
pjOEEi PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. EHE1 1900. THREE CKNT8, ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY MOItNINO, JANUARY 11, _PRICE. tbe foreign olBoe Iim been ed. Invited t» meet tae guest* ot tb> hold the territories completely la their Dirdrsaralb, evening wets the members of the cabi- local affairs assort- Inform'd, le etlll In-progreso. MR BALFOUR’S EXCUSES. power, administering net, of both brnnobee of Congrvsa, the ing to their own whims and accountable Supreme court, olUoere of the a-my and to no one bare armed forces which ALONG TUGELA. They QUIET navy and a contingent of realdoot secre- terrorise the tahat Hants. peaoefnl British Forces at Frere fimj (osllsss taries. About SHOO mvltatlona bad been lba rebel forose on the other band bars “BOBS" ARRIVES. Inactive, tamed. 1'he Kaat room was decors tad never lacked for mows/. The Inhabitants, Explains in Behalf of Plan to Cacch Them Mall In Its usual beaullfo) manner. The oon- driven to desperation tbs necessity of Condon, January II.—The Daily by srrvatory wae thrown open and the Ma- to fonr times tbs normal has tbe following despatch dated January War Failed. baring pay Department. rine band played. President ami Mm. for rood staffs against 8, from ffrrr* Damp: ptleaa organised McKinley received their guests In the not, no "WIU the eiseptlon of the usual shell- Insurgent depredations: having bine Introductions were the naval parlor. 'Jibs arms, were unable to resist tbslr ing of the Doer position* by made by Col blaghsm of the army, be- gone the British force remains inactive. oppressors. hind the line and assisting the Preildenl "Bight Doer oamps were seen today Some Have Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener Ar- Admits That Things and Mrs. McKinley were a large num- South of A PORT OPKNKD. by a patrol along tha Tugelo la a wester- Troops ber of the Invited gmate of the evening. ly dlreotlon. All war* quiet. Manila, January 10.—lO.tO p. m. | Been Learned. Including Senator and Mrs. Krye, Speak- Manila. "Ballrge any that whan tha British Komblon'a port has bean opened to com- er and Mrs. Iisndersin a id Miss Hen rived at Town Wed. rroonnoltarrd near Colanao on Saturday merce. Cape and demon, Admiral Mrs. from This Dewey, Major tof OPENING TUB HEMP PORTS. the Boata hurried Springfield. General and Mra. Mllee, tbe maiotersof supports tha belief tbat Colacao waa t Washington, January 10.—Tbo follow- the Philippine commission and the la- weakened to attack Cadyaiulth." ing cablegram from General OUs rsoslvad Mounted Met for dles of thslr families. Nozaleda’s Tbe Capa Town correspondent of tba Enemy Archbishop at the war department today In answer Daly Mall telegraphing Monday, aayai to an Inquiry from Adjutant General First Time. Demands. "Tba Boor suooeseao bare been followed Many Corbin, shows tbe prospects of reopening by a tremendous outbnrrt of rnthualaam the hemp potto In tbs Philippines: Presence to Their Expected and Boar sympathy In tha western part "Obliged to nea nil available oaaetlng of tbe ooloay. Ueporta from Pearl say vessels In troops In various Is- supplying the whole district la made bldeone at land*. Am unable to movs troops to Restore Shaken Confidence. With Mounted Troops War Islands of Leyte and Samar In night by band* of young men parading hemp dU:rtots as soon s* anticipated. In tbe village* and s*nglng the lraaevaal Ended Am now oolleetlog vessels here for that Would Have Long Ago. Hands of Insurgents. volkslUd, whlla the ohlldren are every- purpos-. The United States transports where prnotlotng the mtlonal song* of are of too great, draught. Uave opened * tbe rrpnblloe. The following are fiomblon and UaxpU and soma hemp la specimen* ui nuiviurue unwvwi oomlng In. Will open hemp dlstrlot as western Bute hi "BulLr and iihodes London, January 10.—Mr. A. J. Bal- Manila, January 10—KUO p. m.—Re- soon as possible, seme time this month. Lord Methuen Will Be are prisoners," and "Two thousand Boers four, the government loader In the House Quality of tba movement* of the Amerloan Hate* baa about oleared up provlnoe of Probably port) secretly sailed and captured Cape of Commons, at a luncheon given In them the in commanders south of Manila show that Cavite making large captures. leading Cigar Town." Manchester this afternoon mmdo a speech General llatoa and General Wheaton are (Signed) OTIS. Relieved of Command. In wnloh he repudiated tho accusation NEW ENGLAND. at Perez Pas Marinas and General THE ALLIES AT ODDS. tb at he was a “Thick and thin supporter A in Schwan at SUang, all awaiting the arri- RUMORED RAILROAD DEAL. favorite every home, ehib, the war office.