FARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Fusion Frauds in Maine.

\ > i"|'tU; mciit brief suggestions, facts and r ii.U'TKU ho:.: '!1 '■ k nisroHi u thkoaiu klon .■cl ro arc solicited tr«uu housekeepers, gov ekn.m r olid gardeners Address Agricultural Correspondence of the B >ston Journal. .1 <-in nal Office, Belfast Maine.] 1 ho Fusion party canto into power m l.sni with I oud Wiiy Not More Currauts? professions <»t reform and economy. Their journals were overflowing with it their public I'crlups when wi consider their real speakers and'legislators shouted themselves hoarse aim-, eurrants are more neglected than over it The Fusion legislature reduced the sal ■therof the small traits. Iheir value arms of everybody but 1 h :nsel vi.-s and those of the the family :s too well known for ns to < lovernor’s « oimcil and attempted to do lug tilings, nuvr. hat their market \aluo is greater VOLUME 5*2. hui succeeded in iL.ikii._- a net reduction of the BELFAST, MAINE, to hi that ol most if not all other fruits. THURSDAY, appropriations amounting less than <) al most wholly from salaries uu 11 i\ed for them, hut to the fact I',ii>.l I'or should ho abund- Nights. dark leaves, site (lowers Iti view of these loud I to ry pips always green ltad lust wayward heart of yours, and I knew that Opposition Capital Dostroyoci. Hancock's Supporters. professions. propose v are >.i ant, but in lilt' gi\f a brief of son.- of the transactions 11iv not many draw hacks to earlier stapes of their 1-inti meed odor. I rout her hair one of her favorite cumel- a woman should not summary by 1 ami marry without rival The of that to principal capital the opposition I KOM IIIK .SI*KK> II OK IM»N '1 ;; were, sav the least, and i;a tin at all. If eurrants are prowtli il should be ot a kind less stimii The w orld in slumber lies lias asshe a I:la-'.»|; 1, slightly irregular money said,“witIt darling hud," and hive, and a great store of too. So I since the contest has been misfortunes j iad occurred in the it, Greeley the I UK K \\|» KOV.VK I.K Mil tliey Ifcpuhliean part) would lie to than earn anil small liaeh lealh-t in languor, nl the they may picked day. to-mor- latiup plain. droops l-'itxallan had with left to the idea that .lack country. Poor crops, ruinous nave been i/ed as .1 iirotnised, I'onsoiiby- my darling open speculations Now us .t deservedly stigma! downright N bird ethei lie s t»l let take view of the men views w \t ■ el,, and must like l’ips that have been raised on through individuals, of I ut tlit* <>! h a tali u the I a tram or two hundred are it was cool there and site would liien 1 cure coast, have all been made to contribute to the m rekindling dying embers i-p, delay pounds penerally Still fairer shine. giving took that the man in. r < 'planets you !' "I tin- hatreds which hri- n vk «»i n« 11,'s ukai; ■ ■ crease of the Democratic stirring up ha., a idi nt docs not cause tile loss healthy They are then in a pond con- rest. Kitzallen stood at a little were meant for who, has the party The party in distance, my dear, When the Democrats o : ho ccoiiomicitl < t M \ daily round of duly. power was held responsible for every evil that passed approved ij;. | 'cmm il made up heir j. ly if til. fruit does not sell \\ it ll dition to fatten. should not how in hand eareles. best and !r et Hie u * lop They \ -jleeted in er hath penknife still, swinging ly truest heart in the world should crossed the 1 tty hull there is in c.S of otliei I'.v hut. n.^r 1«»r e.\tra !**iiirth of travel, hv iu:r been j public path, even though’it had no ill'll to milket .1 e\cr. be in close confinement as soon I lie Ian like leaf of a that .t was over. For 11 ..f l'»r were not in gets put U ah what hiis>. wh it |.«m it dwart palm. come in the way jus; at the right time and more eonucoti'.n with such evd than with the last proof pin pose what I daj.s they attendance, aid hy have io we will t at it vjs o,d. ehartiitie tor sei vi<-'-;, (,n committee o I m II. lb next day. \s to the as corn is fed to them. II is much better Itwell in night's peaei* serene. “if this were nearer 1 could fan von." show an interest in So have 1 not comet that shot across the heavens or the last lor say acknowledge woti. ;•* tin* you. a of M .1 Sail -Id. 1.1 Mot hud's Now na It* or opinion sue>, a- un. t:t with honor sai.e- they reeeiviim mi the a a. ic ol cm rants, sv e to allow them the run of u pood | Monthly I lie said. earthquake. compeiisation pasture ; succeeded and made my Madge ehoosi to hot!i til! vrau-sand tor services In IS, s the State of Maim* was carried parties iiosp1 :a.s. and de payrolls m the tul! hoaid maku p v. c c wi by tin-op ,i.o. :: notu that l inise that is ll with clean water til! "Thank I am tired rather than I her father's choice w ou a tree w treasuries. ar.d t!ud tie ir c- ei -at mn supplied you: ith her ill position the of ‘haul turns" pie!.- iiiiltnih 1.serves au\ v., for scrvto-- tor the ear as f..| through potent cry I ■■ ..I in arc tin li of 11■ cold weather. It is hot.." 1're11it i' ha* i.:g heen on the ver ! i -'A,- John 1? l'o-te <:« h. acre, very apt to | 1111i M mice’s Cousin. As ft r l-'it/.allan, he is all for and the present at ion of the (ireeuhack the,in- that .ghl side. And i| ||. Monroe impatience II 1S of lih To rav I * buries il « liase. f!(•{., j.i S Cot lie; : : hieli is as e\ not necessary tor corn to he be Never in her life before hud Madge and he would have tln> was all due to contraction of the cnr.onev'} speak port Hrowi qiliiiO fully ripe to-morrow, told you DiU.i ere c "» and tad of the it. > .• T d 1 (i. I'm k-e: 'I Iv, | M M I I *.» Kt mi rass.-ir< Milan iiic and the greed of the a id speak i .ndv | Ki-srif. ■••• il in saw their account tore il IS fed to them. If cut with tile | | hern so serious or so was “money power, that of Up troubled as she the secret at that ball the other rebel,am w, u!d h to K. • Mo I j night, sure relief would he found til stop before tin- work was I Mood;, J approbating M.di.o ;{(“ was -1 ; turning the Kepubb !'• .'. : ice worm .’ \\ ! •talk- and noarh lie- whole M sill in, tin- hear I li now. in tiie .' begun The So':t h tioevei piven loaves, ,nlye upon uy, soft life among tin- cool when hi- say that he was to a des- mus out of and ul.-s I.,,' Dn., ace |t j. J’iie lo'lowinj; ttouiK'ilors drew for eommit put I power putting the Democrat- ;u. j pay idshi-rt tin- ,, : : o to a while eumellia ami in •:.t of its ... • tee k it the rate id i .ill lull a: 'stacle should not eulti | ul them will be ilex mire.I I tie ehaliye plllliny pieces plants, within sound of tie half-hushed perate trial, but he had promised me and having legal tenders printed aud distributed huge ,,'r f per da\ and expenses '•\-T the gte.s* and its Senators > ,7 t"i the l ow Hy hw the .same : is o: cv ..the; small fruits. I from uiven t" dry food should be yi'adual. excusing lieisell lo her kin.! old yuar- music. never to disc lose it tdi w e were sure country in unlimited sums It it m* '.Vlajoritn day days reecivin^r quite <>f tin* I i; D.uu erats in „• m I or .. ,,t | "11 no" were hard w is m l it the II,. | ay oij the 'one :i■ •; „;].c'...... "ii dial! i»\ it was .1 ink's." und-mblt d.y true, th one :hem that will ami this aeeniml the of yrrcti "Will do a lav or." site ot siicees'. \\ are von now ;u — feediny say iny *-only you inquired, elk Die South, and tlnrtv r •* ; •1 31•. 11 ei 11m do111,i : llrown. J an I •>. |, joe happv "as about the only true statement made !>v the ,o pay Mi said Mr. i;ator> 1 o[.. ole el op- Villloiit a re, and xith the stalks and leax'es is ih'sn able. dear," Selwvn, walking raising the eves that shone Idr a r otirsoiv,-. t• > t .. 1' -■■ d IX •I'ma! School and A I 'I I gray Madge position iu that cam] aign A d-pr ciat, d' etmen Doulinuig |• | dow n lie Sr.des alone and we It:. It;. -’-’a:.! ! It prepai es the piys i,.r eat illy mere hearty up and and strokiny Ins yray ird j moment with liquid In ight tie dear, second father! Ilnw e\ ai d a long period it reckless a.nd (1 visiting Male L pior \^eimy ; t'ha "My good, extra.agauce ,,t leu'.nf} Democrats in i|,e S.u a: I '.’l l: !'■ visihnp Ih-torm School and M it- i. t aa: l as mi n. xx ill lie in "I want to talk to •••• am at had on a commercial en-,- d nth dpnl a.led' otdci. 1; ,. I feed, xvhirh their perplexity, you "\ have to name it 1 can I iovc on was all she speculation brought |1 1 ut; dry only y enough could a in he lions nor I" Is jiva; Itusmess had com to a stiii Kentiick} majority h-'i ii^eiie-. f.,.o Jan \‘,, vi-itr •' ■ -.i' a bout Jack severity. stand ■]!"s : f" 1 till are sen ice." siv .m u it ■ ■ 4' i prineipai they slauylitered. your when she felt ins arms round her in tiiat ,s of no ciins,- a !i .t, \\ Mtei:. Normal S. !i u \ .'1. 11. .’J. in ! titerprise was checked Failures were the order pin: '• ii iiiciii a jainsi l in lem r, -a:; \■ t have eaten rom dm iny •Oil' lot now, His manner anmitiaidie in a studied that moment S-.-itli has liecn. ta:i:.% |\ vi ii sav tn.* Male \ me, 'I. ;u piys dry please, I'apa Selwy of fulfilled desires, and his t the day. Laborers in numbers were out of Lc, April large r l' o! < n.. t ... .■ s’hIc *l 'i'll l a otic notin'! ; Lin; till',: .ml teeth an te she ailed Ii. I'.pi.i Selwy n w lieu -!c degree, made her ft mm e sale in to her forehead in because the wheels of business lici i:..:is.-,jueiK*«* whai .\» visitituf L;.|Uor V:rct.r\ Parker. April likely lips pressed fatherly employment 1 I hoy ,l'' now shews what our n ! .«• n. in .• 11. <• Visiting Sta'e '•> a 'll m and Weir d. meant to lie eoa xuiy. and that was m at to a -'oppi VN ages were low even for skilled a *rn la-pcr Aiicticy ill ml >'M1 Mtl'i i'vil art appetiv mipain ly taking heart Idle she gave atleetioii now that his miiritude was I i> ei speak, long are victorious I a:n m .. ;. r, \t lie se> <*! c ! u en It was dillieult to debt- and taxes Th I icy 4 \ u-bi-hitiv. cm tie tiovcnior. r ‘:i er alw s. ■ pay ■- inure 1 i'est te rlriuyr their teed, at him. at the same in d an to it" ;-"U tile ,'! that tile ay time, generous end and his hard task well done your utteii' ion to t .,«•... j, ,. wnielitlcM ion i- t lie sum-- as tor mem ’Ill'ijill' tunes pinched hard and no mistake mipeiis.-.i i- .nr. >'» a w -a am lame a.. |. :; i,i i. a a. a cut ithe manner ef its \ dear, all iioiim I measure, that iiiom | •; 11Jit kiuh of r !i"i> ll .1! am 1,1 r- ol tic- .. tie- w a preparation. lint, my j ptc, i,,us ottering to That \cry scare. abh ! ms vomiiiioii «*i ilie De.u-eiat,. them a'ure. eil drew double night Madgi !y I limigs put. F'-r four mve m :e is *it a-- >. > a _! rule h net er must talk about .lain, mine time. \rs which yars h,».| i.-trn -1 tnih’aue. that <•!.* a m i each The a a. a a a a n\ tie uni man may pay te yrind every nmilo hearted man entitles I lo realize her was betrothed to 111- I took advantage of. It to tlm pan. .n •,..*) way. j my, 1 pointed lo< ai sel: ■ Government. '"hr i. -t ,,t oar *r:c-r. all tie his ■ ■ s over as tin* author n pi.n« »:,1, approving trunb : a .a- a.t. am. a la r\ in i" eek eerii tii it I-, be led Ie hoys. lint ii rday il wasf^Hi! please don't iny head iI linn elf a woman's heat t. i bert l itzall.m, when once the secret p of all tin* hard-hips nr. n-port who, of 4<*vcri.i!i. nl is < tolcr.i' on ■1 He* the *i wheti the latiored It •\vst"iu aipe |-a\ rolls of ... a. .a a, c ari a a! nail lire mil dauna the ■>! slaye ef the fatteniny is aeliinyand the before, Hi "I have eoemed was people aggravated | day very happy to-11i“lit disclosed, would not wait ;u lot lie- oj-mion Fr.-c discussion is t:m I c.‘ e and lions.-, made up h tie* a me 1.1 trouble- anil increased by every means the gem only sale^uai ihuij'e a •. I We tills t lie lari im.i til' i 's es- ,i s te do both. \n don’t want to yo out with i Mr. !•' allan." site heuan in a 1 ie’, low ,>l',h ever shrink m a i;i M i,i .. \V. 1 he math w -ubmiTcd to the court, wh > rep ; pi generally pay please 11•. I hour. i discontent, and succeeded in thoim nd- ■ I mking !' ■!• *- -r i ■..• to !,. 41, ... h J a dt to 'time, let as I'.n e this allair." ** ; ..til ..v,i isjo advei Up of mile led apples, pul terty.' | one, the torn leal’ tremliliiiLT i:t her hand "Have I not waited he said. h'rpublican.s beiicve that if tln-v wnuid ha belt payment years.' V'" i' .. X i'! s o ‘• ti ti, f ,, lN |{„ •-* tm- ate! return Tin* councillors. ; ui!iaye>, e: is relished And sittiny in the chair behind hei .nnl tin- roll a' a,a on; ol hei lmt times they must abandon tin- u li ul h eij-itol .mla "asy "All time I was party ■. ., by piys I'aee, abroad and •" pumpkin' d> my wailing, '» hi- lui.rv ti.. J- ir ,| ,. ’■ n' n III --a IP their ,,|* n il voted vote ; n-i ly pockets. 111 a >• they hitherto and .r the l •,. ami ir, e ima rxiv>s t I iiixe had little but eeril I" d for a hassork, be drew on Ins knees the 1 am in Ofeat 11 .V -ha: .,|i onlilr then I came back and found 410:, to U4II e nil Mho ha\ sli >t In ■ Us d it lor led. ; o'- were U my Madge ticket ami Keforiu said a is m jH .pi" j.:u disinclined 1 | They there ■a are : a, :: ■; e. ill *. ..ater "i a 'le l ied. I i .seems te e hand that held the broken liower and I all; ..i|t\ to 1 •■ne word f .o'I1S1 I i-'',, mel I •1 cl. a alia, -.*■• •! it Ml t u Tliel an ]•< illlpl'ex ‘‘Indeed heal it. lie more than ever I had hired to nemo in circulation, and Thcv were eng ! Ml--issjppi a) kept hope." enough g s I" st \\ ! 'Mil, it.a woin.i "1. 1 1! 11 ,• toj* it Tm r .o in I i e ,i.p ;. at a sn session lie appi ; it. and aid *i:_e ion. hen proceeded to lecture his umiiatinyenble i lieu a liittle nearer, li.-ieitina lint Madge in lie! new freedom did not to .mve It printed by the cord and cast abroau O i!•-;»11! hseijiient attentively, 1 :a. ! tl"". 1 v T.: mi t 1 \N ,• let do It; -I, .. ; I, a 11 e- it 11..pi IP 11 III lie mi: :■ " u on gen. rousiy man's basket would bo j.; IIb '.a .: m n a- I h a y that they ran ally eliarye the endless subject ol ick." and her non am! as tin h\ a word : dark. sh w as every hoii>i.iu mrget poor Indeed, almost uunle lio r.. a .-ter to ;.a Me ! t 1 >’** I- ■ In ht | -. “d I’beir ideas were \\ j app e|| t.te tc.It tins adjo* Ii a 1 .a > e aies. hi a.- mm e a t ib taken te van was a tin "f eneoai certainly pleasing -man litt Madye ehanniny eliarye any ayeiuent. in trouble about Iter unkiiiduess to him his ritrl.t .Mol li" 4- !. "I: .1 11 v" ; ... 1. op-to A a *.•• S Pat II. and show s "--uldn't be a tirci e:d n-k'-r when n v- n- j | ■ 1 et V a s a a -1 \\ a ’, SI:' as lie,II 1 to 1 in % e elle ami i .." ns.. ; 1 is ot t a mu *•' •* t. i. t.. .. Inis ami I (linin'. fo irh 1-siblr. Chi' aye kind old ill.Ill's she I,' | lights, ha\- it* I: home wit limit pet fill'll p Her stm v v\ as a me. She u as when lira id that he had been ; a lie.-- were held up betor-* his y.*- v t.'i* simple only 1 1 "' fill- ami 4 r!i" a "int 1 if 1,0 inn j where T it- .* !/• '.•*•! "H to tic- -Use Ol He* MM. I! > ■' Sr-"II. these the true ! d im. could look into her la rye yray eyes with a j bright and *-t that Aiad-.u's :,p to lie nia:; rd next to her part, all he; shining lights pirty * imuiljt rousin'. playing bearing teasing, 11 *y were horn, ami swanue. aer. 1 I > ,4 T a' .1. 1 t iai ■ e C t.-H* ned cildei am! l !:im a- am ■'•i.ti.U u ill, nmlrr i"a: hecsiy the warm heart, whose wonderful lamp wu< tin-v. entm-lv :ib, tu Mr. 11 aw and whenever ; ii'il"' o :-i she dreaded it being purposely ungracious 111.kilo n iii; ifor\ to I, : .... |..... t.. too Hi.-' mnu. *o the disburse Favorable Crop Statements keslmry. ; -1 ade by the far ill »re wonder! II Lag Inn j .li .. I'l lilt tale told even nioment : and the A > -■ < ■ *• mill they yet nil her hut t -in- grew kind, iJut heriiude consoled v* !|"I" the 1 •••;.: 1." tree T!i> <1 :.. cimni .i out <•! '1 -ooiio | lite, was her late. And : 11 *i•' 1 •,; le m ; ;. M .-* pi i.P 1 a : ;am a::\ a. set the tamo n -4r ex- mIus whi .. ha- ot •.. -1, *ti•• w il 11. -< *•; llie *-ai r. w u.i eiies. eur:ant- a! tie. < briylit ami the s.iaey el' ard. them \ statement dam iny the uulilieii el quick ylanecs then taking rout a .■• trout the her eifeetually on flint sen re, telling ; >elf upon tie* principle of mmest mom*) p. o respeetl’tll by 1 "'1 it- 1 -sum: 1 a :1, it a ol' leal! •. -ii aa'. s.taae .aim:. nan the lips showed that Madye had will mother see ret after h a- kiss of with .cl t !.e w-.-b!. -‘iint-:" s •.'t ten. urn and Wheal xxas issaed the and aim ist demeanor engrain j»* o 1 by paternal of her lis- 1 l a: ae'. ;■ ol t !i !-,• .1 in. w 1 i: 1 u >• a : and detent in -iv. e.*r !h sea." ill rile'-', .. ■ he; own. and wit an 1 cleverness en myli hit ii >n. paym-ut-. accepted feeling i• I’ ::! meld "I ..a leiilture Thnrsdax : a li rank eutifi.ion >'h 'Iom!i to pen., t lorm fur; i;"|* ‘""ii I III IV V -1. .. I. i. tener, that lam tnat the < «r ■■•:::>. u.-: deln-i »;i would -• ; a., : .'."'a to eat .; j " aaaaie rat ranis ;i . e • ry out. "dm was ol f •••* ir ','"a lit "I a.s * .,1. n.'i ! i." teiiiriis an as. Iwr k indeed doing his best to •i" I; tie « ■ show iliei she disliked eon-ill just tin muse she a;, wamlefi- would |.*turn to t:. IP-, \ sp. el n "11 .»! 1; -.1 t! cm,-.: ; a. e states ltel\ .' 1 eh"i. .• me !,. male allill's Tins leetm oil Jack a tlm same a.~ < loll ah lm [ I'c n. " 11 ef eel toll since .l ime l'e uas toreed to tnarr* him: and to this she carry out the plan," she -aid ; ami lie was loi-t. uni tuc grand old u \ which has %t o 1 *: '"IIle d I if’.ve t *.-• ot a' .; li: 1/ *.»i.: 111 I linir Sail.- in wh-,!" or a s o' ■ i a || i i) many oih.-i h nl lieeu. I: eo:isist<'d : tin* light 111 rough ti re ami blood would be in- c part I irtis o| Vole-. T was to t lie -e a! pert. I’ll.- end.:ien is eported al an milled slteli a r: j. i. o' not t a lie •ifiell .glided about you Madg •, pend> "'«•-* M> a- -. I-.-. To.: r two the first iiei:,- devoted to ih y. .. ii ai ll'ed. I lie la-st parts, “too it mils! re mast us now not me, -s-it in-'. "it!i"I*" ,->ilile i.i 11.41, 'I briny ley tlioauid had," tiiat have you congratulate W bat »s tin* resuil I to* *.i i we M- od* ‘So I!row- h lo M..*. o. | >v principe-- « that -lie miyhi lo tlirow her own .1 ■'•lo- ol '• ../at: 1 .tl* o 1 iii d for end ears. pi iny out us. k and 1 made it between >- 1.1ii- ,.0- s.-rimti ti,,. s whims and aside, and as a duti- e, honor 11. I 4 ...h un.' are made ef dm mid pleasures for Kit d in m to .-one us amnths ago, and we had a laugh | Tin -t.m ippe.t- -*•;.• v, !»■ p d for w .rk complaints -ay thin., that ipiiet '■*«■ l! 1" .O' .*S I," i1'"1 til. re .h ''..Ill ••• < ful faitill her latino's statu aud Nat to ! i' 1 !e*se tab ! n ,p* jo-.-..-:, N > hi; Ii >.> _.r! dyiny reqi.est '' a:Ii anil arelina. and ef t would liavi allowed tin- seene to heeouie about you." .1 1: Sri.. M hat I- i 11 to Hit, ,u •- I'.h) 4! the !>■ an at doc- ..." v and mat In : eoiisin : and, the second cy p.esi ion vindicated Th- p t-. »> 11 m a d ;rcms sums n: i'ii ry a s herself the -I 1 1. 1-1 0'*ii .-.ill lain in Me- I.euisiaiia and lender ota- ; Im■ this he seemed Madge ling, 1:,,: to I'll.- i.'.i ■ ssippi. drier accepted broken. discordant. demoralized imi--. >vcn*d to par* p*s a ••:■!'.t u ck •*:. t II \! was > ,• a eiiloyitim mi the yod i I!• 1 mi !"ht 1 t Fiaie h :Mm •.. u> I. 14 Ai iptah- -o and wore her letters lu-i own --. ,• Kansas. mined to avoid, ami in her -imple u.,v golden by with infamy lor their \aui attempt ,- ea ieg.s Pi-i. I a M ok Hu: :• M. am! hat".s h.u k *0 I* ,| .. t ■ m,. tree will after all: not was there a itnre t legally * t in* t' iiipe 1 ,..r n c wi t !i tinaut i.* -1 i. I-;" ini a in are planted is was tin- sadiy joijA-u-.l uirl that was ever p.-d Mi. S i 11 ves an l filling tin r ;»«■*-- ehe'i i-e o> in : s. j. -- II- n imu eai s I a "l*o. lwvn," Madyc b • a more e \s I'm' |»1 with m**u never d p hesc "He eetlt. "X'er lasl Till' aVer- lauyhed on: her i, : w- willing fii.M; it-,.I| \ ii, ... pel year. trouble to him inpier tj>tivi•. 11,01;.-y tr. hi f ;' ■- poarino e M an- t-- .a\ ., M.i.,.1* a id,it p- ha- ii.-e in !e I v t|p- e an|. ■ •'Op'ullol's aficr lie had been out that cven ,.app\ prosp-u o ay. '•ell.Ill I .'I el i lie i", for ill.' XX he'll' niakiny \\ to me P M r. Selwvti f I, than, it he was not allotln-r Arthur, J •«' held )- to .'.iv a her t,-M oi tl, 1, e ep peak pe..pi n.eie is no die: ,ug in our Stale Kvery hy Te* eierk-' ’h" S .-re?arv d State's otli -e. i.- .1 ids ,1’A l.w ill illless e.inte from ail ovei "I O' : Ti :• h lo tl m ..• Me > ...; 1. ii s as tin- had her to ; ah A"l Ii e e try the hiyh.'st I'.ir many \ eai and -lie said, ‘■as you are an old Irieltd of hi- girl's fancy prompted miu who-I.-sire- and is willing to .v--ik t ’• p.-.iw. I sen's 1 'm Ml ti 4,1 ae oi yood nature : "do throw him at labor at fair s of ur iiiortifviu/ ■; in.’. "'xi'.i I'. itt. iiinie than phis I eanuot lea-,,; as men do. I wan' m. be was "blameless" as the l’rince pri-i flu* product* i--r» l: \ !>i A ! |" hut ^ i’"' i-i’-'v in th- ."»•• o.’ ha. ml. .'eh head as at ■ nv-i's. :*.in-*s h-h.-rics. factories c I .asl i.erty's you throw hint mine, >1’ the and far more ; • von to if Is," blest and if t i MU.IIO-. of ..v "'• I ll'' 'ill.u Ml \l -c !/• ... year. try their is way of release "Idy ■' pi.. rii-.v any tier sources *.f wealth never acre so great a- i. and i shall make hint over ln-r, and iuci'.i!" '■-momhoi 1 " t. ’S ! I Wheat Idle a \ el "f wheat torn ■ me 1 .-. lie reigned over no realm lie was at least 1 y,, lime I' f.xd !•> la U it III I i ll'"! all III I Ii .1 X I xx as I’.-, ay : IIS' PI .1.1", I s; I ; they happy la a kino ! king of one brave and tender ’m art a us is tu:>,ness I' u* «*v»;.s -*i a your interfcreiiee, hut am upon improved > < .ill l 'lo I.O'IM.IIIM to N a" ill III !"| Into I I lit lii 111 I'M* il W'll h'l t'P>\ 'I. tin: v. 4> M !•. it's u I, v j.rllii ...almtl ..' i l .lane. ’Tin• S"Hvy daughter, V t'e! e he d" time .1 kingdom wide enough to his de pfeeiated tluetuat mg e.irreuey d-pu'l- sliyht luriiiy Very leer hlll'St ol satisfy nuiiihers \ 1 f»:•:11.1 i- : '■': "I I In- .til It Up the a r* I lull H a.’, In* ■ ■1 i"puh..iteh ,\r |m sh 1 ■; -1.. _ dollar ,> as as g id uni u ■x 1 tin 11 it ii i i 11, 'We and u which time to lie L\'eipaper go.«.| h"i' l.dis elf nearly enediall' lull Ie- tears must nave tried tin- listener prize pinted 1 Kansas : i 1 lorila 'i.;: fi imi * 1 iii I il! *r ail sci vice- ami travel mai gold It is true that matt} «*t mr >* go w.-s* attracted tin* ami f-• -'. pi,.r.-.-s « my by 1 mill ii"! re.til. h !"l I >etllorrut h he of m 1..'! 4 i • N' 11: . ’i". :x .a rule- al ie a To Si : a laud a:,-! rich ores f that u -tern led a- hiyh -1 Mi -! ,\u. a mu -iint.y '*oa T‘"' 'Vi-'.»••! a ! '..ill,i i! 111*! •: ; I he me!,I '• 1 ! ■» \ .nil .1.1 a 'ii 1 I 11 ta pa* 1 111'".'. him .it I •; \ ! W w *• ami tin* w. -t b. a s. !• t t, v a' .a -. t.c Fusion in Maine is Still ui*s d in- r ? M T :: .'. Slate ii.ii r- ie : ay.- Id lie lie mv a Why Party prosper • .. •• iy -; aluays iy- i.i! In ;' |] uiust he i'll 1 1. io- 1 ji .' ,. ..j- pi lor emigration n ill abate Words use, rlii'd iir i'\rla:meil ; his 1 MStc! SI ;.-| til:.' I'.II' lie- Stipe. IVllh'.'l. .; .1 I -/!' Id:;- .-lie's .1 de you .11 l’ied lilt ; i wish I Iliving. the .■• li"iin r lew ••!, 1!. 1 iy pill, ill'} .-loti! how ruled * u sv ijii'.-tion I ;t £ I hr last tin- hat 1* .1-1 a- ,.r ... t e a year ” h voucher he'i.:r hie.I ienul |'or ti ■ (in- moment his "f '!! '.f •■!.. M M h"!! :1 -! Imi. a tin ax a lye annoyance escaping do it." s t ■; Be< ms. t ih. s that .1: West ivasrd lit flu- ii: ; .«»•>> I .'Js. In nr Sil! H e ill.I 1 II'' lllalte;- U|p !; t t l C11 t,» I 1:1' v. began •i.ate a.ii! or I in* \\ !. 1" 1 u.h a ! .it r A x r"Hti "!. "I :!’ .in 1 it> final ; >!•'■<• m u :..•!»• tune tin* annua; u.'first iltar^“ Iras br« :i p*din ■■•! I 1 the \ .I't 1\ I the \ « al*, I'.nyland averayes “It : al.-[ lie a Mu:-, ■lit} icy ■ doll i-slhii t l!/a|- ]» -.1 g> "I Srllsr. \ nil I.I 11 .1 It’ll tlllllks "I ... .* T l.l.!:' ; ,1*1 a' were Hi' I tlfi-,tads !,.»*•. voter- had no lane !• »t uves I" • they |^|,, !lH!:i ;. Ot olljee iau -aid. “I'll a In- vimi would not \1 an w -i. ci ? Ilf national drbt lias shrunk from Jlir«*.• • ’.i -,• >t lit-I- is that U Hr i.- thr soul of h"ii"r. ! ere v.-d ’»v h>- | i.-m-*. ratir and ; •• Ip up"!, the Treasurer ite ii: r \ .1 A Reminiscence ol lhe Late War. s h.mvh e inter. .1:, I i. for : o 'll I. is st >: a < 1 ’" tiler will to nia; tile ne a v a 1 ,u li tli it were srat'tered •: >> t.I -i bill!' «i •«; 1 11 I).),] Jit t ue close I! ii a > !eh r ! ! u m: Ii lie lie! as as ; .■ ami far il iii•;i •mis "ii him ymu happ: r. il.l ''. 4 .-..'I .1: : I •Ml life or to oa m In ! 1,1‘" g I. ; i. S 1 '. lr>s tii an tu'i In lit dollars '.nr thud "I tin- 1:•» by i'athi-r's wni'il will df M I m n n ~ \V kept." If .-e ther*- i- a-, le nest 1 -*n news tii n paid '■•m \ lire, tl nl’ Slate !li e| \ -. .! the lW. ■ 'll 1 1! M -r i■ i ti iis tin- follow "I u Vr 11 yy oimi oulv Tort am shmular '.I I ‘alia Sr! VII, llnli't hr v ,1 >e|uy a. l>- a'c- ! if Hi ia'• a11 s -1 It -.Ml' ;>• ; M-uie- he most re-,*- etahle cf ami like that." said ;In- 'i tie would !»• .i i'll r11.. wit.; in. :•.• wlm ;i I's l ! •uteuant eonnnaii- v, : so ymi sadly. t! -11 the he tor a ut» nicy > n*|’,i * 1 ell, I ve a talk \v;;ii t -vei;i\ .mrs as "iif :ug Vivas v I ir.mM i larjrrr portion tbr r,; 11 n a I only ; r l.e.r.'l' I T ! 1 t M J’ the .tee' ..111 ,.| I <1 ! iliim ipaiit \.dl;h Kimancal, Maine was Ii.i it leu on his i.ii.'' hands in a hill 1 u- *!«• 1 4eh'- ml. 4 for their pi j prop, rough rrlit repud: ( said "and ilu hast vcmi i .1 he a 'll* I !i v. st if ul ■: < *.1111111 he 11 ,'te. Tio' Hi ['(•' ', "Ue«l In I'iV.l'!. P'. \ •.-. na- issa>-Mated I lilt. I-d:t. lunst ■: s"irow. 111!■ 1.-!i its my let :.«p-*rt 11*■ V at:4 Iv mu ti.i i; own July i|uitr pa-- t -. I Mr» ... people SI 1 '<• ? .- "m\ ■ "t‘ it" a*tel lie |a; ot I.e I' e|'U ii ii: ,< ss. : hi I : s \ My •' hat w i:t •: 'll on: ! 4.-I ? si i;>j y; \vimid in : j a they nation. I».. ■ < ! i id tii, I, la: \. t » ■ at I’ot't tttjsiaiia. ly one iiig i-ii U.-i'.iase i,.e 'o.uni."ml. win*-!, is aiTor.lun: pies -nt appc.ii.i ti. most an .n meat The ;•-! am not nil ■ published on I n. ; .;.*!.• K if i us''- A ■ ■ } y 11. " Ilia ivi la! i ii. ■;1..-1 _ •1 .■ mu: t > MippoM They ■> a i: iii m -riiim hi fore an;, "lie ■t y —;. w :a*e,.t le.i •.> and .liis-.l w ,.*..t !f,i.. m will dant k town in ,11 pi o! Its iIi'um! p :;.• but .lisa I hat was ell hardly r-'piosi-uts their i* \ r- iv I*.*\ ; ro ly •' mk Ii" \ : thel-i- I-a lie" mi. ••! eil its r* ,td*-i> the of Fi -li ot wl,if!i vs ill xi,Ilh if 111 to o-.r •: ra sui 1111,' e | ■a as : n ai -a; a* we \ eiv .: iieyinun.a report the >'• o t’.P'ly y in, ly ilm in "y m m...Ir mistake ; hat'.- a!!. Why, I" to |.-pra! I Ii.- 1.. ,1 I. I 11 e P-t u!. t he ti.- a- •*! ■ a tbr nodals. and tbr H i.' dabs s 1 i if 11 it'll : : the I i.vost ig.i' i:i.r .mm tte<-. anil p.f«-,oiix bur.' ! Ii 'Ml .... Vs.'i ..I I'I || \ K I s. | IMS' mil ten:, we heat'd a slraime ■ 'll'- ol am I nlllery. tlies" you will forget t d sv i.1 [;!•'. •• r srr a r* -nr:>■< ion ti.iys ... .. -rja ha*- 1. lev 1 t«. defend !.•••;■ ii la-ei! Ii"! .y •' I a a .■: the <■- at say tin' m iii.-' d*iin r .. .' h N at II a yell John:, ,.!'i geiln-i u h":i \. fail V a..: -M!t\ ; ng 1: Si ite -h-a! 1 io-rr I. b'li' I|.' id tin i! UtT Mi'., a; pr I’.tpa Si'lwyu t 1' la' or y r.i l it ’III- "Ur I- u in i it >i Son* h *. ell ’"'II'!' th>! v-e did n->: star’, hat it was 1 hy illy y Iiilidi":’e," i'. Soh'ii .at-' :ioii: It|, rvi! lb -i;d re;va!<■■ ill love With roiisill. winle Ma!iy oppo.-e.l on you fill* If \t V v.f a a win. ... l'e 1 i '•!.,’ IS W. 1 | lei .fill, 'll,Me 1 t. it and lia id an 1 a: .