Bean was a at Mrs a. E visttor Mrs A Temples of Augusta IS BIRTHDAY PARTY HAIR CUT 15c Dover the week durmg spending sev el nl days this week WIth Miss Jurell ne celebsated 11)c BULLOCH •• Social the Week I Shuptr COUNTY­ BULLOCH COUNTT­ for Mrs was a viaitor In Happenings Inman Foy relatives In this VICInIty her twelfth bu-thday Monday after 1<; OF S ivnr nah durmg the week 01 �lt s 15c THE HEARl GEORGIA; THE HEART and Waldo E Floyd have noon by nVI ng twenty eght fl ends .) OF GEORGU. MIS Averitt motored to 25c Barney have as the r guest his 58 tel 1\[13 to play Games I ere enjoyed on the � 00 2r;c 'WHERE NATURE SMILES "WHERE Suva n iah afternoor Plain g hurnj NATURE SMILEIJ.· F'riday Pete Emmit of Atlanta lawn Later she isbe: ed lei g rests Mrs J L Mathews motored to At BULLOCH Mr und Mrs Sned or mto the oom eh was et Baxter's Barber Shop TIMES Harold ker dining wh pI luntu last week for a few days Savannah spent last Sunday with her tlly decorated vith yellow and wh te (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) MIS SId Parrish VISIted her aiater aunt MIS A J Prunklin There an ce COUI se \\ as served and BIRTH n Augus a Fr day for the day B Bulloch T,me. Established 1892 J Rountree and daughters MI S dainty baskets of mints g ven as fa Mr and Mrs J W Upchurch of Consohdated Jauuary 17 1917 noon Statesboro News Estabhshed 1901 MISS Mary Mathews IS spending } STATESBORO, GA THURSDAY AUGUST 27 1931 Roy Adams and MISS Elizabeth Roun VOl'S to the guests announce the b I th of a son VOL 42-NO U of IS vistt Stilson Statesboro Eagle Establtshed 1917-Consoltdated December 9 1920 grns Kline Temples Augusta sev e: ul this week In Atlanta days t r ee of Boston were gueats during 6th He has been named Cui Mrs Walter Blown has ng hIS COUSin Ambrose Temples for of Pulaski August - Mrs Byron Parr-ish the week of Mr ami MIS S d Part-ish TRIANGLE BRIDGE CLUB week vm Kelly from a VISit to her parents the III e viaited Iriends the city Monday Ewell Denmark of Marianna Fla On Thursday evenmg Mrs Bonn Merging Counties MISS Sara Lou 13 viaiting land Hodges Mrs Bruce Olhff was among those Morlls enter tamed the members of of A WEEK'S ACTIVITY CITY SCHOOLS TO MARKET TO CLOSE arrived Friday to jom Mrs Mr and Mrs W W Pollard PARKER IS WINNER. Mr and Mrs W W ins spent her aunt Mrs B L Morgan at Denmapk Will Save Millions Higg to Savannah Friday for the her The at her a son gomg and their little son In a VISIt to refa bridge club Triangles Augusta announce the birth of I last week In and several days Baxley Spr ngfield home on Bulloch street A day tives here and at Portal profuaion on 3rd He has been Atlanta Ga 24 has Rouse last befo)e they August glvr� Aug -GeorgIa OPEN HERE Mr and Mrs J spent ICl THROUGH GEORGIA WEDNESDAY TOMORROW IN Screven. ilt Mr and MIS Lannie F Simmons of summer flowers charm Mrs CONGRESS RACE return bright gave the name Aubrey Ray II nearly three times as many counties ale week WIth relatives n Pollal'd and Mrs A E Temples Graymont anp were In ••• Judge VISitors Savannah during tho to the room III which her two tables as MISS IN GRAM WIll be remembered PeI\d as the average of the United State, EZERCISES SALES FOR SEASON WILL FALL CARRIED TEN OF THE THIRTEBH. a few this week In Swainsboro �MALL AFFAIRS WHICH INDI spendmg day. week EPWORTH LEAGUE were Cards were for AND placed grven Howard and four times as many as we need MAR SCHOOL T 900 SHORT 01 LAST SEASON BY COUNTLES WITH A POPULAR Mr and Mrs 0' T Harper and I' CATE CONTINUED GROWTH Apgusta Mrs Edwin Groover was among The WIll meet at score and were won ••• Epworth League high prizes by I' In the oprruon of Colonel Ivan Allen HIGH SCHOOl AT 1000 FIFTY PER CEN1 VOTE OF 4 935 IN DISTRICT has as his ch Idren of relatlves IN 'Master john LeWIS guest Harlem viaited those m Savannah the Mrs DEVELOPMENT viaiting during 7 30 Sunday evening at the MethodIst Harold Averitt and Emit Akins MISS BLITCH ENTERTAINS of Atlanta former state senator and COUSin WIllIam Medlock of m the city Sunday week hurch The IS invited Mrs Mort-is served a !mlud Mrs Gus Skelton or Statesboro public schools WIll open Stntesboro s tob ICCO �s public dainty Honormg chairman of R state comnussron to re ten of the thirteen coun­ Miss Nell IS Carrying Swalnsborn. ,Blackburn spend Q$' Mrs J W Dutton of BeLand .. the fall term next for season Fli, • coU�u. was the palty for close tho tomorrow With H'ar.�well bridge The records of Induatrial port on redisbrtebing' the state FOl Wednelday tICS of the diatrict WIth an electoral Joe Pritchard motored to Swains several daya this week in Savannah 1 PROM followm� IS viaitrng her stater Mra Morgan, PARTY I)"P"'" � .., afternoon at which Miss Geor • Items invest morning Chapel exercises wll1" be a record of sales day ,,,,twlty lista showing county governments alone the peope upproximately fifty vote of twenty four three­ to attend the Rountree WIth relatives and MISS agamst boro Thursday fnepd. Hendrix Helen Tucker was the charm tch two tables J"ent of capital employment of la held in the school audi per cent below last season Not Bl entertained of Georgta pay tw enty fiv e millions of grammar only counties and twelve electoral votes reunion Mrs E 0 Holland has returned The lor and buainess acttvtttes and op family Mr and Mrs M -L Tinl�y of MIll Ing young hostess at a prom party Three 0 Clocks and other guests A towel was her g tortum ut 9 0 clock and m the 11Igh s the volume less but guest" guest dollars he shows By reriuc ng the price averages for J W Overstreet hIS chief Kent of Wr from a VISIt her Mrs TUi Information from whIch oppon­ M,ss were Ehzabeth ghts daughte� len were vHlltora In th� IT'uesday at the home of her entertained by Mrs G,bBon for llOrtumtles school audItOrium at 10 0 clock The ure hkewlse as m �o cIty Sunday evenmg to Mrs Skelton Cards hIgh number of countIes to one whIch dlsnpPollltmg here ent Homer MISS 1 be paragraphs are prepared IS from fOlty C Parker State.boro can. the week end guest of B F n Savunoah on Johnston ThUl at the :VIlle ThIgpen afternoon parents South College street sday mornmg went to lII,s Pete Donaldson Sco men patrons and fnends of the school are all othel mal kela of the state )Vas � local papers usually of towns IS .)aId to be mOl e than some of the ,hdate won the nommatlon for con­ MIas Beth Stl'lckland of Penl About horne of lI�nrgaret Kennedy Mary Mrs W N Lee of Hamlet N C fifty guests were present her parents on,....Zetterower for consolatIOn were award d � loned and be conSIdered gen mVlted to attend the exelc ses WhIle the locul market falls far pads may best state.. have the cost of county gl ess Tuesday Mrs Cowart has her broke s her aUl t Bar avenue If H vlsltmg VISltlllg M'i" "Islted her aunt Mrs W E Gould Punch was served the She inVIted five tables of MISS Bht Ii 'Tally correct Students to enter first below last S 8son 111 volume and throu£hout Mrs SImmons wlil re reduced one half WIShing pnce At a of n .Jl'�'lnk govelnmen1,o meeting th& congressIonal '1111 s Chatfield and her Averitt for a few � I her mother ney days last week end luests !lnd a frozen A scole 000 marble ade WIll on Au It has 1118 ntumer) Its r serv�d sall'd serve(f a dnl�ty salad Macon-$595 GeorgIa 01 eleven nulltons of dollals accord gl regIster Monday standing among exeoutlve commIttee to be held her& had as ••• of �haml Fla IIIr and Mrs Remy Howell of for • • • famIly Mrs Mark L,vely and chillren arei pIece pottery � "SltO�l' lilgh � I) addItIOn to be erected to local post gust 31st at hIgh school offICe from the 111 a I kets of th s tel ntory m a mg to Colonel Allen at 10 0 clock tomorl'OW (Friday) mom- Mrs W N Lee of Hamlet N C theIr dur the week Mrs EVENING JlRIDGE .core guest ng s-pondmg some time as gue3ts of MIss went to Mrs Pete Don:tIdson MYSTERY CLUB ¥ for Tybee to approXimately argued supporten prIze clothing It was announced here th,s DanIels of Evans county George T, M,ss Route 50 contentIon Glbeon and famlhes Dorns Moore who has been spend the week Nahunta-State No prac to use the power of the government Crump dIscharged her be the wmners of oratorIcal and essay week Groo,er of Statesboro asaoclated m­ and Mrs C E Wollett and ht attendIng summer school at ColumbIa Mrs tically completed through county to make thel raIlways gIve doles to cause she preferred Holchak's com contests m schools and colleges and The Rsked that timately. WIth ilIe manaeement of � Henry Bhteh of Savannab I assoclBtl9" growers tie who have been New York , ReIdSVIlle-Griner Co opened other IndustrIes the of pany to h s also had many It Will also be the off,c,al reward for Mr s Will made )IOD, BIlli. spend Umverslty returned home spent several days durtng the week Drug durmg perlotl Crump lise only 100 per cent cotton bagging Parker be summer 111 Monday and a bnslnes� It IS more sound to supporters among them hIS WIfe who mentonous In connection the Mr lI�'the Newberry S C spent ,:i&w days WIth here WIth her parents Mr and Mrs fqr prosperity surely wo�k wltq. (or wrapPing tlJ�1r cotton and to buy secretary of conventIOn her smter Mrs Nahunta-Old schoolhouse re make them now saId she knew never trIed to the nme months world WIde celebra Mve returned home G E Bean J L Mathews bemg other mdustrles help Crump feed stuffs and' food only III cotton Groover and S W l.ewls Will be Mr ar.d Mrs Durell Lee re Mr and Mrs :modeled make love to th.. teacher tlon of s b,rth m memb.rs of the executive have Robert Donaldson 1'e Mr and Mrs Clyde Colhns hllve re Geo1'ge Washington sacks deSIgnated turned to theIr home 111 Atlanta after turned Monday from New York tJrned W2Yr. uss-Blue RIbbon Shoe Shop WhIle testlfymg before Marrs 1932 Only contrIbutIOns of the hIgh The commIttee for Bulloch CIty to theIr home m Savannah Talmadge Will Speak first four bales of cotton gin county where have 512 Pme avenue sold Mrs BeSSIe closed the and took the mat est distinction Will ment thiS reward a VISIt to Dr and Mrs R L Cone they been for severnl after a VISIt to her mother Mrs by hearlllg ned thIS season by an 011 mIll at Moul weeks whIle Mr Hudson to Glenn Jeffcoat To Bulloch Farmers tel under adVisement den ed Mrs Fraser s was and !lfr and Mrs John Lee Donaldson attended Leome Everett Crump deSign accepted tne Ga were wrapped 111 cotton bag Elder Sills to Preach ever MIller of Savannah summer school at. a Waycross-BUIlding permlta Issued he took M ss PhIlen 1 dmg or from a number of models submItted Mrs Mtnme Columb Umver Mrs E P Josey had as her gueats gmg Illstead of Jute It was announced • At there 111 th,s cIty durmg July totaled $155 Announcement IS made tI ed to hIS arm around her some of Ameflca s MiddJeground who has been vlSlttng her sIster Mrs slty for the week end Mrs Betty Josey that Com put by leadmg sculp here The baggmg was bought from to Mrs J W Scott had as GET 644 largest monthly amount thIS mISSIOner of You dId too the slen tors The was held under her Mrs COME Tal snapped competItIOn Arthur Howard left Anme Parham and AgrICultule Eugene one of the mIlia III La Wednesday guests DICk Lee of BARGIANS Calloway Elder F H SIlls of Savannah will last teacher VISIt her sIster Mrs D M Teeta m week her mother Mrs J N Ille S C year WIll add,es3 the farmers of der pretty the supervISIon of th" Medal AdVl.l!ory whose Cason J Harps madge Grange preSIdent at PrImItive HeIskell Berhn He dId not the CommIttee of the preach Mlddleground Brooklet of Sweetwater Tenn and Mr and Mrs E C HO\lell and :Waynesboro-George opened Bulloch county at the court house In snapped back United States Calloway also of the Amer preSIdent BaptIst church on the fifth Sunday at her blothels J A Electl'lc Shoe at 119 West Statesboro on s \I�fe