man who Is being groomed for Count play in this city. McOunnigal threatens Kuehne's position on the team is non.s »thtr ;ro«ble, and claims that, under the nation?! IT WRS fl than a Flour City fan named Andy Xagle. .igreement, Indianapolis can not retain Shan- GRUSHEK Nag'.t is without professional experience, but non. Shannon does want go back to not to the Minneapolis manager took him with him Louisville, anci is more than anxious to re- on the trip, and Nagle la said to promise well. main here. He saw enough of the Falls Wllmot, however, has need to be careful be- City In the earlier part of the season to last SAIXTS DEMONSTRATE THEIR SU- fore inserting any untried phenomenon at him for many a day. Indianapolis Diamonds will not PERIORITY TO THE LEADERS Kuehne's position, for while they do say that give the boy up unless compelled to by the the Teutonic a INCOKVIXCIXt.MAKXER. third baseman has. to hire boy . Manager Watkins claims to lace his shoes, his avoidupols does not to have had an agreement that Shannon was prevent him from making a grand stand stop to play here throughout the season, and he now and then. willhold Louisville to that agreement. HOOSIERS OUT. Boston has thrown Jack Stivetts on a de- SHUT THE clining market. • * • SHAHKEY lIN TOWN. The Hoosiers must have an attack o£ ma- >Lan I'ayn Sacrificed Wliu l'onaded t'orbett St. ! laria. The bleachers there will have, a chill discussion of question Til\T.TOO,OX THEIR OW\ GROUNDS two Minneapolis Paul a Visit. the of cheap or themselves If keeps up bicycles. Some writerH assert that the gait the Saints paced them. at -KRUKEX'S GREAT CURVES • a * Thomas Sharkey, who is just the present most manufacturers can put pro- time being talked about by reason of his hav- their DID IT. Kokomo has joined the Indiana league. In- duct on the market at a cost of about We must have money ! ing bested Champion Corbett in a four-round $30 apiece, A Discount of 25 to dianapolis now has a chance to meet its go at San Francisco, was in the city yester- while others declare just as equal. day. is quiet positively that the profit on • .* * Sharkey. who a and inoffen- first-class 50 per this week on any sive looking fellow, accompanied by Dannie bicycles sold $100 already cent piece of Dia- Kansas report at each is TIGERS THRIVE OX BREAVEUS. How City will enjoy the of Needham and 1). D. Lynch, arrived in the ridiculously small and that no further yesterday's game! Hon Krlcken. despised cily yesterday morning. Sharkey and Need- is mond Goods in the store. Sale bona offcast of the Manning Misfits, the first twlrl- reduction possible. As usual in con- fide! ham have been givingfistic exhibitions along sort er in the league to shut out'the champions. the road between here and coast, aa troversies of this each side is right • \u2666 • the and a wrong- Guaranteed Bargains ! See ! Mnk* It Three Straight—Poor Gold Mr. Lynch, the backer and manager of the little bit and a great deal. A them — j It Is said that Grand Rapids has released pugilist, says, have done remarkably well retailer can make more money on some RugM Lack a Itnu Hum at Smink. • • * from a financial standpoint. Lynch says wheels at $40 each than can coming he on at Columbuti. Sharkey is a wonder and Is the man others at $100, and that this is so is The Kansas City World was curious to know in ring circles. The go between Sharkey easily what Indianapolis would do with St. Paul. and Corbett was, according to the statements accounted for. Large manu- It must read the answer— not in the stars— of Lynch and Needham, a good one and dem- facturers, and even small ones up to the present Indinnapolls O. in the high sky. • * * onstrated that Sharkey wu the better man year, have been selling St. Paul 10, two. much their product ] of the Sharkey does not talk and through the medium of Xnlisas City !