Report Geology of Vermont
REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF VERMONT: DESCRIPTIVE, THEORETICAL, ECONOMICAL, AND SCENOGRAPHICAL; BY EDWARD HITCHCOCK, LL.D., ALBERT D. HAGER, A.M., EDWARD HITCHCOCK, JR., M.D., CHARLES H. HITCHCOCK, A.M., PROFESSOR OF HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL CULTURE IN AMHERST COLLEGE. GEOLOGIST TO THE STATE OF MAINE. IN TWO VOLUMES. PUBLISHED UNDER VE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE, BY ALBERT D. HAGER, PROOTORSVILLE, VT. VOL. I. PRINTED BY THE CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, CLAREMONT, N. 11. 1861. NQTE. The Principal of the Survey desires to state, that the publication of this Report has been entirely under the direction of Mr. A. D. HAGER. In consequence of the great increase of the matter above the original estimate, the work has been a difficult one, and demanded not only much labor, but rigid economy, and great pecuniary responsibility and sacrifice. Yet, as the public will see, it has been carried through in excellent taste, and compares most favorably with the style of analogous Reports in other States. The citizens of Vermont are certainly much indebted to Mr. Hager for his faithful, judicious and persevering efforts - without which, these volumes never could have seen the light in a form so satisfactory. It is but justice, also, to say, that Mr. Hager was fortunate in securing the services of the Messrs. Goddard, of Claremont, for the printing. Had they not possessed unusual skill in deciphering illegible manuscripts and correcting proofs, in some cases where from distance or other causes they had not passed under the eye of the authors, errors would S have abounded where now we trust they are rare.
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