<•• -alio’ puh., p |l I M ill ilia’ la- d:a ■'• isi.11■ .. s t a to v. s'|t a ue 1111■ S, neither 'poll \.;iuiny « e and til li ... smniii, that "’Hit'll 1 A !” !i rage Kir. U f! t'v f* I.eUff VO If is ;• '• o'l'i I'l'ietl \| 111 Lie. it all t III. .1 lejili I ill 'I ti‘1 ,C «ll\ elsil otT lie tliul.e t S', show / Its [•;.-< .1 tl II. III a box :n a ffu Noil! ii. S'aiiM r< ly n»r tains, I :m a md I I .... up u ... to : leet ami ! In r v.... wi- r.n hr r -k 1 .• .ha-et s III ii aim hastened to : he I iir s; 'I In r h"'. la mt they iny >• yo a.I ale. I ||.| •; .,1 !.et s|■> fi•:igtli w.■ I .. u ‘in' ''tmii cl II.iiu k Id »• who'li’tn ■; sp- a:.' il a first hiss Iraiel hmli capital y » position ot iiav Mir tlies. ,, lift at i- M » * * e and he" imisi" and ill"." men di-lm 11* ;1 *• .. t’el I.i' !i'l' b, ell III** a. lee 111 t h I' I a e ti mil w lienee the sounds \\ etc so ildel'illy IS- ..l to s| f p p11, III ) pro All her Id", even far I mi. as lm ue assigned : ii a. -m aito-ie last lrj fndfd up CUT) Soilin' |!,s pi incut "T I in- published April. hiv tin- foil t' 1111' SI.U• Mil I rood t ... hall-l'i"ini. lii-e P e •'. !'■->! I t!if b 'li' "'!• u s is d.x'i: irr 1 an 1 cbf i’ 14. I’li-re ill he las! of the !. I fair that Me r il.d the of the ..hi I ;>f > M lh I tin II i h. n' ••; -|h. i'! ,s •• pr-I- be Millie |n| ! the hit lhe\ vtti-i- a eoi. J a •! ti..' o| the IIS' ballot b \ is tic l,i>* K• •:. .lom mi e.M'Cpl practice, ■ h ati. -!lam4c I. .: ; Newell : m.yht Mudye a.led hi an\ I.itors. papers party. Hti'l hope | lay hiiiiml her to many hrr cousin. W in n Ii In e!| leu i'!■ I Ii" lei ice mm'l If ist ;|i i tn -.II' al.s I.. tli: -A lit II, l! .*} the pr 'A ol Ilea r till I esult "1 Kit ilk : ia; ••-.••ry p ■ otie till 'Illfllt and al a.- or. II lls- ■ rami' on thr srrne ,unl iety j I I ‘!' t ! e •! I! I U 11, h111 t! e f I •»11 ! Hawke.-bury to his. are tif |- oil .. r liinal !'•*■■ I'll pe ; v. pie. Submarine Treasure '• e » s iss •. a a m: ley ith lie; yii irdi.m. l’ln ee s Seeking. Ill' I'l' lli'-rh '.'I Ml,| ,|. t mi,. ,.r an as porn! of his eontp my. ia11in vi-: s at the lm i-r. she disliked day 11.1- Ite, a i'.‘ ai'ho ..o. II. nr. a «*. <-1vi• Disaster. ap stay Ingalls hTi^.i't'iil -* 1 1 .il U'U mi' ii eh- a., ii>* mis,-| i'll and 11'>ti* ca'it" li mi : •• ■ pi'-*; :i> a Sure rnd iso: tin tint I'hat .a. ; him, iinly (.• 1*; i:i k ! 1.! au.-d t Pit t:,• •.: 1 n« le-ing iui \ lew klio.v !i OV t Ill is- r ill t'rep i ail--.lied him without Mi- --p- rI’)' pi.uipc '• iir-rry. I e.l .. I> U It ,li. tu'.l t'.r ’he ! »«• ! s So 1 I.’ M: N “>|, | i, , .11 | I;.- I ; -aan t 11 >■ ""ids. iny ti n In- had aii-i•ecded it .■•eit all, tie- ih.lei ,-aniiol in tke a de and it 1- t|,at Ilf HIV i! u tie tar _ iiam an oke Lieut. id. nt '.. i say majority I.. 'I I u her. like lair-haii'i (intrude (in * 'I It" a't .. '.!'' th it a' Uen-*a l»v i.ial the 'lets to u. I J'I’mv. m. 1ms ; iii eil in 1 -a ; fa; 1" " .a a of proved Sy if. these faels b.-ng r.u'fi' 11lid fortunes ready made to their n 1* j w is I. that the lea v alter i\ «|.» ... ! I II hoiii New ell ink illstanrr. [ir.iin; ■ * 1 | he _h 1 sleeping. might lliWc the i:ir\ i .x st i. « \ accepted fra ei. torgi-r an l alter at ion •>! Tin- I r urd 1 *i l,r t t. hat c' I 1 N o .1 ; !'*. n m ,.• !•Ills11 11 ,i 11! Itis 1 i;i -tor's i.e a,, suppression y t. ■ ■ m in lent matter -iamid m.delr I lint Mad.." r I I it 'la i;■! r--nia;I* iu4 lie the hi tah!" ami t'ri n : ti Fusion o. ,.ji their tides >! trrasno -t ... I. liv bs •> up .-orpotal happy hut Madge's art',.••• r.-funis. j tp. has >mif s...-;-ct.-d Itlltf H .• t* m ii.;., ■: i'lied. 11.s I'll !! I the la a* .IT Mi' 'tie «iill'Cl'I.iIi I'.,till, ii sa"!" -.1 many "1 Mr. t ■ ■a a ked a wI,a i:. Ni v. 1 he ami >M.\\.i)'s si it f- I.;■ i, ,.1,-rs .of I-out toTc li"SV U.u' df .1 ; -11. 1 a’ ■•an I naturr m.rlr imr ran j.try ■ "■■■■ s., .inIrpcmli'iit re u I I!.. a I ! i: ! i.ii,' -'...i ,1 that iic ran •a 'o ’• p j _» a. i.uiside! what seemed t he have referred these muit lem- of lioif. able lep be in rxistrnrr u.ut ini' to b re* ! | fe tl (e fe. | aioi lie out of t If alld < e < c-x 11 then stepped ten’, and h.'trojiiak 'lien siie told liertrudc iiirthday -Mi a it tee, became lul \ at inti. d ot the eiiormiu Mitioii .ii.i'Hi: a <■'. t*s ot lurli dist. uvT'ii Viv j. ; i:- ■*" til*- water Tin* river lh- !•• I ii \ ■ '•<•:. :■.lai '', 1 at ] ■riipnll; t ■11’ a 1, .ell l'n \ li, 11 e |' || el hee!! 'he.I. VU l"'lO -i/i-and tu limn'"" in- tl.i- e length wmili] dri ..ded ami t enmp. Mr' so 1 111 «e 11 111 a si ->■ •• tiotnl no more aht ut it : Inn in hr of lie '.press'd h COllVer ; lmid tuan lor a rrrtaii. mm •I'1 ll.: Ill'e h_’; ne a l- 1 ,lt W ol*U o. ii .**-I i thouaht sIi" wished would go holin' and.-lav day pi'arf rant) J •It a-.' I i; la'1' .'I \ t iareeb !i In I lie au vtfiit I' ■ — pay that lie ah mst i!e- that M s u >a i o| ;oii uul i.ot a few ot t h •a e h. a in:aii' -', ,i !»•• all > ■■. from >w a few mouioiils and iiefoiv .• < very iiiuminy 1" had I po-.v.-r iinaP'iual 4r inn ae ■■' lie returned, tli"i : aid id" won! I htugli. tin paid \pi nil,*11.IP J |e a'li..: a imjui only re. am to lie he;.,re the close of t! •• st si ids df .wtfd in n-ii tin; !■» ... A o I "I tile ill' mil 'li. 111. .' home i:.-..-sii ha\f I; 1111 |e-'f l.:.e HI the V loll, ol the 1 n|i: ■ pli'Ver lui'i Ill- t" her yra hut t- adei A * s tie was a w are In' had lh; w all a "I "ii her tare. ly ci! t. 1 tii* i; ,u_*i| r mi. .a >; panmei rulor fair a it; -a t If-rw .se name u o iid have heeii added bu _' ... t; c ii'Hi "ii >| stranded tiva-nif 1 a v v .: ami so., .• is deep tillgr | p- a:.4 ej _:-• e\,-ii t .-row.! •...- < .. elhnuiati 1 Iiiun it I« u*' ver:iuiei,t an 1 S joint iii ! i’. ,»r .-t \ .1 hi.■ ii, \ye.l-niyh a "Mv child, has mi tlm work "imam, o hay !-■: into tin ht'e.i'! o| Newell in Thr girl.- went out hut an ar to tho.s,. of Messis Ingalls : |{i|; boards |'., x-.iv. tbr t •. •• : a a little, pirate no,I Slate :atiiler ’'• work It" i, t it,. a p A j. a '1im\ l"i' a head is I'm- rnt* t" sec the • e\p... ,| |n In till;.a to odtlee ill a lew Ulo- years t'uliilhiicnt id your Because the members of t lie F\ei uhve .•.!,» d thrsr .subterranean ads entries Iris lo t i- s r* c d .III .'I IMltl IV.i III, p! death I. iligemeiit against which Madge often I'll \ *u ; ■ I he e.'.r ;'1111 ;itr tlie .'•• tesfitv .■ situ lders. Mad lather's las: wish, lie was list ami ret 1 to and. u.dcr -atti he tore the id t I .O',!' IV- U he 11 ll l.-o.l iv >•!' I .1:1;. a' .1 •. li lent.'. ri hrdril. it was in mine uiy appear ) helie-ving way a-:*" ri; t. •> .... a- '-a- natural iiiii'li'.-. ; g until the |-.n. 'ms 11as !ad <>m unproves i*y ei^ht N leliuifi'ci I; "Ulrrtrd with (lie sale "f of til management no ha to sv.,o 1 :•"! perairy g.-r eonfron'.-d them, in order ,1V yi'l ill.' Iii.* Ii alien indies | nail I ae'iJof seal. The hu..t tfat 11..i; n. «nii till., ii .Iicw wai ii: l.iv.u- \'..i take i'.iini ui' drink limn the A; least his v. .1 he ; a we dy my aiiist ihme. i; ! se ! x M and left and it a ta r tbr bu el 1- ... •... (Honda ue, wife, the iii.i11 iaj" with her rirasim Hut, then- j *rtli !\ ing document, to mislead _* run. as dr pel's u. uri< see. ! ..... \~'! I U 1 war4 a, tw.( 11 «.,1 .-.oil t'l. r I.. I If 1: 11 .1 ill,- dUt ! i\ > ■ i : th si aid. ::: il!, s ■ lti-sis 1 11.a I"- Id., .•• If.:,.-I and .•■ w I • think oin- nlnl'l. hut of this we ale not wrlr two in 11 ia an I'l'illlise ymi j j h'l'd tin; b"'.' iii in-, an ,r »a« «-titered !1 .-half at midnight t«. wm k \t s .•t l». I-.' -li'i'H fnmi 11 '• ,i, •' pleasuirs pi'"S])0et ■.■print.-'.it "1 a S', ii el, or. le e.iiil- els' |\ IS t« 't ->t t .e w dl bf ■ lillils Hut th t: \la was ui.a And jf tof tin I li f. tulllld o'en k I he ■ ! >1'’ *•■ in .u an eei ie ■; ll< a a a tine lookhm man ami afti nioon's with .lark and a lieyiiinl day lye |. Iiimiing l le Hi o- die 1. ad*-. > the Mate f -, n, ike eat A >>:.!■ .-in » .1 the were u» ii' lie iik:, site, in ratlins nr lill t" hear Inn licaii‘s "I tn Spa ipp tie Ii eniph eh. a> l!.e Liott r;. of :,•• -I' 11«mu t' .g,-!i» in m r. ... a miieer. and was ahotit I H liurdeu. ist > Iam! 4"od n irtid of his and i and a of < to o .. e e s *- ■ * ■ ■■ thirty years tnide. party if-nest fd-l-rs |i! 'If Hal;. h 11 !i«»ua' llnrt.s at tiva- ire se*e*kiutr on laud, lie* f.u .-hatt. \ h..tiI a 1 i.H4 "I In- ; w "i .! .•, •. ■' v i; i1' ! 'l*t \| »■. •, i le irnres the must M'lletl tell him ev t she r\jiel e hiiiy." tin my lit. In the >•» •< m I was nin s cry nuts o,i .f the tin- for and i- ii ir w au'e he tit arrested that the .Imii s, weir to them limy endeavor tiie !r• a.-mv eke-rs il«l :lii>i It u as 1.. re u rued ? •: t i.. ..•. a ll t'l corporal l'"iisonliy going trael alimii. o .;i]*ts :iHerii"--ults lor tin-,!' labors it lliei would betak-- the vv I ah .-1 ii iT. U; 1 :i ied eotirt martial, and when the git r. to whieli the St• 1 11 wi-n twiliyht. hitler I'lal to were brick1 a} -, a' 1 •• lii'st hy v\y family e'e lard ji. rkaae was a Madder had ret tempt I ii.; 1,0 r afe to eolilrol and Use to 1-11 tbelli>. 1 vi to the b< t!o:n oi t »• ^.-.i I r mill1 4 >.» on.- I !i> main tin I, ..f the ti.t .*/ L-: ;> e.' ,* i, I i. Minima I., rimimeiit started for home, he was in si ii iii to lie in', i tf 1. First ranir In nit Selwyn epl 1 ing. ah e- tie 111 '•» li Ill'll-- the of Maine ll '"•red ei-iit nru-s 1111: tni.i'i m- ; I u .- itire skin ui a small animal. ,i■ patronage have boos: run- out Iron, the -ll 11 |'eef •; it op.-: Id. Ill- II. In. V m !,,| tl'.r .'I* am- -i at I i aw ad .sentetn-e. ! him aslec;) Ids ann-ehaii' in the dark Colt dsotl. lip Ah how e a l>e;n fati N o\ ember the -«- and lliere and it t »lb> s that two d 1stinet arches that are t.> form the lue.-l i' th" mu,!.-| ,\! ,*|; „|ein lireed- thateMT-meiuorahleday many slaying the;, Me Hut little hylit emu" .a tu-. 11• 1 supposed he would he shot bill lle years it would lake to make Madge fill get day In i.-ss than mouths fro.a m-w the bubble are be picked up by unybods who wi.l lake tin sohl ret | II, Ills li L -I I .,* i' II ave got till- t. ■■■'• ivied te ,' II! ate a enlist met eei ilia;' I n't i the red curtains and i! "a.- will have been liven vote, from Fast trouble to -Iowa after tt. \ w a.> no' ,i4 u -1 'A .'.it .. .o -!'"'c mi- not. M e under.stood the of in- it ! There weir four in the boat that uni', pricked p. practical pm loek prop. |\ *4, hen tie reipt »! Id \ I I- I H III. !i hr a a a si a i" : plea !•- nave "all the niudern "I Kitten, from Mat’a to i- »rt Ken* will have son. acting till- would do well to <•. s- o| slllltlf.o oll.llif l.ia 4 11!•• k wah eo| mvs Ui V- Me: o. in .-u I Ii. ,k saved him. and he was allowed to the yluw the lire that slmued him his port upon .-.tipjo.-ttoil, sanity with the measured heat ami to •' nls passed, rip- imard and understood the disg ac-ial and oju ope-ration* mi that -»t the t'ar: "---an Sea heetiiifcT the two ir-h-es nave w av al;4 tie Wafer .• 1 Ml- «. ml I .lie V dO A I. .1 u,,s riiey ha\e .'lie, reded in white hail and hilly M ar l She knelt story, part enme limne. of st 1 .lark's of tills, the Fusion ii -pes wid witiier like Jonah's which ii old turn was the Man rn-tn 4 into ihe imvis 11r*• life lines >* coll list I III lll.imlltlll Id .urn. ..Ill I* ■ 11 A ."I I* a 'kill ple pair along hy gourd. j styled Spanish | nel.i'in,u tan hams, liosidu him. as she "lieu did I'or a W < talk M and 'oiiri.-r. rout- > '. reedy shallow.- ami green wooded hanks ( ingor lug tin* billowed ny tin- Spanish 'ummiiv ship- know n, are nii-.-u:^ <>lli a -u\ i.*-v m h tv.- iov in lw,. Hi- .! m!. : '! t •.••!, a an in r ui .| v small 'h. miders 1 I It is eiitiich cli;li .u-ti'i istic when he was in that eh nr. and die w.ike on their homeward from Mexico and < outral i le 4 .).line.- < i- .i>,. ■■ .| >;.I he nlijcclioi; ol til" Upper I halms. I'hr two gii Is way pel hcvy a in,,i ni -I It America Icons to soul h lost Tie >: a .aryi lard. is ri.iiinril ii.:.' In < ii■-eil Iiv I li-ni'ial I'htistcil him hi stealing Inn hand Into hi- A Nuw J il'o-Saving Boat. I’lm mil kepi well the ard, -nporintei lent flunks he air m tin i iw *t:.• ho i,..t |.-i -liaird the '".i-hiiiiird seat at tlm stern, 1 : he demands well III ot tin- lesser Alltillov and made !m|- t ilihe: :ill;.-t ave ; !, I.! -I M 111 Ii.I Mn i'', I., '-nrli lm>||,e-s I \t .ill ,i >.f the market lias e • t “\\ In> is it (.1 si|dlt Ipe4 tin* i>1111.!< inn iil'u lilr.iiill electi>1;i fly .No. Mady in. 1 their white woolen tl.riii Karlv id.-' v:iiig .'ongr*\*- made an the sea the between Ibunin hnudieil it1."!; are at w rk to 4 iv oi new tff ill.-I’! .-t t I-. Ml llllt t ve l|.m'!l|0|'h,|;l ■ shawl-guarding | a, open through passage pa-- jol.rueil a is I' this .t hr mi .style tick**: tin' cTeeuliuck state committee little lllll! to I'll ll tion for lln* and of a ica w e I';, from the imill ot the autumn wind, i.rr- patl'ial construction testing tile bout, and Martinieo In this storm swept, r-a to tile tn-ihfi. ,e\ ill let .,<■ I li 11.. 1 i> mid .. 1 'i! at him ,.| hi** "eel a, l ie- ,•! d.-mand' nalare. "I tll-Illl'I III'V." to !>•• 11iiilt a idan invented D 1* strewn of them were m-t. ll less t e s m M as I: Maine The lieniiiiTals have ulsr.iih trude was the upon !•;> I'aptaiu region, hundreds Ltdei. there hall 11: da} hi as \ n ,-ipt signed l.y \\ 1' watching shores and tile 1 I a 1 not I,III) *■ Dobbins ul tin* service t —V' 1 'atistlell. Idle ; 1 ill ee he I 1 life-anng he life with pdd and silver ami stone- tney went The follow iiivi staieinehl w as made oie I’. ,1. I< I or -'It .In lee. -1 s signed 11 \ M; i.||o| 111~el: Die 111 a 111 I I'‘11 I "III' places i 'ai>.i srluyti. sic bryan, imt m; precious 11 running thinking in her boats m u-e at ;d the Ii to >• a > d- : m y i- a‘i. lal.i d reat mi. l’.i ipples. tjuirt. present fe-aviug stat urn* the bottom And riches inealeulab a--, n n iif sun t-»l Infill in* n ",-eapi 4 »>i i i 111 r, s'. Ii j dl L !. ||. h- Ii I f I'll! lle’Mllllemg* ; ini; el lli lire, nhaekei -. \•. a i Jciici al It an t inn tn jukr any mill r, lest sill' ! miyllt in. -. >- 1 a easy-going way. Madge, with ate enlistraeti'd Her Kngli.-h j lated the coral lloi-r ot tin- shallow a I n Irv ini’ to through i; 4o..: i.-a-1_: "Il II" a,: .: i.'iele I i u bright paileri. They upon pa— ulit am ; e, lint hr alilr tn I'll who illll tile all'lilhlte "1 .. diselusr all llrr t are boat-, ait on iur t t on [! e ii a ,, muh|rs, good tollable mill uf del't he old conditions limit 1 eas11IV IMS air lock into the elt mil., r tie Id I stg; d > |l I ,1 II tor I \| '| 1 l nient, not with .1 oh/ect lift seekIhp temporal a talking a in ml n a .. r ■ vs a! 11 annul I '.v uit tn their weight To mule-them "seif lead be was wa\ a t e id- i. u • a i: Ie ileiiH" nils anil the ai eelihaeliei s. hut w the tell vua s.ine thin.y, and sun great righting" ; rich could not worked Ten tathoms is led, jai ned in tin- 4o.n 4< -pi’e Hi k'. |-1, i.. i. .i -1 ,i ith dal k-l.r,ti lted, travel-bronz- • a am' d a keel w• ig!iii nu I'M is a to — --<» Ko [es. ,r It« ;r.:e~ :imi the elecnhack state committee won't lir will \uii. Hu uiatii'i' pounds attach i ureal depth tor a truMmd elive-r aceeimj b-!i. and etlorts iif tho-e ahead oiihl ;i. hro ;: sou. .Ir M or M M I —m U. nl man, who was from his turn at anyn, what a- is tu i resting ed. I’aptain Dobbin* cure.- the same result at that he is ot uu\ w-nk \nd its ihe 4..or eiosed him md held uni a-' Hunkd < II' •. If ; > ."dia'i'd ulitaia liis limny has a 11 is r by | depth incapable upon ila i_rht neither t<> accept in the j propo the -culls. Ih was cliarmed with the a modilication .stupe o| the vessel. The even at live tathoms he can work o.ilt tor -up e \S11pl■ \\ "4w a:.', to I the lie u t" 11 \ ai I _'■! Hon, *|| I I a ; ■! "lit |'"i,tl|]e. II' his aneestul' ; 111' j lull inr 11i11111 n**r tn chouse candidates tuuk her I'aee bet'.seen his hands, ha ter mm the inventor to i at a n in m t ■ '• ,, in.' .o V. .... I way in- chatted and listened to his tales loilowmg Superinten- of mmutes tune Hut the moilern submarine out. and when the mil wa.- t-'ei produce I Von ! v a lie a \eta wi.itlil die ill 'hurt time, i» a and the lire Hashed dent Kimball shows that the invention is a sue armor enables man. without to ti.ii.nn-. door wav » a 1!«-4 *ut to those u no ha i It 1 t .i.uo mt ti.-- a •■** g t'.e t... i...„,u i for ejectors. It understood tint state f halt tlm woi al i• up and slimsei| him | any regard eseape.l with a I'l'fn■ a 11.-•:n 1 i he hiilg, to an mo t< v t a--: -t am >■ f * t; •! modern hv i a seden- < under water from minute- I them i"" and 11 p-1 Items \ I' I. lid embers the ply neee.'Sity Oil\ el11 loll to he railed to meet, lei il ol huw earnest it was. stay twenty !,.■!(. srll-rolisriousnoss. What Would he IT-l.-i mg to \ eirs o| ,1 urn* at I have I .!•• a1. :a a It*, hand, j hour at a tune ami to descend to a dept It of ten hem. foil: d’ T 11 i"' l e.l ,.s Like yorinand lie i >r a state In "I am ui 11-; remarked, lie; the election 11 ami'," lie said, I sell ii s 1 Imi' -aid if la- had known the that "nuthiny to >a\ In- gl ting ul boat authorized let ! tathoms casik \li that is t lie-ivtore, to lie refused ! e a \ 111 1 use |'. -a i.f W"1|I l 11 > > -1“' if :. I items «.I *..i, ■i his !’• ai thought by imeossary. special |*" j pm mil iiiuiialit him. M-deti- III : ill ran make me hut as of M arch -I and 1 w is 1 the matter. I'llis is c\eccili||i*l> strove lor entrance into .' anythiny ilerji'ls m ter- completed and tested p*t at the treasures of the Spanish Ma n a -mt slay ami make every tl’.»rt t>. j. .e n st on* X|• so i1,1 jin! 'i:.* ai d \ ai'i-m : im lit' her heart uh ! have sen d to make hint an line as l last, the 17th. by the ami crew of of submarine armor, with its urn air l ie* oilier men w e> aK I lertlis dental u-. -I mug -id.' *. h virtuous law lor a par!> that exists only i .lark with my secniiil ililuylltri a pour liiirsilay keeper accompany escaped -j t-x|*i awkward, 1 hhmdcring, good-pa the life -latum No n, under su of \Voodvvar4 w > ■ e >o > :* *. u Ill- dehylits to his fid low like me an -aving my personal pump, an electric lamp, with its accoinpain im.: heioisui. If 1 i take three da} ,i> In- I a 11 u d. I, ot hid. i.« satisly ji.uii- Ini fusion and trading purposes, hut any- II. ! iol dark hr ulil he. Why, child, 1 riiuiij rhatlgrii into this pel visum The bo il proves to he a perfect sue small a boat of ilireeor four tons in wliii to rescue I he bodu "1 ,,ii dainties, and If am mu lei a elm 1 in-a | battery ap]ietite prtders hodv with halt' an can see id all das use tn-mor- cess It will eye through stranger sin-railed Mr. fit/- right almost instantly, and carry her to p> explorum pit Ity of time to explore Ml. and. At ll mis.mi t m.u"i ii.i- after..' w e kuif n av. ui:e\j. ml- d I!.:»•:> tv... id ,n hi- hands u rl : a." them uell euokeii and seasoned, timidly si j tllC atVair. I.el u.- see. Messieurs delllo- row as mu as tu-inurmw I ran he enure ejvw around with her when full of w’.il.-i most at a rnvi.L' •. w a.-eoiii-t in h alien, and .lark and her guardian had 1 important ot stout heart. This outfit l)cen strong pump for h iw the ater I'l'iid.-i mg ai,> (,| the matter dm- deli,-lent not in the tusks ,i-she is mi and with her crew at out W !' t only uh'n li rials, sax s (leneral IMaisted, il I’apa Seism u im mure, anil Madyr ss ill hr righting their inch the stout heai t to start with, could be pio of the t nni'el. he ll IS Idled the e\11 1111 I a regal. to lm one!,--: gm- ! l.y It I l.a you keep greeted as Ilerhert! 1 ■ lei in■ s'a', i-m.- She shows a sid- of over -i\ in dies out euretl lor about live liumlrcel dollais not a larm- Water in thi* shaft hn.-lalh-ii •• feet si; -e morn east. -1. 11 as hr.-ught on; hct u iited the head ut' the wild hour, \our end oi the for about hut her euusin." testimony haruain, by volim; thinkiny nobody so At last there was a in the talk. she can be bail 'd Sae is Vestment return to be eolilil HU. ill u| is same i. unite the th.-\ were. *"iue ot it and II" is |i.uiso ai.idship. readily when the e-xpei’teil is e>*i:sei|'11‘iiee the reee.luif tide It the them 'trims: sound teeth no me. II so. we will fuse on all "N". indeed 1"<• i ied Madye, -'aide or a ,. very well, She ga\c a sigh, a sad impetuniislv. very stilVunder loot and in -eaway It I ed by millions. impossihi" that tny iiiipri-o:,,-4 w.^kuieu ire d, h-.i*t n -1. "I tP> el!|.-lgem-\ III tie \ |*1 : .i glazing alinmii. lie lie deep prompted by 1 lunger electoral ticket. If not. cannot ssill be w,i- ilte d i llielllt jor the seven men to e of a- ■ you have a “yuu I'apa .sclwyn always al- course, m the business ot treasur-* seekiim. as the water is wit Im. tin* whole I. n*»th lie* tun House .-it iid from in.mi *r\ >-r w.-iv ma-le to .,rd«• r 1 to do a lirst ■ ■' tie- lei longing right, vague I'oar, est .mi| -a ream-, hci fail a* mueli so as n is for the crew of the in to .m-V" mi lie] our voles tin' a simile democratic elector. ways; and I dun’! rare, lor inv euusin a ; all other legitimate enterprises, there are sks in'., in up the im..! ami even it ll is to suit the eonveiiieiire or mvosiiu-s of tin* oera suspicion of the change that was coining seif "M' a ri»'I hove i.iin and soft Kngdsli hailing and rig ding life boats t. eap to be taken us well as fortunes to he made Man In fore.* any air into the me!, as that -io. I, i..faster lillliselt ;us uev.-i re:: leivd ,i de In we have a little in mu o' hit." pos.-ihle slmrt, whip or her lii-ai t, si/*- them The ■>[' but 1 t J impetuous prescribed beam the eatinu sharks have staked out pre cmpti-ui claims j which has f-eei. toreed in Inis *•> ap. tti: i:_r!> tin* t ill It- id 1 he olid iv.-dY.- ot tioveniol hands to he laid over the shoulders if Hut liet yiiardian shook to j you "Are asked .lark, liis liead made it dillicnlt secure the ready righting 1 prettv much ove the < ’arriheau Se*a. and tin* rediou ] shaft It is ;'eai' 4 on!v sevam imu <- -ai-cd as iareelos: : fact he i.a< n.-gle, t«-d t -ett!e Ins ac I all kinds. Iii ran.-e lie is in mi eoinlilinn you cold, Mndgt me ('harm.ue is tic mutual claim lor own dimensions, but 1 have succeed- is well loaded down with IV' crs. saved is mis-i n.; as to»• pin fij'c. pulling away and bending to his yravrly. my pu-tty miasmatic reported eidiit* Sui-d iut,.; d.-Ilt ot l*i;'. 1.lL.ihllllg- himself. lake must creatures strong ed at the lo-s »u a I'lnieel conlideliee of these old in the at heavier boat than 1 designed for I'eoph- w I o escape-tlu-sharks and lever-are r-.-a 1 lie to.!..a tig .s tin H; at r H ... I l -:11 pals stroke. shawl well about "Ms ile,ir, volt will man s roushi.-’ a u" at take little "Keep ymir your pi ical surf boat. She will not over 1000 sonabh sure* of kille-el the Hut soli Iviver TllliUe; ( *lii v i»> -' _m r; — :~ ot !.«• n ;ts in;t I.- I t, .-dull w.-i .- exercise mid live an alt. ti of a II iston weigh be-in# by savage*. J’.u; thi-ugh j .uiited luiriilar. Slate. shoulders. rile b bill) your And, my dear look lil'rliyht h id died down loss. poaiiil'. >wever. which l* pounds less than aside from these trillinu iucouvenie-nces tlu-re is .lli.l Ml lisll. 1 l. L1111 m to lie HCdddit 1" inde.-d The ot a1 h!i lie is delicate in constitution, Advertiser. girl, Spellman extraordinary payment Keiijamm to your \ on have liceti and Mai had tn hlurt our ordinary surf boats weigh She is roomy. nothing that the* treasure seeker will encounter t lie t liUIK 1 Hunker us telegraph o;u-iat ■: t.-r da\- ser el and iii steering, sending Ur rouraye enouyh j i'|iub|e injuries, liable many .*! ■".!. stanch and strong, and and u- a that lu-ed disturb hi» while This I M. while the men were v.t-.-s. while ;it the s.tnir time he was State I’eii the boat into curves like a corkscrew nut with an cll'nrt tile few pulls easily, seriously ei|minimity morning ■ isi wurils: s. I'lie catalogue of tile diseases A l;t had been the with a most beautiful sea boat. : there is to cheer him in tin* e-e-r shitts. that of'the iron root .1 si-mi Ag.-nt 1 1 f-t.n Imd Voting ly spend;!!*: ter ami In.** sister Tin* young your aptain Dobbins has patented iuseiithm, | that iflu* limits King enough lie certainly will find i joining the shaft of the < ■-•uucetiug chambers ;<<• an .-pcrutnr the apital the pn\ meut <>t' -too to greatly n h h ." tn an t w I tv i; «im* inline Vf;i» Miss bad bee:; lit Kell love tils husband, and I ran never ill leemveno for it the his fort mm made Tinu*s. tween the two tunnels ami the shaft tell eld k in the A.lullin' :a.'s otlioe for alleged air mils began to he imported. lady Hope, compensation beyond j ready (TMuladolpliiu sinking gratified with the kindly Ir<*atm«*nt received a; I’oor Cousin .lack I She drew the white rare enmiyli fur him. if I must 1" -atistaetion ot having eoutrilmted to perfect the in. Twcntv eight men were m the tunnel at tne special >ei\ ic.-s as mm at *per u.ght a: I lie n is not (>r, hn- proved pig prolilie. The the old manse, and on I -at mg Im saving service, in which he is a most efficient Catamarans. time, o! which sonic tlie i't t.-r tin saine time the good expressed shawl closely round her, chilled not rnyayed tn him tu-niunusv" here their eight eseape-l through per day payment .'!' n ,s the .smaller the litters t banks lor tin* kindness of the minister, at by officer air lock ami were killed. The a.-eident John Henson. .1 r m* da' tor aroium improved making w 1 "as a twenty per staying the 11111 hut a sudden of remorse. yrrat sob "Mr. l-’it. bout been,thud tlm compressed air was allowed to the least, unprcci .•■; led trau-aetioiis The mom-' Madge's life during the next few weeks great elfort of that nous maiu" Thus Dickens tells us that Harkis : with a in the absence of a sail Catania 1 is t.* ..• often kill their young, aeei- text for tl.** occasion, and I will do all the jimti--.