The Woodbridge Leader Independent Newspaper Published in the Interest of Woodbridge Township
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GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO 1 I .. THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP Woodbridge, N. J,,, Friday Afternoon, April 19, 1929 PRICE TWO CFNTS MAYOR' REPLIES to Greet First-born Action! Camera! EARLY TO CRItlClSM BY Zaphyr Louktdts:"1 proprietor of the'Main Restaurant and, Delicatessen, Woodbridge, In COURT VERDICT SEWAREN1TES anxloitsly awattliift the arrival of the . gieamBhlp. Vtilcania, MYSTERY PLAY which sailed from A Patran INIAND FEUD Says He Voted as Member at Greece, 6n Wednesday. Yesterday "Louis" re'etevpd a Principal Role in "Seven Brown • Carpenter Battle Large, and to Uphold cable, telling him that his. wife Keys to Baldpate/' to be! Rights of Industry. and son were safely on board Over Race Track Site May the gteamer. Played by Arthur C. Ferry be Decided til May. 4 The popular restaurant pro- i ],, lolliiwiliK statement was Is prietor returned'to his native i ,(l |,j Muyor William A. Ryan,Kot - land about two ,aml .a half A novelist In Hi'ttl'rh Of material I .I'MIIIK Job* *Ktrkpatrlck, of lh« , ^ Ii,, 1,1^1' TownBhlp y«sterd»yi >." yea." ago, and jWrjed a ".home an unusual story, .brings abent I '>Hil.lle«ti County Circuit Court; r»- town" girl. the orai n niri» <>r uhiiKival nidifttlonp in vmd il*«iKlou.:in tb.?. .BrnwnrCar- , .imi. the passage' o* " On Sunday, the . 28th., tin; v Seven Keys to Haldpate' , pt-iitir ejwtuient snH InVolvInx the o pcrrnlsslon to the Vulcanitt,, is scheduled to duck. uiii rh will lie presented by' tlip fac- Wuodlirldpe Hoard ^invBwuy affter Petroleum .Product*, and Louis will be' at the gaim •' (i• ln';.r|i)K on Monday qf armi- , ii Ii > i.l the Bar run. Avftnue High n, lay a 9erles of pipe-lines lin- plank to grept his wife and «r Seiiiiol .in April 2lith., anU 27th, i'i«ns iij gtlornfys for both pifrtles, nls son tor thc-iirjit' si;iH' street, Sewaren, I have re- The complete cast of fourteen mem- Ki-ciirner Hernatd Xn*t\, attorney , ,.,l several lett«p& from Sewaren bers has already been chosen nrrd for tin: Drown iwtcresiH and Middle- ,!,l,. criticizing me for voting in sex County Solicitor tVed Richard, • Hi" Intel cut shown In rehearwilB in- son. coinfj,el*Br for Win. V. Carpen--" , ,',: I ho orMlnance which makes SENIORS WILL dicates a successful presentation. t<i, were ordered to hie brh'fs be- .ii,i,; the coming pf this new in- "The Seven Keys to Baldpate'' Is fore AjriV 25th. , •. i, in WoodbndgS Township. a, inwodrajnatic farce by Augustln I The ense w»» irlvd before thn Hi,, writers of those letters ac TAKE CAPITOL Mac Hugh. It is one of the flntBt ex- l'K court and a Jury which tm«l bi><ai , !,)•• of playing polities', and of amples of the modern American .NK In ( imiiuiiiilly Kilin " Mrs! Siullt", * Impanelled - .waa Hluliarged by... mystery plays' and 1s xatd \o be a ,,um Comiuitteemen Gill, and S i'i im I kin i, and l)«n, .lr., (jrllidliitt nw»>. » agreement of *«ttl*»el »«d the COttrl. tMUtUW I). IHsSMOM) nifdipy or mystery,-rarce and In- hero of the nitn, ii'uisfcrH U'lKtei1 affrftlnn, nftcr lin.vlnir ,,,|,IM n who voted against the or- TRIP MAY 5. 11 . Tlie.ju>lon was taken on the'recom- "Th N-iini'Ht Man in the World , trigue. it'Srui.,1 the heroine, MISH Murjorle'MAler, (r«nn tlHiiiInt hullilliitc. t ,,,,, Another letter claims that ;inend»tion of the court when It wa* i <>u M Coban'K famous Droiidway The play hlngq •round a novel- Members at the HI>|H1H«II Fire Dnpartmnnt, shown In the SICIK- ,!,,•! not necessary for me to vote d pat ArWH*F £. i "tnbllfhed that there WBH no con- Class of 1929 Will Visit ' »»»<»• ut Hie St. JannB''-tiit, played by Hie, Irt't tn ikht, M(we|>li l,a».liza, Michwl Kochltk, Ale\ Kiimln- ucivdsy and that Hie case was to i in. nutter at all. Sfhool auditorium on Jlay 2, by Kerry,'who gives iCli of seveil peo- sky. mid thief t^harli-s Tun'k. ; i iniiiiitiiout .my administration Washington Accompanied Middlesex Council, Knights of Co- pie a key to an I: -known as Bald- • be tdecided' on technical points. i,n,- been guided by one out- hiinlnis. It IH a distinctly "nujdern" ; pale. All are j« o hgllev^" that j Numerous legal problems are In- , puiiaiiit;: 'to fulfill the du- by Three Chaperones. play and Is packed full ut a™on. |! theyy have the dnl*Jie)on ! and all seek i volved nni the,.court made It plain ; ut a CoiBniitteenJ»n-at-large The story centers »round a