>. Grand Rapids S. McVicker, Kansas City's new , is for this reason much more agreeable to agents, to it was practice 5- . whom the to * *• • was once a The of team are Detroit S». Mllknuk.M- It. rest the meet than the general of pugilists. He assign certain 1 1 11 mond "growlers" yet. expresses opinion, however, that he had exclusive territory. A. ++J ¥ 1V->/1 X Merchant the H.SIMON"— • • These men, owing » the best of the go at San Francisco, and had to the comparatively Played. Won. Lost. Pet has received an offer from the Corbett licked, even if the referee called the limited demand for any one make in a Indianapolis SO 50 30 .625 |Hamilton club, of the Canadian• league. affair a draw and declared all be':s off. As small territory, had to have enormous Corner Seventh and Jackson Streets. Si. Paul 82 50 32 1 • • to himself and discounts in .610 the future meeting between «,nvc< order to scratch a living game says T^K^The ways r\4* +VltheA PVoiflcycle racing¥»*kr»4*t or manvnoI Minneapolis 83 48 35 .578 1 While Frank's batting inhis first with Corbett for a finish fight, Sharkey he of out of the business. Here at Kansas City 82 4S 36 .501 Columbus may have been to a certain extent can lick him sure. The new candidate for who is looking for victory without re- swoop one fell accidental, says the selling price to the maker ent athletic clubs was held here thla afte The ChcKK Detroit 81 42 39 .519 it certainly gives color to the championship honors he was born in gard means employed was $60 noon protective league. Tournament. .455! charge frequently been made that the Emerald Isle twenty-three years ago. He to the to achieve reduced to or $70. to form a After coi Milwaukee 88 40 48 which has are numerous This year siderable discussion it was agreed to nan. NUREMBERG, July 80.-The tenth round Grand Rapids 86 31 54 .365 I he has been playing for his release in Min- is five feet eight and a half inches in height it and devious. Moat of a large number of irre- the f the international and weighs 198 pounds. On first sight Sharkey sponsible men went now organization the American Sportln chess masters' tourna- Columbus 87 27 SO .310 j neapolis. • • • the tricks to which he resorts are ex- into the business Protective League. Itß object is said to b nent was played today in this city, the result does not impress one as being anything like too, of building ng aa followB: GAMES SCHEDULED FOR TODAY. ceedingly dangerous, and Chair- wheels with the expectation to promote all kinds of professional sports o ,, Marotzy beat Wlnawer in At Detroit when the game is uninteresting a match for Corbett ina light. His shoulders of making good ajid The organization will endeavor to take i 1 blcilian defense after 55 moves. Marco and St. Paul at Grand Rapids. the spectators have fun watching the race and limbs are particularly noticeable, how- man Gideon, of the racing board of machines becom- >howalter drew game ing wealthy rapidly. They tried to <"-*>rv prominpnt athletic club in the Unite* a Vienna after 46 moves, Minneapolis at Indiana; imis. between Vanderbeck and the owner of .he ever, and when stripped he looks every inch the L.A. W., is after him with a sharp get States. It will be run on the schlechter beat Teiehmann in a center coun- Milwaukee at f fighter says good agents and failed to so. Many same plans a gambit Columbus. improvised grand stand just outside the ence. the that he is. Manager Lynch stick, which is to when do that of the national base ball league. Amour er after 31 moves. Lasker Kansas City at Detroit. puts extension on the Sharkey has within the past six months certain be felt of them followed that with a ?la<:kburne in a beat First Vanderbeck an This is as failure those present at the meeting were \u25a0'Parson" Ruy Lopez after 70 moves. fence. Then the other man puts another showed that he is a wonderful fighter and has it falls. it should be. Out- in which the sheriff was an important Davies. «,f Chicago; James Kennedy, Em- ->cniffers and Charousek drew a Ruy Lopez Special to the Globe. lift under his telescope grand atand. Then won decisions in flEtic encounters with four side of the danger to the other partici- figure, and simply be pire Athletic club, and J. H. Herman, of St. after 44 moves. Pillsbury beat Tschigorin in fence, country, the wheels had to i INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., July 30.