* request. paddle cape. This eoinpressf air ivlmd upon assist was drawn iilegadv tor illegal purpo-cs. and was through in rails are mu t< ill an "I will be t > do all n More and more she for freedom. he "I lingered his until the turn of the tide, le ot arums sizes, tor in the roof, which was also .sustained iliegallv Iramluletit I v and 11' or Domestic glad lh sir. longed "My poor child," said, know your dviug carrying passen- supporting 'expended loolishly design. animals that when, the weld out or replied the H'-w would this one do Kit/nUnn was -ceret. tide going out, Harkis with it. gers freight, and arc eousicered the safest boats i hv strong timber bracing. aud the of the The whole thing is covered from beginning t" end la»!y Lay stay mg in the neighborhood, said! little Madge, 1 lo not gaze do not, as a give much Bravely my In New it is to kill a in the ever tor the surf The of rule, hold upon tin* Hope \eminent but we eon kit*- bobs 1'he that hers. When she heard it she waited i pupil of'every intelligent cat's eye is elongated nary boats of the iron belt with the shaft was being made at Legislature should have clover, and pleasure. family distinguished j eeivc it to be to allude to at liny green grass, when the tide is at the llood. Never count a The catamaran" launched at N\ack is a the time of the accident The work will he proper them this time, The the name of Jones the of |‘nn- with wide, while he told simply j»i<-s "Miei Reasons by prefix wondering eyes, catch or is double hull an inasmuch as the same who the succulent food. They should also offish until the day’s work, sport, done. boat, experimental steamer built by edited night aud day witn all the men that can parties perpetrated ton us,- their it a second for she ! not "■ VVhv should the gave was in time, could not believe th<* the to run on have ceased to out fraud, allowed a wide range, so that and l*,*,,j>h*\* Tun soiiby party. Madge Otherwise. sport is spoiled. Similarly, Commodore Voorhis the Hudson river be until the bodies are i!iii|iiitV cry bribery they ie because advantageously employed and etc and the Hitter> are. th**v are her that One looker-on in her “As know he be sea side farmer never counts his lambs until the between and New York and to t corruption, organs that in have suflieient exercise. purely vegetable. glory night. joy. you Madge,” Xyaek carry pas recovered, which will probably take about Mve upheld young may becaiiM tli* relief afford is U- season of Hut it not two are the administration are their col they permanent called her ; "most in this world have their droppiug is over. is seugers only. The hulls each about two days. The accident will delav the work throughout tilling If a a charming another, the mother gan, people probably pi has good start on milk drawn eause the hoitles contain a tor alone in rural that men and women hundred feet and are to limits with charges ot irregularities m larger <|uaulity the more communities long placed parallel each three weeks Republicans of lair daughters, admitted her cousins than one." And then he t.» hide the lout the teat it is much more to do ])rice than any other Hitter and because all wh<» expression keep up the customs and rites founded on pagan other several teet apart. I'pon these are construct- positive illegalities in the only admin likely ! went use them unit-* in .' that are was charming, but voted her features on to to her that Herbert ancient ed a cabin or saloon istration that ever ■'ril than if the supply of this kind of tying they um<|ualled explain superstitions. Among the (ireeks and Ko for passengers, the pilot brought lasting disgrace upon as a cure for Indigestion. Hiiiotisuess, and all dis Mrs. Fitzallan was a distant and mans it was a common custom for the house, room, etc. As the hulls are the State of Maine. S. laud he stinted. plain I’onsonby-Jones, weighed very cousin, bridegroom engine suppos Never out of with a barber A I'igs that suckle their eases of Liver. See to ed get temper A rue- a, I I, ISSO. the advertisement in other down with silk and that it was to him her father wished her give his bride, on the wedding night, a consid- to displace only a small amount of water an ex July 'lam in a lire will bright-colored jewelry, gentleman not long since was sitting in a barber's past learn to eat grass columns erable sum of money, way of purchase of her speed is expected to be attained. This said, in her finest that Mr. to be married. Fitzallan’s father had by traordiuary chair trying to read the morning newspaper while a a few weeks and will form tone, Selwyn's j person From this no we have de- is the first steam catamaran ever but habits for usage, doubt, constructed, his hair cut. barber in mean “I have nothing but heart to said would be a been the of having The tin* time Tno that will continue my give you." quite il'rsjn'it. Madge companion his labors, and rived the custom of making wedding presents un there are three or four sailing catamarans in these Queer Predicament of a Dog. grazing through life. a to a who ha-1 concluded a suit was worrying him with a long story about the spinster lawyer had no lack of but she a Herbert himself had been loved bv the d'-r which so many The ancient waters which have successful. A hoat is society, kept people groan. proved very barber's and tin* shoemaker's at a Dreeu grass not only the cheapest hat lor her. ••Well.” said the lawyer go to Saxons boy daughter Three weeks ago a line dog, the of gruffly, in the : man as a was “li gave a betrothal ring, or other gift, which which was built more strictly on the catamaran property clerk ; he takes the fees." place conversation for Jack llawkes- dying son, for Herbert ball, a story that was strung out uutil forbearance Karnest Freeman, .lust mu* ih'si kiiki hi loud lor all young am iny was called a wed." and from which we have de- than the others referred to, having three suddenly disappeared, bury, and her love of mischief was when little was an principle ceased to be virtuous, when tin* man being after he was last seen, a son of Mr. oil a farm. It is grati- Madge orphaned baby rived a word. Fifth avenue throws hulls, has not been so but it is believed clipped eighteen days •alskept excellent food Honored and Blessed. very eharmiug successful, looked somewhat and exclaimed. Steve fied to the full his it of I. “You ask what !" an old up annoyed, Parrant, who is a neighbor of Mr. Freeman, a by making of what about .lack, then shoe after the departing bride Is this he that her failure was duo to the hulls the formation of bone and muscle. W lien a board of eminent and diem principally “Oh, cut it short !" which remark the narber under hi* a physicians cause our thought heard dog hark*or howl underground, ists lie called “a hawible muddle.” Hut the said the old man. "That was elevei sterner forefathers ordained that the being rigidly fastened to each other, thus prevent Milk and grass should constitute the chief announced the discovery that by combining my stood as referring to the head of hair he was opera- and related what he had hoard to his father, (hi trivial and trick bridegroom should tap his now made wife on the ing their easy working in a sea |N V. well known valuable remedies, the most triumphs pleasures of the night upon Madge. 1 never said you choppy ting on ; so In* cut it shorter and went on with his riositv a search, and several feet under food of pigs till they are four months old. head w ith his as a token of her submission Tribune. prompted wonderful medicine was which would were were to shoe, ••<_’ut it said the customer, "ii produced, long forgotten by Madge before she marry Jack. I told you of your to her lord ( story. short," again ground they found Mr. Freeman's dog. with barely the of fall should lie fed cure such a and the it approach they wide range of diseases that most all lost one lather’s barber cut still shorter. His story was life enough left to howl. Lie was “taken ten remembrance of a scene that wish. I brought Jack here, the An old tlu* up 'in-stalks, roots, and Ar- other remedies could he with, manv lady visiting Antiquarian Museum in a long one and the unfortunate customer had «»<• handled with and is well. Tin* pumpkins. dispensed in the cousin ‘•Can Indians be derly. care,” doing 1 c were passed conservatory, when the only you knew; and 1 his civilized asks the Baltimore the other on the old easion to “cut it a hokes are excellent for in all sceptical: hut proof of its merits by actual praised Edinburgh day, inspecting ejaculate short" dozen times be supposition is that he entered a burrow some dis pigs stages was bv Caicette can! can! It takes trial has all doubt, anil to the dis music hushed and good qualities -which are line I Ti»e)' They only weapons very earnestly.’and failing to find what fore he got The barber did cut it short. tanee off. after a rabbit or i their and their cultivation can dispelled day heavy curtains, enough about three through. something else, and in growth, coverers ot weeks for the untutored savage to she was asked a visitor if that mr,!,,,,,-. 11 op Hitters, are there was the soft of a few dim call tell you, and a apparently looking for, When that man left the chair, lie was as bald as a enlarging the hole throw tho dirt behind him and ot In- too The only light appreciated by young learn to get drunk, steal, lie about his he could tell her whereabouts strongly urged. supply honored and blessed all as benefactors. neighbors they the Ax ot new born He wears a in church out off his own or by the masses of blossoms and not far from here. I knew that and draw kept baby. smoking cap retreat, you might say he “pull lamps among lady play poker. | Boston Cost. the now. Apostles. ed the hole in after him." j K.ldysville (Ky.) News. I The State Temperance Convention. The Democratic The condition of in as wheat and *Jri:ii*Tins established. In IS?:t the principle prohibiting instead licensing Tkkms. In advance,$2.oo a mittee. It was a settlement was so <• year; thought Mr. Mureh would member of the greenback or democra- MCFARLAND’S pros •March. Ks«|., chairman of the district >mmittee. they had been sold out He it was 'Irani is the of Maine. within the at the of the CORNER, that, Mr I thought shops .settled policy There year, $2.50; expiration MONTVILLE, perous says Thomas. was able to rev ter to have called the convention to a* r \i C A an I.«*i.• st man than a brilliant is. to be sure, -’ill strenuous to but year, $:i.ot). retire to a room and hold a convention tic might vote for either without oinmeud that all state aid order opposition it. party AI'li. 2d. AT I OTMM k special should cease, tor a A *\ kktisivi Tkkms. For one ineli P. Al. candidate, and a view to manifested rather than After square. %one ami that the olliee which I had held should of Deer Isle, was promoting indirectly directly tear be Spoilord, Km|.. tempo no u •t length in column,) $1.00 for one week, ami 25 all by himself, hut this seems to have that it would be lost, since the Re- loony, doubt said Mr Milliken had ehai a trial of nearly thirty years, interrupted by two plan discontinued On the Ioth of October, lx; .:, i laid ernt'for eaeh >uh* are authorized fur the lour uinmspncnr aimnspncrc hy people Spoil in taking t!. if r""iruc 1 th inks •Ml'. .Mr.\ a following atrcnts And li<»1 in Xt tool; the lloor to p j |\ evils of the dram shop than any other nal one over The candi- now, ten years after the arrival ot that in lor legal policy of the speakers, was so charged with l.'IS,001). Republican Hons. S. L. briefly the honor, and had a word to IJirr. mol •.i:• i that a* the Oemoeiatir lmiss. ever devised. s. Nil r.s, No. Treniont st.. lloston. Milliken & W. H. tic ot .Ml m the heart of tic* pleasant Fogler company forest. around rati lied ! lie nominal ion as v ot IMaislt d he did md While the fact tin* State the T K\ \Ns, .*»•_’ M.. llo-jon. the other March that this one man date received and all others re- " II V I*1 U'KSS TUI. MKKTINU. ns lie fields, where tie* tall waves m say concerning (’astute. classic ground, 111 simple that outlaws Washington (is,700, pleasant grain w power h« should eome here and throw a "■ M I’i in. .ill \ It) State and the slimmer hy (Kiei*) dram shop, exerts a powerful influence m forming Co.', >t., lloston, wind. Sleek cattle and heaw tleer.-d remarks soon indicated that ho favored the re "•7 l'ark N. V Uemoeratic convention ceived (ill,.Vi'). A change of 10,5 votes Moiil villc nml I.ilnM*lv M ui'l h ill In* |*i*i*~i*nt. All hrainl in the convention MeN then told how sen1 intent both the sale and use «.f Ihiw, straight might sheep graze in the tireat dear dot public against pastures. mgs. nomination ot March lud [ two eommittee.-. ti 11 *»tc t l until. st.. lloston. ;u-.‘ inv iu 1 i,> ni f< 1111. I’r.iv « ted (Item and It ) were as a the Washington hat e would have Mr. Davis a »i:i»Kir. with c open far into the woods on intoxicating liquors beverage, yet prohib- t .la » >w found himself the other given popular dtages, every vote tit to eome to I*. K« t i. \ Co., in spruce st New 'i ork. nominating almost for the devil to t■ ms night Itaiigor trying tin airaiigcu itory law. like other laws, is of ac- hand. keep R.*p proiuotive good .1 II. 11 \ 11 s. it l’ark Kou New ^ ork. so as to March in of As is the election. This the have out. Hi* h«*i{> eleef a hemoeratie President, to the measure f its enforcement. Kn spite himself. it year opposition f'nun the of the to I. thought there was no more cording founding colony January important now Knc in her-1 sit’d tries t. there had uj»se' forced, it is an success L lien forced, not a Now Sweilou. lx.xo. been sixty five deaths and two bauie than the unquestioned si list IMHKIIs remitting inone\ or to voters of the Tilth 1 Mst’ iet have to chouse choice of candidates. If there are ground old Fifth district L tin wi.ole thill.:. I’laisted, it st tans, has t heels mnk Xi-its no better direct intluencc than license c hundred and sixteen births in tin* community. liave the a*hires- ,>f ha nurd, must -late the oh o 1 nitil had papers go it lie said, tha» *h• H *n »' i- , against, as license is a tcstimonv in as the ttiliee t" which it is to thrive and grow, and out into the forest. It Fifth district an 1 it w It :il:, | testimony jfo. ber next, and we have no doubt as to vote for (icneral I’laisted. (iroenbarkers push t ilth he would vote tor llaucoek This favor of. took on of last week, Imt will cont.line to attract > m lin iv i; imm the |i<.i tippling county Friday grants state election, and if the ,ti Republican l-y turns iiitiiounertm nt did not seem to enthuse .. It is not claimed that sultserihers are to take notice of the who do not a to Maine, ami will u prohibition n ret|iiested what the verdict will be. One is like him have not even the it stipp y eded tie- Sia'e as faithful!/ thing occasion for was even more notable. here told ••. it will hav its r'l- •■'} .1 MiA .rhoi wri.t on to say that M forced an entirely extirpate surreptitious drain date on the eohtreti slips altaelied t the pajter. It 'lass ot labor to the older sectioa ,f tin* si ate (iarcclon to fall back the iiat etc. «* was nisi arranging matters iu Knox and wm is tfie oni\ form of imu used. I-'‘or certain Mmvh did not votes Then, too, I he louni (mu 11 had no vs .•>. selling, any more than laws prohibiting theft and receipt instance, gain many upon. progress made by the Swedish colony douht. ho I > Ma\ >1. means that the i- to loth but Mi K * null.l.-r can •> subscription paid of t io- elect urn of absolutely prevent these crim All the for a lie made at greenbackism as a fiscal is so 11) his at tlii* K < > > a 11 Ham ock and i dish that ifate. \\ lien a new pa\ im*nt i' made, the date by apology speech system during the past ten years in this Maine speech | 111 111 f \ voic,.. How is W-il.l.. I that is claimed is that it can close known \ open, will la* hamred to ami >1 ll>< III UK Its ari cm motjotis w m id ! to \ was reeriveil from w dram correspond. Castine in the nomination, dead that those who adhere to il must l in Aulnn n last ! «*\ wilh r**gar t|M> telegram Augusta and restrict the traflic to >udi secret •s accepting wilderness is and aisiwg filing, shops, \ I;I: K’lit.d I I I IITo-sl l, 1 11 \ | Til 1.1 K I> \TI-.s only equalled, certainly the I) •iiiorra. le tvMiiri tihaek slate rouimiM of a c .. n0c comers amt limited as !.» remove MIK < « u:I; 1 .< I', subscribers iii arrears are re so of appointment ,-:v hmtials M proportions temp an is dim for so far do out sheer perversity. It there not excelled, (’ongrcssinan lV\e -ahi uf ion were in session, I’uioii ail here tat ions lieally apology digni- by the prow I h of towns and protect say mg. right that are not sought tor in concealed bv- to forward the sums due. h’l-i-. ..{ Ho kbttld .Sing >!..• disl < -in tjiiestetl opp .1 n.t ■ I t t The t! ■ Irom hu iiiiid .sigiie i fh«*u and lor arc not thousands of men who see how Republican I»; 1 pill mi !, M | y, -y Kradhury. ay thereby powe t:Jlv aid moral agencies it as to call it ev en an a cities in the West. I lie little col- tec sen h ^ fying apology virpiii i.m t.» American Labor. Lm \u!,iirii in that cao.i. .m one ••!' its me-., aik-i and t has > i.,-, wliiidi read as loi;.. In more than three fourths .»s tin- State, iuelml have been re- maker-camioi -u-laiii I re.- ooatis ii--miual•• M urrn terribly they misled, and of trade, ami ham u as ai-o a ,. b.v I! will le most of t ie rural district.- and speech. ony fifty persons, all told, who landed memiier ot a cot ',.,1.1,;g U| ing cities, N\ae« reilueeil lo ‘I ii e w o, many pel it It III.- pauper I i».. I- ,.| is ueirn t turn to we Ihdfast and If. prohthittou is taitlif'uiiy enforced by tie* ordinary the Republican party shall be on out shot es I--lie \ prudent, rale .-Ii..*-maker m \u ith a ion M, .1,, :p 1 from Sweden ten y ears upo, letup, I.;, an now |»ul lie .( ie't ion .shall I oliicers o| the law. with t e m •-! re The which has been burn an eai from t el\e I’rog. Age, delving .lollai r w« ek ■ •• gratifying worth, th it a cun.a.;i. .• ...... 4l M .‘ell In ed the *■ 'file fraud of In :,v ll>.ilt.Hi-i ! roL \ l.t ts Then is :. it distilh or br« werv disappointed, attempted and took of the live <..rmanv tin- -h". maker- a\era ire v. me- at- singl ry possession hastily am; al: in : or wen- d to the traditions and of week. \ -hor-. the eh.iir. w.f a I t :- in i.ei N..\\. n uai s body the dram arc the or uiaii;. not tak-ei I'm- ... Inigo porn.-:. villages open fathers, has made tin' < j p shops discovery of u admit t lio>, (ii-rnnii sh inf... mr mark* '•.■■■<■ given .or M iu eli, three for llaueoek and K secret rare many those who thought were Jhi unknown, and sales li, a ma ntv of they increased in numbers ami material !"'• »ug c •••'' pros- of «1111 > H Lit W ill bee..,,„- .,| ,,m- ... muni?oh .1 m I. i-t M am1 lee tor i'Jai-t l s.,, ... . rail. <■ thinks it that lien, liarlield. in his the tic- tie* open dram i- unkiu w it I a the has, We InII-l f simp the because either make Hie I «. Milan tor \Y< a ver. but t w a- abandoning Republican partv almost olid imp,.nil,.. Mai loaf t ico I .1 hep cities ul Lewiston and Auburn, with. •_mm,o0 perity hey belief file census -hoe- h.' I'e, i popu letter of made a great mis- etpial to hi- e.i-t .-i makiim \ 111, vii for < acceptance, fancied it was and now find T M Mo; row. lation. xample. the success with which the they corrupt, New -lint down your -li<»e laej.irie- or ••in down \..ui i; pivex Sweden plantation, hi7 inhab- H M Mi'ii. Jo!-: ami Krusti.- i: be lor traflic has take. tiarlield announces the U a ire- eelit. I.ytseli ... restrained lor lnauv p. 1 lit* «*"!iuuitt« •* years. hVpuhli- themselves in association with a gang ot mi credentials haviiij the i: wi n .;j•; oiiitr .mill itlo" to wait don!.- ilie best evidence ot the itants. lint this does not the 'practu ubilitY ami represent Mu:<-ii an i u.i.n can in to the of the flu* liic-t -.via, -n up->n prohibitory political Nijj^M, 1 he ? •: I" .:: w •- entire population of out Swedish the dn-.>.s tin- g n in need J11»• villages sa the Stat to he this colony. HI wo; id are taken Ip i wa'ers -I ; I cmvH,;i,,i“.d m- -p. ke If,, government tion is bitter. The tusionists rommittee h,r the < 11;;.g ar \V,i! ii to make -• y. !«., however, in which our i:iu> are not try I he ot New Sweden soon IVllohscol \\ tear the I. .1 h is never II .1 -ai I Ii-- prohibiten They insist tliut the t inted States is a nation, colony outprew hud intc Kilgore. \| 1! keadiig llatirork Hamilton.1 fad h enforced. ami at least one which it is a show and a Kenuelki • Siiluiou. ii• *im> .1.*•.r fully with ol that big loud noise, but show and [(iarditier <' I!•••*.* r. ample power self its the boundaries of the ami t«» :: .... Wa-hmgton. Arthur Moon- to reuiaAi a or preservation of that adjournment p;, allowed dead letter, r.i'her is er. township ( * Constitution an! tlie laws made in lusiiatiee noise are all can Pos- M course tin* I.. .!. lias eaten a K* inn K :. 11 o rg« >| lorec! as a | date, mid 1! e .. license law. with ail the evil results they accomplish. name and over Supposed .op,,; u ! thereot are tlie law of tlie land spread the ul.jaeent por- Mi .1 II. .M' tgomen was railed h r and I« that eoha* :roiu >-. supreme deer-e Tn- iitiou *t thumbs ton Advertiser hoe saltiHui, ami that is how ir know the hell tl ■ >lt) III111 i-e \\ ; rt mnk.- sjM*t eh. In : oke I am ertaiu the Mate alb*c’s : .« the Hut the Age insists a dill'entit tion ot oodland, Caribou and I’erham. s| rieily portions ,-i.iy upon b ! \! K •:.! 1 •1 'i;s <’ as* Penohscot are < > Memu hi o he would eji.- ! •, v «»{ we 1 ot the c-mand ti.-s-idle troin the salmon tin* lines!. a- ;.ia imj*i.‘[a'i being version o! flic loe itod ill four lea V .a! W.l- this great ami All shou'il n :nl the address at colony, thoiiph towns, 1 should he eight :._r 1.tlU«*iiee t ill -.111 si;, ns. hut also the principle. .-ays adopted ■ |>aiou rtui I hen he nramdp d t | liner ma\ he an ,m!horit\ an I th it n ruiey e ... sw.-rvo ,aai This doctrine tin- 1 States is a nation contemporary i. ■line ut tin- Mate Maine a oj nited forms one solid block and its ('iiieimia! i convention xt. ecupies position the recent State e t 'on vet it inn. population ![.u „.;i r »• .. I He- to wait i. l*ou Mr M ;; eh on : in the sense in wliu-h tt is now set torili ahove is Teinperaiu on hot l»cil>, his know le.lov nt n-h. if respons KOI; lurie-d w !h t he • mitlee a tow and he u l*l;KSiI>i:\T, is as follows : Number of Swedes in New 'ViI II. Hit a spot Oil 11 h I’M -! ! I.e I). ■ n other States, eivn./.-d new tu tlie V-sm-li in other columns. The at nay every community, people. principle published tempt ill the | to t| invention ,,r ra-. t w ha' 1 was Wciifheo scale, wouM he 1 mibi i'iesi-ut,. are with .utmost on what tin s avowed hei'ore nor the time ot tin- re Mas sac h iso! ts ml deepest during hi? : Swedes in r-tt I m< st 'I a i. i\ JAMES A. ol some members of this convention to Sweden, Woodland. Jill; I !;<• del' mg de| | .r- id < ,| t n- and was si, re ii. has ss in tin- Hey g with avidity every nrcumstam e calculated to gradually been litaking progn Itepub -• JP total of Swedish The \\ hit c\ ••» not :a t e m \ !mt »!.e S'at- is he is not the laws ham, population ILuiLfor lug the hall' He d« !lie » im dlsel'eii 11 k •!! l’.eau party, and now tor the tirst lime distinctly enforcing; prohibitory p.etc-,1 .... ,, prohibition any county city K01J VIt-K PKKSIDKNT, nation j|. denied that e was present hills to enforce tile law. the enunciated itt the 77o. ’flic when it shot this arrow ■ a:.. er prohibitory’ Kcpiihlican platform. to the fullest extent was. we think, n--i colony, colony has increased i;. 11j; wi, K: o; a I,' V • diark eel:; et.linu a del- g tact :s at once in ♦ published ev.-iy state, and even CHESTER A. The **i m I W o were eternal lilt:*-- tiliinr ua- ..a a;- a a I .>- a’ > led ted ,!.| a «i,.;led elei tor.ii a ARTHUR, I'hose who schooled ill the helief ihn from .All lo fill in the last decade, a i; ... i g sent as ill-advised but unwarranted, pain 1 abro;t i. evidence tliaf is a tail only !o ■* .. 11 >n s prohibition «>| NF.W VOKK. illu-trated Ilian the 1 .•!' 1,'epuMi. u I,. •,,.! an. I s t. | |,,. w as read* to i< h" -ir« -a .-aid w,- in,. | >.-.!,, : |. Thus it becomes of dal that the id'the stern old nliu Ibundcd tin Of over I hdll bet w t\\ umlerlakei -h- in I. P'dit • .. importance patriots ernor Ifavis has no control over the 'it. pel cent. These SXedes •piarter- I- am diss-tt istn-rl l>r.mcat as t i »w sin mid be enforced, not mole .Market .r. ( ■mum horses < well in pi with tiie ireent,.,, k r- ia-r .. 1 1 only and who atiixed to tin- eon- teles ,.. n**T >-» «•« Kemg :au tiiree of a> t -• government, ball cleared ilim of forest. fourths the State. ls.'n a i«>i; <;i>\ kknok. and ollieials of whom are I’hey < orrect for otiee 'list "l!*'e. 111 I leans -s county many I’ln- Uep H." \Y hell i .1.; i\,. ; |, e.d -aloe to .1!: ahl".l|U those where it is ev« ....* : I exceptional places siitution the tint it raised last P7 I tons Fllll have two funerals on t at n* li.mds ot F. preainhle declaring year of tha.-on. ♦ DANIEL DAVIS, (ireenbaekors on whom devolves the hay, I -lit t lie i roeun.ickei t:, -.i loosely or not at ail. the lb*nio,T;itii and Lia-.-i.back 11> i.i.rli < \ was ordained “ix to kii:m \ partI’merals "'* -* or i. \sr ok: H bushels of wheat, hj»? of .. the tact that law- an let- bushels lye, never et W-e. w.. ever hack ajiv-Mu-m recognt/ aga:i ; j enforcement of these laws, and can only fl.>e. Iletae til. loealiol* !! t t p» any with the h ... i: ki 11 *i nii \ ill' "i:s \ \. appoint special recpiest- Generalities. f**r ot tiuaii. e, -I -• to the views Ni which >:t ; coa,e ,,. i...• hoUs.- brek* i: into an : hi.- st-deii. he at ■ of the \ge. idler ilo ot oats, Jl.ldJ bushels ot The\ up p.opeitv .I- >'!•;!'11 wmi.i.w i:k.ii r. r.a.._•*!. ed to do so. This ho has done in every potatoes. W h a u I« interest-, lninsel; to nice! M-‘‘.ne now. Ii.- \ I- the mini I and the 1 U \ II K« I 'a. ••••« t then of the ,. .... i». punish j those who lmld with Jackson in his war ow n loo horses and (Mil attic In sides scarred veteran, that •! not !;io •. that .. as -poke -r Hu! cue ease thus far. and has been win:; has Ids character and < abused -• ! ml I .- >11" 11 \ \ I >UI>. roundly commonwealth rtt lea.-: the I m a- -I a. h*r h i. i ! IJ ',, e Wo S •• It, li .; ,1 .. l- !.lk' ill v1 taken from Inti. h\ the r inisciler or-.nun n >\\ nullification in I'.'i’J Said Jackson p*'1 ■> I !• I I 1.1 IN m i: niton and mine. In ls?d made lms j-|ri< ].I I U h i: .1* > 11 \>\ by organs doiny. 1 in his at ■ ■ that crisis, in JIHIIl ot and t-v J: a" e s t In the one class ••! CCS. the } in I>Mrm! .MW \ UI» Ii 111 '1! proclamation pounds cheese, IP.slip pounds rile best i-l.m tin- w .i ia n.<- *'Min.a cUeluy. olle! Governor Dinyley load to the convention -p, press coni I had Mill.; .1. >v : r >';i laws 1, a irreat i\ter.t enforce themselves; in tne id' the constitution of hut tec i he \ a ol their live .in- " -.» lhi* It*-.**• ;••*or «•>. **rt t.»n ■ .speaking an abstract from an life farms, tin- K.-piilili.-.ui in:i.-I :all. •!•,,- tlieV arc a dead letter. a-tliet ale id. I "U III.IK!.'I N \ | I lU ("Milll -s. article in the I’roy. cXeep! We have hither!" \ us t'.,- m-r i. .1 i reliction j n v t •• ‘fee h\ oilicer.-the law. of eit j stock and ma that K.'iii.-v i- in.! I’l.rrv y al 11» lVo.ii t»y pm ate i/ons. '■ in W II.1.1 \M I*. \ \t\ I e furminp implements and iu it hmiirnl. !•<*ii*l <»f our I’nioii Wr have receivrd 11 ns tm- Aye and n- 1 ■ (fusion anti-prohibition) lit-. ■; S W.. .ike e theinselve- th-- «•:! i» ot detective ain ;. I I I’ll l \ 1*. >‘*mer-el ., l>Mn. I.IM>M.'l of w ha- 1 u ,S’a;. work the ussetn Med isth-m *1 Ili«* ! :»Ti• •;i \Y«• <; ehicay estimated at sUii.ihiii and'cie bou. benevolent tuotiw.-. I urlli l>; n II \UI.I \ li"l I I.I.1.1. deuminy ox. I'avis for a to l! its to III appointiuy oi;-. ■ have trusted the eel :m«--1 -r <*l A t.-l.-ijraiu v;is ren veil i A call has he,-a is-; ,. ..- i. : .«♦*»* iv|">rt> !, ; I:h,, To remedy this as tar as a I I Hi I'; .'I. 1 II I VII.I.IKKN \ .due of th nr farm sJ difficulty possihit 111 times of »• t ,t products, l.ntm, a/ lion to I- Mifetv. the storm) tin wt;h lor constable in Waldo and said it In-r d tv on th.s m/iimni!... •, -Ui'> !• ri;.* [.onlihuioi I',' ddlii as under Ik ei> as under county, Ir.>m i.. tin- .• 11.-,■ t : ulty nearly great pro | >r domestic foe We hav. ! .k* «1 1 \[ with Tuesilay, Augusta li’-aai Md- eign ! where not a dollat "as ten importance |, r.e h.-e-, p UiUitioU- tile State has f'.aeVd sjieeia. .aw- to »r \\ \LIM1 1 m >T\ MIMIN' IT I ON s. would lie a tin produced sit. re.1 awe as tin- «T our stranye thiny temper- d we W 1.1 ; ,se : a e joilla< 1:uin libertm*. and "Sen.I rc-ilutans ni' ri.iiv.-ntinii t,, l.i-ni- wi | ...... WS against apo. Idle immherx Id:; I "■ aalor ..1- •M.hll U. M K A II >. with nil t lie solemnities ot iviiiioi, l.a\ dried ! years eltlemenl Mi Ti hm t es | ttuee convention to condemn a yovcrniu says kii.d '‘fig and houses of lame. 1 .r-\ the • pi.u \ I.HJI.h I- Ml K l.l>< »\ t* oi-i.itir .-[.Hi- ('i mi mil t \\ ..nil..a- '' leke* s. a II j each other our lives and t-*rt lines here, an.! dwellings and In! barn-. besides t tit* I- to/el ll‘-ai. d ! .■ l;' 1 •,. u.ay: alderman atul »f cities, and the mm.i- ; nr.I.I ( II ( Ml >WM.. I 'f vv police | ! ot m ;ts .!.!«•;, .• and not doiny hat the I 'enioeratii I !.e-e. M, \ .eiio I!,:, w 1 hopes happiness hereafter, I papers | i■ i’e Ms l. M v M III ipal otheers a.. ! -oustables towns, are r* I In i. n I’l l.ali .1‘III1.