mm acrodfl the yilute on mi of 825 to know th cause of the loOtU' long Wi'stlake's and by Eostnce, Jones li-- t of recent defeats, the Allentown Dead' bits easily won. and luiilcr. riaya, "Thnt ft. Should bo The cause of d feat i that Scrantoa can't, BASE. Ia tbe ninth Hogan made a home play. Uivn us something bard." ma whicb oUctriiied tho audience. The Wilhes-l'.arr- ? will ou letter carriers gi foam Maesey, Vv'estlske and Illgglns were to Scranton on Decoration day and play the cama tbe bases when FlauiiKhan went to the letter carriers of that city a MUM "( i plite to bat. Ho smoto thetinosphpro base ball. Manager Josliu of tho Williei- - WW Ticloasly thr?o timet tind then re- Barre mail men is confident bis players will A Word. Wilkes-Ban- Bon Games of On Week Affected Standing tired to "the bench, Hogan taking his bring home a victory. Times. pllM at the plate. JPImt cost much, ea of Clubj. unemployed Of all ktlldl that the HOOAN'S In looking over tbe list of HOME . ball players there are not many gems upon rcpt Situations W'anteU.which are inseria FOUR GREAT ball Chicago, FREE. SPECIALS The bat squarely met the fonrth the bargain counter. Brooklyn, Air. Jones pitched and it sailed away Louisville tod Washington are circulating OUR POSITION NOT CHANGED into left field over Mr. Miller's head. search warrants for now blood, but the That Will Bring Business for Us and Give Satisfaction to Cur Customers. When tho ball was returned to the demand appears to bo greater than tho Situations Wanted. apply, diamond Hogan had cnnsorl tho DOtni ANTED BY A WIDOW in Where We llf SITUATION We Are Seventh Place, plate, Maasey, Wsstlako nnd Big Al Johnson says that he has reinstated VV with nun child :o, housekeeper, irtodo with Tribune, Wera One Week Aro, but Our Per- gins nhoad of bltn, Mike Kelly an manager of the Allentown plain sewing. Address "M," club. Ho declares that if tho "King" fails AS lKHJMC. NO. 1. Fifty dozen Ladle' Silk, iu followinc; colors: Cream Is Took That hit won the game. RaaJing "WANTED. Sl'l CATION Black, White, Nile Green, Canary, centage Higher Scranton to play nine innings in any game or tries v keeper bv a widow wlthonochild. Ad- succeeded in making one run in the John-so- u Orange, Light Two Games from Reading Satu- to pitch again he will be released. dress "N," Tiibane olBce. l'iuk, Laveuder, Blue, Tam and Browns. 50a. is the netv price. They ninth, which loft the score as follows: says ho has banked 88,800 foHCelly, were $1. Played. which is rdayResult of Other Games SCRANTON. over and above expeuBos. dry goods oi tic with Hi! class referen- Wltman, ling, hns been ces. Ten ye;. m' eiiperionc . Address, Clerk, Ball Notes. n. ii. O. A. E. Manager ofitua a heavy loser by tho recent storm. Tho Tribune office. NO. 2, Greatest TJaderwear Birgala of the asa, for gaatlemsa Btfbriggan Shirts Hrsan, c. f.. 3 !J 0 (I and Drawers, 1 gr. uniis havo been considerably damaged BV A YOU NO Wetzel, s. s. 1 1 I) CJITOATION WANTED all sizes, per garment. and it will lake somoiimo to got them in l lady n shin; store. Ad.lro.H I M., Koran 25c. Compare thorn with thosoyou havo usually bought at 50c -- gl 11 K leapno men 0 1 0 0 State I'atcheu, r. f good condition. By the postponement of ton Tribune, c. 0 8 1 0 AO Jil during tbe pimf Wflak Rogers, three games on account of the rain, Ono 1. 