• ♦ • * .» » • ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M M * M

H e f r n f o e f . METUCHEN PHARMACY

VOL. XVI. NO. 1 0 [Y, M A R C f t (i, 1 9 0 9 PRICE, FOUR CENTS BUSINESS CARDS •BiRJDGE CLUB F E R e , L S home to the Guild of St. Luke's The Bridge Club met on 'Wednes­ Item s of blic person- Church. The guild will m eet each CHURCH CHIMES. CENTA-WORD-COLUMN. day ait the home of iMrs. lEHis. Mias The Borough Council held its regu­ al nature will tli B. U. TAPKEN, lar monthly meeting Monday evening. s e n t us oy ’ Used when Wednesday morning during Lent. ILLPTIST CHURC-H SERVICES Daisy Ayres won first prize and Mrs. A FETW choice Strawberry plaints for Meeting was called to order at 8.15. sender shoul- therwise. The IN AROANUM HiAT.T, LLtterst won second prize. ■Sl-at ionery approiiirkLte for every oc­ sale; six different varieties. C. B. JEWELER. The Mayor and all the Council were n o t for publl or her name, BANK. BUILDING present. The meeting passed off very las evidence of casion at Hie Ale! uchen Pharm acy. Veghite, Box 181, Metucnen; telephone Ill CHURCH STREET, near George 500 PARTY AT THE CLUB HOUSE good faith oi quickly with very little -business of for the col- Regular preaching every Sunday 15--M-2. There were eight tables for cards at u m n s of the portance. The various committees >uld be mail- Mrs. Gilbert Is at her Metuchen m orning at 11 a. m. and at 7.45 p. m. the club h6uee on Tuesday evening, A. C. KELLY ac SON, dealer! In Coal made their reports, which conairted m orning in homo after a visit in Vermont. by the pastor, ,Rev. j. J. Cook. All WANTED —Success Magazine re­ All th s best Coal kept In stock. also ail five tables playing 500 and three tables quires th e services of a m an In Me- •tsea of sevar and drain pipe, glazed generally of simply “progress.” are cordially invited. Bible school ses­ playing bridge. Mrs. Bloomfield won There was a special communication B. Ames has -purchased an auto­ sion at 3 p.-m. tucKen to look after expiring subscrip­ ta d unglaxed. Trap T’s sod Y’a mobile. the bridge prize and (Mrs. Howard from ex-Borough Counsellor Silzier re­ tions a n d -to secure new business by sfcJrvney flues and pool brick. Offlca, (Mook won the other prize. The party garding a clause which the city . of ST. LUKE’S OHURGH means o f special methods unusually ef­ ta d yard, P ort Reading Tank P-O. as in charge of Mrs. Henry Ay res, as Mdse Jennie (Dr. Gross’s cousLn from New York, Yonkers have in their electric light Oak Tree, fective; position permanent; prefer Box. 445. Tel. 107-R. was quite evident by the good “eats"’ Ited her slater is v-isiting at the Inn. SUNDAY SERVICES. contract. This communication should kPk, th is week. one w ith experience, but would ooO- that followed. T h e services at St. Luke’s Church prove decidedly Interesting to th e bor­ sidieer an y applicant with good natural’ CHARLES HARTMAN D r. -Lippinoc for to-morrow will be as follows: ough Council and, no doubt it w ill re­ Albert 'Acken is on the sick lis t this qualifications; salary fl.60 p er day, ■HAVING AND IH1AIRCUTTLNO. B. I. L, NOTES. located in M< (Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M. ive consideration at the proper time. with commission option. Address, with CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Bonk building. Sunday School, 10.00 a . M. Mrs. Emily Williamson was unable There were but two resolutions pass­ references, R. C. Peacock, Room IOB, M AIN 8TREJET, METUCHEN, N. J. Delicious -box chocolates pounds and Morning P rayer and Sermon, 11:00 to give her talk In tihe League House ed—one vas for tihe N. Y & N. J. Tel­ »s Magazine Bldg., New York, Miss France* half pounds, 35 and 60c. /Metuchen A M. last Thursday hut will give it next ephone Co. to remove two telegraph days at Glen* Pharmacy. Evening prayer, 4:30. DR. E. F. POTTER Tuesday afternoon, M arch 9, ait 3.30. poles now standing in middle of the ^YOU want to go to college?} If —DENTIST— T he Quiet iHour and the B. I. L. idcvalk on 'Durham avenue. -Another help you; we have already Wednesday E. M. Morris, superintendent of PRESBYTERIAN OHURCH •flOes at residence, Hillside Avenue, will hold a joint open m eeting , tin Y**4*liition. requesting the Lehiigh Val­ ad reds through college by ig club rolled A ary and allowance for 'post offices in Preaching by pastor at 11 a. m. and IdiBTlXJHiEJN. N. J. Wednesday, March 10 a t ithe League ley R. R. to build a foot bridge on means of obtf plan. Write for full in- House at 3 o ’lock. ■ Mrs. Ryan, of th e Eagles o n th# this division, visited Metuchen 1.45 p. m.; morning subject, "The • A m lours: 8:30 a m., to 4:00 p. m. Durham avenue opposite their passen- vteitora (won tw o f roman ton regarding our offer at a frea Wednesday a Brooklyn will speak on’ “Womans week and arranged for improvements Lifted and Attractive Christ"; evening scholarship in any school o r college. ger stat‘.