—St. some more and then some more lift. of the best known men in the his pants in a race, the spectators should sold and were sold. naturally Paul. Queen's gambit declined after 49 moves. At last accounts the race was a lively one, victims in that length of time being Billy This Albin beat Steinitz in a Ruy Lopez after 51 Paul deepened the gloom today by , Smith, Williams. not be compelled to witness danger- limited the demand to that extent, moves. Porges and as the improvised stand is outside Van- Gregains, Choynski and Jim as a and GOOD SPORT AT and Tarrasch drew a center rutting another defeat on the Indian- j derbeck's ground, there does not seem to be Last, but not least, the showing he made ous spills which are the result of the result a number of large makers CLEVELAND. counter gambit after 39 moves. Janovski beat apolis aggregation. The game was won ;much show for him, unless he can procure against Corbett has placed him In the front unpardonable conduct of an unprinci- have been obliged to dispose of a por- Walbrodt in a Ruy Lopez after 46 moves. a circus canvas and lift it above the fence rank and given him a standing that speaks tion of their output to dry goods Tlie Favorite Failed to Make Good Schallopp had a bye. on its merits. The Apostles earned j well for future prominence in pled racing man, and the public is not stores Following is the score with a series of captive• * balloons.• this line. for whatever they could get in Two Kvejits. of all the chess con- one run, itIs true, but they took The party left for Chicago last evening slow to resent such practices by the rather testants up to date: over the Burlington road, and willremain in than take chances of carrying them 0., Players advantage of every misplay of the Manassau. who umpired at Detroit Tues- prompt withdrawal of its patronage, over to next CLEVELAND. July 30.— There was plen- Won. Lost. day. Is a blonde young man who walked in that city for several weeks. Speaking of the season. It must be said ty of fine sport at the driving park today. Albin 4 6 home team, at most timely | fight between Sharkey and Corbett, which is without which there would be no that many, if not most of The weather was Blackburne , g and batted from Seattle In the summer of' 1894 and se- the cheap perfect, the track in splen- .. 4 \u25a0 — did moments for run getting. The cham- cured a job for a week— with John Barnes' to come off either in November or December, meets. wheels are dear even at the small prices condition, and a large crowd was present *Charousek 4 5 Minneapolis club. Mr. Lynch said that it would probably be charged. They have, however, to witness the sport. Three events were con- Janovsky 7 I>ions were outplayed by the visitors. • • * pulled City, One of the most common tricks is unques- cluded, in off at Carson Nev. The first de- tionably left their impress addition to the unfinished 2:19 trot *Lasker 7 George Cross pitched a good game, quit. posit of the stake money, $2,500, has been known as "leaning." It is usually the on the of yesterday. In the first race New Castle arco •• Dugdale's Peorla club• has Miller, bicycle trade, and favorite, •'..... 4tt C* • * posted in San Francisco with Dan a result a two it would surprise no was a hot and he won after two *Maroozy g j but his support went back on him and of combination between see many recognized heats had been taken by The St. Paul team tackles Grand Rapids to- prominent sporting man of that city. The against one to high grade Jimmy Hague. Tii^ •Pillsbury g the boys played ball like that seen on day. played second deposit of $2,500 would be put up in riders another who is consid- wheels sold next season race was very exciting. In the 2:25 pace \u2666Porges iy The teams have so far nine direct to deal- Mocking favorite, 1^ a town lots. puzzle games, of which St. Paul has Of New York on Sept. 1, and a permanent stake- ered the probable winner. The slower ers at a price would leave Boy was