|> 111 KMM • Mali- <'.>111111i111■ is .| ill waiting IV>r i n. .pared j W "iv we ni stakeii. in t-1., there a eliurc li, and li\ e school 'Ii iinnau of tin- .Nation.o he,. ■' ■ support ny "iinfrymeii. ■’ b> enforce tm--.* law> >.. i. hecatise ot the fact I i;. _m.a *i hrol-al.-.lii >11 \ \ h I I I.I I > were him for doiny. ;• j v lVhi*!.t'< -l .;11 ! eoiideintiiny e V this to ... o; i't-s.illlti.lllS were t; ,e of -. > Ii >\ attaching the >aje \ [ •• !-'.•• uat tlie eoaeeutralion of the \ote in cities I ii 1.1 \ 11 ..nun .«.!.< U« I I. >ll\'< importance house.'- Kltwen miles oi load have been pt„ a it In foreign ! ■ ue ■ our Was our devoid l.eWS have c I1 I n < iii.«\ I i. a-invi ..'Ul-.Ulil UN I. "1.1.11*1 U country paid l.ailliol, d. 1 1 \|. \ u ,; ,H. I. ■tin makes it impossible to secure oflkers. i Ttw Hollos! .lourii it ltie j.a ot tin- 1 'iiiini—i-.u. ..1 iflN 1*. W I N 1 \\ >UTII. wretched. 1 nellieien?. clumsy -ontrivance. whiel; tilfii^os and and a half _r over tho mutty. and will wl.o VI... ‘aithluuv enforce these laws, it in to it;iv .• tin \ t t- ah.'.' turlgiked. thirty-one 1’lie Fusion i> Ml, m m l -made 0|iiiii. Iiiult whatever say press are.illy Ht.i M ■ I .t. m i\ .!•> j this new doctrine would make it I’d wi pledge people. Tiie m- d---ir-- I j,*r !:• tic- of the otb .s of law to tin* at]air> tit’ tin- rat •* s •• Uepuith. duty the wit. ! ■ I»eiii«'« !»t*i iit lmli a: in a be- 1' ■ ordinary ... party. condition, > <>u !, I: 11 ::. uoi m- l.itil !• i, ! !<•<( > ourseh to the support f an i."thing, a. !■ | passable tin put the relations exist i:i_; at'i'ii sen- lild lie t here would oe ;.o dl v || .-f.i-r.tV- ami other den, ties, .t inak- airy (iiveiihaek hoped complaints lie paper. (Korkhm.l a iia\ a!' r .. j The Caatme Convention. hie that must blown away >v t he lo st In eat h sides the 77* T- «• i I *' I !i> j toe exalte.t 1o tl.e ot const brilly Aside lilr 1 ie -•■n H M ill ell patrols. whom task Ip.nil'll, I llise It we v ., 'her:*! are -m-u:. to he der-la-* m it u- user A'oostook and \pj di -y. made met at mi County, about I,nun lillisl si ii •' 1 tion which Castillo Tuesday tutMint! reform was entrust d IM the mine- •! sill pert. It lie ahon: iineliliilia. to- Mate ill t e e,d. t >a ! | | The of the .-.eriioi' and eotim .1 to or.yani mtion, has nut the i tylit to call to duty appoint •a si:..w sanction tint the >• ites in’itv such i ut u ts of the all of u .1 that ! he ..? Mu." v rw or in.,re constables wa> mme in num- Washington p State, horn ih-pn ij tali h. m sm !. I last than ■ Mlpposr. tetnpor- respectable ai. m "t > a a- unit its members fn •' anomaly the history fujidameutal any action which, 1.1 !i 11 IS anl\ do the neglected work nf■ ■reVinefit until have been drawn til M line the | bers and material, and with mie turn .\o We wt-re not mistake; letter by |vp,v- II m.-oek and Ftiirlisl, I'liere ne voters the or i e\eep- as 1 leiiioe;ats see lit to mumc.p.ilit} si.all he u.eli, may take, i i- .'i :■ '■ eonnty "t this instrnmont is tr*-e from t Ins radieai Sel rile New \ ., let ll 11 in : K in* hut t i.ov n, -i home a be to great I;. tioils of the o|- filial colonist s. unfaithful ..;iL er- a '• si»j piatil with those m> timi iis were marheil una- •; i' H »•' r ill It at a ■: prueeciiiims by faul s g re< eonti t 1: ta For when that notices tod of the |) tic r -. •... 111. II w.i; do their diitv. instance, paper rase mi hallil. I ale .r.itvh pails t.«»n it> The fact that slleli a exisrs w il! terestina hey the lee, 111 •* •" : •“*l! -‘f decorum. Auuine these its spirit evident liitv!.- niseis it eolimy eoiiteroi.ce of the ,f,. ,.. !’**r it Mi i*ii.e> *h*- the i. .v ! nimity ami pres- | "w th mu ll that the i :; inanitcM.y duty reyret ti-moeratie • < To S \ Y TU \T \N Y SI \ n: M \ ^ \ f I ilia tor a ■ ana! boat, uitti a iimn.m mi ireelih.u k Mate iiiim,' i.• i' er.e.r a .d t,, ..i^mm. > >;es be m-w t" ('Veil in appoint, ent were such as perhaps many people "l the < well known democrats i’LKASl K K SK' I!I’K I i:o\l THi;i Mo\ is To State ('oinmittei seen sa:d ireeli ha« io r.- laid .aaeed a -..a.; In* satisfied that the -lientl' have tit to nmiii slmeii lion: a In an m*g say tu \t i mtki> st vti.s aim: \o|- this while mure hoaril, unknown I '-'111’ il it! s I l.l'ei- thi: \ State, will be Mad pier eieel, e'-. ti; W- 1 many < !eet> to faithfully enforce lh. hiw. Th-' .lame- It. and .lolin ( ol Kast An: .l-i *!>'.-• I .1 :!r‘ U-l.t i- Talbot, nate a e temper N ATION Mi Samuel \\ alts ot I'hoi.eiston lot hole seven f ||;li k u;i J -!, •inre ot 'I'he wmnaa in the ease mike, it ii n men M um» ask and 4-> peel that i;. > dutv to learn how these hard-workim', holiest tna- Frank l-’oej laid said la- u..,, 1 A of Calais, John w,.i,‘d : d il lie e X e e: 11V t* Ulel, t -hail he Machias, .MrNichol, It will In* found tlut (t.miclii is si;IV-1 \ eieetor at is of an d.*pml larye,"it utility impel- •I.’ > < per interest ! ■ and indust rious Swedes w ere a hi- ina- -Ion !,as -w a', |. I ■ ‘I .1 .iso! A I.* S.-.ll I. -it Mi •« ‘filled lh g>>o ! faith. mi I.ha' Me- ,iw lio "i always may he Machias. John I!, hodman ami w; e,, 1 J.ym-ii. liillowjiiLt the ti irk so v ami tineiier. lietnoerats know what action ! I t■ *r fusion -t ■ ii-':; ; ! \t ■ n u ... «d 1m- State V. !i.i11■;■.tii•.111 ed to our part population and hate caused tlie M. \ led 111,;, MV,!, ..-r Cco. S. l’eters, of ('Italics A t he •‘tree in he 11, m " rat i lie.; il. 1> Ml. u .- i-n-.l do l.o’ ask tor the appointment of -'.eh otlieers ;n Kllsworth, trod 1 tv .l.irkson. I'lir \„re mi desire to take, and what candidates >al lot I salely they wildn iie to as i,w. ‘•in n at | eonvefltio!! and he he T ••o e.Mihty unless, n dear that the ordiuan ot- idoss.ini the The par! ol I >ccr f. M. ol means, in Maine, .ml ('mi a and ..!•• ue-,! |,« tiers •: O’ 'pi.third, Isle, Morrow, taken, to it desire to in nomination. re a ,d h«er- Um- hsw liegiect t(* ellb 'lee I he law h a put mililly. they put Tin platl'orm address oi 1 loti. \\ \\ .1 -•' 1 Thomas r., who t lie ii« s! eaie 1 .da!- .,■ I ,., ; .• r«‘a- U.aMe .se a manner, heea we the >earsmont, Kdw. Ciishiuo. of Camden man e at Fi nla\ e\ t — reeogti’/e fart lie e\- enina. < Hu-. u : v need small vvolldel that 1 leinoerats Fry \iihii|ti hori At Till-, I I; at. | w ’• I.i ml'; ..'in*'! ‘■. it ■.:•'>• til St eiino-i', oi ol ,-Ve|> I !■■ he I,ad ti, ^ an work. W•• ..•• rt'oiu a of i ten. tile idea Swedish ilUlilli A. >. Ii:i e, report l'laisteir.sspeeeli 0 V e the o|,nt: e- I. and of Koeklaud. Hut an infamous toner., »r ami < mineil h.i ; v ll It. i»' hot a-K that ! ilr.-r eo|l>t ahleS shall be tie ol though press their disyust at tile constant tiua K 11 I’; :>•: il,. >111 t-s;.. at w.- impu- r ation, mo-- a .- of the 1 a M ai;-l u w ud ! i -r i'll" '• Stamlisli oth. take lie follow- miplcte history but simply th ii they -hall lie true a:.d 1 he rank and lile of the old I of .Inly rei erse tile \ enliet of the a' the h-morraey dence Ilf 1; I cell bark dictation. 1 he it lie- he vi .it e.t! \M [--..pie I»? -spi-et IIJ ! -r.• .1 ■! d.< i- ;.t me- who will do the work entrusted to ! colony from its I-Toin the I>r< >rk a: Liml; the Fifth 1 >istrict were ing inception. pub >" -III -V. -.1. : e |;i id iai}|a! m-m a itniiiit tear or tavor fairly represented, polls. Solon in Bed with his lisle-d abstract we as low ail i \ •!Ml,,. Me \ ., « ^ '• thus Hr ivlerreil to lie' luitioiei! e.ti kma >\sli*m .o Boohs on ipiole follows insist g oil the duty ol tie Mate to the which had animated these men spirit in ei that 1 It* oo. I s to lejiislatioii He- ':itt*r<-si tic lev ;t; the Mr '1 Il w n ,1 ;■ euDslahh .-htolce t> laws l.i'fi.u; ,etiln-s> !i r,, rile Swriles 1:1 till' Ill ni.oie 1 1 O'llipoliir.U j \ <-• i—*. ii, .mi III tli was "1 tile in.i:o e 1 lie* lit* li.,a ie n- iii<|(-nt who has -j b-i. to.- ..r otlieers elected in lie Democratic pense Itu-v Ibickspurt irif.-si.1 f" lit' ill It .(JO N t* VS S.v'c-li' W .Is .III i.ha;y hy t|T p,., |last wanting. A > ve had t heir ii litre o i i re l t Mlhsel /ei 1 ill* l.-ilis! a 1 ,.o,. ■ 'Ueh in matei >1 in Mgieel their we deSin to on the ].r before enlivened urn hn ui.!‘Token ! to; Tie* >''t ."l.u i.-s ot the tow proxies prosperity A .ill ;i!.ik'. .it Hi.' duly impress were in columns with uslnp •-t"- M- N n i. min, | ignored the 1 .1 l;-d ci .I ivtlv e tfiends of principles Speeches to he which a.- weir IV! !• I> .' m n n m.inicd without a ; tile Vital ot se ! currency |teo[tle. privilege settler the fell that . Iml to importance a'S a past year', lor H am -„-k. i-lt S.I. ,1 t hat w ;• il Me ! worth millions. I* ill smile the 1'nHnu ! \ •• I.»11:111.1 loe.o oilieer-. and of made and found no in formal in.uyv sharp poll, by ten fills \ 1 .. -t only was it iinsettled. hut i' il t; i"i. n. l especially expression tl." -did So il i 111 -e \. \ ; .> ct ih Wonder how will he J sin-n!!s and ( A ttorm vs t ii»• < 1 i. *rs m ot \N ; areal the impl'nr onuty tie!). 1‘l.listeii too far 'HI the ;ma. a,- ,- m eh t ■- re- ihitions. No was presuilleil ini; Il.u;, k a. I ,• ,• 1' nt.'i .i, a. i. > with the e.X'-eiit ion oi philform adopted, w hf!, 1. .id hecit •ukci; b\ \ u.erican settler' o.; harged law- who up llleiit Sw rile b the Tin1 I langur 'unitin're nil is ailing tin* ra: son, .1 in the liy ami eoiintry lor t won!\ ,-a: u a. their full 1'nder our of I ignorance ami of hi' hearers. had be Ml ‘ies'Ttci1 duty system g,»v and haviim ratified the nomination of ereilulity It was setth-i M i-v 1. « teased dm 1' there any eonm-clion bet.iren th J may temporarily .-apply plaee’ot by population > -a v to the into lied with -nli a liah!e a! foil vent ion 1 a.It Mi:’:■ :'ii* ..r lm-dieirnt sherill or * books as lie describe- gelling enived, any nig tne ‘h-i-.iilc ;ro:u I sou to l\n fall oil fro:., Vttornev. i n ami the mg I t> ai oiinty eiiilackers the convention adiminied. ••privileai in. nirM io state s! eal ami the fart that i'1-lloi el'll,a ed to JIVe the /atloli of t!,-- I i i*r..f T I"i*■ l.«*i !*.; rly i. .«i hat we gei a kiek li'iiin l ;u le Soho's --’7 ‘:M.‘* cannot permanently enforce any law unless worth millions" is an n That individual, tu the 1 a.1 hemo,Ta’ lie w ,i. id j: -. 11 11 e w .stai!.. d tin- ot The chairman, Mr. in his ad- many open pi ileye uiitrnry usages Tie- '!re.i.ti ut 11.;::.igrilli *.i t.-oiii I! was tl.ireeloii is a anne\ to his hy sentiment the .top.* Imilililia larae •. « a ■ popular Spotlbrd. hat M are.', is favor a ,• fur: 1 *! u a., ajr ! .-r seems to be in with Ins hoots on The ■ of ji a_ p v i"‘ 'i'd* <»t a county. Iinleed. law-against to all who have eiely. then flowing into the i lilt 1 States at the rate >t pander im ami elioose to electoral Voles of M tl !-, dress taking the chair, sounded the capital sheets are too short, tin* eowhides are visible, tin! house.’ It wotihl he an lima l|-• \[ u. ... ; j. t t !;■• ae-1 ve liyJ iii. d »rt d'l'Mion a ear a ivgiu.eiit day -hut Mowing npproprini sli[.p oi' tin* lair t eare !•■ 'rviisi.i;, ludt d he is a hemoerur a' : and .. ■' a avail themselves it. There is no um money hemoerals don't -M.till.- to ,-;.i u 1> 1 a ! •: majority the people in order to he effect. ve nole m the eonvention. and with one pits' I.i,,a-i l.chts i!icgl--at for him to an ell. Ms- il i’:,n mi key \ oeeupy siller lie u a< !>,>ru, 1 u ,- a, 1-;,,v 1 -, \, e■ •. " tills ear. U » N M M.iS the lies! olli -ers eatlliof .-•.•are a full in I st. S ''a,:,.' >,■■■;•, 1! 11 to nopoly the present tanking s\stem. , I ptay in the a.uae a th.s di.-tru t >• 1. -as .!.• ..; s lie noted hereafter, 'i i- 114-1 ess. exception, every 'Vt-rnor \V I'Veurn dad tirst presented the s i., <*. i lu* :...U K an l a-urn » Uim.*r :' V littN 1 ill II •i the *u ii in tie- name ■,,, W In-11 the III l iu t >n "I' Saiimei > I'l,M try a:e oiitideht that a ot the (fen. Daisied farther that the eon uni i< I Inti. ot >c.u,dii.avin! no ?o the !»*t• ‘iv ha\ iutr Iran it -u hu. I’ti U The eli he tinuame the national banking system Walls, nr now called up- hr -< ■: la ", \ at. :a iu* i U> >. lie M" >.-■■ a a- u i.*-l. fM-mm'ioa. but iii-4. in tavor ot a.- fait!,ml entor«-e ! a lit audidate tor the suffrages of the In ls,‘l an attempt was made i»> a ot company jor. vv io ■■ ia ,.( e,-, a l a -. 11 a! -'.v. :. i- a i •. luei.t Thi- "lb is tii the Km'klail'l ( \1 ai :i e tit ie m eh ! < To, s w 1’hat is not a hail Wr place being tlie ca.-4*. it i> plaihlv flu* ,n tv j necessitates a debt. In pl'esellteil ipillii'll, ge j lain ci-i t foiii edci:. joke, although 1 letiioe: ats of the Tilth District. Some perpetual pub!:.- sonj. apparently ->l hi< own : a .1 ihe temperate-.- men ot tie- Mao- t'o see* 1 hut tlic undertaking prove.1 a failure The that .stalwart t '• reetihaek pro eannot it e» ith aar ma!: was s -' ■ point of fact and (ten. l’laisted eamiot sheet, promptly say improi .pj„>scd to riiv im* wit V A ici. p.-rs.. and -.nly such persons a- can I.,- re- of the it is went to the jeet then slumbered until (leu fhumberlain was delegates, said, \ fm-ru-a;. :! a u a> --a w :: h 111 1 1,1 1 e.illed to the chair lM",h biithfuliy eiibiree our be of the fact the ileeliiies to ‘-eat that ithW." Ihlt the giiti.-rmitonai 11c eloquently Y >•. ka .. i:t r >r t .• m pr**hibit«»ry ignorant hiring past NY i, ■> I■ hr..: I he id I’l.tiso-d .- i- u, .aw>. ar>- t «■ to t eonvention with the intention of Ilf .-lullI .i!. V M.i n I leiiioerats who went tu the t'astine cmi- Heiaht and Fiijlisli two 4 fifteen umlei rule the lent mi: ■ \"ormy tin- 4*111 i«t• s harged with the ordi ! years liepnbliean oft !m !cgi»! it ure and ot the and (liostou nil Tin i-.iaA i.• \t *.•» a-.i'i V iin-ti. ing Mureh and tints their man- people. Hon Jo, il Martin wa- the u-m >• | *• .1 asserting :i. | ot enforcing tie- law in l*'1’’11 the !«•:;islut re aut uorized the I a '• »• ny y debt lias been paid up at the rate of veiition eame back satiateil with a diet appmutmciit Trot your "shrunk shanks" on h uni il-’.iit* !.•* In''..! i.nli •' .:i order :<> are tins result constantly ..ot hood and devotion to Democratic of a e mtiiissioiirr to ascertain what measure, if princi- ■> nt (Ireenliack crow, ate emue hemoi-atie party ami p- ,m p! |; agitation but active ctl'nit. ami it l >r about oil millions a ami the interest and told that ai.v, should h«- by ’lie State to induce set the Sanfonl steaniei ami this way. year adopted his tw,» -, irs hut mi the were cMi.deiacy ijo ;.- -.a > ui .Miji/ation. are 1.reded. 1 men must ples, ground they whip- tleim-nts its M «it*i'. M einperance tu tipon unpeopled township "It t w ami they might like ii. voles, in- ;,is helu u', u i- UK'- !l •-1!' !r t •' lessened between four live millions Tie* commissioners were the l.lldeljee the to \V | j. or coaxed into line and the nomina- Honorable Parker I )i f nine!' s lie a il a Iii oivr li -m parties ped say -"duiM-a 11.- heliev --d ilam -k w, .: j, “> are atb-.eheti. ami if them oum party does iiot and at this rate the P Muricigh. Hon. Widiam small and your histon annually, entire debt t-. T 1! Mai, i, r,, ...,v < tion was made a she to She partv victory nominate -md unites tor tie-se oiln-es. \v!io ea:i by acclamation without l'ng'g that the In is all After a tour ot Arons his wife heeause ate Ijllleh. says through 1 reported tared. Ileal ai.'-'l sit--u.-l--: ah-.\ f 1! \| d to » w ill hr m to p-d.ded upon toree tie- law.-, must vote discharged thirt\ .ears. took c.unity they reported the legislature ot they dissenting voice. to have killed had In-eii lie tried to start her. T t vv«, ajo. and he wished : Ma l..v a :n Mi d. a for rmdidate* by over-driving ls-'f ot' a says years body who ca.i be.' And it no proposing the cob»ni/,ng. .. plan plan uat 10:1. LYfemnj ue r. K s .a. a a- nominates such a man. then Mr. winch was hv t!m a, t ot Marc!, .'.»th. Is." pa:t;. McNichol could not contain liini- New over-led on eraeked emu, atlopted s independent The York Herald intertieued wltieli swelled t: i 11 i n-uioi-i ais u .• r,* ; ■ I : i* til .delates must be in nominalbu To secure “Mouse and out," .11*; au put selt li;> Maivh Mi na- ti.u.k Mui.-h was to 1|,. '•its bui got oil’ and caused his death. Mmself has -.ith, Timm,is end. and to arouse and the speech nominating Congressman Mureli tin1 other day, and I'ngg ;i|i|it>int- K I'u n W ;.- ... : Ta a-tm. .! 1‘ i: intensify temper of a letter in tlic New \mk Her t.le Voters Were I"! I,III C; | ., auce heading pi" sentiment dj aid ot the enforcement of the Mureh before the committee on creden- l“1 ('(iiiiini."iiiiii'i "I liiiini”iation. Hi' Haimm -..1 ham-1 Yl'm navi* ta .-n 1 *• -• no better of Ids imlitness to apparently been over-fed mi eraeked tin- e, uveiitioi M !.:v! vv ,.-i -• '••v e < proof repre- ■ the hx* itive immittee of the State Tetn aid from Monsehead Lake. M tin' N a'. .. h. i: it a u n i! 1 > ■• t- iiu in Knox ,w -w tials had u siiilcil Mti 1. and landed at Uotlicn m.'.; »rity county, and !r- i. ! P y will a Kxecu reported. The lie and sent or other constit- corn. He is swollen itli.some- April -Maiiif iu»• 1111.. am., niiam i! up point prohibitory pledges this, any intelligent certainly » aindei, would vlo ,ts art live Committee in each countv Imre, liitli, and later iu;tt.‘o others made in hchalfof Mureh were such is thing. and his death lie May liirty days <,- oi-ife > i’eters ,,f F:,s w i i.e great wim-h the uency, needed than the views to which political may I»y the way, why didn’t somehod) think progt-.-s* temperance move to M >sed arch, hut it la- w is to .... t.. i: a a .. \\ uient has ma«t- in as to to lie sailed I'rmii t '•> it 1 icn 1 with his ciiin- p 1‘. I' i H u !m.- :• !. t- thi- State during the half give rise conjectures as to what he lie relies looked for in next. >ur_v to this is an olV ai for Whitta- past the. Septeuiber that was ■ gave say for him Uter i!!i -• t*’ expression. upon strati;ii. In- ih.-d |; ; t• >1: a .• .- Maim unlit*.- aini iniiimai idi!ry ought ui'ourage the friends o! temper id the are -one all tanners, and -ms M r IVter> sa ■: a, 1 e,,n... to a >- < -' a •»• auce ii, Maine to (irecuhackers going to do about of business which no [>aiiy titty people ker/ puhia |. .i.l iim'i. ; renewed efforts. We are lighting depression longer One li unit red thonsuud oltire holders, c.ich vp ni to licit Murcli ;.-!it he t, ared ;l was .... u>. >, a lattie not : some on;;, r this Mate, but also for other it. to these to at two votes In- own also had trades. 1',’th tin- According Mr. exists -to make votes for him and his ing outrol least besides .Inly -•I liis trn-nds had joiic hack States other gentlemen, o:i him and countries With tided *• patience, make lor not onh w> •• is not janissaries working pay, Ilalit.ix and tile ilext Live means the closing of e\ eia "Id like now would he to h \1 : ly and ell'orts. we mu Mureh nowand newer wasa (freen- and talked of the of party day ships" unremitting put Maim* in party, “shrinkage to themselves in oiliet. lmt to the ... i ■ 11) IV" >. _• ... •: M keep perpetuate the convention and In- w hd vote ; -: il c j i;. such a as to demonstrate be\ oml on our mast. Hon. W. I’, l-’ne. say position cavil the a of their masters. This vast i- now to St. and Idtii as- •-.I! til- rJ t. -I til- u ... \ backer, but Democrat of the most the volume of the as army pl'oeeedeil .lolill, Inly ship yard and Mr Fei- -> for sou; t ; i- success ot as an ap- currency" causing power l-.uglisli legal prohibitum v-'-a w indispensable Lauded together against iioneral Hancock [ For- vv a honored w a ;. re,- cheers <*• u dit .1 tin ;i h l!,- t.-m h m h of moral in kind, lie if elect- eeiided the >l .lolm liter to Krederiek- I-.?').! adjunct agencies promoting the cause proved pledges himself, of there -mains ; I. w ■ i.i: ! .uni n u stagnation business, although ney’s Progress. in .1 l> U♦**liii.i:., i > ■.<• u the ot Lusioti prevailed IhtesdaN oxford #rt;.. temperance. ton < Ml the It'tll a so b*r i .mi ed, to vote with the Democrats to secure has been no is not of eliild died, that luemuati. with a iu,i' •."'.v Ma j.. embarked Kay 1 II K I 1 !"N shrinkage, and is more money Forney otto the oftiee hut it was a time. count). stormy !•> nominal.- m->i delegates. ti;..t gr. \ ■ tlie of the and lie is the whieh erossed the holder and I'1.- I -. 11 j i I n. W i! -r 1 I’ortiun n T:n- following resolutions were from organization House, outstanding than there was dar- holders. Iiut wants to ho. That's what party statesmen. Samuel .1 Tiblon \! l presented to-day t:<. ••s ii-'i.'i 11 *; .. \ March *>•!,. n-;»• •. the C*unmittee «• w •• said to favor Hancock and stood upon \inei lean soil .;M mini invention and m d h.r. .. .. giving Kng- ing the llusli times which preceded the is the matter w ith .Inly Now Ikiston wants an ohcdisk. til at •*!! lit-;• Ha r 1 j-assa-v In- m c. n.i! k '-ohu d. \v<- oumi' i. tin- -*-t Forney. had not written Ins I.-iter of d.-eln m II,- principles lisb not he red Mr. .1 Mm c. it ■.1 .t \! it ti in tin- addi'i--s I thi- ( on simply three but the whole seven of |s?:i. March the Grccii- just lil'iy. Says Thomas liealth would not -i u him t•» «• adopted eution, panic says p i' -V -. ! .1 v i- u and rarnr-tl\ rerommrnd thai tii'«- -aim- !«<• put uto The liangor Commercial F M is mi At noon on would not have beca uniter \!. i, eleetots. Another bait thrown out backers says Fogg Saturdav, July -d, ixrn. just four b\ -mb iiim-mv- a- shall -<■< m the by will not vote for Hancock but Pish ash Ftsin\< arc exception the stump in the Third district, where lie is tin- months utter tin- ot the act Mackerel plcntiiu! all to make a regular •• -•• 1“ u contain:: .: -«i' a lies am! u .• passage authorizing proceeded «-l**«*ti-mi to ..Jin of men \vh » are in lull a« < "id McNichol and Redman was that if the con- candidate tor That’s news u iiii h h dei!.ii*ei[ hit 11 n il. i,i a as -a. .'•••! Mm: .‘av it't-rm •. >n a! ln-n-w ith. “stand by Weaver" a declaration to greenback t’otigress the undertaking, uud four weeks after the depart along the cast The Vinalhaveu l.ub*ter l-’acli'n .»;►> "van H-a< to tile of this district. Kennebec Journal tire of the irom lirst over witI. nm. and r,i.,min.-- N •' •••• sw .iin -av;v j-.u in- ! h- lt»-.-olved. That the K\e«'llti\e eonilliitt* of vention people | immigrants Sweden, the «'<>. are them .it *1 « cu t .The corrupt tlu- nominated Mureh, Tilden would which the attention of Democrats who Inlying per 1 irt v be in .--t rm Swedish of our State arrived at their new M m eii ai.d slalt-d : :iu! M un d n-s ! n-i : a- a; vwro re- t-d t" appoint for eaeh c**uiit\ a The Commercial is liable to e.dony Tim) tinah) get things Watervilh* Mail record* the <>, .tnmlier t ••l*i < his barrel and capture before lie Hancock mi !- -ami h\ .'•> I: '111 olnl.iton K\*-*uii\e (omniitt*.' ..mpo-ed' d open money and speakers have been roped into fusion is home. We called the spot New Sweden, a mime Ki i. |nil; tlm -in *rc. -in b mep ber- a tin respectfully A Salto i. ; hat iiia; derm proper, who.-** mixed. little while ago it said tiiat at once commemorative ot the past and auspicious siilinon at that [dace f.c irteen puu ier I'le* hoped the uppo-v |; it t without limit would lie to i a-- \ i_v 11-i.iM > «hat tlm mini -w ! duty -ball In- take -m b a' t.-.u a- tin-, in r. supplied carry called. s Ma sa_v for the future. Here in behalf of the State *■! on and Men in the in was a Con- article Fish Maine I.dand*. K i»-" -.ii -■ mink proper for of .eeurimr the ejec- ('apt. Houtelie candidate lor I’1 a.-te.l on M I'iiii"' n. Koiimt I’m i, l>i n tin-purpo-e not the Tilth district but Maine 1 hade n welcome and tv |"[ may fairly the tin* American Uuum-. amt for twenty a ot Imrk tin* colonists ate lirst meal fish is a little ... A \l uic!i. *ter, N H gates divide.1 as (.flows \\ ash _m il In- uc-ted to « all a ina-- < camp their story steep present, -•.ejefy on\eiition of ca:t >:■ :-h am' ha:a. >s : i.trim.t- *• U 11 me k i.l W > men years pasta strong announces on tins aldo •>. Knox !| h. •. u tin temperance of ihi- Mate at Cortland, on or egates, who certainly looked like intelli- Republican, publicly \ mass and will township man stopping at A o k beach. last week caught a '"•fore that he shall no act with the meeting llag raising (oiitest trotn and that had ne. August 20th. plan id«-d it -ball t.r -on-ideivd longer Republican The townships had been rchdted, reducing the except lielliist, * '-ii I S i.n.: Inis i..- -i,I’r-M.i.-ni codli*h 07 I*, and a m ama the committee ln-< <---ar\ to seeure tin- believed all the but shall vote anti exert los iulluem-e lor take in on size of tlie lots from ltd) ».i 100 weighing pout; party settled a unanimous ,,ie It w.i- 1 ..die* t- of gent men, c.oek and bull party, place Moniville, Monday next. acres \ road was by practically t i.- >.l.l I V ! ;' A. I' I U" W It'll 'A that su* h a ronvention be tin- Hancock anil daisied cut into teur their a lew su hse< in* u r lear 11 I t hat both tlii-siM-iety railed; [I’rog. Ago. the township five acres were felled on tishenneii who tried luck mile* j y |t if'-s a .1 :t; \. .v Imar -■ e. stories with which were he I".UNI M-xi* iina-ntion there called t<> take -url act ion a-inav they surfeited, will made (inventor Da- a •• v Speeches by each of thi* lots, and '-•» houses would have given hearing before the commit!. m’- r. .a.- We are authorized to e log further out a halibut over tu o j — r ami! I*• «u and \-w 't rk tinm Ijc deemed nee*---ar\ say that the allot captured weighing \l!. Klee moved he ! -aj been built; hut the Swedes arrived much that but h T ;u w lint that they had the desired ell'eet is vis, lion. Seth I,. Milliken and Col. \\. earlier i!:sts n :» ! u-- a -m 1 icmud it as hundred <\dliig of lirunsuick. •• Majority ami minority n-.vl'.iliohs tavoriug in statement is untrue. Mr. Lancaster says than was antmiputed. and only six houses were pounds_S turn wa.- lost by a vote -d f-.ur !• -a A evident. It lie that some of the II. The Montville and v dependent political action by the prohibitionists very may Fogler. Libert up and only two had glass in the windows Neces caught four barrels of m ickcrel in seven hours, that the delegation headed ! ii 11 M.I that he is a as and ■ a ami the nomination ot Mr made i4t Republican, thorough and tools had also been milled, was tlieu hv1 a <>!. ,,i t.u.rt ... > nVr" : :> a.M tu.» -mnm- endorsing Joy delegates did believe, not that the hand will he in attendance. siiry supplies provided t wo lines and no bait m his hooks.. Several adopted only using S i-M •! >• Kllsworth were presented, hut they were rejected, earnest as he ever was, as will lie made The next day was the Sabbath. The lirst relig I I l| at i-l.t tl-.. the .1 J'! Ill ,1 fate of the nation on tishing vessels have arrived home with was i;..w man. A h- :u «■.. -\ and the majority resolution adopted by a very de- depended the nom- ions set", ice was the funeral of little Hilman Chase. 1‘emuquid mule pel ,j Mr M< i Island Itathin- then manifest at the elec -n 1 "iishl* .hi; --ru is cisive vote. ination of Mureh, lint that the of the coming September Some enthusiastic Democrats had what On Monday attenioon. the farms were distributed a light eatch of lisli. They report dug tish plentv. mully moved that I I: mi; 'i V Mh-r uionsifis eyes •• a '1 ■ an1 'v t itv ,■ A resolution of censure upon ini in— tlrn ; 1st w tmh ed ashore above the lower dam at lirunsuick \* 1 to evening. In the evening the discussion was the other If ting each group draw a cluster, which was after nation, and made his e -I :;.ary last. If so We learn from the Belfast Journal llial Wilmington, Del., day. the -.'iiiuttvd that iiiutv than a !:iiinlrt*d Ini'! day need Mr. i- .... continued aud other propositions were introduced, they certainly guar- ward distributed lot among the members of there is no water running in the lishw.iy of the up lew variations He mtrodii. <1 him.