Blcentenlllal MISS OUllia Belle Stubbs has re lIelskell of Dallas Mr and Mrs R W Forbes were the HospItal Satulday mornmg at prinCIpal George Washington !Can Cotton Manufacturers A3S0CIQ 11 00 a m It has been about twenty Texas and W Seventh street 0 clock 1\I r saId he M,ss CommISSIon of whIch Robelt J turned home after an ex ended VISIt L HeIskell of Sweet guests the week of Mr and 10 Talmadge IS engaged Crump dIscharged bon has launched a movement to dunng yealS since Elder SIlls ha. preached water Glennvllle-B C leased III a PhIlen because she carl'led on an Grant dIrector oC the IDIOt Charles to her sister MISS Flora Stubbs tn Tenn Mrs Henry Howell Kennedy campaIgn looking to some defi have cotton wrapped In baggmg made for these people Of course he will 1111, III WhIte ServIce StatIOn Barnard street affair WIth Holchak a star foot Moore chairman of the natIOnal com and Mrs Leo Denmark 111 S Steadman and Mrs C MISS Nelhe Howell of Brooklet mte actIOn toward a reductIOn of nex of cotton mstcad of to ml;rease Savannah, Jute be to meet hIS old fnends agam. B from S 0 S,kes ball at the school mIssIon of nne arts glad JacksOftVlIle Steadman "ere 1n Savannah Sat and E E Howell of Bll'Inmgham year s cotton crop The farniers WIll player RepresentatIve the consumptIOn of the South s great­ to be �) East Pomt--O M Haire and Son be mterested m h,. MISS Phllen told the Sol Bloom assocIate dlfector and Judge and Mrs A E Temples had urday present at a shower g ven Ala were guests Monday of Mr and address supermtend est crop NEW WEST SIDE PTA real esfate dealers mare new n honor of M,ss Harr et Mrs WIll to MIsses Bonn e Mae and Sara Lou ent she had tned to help Holchak Prof Albert Bushnell Hart hIS Orlan Some the mIlls 111 The of the as tlierr guests Sunday Elder Green Kennerly Henry Howell of largest cotton, regular monthly meetmg at 143 S street whose WIll take Mra quarters Main Anderson and Clarke have re rna"e up back �chool wOlk but de of the George Washington BICenten to announce New Wes. SIde PTA WI I be beld and SOrl, WJlham Green and mece marrIage place m the Morgan HendriX has retu ned Mary the co Jnty accordmg Atlanta-New med ever neur future a bUIlding bemg erect turned flom a week S VISIt to Mr anti she got any notes rual Comm13sIon are members The cents a at the school audItorIUm on Mia. Jewell Moore and Wyatt Bon from stay of several da) s at ment have agreed to pay 50 Thursaay Inc. ed for CItIzens and hIm as Southern Na",onal Mrs had was a Among those to SwaInsboro Charle,ton S C WIth her James Clark Jr at NeWIngton Crump cha"ged wmmng de31gn chosen by spec bale more for cotton covered WIth cot evemng September 3r" at 8 30 Ev­ ner, all of GI1IY gOing daughter FINE, JAKE Bank Mr and Mro He did wnte me several letters ,al commIttee of IS to as to b' Mrs James Clark Sr and scuptors composed IS for member attend IIfr and Mrs Jack Denmark have Thursday present at the Roun Preston Colhns "WHERE STYLE, QUALrn AND VALUE ton bagglllg than paId staple ery urged PREDOMINATE" - Brandon & she saId of Dantel tree Ie-unIOn are IIIrs S,d Mrs B W HapeVIlle BIshop daughter Mary and son Carrol though Chester French Herbert m Cotton bag are made toward the opeD- returned to theIr bome 111 Blue RIdge famIly Stl'lckland and daugh wrapped Jute hagglng plans being Funeral Home on North Cen Her contentIOn was that the real Adams Lorado Taft and A A Weln Parrish Mr· C L Gruver and chll ter MISS lIa Mae StrICkland and opened spent Sunday With her parents tn gmg It IS pomted out IS lighter 109 of our school a VISIt to tIlelr parents Mr and �han after avenue 1--- dren Mrs J N LewIs and chIldren Charle3 Strickland ,,.1 Waynesboro PRESS JlEPORT� and M and ¥aster of Clax (Contmued on page 2) Jute , MrS Malhe Denmark ro_:-) and MISS Sara Bess Renfroe were VISItOrs 111 the Mrs J W. Franklin. tQn cIty Tue3day AUGUST THURSDAY, 27,1931 BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1931

• � �� leadership. and the program at States- e���j�h�f.������ED�I�TO�R�S�.O�FN�A�T�IO�N�th=i�g�SW�hen�uni�ted�and�hav�ing�pr�oper�R�E�FU�S�ED�TO�F�L�m�T�======�_wS . E' ��,�:�r�I�G:��;iSe��n�p��s �:���Ytri� TEACHE_R_IS FIRED ����\ .. ARE YET ENTHUSED Now Time to "'iiI' }E'�;'� We left our excellent at a 'S the \T hosts (Continued frcm page 1) late hour and were on our way to CONTINUE '1'0 WRITE ABOUT Athens, seat of the University of reason her was ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN ON Georgia, the oldest chartered stnte Crump discharged BUilD �hat HOME advances VISIT HERE IN JUNE. university in America. because she repulsed l1is 01 one when he --' evening took her riding (Filmore On .June 9th-more than ten weeks County News, Exeter, Neb., after school. She said after that in­ August 20) was host to the Na- cident Crump and Holchak had a fist material is and ugo-s-Statesboro After we Building cheap. time are out leaving Savannah, traveled NEXT you tional Editorial at that fight. The testimony did not disclose Association, northward to Statesboro. Upon ar­ I labor of fix as the J'eIIUlt of ir­ cheap, time upon .. tour of the state follow- rival there, cars were to take who won. is 1'45,000.0'0 provided. ftIU}ar or faulty bowel ing the annual convention in Atlanta. the party on a tour of the tobacco, Miss Philen's principal objection, cotton, corn and other growing crops Thedford's The distinguished group of national she said, was that Crump "fired" her If you have part of the money movement, 'try surrounding the city. We then were leaders only a few hours with without a hearing. Her brown Black·Draught for the 1'& spent taken to the South Georgia Teachers d�rk and want to borrow the remainder us, arriving about 7 o'clock in the College where dinner was served. eyes snapped and she tossed her wind­ fIreIhiq relief it gives . .. evening and leaving about 11 o'clock Young ladies of the college and from blown bob as she declared, "He can't with which to we lend it who take it. build, will ...... of people the local ladies' organizations served . the same night. The four hours gnve fire me without a hearing-but he Mr.'" cou.truction IUp8r­ And such a dinner. Statesboro is 10- arid W.c.cn.. to at only opportunity for the barest sort did." you 6ro• FURNITURE cated in Bulloch and Bulloch RUGS lDtead...t in Paluki, VL, ..YI: county of nttention. This included a dash county products were stressed on the "When I pt eon into the country and a dinner lit the bill of· fare, including yellow legged .. MEDAL SELECTED 8tipated, my h d iIch_, and I . chicken. Teacher'. College. Statesboro mvitetI loa.. that dull, tine! feeliDg-just A happy idea was struck in the ar- CELEBRATION THE BIJLLOCH LOAN the newspaper group here in the hope Ftni not eq1IIII to my work. I don't rangement of the program. There that it friendships was no stunts t.al hllDpy IIIId I Imow that I might cultivate formality but hits and & TRIJS,T COMPANY them which would be helpful were performed keeping everyone in (Continued from 'page 1) 8Md lOm.thiDa to cl_ my among a One' of our to them and to the happy mood. party, .a I take state.. At IIY8fi8m. Black-Draught. Herman Roe, had a birthday anni- man, and was unanimously approved W. M. During the ten weeks that have in- JOHNSON, W. lane found it ...... at help." versary that day and a little tot of the national commisison of fine PUBLIC by tervened since their visit, the editors the Julianne whose birth- SCR�TARY AND TREASURER Sold be 25·,,,,, pa,kOllts. city, Turner, have continued to discourse their (13aug4tc) upon day .fe.U pre- . '!,! �.h� �.ay. f�o!!o)Ving, -_ sented a�i,is-tnedal will be produced for the isit to Statesboro 'Mr: .. �. a the mint v.Georgi.a. .' been previousiy !proVided and sang commission by United States to come III for her share of this ���������������������������� special birthday- aong -for him. This under the supervision of Director comment. continues.the past . friendly During down rthe house. editor . liT brought An Grant. ., ii- has received (iii' riidii5 week the Times from Savannah ate a '�iii1'diiiifOii'" iii!illli live copies ]I RO@,y"t'}j.u.cakethathadl(?) gold The selection of Mrs. d e- fish from a in the the Fraser's .... &;'1 of three middle-western newspapers jar presence of I 6EO. T.. '-ROO.lrK . . . party. About two hundred local people sign is her latest achievement as a whose editors were III party. Since I ...... th� were present to take part in the pro- medalist. her other famous to Among Statesboro people arc interested and swell the welcome to gram help medals are the medal for the National know of the things that are being the editorial party. 1' Sculptor for the American Society, said about them, we ure giving space T�e soil of �ul1o�� county is very fertile and a diveraification of farm- Numismatic Society '(one of the high- to the comments tuken f rom th ese Fire Insurance ing and other industries has been de� est awards for mednllic art), and the three papers: veloped. Leo Mallard grew 148 bushels John Marshall medal for __ the Allier. and 11 pounds of corn on an ncre. ican Bar Association. Mrs. Fraser (Rockville, lrrd., Republican, Aug. 1.3) Total annual output of the county's Bank of Statesboro Bldg. Telephone 152 is estimated at more than also designed for the United Stntes was reached before 7 products Statesboro . six million dollars. the Ala bama Centennia I o'clock. As there was still plenty of government Statesboro and South Georgia dnylight the citizens of the town fUI·. Coin of 1919, the International Live. STATESBORO , GEORGIA Teacher's College, together with the nished their uutomobiles and we were stock Medal in 1925 for the . . our depart. tuken out fOI' H motor ride on a JUSt very pleasant evening party spent there \ViI] in the ment of Agriculture, and the gold completed paved highway over which linger long memory of each of us, t eleven o'clock that medal nW81'dm:I under the the people Were migHtily 'Pleased, by congress ;=�(1�4�m�a�y�tf�.)�:::===���=;;;������=������ our train left S tates b oro un d several miles that we might see the night act of May 4, 1928, to Col. Charles A. took us to Augusta. ) tobacco, cotton and corn fields that Lindbergh in commemoration of his line the road. I had the Lrtune good flight from New York to Paris, May to be in a car driven by a charming Bates Is W'Inner PROTECT)ON! 20.21,1927. For her work in general, I younJ! lady-n reul "Georgia peac�"- Starts who had just completed preparaiton Of Forestry Prize Mrs. Fraser has beer. awarded three At 3 P. M. 1'01' and was for her __ medals the National 1, teaching looking gold by Have Your Barn Tuesday, Sept. Academy Curing first school. She bears the noted Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 24.-Among one of Design. I And. southern name Lanier and ] hope she Continues, Two Sales Daily at 3 m, and 8 hundred consolidated ru ru l high' Mrs. Fraser, distinguished in her and Tobacco INSURED p. p. m., Until Further finds a good school for the coming Notice, schools of Georgia that have voca- own is the wife noted yeur. At Statesboro is located the right, of the WITH South'Georgia Teachers College and it tional agricultural teachers and teach sculptor, James E. Fraser, who model­ was in the room of the institu- B. Nash- dining forestry, 'William Bates, of led, among other works, statues of tion that the party was served by the won ville, the �100 prize offered by Alexander Hamilton and. John Eric- STATESBORO INSURANCE AGENCY GREATEST of Commerce, .A.UCTION SALE D. qhnmber Students, the Georgia 'Forestry Association. son in familiar to I H. BRANNEN, Prop. the ladies the . \Vashington, every ticulm-ly youne served ...... 