< in our post office building w hich (will Subject, '‘The Poetry and Power of Duty In Citizenship. a special petition, submit­ Address Robert J. Shenock, 29-31 Boot (Miss Elizabeth give more accommodation an d facili­ P rayer.” C. CAMPBELL. ted to the Coi ncH requesting a side f bias arrived in 22nd street, New York City. Liverpool. Very | ties for both the public and poet office T he Y.P.SJC.E. consecration meeting FIRST WIRELESS TELEGRAPH walk to be established on Durham a;> 1 was encoun- c. tere d duriiMf force. at 7 p. m. All young people invited. REAL ESTATE AN'D INSURANCE. STATION IN MjETTIJOHiEN tfrofii Central avenue to Main ithat the HAY FOR SALE. ’ T h e heat oompaniee. Law rates. No- storm tables ham* Sunday school -at 9.45 a. m. Fine timothy hay, deilvwed, |H8.00 street. • m i Thursday night -the bowling T h e communion of the Lord's Supr tor, Public Pensions collected. Bur­ For the last thirty days, after school idewalk grade to he established on » ; common mixed hay, tfellvared, (Mrs. F ra n k teams of the Club and Truck I^ouse per will he observed March 14; pre­ glary, plate glass, bolters and em­ hours 'Master Ray Wilson, of Highland » a’ rvempm f* m Durham av/*ue William $14.00 ton. Address Hayseed ears Re­ street, is su met on the latter’s alleys in a match paratory service, Friday, the 12th ployes liability Insurance. Tel. 94. avenue, has been studying and exper­ to MlilUesex a». :iLe. i: An attack or corder. appendicitis. game. The truck house was victorious The Junon* League holds its meeting imenting on wireless telegraphy, with­ Sidewalk gfade to be established on O. STILLMAN. out anyone to assist him, dn a quiet 'wifining two out of three games. The each Sunday afternoon and business LOST—-A silver apes faced rwetefc, C ark so n place from Central avenue to The member*;? 0 way. He bias labored on overcoming ristd&n En- teams -wer made up as follows: Club m eeting Friday evening. on W'ednesday morning about oteo Center street. deavor doctety one difficulty after another and hear­ - iPresbyterian 'House, Gene Moss, W. C larkson, H. T h e subject of the men’s meeting to- o’clock, on Spring street or vicinity. Solan. , Watche* and Hterllna S llv The obpject of the communication Church and > ■ o. 18* Albany Street, New Brunswick, N. ing the light comments and discour­ fare enjoying Mook, Teddy . ana, Allison. Truck morow ia 'T h e -Layman’s Movement,” Kindly return sam e to Wan. Crowell. Sard Engraving arid Wedding Invitation*. as that tlie people of this section of a .thimble i_ aging predictions of hds schoolfates, in the House, Jim Powers, Jack Powers, Gro­ led by John DeMott and Gilbert Ma­ the borough are very much interested church ptrW ij WANTED—Light housework or po­ to-day he sits in- the hay window of die (Bennett ver Lehline and Walter Tails! g. son. All men are Invited. in getting sidewalks and are doing is chairman n il sition os child's nurse, te a s Ida If. MOVING VANS. his home and receives messages from everything in their power tx> set an nbbttee. 1 have a large weather -proof, clean the wireless stations in New York, IMiss DetForeest requests h er friends INSTALLATION SERVICES 8hoefaker, Oak Tree, N J. example to (the other parts of th e bor­ paaia Patty, ran. Goods moved any distance, Philadelphia -and from 'the ocean stea­ a cold who take the New York (Herald -to A t the inetall'a/tlon of Rev. J. W. ough. It is hoped that the Council PRINTING end Sign Painting dona ■aaoonable rates. Drop a postal. m ers far out to sea. At the home of cream , < , at the •end all the coupons, both Teachers Conklin as pastor of the Reformed •ill give these people just a little as­ (Mertnchen •] neatly, promptly and at reasonable PETER LOTT, METUCHEN, N.J. th is hay tan be seen h is Wires and in­ sistance. There is no question but and Amateurs, to -her before -March 00. Church next Thursday evening Rev, sulators, placed far up in the tall H. Hutton, D.-D., of New :Bruns- prices. A. H. Greaves, Box 298, Me­ Bidewalk grades should be established T he eubbro tuchen. n7-tan hickory trees, spreading out and ready t abhe v/lck, will preach. Rev. P. T. Pack­ other parts of the borough, and bonne of Mrs. ? B. I. L. to receive any message. A-t‘ his re­ proibaJbly other ports of the borough I'on Thursday m an, D.D., iwiM ipreeide a^ Acken ent committee air-e doing -much active between one .point and another. Master 'who have (beei ana reception of members. V. T en Eyck & Son, Metucnen, N. 1, B ANK BUILDING, MAIN STREET. th e Council would probably have dif- list, are work and reports from ithose present Ray finds, however, h e has another around again. Mrs. John S. lAlden and W. T. Dem- P. O. Box 57. ol0-6n» Electrical work of all kinds. flulty in- persuading the people to build Ucre very enouraging. Repairs made promptly. difficulty to oversome in not being able sidewalks. However, in this section as arest, secretaries from New York, are The school < The ways and mean® committee re­ Men to represent us locally or trav­ to read the messages a s rapid aa, they soon as the grades are established the I was begun expected to speak on home missions P. O. Box, 285. som e -time ported prepa-bations -being