The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Began Its Career with the January Number
THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL M AGAZINE. PUBLISHED Q UARTERLY BY* » THE S OUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARLESTON, S. C. EDITEDY B A.. S SALLEY, JR., SECRETARY A ND TREASURER OF THE SOCIETY. VOLUME I . Printed f or the Society by THE WALKER. EVANS A COOSWELL CO., Charleston, S. C. I900. OFFICERS OFHE T South C arolina Historical Society President, G en. Edward MoCbady. 1st V ice-President, Hon. Joseph W. Barnwell. 2nd V ice-President, Col. Zimmerman Davis. Secretary a nd Treasurer and Librarian, A.. S Salley) Jr. Curators : Lang d on Cheves, Henry. A M. Smith, D. E. Huger Smith, Theodore D. Jervey, S. Prioleau Ravenel, Thomas della Torre. Charles. W Kollock, M. D. Boardf o Managers. All of the foregoing officers. Publication C ommittee. Joseph W. Barnwell, Henry A. M. Smith. A.. S Salley, Jr. THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL M AGAZINE PUBLISHED Q UARTERLY BY THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, CHARLESTON, S. C. VOL-— I No. 1. JANUARY, 10OO- Printed l or the Society by THE WALKER. EVAN5 & COOS WELL CO., Charleston, S. C. CONTENTS Letter f rom Thomas Jefferson to Judge William Johnson 3 The M ission of Col. John Laurens to Europe in 1781 ... 13 Papersf o the First Council of Safety ±1 The B ull Family of South Carolina 76 Book R eviews and Notes 91 Notes a nd Queries 98 The S outh Carolina Historical Society 107 N.. B The price of a single number of this Magazine is one d ollar to any one other than a member of the South Carolina H istorical Society.
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