Also, petition of heirs of William Hendel'son, deceased, late of Illinois, praying for the passage of the so-called Hoar anti-injunc­ King George County, Va., praying reference of war claims to the tion bill; which were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. Mr. STEWART presented a resolution of the legislature of the By Mr. SHERMAN: Papers to accompany bill granting a pen­ State of Nevada, relative to the regulation and protection of im­ sion to Phrebe M. Eigenbroadt-to the Committee on Invalid migrants; which was referred to the Committee on Immigration, Pensions. and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Senate joint resolution and memorial to Con~ess, No.-, relative to immi­ gration and protection. SENATE. Whereas the Congress of the has under consideration the subject of immigration with a view to further legislation; and WEDNESDAY, November 11, 1903. Whereas in all such legislation, during the pa.st forty years, the ma.nllfac­ tm·ers ha ve reaped the benefit to the detriment of the tradesman, artisan, and Prayer by Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington. laboring man who have been afforded no protection against the disastrous WILLIAM B. BATE, a Senator from the State of Tennessee; competition of the undesirable, criminal, and pauper classes of foreign coun­ tries, arriving on our shores at the rate of half a million annually, assisted CL.ARENCE D. CLARK, a Senator from the State of Wyoming; hither, in many instances, by the Government, organized society, or private JOHN W. D.A....~IEL, a Senato1· from the State of ; FRANCIS G. aid, thus benefiting the country left by relieving the labor market, and injur­ NEWLANDS. a Senator from the State of Nevada; and MATTHEw ing this by the number of unemployed, nearly every one reaching this coun­ try during the past twenty years being a positiy-e detriment to the people S. QUAY, a 'Senator from the State of Pennsylvania, appeared in already here; and their seats to-day. Whereas a; million of our people are suffering for want of employment, The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. and the natural increase of our population will, for an indefinite future, fully supply every demand that any possible development of the country may MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. make, it should be the policy for our Government to afford as full and com­ plete protection to the mechanic, laborer.Jarmer, merchant, miner, employed A me sage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. and unemployed, as the manufacturer: Therefore, be it BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, communicated to the Senate the in­ Resolved by the senate of the State of Nevada) the assembly concurring, That the Congress of the United States be, and it 1s hereby, memorialized to telligence of the death of Hon. VINCENT BoREm:G, late a Repre­ incorporate in all immigration legislation such provisions as will forever sentative from the State of Kentucky, and transrmtted resolutions prohibit from landing on our shores the undesirable element of the Old World of the House thereon. by the levy of a tax of $100 per capita upon every immigrant to hereafter land, or such a ta.x as shall fully and effectually protect our people from for­ The message also communicated to the Senate the intelligence eign competition; ofthedeathofHon. R. H. FoERDERER,late a Representative from Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be instructed and our Representa­ the State of Pennsylvania, and transmitted resolutions of the tive be requested to nse all honorable means to secure such legislation; Resolved, That the governor be, and he hereby is, requested to forward an House thereon. engrossed copy of this memorial and resolution to each of our Senators and The message further announced that the House had passed a to our Representative in Congress. joint resolution (H. J. Res. 14) making immediately available L.ALLEN, President of the Senate. the appropriations for mileage of Senators and Members of the C. H. MciNTosH, House of Representatives, and for otherpurposes; in which it re­ Secretary of the Senate. quested the concurrence of the Senate. M.Aru:oN S. WILSON, Speaker of the Assembly. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. J. A. CLARK., Chief Clerk of the Assembly. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a memorial of the Approved March 9, 1903. Antiopium Society of , Cal., remonstrating against JOHN SPARKS, Governor. the enactment of Iegislation to legalize the sale of opium in the Senate joint resolution and memorial to Congress No. 7. Introduced by Sen­ Philippine Islands; which was referred to the Committee on the ator Lord, February 14, 1903, relative to immigration and protection. Philippines. February H, 1903, rules suspended, reading had, considered first reading, He also presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ rules further suspended, bill read second time by title, and referred to com­ ance Union of Covington, Ky.; of the Woman's Christian Tem­ mittee on Federal relations. February 20,1903~ reported back from committee favorably with the recommendation that it ao pass. Placed at the bottom perance Union of Powellton, ill.; of the Woman's Christian Tem­ of the file February 24,1903. Re<:'.eived in the assembly, rules suspended, perance Union of Dracut, Mass.; of Annie C. Jones, of Chatham, reading had, considered first reading, rules further suspended read second Pa.; of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union of Carroll, time by title, and referred to committee on Federal relations. February 28, 1903, reported back from committee with recommendation that it do pass. ·N.H.; of the congregation of the North Fork Baptist Church, of March 4, 1903, placed upon third reaclin.g and final passage, and passed by the Rush, W.Va.; ofsundrycitizensofLyons! Mich.; of the Woman's following vote-yeas 20, noes 0, absent I7. Returned to senate. F. C. Arm­ Christian Temperance Union of Almont, Mich.; of the Woman's strong, assistant clerk of assembly. March 5, 1903, received in senate and sent to enrollment. E. T. George, assistant secretary of senate. Christian Temperance Union of Sodus, Mich.; of the Woman's Filed in the office of the secretary of state, this 13th day of March, 1903 . . Christian Temperance Union of Ithaca, Mich.; of the congrega­ W. G. DOUGLASS, Secretary of the State. tion of the Lyell Avenue Baptist Church, of Rochester, N.Y.; of the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Millville, STATE OF NEV.ADA, Department of State, ss: It W. G. Douglass, the duly elected, qualified, and acting secretary of state N.Y.; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Bing­ of tne State of Nevada, do hereby certifr that the foregoing is a true, full, hamton, N.Y.; of the Baptist Young People's Union of Eureka and correct copy of the original senate jomt resolution and memorial to Con­ Springs, Ark., and of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union ~ess No. 7,relative to immigration and protection, now on file and of record m this office. of Eureka Springs, Ark., praying that an investigation be made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the charges filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the of state, at my office, in Carson City, Nev., this 17th day of March, A . D. State of Utah; which were referred to the Committee on Privi­ 1903. leges and Elections. [SEAL.] W. G. DOUGLASS, Secretm·y of State, Mr. PENROSE presented a petition of the Trades League of By GEO. N. NoEL, Deputy. PhHadelphia, Pa., praying that an appropriation be made to pro­ Mr. STEWART presented a resolution of the legislature of the vide a 35-foot channel in the Delaware River from Philadelphia State of Nevada, relative to the naturalization of citizens; which to the sea; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. was referred to the Committee on Immigration, and ordered to be Mr. CULLOM presented a petition of members of the Grand printed in the RECORD, as follows: Senate joint and concurrent resolution No. -. Resolution r ela.tiY"e to the Army of the Republic, Department of illinois, of White Hall, ill., naturalization of citizens. praying for the enactment of a service-pension law; which was Whereas under the land and mining laws of the United States it is provided referred to the Committee on Pensions. · that all persons who have declared their intention to become citizens of the He also presented petitions of sundry citizens and church organi­ United States shall have the same rights as those who are ah·eady citizens; and zations of the State of Illinois, praying that an investigation be Whereas a large number of persons declare their intentions to become citi­ made of the charges filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator zens of the United States under the laws provided therefor for the purpose from the State of Utah; which were referred to the Committee of enjoying the benefits of the land, mining, and other laws, yet never become citizens, and while enjoying the benefits of citizenship are required to bear on Privileges and Elections. none of the burdens thereof: Therefore, be it He also presented petitions of Local Union No. 106, United Resolved by the senate of the State of Nevada, the assembly conc'IL1'1·ing. That Mine Workers, of Dunfermline; of the Amalgamated Association we are heartily in favor of such legislation as will require persons declaring their intention of becoming citizens under the laws of the United States to 'Of Street and Electric Railway Employees of Chicago; of the Mu­ become such within a reasonable period after they- are eligible or forfeit all sicians Protective Association of Joliet; of Mailers' Local Union benefits or privileges acquired under the laws of the United States; and No. 2, of Chicago; of Local Union No. 7, of Chicago; of the Resolved further, That a copy of this resolution shall be sent to each of our Senato~ and to onr Representative in Congre.ss. Trades and Labor Assembly of Bloomington; of the Trades and L.ALLEN, Labor Assembly of Jacksonville; of Local Union No. 69, of Belle­ President of the Senate. ville; of Local Union No. 60, of Chicago; of the International c. L. MCTh"'TOSH, Union of Wood, Wire, and Metal Lathers of Aurora; of the Secretary of the Senate. MARION S. WILSON. Trades and Labor Assembly of Alton; of Local Union No. 329, Speaker of the Assembly. of Astoria; of Local Union No. 491, of Bedford; of Local Union J. A. CLARK, Chief Cle•·lc of the Assernbly. No. 2109, of Auburn, and of Federal Labor Union, No. 8620, of Appro"ed March 14, llm. Trenton; all of the American Federation of Labor. in the State of JoHN SPARKS, Governor. 172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NoVEMBER 11,"

STATE OF NEV.AD.i, Department of State, ss: Home Missionary Society of Otsego; of the Lutheran Young Peo­ I , W. G. Dc.uglass, the duly elected, qualified, and acting secretary of State ple's Society of Christian Endeavor of Three Rivers; of the Ep­ of the State of Nevada, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a trne, full, and correct copy of the original r esolution passed by the Nevada legislature worth League of Shelby; of the Christian Endeavor Society of relative to the naturalization of citizens now on file and of record in this office. Shelby; of the Lodge of Maccabees of Shelby; of the Ladies of In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal the Grand .Al:my of the Republic of Shelby: of the Woman's For­ of State, at my office in Carson City, Nev., this 18th day of March, A. D.1903. [SE.AL.] W. G. DouGLASS, Secretary of State, eign Missionary Society of Shelby; of the Woman's Club of Three By GEO. N. NOEL, Deputy. R~vers; of the Society of Christian Endeavor of Bancroft; of the Mr. BAILEY presented petitions of the Woman's Christian L1~e~ary Club ?f Hunters Creek,, and of the Woman's Foreign Temperance Union of Cisco; of sundrycitizensof Waco, Nevada, Misswn~ry ~oc.1ety of Ho~er, all m the State of Michigan; of the El Paso, Greenville, Brunner, Cisco, Amarillo, Brownwood, Fort Woman s MISsionary Society of Osborne, of the congreo-ation of Worth, Forney, Panhandle, Montgomery, Hillsboro, Hearne, the Presbyterian Church of Springhill.-and of the Woma~ ' s Home Miami, Houston, Calvert, Gonzales, Archer City, :Marble Falls, and Foreign Missionary Society of Solomon, all in the State of Mineral Wells, Vernon, GainesvUle, Canadian, and Elliott, all in Kansa-s; of the National Reform Association, of Philadelphia: of the State of , praying that an investigation be made of the the Christian Endeavor Society of Collamer,and of the Woman's charges filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State Synorl:ical Soc~ety of. Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church, of Utah; which were referred to the Committee on Privileges and of Philadelphia, all m the State of Pennsylvania; of the Monday Elections. Clu~ of Westf?-eld; o~ the National Ch1istian League for the Pro­ Mr. FORAKER presented a petition of the Chamber of Com­ motiOn of Somal Punty, of New York; of the Christian Woman's merce of Honolulu, Hawaii, praying for the enactment of legisla­ Board of ¥issions of Buffalo, and of the congregation of the First tion to insure the revival of the coffee industry in that TeiTitory; Presbytenan Church of Saranac Lake, all in the State of New which was referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto York; of the Ladies' Missionary Society of Boulder Mont.· of the Rico. Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society of Boston Mr. DOLLIVER presented a petition of the Prohibition Alli­ Mass.; of the Wome~'s Baptist~omeMissio~ Society' of Chicago: ance of Ames, Iowa, praying for the enactment of legislation to ill.; of the congregation of the Frrst Methodist Episcopal Church regulate the interstate transportation of intoxicating liquors; of Ganges;. of the cong:regations of the Trinity Episcopal Church which was l'efeiTed to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. of T~ree Rivers, the Frrst Church of Christ of Adrian, the First He also presented petitions of Dunlap Post, No. 147, of Rock Baptist Church of Sturgis, the Congregational Church of New­ Rapids; of Gardner Post, No. 90, of Iowa, and of RockYatesPost, port, the Presbyterian Church of Homer, the First Presbyterian No. 364, of Shelby, all of the Department of Iowa, Grand Army Church of Benton Harbor, the Methodist Episcopal Church of of the Republic, in the State of Iowa, praying for the enactment Hart, the Free Methodist Episcopal Church of Kalamazoo the of a service-pension law; which were referred to the Committee Methodist Episcopal Church of Orion, the First Congregati~nal on Pensions. . Church of South Haven, the Methodist Episcopal Church of He also presented petitions of the legislative committee of the St. J

