead, an arrange swindles we hope to prevent thousands of peo­ ment already in extensive use. Again, ple from falling into the traps already set for If preferred, the output may be deliV' them by irresponsible and unscrupulous pro­ ered to the primary of a 1-1 output moters. fourth - of ■ ffuly transformer the secondary of which is Through the use of only actual cases se­ Usr AUDIO STASlS connected with the loud-speaker. In lected from several thousand, it is hoped to t ? either event, the direct current from prove conclusively the futility of taking a the tube will not flow through the “gambler ’s chance” with your savings, for as We also have a good line of loud-speaker. The purpose of the in a lottery without a winner you are bound to transformer Is to insulate the loud ­ lose. Much of the material here used has been speaker from the high voltage used Stock Suits from which to choose. 5^-', a % supplied by the Better Business Bureaus on the plate of the tube and thus keep throughout the United Jtates which are non­ the high potential within the cabinet profit organizations serving the investor -Some good styles in Ladies ’ which bouses the set. Only the de ­ without charge and acting wholly in the sirable AC component will be passed. W R.. MOREHOUSE public interest. Read these cases and and Men ’s Oxfords and Slippers. This operates the loud-speaker. then file them away for future reference, for sooner or later you The new power tube is provided may find yourself on the verge of “taking a leap in the dark”,—of with the RCA large standard ‘‘UX” speculating with your savings as the people here told about were base which fits all standard Navy Inveigled into doing. ^ iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll bayonet type sockets, as well as the A “good front ” has put over more Satanic cunning they fail In line with new push type or universal sockets. crooked deals than any other one their Intended victim's likes and dis ­ Characteristics of UX-171 Power thing. Every Irresponsible promoter likes, his viewpoint and his bobby, Radlotron specializes in putting on a "good and when they have gained hla favor New Heavy-Duty Tube Appearance...... Same as UX-112 front" In his dealings with those and trust they grow more and more whom ho fleeces out of their savings. confidential, presently taking a great J. M. ROBERTS Base.. RCA large Standard “UX” type now Introduced the new UX-171 Ra- Filament Voltage ...... 5.0 Whether or not he is successful is due Interest In his welfare and happiness. Clothing and Shoes Maple Rapids dlotron. This tube, although no larger Filament Current ...... 0.5 ampere to a large degree ou bow good a front Before long they are offering advice than the UX-112 type which has met Plate Voltage ...... 90-180 he is able to put on. In motion pic­ and pointing out how be can better bis with such wide favor In storage-bat ­ Negative Grid Bias.... 16V4-40^ volte tures, the sets, or “props ” as they are own Interests by making a new dis ­ tery receivers. Is capable of supplying Plate Current ...... 10-20 mllliampereg called, supply the setting for the position of his available cash or by an amazingly large volume of undis ­ scenes. They are used to portray selling his present good securities and torted output to the loud-speaker; and things that seem large, things that buying others recommended by them. Kur the next week we are offering to the public tlie best Nut as is the case with other types of seem grand and beautiful. Peer be­ Your promoter will draw upon your Margarine on tlie market today. The regular price is 23e per lb. power tubes. It is intended for use Illuminating Facts hind those sets and what do you see imagination and paint a picture of a only in the last stage of an audio ­ there? You see that the attractive scheme by which you can make thou- Kilt lo inlrudnce tills suiierior inargarine we will sell (for the next frequency ampllSer. The announce ­ About the Radio fronts are supported by braces ( week only) 5 iHiunds fur $1.U0. ment of the new tube was made by made of the cheapest, knottiest Homes having radio re ­ J Klmer E. Bucher, of the Radio Cor ­ and poorest timber imaginable. Yours for ceivers ...... 6,000,000 poration of America today. They serve their purpose In the ButifMM No Do Rumsey & Son The new UX-171 tube may be oper ­ Broadcasting Stations In world of make-believe, but in real ated from a 6-volt storage battery the U. 8...... 666 Ufe you cannot afford to buy through a 5 or 6 ohm rheostat or If Broadcasting Stations preferred. It may be operated from a 5- throughout the world.. 922 U. 8. vessels equipped volt source of alternating current sup­ 4. top to let the steam escu|ie there will ply, according to Mr. Bucher. with radio telegraphy.. 1,900 lie less iieetl of tying the lids on and The maximum plate potential of Foreign vessels equipped U. S. DEPARTMENT the pudding will not lieeoiue ttsi moist. this new tube is 180 volts. The nega ­ with radio telegraphy.. 9,000 tive grid bias or “C” battery should Licensed broadcast receiv ­ .\ freshly spllleti lltinld should never lie riililieil from n t-ariiel or rug lieeause be 40.5 volts for the full 180 volt plate ers In England...... 2,000,000 OF AGRICULTURE tills only drives the liquid into the potential, with correspondingly less Broadcasting Stations In United Kingdom...... 4 31 Kiidiut-d froiii I'SII.Y fiilirie. Instead, cover the liiiiiid with grid potential for lower plate poten ­ corn meiil, tiilcuiii istwiler, lilottliig tials. The following table gives the Estimated Broadcast lis­ 'I'lii* picvciitloii of Mliiiitcd growth pu|H*r torn into lilts, or iiiiy otlier uh- recommended values and also shows teners In U. S...... 20,000,000 Mild dciiHi losses iiiiioiig youug live- sorlH-iit iiiiiteriul which will take it the approximate DC plate current for Persona directly or Indi­ Hiot'k will iiiiikc sliH'k riilsiiig more up iiiid prevent its spreading. each value of plate and grid voltages: rectly employed in radio 250,000 profitiililc. The threiil iigiiilist Mil lUii- Newspapers publishing iiimI’s life I.s grcMtcKt Ml lilrtli. or Nliortl,v Approxi ­ Mflci WMi'ils. 'Pile clilef cHiiseM of curly Hiiiterscoli-h 1h made tiy melting to ­ programs In U. S...... 15,000 mate Plate dcMihs ill livestock full iiiio two geii- gether 1 cup of brown sugar -and 2 Radio Fan Magazines.... 20 tiildesisKiiis of hotter iiutil the mixture Negative Current In er.-il cImsscs : First, Hiose ciipiilile of Magazines publishing ra­ coiisidcrMlile, riKliictioii, cliiefl.v through is waxy. It eiiii then ls> used t« sweet­ Plate Y'<’1tsgeQrld Voltage Milllamperea en und fiiivor luan.v deserts such us 180 40.5 20 dio sections ...... 40 Cl'MdiCMlioil of lllsCMSC fitUOIIg tllC llldt- Books published on radio. 600 lislied in l.ondon in lliiKt. If it sunitutloii s.vstem helps lo prevent lutll- The liorse liiis a relatively small circulated like mercury it ct-rlaluly iiose. iiiuiige. dlelry defieleiieies. eholerti stiimiieh and can not take care of Found to Relieve Poisonous was ]H>pular. Mild other uiliiieiits lo u liirge extent. greut qiiiintitles of coarse noiiuutritons Tills is to lie exiN*eleest occurs some footls. give nothing to drink but milk, either droppings from the houses daily and throughout the entire country where- place where fowls will not have ac­ sweet or sour, skim milk or buttermilk. Any true mayonnaise, made with ever corn It grown. Green sweet corn MAHMOCWCHl uTuiMic ymmmTisw Feed no mash. Feed grain twice egg. oil, and seasonings will keep as cess to them. Clean and disinfect, at . dally. The Institute's experts urge suffers the greatest damage, but it has Exports of meat from the United cent, and Germany was fourth, taking long ns a week in a refrigerator. It's frequent intervals, the houses and all feeding sour skim milk as the baby lieen estimated that 2 per cent of a good idea to make up a sufiicieiit States In the twelve months ending feeding and drinking utensils. The use chick's first meal, after it has been field corn is annually destroyeil by the sllglitly less than 3 per cent. Bel­ quantity to last a week. June 30, 1920, amounled to 5.37,772,WI2 of iierniaugate of potash in the drink ­ hatched 40 to 50 hours, and favor earworm. In the South the dninnge gium and the Scandinavian countries ing water, at the rate of one-third Is imicli lioavler. In Virginia the time pounds, valued at $109.872,18.5, accord ­ feeding it continuously until the are other nations to wlilch tlie United Ix-iirn liow ninny servings can lie teasiKMiii of liermangate to the gallon of planting, or rather the time of silk­ ing to Hie Sears-ltoeliuck Agricultural States delivers yearly substanital of water, serves to jirevent the spread chicks are six to eight weeks old, ing, lias lat'ii found to lie tlie niostlin Foundation In a survey of the 1920 ex|H*et«*amiiig a pudding In a coffee Indies, the next largest buyers. Cana­ about 4 per cent of tlie total amount of adult fowl. The salt may be mixed It up as an to make sho|iplng so likely to oeenr If the husk is long cun. Hie lid must Ik * securely fasteiieil In a siiOielent quantity of mash for trips. and closes tightly around the silks. da rauked third but took only 6 per United States meat exports. on. Iiiit If a small bole Is pierced in the one feeding. _ ___ \J' \