-eP Weaver has made an for a (ireeuhaek by s a \ Sm i\ s d cd hut without to a vote the matter appointment end in view was to he “doubled a the line Jellersoiiiat -tat. S rights ln-m- v •.» coming uj>on the dians. up" group were to mi t ’.- meeting at that office. At it that ho per dam, they probably killed by try mg 1 1 k-d [h ns m Hi ni sw irl» \ •. i.iui- it. convention adjourned. least, says It was determined to set the Swedes at work voted the straight l>oi:i<.1.1: [Rockland Opinion. of reasons for Hi,- »ear f- I’m -*.•.! i..d )-al's i'li-k-d loft) nt u d tort) tice ot Ohio delivered in the ( nited States Rockland, straight placed charge storehouse. Kvcry Swayne and as the since Journal says that so far asmackerel are con In w beinps, Opinion long pre was under a who work to elect March, and ted the IPa \s a -ss,m v .,s sat 1 o! court in October, IS7in the !>■• tried and true Democrat, raised his voice Do working party foreman, reported ashi aii 11 :itr on a harbor supreme (iolyer nomination in Congressman I.a Ma- on < eite I once a week to the The Swedes thus corned there has beiMi a large catch, but tin* Hales and '.inklings retired ;a ate. tin Swan's I'l- on the iii"ima- *•! th- I in pavement case Justice who is a euipted the whole of Jiiekass Onleli, it storekeeper Uh. uldiiin. Swayne, Repub- debt oil. n<. a.on l.oi.d- reu. the bai ter and sale of what is left 7th and is diil the work whieh the State had intended to do paid ,|. the th- main sh —l > a i-ht tin- neeK "h lican. is made to say against tyr’s district, the Indiana, it other hand the of sea packed mackerel public around a voiin. can drink in with its ears all the receipts national hanks -ml and taxation long for them, and wen- paid m the which wiped reduce.! man. son ot Mr Mvn-k 1 Swan's 1-!. am. The with <»cmral a of the Democratic in provisions are less those of 1*7;».... \ of Stajdvs agreement Oarlield, member the Fifth Dis- certain that he will become a mar- than currc*ponih*nt tii.'ii i ul had a party pretty the State would have them had arrived The March ported |.>v.- tea.-t carried him out Hear ot th- vessel. Tin* end -i -.1 < ongisto liim as a fee Greenback given they pay contingent eloquence. s hut A > trict after it has been later in the season tho Island say that a lew since thus far. when Hire. of lloeklaml. slmet strnek him on tin* month ami kmx k- for a < onlract which was itself made to dragged through a Squirrel Squid days Ks»j tli- I procuring tyr by being supplanted by Republican. it It was too late for but two mounted the ; laflorni looked Mr. litre t eel ile was depend upon a future appropriation by < ongres— the mud at the heels crops, July Jt'-tli, a schooner secured .*• h» barrels of mackerel in s,|iiall\ "lit h. reseiled which could of McLellan. He Tlie New York Herald is not so enthu- acres of were and a said that as a heinoerat of twenty itkndiim appropriation only come* from a com Kuglish turnips sown, good Boot 7 no years The G-b. Chronicle has a deal to It bay Harbor, and threw barrel* of small hail to ll"ii (iran-er »i Calais die I Hmrsdav niittec id which he wa>chairman—was a sale of of. declined to good crop of these gathered in November he something sav to the mm volition He ,'oseph simply support Mutated, whom siastic over the nomination of Hancock He w as bom ui ti< ial influence, which no veil can cover,against the of Maine." During the following month, the first birth and ones overboard, dead, saving but goo barrels of should vote for Hancock and believed he word ! morning. Newlmry port. Sept *J.»t 11 say about “the rebels It will IC.'T. .studied law it Sa-". plainc.-d principles of public policy. No counsel loc- he called a or March as the lirst occurred he elm ’ed He was to make some I> Maun*, with Mows Republican renegade, it was. 1'lie Hancock boom opened marriage in the colony. large ones. Some day we shall wonder why going al law w hile bolding high office has a to eratti ii Ilmen II- was ad-.U!-d to the har in |s;{h m. i right pul lind that the voters of the second district That, full large patches of laud were cleared and talk the campaign plain talk that Heim himself in a of who had voted the <»t *1 -*v- I 1 position temptation and under against Democratic “like the of a mackerel are so scarce \ curiou- uiun*ler mats the same 11 ani.s, where lie has il\ •! pre- opening champagne bottle, sixteen acres were sowed with w inter rye and four would understand Political alliance-. In* tence of a j •• making legal argument ourl his official will rebel to the 1 o 1 si net ! I —is in-ci 1 a Son against sending Congress the sea. about 10 in lei. it h. and do w,.- an since I influence officers in and treated the De- with a and a and a acres with winter wheat The public building measuring feet said, might for temporary purposes, but lie ll-[iiil>li. upon public dependent upon bis party Congress whirr, li/./., gush of Ini.'served ii c* hi'aimh-s ! as called the was erected. This imt in favor id’fusion, which involved the destine ot'the legislature an future action. the courts of w ill wind instrument known F. M. eapitol building like a was it Margaree. 1 Certainly justice Fogg. shaped serpent, captured as M o 1 ala s of Knox with and con- hut it is tu n ot one a)..r never lend themselves to enforce contract s obtained mocracy indignity foam,” flatter than dishwater now. stands on state laud and is the property of the party or the othei The In im.. rat,.- tk B last week Abmt thirtv lislieruien armed by such influences. Stale of Maine The hall on the second lloor has of Maine had lost thousand voles n tempt. Mr. McNiehol charged Mr. Rice bad a Democratic Hag at parly forty Some tl at liis They raising been used h r ten as a with axes and succeeded in killing it, Hie few l>\ its alliances This it The Washington correspondent of the Boston predict majority will be even years church, schoolhouse harpoons, past years yeai Good Prospects in Maine. with having thrown a fire brand into the thuu before in tho the other in and for the has nominated Plaisted Then tien Hancock wa- Advertiser says to day that the World has been larger county. Kastport day. which the general rallying place colony. In the after a desperate struggle ..It is reported by- when the emigrants Hocked in. the families nominated at (’ineinnati Think of it A'• -1. v..t.• 1 In* Maine Republican Slate t'oinimtlee at then grossly imposed upon. Those who have charge of and the friends of Murch So says the Rockland of the Greenbaekers but l’lais- spring, judges that salmon an* seen in greater uiim convention, opinion, participated: were here until erect a good for Hancock and are i<> vote ; that n.r at the court records can tied no such lodged they could shelter expected ting. I'.csda) Jul\ •JO, Portland, had report^ say they opinion, near the head ot the IViiobscot river well have there. When Mr. of Minch in this The name was not on the of their own. hors this renegade I l»ns!1 1 Ins l.nk ai I eanvassfs from all the towns in the aud they are certain that Judge Swayne never de- might stopped prospects county. ted’s Hag. Uepnbluan, nearly lie Mato extended a hand to the infant season than before for out mingled hisses ami cheers, cries o| st.ite which indicate tlmt the will ear livered it. The World should explain of undertook to of that helping twenty years brought Republican-' Wallace, Castine, impugn sight prediction the day after the and it order, and him out. and give him a chance It n ot The of unfurled colony guarded with fostering care lint put thirteen the sixteen counties, all of the Mr. Rice’s and to Republicans ISangor the state those u ho themselves is said the chair led in the hissing, hut that does gressional districts, both branches of the Legists The Commencement, now in integrity convey the election will make even the Opinion sick. only helped helped <»euernl Muruside has ail excellent farm at Mi is Colby University of not seem Mr Hire was undismavcd and another on Ad- The passage the of IKSOeost over$1,000, near is probable lure, elect Davis (iuvernor 10.non progress at Waterville, to exert a im- splendid Hag Monday. colony tol, Newport, and said to talk learnedly on by ncArly promises very that he had been w was restored resumed his remarks impression (Rice) bought every dollar of which was paid bv the emigrants root and .Iersox .'I. and hen order tnaji>rit\ Representative Frye says that his dis portant influence upon the future of the Universi- Tlie an dresses were C. crops, corn, cattle. |\Yhig .Inly Opinion publishes urgent ap- made by Gov. Davis and themselves also carried into New Sweden He said the State committee was traveling ar-mmi trii t will furnish J.ooomI'the Ho ty. A change iu the terms, and in the time of up by Mr. Milliken he overshot his mark They Ko exhibited some lino stock at the N majority. I'api. to the of over ijsi.000 in cash and six tons of Jersey the Slate, trying to make terms with the tireen telle has been over the Ith district and eii yearly commencement, the erection of another peal (ireenhackcrs Rockland to A. Ihmtelle. baggage. brings Mr. Rice could well afford Prom 1X70 until now. the state has never a K Fair in in l*7S, where he was hackers, hut they cannot do it The could not Ironi all of it men dormitory and au increase iu the number considerably. paid Portland, present, cour'aging reports parts Many building, contribute funds for it in Knox. He t»l the campaign expenses. dollar, directly or for the of lie knows what a mower a do spoke disagreement who last voted the Fusion ticket, will this of teachers, are matters to be acted upon by the to treat such insinuations with silent con Col. K 11 Bailey lias resigned liis position as indirectly, passage good is. and bought year any Swede to Maine. there and said Mureli was a member of the (ireen x ear the Republicans Mr Millikei;, the trustees. Whether the University shall advance They will he green if they do. editor of the Boston Globe. Meadow King support and needed no before the first of IK7I, a of 11 l back convention which refused to have anything candidate ot the nth district, is eonti to greater usefulness or fall from its present high tempt, defence, though January, colony Republican It is understood to have been merely Swedes—f»K men. '20 women and J»i children had to do with Democrats, but had kicked them out dent of an election Senator Hlaine has entered position among our institutions of learning, is to Mr. of was Another slander laid to rest: Nkw VnitK, .It i.\ 27. I >r. Tanner is in improx ed Montgomery, Camden, impell- campaign settled on the wild lands of Maine. Seven miles That's the kind of a man Mureli is. (Applause ) upon the work of the campaign with his utmost be now determined, an position. spirits to-day and none of yoterdnx nnfax oraMc to New Yoke. 211. A letter from “ornary” of road had been cut through the forest; 1X0 acres We don’t intend to fuse on any such terms Then skill and and with the tirst ot ed rebuke briefly the effervescent Wal- July Judge symptoms wen1 manile-ted. From miduiahf until vigor, commencing states he never rendered an con- of wood had been felled ; 100 acres were for Mureli had voted in on mat the will he the liveliest Swayne opinion ready noon lu* < I rank only half a pint of wafer, lie cnln (’ongress important August, campaign ever Mr. Bergh wants cats taxed. ace. tors the we demning Gen. Garfield. Kilpatrick is coming. cultivation; '20 acres were sowed with winter confidentlx upon the doth .lav of hi- la I against Democratic party ; and are known in tins state. | Lewiston Journal. —il l—QtWrrtHTWK. m KilWMlM—> nr. 1 MM>.WM News of Belfast and Vicinity. The eleirant little steam yaeht Adeleta was in our The Democratic Party. Maine Matters. Tae Criminal Record. harbor on Tuesday. 1 >»•£ — HOMED AlTKNINliS >< ISnOKKD A day-. CAUL SCHUli/.’s l’ICTCKK OF ITS COMPOSITION AN1) LOCAL SKK'H IIKS, COLLISION WHICH PROPERLY COMES I N HER TUE that the hives will ON EBOM 017H EXrilANCES Ilinh course ol tide- (hi- week. llee-keepers say produee larjfe CONSEqFENCES OF ITS SUCCESS TUE FINANCES HEAD OK CRIMINAL. LACES! > id' this —WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY WILL HE nirnisn ly honey year. no Lewiston .Journals local columns A from Detroit a 1» .-.ijnnieneed lt-t don disputeli states terrible disaster lay Sunday. Kvery occur in Carl SSehur/s the man came into an t«»\vn occurred at \n exenrsion to Ml. I>esert is briny talked up for The following passages following—A young up Detroit river, at an earl)' hour ha- one. to the Friday delivered in lud.— store one afternoon, this week, alter u trip when (iarland and steam salurdav next, on steamer Ma\ speeeli Indianapolis, morning, propeller yacht Queen. to with a scratch on one a little ( lie uirl- tlie-e don are hard What is likely to happen a man elevated to post olliee, cheek, Mamie collided, and I lie latter was cut in I wo -ay day fearfully Ins steam Revenue Cutter McCulloch, having relit ted the with such a host his stream of blood trickling from one corner of and sunk. Father of (jitiGura ii Presidency motley upon amidships, Illyeubnrg Tiinity erint|<-. mouth, and his handkerchief to one For deck or Dress, In machinery. sailed on Monday to the eastvv ard. back as the Democratic party is to day That party holding up Catholic church of Detroit, and sixteen of his altar Sleeves, with his hand. “Who’s i" BLOOD AND SKIN \ out thi- time look out forrheatina w ith as now constituted is indeed a wonderful mixture eye been pounding you hoys were on with two women and pedlei N board, together Miss l.ou llaldwin, an aeeoinplished voealist, the storeman. The clerk tore a corner from tlie l.oddy p.ud>. of elements 1 shall certainly not question the yelled engineer, all of whom were lost except Father ot Lewiston, i» to at the l nilarianchurch next a sheet of brown slobbered over sin# convictions and the motives of the enlightened wrapping paper, Hlyenhurg and four of the REMEDIES. V I. \ lit. I. \»< »IM M I AT l\ I'll** olliee at l'oor'- in lhi- ba- boys. |*o—| Mill-, enmity, suudav. and men that are in it. who mean to do it and plastered it on his face. He then remarked '1 lie steamer (iarland bad patriotic l/.'OO excursionists on Tlu* treatment of skin Diseases must he eon titu- boon ilise.mtiniied. with a of sadness in his voice, (losh darn board. tlie host they can for the country with the means tinge The steam yacht Mamie had *Jl persons tional ami local. First tlu- Itlooil. next tv The train was two hours late Tuesday niyht The those purifv have; but ii is not to them to that big Japanese circus tents that the women from an annual exclusion. The •don- the third the l-Alernal •oh. for a eo| tin -on." b n.'W the burden of they unjust say returning night Stren^th, arteiate by ears *rot uushaekled and of the train was left travel On street. I part many of them are not. withm t their under! the way down Lisbon was and there seems to have Symptoms. There is hut one wav to the We are now all our he iinix er-al undoubtedly bright moonlight purify BLACK & WHITE selling -onn two fat each one of these con ami that i- kid up the traek. misgivings as to the latter, and are held when* passed women, with heon no reason, save that of criminal neglect, hlood, through tlu* howel*. liver, why and skin. These the Mi K. (. who ha- been ill lor are the of life associations, founded hig sun umbrellas w ith ham tin* accident should have of the neys organs are natural puri Lewis, -oriou-ly Hark s.;ndi \ they by strength long yellow sharp occurred Fifteen staples, haviiiy eompleted repairs, on tiers of the *ystcm ami earn oil' was.' or dead mat the traditions ot envies and constituencies boo claws around the run 1 walked along the Mamie's were drowned and one is miss me lime, i- -low inn- by passengers ter. < limit ly improx was towed to on where she will a IIisoi.vkm i* the great c*t hlood Uau.a<-r Saturday, within which move and from which curbstone, but one of the vicious creatures gave dig Father was .-aved they they HI) cubing I'uritier in medicine, it i- ;i cathartic, a tonic, a I here w a- a row n tilnhi. She i- im them into the first time she it. islier. Preston A Do. while the clerk, Fred D (lif tion. and *oon Imilds up faster than disease can de BONNETS •numerously Thur-day l ake Quantcbaeook. in searsninul. good intention, laboring under the disadvantage uiy eye spiead to he a to m lies ford, wa> alone A stranger at the sirov, and hence permanently cures. ( n nv.a prox inn ot seeing their aspirations and endeavors hemmed There ought law protect unarmed appeared open ln-ohriu v 1 "urt for Wahlo wa- not lu-hl Tin ot the wire screen in the a Medicinal Jelly for external arre.-i in and battled followers and by circumstances I'm going out to Colorado, where they don't man- ing counter, expressing application, 0! all Kinds from 2 els. lo $4.00. M v Kii'-i lit. 1>\ er, for -ex eral oar- local dipn- by disease. cat- away dead llesh ami *kin, allav in y the ab-emv of .111 I >r« their The man itching irritation, render- do Mil II :1 n->11 oil till 1*1 was to health} Hi. .\\ lilt- ike 110-1 ller-tw It -taml- till his return cutoen handfuls of took a glass of ice about reply, the stranger suddenly reaehed a! Die lloor < > port Tue-«la\. parts certainly m of <<< its leading who have s l.iK'i) and m mu in on the of the.-kin, vv hi-li it *olteii*,W hilen- about tin roast for three week-. aspirati.u many men, nesday morning. The horse of a man win* came currency lying top the and preserves heyoml all ft in I i: \ -*11 vv .ist the old ambitions ot the war period behind in wit!* a load of daily was counter bad disappeared. praise. "nr t.i• reliant- have oiik to eouut on pioduce. frightened !>) *>'■ So vt*. from < U t i: v. i tlu- lir-t ami buyer- Mr. \. lb n uoi to |.»-.ia\ m prepared • ('hai'li iiolij- lielfa-t them, and are now with a spirit endeav two little girls and a new fashioned < arriage Til*- I• I)':'' !.,« k v. r oil.M I i i: I:i !. patriotic baby A 1 III !: onlv medicinal f« on I lie -i-.i-id a- a eerl a i ll b x III im a-ui' miliiia .. at t.u ibe Hi»ICli cask OK A Mim iilN, -oap compounded especially -A T .plant the that pia-a s< rve a-id> th.-y t 1 On the afternoon of went I’leenition. Harking ough. B t is i ! l-le-:mM'o, which iiMt f>r so — Friday purpn-e- of -ettleiiient of tin- e-lati*. impress tneir temper upon tin character r t \\ > Ladies tn f re. 1 M. \.imiei. -on |».,\ i I \!e\a.»-h*r. w le tin- N wliatt tin- was m hand \vhi< h wishing purchase the war and the I.which those dot- its had utlipor! iml agent identified three of tb*- villains There is much ex tin: host city hn*t«*rs railed .• Krvsi'pela>, A I mi ai: n aim that nalis Ma. U. nit will ( hi'oiai > LARGE STOCK iN ■-\ ui \ .1.i la-l arrm i home a few a suM-m blow |;-,s ho; n 11.*• best he eouid it tin re ■■Hi mt nl the eiP/ens. I*-»u ia-i~ and aid Il.-ad. M\ whole v- -pri hrough: upon them, some of them with ing among will t -in. e i 1 v In ad u a find it to their uin-ualh ahumlant this tall '1 hu-lu :ir* as as spouse >! tiii* sleaui'M All seemed to In* wri! as iee, and Inn--, allee;, I advantage l»v -lav a_o He ri'i>oi-|- ihal the uuiilber *-1 um-iu that those defeats were an insult ’veil A lol.b 1 MAN Mini OKA I* lccling I tried all the br.-t w t thi- s'.-aim-i whistle ludiealcd she was bead known advertmed rrnicdir- itli as fa !' i with tr'! IllTTli-. ’o', to them for which in some mu tiial 1 -II. 11 \. lar^v, a ml that I In- l’.iiltie -1 wrong way tiny Di.svik. It < lias no -lire. whatever. \\ a t > l< l thrbr-t lnn_ -p>- tlireel for tin- wharf, when all at om-e "as Norton shot Policeman hy to give us an early call. have sat isfaet > with a desire tovetrie\<* rig doe tor 'it -! la !i« •-«• vague D Neil at was in this «*it-\ that the .oner I got cured tie I (it thill' a _'t tv.f ir*’t nil" .» Iialiili;. M'I„ : (»e.*kiiivr mpl<»ymuiti. heard a horn down the shore The Kokomo. Finlay Norton intoxical Lisle or Berlin. <• •: di' of th<-\ *■ "that aii! am ami'in-Mi u lr- i. \« 11. .11• steamer heard the false signal and I'- sabioti Tlie p«* :lu:;u M 'a a. l'. twa> a'.'i. lent happ-me-l |o Mr not km»« >.a. :,\ wl,u\ am! withal insisting that responding •»> (• land ula >«\i riling-, w itli rieer>inlhe throat ll at liceinaii to arresl him. and was shot ■ a om-e hei <■• and ran for attempted anl I >r 11 ( U a !a;i- it t ii. ..| i*. -.-I.-. I»a — -i- k. n- nli- ui-.i s<»m.‘thi: g is line to th**m as Southern cal ne w tl n .-bow lien-, a with tlu* rest of maukimi he i powered nothing modi»inr a-i are. compared ami i tin* n.iilV.v.-.1 *• o •' « ; »n : V ; •>. fur I .■ s 111 .! M in.: iIluni;uatM>n niiiltt. Mu n wa- foiiml h\ a Inn name.I Irulou, 1111 g ami how to avoul it no nr could si-cin guards iyncin lie t; I.*!'..! t t: h I itiiii;1'. a! her reckless of t he right ■< of others ; with It min pc:.dim prisoner. ha committi other murders and said ho me. in gratitmle for which I make thi- 1 i< -tat Rack! iffe, ■ > u to w 11•'111 to tci! The was ><. tiense that a mg ought |>ut> miii a U li .la tin* n-war-1 w hieii lie re.-ri\i \olir-, ".I". A a. eeptable. faith <7*' hu of the bell on the SIIOOIIM; AKKUAV <»S A April stem which they think eau be manip.i tunately. thought <’ampgrotind, UOAkI* MAIM: VhSSKI. Silk < ■ sy vaguely iliiiiilkm-liii'l's.! I: am- a: unlaul ami I'l'iiir a lark n Mi Ma 11 ! ’.i: tei >ii am I w i IT.«* t • .'rinnel!. I .*. a. ! use*, the attention of from i.ited si as to make them rich pc-pie things i.vv • again by legmde N m»KK,.lulv ..*. I! 11 ry Hardy, a seaman MASONIC TEMPLE. ail.-lfl" *1 W ,i. a !. ■: sa -n nn a -e\ .-re 'eiil i to divine Here wa- a chance to hat 1- It.. "Ji'li .•mil -r!> r-p wit Ii aeei main : i< b‘*th. Their -pan of | piiations shoe' i b.* made *r their particular ben purpose lying at Fast Kleventh si reel, was shot in the if- e t*. eli:. tor all nua had in in the dark the right road. guide those in b\ l ured In Weeks. fti in -miari'L: it varls i.'M— "i aw as la rowing lliein ab-ty board the vess.-l l ,.e lo the < ulletiru Itemeilies w ". -1 — mer.dy .. imuu-y hooner arrived here SHETLAND em Mr. r.'ttei *11' riulit tl.Uh w .-ken. SHAWLS, Tin thi-'-f ■.j»,• i.,-niL’ Imilt T.r.-u : bell was lb<- work of but a :n mient. and its ina-ti-l j' mi ot the with s ''.ndi rope Ii"in \1 urn- country areely any Thursday night a id vvlnle oil the v*\ M- -r- l***i < vi Mr ! itt. -on*- hit arm ln-iow tie How loud dear n the Wl'.KK* A III- it’itf /nn>n. lit s M l» i. *>li. si n ii. f.ollS IS exited it; notes rang darkness telling "in|.!. loVertitnelM Slleii Smith and crew — ••seept age Hardy <|uarreled. arid when the 10 ii"«‘*l am e*‘iiiniit■ t i*r I >I. mi | < 1 i — i*;i ihal < u: -; iv. .• i\ in” a -i-v ere w onmi. the excursionists that were on the * >:• -ealp before tin* ir th<* r<*ae’ c.arv tin-) wrong null latiin lif-i "it \ u_ u-t :.| a '•In i- a their Slat-' and were discharge-!, ill feeling still -xisted 11 is '•“iiU'.rr willi lie- i I I hav. course H W d<*sir«*s c l it the l<> c l i!.,* -.c. U"ri( tlit-in in all 1.• ri11- fur t-r\ \.• i. a-.- ..t ■k. HI 1.1 a mi'll sr--r! M V I *\■ Kl; ! I-IN M It l-'. Well- eall- :.l attempts pirty immediate!} thought Hardy attempted vessel, ,iti**r it W ll s si ai 11 ed b\ long e.Vep, fo till* We tell w (' tell vv to " hat tin- * I > m i.. i"- .all Kr/.-ina, w hirlt \\ a- 11«• t»i: 11 ■ pc all. truth. mg In1 ished bis elothiiig > l.-ii. 1 11 I" a lat all'l elioh -! -ek ot 1. a ■ ■ -. appctlt gel nith ordered Ladies Fan-, ■ \ «• 11 rt • I ill ! >. Ribbons, T' mu: a--a. •-iirlit week- >lui 1 ri lit Ties, '"llrp-. i-itiliail: sun ami ’he sweets <•! oiliet and Shouted in ecstasn s a :»clI lum oil. but as lie in* attention Smith shot 1> |»11 r. i>.*ih » power paid "-.lie; ket ! -. I. e !a a ie 1 ( li’ er ini: « au ,1 .nir < 11- .. Hat-, | to tmist .>l that it cm «'• «-*|ii i; IJi-,>.n.\ i.n r. 1 -ft "HI "U in i lif ., _f ! «■ v alii J i. make the they him is in a critical condition. He is jo greedy Hardy n.'l t >" iniirh in A .t lioje, 1 US b\ .-ay (heir i*rai-r. :tn• I I am ira-an e-iinen; Itoml- are oil'.-ml I. i tain it t »u|- Lord has made sal vat nm live' v ears old and a native ..i'. lo t IF m. a-k 11 mu. I' i- a i-'lvln ii I v \vr< i-r. Smith thrin al>. ail thr .-it v T’ailv \. mr-. i. M I bake A to. New 'l ik Ml- ha ,e dcii.-vc. I. <\ <• 'a h. all I hell w.c arrested IF- is liiplt I Hi N<»1. t nr:un » : mi Kepent. ■Mmi- !, i-id an Knghsh W \\I K!. m \ M VI'/. HOOP Sc. ..I j HOSIERY, SKIRTS. _t : ;m. i-t \s In lb- i*aumn M n;,.'! ot -mai;11'.<■ mstiiiets in >• a ul excellent in stall s- II.led li.c Md hodiMn- bell. Orders mail tilled. > M by promptly 1 > oi .1 li:;. .'I;.tv. I *1-Ii n was I; ii I; klaml I sum Mi!!-. I». m-i. tentioiis. i•:11 1 11;i.. 1 them a large number rest oi.ils, L.-bigii 1 in* the s11M'ii<* 1 I'lL’lit 1 lu* S"lin I ot tin- muni. i.--I W.•.lues.lav > tinl am.-. ulc tbr t .vn.n pilot t»y masked men. sun 1 — 111 .".I al 1" I, I SS llll l hits I'-- A ! '.!•• ■ tfi.i: t: 1111 > 11' < < • u less ambitions j.olnn night I'.-:! .uni t.n- > ".is-- "! tin* vessi ! is, -’M-d t■ !..• haw been boxinn the eompt-s to tin ! -me eha.y«-d pist | : Molly Maguires CUTICURA REMEDIES li" m I'.t--*• -'ii .iiU .-ar. * i. « » « 4 .. years ha-masr*' ••«!<•-» I lk II. r.iiiil. \\ (i.t M.: III save .1 (■ ai ! a I d muster The next i . etnsel ", monmy Hcorge Bonnett, alias hick on. for the murder -.| >» ", < iti'!y l .uoiito at He a vuulv.l \4.ll.INI. «'n .1 11. •. Ul’nht ii ill tl u, eiiaill the pos-e.-sn j eight Friday mofiiiiig made a "a an a i.r ami 1 >nitmi-t '.*;o W "I l-'r -iii BELFAST. MAINE. n..i -| ftn- i..o -an! had nut t a aithe’u ! tli ; ii-• signal <'. l a-hiii-rloii !’»>--om. JI •!' r v le!i an eleim lit. acVer. u 1; be pm iar! speech denying my intention ot harming 'll iiall pa-I Ii '!•»•!. a "I with pow< >t., T.-i-mi -. i»ni.. ami "n--\. lh .. I.omlu, .. I .1 I'M' n at m- I 1 ss a 1-. *m ;fin_ t -r. a:i pair j si1!i• taii!.• was 'how i.» asmtani who in all liinosil) Broun •• joui, 1. 111oi• or lcs>. represent.-d p-.rtie- a 1 n mui-i Prim of < tti t i: v, 11 i_ ii.- it! "t a hai t. ami <•! a ini i_. i. ■. l,:.‘ w i" ■' an- 1 1111 * -. •! s pan p- d«-i signal So weia-jht* -i r k t«• : I u l>a iua-l.f.ii n.c had th- misfortune ot .-\ opi!i,,,i. I" '•*! ■ t. <• j ] j lint l»emoe:a« has K11, III» till-, w 11 k .. ms i:\ii-i.ovi-.K -mall ••-. rut la ear *\t a lamina I u w <• 111 i. artnv i>\ .*m ..tin 4 M-iiim t rain I In-.lir.*< I lull it Mil.- ,i vi ol at«'s who desil'd to u | mill*.! "1 latm eiei-uie a rein.u Uable ot attraction t »r the pi an*l “it half i 111«* tin- • 111 a i»I i r -.f -m.i ll. I Ui power I'he cit ens ot Ich k v i 1. Md are search the -• till- --ssris \ 1 in Vi-st l_Mtl. II was illg "* 'I.V I N S I < I I I am II:!; am I it s.».»n ii m. appal >mI advent ;roils, amt even tin- «la'. : -roiis elements ot pillule! |.r|- l.ut tic ill l: V \I I III. |\ VI In va-.m »r it ■: v ms .rac v .-•• VV-....N !••!' John I Meg' a lahot ’-r. w In* on Sat nr..I 11»1 innit start! d and hat do \- ipp was i! r. I' tiegfi T* *11.1.1 "t > I '. r.-llt « I I I* l: V W I I|. I S v I tli.: im in• ha-1 !•«■•!, I ; a our n. ai l ns i. to ■. am \| |; n*k w "ti: ;• .pal mp’- pow.-i 1 w. I’d a V Ml.' the wile ot "ll " IS.. rent ai •' u > \ me imi:j hut a old woman In-ard in- fight dragged "I'M. ill hai h-r P.arl'rr i ia il u I kin w U Ii s it i- !. v all oil- m •. IC« S and tin id <" ae\ ■11 al! I’sehilL-ly. 'Iris 111j ill. hi- > .'mi— '.>n. ami iti r.-ini'iv *l..w u cun-uiiirr-.'iii ct j stiMUuT 'i •!■!._' aw i:. ilu* lor and If' employer who was absent on bu'iness. to her lar>tr ni>. -1 II s\ r. uiMm \\:nt "i i- t.f sorts ot a- •. i I it h i- at In .-d nn i-i a; thinking | >-u|.|.|\ -■: pi pies « r tlm hill "in- tlm hi»r'.