111 this Mr. Bates, resident and visitor INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS dinner which Wl1S designed to be corn- \�lnnlng PII�C, to the national posed entirely of Bulloch county pro- acccrding to the Georgia Forest Servo capital. 11 West Main St.reet Phone 79 Statesboro, Ga. 'Furniture, and Home 'Ever In as Of ducts with fried chicken the piece ice not only carried out all work re- 'Rugs 'Furnishings Witnessed This Section. de If there a PUI'-I printed I resistnn.ce. \�as qui'red in presenting the subject of George Cooper, of Evanston, 111., L:�����������:::::��������������� menu, ·1 failed to keep mine and I re- . and in his school was in a tree had FOR PIANO that for It would show what the forestry managing caught hiding he SALE�F"ur·bur.ner Florence .FOR SALE. -:- Se!f-playrng gret . were .. oil With m condi- m you buying a bi­ Ii bed after- b'" stove, oven, good prano good condition, httle used, county is able to produce, but I recall forest, but each boy studying' fOlestry , eing diiscoveretI roo-b Entire Stock of Most Select Grade one ice .• cer­ c.'m tion: also Eddy box. J. D. will sell at a bargain. Call and m- High Quality Furniture, Etc IFcycle today, you the edibles were delicious and suffici- had a home project-adult evening bmg a house. of BLITCH. at Georgia Power Co. (13tc) spect at Waters & McCroans.(13au4p) wouldn't one varied. The local school or- tainly buy ently classes were conducted: several thou. 1_ I withou t a coaster brake. music and was che�tra re�r1el'ed th�re sand slash were and in- un WU'3 pines �lanted A . • program. pnze • mterestlJ1g . terest m f,re was sbmu­ (I'm not even sure they offered for the best story on Bulloch prevention make 'em without coaster county written by members of our lated in the county. party limited to a few minutes. A brakes any more.) Mr. Bates i. a graduate of the Uni. WATERS &. great in and variety rcsulte.d prose versity of Georgia and is resognized McCROAN, news� .. and two . Statesboro,-Ga. poetry If are a car Georglu women, ANNOUNCING ... you buying as a lender In 1 J , paper, editors, won Forst and second agrlcultura today you ought to think educ,ahon. place. No, I didn't enter the contest. Second place was won, accordmg to TO BE HURLED OUT OVER THE BLOCK FOR. A FEW DAYS' AT twi�in fact, a half dozen THE AUCT�ON CASH.IN PUBLIC AUCTION-SELLING Bulloch county people are quite proud the Georgia Forest Service, by C. L. ti�before buying one of for it out thei! county, has. grown Veatch, Commerce, who won the prize PIECE BY PIECE AND SUITE BY SUITE. without Free of a WIlderness of cut off Wheeling. .great I?mes in 1930. Other contest- for the BOIl of won- outstallliing Jumber, provmg . . (I'm not sute there'll be derful fertility and the farmers claim ants m the state were F. B. Whlte,. are of F ahead all other of G. orDlal any without Free Wheel· they parts Barnesville; T. Walters, Moultrie; TWO·BIG SALES and 8 Georgia in diversified farming. The L. .Opening p.m.--STARTING ina in a year or two.) C. Lanford, Leslie, and Rufus D. DAILY--3p.m. TUESI)AY, SEPT. 1st hus rnon� modern and county perhaps Pulliam, Soperton. OF A Free Wheeling adds the well appointed homes than any other. It bales of The contest will be continued an- Arne thrill and whizz to produces annually 25,000 cotton, Ilbout 1,000 cars of water· othe.r year and will be supplemented motoring that coaster melons, fOUl' million pounds of tobacco by the Herty prize of $175. SANITARY did to MODERN, -- brakes bicycling, and 250' cars of hogs. Besides much and as well have livestock and you might including hogs sheep Joseph Lichocky, of New York, was FR·EE.! FREE! cream is fREE! the fun and the J to cattle, potatoeo, and honey fREE! 5% fined $10 for giving his horse a "nip STATEMENT! produced and egetables of all sorts. 20% saving of gas and oil or two to brace him up." MEAT Then the pecan industry is growing DEPARTMENT' it offen-now that you rapidly. In addition naval stores and • A Handsome Piece of Furniture or can a real Free Wheel. Beautiful Bedroom Suite get lumber add to the resources of the Man Thin As Rail­ This store as you well know, has Absolutely ing Studebaker for $845- county. Too bad we couldn't have To Our :Already Line made a longer tour of this splendid Iron Adds 10 Pounds Complete of been in business for and -the Six at Each Auction Sale many years lowest priced county of the southland for I am sure Furni�hings Freeto some one it been was duringAuctionSale today with Free Wheeling would have worth while. In the "I tired, l'un�down and thin as fully guarantees that every article summer as stilndard school of the Teachers Col· 8 rail. Since taking Vin�'}, 1 sleep . equipment, I lege more than 600 were enrolleel. I� well, feel better an'd have gained 10 GROCERI'EIS purchased at the auction bears our I' and engineered from tip to wm; about 11 o'clock at night when we poundf\."-R. A. Cromberg. tail to give you the fullest pulled out for Augusta, next stop. Thin, run-down, nervous mcn 01' reputation for quality and constrlJc­ - ben�ijts of Free Wheeling women need the of lime ,.. - help iron, ,; TO' MIS S THIS O�PORTUNITY CARLOADS OF in its finest form. (Richlanu Democl'Ot, Richland Gentel', and cod liver peptone as contained in tion, and if price alone will move mer­ Wis., August 19) Vinol. Even the first bottle brings new pep, a good appetite and sound chandise BED ROOM We were out of Savannah the mid­ quickly, Statesboro is about SUITES Aids nnd 29 WOULD BE A REAL LOSS sleep. digestion rllal

.• F. D. us all . I 1I)HNSON, R. Statesboro. guessing JNRURAN�B �nMPANY. I Small ar� of HUGH '.' ._ •.. citieR R. 'l(8aog2tp)' I'L�. _ .. capable great KIMBROUGH, Attorney, .", � a... � AUGUST 27,1931 BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27,1931 BULLOCH TIMES AND STA'mSBORO NEWS TIMES SOLVING PROBLEMS BULLOCH President Hoover and! his emergen­ SLATS' DIARY AND have dis­ cy employment committee (By Ros. Farqubar.) ., Buy Better Quality- Merchandise Ube Statesboro lIle\1l,'9 covered u remedy for the unemploy- REMOVAL NOTICE ment situation. The report of this Friday-well rnr Gillem has b� Year. that of those �. Supscription, $1.50 per committee udvises part hnveing u sickness with his nirves and I TO OUR CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE TRADED WITH US AT workers who are now employed shall the doctor told him today I O. B. TURNER, Editor and Owner. be discharged and their jobs given to that he shud ought to I OUR OLD WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT -e • BLUE PL�TE MAYONNAISE and SALAD DRESSING matter March LOCATION, \ Entered as second·class others who are out of employment. give up evry thing and I 1905, at the postoffice at States­ STORE TO PETE 28, Naturally enough the employed take a sea trip. Pa sed WE HAVE MOVED OUR "KEEPING BUSY" boro, Ga., under the Act of Con­ I who would be thrown out are women, he done that once up on' You know when "Pete" was elected to the Legislature, and the first session was called "Pete" went ahead to get gres. March S, 1879. and who a all so to before his wife him at the to in the social whirl. One who nrc not organized, those time but that in his I everything set, speak, joined capital, get night are men ._ were at a ball the wife of a In course of the the PARKER IN CONGRESS would be given their places case he tuk the sea Trip I !. they given by big political gun. evening, hostess happened to be 44 Main • • Ga. next to "Pete's" wife and asked how she and her busband liked the social who are organized. 1st. East Street Statesboro, sitting smilingly busy life of the city. to For the vanquished in a contest And that is about the height of pa- Saterday-Ma told me "We're just havin' the best time of our. lives," she responded effusively, "one party after another, and big ban­ after sakes 'Pete' aint had his knife out of sulk, is a despicable thing. lriotism displayed by moat of those tonite that I better 28th quet big banquet. Why alive, scarcely his mouth sence we got here." even more Friday, August the to is ills of the warsh ears and Opens, For victor gloat who have cures fo" the my up ' • I ... AMER. despicable. nation. Prosperity is measured al- ect. becuz we mite take THE SAME HIGH QUALITY FOODS THAT HAVE ENDEARED A&P TO THE BE THAT AS IT MAY-When you purchase "BLUE PLATE" BRAND MAYONNAISE, SALAD DRESSING, be­ I IN· Today Bulloch county appears most exactly by its direct relution a ride out in the Coun- ICAN HOUSEWIFE AND OUR CHARACTERISTIC LOW PRICES AWAIT YOUR SANDWICH SPREAD, THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING and FRENOH DRESSING" made with Wesson Oil by not fore the world rejoicing, yet to the individunl who offers the so- try. but as she wassent! SPECTION AND APPROVAL AT THIS STORE. the Wesson Oil people, the more that you eat the more you want. Be sure and see that your next jar is "Blue Plate.;' candidate a for the sure it I-wRi�·1 gloating. Bulloch county's lulion. It is always panic \ about why by seen I for congress has been accepted man who wants a job and hasn't one, ed entill I pa put- , ON DISPLAY AND FOR SALE BY ALL INDEPENDENT RETAIL MERCHANTS ann \ the voters of the district, and he and prosperity always exista for the ting on his driveing Gog. FREE • lois county are happy. Bulloch county man who hus a teat to feed upon. Or· gels before I done it. No use doing her friends to a of WITH EACH PURCHASE OF 50¢ OR MORE is sad, though, that good ganized bodies are always able lot unnesery wirk for nuthing. ALFRED DO·RMAN .COMPANY ABSOLUTELY FREE WE. WILL GIVE who asked for lhe a to them"": the was a I from other counties find solution that appeals Sunday-wile preacher VVHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS the A LOAF OF honor and lost, must feel pangs tnke away from lhe other fellow and calling at are house this p. m. he ast . First. Service Second. Sallslacllon • of defeat. Bulloch county is rejoic- give to themselves. Ant Emmy did she ever read mutch Q'uallty Ahovays own but moment rail- about I GRANDMOTHER'S over her good fortune, A l the present the Buddism and Ant Emmy sed ing t • she is sorrowful-sIncerely so-for road ure seeking the right to raise No she hadnt becuz she �eber had the the I those friends who have not rates fifteen per cent through- chance but she wood ave to becuz good freight- individual had committed and was the Mrs. I· ,0 ,M'a.t,tin, Department of that is ours. out the nution. They have made a she was crazy about Flours. joy BREAD YOUTH OF NATION surest means to remorse and a 'puri- PRESIDENT SEEKS Education, Atlanta, Ga., slate chair- Fet Overstreet, of Screven county, clear showing that without this in- Munday-Mrs. Eckle told rna that II • tied heart'." man of recreation, will, if you usk for he BICARBONATE OF SODA is our neighbor; his people and creased revenue their property is she thot she had a tape wirm was the JEWEL Penal institutions are designed to them, supply ..ecreotion outlines that have been our friends in times past. doomed to suffer. About this there reeson 'She staid so thin all the time '1 Is a I A GREAT PROBLEM protect society and can only do so- �tlORE MEMBERS will round out the school room ex- Necessity In Every Home and Is Used In Many Ways. and them. Albert and rna ;We appreciate him is not the slightest reason to dis- sed Well you shud ought to without to the increase S-Lb. 81 e 4-Lb e contributing perience. Pail. , REPORT SHOWS MRS. HANKINSON ISSUES AN AP- the man from Savannah, must be increased income lake fer it and Mrs.' Eckle SHORTENING Pail 43 WICKERSHAM Cobb, young pute-there sumthing in crime through their relenses-by Study the Child Welfare Magazine SUCCESS SODA for OF CRIMINALS PEAL FOR GREATER ACTIVITY fonnerly lived in Bulloch county or lessened outgo. The increased in- replyed and sed No she wood let the MAJORITY DEL SLICED reforming criminals, according to the lists of moving pictures that children Is Pure Bicarbonate of Soda and Is Priced So Low That and he harl some claims come derived from dern starve as fer as she was MONTE, ARE UNDER THIRTY. THROUGHOUT GEOUGIA a short time, would be asaesaing thing No.2Y2 Wickersham commission which lays might be permitted to enjoy, and make which were recog­ conserned. Everyone Can Afford To Use It our rates the . Freely. upon county higher upon unorganized down this: appropriate nnnouncements concern- Aug. 12 .