OEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 33, NO. 9. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 20, 1899. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. NEW LEAGUES. ONE MORE TRIBUTE TWO MORE ORGANIZATIONS ENTER TO THE SPORT THAT COMMANDS THE FIELD. UNIVERSAL HOMAGE. Successor to the Famous Old Cum Congressman Sherman, the Probable berland Valley League Formed A Distinctive Four-dab Onio State sentatives, Pays a High and Unusual Leagus Organized at Findlay, Compliment to Our National Game. Baltimore, May 15. Editor "Sporting When the New York League champion Life:" A new professional base ball or ship season opened at TJtica on the lltti ganization will make a bid for local favor inst. the contesting teams Utica and Cort- about the middle of next month. It has land lined up in front of the grand stan# been organized by Baltimore gentlemen al and listened to a clever speech from Con- most exclusively,and C. R. Scoggins, of this gressman Sherman, who is the candidate city, is its president. It is called the Amer of the East for the Speakership in the next ican League of Base Ball Clubs, and will Congress. Mr. Sherinan©s remarks wer« work uader the National League agreement, as follows: comprising the cities of Cumberland, Hagers- "Members of the Cortland and Utica Basaj town, Frederick, York, Harrisburg and the local Ball Clubs and Ladies and Gentlemen: I am team, which will be said to represent Baltimore not here to usurp the rights or to claim tha County so as not to conflict with National privileges of the umpire, and I need no mask League laws. The schedule arranged provides to protect me from the rapidly emitting invec for ©a season of three months, beginning on tives from the supposedly wronged visiting club, June 15. Each club will play 18 games with no assistance to carry away the garlands gen each of the other five clubs nine at home and erously bestowed by the home audience, madai cine abroad. The opening dates at the different superlatively happy by their favorites© victory. cities are as follows: Baltimore at York, June The base ball field is a scene of action rathe* 15: Hagerstown at Harrisburg, June 16; Fred than words. Too much oratory, even on tha erick at Cumberland, June 17; York at Balti coaching lines, though that oratory be punctured more, June 19: Harrisburg at Hagerstown, June by the witticisms of a Latham, is not ac 11); Cumberland at Frederick, June 20. ceptable. To the lover of out-door professional sport the game of base ball furnishes the great© Aii Ohio League Formed. est attraction. It has never been tarnished by. Findlay. O., May 15. Editor "Sporting Life:" the scandal of venality. Rowdyism has beea The Ohio Base Ball League was organized in conspicuous by its absence rather than by its this city on the llth inst. by representatives presence. Unseemly conduct on the diamond from Bowling Green, Cygnet, Fostoria and this has been the exception, not the rule. Cortland, city. F. W. Parmalee, of Cygnet, was elected Utica, Rome, all the cities which are comprised , president, and W. H. Drake, of this city, secre within the State League Association, are to ba tary-treasurer. Bud Fowler, of this city: B. congratulated. We of Utica feel that Mr. Brown Thomas, of Fostoria; F. D. Adams, of Bow is not only entitled to congratulations, but to ling Green, and G. L. Carmack, of Cygnet, our thanks for reviving the game in this city. were elected directors. A salary limit of $600 To his enterprise, industry and risk are we in was established. Lima and either Wapakoneta debted for the promotion of this manly sport. or Piqua will also join the league, making it a Nor do we fail to recognize the fact that his ef six-club race. The Cygnet and Bowling Green ficient and gentlemanly manager, Mr. Earl, is Clubs will be strengthened by the addition of entitled to share in the credit that emanates new pU;.:ers. from a successful ball team in our midst. You, gentlemen of the Utica team, and your prede WHERE WAS IRWIN ? cessors, won a creditable position in the State contest last year. We expect even better things this year. We expect to join with you at the A Bit of Unprecedented Laxity in close of the season in celebrating the flying of Management. the pennant over your quarters. May 1 express Brooklyn, N. Y.. May 14. The "Eagle" of the hope that the sun of prosperity may shina this city has the following interesting bit of upon the State League in general and upon tha news: The Brooklyn players are still laughing Utica Club in particular as brightly and cheer- over