Union No. 451, of Everett, all in the State of Washington, pray­ Plains, the Congregational Church of Westfield, the First Presby­ ing for the passage of the so-called eight-hour bill; which were terian Church of Mendham, the Central Presbyterian Church of referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. Orange, the Methodist Episcopal Church of Westfield, the First He also presented petitions of Local Union No. 64, Brotherhood Presbyterian Church of Orange, the Epworth League of the of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers, of Tacoma; of Typo­ Methodist Episcopal Church of Rutherford, the Woman's Mis­ graphical Union No. 170, of Tacoma; of Painters, Decorators, and sionary Society of Morris Plains, and of the Charlotte Emerson Paperhangers' Union No. 924, of Whatcom; of the Trades Coun­ Brown Club, of East Orange, all in the State of New Jersey, pray­ cil of Tacoma; of the Longshoremen's Union of Aberdeen; of the ing for an investigation of the charges made and filed against Central Labor Council of Whatcom; of Cooks' and Waiters' Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; which were Union No. 451, of Everett, all in the State of Washington, pray­ referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. ing for the passage of the.£o-called Hoar anti-injunction bill; which He also presented petitions of Local Union No. 20, Brotherhood were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. of Cat-penters and Joiners, of Camden:· of Local Division No. 10, Mr. PLATT of Connecticutpresented·aresolutionof the general Order of Railroad Telegraphers, of Jersey City; of the Central assembly of the State of Connecticut, praying for the appoint­ Labor Union of Hoboken; of Local Union No. 429. Brotherhood ment of a commission to investigate the pension laws; which was of Carpenters and Joiners, of Montclair; of the Central Labor referred to the Committee on Pensions and ordered to be printed Union of Vineland; of Local Union No. 340, Bartenders' League, in the RECORD, as follows: · of Orange; of Local Union No. 33, Brotherhood of Boiler Makers State of Connecticut, office of the secretary. General assembly, January and Iron Ship Builders, of Bayonne; of Local Union No. 49, Na­ session; 1003. · Requesting the United States Senators and Representatives tional Brotherhood of Operative Potters, of Trenton; of Bricklay­ from the State of Connecticut to favor the r esolution for the appointment of a commission to investigate the present pension laws. ers and M.asons International Union No. 14, of Plainfield; of the Resolved by this assembly: · Association of Metal Polishers,-Buffers, and Plate Workers; of SECTION 1. That the United-States Senators and Representatives from Brotherhood of Metal and Brass Workers Union No. 78, of Bridge­ the St:ate'Of Connecticut be, and they hereby are, requested to support United ton; of the Central Labor Union of Camden; of Hoboken Typo­ State3 joint resolution No.133,introduced by Senator NATHAN B. ScoTT, of West Virginia, for the appointment of a commission to investigate the-pres­ graphical Uniorr,No. 32.3, of Hoboken; of Passaic Folders' Pro­ ent pensic.b laws, and especially to report on the proposition to grant a serv- tective Association Union No. 344, of Passaic; of Stove Mounters' . ice pension. $12 per month to all honox:ably discharged Union soldiers who International Union No; 28, of Dover; of Hoboken Typograph­ served not less than ninsty days in the war of the rebellion, said pension to date from the time when the veteran entitled thereto reaches the age of 62 ical Union, No. 323, of Hoboken; of the Central Labor Union of years, thus doing away with the present expensive, unequal, and slow proc­ Camden; of Bricklayers and Masons' Local Union No. 28, of Mont­ ess of adjusting pension claims. clair; of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of SEC. 2. The secretary of the State is hereby directed to transmit to the Senate and House of Representatives of the Umted States and to each Senator Montclair; of Local Union No. 28, Stove Molders' Association, of · and Representative in Congress from this State a. copy of this resolution im­ Dover; Division No.10;0rderofRailroad Telegraphers, of Jersey mediately after its passage and approval. City; of Order of Raill'Oad Telegraphers, Division No.10, of Jersey Approved, May 15, 1903. City; of Iron Molders' Union No. 305, of Plainfield; of Local Union No. 49, Brotherhood of Operative Pottet·s, of Trenton; of STATE OF CoNNECTicuT, Office of the Secretm-y, ss: Local Union N 6. "340, Bartenders' League, of Orange; of the Cen- I, Charles G. R. Vinal, secretary of the State of Connecticut, and keeper t 1 L b U · f v· 1 d ,. th C t 1 L b U · f H of the seal thereof and of the original record of the acts and resolutions of ra a or mon o me an ; OL e en ra a or mon o o- thegeneral assembly of said State, do hereby certify that I have compared boken,and of Local Union No. 20, Brotherhood of Carpenters and the--annexed copy of the resolution requesting the United States Senators Joiners, of Camden, all in the State of New Jersey, praying for and Representatives from the State of Connecticut to favor the resolution th f th 11 d · ht h b'll hi h f d for the appointment of a commission to investigate the present pension laws e passage o e- so-ca e mg - our. 1 ; W C were re en-e with the ori~ inal r ecord of the same now remaining in this office, and have to the Committee on Education and Labor. - fo~ffdt¥~:u;e~0Efr~~:~:at1Yee~~ngrf~£.1;~;:~~7;b\f~~:g~~-d of the He also presented petitions of Local Union No. 20, Brotherhood said state of Connecticut, now remaining in this office. of Carpenters m1d Joiners, of Camden; of Local Division No. 10. In testimon_y whereof-I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of Order of Raih·oad Telegraphers, of Jersey City; of the Central said State, a.t Hartford, this 22d day of May, 1903. Labor_Union of Hoboken; of Local Union No. 429, Brotherhood [SEAL.) CH.A.S. G. R. VINAL, Sec,·etm·y. of Carpenters and Joiners, of Montclair; of the Central Labor Mr. PLATT of Connecticut presented a petition of sundry citi- Union of Vineland; of Local Union No. 340, Bartenders' League, zens of Orange, Conn., praying for an investigatiem of·the--charges of Orange; of Local Union No.-33, Brotherhood of Boiler Makers made and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the and Iron Ship Builders, of Bayonne; of Local Union No. 49, State of Utah; which was referred to the Committee on Privi- National Brotherhood of Operative Potters, of Trenton; of Brick­ leges and Elections. layers and Masons' International Union No. 14, of Plainfield; of Mr. CULBERSON presented a petition of the board of direct- Metal Polishers, Buffers, and Plate Workers' Association; of ors of the Business Men's Club, of San Antonio, Tex., praying Brotherhood of Metal and Brass Workers' Union No. 78, of Bridge·­ for the construction of a canal across the territory of· Costa Rica ton; of the Central Labor Union of Camden; of Hoboken Typo­ and Nicaragua; which was referred to the Committee on Inter- graphical Union, No. 323, of Hoboken; of Passaic Folders' Pro- . oceanic Canals. · - tective Association Union, No. 344, of Passaic; of Stove Mounters' Mr. MALLORY presented a memorial of Florida Lodge, No. ~terna~ional Union No. 28, of Dover; of Hoboken Typograph- 624, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, of Jacksonville, Fla., and ICal Umon, No. 323, of Hoboken; of the Central Labor Union of a memorial of St. John's Division, No.196, Order of Railway Con- Camden; of Bricklayers and Masons' Union No. 28, of Montclair; ductors, of Jacksonville, Fla., remonstrating against the enact- of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of Mont­ mentof legislation providing that all trains other than passenger clair; of Local Union No. 28, Stove Molders' Association, of . trains be made mail trains, and also against the passage of the so- Dover; of Division No. 10, Order of Railroad Telegraphers, of called Hoar anti-injunction bill; which were referred to the Com- Jersey City; of Order of Railroad Telegraphers, Division No. 10, mittee on the Judiciary. of Jersey City; of Iron Molders' Union No. 305, of Plainfield: Mr. BERRY presented a petition of sundry citizens of Camden, of Local Union No. 49, Brotherhood of Operative Potters, of · Ark., praying for an investigation of certain charges made and Trenton; of Local Union No. 3-iO,Bartenders' League, of Orange; filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; of the Central Labor Union of Vineland; of. the Central Labor which was refeiTed to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Union of Hoboken, and of Local Union No. 20, Brotherhood of Mr. MITCHELL p1•esented a petition of sundry citizens of Carpenters and Joiners, of Camden, all in the State of New Jer­ Salem, Oreg., praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit sey, praying for the passage of the so-called Hoar anti-injunction the sale of intoxicating liquors in immigrant stations and public bill; which were referred to the Committee on the Judiciarv. buildings, for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution He also presented a petition of the Trades League of Phiiadei­ to prohibit·polygamy, and remonstrating against the repeal of the phia, Pa., praying that an appropriation be made to provide a 35- anticanteen law; which was referred to the Committee on Mill- foot channel in the Delaware River from Philadelphia to the sea; tary Affairs. · which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. He also presented a petition of the Board of Trade of Portland, Mr. HANSBROUGH presented a petition of the General Con- Oreg., praying for the enactment of legislation to provide for the gregational Association of North Dakota; praying for the enact­ reorganization of the consular service; which was referred to the ment of legislation to prohibit the interstate transportation of Committee on Commerce. intoxicating liquors; which :was referred to the Committee on Mr. CLAPP presented a petition of sundry citizens of Ottertail Interstate Commerce. . County and Lamberton, in the State of Minnesota, praying for an He also presented memorials of sundry citizens of Knox, Minto. · investigation of the charges made and filed against Hon. REED Grafton, Pisek, Hatton, Donnybrook, Fessenden, and Carpio, and . . S~IOOT a Senator from the State of Utah; which was referred to I of the board of directors of the Retail Grocers and Merchants' the Coinm.ittee on Privileges and Elections. Association of Grand Forks, all in the State of North Dakota, Mr. KEAN presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Tem- I remonstrating agairist the ·paasage or-the so-called parcel~post .o:-.. : .peranca.lJnion. of Elizabeth,. .of . the... congregations of . the First j bill; whieh were re.fen-ed· to the Committee on Post-Offices and Method~stChurch of Camden, the Presbyterian Church of Morris Post-Roads. . 174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NOVEl\IBER II'

He also presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ to or from libraries supported in whole or in part by taxatir_otection of the water supply which is fed by the streams flowing from the White Mountains of New Hampshire of the American Federation of Labor, in the State of Massachu­ require the establishment of a national park which shall protect the forests setts, praying for the enactment of legislation to regulate the of the White Mountains. hours of labor upon work to be performed for the United States, Resolved, That his excellency the governor is hereby requested to commu­ nicate with theN a tional Government and to urge such measures as will pro­ and to limit the meaning of the word "conspiracy" and the use vide at as early a date as J?!)ssible for establishing a national reservation of'' restraining orders and injunctions;'' which were referred to which shall include the White Mountains. the Committee on the Judiciary. Resolved, That the Senators and Representatives from Massachusetts in the Congress of the United States are requested to use all reasonable efforts He also presented a petition of the Union League of New Bed­ to secure the establishing of such a. reservation. ford, Mass., praying for the enactment of le~slation to provide Resolved, That properly attested copies of these resolutions be sent to each national aid to popular education in all sections of the country of the Senators and Representatives from Massachusetts in Congress. where the provisions of the same are inadequate, and for other SENATE, June 10, 1903. Adopted. Sent down for concurrence. pm·poses; which was refen·ed to the Committee on Education HE?!"'RY D. CoOLIDGE, Clerk. and Labor. HOUSE OF REPRESEKTATIVES, June 15, 1903. Mr. DRYDEN presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Adopted in concurrence. Temperance unions of CamQ.en, Merchantville, Plainfield, New­ J A.liES W. Knm.A.LL, Clet·k. A true copy. Attest: ton, Tuckerton, and Haddon Heights; of the congregations of the HID.~Y D. CooLIDGE, Clerk of the Senate. Fulton Street Methodist Episcopal Church, of Elizabeth City; the Mr. HOAR presented resolutions of the legislature of Massa- Methodist Episcopal Church of Tuckerton; the First Presbyte­ chitsetts, relative to the establishment of an international con- rian Church of Merchantville; the First Methodist Chm·ch of Cam­ grass; which were read, and referred to the Committee on Foreign den; the First Presbyterian Church of Montclair; the First Bap­ Relations, as follows: tist Church of Collingswood; the Methodist Episcopal Church Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year 1903. Resolutions relative to of Collingswood; the Catholic Church of Collingswood; the Holy the establishment of an international congress. TI'inity Protestant Episcopal Church of Collingswood; the First Resolved, That the Congress of the United States be requested to authorize Presbyterian Church of Newark; the Presbyterian Church of the President of the United States to invite the ~overnments of the world to Collingswood; the Presbyterian Church of Tuckerton; the Ladies' join in establishing, in whatever way they may Judge expedient, an interna- Home Missionary Society of Montclair·, the Epworth League of tional congress, to meet at stated periods, to deliberate upon questions of commoninteresttothenationsand to make recommendations thereon to the the Methodist Episcopal Church of Collingswood; the Woman's governmenta.hat f th ti b t to th . Se to Missionary Society of Morris Plains; the Religious Society of Resolved, T a copy o ese reso 1u ons e sen e seruor na r Fri ds f Tr to d f d ·tiz f A d b d M · and senior Representative of :Uassachnsetts in Congress, to be presented in ~n ° . en n, an O .c sun ry CI enso .u u on an . orr~s the Senate and in the House of Representatives. 1 Plams, all m the State OJ. New Jersey, praymg for an mvesti- HouSE oF REPRESENTATIVES, Feb'l"1.ta7''Y 19,1903. J gation of certain charges made and filed against Ron. REED Adopted. Sent up for concurrence. SMOOT, a Senator from the State of "Q"tah; which were referred to JAMES W. KnrnALL, Clerk. the Committee on Privileges and Elections. SENATE, February t5, 1903. Mr. ALLEE presented petitions of the Home Missionary Society Adopted in concurrence. Hm.~Y D. cooLIDGE, Clerk. of the Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church of Dover; of Capital A true copy. Attest: Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Dover; of the Woman's Chris­ J..urEs W. KurnALL, tian Temperance unions of Smyrna, Dover, Clayton, and Milford, Clet·"k of the House of Representatives. and of the Epworth League of Milford, all in the State of Dela­ Mr. HOAR presented a resolution of the legislature of Massa­ ware, praying for an investigation of the charges made and filed chusetts 1•elative to the establishment of a library post; which against H6n. REED SMoOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; was read, and referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post­ which were referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Roads, as follows: Mr. SPOONER presented petitions of the congregations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year 1903. Resolution relative to a bill pending in the Congx·essof the United States toestablisha library post. Maple Grove Methodist Episcopal Church, of Waupaca and Roy­ Whereastl bill has been introduced in Congress by the Hon. HENRY CABOT alton; of the congregations of the Methodic;t Episcopal Chm·ch of ].10DGE a:nd the Ron. GEORGE P. LAWRENCE which provides that books sent Weyauwega and the First Presbyterian Church of Weyauwega; 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 175 of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Milwaukee; of He also mtroauced the following bills; which were severally the Woman's Club of Kaukauna; of the Congregational Church read twice by their titles, and, with the accompanying papers, of Kaukauna; of the Railroad Young Men's Christian Association referred to the Committee on Pensions: of Kaukauna; of H. K. Smith and 12 other citizens of Oconto; of A bill (S. 6) granting a pension to Cora M. Converse; the Woman's Christian Temperance unions of Sparta, Leon, A bill (S. 7) granting an increase of pension to Alfred Wood- Tomah, Bush, Prairie, Glendale, Kendalls, Cataract, Angelo, and man· Adrian, and of the Woman's Club of Oconto, all of the State of A bill (S. 8) granting an increase of pension to Jonathan Perry Wisconsin, praying for an investigation of the charges made and Kittredge; filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; A bill (S. 9) granting an increase of pension to David E. which were refen-ed to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Burbank; He also presented a petition of Joe Hooker Post, No.9, Grand A bill (S.10) granting an increase of pension to Albert H. Taft;. Army of the Republic, Department of Wisconsin, of Baraboo, A bill (8. 11) granting a pension to John L. Sullivan; Wis., praying for the enactment of a service pension la~; which A bill (S. 12) granting an increase of pension to Francis E. was referred to the Committee on Pensions. Chase; Mr. FRYE presented a petition of the Board of Trade of Port- A bill (S. 13) granting an increase of pensi.on to William Clark; land, Me., and a petition of the State Board of Trade, of Bangor, and Me., praying for the establishment of a permanent life-saving A bill (S. 14) granting an increase of pension to Samuel M. service on the coast of New England; which were referred to the Perry. Committee on Commerce. Mr. LODGE introduced a bill (S. 15) to regulate the immigra- He also presented a petition of the Jewish Publication Society tion of aliens into the United States; which was read twice by its of Philadelphia, Pa., praying for the enactment of legislation to title, and referred to the Committee on Immigration. secure equal rights to all American citizens in Russia; which was He also introduced a bill (S. 16) for the relief of the executors 1·eferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. of the estate of Henry Lee, deceased; which was read twice by its · He also presented the petition of D.P. Ballard, of Dayton, Ohio, title, and refen-ed to the Committee on Finance. praying for the removal of J. B. Thomas as governor of the N a- He also introduced a bill (S. 17) to amend an act entitled "An tional Soldiers' Home at that place; which was referred to the Com- act to provide revenue for the Government and to encourage the mittee on Military Affairs. industries of the United States," approved July 24, 1897; which He also presented a petition of the North Side Board of Trade, I was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on of ~ praying for the enactment of legislation to pre- Finance. vent unjust discrimination in tariff rates between different sections He also introduced a bill (S. 18) relative to appeals from the and localities; .which was referred to the Committee on Interstate Spanish Treaty Claims Commission; which was read twice by its Commerce. title, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. He also presented a petition of the executive council of the St. He also introduced a bill (S. 19) to provide for the reorganiza- Louis Manufacturers' Association, of _St. Louis, Mo., praying for tion of the consular service of the United States; which was read the enactment of legislation providing for the reorganization of twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Foreign the consular service; which was refen-ed to the Committee on Relations. Foreign Relations. -He also introduced a bill (S. 20) to prevent and punish the dese- lie also presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper- c1·ation of the flag of the United States; which was read twice by ance Union of Oxford, of the Union Christian Endeavor Society its title, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. of Gorham, and of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of He also introduced a bill (8. 21) to amend an act entitled "An Otisfield, all in the State of Maine; of the Baptist associations of act temporarily to provide revenue for the Philippine Islands, Evansville,Washington, Tobinsport,Bloomington,andlndianapo- and for other purposes," approved March 8, 1902; which was lis, all in the State of Indiana; of j;he Woman's Christian Temper- read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on the ance Union of Salem, Ohio, and of E. R. Cole and 60 other citizens Philippines. of Smithfield, Ohio; of J. W. Maynard and 90 other citizens of He also introduced a bill (8. 22) to establish a library post; Sparta; of Helen W. Field and 120 other citizens of Sparta, and of which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee the Woman's Christian Temperance unions of Three Rivers, all on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. in the State of Michigan; of the Baptist associations of Palmyra, He also introduced a bill (S. 23) for the er~ction of a monument Johnston, and Sims, all in the State of illinois; of Ray Nash and to the memory of John Paul Jones; which was read twice by its 30 other citizens of La Harpe, Kans.; of the Baptist Association title, and refen·ed to the Committee on the Library. of Prairie Grove, Ark.; of the congregation of the Methodist Epis- Mr. FAIRBANKS introduced the following bills; which were copal Church of Warren County, N.J., and of sundry citizens of severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Commit­ Danville, Va., praying for an investigation of the charges made tee on Pensions: and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of A bill (S. 24) granting an increase of pension to John Sexton; Utah; which were refen-ed to the Committee on Privileges and A bill (8. 25) granting an increase of pension to Amanda J. Elections. Frybarger; THE CONGRESSIONAL DffiECTORY. A bill (8. 26) granting an increase of pension to John C. Mr. PLATT of New York. from the Committee on Printing, Crimina; reported the following resolution; which was referred to the Com- A bill (8. 27) granting an increase of pension to Andrew M. mittee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Banks: Senate: A bill (S. 28) granting a pension to Elizabeth Broadhead; Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be authorized and directed to A bill (S. 29 ) granting an increase of pension to John W. pay from the contingent fund of the Senate for the compiling, editing, and Da-shiell; and mdex:ing of the Congref.sional Directory, issued for the present sesSion of A bill (S. 30) granting an increase of pension to John L. Cooper. Co~re38, the same compensation that is allowed by law for the regular Mr. FAIRBANKS introduced the following bills; which were editwns. . severally read twice by their titles, and refen-ed to the Committee BILLS AL"iD JOINT RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED. on Military Affairs: Mr. GALLINGER introduced the following bills; which were A bill (S. 31) to correct the military record of Thomas Fitzgib- severally read twice by their titles, and referred ~the Commit- bons; and tee on the Library: A bill (S. 32) to correct the military record of Edward Whelan. A bill (S. 1) for the erection of an equestrian statue of Maj. Mr. PLATT of New York introduced a bill (S. 33) for the relief Gen. John Stark in the city of Manchester, N.H.; and of James E. Simpson, jr., Alfred H. Simpson, and Willie E. · A bill (S. 2) to provide for the erection of a monument to the Simpson, surviving copartners of the firm of J. E. Simpson & Co.; memory of Maj. Pierre Charles L'Enfant in the city of Washing- which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee ton, D. C. on Claims. Mr. GALLINGER introduced a bill (S. 3) to regulate elec- He also introduced a bill (S. 34) to indemnify the city of New trical wiring in the District of Columbia; which was read twice York for expenses incun-ed by said city in defense of the United by its title, and referred to the Committee on the District of States; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accompany- Columbia. ing paper, referred to the Committee on Claims. He also introduced a bill (S. 4) in amEndment of section 2660 He also introduced a bill (S. 35) for the relief of Herbert Cush- of the Revised Statutes, relating to the qualifications, pay, and man; which was read tWice by its title, and referred to the Com· duties of officers; which was read twice by its title, and referred mittee on Military Affairs. to the Committee on Finance. He also introduced a bill (S. 36) to reimburse John Waller, post- He also introduced a bill (S. 5) to refer to the Court of Claims master at Monticello, N.Y., for moneys expended in carrying the the war claims of the .State of New Hampshire; which was read mail; which was rea

