THE PEEL REPORT 5 Proteste Be Made to Au a Look at the Events Leading up to the Repp'rt and the Likely Outcome

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THE PEEL REPORT 5 Proteste Be Made to Au a Look at the Events Leading up to the Repp'rt and the Likely Outcome hope that decisicHi wiU reflect those principles of. humanity and justice for which men like Jacob VOLUME 48, NUMBERS 17 & 18 Prai have been prepared to make sudi great sacrifice. I therefore make the plea that the strongest possible THE PEEL REPORT 5 proteste be made to aU A look at the events leading up to the repp'rt and the likely outcome. (Queensland's largest and most governments invdved in the accessible letter section). continuing daughter hi West Papua and the possible SOLAR SELL-OUT 7 extradidon of Jacob Prai. Do not let us have to Two special reports on the eneigy problem - how big business is JACOB PRAI'S ask who was Jacob Prai. cashing in on the SUP panies, to the total ex­ ^UDY ANDREWS ARREST AND THE clusion of the local people. WEST IRIAN RE­ P.O. Box 106 MEXICAN GRASS NOW DEVIL WEED 9 An example is "Freeport Kuranda. North Old. SISTANCE TO Muierals" whose copper 4872. How the U.S. Govt, is poisoning American marijuana smokers. INDONESIA mine at Tembagapuiii_ is 80% American owned'the remaining 20% belonguig to MARY WHITEHOUSE GAY LIBERATION MOVEMENT H I write tiUs in the hope hidtmesian partners. DESERVES RESPECT dut your puUlcation, as a Local opposition to ~" ' ~ Part 2 of our series 'Coming out in the Seventies'. traditional champion of Indonesian mle in Irian i am an outside aoquam- hfeedom and justice will bring to notice the cir­ 5!'"!,";^ii?"'H'n^^*these people vutiiaUy hav^e ^^ of^ Sempe*?^r an, d my' SEX AND SMELL 13 cumstances surrounding only bows and arrows to «»"»«>*«.«« in reference Research into the impact of smell on human sexual behaviour. die recent arrest and oppose the modem arms *° *» "*>«« appeanng m possible extradition of of the Indonesian forces. "^^ ^"11 Quid' of October THE STREET MARCH BAN 14 Jacob Rrai. These fireedom filters are H entided 'Hail Cream loosely grouped in an or- Mary', in reference to Maiy On Wednesday 27di Three articles on new tactics - and pictures from the October 30 March. ganisation known as the Whitehouse. To vdioever is September, it was O.PJ1I. "What is becoming responsible, whetiier it be annoiinced that Jacob Prai clear from the dhdointed •Semper' or an independent had been arrested in Papua THE GOVT PUBLIC RELATIONS J?AT.L ^?^A. :°"*„ ?} contributor, I address New Guhiea and sentenced bian Jaya is that the 0 J>.M mysdf. MACHINE 21 to two months Imprison- has overwhelming tribal The article was obviously A detailed examination of how govemment publicity services, turned to mait as an illegal Immignint support in the hi^^ands in • support of the pie- and that hdonesimi officials and latent suppcurt from .t ^ ^... 1 J t* partisan purposes, can deny the public important information and hoped that he would be Irianese in the coastal and seem^2!»8-s that 1in thiS!.S? 'pluralist! give an enormous advantage to the party in power. extiadited to Indonesia. urban areas." (The Aust- society, where freedom of Who is Jacob Fhd and ralian, 15-9-77). , . • e lAy would Indonesia want Jacob Prai is one of ^f^^ ?"*^ expr«sion of REVIEW SECTION 29 bisextraditira? these people. Tlie crime oP^on B supposed to p«- ftai's hom^tmdi f<x for which Indonesia wants ™*' : "'^^^ '^ '^ v^iich he has been fightilng hU extradition is patriotism! Tf^'L^T W? for the last fifteen years, If Prai is extradited at best ^^ ^''^T? iS^' he faces deatii. f'^ „.^^. ** "^ P°'^"''' journalist Hugh Lunn, who sidious propaganda..So Mr. busy earning a comfortable is West Papua, known as sdaty as profesdond jour­ Irian laya. The reports of the h^n^t^V » f". .«• has kmdiy uiterpreted for Luna could blame these savagery of the Indonesian P^^B'^^onest opmion. me the meanmg of jou^ authorities for usmg in- nalists, must be given the As the result of - a same recognition as those politico-economic decision treatoent of poUtical '^ '"'"Pt^^S-^^ .^J^ '°' ndism lecturer Charles flammatory language. prisonera has attracted the betweeT*«n" disagreemen" ^reat differenct albeiet Stoker argument on jour- ^^^ Lunn and Stokes who opted to forgo such hi 1962,.half of the Mela- atteiition and hivestigation comfort in pursuit of nesian people of New of "Amnesty Intemational stnmg on an issue and n.i;«» •««ti,j«« /•••co^io," ^PP**"^ *o suffer from the demonstraticms of penonal academk: excdleiici;. If that Guinea have \been subject which has urged that Mhsm t«iddng ( Seinper , j^,^.^ .^^ ^^^j^^ ^^ were to be the case, why to the miUtary dictatordiip prisoners taken in hjan'^o^*^^-**>'«'**« °«*?f vol. 40, issue 10). mass communication ^^S: dibuld any prospectivB jour­ ci . Indonesia, a . countiy Jaya be given genuine °f'^'*.«»JJ[?f!«»t°«"^ Mr. Lunn blames rae for dpUne lack dgnificnnt jour- naUsm teacher ever bother with no etimic.or cultural poUtical prisoner status.??".