rtn>«-' outt thhe placl e totnjfi njftte U^thelr hojne. ' V Jthat_the flllltK of briefs af nn'early •i, ,. view toward the interests ol The Senior Class olthe Harrni. • ^ attorney, played • by The ffivttn.,chosfen^OHeVafe of oirter- andClinch" FaJe-Out ""llnte would enable him to render his I., .s i,:<n 1 p at large.,, Aveouu High ifchool 'fill make its I Andrew' Desmond, who Its sent to ' ent types aiwfMU .sorts of. happenings decision about Muy 1st. UHMii;h 1 do not owe the objec-annual Washington on May.] collect a bill from a millionaire in; occur When they meet. 1 trip A bill to (>uiH title on the tract ,ii ,s< wuren an explanation, 15th., permission having been a small Pennsylvaniy a town, where The characters and the part aa- Rewards Fords Film Hero is now. before Vice-Chancellor U. w .ivi- it gladly boottUBe-X t> granted by the Hoard of.Education y U ^ in_ Chancery Court, nt Long i i ,.,in make them see the other 1 at thelt meeting Monday night. The The attorney finds .that the villas«T Mary Norton, a newapaper repoiT- rancTTT TOTt Vcli'piVuIed" fo naaff ' . ni imil much aerated Bituatiou. 2J boys and 41 girls, will niltllonalre, who Ms the worla .•' er, Mfss Voroft Mcfilroyt Elliah Ztetty JWorjortt Maier Rescued fcy Dick Prdmwre . *« u,w«a slon on Hie hill on May i wiii'd tor the ordinance which le.ave d Wednesday for a tichtest tightwad, antl his own em- J Qulmby, a caretaker, A. R. Nelson; hoped Hint hie. decision IH ,1 Hit! door to a new Townimip stay. The Board appropriated $150 D«nV.«t'.~ r.'— 6.A.< " 2nd. It Is ployer, are scheming to fleece the Mrs. Qulmby, Miss Martha Morrow; Fire Scene | will definitely fix the ownership of liny, because I waB anxious to to Bend three chaperones, in com- girl working In'the millionaire's of-1 William Hollowell Magee, novellBt, the property, the title, of which him mi Word for a measure WJiicU »]ylD,g with a request df Supervising lice and get control of rich oil lands A. G. Ferry; John Bland, D. A. b eenlt l '1»-_;»w'y \,. tu that industry the right it Principal John H Love. which she owns. The young attor- Wescott; Mrs. Rhodes, a charming Being a movie hero, even if it means cany ing the heroine' , i.uiii not be denied. Wnen1 too* %e- resignation 4m* ney— thw«rt» the two men and wins widow, Miss "— ••'" - ; Peter, down a shaky fire ladder, is not suchjijough job,, according to ,.•!• Kmr years .ago, 1 delivered u . a teacher In the the heart of the girl. v ,r_f to the Committee and toGrade at the Barron 'Avenue The show' was staged by Qeot-gc hill,. a Miss iFlorenc Thorne- jjick prerjpore, leading nun in the Jords Community Film' . j.niiiitj of the Township, in which School, was accepted with regrets. M, Cohan In collaboration with the Cowlns; Loa,M«x, the Mayor's Man "Love af First Sight", now being produced by Dan Dorn, vet-1 i.ujmiai'd tu lhe_.Township as a Miss Walling plans to»«pend, next author, Auguitln. McHugli, in 1920."Friday", B. T. DhDoughertyt; JJiim ,,,|e, Uial 1 would do everytfiThg year In BTMy. " "7 It ran for months OH fireadfray and' Gwg&ft, ih»-<toaked mayor, S. .K/ eratrfox News"cameraban, of Red Bank. IDIGGER WRECKS .,;. power to further Industrial The school nurses made 615 It wus also a road succesa. The lo-' Werlock; Thomas Hayden, president Marjom MaieV,, pretty arid "viVRBiDas leading lady, re-!' ...iiisiuii, to.Jnyite tne coming of home visits during- March, accord- cal warded ., nmusnW, to tne end that taxes Ing to the summary of their reportu buccels us the play I .«. „»«««,. ™.«U l ^,.™,, a. Predmore with a hug and kjsa (all'for the camera of FLYER mill lie lowered, more opportune read at the meeting. Nearly seven viited for aniateur/ presentation. j, Robbins; owner or Baldpate, L. course) after she had been rescued last Sunday in one of the' , nn niiiployiiient be created, and thousand children are tinder their' A\ i>iuii)Tty owners and business- care, according to the summary. One policeman, M. it. jmos t reajistic fire scenes ever staged in an amateur production. Passengers and Crew Mirac- ,ii in- iewarded for their heavy case'of illness resulted hi deattr.1 The ar» to On duvotud to I M«nibers of the popelawn Fire lilti'iuUuiis itt^ia^t tax funds; by Preliminary plans for ' the Se- the library. Department assisted in the Bceffts Ihd ulously Escape Death in • • inrroased vulue of their hold- waren school addition were Hiibiutt- The following birth reports have! .._ I gave a natural performance which Grade Crossing Crash. ...-, ;uui investments. ted by Architect J. K.