madie for eling, in the sale of a full .line ofeosy are sent, not being used -to the' code sidewalks will immediately follow completed at the Reformed Church next Wednes­ used in wireless telegraphy. Without when -tihe v the final payment of the building fund. d ay evening. selling specialities. Apply quick and without and further trouble to the The women of -the league a n d their secure territory. ALLEN NURSERY doubt this difficulty, as with a ll, the borough authorities. (Mrs. J. W. Conklin la st week atten d ­ -Dr. Elite, friends are invited to inve»t o n dollar COMPANY, Rochester, N. Y. others, will soon be overcame. There was one application for a liner of ed the -Ooniefere.nce of Women’s Boards W A L L P A P E R the Matucheo i aaoh i-n anyway chosen to increase it, o f Foreign Missions in Boston. Tw en­ perm it to carry firearms, which tihe po­ begun CESSPOOLS and vaults cleans* W ALL PAPER AND DECORATIONS. CHOPIN CENTENARY the examlnaflo up to the middle of iMay, w h en there ty-seven boards of the U. S. and1 C an­ prom ptly; estim ates frsaly given. Adr lice committee had refused, and it was will be an Ingathering of speculators’ Paperhanging a Specialty. AT LEAGUE HOU&E. a d a (were represented by delegatee. * dress T. M. Ingraham, R. F. D. No. Thirty Years' Experience with Leading reported that there would probably be party to iwhich only the specuUtors a request from another party for a (Room 8 k i.4 te being Plainfield, H. 1. New York Houses. Laet Monday afternoon the Music d*vtted*to are invited. A charge of o n e dollar REFORM-BID 317NDAT 1 permit to awry Jraarme, im$ that the . S m , m ■M i TlteUwnkf£i a recogni­ tion whether the borough Council has 9 2 0 ’ tion of the centenary of Freteric Cho­ authority to grant permits to carry fire ( the winter as ha* -ben donated for the woman who pin, born In March, 1009. The pro­ arms, Those permltfl may possibly h e has mot* mflrk I l to. la voted m hhowlMr the h o st hnsliwsw the Children’s Hon» at New gram was interesting sad carried alMltty. Aim fo r the prise. wick.'.... ^ " have to come from Judge Booraem. The Metuahe* has a fine out. A feature 'introducing the musi­ Ther is evidently a deel re on the part Doubtless m any good huednest points This collection amounted to $20 and LOAN—Nineteenth series of" lin e of shaving ) i displayed 1-n cal program was a -brief resume df the will toe brought out at th e specula­ a few weeks ago It was -taken to the opened in Sept Best kind of la* of the borough authorites to Improve i ts window th is < Gharle § R otolo life and work of the eminent composer the streets at the earliest opportunity. tors’ TMrty and it will be to the inter­ home by a -delegation of young misses meat. Managers—R. H. Wilson, *. given (by Mrs. (Hull. The Mayor made special request that est of our touatness men a n d of any one from the school. L ast Sunday m orn­ Corbin, E. J. Drake, A. C. 1M - The budnet h. - -jhe coming sctv ol Shoemaker Tho program consisted of five num­ the gutters be attended to immediately desirous to now how to m ak e money ing L. E. iRdddle read a report -writ­ terest, Oscar Smith, G. W.« Greisofc, ■. bers, first (a) a Naturae and ((b) a y ear haa b een adOpM by the Board of FIR ST CLASS/WORKMAN. before the leaves and other refuse be­ to 'be present. The inform ation gained ten by th e committee telling of -their K ram er, G. W. Lltterst, W. T. Me* waltz of Chopin were admirably ren­ Eldueatlon. The < p l am ount 10 lie ALL HAND MADE SHOE9. gin to decay. will be well w o n h the d o llar to say ■visit* They were show®’ through the Adams, J. T. Marshall, L T. Peck, W. dered by Miss Madeline Hall. Mrs. asked for ;-»ls joeri-wlU ,be |9,000. WORK PROM P^Ly DONE. It might prove Interesting to the cit­ nothing of the supper an d dance. borne from cellar te garnet and were W ilson. Pattison fallowed with three Chopin N ext to KELLY BUILDING izens of the borough If more of them * ? * The sanitairy committee is working much Impressed w ith the cleanliness eon-gs sung in excellent voice and with Prank S m ith ha! (Mid to th e B o rd WHY NOT PATRONIZE would attend! -the Council meetings. on the abolishing of th e local and and general good order which pre­ MAIN STREET Fy-mpatliettic interpretations. Mrs. of Eduratt r i I17..U U the amount -e- This is a matter in which all the citi­ most dangerous of the mosquitoes and vailed. About 45 p o o r children are SHOES SHINED. Burr next played Chopin vairiations Op oedved In nollection* a t th e ball game zens should be Intersetd. for the sprdh'd of dom estic sdeqce, oared for and as money -is none too Tese were attractively given ,^n la s t summer. Thin amount .waa ra-ad Council adjourned at 9.30. lit Is aleo making 'preparations plentiful, the gift Of -the Reformed Home Industry her usual brillion-t manner. The tiwo to ray for th e new-piano. Sunday -Pchool was much appreciated. . * • for a luncheon In the League House numbers whilch followed were from March 30. The nverag! atUodamne at our James h . Pettit modern composers. Mrs. -Letson was