^ Whitdiouse ui "ushig surprisingly uiflam- nalisni experience. -Thby to do adoctoratef ties widi Melanesia. Snce Amnesty's efforts did result ?"®^*°!l • . ' ^7?* matwy lan^age for an would be surprised to find then the iaspirations of the I would be the first to In the transfer ofurisoners S"°'"*'5°".^. "^T^^ ^cademic discussion' numerous American jbiirr agree that .we need nuts- indigenous Papuan people who had been kept for dght ^o*?** ^he httie mob up because I parentheticaUy . naUsm educaton (e.g., Prof, have.,been crushed in'-the and-bolts .teachers \in a months in buUc-cargo for what they are. v adverted to Mr. Stokes'use Roy E.'Carter Jr. of the jpurnaUsni prpgramme. But niost' .^bhital, ' geno^dal shipphigcontainers., W^at I can only caU of hatf-tiuth as "most in- University of^Mlimisota, manner, wfth few outsiders puerileand a shambhil dis- to. staff such a "programme One must reaUy sidious propaganda", r Ptof;:-Alex Si Eddstein of •with.this -type;bf teacher witnessing, the ''oyerkOi" question the existence of .Pl"y;°J'^°"'«« ? JJ^^ ^- ened by the fact that Mary . I commend to Mr. Lunn the Univereity of Washing- only, - pailiculariy tii a tactics 'of the Indonesians' any sense of moraUty. in tiie foUowhig excerpt from ton) whb have bothrqiiaU- •final sdution'l'to the Whitehoue is a woman and unwei^ty,.wiUvdp hothing Australia vdien, by our an auUiontative book on fications. Journalism Dein to„ promote/.acadenuc ex- legithnate demands of the sflence we appear tobe hi "a lad""y' an«idu deserveu«,p««^s respec, t _. re- *^°'!S!i^^*^°°' Abd of Columbia Univer- .cdlence or quality of .jourr Papuan people. Xtely in compUcity iritii the im- *^'^"'^«. >» '"'^y «0f the many propa- ^^y hag a BA, MS, .and die last. few. years has ' a servied for the stooges', of 'naUdn'teaching,.'.u^ such position this ' Indoaiesian ganda techniques, one of LL p. ... , : .- -, staff are required to qbtaiii smaU part of this sad "Pax Islam" on „the in­ this world, vidiose ignorance die jhost hisidious is: fhe .j km. awa^/thatiniair situation come to the notice and stupidity was weU- higher academk; degrees as a digenous people of West half.truth used as an ex- graduate students who gata prerdiuisite for tenure and <rf the outside world.' Papua. exbmpUfied in theh movies. planahon or m place of admission to doctoral prog- Over the hst two years I wonder-do the prbmotibii. Teh to 15 years', Is, there not also a Intimate. siypoit: and nunines hi the ioumdism experioicein a senior niedla. the Indcmesian forces have healthy cynicism aroused „„„,^,^feminists , '' caU thi„„s evidence in behalf of. a and mass communicatibiis stepped up their campaign position vis <ribf ^necessarily. when our Westem media SSSl£ u .tt.r M . particular pohtt of view, areas hi American univer: equivaierit. .>o the achieve­ agiJnst dissidents, ushig bombard, us witii stories .^'^''^^^v^' '^*" f I The speaker does not say dties dready pdssMS some -modem weaponry. suppUed ment of a ni.D.:as a general.^ pf RiLan di«idents yet !«'^'^*!^2iSS anythuig that is not true, years^ professiond t jonrr rule/ •..;••,• ,^.V.<!;>,'•.• •• _. •.' by die US bidudittg boaco lemahi. silent about -nuuB''^T*f°'''''^^f* ^l but he suppresses carefuUy' naUsm' experience.- These O.V. 10 aireraft (used hi sdMted,; rdated material, people pnrfw to foigOcom- .. Mr. Lunn / maices' - the. murder. conducted just off} f^^^^^iS^^i.^ 2 simpUstic ; ..remark' •;; that Vietnam, and desoibed as ounnrr diores«horM?9 .. " : I «»aest< that they, and anddeiiberatdy misleads his fortable' salaries as, pro- t'counto'-insurgency ali^ any : others who support auditors." „ . ' '••'•.fesdond . jburiiidists v. to "biin^ but ;ai;paper.;. Js It is to oiir .shame that this't^ of behaviour study what j ourhaUsm V: is - aU craft") and ;have the AustraUa is not totally (Quoted -from E.G. become graduate studehis promise of more sophis;, a few : books on common Andersch, L.C. Staats, and in purusitof acadeniicrex- about"; in:thati^^case;^Mr.v innocent of involvement In decency and'courtesy. Liinn; • there^ij; no need ff or ticated jet fighters by the tiie dau^ter in West Papua R.N. .Bostrom, Communi- cdlence." TTiey': are:'risk- end, of ' this • year.; This >iri • Whitdiouse's cations in- Everyday .Use, {ai^^ / : .> teaching :: VjouxnaUsin" ' in- .because , of continuing.. , i, ' w tertiaiy iJBtitutiqiii becaiise' armoury'is behig used to miUtary aid and tiie reSS ^^f** *°5'?'*^ *?°™f :3rd;^ed. ^ Francisco:, v What M«a»^ Lunn ^mil levd whole' vJUag^; a. haU Rindiart Press, ;1969, p. Stokessay is thatthe libfr that; cbidd . verv- 'wdl- -be- presence of the.AuitriUan^t?P^<'«?°™°8r^l^^^ 214) risk-takera, .who are .too .of exptoshr,es; froni the ah* Jrmy and tMotc^:-*hlm^^^'^^^^ .' Instead; of'hastily ,ac- _; (MpreLeiteiilPage.4) foUowed by ground troibps preired by theSbstrdiS ! ^,? ^^..^^^ •cnslng .;me.
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