He also introduced a bill (S. 37) to increase the pensions of A bill (S. 82) granting an increase of pension to Jane E. Haga- those who have lost the sight of both eyes; which was read twice man· · by its title, and referred to the Committee on Pensions. A bill (S. 83) g1·anting an increase of pension to Pe!"ry Harter; He also introduced a bill (S. 38) granting an increase of pension A bill (S. 84-) granting a pension to James P. Hopkins; to Miriam R. Adams; which was read twice by its title, and, with A bill (S. 85) granting a pension to George W. Johnson; the accompanying paper, referred to the Committee on Pen­ A bill (S. 86) granting a pension to James 0. Jones; sions. A bill (S. 87) granting an increase of pension to Christine Lusk; Mr. KEAN introduced a bill (S. 39) in regard to a monu­ A bill (S. 88) granting a pension to William MeNelis; mental column to commemorate the battle of Princ~ton, and ap­ A bill (S. 89) granting an increase of pension to James M. Mark­ propriating $30,000 therefor; which was read twice by its title, ham· and referred to the Committee on the Library. A bill (S. 90) granting a pension to William H. Miller; · He also introduced a bill (S. 40) to increase the limit of cost of A bill (S. 91) granting a pension to Philip Modesty, alias Philip the United States post-office at Elizabeth, N.J.; which was read Washington; . twice by its title. and referred to the Committee on Public Build­ A bill (S. 92) granting an increase of pension to Griffith T. ings and Grounds. Murphy; He also introduced a bill (S. 41) granting an increase of pension A bill (S. 93) granting an increase of pension to Ivan Odie; to Sarah E. Gillette; which was read twice by its title, and, with A bill (S. 94) granting a pension to Alvin Rine: the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on Pen­ A bill (S. 95) granting an increase of pension to John J. Rob­ .sions. erts; Mr. COCKRELL introduced a bill (S. 42) to authorize John A bill (S. 96) granting an increase of pension to Charles A. A. Ockerson, Caspar S. Crowninshield, and Miss Anna Tolman Rubin; Smith to accept decorations tendered to them by the Government A bill (S. _97) granting a pension to James W. Sappington; of the French Republic; which was read twice by its title, and A bill (S. 98) granting a pension to Margaretha Schroeder; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. A bill (S. 99) grantinganincreaseofpension to Joel C. Shepherd; He also introduced the following bills; which were severally A bill (S. 100) granting a pension to Willis M. Sherwood; read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on A bill (S. 101) granting an increase of pension to James M. Claims: Shippee; . A bill (S. 43) for the relief of Miss L. V. Belt, administratrix A bill (S. 102) granting an increase of pension to Jacob Stiger; of Alfred C. Belt, deceased: A bill (S. 103) granting an increase of pension to A.D. Tanyer; A bill (S. 44) for the relief of John N. Boffinger; · A bill (S.104) g1·anting an increase of pension to Abner Taylor; A bill (S. 45) to carry out the findings of the Court of Claims A bill (S. 105) granting an increase of pension to Michael Volz; in the ca.se of William A. Carr; A bill (S. 106) granting an increase of pension to Carrie Wages; A bill (S. 46) for the relief of Anna M. Colman, widow and sole A bill (S. 107) g1·anting an increase of pension to Joel H. Warren; legatee of Charles D. Colman, deceased; A bill (S. 108) granting an increase of pension to William A bill (S. 47) for the relief of the contractor, or his legal repre­ Wheeler; sentatives, for the construction of the light-draft monitor Etlah; A bill (S. 109) granting an increase of pension to William D. A bill (S. 48) to carry out the findings of the Court of Claims Wilson; and in the case of John W. Hancock; A bill (S. 110) granting a pension to John A. Witcher. A bill (S. 49) for the relief of the trustees of the Methodist Mr. COCKRELL introduced a bill (S. 111) granting a pension Episcopal Church South, of Warrenton, Mo.; to Marshall B. Witter: which was read twice by its title. A bill (S. 50) for the relief of Henry Nicol; Mr. COCKRELL. To accompany the bill I present the petition A bill (S. 51) for the relief of Francis 0 Bannon; of Marshall B. Witter~ the affidavits of Dr.GeorgeS. Milnes, George A bill (S. 52) for the relief of JohnS. Logan; and W. Emberton, Caleb Payne, and Isaac Guinn, and letters from A bill (S. 53) for the relief of Harriet L. Young, administratrix the Auditor of the War Department and the governor of the State of the estate of Solomon Young, deceased. of Missouri giving the military record of the claimant. I move Mr. COCKRELL introduced the following bills; which were that the bill and accompanying papers be referred to the Com- severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee mittee on Pensions. · on Military Affairs: The motion was agreed to. A bill (S. 54) for the relief of William B. Barnes; Mr. PROCTOR introduced a bill (S. 112) granting an increase A bill (S. 55) for the relief of James H. Carmack; of pension to Henry G. Hammond; which was read twice by its A bill (S. 56) for the relief of the legal representatives of Napo- title, and, _:with the accompanying paper, referred to the Commit­ leon B. Giddings; tee on Pensions. . A bill (S. 57) for the relief of Laura S. Gillingwaters; He also introduced a bill (S. 113) _to enable the Secretary of the A bill (S. 58) for the relief of James W. Howell; Treasury to pay the State of Vermont money appropriated by the A bill (S. 59) for the relief of Charles W. Howard; act of Congress of July 1, 1902, and to adjust mutual claims A bill (S. 60) for the relief of Gottlieb C. Rose; between the United States and the State of Vermont; which was A bill (S. 61) for the relief of M. E. Saville; read twice by its titl13, and, with the accqmpanying paper, re­ A bill (S. 62) for the relief of Richard C. Silence; ferred to the Committee on Claims. A bill (S. 63) for the relief of ChaTles Stierlin; and He also introduced a bill (S. 114) to extend the provisions of the A bill (S. 64) to correct the military record of William B. act of March 3, 1885, relative to officers and enlisted men of the Thompson. ; which was read twice by its title, and, with 'Mr. COCKRELL introduced the following bills; which were the accompanying paper, referred to the Committee on Military · severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee Affairs. on Pensions: Mr. SCOTT introduced the following bills; which were sever­ · A bill (S. 65) grunting an increase of pension to Charles R. ally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Allen· Claims: . A bill (S. 66) grunting a pension to Robert W. Barber; A bill (S. 115) for the relief of the trustees of the Methodist A bill (S. 67) granting an increase of pension to David Bartlett; Episcopal Church, of Winfield, W.Va.; · A bill (S. 68) granting an increase of pension to Martha M. A bill (S. 116) for the relief of the trustees of the Methodist Bolton; Episcopal Church South, of Winfield, W.Va.; A bill (S. 69) granting an increase of pension to Frances C. A bill (S. 117) for the relief of the trustees of the Methodist Brown; Episcopal Church South, of Guyandotte, W.Va.; A bill (S. 70) granting an increase of pension to John G. Brown; A bill (S. 118) for the relief of the estate of Frederick A. A bill (S. 71) granting an increase of pension to Asia Burgess; Roeder, deceased; A bill (S. 72) gTanting an increase of pension to MarkS. Clay; A bill (S. 119) for the relief of Edward Tearney: and A bill (S. 73) granting an increase of pension to William H. A bill (S. 120) for the relief ·of the estate of R. McChesney, Colville; deceased. A bill (S. 74) granting a pension to George C. Conover; Mr. GIBSON introduced ~ bill (S. 121) granting additional A bill (S. 75) granting an increase of pension to Joel S. Cooper; lands adjacent to its site to the University of Montana; which A bill (S. 76) granting a pension to Mary H. Cornell; was read twice by its title_, and, with the accompanying paper, A bill (S. 77) granting a pension to Jesse A. Creekmore; referred to the Committee on Public Lands. . A bill (S. 78) g1·anting a pension to E. C. Curtis; He also introduceQ. a bill (S. 122) authorizing the Secretary of A bill (S. 79) granting a pension t-o Mary Ann Drake; the Interior to restore to public entry lands embraced in whole A bill (S. 80) granting an increase of pension to Robert B. Drake; or· in part within ·segregations for reserv:oirs; which was read A bill (S. 81) granting an increase of pension to Stephen M. twice by its title, and, with the accompanying paper, refened to Fitzwater; the Committee on Public Lands. / 19.9~· - -· . .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. ·· · 177

