TOE SCIiANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY M OTWrNTGr. 51AY 28, 1894. mm acrodfl the yilute on mi error of 825 to know th cause of the loOtU' long Wi'stlake's and by Eostnce, Jones li-- t of recent defeats, the Allentown Dead' bits easily won. and luiilcr. riaya, "Thnt ft. Should bo The cause of d feat i that Scrantoa can't, BASE. Ia tbe ninth Hogan made a home play. Uivn us something bard." ma whicb oUctriiied tho audience. The Wilhes-l'.arr- ? will ou letter carriers gi foam Maesey, Vv'estlske and Illgglns were to Scranton on Decoration day and play the cama tbe bases when FlauiiKhan went to the letter carriers of that city a MUM "( i plite to bat. Ho smoto thetinosphpro base ball. Manager Josliu of tho Williei- - WW Ticloasly thr?o timet tind then re- Barre mail men is confident bis players will A Word. Wilkes-Ban- Bon Games of On Week Affected Standing tired to "the bench, Hogan taking his bring home a victory. Times. pllM at the plate. JPImt cost much, ea of Clubj. unemployed Of all ktlldl that the HOOAN'S In looking over tbe list of HOME RUN. ball players there are not many gems upon rcpt Situations W'anteU.which are inseria FOUR GREAT ball Chicago, FREE. SPECIALS The bat squarely met the fonrth the bargain counter. Brooklyn, Air. Jones pitched and it sailed away Louisville tod Washington are circulating OUR POSITION NOT CHANGED into left field over Mr. Miller's head. search warrants for now blood, but the That Will Bring Business for Us and Give Satisfaction to Cur Customers. When tho ball was returned to the demand appears to bo greater than tho Situations Wanted. apply, diamond Hogan had cnnsorl tho DOtni ANTED BY A WIDOW in Where We llf SITUATION We Are Seventh Place, plate, Maasey, Wsstlako nnd Big Al Johnson says that he has reinstated VV with nun child :o, housekeeper, irtodo with Tribune, Wera One Week Aro, but Our Per- gins nhoad of bltn, Mike Kelly an manager of the Allentown plain sewing. Address "M," club. Ho declares that if tho "King" fails AS lKHJMC. NO. 1. Fifty dozen Ladle' Silk TIo.se, iu followinc; colors: Cream Is Took That hit won the game. RaaJing "WANTED. Sl'l CATION Black, White, Nile Green, Canary, centage Higher Scranton to play nine innings in any game or tries v keeper bv a widow wlthonochild. Ad- succeeded in making one run in the John-so- u Orange, Light Two Games from Reading Satu- to pitch again he will be released. dress "N," Tiibane olBce. l'iuk, Laveuder, Blue, Tam and Browns. 50a. is the netv price. They ninth, which loft the score as follows: says ho has banked 88,800 foHCelly, were $1. Played. which is rdayResult of Other Games SCRANTON. over and above expeuBos. dry goods oi tic with Hi! class referen- Wltman, ling, hns been ces. Ten ye;. m' eiiperionc . Address, Clerk, Ball Notes. n. ii. O. A. E. Manager ofitua a heavy loser by tho recent storm. Tho Tribune office. NO. 2, Greatest TJaderwear Birgala of the asa, for gaatlemsa Btfbriggan Shirts Hrsan, c. f.. 3 !J 0 (I and Drawers, 1 gr. uniis havo been considerably damaged BV A YOU NO Wetzel, s. s. 1 1 I) CJITOATION WANTED all sizes, per garment. and it will lake somoiimo to got them in l lady n shin; store. Ad.lro.H I M., Koran 25c. Compare thorn with thosoyou havo usually bought at 50c -- gl 11 K leapno men 0 1 0 0 State I'atcheu, r. f good condition. By the postponement of ton Tribune, c. 0 8 1 0 AO Jil during tbe pimf Wflak Rogers, three games on account of the rain, Ono 1. 1 3 n o SITUATION WANTKD 1SY A HOY 14 NO. hundred Ladies' Changeable Silk Umbrellas, colors as follows: Brown, Navy, Garnet wan chiefly notablo Waltz, f together with tbo Injury to the ground. Maatey, 8 13 II 0 years of soeut any kind of honeet work. for the defeats nil let b Manager he sustained 0 B,, and Green. Special price, 3 each. Universally sold at 4. Trimmed !1 1 5 1 Wltman claims bus Address D. Tribune olliro. with the finest ministt'reil to tlio Westlake, 8h1 b u lose of 18,600. Biggins, 2d b 2 A 1 0 IJOOOKKBEPUK AND CTKNOOKAPHKB Natural Handles. Hnrriibnrg club, I'luiiughaii, p 2 0 3 1) Without Thayer Torreyson tho Reading J) of three years' esperlonee would like a wli03 t)ereenta;,'3 team would not oven bo a good eighth in position ; salary Do objsot "D.L.." Tribune oil! co. Ono case