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C:Documents and Settingsprint RAJYA SABHA ———— List of Questions for WRITTEN ANSWERS to be asked at a sitting of the Rajya Sabha to be held on Friday, the December 5, 2003/Agrahayana 14, 1925 (Saka) ———— (Ministries : Agriculture; Chemicals and Fertilizers; Environment and Forests; Food Processing Industries; Human Resource Development; Ocean Development; Railways; Science and Technology; Steel; Youth Affairs and Sports) Total number of questions—143 Price support for saffron crop Rs. 996.12 crores from National Calamity Contingency Fund and 15 lakh 342. SHRI EKANATH K. THAKUR: tonnes of rice under the Swarna Jayanti Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be Grameen Rozgar Yojana to meet the need pleased to state: of drought affected areas of the (a) whether Government are aware of State; and the fact that for the first time in four years, (b) if so, the response of the Central Kishtwar’s saffron farmers are expecting a Government in this regard? good saffron crop; (b) if so, whether Government have noticed the fact that official neglect has hit Promotion of organic farming the farmers' interests hard and they rarely get the attention and the prices they deserve; 344. SHRI EKANATH K. THAKUR: and Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: (c) if so, the efforts, Government propose to make the Government-run (a) whether it is a fact that price support mechanism available for the Government have formulated a national benefit of such farmers? project on organic farming with an outlay of Rs. 99.58 crore to improve the soil health; Assistance to Andhra Pradesh from NCCF (b) whether the project envisages the 343. DR. ALLADI P. RAJKUMAR: setting up of National Institute of Organic Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be Farming (NIOF) for the production, pleased to state: promotion, market development and regulation of organic farming in the country; (a) whether the Andhra Pradesh and Assembly has passed a unanimous resolution requesting the Central (c) if so, the details of the proposed Government to immediately release scheme? 75 76 Agriculture research and education Assistance to pest affected centres district Malkangiri, Orissa 345. SHRI SK. KHABIR UDDIN 348. SHRI B.J. PANDA: Will the AHMED: Will the Minister of Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased AGRICULTURE be pleased to refer to to state: answer to Unstarred Question 1343, given (a) whether it is a fact that over 5000 in the Rajya Sabha on the 1st August, 2003 families of farmers in the tribal dominated and state: Malkangiri district of Orissa were in (a) the details of basic infrastructure distress, on account of pest attacks on their provided by the agriculture research and crops which had, in turn, affected their education centres; and livelihood; and (b) the steps taken by Government to (b) whether the Centre has offered upgrade these research centres? assistance to the cash-strapped State to compensate the affected farmers; if so, the details thereof? Insurance cover for yield and price fluctuations 346. SHRI NANA DESHMUKH: Will All day milk stalls of DMS the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: 349. SHRI SANTOSH BAGRODIA: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be (a) whether Government propose to pleased to state: introduce a new insurance cover for yield and price fluctuations for farmers under a (a) whether there are many DMS outlets single policy; running in Delhi by the name of 'All Day Milk Stalls’; (b) if so, the details of the scheme; and (b) if so, whether these outlets have been (c) by when it is likely to be put in opened as franchisee of DMS; operation? (c) if so, the number of outlets that are running in Delhi; and Assistance to SC/ST farmers of (d) the amount of revenue earned by M.P. DMS as franchise deposits? 347. SHRI P.K. MAHESHWARI: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be Survey of wheat varieties pleased to state: 350. MISS MABEL REBELLO: Will (a) whether Government have decided the Minister of AGRICULTURE be to release the fund from the contingency pleased to state: fund to help the SCs/STs and Backward agriculturists in Madhya Pradesh; (a) whether it is a fact that a survey of wheat varieties suitable for overseas market (b) if so, the details thereof; and as well as for better yield is being conducted; (c) if not, the reasons therefor? (b) if so, the result of such exercise; 77 (c) by when Government propose to Agriculture Technology Information introduce such varieties for commercial Centres in U.P. production; and 353. PROF. M.M. AGARWAL: Will the (d) the details thereof? Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: Boosting sale of DMS milk (a) the details of Agriculture Technology Information Centres set up in Uttar Pradesh, district-wise; 351. SHRI MURLI DEORA: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased (b) the details of expenditure incurred to state: by Government for the above purpose during the last three years; and (a) the percentage of milk in polypacks returned to Delhi Milk Scheme during the (c) the steps taken by Government to last three years, year-wise; provide training to farmers about the new technology? (b) the additional expenditure incurred in reprocessing of these polypacks; (c) whether the sale of milk had Incentives to producers of export decreased as a result of increase in prices quality Basmati rice and if so, the action taken to reduce it and †354. SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Will the boosting the sale; and Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to (d) the distribution losses reported state: during the last three years? (a) the names of States which are producing export quality Basmati rice Shortage of milk in Delhi alongwith the details of the total production of such Basmati rice in the country every year; 352. SHRI LALIT SURI: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased (b) whether any scheme has been to state: formulated by Government to provide incentives to the States producing such (a) whether it is a fact that there was an Basmati rice; and acute shortage of milk in Delhi during last August; (c) if so, the details thereof? (b) if so, the reasons therefor, especially in view of higher yield of milk by the milch Agricultural contribution to GDP animals in the area around Delhi during monsoon which was above average this 355. SHRI DINA NATH MISHRA: Will year; and the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased (c) the steps taken/proposed to be taken to state: to ensure that the capital does not face (a) how much agriculture sector is likely shortage of milk in future, particularly during to contribute to country's total GDP in the the festival season? year 2003-04; †Original notice of the question received in Hindi. 78 (b) what would be its share in economic (c) the reasons for the delay in growth in percentage terms during the same establishing these Kendras and the period period; and by which they would be made functional? (c) what future steps Government are initiating to strengthen infrastructure, so Agricultural University in Tripura as to considerably enhance agricultural production during the Tenth Five Year Plan? 359. SHRI MATILAL SARKAR: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: Assistance to agricultural projects of States (a) whether the Central Government are going to set up an Agricultural University 356. SHRI SK. KHABIR UDDIN in Tripura; and AHMED: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state the (b) if so, by when? details of financial assistance provided by the Central Government to the States, West Agricultural performance Bengal in particular, during the last two years for the development and upgradation 360. SHRI EKANATH K. THAKUR: of agricultural projects? Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: Agricultural production vis-a-vis (a) whether it is a fact that despite all rainfall natural advantages, India's productivity of foodgrains per hectare is no more than three- 357. SHRI S. AGNIRAJ: Will the fourth of the world average and less than Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased half of that in agriculturally advanced to state: countries; (a) the total level of rainfall in the (b) whether only five States namely country during the monsoon; Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, produce (b) the likely fall in the levels during more grains than their requirement and more this season; and than two-third of the population lives in (c) its impact on agricultural production States that are still food-deficit; during this year? (c) if so, whether Government have made efforts to find the reasons for its poor agricultural performance; and KVKs in Tripura (d) the action Government propose to take in this regard? 358. SHRI MATILAL SARKAR: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be Starvation deaths pleased to state: 361. DR. AKHILESH DAS: Will the (a) the status of setting up of Krishi Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased Vigyan Kendras in each district of Tripura; to state: (b) the places of the State where these (a) whether Government have received Kendras are going to be established; and any reports of starvation deaths from Bihar, 79 Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and other States additional donation of ten million dollars during the current year; to Consultative Group on International (b) if so, the details of such reports from Agricultural Research is under consideration different States; and during the Tenth Five Year Plan; (c) whether it is a fact that State (b) if so, the amount of regular donation Governments usually discount starvation being given annually to the institution; deaths and find alibis saying deaths were not due to hunger but due to lack of medical (c) whether the operation of the said facilities and different ailments like diarrhoea, institute is being carried out from abroad; caused by under nourishment? (d) if so, the place of operation and the details of agricultural activities of the said Drip irrigation technology institute; 362.
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