1 3 n o SITUATION WANTKD 1SY A HOY 14 NO. hundred Ladies' Changeable Silk Umbrellas, colors as follows: Brown, Navy, Garnet wan chiefly notablo Waltz, f together with tbo Injury to the ground. Maatey, 8 13 II 0 years of soeut any kind of honeet work. for the defeats nil let b Manager he sustained 0 B,, and Green. Special price, 3 each. Universally sold at 4. Trimmed !1 1 5 1 Wltman claims bus Address D. Tribune olliro. with the finest ministt'reil to tlio Westlake, 8h1 b u lose of 18,600. Biggins, 2d b 2 A 1 0 IJOOOKKBEPUK AND CTKNOOKAPHKB Natural Handles. Hnrriibnrg club, I'luiiughaii, p 2 0 3 1) Without Thayer Torreyson tho Reading J) of three years' esperlonee would like a wli03 t)ereenta;,'3 team would not oven bo a good eighth in position ; salary Do objsot "D.L.." Tribune oil! co. Ono case of Towels fell off. 12 1. Alk'u-tow- n Totals 13 13 27 11 1 tho league race. Tho way lie works him- NO. 4. Cotton Hack (large sizs). Tin prica don't pay for tho raw cotton. Four self nnd urges his endeav- still hohiuBKC-on- d READING. ni"n on to fresh DITOATION WANTED BY A YOUNO for 15c pUe by u ors by weld ami example must make k man M years of a;o; a f (slu ;nt ion; and It. II. n, A. K. nai sir lunrpin than a those wool I aei ept mod anything. Can give beet belter Miller, 1 !l 2 0 0 feel very, very tired. of reference. Address r. s., "vj North Be wotfk It aco. Hnzloton Ijfiimon, c. f 0 0 1 0 1 Thayer has a tondneee for dirty bull play- becea avenue, cltf , lost (jruunJ, hut i still in third i.lacf. Torreyson, 2d b.... 'i 1 1 3 1 ing; however, that he might well re- 209 WASHINGTON AVE. was ptuhiog it nurd for th- - iilei henson, r. f. ... 1 'i 0 0 0 nounce. Rzal Estate. Altooaa o CONNOLLY BE pluce rmtll tbe club met Kmc: Kelly's Beaumont. 1st b 1 1 U "Phenomenal" Sinith, tbe manager, of WALLA Opp. Court Hous8. Henry, :i 1 4 5 0 ANTl1ov1'riCinU k 3rd men Allentown on Saturday and b the Pottsville club, was brought Into thinking of purchasing and at s. i o (I 2 0 property same Eustace, s. prominence as a huso ball plnyer in Alleii-tow- u. who knows a good chingwheu they see It, to lost two ffarasi, Ilnzlctou at the 1 0 Qoodhart, o 0 1 5 For several years bo pitched for cull at co- ollio..' nt, I! o', lol:. May ami defeated PotUTillt, which ma- o o f. '. titan J onus, p. i, 8 tho Allentown amateur nine and his visit .Summit Perk Annex al our expense terially widened the trap wbicli now Building lots iron, wtt toglD), First payment phenomenal record for strike-out- s at- separates tbe clubs. Eitton climbed Total B 13 '17 18 8 per cent. Weeafy payment Be to ii No tracted the attention of the entire base interest; no taxes. Don t forget to hrliiL' place during 1 3 0 4- -18 up from tlghth to sixth Scranton 0 0 2 0 3 ball worid. He was then sold to tho Phil- enough money with you to make tho Hist the week nnd PottsvilU dropped from Reading 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 - b adelphia team, but in a payment on one or two lots. Wool), iiak NEW sixth to tail end. Sernuton is agftlo in Earned runs Scranton, 8j Reading, 4. few yean his best days as a were mon Co., Agents, IM wyomlna avenue. u Two baso bits FlaiiHshan, Torreyson. e Tenth position, whore it was week over. OB CANNOT CON-- i Stephenson :2. Hnmo runs Hogan. Stolen tF You ABE 'J'lltED upo, but the percpntajro is .001 better Bain in an expensive thing for tho East- ti no installments ou your build-in.- basoe Hogan, Btsjti 2, Westlake, .Miller DOW ern league on Every game loti write to ute; 1 wont to buy two or than it wastbou. Oily three point! ". Torreyson. plays Torreyson to team! the road. This Beautiful Bed Speaks means a loss of tlOil to tlirou. "h., tills olllce. for Itself. separate us from Bastou, uui if "our daanmoot, Scranton, 4; Bead-log- , postponed at loast struck out the team. Hotel bills, salaries and car it you need a Child's Bed, don't buy you pots" play as they capable of doing 4. First on balls Scranton, .1; until have seen art baso cannot bo postponed rain, how- Wanted. one. You will wo should bo in fourth phice by the Beading, 1, Wild pitohei