CONDENSED NEWS OF THE VILLAGE ANOTHER SHIPMENT FRESH ROASTED If there was any la-ttor Has made % BUY SEASON TICKETS tho Standard OH Co. would mako It.— • •KIP.. HAHYKYS. Sovon iinrsos. .Miss Floroms* Hrown. Pioneer Coffee ! Miss .Mai'Karol Hrown, .Miss Cornoll. -Miss Smith. .Miss Simmons, mid .Miss AYo fold .von ahont It in a ris-ont l.ssno of Tho Amoricatt. .Several Kills Insect Pests Cnt Monday ovoii Iiik , with .Mrs. John tine of onr onstomors aski* MrH. .Mary Sniitli s|M>nt the \ve<‘k ents at Dimomhilo. 1.75 Overalls to Close Onl ...... 1.29 fiui with rolatIvoH in LaiiHlii);. l.iiO Overalls tu Close Out ...... 1.09 1,0011 Stovons and a hoy friend, while 1.19 Overalls to Close Out . .98 (let iiioro mIloH out of your (iasoliiic r(‘tnrniiii: from Crystal Sunday, ran BOYS KKDS ( A.NV.YS SilOKS...... 98 G. L ABBOTT GROCER by uslntj Ktal Crown.— IIAKVKY'.S into tho ditch on tho oonnty lino, and .Mr. and Mrs. C. K. UeiHt and dainth- woro pretty badly Inirt. Tho oar was SATURDAY SPECIALS tor worn In St. Johns Wnlnosday aflor- smaslnsl up oonsidorably and both hoys Fuiiiu Paiiriike Flour woro pickl'd up mid tiikeii to the $0.29 niMin. I Flake While Soap FKFK with oarli pkt;. .Mrs. Wttle Irwin and son Morrill, of Stovons liomo. Flake While Soap Chips ...... 25 LansiiiK. oallod on frionds in town. Frank|ilioro is tho iiroiid oivnor Collosnet Lard Coinpouiid l:i Tlinrsday. of n iirmid now I'mimmi hat, and wants .Mild Mirhii'aii Chese soft and iHirons ...... 28 Mr. and Mrs. nn);li I.ain|ilioro. daUKli tlio world to know It. Frank says lOIb Hraiiiilated Sugar ...... fiC tor, Julia, and .Miss .\da Hoist woro in I'anama hats are woven nndor water— 7 Bars Hood Toilet Scaip...... 25 BARGAINS lint wo don't bollovo it isissililo for a l.anstiiK, Saturday. follow to stay nndor water loiiK onoiiKh Dowoy Holst, of Flint, was a wr'Economical Transportatiot^> Fresh Fig: Newton Cookies per Ih .15 .Miss Holon Hnllis and Atliol .Sexton James Fris-r informod Tho Corn, Peas, Hominy per can .10 (iatniilo. of m-troit. sis-iit tho wook .Vmorloaii that sinoo Doooratlon Day oinl at tlioir lioiiios in tids vilhnto. 3 Cans Good Pink Salmon .50 sovoral iilants and Ininchcs of flowers ■Mrs. N’ottio Laiiiphoro liad lior coat have liivn stolon from tho Sowlo com 2 Pkgs. Large Com Flakes .25 stolon from lior oar wlillo It was otor.v. It diK's not sooni isissiblo that CHEVROLET 4 Pkgs. Red-E-Jell .27 INirkisI in I.ansiin; last Saturday. a white man or wommi ooiild lie miHty 1 Doz. Heavy Tumblers .39 Mr. and .Mrs. Hola-rt Skiitt. of of dosooratiiiK tho villaito burial place sliiK. woro (tiu'sts of thoir motlior. Mrs. in this maimor. but novortboloss it 10 lb Sugar CASH .64 -Mary WriKlit. .stworal days last wi>ok. has Is-oii done. I’loaso lot the tokens Mr. and .Mrs. Waltor Wliito and Mr to doimrliHl friends alone, as they are We have a few good bargains in dress goods and .Mrs. A. Jaipiisli loft Saturday, saorisl. for a wo»“ks flisidni; trlii noar l.oota. Kaymoiid Abbotl and ‘'BlH" IlastiiiKs USED CARS Also bargains in Work Shirts Hayinond Hndor. of KirkwiHsI. Mo., docidod to asi tlsbiiiK Tuesday iiIk IiI. canio. Tlnirsday to sisMid tlio snminor and. ox|H ‘oliin; a IniKo cati’b. they tisik wltli Ids aunt, .Mrs. Jamos .MoFarlanil. Haymonds fallior's truck with them. "•with an 'OK counts Findim; a nice spot near the bridge Mrs. IJIlIo Hikor and Miss .Minido west of town they iiarkiKl tlic truck. Howl .s]s»nt Friday at tin- Iionio of .Mr. Hiimcvor after llsbiiiK some time they and .Mrs. (JoorKo .Arolior. of Fast Ks.sox. (tot (li.sconraKod mid l•limbcd In to ro- If tlioro was any Isdtor (ias iiiado tnrii home. The truck was so dtH'jiIy tlio Slandard Oil Co. woiihl mako it.— C. D. CROOK HAHVKYS. slink ill the soft carib that they wore nimble to move, mid both boys vyalkiHl Dollar - for-Dollar -Mr. and Mrs. Iturr XYrlKht uml two I'lfick to town. Early AYodnesday morii- Wb.r. y*ur Dollar gae. tlw tarciMSt oldldron. of l.aiisiiif;. woro wook end inc C. F. Abisitt tiMik olialns down to Kliosts of tliolr niothor, .Mrs. .Mary Value Ibo place and llmilly backisl out. Next WrlKht. time Ibo boys (to aftor the olnslvo tlsb Mrs. \Yiii. lloiid, of St. Johns, and tboy will walk. Mrn. KriiosI Hwiniond and .son .Morrll vtsitod at tho homo of Ala* Kiiinoy. AHENT WANTED IN MAIM.E Bring Your Used Car to us Sunday. HAl'IDS TEHHITOKY. Mako !|i7.T(K) |MT week. an bonr for spare lime. for a Trade Look! Look! Mrs. Ovaiida \Yolislor. a formor iiitriHlnciint Eiiiosl Hnaranlood Hos Miiplo Hapids (tirl. whoso maidon iiami loi:y. !Mi stylos and colors. Low l*rlc was Sohonok, diod in Jamaoa island. os. Auto fnrnisbiid. No capital or May tttith. ox|S ‘rionoo iioi'ossarv. BETTEBKNIT TEXTILE CD., DESK "Till HHEEN- .Mr. and .Mrs. Yanoo Jamos and EIEH), OHIO. Pohl Bros., St. Johns, Mich. You can find everything daiiKhtor. of LaiisliiK. woro (fiiosls of .Mr. and .Mrs. L. 1.. Hastings Saturday Foiiiiil —a sum of nninoy on tho striiot All Organization of Well Moaning and Fair Dealing Men and Sunday. If owner can identify sanio bo can have II by jiaytim for this iiotloo. Iminiro in the line of Tilson .MoCraokon, of Clovolaml. has at The .Vmorioan otilco. lioon s|H>ndinK a fow days th«‘ past wot-k wltli Ids Krand paronts, Mr. and Bouiis For Sale MEATS, FRUITS & GROCERIES -Mrs. KImor .MoCraokon. A ipiantity of jsior Ih‘iius for food. Iminiro of Henry Soldarf, .Ma|ilo Mr. mid .Mrs. H. T. Criaik and Mrs. Hapids. * Cura .Muiiroo and son. .Marshall, of (Ivid at vlsltod .Mr. and .Mrs. S. L. Aldrioh and ll.\Y lAT IS GOOD GASOLINE? Frionds in town Sunday. Twelve acres of Im.v to Is* dr((wn on Mrs. Smilli and tho .Missos Hrown. slmros aftor It is cut mid enrod. It is a Gasoline that will give you the most miles F. C. FRISBIE & SON On section 1. E.ssex. * Cook. Cornoll. Ilaynos and .Simon, all .1. T. DANIELS per gallon. “Way down on the corner ” from St. Johns Hospital. I'tillod on “Hnd" Ciidorwood. -Monday ovonliiK. ('oiiuiidriini It will start easy. Mrs. Nina Ilanoroft. Yora Kldrisl, \Yh.v do women, in drosslint thoir .Vlma Smitli and daiiKlitor. Maxino. fi*of, imt tin* ri(tlil sins* on tlio loft It will pick up quickly. . • ' fiMit and put the loft sins* on tho ri(tht attondwl tho Sorisis ]iicnio at .Mrs. fiMit? It will run smoothly. Catliorino Ward's. Tuosday ovonlni: A tost will toll .you tlial Htsl Crown FUK S.AI.K OK KENT It will deliver the maximum power and speed (iasolino will nlvo yon moro mllos ikm ' My vlllaito pro|K “rly. In first class Kiillon. —HAHYKYS. condition. Soi* Waltor Hray or iiigniro your engine was designed to develop. at this otiioo. Mr. mid Mrs. Wohh Soloholl and Remember you can not get good mileage with two dmiKhtors. of Moiidota. III., and For Sale high test gasoline in the summer time. Mrs. Friiost Hodmond and son. of 1 fresh Cow. 1 Sow mid !1 Plits. St. Johns, vlsltod at tho homo of Als' David Chapman Klnnoy. oiio day last wook. IMiono. .Tl II.-IS. On th. Four In theH.Mt .f Corn wi Mapl. RapMi ■Mr. and Mrs. Claro Alloii. of Wynn A tost will toll you that Hoil Crown HARVEY'S dotto. vlsltod at tho homo of Charlos Hasoliiio will (tivo voii moro mllos is*r Honodlot. Thursday and Friday. Ylr (tallon.