the but the race *Schallopp 3 the Fricken was a won seven. which them wag easy for Miss Jennings, who set the eleven games yet to play, eight are sched- holder appointed at that time. The articles of the two conspirators makes it his a small profit at $70 or a re- *Behiffers 4^ 41^ to the batsmen. He was equally as uled for the Grand Rapids grounds. provided that the remaining $5,000 was to be thereabout. markably fast pace. In the 2:09 trot Ken- Schlechter , Denzer, • • * up business to lay alongside the man Some few makers will surely keep up tucky Union was favorite, but Klamath e% 31^ effective as Mullane and keep- ten days before the fight occurred. The to easily Showalter 2 8 is place Athletic club, of San Francisco, had offered whom ItIs desired to beat, $100, and with the liberal guarantees demonstrated his abilityto win and took the Steinitz ing the hits well scattered. Up to the St. Paul now nearer first than at and when they give race in straight heats. 7 3 any time before this season. $20.00 to have the fight pulled off under the the latter attempts to go and the attention bestowed Derby Princess took Tarrasch g^ 31,4 eighth inning the Saints played - • • • auspices of the club, and he to the front upon the dtciding heat of the 2:19 trot with ease. understood that on the last turn for purpose of customers even after the pur- Summaries: •Teichmann 1 b less ball, and their misplays after this Of the nine games St. Paul has to play with sporting men in Carson City had agreed to the chase money has paid Walbrodt '5 X pay amount, making run been the price 2:15 class, trotting; purse, $2,500— Indianapolis, fiveare• to*be• played here. $15,000 of this providing the the down the homestretch given by New Castle -Tschigorin ** did not prove costly. To cap the cli- fight occurred at that point. Nothing defi- will be many if for nothing 6 8 1 1 1 \u2666Winawpr D % to the finish line to over vvmawer \u0084,,. max the Saints shut the champions St. Paul has fifteen more games to play on nite, he said, had been determined on, but lean far to- else than the feeling of security which Jimmy Hague 116 5 2 2^ 6% the ward him, so that the momentum itbuys. Basora 8 2 2 4 2 out. It is the first time trip. the fight would probably take place In Ne- of Orange Chief the trick has vada. The authorities there, he said, were his rush willhave the effect of knock- 7 3 4 6 3 ~90 "90 teen done year. willingto fight, Obediah 9 12 3 4 5 "''-jed nine games; the others played ten. this XATIONAL LEAGIE. allow the and the law? of the ing him off his wheel, or at least IS THIS THE LAST? m• games 81, The began state were such that by a technical drawing of Combine U 13 7 s »" otal number of still to be played, visitors scoring in the causing him to so badly Fred B 4 j" very of the articles the fight could come off there swerve that Qelerrima, s \° « first inning. O'Rourke was re- "Dad" Clark Could Not Save the iomo Road Prfee Again i0A Here's a Story. without interference. before he can straighten himself out Race List Is KingAlbert "„ [\u0084 *2 J Flnli tired on a hit to first, but Glasscock Giants From Defeat. and resume his clip the ally of Readjusted, Spinaway H |I•dr GALESBURG, Mich., July 80.—Si* year 3 singled left, DELEHAXTY AS A BATTER. the nJ » «[ ago a Galesburg fisherman, pursuing to and was advanced on Played. Won. Lost. P. C. losTier is so far ahead that there is no The judges Sunland Clay -.V* dr while Stratton's Cincinnati 83 61 28 .685 in the recent road race at k* \ his favorite pastime in Wall lake, in Barry slow drive down the foul Story possibility of overtaking him. The Como have taken a ghy ::::::::::::il l& county, had the misfortune to lose his hook Baltimore 81 54 27 .667 A Told About His Earlier al- final at the Family£°>! Holman 3 0 dis line to Motz. George singled and on Cleveland I legation has been repeatedly results of the race, as nearly they Ti ' and ten feet of line to which It was attached. 