Jones. Passed fare ty Amenta this regret it if you do. ever. Bprlngfltld has fared bast so far, When lolded Week, plays on balls Rogers, 2. Hit by pltohor Pateheo, -- SEL.L-t takes but little more mom than n chnir. end of Ibis as the club mining j;ainos at Wilkes Barro and I'.NKUM,, AUKNTS W ANTED Rigors, Sacrifice bite Hogan, two ter- Strong and durable. Made of Oak and Natural Msple. Very tho home gronndl ev.ry afternoon. stnltz. one at Buffalo, but playing an extra Sun- i liirf now articles to dealer; exclusive vVeetiake, Qoodhart. Timo 2.n0. ritory, no coiune ition. no canitsl reiiuirod; fine ituu finish. Ilolds nil tbo Bedding when folded. Vedn..slay morning it will play at day gumo at Troy which was worth moro SOU Uiun. tofllCper oeni profit 0OI.UMWA CHEM Length, B feet. With, HO and 40 inches. Hzletoi!. than the lUabllOO, Providence lost $100 ii ai. iu iinu (i ueorDorn sirour, Manager keeps promise each In Blnabamton anil Krle, Syracuso ill.lo, It Swift bis OTHER SATURDAY BALL GAMcS. PRICE VERY LOW mid strengthen! the club in one or two lost 800 at Blngbamton and $1 at Erip, While Troy has suffered most, losing $400 QJAI.ESMUN WANTED TO SELL H'lt particular! and insists on his men lo pwds by Miopia to the wholesale and re- TIT. STATE LBAQ0S. Wllkee-Bar- re AEE RETAILING AT FAG In all, two at and ono each tail trade; veil ou tight to every business man playing tho national gamo in tbelr , TORY PftIOU& at Buffalo and Eric Springfield Union. po- best form Scranton will yet give the At Allentown (First game) or firm; liberal salary and expenses paid; 10; Altoonn. 5. (Second game) AllentOWO, sition permuneut. For iuihih addres.1 with worry, Milwau- FfThoro aro no Weights or Springs in tho loaders niacb reason to evju 24: 7. stamp. CENTENNIAL MT"u Co.. Altoons, OF INTEREST to WHKIIMIN. kee, Ww. Folding Mechanism of this Bed. WILL thoujrli we have been compelled to Beaton, 8t 3. Harruibnrg, ONLY FOLD BY pennant. 5. LIFTING. lioisof winning the liuzluton, 0; Pottsville, T Writing in Pitt-bur- g I ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND FIRE following gives the Times, Stephen VV The table tin NATIONAL I.EAdCE, Bornett "Local at tho InsuranoQ oxperieuoe as solieitor in of wituthe seyai attendant! Leekawaana Rood ludueanenti to theelnbe, to;otber New York, 8; Brooklyn, 7. twelfth nnnnnl moot of the Pennsylvania eouutfi of won and lost by each right man. Address Vt&'M Bets buildinir, number gaims Philadelphia, 5: Baltimore, 6; (Hvo in- division. League of American Wheelmen, 1'iiitndelphin. Pa. THE SCRANTON und their staudingin the championship nings: rain. to be held in Wilkes-Barr- e, July 2 and 3, race Boston, 10; Washington, H. havo in store for themselves a rnrs treat Help Wanted Male. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Louisville, 5: Cincinnati, 3. and are probably not aware of tho many BEDDING CO. Hnrrisbnrg 17 4 .801 Chicago, S; Lonis, 9. of place. Most of St. attraction! the tboso ANTED-A- MAN WITH (i .077 H KKBBOET10 CORNER LACKAWANNA AND Allentown 12 Cleveland, 3; Pittsburg, 12. pri sent at tho Scrauton meet of two years W" iibi ut W. Can gat an nency whicli ADAMS AVES. 11 0 .680 ago Hnzloton EASTEKN LEAGUES. remember with pleasure the delightful will pay B week nnd expenses. Altoona '. 11 .480 three davs' outing, and no doubt will bo a. a. BAESBe, Couway House. Elision (! 11 Wilkes-Barr- e, 12; Syracuse, 3. ready to For quite repeat the visit. those W HEkLWKIQHT. " 10 .418 niugbntnton, 10; Troy, 7. 