—HAHYEY'S. Kliila Allon. who omiio with hor paronts, will romaiii dnrliiK tho snmmor. CARD 01^ THANKS "Hnd ” CndorwiMsl. who has Imh-ii for sovoral wiH'ks at tho St. Johns \Yo wish to thank oiir kind iioichbors mid friends for tlioir kindiioss dnriiia hosiiital. rotnniod homo Friday. Ai'll Vacation Days onr sickness and ositwially . thank tho I'ndorwwMl and C. F. Abbott wont aftor Odd Eollows for thoir many di'isls of him with tho hittor’s amlmlmioo. kindness and Drill lliMivor for his s|s*c- ial oaro for ns, also Mr. HiM*riior. are near at hand Hor mllo. Joiiiiio Watters. IIAHYKY’S. Harry Bradley W. H. Cuslorlliio, last Friday, adjust Stomach Gas Drives If you plan to take a motor 0*1 the fire loss of (i. BInKor, soclion insurance 24, Ovid township, who hnd two hnriis. Man From Bed trip you will enjoy it much more a hoii honso and a silo dostroywl. Tho Fire “I had itas so had I had to i;ot up BONDS BURGLARY |i4IM)0, Health and Accident loss was and was iidjnslwl at iiIk IiIs on aoconnt of tho prossiiro on if your car is in tip-top shape. Contract Ufa Raaidanca $23(M). m.r heart. I 11^*11 Adlorika an dhavo Tornado Mrs. Dayton, of Ornnd Hapids, and 1m*i*ii onllroly rollovoil.” —H. F. Krno Bank Safaa Kcr. We’ll gladly see to it that it is. Plate Qlaaa H. M. Dayton, of Flint, vlsltod rocoiitly Even the FIHST sissinfiil of Adler Fidelity Compenaation Banks with -Mr, mid .Mrs. iY. H. ('nstorllno. ika roliovos ({as and often ro(([ovos Dapoaitory Water Dainaga Robbery ■Mr. Dayton has _sn|iorvlslon ovor all iistonishinK amoniit of old waste mat Just drive in. We’ll do the rest. Parcel Poat tho play Kronmis and athlotio Holds tor from tho system. Makes yon on Judicial Automobile Paymasters joy your meals and sloop l«>tter. No ill Flint. matter what yon have trbs! for your Public OlBcial Liability Hold-up Herald Hrnhani vtsltwl his imronts. stumaoli and howols, AdDrika will nSAI. UTATB AND LOANS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hrahani, Saturday surprise yon. Dttu Bnllls, HniKKlsI. ECONOMY GARAGE and Sunday. Herald's frionds will ta •ttta Mmmti M •t. J.IMS. I Klud to know that be has uno of tho Koil Crown Hasolino will carry your V. L. KIRBY, Proprietor play Krouiids of Battle Crock, for tho car nt tho least cost per mile vacation. HAHYEY’S. I

0.. ■0 It mu.-t have bei-n about I o'lloc-k fining the curtains on i itlx-r' -ide of whi-!i We turned back, ami it wa.s 6 the window. o ’clock before we got to the house. wen- .shaped rougld.-v like ;i 1 look back on that afternoon as sickle, ending in an einbo.----I i irrl- one of the most aturi'S for tho j^iiulfr part of Won ’t you tell mo one thing? Why lure was about two feet wide asd six thi’ woi K of Juni" -8 not do to be either weak or climbed. I remained then- tor sev­ vilene,s.s of which human nature is found Ix-r awaiting me. .She «-as .-.c rupulous. ” week many parts of the .state may ex­ eral minutes, gazing upon tlx- world capable when the will is destroyed dressed very simply in a tweed coat She seemed, I thought, to proti-st pect .-cattered storms, some of them and all nestmints are removed. outside, my hand- fidgeting restlessly aixl skirt, and on her head wa.- a small too much, and I saw that .-lx- argued with one of the bra.-a holdbacks con ­ rather severe in character locally. .So far as I could judge, the elfect felt hat with a blue ki:igfi.slx ‘r feather. a.s much to convince herself jis to put Scattered showers and thunder ­ of the drug was, by removing all "Well. Ilohert'.’” she .said, as I ap- herself right with nx-. But what could storms with a probability of some hail control and destroying all of nroached her. -‘I hope time has not I .say? .My first thought was to find arc- conditions that may he expected proportion or decency in tin- victim, been too heavy on your hands since out what was her present relationship Detroit ’s Most j fhrouphout the balance of the week to give full rein to their natural im­ we last met.” ami she Ix-Id out both to the Center. pulses a id propi-nsitie.s. I can only her hands. “1 was honing, ” 1 bee >ii, and then in many parts of .Michipan. Tempera­ record that its effect upon the indi ­ She looked at nn- with an expees- tures at the end of the week will I topfv-d fiixling it difficult to sav Wonderful Investment The Doctor viduals that 1 saw varied according sion of polite imiuiry wha-h, in faci- what exactly it wa.s that I had hoped. ranpe .sliphtly coohr, but warmer to their various characters and tem- of what I had .-ufTi-ri-d during the She smiletl anil put her hand acro.-.s Ford Road, Detroit ’s Best Buy In fair weather or foul, conditions will materialise at hepin- nerameiits. While some became rest­ few days, was somewhat di.sconcert- the table, on my own. Price I zero nights or rainy ninp of next week. less and voluble, vivaciou.sly iiuarrel ing. “T know what you wi-re honing, days, I have always ,Iline Coo! and Dry .Summinp up ing like clowns in a circus on no real ‘‘Patience,” I .said, “surely you liolx-rt. You were hoping that I was found that my cat starts the month of .lum- a.s a whole for the provocation, otlier.s were oppressed know. I have lx.-en liv-ing in not «|uite a hardened sinner. ” $375 to $595 instantly and performs state of Michipan we .-ee temperature.s with vague terrors which they sought black misery these two days. ” .She twitted me gaily, refusing to For a moment she seemed to he sur­ perfectly with Cham* that will averape cool for the eason. re.stlessly to evade or fell iiiei-tly be in the least moved or disconcerted Lots 40 and 50 Feet under tlio dominion of a black de prised into a vivid sympathy. Then by my attitude. Try as I would, I UOW TERMS—WELL RESTRICTED pion Spark Plugs~- .■\t the same time precipitation will pi-e.-sioii. r should also mention tliat sh(> shrugged her shoulders. be less than the .seasonal normal, could not help heing fa.scinaterl by her 15 to 20 minutes to 75 industrial^ theVre dependable. all of them seemed to suffer from il­ ‘‘I have nothing to do with that,” talk and hy her nrosence, and I'.soon plants including the Ford Rouge Plant j o- lusions of sight, sense or hearing, ae ■she said lightly. ‘‘Let’s go into thi- found myself trying to make ex­ THIS Includes Sidewalk* Chnmliion ia the better Koadhouses and inns on the post cording to the natural propensities or other room. I’m hungry and lunch­ cuses for her. She was a mere child. and Cinderized Street* apark plug because of it$ eon i.s ready for us.” aoubie^Twbed ailliman* roads near New York are said to use the degree of their intoxication. .She did not know what her words im­ We give you an eight-year contrAct. ite core — its parked c.irs a- d-c'y-. They employ It was not, however, the detail.i. She turned and led the way into a plied. She had never perhap.s had a This property held in trust by the i'onacruction and its ate* orchestra.- who.-s- hiembers drive in­ the s|>ecific actions and utterances of small sunny room, where by the open ri-ii' ci'-ince. being :i cri-e.turi- of h--r Detroit Trust Co. ciol analytU electroairs* window- stood a table elegantl.v set foi dividual cars. When the unknowinp these people, which affected me so I .nvironnieid. Property title insured hy the. Union CKam|>ion X— much as the general spectacle they tw-o. We wi-re soon discussing .-m ex­ Thesi* anil othi-r thoughts pas.sed Title & Guaranty Co. | for rorda see -several automobiles in front of cellent meal. an eatinp place they feel that it i.s a (fordi d of a eomplete breakdown of I through m.v head, as after luncheon INVESTIGATE 60^ the ..iovereign will and dignity of man­ It was Patience who next referred j we tramped .ddi- hy side through th<‘ If you buy we allow raili-oad fare| one of the popular resort.-. The Out­ to mv sufferings. kind. Instincts, which as a civilized I ■ weet-smelliiig pine woods, climbing up to 300 miles. Cara other look. race we claim to have defeated and “Ilohort, ” .she said, ‘‘i.-n ’t it a the shoulder of the mountain which than Forda outlived, in unhappy jieople re- little unfair to speak to me as you ___ Clip Tbia Coupon and Mail TODAY--—, I could see from mv bedroom window. I UNITED STATES REALTY CORP. ) ; 75^ a.werted their ancient dominion. They did a moment ago? I have had noth­ .She soon took my thoughts away from were ne kimrt'i- ereaturi-s of. "iliviuc ing, to do with your treatment the.-*.- jhe i-vents in which T wa.s involved, I 308 Hammond Bldf. )I t3t*o q,*TVX. TTiat was the r-en^et. I Detroit* Mich. Cadillac 5771 )| diseourse. looking before and after” nrtVrnp ro' me of many soPjecti*, «t*t- I Wm ynn in* ICuticuraTalcum but heiiigs urged merely by primitive He wishe.s you to suffer what he calls I politics, the flowers we found on the j fnvmAtioji and tell me about the low ] cravings. 'inconvenience for intervi-ntion. ’ ” mountains, .and Knglish field sports. j prices for property In your Subdivision ’ j Is Soothing; “Inconvenience. ” 1 prote.sted hotly. Champion ., ! .^s thougli to give point and em- Certainly .she was a most exhilirating I Name ...... I SparlCPlugs —^.1 i pliasi- to this impres.sion, a eat wan- ‘‘I.s that how he describes being .shut companion and her pre.sence, com ­ * ' up with a lot of ■ madmen for two • AtldreBH ...... -...... ! i I ill-red among the addicts, long, lean, bined with the strong mountain air I I , TOLEDO, OHIO For Baby's Skin ' end with brilliant eyes, licking at 'whole days? ” and tlx- bright sunshine and the thou- ^Scap t Ointmentf T*lcum sold oT^ryv grain.