SENATOR SI-LZER RENEWS On Saturday evening, A p ril 10 there BAPTIST (BRIGADE METUCHEN ncheol la s t moatfa m slightly be­ 1 in her best voice and caught the spirt CANAL EFFORTS. Mill he a line teoture given |n the bn Satim lay night Company A, of of her tiwo selections, A Rose in the l l i , the average, th* attendance bolng the Seventh Regiment of N. J., U. B. Funeral Director 93 per cent of (he enrollment League House toy Gilbert (MoCliirg, of Bud and Down by the Mill. Mrs. John­ Colorado Springe. Watch the bulletin B. A was installed la 'Metuchen. This son closed the program, pleasing the A resolution was introduced in tihe PEARL PLACE AND (board 1 the window of the corner drug company is formed1 ot Sixteen -boys of Senate Monday -night by S enator Stl- Dr, Ixniia Uerler. the S tate Hlsh AVENUE, audience with the charming songs “A s to re s the Baptist Bible School m charter zer -provl'dlng for th e appointment of Eehool .Inepector, vtttted th e achoul J. ■. LAYTON Bnow Flake” and a Japanese lore Our programs jp r the y e a r are now membsrs. Ttie program was very im- song. committee to ascertain the reason last : it. Many mistaken will Ike found and piedse. The dbjecte for which this Lad lea' w ear mad Lm * Onrtalaa a After the program a pleasant social for the disuse of the Delaware A Rar­ some names omitted, for mil of which company is formed 1» the advancement Specialty. Domestic ttnttli «a ail itan Canal, to determine whether or Atop that ocught; Poley a Honey half hour followed, In which the mem­ beg pardon. of Christ's kingdom among boys and ahtrt end collar stork. bers entertained their friends with a not there is discrimination lm the sup­ a n d Tar, 26o and Me. MOtudhsn Phar­ RYNO& HIGH plying of-boats for use thereon, and ithe promotion of ludbits of obedience, cup of tea. macy. reverence, discipline, eelf-respect and T H E ONLY AMERICAN LAUNDRY also to investigate and report the util­ * ♦ • IN TOWN. ity and advisability o f adopting legis­ BAPTIST OHURCH BUYS I>0T8 all -that tends towards true, C hristian Funeifal Directors RBOORDHR'S NEW The Board of ®X*»latkm has author­ manliness. MAIN 8J \ MBTUOKHK, N. J. RBPRE9BJNTATIVH lation tending to revie the usefulness ized the supply co n ttlae -to purcna.3 An Important transfer of property of the canal. The resolution was re­ Any boy from ten to sixteen years NO. 87 IRVING BT-, RAHWAY, N. J. flfairter KlngSley Powell la author­ a typewriter. wa^ effected loot Monday, Important ferred to the oommi-btee on judiciary. of age m ay join ithe company, an d It L. D. TELEPHONE, -J. ized to eolicit suhaeriptionB end col­ (because it interests many people. 8 This is similar to the resolution In­ do necessary that he Jbelong to W. A. Crowell, NEW YORK OFFICE: lect for them for the Recorder man­ The Board of B dnotton is to send a We refer tbHhe sale of home. ' 384 GEORGE ST. / only for what yoq use. Whether -it b to buy o r sell; adver­ Mrs. Fred ItM opened her tise your wants in Sfie Recorder. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.( hmrance Agency a THE METUCHEN REG9 R0ER THE METUCHEN RECORDER PRINCIPALS (MEET 'AT METUCHEN f f c t c o r d v . On last S atu rd ay there was a m eet­ CHARLBS A PRI-CKITT, E ditor. ing at the iMetuchton High School of the supervising principals of ‘Middle- .BUYING. county. S o m e very initerestiing matters ■came up. They are espec­ ially opposed to ithe county superin-, indent's appointment coming through PUHLJ8HKI) KVKKY SATURDAY Was He Insured ? the Governor. It, is one of the most DRV- GOt impoPtan ^th in g s regarding our schools Tin Only Paper Published Metuchen that polities b e completely separated from school affairs. The meeting un- Terns of Subscription, >1.50 Per Year Impnsly pased resolutions (a copy By Mail or, ’PhoCie. in advance; single copies, 4 centa. •which was s e n t to our metmbers o f Advertising Rates made known c the Assembly an d our Senator) as fo l­ This great question will be Application. lows: Resolved, That it is the sense of asked about you some day. jpntered a t tie Metudhen, N. J. Post- this association thait the welfare of th e D on’t forego the tremendous advantagi offlce as second-class' matter. public schools of th is State and county Is not subserved by 'the semblance, o r ping with a great store like this because You cannot tell how soon. 1H« KBCURDKR'S CIRCULATION suspicion of p artisa n politics in th eir ec- elect. where who are attacking President W invitation. dined ^nT “ ‘You know. I don’t furnish Bargains in every Department. . . mlud.” Yon have u prescription ir-'ino raf*,er o v e r -s t^ U p ^ . ^u ^l H ow He Judged, 1 ake it. (u jg a ll that eo n be said against! “You attend church regularly?” H ah n e £ o . Viehmann’s Bee Hive “Oh, yes.” TIs it high church or low church?” 48-50 Church St., ‘%Igh church, judging from th e New Brunswick, N J. H e i f P W M - Nft» ______The Metuchen Pharmacy t osa ever been at th e head of P «rt Girl. fond of lobster, kits* FUp 7 Where it will be filled accurately V by licensed'graduate pharmacists.