•' -1mill»1«- l ami l. 11. n.t w a ’<-d to L;,..\v w th- was so as : i a’.nl'ei and titer.- d mug tie- sub its so ni,U'\ tendencies and in they iand kept night, Jil'-uil 1 ss m as. Uns I a .-al divergent j to w i; mi : o.t .h.w i. r '■ tier horrible outrages Hu b- tin- ummi Hm ii. ri'inv. Jim h-t-. i: o: 1\ In .-p a) .i. -In- ‘n dinner I iceting Sunday pair eomrrno ... eleim -M-. :.••! 1 tog* th the EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. am s' a! a iij by | nat. ..i:_ was bit room vvlfi she elide a v- red t go out and ■ ■ mu! looted The hoard and lh i 'li 1 la. It ht lilt a lav "III. II p! Ill ialii dc.-ire tin- of e. riiimMil. Mia' away regain spoil- 1 louse J!' „',.ruV;r;::;Ya -! 'Miu. ... io ... I u a w w the but the negro dragged her cOUiNs- I ■ i~I *' *- < .m t •. with toot. ho h a- i tteighboi' I.11 ii. >.it 11 h uni an \.un -i"ii in.:!- ami tlm\ at am.' 'laitf.l I" run. t ll !• \\ i M-V III.' wln-ii tin- parti clues into potter nobody a.'.. II ah-wer-d lilt* Well ilieali llli! oltl ! hack committed further outrages, and beat her 1 tt be ill str.-ntltl! a! d hy voltaic •' k Im las ss in s •• Mi hit ll eleine.ii Will lad) niVnAi-kV'iuuC;,V;;' Inis im M !:, pa m ..ill a ii'I In aki im awa\ train tlm at riam*. uppermost tee to with a eh r IStaemic'1 •' li-'W otie: ;t is t hat in id:- world wde-ti pulp and traetured h.-rskuli llaiiiniat ■ -i -r an lie I h-termine t :.•• mo rent **t m- l'ti people Ibi a _ r- : I ". lilts amt »■-•■■ poP.e ! I e t tied 4 irla'i t-. tin ui-.tVf. lit. w.i- m»t hurt, hut Mr. Ila-'h k iv.a s I’mna to do then ti.-st do a at thud "I harm ileli She was discovered by the t.-'gb a-1 h 111 c v -. -I imiilal C OL LINS' ioa! there the hanh-sl of hard men ha id ... yn THE GREAT STOMACHIC AND LIVER money ■ •s ■■ bv.r> her litisbund was tor and it a 11 i;..\\ v\ I.MT II.I- let la ni* a■ nI fln-ss i|. r w.'i .•in" ■ ! \ I. it «-i >i ii 11 m ami 11.'. 'a til. iimi-li'ihli- II \\a> her:: s,- .t to uiUld their 11.01 telegraphed the "l-Mliarh I cl all lirn |||;|.T.| [ii' baud w ith tbe wild- st of ip.llati":'isttin* Iree-t -".ply the) REGULATOR. l/.eits t.n tiled a -i t nr "l-miarli. mv 1 »\ I n>li-ac-timi. t hr .■ h us i ss a 11‘ t o t h«‘ s dta t e sa m* N -. n ommittce ~|m• |«-1a. -n iiiiif \s a tia«l .: :::••« i ll.' tlm ‘. -': ,.\ < .| hi tmrs I >i Kh a Imr treetrade: an-1 the stillest ot nmists We ml h J j vigilance protect hiarrh-ra iml Pilimi ( “lir. tin-1 r«-\ .ml Wm M.i 'VI \ I 1;!. I 1 I 111." I F ""I » IV Fill! < ol T t-s .1 Ii ... e N.liH'l set lo I.rlel |• lor tin- «■- j [ A AN A ! I KM I I S |.. Kl l.l s VA I ! A \|i t m I AV pill -'Ml ;. Ma i III'! r.'-t. lain \ .. li lid t hem in. their forms d> eiam.g .aria a -1 "tin r < a-. -. »..a the ami... 1 111 li.. i 'lit '.air m.iklif. a n .i urn a :• I. appllfl. plait limalh iM-. 1 ll fill] el lll.i; I I.01 1 I. s! drat ."ii ot ie incuts to one e I 111! \ .V 1 \ 1 I X 1 ol 'ii! A KKt l\ K! \l \ U N i. DAN'.KU.u \-k ! *r .lliii- \ ullai tn P ■“ “i:- Pia-tc: w r< i.rakin. tim iu-inj a -. n* spei pa) satisty pai Fish & ... H Market li' .'in IMS ill tu. II IP II. 1 ]irimipal injur; v "I'M \ ll I l> R 1.1 \ I* w I». T \ ! I \I v ed ot the lau in tin* saiie1 sen Ni 'i i;u. -h. List ■ in is <■ I'M ward Hogan, of 'at ;iii' 1 'Mi-u—*f» ta tlii' an t there; hM-sumptn-n John l) the to d iv on Io- night. Oyster h.'i' whi.-li } t'apt -h-ff■ if " Ul |U -a'.is i" i. in..'. .-<1. a- ill. -train i k. M to Jus ho;,u* u< ir II tli: V-va S ot-.a. from Brook:; returned home with n.' vvite fr.uu New '.a m •;..!< ii II n ill ' .at a a M a. wa) ■ i: ■ u a t.i in 11 ! I'i a ss i \\b men \v v Voik H- with ln-r in th. house an.I in r\l l v till, ml < a.- -inira 1 I»a n-jv. ■ m »-r ilii 11 n the Ii. Ihi!t :n -re. Mai) w hel'e lie ti t- <|i;arreled a le-'.ies- to oi.i t allot, ii oblm.o in the el u »i FOR SALE ! n-a la alni li a ra uid s n t. •'■ |.alli.l. "Ul. "i vK"i. rus " M \ .1 i'aii .I--", iatian an.I illli. Jl-t. .ii.»i tin- i •! 'la- Ul. ! a 11 :-.i_|,l a- .ifll! tt IT I VM THIS (III) TsTUIUsllT.II N.likl T Is |nv-*-ni -I* at" »'e .' dents 111 t lair o.y 11 Mo.- 0 U tt ho !d h-tui ■ .oo'ind '. in while he narrated hus i.-rnM" e.l them and was cut :.c lLgm ,. M. Ia_: ..■ a! i.i't w.-nk. wt- a*-.".1 Inn; I s It It .1 ! *■ * \ M I \!l iv !.l Mi l»1 IMI !"l aii< '•ir iin -t...-k farm, la-t \\ t-fk. s. i.«■. 11. a .' !«■ >' i *.- t debts oi ! l'*»r sale. I' in* most central location. a ml I In. i vn.*.! not ln-sitat.- linen j •u m. lu'.u iy s.’vering it just below t el! .. v IF. < W experience I.IN > I. "Mil UM'.IVMl ! > I I V. '!< l\ ill V III. Urn J.t \|. ,s airs ll'u I lull.- .f i. i.! Ilieh n ee I', i des'ipiils of now ol •n ... mi -;a a\i«u am: tm- latt--i .j..s\ n th'- rat do.v i, 'tali' amt im-t som>- in< n i; u ihtina llic best business ant place in the tr-.jI Uepuhlie Last spiny win 11* on ho trd ti Se K I ea '. gan young | \>\ 'I I I'l \. .it i 1.1 VI I. la I :i I I N la r,ar- .| 'I: l « ! .: s w ;;•!.• s\ a n v a r.i! i. s I ! ei. ,t M: So..? hen >• the heal 11 Ikl .Mainla i v-itn.e atmilM the .loot He olth.m.luo a '" im '.i'i \ iaina-< ss a- mm \ Maim- "pie lU lids ill.I tYolli N'.Va Seotia to \ a Yo.i, Thompson. iskedmm I cit), which sp-cessor can keep. This market M \ I V I: I \ I I v lint N T: 'll. Ill- -I ill-1 '<•! ■ ■st sentiments o| e ;oM to t iie and :t '• ami 'iiiinv ear '•! 111 -' a < m -: 11 I 's a_ai;1 ss a in ■ m and 11n tin still t.i: the stomach •. ,v n u aid wit li li .-mendons fore-, .md 111*- "I. I I | | .111*1 «.-l~ Ii,. 'Illuil'i'li r hai amain .- i.;. 'idie men h id turn- to man two in its and tail;. i"U- "I' has wrr.' it in " in band) IV. i: gilt- .tie wort il not In _r liu1-- ink be n-a; upper part a|.|M lv7 I arim 1' n al.aiit tin- '.turn in '- l"N v\ ;• lull J I liolll -. '.|||-“.|| p.*rl .plant'!;, to a •! otl.e > mined w .. t navel, cult into the lm and m.'o'M ;es llie best advertised market in tin* Male, this is -■ waves 1'ln ,"f .s time to 'as on i.nmd in- tug g n.r if in ut\ .4ii.i -, U »n 11.1 -ailim: l -a I >:ii: ... ai- i >*-;. I* _*n*-.. 1 : ■: iim in -a tin- mar. I: —' 11 tar in!* a- 111 :. e 11. r that th -'•..tna. h and int.-'tim-' 1 B .tb ever ill .plains, i.ssiMN AM. small I" ids either nj.,\ Isiot.s "I w iter prmpm. i* \ ri:i> \i• i:11 \m> i-i i\ tile best business opporliiiiilv ottered the **"!■; I-. i; i'i i !*• hav iml in ..| m- .., ui I <• ■ u .-re take t-» u ti Im m I ■! n w.r.* u 1 tliramvh tin n._ niu!i It \v is r, I.e e a :'. uy when 1 In- es>. went parties the mill »ga as \ ■: it -l Pol :n.r.-olt.--: th upon Muse | hospital. 1 i- :il- .>.',00 ii-l >1 ,000 cit). and will be said at a bargain if applied for at ». ». I’OOK A SON %NI> H. II. >10010 ■m a -t s 1-1. II ilr; u_ a-mi tlm o arrest.-.I 1 h •.. Mi' But us m dan ! i't w. k iit.'' immlri 'i c-tiiiial' the odea..: del ..nations of II iv There wei. un u besides IhytMn tain, ll I, dll', 'ten; elements <'apt. [ I'rlmlpal ami Interest I'njahlr In (mid In \ro once. The purchaser ilia) rel) on a safe invest- '■ ot t > ot th- e a>? \N 1 In- '.!! I" ! Ue Stoll eolliuieni ! t" genu-sly injured wa r. m "a la \ .*’". litth* ! w i-. l tonus ,i... pa;'1;, \ ork. \ Ha- ns. li ."nt -Il 1*1.', U. I J. »\\ II put pal ment. ami an into a lucrative ami cash hitsi- •• I step in tl il c mn- h ! lies :• .-e,.- v. X pel let., the ,huiyer and thirst, a". ! .a- ■ its ; p panes IT. •: i: "mtaam I nn lit. \ ?i•• 1.11 ■ I. ii.'lama :i mot rat u- passed nt* capital. i" ■ ..; in!"-. mwww w t ^ic". i.' u a tin r, apt. Ii. ni.ainin * Length •>( K m-I. 100 mil, v i IS .••'! i•.ini-- !..;■• : -i .•!. I i. : 11. -; ar m ill Id] t tli* .* Vfl For i“- < address REDUCTION j otm: from te-oonpt >j particulars applv GREAT p-- u -• -•• Vi- .-1.- at the cel.-bra M. i■':! m w \vi ■ w :ili tin. of hav i x u -and x ;i ui, is j "ike pics.-ut >700,000. >7,000 | man-in'ffifti m m Tliim m Un r. in- ami "ill.! or th- I »<::.•( rat oi <»hc fjoin a- tuuu.ti: a da\ they were picked gres-. tloii o| the b .-w >u e.iel; decennial. All" \ a. Iati-'H "t !:• I I < I M -" < hv it V"sse! h •..• tin- -• ■ I! ;; 1 -. n h- in !l hr im —'in it e Iva il: ir. Mn* I >« ti; sailors wane dr ss utln n! ini tvs I !i m-. t ..r .v ,_a pari their in.! lOU lead hellll passing *11 ■ 11 -I • »-• ••. — a|f: | til'1 ;.| "'SI.'!. e.. |-1. 1 *.\ tlf Sw e.l,'ll e id’-t V;! I•»w .i. Mi-lii\ 11 I N amt the tier w .-t*.- e : « u i'i1- Indiana 'i'-ui im the fiat rfi$Mitmy totally inseusi* ai »!: ! •: ) > -a: I miirl, Mi. r- i uoininat ltioiu-) 1 I"U a. ■ ■ 1 der voii.iiiai.o ot i. i-.' .:• 1 a. i1 •:»IM*. -ss ss to ;u.- .. j 1 1 armi Hit ••fiti.ltvn. oa. I.andeis. ior the ot t: s S’.it.- broMirht 'ark th" most an a: d ap'ain N’ys.mder 1 m •••i:l) ny InletvM pa V BELFAST. MAINE u a- I., a Mil \\ ii- • \ I •: ; \ a overimrsl.i; d «’ .. ap!. \iHioi-. s -mp.tiif Jones, ot ir:1— torued at *• > a ■ ,f S O •• tireless e.\* tit u hy For ai and ith -I | amir alli|iiiia -us ni.!‘ ia-- a It a- In *i, Ii -r does It preVe; M I >C 111 l.* t ! U "t t! sale an rued Interest. v% iIti a « > Vfter mi •laiinnP :hi- HUM in. ni\ in hi !l iny ill iliy an VVii" I-re a! -ea. all-1 tiler 1.i‘<-enback aattaMo,! i- as '..'tore \\ .'eh- liiifT u a ■■ lustily 'I'i !'•'i' :v a- a. «T. 1,-' -| fin- i.t -l. lb-!, came 'ifgiug tin- .‘ho.r and t.ln.‘ addr.-ss \ r 11 • n oh that Two .. them had solar by I an- n- ai'h a- man;. lie-re w 11• we;-, i•. rii in I'ureinn the) loelaii- tor an ol»-.-rvanee of .u;r natioiia port nr-’.tly ss •••'!.! s. lias.' ..I in Hon \V \Y 1'h- mas. an distract of which I i-.n. In-. A h >Utl.••!•'! M ites nil goihg in t'.ipt i) '' L' M r.-t arm- I uit'h nr.i" that in. -1. i« i -;\ f.---t nine ur-hr-in marks u.-re urn le .i.-v 1» w is. Senator JAMES M. BRAKE & CO.. II !ia t w < are at the < health h; Hamlin. Bankers. for the Next tie.: w.,rk ..f local re; udia!.<-u and de» I arm a hi’ still hospital The aptain's j -u i..i \ o '': n I ■' a t'hamh. i. -! Stone, h.mi -. Days! Mr. i AtrNu, Thirty length ■.t. I'll*- ar-p lal- > .. It is t.-nihiv siiattere ! i.e litti.- Sticktiey Orevel 20 Wall N. | loe:.; rvph initio*. _ d a iho.g ollg very ! ISiiiIdling, M., and lion L.-wi'Barker The weather was delight '• 1 a11i~t ai.'i iuu-r .an. h"im "ii a \a -.M; i- ami In.- t'ormer vyor has deserted him 11 I "‘i :.»> w ;; i I W.*r 1 n »t p- -it. yet j to '! nitai: It. *•!.. .1 -ii ;alf to P>r tin- hem-tit "i a- ■'ear-port "i net Hau l The great impulse appetite rs ore hxperi t.n m• w tVet t New V r. avI tt!.;eil tin- exclusion from power 1 o| boat the water, with .-ledler. food or att Lite. e 'if-T! •• -l-l-• •! 'Iramatie an; ita .mill- 1 plunder. t.. miA e be.-u iili.inccd to the ot \--ars has sMiunlated to degree kcu N"ti..:'i: ha- ever ueei: heard trot., those who Augelscy tweiit) I su efh* Mrs. II. II. !' v ami i- hv the author- «<| l’iiiai"r. \ left the stnkitnr sm.. .m in tie- other boat eoinmitl.-d by poison Wednesday I’m.-, Mclionalds, *1 » " i; I Lmii I! it'-- !■ i-t tie- aii'-hoi- au

o« uni were without doubt all os', -' :-‘'le ea-ioli w a the -i|\ er w c-hi th--) I '"-at Mar- li.. at U :, <-ry eiiio;. iny >i'• \ H w "• > (liuyu •; 1 < Vmmen tal ■' < Ni'-k' .- ami w M-m l.;\ n. ninn OLD TELEGRAPH BUILDING. ti -e| -i.i- apt. ite. -J> iin> l-a.e I'.ak. a:.-I l.ut lit. I. Mb a rot,t ha', it' < ieticral Hancock ever cat: \'i f *i; \i;i*ini. At ouii.s “No Words in thu English Language,” ■' Mi I Mi L u- .-a I n it m 1st in* a eo im. > i lT lit i (lit- tiu. an i. he elected. by very heart} opera! ■ I'lua writes a in Mu is t o\i DRESS HATS! Ut who the ■ < 11. a m um > 1 sa\ s that the | lady lligan, using — -in!' ha- oti \hil>iti'• at tin- --l oilier. ol all t bcse eb-im-uts t he reel, Mirk I minor a: n i-—:Preserving i"-r '• :lh 111:. 1U ho;. aame-l < hai i* 11. 1. p Fish d when ;n lull I'"1 Mi t»\ '.i s Treatment, "rail express the grat t her. with a larye from t!i<- rm! iM.. ne West ami Ninth <'••:n;>a:.;. F.astport.>• j Corner Mam St I lie I,.el bee- -• l« yrowiny "pp" and1'High Belfast. I'Stltl'iel »i-1 K* -t it •- si*s t*,: !c 1 b-cl h-r the henetit I hair reeei\. «l and the >: < Mew ler i-ui| l« -d t >r -it<- th. -tein. with t:.«- ha: a in a.ii. in Mew 'fork. [ f if* ! r '.a Hi. market .1.111 v \ number /> Hi' "I- 1 think i shall he able to walk HALF PRICE! BOSTON. WMirs to Inform his patrons thill In* has (list re- getiier. a a .out ;t. t.-.-t mu- a--- tiie 'Um1 l»o.a!- Iia r< i- :e* li- do.-- i,• *t cover > short naie been hitugrv from with a [•••in: p.m tin- ->irta< aim-ny ess and til these eleiu *llts. it I he s leeess facto,-} hand employ Th the x I'lir Laryi**»l ami \I«M Mi"fiil t ominrrcial turned liostou se or this summer that 1 have been aide to wait I I.- r- -ait **f w- rk m a ti -lull 'lifl'eivmn hetvvveil the w:hi-tif ami is ill its a: I tin- iis'i materials for scarcely vhool In VmiTini. perpemiieular -hall. toy tui party to he lnaintauied strength [•el preserving pack * lb-sides the ><\. sanhne. this ami tin* otn. tor meals Fiery or.e remarks upon the — '*nti:iited in must he satisfied m lde; u> mg. « :• > ii iiroiir-t- -a i!-• !i i- ! u. I a.!' t tlu-vi-i w iti' h -, T" \i hei r < a I* a tile W ilistle W hit'll 11V «*\ the oi-.ier to -leer [o the power. Shade Hats not included, Min piipil- -m*l i I u* FJRST-CLASS STOCK do a business j;i the French Mi- cuieiit in my e .uiplexioii. and I am it* b-l them That will l.r tiie Mtuai:-; companies large inijirm putting nun m»ii KiulMi ami I amimrriui Kram lu '. 1' ■! ut- < H ovv- together. — — m W I! .11 li'i»- a- til..] u riy'it .T enyim-ei of tin (.ulnaiv. apt. on t'esh been F the;, ■> turd Sardine rapidly My bowels, which have ... O and Mi< l; the problem which tin* soldier. t>» wl u Hacking I -ti--1. -ttn- in:n* -e< -n- m. w•! The next, in si/e and bu-mess i- the eoustip r- t u.y life, and terribly -•» since my u11iipr < ramminu S\Ntnii'*.‘’ political science aid management so far hav< been eapat *Ty AT :i i'i a vf-i-l i-e tin- lition 'lem n-irat A n i< iu Sai ! ne (’ ant M —: siekues-. are now belter than 1 have ever known KOI II III MHUI) \M> flllim-ONK -louhl. the \p< \va- fully a scaled book, will have to solve What will lu- unj Sel m m Mar BOOTS & SHOES ! them to be Out Treatise oil I’uMl'iil n i» n \ Vi.lA 1 u ! I f T»• 11 1: 111«• 'liiriuu tin- 11 *! ,u ; 1 >v lit-- rvei j tm A Ibileome. l.m p.i-l tin* St. John.\ pn--. do to the hard money men without riming proprietors They cmplu) "• 1 trip satisfy I !'• In u. Hi* I I**! ~'IM*! ||*'- f Tin 11 •• •! t til •. Which lie will sell fori al I hands both s««v.*s. men and boats its natnie and act : and tul! intor nation tor use, isll the will li-■ d" to with h.-n 1 mu k "Northern K ii re." w a- I at -ea. the tireellhaekers away Wli.t: k'-ep taking j IK 'll ::..•• *•• I' n pi pi'k* up |M.-iti"U- ha- i'oor ha> ia> tin lariin-r- t-'"ka'lv;ui T'-dd's Head Sariime H M Katn man ! sent tree Dies St iuki.ya I’ Ilo'.'and Mil the tireenbackers in the wilhod betraying Faetoi}. Mrs. B. F. WELLS'. Til*- :■.«•*• i' I "I till- 'vIk->: ■!'. a n,. tilth, lat. -J7, l-J-Tin- author party pa-l 1 a 'a i ito !in i I iai'd number-. l-»ny. -pani-h ager. has licet. :n some two years U u ot the hard m<»i:e\ nn-ii li--’-v a ill operation tvroninu k I a 1 i • 11 ><•• pul lit, lax *i I'upi w i ii it '.aim tin- riirlit P lire into r--rl-. : .. d list, i« :'t t Hale _"»1. la.- ha\ p« -ii-pi'-hm-v satisfy >oiilhcrn element, tiiat elamis to good stippli eighty hands are d. I'.rt '-I at la k \\ !i--|i th* n i:v a an. I* 1 j 1 i;i In- the i-mpho It was said ot a fortune hnnier. who was stieiug .ill> t M*H I \!, \TTKV NOV ,i\ en In uiaiiufacttiring. whether i! Min' tin- A m rim.n oi within tw 1 mai and female A at their ta< I ■1 •* t fioitaiiiiua i> nil.-. «• t *.. '• i-H- nail a. Hay ii"t, have been robbed by :• i. anti waramtiseii Young Simpson -1 | lard ii:i- -' ;uii| iiuti! slavery for the hand -t a young lady with a large landed sKWKI) WOiih. which I make a done in tivc an i 1 > ease-. 1 iv ih. I a,.'. II I 1111:1: v I: I». special!}, t rear.-* titled to restitution in some and at tin* same ton tnplo\ .-<-venty hands pack u '-*-k. He lari have shape. 1J estate, that he hard tIn* she trod oil \\ ■ ha«l e\e«-ll.-nt very ground «;w ;l a hi n.'P *: v I: ... M; ihe In st ami time the ot the a day in lively business times, disbursing some most workmanlike manner. t" -'-' an'", tin- l'.Mh iu-t., the lir-t Cunai-'l steamer that keep litanagement goverumeut tire 111. With tin- of a •*.' their •»•*■ pp.-peet within ttie bounds ot and tin among employes t'onnected with The attention ot parties desiring a good 7 per li.-lfa-t. -Fill |\\ < I'm-even; ee-uiomy propitiate : w-tern h.r- • i.«• r-*--.- i tie- \tlantie. arrive.! at llo-ton. lieu a hnsiness in price- t• hitler Northern taxpayei 11 >yv will In* eoiitent tin- I factory quite smoking herring. cent investment is called, to the advertisement in ~ I mor e\« itenu t at the than w .an u mil Ini ear "Huh," Southern men m tin* distribution ot others. \< !:■ sain.on and tish ol all kinds is earned on Warren this iss ie of the old established banking house of 1 THOROUGHBRED now tin arrival"! the entire Hriii>h naval fleet.... will elaim tlnit have furnished the may ot Hrowu employs inn hauiis and averages in good Jamks M. DuaKi: A- Co ol New ork City. BOSTON LEAD MFUCo. n. •••rn ha- -u-t they nit) | •■"lnpieii '1. aii'i ha- on ; business times dim eases a week: out II N arrive-1 al (.rami votes and are therenu'e entitled to the min s share .• pa\s soup- M. **tt-am-iii} 'rthampt"u," •—» t- a si*, a i- I We lake r.i a.teiitioii to the 'i *n. paint.:m mlith naine'l 111 Ami how will he the Northern I>**inocraey it. >.Tm weekly foi hired help ilc does quite an ex pleasure calling M an: "i. the J'• 11i iust from Halifax, N. -. -*hr keep 1 advertisement in another column of the A AYRSHIRE BULLS. ! •'! tensive business m Kussiaii surAiuc in Myrant a !aM. Tilt ii- .I. good spirits and working order bv a distnbui ion packing, PURE 1- 7non ton-. anila- N. Marlin, oj ot the -1 barrel Vt M lehem-rs wharf. 11 Hean | largest, popnlai. ■ i'l;. Ilriy years.' 'l’hese are soim- per I:. I w thr u nt' a half -ha l**w. Tin twenty problems a and hi!.-, rahed ah J7. l-7l has a faetoi v soun ot its kind, and supplies education which ran ,1-1 in*' reeelit! V a-ll"l-e at ( 'll! t V llllllk ha hit'll IV which tin- soldier I'rcsident. wh im* meister and employs Auto U \C-II \M M. s J |>; ■- at a-' ;iimi ai._ri ni -n; unsophisticated he into business life at once Its -tr*'hgi\ P-mimt one of in carried lead < uhoh ot mental has so tar been persons, the sardine business, besides practical n I- >i;«. I \. V. I' \\ \ -I! \ a: a:l -ml I" th- It' -t"ii Tow Herat < "■ ll« sphere activity packing Iii!) ■ are am' till some of the most .a 1 mu- ll";in I— The W"t*k i- men ami boats. graduates legion, I 1,1. 1*1 K ! TM • KI.OOI) ! K I M i< 1111 li \ ISISI I- -IMI*-<»\ line. routine I to the handling of oil tin* lield o| ^^White-i. r j troops Itr,111.1. ma-t- ar he :ak'-n out ami tin- hull -e| )(• I n| PI \lb | ||i II-! A a ileei-l.-* 1 illipr«>'> eluent. !»"i ll ill treat battle and lo tie- narroyv horizon of duly wh ch KltCs lOU SAUK 'll |'.A l‘ FOB SALK Bt ALL IMU (iBISTS. Imp "in out the /Red Lead uud I M« Mnrlr' ntil Iii’"- I’ M leva!"! .1; i- -tate'l that tin- (tranil Jury ( to country I--I : ai! I eol* ■!'. ig army lile in times of peace comprises, will have About two weeks since the city marshal ot 111 !’<’ I:. -1 W .'.-It..1.1111, I- in it tee u th- -eawanhaka 1 i -a -1 r. ha ve *li>eovt n-< I so!\ i- And thes ins he will hav e to solve, A bublin newspaper n an say s A number of / Litharge, prohh : Hallowell sei/ed -JU of marked am. m.i- \ ut Hire. ll-- .mm diith-unu li-.m gallons liquor are ISAAC tliroUnMi an \aiiiiuati<»ii hv that "lie of her not in ne ot the closet, surrounded a tew* deaths uuavoi lably postponed." HILLS, l*at.Tin-l.inrd expert- quiet by i to partles in Augusta, who were at the in Pipe, t iiuuil..-r of I I a* k ha-- ii Lake <• but depot jilaet-'l ■ able mi use llors in consultation, of the Teeth. Pure Block I'll! lord PERCY, Pnv. No. L. III. 1-oil* -Ur-!. -au-inn a fraeiure in tin- luruaee ami peaceful i Hallowell to receive it The was libelled Deeay i.i'-■ha'-'Mik. \ under tin ot' i. a liquor SURGEON Piped upper and li-hiiur in tin- !a-i bewildering pressure DENTIST, > u n w I if. I \ i. 1-7- I l.’IM part;. p.-u-i tin- -u! -< tile. \ hr tin- <.rami tpiiekiy. ami to the law Yestenla\ Vriscs from various causes, hut it I5r* and d> 'Pl'-nt pl'e-eiitlileiil hut ot who spiiled according principally Iron Pump". hundred, thou-ands ■ • I |m \• j.’i i- k alight |U". One. -i v teen in< lie- 1**11 ir. a eager politicians, < Tt h received a he attribuhd to or indis Nil. Ill St., Mr. :111 tt M l:-\ \ K I Jur [" thi-t-n'e't w ill he uia«le .. \ Iherl I law I horn Marshal Young letter from the may early neglect MhIii Hi'lfusl, nil tin* air with a label of sounds and with a pail I \ III. >i 111 *, I. N 1. -. V 1 -nt laul.t on.- *.f the **i what ot' law thev criminate use of tooth and which LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD. Imp iginal li-h. Tin-other >- *-l Augusta parlies a>ki:ig process powders paste.-, lullin'he-1 at Halil, -atur.lav. a lir-t I: -hip demoniimu of emit!ieting ambitious This is a t..>k Imp. 1,1 »U I N \. m* *• II r, I! i would In vc to go to obtain the a momentary whiteness to the teeth while SWII H. Pres. \\\\. J. Bltlld, Teeas. O'ienllN a through liquor give LITTLE. x ouug one. being -oun-wliat -mall l"l'» t"ii- not nameil. There was al-" another that would tax a mar. ot the MARRIED. I'-'M < ’•“'■••p!. Ma yet phenomenal genius i.s to as corrode the enamel. The use of that * I Marshal Vmng desire-, say. that tlm they timely Bouton Tie- li-h 'laiil'll*--- an- am! it. a utmost ot his : but what yviil become of Office 24 &. 26 Oliver St.. uv.pagating launeljeti hv Ih-t-riuyA I»"iim*ll.a -elioou- "I '>7" c.tpae.ty has been he cannot tell what delicate aromatic tooth wash. Fragrant St >/.(»1 XJN T TKUVI> y 1.00—I VMI W TIMK OK MIUHK. liquor spilled exactly < *»i a 11 r > om* is unaided even ieast in W'aldoiioi'o. Jills -Hill. Mr. NS illiam II. v ar- will !urni-h e\eellent ver\ In who by tin* arrest the of Mass. -port, l.eing tons, naim-ii Kh-eiri,- l.iyht, ovviinl the hnihler- process will he neecssa-y to ohain it Hut will speedily progress decay, harden W \\ of lde. and has hut inner on being of Bel fa si and Mr-, trail J. «•»»! s\«*rt!» of aldo I ! >iri ,rf :• i.r•- 111e\ Tll-.-e political nothing the and a to eau^llt Were retltrilC'l to the aii'I o| her -.... '.ea men a -earee at Hath. anxious to accommodate, they can have the gums, delightful fragrance the po||*l. to tin- value of his kegs impart boro. MU. >. I’lllNM 1 I- •ivnian. scioiiMjess measure arguments It removes those which by paying "lie dollar ipicce ‘cash on the nail." breath. ravages >eople In Noil lip.ill. Jills —."it 11, l»s Will \ I ’end let on. \) and which are dinned into his cars, and jim liu> Mrw I arm, KelfuM. Mr. while hor-e. belonging to I lav el l'ateh.on pretences | Journal. sustain in their teeth from the use of awe t and F-o.. Mr. Frank ( urti and Mi-- \nis II. II '-prinyer. the character ot tiie liitcn-s's that him with PLOW SULKY ! • I besiege a Oroaiiti acid articles. I.otli of Norlliport. iip roii'l.ha-il*-\e|'l .lau.nrerou-ten Political Points for \ SAi 1 A< tlM'S HOKSK. their urgency immediate action In >ss a ns ille, J tils d. Its \ F \ iee now in ve-w of all this, wi« In \o. Waldolioro, Juls llili, Mr. i -. IMte!,. I hut- -i v nii$h! last, he fri.trhi•-!».-« 1 .1 l> Ticker'.- the other day ; whereupon she came t" her master, Corrected the. Journal. mower is to mowim: il i> imil'm-m. ea-ier I’m- llie have a to troin a Democratic Weekly for and Vldana ( liotli of right expect victory rubbed her nose and hei en-aler, W'a-hinyPm. Paint ir>-. oil him. held loot, Chemical the uuralleil near -L M M'-ven-' Men Dow is not the lir^t e against up a• r* a a •' e:iu-e\\a> Prohibitory mdidate Is it the inaintenaLe of our t.iilli ! \\ h:b- ( II. SAisur.NT, No. s, Main Mr. .-t. In N Waldol». .|’o, .Inis I III.. Mr. Ness ell III u-h. tram and man. The -ale is m tin public as as to t<>r much say. Hlease extract the glass Mr. \V l- M<; I. I UK ■ lift -. an* I -cut Hie uadii over the wall. iIih Black ran in Is? man n Warren.and Mars \ of No Waldo n ei I- \( lx N11 I |l Id i: I upsetting Presidency. there arc prominent oppouents i>t repudiation in ru«»l»l i|. M \ IJIv Ml'. IMMl'KS I* A 11» I'lJolU < |.U> Bobirs -imhi ihe\ an |o l»r a --.Mierall' 1 i- 1 lie nno\ H. readily took the hint, and the sagacious animal llOlM. Hu .*:•! .ill the Democratic n is a notorious fact that ilivei the intent .1 the Inch- Mr < party, — I H 1 >r ein uiar- or in ho mati":i. ad-l The Republican ‘oiigressioual coiivenliou lor! ! was soon relieved of her too intimate A |»|»!• HI -11 0.1 IlaI tr' ton, <>.iiu, In Juts Itlli. Nli Nahum S •! .i.l the elements hostile t<» the < <1 s acquaintance Milbridye. ouny Tie k.-r a * * oustitntional lb Hides tr 4i»; a--erioii-L iariv«<) tl». I larrinylon and Mi-- Ko-y >. W allaee of Mil In id ire. ot our aU. Best, Cheapest,Handsomest national have gath I LhOirJ.oo !.anili ¥ 12 v > .n the barge obligations loanpoa.lm.-'h !1>, lo.j M Mt. 1). -eri. Jills Till. Mr. tildes IV Kirhard-' n L' 1 1 I ATWOOD, like night -ante animal are*l — glm-tly apj** ot' on uiet — \ M > The Hep Jilieans Last Saturday even ered under the same hauner. Nearly all. if not Me-lium .s I ..V»a 1.70 Laiill* skin-, adyl.7d of Mi Desert and Mr- Mleline Mel,own oi I II- mm 1 ni •• the she- in front of a iiaek its Clippings. ’> o Wiuterport, Maine. «lriving ii:tr .1 nlv 17th. and organized a Hatfield and Mavis all. the States that have repudiated or speak of re 11«*\\ |.'.Mla J.00 Mutton tr tt», 7.i- ss orlh. u m* Hot lor l- 17 -0 < >ats ¥ 12 mI.‘. ar-1, l»ut with liainage. ><»nie one w ill he likel. Flub pudiating their own debts up- Democratic States, lb, o tk* a -li**t gun ami -a\ "avaunt to this with heavy Democratic majorities, furnishing Deni appari Blaine has written a letter to (letieral 4 inure solid ami united tiont than it nas Karlov I:-’ i: -nn.i tr n». » I- put up in all sliadr- ami in park age.- from I lo Senato- j oeratic electoral vote> and <'ongivssuien Who presents luisli, 00ijOa ii.»g DIED. ion. him of his in the since J'StiO. Journal. < I loo si* b'1 lb. r-iii |o si raw ¥ ton, £ t.oo yd.on ; READY TO INVEST IN VESTS. la gallons. 10 Marlield. assuring hearty support will tell ini that it is certain He will l»- more | Albany Evening y < liivkon t-*1 it-. oo Turk.'X tr !»., .in,.on I i: the canvass. beyond tin announcement the name, age, w i. \ i>t- i:\«»i «.ii to niiim.i I'kkson al. Itev. .Mr Hi \ and will visit pending conscientious with to the national debt ll will be I'unny to see the Main(ireenbackors < »!•*» (Nothing of by family regard all >kiu> lb, 11 Veal ¥ it», I \\ >|.alr "I I want lo ha\ e I hem J. W. Frederick & residence, • of deceaset!persons trill he published In hole .Maine, anil Co., Agents, LHfa-t thi- than showed themselves with to their voting for that Moated bondholder, William 11. I MU*k (Hi ii oo II summer.Mr. Will KHtlelict.l ha- tin* is a month ! they regard lb, Wool, wa>lif.|, tr I!., | this made. (i.>od >,wer-. w hellnv -iim'le w omen. mar In organization Republican party next under heading.) own' Have we a to a sound liuan English, Novnubor. Advertiser. Kjw* Ir’ 11 Wool, unwashed, tr lt», :i-‘i j three armed uTri-. or BK LK MUM!. i. at home the week on a vacation... .Clif ahead of where it ever was before at tins time in a right expect [Portland «lo/.., ried women, tw in-, triplei-, AST, past Fow l "a lo NS In Wald n June •iiltli. Mora M.. daiiyhler of \. J. end While there are many sound F" tli, ~ oo.l, har-l, or mother-in law. ean lia\e work al .I policy good, Mr. Weaver will have to e mie all the way to I. i > phans 'l l \bhoit i.