Bulloch Times Bulloch Countt

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Bulloch Times Bulloch Countt �GHT BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEW'l THURSDAY AUGUST 20 1931 Bean was a at Mrs a. E visttor Mrs A Temples of Augusta IS BIRTHDAY PARTY HAIR CUT 15c Dover the week durmg spending sev el nl days this week WIth Miss Jurell ne celebsated 11)c BULLOCH •• Social the Week I Shuptr COUNTY­ BULLOCH COUNTT­ for Mrs was a viaitor In Happenings Inman Foy relatives In this VICInIty her twelfth bu-thday Monday after 1<; OF S ivnr nah durmg the week 01 �lt s 15c THE HEARl GEORGIA; THE HEART and Waldo E Floyd have noon by nVI ng twenty eght fl ends .) OF GEORGU. MIS Averitt motored to 25c Barney have as the r guest his 58 tel 1\[13 to play Games I ere enjoyed on the � 00 2r;c 'WHERE NATURE SMILES "WHERE Suva n iah afternoor Plain g hurnj NATURE SMILEIJ.· F'riday Pete Emmit of Atlanta lawn Later she isbe: ed lei g rests Mrs J L Mathews motored to At BULLOCH Mr und Mrs Sned or mto the oom eh was et Baxter's Barber Shop TIMES Harold ker dining wh pI luntu last week for a few days Savannah spent last Sunday with her tlly decorated vith yellow and wh te (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) MIS SId Parrish VISIted her aiater aunt MIS A J Prunklin There an ce COUI se \\ as served and BIRTH n Augus a Fr day for the day B Bulloch T,me. Established 1892 J Rountree and daughters MI S dainty baskets of mints g ven as fa Mr and Mrs J W Upchurch of Consohdated Jauuary 17 1917 noon Statesboro News Estabhshed 1901 MISS Mary Mathews IS spending } STATESBORO, GA THURSDAY AUGUST 27 1931 Roy Adams and MISS Elizabeth Roun VOl'S to the guests announce the b I th of a son VOL 42-NO U of IS vistt Stilson Statesboro Eagle Establtshed 1917-Consoltdated December 9 1920 grns Kline Temples Augusta sev e: ul this week In Atlanta days t r ee of Boston were gueats during 6th He has been named Cui Mrs Walter Blown has ng hIS COUSin Ambrose Temples for of Pulaski August - Mrs Byron Parr-ish the week of Mr ami MIS S d Part-ish TRIANGLE BRIDGE CLUB week vm Kelly from a VISit to her parents the III e viaited Iriends the city Monday Ewell Denmark of Marianna Fla On Thursday evenmg Mrs Bonn Merging Counties MISS Sara Lou 13 viaiting land Hodges Mrs Bruce Olhff was among those Morlls enter tamed the members of of A WEEK'S ACTIVITY CITY SCHOOLS TO MARKET TO CLOSE arrived Friday to jom Mrs Mr and Mrs W W Pollard PARKER IS WINNER. Mr and Mrs W W ins spent her aunt Mrs B L Morgan at Denmapk Will Save Millions Higg to Savannah Friday for the her The at her a son gomg and their little son In a VISIt to refa bridge club Triangles Augusta announce the birth of I last week In and several days Baxley Spr ngfield home on Bulloch street A day tives here and at Portal profuaion on 3rd He has been Atlanta Ga 24 has Rouse last befo)e they August glvr� Aug -GeorgIa OPEN HERE Mr and Mrs J spent ICl THROUGH GEORGIA WEDNESDAY TOMORROW IN Screven. ilt Mr and MIS Lannie F Simmons of summer flowers charm Mrs CONGRESS RACE return bright gave the name Aubrey Ray II nearly three times as many counties ale week WIth relatives n Pollal'd and Mrs A E Temples Graymont anp were In ••• Judge VISitors Savannah during tho to the room III which her two tables as MISS IN GRAM WIll be remembered PeI\d as the average of the United State, EZERCISES SALES FOR SEASON WILL FALL CARRIED TEN OF THE THIRTEBH. a few this week In Swainsboro �MALL AFFAIRS WHICH INDI spendmg day. week EPWORTH LEAGUE were Cards were for AND placed grven Howard and four times as many as we need MAR SCHOOL T 900 SHORT 01 LAST SEASON BY COUNTLES WITH A POPULAR Mr and Mrs 0' T Harper and I' CATE CONTINUED GROWTH Apgusta Mrs Edwin Groover was among The WIll meet at score and were won ••• Epworth League high prizes by I' In the oprruon of Colonel Ivan Allen HIGH SCHOOl AT 1000 FIFTY PER CEN1 VOTE OF 4 935 IN DISTRICT has as his ch Idren of relatlves IN 'Master john LeWIS guest Harlem viaited those m Savannah the Mrs DEVELOPMENT viaiting during 7 30 Sunday evening at the MethodIst Harold Averitt and Emit Akins MISS BLITCH ENTERTAINS of Atlanta former state senator and COUSin WIllIam Medlock of m the city Sunday week hurch The IS invited Mrs Mort-is served a !mlud Mrs Gus Skelton or Statesboro public schools WIll open Stntesboro s tob ICCO �s public dainty Honormg chairman of R state comnussron to re ten of the thirteen coun­ Miss Nell IS Carrying Swalnsborn. ,Blackburn spend Q$' Mrs J W Dutton of BeLand .. the fall term next for season Fli, • coU�u. was the palty for close tho tomorrow With H'ar.