117 ANTED - iloou Beading local WheelWOtnen nnd wheelmen who V? Carriage woi kn. oorner Lack ,860 Providence, 6i BufTulo, 3. liiidiooi's Scranton 8 18 have not visited this section of our stnto n awsnua avetiuo nd Bsvontb street. Pottsville 6 10 .S33 Brie, 2; Springfield, 7. description should bo appreciated. Wilkes-Ban- e We're Interested In SCHEDULE FOR TOUAT. COLLEGE QiXn, is situated on tho river tbn midst WANTED TO HL'Y COMMON PIOEONS) DSD YOU 85 Call room KNOW? ol big a pair. at 3. numerous mouutmn ranges noted cents Tottsvillo at Kcrnnton. Lehigh, 5; West Point, S, 120 WaSBlUgtOU avenue, or (or their beauty. Miles of fine l'rico EuihiiiiK, And wo want to intorest you in our as- Beading at Hnzloton Lafayette, 4; Rutgers, 1. Oflles Hi :c IXH, boran- - streets offer excellent cycling facili- Mdrese leUers to Poet tonishingly complete lino of cooiis suit-abl- e ( Athletic Club, 0; Yale Univer- I' '.. Altooua at Easton. imago ties, while the cinder path for bicyclists, tell, tor wedding Presents. Suppose That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat- ilunisSurg at Allentown. sity, 6. stretching ton miles along tbo river to C wo begin with Orange B. B. 18; St. Louis College, 4. mploymcnt. - C, Pitteton, is famed throughout tho stnto. terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and Princeton, 7; Acme, 1. Wo enrry bia- - too:; games reading. Eight miles further they hnvo tho beanti-f- ui LL KINDS dF HELP SUPPLIED. CALL a two from University of Pennsylvania, 11; Har- for city of Scranton, with her fine nvenuen, J or write. i:r, Sprucu struct, EMPLOY SILVERWARE tror line thr.n half FORKS an equal weight.ounce for ounce, vard, 3. MEN I BUREAU tlio other stores put together, and we Scranton Outp'.ai-oc- l Torryion' Men on linel with beautiful resiliences. In the Iwthor then sorely when they try to of your silver dollars. All elegantly en- Saturday. midat of the groat anthracite coal ru- corapoto with us in price. SUNDAY BALL GAMES. opportunity is hud see Manager Swift called his men to bious an to nature For Kent. graved free. A large variety of new pat- underground. A visit toCarboudalo and a desh-r.- gethi r before Saturday's games and in fTTVT ISTJ'TT Unique Posers' Chicago, 2; St. Louis, 3. trip on the Gravity rullroud must bo taken UOU HENT SUITE OP BOOMB ON UUlJJiJuiliX an,i other famous mak-or- terns to from language that at times bor'.or d ou tne Cincinnati, 5; Louisville, 0. to get a full appreciation of tbe wonderful I LaeKawauna avenue, also bsasnient goods, Priras bolow manufactur- select at picinresqne told them tbut they hud to mountain views. Then an hour spent in for nhoksil" puriMses. Cull at ers' waoleaale figurea. Wood s College. play bull if they had any desire to con- GLINTS FHONI THE DIAMOND. tbe linrk adds zest to the Hying dash back Nick-a- to fill Scranton uniforms. to tbn city of Carbondale, reached by no KENT SIX HOOM HOUSE. NO. t r, Anything from an 5e. l tinue FOR CLOCKS Alarm to the choicest ar His experience the directors' meet- other power than that of gravity, the train V Eynon street. Inquire T. McNulty, 6(1 at Scranton has urgent need of another being by n on Ilnmpion street, tistic. Drawing Room makes or the ing was fresh in his controlled brakeman each stately and Grandfather Friday cijrit still good pitcher. bouses, the of tLo aucivnt ;d car. Fiuo club freedom BENT EtJBNISHBD HOUSE AND Clock. mind, and he warn his men that the Creorgo (lore has been doing somo heavy city and generous hospitality Will insure to rOB ho ob- 1 garden In ooantrf, for summer. House 807 IiACKAWANN.l AVENTJH iirat indication of tired feeling batting for Biughnmton. everyone present nn enjoyable time. Al- lnri;e: ruunlui; Kprinir wntorj plenty oi shade) served would be his cub to give tho Jack Dorau kept the hits well scattered together, a moro dellghtfal wny of spend- lie .utifui lake full of gauis Bah a few rone BRONZES, ETC 7, possessor