-. at home for tin* summer.... Mi1-. Presidential canvass. «Joo*o fc" o >.dt, and Ada sinmt"ii'. ay. sear- and |u month--. men iu the Democratic it is Texas to tiini out that lb, Wood, $2.on, prhv-. A few I 11;> < I. \s- hand hntlon K maker- motiey party, (tjuully the rag baby is dead.' and In I .ineolns i'le, J ul> 111 h. Hannah 1 lean, a veil >1 I a gene Hust i- relatives in the Mr. KIM' A 11 \\l V UK KT. also wanted. OEO. \. pi IMIIV. visiting city.... The Indianapolis. Ind correspondent o| tin well known that the Democratic party has irresist that it is even past resurrection. and 11 month-. Notice. [Statesman year- Ilelfast. dline J.'td, 1' JmJn Thom.i I.othrnp, of Tuft*.- College, is at home until Louisville, Ky Courier Journal says that tin* Re ibly attracted to its fold very large majority ot ( fexas ) Koof, ( nruul, |i* Hi, 7 IIS Oat Meal ¥ lt», a yd*, In I 'nits. Jills iJd, Martini FIs e. -on of Jaim i-i i:^»\> \i:k iii:i:l:i;a K«>iii;im>i:\ canvass of Indiana shows a the Ureoiibackers. inllaHonists and tint Kullor, Sail, [/ 11.• \, JouJJ Onions ¥ Hi, dy»» and Mars Five, ayetl 7 year-. to ruler tin- -Imv >*r !i, Id- **| ilie -uhsei’ih, pteinher Mr- .John iturleigh was in town on publican Republican none} Tin re is 11 * \u. p rippb* in Massachusetts to < oril all J of about Jduo. men It has. indeed in its national ot politics loisll, Oil. Kerosene tr aal.. 11 In We-I Appleton, ills 17th. Mi I'.el-e, Fuller, in Hie low ■> \"i l. a hi k t»r rarrv aw a Mr-, s. v majority platforms show ltip"i pi< •sunday.Mr and itartlett, also Mr. where P*n Puller went under, and no hub < '<-ro Moal lr‘ ah r. .ll... k ¥ -o*. ssife of /.eu.a- '.«» s ar- .ami month.-. late declared for sound money, but in |S7n while I bush, II., Fuller, ayed am berries, w itli«mt permi--ion. \ll person- found « Me to show w here he a I harles all of ttoston, are in the for a The is coining Atlanta ) heese W U I’ork irtti, I'.j In In Jills _.»d, A. J. "-ss eel land, ".'i w i" itrigg-, city Portland correspondent of the Boston Her it for resumption, it demanded at up j pi lb, Uoekporl, ayed BRICK! BRICK!! I re.-pa -inu ill pr*'-eeiilet| aero riling !•• law pronounced Constitution < Oa7 !Plaster ¥ l»M.. .*l .un m on aid thinks that fail 'oiliMi, illya r lb, years. i.l VMI lent time. .Mi Charles Iterrv is at home a Congressman Murrh may easily same time the of the Resumption at the repeal < rauborrio-, l? Meal, ¥ ll», In Koeklaml. Juth, Jame- K. ayed "I ll-< KIIH.K ha- jn.-t lini-hoi Imrnin-. of r«* election lie sees no for the success Some one name the qtoo Kyi- July Thonip-on .1 uI\ I l>so. Mwjo* White of chance law. I what would l ave become of re suggests that the of Plaisted hi- kiln on the Ea-t *Mde. l.'m.nue hriek o| e\ Northport. 'i-.rt vacation... .Mr. Albert's. Kiver-idi-, ask, < 'lover lr lb. UaJ.J sl"i. »rl .> ¥ nwi., $ I .'2d ."•7 s ear- and •'» month-. of in fusion oil See*I, INK Frank Fogg the Second Congressional district. had the law been candidate for (Jovernor’s name, was lett e, II. nt which he o|f, r- to lie piddie. lire k < al., arrived on Friday, lie will spend tin* summer sumption Resumption repeal Fhoir F bbl., .-joi.iKtij'.MNi sugar tr ili, y 11 In Koeklaml. Jins Jl-t, Kebeeey. ss il'e d thclale .|Ualit\ of sound the Hancock and U ig, raised Monda' 11. (. T. do ( liarle- l.eas US || In das-. will lie delivered at the kiln oral an\ part of the A ed Rut while thus speaking money English Sonl tr’ bush, jf.l.’JO Sait, I., tr liu-h, itt, ayed years, month-, Betterment Notice. 111 Jtelfast... .Mr. and Mrs. Ifarlond Wluteoinb, of personal friend of Heneral Hraut in Wash to make eit\. Excellent laeilitir- at the w hart. in their national is it not true evening, room for the Democratic State Lanl tli. O', a 11 s. Potato*** tr tt,. ii ; In Thoma-lon, .lids 17th, Dexter Bennett, ayed -hippina that tin* ex will u**ver platforms e<|tially n an* at Mr. A-a Failure's.... Mrs. iiigtou says President allow Sentinel. Lime fe*' Ma Wheat M'-al. tr tt». 7‘.i ami month-. i* i stiii d i In I in \ttl» in \ .1*1 i: M Itoston, visiting iu a number of the States the most prom platform. [Eastport bbl., tat1. years his name to go before another Presidential Con large In Kll.-s\ J ills Mr-. Brit I Ilelfast, -I n 1 v Jo, l-.-n. 2 \\ ;*.ie Id \-1. -In 1> 0, issn. * • arnian and came on Tuesday. the orth, 17th, lye Burke,ami 'laughters incut inllationists are put forward for highest The record shows Hen Hancock tube I •« I he vent ion. and will never again take an active part profane, 7.1 years. >0, .TO. Ordered, Tlial fernienl followed masses of their So s- llisli in s honors, by the party brutal, and tyrannical. Vs a com- In Bluehill, J ills Mr. Tluiiua- M. and h«*reb\ are a--e--e'I al liffeen hundred The have tor the first time pollti< military SPECIAL NOTICES. Jotli, Ford,ayed OKDKK Knglisn riflemen m so (ieneral Rutler in Mas Ucneral Kwing. Ohio, mander he displayed all these qualities in a very 77> s ears and 7> numill-. CALL ON C. H. MONROE dollars h* I he Ma.-oiiie Temple \--Delation upon •eaten the Americans. It occurred at flu* shooting The Republican county convention, for Hancock saehuselts, so Mr. Landers in Indiana, while in remarkable degree, and tin* soldiers who served At Bar llarhor, July l-’lli, llossanl Fillers. infant land adjaeent t ami hoiimleti m High -treel in -aid 11 WEVOl'KW \ T< II ( I.i; \ \ I l».« d | | |» eit\. h\ rea-oii "i the di the loeation of sai'l match at Wimbledom on the, the English w in county, has been called to meet in Kllswoith. on Maine. Democrats and 77, Tuesday. August loth, at In o'clock. A M Hon dial embrace, and while in many of the Western [ Iudianauolis Journal To all who are from the nrors ami indis V\I» ning by Tit points. It pains us to record, concerning guttering | hands and la r(s. each. \ 11 other work at ami on the "i\th ol lum 1-77. William P Frye, of Lewiston, will he and and most of the Southern States the Democrats a jila-se- native of this the which present The bourbons know there are thousands »<* eretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, low prices. All work warranted. I herel>\ eertifv that the ahovr i" a true rop\ city, unpleasant things address the convention most utussr. unsound linaneial ideas e<|uall> represent in this state who last voted their SHIR NEWS. >rder \o. 'in, pa-.-etl !• eoneiii ivnt ofe of I lie t it m- of hut it is nevertheless true greeubackcrs year loss of manhood, &e., 1 will send a recipe that will I II. MONHOK, «*> Main St., llrllast. printed Farrow, Is it not true that to the very last, resumption was oum il, .1 ii!\ tl. issn. :>w :‘,ii Fx Gov. Woodford to Vermont this week lirst and last lusion ticket ; that to ask men who that Farrow is with hav behaved goes in Democratic cure you, FttKKOF (JUAttOK. This great <«.<>. I ore. -»l >. charged ing badly, opposed Congress by Congressmen a remedy < d>ver Hailey'.-> I> \lie-t d. II VliKIM \N. Citv Clerk. and makes his tirwt to He will are opposed to the democratic partv to vote I'OItT >K ltUl.KAST. tu'l lost the Americans the The speech day speak when (ieneral Hancock was nominated, the ♦as discovered a in South America. really victor). will Why, fusion ticket is to stick a butcher knife into the by missionary seven tunes in that State, and then come to for to he so AKKIVhli. attraction the Ureenbackeis seemed Send to the tti v. Joskimi New York Herald correspondent says— Maine, where he will take an active in the rag baby [(’base's Enquirer. envelope part strong that the venerable Deter Cooper and Cent- a^elf-addressed July 2oth, sohr. Mazurka, Holmes, Po-toii. WANTED An unpleasant squabble about trie possession ot for two weeks. From this State he will T. Inman, Station I), Xew York Cit//. ly 10 2:'.d, sehrs. Malahar, Curtis, Portland; Kan ELM BOARDS tight go ral Sam (’ary. of Ohio, were among tlie lirst to pay The Poston Post is weakening on Maine, and prize the existing among the nio A Poston \\ in. (.. \\ a ill*.II destroyed harmony to Ohio, Indiana. Kansas and Illinois to and wish him success. Kdith, ('hapnian, Kddie, MT.M K1IIEK W I I.I I* A A THE Americans, aiid led to the refusal of Farrow to him their devotion Now. admits that unless the distrust and disaffection rpilE terman, Portland. X est markt t cash price for some niee elm hoards. and hi* from the team. at can anybody foretell what will happen in these r< which t here among the fusionists are renic -hoot, consequent expulsion The Republican Campaign Headquarters Han prevail Jul\ 24th, selir.-. Fdward A Frank. Portland ; A EEK I .I > I* VTTEUSON. In of extra at in ease of a Democratic ? In fact, died soon, “will state STONE CUTTERS WANTED. the third series prizes Wimbledon, spects victory very they throw the ; — gor were by the Davis Veteran Guards, squarely Dioiu*. Patterson, Path Maif^ie, Mids e\, do; James Ilelfast, .lulv Jo, |ssu. :i\\.'i*» Farrow and had tied. Not able opened wo do not know whether the advocates of the into the hands of the is I N Brown, Hyde being evening. 21st. under the most f'avora pub republicans The Post rri <»OOI> STONK C l ITKItS W'ANTKD l.M Holmes, Ityder, do. io thcmselve- as to the selection of the Wednesday or the whether the for agree among the was lie faith repudiationists, hard getting ready the inevitable. Jour A ineiliatelv. July 2<»l l». Man Farrow, Patter-hall, >aeo. Tali .-hoot off the lie. ble auspices The early part of evening [Lewiston prize, the\ were ordered to Far men or the inllationists. are the OAK HIM. l.KAMTK to. White, Poston. to the transaction of business, money strongest ! mil. miroo, row states that rille broke down during devoted (luring 1SS0.— 1 w.51* Babbitt Metal tor Hyde's element in the Democratic party throughout the Belfast, July 27, saiij:i>. Machinery. practice at Hounslow, ami he, therefore, did not in which time the name ot the organization was and which of those elements will control Tne Fusion |*E METAL, the he-t anti-frietioi, metal for -i>t on off. Brown contented himself with to the Veteran Guards. country, Committee. selir. shooting changed Gartield and Davis July 21st, Florida, Cilmore, Pan^or. rp> for al I to I •* machinery hove-., sale -mall and and Farrow to C. A. its policy. appeal you, business men, am BOARDERS WANTED. sehr. Jessie Hart. 2nd, Mart, New 'l ork. 1. lining prize, Hyde agreed Speeches were made by Hon. T. B Reed, 22d, •20istf THE dot UNAE oi l It E draw lot- to decide who should a barrel of too far in that all this is dark and '•'he Democratic andlireenhaek State Commit.ees sehrs. New York; John possess Buutello and Gov. Davis. going saying llOAKDKKS CAN HAYK l.ooii AC 2.'ld, Jaehin, Froneli, sherry which both desired. Hyde drew in Farrow's that in voting the Democratic ticket you will tak were in session at Augusta all day Monday, the II. Converse, Ingraham, do. AKKWcniumtxlatinn, in a pleasant location, by ap- and selected the coveted prize for himself. The of ex a and that chance rather toimer at the Augusta House and the latter at the 24th, hark Sarah A. Partlott, Pan absence, Bangor Whig publishes accounts gambling chance, being on street, to July staples, WANTED. I hi- incensed who declared he would not House. Tlie plication, Spring selir. Thomas W. SEAMAN Farrow, Councillor Darker, showing that he drew from the against you ? Are you prepared, taxpayers of the Cony following Crcenback electors Mies. l>. (i. TAPLKY. gor; Haven,--,do; Karl, Darhy, -hoot unless the was surrendered. Hvde Poston. aNDOUIHN AUV SEAM AN, loro,a-l sherry State Treasury |1 Id for advertising in his little country, to take that gambling chance under such were nominated: Solon Chase, Turner; Benj. Belfast, July 27, 1880.—3w31* -tates that he to this condition, but that Far 2"»th, sehrs. Lillian, llvan, Poston; Fdward er-. to d. s. KAN EE IT. agreed sheet, when to have covered the circumstances ? Hunker, Fairfield; .1 T. Turner. Portland; C. K. July SEAMANApply row demanded a written which tin* other weekly $25 ought A Frank,-, Pristol. :l 11f Uockland. promise, Calais At the of the Dcmocra Intellijrenee Office, members of the team considered offensive, and they whole : bought $d21 worth of carriages of the State Whidden, meeting July 2C»tli, sehrs. Orion, Pil'd, Poston; Index, tie State Committee it was voted to have Sam i WANTED. i"cd a resolution Farrow from the team, for which he has not ; nearly $150d for of wa- killed GIRLS New Vork. expelling prison, paid Herman Melntiiv, Athens, instantly fllTTTe T> A "DITU may l>o found on filo at Goo. Im* in the com- his services as Id Watts of Thomastou withdrawn as an elector. Ten xx 'tilling that they “preferred to beaten councillor; and lid for sending Monday by beiujr thrown from his earria^e. Ili- HlIM.s WANTKlt: To ilo llmispwoik. July 27th soli. James Holmes, Ityder, Kllsworth. 1 ill O JL XT Hi XV i*. Uowoll it Go’s NowspaiM'T win in the com- of the committee were ami the was 1 my of gentlemen rather than to a news telegram to his paper. Verily, it pays to neek was broken. His soil, who was ridiiur with present, vote I71IFTYApply to JOHN «s. ItANl.KTT, 2Mh, selir. Fannie A Kdith, Chapman, New Advortisinf? Hu roan (10 Spruoo sr >. whore advortisinx —— contracts be made lor it IN' NEW YOKK. pany of" Mr. Farrow. bo a “reform*’ councillor! him. was badly injured. unanimous. July 20. Intelligence Office, Itocklainl. York. may ————. Sometimes. An American’s Experience in Australian Fly time—When you hear her father's cane I AKATIVE AND Mines. thumping along the hall. c- ^ PATENTS. FOR MT. Sometimes not often when the days are long DESERT. And lie the lields of (loot* AnvifK. We advise to golden ripening grain, One day. while I was at work in tlie drift, one every family keep 0AIHARVIC. j-- ; lake of some half Down's Fuxik on hand It ~~~~—-—-— cadence forgotten soug of our party, who was bailing in tin- shaft, said always is’the host ilurhly r<-romTU(Mi'l< ■*.- < •/../- suggested my s’ESi s ;/(‘n if in tin- I’niti"/ SI'if.-.<;>■ //-. “There is a find I as s lor hero," said, i crawled out ohtniniiit/ l*ati nts <>r asr. rtnim •; (In « '>« 1 * > Sometimes, when winter holds its medicated /(irililit -;j) crn <>|- I f I ( II '!< »\ i, royal sway. As a Liniment for horses. Hknun .V Johnson s mil of the drift and exhibited the nugget I had just jnitt’iitn/iiliti/ or' in ion*. -'• U I-- I 'I When every cloud is swept from azure skies, *l,:- l--\. Will I. taken out. Then I the \unk \ni> Oil Linimkn is l! R. II. KI >ln Solicitor of Patents. " 11 !•* !!•«* \ heard clamor also ; it was unequaled M.-inliu. Wm|„, ml frozen pool and lighted hearth are gay ami V :a like the murmur of distant waves. We shook the iires Sprains, bruises, Lameness, at mu e. I KST1UON I At S. “il)« :,i> s'i»hn,»l.i\ ru'niimN. at I I; With more |o,•, TI'I siii'C'Ssfnl practitioner- willi whom I* have had of- ,"»,»*l|i|iu- at I discord in the Flmstinax chimes. eine asthma, asked 1 fiik la in I ii! a ii-l ,iiti\ nm al I our mates above being by i',!v JV: In; i*r(l to kh.« :.t\ w i. i- loiai intercourse. tar 11 had left the windlass. s al u.i A moment in the dance or talk 1 evidently Iricnd what he was n' t:i Km ■ i• o' H Warner bare and Liver ,M»i\ ai'l'iil in \. M n«-\| Mii.ninr- sigh doing, replied “I’m mending :ii*U!nl uhj ii. m-nli-in> .. hi- Kidney Cure. (HAS. A moment later a shadow above, and Formr > fh 31A SON, ('u minis sin tier of I 'a !> nt -. — s.iiv : < \mi seem half appeared s ly in. Always !:■ />11,. m in Ihi• ft li/ rrnii/'s Ki>ir> i/ Kr.rt'U\i\n la i: il i• ; \ lonely in the crowd sometimes my doc pants." A Hill’s voice was heard f,' u'e- preparation and U..> onlv muio ■ shouting: PRiCr GO “Inventors cannot a mao t- Mom!;!.*, \Uilm Mia) mid :,i >, Sometimes. CENTS PER JA.:. in tin- woiid f'«.r ■ employ person remedy Kri»>i|\ u ori 1 ■' "Como and see the find l*IINITI VK ( I IB K hy '»r more ot seenri for them an < a r I 1 n " •"> «•' up. hoys, big to a>!i \!.i, ali. Diabetes and capal-le ng r ALh fiiidue.*. i.^n. and un VV “Where is it I asked on suriace eoii-iderntioii at tlm l\il< .r O'h, .■ riiim. No! often. n >r Iov long 0 friend, my friend, reaching the : ^ I rl.l Urinary lii»<-aM-<>. layornhl.- ! min ail.I I* y II’"' ■ hut 1 to Without medicines. ALLA VS SOLI bLLMKO Kti ^ I) HI I* Iv Is, late Comm ihi.i I ram I. i- I-r• We were not lent our life that we might weep .scarcely needed ask. for it must win | 'Testimonials of tin* lii ;!i. -d order in proof ir.V'i'LO l! Oct Of t hese statements. The llouer crow m d of soon an end the crowd was c dlected some distant boi I LS Patented I«.. I TT. (»ue ( letohei I1 -70 earth hath fifty y.uds ■- Boston, May *f fi'Kor thi-< l>ial»4di><4. « a'l !'.-i War- I* **• I' from our claim The crowd vva> and box Mh'i, f. -.j hear Mr You (j.-an d tor ... 1 i u < Should our fair a longer large every ner*» Sale lisalH !<>•« < n.«>. pi r I-TON. :t|.l II spring sojourn keep- mo. in t,» -• tff. N-« I will case m four lsto, nr, .-in.. «.. n ..... Comes all too soon the lime ot leaves. moment increasing, but. being ra my and broad cure any days or le>- « f-’ For the |tn;;l.* :,:el the "th. patent, fading act' d for and ndvisi -i me ie N u ill cun- the most obstinate s, cal: for U ai'iicr’s Safe hundreds «.} ,,., ^ .,| 1 mill Come on the shoit eold We must arise shouldered. 1 pushed my wav through it. and w a-* ease, no mat Itidue* m^ilay Kiliia) K\mi; at: tv days TONIC mid liiicr I’ure. prooiired main parents, rem-m ui.d I j ( j almost ovnrw heln'il with u.stouishiieuii with the ter el bow long st Vi: And go our and garner "home our sheaves. ling. hnv1 « .1 h. 11 way occasional!; mploy ho ... \ * !••• I..I 'I.. ill || mill I CANTERBURY SHAKERS' which iu\ vision t wasn't a : WARNER S SATE BITTERS. m'iiHii I some far-faint (loud our sight greeted egg-d, \ ork, and .• ■ Ilf I ... Though regret inn} eyes It is riiiladolpliia Wasliinuton, l.iii In))■ Iii iv H .• Ml I, P it was a No iihum oiis dos.-s <»f eubebs. «»r oil ,,| tie* Lest ISIood 8*ii iili<‘r. I mi-:. os Sometimes. bowlder. No wonder that the niinei's e..paiba, you almost the who!-- of hn>im m fvery function I *» loon- )n ihfid .n ft ,n, md my p... •• sandal wo. that are cerLisu to ,!\ were excited. l’i was t• c I, produce is thus :t and advise others to \ou. I’1 11 1 U ill I- |\ !• m 3L00D PURIFYING speetaelc enough >pepsia Iicnelit in a'l !; -mpl->v M .|-| ,a \|„„ §■' Sometimes l see almost divine I'V destio\ il.LT the o! the It cures 3ours <. !• 1- > alight cite the most pheltrmutic individual that ever coalings !.. Scrofulous ml >.;| Shin I'rtip* truly, <»I.*<, I 1: \ S*| it *» mol I'Iihim!.i) Mnrmtit: al l.;o. \n i- l:i meeting eves of two that now are one. breathed. f iOMN ’: 1 I > |. loi-HiN, J -n.'y 1. !*M» ! y 11 ruel ot the tears that rise to do eerw, often Sorrv. SARSAPARILLA. Impatient mine. It was a solid mass of as or lar.-■ t Price -fI SOLI* b> \LL OKI O'ilSTS. or gold large I».> s|M*)»sia. W cahucs* o.* lie Stoinno!n. 1 turn to seek some work undone. mailed on ol l»isli i. t ( ourt of away than a leg of mutton, and not unlike one in shape. receipt price f oiiHtipa!ion. J>i//.no*-,. tf, icr-ii :n*'oi tin I oiled stale |»i : t There dawi > a look some otc.. ai : -. n.. Maine. upon stranger face; Tliis was the mass which has since been widely For further particulars send for circular. n hy. *,ai« itm, ,.. um .pniled a an /.. o' u ni I think. 'How like and how far less fair!" u F I* do\ I .»J. < \ I.L \ N to s;; lpp Ill 1 yet known as the r'uomo A ol it John ll. II. III.-I- of ■■ Proscribed and nugget Bottles of t wo : | v. r>Oc. a 1.00. by Physicians And look and look again and to >t I S i. '• seek tract' may now lie seen in tin* mineral department ot New t ork. IOW | S t, | \ 11I;l.- »| I! ,. I \ moment more \ our fancied likeness there WARNER S SAFE NERVINE \ I the Boston Museum ol Natural llistorv. win 1 I'.anki-iipi. Druggists for nearly Qne kly J,'ive Itesi Steep < ft Snm,-times is *■<. We otfer r 'OO reward l*«»i ea-e u l- l«> \ ■; the w eight give, as i aud the value at any th.o I r--i ; flic1 llradi.ehc Scat .Ida. I'lll '.i VOTId i 1 * Years. > 11 .S 7ii; the t: r! her h u unit is cure sate, and sure cure. u,.'o l.|»i>C|»t ic l it* n 1oe.,:0*i :i. Fifty o-'.nisuaet 0 foolish vam ion imputed ijuiek. thought"! regrets' (ration hr- indi: ii In.- -.,o. I* I -I'. I.-. Hi;. i\\ \i\., -, i |: t: |;« i, ; that the was the <• ■ ever nugget largest pun gold _=_ As wise i; were, what time June roses blow work, l:e Iltal si. "k a. 1 o! ... «• n i! i, -1 i. | *. •, I'l.i tound. This i> an error \ it •..Met was l’« IVVC1 fill as il IS to V |. ,.| rI''!ir ''.il -aparilia i- u I >v !i il it par 1 weep lie; ause the lirst him- violet | < cool! | |,a«. ., Mill ..V found a: lead on Fen ISn.i a w !,.-d tnrlM •! Nerv it n v .!••••:. tie ■, *■ W c hud n Bendigo nal'l no li .- tl..- -I «■ — has faded ago. tvtir. • l-T | ts Id'. 7>< / Cn-^n, M. /». I lia\ 1 i. spring long EXTRACT ,i\ whether ta’C'-n n >.. d>- | IV lbs I o, »»r '-’■.‘oh »./ in.' -aid l*i li!|. O ove. luv love, if of lurd. Troy. Buttles of two-u.-s r»Oe. 1 n. i1 in- yet by song | 1.00. I t >*•! it. at)'I think it a -1 a Inal •!»* nnalii in. I had been .bug 1 sell on I < >1 lend s mentally rougrutu i; l.y || • My Mower scent, by some sail poet rh\lues WARNER S SAFE H i*i Vi c* >• rt uiiiih /'i-ikt. M />.. Iiii ,< Torpid Liver, and c no C"Bt;v s. fivsy cm sigh I *1-11 O I. a I I" ."'I ciit "i me Neii rile ! was glad th.r. i!u- .;11:r iot.SII.EH Bill .K -■ ! i.l|,U i' i-ii a- \\ ,i) ini|»ai'V' •'nri;.‘U »\ lh-r,I SoiiK'tiines '"O. lo "I the ..I get had boon to.:n for the c!.i;;u from w un .1 « II \- II M t f.otrtH. I >]». ak \. ilh »:vJi• I»• n■ -t \ riily I !!•'; BitWi:cii hiiii hi Hi' j \ltd S**mot:iin's know a pang of jeaiou" pain was taken was light m the dire.A. >n n: wiiu-u BtiiigOf v V. T...;'. u 1 w alk ail other we were ami la ioitely, eyes working, y grow tl"' '.if' dr |; I 1 lHh « \r. /> / -in,, St-in), \ // till' M iv haply smile t y »urs that" smile again ing rielier in ore The welcome ncgn a- i.irge mi:.!i ho I i ii I la | rl. *i.o sun and stars ot southern skies as it was. did not out :e!i it.- laud. s. I i1 ;• .1 |. „* "hikin' "at *.i it 11 a in ivii.v I all «• I hvr- 11 p:v!'. _ j-n!.' v, is < BITTERS l t as* t JJ..'; Tie past : I.ut is it si;, if yet weive share hohlet ill :t. and it 'it F ,u I r I.niiu.itti, M 7>. /..>■-./ I l.a f. ni.H .1. W I’hHKINs A M>.. I.rn thrills, I'orllunil, Mr Id di Ml 1'MI In 1 who calm c >:itcnt would seek to dwell. tliau fioott a it Wan'd have 1m fi aluek\ i'll 1 piece E ,. June | ii: 'll' "5 'aii'i. I "iili leu** in :i~ lii '•hi.-' I lie.on,,, and 1 alni'. an I ivn>*\nl Who will r.o; grieve, yet cannot quite forget, liml for a couple m n ,i'.es I'i.e u.ui. w i..• .lug u fill II'.'U Ii hr'll!-, 1st. hi-Its s■••'!; 'i.o'mi.i to and wish \ mi well out uti d ead ht nnearti !:h. ;i’ •; 1 nil, I' •--I" /VoV.'N, you Hi" Of o! aid : ■' Sometimes.’ w i.i'ii hiS lil si e t ■■ t : an.. Ai li \-' ir.ii i. ‘V '''.’.'.v.- \ « ~ Am* k p A'-i!-:!v.v:.:V- nth, // I n i. i; r it til.' ! *r-t |'..1,|. 1 pick pu' I, mi' III. V 11 a •. u I I ■ ■ I s-i.- Ti. :t. a. n •' •< {Titit!. to pick up tiie the light li eu la, r.indm I;:..:- I 'I ||ji»f n .■«* 1 I '■ II J>r I lamp: /"/./•, ]>i.i' !:• .. II. .<1 >. '• TOlPBij. BtlPllllS ANfl 'I:-..: ;•. I-. shown upon it a.mi re. a!ed n- iiabne f. I Ii | I)\> T... ti) 1>. A it did not \ieid to las ton.- I'iiei! in* D Bird Story. surprise, I. : LAM. A-vnt. I’ in, \ ini ill. i»i« la. iir-i an I i- -.-t >t r ... I- t. I ii*i to tee! aioum- it w: In- u a .. aids ,.! -- I !' .Iti 1.■ i* beg.i'i grew ; ... ■. l*< a !; li-inc- a it. I "n a |i vi I l.a. \\ !ii«-it i pn )•. .1 l: A *. BURLINGTON R. R. CO. Police os Foreclosure. IT' '!• .'•• i|..U lit!;- > Ulotli.-ls ui -i. limit r his '.As lie ga\e it a t "i i: I;i "■!•». 11 i.' n i' I;t l; i:11 !»*.) exploring \ n i \ w w i i; \ i > i t a;. 1;'». 1 it ail out a> do. wrench. hat it did not u Ins » \ I ltia i;\ "• •. I n 'I \ K I l. '. n the) badge pick, "II V * \ i: i: i». < 1 > i < > 1: a ilot s t to •• ■ a ■ a r-nn < n m !«-llow he around it and a- it ; i !! t In- n -t. -a t c-t a 1 ni"~l any long naughty begun dig proportion* ■ pan-"i ] hysicians : I. in it,.- < I W ;.! i. !ii. !’■ :. w ■ • 't s.r pot began to grow Ins '. e. .e <.v.-r l.miti; m 'in in. i! \-k -i ,:iy thing that's true under tin iViaine « ’" i R. « Central t "SI KI I."' Vit" U'tltl! I \ ! -.n The' I! I *ok at you ; ist a moment eanie hiio. aud I:.- taint i from Rj j-> d -_• III' 'l V" ( 1*1.1:! II. I- •111. ■•ur art *■ Til! y !w in y our !>• ■>,...; swells. I U" : .... ini ... r. -• FIRST MORTGAGE .ill. •. Y„\ T1^U-TABL£ ■il- hi »*> I rti-j'l: i- .. i\,!h A ml tlien they know all about it How ii Dog Earned a Eensi. n. I. I I i-i f ; — 1 -d v iv' i; \ | V ,. I I-' 1 T' I 11 1 \..i II.. .I:ii, I a little bird tells ! .11 ,"..vr i j ('ii!' ill I I ''.it |' ;' ! «..i !••••_-s-r, Vi- XMl-1; VO\in. \ m no ihul.' in .i-i in I I.i :. ls-n i. lit- ■»,: •• •- '. 1 I. )k. Mm d log Non M.-N ha-i .ir:,e.l a pi-ii -i:; in 1 ..U J.M III. t.-np li. — Now w I. the little bird eonies fr*-in. '. i.n U ...' m li. • < ::• ll* g * till BONDS. «*i w here t in- ■ i,. Ii > '•» .... i■ little bird goes l" : ; tin* !< id. In* .••red in- ma.-l. u as not ■ 1 :• U ^ • I .f •• eoVfle 1 VV itil i 1' in 7 i'„f. ii"'" I;-," * ;. I beautltul plain,!.'. hat urn u.;ed i-ide th* siirrirg about, -haul and n rf «':• blaek its the kin- -T the » rows, T'!..* I ;! a is I he kept Very yiilet. evening 30 YEAB3 TO < I i V, i n « .S as In arse a« a r tvett RUN >•11111,*. Till* :• dog. when iie penned Up ill*' -he*-|\ II: -Ii ii..- n» < »r «• « ar as the t ringing help. « to till •a::t \ sun 1: -.1 throng': ra« II'... I hfl..,- |•■ : 1 1 a ol l ui this I am shiv ol s It ■. > 1. ..'I- i-■ \. \. I>. if. in tie* d*»*e. of !i master'.- pre-i*n* •*. o ::,•.* man \ tile !..r»! tt 11s w .'■'!•• -I.'.. ■ I 1 In crH .1 in. \ I, in Vat lurk, 1 iff I I.. k »ii*l n*»f move Th* mi a’eiie i. nk* .. dog and r i'.ijiil'l'1 Jill} 1 I’ lit! i.-h? ■- *v, -I',. 11 iiovvled. but m* * aim :* .. vm l'i e ... -ai'-ut y nil tl;ink a thin- u ,e k« thing ! M of folr■ il«t, Ohio, (o ■ while he oil 1 lie sides ! ft !' t»r they eropped i.eibagr if. k :■ I. * U-iy stupid mad. i ii !h II • -IN'. I’l S« III I ,11 III. U ,•! Hut he Was gelling i.giv a:.-! that wle-ii mi* I hr ( 11 > of Kokomo, hnl.. I**.- milt-. i> *l,j .0,- " I1 • >r tease tl deal' blot iief or Mstel ngi:! i-. ,_ ,. | j; 1 I ■' le* drove the ;!■.« U ml tie ,'r the ••' •* t « at 000, or less Hi ui *7.000 imlr. 7>. !*.!_' ;| 1. l’\ -0\ i I« hi Ik Viiii ; in!: M AI. I 15IT I IK". i1m 'I \ I I i'bat instant your sentem-e he knells. p«* prr n.k to I!. '.'eeaUM* Vi. 1 '■>»••• lift«• I ■ Ill ! f't >1 ] t ■ :> i in < •• u •mp! get t!l d hi- i»:ite i.i i i i{- »M i* \ M t ,i run „i"i \r,,;r \: 1 !••• :■ mamm tin a mm ;te j Tins met le ••! ! t.,i hi-".., u.i;.:s ... I' IN : I.*' i.-.T.I. I’bat 1: !’e bird tells p:o\dmg value a ot tin faithful dog'.- ... d\ .i..:> iben •• I., \v:,h<> it if f. r :i ~ih- Fur oi!i at 90 and Accrued Interest. pa:: l».t! '.I tic- I !ri '! .1.1 : .1 I \ i * SfiNO B V ■ THE ... I 1 iy the "t a * !oset. even 11. g Till* la.-’ '. e u '1': j depths -beep try UHtLY I hr rblil U rni tl hi Hiimin Ihr pi n r i: \ ■, i i: ■ .it\ ; i 'Ii' h.H' f.-l. I Mr lull 1. 11. T — Hu- -re nobody sees but a tm> -e sei/ed le r. •, I; a il hml nolii r. i: \'- i I f .i* til Y lie ail aione in the may eellar. Villi ..I I ,.. ,4 |m ?! I i: .• < ii. ■ Ii.-.t- Ti. i.: •! :u.'t f iii ou may be on the top of the house. v :r 1. a .1. ..• i■ Hi.: -u' i. :■•••. ll --’I If 't may in the dark and the sib-nee. e territory and it i t I .1.