- of tin- poi.son when and where “That’s not at all polite, ” she n- .sand and one scents and sights of the they might be found-- a horrid spec­ monstrated. ‘‘ people are our high .Alpine pastun-s. ri-acti-d on me tacle. but almost comely in compari ­ gu(-sts. This, you know, is a home with double force. The be­ son with the human wn-tcln-s from for st mor-- than I I .spent two days in the company from” T could hear, and as we mounted ‘‘Patience, how- can you h. .-o (tigher 1 '.;rew quid- light-hearted a.xl ' of mad folk, and I think my You must know that Doc ­ I s-inity could not have survived a found myself re.sponding almo.-t mer­ NEED NEVER NAVE GRAY HAIR tor ICuntz isn ’t making the .slightest I longi-r ordeal. 1 eiidi-avon-d for the rily to my companion. omi 10 CEins effort to cun- these poor wretche.s. Our relations had h'-come Corns Come Out Without a ' most part to kei-p to my room, wheri- On the contrary, he supplio.s them as at T was alone. 1 had, however, that of two intimate comrades when A.s Long Color Glands Remain Normal and Active Plenty of Murmur; Pain Gone At w-ith the drug whenever they ask for We emerged from thi- closi- wood into Pigment Will Keep Hair Its Natural Shade to descend .somc-tiim-s to the dining it. Who is this man, anyway, and Once —Guaranteed. vooin for food, and often I found my a little clearing in the middle of which liow- iloes he come to be here?” stood a fair-.sized chalet. We had WAFERS THIN AS PAPER door locked me on my return, “He is an (-xtremely clever iloctor, IF HAIR IS FADED AND STREAKED WITH owing either to the malice of the ,Tap- been following the course of a moun ­ SHOES DON’T HURT 1 believe,” said Pati(-nce lightly. ‘‘Put tain stream most of the way up from GRAY BEGIN REVIVING COLOR GLANDS nni'se servants or. more probably, to lx- mmle a mi.stake years ago .some ­ "1 never saw their equal.” Yank the orders of the (Ii-nter or Doctor the and here it turned off to the thing to do w-ith an operation. I’m right, leaving be.side it a small spread ----- I REIVIARKABLE DISCOVERY corns right out by the roots and ICuhtz. I wa.s then compi lled either told that he used to drink heavily and never a pain or sting. It’s a joy of .smooth grass studded with blue I T*—. Ca a V — ft I. r I —1 The doctors search for a tonic that woulB to remain in the dining room or thi- once, when he was very drunk, a man Simple Tonic Starts Youthful Color ^c^ompligh this purpose led him into endleae to stick an ‘0-Joy Com Wafer” on salon, or to walk in a small .space be­ gentian.s, in which the ch.nlet stood. a tender, achy com. Away goes was brought to him with a ilamage<( We re.sted for :i moment on :i Returning‘ Ag ain experiments, but the Bnai result was wort^ tween the wall of the and the eye. He was so drunk. Mr. Quexter. bench which stood th-- .-ide of it. He didn ’t want a dye or tint and it of pain immediately and then later great steel fence which 1 have already course must be harmless and something thar out comes callous, com, roots and that he removed the wrong eye by tlx- ch-ilet. seated .side h-- .dde in the the slightest injury to hair or scalp. mentioned. In any of these places mistake, and the man went blind fov t'.verybody knows if their color all. Slip shoes right on —they i)oetor Kuntz ’s patients wen- always ■unlight, watching a man herding a Under the name of Lea’s Hair Tonic any­ won ’t hurt. 0-Joy Com Wafers the rest of his life. That ruined him, few goats and cows of the small Swis.s glands and hair roots are active and one may now purchase the tonic he hnslly to be found. perfected. For several years now hairdress- are thin as paper. Stop using ugly until he met the Center. The Center breed. 1 watched Him idlv a.s, with normal they will continue indefinitely On till- mocning of the second day saw his worth and set him up here. could be used for years and years without bumii^ acids and doughnut plas­ the assistance of a rough dog. hi- to have rich, natural colored hair en* era and people scattered all over the coun ­ ters. ’Thousands of people tortured I had a hideous sci-ni- with the wom ­ Ft i.s ,-i very useful headquarters, yon drove hi.s charges toward the path up try have been using it. Results ars so natu ­ an, .Mina. Most of the patient , after know. ” tirely free of gray and off-colored ral. gradual and nice that men as well se with corns have joyfully praised which we had come. He was an old 'Women use it. O-Joy Wafers. Results absolutely regarding me with suspicion a.s a “I.s that why he act.s as huth-r?” I man, bent and wizened, and he locks. heathen stranger, were by that time It doesn't stain the scalp. One s friende giiaranteed. Six wafers for 10 imiuirod. leaned heavily on a long stick. He A doctor several years ago asked seldom notice the gradual change and to lest cents. At leading druggists. trying continually to make of mi- their “Partly,” replied Patience, “and paid no attention to u.s beyond glanc ­ himself this question: "Why not rub what it will do one needs only to apply it e- proselyte. The woman Mina was es­ partly to deceive persons like your ­ ing once in our direction, enabling me a stimulating tonic into the scalp that week or so to aom# small spot and watch pecially zealous and on this occasion results. self of whom we are not .sure. But to see that his face was lined and will revive, strengthen and tone up exerted herself for hours in an at­ he really does know a great deal Users have been amazed at the younger puckered with age and w-eather and those inactive glands so that nature appearance that cornea with the disappear ­ tempt to persuade me to take the about drug poisoning. It would b'- of a bright red. in ber own inim itable ance of gray hairs from thair head. If THE CHESTNUT BEAN drug, pursuing me frantically with quite impossible to deprive ad ­ Patience, however, called to him e way will resume I ^ of L;a i Hair Thli woodtrful argument and entreaty, passing from dicts of their drugs. The cases yon and .said something in what she told putting plenty of pigment into the I Tonic on the maker’s absolute guarantee of look* Ilka a Rigaail ’ hair .uba.-*uraly the hair will then i Paa Whan bollad I an infinitely grotesque cajolery to .saw are It wou'rl kill them me afterward was SwLss-German. The ka* a flavor Ilka bolla* shrill menace and foul abuse. My re­ to take away their poison. ” man replied and they conver.aed to ­ again resume its original, natural, '^t to the Lea’s Tonic Company, Brentwood, I ft'C I I. t fti_ _ii I ^d.. with their name ana address nlslnlv ckaatauta, aod la •»* fusal to be one of them seemed to “Do you mean to say that th(-y <-an gether for a few moments. Patience beautiful shades of youth regardless ' ^^itten. A generous sized bott ” win bo of tba looat dallcloui irritate these poor wrecks, either be­ never possibly be cured? ” Ooaoo grown. Growi then became interested in hi.s dog, a of the users* age or the condition of •ent prepaid anywhere. Leading drugglste to tba form af a tal cause in their more lucid moments “Very rarely,” .said Patience. “We shaggy-haired creature breed their hair. i*/.* •>»««'• - btirb, and U aom some of them, I think, realized how have tried sub.stituting otheV drugs, was unknown to me and. getting his plauiy rovarad will but that doesn ’t answer. They merely poda For aoup aa« far removed their .state was from that head on her lap. she fondled the long tiirkay atufflng It aa» of the normal inilividual. or from a take two kinds of poison instead of soft ears. She bi-nt over the heail, not ba aurpaaaad. kind of missionary frenzy induced hy one. ” rnurmuring something to him, and he U a Spaniah Baan, aa« their di.sease. I looked at her in amazi-ment. The listened with hi.s great liquid eyes ffar ihla taaaon. ao ara aaiftng aama la tience, to whom my thoughts were .Suddenly I heard a low bleating • ackata onlf. Packat, lOc} 3 pkta., 36ai ' frequently directed. The spell of her fo.stering that she at lea.5t was not a and then a click, and looking up saw ahla., SOa; 1ft pkta., ftl.OO; poatpaid. smile ami the riddle of her party to the proceedings of the Cen­ two of the old man ’s goats butting ter and hi.s a.ssociates. I knew now- each other with their horns. Tlx- NOVELTY GARDEN CLU» que-it spirit were remembered in a that she was one of them, though to mood which made me look back on herdsman became awari- of them at 58 Mprkot Ava., S. W. what extent and degrei- 1 was un ­ the same moment and went to sepa­ Grand Rapids, Mickigaa our long journey in the open car with able to conjecture. rate them. I was surpri.s*-d to see that .strange feelings difficult to define. “Good heavens,” I burst out. “How jie went .swiftly, standing quite up­ It was on the morning of the third can you sit there calmly talking of right and swinging easily down the day that a note was brought to me this horror, knowing that you are the .slope. Then suddenly he bent down, when I woke. of it—that you are helping to as though the effort had been too Dear Mr. Quexter (it ran): supply thousands of p<-rsons with the much for him, and shuffled hastily, Will you give me the pleasure ol drug that i.s killing them?” with what I judged to be his u.sua! lunching with me today and after­ She shrugged her shoulders. rheumatic gait, toward the animals, Pa Buzz fails to make a homef wards taking a walk on the mountain ­ “How am 1 responsible? ” she asked. striking them with his stick when he lit spray clears your home of flies and mos ­ "T hanks' side. The view from the top of thf ”l believe in people doing as they reached them. the^f^ier F 'mr-Co Gier.schner Alp is very beautiful. 