-'Flammg for nized as far as We nre 'dad The reduced would Hen a Can 1ge Washington, Georgia's membership quota possible. shippers. outgo Teusday-Unkle bought PINEAPPLE "It is the function of the to I prison ing them. hon­ present one of the 1931-32 is' To reach this MOREHOUSE MANUFACTURING CO. jor the man who strives come from a reduction of wages puid track tor down on his farm but the youth 45,369. young find the means so to reshape the in. Plan at the very beginning a suit. troublesome problems to a mdost unit must on a mem- Office and GA. and loses. to hard hand woodent use it un else BEST SIDE Swift's Seminole quota every put Factory, SAVANNAH, orably organized employea. e� terests, attitudes, habits the total able book shelf Ior every room. See who must his w��lSC1- . Established 1892 she are Unkel Hen went a keep prisoners bership drive. Arrange the program While Bulloch county rejoices, Naturally enough the railroads and had rumple character of the individual as to re- that child is in school Lb. es· every and pro- and ex- that of hu­ 01'- seat on him. come Lb. plined prevent for the first meeting to include seeks to maintain spirit receiving the hearty support of put it for The out MEAT IOe HAMS 20e • lease him both competent and willing vided wilh clothing and lunch. to the 1C 'ersham of member- books, which is becoming a victor. labor in their for is un knone. caping, according the;,/�om planation of the phases miHty gunized campaign to find a way of udjusting himself to Then register every member in 01'- our wor­ labor was commission. ship. Send to the state office at Me- those One of the Hix in a . We still count people increased rates. otto­ . Wensday-Mrs. the community without further law del' that, the time comes, all A of tentiiarv t.es of member- \Vh�p and we shall need lhem leaders declures that rate. mobeel acksident this a. m. and this majority peni mma Donough copies unique thy friends, higher violation." may be in position to vote for such and the bulk of reformatory clever new 11S in times to come. "will business." p, m. mn went to see her and she great ship posters, skits, types and they pep up bills as affect the welfare of little EXCIJRSION SEPT. 5TH are under 30 years of age Parker s lhe was prisoners of drives, or bits of used In presenting Homer Increased rates will eventually fall All broke up becuz she had lost ... INFORMAL BRIDGE catchy verse children. in its re- Bulloch her anti the commission lengthy Brunelle in of membership. nominee for congress, count.y upon the consume]' as a I':':lt.ter of Aspern Tablits in the Xcitemint. Miss Deal entertained in- promotion R. Round Fare from STATESBORO FL'OUR the MRS. H. HANKINSON. Trip which indicts Use and chart" as no to make. He is a burden will re- Besides that she will cover. party vigorously afternoon the "stor visual has apologies Inct. Eventually this seek , formally Saturday guests WELLBREAD IONA SUNNYFIELD American prison system, Days the size evidence of and BARBER SHOI' IN NEW HANDS to man of vigor and experience. Por, net upon the railroad employe, for the Thirsday-well I was late to wirk for two tables of bridge in honor of progress growth. he of the prison and "this large com- Then another and Announcement rnade Mrs. almost all his years of manhood reason that business driven away by this n. m, down to the Drug store Miss Nettie Porter of Savannah the organize unit, is that ATLANTA .. $5.75 (tickets limited Sept. 10) munity composed of men" are, it to function until it can stand D. C. Jones has the Bob­ 118S been schooled in public affuira. the increase will mean loss to the and the boss sed he wood except my �ou.ng. attractive guest of'1\'li5s Evelyn' An. help purchased wor- ATLAN'l'A .. the chief couses of d,sc,plinary alone. barbel' $7.75 (tickets limited Sept. 15) In the court house as an attorney he railroads instead of profit. This "pep- resignashun. I that at 1st he was go­ derson. The tables were placed on Rite sho pheretofore operated ries. When hove five associations in MACON ...... limited learned to handle himself and to un­ of the nation is all to fire me. But I stuck a round 55e the veranda where and you by D. P. Waters, on East Main street. $3.75 (tickets Sept. 9) ping up" very hne ing 24-�:g 24-�:g 7Se t ), potted plants cent of penitentiary or' three in Fifty-six pel' new ...... derstand and respect others. During to rend about, but the consumer has all day arrd he woodent give me nuth­ althea gave charm. NOHis candy for your county, your town, The owner' assumed possession MACON $5.75 (tickets limited Sept. 14) were be- WHITE HOUSE admitted in 1930 a council. No will hie years HS a soldier he acquired about exhausted his "pepper." The ing to do so J quit. prisoners high score went to Miss Helen Bran- organize county Superin­ Mc.ndny morning. changes 12 cent of them below I Travel by Train Safer 'More Comfortable Economical con­ 1.1 low 30 and per tendent John of Carroll coun- made in the of the force those qualities which gave him man who has no organized means of EVAPORATED MIL" 3TallCans 20c 3SmallCans IOc nen. An assorted plate was served Brooks, be personnel com- 20. According to the advisory assisted Mrs. a vice· fidence in himself and respect for lhe }Jl'otection is budly in need 4>f protec· THE PROVERBS by lbe mother of the hostess. ty, by Guy Wells, of barbers. Ask Ticket Agent. ll\ mittee of penal experts which assist· of the last rights of others. As a superior officer tion at the present moment. A®.P Quaker Maid president Georgia congress, Pint 16-oz. it that MOST came ed the commission, appears THE ACE HIGH week organized such a county council. CAUSE ACCIDENTS of ihe stale for many years he Chapter 27 Bottles like three·fourths of all CENTRAL OF GEORGIA AY An hour The Ace club met Fri· Be to at the end . llAILW in contact with affairs in such way after lhey divorced their 1. Boast not of 2 something High bridge prepared report thyself tomorrow; Juice 25e Pork & Beans Can to Edward J. (20aug3t) 5e commit their Grape criminals in this country afternoon with Miss 'Alice of the the numbe'r of associa· According O'Meara, that he attained a experience. mates in Reno, Nev., Thomas Boyd for thou I<.nowest not what u day may day Mary year ripened commissioner of forth. first offenses before they at her home on tions in their highway Wisconsin, Elected from Bulloch counly, Mr. and Mrs. Ruth Bartlett were married. bring Toilet Tissue Maid a�e 25.. McDougald Gratiy your county, officers, 2. Let another man praise thee, and Quaker More than half-the advlBory com· street. • A of the kino whether the rate of increase of automobile ac· Parker has been chosen by the entil'e pretty arrangement of associations, pre· not thine own mouth; a stranger, and Rolls 60 cent-of all cidents is greater among not Robel1t Marxon, of Oardiff, Wales, mittee estimates per garden flowers gave charm to the school, high school, elementary, or experienced district. He will go to congl'eg. not thine own lips. 4 Bottle's C, 1ge re� drivers than those of two or 214�Ol in Waldorf received among the admilted that he 'paid his wife $635 3. A Ketchup 25 prisons reoln in which her two tables were consolidated, the number that are new irom Bulloch but from stone is and the sanil and. county, heavy, �persons les8 him man formatories have served prevIOus An candle holder the and the number of years' driving experience. First congressional district - from to quit nnd go away with a weighty; but n fool's wrath is heavier • � arranged. anticlue during year, This not mean that we should who loved her. than them both. terms'il1 con'e tional institutions. and candle for score was men members. 'does 'the stote of Georgia. He will repre· high prize EXt:IJRstdN 4. Wrath is and is out· an· not to make sure new cruel, anger time a prisoner enlers won Miss Carrie Lee Davis. Mrs. North Dakota won the banner attempt drivers 'Bent the people of the dislrict first, Every by THE rageous; but who is able·to stand be· releaaed. are compelent before them RAILROADS IN 1980 'SOAP other prisoner is Ninety· Harry Johnson for second was given awarded last year by the national licensing to be but he will not the fore SALE sure, forget envy? for to but it does indicate 5. six walk out, to be' accurate, every two hand.made handkerchiefs. congress to the state the operate cars, SEPT. state from which he hails. Open rebuke is belter than secret dainty making II, 5 The statistics " that careless neBS is the caUBe SATI.!RBA complete operating love. 100 imprisoned. Ninety·seven per 'f'he hostess served hot dogs with dill greatest proportionate gain in mem· principal Bulloch county ill proud of Con· • for the American railroads in 1930 6. Faithful are the wounds of a ·f in the of the toll ot automobile for cent· of prisoners barring death pickles and coca cola. bership. Georgia, the cradle of the mounting ROUND TRIP FARE gressman Parker, and the First dis· Cakes have been issued. To even the friend; but the kisses of an enemy are Guest 2 9c or -. • • deaths and The so·called just 3 20c meantime will be released sooner movement, to hold the mem· injuries. trict is to be congratulated. deceitful. Ivory Lifebuoy ought casual illustrate this MRS. BRETT drivers nrc those who do the reader, they vividly lat.... The penologists stress FOR award. Whether or not we ugood" from 7. The full soul loatheth a honey· bership lhe plight in which our principal which means that for· excessive speeding on .tretches of EASY TO AGREE comb; but to the hungry soul every Bars point, thieves, Mrs. James Brett, of Philadelphia, have it next year depends upon the medium finds ilself as the P Pkgs. assailants narrow, who on transport .lUG. 4 15c Rinso 3 25c gers, burglars, kidnapers, was the attractive honor guest at a active interest of each asaociation. twisting road, pass result of bi��rA;hi�gb!:ds,:�=:. wrindereth from are turned corners, weave in and out of traft'ic, The.re are those who contend that high taxes, unregulated .' and other criminals being pretty bridge party Tuesday after· The handbooks and correction sheet STATESBORO her so a man nest, is that wandereth and do the rest of the re· from automo· competition und business conciitions. loose on the country in a steady noon Mrs. Beaver. Her have reached the state things that every dollar collected from his place. given by Roy office. They to As compared with 1929, the number Pkgs. stream. The in each indi� suit in crashes. to biles and from gasoline tax ought 9. OIntment and perfume rejoice the Camay 3Cakes 19c Star �:!