thereof ample opportunity to in the first game on Saturday. ing few days could not bo offered the from door. ;o per month. D. W. BBOWN, Crystal, etc, our stock is too well of at- attorney, 60H Spruce street. known aught a passing sleep it off. Clnlro and Humphreys have boon left nt members tho division, and u luro to rwiuiro but is BENT-FURNIS- refermee. Jack Doran, who was slated to pitch home by tho PottSTtlle management. tendance assured." nOB BOOM, SUIT-- the first game, was told to use the ,'The committee on nrrangemonts for tbo able for two, with board or without, IM George Staitz and Hogan havo base Wilkes-Barr- e Adams avenue. Our now Cash System has lowered choicest sfc'.to meet nt has secured corves in his repertoire and stculing down very close to a science. Tsxis, tho Century wheelman, of Phila- pr ices all along tho lino. if his work showed any oarm irks 1OK KENT LI' HIT, WI LL FUKNISHED WET NOT thnt Mark Baldwin will occupy the box for delphia; J. W. Kennedy, jr., of Chicago, J; rooms; delightful locatiou. (Ml Washing- of "Old Pepper" there would be 's nine against Harrisbiirg y. HI. These are two of the cost men in tbe ton avenue. trouble in store for him. country. Taxis' record is it mile iu 2,0!). See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Then the game began. Keuuedy's one fourth mile in 21) seconds. 'TO LET FOB A TEEM OF YEARS Pottsville will play here to lav and to- all of hun lreil foot of yard Oak Bedroom Set! A letter has just been recelvod from tho 1 Purt or three "OnrPots" evidently profited by the morrow and Scranton should win both room along railroad Apply at SU Franklin We sell Furniture as cheap as ml vice they received for there was a games. captain of the Century wheelmen of Phila- awnne. FREEMAN, delphia saying they would send n large any house In country in- nnd vigor work curves fooled KENT-STO- the that si)i:p about their that Pitcber Jones' slow the delegation and with the party wonld bo fl'O KE Sexi'I OU FUKNISHr.D Dealer In Dismonds, Watchoj, way 1 hall on Ridge stn'Ot. Very dosira-Dl- e to was edifying. Scranton batsmen in an amazing lor Measure and Lsynn, the speediest class A flroen Jowelry, Eio. tends give honest value for tho several innings on Saturday. location nnd on reasonable terms. Apply WON AT THE START. riders in the state. Arrangements are in toF. 1'. NET TLKTON or C. WOODRUFF. money. Try its. The Troy management U working wires Cor. Poan kw. and fpruca St. In tho first inning touched up progress to Johnson and Taylor, ol BepuUloan bnlMlng. they for Catcher Lacbnnco and also for Pitcher tho Stearns' club, 'iho Centrul Minstrel Pitcher Rhodes for two runs nnd In the by Cleveland. ' Bentin, released troupe, of Philadelphia, ono of tho best or- For Sale. thoy did that gentlcmm' Loamon continues to bo tlio king of stntn ganizations of its kind, is expected. curves the honor of ponnding them for lesgno coachois. In regard to coachcrs lOK SALE TIIORoUiiULY EQUIPPED five nnre runs. After that, the game Rending Is particularly strong. r Photograph (lalle.y. Will sen at one SPORTS OF ALL KINDS. half the value onaooouat of other business. m AKD 207 UOMlliG AVE. was never for a moment in doubt. Like Thjro is talk Boston management A in tho A i pi; toD. K. lilt MAN, F it City, Pa. the election of the Republican stile of laying Pitcher Jack Stivetts off without The Young Mon's Christian association K u ticket nxt fall it was simply a question pay until his work shows improvement. basket ball tenm will play at Towanda, 'oi: SALE FA M 110 ACRES; ACBE8 1 improved. Two good ho iso", running spring of how much. well-kno- couuty, Wednesday Woodcock, formerly the Bradford ovoniug. w ater atbotbithrea good