• ♦ • * .» » • ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M M * M H e f r n f o e f . METUCHEN PHARMACY VOL. XVI. NO. 1 0 [Y, M A R C f t (i, 1 9 0 9 PRICE, FOUR CENTS BUSINESS CARDS •BiRJDGE CLUB F E R e , L S home to the Guild of St. Luke's The Bridge Club met on 'Wednes­ Item s of blic person- Church. The guild will m eet each CHURCH CHIMES. CENTA-WORD-COLUMN. day ait the home of iMrs. lEHis. Mias The Borough Council held its regu­ al nature will tli B. U. TAPKEN, lar monthly meeting Monday evening. s e n t us oy ’ Used when Wednesday morning during Lent. ILLPTIST CHURC-H SERVICES Daisy Ayres won first prize and Mrs. A FETW choice Strawberry plaints for Meeting was called to order at 8.15. sender shoul- therwise. The IN AROANUM HiAT.T, LLtterst won second prize. ■Sl-at ionery approiiirkLte for every oc­ sale; six different varieties. C. B. JEWELER. The Mayor and all the Council were n o t for publl or her name, BANK. BUILDING present. The meeting passed off very las evidence of casion at Hie Ale! uchen Pharm acy. Veghite, Box 181, Metucnen; telephone Ill CHURCH STREET, near George 500 PARTY AT THE CLUB HOUSE good faith oi quickly with very little -business of for the col- Regular preaching every Sunday 15--M-2. There were eight tables for cards at u m n s of the portance. The various committees >uld be mail- Mrs. Gilbert Is at her Metuchen m orning at 11 a. m. and at 7.45 p. m. the club h6uee on Tuesday evening, A. C. KELLY ac SON, dealer! In Coal made their reports, which conairted m orning in homo after a visit in Vermont. by the pastor, ,Rev. j. J. Cook. All WANTED —Success Magazine re­ All th s best Coal kept In stock. also ail five tables playing 500 and three tables quires th e services of a m an In Me- •tsea of sevar and drain pipe, glazed generally of simply “progress.” are cordially invited. Bible school ses­ playing bridge. Mrs. Bloomfield won There was a special communication B. Ames has -purchased an auto­ sion at 3 p.-m. tucKen to look after expiring subscrip­ ta d unglaxed. Trap T’s sod Y’a mobile. the bridge prize and (Mrs. Howard from ex-Borough Counsellor Silzier re­ tions a n d -to secure new business by sfcJrvney flues and pool brick. Offlca, (Mook won the other prize. The party garding a clause which the city . of ST. LUKE’S OHURGH means o f special methods unusually ef­ ta d yard, P ort Reading Tank P-O. as in charge of Mrs. Henry Ay res, as Mdse Jennie (Dr. Gross’s cousLn from New York, Yonkers have in their electric light Oak Tree, fective; position permanent; prefer Box. 445. Tel. 107-R. was quite evident by the good “eats"’ Ited her slater is v-isiting at the Inn. SUNDAY SERVICES. contract. This communication should kPk, th is week. one w ith experience, but would ooO- that followed. T h e services at St. Luke’s Church prove decidedly Interesting to th e bor­ sidieer an y applicant with good natural’ CHARLES HARTMAN D r. -Lippinoc for to-morrow will be as follows: ough Council and, no doubt it w ill re­ Albert 'Acken is on the sick lis t this qualifications; salary fl.60 p er day, ■HAVING AND IH1AIRCUTTLNO. B. I. L, NOTES. located in M< (Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M. ive consideration at the proper time. with commission option. Address, with CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Bonk building. Sunday School, 10.00 a . M. Mrs. Emily Williamson was unable There were but two resolutions pass­ references, R. C. Peacock, Room IOB, M AIN 8TREJET, METUCHEN, N. J. Delicious -box chocolates pounds and Morning P rayer and Sermon, 11:00 to give her talk In tihe League House ed—one vas for tihe N. Y & N. J. Tel­ »s Magazine Bldg., New York, Miss France* half pounds, 35 and 60c. /Metuchen A M. last Thursday hut will give it next ephone Co. to remove two telegraph days at Glen* Pharmacy. Evening prayer, 4:30. DR. E. F. POTTER Tuesday afternoon, M arch 9, ait 3.30. poles now standing in middle of the ^YOU want to go to college?