1 choose. If they want to take drugs, The incident made little impre.s- quitoes. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, will trust to your honor not to make let them do so. They harm only sion on my mind. and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to any attempt to escape. themselves, and incidentally they put “That’s a new man,” said Patience. mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Patience Smith. mone.v, lots of money, into our “I have never seen him before. .lo- I rend through the note twice, un ­ pockets. ” hann usually looks after the cattle on decided at first what course to pur­ I see,” I .said. “That’s the rea­ this pasture, but he is apaprently ill fdavorite sue. Was 1 to he- .subjected to an ­ son, is it?” and that old fellow has taken his other appeal? I could hardly think 1 could not keep from my voice the place. He tells me that they are so, since there was nothing further involuntary contempt with which this cousins. ” Hotel confesaion inspired me. She seemed the Center could wish to know. I Presently we ros<- and went on, Faciaa Gcasd PaeftL for a moment to shrink under it, but reaching the summit in about half an clia haairt or Datroti. S(3 could not, moreover, believe that Pa­ at once flew into rebellion. hour, ^e view was magnificent. The tience would again lend herself to his plaaaaatrooa ‘Why not? ” she aske /}TJ./=> N 7 ! C By Charles P. Stewart 1 own auspices again! then will he die from no apparent cause. They do not have bowel trouble, but just seem \Viuihin)rtoii—Charlie Lindbergh has still be controllable ’.’ ; MEW YORK official Washiinfton scared stitf. That’s I If nut, officialdum sees in liim pod- to get weak in the legs and then do the plain fact. I .-.ibilities as ilangerous a.s heck. not la.-t long. I feed sour milk, roUed He’s an irre.sistible force. I : . * oats and hard boiled eggs. Tliesie chicks started dying when about a That isnt ’ oo bad. I I’or instanci' : week old. The weather was very We have the irresistible forces of I It’s common chat that this 20-.Vear- rain.v . chilly and ick of sun.shine Thing.s began happening too fast “1 .-S'ein to have done pretty well ha.- cau.-M'd considerable trouble this here, t guess I’ll take a whirl at Uus- lien for any brain to have kept up. spring. God-liver oil contains vita­ Amba.ssadors Herrick and Houghton sia and Mexico and Nicaragua and mins of the same kind in the yolk of then pacify the Chinese.” pulled the .strings and Charlie re- ■ gir ?, b'lt I vi(lentl> our .-ubseriher did Does anybody doubt that world ' -ponded like an automaton. not ti'eit e•■ougll eggs to overcome the • • * public opi:iion would have been back a lack of sunshine. We that of him? -to say nothing of public But this won ’t tlii- .-ubsci ilier feed from 1 to 2 per opinion here. Professional diplomacy Charlie’ll get back to “normalcy ” cent of cod-liver oil in the ration nnd begin to think for himself again. would have been kicked skyhigh. Sketch shows how Clarence D. Chamberiin*s route in his Belianca monoplane. Columbia, is longer than the « « * one taken by Charles A. Lindbergh, New York to Paris. Below, left to right, are the Columbia, Mrs. Chamberlin which she gives her little chicks. If But: they get no sun at all then we would There are also the army and navy and a new photo of Chamberlin in characteristic pose. The thoughts he used to think signi" advocate the heavier percentage. aviation jealousie-. Charlie may have lied nothing e.xcept to Charlie and his Glas.- substitutes in place of window .something to .say about them. He sure comparatively few per.-ional friends — glass also help to overcome dif- will hav<' a respectful audience if he Highwag Lighting maybe not much to all of them. fieultie.-. i'he thoughts he thinks hencefor­ does. Provides Electric ward will weigh, with millions, like I:i the mutter of dying it’s a cinch The Cherry Maggots that Lindy will be an Service on Farms CAPONIZE IN JUNE AND JULY .so many chunks of lead or rather, 24- By R. H. PETTIT Meat of better quality from the carat gold nuggets. force, indeed. M. S. C. Experiment Station • • Officialdom wishes it could feel con ­ Electric sevvice can be moM read- heavier breeds of birds is the result il.v and l■(■^)llOlnically made available of caponizing. Although there is some Heirick and Houghton are offi ­ fident he’ll prove to be the manage ­ to the farm.- of the United States by increase in .-ize and gain in average cials themselves. 'I’hey think offi ­ able kind, but it recalls his father and Two species of maggots infe.d sour • festi'd fruits during picking time with- cherries in Michigan. The late vari­ I cut too great an expenditure of time, the development of adequate and nec- market weight, this L- not the chief cial thought,-. i.s plenty worried an irresistible i and even if a rea.-onably close exam- e.s.sary highway lighti:ig, for this will value ilerivpd from caponizing. Lindy, as an irresi.stible force, with force can make such awful troui.le, eties of sweet cherries (notably Dike- I ination wen- made, many “wormy ” Capons are usually marketed in late someone like Herrick and Houghton i once beyond control. men) are also occasionally infested, make po.s-.-ible the construction of although to a far lesser degree. I cherries would get b.\. .service lines not otheiwi.-e fea.sible, fall and winter when roo.sters have The present discussion applie,-: to I Tile re.-ult i.s discouraging anil in- declared A. K. Baylor, electrical engi ­ become stagg.t* The price paid for [ evitable. If the cherries are pitted good capons is usually well above that I Septic Tank In the cherry-maggot, or as it is also neer, in a recent addre.-is to the Mary­ known the “Cherry fruit-fly” in re­ I and canned, one finds some of the land Utilities association. paid for other classe.- of fowls. SALE OF BUCK IS Boon to Farmers lation to sour cherries alone, cherries I maggot.- wiiich stand out with aston ­ “Many words, and some tliought, June and July are good month.-, in wiiich are for the part intendied ishing clearne,-.s as white or cream- have been devoted to the farmer’.- which to perform the operation, as Michigan farmers can buibl a septic for canning or for cooking ami which colored against the deep rich red of problems. Meanwhile time i- pas.-ingl the cockerels are about the best size COSTLY OFFENCE tank which will adequately dispose of are sure to be carefully and thor­ the fruit and —but w'hy continue. and the farmer’s urgency is great. ” he I and weight for it then. The process all household sewage at an expense of oughly washed before being dispo.sed After the eggs are once laid it is .said. “The fanner be estab- ! consists of deftly opening the side of the bird and removing the testicles only fifty dollaivs, according to the es­ of. ))lai:ih- impracticable to do anything li.shed on a basi.s of economic produc ­ The most co.stly tint's and the high­ ■As soon as the birds are healed up timates of the agricultural engineer ­ The two .specie.-- which occur in worth while in the direction of con ­ tion and di,-trii)ution eomparahle to est costs I'ver paid in the upper penin- they may he put on full feed and kept ing department of Michigai. .State Michiga:i are known respectively a.s trol. We have no spray that will kill that of otlier great industries. Tlien, .sula of Michigan for an illegal deer and only then, ina\ lie hope to pros ­ growing up to marketing time, when college. the white-banded cherry fruit-fiy and the eggs, nor is it po.-sibli' to reacli sale are the records set by a cast just per in like mea.