85 55 30 .647 Work. made this as ,m :l3% 2:l4V*,2:14%, 2:14%, 2:17%. McCarthy's fumble, Glasscock scored. Chicago 90 52 38 .578 season that two very can be fixed up from the 2:25 Vclass, pacing; purse, $2,500— The hook was baited with a live minnow. "Delehanty batter," intimate riders memories of Miss Jennings On Monday last, while again fishing on the Furns scored George from second on a Pitsburg 84 45 39 .536 is a great said a man have been systematically working the riders and other available resour- 1 1 2 1 same lake, he caught \ Boston 83 43 39 .524 who watched the big Philadelphian smash this ces, and Mocking Boy 9 2 a seven-pound bass to pretty single to right. ihis four home runs game, and in may have issued an official list 12 which was attached a hook and line, tha The visitors' 'j Philadelphia 83 39 44 .470 at Chicago, "yet Ihave that that fact be of the Sherman Clay 2 ? s r being deeply !seen him, when needed, winners. The -list as published Red hook imbedd'ea 'i*"the back of half of the second inning witnessed Brooklyn 83 38 46 .458 a hit was so feeble found the secret of the phenomenal in the Globe of Sunday, 8ud..... i c 7 t the fish. There no doubt some Washington 79 34 45 .430 ! that a little pop up would be all he could do. correct to Ambidexter 7 c a c is tiiat it was tha juggling, the like of which has j i euccess of one of the pair. In that time, minnow of six years ago. not New York 82 33 49 .402 It's all luck in batting, but Del is as good as this has been amended by insert- Silk Woodnut '.'.'.'.'.'.". 10 9 6 4 been seen on the home grounds in i :they grow particular case, ing many game. St. Louis 85 27 68 .318 at that. however, the accusa- E. K. Thyng and Fred Perkins for a Shugart bunted and j Louisville i "Years ago, when George Plnckney was appears prizes. ed s'lk 5 Spies 81 21 60 .259 playing tion to have been unjust, and the 13th and 14th This pushed g. 5 8 dr beat the ball out. hit to Cross, I third for Yon der Ahe, the Quakers the others down pegs Planet c 7,11 a who GAMES SCHEDULED FOR TODAY. were walloping the Browns one Itis even asserted that it was trumped two until the 39th threw to Shannon In plenty of Philadelphia j sunshiny aft- place, Great Reductions time to complete at Boston. ernoon. Delehanty came up in the first up by the man originated the when C. F. Slocum Is Inserted. Jim Simmons dis a play, but Plttsburg at who The rest are dropped Cincinnati. round and beat out a bunt. When he next leaning trick, to then pushed down three Ohio Boy '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'." dis on our line of Shannon the ball. This gave Brooklyn at New appeared in order divert sus- places and Hummingbird men a York. at the plate, Jack Glasscock. who picion the fiftieth prize, unawarded (ii3 both life. Fricken then walked Cleveland at St. Louis. was at short for the Browns, told Pinckney from himself, and afford him at first, is given to J. X. C. Daniels. Time, 2:09%, 2:08^4. 2:09%', "^O^i. to first on balls and the bases were Baltimore at Washington. to run in and get ready for another bunt. the opportunity to reform while the 2:09 trotting; purse, |2,000— filled. O'Rourke tapped a single to "Pinckney trotted in, and just then Del feeling Klamath j « 1 PHILADELPHIA, Pa., July caught the ball one of those was strong against the ac- Horse vs. Bicycle. Kentucky right, scoring two 30.-The exces- awful awipea he Union \u0084 3 4 J men. Glasscock flied sive heat gave any rate, to placed grounder today served to make the game be- it this afternoon. It went on a low line cused. At the result is apt CHICAGO. July 30.-Col. J. G. Taylor to- Lord Clinton iWHEELS! Stewart. Stratton a straight at Pinckney's day wired acceptance 3 in J tween the locals and the New Yorks listless. feet. The third base- to redound to the benefit of cycle rac- of the challenge of W. Bounce '.' g « 2 Stewart's hands, but he let the ball IThe visitors had slightly man had no chance to get way, W. Hamilton, of Denver, Onoqua Gopher, March, fly over field, the better of the out of the ing, for it has been determined holder of the world's '"4 fi 7 Motz's head and into the j but the Phillies won by opportune stick and the ball hit him on the Instep of the left to n for a rftce between Hamilton DanCupid k r work, leg up practice regard ana-«/ Joet Patchen,£?