He also introduced a bill (S. 123) to provide for the erection of A bill (S. 149) granting an increase of pension_to Arthur Mahar; ·a public building in the city of Great Falls, Mont.; which was A bill (S.150)·granting an increase of pension toW. C. Pollard; read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Public A bill (S. 151) granting a pension to Minnie Haas; Buildings and Grounds. -- A bill (S. 152) granting an increase of pension to William 0. He also introduced a bill (S. 124) for the relief of the county of Smith (with an accompanying paper); Flathead, State of Montana; which was read twice by its title, A bill (S. 153) granting an increase of pension to William W. and referred to the Committee on Claims. Turk (with accompanying papers); He also introduced a bill (S. 125) for the relief of M1·s. Martha A bill (S. 154) granting an increase of pension to Hugh T. E. West; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accom­ Crockett (with an accompanying paper); panying paper, referred to the Committee on Claims. A bill (S. 155) granting an increase of pension to Charles H. He also introduced a bill (S.126) forthereliefof-RudolfHerbst; Edwards (with an accompanying paper); . which was read twice by its title, and, with the accompanying A bill (S. 156) granting an increase of pension to Harriet L. paper, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Ford; Mr. WETMORE introduced a bill (S.127) authorizing the join­ A bill (S. 157) granting a pension to Melinda Morford; and ing of Kalorama avenue; which was read twice by its title, and A bill (S. 158) granting an increase of pension to Edward Burns referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. (with an accompanying paper). . He also introduced a bill (S. 128) granting an increase of pen­ Mr. HOAR introduced the following bills; which_were sever­ sion to ClaraM. Gihon; which was read twice by its title, and, with ally read twice by their titleS', and referred to the Committee on the accompanying paper, referred to the Committee on Pensions. the Judiciary: · He also introduced a bill (S. 129) for the relief of the heirs and A bill (S. 159) to extend the provisions of section 5399 of the legal representatives of those who were killed by the explosion of Revised Statutes to the preliminary examinations held before a the gun-cotton factory at the United States torpedo station at commissioner lawfully appointed by any court of the United Newport, R.I.; which was read twice by its title, and referred States; to the Committee on Claims. - A bill (S. 160) to regulate and make uniform the rights of per­ He also introduced a bill (S.130) to establish a fish-cultul'e station sons furnishing to or for a vessel supplies, 1·epairs, or other neces­ in NarragansettBay,in the State of Rhode Island; which was read saries; and twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Fisheries. A bill (S. 161) to extend the provisions of section 5406 of the He also introduced a bill (S. 131) to provide for the constrnc­ Revised Statutes to the preliririnary examinations held before a tion and equipment of a revenue cutter for service in Narragan­ commissioner lawfully appointed by any com·t of the United sett Bay and adjacent waters; which was read twice by its title, States. and referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. HOAR introduced a bill (S.162) for the relief of the admin­ Mr. WARREN. In the absence of the junior Senator from istrator of Capt. Ephraim Perkins; which was read twice by its Nebraska [Mr. MlLL.A.RD], I introduce sundry bills and ask their title, and, with the accom]mnying paper,·1·eferred to the Commit­ reference as indicated thereon. tee on Claims. The bill (S. 132) to remove the charge of desertion from the He also introduced the following bills; which were severally military record of William Ruth was read twiee by its title, and, read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pen­ with the accompanying paper, referred to the Committee on Mili­ sions: tary Affairs. A bill (S. 163) granting an increase of pension to Mary F. Mr. WARREN (for Mr. MILLARD) introduced the following Schenck; bills; which were severally read twice by their titles, and referred A bill (S. 164) granting a pension to Zara G. Gifford; to the Committee on Pensions: A bill (S. 165) granting a pension to James Henry Baldwin; A bill (S. 133) granting an increase of pension to.Elizabeth B. A bill (S. 166) granting an increase of pension to Stephen H. Sarson (with an a-ccompanying paper); Lane; _ _ _ . _ . _ A bill (S. 134) granting a pension to Horace C. Gleason (with A bill (S. 167) granting an increase of pension to J. Huason an accompanying paper); _ Kibbe; A bill (S. 135) granting an increase of pension to Avery A. .A bill (S. 168) granting a pension to John Crimmins; Perry (with accompanying papers); A bill (S. 169) granting an increase of pension to Palmer P. A bill (S. 136) granting an increase of pension to Mary T. Johnson; _ Strickland (with an accompanying paper); A bill (S. 170) granting a pension to Anna Marshfield; A bill (S. 137) granting a pension to Hannah Kelly; A bill (S. 171) granting a p~nsioh to Charles Lander; A bill (S. 138) granting an increase of pension to David D. A bill (S. 172) granting_a pension to Elizabeth McClaren; and Griffith (with accompanying pape1·s); _ - · A bill (S. 173) granting an increase of pension to John G. Has- A bill (S. -139) granting an increase of pension to Solomon kell. · Knight (with accompanying papers); · Mr. STEWART introduced the following bills; which were A bill (S. 140) granting an increase of pension to Daniel B. severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee Bailey; _ · on Claims: A bill (S. 141) granting an increase of pension to James W. A bill (S.174) for the relief of Mary C. Mayers; - Kinkead· and - - A bill (S. 175) for the relief of Robert D. McAfee and John A bill (s. 142) granting an increase of pension to Henry W. Chiatovich; · · Nichols (with accompanyipg papers). A bill (S.176) for the relief of Jewett W. Adams; _ Mr. WARREN introduced a bill (S. 143) to provide for the A bill (S. 177) to reimburse certain persons who expended purchase of a site and the erection of a public building thereon at moneys and furnished services and supplies in repelling invasions Sheridan, in the State of Wyoming; which was read twice by its and suppressing Indian hostilities within the Territorial limits of title, and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and the present State of Nevada; and Grounds. A bill (S.178) for the relief of the owners of the British ship He also introduced a bill (S. 144) to provide for the purchase of Foscolia and cargo. _ a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Rawlins, Mi. STEWART introduced a bill (S.179) to provide an Ameri­ in the State of Wyoming; which was read twice by its title, and can register for the steamer Brooklyn; which was read twice by referred to the Committee on Public Buildings. arid- Grounds. its title, and referred to the Committee-on Commerce; He also introduced a bill (S. 145) to place John Tempany, vet­ He also introduced a bill (S.180) topr~videan America!}. register erinarian, Ninth United States Cavalry, on the retired list of the for the barkentine Hawaii; which was read twice by its title, and United States Army; which was read twice by its title, andre- referred to the Committee on Commerce. ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. . - He also introduced a bill (S. 181) to provide for the repayment He also introduced a bill (S. 146) for the relief of Leonard L. of unexpended moneys deposited to cover costs of platting and Dietrick; which was 1·ead twice by its title, and referred to the office work in connection with mining claims; which was read Committee on Military Affairs. . twice by its title, and referred to the Committee OD Mines and He also introduced a bill (S. 147) for the relief of persons who Mining. made the first payment for desert lands under the act of March 3, Mr. BURNHAM introduced the following bills; which were 1877, but who were unable to perfect entry thereof; which was severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Public on Pensions: . Lands. A bill (S. 182) granting an increase of pension to Charles F. He also introduced the following bills; which were severally Holt (with accompanying papers); read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee OJil A bill (S. 183) granting an incr.oo.se of pension to John W. Cur- Pensions: rier (with accompanying papers); -. . A bill (S. 148) granting an increase of pension to Benjamin H. A bill (S.~ l84) granti11g an increase of pensiorl~ to John Bartlett Smalley; (with an accompanying paper); · - · XXXVII-12 178 .CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SEN.ATE. NoVEMBER 11,

A bill (S. 185) granting a pension to Ororge D. Epps (with an A bill (S. 217) granting an increase of pension to Francis W. accompanying paper); Crumpton (withanaccompanyingpaper); . A bill (S. 186) granting an increase of pension to Solomon M. A bill (S. 218) granting an increase of pension to Eliza K. Car- Smith (with an accompanying paper); penter (with an accompanying paper); and A bill (S. 187) granting a pension to Catharine M. Folsom (with A bill (S. 219) granting a pension to James M. McKain. an accompanying paper); Mr. FULTON introduced a bill (S. 220) prohibiting the intro- A bill (S. 188) granting a peru;ion to Zachariah Orner (witb duction into any State or Territory or the District of Columbia. an accompanying paper); from any other Sta.te or Territory ox the District of Columbia, A bill (S. 189) granting an increase of pension to Edwin H. or from any foreign country, or shipment to any foreign country, Wheeler (with accompanying papers); any misbranded salmon fish prepared or intended for use as an A bill (S. 190) granting an increase -of pension to Charles H. article of food; which was read twice by its title, and referred to Bell (with accompanying papers); . the.Committee on Fisheries. A bill (S. 191) granting an increase of pension to Francis Roy Mr. PETTUS introduced the following bills; which were sever- ( with an accompanying paper); ally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on A bill (S. 192) granting an increase of pension to Orlando H. Claims: Langley (with an accompanying paper); A bill (S. 221) foT the relief of John W. Ledbetter; A bill (S. 193) granting an increase of pension to Henry F. A bill (S. 222) for the relief of Richard Appling; Hunt (with accompanying papers); and A bill (S. 223) for the relief of the estate of Hiram Peters, de- A bill (S. 194) granting an increase of pension to Chester E. ceased; Dimick (with accompanying papers). A bill (S. 224) for ,the relief of Lucy A. Vaughn; Mr. McCUMBER introduced a bill (S. 195) to pro'Vide for the A bill (S. 225) for the relief of the heirs at law of Isaac John- purchase of a tract of land in the city of Shanghai, Empire of son, deceased; , suitable for the construction of wharves, docks, piers, and A bill (S. 226) for the relief of the trustees of the Cumberland warehouses for the purpose of facilitating American exports, and Presbyterian Church (colored), of Huntsville, Ala.; and for the erection and maintenance of a building for the display of A bill (S. 227) for the relief of Mrs. E. W. Williams. ,American exports in said city, for the appointment of a comm.is- Mr. PETTUS introduced a bill (S. 228) for the relief of William sioner in charge thereof, and for other· purposes; which was read H. Hugo; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the twice by its title~ and referred to the Committee on Public Build- Committee on Military Affairs. lngs and Grounds. He also introduced a bill (S. 229) amending the act of March 2, · He also introduced a bill (S. 196) to ratify and confirm an agree- 1901. entitled "An act to carry into effect the stipulations of Arti­ ment with the Turtle Mountain band of Chippewa Indians, in the cle VII of the treaty between the United States and Spain, and so State of North Dakota, and to make appropriations for carrying forth;" which was re.ad twice by its title, and referred to the the same into effect; which was Tead twice by its title, and referred Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Mr. McCREARY introduced the following bills; which were He also introduced a bill (S. 197) to establish an Indian agri- severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Commit­ cultural school at or near the city of Wahpeton, in the State of tee 'On Claims: North Dakota; which was read twice by its title, and referred to A bill (S. 230) for the relief of the trustees of the Methodist the Committee on Indian Affairs. Episcopal Chnrch of New Haven, Ky.; He also introduced a bill (S. 198) for preventing the adultera.- A bill (S. 231) for the relief of the trustees of the Christian tion, misbra.nding, and imitation of foods, beverages, candies, ChlU'Ch of Nicholasville, Ky.; drugs., and condiments in the District of Columbia and the Terri- A bill (S. 232) for the relief of James G. Dunn, administrator tories, and for regulating interstate traffic therein, and for other of R. B. Dunn; and purposes; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the A bill (S. 233) for the relief of Mrs. Eugenia Dunlop Potts, ad- Committee on Manufactures. ministratrix of Dr. Richard Potts, and Elizabeth Huette, ad.minis- He also introduced a bill (S. 199) to provide for fixing a unifonn tratrix of P. I. .Huette. standard of .classification and grading of wheat, flax, corn, oats, Mr. DUBOIS introduced the following bills; which were sev­ barley, rye, and other grains, and for other purposes; which was erally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on read twice by ita title, and referred to the Committee on Agricul- Pensions: tnre and Forestry. A bill (S. 234) granting a pension to Susan E. Potter; He also introduced a bill (S. 200) granting an incr~e of pen- A bill (S. 235) granting an increase of pension to Samuel T. sion to Austin Almy; which was read twice by its title, and re- Chambers; ferred to the Committee on Pensions. A bill (S. 236) granting an increase of pension to Andrew Jack- Mr. KEARNS introduced a bill (S. 201) to establish a port of son Power; delivery at Salt Lake City, Utah; which was read twice by its A bill (S. 237) granting an increase of pension to Franklin B. title, and referred to the Committee on Commerce. Delaney; He also introduced the following bills; which were severally A bill (S. 238) granting an increase of pension to Emmett C. read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pen- Hill; .sions: A bill (S. 239) granting a pension to George ·W. Soule; A bill (S. 202) granting a pension to Harriet E. Penrose; A bill (S. 240) granting a pension to Charles Weitfle; A bill (S. 203) granting a pension to Henry B. Burton; A bill (S. 241) granting a pension to James A. Nicholson; A bill (S. 204) granting a pension toW. H. Hackney; A bill (S. 242) granting an increase of pension to Albert W. Hart; A bill (S. 205) granting a pension to Isaac D. Gregg; A bill (S. 243) granting an increase of pension to James A. A bill (S. 206) granting a pension to James Phelps; Fisher; A bill (S. 207) granting a pension to Charles Crimson, jr.; A bill (S. 244) granting a pension to John W. Jackson; A bill (S. 208) granting a pension to Alfred Kent; A bill (S. 245) granting a pension to Charles L. Felch; A bill (S. 209) granting a pension to Frank Clark; and A bill (S. 246) granting a pension to Henry J. McFadden; A bill (S. 210) granting anincreaseofpension to William Lowe. A bill (S. 247) granting an increase of pension to Marcellus Mr. DOLLIVER introduced a bill (S. 211) to repeal an act to M. M. Martin; establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United A bill (S. 248) granting a pension to Enoch A. White; and States, approved July 1, 1898, and amended February 5, 1903; A bill (S. 249) granting an increase of pension to Nelson W. which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee Carlton. . on the Judiciary. I Mr. DUBOIS also introduced the following bills; which were He also introduced the following bills; which were severally severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee t·ead twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pen- on Public Lands: sions: A bill (S. 250) granting to tP.e State of Idaho 50.000 acres of A bill (S. 212) granting an increase of pension to Charles L. Rus- land to aid in the continuation, enlargement, and maintenance of sell (with an accompanying paper); the ldaho·State Soldiers and Sailors' Home; and A bill (S. 213) granting an increase of pension to William E. A bill (S. 251) granting to the State of Idaho 50 ,000 acres of F erree (with accompanying papers); land to aid in the continuation, enlargement, and maintenance of A bill (S. 214) granting an increase of pension to John M. Box the Idaho State Soldiers and Sailors' Home. (with an accompanying paper); Mr. DUBOIS introduced a bill (S. 2~2) relating to ceded lands A bill (S. 215) granting a pension to Mary D. Perry (with an on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation; which was read twice by a.ccom])anying paper); its title, and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. A bill (S. 216) ,granting an increase of pension to Nelson Wells He also introduced a bill (S. 253) authorizing and directing the (with an accompanying paper); Secretary of War to condemn and turn over to the State of Idaho 1903. -OONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 179

two Krupp field guns captured from the enemy by the First Regi­ building in said city of Portland, to be known as the Lewis and ment·ldaho Volunteer Infantry at the battle of Santa Ana, Philip­ Clark Memorial Building, and to authorize an appropriation for pine Islands, February 5, 1899; which was read twice by its title, all said purposes; which was read twice by its title. and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. MITCHELL. I ask that the bill may lie on the table, and He also introduced a bill (S. 254) giving jurisdiction to certain I shall at a very early date ask the courtesy of the Senate to per­ State and Territorial courts over the possessory rights in the pub­ mit me to call it up for the purpose of making some remarks in lic lands of the United States of the parties to divorce proceedings; explanation of the measure before it is referred to the appropriate which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee committee. on the Judiciary. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to the re­ Mr. PENROSE introduced a bill (S. 255) for the relief of the quest of the Senator from Oregon that the bill shall lie on the Farmers and Mechanics' National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.; which table? The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. was read twice by its title, and, with the accom-panying papers, Mr. MITCHELL introduced the following bills; which were Teferred to the Committee on Finance~ severally read twice by their titles, and 1·eferred to the Committee He also introduced the following bills; which were severally on Public Lands: read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Mili­ A bill (S. 277) for the relief of settlers on lands in Sherman tary Affah·s: Co11llty, in the State of Oregon; A bill (S. 256) for the relief of Joseph Orton Kerbey; A bill (S. 278) to amend an act entitled "An act for the relief A bill (S. 257) to correct the military record of Engleberth of certain settlers on the public lands, and to provide for the repay­ Benzinger; ment of certain fees, purchase money, and commissions paid on A bill (S. 258) to remit the sentence of general court-martial void entries of public lands;" and against Alvin C. Schum and grant him an honorable discharge; A bill (S. 279) for the relief of homestead entrymen upon the and lands formerly included in the Siletz Indian Reservation, in the A bill (S. 259) for the relief of William Emsley (with accom- State of Oregon. _ panying papers). . Mr. MITCHELL introduced a bill (S. 280) to establish an assay Mr. PENROSE introduced a bill (S. 260) for the relief of Joseph office at Portland, Oreg.; which was read twice by its title, and Orton Kerbey; which was read twice by its title, and referred to 1·eferred to the Committee on Finance. the Committee on Claims. He also introduced a bill (S. 281) to amend an act entitled "An He also introduced the following bills; which were severally act to provide for the adjudication and payment of claims arising read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pen­ from Indian depredations," approved March 3, 1891; which was sions: read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Indian A bill (S. 261) granting a pension to F. Max Gress; Depredations. A bill (S. 262) granting an increase of pension to Lewis C. He also introduced a bill (S. 282) to provide for the purchase of Smith; a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Lagrande, A bill (S. 263) granting an increase of pension to Wesley C. in the State of Oregon; which was read twice by its title, and re­ Pryor; ferred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. A bill (S. 264) granting an increase of pension to Mary P. He also introduced a bill (S. 283) to provide for the purchase of Sheets; a site and the erection of a building thereon at Oregon City, in A bill (S. 265) granting an increase of pension to Frances Gray; the St-ll.te of Oregon; which was read twice by its title, andre­ A bill (S. 266) granting a pension to Emma S. Harney; ferred to the Co1flllrlttee on Public Buildings and Grounds. A bill (S. 267) granting an increase of pension to Samuel Stout; He also introduced a bill (S. 284) to appropriate funds for in­ and vestigations and tests of American timber; which was read twice A bill (S. 268) granting an increase of pension to Annie B. by its title, and r&ferred to the Committee on Agriculture and Johnson. Forestry. Mr. GAMBLE introduced a bill (S. 269) regnlating the settle­ He also introduced a bill (S. 285) to divide the State of Oregon ment of the accounts between the United States and the several into two judicial districts; which was read twice by its title, and States relative to the disposition of the public lands, and for other referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. purposes; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the He also introduced a bill (S. 286) to authorize the establishment Committee on Public Lands. of a life-saving station at or near the mouth of the Siuslaw River, He also introduced a bill (S. 270) authorizing the Winnipeg, in the State of Oregon; which was read twice by its title, and re­ Yankton and Gulf Railroad Company to construct a combined ferred to the Committee on Commerce. railroad, wagon, and foot-passenger bridge across the Missouri He also introduced a bill (S. 287) for the relief of John W. Lewis; River at or near the city of Yankton, S. Dak.; which was read which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee twice by its title, and refen·ed to the Committee on Commerce. on Military Affairs. He also introduced a bill (S. 271) to establish mining experi­ He also introduced a bill (S. 288) authorizing the President to ment stations, to aid in the development of the mineral resources appoint Dr. James Reagles an assistant surgeon, United States of the United States, and for other purposes; which was read Army, and place him on the retired list; which was read twice by twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Mines and its title, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Com­ :Mining. mittee on Military Affairs. He also introduced a bill (S. 272) to provide for the purchase of He also introduced the following bills; which were. severallv a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Huron, in read twice 'by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pacific the State of South Dakota; which was read twice by its title, and Islands and Porto Rico: -referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. A bill (S. 289) to amend sections 34, 40, 66, 69, 72, 75, 77, 82, and He also introduced a bill (S. 273) to provide for the purchase of 86 of an act entitled "An act to provide a government for the Ter­ a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Mitchell, in ritory of Hawaii,'' approved April30, 1900, and for other purposes; the State of South Dakota; which was read twice by its title, and A bill (S. 290) to provide for the purchase of a site and -the referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. erection of a public building thereon at Honolulu, island of Oahu, He also introduced a bill (S. 274) to provide for the purchase of Territory of Hawaii; and a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Watertown, A bill (S. 291) to provide for the purchase of a site and the in the State of South Dakota; which was read twice by its title, erection of a public building thereon at Hilo, island of Hawaii, and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Territory of Hawaii. He also introduced a bill (S. 275) to amend an act entitled "An Mr. MITCHELL introduced the following bills; which were act to provide for the adjudication and payment of claims arising severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Commit­ from Indian depredations," approved March 3, 1891; which was tee on Pensions: read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Indian A bill (8.292) granting a pension to James E. Woods, alias Depredations. Richard Ashton; . Mr. MITCHELL introduced a bill (S. 276) to provide for the A bill (S. 293) granting a pension to Alonzo Sabin; celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the exploration A bill (S. 294) granting a pension to Vincent de Frietas; ·of the Oregon country by Captains Meriwether Lewis and Wil­ A bill (S. 295) granting a pension to Catherine L. Nixon; liam Clark during their expedition from the Mississippi River A bill (S. 296) granting an increase of pension to Arethusa . to the Pacific Ocean in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806; and to au­ Wright; thorize a commission representing the United States to hold at A bill (8. 297) granting an increase of pension to Samuel S. the city of Portland, in the State of Oregon, a national, inter­ White; national, and oriental exhibition of arts, industries, manufactures, A bill (S. 298) granting a pension to Nancy A.. Dowell; and the products of the rivers, soil, mine, forest, and sea in said A bill (S. 299) granting a pension to H. P. Brookhart; State, and to provide and assist in the erection of a memorial A bill (S. 300) granting a pension to William L. Moloy; 180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NOVEMBER 11 ;~