�i�g 3 IOc question guest list comprised former clas3� contain the national standard. Make of tons of revenue handled ------��------whether has enforcement of codes go directly into road building for the freight by heart: so doth the sweetness of a �idual case is prison giv. mate. of Mr. Brett. An abundance request for your copy if you wish one. Rigid driving the lines last decreased almost man'(3 frien'd counsel. alone cannot overcomo this because benefit of those who pay thut tax. year by hearty en the man a new steet: of crepe myrtle gave charm to the Georgia lags behind in the number 10. revenue Thine own friend, and thy fa· the is limited to the ,It would not be difficult to consent 400,000,000. Freight wenl Pkgs. The commission was also struck by room in which the four tables were of national life members. For sever· patrolman very ther's Chi 3Pkgs. 25c Brilla 3 forsake �ither go pso friend, not; 25c on down and wardens and lheir small of l'Oad which he can that that 'passenger • the fact that the placed.' The honor guest was givon a al years Ohio has held the cup for piece TYBE.E proposition. $742,000,0001 into thy brother's house in the day of --S2.50 be at A 'aense of revenue, $144,000,000. Car live in constant fear of the were as any given time. And yet it is hard to consent that loadings thy calamity: for better is a neighbor guards given prizes. Miss Mary securing the greatest number of na� Ask Ticket for fuJI information. were lowel' than in si.nce that is neal' a brothel' of outbreaks' responsibility, of duty, must in some Agent every dollar the taxpayer can acquire uny year than far off. ENCORE prisoners-fear possible Alice McDougald made high score tional life members. Every county number of carried 11. My son, be and make or fear and be instilled in those who use the should be taken from him for 1022, passengers wise, my Macaroni and violence. "Tenseness, and Miss Margaret Aldred cut con· council an'd district has way away heart Spaghetti Pkg. 5c organization the least and glad, that I may answer him the adminis- to the' tbese since 1903, operating suspicion" exist between solation. The 'hostess served con· opportunity through national life highways materially improve CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAYi purposea. thot I'epl'oacheth me. revenue the lowest since 1.919. and the accident record. Anti this is another way of 12. A man forseeth the tration group prisoner group, chicken salad and tea. memliership. The united efforts of saying prudent evll, PRINT gealed . I The number of Lb. General education in schools that it is not fail' to place all the bur· railway employes and hideth hrmself; but the simple BUT T E R ��: 33c Lb. 35c as evidenced by rules which requiTe the county councils would bring this safety now declined from to pass on, and are .. no shall come nearer ILER-BEASLEY is producing tangible results in den of stnte administration upon gaso· 1,661,000 1,488,000. punished. -" that prisoner e,up to Georgia. $50.00 pays for one Te:tal 13. Take'his garment that is surety the form of fewer dealhs to line and automobiles and then purchases for materials and than five paces to any officer and that I Miss Edna lieI', of Statesboro, and life membership. Mrs. Roth· children apply for a and take a of Lb. Irving were strAnger, pledge of school the im­ of supplies $291,000,000 below 1029. he mus't fold his handa over his breast of were is interested in age-and knowledge ;t to highwoys while other needs him for a strange ·woman. Premium Soda Crackers Box 13c Harry Beslbley, Register, childs, Columbus, Ga., Taxes were under thnt and visible. planted in mull cable minds now, will NOTICE the state-mOl'e important needs-are $48,OQO,000 14. He that blesseth his friend with with both palms open marri d \\Tt·Jnesday afternoon at 4 helping you to organize your county be retained lhe yeaI', 'Ju� �o lower and the a loud in the rnorn� . no other where by adult. Education, suffering. earnings voice, rising early Lb. There is community o'clock at the home of the bride's pa'Ilw council. Help her to make a record it shull be counted a curse to hiln. consequent decl'ease ill -income taxes. ing, live on such a of viviuly and unremittingly pursued, is MACHINE SHOP OUTFIT FOR SALE The state legislature is to be com· A�ssortment DeLuxe , men plane equality, ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ,lieI'. Elder this year. 15. A continual in a declined dropping very Box 25c the greatest factor in the ac· mended for its reiuanl to a sent to However, earnings relatively I the report .says, explaining: D. C. Banks performed the cerernony State life membership has now an- fighting rainy day and a contentious woman AT A BARGAIN. mOI'e than so that the a.nd the I cident menace. Governor Russell's to nn tllxes, percent· are alike. liThe physical proximity in the presence of the families and a name, but the honor remains proposal levy I TALL age of revenue consumed the tax 16. Whosoever hitleth her hideth drabness 'of their the con· friends. local For Particulars See additional 1 cent per gallon on gASO· by 'equal lives, few Immediately after the latherunchanged, Every that would Given a nig'ht's lodging in tne jail the the ointment PINK'SALMON CAN . collector wus the in history. wind, and of his I IOc in which live, 1.'111'. honor an line. W-hen there is a change made highest fined surroundings they ceremony and Mrs. Beasley left outstanding parent·teacher at Omaha, Clyde Muzzle, n lramp. right hand, which betrayeth itself. in the The. only bright spots are in t,he and' the insistent importance of little for· a Flol'icia: When worker should use thi, nve· next gasoline tax, it should be made 17. man 'trip through' 3plendid disappeared the morning with Iron shul'peneth iron; so a Fancy Whole 'A®'P w. B. BAIIIS continued increase in effici­ are no ones- downward and not upw8l'ti. Because operating shul'peneth the countenance of his things-for there big they return they will' make their home nue. $25.00 covers this activity. It a sack of valves which had' been . J S new Lbs. GA. ency. veral speed and friend. them a sense of that is .son means the our STATESBORO, it is easy to collect this lax, it does economy 5 Pkgs. gives unity in Statesboro. Mr. Beasley, of growth of endowment, stored there. I' I cCl'ds wel'e established and further 18. Whoso the tree shall RICE in outside 2 ever the concern keepeth fig 25c if Mr. and Mrs. James a matter of, to not follow that its collection is fail' OATS ISc rarely duplicated Beasley, of Reg· every member. eat the fruit therof: so he that wait· and Whatever is filched from progress was made in safety, both ;' world." istel', has been employed in the to· After having completed the just. eth on his master shall be honored. or"n. for the passengers nncl employes. ENCORE No has completely suc- warehouse. Mrs. was ization and e>:tension work as out­ people for gas tax, and spent upon 19. As in water face answel'eth to prison yet b.acco Beasley THE LOVITT CO. In the interes't of :Ameri an Glass the traffic leaves them that pl'og­ face, so the heal't of man to mall. Cans ceeded in bringing narcotic formerly at work at Rustin's Studio. lined,] would turn attention to safety. (WantAd�t highways, inevitably SAVANNAH, GA. ress and a must be 20. and destruction nre never • • • prosperity way Hell 2 � to an nd within its Miss Kathleen much walls, accordin'g Fulton less able to pay other laxes for ISe Jar \.. Mitchell, Coun- IOe ONE CENT A PER full: so the of man are never 5PAGHETTI WORD ISSUE Cotton and Tobacco Sheets found to' increase revenue eyes • MRS. MARTIN other railroad and " to the official findings. ENTERTAINS ty Court House, Atlanta, Ga., will equnlly important purposes. satisfied. give Bags, Baggin, Ties tllel'eby speed up activity of one of Narcotics get into prisons Mrs. B amon Mart.in you outlines for Figm'es m!lke public by the Georgia 21. As the fining pot for silver, and NECTAR. in"� .Ielightfully mimeographed safety NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN o� industrial I rou Can Always Gel Immediate and and lithe dis- disclose that the gl'Cate3t employers the furnace ·01' so is a man to -lb. hundred different ways" entertained at at her home on education in school, at home and on CENTS A Highway Department gold; OR.ANGE .Y2 bridge Service. \Vrite for I Prices. purchasers uf his of one lealc leads to the Main the average automobile in GeOl'gia pays sl!Pplies. pl'ai,�c. PFH.OE covery merely South street Friday. Zinnias, street, emphasizing the patrol �\,ENTY.FIVE WE� . 2�. Though thou shouldest bruy at Pk . 23c another." is no in taxes. of and other for $59.22 per year These auto· making �here petunias colorful garden congested areas, propel' safety FOR RENT-Seven room residence fool in. n mOl'tal' among wheat with a WANTED - Am in the market for mobiles un addict will not a flowers for bus are chiefly HAIR CUT .15c price pay guard gave charm to her rooms. In measures, transportation in as a operated by per· pestle, yet will not his foolishness de­ fancy feeder pigs and butcher hogs and all whole, 01' rooms furnished or sons who are who cnn be bribed to the stuff the foul' tables rural sections and measures other as . bring of for paying taxes purt from him Head � morning guests pro- classes of cattle. O. L. McLEMORE, unfurnished, on South Main street. SHAVE. . 15c Lemons' Doz. 20c Lettuce well. of 23. Bo thou to know the in. "A small number of addicts were invited for auction. tection fire. Include on Many theae persons do not diligent 15c drug Mrs. De· against your phone 174-R, (27aug6tp) Appy to MRS. J. B. GOFF, Metter, state of and look well to environment - own the car they operate, and are A� thy flocks, shapes the disciplinary vane Watson won high score prize, a trst program an address of juvenile F-OR RENT Furnished ap01'tment lhy herds: >lot able to so a of the entire Herce the luncheon set.. It what�not ornament Garland connected to bath, close near pay heavy tax. There 24. Stalk population. protection. Judge 'Vatkins, in, Baxter's Barber Fol' riches nre not forever: and 1 E. Ilre Shop Celery of score individuals who a 15c commission's recommendation seg· for low went to state' will are out Mrs. Hennan Ga., eking crown er:dure to every gen- CarrotSBunchlOc Atlanta, chairman, First National Bank rel�. S�:otolhM�:�tl.;�t. \land·to·mouth existence the Building ��!�\o�? regation." Simmons. At this party der valuable adVIce along lines of th,s PA���u�lt��- through i congealed FOR RENT 1'" of 25. The hay appareth and the ten· THAT GOOD The whole scheme of admin- was served with vital operation cheap little cars which penal salad sandwiches and activity. Play youl' part with del' sheweth and �nost mode� ���;!��r�nc���rt���: grass itself, herbs of I "had 111 would not sell upon the market for the istl'ation, one leal'lls, its origin a beverage. In the afternoon she en· the juvenile protection program, J, A. 121 South Mnin the mountains are gathered. McDOUGALD, Lb. and isola· 1\1 tax to 1 in the notion lhat silence tertained hel' club members is a school 259, they pay annually operate 26. The lambs are for 8 o'Clock. COFFEE and oth· particularlY'if your's high street, phone (27a!lgltc) thy clolhing,' ------2lc means for the - them. These people �re being over. and the goats nre the phce of the tion provided the best el' guests making six tables of. play. organization, by helping to pl'ovid� STRAYED Red butt·headed cow, I white had bell on taxed in to their to field. of the evil which the er. at contract Miss the sort of social activities for partly face; when proportion ability I .. contemplation bli'Jge. Mary right �7. Ane1 thc.u shalt have goat' milk SLICED .he left; under·slope in one Or to New York; Portland. pay. It is not Rufficient argument to .,- Agnes Cone won club prize and the young people of your community mal'k�d �:� n�r:�,;,:..��:�e�:::=; enuugh for thy food, for tne food of. �. ear and upper-bit 10 other. For reward Eutcrn CI ties und Ruoft. Maine; Boaton; flaur"., N.S. answer that the tax is Lb. Mrs. E. C. Oliver'visitors' At end by arrangll1g for money going .. l,Y and for the mai!1':c� BACON prize. propel' chap· notify E. D. Martin, Rte. 1, Brooklet. nousehold, I NO ITE'S back for RIND wrt Excursion Fares Circle Tour thei'!: benefit upon the high· 25e thi. party an ice courso was served. el'onage. If you are heading an ele· (27augUp) Fares Colnta and Returning Same Route Going One Wny, Returning Anotbel' ways. It is high.han·ded and unfah mentary association, see your inc/uric meal. and berth on that. DR. CHAS. T. BROWN ' Tickets ship. to strangle the little individual with Lb. CR'EAIVl NOTICE playgrounds arl! properly eqUlpped, travel Cheese 19c Lb. VERMIFUGE c:heerfully furnish by our Crlpert8, who will plan your trip. a KILLS OLEO B. Lewis will PHYS1CIAN tax; because it is to collect. ��!Iam Fall and that are AND SURGEON, easy begil) I ISc they supervised by teach. Consult nny of our Agenu, or write nanceforthy�ai�ns6 --;;------=::::.: 1st. Please Above . September all it is unfair to attempt te Flies and LIQUID OR TABLETS ers who understand that play is aa Announces the opening of his JOHN W. DLOUNT, Generol Pllsscnger Agent, Savnnnah, Geara'" /1 For 'Worms as Expellinq leBStn periods early a tax than that which vital a of the lay heavjer al. Mosquitoes •. part program oil edu· in the Oliver B "ding. CENTRAL 01' G�RGIA RAILWAY burdens us. 'A.u olTlobile taxes as tbe school room Ilnformatlon "TIlE RIGHT WAY" ready BULLOCH DRUG CO. recitation. Ro.cher, Ant.r da:l. and checks Malaria in three .-.Lb By catiqn (27augltp) sl days. S�ld I ' Office. must C H come down.. PICN tAMS HotIv,W..a...y 1��Ii��:�t:S����k�eaorC�du�j,�t��·6 6 6 Salve for Baby's Cold. 15e SIX