-ure. :hey will weigh from seven to ten To make it possible for farmers in the black-bodied cherry fruit-fiy. The the maggots inside of the fruit. Some settled in ju.stice court at Bagley. It of the pupae might be killed by plow ­ ■'He neeil.- electric power, and it is jiounils bus iimoiinted to more than $1,000 to the state to observe the construction winged flies of both .species are con ­ of tanks, the college will build siderably smaller than house-fiies and ing, if it were practical to plow deep ­ of vital importance to the nation at idl jiurties conetrned. ly enough without danger to the root.- large that he get it. The cost of de ­ GIVE THE BROODY HEN AIR'a ND I.ast November Thomas Loy of .septic tanks in 13 .Michigan countie.s both have wing.s which are crossed rtf- the tivip.s, altliough at .such a livering power to the point of applica­ FEED Xu(|ington and a party of other this year. with bars of dark color. Both hav* measure could give no more than par­ tion is four times greater than the j There are two things that will cause hunter.'^ from lower Michigan paiti $45 Arrangements made between one or very .similar life-hi.stories and both tial control. Furthermore, the flies cost of producing that, power. The a hroody hen to quit setting (|uicker for the buck. Ray Carnegie, eon- more farmers in each county and are controlled by the .same measures. The black-bodied fly does, however, breed out.-ide on wild cherry, at least agricultural units are widely scattered than .any amount of rough treatment s'table at Bagley, later was fined $8;{ the college department provides that emerge ami lay its eggs somewhat in one species iloe.s, and the other prob ­ and their individual demands rela­ Tliey consi.-t in giving her plent.i of and Rudolph Spiller and William the farmer agi'ees to have the excava­ advance of the white handed specie.-?. ably will 1)1- found to do so after .-ufTi- tively small; too small on the aver­ fre.-ih air from underneath and an Rrnest were each fined $50 and costs tion for the tank completed: before During the first half of June cient search, age to .support the cost of lines and abundance of good egg producing ra­ of $;i for the sale of the deer. the day of the demonstration and to Tlierc is, however, a time when the transmi.s.sion equipment. tion. Aid can be supplied by building Fees for justice, game warden, have all materials on the ground. The Hies I'merge from under ground and lay eggs in ti.'iy gashe.- cut in the flies may he poisoned succe-i-fully and “Furthermore, as the bulk of farm a crate with a slatted bottom. Thi.s sheriff, court costs and tran.sportation college specialists build the tank and fruit of the cherry. .After a few this time is just before the egg.- are power is used during only half the sliouhl be placed in a shady spot costs mounted above the $700 mark. explain construction method.s to any where the hens will feel like eating one who attends the demonstration. days the eggs hatch ami each maggot laid. The spray to use is ar.-enate of year, the service investment would Loy paid a fine and co.sts amounting he idle nearly half the time. This It should be set on the ground as then Septic tanks which were built ac­ bones into the growing fruit to remain !e;id and the strength is two and one- to $111. half pounds of the powder to one hun­ leaves an economic gup unbridged and the birds are more apt to .-it. When As a result of the illegal .sale a feud ! cording to the .specifications of the en ­ there until about one-fourth inch dred gallons of water. Succe.-s de ­ brings u.- back to our problem, the tlie hen must -it on slats that allow .ieveloped between Carnegie and Wal-! gineering department have been un ­ long wlien the maggot leave.-- the pends almost wholly on properly tim­ cost of traii.sniis.' club recently. quicker than those that have not, .so to many other parts of the country, to prosecute any molestation of is conducting a to intere.-t Albert Stoll. Jr., of Detroit, na ­ “The upper peiiin.sula has a singu ­ produce them clean at the start. Mr. Ualioi is the owner of .a large protected animals. It i.< unlawful at veterans of the World war in reinstat ­ tional authority on wild life and con ­ lar freedom from many forms of 3. Avoid stolen ne.sts. Have enough flock of [lure-bred White Leghorn any time to kill or injure heaver. Spe­ ing. A considerable number of ap­ servation. believes that Michigan game plant diseases, ” .-aid Mr. Ma.sliek. nests in the house to accommodiate all fMjuItry, one of the in Michigan. cial observations will be made of their plications are being received and dur ­ cover can be restocked with wild tur­ “Tree diseases widely di.s8eminated in layers; at least one nest for each five All chitjks shiiiped are front accredited work and the wardens will promptly : ing the first of May $900,000 was keys successfully. Once the woods other sections have never developed hens should be the proportion. It will Michigan ami Wisconsin stock. The maki' arrests where the protective law rein.'-tated by Michigan veterans. of Michigan were full of them. in .serious form in this territory. help considerably if the hens are hatchery will maintain all its own ha.s been violated. The government offers veterans of “Fifteen years ago, ” says Mr. Stoll, “The live part.- of a tree are its yarded, as they will then not have breeders within another year, includ ­ - -o- the World war standard life insur ­ “Pennsylvania was in the same boat leaves, hark and the .sapwood to a much space to roam and .steal their ing Whip' Leghorns. Barred Rock.s, Hope Dog Mother ance policies at u rate from 15 per as Michigan when it came to wild tur­ depth of half an inch beneath the nests. Some poultry raisers keep Rhod,. Island Reds and White Wyan- cent to 25 per cent than the .same keys. They had gone the way of the bark. Except as a strong backbone dottes. their birds confined all day until Mag Tame Wolves policy can be secured elsewhere. In dodo bird. Then a concerted effort the woody ma-s in the renter is use­ about 4 or 5 o ’clock in the afternoon -o order to secure a policy from the gov ­ was made to bring the birds back. less as far a.- the life of a tree is con ­ and then let them out until dusk : then Chance for Black If a London zoo's I'xperiment ernment it is only neco.-sary that the Stock was imported, the birds were cerned. hen.s have generally laid by this time Walnut Seedlings prove,- succe.-sful the American veterans pass a physical exami.nation protected, fed and encouraged to, “Plenty of water and .-onie fertil­ and there are no stolen nest*. All coyote, noted as a tramp and a rowdy, and pay one month.?:’ back premium. breed, with the result that the birds' izer are essential to tree health. When nests in the house should be some ­ may be transformed into a perfect .A veteran has a choice of a total of arc fairly plentiful and wild turkey- a tree is marked the injured surface what darkened, as a hen likes privacy The l.'iiiti'd State forestry depart ­ •gentleman, with all the refinement of seven policies, which are: 5 year level are again hunted in late fall.” should be painted and kept water­ when she lay*. ment at Wa.shington has a good sup­ a well-bred dog. It will all depend on premium convertible term policy, Or­ Mr. Stoll thinks that Michigan’s dry tight until the scar is covered with a 4. Keep eggs in a cool place be­ ply of black walnut tree aeedling-s whether environment ran exert a dinary Life, 20 and 30 Payment Life, sand plains where cover is available new growth of bark. In pruning, the tween time of gathering and market­ which it is off,-ring at small cost. Each greater influence than heredity. 20 and 30 Year Endowment and En­ are better suited to wild turkey breed ­ limb removed -hould lie cut flush with ing. A cellar Is a good place, pro ­ year black walnut is becoming scarcer The zoo has a pair of Wyoming dowment at age 62, and the premium ing than anything Pennsylvania ha-. the trunk, and under no circum.-tanees viding it is not damp andt musty. and in fifty years or les? it will prob- coyote?: and this spring they produced rates on these policies range in the A few thousand dollars invested in the should a tree lie topped. ” 6. Candle egg* before marketing to •bly be as precious ivory or e^ny. as a family of six cub*. About the same order named from 76 cents per month venture might return the stati' a hunt- o make sure no eggs leave the farm It will not be long before a few sizable time a retriever at the zoo gave birth per to $3.41 per month per able supply of bronze gobblers and Broadway. New York city, is well that are watery or that contain blood black walnut treej will bring a small to eight puppies. thousand at age 35. • hens. known os the hub of all activities of spot*, growth, or mold. fortune. Many farmers can greatly The zoo keepers immediately gave In order to in.sure that arrange ­ Old-time record?; of this state are the theatrical world. Yet one can walk increain' the value of their acres to 6. Sell only egg* that are freah, two of thi young coyotes to the dog ments will be made for the is.