barns, young orhcard. Afti r the second inning Mr. Rhodes pitcher for Brown noiversity, On Wednesday afternoon a game of I.. Dated invillageof Fori'st Lnk?,SUMimbnnna pulled bis attenuated form togthr, hat boon secure ( to conch tho Williams quoits will ho pitched nt the Union hotel county. Only a few rods to school, church, juis-vill- college bnsehull team. postoffloe, eie, Beautiful lake eli stocked thought oi his brief L oi Capouo between tho Pine . career with nvenin with game llsh. Torm-ioasy- ipplf toD.W. Pittsburg's , Brook end Hyde Park clubs. and determined that n man who Ston.ell, who, BBOwN, attorney, MM Bpruea afreet AT THE IRON STEEL was predicted, more and had faced tho sluggers of the National it would than hit Van Juniper Sweeney, of Now York, will bo league should not become liaitren's shoes, is DO '.ked. for releaso un- given a reception by the local athletic JOB SALE- - AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME, dismayed I. T of land, flue large houes, tnod, less be improves in bis play. Olnbi upon Ins aeree rn NORWAY whvn confronted with a handful of arrival in this city on Juno Inprovementa Easy dhttauos from Scran- IHON TOE CALK WAGON WUEEL9 Btiit" league hirelings. Patchon Is not a success in right field. 22 to tnko part in the Young Men's Chris- ton. Also 7 dcslr.lili nuildiug lots in BLACK D1AMOVD TIHE AXLES Manager Swifr. says as Held day country. D. W. BBOWN, During the remainder of tho game that soon as his tian association gameB. Att'y, Driving Fait SlfjVHIt MACHINERY 608 Bpruce SPRINGS lame leg is in condition ho will cover thnt 7in Caledonian games nt Laurel Hill street, his work snowed a distinct improve- portion of the garden himself. EXTRA SPECIAL SPUING HUBS nark cn July 4 are already awaking -- ment, but tho chnngo ciino too late. mncb SALE A FAKM OF EIOHTY ACRES, SANDKRSOHi'S On Decorntion day tho Young Men's fni rest among local athletes. one-ha- ENGLISH SOVT STEEL Sl'OKES Reading was doable to overcome the 1 one and miles trom Daiton on Christian association base ball team will M. E. Sanders is receiving many inquir- the Delaware, L:ekawnnna and Western Scranton, JKSSOP'S ENGLISH ANVILS RIMS lend and Scranton won by the follow- play Waverly, N. Y., in railroad. First clam farm homo with a nevur at tho morning ies from vnrious parts of the country con-c- ei CAST STKEIi BtCLLOWS STERL SKEIX.J ing score: mid Towauda in failing spring BOKrbr: two leirns. goisl land at tho afternoon. mug tho prospects fof a press club re- - it II U KORAN TON. and good orchard. rlll s.ld cheap. Terms Oils SHOES HORSE NAILS R. R. SPIKES Flanugban was batted hard in the gatta at Lake Ariel this season, Arthur east . Address B. F. VON STOItCH or ISA A' ! n. II. o. second gamo Sniurduy. Hogan snvod the Bull, of tho Univorslly of Pennsylvania EEI.1S, executors. Daltou, Lackawanna JULY 4th WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS RROS. SCREW Hogan, c. f. l l l game by bis drive in the ninth Bout club is nnxious to enter n crow if tho conntv. Pa, CUMING MACHINERY. Wetzel, s. s 2 2 2 inning when ba:;os wore filled. regatta is hold. the SALE OB RZCHANOB FOR AN-- Pateheo, r. f 9 1 o l.'oB sell What Scranton needs moro any- ton A bearing ornngo Rogers, c 0 2 6 than propirly (rrovo thing olso is captain who has the brains "The Face Of Rosenkel," Increasing in prodii'-tio- nnd value yearly in 6?,000 vvorth of Diamonds to bo L f. 2 2 3 He- - Staitz, and nerve t command of orange eeetkei in Florida. Aadree w. B. Ifasaey, lb u 2 lu tnko tho team NETTLETON, LakoHelon, Florida given away its prizes. and bo captain iu more than name. BAMdlB lymptoms of dyspopr.ia, S Westlake, 3b 0 11 0 Tn iittesibender & Co., cranfon, as 1 1 In a balloting contest for tho - such distress after eating, heartburn iligins, gb ii most nomi- .....I . .... All the best known racing men league iinu .. .i.m b..i..l... tii uub UM Boran, p 1 a U 1 lar State player Thsyor Torreyson, L , rn..,. .... i. . Boarding. Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wapronmakers' and Blacksmiths' of Reading, lends the list. And this is tho ne ijimi, ini.e it.noons raisauariiia u in the country will compete. you wish be Ol'MMI'Ii BOAl-.DINi- l FOUR RESPECT- SUPPLIES. 0 13 27 15 y man that Scranton could havo signed. to cured. Totals ' aoio persone can uno oiaae DOaru Arthur Irwin has mad" np his mind to with sniull family in lifge, airynri house. Grand Parade of "Wheelmen in READING. Hoon's enro nil livrr ills, billons-ne- ", Hot retain .lack Boyle On first rtt.i.s and cold bath:.. Freo enrnago depot Miller, If 1 2 1 0 base, as the indignation, to and the morning. jaundice, sick head- church Tliroc-cpiartcr- of a milo from iLeamon, cf o o l o latter has b gnn to hit tho ball ou the ache, sta trade mark. This will lot collegian tion, Healtny locality. AddnrSB UOS G8,Clarkl' Torreyson, 2b 0 1 8 Cloecklo Bamtnlt, Excursion rate3 on alt roads. Stephenson, rf 0 0 out Cure for Hearlnche. HOW TO MAKE HONEY Beaumont, lb o122 18 o Uoodhart, of last year's Scranton clnb, As a remedy for nil forms of Heartache Henry, 3b who is doing tbo back stop work for Read- Special Notlcm. Electric Hitters hns proved to bo vory Eustace, ss 1 2 0 5 ing this season, was given a hearty recep- the There aro hundreds of young men and young women in thli 1110 best. It effects a permanent euro an 1 tho (loodhnrt, c 1 1 0 0 tion when ho stepped to tbo plate to but oi kick ok i nu Rata ant i dreaded habitual sick headaches Company-- country who havo splendid ability, but they havo never been Rhonds, p 0 0 0 4 Saturduy. inert Wvominii YAlbBT BatUWAO yield to itH influence. We urge all who aro Dunuiore, Pa., Ma ll.'th, I Mi, I Uniplro Rian'! dncuions during Satur- - afflloted to procure a bottle and give ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIREC wakened up. 5 11 14 .... this jY -, Totals 20 ilnv'a fftrmi. were oof. Tmrfni.f .nf .tin l tor- notice m hereby given that a meet Hogan remedy n fair trial. In cases of habitual declared out. i wovie uis worn Hiuisinciion. no en- - constipation giv- Ing of the topkboluari of tho Erin gn Eloctrio Litters cures by Wyoming Valley b'aiirond pnng Scranton 2 6 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 p forces tbe rules, which is ono thing ho rnd Oouipany ing the needed tone to tho bowels, and few will neld the general ofiico food's College of Business and Shorthand Reading 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 s Bhnnld bo commended for. at of cases long resid. tho usn of this medicine. tue company at Dunmore in the County of Barnod runs Scranton, 4: Reading 2. Apropos of President St. John's off ir of Try It once. Largo bottles only Fifty cents Lackawanna and stnto of Fannaylvanla. on been of Two base hits Wotzc), Roberts, Waltz, nt Matthews Urea', drug store, Tuesday, the Bith day of June. ISBL at 10:48 lias an inspiration to hundreds j'oung people. If yo Massey, Stephenson. Three base hits o'clock, n. m for tbo pnrnaM of voting upon the eonflrmaHion, and adoption ore tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, Doran, Kusiace, Beaumont. Sacrifice hits FaOB rstlllratlon of Ginghams, ''The Of Husknkkl." an agreement uuterod into by and between Wetzel. Pntchen, Westlake. lliggins. Guar- Hi" he ard of directors of said compnny and conic to tho Colloge. Btolen Bases Bocon. Loamon. Double tie' beard of directors of the Ji lies L ike Roil, COMMON ENGLISH