} If —DENTIST— T he Quiet iHour and the B. I. L. idcvalk on 'Durham avenue. -Another help you; we have already Wednesday E. M. Morris, superintendent of PRESBYTERIAN OHURCH •flOes at residence, Hillside Avenue, will hold a joint open m eeting , tin Y**4*liition. requesting the Lehiigh Val­ ad reds through college by ig club rolled A ary and allowance for 'post offices in Preaching by pastor at 11 a. m. and IdiBTlXJHiEJN. N. J. Wednesday, March 10 a t ithe League ley R. R. to build a foot bridge on means of obtf plan. Write for full in- House at 3 o ’lock. ■ Mrs. Ryan, of th e Eagles o n th# this division, visited Metuchen 1.45 p. m.; morning subject, "The • A m lours: 8:30 a m., to 4:00 p. m. Durham avenue opposite their passen- vteitora (won tw o f roman ton regarding our offer at a frea Wednesday a Brooklyn will speak on’ “Womans week and arranged for improvements Lifted and Attractive Christ"; evening scholarship in any school o r college. ger stat‘.< in our post office building w hich (will Subject, '‘The Poetry and Power of Duty In Citizenship. a special petition, submit­ Address Robert J. Shenock, 29-31 Boot (Miss Elizabeth give more accommodation an d facili­ P rayer.” C. CAMPBELL. ted to the Coi ncH requesting a side f bias arrived in 22nd street, New York City. Liverpool. Very | ties for both the public and poet office T he Y.P.SJC.E. consecration meeting FIRST WIRELESS TELEGRAPH walk to be established on Durham a;> 1 was encoun- c. tere d duriiMf force. at 7 p. m. All young people invited. REAL ESTATE AN'D INSURANCE. STATION IN MjETTIJOHiEN tfrofii Central avenue to Main ithat the HAY FOR SALE. ’ T h e heat oompaniee. Law rates. No- storm tables ham* Sunday school -at 9.45 a. m. Fine timothy hay, deilvwed, |H8.00 street. • m i Thursday night -the bowling T h e communion of the Lord's Supr tor, Public Pensions collected. Bur­ For the last thirty days, after school idewalk grade to he established on » ; common mixed hay, tfellvared, (Mrs. F ra n k teams of the Club and Truck I^ouse per will he observed March 14; pre­ glary, plate glass, bolters and em­ hours 'Master Ray Wilson, of Highland » a’ rvempm f* m Durham av/*ue William $14.00 ton. Address Hayseed ears Re­ street, is su met on the latter’s alleys in a match paratory service, Friday, the 12th ployes liability Insurance. Tel. 94. avenue, has been studying and exper­ to MlilUesex a». :iLe. i: An attack or corder. appendicitis. game. The truck house was victorious The Junon* League holds its meeting imenting on wireless telegraphy, with­ Sidewalk gfade to be established on O. STILLMAN. out anyone to assist him, dn a quiet 'wifining two out of three games. The each Sunday afternoon and business LOST—-A silver apes faced rwetefc, C ark so n place from Central avenue to The member*;? 0 way. He bias labored on overcoming ristd&n En- teams -wer made up as follows: Club m eeting Friday evening. on W'ednesday morning about oteo Center street. deavor doctety one difficulty after another and hear­ - iPresbyterian 'House, Gene Moss, W. C larkson, H. T h e subject of the men’s meeting to- o’clock, on Spring street or vicinity. Solan. Diamonds, Watche* and Hterllna S llv The obpject of the communication Church and > ■ o. 18* Albany Street, New Brunswick, N. ing the light comments and discour­ fare enjoying Mook, Teddy . ana, Allison. Truck morow ia 'T h e -Layman’s Movement,” Kindly return sam e to Wan. Crowell. Sard Engraving arid Wedding Invitation*. as that tlie people of this section of a .thimble i_ aging predictions of hds schoolfates, in the House, Jim Powers, Jack Powers, Gro­ led by John DeMott and Gilbert Ma­ the borough are very much interested church ptrW ij WANTED—Light housework or po­ to-day he sits in- the hay window of die (Bennett ver Lehline and Walter Tails! g. son. All men are Invited. in getting sidewalks and are doing is chairman n il sition os child's nurse, te a s Ida If. MOVING VANS. his home and receives messages from everything in their power tx> set an nbbttee. 1 have a large weather -proof, clean the wireless stations in New York, IMiss DetForeest requests h er friends INSTALLATION SERVICES 8hoefaker, Oak Tree, N J. example to (the other parts of th e bor­ paaia Patty, ran. Goods moved any distance, Philadelphia -and from 'the ocean stea­ a cold who take the New York (Herald -to A t the inetall'a/tlon of Rev. J. W. ough. It is hoped that the Council PRINTING end Sign Painting dona ■aaoonable rates. Drop a postal. m ers far out to sea. At the home of cream , < , at the •end all the coupons, both Teachers Conklin as pastor of the Reformed •ill give these people just a little as­ (Mertnchen •] neatly, promptly and at reasonable PETER LOTT, METUCHEN, N.J. th is hay tan be seen h is Wires and in­ sistance.
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