- A bill (S. 301) granting an increase of pension to George W. Mount Ranier National Park, in the State of Washington; which Peters; - was read twice by ita title, and referred to the Committee on A bill (S. 302) granting an increase of pension to Augustus L. Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game. Kidder; He also introduced a bill (S. 343) for the relief of the Mission A bill (S. 303) granting a pension to William P. A-rble; of St. James, in the State of Washington; which was read twice A bill (S. 304) granting a pension to Sarah C. Nicklin; by its title, and referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims. A bill (S. 305) granting an increase of pension to John R. Evans; He also introduced a bill (S. 344) for the erection of additional A bill (S. 306) granting an increase of pension to Alexander buildings, workshops, prison walls at the United States peniten­ McCauley; tiary at McNeils Island, and for other purposes; which was read A bill (S. 307) granting an increase of pension to Junius T. twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Public Build­ Turner; ings and Grounds. A bill (S. 308) granting an increase of pension to Jessie S. He also introduced a bill (S. 345) to provide for the opening of Copeley; the remaining portion of the Colville Reservation, in the State of A bill (S. 309) granting an increase of pension to Frederic Washington, and for other purposes; which was read twice by its Lockley; title, and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. A bill (S. 310) granting an increase of pension to John W. He also introduced a bill (S. 346) authorizing the issuance of a Oliver; certificate of merit to Robert Williams; which was read twice by A bill (S. 311) granting an increase of pension to Lewis H. its title, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Phelps; He also introduced a bill (S. 347) providing for the establishment A bill (S. 312) granting an increase of pension toJohnF. Oviatt; of a life-saving station in the vicinity of Cape Flattery or Flattery A bill (S. 313) granting an increase of pension to James H. Pres­ Rocks, on the coast of Washington; which was read twice by its ton; title, and referred to the Committee on Commerce. A bill (S. 314) granting an increase of pension to George W. Mr. PLATT of Connecticut introduced a bill (S. 348) authoriz­ Ellis; ing the United States courts for the district of Connecticut to com­ .A bill (S. 315) granting a pension to Henry A. Ridgeway; mit boys between 10 and 16 years of age, convicted of offenses A bill (S. 316) granting an increase of pension to Elmore Y. against the United States, to the Connecticut School for Boys; Chase; which was read twice by its title, and referred· to the Committee A bill (S. 317) granting an increase of pension to Mortimer on the Judiciary. · Hallet; He also introduced a bill (S. 349) extending the provisions of A bill (S. 318) granting an increa_se of pension to Edward W. the act of July 1, 1902, for the further distribution of reports of Bell; the Supreme Court, and for other purposes; which was read .A bill (S. 319) granting an increase of pension to Edwin Billing; twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. A bill (S. 320) granting an increase of pension to Hiram W. He also introduced a bill (S. 350) to provide for the purchase of White; a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Walling­ .A bill (S. 321) granting a pension to Helene E. Warrens; ford, in the State of Connecticut; which was read twice by its A bill (S. 322) granting an increase of pensio:a to Charles A. title, and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Broadman; _ _ Grounds. A bill (S. 323) granting an increase of pension to William Foy, He also introduced a bill (S. 351) for the relief of Joseph B. a.lias William Russell; Sargent; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the A bill (S. 324) granting a pension to Chancy Akin; _ Committee on Finance. A bill (S. 325) granting an increase of pension to Martin He also introduced a bill (S. 352) for the relief of the represent­ O'Connor; _ atives of M. F. Merritt, deceased; which was read twice by its A bill (S. 326) granting an increase of pension to James J. title, and referred to the Committee on Claims. Wheeler; He also introduced a bill (S. 353) for the relief of Miss Eliza A. A bill (S. 327) granting an increase of pension to Israel A. White; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Benner; . - Committee on Claims. A bill (S. 328) granting an increase of pension to Benjamin F. He also ·-introdu~ed the following bills; which were severally Hamell; _ - read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pen­ A bill (S. 329) granting an increase of pension to BUBhnell B. sions: · Loomis; - - A bill. (S. 354) granting an increase of pension to Clara B. A bill (S. 330) granting a pension to Daniel J. Cooney; Griswold; A bill (S. 331) granting an increase of pension to Henry E. Jones A bill (S. 355) granting a pe:r;tsion to Sarah Jane Simonds (with (with accompanying papers); and an accompanying paper); A bill (S. 332) granting an increase of pension to JohnS. Bosler A bill (S. 356) granting a pension to Augusta Ritschel (with (with an accompanying paper). an acco:rnpanying paper); - Mr. MITCHELL introduced a bill (S. 333) grantingpensionsto A bill ·(S. 357) granting an increase of pension to James Cox certain officers andenlisted.men of the Life-Saving Service and to (with an .accompan¥ffig; paper); _. their widows and minor children; which was read twice by its A bill (S. 358) granting an increase of pension to Phebe A. Ford; title, and referred to the Committee on Pensions. A bill (S. 359) granting a pension to Nellie N. Taft; and Mr. CARMACK introduced a bill (S. 334) for the relief of N. F. A bill (S. 360) granting an increase of pension to Mary Lucetta Palmer, jr., & Co.; which was read twice by its title, and referred Arnold. to the Committee on Claims. . Mr. BAILEY introduced a bill (S. 361) to provide for the pur­ Mr. QUARLES introduced a bill (S. 3~5) to provide for the chase of a site and the erection of a public building thereon at allotment--of lands in severalty to the Stockbridge and Munsee Denison, in tha State of Texas; which was read twi·ce by its title, tribe of Indians, to authorize the distribution of their trUBt fund, and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. and for-other-purposes; which was read twice by its title, -andre­ He also introduced a bill (S. 362) to provide for the purchase of ferred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Greenville, -He also introduced a bill (S. 336) granting an increase of pen­ in the State of "Texas; which was read twice by its title, and re­ sion to William Lechleidner; which was read twice by its title, ferred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on He also _introduced a bill (S. 363) establishing a United States Pensions. court.at.M.arietta, Ind. T.; which was read twice by its titlQ, and He also introduced a bill (S. 337) granting an increase of pen­ referred the Committee on the Judiciary. - sion to Hiram S. Leffingwell; which was read twice by its title, Mr. TELLER introduced a bill (S. 364) to provide for the pur­ and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on chase of a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Pensions. _ Denver, in the State of Colorado; which was read twice by its Mr. FOSTER of Washington introduced the following bills; title, and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and which were severally read twice by their titles, and referred to Grounds. - the Committee on Pensions: He also introduced the following bills; which were severally A bill (S. 338) granting an increase of pension to Jane ~.Watt; read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pen- A bill (S. 339) granting an increase of pension to Ebene~er H. sions: - · Richardson; and - · - A bill (S. 365) granting an increase of pension to" Corydon W. A bill (S. 340) granting a pension to Julia Bush. . . Sanborn; Mr. FOSTER of Washington introduced a bill (S. 341) for the - A bill (S. 366) granting an increase of pension to Warren W. relief of Charles M. Buchanan; which was read twice by its title, Whipple; and referred to the Com:rnittee..on..,Claims. ·.- _ A bill (S. 367) granting an increase_or. p~~inn to George W. Be also introduced a bill (S. 342) for the improvement of the Richardson; 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 181

A bill (S. 368) granting an iricrease of pension to Charles M. certain letters patent; which was read twice by its title, and; with Wilcox (with an accompanying paper); and the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on Patents. A bill (S. 369) granting a pension to Edward B. Webb (with an He also introduced the following bil.l.S; which were severally accompanying paper). rea-d twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Mili­ Mr. HANSBROUGH introduced the following bills; which tary Affairs: were severally read twice- by their titles, and referred to the Com­ A bill (S. 401) for the relief of Thomas J. Spencer; and mittee on Public Lands: A bill (S. 402) for the relief of James I). Vernay. A bill (S. 370) providing for the disposal of timber and stone on Mr. CULLOM introduced a bill (S. 403) for the relief of Lina public lands chiefly valuable for timber or stone, and for other Hennig; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accom­ purposes; panying papers, referred to the Committee on Claims. A bill (S. 371) granting to the State of North Dakota 30,000 He also introduced a bill (S. 404) for the relief of Isaac Gause; acres of land to aid in the maintenance of a school of forestry; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee A bill (S. 372) authorizing the recorder of the General Land on Claims. Office to issue certified copies of patents, records, books, and He also introduced the following bills; which were severally papers; · read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pen­ • A bill (S. 373) relating to proofs in homestead and other claims sions: to public lands, and punishing false swearing therein, and for A bill (S. 405) granting an increase of pension to Darius W. other purposes; and Owens (with an accompanyingpaper); A bill (S. 374) to amend section 2461 of the R~vised Statutes of A bill (S. 406) granting a pension to Mrs. Cyrus Thomas (with the United States. an accompanying paper); Mr. HANSBROUGH introduced a bill (S. 375) for the relief of A bill (S. 407) granting a pemdon to Sophia McClelland; Thomas H. Carpenter; which was read twice by its title, and re­ A bill (S. 408) granting an increase of pension to August Weber ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. (with accompanying papers); and He also introduced the following bills; which were severally A bill (S. 409) granting an increase of pension to James T. Kent read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on (with accompanying papers). Pensions: Mr. QUAY introduced the following bills: which were sever~ A bill (S. 376) granting an increase of pension to Samuel A. ally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Dickey; Public Buildings and Grounds: A bill (S. 377) granting an increase of pension to Ezra W. A bill (S. 410) to provide for .the purchase of a site and the Cartwright; erection of a public building thereon at Nome, in the Territory of A bill (S. 378) granting an increase of pension to Jefferson Alaska; Hoover; . A bill (S. 411) to provide for the purchase of a site and the A bill (S. 379) granting a pension to David D. Jones; erection of a public building thereon at Easton, Pa.; and A bill (S. 380) granting a pension to John Stokes; A bill (S. 412) to provide for the purchase of a site_and the A bill (S. 381) granting an increase of .pension to Ahimaoz E. erection of a public building thereon at Shamokin, in the State of Wood; Pennsylvania. · A bill (S. 382) granting an increase of pension to Elihue Wiley; Mr. QUAY introduced the following bills; which were sever­ A bill (S. 383) granting a pension to John Leary; ally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on A bill (S. 384) granting a pension to Thomas Ma Gee; Military Affairs: A bill (S. 385) granting a pension to Albert A. Daniels; and A bill (S. 413) providing for the purchase of additional land for A bill (S. 386) granting an increase of pension to Homer D. the Gettysburg National Park; _ Wells (with accompanying papers). A bill (S. 414) making it a misdemeanor for persons to unlaw­ Mr. HANSBROUGH introduced a bill (S. 387) to ratify an fully use or we.ar the insignia or button of the Spanish-American -agreement with the Indians of the Devils Lake Reservation, in War Veterans, the insignia or rosette of the Military and Naval North Dakota, and making appropriation to carry the same into Order of the Spanish-American War, or the official decorations of effect; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Com­ Spanish-American war societies; . mittee on Indian Affairs. A bill (S. 415) for the recognition of the military service of the He also introduced a bill (S. 388) for the relief of Israel Kim­ officers and enlisted men of certain ~ennsylvania military organi­ ball; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Com­ zations; mittee on Claims. A bill (S. 416) to correct the military record of Daniel Kreiner; Mr. BURTON introduced a bill (S. 389) to provide for the pur­ A bill (S. 417) to correct the military record of C. Wilson Walker; chase of a site and the erection of a public building thereon at and Abilene, in the State of Kansas; which was read twice by its title, A bill (S. 418) to correct the military. record of Emil Batt. and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Mr. QUAY introduced a bill (S. 419) re~nacting s~ction 2515 of He also introduced a bill (S. 390) to provide for the erection of the Revised Statutes of 1873, exempting from duty certain goods a monument to the heroes of the civil and other wars; which was of Indians; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the read twice by its title, and referred· to the Committee on the Committee on Finance. Library. He also introduced a bill (S. 420) to prevent obstructive and in­ He also introduced a bill (S. 391) granting a pension to Mar­ jurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of Phila­ garet J. Verbiskey; which was read twice by its title, and re- delphia, by dumping or otherwise, and to punish and prevent such ferred to the Committee on Pensions. . · offenses; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the He also introduced a bill (S. 392) granting pensions to soldiers Committee on Commerce. and sailors of the civil war; which was read twice by its title, He also introduced a bill (S. 421) for the relief of W. J. Kountz· and referred to the Committee on Pensions. which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committe~ He also introduced the following bills; which were severally on Claims. read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on He also introduced the following bills; which were severallv Claims: read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Pell'- A bill (S. 393) for the relief of Daniel M. Frost: sions: • A bill (S. 394) for the relief of Harriet Camp, widow of Adam A bill (S. 422) providing pensions to certai_n officers and men in Camp; and the Army and Navy of the United States when 50 years of age and A bill (S. 395) for the relief of Kate Riling, widow of John over, and increasing widows' pensions to $12 per month; _ Riling. A bill (S. 423) granting an increase of pension to Louisa Weaver; Mr. BURTON introduced a bill (S. 396) to pay certain bounties A bill (S. 424) granting a pension to George W. Lehman· to enlisted men afterwards promoted to be commissioned officers; A bill (S. 4.25) granting a pension to Sarah A. Sullivan; ' whlch was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee A bill (S. 426) granting a pension to Christina Wisener: on Military Affairs. A _bill (S. 427) granting an increase of pension to Nathan 0. He also introduced a bill (S. 397) to authorize the President of Shaw; the United States to appoint William F. de Niedman captain and A bill (S. 428) granting an increase of pension to John B. Pen­ quarterm.aster in the Army; which was read twice by its title, rose; and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. A bill (S. 429) granting an increase of pension to Albert E. He also introduced the following bills; which were severally Osborne; read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Post­ A bill (S. 430) granting a pension to Isabella O'Donnell; Offices and Post-Roads: A bill (S. 431) granting an increase of pension to Charles W. A bill (S. 398) for the relief of James A. Carroll; and May; . A bill (S. 399) for the relief of R. W. Branson.- ·· A bill (S. 432) granting an increase of pension to William Kirk- Mr. CULLOM introduced a bill (S. 400) to renew and ~xte~d patrick; .. . 182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NOVEMBER 11,