-1 I'll \V till v\, I i Ml .i«. -h .it lli> I'm •! "I all '.. I 1111 ik«-» »r out in tin* woods and the dells v Tati*.a F *r Jvv*. nr- *un tie* ;i n *.i' !l. mas Geo. Wm. Ballou & Co. —-——— * »'• N W j M vv. \l I.I.I l-.l* lili.l'.'l |u\ ;,ini I M I l.i;i"il- mattet iiet'ever it happens Tel's de i, 1, -.srertui ie-d b\ hf ie!» !•' t : ; 1 Ue I »- .1 little bird tells Ter the hti.l "ended ■* *• uu.i, !• 151 'I*. n.|.| ulu-iv. dog the !i PROBATE NOTICES B£L>.-4SY FOB BOSTON harg mutt s BANKERS, \nd the tily eoutrivaiiee to stun !om suppci every high! Tiled *.-k va> not deriiua o t;, i. \ Is um to be Mire s *• » i; ’i.- j what you -' 72 Devonshire St B ston. \' 1 •UI'I. i. |.| i.i; ty Is ." "i :.i. ts and <-ur tarn n .-. m < ..I W .1 y it increased S Wall New M o * < *: v \\i‘( ,u mi in bn and vvlieu. at the < nd Street, York. -In I* a* .cl FmiIh. > )'our work and y --nr play \ I'-.. two v em s fi-.e.n t he r •• of fee h-.r h .* ’;,*■ lie hones-, be br.tve and be 1-. p. ..p;. 7 -I I'll \\ I I.I I \ )\ dh 1 \| \ e!or tie* 1 anvil was V -lie ... l.e !«•.,. of tin- lie get.le* and loving as well. ') If »i >• 1*111 ~ 1 \M.I owner were d : a a- -• l.e.: .log -till ,,i !. ; oj -H. •. OfH» ia bt-sti•:» .... I-I.' ui 'i \\ ! ill Street. \ y a in laugh at tm,,. you eaa buy Pure and Hood j Kilby The".ittIt* bird teils T- u-.z iM'. -.'ttl -I lu- hr-! ,i.'- in,i .1 \-. f T" WINKS A N L) in J •>. "i CTLE A; the !*esl pa-: -s < n a d a to t he at LIQUORS, any I-'' i'lh-U '.u CO., Pi opru tors 1 W -le \ w ake. j '*••;.>ie I. Til .! I in- -! \.!n | ilight. uraedi u -'•;*!. to k• •.•; th a ! desired quantity, packed and sent | >! **ater : the ., a i, •• V **ep pd.ili W. r. I x A Tale Mark where, by sending cash ordora by Twain. tide! it V **Ai la'.i a.lmu a .■ ..I u ;e\, r Ua- any MRS. LYDIA E, PINKHAM, I 11.. I«• |>11i.:i•.11 ii.f ,. I ,<; i; i. r: :0,v1PS0N 6i DUN< t.« t he old house ON. legislator:* to of '■• ■ s »' 1 ■: I ‘1 .!■!-. »N 1 V: M m, so.,! !..;•• 1 ; UNI i'l n .... i. 1 •• 1 I X M geiieio.-dy in .thu-ia-ni. it t..• ir «..-!. « tl .V N ASS. 1 A k 1. C A RICHARDS & CO 1 years ago gi mted a pe is ion .or lit- to tt.a* i g :• I -I I Ail Attorneys and Counsellors at La* "i"ii* A \t..ui!ir contains the l::!«* of Ivlvnmi in* paei froiu tie S’ it*, a- : [ tn-a-ury. 18 and 22 Boston. Mills ami «it.-.iiare lb*utoii t»y .Mark Tw mu, which is I Kilby St., l' » a- eleVer satire oil t lie s.-ut.U.i litallty ul’el' < Hike 111 I I! i.!. I \ ft. ■ vit I: l lii- •: 'hat sort : z i'll has ever reeeived lldwaiu M '.lit: led ii 'Uii I ,\ h>><- t «^e ih iih*; never I KAJOW THYSELF. a \ .1 I*.'- It:- I ...It ! ,f i: K ; •.: ! .s».| lieonre always ha.l to : Under Three Kings. Till I 1. if u ’,¥. G. Ft?Y£. !»'• he.p.-d had the >;iii;e -v They adopted parents, \ I "1!' !* " 1 1 1 .1 \. it. i--.. who let! io the to because Kil Cures and never top icor^e, altvay Disappoints li.-V L.l.'.l ULI « nl. 'I '1 t" war; < m 'Ac ■>: III \ M \ It! COU \S: rare hi instill. So t weld i.i it < "i LOS AT j The world's per.- Pain-Reliever if n. if •I'M.1.1 Hit- :i it ..-n LAW, ti !.it;_> e\ei. t in* : iat IM ward « .i> d ei-l .. if It ■■ tzr.'. eti.'a.' : or Man anti ...l, ; llu ihim in. 'll. ;.! mil, m, i ll. lm '« s’ ,ri ,,.in I! hi.i Ulll !II"I I...... ft 1 I I h .. t“ w Chrnp. (juicU '• d h ;• u as her dlitv to s.t\e tile ll.l i- M .... ii. .:., g .,i 1 * r i Mm I I. \ dfopp. llciup;. j t.atl re Iin\ a '•> I,.",|\ Ml.lHi \ I I N "TIT I II. BELFAST. MAINE. Ia ard on: i.j rej .. wmK "'retell. I .si sj,. — IT ■].. ••.!-.11:• V MIL" ft. -i HIE M I |f. Ah a roiiiuton labor awhile hi.’ eutlH, iw I ili ;i ipseu up -1:: v.-,uel 11,. .: « »! I I l! til. -,!!• I If M s[ »•:•%€ ft: 0 6 Kill or .. .’ di lilt* a ■ ’■•i;n« :.r;^:nuir i.t.k rd We rive I'.eel .eg 11 ig .e ...Meg. ■, ~ -ars 7^ r-"ii- hil. iv-U-.I !. .hi ii.. ■ i. H. | a/V S V O ! * •*» 55 *1 * fr 12 % % |» -•( W. RULERS. ’he last 11 o: tin* it to leaders d i "’flit 11 I.'.1 11' s ! ■' < .V I I' I l! .. " 1 I. ji story, leaving ill eel 1.1 g ., IIOV I*"1*!’ ■ .1 mi: the Atiaidie to jet the tuh enjoyment ot the whole : I'-gs U'i,U> apart leli ,111.1 I .Hi f.ii |. ml.-I .1: * ■ *• w "• I'* -.-v « 111m*: I ., I ji »nir i i ii It Ae .seen that Mail. "Mil ■ •it ;i{ Twain is tannhar with Ills Wilt 111g 1 ml ill'd g i; •r I...... •!•!■.'1 "1 ;,ii Ilf .. m.i*. In* T. I 1 1 I h ! 11 I' i'| 1 I ... 1 tl. tstory of me l» bank robber; tor I'or'lit 1sni he. ni i t'i’lC AsTOii[l ••f \ '!_:!! 1. 11 ;...... i.I I. <>. I i. :v ., E» ifcouv Pi o I A -rat. I er ten, revival was jot and ! H ‘Ii l"f '.ini il<‘! 'rah r \rlur; ml ... ) up. „ ’.uvoi I»*. ( hildron ^row j;lj No. i u‘a ••uue had I;.illll: 'lull 1 e Mailt Si.. Me rousing speeches (•••an made, tile I !" .eel l.e eie h .. 1 v Belfast. ■ s I I t h.ii!’ii: »11 s.,--t VN e are now lih.ilil mil! e o': ■ ■ upon. V.ot Ihm like, :111c 1 l*ii\si- .• impress!vely. about t Ill .tie In. k .1 st e. 1 I• Ifl! ill •: -i t LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S il • !M'V, I.. .S holt. \\ .1 »• i. ■ -1 _f|.i ,:,|.| t" s ■ i-t.i'i' and 1 think is .,• l( i IV leh'-'l lie- el S ,. < \ is \ if L there j.* I" he |. r< < ... IV f. i; strip iaiis tomtnriiii \s'i'OlM \. Iff I- li : M \ ti M. ii .. \ Ill M,. t'Oii & tilCH, • h 'tore :..r you wlueh not tjiuany in "this house I hoth hands .;1 e* :' it !eld Ii. ell re. ll tin* 2»o\v< chics A.;, be ao.e to view with e\es There ■ iv.ii'iiLiics l>, m i’i• .... < .ml I .j i.i■ VEGETABLE dry j bright V :. ,, i;. C0U an «o il \\ 'I I iMStLL0 R5 AT LAW COMPOUND, ch-pient and then r^e iJentou. e-. | t re:.a 11 .lei.' i I e.lisil 'la! I! \V i 11 1111; s >, 1 I \ l>. :1 V. orted a red sii'hed detaelunent of the 1. idn-s «.t tor tilisln ek ! ih 'ii t 1"" 1*1 f i lire by j llaiigm *> CAM ami 111*s(!*o\ \\ (inns. ■ DEN. MAINE. ii.e ini •:. -t n >'. " fi.. Mi.- <•! m lit- It Ml it t.ii I tin. forward tin* Inn 'l.e, nle: then he ., g | \ i. i r \i;m i. \ Ijetuhe. stepped upon platform sleu.lled u ... .1 ! I! U |: ll • 1 I*. -11 • I-1 in I i. 11. 11 1 >t 11 I l; and _•!;(• tin- The air w a> lent with lie,uth |.i Oili,. ■; i;i n11 \ < i* \ i:m n lor all Female pledge ap | Willi his ."III :.. ! I. : Complaints. I'M t * W en ; for Iv vend that Mur k. g ;- jov ■Swapped he' II It I \ ii.i- \. .. W! i In :ir ..ia .. I- ••Millie W e.i k II I'll III ll 11 il to w.z tin- hand d the hew convert when the tllmigi.t I u..i: ,1 see il i.iii : il our lust frlliaie .]■ ,-k i. -I.. U1 t III ;i I ill 'I i*< •• 'U. Ilf ;itl! Il' i' 1- .1 II..I •!.• o\. p"i i.: Jit ion, are -i <1 meetiuj was his was enlarged next ! a'rwav. mill 1 '.ill ie- ii ele a .:. U !.. pm-rail by thouueas\, salary g l-v I.... ,u 11• Ir ■:. • .1 in! \• i: r. «!|,-.s si-usatioii o| tiie The ia\ he ■■ patient. 'toinacli ami was the talk ot tin ’town, and its hero the llorisls null sai I If I i:! •; I, i- ■ 1 It ,g amt cat t( n,i|.f ! i i" mi in I'm m m r\ on- ,-y -tem are all disorder* d in At aeeolillt o| it Was mpath. tieally published. "aside, I '"t : .,■■ l.e- ;m..« Lei.- IP. en WEI DE MEYER'S CATARRH -r i. I .. I•.•«i n ■u. P. most »li w« j Antidote for avy !y r ].<> oi 11 ii•:i 1 ■ II. > hut was not ti u rescued aiut vv with " nli rs mi (I •' al a i’i < nr:. !■• .• r. fa ! H or a severe bli a m 11; roujjht every | »! ’rail lor tun il hnek. IiiI: 1 il:ip pa i n t ItHt i* this terrible tiff I..;.- i, rn u v\ n. •! In me and situai ons were found t*»r him <• r 1 malady, by Absorption. -I. jl J> jtjl: j>'j' Jl3 JL M.? ii.' -1 a -nn m t brou^h t he pood I'l,.' llag W11S W.U'IIII unendurable, loins, The most n .. 11;it‘ 1 he was taken since I !. ..I \ ,1. I. i' or lower ot tin a ami y. around the lectur the i.'lt.'is were g. mi III..!,, e. i n:.e a Important Discovery pul. portion' bdonnn, throng Ii country ...1. \ .1 till: ;I. 'I "if. i! ..!. | * •: I as a "lie, ■ Vaccination. Other remedies ipj p rtiou oi tin- tflip'll-. nausea in tin- -tom- reformed drunkard, and he had trieat .'dieel'S I'll k* ell! < k '..111 111 l-.W i l. eie may 1 j I'*’*’ I" Ill* ...... | —Oi BCw.i.m’Wuw 11 II WBM—J b i- lit Ore:.; renre, and Incases and ui ; an amount of 11 1..igI...t s.i ii.1 \e 11 ,, Mg ’. s' relieve this cures at il'e-pn P_;n tfiddines- Immense jrood. M ie !■■ | | j *,,. Catarrh, any r ii m:. r \ i ’! I I I « » III I;- I -1 n tii a sens* oi > In ad, eonfusion or we;,km and He was so at and •' ! jjopi.ia: home, trusted land ITess staj^o before sets in. l;l>"U I M I .. "I ilf \.,I I'Mnll M, I; \ iru \ii.'-i i;. i■ i n i■ i: instant from ;.m- or b .t Consumption running eyes, sotm-tiim !its >•«!■• t intervals that he wa- enabled Jo j HEf\ir?Y L. LORD, »u.e ot a citizen a ; get .1 .aigi* \ !" \\ Ii I* \K I 1 I I principal j lllll r and with the w.-akne-s :in- Mii'cle- :ln re i« a eon 1* lisilii illi* y, les ;t re Cl dts e r:i ! t ilu f'olit*v« is the \ I. Mil » ... •! 1. v mui tie at the mink. A i ii ui-.':. n.. . :: ilia swum in lotlu lii- :,' i :. '• ill! 111. A II a »uey niighty pressure ; 11 h AL b* pa.:., puibll^' from the bowels .tt siiraim- < nmnii**ioncr i»f \!.is»;n ims, \,,f ilu < 'Ml,.: ■'! M ...... •... I arin^' j was brought to hear to save hi in :rmn couse CM'itcd just 11. Vrr till ],• ||s of two C rend it ♦ to walk or ihe painful -Mini lor any 1 v r'J Ilu.m* ini rniulilion of liir I"1' \ I* I »«■»■; j .••!!»•'•> ot the it .. mr; ;i ot t. me. forgery, and was .- ie young nil'll residents III ;| town partially I'.ruieyly i ) >\ 1 X i:ui:i\ 1 lie was sent tor two near to Til YS FIT. up’ only years Itostnn. 1' out the ruin,.; M“ In n 1 i; i!; \ -1 * s " at tin* emi ot a year, tae tiivh-ss efforts ot I ! W M ••I'll ... til e Ih ulioiit ii would ir it a I !• .. I No. 10 Williamson Biui Lydia E. Pinkham's the hei-.-v.dent were crowned with ing appe th New k, success, Mutual • ’. < a|p iii.i! .ili .' 111 v\ :i n«* n«.i In- 111.1 ■! .n r' .mi :n is- eim seventeen-1car old i-'i- l Iron, the with a daughter cl one nl' England ■ ■ penitentiary pardon •ii.! -1 a I I -:ul i.'. .n.-.'. I Hiijh Si.eei. Beiiasi, Mu in h > t;..- I'uniton s • M'i n -ai po.-ket, Prisoners Friend society met wealthie ; uien-lnuits ng at a LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY I, l I I VEGETABLE ••la at the *■. : .1 1! a ,1 situation and a oiiifortable mi* ..-ii- inh iv -!i | aii-ii._ •’ COMPOUND Suburban district, and tt ho lias unit & I" ..| grad Fireworks, :• !n i■ 1111 ■! -In-' I 'ii.;- v. ■ ! .... and ail tin- TH0S3US & OSBOHfsE salary, other benevolent people came Rags of Host tin. oil I ill* C 1 si ii J lien mbri ) tinted tlie m I' tor* tli* blood to lonvard. and from grammar school tins tear, I: | 1111 j«■ a .I'M!! 11 i: .1 II it-natural condition, di i gave him advice, encouragement and \ W I V 1 ital •n ir a! ! -aI• < ill, «• ■ poW*-r aright,-rn-ngtheus the muscle- ! Kdwai (ills to the Pris met an entire st rat. get- tt bile mil a|'|H r.'i u ■- 1 riding Muck ami ihuitl- 11: u m. AIL '•••■ ut• ru*t and id:.' it into and it at k«‘t aim la- i. ,lliai ai"l I -r >anl Mi! place, give- oner’s Kneti 1 tor a situation when in a UNIFORMS £ TORCHES, icty dire and in short time Loans on Mot 1 n a ! M. n -! a 1 ■ :. in- : strength, .-o that tie cute i- radical and recently, returned t-an-'. I. '! A M need, hut the Havi been Ileal ■ entire. It t he back and ic question, you apiisoii home married. Tin- tt i-.statf. In mi. a in I -In m rail -in !! am lit. I a v. n strengthen- pelt region ; I'.md parents, bile ^ ii.u ie til. 1 a oi k ''t ills ease I 'i iniu n. •;i -••mii I i, •• JUNK. PAPt.R IRON :t\ He w as still poor, hut was in receipt ol it. and to the victor, altle I "i 1 ii*- accept gh he u nia h a111i 11■ *i• rv«■ 1 patient-, who could betor- walk but a lew ■l a steal)- and sulh.-a-nt as the \I t I* :• Mil I In .'all. | salary, respected in- is tar below them. Ac.-1 in 11 I nt m-t uni ll< ni p*. iud w ith great can, utter the um ot t!. walk era! mi!*-- w ithout discomfort. It 1 who is an intimate Campaign. •i \ I I-- never ean.v .ear and was never youth, liiend of the him. heard to 111 Loan* mii < 'illatta ..I. p.-rm.-a:*-- ever) potion of the >vst«-iu and gives m w CEO. T. aDout iin. gut to in lirst, gate his attention to a tve.diht > < < m ,I!MI I' IllTMW.u I \ READ, life and 'g‘>r. It removes D\ sp* p-ia, Faintnc.-.-, .'•ae tieorge indulging long I ! N> I I*! (V >.. absences from the town then were evil M\\ r. H.itulenc;.. i«— tr* .,:i raving- t o -timutants, and reports heiress worth in her own about tight t < 1 a i; I\ i.t* « 11 v‘ w* o' about him. bat delimit* MamiKuvj haimo m.. Ilosion. 1.1 MHI.i I II v. !•*. -."i. i■._ |.r. j.. I M A C H I NI S T , ukite-- :h<- -t<•much. It w ill cure n nothing sKm.lino, lu-r ;.m a II »U II; 1* in '!' 1 P M 11 the w r-t n.rm- -.t captured all'eetious, | *d the I tern-. fine winter's i.,ghT some masked forced lit *cr\ at 11 in AGENT EOl-: falling burglars jut nt, -. to Nett York and was mart I | I I" -ai'I ■:■*.•. a I. 1-' uc.irrho-a, Famlul .M‘-n.-tniat ion, Inflammation or their way into the bank and found Kdward Mills away ie,| p coni;.limn with tin l I i* 1:. I'iial III* sa,i«l mim lo ration. rreguiariti* -, Floodings, etc. f-»r the there alone commanded him to ie\r on her stallin'- "t M a- -acini The) il tile disappearance her guardian al a, r- "II- 1111. r. -If. | il ;! cure •) Weed F.F. ot t- ot cither \ this com WATGHES, Kidney oiupla.i so ELGIN •tits. ■ 1 ■'combination' that into ■ SswlnglV!aciii!!- could * n Improved they get the sate, once h il lowed the Was \!1 <.out. 1 N k. to !• I Ml i'll -In I I i I•* W I'.'k 'In'I 1 .1 ! I. pound is unsurpas-ed. pair, hut it too styles, imi- ': '..i .• i. “i i't < ''.let' t>e examine-!. j IL-trihut ui.|...i.i Is;.!;,; ( lie re!used trusted’ him and he could not (*!:ui11', t ., 1'iiMn an •l"iirii.aI |• rii11• ! al I’.. !. ,,i in It i- tor a aft*-r e The) and it is >< i“' 'irt -1 impos-ibh woman, faithful cour.-e late, said the hate gone V., i-.r Ciitan .1.. > !' \ M>AiH» AMI. 1 !- i I ath |o*M uii|..kiti | i!iT11«•» he a traitor to t inti trust lie could die if he must. couple '•!'!• a i: a I’; ai ( ml. I .. ... I;. of treatment with this rnedic me, to coi time- to have K an watch lu.nn.'iti r\. M a 11:1 .1 cm In w mt ;. n it. U> lit. to item. >< ■ ; but while Ip* lived he would be faithful he to their lionet moon. u 11 In u .i:n I l"i' ai* 1 Mini1.. | j< ;l w• akne-s ot the uteru-, and thousands of women to- ; would j Kurope spend ait!. •'* to I l,o \ a m -I iu !. al I'.ai ..I in I k : o not \ le.d the •vonibimr ion Ilu- is a '• cheri-h grateful remembrance?. *>i the help d*- up The burglars ! heiress well-known suburban vM 1'_\ ',V i w 'an-.', il an has < .. a n. ri\ed from the u-e of thi- remedy. killed him. Dr. C. W. BENSON Iln*;. belle, and the over tin- etetit -ai'l il imii r -Iumi ;-l m .1 I*, m ;n.l. i. I 1. < surprise I |'. iia l’inkhaiu !• The detectives •*• ■ Vegetal ompound j.r- hunted down the criminals, the IlM.riMnm: I//;.. s-urj.liis. u • .1 has caused no nil I 11 I I I M 1 comment ... pan at the proprietor’s laboratory, chief one to Benton A wide inconsiderable in KU ;H I A prov.-d (ieorge Iimnior and I’ropritlor ol' ihr I \ 1)11. "IV \II.'-I i'. I'. I'll ! I*, i;. s\ was lelt Du the widow the highest social circles. I tost on 1 rat it’.ili \nimal No. 223 Western Ave., Lynn, Mass. inputh) and orphans of Report now read) for distrihulion. ".e Dead in a: 1. an i aii the newspapers in the land oiler. 1 ree to any address. CelehrateiJ and Chamomile \! I t .11!-: li. ,.I is. I’HK R +1.00. begged that ail the banks in the laud would Celery i r 5-*^ testify I.if < ’Mill! v .-I \V.,| !.", .... Il,,- I lien of 1 '• EN• ‘. t s I I.\ l*i. 1. nt. 1 appreciation the and heroism ol l.\s, iu.i.i •< w \| 11 >•- I' Mi I’inkham answers of lidelity \ Ini- \ l». I freely all letters inquiry. ltuliziug. and without Pills. .1 < > E P11 M. <. f r. j the murdered cash'd- hv with a nourishing stimulating. PI.ENS, m :: 'i I 'i •>! > >• coming forward K< i:;:.!.■ |i l\ ’.. i< ml for phampbb-ts.’ arc Mai! Bitters. .March II I I. \ \ I > 1. 11", l.\, •• generous contribution of in aid of his intoxicating, lyrll ;m«l \v-.t n lilt .1 \>! w :: -1 ■! li^h! ;ini" i. it. mono) '. TILL ANOTHER \ \\ < ». I \ i; K M n". x ■ ho -hould be without F. I’iiikliam’s nou D r. it ot was a i % e family Lydia lannly. support. Tile result is tin* h* -1 !mt (.«• m.inv \\ 11,111. lie *. 1 •Honesty policy." p.o These Pills have met with the l\FK J’ILL>. lloy cure Kilioii-- .is^ ot lid e.isii. to ot s.dno Cou-tipution, amounting upwards claim that cannot afford tin* h.-i oi anv i.*—. and d the pie they So i .1 M \ i X STIi i 1 T Torpidity Liver. S>c. per box. an average ot nearly three eighths ol a cent for thing. most Remarkable Success Important Discovery. RE-OPEINI 11ST Gt- >: •!«■!-, I. ii.H Hu- ii.! i •;u ii l ink in the 1 Il was the mail a tire on his TO NEW *‘\ *r\ body seemed to forget the w idow and caught by prairie YORK, I'llll.o ill!.* -IA I orphans j own of 1 section land who ran h s & Co. have 117 & 119 Middle St., Portland, Me., in tle-ir solicitude tor poor r ■ HAWAI IAN 111. I 111 111 .'I \\ al'i". Mi, A pardon- ttie\ were brought ings trom Strains or Bruise.**; the Tortures from ov teartul sorrowful old maids: I ill;. A I >. I'"; by Klieuniatic jiaius and Weak Back: ,i 1 line horse ONLY 42 MILES OF R&SL. io deputations of pathetic widows; shoals ot CATAHKH REMEDY. ¥ \ M I M Ml Kl l.*"< >\ ! by cured and a hoctors hill saved, may all come from Hundreds have testified to the Steamboat Train v. ill leave \ * impressive no, the governor for one Express Poston ) orphans. bottle of Centaur Liniment. An invaluable ■ iftLF A CEMTiiRY OLD Providence Railroad station d will amI I. -I,aim i.i "i 1,*< M I.I: •! \ I- M I.' \ once—would not yield. in house. Benefit have derived .! ]J1 st(//i'rtiihlr J/tscflsC A/'ndhil and !> Sundays except remedy any they \ ii 1 •*. ‘i in '.ail *•-:.! Mail Now. (ieorge Benton experienced religion. The I e.|; at 1’. M. I'onntTi at l-'o\ l* wharf. l*i o\ i 11. •>! ar-,>• t. ( tlI'i'd tis I st\ deice, with the New anil Magnitic nt i. 1, 11.1 i 11 a 11 ft a 11 -1 '•.'ti'l \» 11 a i' news flew all around From that time forth Win n a has a watch to him from their use in the cure la/ j Entirely glad hoy gold presented >!•,;. i-f.l. I I:ii M was he will two his cell alwaisfull of girls and women ami travel miles to it ,.i a cheerfully regulate of I•• r-t.ii' i.11. -1. I l*> i;i- in the of Sick Headache, Ner- flu- receipt fur muking this wu.ndekmt. iikmkih fresh flowers all tin day long there was prayer, presence his enemies. J |., i.i- Mir,-, w >ik- -m was obtained by .Times d. |v»\ey, while living in ; STEAMER MASSACHUSETTS, |nil.!i-lii-.| and hynn. singing, and thanksgivings and houii What vous (•ill.litan .1,‘iii 11.-11 I a in!.',I at 11 > They’ll Do, Headache, lloiiolulu, Hawaiian Hand, where lie resided for ! 1 and and the well-known and popular at a 1 o ■ ( mi I. I A.- a i; lies, tears, with never an than twelve ears. .i|i|'i-ar interruption, except hid ever know or I,car of a case of more an live you indiges u il liin ami I,-i' ai-1 < mi tin ml T I.. occasional minutes intermission for re Para- Mr. at that was from ca *11•»*y 1’eavey time, 1 lion, weakness of the stomach, inaction of the liv- Neuralgia, Nervousness, suffering j \ -1 -: i, i. ., -i lli. tivsliuients farrli, and with mail) doubts u> to the curativ e prop ! Is a sure for er. that the Favoi ite Tonii Bitters would STEAMER RHODE ami -In.\v -:ii.. I an;, I Im n.n -. n n m. remedy This sort of continued to People's and ertics id this lie a small ISLAND, thing up the very lysis, Sleeplessness reideily, compounded .quan- a m. ■> fiaii \V gal not cure It is remarkable what si ess this •'h-.uitl imi :>«• f,|. | a »i' Coughs, Colds, rein and to u-e as directed. To bis Arriving in New York at »'• \. M II i-tb. V .. I Consumption. The brave cashier’s head stone has this Health in a Bottle. and There is No forms. Tickets and State Rooms can be secured t om- inserip ence, 1 1 'll' Under these circumstan- lion “He line trial of the is its best testimonial. patiy's oilier, git Washington, .orner Mate Street, I'M.1 pure, honest, sober, industrious, con Due bottle of Du Dkosvknok's Liyi-.i Am remedy » will and Poston w 111 ami ;. -l in.I I» V \ I 1 I \ It | ,\. ces he this Kind of Duubt but Sure r• -1 i« I is wit liiu the reach of all who are u illing at & Providence Railroad Station. compounded >iderate, ami you will never—" benelieial results in eases where tin- reme- lif" Ml. in -alt i 111.1 v .-I \\ produce to <• it a trial. M.,. ..A ! .s gi\ single .E W. RK’II Poston. -• JElixir, was cured, and Nobody knows who gave the order to leave it dies of the and N«»lrum.s, ARbSON, Agent, inj |• a11 ■ I '.ai' I w ill fur I *!•• a ■aii-. I’haruiacopieut depend Will Cure these Diseases. It is liarmh convenient to take at any time, and to a that hut it was so ent for a brief success They A. A. F< U.SOM, P. & P. R R. nmla I >r• l r.-.l. Thai I Im ~ai• I I' rank M -i\ .• n• •. lived good old age. way. given. upon puffery alone, utterly it.' good effects are sure to be felt as soon as the Sup’t are ini<■ rt-'lfiI faii'iii” a «.| ilii' can The earner's family in circuin fail. As its name tins medicine acts d'i is |m-r.'Uii' l.y «-«i|.\ pit You it for the stringent implies, remedy applied. 1 try *«- t tin-'-.- Wf.-k' ,'iiivt"-i\»• !\ m ih i; stances, now. it is said; but no matter; a lot of upon the Liver; but its action is bv no 1m:. » \\ I’.knsun < v\i>< jivmomu.i: this is different from any other snuff on |m11«ii'11•• of one doctor’.; reetly entirely < price visit. 1 « ■ x k. j i: 1M i *: n -I. nrnril ai Ikii m. Mia! h. n. who were not that an means'(//////(<. tlnit the I'll.i s are pit-pared e\press|\ to cure siek Mead the market, as every particle is dissolvi d as soon as (.iu ki»k< m n |>rinln.| appreciative people, willing digestive appara- 1 For sale in :i|»|"-ar a! I’ruhalf mirl, I.<• in M ii I’., a everywhere. act so brave ami true as his should go unrewarded tus and the bowels are in good aehe. Ner\'»u- Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous it comes contact with the delicate membranous put working trim, TRADE MARK The TRADE PAARK \\ il-liin ami l"i- '.ai.l ( "iinl\. un tlm'f m ! I I have collected and built a in--. I’aialv-i-. Sleeplessness and I ndiircst ion coatings that line the nasal passages, acting as it | memorial the manifold symptoms of vanish, the I ■* li Bt «• in '•! \ iiiMi't II l.t 1 ■ Dyspepsia dire mucus Rug W’igifV Ilf\t. ai If ,’| Ilf flunk Belfast Bank. I it. or My-pep-ia, and will an\ ease, no manor does directly upon the membrane. church with blood is purified, and Liles, which are the tnvaria e«lr, An nnl .il ami 'In>\\ « aii'f. if tin lia\n, mih Savings lio\\ obstinate, if properly used. The\ ;m- not a Do not delay auottier day, but send X» cents and any u!i> hie result of costiveness, are eradicated ing cure for Semi- ."IiuiiM m>t Im ami all 'u, I CURED ANNUALLY. wholly cmvall, Imt for only those special di-ea-i* Thc\ obtain a samp), box by return mail. I'pnfil, a|i|»ru\,..i \Vf K !• M< t\'l-.l> to I lc ir m \v n a 1 W * 1 A .In J Kankiiiy Hvx'ri) In a New town where there are not three this standard medicine. m» or For sale eakness, 1*1111.1 111.1.'" | England by using family contain opium, morphine ipiiniue, and are not Ha bv all Druggists. I i it .on II oust ar«' .,!a (| to r* S e r m atorrln >. «-. I*- IV fill *. If S.j'iar* pn j is a well known can a hut the p \ trim »j»\. Utf'l colleges citizen who run a purirative, regulate Imwel-. and eure I oriv deposits, placing the same on inti >t on tin [I Iyr44 There is a fortune in store for the milliner who Impoteucy.und all race with Mrs. and beat In curing or removin';Iheeauses of it. li ! 'lav s ol I iim ,1 n! v and ■ handicapped Partington, constipation I \i rsous cV, < '<> 1 Mseases I hat fol- Anoint >ep; in I or, ami shall devise a bonnet that can be worn in anv eifeei Hailes the old time. The other Thc\ iiave a charmim; upon the skin, and a December,.! a I- •imi.n v and March. Interact benignant lady every day H IIULI.IU ■ I IIII ■ <.'<„ ■ » rN low, as a st <|iience nuary, part of a church and its trimmed loveh, i|Uietin^: elVeej upon the nervous be mil' com *d on a poor fellow met yvitli a painful accident, always present system, Of Sell as* Steam Ftr Sale. put >amc, t In lirst Mondav ol .Hum For Sale or to Let whereby side to the l«\ feeding ir- ten thousand Inman, in Abuse; Engine | iilid the skull was broken in upon the brain, congregation. simply vis, 117 & 119 Middle Street, PORTLAND, Me. Loss of Memory, December. rendering some eases >tar\ inifabsorbcnt -. make orereate IMMtTVm.K STKUI KM. INK \M» ISO IL IK They 1 niversal L.ev rp||K Deposits received daily. xcept on Sundays and BKAITIKI L COTTA ft K mi necessary. The anxious A Fool Once nerve GENERAL AGENTS. lyi I BEFORE TAtvlrin. AFTER TAKING. the .loiirnul I r«—. vhud. LOTS, trepanning neighbor, More. matter and ai\e power, force and 1 used tor driving 11 from V to 1 \ M <■ huoyaim Lain in tin* Dimness of Legal olidays,' and t I*. M Turtle Head. Isleshoro. 'Pin- lora hearing that the must be in to | he and in that increase mental tude, Back, Vision, Prema- It will he sold at hargiiin. A j I % t.»the operation preformed, Lor ten wife was confined to her nerves, way force, j | >at iirdav s l*»a nk elosi“-at ! v, noon. lion is the finest in Penobscot the years my bed ture Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to latt ijuired solicitously next time lie saw one of the endurance and brilliancy of mind. \obod\ that has \ • >11’.v re;i... with such a of ailments that no doc or a publisher. J«»H II. i 1 ASA KA l Nt 1- 1 r« C ine View of the east and complication a insanity and Premature Crave. Hay. family “Has (ieorge been japanned V' nervous system should neglect to take them I w o Consumption, of yet tor could tell what was the matter or euro her. He full iu our which we dt west Hay and a larjre part of or three months in each year, simply as a nerve REMOVAL! particulars pamphlet, Waldo and and I used a small fortune in sin- to send free mail lo one. Hancock comities. Abundant shade lip humbug stuff. food, if for no other purpose. Price ’.'ill els. a l»o\, M. V. SNOW, BKKSSM\kKB, takes this by every 4£>The Being called to account for the statement that a Medicine is sold ;tll and eharminjr proves on ditlcrent parts of tin* prem- Six months ago 1 saw a I S flag with Hop Hit orb boxes lor sent postage free. Sold by all MUS.means ol inlorming her patrons an g Island '12 miles in lenirtli) where the drives down was true; for.’’ said he, “I was ing to better facilities and assistance, she Block, Dktimht, iyj gj literally strong as any man's wife, and it cost me two Wholesale Druggists, I> I competent Stdil in Belfast K. II MoOD’l and h\ It (Jives Butter t!iesrilt-edired eolor inni.«ir round are unexcelled. A few lots will U* sold or let in only will be enabled to a business by Druggist> large and the other man was respectable conduct larger than of Dairymen «:iy IT |S sT/e and location to suit. Parties are invited to in- dollars Such folly pays. (II. W.. Detroit. Mich. PKICV'KCT. i 117 & 119 Middle ever before. her customers for everywhere. 1 St., Portland, Me Thanking past pat- national Diplomaat \. \ Dairy I-air. A>k ••or iii ,•? i..:.-K u the I adore local elsewhere. it '• spect promises in;? Ap- ronage, she solicits a continuance of the same. 'its, whotiscgft. wlierctopi'r It. WII.I.S, l;l(!l VI.'llMIN A < ». rr»|.ric!.»rs Iturlintrloii, \ t. Some seem to the no e GENERAL AGENTS. W. F. PHILLIPS & Wholesale ply to A. S. DAVIS, Turtle Head, Isleshoro, Me. people sing through just L’orroct your habits of crooked walking by using MRS. M. A. SNOW. Cl)., Aqents .Mine ."t, 1880.—2m2t to save the mouth to grumble with. Lyons Latent Metallic Heel Stiffeners. F°r Sale liy R. H. MOODY. Belfast. Belfast, May 1J, 1K80— J rnUTI.AMi ly-tii E I