\\ '.'..'.'.'.'.'. 5 Truman, Summit. bleachers and two more scored. Burns i "Dad" Clark went into the box for foot. His flew up in the air behind him break the without over a mile course. The Maud C 7 7 k and his foot hit present plan is public 2:09, 2:08^4, advanced Stratton with a single and :the visitors in the eighth, and Ulrich took the back of his head. to whom it may huTt, and It is ex- low to exclude the and al- Time. "2:10%. Davis' place in the field, but it was late "Chris Yon der Ahe looked down at Pinck- only newspaper men to witness the con- 2:19 class trotting; purse, |2,000 (unfinished Special AH Wood threw the ball into center field too ney hopping around, the ceedingly unlikely that any of the cir- from — Discount on Sundries. \u25a0while endeavoring to for the change to effect any marked results. at pitcher standing yesterday) Expert Repairing. catch Burns Score: open-mouthed and at Delehanty, Then he ex- will have Derby 1 \u25a0> \u25a0, Btealing, scoring. R.H.E. claimed, 'Py cuit chasers the hardihood Princess Stratton Burns was Philadelphia ..01140032 o—ll 13 chiminy, Idon'd know vlch yon to attempt a thing1 they st. Peter's Road Race. Edmonia 2 9 9 then caught on and 4 to dake oud— de pidcher or de third paseman; which know Atlantis = , the lines retired. New York 2 0203100 I— 9 10 2 punished severely. P TER- 9 In inning George de pidcher for leddlng him soak de pall dot will be ™!J-, July 30.-The gold Bessie Wilkes 3 4 * F. M. SMITH & BRO., the fifth reached first Batteries, Gumbert and Clements, Sullivan vay medal givenJ? byMJnn-"Evenson Bros., '....'. 1 on Shannon's fumble* Clark and or de third paseman for nod—gedding de of this city Quality ; I Burns and Pick- Wilson. hit! And he fined Pinckney $25." Exchange. $6 ner the race from Geddes J 326 Wabasha Street. ctt were retired on TO PREVENT UPSETS. to P»?eter' thirteentKf * roa^ Mankato 5 I outfield flies. Then SENATORS TIE BRIDEGROOMS. miles, was won by Ely Carrillon « 5 I came an assault on Cross. Shugart HAHRISOX AND MIS NURSE. Any person who has attended a r?=-Carpenterf of Traverse, this county. The Riley S I BROOKLYN, V., July 30.-Owing .;...~::• 7 dr grot a single and Spies a three-bagger, N. to a of race is cer- Time, 2:13%, 2:15^, 7 Most Complete Lift*in the Twit* Cities. severe wind and rain storm, which for a number meets almost V,T. g at the roads were 2:13. and two runs were over. Fricken time They Are Still the Attraction In tain to have seen one or more up- places. i&The in several •*»» SYRACUSE, REMINGTON, drove one created quite a panic, the game did not race was open only to riders of to center and Spies scored begin until long after the schedule time. It Foley's Tourney. sets resulting from the poor judg- Syracuse and Crawford wheels. The End of Robert Garrett. O'Rourke added a single to the list, was McJames against PATEE, ORIENT, but Abbey, from a pitcher's Lovers of billiards given splen- ment of a BALTIMORE, July body Glasscock hit a into standpoint, and at the close were another rider who has allowed his 1 80.-The of the liner Stewart's of the ninth inn- did exhibition by Harrison last night in the into Netted the $350. ob,crt Garrett will be buried in Green LEAF, hands. The score: ing, when it became too dark to continue fourth game front wheel to run the hind wheel Path Mount£ Cemetery, MAPLE COMET. play, the game stood of his series with Capen at just ahead of him. As the noon, this city, tomorrow after- Indianapolis. a tie. Score: Foley's Fifth street rooms. Harrison com- of the man entertainment for the benefit of the after services at aTb. R. 18. P.oTa. E. R.H.E. pleted turning tv-OV ear Cycle Path association, given Episcopal Grace Protestant Hogriever, rf 4 0 110 his 300 while Capen was gathering 91, direction of of one wheel is at church. Miss Mary his «ood, 0 Brooklyn . ..