COURSE. plays Wetzel to Hlgginsto Massey; Tor- PIERCE antees a CURE road Cnmpanv, for tho merger and OOasohdl reyson to BcBiimont. Struck ACADEMY OF MUSIC. tlon of tlio ,Ien"s Lake Railroad Company We have placed on sale BUSINESS COURSE 2; Readinu, (1. First baso on balls to overy nervous, dellcnto woman, suffering Into wits the Erio and Wyoming Valley Bail- - course p, g. road i o;r.,:auy. MORRIS U. MEAD, shorthand WOOD. Proprietor. Scranton, (i; Reading 5. Wild pitches-Rhod- es, from "fumnle complaint," irregularity, or An Unoxpocted Dramatic Evtli 2. fiocrotarv. our of for the Pemcd ball Rodger Time wcaknoss. In every exhaust! condition of Peeitively last appearance in scranton of the line Ginghams ofgume 1:55. Umpire Rinu. the femalo system, Dr. Pierce's Favorite bullous nn.l SOOOttlplislied actress, HEAEti FOB Prescription Is un invigorating rastomttvo ") Franklin avenno. THE BKCON1) VICTORY. U coming spring and summer. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, tonic, fitted to the needC Of nursing mothers, MRS. JOHN D1J.KW Long Tom Flanaghan went into the ond women approaching confinement. BLANK BOOKS, PAMI'HLKTS, MAtlA TUESDAY, MAY '.9 Mrs. Drew nn etc., bunnd or redound at The Finer Goods, More Tasteful We may be what we might have been," box for Scranton in tbn second game SmUh Jfcnd, Pnrllc 00 ITosh. Mlta TiiiiiiiNK otllco. (juick work. Kciwonahl', always Mr. Jones, MALAPPOP in Bherldsn'i grout com-rd- ond a south Daw twirl er. Dn. R. V. PirncB, Iluffalo, N. Y.: in three aorS, rrlcoa. did tbe same scrvico for Reading. Both Utnrstr l npffan mir- Colorings and Lower Price9 ing your " Favorite THE RIVALS tickets cn had at lit, A HAPPY PATRON OP were batted veryfrelv. MBAL Hpruo stroot nand Fninklln avc In the first WHDNRSDaY, MAY Twenty uioal (or i;i.M. (lood e the second inning Reading hatted month of pregnancy, and Holcrnft's Una. ti:kot.i than ever before, a-- what ont three rnns and at once there were have continued Inking comedy in four acts, written In I'M, tal'l" hoard. demands from the grand stand to it since confinement. I diil not experience tho The Road to Ruin will them to our have Flanaghan taken ont of the gamo. legal. recommend E LU CO. nausea or any of tho ail Pries U, ti, Maud Me. Boats on sale Sat- - BKHARBS MBEB They were not heeded, howevvr. ments due to pregnan- urd iy, May 2U. S "run con found Jones for six runs in cy, ufter I ticsan takinir INSTATE OP THOMAS MULLEN, DATE patrona your " Irescrlptlon." 1 Lj of thncit: f Borantoa, county of Laeka th' third, fonrth; and fifth intiing, was only In labor a short Strayed, wanna, State ot iYniiMylimnin, fleoeeeeni Whlnb gave tbe club a lead ot one rnn. time, anil the physician Letters testnmnntnry upon tho nbove named yTHAYKD I'ltOM PASTURE NKAR state having baMI to Ihe Scranton, Pa. Neither side scored in the sixth or Mns. DAKKn. fraftftea nndorsinod, peventh ,)nally well. Moses Taylor hospital rll rK'rsons having claims or den: inds aualnst nnd in the eighth a wild throw We think It navea mo a (enwt. deal of hlefer, Mack and whltn, onot on shoulder, thes'dd estate will present th"in for payment GLOBE WAREHOUSE, to first by Pitcher Jones allowed three I was troubled a great deal with Whit on under part of bcsly and on end of and those indebted thereto shall please inako 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. Bcrunton men to score. In tbo eighth also, and It has done a world of good tail. Rownrd for rotcfrn or information that limnodluto pavment to Reading succeeded in gteting for me. Slncerelyyoure. will Ond her. JOHN A. MEAHS, THOB. .1. MULLfcN, Eiocator. two MRU. W. C. BAKER. O. rnr Washington ond Vino. jEssurscS llAKb, Attornoys. PITTSTON. PA. TRY US. L