T"°Fran Kl in News Record
t"°Fran kl in Franklin’sNews Oldest Community Newspaper recorD "eel.21. No. 46 Twosections, 30 pages Thursday,November 13, 1975 Phone:725-3300 Secondclasss postage paid in Princeton,N.J. 08540 $4.50/ycet 15 cents/copy Porro inquiry soug t ’~ The Franklin TownshipSewerage he waspaid outlandishfees for his work Mr. Porro was also paid another Eckardt will continue their in- Authorityhas suspendedits attorney, on the PhaseThree sewer bend,. $50,000for legal expensesconnected vcaligation into the attorney’s legal : Alfred Porto, and askedfor on in- with the authority so far this year, ac- workin Franklin,as they havebeen ! vestigationinto his activities as legal ACCORI)INGTOfigures released by cordingto the director, LarryGerber¯ doingfor sometime. counselto that authority¯ Mr. Koszkulios,the attorneyreceived Theattorney sent a letter to the In his letter tothe authority, Mr. ~/i+i Mr.Porro was also indictedlast weekover ~3,000for the PhaseThree ban- authority,assuring them that he wouldPorro said "no shame" would be by a BergenCounty grand jury which dine, a figurehe claimsis oneof the welcomethe investigationand denied broughttotheauthorRyasaresult,ofhts .: charged him with¯ conspiracy and highestever recordedfor a $5 million any wrongdoing both here and in legal representation. misconductin office¯He was accused of bondby the Institute for Analysisof BergenCounty¯ receivingmoney while he wasattorney PublicIssues in Princeton¯ Mr. Koszkultos said he and Mr. (See’PORRO,page 14-A) " ’ ’ "’" ........... to the East Rutherford Sewerage Authorityfrom some of the firms which underwrotethe authority’sbonds. ’ MONDAYNIGHT the Franklin authority suspendedMr. Porro and decidedto withholdhis paypending an Dem hits FTA impact investigation by SomersetCounty Prosecutor Stephen Champi. East ~’ Brunswickattorney Ella Schneiderwill by nrian Wand Mrs.
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