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DEVOTED TO—BASE BICYCLING GUNS GUNNING VOLUME 30, NO. 8. PHILADELPHIA, NOVEMBER 13, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. AGAINST PLAYERS. ATLANTIC LEAGUE i JUDICIAL DECISION FAYORIHG TRANSACTS IMPORTANT BUSINESS IN THE MAGNATES, * SPECIAL MEETING. The Right to Fine in Accordance With It Transfers the Athletic Franchise Contractual Stipulations Upheld by to Allentown, Adopts a Salary a Court in the Suit ol Earle Limit and Decides to Discipline Against the liikesbarre Club, Rowdy Players. Wiikesbarre, Pa., Nov. S. Unquestionably The Atlantic League held a special meet Howard J. Earl, by bringing his.suit against ing at, the Hotel Hanover. Philadelphia, t!ie WilUosbarre Base Hal! Olub in Syracuse Nov. 7 and 8, to fill the vacancy in the cir )o recover -yvhat he- claimed was unpaid cuit caused by the withdrawal of the Ath salary, iia.s been instrumental in establish letics. President K. G. Barrows presided, ing a bad precedent from a base ball play and tlKi following dribs were represented: er©s standpoint. The decision recently Newark, (Jeorgo V.T. Ellis; Richmond, Jacob handed down by the Courts- o.f Appeals at Wells and C!. T. Kovkin; Paterson, W. L. Syracuse in its effect, says that, a base ball Dill and C. D. Ely: Reading. D. L. Long; phiyer can be legally fined for a violation Hartford, J. B. Birmiughan; Lancaster. of the provisions of his contract respecting Frank I©. Riuti and Norfolk, K. H. Cunning- bis conduct while in the employ of a base ham. ball association, or party conducting a club. GOBS TO ALLENTOWN. Hi.s signature to a contract, such as is There were two applications for the Ath provided by leagues under the National letic franchise one from Allentowu, and Agreement, is in itself an acknowledgement the other from Worcester.
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