A bill (S. 433) granting an increase of pension to William L. A bill (S. 467) to promote the efficiency of the Life-Saving Jchnston; Service; A biU (S. 434) granting a pension to Oren M. Fletcher; A bill (S. 468) for the relief of the widow and children of the A bill (S. 435) granting a pension to Aurelia A. Everhart; late Joseph W. Etheridge and the widow of the late John M. A bill (S. 436) granting a pension to William H. Dunlap; Richardson; and . A bill (S. 437) granting an increase of pension to Mathew J. A bill (S. 469) to restore Henry D. Hall to the Revenue-Cutter Comer; , Service. A bill (S. 438) granting a pension to Lydia B. Coover; Mr. FRYE introduced a bill (S. 470) referring to the Court of A bill (S. 439) granting an increase of pension to James Ben­ Claims a certain claim for the use of hook attachments for fire­ nett; and arms; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Com­ A bill (S. 440) granting a pension to Mary Allum. mittee on Claims. · Mr. McENERY introduced thefollowingbills;which were sev­ He also introduced the following bills; which were severally erally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on on Claims: Pensions: A bill (S. 441) for the relief of Francois Muna Tauzin, Marie A bill (S. 471) granting an increase of pension to Silas Meserve Amalia Tauzin, and Constance Sheppard; (with an accompanying paper); A bill (S. 442) for tJle relief of the estate of AmyL. Mahoudeau, A bill (S. 472) granting an increase of pension to William M. deceased; and Hall; A bill (S. 443) for the relief of Josephine Roberts. A bill (S. 473) granting an increase of pension to Byron D. Bab­ Mr. McENERY introduced a bill (S. 444) to amend an act en­ cock (with an accompanying paper); titled'' An act to provide for the bringing of suits against the A bill (S. 474) granting an increase of pension to Daniel J. Government of the United States," approved]t:larch3, 1887; which Hogan; was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on the A bill (S. 475) granting an increa...e

was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, APPROPRIATIONS FOR MILEAGE. and ordered to be printed. The joint resoluti-on (H. J. Res. 14) making immediately aveil· Mr. MITCHELL submitted an amendment proposingtoappro­ able the appropriations for mileage of Senators and Members of priate $100,000 for the construction of a breakwater to protect the the HoUBe of Representatives, and for other purposes, was read harbor at Hilo, island of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, and pro­ twice by its title. posing to appropriate $250,000 for improving the entrance to the Mr. ALLISON. I ask unanimous consent that the joint reso­ harbor at Honolulu, Hawaii, intended to be proposed by him to lution may now be considered. • the river and harbor appropriation bill; which was referred to There· being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of tlle the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Whole, proceeded t-o consider the joint-resolution; which was read. He also submitted an amendment proposing to appropriate The joint resolution was reported to the Senate without amend­ 10,000 for the construction of a light-house upon the point of ment, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. Mokepuu, island of Oahu; $20,000 for the construction of a light­ EXECUTIVE SESSION. house at Kahului, ·island of Maui; $10,000 for the construction of a light-house on the coast of Puna, island of Hawaii; $10,000 for Mr. HALE. I move that the Senate proceed to the considera­ the construction of a light-house O:tl LeJeiwi Point, island of tion of executive business. Hawaii; $5,000 for the construction of a light-house at Kailua, The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the con­ island of Hawaii; $5,000 for the construction of appropriate lights sideration of executive business. After thirty minutes spent in at Barbei Point, island of Oahu; $5,000 fortheconstrnction of ap­ executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 1 o'clock and propriate lights at Keahole, North Kona~ and $5,000 each for the 45 minutes p.m.) tlw Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Thurs­ construction of two new lights in Honolulu Harbor, all in the Ter­ day, November 12, 1903, at 12 o'clock m. ritory of Hawaii, intended to be proposed by him to the river and harbor appropriation bill; which was referred to the Committee NOMINATIONS. on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, and ordered to be printed. Executive nominations receiver! by the Senate Nov21nber 11, 1903. STATEN ISLAND CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS. .ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE TRE.A.SURY. Mr~ DRYDEN submitted the following concurrent resolution; Charles H. Keepr of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of the which was referred to the Committee on Comm-erce: Treasury, to su-cceed Milton E. Ailes, resigned. 1\Ir. Keep is now Resolved b'IJ the Senate (the House of Representatives concurrlng), That the serving under a temporary commission issued during the recess Secretary of War cause an examination and survey to be made with a view of ascertaining the cost and feasibility of extending a 16-foot channel of suit­ of the Senate. able width from the present channel north of Corner Stake light in. an east­ ENVOYS EXTRAORDlNARY AND MINISTERS PL1DI1:POTEYTIARY, erly direction and north of Shooters Island to Kill van Kull, to straighten and increase the width of waterway at Shooters Island, and relieve the congestion , of Oregon, to be envoy extraordinary and minis­ of commerce at that point. Also 'a like examination and survey with a view ter plenipotentiary of the United States to the Argentine Repub­ of ascertaining the cost and feasibility of removing the reef at Bergen Point light and deepening to 16 feet and improving and straight-ening the channel lic, to which office he was appointed during the last recess of the between Kill van Kull and Elizabeth port, with a plan or plans for making such Senate, -vice William P. Lord, resigned. improvements, and estimates thereof. John B. Jackson, of New Jersey, lately envoy extraordinary STATUE OF COUNT DE ROCHAMBEAU. and minister plenipotentiary to Greece, Roumania, and Servia, Mr. WETl!IORE submitted thefollowingconcurrentresolntion; to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the which was referred to the Committee on Printing: United States to Greece, Ronmania, and Servia, and diplomatic Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representati,;es concurring), Tha.t there agent in Bulgaria, to which office he wa.s appointed during the be printed, and bound in the form such as is customary in the case of eulo­ last recess of the Senate. gies, 20,000 copies of the proceedings upon the unveiling of the statue of the Stanford Newel, of Minnesota, lately envoy extraordinary and Count de Rochambeau, of which 6 000 shall be for the use of the Senate, 1.2,000 for the use of the House of Representatives, 1.000 to be delivered to minister plenipotentiary to the Netherlands, to be envoy a_~·aor­ the Ambassador of the Republic of France for such distribution a.s he shall dinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to the think fit\ the remaining 1,000, of which 200 shall be bound in full morocco, to Netherlands and Luxemburg, to which office he was appointed be distrionted, under the direction of the chairman of the Joint Committee on the Library, to the guests invited from the Fl·eneh Republic and the during the last recess of the Senate, to fill an original vacancy. speakers who took part in said celebration. HamiltonKing,ofMichigan,latelyministerresidentandconsul­ REVOLUTION ON THE ISTIDIUS OF PAN.AMA. general to Siam, to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipo­ Mr. CULLOM submitted the following resolution; which was tentiary of the United States to Siam, to which office he was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations: appointed during the last recess of the Senate. SECRETARIES OF LEG.A TIONS. Resolved by the Senate1 That the President be requested to communicate to the Senate, if not in his judgment incompatible with the public interest, Spencer F. Eddy, of illinois, to be secretary of the embassy of all correspondence and other oflicial documents relating to the recent revo­ lution on the Isthmus of Panama. the United States at St. Petersburg, Rnssia1 to which office he was HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS AT EVERETT, W .ASH. appointed dm.ingthelastrecessoftheSenate, vice John W. Riddle, appointed agent and consul-general 3t Cairo, Egypt. Mr. FOSTER of Washington submitted the following concur­ James G. Bailey, af Kentucky, to be secretary of the legation rent resolution; which was considered by unanimous consent, and of the United States to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador, to agreed to: which office he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, Resolved by the Senate (the HoTLSe of Representatives concurring),lf'hat the vice Rufus A. Lane, resigned. Secretary of War be, and he hereby lS, authorized and directed to present a report showing the estimated cost of continuing the harbor improvements John W. Garrett1 of Maryland, lately secretary of the legation at Everett, Wash., to meet the demands of commerce. to the Netherlands, to be secretary of the legation of the United NAVIGATIO~ OF UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER. States to the Netherlands and Luxemburg, to which office he was Mr. FOSTER of Washington submitted the following concur­ appointed during the last recess of the Senate, to fill an original rent resolution; which was considered by unanimous consent, and vacancy. Peter Augustus Jay, of Rhode Lsland, to be secretary of the le­ agreed to: gation of the United States at Constantinople, Turkey, to which Resolved by the Senate (the HO'USe of Representatives concurring), That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to present a office he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate,. vice report showing the estimated cost of removing, without further delay\ ob­ Spencer F. Eddy, appointed secretary of the embassy at St. Peters.­ structions to and ])roviding aids to navigation of the upper Columbia River burg, Russia. between Wenatchee and Kettle Falls, Washington, for fiat-bottom, stern- . wheel river steamboats.. Stanton Sicklesr of New York, to be secretary of the legation of the United States at , Belgium, to which office he was SURVEY OF PENOBSCOT RIVER.- appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Robert Mason Mr. HALE submitted the following concnrrent resolution; Winthrop,. appointed secretary of the legation at Madrid, Spain. which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Philip M. Brown, of Massachusetts, to be secretary of the lega­ Resolved by the Senate (the HO'USe of Representatives concurring), That the tion of the United States to Guatemala and Honduras, which Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a to survey to be made of Penobscot River, Maine, from Crosby Narrows to the office he was appointed dnring the last recess of the Senate, vice Bangor Bridge, with a view to widening the ~hannel, and to submit a plan James G. Bailey, appointed secretary of the legation to Nica­ and estimate for such improvement. ragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador. REPORT AND HEARINGS ON BILL TO PROMOTE. COMMERCE. Robert Mason Winthrop, of Massachusetts, to be secretary of Mr. FRYE submitted the following resolution; which was con­ the legation of the United States at Madrid, Spain, to which office sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Stanton Resolved, That the1'e be printed for the use of the. Committee on Com­ Sickles, appointed secretary of the legation at Brussels, Belgium. merce 500 copies of Notes on Hearings on the bill (S. 5024) to promote the Henry P. Fletcher, of Pennsylvania, to be second secretary of commerce and increase the foreign trade of the United States, and to pro­ the legation of the United States at Peking, China, to which vide auxiliary cruisers, tr~orts, and seamen for Government use when office he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate vice =~Jn~lso 500 copies of nate Report No. 201, Fifty-seventh Congress, William E. Bainbridge, resigned. , 1.84 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NoVEMBER 11,- ,_ George L. Lorillard, of Rhode Island, to be second secretary of the last recess of the Senate, vice William P. Smyth, appointed the legation of the United States at Habana, , to which office consul at Tunstall, England. he was appointed dming the last recess of the Senate, vice Henry Edward Higgins, of Massachusetts, to be consul of the United P. Fletcher, appointed second secretary of the legation at Peking, States at Berne, Switzerland, to which office he was appointed China. during the last recess of the Senate, vice Adolph L. Frankenthal CONSULS-GElli"ER.AL. resigned. ' Herman R. Dietrich, of Mis§Ouri, to be consul-general of the Henry Abert Johnson, of the District of Columbia. to be con­ United States at Guayaquil, Ecuador, to which office he was ap­ sul of the United States at Valencia, Spain, to which office he pointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice William Shaw was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Richard Bowen, declined. M. Bartleman, appointed consul at Cadiz, Spain. John G. Foster, of Vermont, to be consul-general of the United Francis B. Keene, of Wisconsin, to be consul of the United States at Ottawa, Canada, to which office he was appointed during States at Florence, Italy, to which office he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Charles E. Turner, resigned. the last recess of the Senate, vice Edward C. Cramer, resigned. · William R. Holloway, of Indiana, to be consul-general of the James A. Le Roy, of Michigan, to be consul of the United United States at Halifax, Nova Scotia, to which office he was ap­ States at Durango, Mexico, to which office he was appointed dur­ pointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice John G. Foster, ing the last recess of the Senate, vice Charles H. Egbert, deceased. appointed consul-general at Ottawa, Canad.a. Urbain J. Ledoux, of Maine, to be consul of the United States Church Howe, of Nebraska, to be consul-general of the United at Prague, Austria, to which office he was appointed during the States at Antwerp, Belgium, to which office he was appointed dur­ last recess of the Senate, vice Ethelbert Watts, appointed consul­ ing the last recess of the Senate, vice George F. Lincoln, deceased. general at St. Petersburg, Russia. William A. Rublee, of Wisconsin, to be consul-general of the James Verner Long, of Pennsylvania, to be consul of the United United States at Vienna, Austria, to which office he was ap­ States at Patras, Greece, to which office he was appointed during pointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Carl Bailey the last recess of the Senate, vice Frank W. Jackson, resigned. Hurst, resigned. Clair A. Orr, of illinois, to be consul of the United States at Frank Steinhart, of Pennsylvania, to be consul-general of ·the Barranquilla, Colombia, to which office he was appointed during United States at Habana, Cuba, to which office he was appointed the last recess of the Senate, vice George W. Colvig, resigned. during the last recess of the Senate, vice William A Rublee, ap­ Christopher H. Payne, of West Virginia, to be consul of the pointed consul-general at Vienna, Austria. United States at St. Thomas, West Indies, to which office he was Ethelbert Watts, of Pennsylvania, to be consul-general of the appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Mahlon Van United States at St. Petersburg, Russia, to which office he was Horne, recalled. appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice William R. Julian Potter, of New York, to be consul of the United States at Holloway, appointed consul-general at Halifax, Nova Scotia. Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas to which office he was ap­ pointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Thomas J. AGENT AND CONSUL-GENERAL. McLain, deceased. John W. Riddle, of Minnesota, to be agent and consul-general William J. Pike, of Pennsylvania, to be consul of the United of the United States at Cairo, Egypt, to which office he was ap­ States at Zittau, Saxony, to which office he was appointed during pointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice John G. Long, tke la-st recess of the Senate, vice Hugo Muench, appointed consul deceased. at Plauen, Germany. CONSULS. Martin R. Sackett, of New York, to be consul of the United Thomas J. Cummins, of New York, to be consul of the United States at Prescott, Ontario, Canada, to which office he was ap­ States at Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, vice Luther T. Ellsworth, pointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice George B. Ander­ appointed consul at Cartagena, Colombia. son, appointed consul at Guadeloupe, West Indies. George B. Anderson, of the District of Columbia, to be consul William P. Smyth, of Missouri, to be consul of the United States of the United States at Guadeloupe, West Indies, to which office at Tunstall, England, to which office he was appointed during the he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Louis last recess of the Senate, vice William Harrison Bradley, appointed H. Ayme, appointed consul at Para, Brazil. consul at Manchester, England. Louis H. Ayme, ,of illinois, to be consul of the United States at Edward J. Sullivan, of New York, to be consul of the United Para, Brazil, to which office he was appointed during the last re­ StatesatErzerum, Turkey, to which office he was appointed during cess of the Senate, vice Kavanaugh K. Kenneday, resigned. the last recess of the Senate, vice Leo Bergholz, appointed consul Leo Bergholz, of New York, to be consul of the United States at Three Rivers, Quebec, Canada. at Three Rivers, Quebec, Canada, to which office he was appointed David 1!.,, Wilber, of New York, to be consul of the United States during the last recess of the Senate, vice Urbain J. Ledoux, ap­ at Barbados, West Indies, to which office he was appointed during pointed consul at Prague, Austria. the last recess of the Senate, vice Samuel A. Macallister, deceased. . Robert Woods Bliss, of New York, to be consul of the United William H. H. Webster,of New York, to be consul of the United States at Venice, Italy, to which office he was app,ojnted.during States at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, to which office he was the last recess of the Senate, vice Henry Abert Johnson, appointed appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice William Jarvis, consul at Valencia, Spain. resigned. The.odore J. Bluthardt, of Illinois, to be consul of the United Dean R. Wood, of New York, to be consul of the United States States at Barmen, Germany, to which office he was appointed dur­ at Ceiba, Honduras, to which office he was appointed during the ing the last recess of the Senate, vice Max Bouchsein, recalled. last recess of the Senate, vice Benjamin Johnston, deceased. William Harrison Bradley, of illinois, to be consul of the United States at Manchester, England, to which office he was appointed SECO~D SECRETARY. during the last recess of the Senate, vice William F. Grinnell, ffiysses Grant Smith, of Pennsylvania, to be second secretary resigned. of the legation of the United States at Constantinople, Turkey, to Harlan W. Brush; of New York, to be consul of the United which office he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, States at Milan, Italy, to which office he was appointe_d during vice Peter Augustus Jay, appointed secretary of the legation at the l2.~t recess of the Senate, vice William Jarvis, appointed con­ Constantinople. sul at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. THIRD SECRET.ARY. Charles N. Daniels, of Connecticut, to be consul of the United Lewis Einstein, of New.York, to be third secretary of the em­ States at Sheffield, England, to which office he was appointed dur­ bassy of the United States at Paris, France, to which office he ing the last recess of the Senate, vice Church Howe, appointed was appoint.€d during the last recess of the Senate, vice Peter consul-general at Antwerp, Belgium. Augustus Jay, appointed second secretary of the legation at Con­ Pierre Paul Demers, of New Hampshire, to be consul of the stantinople, Turkey. United States at Port Limon, Costa Rica, to which office he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice John B. Rich­ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS, ardson, appointed consul at Utilla, Honduras. Alford Warriner Cooley, of New York, to be a Civil Service Luther T. Ellsworth, of Ohio, to be consul of the United States Commissioner, to which office he was appointed during the last at Cartagena, Colombia, to which office he was appointed during recess of the Senate, vice William Dudley Foulke, resigned. tho last recess of the Senate, vice Clair A. Orr, appointed consul Henry F. Greene, of Minnesota, to be a Civil Service Commis­ at Barranquilla, Colombia. sioner, t-0 which office he was appointed during the last recess of Alfred L. M. Gottschalk, of New York, to be consul of the the Senate, vice James R. Garfield, resigned. United States at Callao, Peru, to which office he was appointe.d during the last recess of the Senate, vice Charles V. Herdliska, CHIEF EXAMINER OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, resigned. · Frank M. Kiggins, of Tennessee, to be chief examiner of the Walter C. Hamm, of Pennsylvania, to be consul of the.United Civil Service Commission to which office he was appointed dur­ States at Hull, England, to which office he was appointed during ing the last recess of the Senate, vice Abram R. Serven, resigned. 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 185

MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF CHARITIES. appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Fletcher Ladd, John Joy Edson, of the District of Columbia, to be a member resigned. of the board of charities of the District of Columbia for the term GOVERNOR OF II.A.WAII. of three years from July 1, 190S, to which office he was appointed George R. Carter, of Honolulu, Hawaii, who was appointed Oc­ during the last recess of the Senate. This is a reappointment. tober 31, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be governor of S. W. Woodward, of the District of Columbia, to be a member Hawaii, vice Sanford B. Dole, appointed to another office. of the board of charities of the District of Columbia for the term of three years from July 1, 1903, to which office he was appointed SURVEYOR-GENERAL. during the last recess of the Senate. This is a reappointment. FrankS. Ingalls, of Yuma, Ariz., who was appointed Septem­ ber 9, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be surveyor-general CffiCUIT JUDGE. of Arizona, vice Hugh H. Price, removed. William C. Hook, of Kansas, now serving as United States dis­ trict judge for the district of Kansas, to be United States circuit RECEIVERS OF PUBLIC MONEYS. judge for the eighth judicial circuit, vice Henry C. Caldwell, Alvah Eastman, of St. Cloud, Minn., who was appointed June resigned. 11, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be receiver of public DISTRICT JUDGE. moneys at St. Cloud, Minn., to fill an original vacancy. Egbert S. Oakley, of Buffalo, Minn., who was appointed June Joseph A. Gill, of Indian Territory, to be judge of the United ~· States court of the northern district of the Indian Territory. A 11, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be receiver of public reappointment, his term expiring December 17, 1903. moneys at Cass Lake, Minn., to fill an original vacancy. Thomas V. McAllister, of Vicksburg, Miss., who was appointed ASSISTANT ATTORNEY-GENERAL. September 3, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be receiver James C. McReynolds, of Tennessee, to be Assistant Attorney­ of public moneys at Jackson, Miss., vice Isaiah T. Montgomery, General, to which position he was appointed during the last recess resigned. of the Senate, vice James M. Beck, resigned. Charles U. Snider, of Lakeview, Oreg., who was appointed October 12, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be receiver CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF of public moneys at Lakeview, Oreg., vice Harry Bailey, term COLUMBIA. expired. Harry M. Clabaugh, of Maryland, to be chief justice of the William B. Hodge, jr., of Guthrie, Okla., who was appointed supreine court of the District.of Columbia, to which position he June 20, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be receiver of was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Edward public moneys at Guthrie, Okla., vice Frederick E. McKinley, F. Bingham, resigned. Mr. Clabaugh was appointed associate term expired. justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia March REGISTERS OF LAND OFFICES. 2, 1899. Myron D. Taylor, of St. Cloud, Minn., who was appointed June ASSOCIATE JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF 11, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be register of the land COLUMBIA. office at St. Cloud, Minn., to fill an original vacancy. _ Jeter C. Pritchard, of North Carolina, to be associate justice of John D. Jones, of Long Prairie, Minn., who was appointed June the supreme court of the District of Columbia, to which position 11,1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be register of the land he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Harry office at Cass Lake, Minn., to fill an original vacancy. M. Clabaugh, appointed chief justice of the supreme court of the Algernon S. Dresser, of Oregon City, Oreg., who was appointed District of Columbia. March 28, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be register of Dani~l Thew Wright, of Ohio, to be assoc-iate justice of the the land office at Oregon City, Oreg., vice Charles B. Moores, term supreme court of the District of Columbia, vice Alexander B. expired. Hagner, resigned. Edward W. Davis, of Union, Oreg., who was appointed August ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. 26, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be register of the land William H. Pope, of New Mexico, to be associate justice of the office at Lagrande, Oreg., vice Edward W. Bartlett, term expired. supreme court of the Territory of New Mexico, to which position John N. Watson, Paisley, Oreg., who was appointed October 12, be was appointed d'Q.ring the last recess of the Senate, vice Daniel 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be register of the land H. McMilla~, removed. office at Lakeview, Oreg., vice Eldon M. Brattain, term expired. Marshall H. Jewell. of Bismarck, N. Dak., to be register of the DISTRICT JUDGE, TERRITORY OF B.A. W A.II. land office at Bismarck, N.Dak., vice Alexander C. McGillivray, Sanford B. Dole, of Hawaii, to be United States district judge term expired. - · - - of the Territory of Hawaii, to which position he was appointed Frank·E. Vaughan, of Vancouver, Wash., who was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Morris M. Estee, de­ March 31, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be register of ceased. the land office at Vancouver, Wash., vice William R. Dunbar, ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF PORTO RICO. deceased. Willis Sweet, of Idaho, to be attorney-general of Porto Rico, to DffiECTOR OF THE CENSUS. which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice James S. ~arlan, resigned. S. N. Dexter North, of Boston, Mass., who was appointed June 8, 1903, during the recess of the Senate, to be Director of the Cen­ UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS. sus, in the Department of Commerce and Labor, vice William R. JohnP. Nields, of Delaware, to be attorney of the United States MeiTiam, resigned. for the district of Delaware, to which position he was appointed DEPUTY AUDITOR FOR TJIE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. during the last recess of the Senate, vice William Michael Byrne, resigned. Aloysius E. Bowling, of Maryland, to be Deputy Auditor for the Sherman T. McPherson, of Ohio, to be attorney of the United Treasury Department, in place of Edward McKitterick,deceased. States for the southern district of Ohio, to which position he was GENERAL APPRAISERS OF MERCHANDISE. appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice William E. Charles P. McClelland, of New York, to be general appraiser Bundy, deceased. . of merchandise, to succeed James A. Jewell, resigned. Mr. Mc­ John B. Vreeland, of New Jersey, to be attorney of the United Clelland is now serving under a temporary commission issued dur­ States for the district of New Jersey, to which position he was ing the recess of the Senate. appointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice David 0. Eugene G. Hay, of Minnesota, to be general appraiser of mer­ Watkins, resigned. chandise in place of George C. Tichenor, deceased. Mr. Hay is UNITED STATES MARSHALS. now serving under a temporary commission issued during the re­ Henry W. Mayo, of Maine, to be marshal of the United States cess of the Senate. for the district of Maine, to which position he was appointed .A..SSISTANT APPRAISERS OF MERCHANDISE, during the last recess of the Senate, vice Hutson B. Saunders, resigned. Harwood Huntington, of New York, to be assistant appraiser Horace W. Bailey, of Vermont, to be marshal of the United of merchandise in the district of New York, in the State of New States for the distTict of Vermont, to which position he was ap­ York, to succeed Joseph P. Skillman, resigned. MT. Huntington is now serving under a temporary commission issued during the pointed during the last recess of the Senate, vice Fred. A. Field, recess of the Senate. removed. · Robert A. Olivier, of Louisiana, to be assistant appraiser of ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE PHILIPPINE merchandise in the district of New Orleans, in the State of Loui­ ISLANDS. ' siana, to succeed James H. Ducote, resigned. Mr. Olivier is now E. Finley Johnson. of Michigan, to be an associate justice of ser.ving nnder a temporary commission issued during the recess the supreme court of the Philippine Islands, to which office he was of the Senate. 186 OONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATE. N OVEl\IBER 11'

.ASSISTANT TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES .A.T NEW ORLEANS, L.A.. APPOINTMENT IN THE REVE.."'ffi"E-CUTTER SERVICE • Clarence S. Hebert, of Louisiana, to be assistant treasurer of James A. Burns, of the District of Columbia, to be a second ae. the United States at New Orleans, La., to succeed Charles J. Bell, sistant engineer in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United whose term of office has expired by limitation. Mr. Hebert is States with the rank of third lieutenant, to succeed W. V. Sulli· now serving under a temporary commission issued during the van, resigned. Mr. 'Burns is now serving under a tempOl'ary recess of the Senate. commission issued during the recess of the Senate. OOINER. PROMOTIONS IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL William J. Brophy, of Louisiana, to be coiner of the mint of SERVICE. the United States at New Orleans, La.., to succeed Maher Cahen, Asst. Surg. Leslie L. Lumsden, of Virginia, to be a passed as· removed. Mr. Brophy is now serving under a temporary commis­ sistant surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service sion issued during the recess of the Senate. of the United States, to rank as such from March 14, 1903. Mr. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF CORPORATIONS. Lumsden is now serving under a temporary commission issued during the recese of the Senate. Herbert Knox Smith, of Hartford, Conn., who was appointed Asst. Surg. Lundsford D. Fricks, of Maryland, to be a passed August 8, 1903,during the recess of the Senate, to be deputy com· assistant surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Serv· missioner of corporations in the Department of Commerce and ice of the United States, to rank as such from August 2, 1903. Labor, to fill an original vacancy. Mr. ·Fricks is now serving under a temporary commission issued COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. during the recess of the Senate. John Russell, of Mississippi, to be collector of customs for the Asst. Surg. Victor G. Heiser, of Pennsylvania, to be a passed district of Natchez, in the State of Mississippi, to succeed Louis assistant surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Serv· J. Winston, resigned. Mr. Russell is now serving under a tem­ ice of the United States, to rank as such from August 3, 1903. porary commission issued during a recess of the Senate. Mr. Heiser is now serving under a temporary commission issued Albert L. Pierce, of Mississippi, to be collector of customs for during the recess of the Senate. the district of Vicksburg, in the State of Mississippi, to succeed Asst. Surg. Mark J. White, of New York, to be a passed assist­ Thomas V. McAllister, resigned. Mr. Pierce is now serving under ant surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-llo pital Service of a temporary commission issued during the recess of the Senate. the United States, to rank as such from August 4, 1903. Mr. David M. Little, of Massachusetts, to be collector of customs White is now serving under a temporary commission issued dur­ for the district of Salem and Beverly, in the State of Massachu­ ing the recess of the Senate. setts, to succeed John Daland, resigned. Asst. Surg. .Matthew K. Gwyn, of Maryland, to be a passed William D. Crum, of South Carolina, to be collector of customs assistant surgeon in the Public Health and ]..farine-Hospital Serv· for the district of Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, in ice of the United States, to rank as such from August 8, 1903. place of Robert M. Wallace, deceased. Mr. Crum is now serving Asst. Surg. William C. Hobdy, of Kentucky, to be a passed under a temporary commission issued during the recess of the assistant surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Serv­ Senate. ice of the United States, to rank as such from August 15, 1903. Mr. Hobdy is now serving under a temporary commission issued SURVEYOR OF CUSTOMS. during the recess of the Senate. Arthur N. Randall, of New York, to be surveyor of customs for the port of Port Jefferson, in the State of New York, to suc­ APPOINTMENTS IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL ceed John W. Madison, resigned. Mr. Randall is now serving SERVICE. under a temporary commission issued during the recees of the Francis A. Ashford, of the District of Columbia, to be an assist­ Senate. ant surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of PROliDTIONS IN THE REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. the United States. Mr. Ashford is now serving under a tempo· rary commission issued during the recess of the Senate. First Lieut. Howard M. Broadbent to be a captain in the George L. Collins, of Massachusetts, to be an assistant surgeon Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed Wash­ in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United ington C. Coulson, retired. Mr. Broadbent is now serving under States. ~r. Collins is now serving under a temporary commission a temporary commi~sion issued during the rece~s .of the Senate. issued during the recess of the Senate. · First Lieut.FranclS M. Dunwoody to be a captam m the Revenue­ Harvey G. Ebert, of Washington, to be an assistant surgeon in Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed MichaelA. Healey, the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United retired. Mr. Dunwoody is now serving under a temporary com­ States. Mr. Ebert is now serving under a temporary commission mission issued during the recess of the Senate. issued during the recess of the Senate. First Lieut. Howard Emery to be a captain in the Revenue. Herbert M. Manning, of the District of Columbia, to be an as· Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed James B. Moo~e, sistant surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service retired. Mr. Emery is now serving under a temporary -comnns- of the United States. Mr. Manning is now serving under a tern· sion issued during the recess of the Senate. . porary commission issued during the recess of the Senate. First Lieut. Daniel P. Foley to be a captain in the Revenue­ Norman Roberta, of Pennsylvania, to be an assistant surgeon Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed Russell Glov~r, in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United retired. Mr. Foley is now serving under a temporary commlS­ States. Mr. Roberts is now serving under a temporary commis· sion issned during the 1·ecess of the Senate. sion issued during the recess of the Senate. Second Lieut. John G. Berry to be a first lieutenant in the Thomas W. Salmon, of New York, to be an assistant surgeon in Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to sn.cceedHoward the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United Emery, promoted. Mr. Berry is now serving under a temporary States. Mr. Salmon is now serving under a temporary commis­ commission issued during the recess of the Senate. sion issued during the recess of the Senate. Second Lieut. Claude S. Cochran to be a first lieutenant in the Frederick C. Smith, of Minnesota, to be an assistant surgeon in Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed Frank the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United H. Dimock, removed. Mr. Cochran is now serving under a tem­ States. Mr. Smith is now serving under a temporary commis­ porary commission issued d-urJ:lg the recess of t~e Senate .. sion issued during the :r:ecess of the Senate. Second Lieut. Colin S. Craig to be a first lieutenant m the Edward Maples Steger, of Texas, to be an assistant surgeon in Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed Daniel the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United P. Foley, promoted. Mr. Craig isnowsei'vingunder a temporary States. Mr. Steger is nO"w serving under a temporary commission commission issued during the recess of the Senate. . . issued dming the recess of the Senate. Second Lieut. Samuel P. Edmonds to be a first lieutenant m William M. Wightman, of California, to be an assistant surgeon the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed in the Publi.c Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United Francis M. Dunwoody, promoted. Mr. Edmon:ds is now serving States. Mr. Wightman is now serving under a temporary com· under a temporary commission issued during the recess of the mission issued during the recess of the Senat.e. Senate. Third Lieut. John Boedeker to be a second lieutenant in the ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF W.A.R. Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed Claude Robert Shaw Oliver, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of S. Cochran, promoted. Mr. Boedeker is now serving under a War, to which office he was appointed during the last recess of temporary commission issued during the recess -of the Senate. · the Senate, vice William Carey Sanger, resigned. Lucien J. Ker, of the District of Oolumbia, 0 be a second. as- MEMBERS OF CALIFORNIA. DEBRIS CO!D:IISSION. sistant engineer in the Revenue-Cutter Serv1<:e of the Umted ; . . . . States, to succeed R. F. Halpin, resigned. Mr .. Ker is now serv· Capt. W1lham. W. Harts, Corps of Engmeers, pmt~d Stat~s ing under a temporary commission issued durmg .the recess of Army, for appomtment as a member of the Caliform.a Debns the Senate. Commission provided for by the act of Congress approved March 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.'