of Towels fell off. 12 1. Alk'u-tow- n Totals 13 13 27 11 1 tho league race. Tho way lie works him- NO. 4. Cotton Hack (large sizs). Tin prica don't pay for tho raw cotton. Four self nnd urges his endeav- still hohiuBKC-on- d READING. ni"n on to fresh DITOATION WANTED BY A YOUNO for 15c pUe by u ors by weld ami example must make k man M years of a;o; a f (slu ;nt ion; and It. II. n, A. K. nai sir lunrpin than a those wool I aei ept mod anything. Can give beet belter Miller, 1 !l 2 0 0 feel very, very tired. of reference. Address r. s., "vj North Be wotfk It aco. Hnzloton Ijfiimon, c. f 0 0 1 0 1 Thayer has a tondneee for dirty bull play- becea avenue, cltf , lost (jruunJ, hut i still in third i.lacf. Torreyson, 2d b.... 'i 1 1 3 1 ing; however, that he might well re- 209 WASHINGTON AVE. was ptuhiog it nurd for th- - iilei henson, r. f. ... 1 'i 0 0 0 nounce. Rzal Estate. Altooaa o CONNOLLY BE pluce rmtll tbe club met Kmc: Kelly's Beaumont. 1st b 1 1 U "Phenomenal" Sinith, tbe manager, of WALLA Opp. Court Hous8. Henry, :i 1 4 5 0 ANTl1ov1'riCinU k 3rd men Allentown on Saturday and b the Pottsville club, was brought Into thinking of purchasing and at s. i o (I 2 0 property same Eustace, s. prominence as a huso ball plnyer in Alleii-tow- u. who knows a good chingwheu they see It, to lost two ffarasi, Ilnzlctou at the 1 0 Qoodhart, o 0 1 5 For several years bo pitched for cull at co- ollio..' nt, I! o', lol:. May ami defeated PotUTillt, which ma- o o f. '. titan J onus, p. i, 8 tho Allentown amateur nine and his visit .Summit Perk Annex al our expense terially widened the trap wbicli now Building lots iron, wtt toglD), First payment phenomenal record for strike-out- s at- separates tbe clubs. Eitton climbed Total B 13 '17 18 8 per cent. Weeafy payment Be to ii No tracted the attention of the entire base interest; no taxes. Don t forget to hrliiL' place during 1 3 0 4- -18 up from tlghth to sixth Scranton 0 0 2 0 3 ball worid. He was then sold to tho Phil- enough money with you to make tho Hist the week nnd PottsvilU dropped from Reading 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 - b adelphia National league team, but in a payment on one or two lots. Wool), iiak NEW sixth to tail end. Sernuton is agftlo in Earned runs Scranton, 8j Reading, 4. few yean his best days as a pitcher were mon Co., Agents, IM wyomlna avenue. u Two baso bits FlaiiHshan, Torreyson. e Tenth position, whore it was week over. OB CANNOT CON-- i Stephenson :2. Hnmo runs Hogan. Stolen tF You ABE 'J'lltED upo, but the percpntajro is .001 better Bain in an expensive thing for tho East- ti no puy.ng installments ou your build-in.- basoe Hogan, Btsjti 2, Westlake, .Miller DOW ern league on Every game loti write to ute; 1 wont to buy two or than it wastbou. Oily three point! ". Torreyson. Double plays Torreyson to team! the road. This Beautiful Bed Speaks means a loss of tlOil to tlirou. "h., tills olllce. for Itself. separate us from Bastou, uui if "our daanmoot, Scranton, 4; Bead-log- , postponed at loast struck out the team. Hotel bills, salaries and car it you need a Child's Bed, don't buy you pots" play as they capable of doing 4. First on balls Scranton, .1; until have seen art baso cannot bo postponed rain, how- Wanted. one. You will wo should bo in fourth phice by the Beading, 1, Wild pitohei Jones. Passed fare ty Amenta this regret it if you do. ever. Bprlngfltld has fared bast so far, When lolded Week, plays on balls Rogers, 2. Hit by pltohor Pateheo, -- SEL.L-t takes but little more mom than n chnir. end of Ibis as the club mining j;ainos at Wilkes Barro and I'.NKUM,, AUKNTS W ANTED Rigors, Sacrifice bite Hogan, two ter- Strong and durable. Made of Oak and Natural Msple. Very tho home gronndl ev.ry afternoon. stnltz. one at Buffalo, but playing an extra Sun- i liirf now articles to dealer; exclusive vVeetiake, Qoodhart. Timo 2.n0. Umpire ritory, no coiune ition. no canitsl reiiuirod; fine ituu finish. Ilolds nil tbo Bedding when folded. Vedn..slay morning it will play at day gumo at Troy which was worth moro SOU Uiun. tofllCper oeni profit 0OI.UMWA CHEM Length, B feet. With, HO and 40 inches. Hzletoi!. than the lUabllOO, Providence lost $100 ii ai.
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