�well bridge The records of Induatrial port on redisbrtebing' the state FOl Wednelday tICS of the diatrict WIth an electoral Joe Pritchard motored to Swains several daya this week in Savannah 1 PROM followm� IS viaitrng her stater Mra Morgan, PARTY I)"P"'" � .., afternoon at which Miss Geor • Items invest morning Chapel exercises wll1" be a record of sales day ,,,,twlty lista showing county governments alone the peope upproximately fifty vote of twenty four three­ to attend the Rountree WIth relatives and MISS agamst boro Thursday fnepd. Hendrix Helen Tucker was the charm tch two tables J"ent of capital employment of la held in the school audi per cent below last season Not Bl entertained of Georgta pay tw enty fiv e millions of grammar only counties and twelve electoral votes reunion Mrs E 0 Holland has returned The lor and buainess acttvtttes and op family Mr and Mrs M -L Tinl�y of MIll Ing young hostess at a prom party Three 0 Clocks and other guests A towel was her g tortum ut 9 0 clock and m the 11Igh s the volume less but guest" guest dollars he shows By reriuc ng the price averages for J W Overstreet hIS chief Kent of Wr from a VISIt her Mrs TUi Information from whIch oppon­ M,ss were Ehzabeth ghts daughte� len were vHlltora In th� IT'uesday at the home of her entertained by Mrs G,bBon for llOrtumtles school audItOrium at 10 0 clock The ure hkewlse as m �o cIty Sunday evenmg to Mrs Skelton Cards hIgh number of countIes to one whIch dlsnpPollltmg here ent Homer MISS 1 be paragraphs are prepared IS from fOlty C Parker State.boro can. the week end guest of B F n Savunoah on Johnston ThUl at the :VIlle ThIgpen afternoon parents South College street sday mornmg went to lII,s Pete Donaldson Sco men patrons and fnends of the school are all othel mal kela of the state )Vas � local papers usually of towns IS .)aId to be mOl e than some of the ,hdate won the nommatlon for con­ MIas Beth Stl'lckland of Penl About horne of lI�nrgaret Kennedy Mary Mrs W N Lee of Hamlet N C fifty guests were present her parents on,....Zetterower for consolatIOn were award d � loned and be conSIdered gen mVlted to attend the exelc ses WhIle the locul market falls far pads may best state.. have the cost of county gl ess Tuesday Mrs Cowart has her broke s her aUl t Bar avenue If H vlsltmg VISltlllg M'i" "Islted her aunt Mrs W E Gould Punch was served the She inVIted five tables of MISS Bht Ii 'Tally correct Students to enter first below last S 8son 111 volume and throu£hout Mrs SImmons wlil re reduced one half WIShing pnce At a of n .Jl'�'lnk govelnmen1,o meeting th& congressIonal '1111 s Chatfield and her Averitt for a few � I her mother ney days last week end luests !lnd a frozen A scole 000 marble ade WIll on Au It has 1118 ntumer) Its r serv�d sall'd serve(f a dnl�ty salad Macon-$595 GeorgIa 01 eleven nulltons of dollals accord gl regIster Monday standing among exeoutlve commIttee to be held her& had as ••• of �haml Fla IIIr and Mrs Remy Howell of for • • • famIly Mrs Mark L,vely and chillren arei pIece pottery � "SltO�l' lilgh � I) addItIOn to be erected to local post gust 31st at hIgh school offICe from the 111 a I kets of th s tel ntory m a mg to Colonel Allen at 10 0 clock tomorl'OW (Friday) mom- Mrs W N Lee of Hamlet N C theIr dur the week Mrs EVENING JlRIDGE .core guest ng s-pondmg some time as gue3ts of MIss went to Mrs Pete Don:tIdson MYSTERY CLUB <offICe 9 30 to 12 a m All students satlsfactol y way Indeed the I bmldmg It be far mOle IJlofitable to entelm� except 109 he WIll be declared the nommee week as the Hou,ton Lon er Brooklet Mrs woul<\ spent several days last of Mat.!e Leroy Cowart entertamed A mntdenhall fern for club was On MI s mus LIvely hIgh Wednesday mornmg I!'r Law;renceville-Assoclatlon organ the state to out he coulltles school have been vaCCinated and V"lalta market Statesbolo has sold wealthy '( of the DemocratIc party The elee­ of Mrs Will Foss After her s stel Mrs 0 of the set for won guest vlsltmg Mrs C R Rmer of Savannah VIS !welve young bridge by MIS Dan Blttch and hand man Foy entertamed the membels 1'f !Zed hele for of attemptmg those entering first must more tobacco than othel market purpose Into thlee 01 four separate counties grade '" any tlOn WIll be held September lOth, ami Ethel Mart n has retUlned to Avelltt Mrs Kenmole has Tuesday eventng 83 a to kerclllcfs Wen a ;MISS I Pelcy Ited her dallghter Mrs C L Gruver compilment for to Mrs her bl dge club at pretty brld�e 1;0 secure new from thiS city SIX yenlS old befole JanualY 1 east of tho Altamaha and the avel consola1tlOn highway than to annex to them the neIghbor 1931t, there IS no SOlt of doubt that he WIll m'eat S C aftel sev turl ed to her home n Hartwell hel VISitors Misses FI nnces dell .Falls spendtng dUI tng the week McCoy Oltvel pal ty QuantItIes of garden to Cobb All those to tel for ffl'llt age pI Ice fOl the 3eason hutJ been flowers DouglasvIlle runnmg through mg weak countIes CQlonel Allen IVlshmg legIs be elected WIthout oppislhon eral WIth lelatlves here MI and Mrs Dedr ck Waters and and ElIzabeth Harwell of Atlanta m her days MISS W,llIe Lee Lamer of Savan gave charm
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