T rade Ma m s N E V r s r m r OcsraNa CoeviroHTa fte, PUBLIC SERVI Anyone Rptirtlti^ nsketch nnU^deecrlgtlon uip?

HANDBOOK on Bateu'^ Hotel© grow n thoroughbred p lan ts. for ewurlng patents, Straw berries—Uncle Jim, 'B randy­ PUBLIC SERVI h Muim & Co. roceive all time wine,. Clyde, •Sample, Enormous, P rid e R^GERTS PIANOS nple off Fannie.” of Michigan, New York, Warfield. 'Sciiilific jimfficait. ,north# 25 pjauts, 2 5 c ;'100'plants, 75c. n !s«-..olv IIlr.strRlPrt wct>Ulv T.nrcest o'r- Themertwularoftheag*. Strictly Wsh-gnde, having 5 H Since th e Public Service Corporation ’ 11,11 «.r Hiiy sftieauUrt loujnul. 'JVriy^W a theusandi at artistic endorsemants froiw'weil kit own mu- tf^isc^unusing j.to read a statem ent sicians. used In over four hundrtd public tcJsoaii and aver make b y ex-tGovqmor F ranklin Mur- Red, R aspberries—Golden Queen -and in 1903 it has expended more than $30,0 New York W,, U1 three hundred conservatortas al ausiev i p | fifoy, who le ohofimian of the Republi­ King. rehabilitating, improving and extending i can Staff© Comm Witee. in wh ich h e tries 25c per dozen. EXCLUSIVELY UNIONiLABEL PIANO MANUFACTURED railway, gas and electric lighting systea Dfifin « J ^ eTypiano hag the nameof ItnL manlfacturees-— to defend'the “Old Guard” In their BUSH A GERTS, C h ic a g o , cast in the ffiSe. Itify no piano but Btmnd for m achine dictation to the Blackberries—Wilson Junior. quired. that does not have th e name of the real malipttacturdr cast ia the present admlnlutrafflon at Trenton. Mr. 25c per dozen. plate, o r you will be getting nothing but a sttTcp. J I Murphy was brought up politically un­ Send for a copy of “ The Story of the Stencil,** AlaiTmake nk)nllr4fck*n receive one of our beautiful souvenire-sent free. Aierlka Wtotff InaUun*® der -the old regime, hiaei finished ills T horoughbred Plymouth Rock eggs. Try to realize what a stupendous •um of copied territory. Piano* shipped direct to customiroi frt-iirht and » public life, but' doesn’t know It, and 50c pe

in (mill Store Young Greater The New Muslin Underwear JLSSS: fiEii so beautifully made. made. They’re beautifully so not, or now garments. new thecebuy to see wish to want you you’ll certainly Whether among. shopping okasi, t 25c., and at workmanship, materials «piaJity t ilb itrse n n wl wn te laue of pleasure the want will and in interested vicin­ willbe and ity Brunswick New of women the that dermuslins it f tls o good of styles, of riety y pbodr ad lace and pmbroidery ty rme Cvr, 75c., Covers, trimmed OST COVERS, CORSET 39s. and 50c.; other dain­ other 50c.; and 39s. aft, ais Moires, satins, taffeta, m long Bib Aprons, 25c., to $2.25; strong line of styles of line strong $2.25; to Aprons,25c., long Bib m ment,, 98c. to $2.50. to 98c. ment,, boet makers, goodquality boet makers, fce of pretty styles. ofpretty fce 9. 7c 88c., 75c„ 49c., , c f I ■USL CHIMI 8M1. oS2. . 5 .2 2 S to 5 .2 1 M •8 ttU timd 25c„ trimmed, ftsttUy and made well materials, CHINESE, Goes Into “Cowperthwait Bedding”! “Cowperthwait Into Goes Y O UK N O W W H A T A very well selectedva­ A very well 9.t $.5 special $2.25; to 39c. euiu ln o fine of line Beautiful Special values, all from all values, Special IBN SPECIALS. RIBBON U DRAWERS, SUN ,98o. to $2.25. to ,98o. We’ve been getting in a very strong line of new un- new of line strong very a in beengetting We’ve N l tlso pos rmte hr i Arnt the to Apron Tie Short the from of Aprons, All styles Corset Cover and Skirt, 75c. to $2.50; PrincessGar­ $2.50; to 75c. Skirt, Cover and Corset uig lne Gret gety eue n price. in Reduced greatly Garment, Flannel Outing edures n euhn o r Gos Notions, Goods, Dry for Metuehen in Headquarters ng yl s le ty S g in r p S t r a m S w b ------Sle Son, ais Wit, Collars, Waists, Ladies’ Spoons, Silver , , See WMew Mspiay,WMew PetersonSee Street SMe 5. yd. 25c. ami Plaids; 35c., Plaids; ami „