“ He declared that even of or val of wagons. Reconnaissances Am Incident at Lailfiniilh Whtcti May office. Every judge of choice provision if an angel from Heaven had told him here shown that l!XU armed Insurgents Canif Trouble. cigars has Tli I* Time II U the M. Y., K. H. A II. (hr It was passible in a groat war to carry have rttlrtd to the mountains from the Vanderbilts are Trying to Huy. London, January II.—A deapatob to out everything os written on paper lie PERFECT CONFIDENCE In dlftrlit between Indsng and Malg and | ths Dally Telegraph dated January 8, should know that the angel was drawing that others have retreated along the WulIt & Bond Blnckstones New York, January 10.—The Tribune of Condnct of War at noon, from Frers damp, taya: upon his imagination. It was not true, coast from Novella to Uatangas. Severe Criticisms by No. tomorrow will from the Doer be added that the war office had sent the 53 Elackstenc St., Boston. of lbs eay: "Firing positions ; Last night Jolan’e squadron v III! ■ ..mm !■!!■ Ill William K. Vanderbilt on bis return London Journals. arunca Ladysmith began early today. It British army Into the Hold with guns lltb cavalry drove a body of lnsjrgsnts from atvo months' eratse to Mediter- •till continues, bat the cannonading Is which them at a hopeless dlsad- fwnm M ulrr fin* A m.llloitn WAS killed plooed ranean (points which he began on bis light and Irregular," vanatge with their enemies. He did not ami there were two wounded. Thirteen stenm yaobt Valiant on Monday may The Durban correspondent of the claim that uw army system wasp* riser, dead Filipinos were found. complete another oolosesl achievement Standard telegraphing Tuesday says that but tbe orltlcs ought not to Ignore the The movement largely resembles Gen- in railroad financiering, tbs first steps of 120U Indian stretcher bearers started for extraordinary military problems of the eral fcjchwan's experiences in the same which It was said last night,were entered the front the prsrlons night and that war, between wblob and tbe t that the towns are now present country excel head- upon a few days before Mr. Vanderbilt 11.—4 a. their departure was regarded In Durban problems wltb wnloh continental Being garrisoned and that tbe Insurgents ;.Lomton, January m.—During It lnslftte strongly upon knowing "tbs sailed. A director or the N. X. JN. a. as Indicative of a renewal of the lighting. quarters stalls bad to deal, there was nu refuse to light, retreating southward and the igtstlude of apparent military In- troth and the whole truth" about the U. I* believe! to bare Standard has received tbe follow- For tbe Urst time In tbe the \ 11. R. company, Tne parallel. history dividing into Riuall bands witn and'olllclal secrecy, Lord Roberta taken to New Haven and Poston on Sat- activity situation and finds fault with Mr. Bal- dated January 8, from Its special cor- of tho world tbe country bad t) meet an of reassembling later. ing apparent intention Kltobanar have arrived at tba urday, an Informal oiler from Mr. Van- and Lord four's defense pleoemeal. respondent at Frers Camp: enemy entirely mountoJ and It was true The plan of catching a large number derbilt, wbtob Indicates that the N. Y. seat of war. It la assumed that tbelr "I bear on gaud authority that Presi- that If Great Biltaln had entered Into the between two brigades has failed. About KITCHENER AND HUBERTS N. 11. & H. H. H. system may become fresh ARRIVE. dent Kruger sent word to tbe Doer head- war wltb a vast number of mounted a hundred insurgents have been killed dearer vision, supported by 35,000 later a part of the New York Central quarters asking why Ladysmith had not soldiers It woull bars long before been hut comparatively few arms have been man, who are due to arrive lu South London, January 10—B.OJ p. m.—(Jen. system. 'this director, whose Influence been attacked and that the reply was concluded, llereaftor, also. It would le taken. within 9U will the sit- Lord Roberta, tbe new commander of with bis associates In the board le a Africa, days, alfer ‘We should low too many men.' HU recognised that guns were not as mobile The legion Is full of amigos, who the British forosa In South Africa and potent one. Bald If the oiler were large uation and that the fourth month of the answer to tbls sxoass was ths sugges- as horse solulers and that held artillery doubt!ets have boon bearing arms which b la oh let of tuff, Uen. Lord Kltobsncr, enough It would be kindly considered will witness the of tion that the Free Staters might be put must be made part of the regular equip- taey have hidden. 'The women and chil- campaign beginning have arrived at Capa Town.
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