-uance full of references to the plentitude of , from 42:id street to 63rd street on elean. of good size—those weighing posterity by planting black walnut mother, in hopes that a better bring ­ of a policy, veterans should take wild turkeys. They appear to have the west side of the “Great White ■edlingr- now. 2 ounces apiece or better—and of firm ing up might greatly improve their prompt action inasmuch as there ari- been thickest in the high grounds of | Way” (the very heart of the theatrical shell. Eat the dirty .shelled eggs, small Mature black walnut trees in good manners. Then they gave two of the only a few more days in which rein­ central Michigan, but at one time or dL-trift) and find ever>’ single play­ ones, and cracked one* at home. condition are bringing orer $600 on retriever puppies to the wolf parents statements can be effected. another they have been found in all ' house devoted to motion picture- the present market. by way of con.solation. 1. Maiket often —«t le?aat once a Full information and the necea-ary parts of the state. The Outlook week and preferably twice a week ; V*l *' . ,y.- ■>

federal governimuit and (-('His-ts to a BUSINESS DIRECTORY large extent lietter federal collections due to Increased business prosisuity F. &A. M. LODGE . If you want a smooth running motor during the pr(H'(‘edlng year. Easyway Half of the $(KMMMHI.(XK) Increase in of Maple Rapids If you want clean spark-plugs tax re»-elpls over 102.'> colUs-tlons went into the federal treasury, as Bsleral lax Begular communi. tlon on third levies consist mosll,v of Imsmie ami Friday of every mouth at their Temple. Use Shell Gas busim-ss excise taxes ami custom duties Gerald L. Abbott, W. M., ami inmee are very sensitive to buslm>ss Hay Loader Eugene R. Bl(^ii, Secretary conditions. Thus the federal govern- If you want power immt. in the face of tax nsluctlons (“ii- acttsl In lO'-M realized $;1.'.*07.(HH».(HK> in EASTERN STAR If you want mileage tlie fiscal .year 102(1. tlie highest aimmiit Maple Rapida ('liapter rtMS‘lv(sl in four years, as against only Begdliir iiKH'tiiig fourth Friday of $2.1Mi(i.(HIO.(HNI in lO'J.'i aml$:(.IO:{.0(MI.(MKI I'licli iiioiitli ill MiiHonlc Temple. Use Shell Gas in iO'JJ. Baiilltie Abliott. W. H. Slate and hs-al governments how(‘V(>r Eda White, Secretary. colhs-led the greatest total amount of If You want a good Kerosine for your oil stove taxes In their history. $L'-'OH.OOO.(MKI going to the stall's and $4.UHt.(Hl((.0(Hi W. R. C. NO. 59. Into the Ireasnrles of tin' various mun ­ icipal. coiint.v, sclnsd district and other of Billy Uegole Boat Use Shell Kerosine governmental authorities. Stall' gov ­ ,Mi-i'tiiig.s on sei'oiid Eilday of each ernments in the fiscal year lO'J.'i collect iiioiith. You will find it at the ed $1,107, (HNI.(KK) and bs-id governments Minnie, Reed, Preaideut, in the same .year $,‘1.H1H.(MMI.(MMI. their Ijiiiru Hastings, Sec’y. total lax bills having Incj-easml with­ out a halt ever since the war, as has their Indelitedness. R. D. RICE, M. D. C. STUCCO STATION Taxation figures alone, however, the Veterinarian Conferenci' Board emphasl-zes. do mil It has the valuable features of the best cylinder Pliom- .'18 Maple Kaplda, Mich. present a complete account of the lliiau- William Weaver Maple Rapids cial burden assuimsl bj- the citizens loaders, togethei' with a jiositive force elevation through their public exis'lidltures, and push delivei ’y. DEE N. ALLEN, D. O S. M'hlle it is true that in the long run Optometrist exiK'ndltures and taxes go hand in It handles swaths and windrows. hand, loans restored to in an increasing Glasses fitted and rep ired. We grind SOUTH FULTON ITEMS degriH' hy muidclpallties and states our own lenses. ^he American during tlie past few years often create It runs light enough for two horses under usual I’hone 14 .Mr. and Mrs. Will Uoberts, of (irand a disimrlty betwi'en exis'lidltures and conditions of ground and hay. NED P. KEYS . . (Miitor *nd ^ubUihtr Bapids siMUit from Saturday until taxes for the time being which, however w. B. McWilliams , m. d . EDWARD D. KEYS iButinett ditpTtsentatirt Monday at J. D. Smith's. eventually has to be made up by the It is a four-wheel machine, with flexible tongue taxpayers. Thus total taxes collected Ottlce hours : t to 3 p. m., 7 to 8 :30 p. m. Encored in cho Postoiflco at MapU Rapida, Michigan, as .Mrs. Cora Winsor entertained the hy all governmental authorities in P.t2.''i connection, hence you do not buy extra trucks at Suiuliiys by upiiointineut only. Second Clasa Matter. Publish^ every Thursday Ml.sses .Vlthea Smith and I.eota Howell amounted to .$7.H!tl.(HKMHKl. while total a cost of $5.00 to 7.50, and the user doesn ’t break Phone 2.') 2r and Claremm Conklin in honor of her exis'iidilures as compuli'd by the Coii- son. Gerald's birthday. Friday evening. ference Board reachiHl $ILl‘Ji. (KKl.- his back in lifting in coupling to wagon. JUNE 23,1927 .Madge Smith was the guest of .Mrs. (MIO. or more lhan Jffi.lKMl(SMI.IKKI in ex- H. M. FACE I{(‘va Slgafoose, Momlay ami Tuesday. cs'ss of total tax collections, a large All motions are smooth and slow, making it Fire, Cyclone & Hail Insurance part of which representwl horrowlngs ESSEX CENTER ITEMS .Maple and Lorraine I'nderwofal si>ent Botli niiitual iiiul stiK'k. Insurance hy the state, municipal, and other local the best possible loader for saving the leaves of riiti's are cheii|ier now. from M'edne.sday until Saturday with governmental agencies. Nontax rev­ Mr. 1111(1 Mrs. Friiiik I’lirr. of Perrlii- sister .Mrs. Verne Craig. enue receipts such as fivs. fines, is'iial clover and alfalfa. toii visited Friiiik Warren's last week. Mrs. Grace Payne siient Sunday at ties. s|H'cial assessments, as well as If there is a one-man loader this is it. NOEL H. ALLEN Mrs. .leiiiie and ('hurley attended ,1. D. Smith's. inlerc'st on public funds and receipts Notary I'liblir on account of external loans of course the Lehanon Farnier ’s t'liib iiicnle, at .Mr. and- .Mrs. Garland Flangsberg, of Every farmer wants it. Ionia Park last Thursday. The at- account for part of the discrepancy Is*- Auto l.iceiises : Deeds .Mma. were guests of Bex Smith and twei'ii total taxt's and total exis'iidi I.egul Pullers uiid I.oan Agency. tendanee was not as larite as exia-eted. wife. Sunday. In the evening they hut a very ^ood time was had by all. tures. Becelpts from foreign govern At the Postofiic-e motored to Balh. ments on account of the inter-ally debt Mrs. Anna Maiies and urandson. .Mr. and Mrs. Verne Craig and child­ account, honiever. thus far have been Derwin, visited from Saturday until ren sixmt Sunday with .Mr. and .Mrs. negligible iiuantily as compared wilh Whittaker Rrothers Fowler M. W. of A. CAMP 5879 Monday in the Pease home. Lloyd 1‘ayne and son. near I*om|ieii. onr total lax collections and ex|«'mli- of .Maple Rapids The Misses Ih'th Iloak and Krna liires. If Itpleasesus Ly toplease you | Mich. TiicKe vlsit(Hl relatives in Detroit, from A striking illustration of the rela­ Regular meeting second Tuesday of Saturday until .Monday. EAST ESSEX ITEMS tionship between ex|H'mlilures and tax eiieli montli at 7:30 o'clock in tiu H. N, atioii on part of the fisleral governnieiil of A. and .M. W. of A. Hull in the home The families of Mrs. Jenne. Herman Balph Anderson, of Lansing vislttsl on one hand, and on part of the Iih-iiI of George Floate. Smith. Seaton Honk. 4ind Henry Titette his father Saturday and Sunday. governments on the other hand is given C. V. Hagerman, Consul. siient Sunday at the Waiter dam, on by the following figures taken from the F. M. Osborn, Clerk. the (irand river. llshiiiB and iiienielmt. Irene Howell visited her grand- board ’s report : In the fiscal year lil2ri. IMirents. .Mr. and .Mrs. Carr, of near local governments wyre responsible for Genuine Ford Parts Mr. and .Mrs. ('. F. Itoherts and ,S|. Johns, last week. dauithter, Flora, were Siinday after­ .TJ.Ii |M'r cent, or more than half of all IT PAYS noon eallers at Frtsl Uobert's. Austin Cowles and family were in public exiiemlitures, but they colleclisl To ALWAYS LOOK WELL^ Saginaw. Sunday and also visited the only 48.4 la-r cent of all taxes, while and Service Ivan Frazier, of Lanslnit. ealltsl on Fordney farni, near ilemliH-k. the fisleral government was res|Hinsiblc TRY SMITH’S B.UlBEr. SHOP K. V. Pease Sunday eveiiiiiK. for ,‘{4 |H'r (S-nt of all public exiH'iidi .Mrs. l.ove. of St. Johns, is visiting tures. blit collected .