- -- BUYING POLICY OF FREE TRIAL�" New Fall Styles THURSDAY AUGUST 27 1931 .. , .' '.'�; TOBACCO COMPANY BAND GOES BACK TO Sale Under Power In Security Deed CITY TAX SALES GEORGIA-Bulloch County EXPLAIN GEORGIA-Bulloch WASHINGTON'S DAY the sp r ts of the r crew! But twas County W II b. sold before the court house Under author of of IIIGHEsr Gil \DES OF ty the power door n Statesboro on not unt I 1798 that the congress of Go the lirat sa e conta ned n that certa n secur PHILCO ty n 1931 Within IIEI D AilE IN DE�IAND Tuesday September he Un ted States passed the act ope deed ven W Iso L sand g by Lew the legal hours of aale to the highest c z of mu Vonz e Le v s to Deal & Renf oe and Balanced fically author ng the body b dder for cash the lands described Anderson & Jones on Novembe 6th scans that became the present Un ted belo lev ed on to sat sfy executions 1929 recorded n book 86 page 608 for c betet States Mar ne Band That act estab ty taxes for the year. spec lied. odYlle n the off ce of the Supe1 clerk of Bulloch to w t I shed an organ zat on cons st ng of or court and s nce ass Super duly gn That certa n lot of land bounded a drum a fife and 32 ed to me I w II on the first major major Tuesday north by lands of W H Ell s east by n September 1931 v th n the drums and fifes For years the legal North Ma n street south by lands of tw� hours of sale before the court house of the band rema ned n House w II restore the or nal Pres Mrs F D Oll ff and west by Walnut headquarters g door n Statesboro Bulloch county street Sa d lot of land lrontlJllr on Ph Iadelph a then the nat onal cap dent s March and thus omplete the a sell at c to the Georg publ outcry North Ma n street 60 teet and run tal unt I Wash was made the return to the custom of Wash h ghest b dder for cash the follow ngton George n ng back to Walnut street ID paral ng descr bed as the federal c ty ngton s t me property prop leI I nes w th the property of Mrs. ----- erty of the so d W Ison L Lew • and F D Oll ff Levied on 81 Ule prop­ When Wash ngton was made Vonz e Lew s to w t erty of W H Ellis and n hr. poa_ federal c ty n 1800 tile mar nes All the und v ded terest of the s on to sat sfy execut ons for CICY sa d W Ison L Lew sand Vonz e ready known as The Pres dent s taxes for the year. 1928 19211 and Lew s be ng D three fourteenths n Own went w th the nat onal govern 1930 terest each and to that certa n That certa n ment lts sold ers lot of land bounded members st 11 wel:.e tract or lot of land and be Iy ng ng north by lands of the c ty of Staten on m I w th mus c n the 44th d str tary duty merely ct Bu loch county boro east by lands of Mrs Benita a conta n the r avccat on but Pres dent John Georg ng one hundred Bragg Reynolds aouth by Proctor th rty five acres more or less bound Adams gave new mean ng to The street and west by lands of Homer ed north by run of Lotts creek east Pres Own to have McElveen conta n ng two acres more dent" by orders by lands of C D Rush south ng by or less Lev ed on ". the property of the mar ne band appear at all off c al lands of M J Rush and west ng by Mrs B T Beasley and n her poasel lands of E A Anderson The first of these was the s on to sat sfy executions for city Sa d sale s to be made for the pur taxes fo the years 1929 and 1980 of enforc of the ID pose n� payment That certa n lot of land bounded � debtedness descr bed n so The Tube Highboy d securtty north by lands of Mrs Chas BI tch deed now due and past tha expenses east by an alley south by lands of Complete of th s Iv 75 proceed ng A deed II be R E and welt th tubes IJrady by Colhlr.­ $65 executed to the purchaser at sa d sale boulevard Sa d lot of land t tle n fee s fron� Take, our ch Ice of an, one convey ng mple on College boulevard 90 feet an4�';� Th s 4th 1931 of the l-en ne n arvelous August n ng back 200 feet Lev ed on a8 'IHI' HINTON BOOTH Transferee property of Mrs W E Elekle Philco model and e III and"}n­., her possess on to sat sfy executions place It In vour home on Every Woman. for c ty taxes for the yenrs 1929 and FrC{' Tr al Xo bhglt on 1930 , hatever And for our LJte That lot of land bounded nortb by Elm street east b d tcb south con en ence III be lad "DUring a critical by g by estate la ds of J A Brannen and io extend liberal term time In my life I took est by lands of M tt e Sue Lee Sa d Cardui for several lot of land fonts 96 feet n Elm

- 7 Tube 9 Tub months I had hot st eet and uns back 120 fcet between 11 Tub Model flashes I would sud­ parallel I nes Lev ed on I1S the prop denly get dizzy and erty of W E M llen and in h. possess on to sat sfy execut ons for FRO'I seem blind I would c ty taxes fo the years 1929 and 1930 faint and have no 4995 to:2 5 00 get 1 hat certa n t act or lot of land strength boun led north by In an st eet, ealt My nerves were on by lands of Mrs C C DeLoach south lane LANNIE F edge I would not by a and vest by lands formerly belo g g to, J r.. er Sa d lot of sleep at night DEALER land fronts 871f: feet on Inma street Cardul did won­ and uns b ck 215 feet betwee para! ders for me I rec­ leI I nes I ev ed on 3 tl e property ommend It to all of S C Bo 0 ghs a I n h s possees s on to s t sfy execut ons for c ty women who are pass t xes fo the yea s 1929 nd 1930 the Ing through criti­ 'I I at ce t n ot of land bounded cal of See Vs for "our period change nOI th by a d. of J I Johnson east \ I have found it a fine by Fa G ound st eet south by la d. of J E Ande son an I E Cone medicine -M. H. 0 Chas an I vest n s Jake F no and M" ,hJl Popla B "II u» by of Soutl Mu n st eet onta n ng t vo and Oardu! Is 11 purely vege one half ac es no C 0 ess Lev ed table medicine and con to such york Mattress Worlf on as the property of JJ EAder necessary get done tn!ns no dabgerous druss. son and h s I ossess on to sat sfy fe v c t zens a e equ ed for PI exeeut ons fo ty tuxes fo the years epa work 1929 and 1930 Patrons vho board teachers v That ce ta n tract of I nd bounded have to v� and north by an east lands of g cons derat on to the pres Samples Styles alley by C P Oll ff south bv East 1I1a n streeb ent no ey sho tage and not charge and west by lands of IIIrs J L. so much fon board as have on they been Request. Mathews So d lot of lund fronts on do ever ng s nee wa t me pr ces were East Ma n street 25 feet and runa back between nes a d stance h ghes Teache s can save the parallel I selves of 100 feet Lev ed on as the property money by rent ng rooms an I DON'T FORGET of M E Gr mes and n h s possess fln do I ONE-DAY SERVICE IF WANTED ng ght housekeep ng Many of to satisfy execut ons for c ty taxes That you can ha • your photo ou teache s a e do th 3 for the 1929 and 1930 graphs hand colored and framed ng unders gned years Ask for contracts A one half und vlded I terest In ed and made or for boys who are And vherea" default has been pictures cop larger that certain lot of land bounded north "mailer also kodak fi nlsh done emp oyed to dr ve the trucks made n the payment of the ndebted ng county street eust nesses secured secur by Grady by College promptly G ve us a tr al before .end NORTHCUTT BROTHERS by so d ty deeds ng for the trucks to avo d boulevard south by lands of Arthur We will he pleased to make that the same be ng past due and the I d sappo ntment Contracts must be Turner and west by lands of Mr. S ne.. photograph for you WHY PHONE 18 amounts due of pr nc pal and Interest � on a. s gned trustees n add on J Proctor Lev ed the property GO TO SA V ANN AH when we by t to boys to September 1st 1931 on sa d first of Natt e Allen and n h s po.aeaalon taxes and rent to serve who dr ve and the fathers of the named debt be ng ,1 OOG 77 and on I pay YOU? boys to sat execut ons for c taxes for so d second debt sfy ty IS IT RIGHT? together w th the $89790 super ntendent of the years 1929 ahd 1930 Now therefore by v rtue of the the chools to wh ch trucks a as Thllt certll n lot of land bounded RUSTIN'S STUDIO e power of sale conta ned n sa d secur s gned Better do th s north by lands of W R Woodcock before send ng ty deed and the la vs n such case. 34 NORTH MAIN STREET THE east by lands of Statesboro Armory for trucks so as not to be d nt made and prov ded the unders g ed sappo south V ne street and west by lands ed We w 11 offer for sale to the h ghest b d by ntend that trucks shall be of G Brannen Sa d front der for cash the above descr bed land J land ng taken care of next year Ilnd thllt on V ne street 31 feet and running they B. B. SORRIER INSURANCE AGENCY and prem ses on the first Tuesday n shall be dr ven back 70>!. feet Lev ed on an the ONLY In tIlk ng school September 1931 w th n the legal propertv of W G Raines and In hiS campan es ch Idren to and f om school A hours of sale at publ c outcry before pen on to executIOn. for THE RAILROAD RATE QUESTION the court house at possess satisfy Thus the level should be re w II be 1888 door Statesporo present alty mposed on boys who dr ve c ty taxes for the years 1929 and Georg a for the purpose of paying garded as a part al restorat on of a v olat on of these contrac s wh ''1 ch Wrote more HAIL INSURANCE than any sa d ndebtednesses and the costs of normal ce rather than as an Ilrb Will be 19�� s August 4 1931 pr deducted trom the regular pay sale as n so d deeds ded '). other In the entIre state of p'rov ;,j A PROSSER trary ncrease checks and the treasurers w II turn agency GeorgIa. The upderslgned w II make deed to Ch ef of Pol ce Statesboro Ga er at such sale under author If 83 a result of th s present n take the amount mposed out of the purcha FIRE INSURANCE ON TOBACCO BARNS ty granted n sa d secur ty deeds SHERIFF S SALE crease n pr ce supported by sound boy s salary who has broken h s con Th s August methods of merchand s the var tract To save GEORGIA-Bulloch ng your school and your SOLICITED. 