the termination of the last game at fullv at the close of the season as does this Washington. When the Senators had been beautiful early summer sun shine upoa this disposed of in the eighth they picked up their NAPOLEON LAJOIE, opening day." bats and started for the dressing ©room, be The League©s Greatest Second Baseman, Hardest Hitter The remarks of the next Speaker of tha lieving that nine innings had been played. House of Representatives were received Hanlon looked surprised for a moment, and and Best General Player. with applause, and when he had concluded then tipped Ms men off and they started for Congressman Sherman tossed the ball to the bus. pitcher Mills. This was quite a compli "What inning is it?" asked Umpire Gaffney, ANOTHER VETERAN GONE. CLOSE SCORE DEFEATS turning to Hanlon. ment for the national game, coming from The astute manager was apparently in a brown a man of such national prominence as Mr. study and to all intents and purposes did not Death of George V. Burbridge, Re Indicate Only a Lack of Nerve in Tail Sherman enjoys. The value of his tribute was enhanced bv the fact that he went hear the official©s question. Then Gaffney and End Clubs. Andrews started to leave and the scorers fol tired Base Ball Man. to Utica from Washington for the special lowed suit, although they expressed surprise Jacksonville. Fla., May 13. George V. Bur- "Losses by one run are evidences of class purpose of assisting at the Utica Club©s at the sudden finish of the contest. bridge, manager of the Park Opera House, in rather than streaks of blind luck." accord! ig opening and immediately after the game Later in the evening, one of the Washington this city, and well known in theatrical and to Joe Kelley. "When a team gets beaten re returned to the nation©s capital. The inci newspaper men tried hard to find out just why base ball circles, died on Thursday of con peatedly by one tally, as did the Colonels and dent shows what a hold base ball has upon the game was called. He found Captain Kelley sumption. During one season he managed the Senators one season, they simply show their the high and great as well as upon the and put the question. Jackson team ot the Michigan State League, inability to overcome the critical situation that masses of the people. "Why, it was too dark to see out there," said and also managed the Macon, Ga., team in confronts them as the result of needing one luu. Joe, winking at a fellow player. the Southern League. He was also for many That at least has been my idea, and if you Hanlon said he was surprised when be saw years Jacksonville correspondent of "Sporting will look over the records of the major League REITZ©S FATHER KILLED. the Washington players leave, but it was not Life," and wrote many readable base ball teams for the past ten years you will find that his place to interfere. The score, by the way, articles. the teams beaten by one or two runs repeatedly Sad News For the Second Baseman was 2 to 1 in favor of Brooklyn, and the Sena were the second division nines, or absolute tail- tors threw away a good chance to tie or even eaders." of the Pittsburg Club. win. It is doubtful if any objections will come Muncie©s New Owner. Chicago, May 14. Henry Reitz, a janitor at from Washington, as under the rules Brooklyn Muncie, Ind., May 10. Editor "Sporting A Remarkable Struggle. the Jefferson School. Elburn avenue and Laflin can claim a forfeit because the Senators left Life:" A. S. McFarland and R. W. McFarland, street, refused to buy drinks for two strangers the field. owners of the Muncie team, sold the franchise Boston and Brooklyn have now played eight whom he met in a saloon to-day and a short :o-day to George Anderson, of Boston, Mass. games. Each club has now two games on the time later be was struck a fatal blow by one Sure, Jake! He is a Bostonian, and is recognized as one of other©s grounds. Willis and Nichols have each of his companions. He was found unconscious pitched two winning games. In three of the by two policemen and died in a few minutes The New Tork "Press" thinks/ Daly and the most successful and widely-known managers without making a statenfent. Reitz was the Gleason cover more ground than any pair of in the country. A few years ago he was cap games the Brooklyns have failed to score a tain of the Boston-American team, which toured most remarkable record. Nichols shut out the father of Henry P. Reitz, second baseman of eecond basemen in the League.. Krer Hanna Brooklyns in 21 , consecutive innings.
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