«..0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 o—l 5 0 the winner averaging *S,w£ te™Bear Tuesda y evening, netted sister will be present Gerrett TWIN CITY CYCLE COMPANY c 4 o 2 2 2 1 Washington twelve and a half. He upward while that of the other is »350. The association about at the funeral' but 134 East Seventh Street, St. Paul. McCarthy, ir 3 0 0120100 o—4 11 1 ran double figures ten times, his best being 72 voted its thanks to Fred the other members of the family are in En- 724 filco'let Avenue. Minneapolis. M( 0 1 1 0 1 Batteries, Abbey and Grim, 39, 27 and 21. Capen doubled times, downward somebody must go down. Powers and Architect Stem for arranging the *z- lb 3 0 0 11 2 0 McJames and four his tableaux The association Stewart. 1 McGuire. best run being 22 and his average And that they always do, as nearly needs about $200 2b 4 q 1 4 4 practically do more, and will go Shiebeck. 3b 4 0 10 MR. STIVETTS four. Harrison gave a fine exhibition of balk all the racers in the rear. The tangle about securing it. Shannon, 0 0 WON'T DO. line nursing in his high T_,I2STE ss 4 0 12 4 2 BOSTON, Mass., run. of wheels and human limbs which fol- First Coarse Wairn't Refused. OUR. Hosan, cf 4 0 0 July 30.—8y a streak of Cross, p 2 0 0 hard hittingthe Baltimores today. ARE NOT very trying to nerves FARIBAIXT SHELBYVILLE, tad., July STERLING, CLEVELAND, 4 0 113 0 won Duffy PROFESSIONALS. lows is the of CRACKS WON. fcmall, 30.-Edward tried his hand at second and was responsible sensitive people In the audience, es- proprietor of a news depot in this city EAGLE, RELAY, for two of the runs, while Stivetts, Kenan of —to gave *dinner to his four married _I°tal3 34 0 8 24" 15 *5 after English OarKinen Are the Parent of pecially ladies, who a large the Gun Clnb Shoot V\£*yliber, Charles, sons MONARCH, DEFIANCE, .... holding the Orioles well for seven innings, form per- at Frank and George. On St. Paul. went pieces eighth Amateur*. centage of the patrons of cycle racing. Northfield. turning over their plates ABBOTT, ROADSTER. O'Rourke, 3b "> to in the and ninth. Score: check, each son found a 5 1 2 0 1 R.H.E. In is a emerges NORTHFIELD, Minn., thousand-dollar a present from thefr Glasscock. lb 5 1 0 the interview with George Langford It seldom that rider from July 80.-The second parent. Mr. 1 9 0 Baltimore 0 0002003 s—lo 12 2 which appeared 8 ot gun Small has handled the metropol- ST. PAUL CYCLE Stratton rf 4 10 3 0 0 in the Globe of Wednes- one of these mix ups without some Farlbault,&. .If}? c!ub ontesta between itan papers here for thirty years CO., If 4 Boston 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 o—6 11 5 day, concerning the Yale crew's visit to Hen- Owatonna and Northfleld gun clubs cumulated and has ac ««>»•»». 2 14 0 0 Batteries, Hemming more or less serious injury, and It ia was held on the a *nug fortune. 342 Wabasha Street. Burns, cf 4 0 2 3 0 0 and Clark, Stivetts and ley, the Impression might be conveyed that grounds in thia city this 2b 3 0 Ganzel. some of the English oarsmen were profession- therefore the desire of all that some arternoon, in which Faribault won. The fol- £»«*•". 1 6 0 0 means lowingis the score: hhugart, ss 4 2 2 0 5 1 THE REDS. als. This is not the case; In fact the Eng- be devised" that would lessen f R PITTSBURGERS FIXED lish oarsman purest Owatonna Club— William Feller *. 4 2 2 2 3 0 is the of amateurs in the danger in this respect. Scores 9; 12- W F Fncken.fP p 3 CINCINNATI,0., July 30.-The Pittsburg- every sense of the word. They may ; Sawyer, F. Swanson. 10; C. Zamboni, 4; 110 3 0 ers, rowed, have of plans have been adopted experi- Heinteman, profiting by the absence of Smith, who with the crews for several years, but M. F. 12; George Ward 9- Dr _Totals 36 19 12 27 was forced to quit the game in the second that of course does not alter mentally and abandoned after a short B. M. J. Conlln, 10; E. C. Zamboni 15-' t' 13 \ inning after being ball, their amateur J. Conlln, 14; Orne, 7; Indtanapolfs 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 hit by a pitched won standing. experience, as moat of them increased R. H. total 102 m. 0 •—