’ ,, . . ,, ’ E CMIAIN GARMENTS, COMBINATION NEW B .. Sipr, mrla, lcs Watches, Clocks, Umbrellas, Slippers, ^ ck ic w s n u r kinds...... HUOO worth for SUM a wook. a SUM for worth HUOO itary supplies ever employed. supplies itary san­ thoroughly tested, carefully material*actual San­ in OUR uted itary Bedding—nothing but finest, itary

ards, P ocket Knives, Table Knives and and Knives Table Knives, ocket P ards,

os ol, ok, ae,Bos Sos ’ Shoes, Boots, Games, Books, Dolls, Toys; Ties and Belts, Gloves, Mittens, Handker­ Mittens, Gloves, Belts, and Ties hes Pruey Tie Css Toilet, > Cases, Toilet Perfumery, chiefs, hig—okr, es n Bedsteads and Beds Ohairg,—Rockers, Soap, Table Covers, Lace Curtains, Table Curtains, Lace Covers, Table Soap, Ecison Phonographs, EdiRou Amberolo Amberolo EdiRou Phonographs, Ecison Sheets, Comfopters, Sevung Machines, Machines, Sevung Comfopters, Sheets, Records sold on easy terms. easy on sold Records ’ hatsoe r upida im­ supplied—an are stores thwait The care used in getting the finest finest the getting in used care The ing out the out the ing turn­ in use we skill expert the matched by only is materials known is no small task, for five for all no smallis Cow^er- task, mense outlet for this for outlet mense BedfHno s

S Department Store, Main Street Main Store, Department S m B ■

Call early aud inspect the stock at stock the inspect aud Call early t s e P fort8. m \Po . in all Aanric*! S 0. 5c, 5. 88c., 75c., 59c., 50c., the best shops: best the WHITE UNDERSKIRTS. WHITE l rs,nw goodsfrom new fresh, All med trim­ Lace and broidered 12, 14, $1.75. $7.50. to $2.50 $1.48, $1.98, $1.25, HR SKIRTS, SHORT tc o Bakt and Blankets of stock and lace trimmed effects trimmed lace and aniy rme yokes, trimmed daintily LONG SKIRTS, LONG n ukd embroidered tucked, in ments in all styles of neck, of styles gar­ inall ments attractive Specially rcs o ls ot our out close to Prices EK UF, af price. Half RUFFS, NECK 98c., $1.48 to $4.50. to $1.48 98c., NIGHTGOWNS. ______Special showing of Em­ of showing Special finished 0. 5. 8c, 98c., 88c., 75c., 50c., 25c. to $2.50. to 25c. g n i p p o h iea Rdcin in Reductions Liberal ------» H MTCEl RECONMg. METUCHEfl ✓HE product, Miich Miich product, P beet Sanitary bu the about uncertainty There’* no There’* e c a l ______

o h Eio o te (Recorder: the of Editor the To iks rvn ot h gae fo Ire­ from gnaxes the out driving rick's tn msute il e o h pol of people the to be will mosquitoes extermin­ minds Smith’s ating Prof. the than in Irish the hallowed of more no is land e Jre. p Jersey. New ac mks n tik ht t Pat­ St. that think one makes March ETR RM R. PATTT90N MRS. PROM LETTER iie t mk kon o i represen­ his to known make to citizen as act an short-sighted so from lature aie n n Snt ad seby his Assembly this* and upon Senate views every tne in for tative imperative is for It work? appropriation the this of off cutting the that curse! More than a hundred thous- thous- hundred a Morethan curse! that pest; crops doubled and trebled thereon; thereon; trebled and doubled crops the cent.^of pest; per ninety breed now where values increased tremendously as the the as tremendously increased values wligproe; h wtr rn given front water the purposes; dwelling is the carrier of many diseases and the the and diseases many of carrier the mosquito is the made as reduced, out-of-doors disease livable, great the and us; to factory back for useful be would land e o es o dpeso a te mere the at depression of sense no be only known medium of th at tenacious tenacious at th of medium known only therefrom. The poorer we are, the the are, we poorer The Barely than therefrom. less subject? is a th little out be cut ot n to It wicked would ances on outcome forthcoming. natural the be to prop* provsd and improved irritated; and conditions tired less sanitary grown-ups Its of $900,000 is needed to accomplish this end, end, this accomplish to $900,000 needed is is money the as can which rapidly work, as easily this reached of fact be a is completion all This the but premium. dream, a foolish t a no everywhere nerves erty the daV; by playing State open apd the the in night thereby of t a happily babies and peacefully the sleeping fortable com valuable; more more made Jerseyite. a being of mention aay malaria. malady, fa st the highest results for the least least the for results holding highest State, the the to st worth fa leas of those outlay, and we will not And deficits deficits And not will we In and rather outlay, but values, our Increase need. at th this Imminent more et gis sopn is extermination! pro­ its people the stopping May against peach. test out- a then at th and of amoug Darwin. abolishment number, the greA*-Darwins is reatest the g results the which entitled, In to is good rise State est the steady which to but„a us, meeting that the readers readers the that take an active intereat intereat active an take the the Chairman of Middlesex County Commit- Commit- County Middlesex of Chairman mt a vi e economy ea veil as tl ■m arouse more Interest in scientific fann­ scientific in Interest more arouse nd acres of salt meadows redeemed redeemed meadows salt of acres nd tural College and the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania the and College tural n i Nw esy te tt Agricul­ State the Jersey, New in ing Southern New Jersey March 8, 9 and and 9 8, March through Jersey New train Southern educational p. farmers’ tec fte ttos etrswl be will lectures and -made, stations given. be the of will each at stops Nineteen 10. running in co-operate to are Railroad giutrl upt ad s thita is t i and output, agricultural New Jersey will greatly Increase its its Increase greatly In will fanning Jersey of New ethods m improved more ing the betterment of the country country the of to betterment the company ing railroad methods move­ the many This hy the will adopted typifies farmers. also Railroad the ment upon Pennsylvania urge the and h apoc o te eetet of Seventeenth the of approach The of the train at each station, farmers farmers station, each at arrival e th train Upon the of rooms. lecture as up operates. promot­ wihdoh It by through lines its for traffic create College Agricultural Qtate the which audiences for permanent reference or or reference permanent study. for Pam­ audiences car. each in o tw bq,given, lectures 25 dur­ rndmite will four 50 these 'time minutes, which of In 'be ing will Stops seats take cars. to Invited IbeWill ores Ejad a Aeye K C. K. Aletyne, Van Edjward Voorhees, the among distributed be will phlets ua Cleewl b O. dad B. Edward Or. be will College tural ht a w d t peet h legis­ the prevent to do we can What Think of this'blessed State without without State this'blessed of Think The stock, horses, cows and iuch iuch and cows horses, stock, The o te hw o te tt' fin­ State's the low how atter m No Let us not economise In the things things the In economise not us Let AMR' PCA O PBNN8Y. ON SPECIAL FARMERS' W ithin ten days it Is a fish, a bird, bird, a fish, a Is it days ten ithin W We feel sure that the cltlsena realise realise cltlsena the that sure feel We ih hs euain oe hr could there gone refutation this With oo!. . . Mrh 2. March J.. N. Colon!*. • It 1* believed th at the adaption of of adaption the at th 1*• believed It mere nothing In face of the Income Income the of face In nothing mere On the train from the State Agricul­ State the from train the On Two carsflof th e train will be fitted fitted be will train e th carsflof Two e o tet. ae Federation. tate S . J tt. the o< tee Importance of this; this; of Importance , h Lgsaue especially Legislature, the N JRE BIRDS." 'JERSEY ON of of AT PATTIBON, KART your valuable paper paper valuable your and and by by Showing the the Showing m ay ay m we ask ask we Won. Coffin Vl Coffin Vl Won. com