‘17.(1 (s-r cent of all MR. CUSTOMI^R—Our modern Ford Service The Wni. Hodell family. Mrs. Mapt's her niece, .Mrs. Balph Cowles. and (n'andson. of (irand Uaiilds. K. V. taxes. The slate goveriinients sis'iil Station is etiuipiied to give real honest service. N. M. ELESON, D. D. S. and .Miss Allie Pease enjoyisl a pleiiie .Miss Florence Cowles, of .M. S. C. about the .same ratio of all hours: 1 to 5 P. M. only. and fishint; on the hanks of the .Maple is home* for her summer vacation. iiients as their share in total receipts. We have the eiiuipment for testing and repairing Phone 4 river. Sunday. The total tax bill |H'r capita of pop .Mrs. Ford Ellis and son. I,owe visit- Illation for the fiscal year l!12(i Is com- all parts of the Ford and Fordson. Our repair­ Mr. Win. Ihslell returned to (iriiiid (sl her mother. .Mrs. .Mary Vtslden, .Sun. piitisl by the board at .$7'2.!'i(l. as against men are well skilled skilled in their W'ork. A Hupids Monday, after visiting relatives .Mr. and .Mrs. David Chapman, of .$(i8..‘li» in the preissling year and motor built with accuracy and precision will give in this vleinity the past few weeks. Island s|(ent Sunday evening at the $ 81..')(l in 1021. The lis-al governmeiils Miss Madelyn Smith took part In home of Carl Schulze. collected $24.87 is-r capita In I!l2(!,.as more miles of service and operate at a lower cost. \ the "Sewing Club Play.” given hy the coinparisl with the .rear Is-fore .Mrs. (). B. Davis and fandly, of near and $20.(l.'i in lit‘21. The Conference (iueen Esther Girls, at the Eowe M. E. St. Johns, calhsl at the home of Mr. and If your car, truck or tractoi- is in need or repairs Clntreli, Friday evening. Board study laiinls out. however, that To wnsenij’s Mrs. ('has. .Matthews. Sunday. during the war years state and lis-al let us give you an estimate of the cost of rejiairing. ('layton .lones ’ ismiile have tlieir Itani .Mr. and .Mrs. Gerald .Vbhott and governments curtailed their usual nor A worn out motor uses more gas and oil than it and liouse iialnted this sjiring. children, of Majile Bapids. visited .\trs. mill exis'lidltures of the heavy Mr. and Mrs. Homer Greenhoe and .yiibott's panmts. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred federal levies for war piirisises. whicli sliould. Perhajis your motor is needing some >Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Amlirustmaeher. of Boberts. Sunday. to a degree accounts for their greatl.i minor repairs. A few hours work now might 0lestdurant increa.slng exis'iiditiires since that time. Eaiising. sismt Sunday afternoon at .Mr. Green and Virginia Priest, ('layton .lones'. The total tax bill per gainfully oc prevent much more expense later on. of Holt, visited .Mrs. Hattie Anderson. cupiisl in 102(1 was $I0(;.87. $74.'2!t of •Mrs. .leiiiie and Mrs. Henry Taege Friday night. We have a rebuilt motor ready to put in your called on Mrs. Uosalind Dunning, of which was the share of the federal .Mrs. Elmer Waketield and son. Otto, government. $27.!tS that of the stales, car, truck or tractor on a moments ’ notice. We Pewaiiio. Sunday afternoon and she of West Essex, and .Mr. and .Mrs. Harry had been feeling giasl the past week Graham, of .Maple Bapids. called on and $04.(10 that clalniisl by liK-al goverii- give you a liberal allowance on your old motor. and able to walk in the yard. .Mr. and .M'rs. Wilton .Vnderson. Sunday iiients. Murdo Ilancroft and family nttemhsl evening. Wliere you get Home Cooking. SPECIAL Wliere you get Meals on Short Notice. the Clilldreii's Day exerelses at the .\bout fifty friends and neighbors Lowe ehureh. Sunday afternoon. Where you find Courtesy. surprised .Mrs. Maud Wolcott, Saturday 30x3'/2 Cord Tires $7.75 Wliere you find Connor ’s I<» Cream. Mr. and Mrs. .Murdo Ilaneroft were night, the <«'caslon being her birtliday HATCH PULLETS TO 29x4.10 Balloon 9.25 Where you get Sodas —All Flavora. guests of -Mr. and Mrs. lialph Uottom and W»slding Annlver.sary. Tobitacco ’s, (Elgars, (Cigarettes Sunday evening. ■Mrs. .Mary V(Hlden has been on the 30x5 Tire and Tube (Drive ins) for trucks I.ols Bancroft is sismding this iveek sick list the past week hut is much LAY IN OCTOBER 30x3'/z tulK?, $1.55 .SPKCl.VI, SCND.VV DINNERS with her grandma Ward. better now. Her sister. .Mrs. Henr.v 29x4.40 tube, $2.10 Delameter. lias been caring for her. Yours for Prompt Service and Good COUNTY LINE ITEMS Mr. and .Mrs. Claud Howell visited Time of Hatching Big Fac­ Things to Eat. relatives in Lan.sing. Sunday. tor in Determining Profits JOHN M. SETTERINGTON .Moss VanSlekle and family attended .Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Fell and Mr. M. L. TOWNSEND. the Farmer's Cliih at Balph t'umber- and .Mrs. William, of Ithaca, wen* Regardless of Breed. worth's Iasi Tuesday evening. guests of .Mr. and .Mrs. Woward Fell. Ford Sales and Service Maple Rapids, Mich Friday. .Mrs. ('lifford Ilalstiuid and children Hatch pullets so that they will be visited .Mrs. .1. J. Wright. .Mr. and .Mrs. .Vlfred Matter and son. Oliver, and wife were Sunday guests matured and laying in early October Myrtle and I’auline I,ewls, Helen of -Mr. and Mrs. Wilton .\nderson. and not later than early November, Bradley and Edd Barrett ealhsl on because it is the pullet that starts Skim Milk in H«n*a Anzil i'nderwisKl last Sunday. Mr. .I(N‘ Blemaster and son. Norman. laying at the time of early fall frosts Mr. and JIrs. Fred Glover and .Mr. .\lr. I'ercy Creaser and ('has. .Matthews Ration Makmt Mott \ isited at the Fordiu'y Farm, near that lays while eggs are highest, de ­ and Mrs. Edd Wright sismt Thursday Hemlock. Thursday. clares the Blue Valley Creamery Insti­ Profitable Production at Mud liUke. tute. An April-hatched pullet, matur­ W. Baker, wife and two sons, I,(*o .Mrs. Stockwell and daughter and ing In October, will be producing dur ­ Mrs. Tunnmore. of I'ontiac, visited her and Dale siamt Sunday at l.oiig I.ake. twin sister. .Mrs. J. T. Daniels, Last ing the six-month winter period when Hay Mary Wright sia-nt Saturday and wt-ek. eggs are averaging around 40 cents Sunday with Jum* VanSlekle. a dozen. A late June-hatched pullet .Mr. and Mrs. E. Wolcott entertained Florence Baker was In St. .lolins, I he IVltier family reunion at their will not come into lay until January Monday. ome Sunday. Hiere were about thirty or later, and her yield during the fol- pr(>sent. Mr. and Mrs. Burr Wright, of sing, and .Mrs, Mary Wright siieiit Mrs. IJIlie Biker and daughter. .Miss Apsii.- Best Hatching Month Saturday evening at .iames Wright's. .Minnie B(H>d. of Maiile Bapids. siamt I-1 Ida.v at the liome of Mrs. Fern Tools ('eell and Carl Book spent a few .\rcher. days the past we(“k with their eou.siiis. StiiiiU*} ’ and (Ihmn iVehsler. Mr. and Mrs. Elnu*r Stead, of Fulton, -issi ffrh were Sunday gm-sts of Mrs. .Mary Bice. e M Mr. and .Mrs. ('has. Spaulding and ik daughter, of near St. .lohns. and Anna Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Allen and Mr. • • « 1 Hay Mo'wers, For the largest and moat profitable H(aHl were Sunday visitors at Plrnest and Mrs. Clyde Allen, of .Maple Baiilds, production of eggs, tbe addition of Webster's. visited at the home of .Mr. and .Mrs. LAVINOIN skim milk to a laying hen ration ia (ieorge Archer, Sunday aftm-noon. Clyde Glover and friend, of Ecorse. T w T wTT Side Delivery Rakes, necessary, according to tbe Blue Val­ s|smt Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Bodell and Mrs. Ma|)es, of 4 S *hf« ley Creamery Institute. Numerous his parenis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glover. Grand Bapids. and Allie I’ease, of trials with different kinds and combi ­ Essex Center, called on .Mary Bice, nations of feeds throughout the United .Mr. and Mrs. Edd Wright. Fred and Um& swtati—s wntnaTi Hay Loaders, cylinder. Clyde Glover and friend were at Mud Saturday. States prove this to be a fact Typ­ i.ake fishing. lowing six-month period will be pro ­ ical of many experiments are the onea AnzII I'uderwood is home again after T.\X Bl'RDEN i« $8,499,000,000 duced during the time when eggs are conducted In Idaho covering n period siiendlng the past three weeks in the averaging around 80 cents per dozen. of three years. Where skim miifc woe 8t. Johns Hospital. Taxes collected by the federal, atate Time of hatching vitally affects These are tools of first quality added to a good acrateh feed and saah and l(xtal goverumenta in the United profits, regardless of breed. Heavy mixture, hlgheat and moet economical ?sg»s»csgg