4t�A��S M County I w II sell at publ c to the In the recent request of the railroads for an Qua campan es are able to st mulate selves embarrassment have outcry conSidering your boys SHERIFF S SALE h ghest b dde lor cash before the m certam demand as to make ooss ble the and Increase freight rates Important facts should plly employed contracts made before court house door n Statesboro Ga ment of a better send for be borne m npnd pnce to the farmers ng county trucks Your con on the first Tuesday n September certa s w tract 1931 w th n the of nly th company 11 be grat routes should be let at once ts tours of the coun legal hours sale the folio v lescr bed The federal law railroad on Know t as as property lev govermng operat provides fied who s to dnve your routes be y eage Iy t s I ste ng� ed on unde one ce ta n tax fi fa that rates should be made on such a baSIS as to allow the All of the are fore date Wash ngton forego ng mportant ope ng Trustees ha"e th s "sued by tax collector of Bulloch railroads to earn a falI return the value of their cons derat ons It s bel eved that an res b I But the h of the rna upon pons ty and if they neglect to \ story nc band county n favo of state nd couuty used m service .. t property transportat on The Interstate und rstand ng of thea. cond t ons by attend to 1t we cannot help that s best rounded out w th a thread that and ansfe red to Interstate Bond nst Commerce COmlTllSSlOn has set thiS rate as cent but farmers w st II v Company aga Joe Herb lev ed OD 5%, per the I enable them to see B R OLLIFF Supt Inks t th ts beg nn ngs as as the prope ty of Joe Herb to w t has not seen fit to comply With the law by grantmg rates that the efforts of the Amer can To The P es lent sOwn Fo a full ce ta n lot of lund s tuate that would thiS fair return to the railroads bacco are n no mea. vhen brmg Company small century the pres lent of the Iy ng and be ng n the 1209th G M ure n support of the best nterests of Un ted States descended the steps of d str ct Bulloch county Georg a and The for IOcreases IS not an bounded as folio VB request attempt to bnng the farmer the Wh te House at forn al funct ons No th by lands railroad to the cent set as a fair return We are to of Jake Powell east by Cotton ave earnmgs up 5%, pel We can not govern the amount of prepared store any amount he d d so to the measures of The nue south lands of F D RaIlroad for the first four of 1931 were on by Pughsley earmngs months tobacco the farmers nor can we P es dent Ma cl as grow s played by the and west by a lane sa d lot conta n an annual return ba!Us of 207 cent The mcreases only per mprove ts qual ty Unsat .factory CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY The custon hAs t ng one hal! ae e rno e or less would not near Cotton and make liberal made L M requested brmg present earnlllgs anywhere pr ces from the standpo nt due e tber of loans on it. (250ct) Levy by lIIalhlrd dep cent but are the mlllimum uty sher ff and turned over to me for 53ft. per necessary to enable the to overproduct on poor qual ty adve t railroads to operate their propertIes With the efflci sement und sale n terms of safety adequate demand-espec ally the la v ency' and the and your Cotton to us and reliabilIty public expects reqUires quate export demand-are the reault Bring don't sell Th s 5 h day of August 1931 of cond tons over wh ch th s company J G TILLMAN Sher ff If durmg prosperous the ra Iroads had been al years has no control at SHERIFF S SALE lowed to earn up to 5%, per cent they could have bUilt a these unreasonable up We buy our tobacco of necess ty prices. reserve Savannah GEORGIA-Bulloch Cou Beach ty sufflc ent to t de them over yea s of depress on as n compet ton w th our compet tors r w II sell at pub c outcry to the other busmesses not regulated the government were able ISLAND GEORGIA) by For every p Ie of tobacco ve buy we (fYBEE h ghest b dder for cash before the to do If the r earnmgs flom 1921 to 1930 had been on the court house door Statesboro Ga pay the h ghest pr ce that anyone Where Ocean Breezes Blow baSIS of 5% per cent they would have earned 2 b II on 500 We will on the first Tuesday n September w II pay for that p Ie You w II np appreciate your and millIOn dollars mOle than earned patronage 1931 v th n tile ega I hours of sale they actually ate that we selected and su pre buy SURF BATHING - DANCING-CONCERTS the fo ow ng desc bed p operty lev or tobaccos on the cream of ed on under one certn n tax fi fa The ra lroads a e suffer ng flom condit 0 IS tl at were per y Mru c Bu ssued A C McCorkel tax collect­ the as we advert se hence the courteous and In 1798 a 5 by not of the r own creat on The r earn ngs for the crop guarantee young ger and acto past NATIONALLY KNOWN ORCHESTRAS or of Bulloch county Geo g a for the eleven years have been I m ted pr ces we pay for vhat ve buy a e GIbert Fox was to be g vnn a bene GEORGIA-Bulloch by the Interstate Commerce County year 1929 n favor of state and co un h than are run Comrmss on and ale w th n the I gher pa d for the of fit performance n Ph a ami I w II sell at publ c to the and t to they ghts m lay ng the r accurate FISHING-BOATING ladelph outcry ty ansferred Inte state Bond case before the crop Accord nly as I stnted at service. fear that h ghest b dder for cash before the nst Jake C Preetor us that body and lett ng t dec de ",hethel t w 11 ng the house would be Company aga court house ooor n Statesboro Geor on as Jake C rates that v the beg nn ng of th 3 ette the to the s lev ed the p operty of grant II enable the I a IlOads to the I fa PAVILIONS BA 1 H HOUSES empty nger appealed to Joseph keep g a on the first Tuesday n Septem Preetor us to w t bacco of the Amer can To nson clhtJes up to the standard that Ia hoad purchases Hopk brother of the s gner of ber w n patrons have a r ght HOTELS COTTAGES 1931 th the legal hours of That certa r1 lot of Innd s tuated ID bacco Con last vere at RESTAURANTS to expert pany yea the declarat on for 80 ne new and sale the follOWing descr bed prop Brooklet Ga 1523"1i G M dlstr et ces and at vh ch d tbe A Parad se Ch Idren lev ed on under one certa n 'Ii fa p averages pa Farmers for aqd those See/{ nil Rut. r ng ng words that would captu e the erty of Bulloch ounty conta n ng one (1) Union Fun FrolIC and ssued from the court of States ConstIuctJve cr tic sm farmer a on h s labo Warehouse EntertmnmentJor all c city acre more 0 less bounded I 1923 as and suggest 0 IS ale mv ted good profit publ set to the tune of the un ver boro In favor of D L Alderman Jr follows North and west the landa We hooe ve y much that aga n th s known by ELLIS DeLOACH In sally Presd ent s March as charge Travel against T W Lane le� ed on tbe of Geo S east by the H D POLLARD year the tobacco tl eArner By Train Blackbutjl bought by Hopk nso'1 duly furn shed the words property of T W Lane to w t lands of Geo S Bla�kburn and R H Pres dent and Genelal can Tobacco I VB the Manager Company" g REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES the song wa" sung Is r, ccpt on was "Iarnock south by the right of way farmer a retu hand.some Statesboro. Ga. overwhelm ng and ever s nce then t of the Sava8nab and Statesboro Rail Savannah Ga August 11 1931 Cord ally yours has been one of Amer ca s olde,t made L M GEORGE W HILL Pres dent I wale by Mallarel dep­ iiI_IIIi(.2.oiauiigii4iitc.) ... and turned to me ..---__ uty �erUI' gver �------.-- iii: for adverti.�ment and lale In terma of. the law This 6th d.� of August, 1881 J 6 TJ� S� 't.



MIS Howell Sewell was a VISItor In BIRTH Savpnnah during the week �It and Mrs J J Denn s announce .. Social for the Week I Happenings W a son on 22nd George Iliarns "pen. last week the birth of August ANNOIlNCEMENT en I n Snva nnuh and Tybee He WIll be called John James J, BULLOCH COUN_TY­ Rbber t DonalJson was a b 15 ness The Bob RIte Barber Shop formerly operated by D P BULLOCH COUNTY­ S[JRPIHSE DINNER , THE HEART OF GEORGIA; VISltO[ n Savannah Monday "aters has been purchased by Mrs D C Jones mmons Miss rna the THE Mr and Mrs Oscar S Vllg Kicklighter spent of Atlanta The ch ldren and relatives of Mrs HEART OF GEORGIA:, John Mooney spent 'WHERE NATURE week end n Savm nah The same barbers hive been retained and thil! work SMILES VlSlt01S in Savannah Sunday kl n her SO\ 01 ul days dUJ tng the week at home Ben Frur surprised Sunday WHERE NATURE SMILB8.. Ml and MIS M E Gr nes were L W Armstrong of G eenv lie man Will be of the same high quality as heretofore Misses Katherine Wallace and Jew With a basket dinner at her country hip BU'LLOCH In S C \'1\3 a VIS tOI In the CIty Sunday TIMES VISltOlS Savannah Tuesday ell Wutson spent last week end at home near here Dinner was spre id Ladles' and Children s Work a Specialty "as u v SltOI III M ke Donaldson has returned Irom (STATESBORO M,ss Mattie Lively under the shade of the trees n the NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) Tybee Your will be he week a of some time n Jacksonville patronage appreciated Bulloch Augusta durlng 1'8.3t st.ay Mrs John LeWIS of J icksonville The occasion \\US her b TImes Established 1892 yurd rthduy Consolidated Jal 17 1917 Misses E\ Rogers and Kathleen "'In Statesboro News Establtshed 1901 } uary elyn Fin IS viaiting' her sister MIs E N About seventy Ave guests were pres Andel , Stetesboro Established visited III Savannah Sunday MIsses Blanche and Evelyn Eagle 1917-Consoltdated December 9 1920 VOL 42-NO 26 Barr Blown ent BARBER SHOP MOil BOB·RITE MISS Gussie Lee Btu t was a V1SItOl so 1 \ 151 ted friends at Claxton Leo Temples has returned to hia MRS D C Prop the week III Batesbui g S C day MRS BARRON ENTERTAINS JONES, during home In Augusta alter a VISit to J 01 HOG of Dothan Ala Felix Cheeley of Savannah IS Barney �ndelson ativos here Mrs Everett Barron invited her HUNDREDSA'ITEND SAL� MUST RESPECT LAW BROOKLET SCHOOL sIster Mrs W E De Fred Thomas Lan er for a Is viaiting' 'h,s itmg a other The first co ho this TOBACCOMARKET J D McDougald of Savannah IS club members and few friends operative gsale i����E:������l� RETURNS FROM WORLD TRIP kle days AHfERNOON TEA season VI Itf ng hIS grandmother Mrs D C to the State Theater Wednesday af WIll be held at the Central of Era Alderman IS '4\ TALMADGE'S MEET Mlss ElVIe DaVIS spent severn! days MISS pending afternoon Misses Fran G Moore of the ia OR PAY CASH 'FINE The 1981 32 sessron of the McDougald ternoon to witness Daddy Long Legs On Friday Midshipman Harry Georg pens on Tuesday September OPEN NEXT FRIDAY South COMES TO A In a with this week tn Atlanta WIth CLOSE the week Sylvan several days BI were the Umted States Naval has Teachers during Mr and Mrs Jason MDI gan of Sa After the show the guests were in ces and Kntherit e ett Academy COURT HOUSE OVERRUN WITH 8th All hogs should be at the pens Georgia College WIII open FISHER AND MARBY EACH ARE ENROLLMENTWUi BE FRIDAY friends fr ends a tea returned to America from a three Dr J Warren vannah were VISitors In the city \:IUl vited to the home of her parents Mr chat rmng- hostesses ut lovely FARMERS FUOM BULLOCH AND by noon The prrce 0' hogs this fall Wednesday mormng STATESBORO RANKS SECOND IN V and Walter GIVEN LESSON IN �tAYOR S IN ORDER TO GET PUPILS PRE Mlsscs Dorothy and Soma B Page McDougald to the [ sister Mrs mon hs crurse III waters of the F'irst Chris ng the week and Mrs J E McCroan on N 01 th campi mentary European SURROUNDING COUNTIES may be very disappointing They are Hastmgs pastor lVOLUMjE OF MARKETS EAS'r buainess VISltO 3 n Savannah MONDAY PARED FOR CLASSES Savannah were visttors in \\CI e a WIll arrrve horne next MONDAY tian church Savannah OF Mrs Veld e Hilliard and Mrs Wal MUIIl street and refl eshments were Jumes BI ett of Philadelph They and Saturday cheap to start WIth and are very Itke COU,RT of will make ALTAMAHA RIVER Tuesday on a VISit to hIS Mr and Mrs tho Sunday do motored to Savannah FII SCI ved on the lawn She was asslsted entertained at the home of Mrs W parents The largest crowd poasibly ever Iy to go lower Would advise openmg address Floyd every Failure to lew Brooklet Ga 2 � and Mrs Glenn Jcnn have properly respect tha Sept The board a Hal t and Miss Agnes Hall MI ngs Moore seen a WIll WIth tota' of 1812682 Edgar day for the day by her mother 111 serv ng H Aldred on South Ma in street The W B lit farmers meetmg in Bulloch body who has top hogs to sell them Regiatrution begin on Monday pounds of lS an In I ned from a VISit to relatives In · .. offense which WIll not tol of trustees of tho Brooklet first viaited Herber t Hart Savannah etui ... 