iW-ej tedj. M rhor i ^r" t ^ to " r ^ in ri o rth iM r p ." ftwerdej m plain!) OF! Ag( w a s 1 a d A I CAE AC ! MARCH CHASE IN OA&

Hit Oi MK he Pres­ e th K M l nall oit, happy society, Knganlel U MK)LIN!EXXTX. A JU oit o he Pres­ e th of Society H tol* and Philadelphia, Philadelphia, and tol* ttMfc both speakers are speakers ttMfc both , M onn rt1 ple. ie f otfwt I n. I* 1; eoattflwrto of plnyor-plano or Time plon. ptloeo. rot*11 Klmhnll rognlnr or Cpnwny r i oortlSooto. »r* »r* oortlSooto. i aae aae ■ onn MtnkssAsjHsooInina a p.ton Appita n Mlk o h ah th* to ltkm aM In — AppnpriottaB Apv.rtloJn* _ pwu te railroad the NpiwkuL fcnd Jr., ST. -Wimer, W. Ballot Ballot S lfhM t point of land land of point t lfhM S to r Tuesday, March March Tuesday, r to there 27 February oC o plo Okr I a«r*< t tor an. l nno. at ., b mart no ntnvor. u All copy, tttn r vain*. v t tholr e u to e or ao«or<*s<» ovt In Ofkor, eg M prlno. rot oaoppa In wod I .f■lfi h A* to Fc t .oyn oop epoO Ol n. o ls une lusl . no nn. Onlv employOi o.oopt .voryon. to Frco two. Ar*t She llffiv i.ifl■ w ; S & U n e f A. “mi Is“mi group* of C. C. CAMPBELL, CAMPBELL, C. C. . TUESDAY. . (ft be given at the the at given be address (ft the and the id of M conflict foible Improvement NM0h sn cnotn *otl rgt. f ri o not of urmiR of MrUgwtt. *port*l * contort.nu Using i nprisht or nvnuojUhdo or orr-ijnT atom Wktoh. Mritton of the presl- presl- the of Mritton I* — I Bord at th e League League e th at Bord a amn va bo via sfvrti oorttflosto *irrtlt n Mat m sa |I of ’ $ef K o o h hoped he to to IK . He Are seeking for a a for seeking Are hs at h Re­ the t a Chase w ill ill w ’';;^: ^ ; ; ' |’ U U l l i n , i u n . R o t n m m n m i » - - g borovtth toy toy borovtth to rt MW t IVtor, to ,to.h3k, W .) h «M o t In rtt Borl* Ptooo * Hallo* • r o t r v ‘v » nn n n *»• v w‘ v“ » rr 7 " i " 7 I1DS rjo Irntt hi o t co[i no. . mrA .'>!r ** ««* year, * « « h*w*r !.'',>p!ir mor.Am . n i.o .d o coo n [Kin . th oo ohoim IJrtnrtrt o j 'r — BIT1 SC D * n s o tor g« i t tontoot u tk in *go«t tholr for rsM u nn n* AT MHTUOHEN. MHTUOHEN. AT **Ung nuac Agent. Insurance cocmfLs of BcroachmeffLts Blake. Division Division Blake. AD IEIK ES CONTEST VERSE LIMERICK RAND z z y L j 6 HOM HOM E. 6 ek ltr on later, weeks Metal Zinc Oi- Oi- Zinc Metal its o f >tJwo i m a r- r- a i m >tJwo f o its w o p f t i x t REWNM B m qortUty'. krao. qortUty'. m B o »• Bi. C*tfcto Ul l u*ur»d d » r u * u slj lv aU o p t r a l r u n l w *rtlflcftto C Brio.- • » tor p .t. W ofoortolurim. fr h. ro: , “.Xt” 1 M Maru, M. 1\ ” t X . “ r,, O hrtov: « « v . th for . m i r u l o t r o o f o W P.rto.1 a o to oa, to tt o orlo d M socrtloo* oo rtrtv atoo holaw, mtoo of Uao 5 IN FREE 65 PIANO In the welfare welfare the In I boftvun It 5 aa lk gold. like • t not a M, t., ni t* M. th* until *to.), Ml, at S t o n , « ♦ »t Lead which which Lead D takes 7 gel- gel- 7 takes Paint M. A M of Linseed Linseed of freshness 1 VALUED AT | Boosolprto*. oartlflcu a of erollt for Jill. , . »nairect eon wet with nienn buyers . “ w, i ot within )* Utohkn , m. im ,r i m I prfM ..» # » • • » # ..» prfM I shout shout la O. t vlnotj m« t oaek to « tm voluntortlj wtu Oo. Plnao i o f — —* V f Bwn i im« ( SM| M S (O « m i ni; nw w iB fw V— * — * Li * * may bo applied on the purchase of of purchase the on applied bo may n parh.. *o rro. o Muoh to prorlou. a*4o ... rch a p any . a S a s a 5 eroSIt atari atari os*h. Mndts. wUMuti th*ts uzt ANO FBEE FOR A THOUGHTFUL L U F T H G U O H T A R O F E E B F O N IA P A n h pnthu. f o “— “ nor of . u t.h n p tho on a yen*. imw AwlOftrWtrlli IRON AMHimlif Prim. 0 A A . owtlflMU of orm tt tt orm of owtlflMU . od untr ad apc n hescin ftesae Awy ba i id ht u pie ae s low as are prices our that mind in bear Always state. ofthe section thte in Carptca and Furniture good s od flk caatr a b ucae lehr fr ah hn o, u sse lns tef o each to itself lends system our too, Then cash for elsewhere purchased be can character like of goods as niiul ae Yu ae oron em srl ntigcud e simpler. be could nothing —surely terms own your make You case. individual Individual Individual WHERE YOU GET THE BEST FOR THE LEAST THE FOR BEST THE GET YOU WHERE ..rtlP o o * . o f f o . * o o ..rtlP I nod * o n t 'to*nbksT 'to*nbksT t n o * nod s jAMen, etc. eing, ^jAATM I e e i direct in get We Let us explain its merits to you in person, person, in you to merits its explain us Let d iw » w IE OT AIFCOY LN N EXISTENCE. IN PLAN SATISFACTORY MOST TIIE IS «* « IIS*i ■ ln, an* t . « I | at vain** Plano, 2 . WOLFF WOLFF . ------U WOLFF F F L O W . D . Z eWl uns orHm opeeo Our on Complete Home Your Furnish Will We |1 not to « Ofn-Wty . 1(tl t ^ to 11(Mtale . y t W - n f O « rttom ontort C ------~

