Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 1 Regional Parks in Europe the Swiss Example

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Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 1 Regional Parks in Europe the Swiss Example 06.11.2010 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 1 Regional parks in Europe The Swiss example Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 2 Table of content The most beautiful Nature park in Switerland The making of – how long does it take, steps needed What are (Swiss) parks good for Take home message Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 3 Zurich Bern Geneva Matterhorn Milano Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 4 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 5 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 6 © Christian Pfammatter Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 7 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 8 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 9 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 10 USP‘s Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 11 Finances Yearly budget of about 1.7 mio CHF 900’000 subsidies (Government & canton) 230’000 communities (members) cash 100’000 communities own work 70’000 excursion & products 400’000 Funding for projects Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 12 How long does it take? 1997: first ideas 2000: association of 4 communities (1 strong leader) 2004: first employee 2005: cantonal (Flyker) Park 2009: candidate Regional Park (cantonal project) 2013: Label Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 13 Results of the community meeting votations in 2011 commune surface (ha) population present yes % no % Siders 390 15'405 Varen 1'281 636 77 43 55.8 34 44.2 Turtmann 197 82 42.5 111 57.5 Erschmatt 1'120 293 53 31 60.8 20 39.2 Salgesch 1'134 1'344 90 85 98.8 1 1.2 Agarn 800 758 36 27 81.8 6 18.2 Albinen 1'552 281 31 31 100.0 0 0.0 Leuk 4'416 3'461 188 185 99.5 1 0.5 Unterems 135 164 32 27 84.4 5 15.6 Oberems 5'200 134 25 23 100.0 0 0.0 Guttet-Feschel 1'051 401 232 137 62.3 83 37.7 Gampel-Bratsch 2'305 1'849 131 110 86.6 17 13.4 Mollens 1'780 835 20 20 100.0 0 0.0 Leukerbad 6'722 1'563 99 59 62.8 35 37.2 Totals 27'886 27'124 860 313 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 14 Factors of sucess Rise of one strong political leader Politicians were used to work together Step by step development Not only paper in the planning phase Many winemakers instead of dairy farmers Local management (no private company) Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 15 Risks Not the park of an administration, but of the locals New organisation in a region (existing ones?) Reduction on the economical dimension (tourism) You can’t hurry love (local population) Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 16 If you want to get to know people plan a nature park Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 17 There are three categories of parks of national importance, designed for different needs and uses: National park - National parks are extensive areas offering intact habitats for indigenous flora and fauna and allowing the landscape to evolve naturally. Within this framework, they also serve purposes of recreation and environmental education, as well as scientific research. They are divided into a core and a buffer zone. Regional nature park - Regional nature parks are partly populated rural areas characterised by high natural and landscape values. They promote sustainable development of the regional economy. Nature discovery park - Nature discovery parks are areas close to densely populated urban centres, offering intact habitats for indigenous flora and fauna and allowing the public to enjoy experiences of nature. They are divided into a core and a transition zone. Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 18 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 19 Federal policy on parks is based on the following principles: • The establishment of a park of national importance is voluntary. • A park of national importance arises from a broad-based participatory and democratic (bottom-up) process in a region. • The development of parks does not involve the introduction of any new protection regulations, except in the core zones of national parks and nature discovery parks. • High natural and landscape values are the fundamental requirement for the recognition of a region as a park of national importance. • In parks of national importance, high natural and landscape values are to be preserved and enhanced and natural resources are to be used sustainably. Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 20 Economic figures Entlebuch 16% of all visitors came because of the park added value: 6 mio CHF Swiss national parl 36% 20 mio CHF Six time the money invested Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 21 Things you cannot buy Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 22 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 23 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 24 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 25 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 26 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 27 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 28 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 29 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 30 Conclusions: what is a park good for Visibility (also housing!) Regional identity Enhanced regional cooperation (energy, land use) Labelled products (not just another label) The most promising regional development for extraordinary landscapes Maybe the wrong, but a sexy name Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 31 Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 32 The Swiss parks network Representation towards government, cantons, NGO’s, sponsors Services for the members (parks): information / experience exchange Projects on a national level No concurrence Naturpark Pfyn-Finges 33 .
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