0 1 een was be High 7th and hand sales Mrs C B Mathews and Mtss Eve color scheme fpink and g �ountJ overran the court house here now and sell wherever you can get mornmg September will con Statesboro tobacco> PARl Y Galex Vn NOWWEPASS BRIDGE CI UB the home SWIMMING last crated tn Statesboro This lesson was School announce that the formal tinue market closed Sunday Iyn Mathews motored to Savannah for effect vely used throughout Saturday morning to hear the the best price It I.; very Itkely that open through Tuesday Formal open FrIday afternoon The­ M,ss Dean Anderson spent of the record for MISS AI line Bland left Weunesdu) Mary n MISS a Blitch MISS Darby entel tained address of Hon to Illf school WIll be exercises WIll be held at 10 30 IS Itttle more the day Monday Mrs Alited Dorman wns hostess to decorating Georg Dorothy Eugene Talmadge sales WIll be held every two weeks taught Homer FIsher and Marvtn Frlduy Sept mg quantity than In Savannah With lclutlves half afternoon for Pal rott where �he wIll Sunday as the at rived four of her fllends at state Hth at 9 0 clock o clock m the on of last yoar 8 record Mrs L E Mallald has returned to hel blldge club the Nowwepass on WU3 at the door guests twenty young commiSSIoner of agnculture on E P JOSEY County Agen, Marby both coh.red automobIle drlv coilege auditorium when the thIS and frIends ThIS WIll for total W1l" almost teach year III and esented them to the hostesses l\ s\\ trnmmg party at Dorman spool the of Governor of day be regIstratIOn Flom three and one half her home Atlanta uftel a VISIt to Friday aftel noon With hel VISltOI pI proposal Long ers m Mayor Renfroe s court Mon Wednesday mormng present and Wells were Goff of Savannah Sun F W Dal by Guy noon m matrlculutlOn mliiton Dckle spent 1111 and MlS Lowell Mallard MIS J C VonLehe of Waltelboro and honolee M,ss Malgalet Aldled Fllday aftel honor of her LoUISIana to outlaw cotton for next of pupIls The mdlcatlons the enrolimont for tho fall pound. ThIS record how­ Me mornmg a�d hele With Ml and busmess VI.3ltors 111 VidalIa and d'lY board I" IS on day hIS parent3 and Mrs W leeelved them M,s A J Mooney VISItor f,om Atlanta MISS Jean How year Not was the court hruae urging every patron of the term WIll exceed. last ev�r, a panty with tbe record Mr S Hanner and S as guest of honor ZlIlnta:; and only SCHOOLS OF CITY And when the charge of Ignormg probably year Rae dlltrict for the Mrs W H Goff Tuesday ushel eJ the tnto the ell Followmg the awtm the party crowded but were together WIth all persons m students from Statesboro and state sInce the salel for the Mrs Malcolmn James were V1SItOlS at other garden flowels gave chat m to guests dtnlng many unable to the law waa made agamst these two DIlY Lenna last week MI and M,s Waley Lee and MIOses te ested tn MISS Josey spcnt room whele nn Ice COUlse wua selved had a delightful dmnel at the home , entrance the youth of thiS nre to as pre.ent season totaled 67 896 Tybee and Savann Ih Monday her 100 TIS MIS Lester Blannen made gaIn Hundreds stood men It WitS Ittelal 10 each case and educatmg VIClnIty urged register only 92� N Belt and Reta Lee VISIted 111 Suvan OPEN for the In AshevIlle WIth her bID WEDNESDAY end C A 10\ cloth of lace was used on the of the young lady s parents Mr und around the walls and In communIty to be present on that soon as on state as compared with MI and M'3 Charles E Cone ale h gh scole uml Mrs E N B,o\vn cut ely the aIsles not figurattve was how pOSSIble Monday 106,. (It _ figuratl,," �--_-- ther Rufus Josey nah Tuesday table A Mrs I W 402 351 for the same I several th,s week tn consolatIOn Mrs DOl man nVlted 1" ettlly appoll1ted basket of Darby Many of those present were from ever when penon last yea!'., spendtng days Renfroe fimshed w for · .. BRiEF EXERCISES MARK OPEN Mayor M,s B S Barrs and chlld'en of MISS Belt lee II lelYe Fnday n the face of the Statesboro" market St Fla WIth l,s brothel th,ec tables of and served a CI epe myl Ie f�1 ned the petty cen countIes present financlal for the sea. Petelsbulg players neIghbOring ING IN GRAMMAR hIS sentences) Fin me hel where she \\111 teuch dUI 19 McELVEEN-CLARK EXERCISES cr SIS son Jacksonville vl::utmg Jc:,up tel S,lvel holdel s held Hon the school I. to but It IS REGISTER SCHOOL taken from the sworn DI Cone a 1(1 coul03e pIece candle" Oscar Wall from begm Wesley famIly legIslator AND Homer FIsher was a f1llurea I HIGH SCHOOLS drIVIng big Mrs E J Foss the co ng )eRl ... Mrs D of n fOI subnlltted to the mother and M,s nan ushllded of lnd and Ml lIld J McElveen .Putnam was WIth com essnry every putron In the Department of Mr Alired DOl and tapels pInk gleen county the BUIck passenger car on East Mam Ag­ M and t MISS ElIzabeth GI ffln of s Mr and MIS J Bowen I MORNING BlHDGE vele on each COl ncr of the tll.ble A Pembroke announce the of mISSIOner 001 dlstnct to be to uc nculture Atlanta was daughtel A If I ed MYlle motored to marrl8ge and preceded hIm WIth a street afternoon He had present by weeka In sevelal dUI tI e wee Statesboro s publtc schools began Saturday OPENING DAY III SET son of \\ere VISltOIS dljS ng Macol� as tic Reglstel spont Suvannah (or the M s Rufus BI en el tamed m ntel va Is weI e bonbon d shes hlled theu dau!l'htli� Jau�lta to Bobby bnef address Mr Wall q atnt hImself Wlth the condlttons of pounds follows Satulday duy ad; )Was present the been to Savannah he saId hel e wllh fl entls fall term Wednesday WIth a great hunting th the cIty during the week mOl n fOI With nk and mmts Clalk son of Ml and Mrs James ed school Week Farmers Holt Cobb Mr and M,s F,ank DeLoad left formlllly Tuesday ng guests p gleen SetV'lIlg by Hon A M Deal R Lee Moore cotton pIckers and had about three of REGISTRATION OF PUPILS SEl Total nrrs Omu Glenn send off ExerCises at the grammar F,rat 122582 Mr and Mrs Rufus Monts and two tables of contI act bl honor wele 1.\1 sses Mae Cumm Helen Clulk of Oltvel The malr age "as owhol e In can be found 75864 197946 Sunday fOI Ahse\ Ille aid Hendelson dge ng presented Comml3sloner Talmadge them ID hIS car as he the Georgia FOR THURSDAY AND OPENING was the school at 9 0 clock and at swung up Second 86 606 children of were VISltOi S In Iei'll N guest unduy on bUlldmg a 160680 247286 Guyon \ M,s E\\ell Demnalk of Mall H til Hazel Deal Sala SmIth and solemmzed tn RIdgeland S C who communIty With more Ille N C to spend a few daya ng spoke for thIrty mtnutes or long street at a moderate He promlsmg DATE FRIDAY FOLLOWING ThIrd 134086 W H Eilts the hIgh school at 10 0 clock galt apled 223692 357778 Stotesboro the week �IIS nn \\ aftel the bUlldmg s and tlullng s, A son I or 1I1IH\ FIn Z as and daiS es 01 e G,een MlS A B Gleen and 24th ImmedlUtely er Before the of gIrls and WIth who Fourth M Evelyn ndel had as Evelyn August close the meetmg Coroner Scrlews tn hIS little one patrona 180386 315560 493936 and MI Thomas Evans fittmgly marked the occaSIOn lung M,ss Malgalet CarmIchael has re sevelal A 10\ ely lace scal f fOI M,s Ho" ell Cone assIsted WIth the cer emon) the young left for ve stood for these RegIster Ga 2 - The fall FIfth 216 618 300018 guest da)s tlur ng the week couJ'ie petItions CIrculated throughout the Ford hIS out of an educatmg youths --s;;;t 615686 \\e e VISltOIS III the A, the school Rev E F wormmg wuy turned to hOI home III Canada artet a CILj \\ grammar n III ylvan M,ss NettlC Pat! er of Savannah high SCOI e was on by MlJ E C entclla Illng On the vel nada serv l tOUI thlough Flonda crowd the the Brooklet school dlatnct term of the RegIster HIgh School WIll endorstng Long plan were alley but the coroner dldn t see Total to for the week ellli · .. Morgan conducted the devotIOnal and 739 278 1 073 304 1 812 582 n VISIt MISS Pecbles Oll\el A salad sct \\ \5 hel IS the \\ere 11 Rut� MI and �lts Po\\ell 1emples have mixing ng punch guest", departed "IIgned by more than five hundred of FIsher he begtn FrIday Sept All hIgh made a FIshel saId attempted to Th,. MI and �Irs Wille B,anan MISS Jean Ho\\ell has ICtU I ed to MORNING BRIDGE brIef talk Followmg hIm Guy records places Statesboro sec­ I ctUI ned to then home 111 g ft to M,s Denmalk Aftel the Misses S, those school pupIls ure to South CUI Eveljill l1l�ons MUlylmd present on h.s brakes as the offIcer requested report Iftm 11 VIS t to Wella of the Teachers IlUt hIgh ond In volume of tobacco sold mar_ \\Cle the "eek end lI11e \\ V Hall entertatned College spoke 'n the by Waycloss guests uftel a e \ g sand" Iches and cake el e sel und Sala K Ithellne Cone M,ss Helen guests past and the number for 11 ollila VISIt hel th relnt vo.., The gIst of Commlslsoner Tal mto the 111 by large leglstratlon Thursduy Sept Fred T Lamer chamnan of swung street front of him kets east of the Altamaha th" fo� of M I and MI s James A B anan cd \\Ith 1 ... tillee tables of • bTlefly o und G P Donaldson who fOI sevelal bevclage fot blldge Tuesday madge s add ress was aa follows boys gIrls who have attended bctween the hours of 9 00 a m and I the and FIsher s foot mIssed the blake markets Outland of FOl P el ce SE\\ ING CLUB MIS James Blett cIty school boald also lespOI ded runmng follows McDougald h \5 been 1 mal nll1g honotlng college after fin school 4 00 P m Clus.es WIll Mon weeks Atlanta attend ng Last week wrote an ex he saId and stl the sh.ng hIgh begIn I artICle n a ShOlt talk R uck accelerator Clllxton 1499 Fla sevellli lust "eek FOR VISIIORS a flowers tn Supertntendent u U2 spent days I.tulned e The FI el eh Knottels se \ club of Phtiadelph Garden condItIon W,tl past lecord Itke th,s the 14 att 8 15 the leglsla�lIle hon MOl ng plammg the of the farmers H,s cal coroner so day morntng September Mettel M Monts made h,s announcements Jumped past the 1713692 WIth h,s mothel MIS J A McDol Satulda) aftel noon MlS E on wele about hOI 100nU3 b met Wednesday aft.,nool WIth MIS plofus used and the bus mess houses of the south IInl of tlustees and Supt E W o clock and contmue untIl 1 45 m tluy close and w th such that the of P Stutesboro 1812582 Pc I dextel entol tn ned that "ere and a talk The exerCIses had ended speed guests fot iom son Beads wele hel ft to Mrs Blett upon a G fit e a Vldalta gald I MIS Cowalt and eh Id,en me J A Add at hel at I act ve lome g dependtng makmg nllll11 expecting loyal sup Students wlll be d,smI8se'C1 at thut 3 029 294 LeIDY ficet s han stood s .. all over and themselves out wlthm an hour tUlght up Rev and MIS I-I G Shealouse and tables of contI act blldge I hOllOl of Ull1ah SCOle went to MISS l,vtng financmg from fe v d IYS th s week v th on Sav aver ue A plofus on Cu ds fel hIgh pot! clt.zens of the town lour each day fOI tile ill st month so Durtng the past season Statesboro 8 of 5 cent cotton At the top of hIS head FIsher" car ran the, ch Idl en weI e the e,ts of �II MlS E\ell Dennatk of Malalna the the hIgh school audltonum the gt lVl,s at of gal den AO\\ClS gave chut m to hel I-Ilzel Deal Aftel game the hos In and cOlllJnumty plesent on that retUlI! to thell weekly average prIce was ahead of Geolg