1 m i Itd Cor­ I tin tad. __ n o wnro- oor In *

this o Ballot Nov Up" cob * .* . **. r o f ^ WarAroonw ^ ^ - Wt ih pftaao buyers with Wet tko tko ------

H MTCE REbORDER. METUCHEN THE ------a i i * tko*« a ’£ om 0 _ n o M M 0 o .


bo --- , CREDIT CREDIT ------______------im m T h e J u d i r l n 8 r - D,«">‘««*t-1 D,«">‘««*t-1 - r 8 n l r i d u J e h T f th. .f \ t a iry. to to ----- g .n u ln o dU cm m t d ° n lh ® o n * '1>ric« !jr«t*ni, and and !jr«t*ni, '1>ric« * n o ® lh n ° d t m cm dU o ln u .n g . T. .ape *4- a i w ample . . T ... H e te lvr lAmerl^kanee clever the 09 U1W F RT ABY AND AMBOY FROTH OF BUY13W 1 .h, J tu ul. l u tout . JO .th.,, * T I . and and o l M f C i t i e sM a r s h ll,r djd *ui * ~ jud* ud 4l,l!,ur- a m _ # nt he e th to In ____ e oi h ^ we coaid h« e ol b n oW ^ ^ ^ ^ otW no by could we t h sm tm so yu h lret sotet of assortment largest the you show time same the at HoUrt HoUrt SoM • KartaUn of fu n , , n fu of KartaUn • SoM lumi _ ns ns t s S E O O R DP R I Z E

__ tone jo jo tone h rgu |dndi rjgtu the A homes ____ B r ro Y«r t™,, „ ,., At,™ r « Y Brio* or - ov . WT AMBOY. N. ■WBTH ------s e m t s U flj„j I t o twtotny r_ , n nay without It LINE piano Psrth Amboy, N. J. n» tn & ' y mapnlr. mie. - . ite im a . ltr n p a .m iy. ” ' ’ $ 1 1 0C R E D I T

& ---- b nvera nvera b CO. ndg« w„ v. wl„ « g d ln - m , tmr System w_ *e the e*re w#_ ? CO. t 20 ----- G E R T tF I O A T E ,. n — wnss?"!* tw asssws w s s s a i, i, « «i«v«r And « — ,J j ... . . ,J 1909 ts fo a. a fro* Ptoso . oee ind olever A S a a ^ O m