1, 1893, entitled "An act to create the California Debris Commis­ Col. J. Milton Thompson (since retired from active service), sion and regulate hydraulic mining in the State of California,'' Twenty-third Infantry, August 9, 1903, vice Coolidge, retired to which office he was appointed during the last recess of the from active service. Senate, vice Capt. Robert P. Johnston, Corps of Engineers, United Col. Calvin De Witt (since retired from active service), Assist­ States Army, relieved. ant Surgeon-General, August 9, 1903, vice Roberts, retired from Lieut. Col. Thomas H. Handbury, Corps of Engineers, United active service. · States AJ:my, for appointment as a member of the California De­ Col. Carle A. Woodruff (since retired from active service),Ar­ bris Commission provided for by the act of Congress approved tillery Corps, August 10, 1903, vice Thompson, retired from active March 1, 1893, entitled "An act to create the California Debris service. Commission and regulate hydraulic mining in the State of Cali­ Col. David H. Kinzie (since retired from active service), Artil­ iornia;" to which office he was appointed during the last recess of lery Corps, August 10, 1903, vice De Witt, retired from active the Senate, vice Col. David P. Heap, Corps of Engineers, United service. States Army, relieved. Col. John L. Tiernan (since retired from active service), Artii­ APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY. lery Corps, August 11,1903, vice Carle A. Woodruff, retired from active service. GENERAL OFFICERS. Col. James Miller (since retired from active service), Twenty­ To be Lieutenant-Gene-ral. secondJnfantry, August 11,1903, vice Kinzie, retired frum active Maj. Gen. Samuel B. M. Young, United States Army, August service. 8, 1903, vice Miles, retired from active service. Col. David J. Craigie (since retired from actiYe service), Sev­ To be major-generals. enteenth Infantry, August 12, 1903, vice Tieman, retired from active service. Brig. Gen. Samuel S. Sumner, United States Army, July 26, Col. Alpheus H. Bowman (since retired from active service), 1903, vice Davis, retired from active service. Twenty-fifth Infantry, August 12, 1903J vice Miller, retired from Brig. Gen. Leonard Wood, United States Army, August 8,1903, active service. vice Young, appointed Lieutenant-General. Col. Edmund Rice (since retired from active service), Nine­ · To be b?"igadier-generals. teenth Infantry, August 13, 1903, vice Craigie, retired from active Col. Jared A. Smith (since retired from active service), Corps service. of Engineers,April13, 1903, vice Wade, appointed major-general. Col. Charles G. Penney (since reth·ed from actiYe service), Col. Jacob B. Rawles (since retired from active service),Artil­ Twenty-ninth Infantry, August 13, 1903, vice Bowman, retired lery Corps, April14, 1903, vice Smith, retired from active service. from active service. Col. Stephen W. Groesbeck (since retired from active service), Col. Jesse C. Chance (since retired from active service), Fourth judge-advocate, April16, 1903, vice Woodson, retired from active Infantry, August 14, 1903, vice Rice, retired from active service. service. . Col. Theodore F. Forbes (since retired from active service), Col. John R. Myrick (since retired from active service), Artil­ Twenty-seventh Infantry, August 14, 1903, vice Penney, retired lery Corps, April 17, 1903, vice Groesbeck, retired from active from active service. service. Col. Daniel D. Wheeler (since retired from active service), Col. Louis H. Rucker (since retired from active service), Eighth Assistant Quartermaster-General, August 15, 1903, vice Chance, Cavalry, April18, 1903, vice Myrick, retired from active service. retired from active service. Col. Theodore A. Baldwin (since retired from active service), Col. Leon A. Matile (since retired from active sei'Vice), Twenty­ Seventh Cavalry, April 19, 1903, vice Rucker, retired from active fourth Infantry,August 15,1903, vice Forbes, retired from active service. · service. Col. William P. Rogers (since retired from active service), Col. Charles L. Cooper (since retired from active service), Fifth Thirtieth Infantry, April 20, 1903, vice Baldwin, retired from Cavalry, August 16, 1903, vice Wheeler, J;etired from active active service. service. Col. Peter C. Hains, Corps of Engineers, April 21, 1903, vice Col. John A. Kress (since retired from active service), OPd­ Rogers, retired from active service. nance Department, August 16, 1903, vice Matile, retired from Col. John H. Page (since retired from •active service) , Third In­ active service. fantry, July 26, 1903, vice Sumner, appointed major-general. Col. John Simpson (since retired from active service), Assistant Col. Charles A. Woodruff (since retired from active service), Quartermaster-General, August 17, 1903, vice Cooper, retired from assistant commissary-general, July 27, 1903, vice Page, retired active .service. from active service. Col. Camillo C. C. Carr, Fom·th Cavalry, August 17, 1903, vice Col. William L. Haskin (since retired from active service), Kress, retired from active service. Artillery Corps, July 28,1903, vice Charles A. Woodruff, retired Col. Thomas H. Barry, Assistant Adjutant-General, August 18, from active service. . 1903, vice Simpson, retired from active service. Col. Charles W. Miner (since retired from active service), Sixth PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. Infanb-y, July 29, 1903, vice Haskin, retired from active service. Col. James M. J. Sanno (since retired fi·om active service), ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Eighteenth Infantry, July 30,1903, vice Miner, retired from active To be assistant adjutants-gene1·al with 1·ank of colonel. service. . Lieut. Col. George Andrews, assistant adjutant-general, August Col. Charles F. Robe (since retired from active service), Ninth 7, 1903, vice Babcock, appointed brigadier-general. Infantry, July 31, 1903, vice Sanno, retired from active service. Lieut. Col. William A. Simpson, assistant adjutant-general, Col. James W. Reilly (since retired from active service), Ord­ August 18, l903, vice Barry, appointed brigadier-general. nance Department, August 1, 1903, vice Robe, retired from active · INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. service. Col. Edwin B. Atwood (since retired from active ·service), as­ To be inspectors-general 'With rank of colonel. sistant quarterma-ster-general, August 2, 1903, vice Reilly, retired Lieut. Col. Thomas T. Knox (since retired from active service), from active service. inspector-general, April11, 1903. vice Vroom, appointed inspector­ Col. Frank G. Smith (since retired from active service), Artil­ general with the rank of brigadier-general. lery Corps. August 3, 1903, vice Atwood, retired from active serv­ Lieut. Col. Stephen C. Mills, inspector-general, April 12, 1903, ice. vice Burton, appointed inspector-general with the rank of briga­ Col. George B. Rodney (since retired from active service) , Artil-· dier-general. lery Corps, August 4,1903, vice Smith, retired from active service. JUDGE-.A.DVOC.A.TE-GE..~L'B DEPARTMENT. Col. Almond B. Wells (since Tetired from active service), First Lieut. Col. Enoch H. Crowder, judge-advocate, to be judge--ad­ Cav'alry,August 5,1903, vice Rodney, retired from active seTvice. vocate with the rank of colonel, Apri116, 1903, vice Groesbeck, Col. Peter J. A. Cleary (since retired from active service), appointed brigadier-general. _ Assistant Surgeon-General, August 6, 1903, vice Wells, retired Maj. John A. Hull, judge-advocate, to be judge-advocate with from active service. the rank of lieutenant-colonel, April16, 1903, vice Crowder, pro­ Col. J~hn B. Babcock (since retired from active service) , Assist­ moted. ant Adjutant-General, August 7, 1903, vice Cleary, retired from QUARTERMASTER'S .DEPA.RTMENT. active service. Col. Charles A. Coolidge (since retired from active service), To be Assistant Quartermasters-General with rank of colonel. Seventh Infantry, August 8, 1903, vice Wood, appointed major- Lieut. Col. Forrest H. Hathaway, Deputy Quartermaster-Gen­ general. , eral, April 12, 1903, vice Humphrey, appointea Quartermaster­ Col. Cyrus S. Roberts (since retired from active service), Sec­ General. ond Infantry, August 8, 1903, vice Babeock, retired from active Lieut. Col. Joshua W. Jacobs, Deputy Quartermaster-General, service. - - . August 2, 1903, vice Atwood, appointed brigadier-general. 188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NOVEMBER 11,

Lieut. Col. John L. Clem,' Deputy Quartermaster-General, An­ Capt. William C. Langfitt, Corps of Engineers, April 21, 1903, gust 15, 1903, vice Wheeler, appoiRted brigadier-general. vice Sears, promoted. Lieut. Col. William S. Patten, Deputy Quartermaster-General, To be captains. August 17, 1903, vice Simpson, appointed b · gadier-general. First Lieut. William B. Ladue, Corps of Engineers, April 13, To be Deputy Quartermasters-General with rank of lieutenant­ 1903, vice Zinn, promoted. colonel. First Lieut. William J. Barden, Corps of Engineers, April 21, Maj. JohnMcE. Hyde, qnartermaster,April12, 1903, vice Hath- 1903, vice Langfitt, promoted. away, promoted. - To be ji1·st lieutenants. Maj. George Rnhlen, quartermaster, August 2, 1903, vice Second Lieut. Ernest D. Peck, Corps of Engineers, April 13, ·Jacobs, promoted. 1903, vice Ladu, promoted. - Maj. William H. Miller, quartermaster, August 15, 1903, vice Second Lieut. George R. Spalding, Corps of Engineers, April Clem, promoted. . 21, 1903, vice Barden, promoted. · Maj. Samuel R. Jones, quartermaster, August 17, 1903, vice Second Lieut. Elliott J. Dent, Corps of Engineers, June 4,1903, Patten, promoted. vice Rhett, resigned. To be quartermaste1·s with rank of major. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, Capt. John M. Carson, jr., quartermaster, April 12, 1903, vice To be colonels. Hyde, promoted. . Lieut. Col. John A. Kress (since retired from active service), Capt. Alfred M. Palmer, quartermaster, August 2, 1903, vice Ordnance Department, August 1, 1903, vice Reilly, appointed Rnhlen, promoted. brigadier-general. Capt. John Elston Baxter (heretofore borne on the Army Reg­ Lieut. Col. John G. Butler, Ordnance Department, August 16, ister as "John Baxter, jr. "),quartermaster, August 15, 1903, vice 1903, vice Kress, appointed brigadier-general. Miller,promoted. . Capt. Moses G. Zalinski, quartermaster, August 17, 1903, vice To be lieutenant-colonels. Jones, promoted. Maj. Charles S. Smith, Ordnance Department, April 5, 1903, SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, vice Varney, retired from a-ctive service. Maj. Stanhope E. Blunt, Ordnance Department, Atigust 1,1903, Lieut. Col. William L. Alexander, deputy commissary-general, vice Kress, promoted. · to be assistant commissary-general with the rank of colonel, J nly Maj. Frank Heath, Ordnance Department, August 16, 1903, vice 27, 1903: vice Woodruff, appointed brigadier-general. Butler, promoted. Maj. James N. Allison, commissary, to be deputy commissary­ general with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, Jnly 27, 1903, vice To be majors. Alexander, promoted. Capt. Lawrence L. Bruff, Ordnance Department, April5, 1903, · Capt. William H. Hart, commissary, to be commissary with the vice Smith, promoted. _ . . . rank of major, July 27, 1903, vice Allison, promoted. Capt. Charles H. ·clark, Ordnance Department, August 1,1903, vice Blunt, promoted. MEDICAL DEP.ARTMENT. Capt. Frank E. Hobbs, Ordnance Department, August 16, 1903, To be assistant su1·geons-general with the rank of colonel. vice Heath, promoted. Lieut. Col. Philip F. Harvey, deputy surgeon-general, August To be captains. ·6, 1903, vice Cleary, appointed brigadier-general. · First Lieut. John H. Rice, Ordnance Department, April5, 1903, - Lieut. Col. Charles B. Byrne, deputy surgeon-general, August vice Bruff, promoted. · · 9, 1903, vice De Witt, appointed brigadier-general. First Lieut. David M. King, Ordnance Department, August 1, · Lieut. Col. Timothy E. Wilcox, deputy surgeon-general, Sep­ 1903, vice Clark, promoted. · tember 22, 1903, vice Lippincott, retired from active service. First Lieut. Thales L. Ames, Ordna~ce Department, August 16, To be deputy surgeons-general with the rank of lieute~nt-colonel. 1903, vice Hobbs, promoted. Maj. George H. Torney, surgeon, August 6, 1903, vice Harvey, SIGNAL CORPS. promoted. . . •To be captains. Maj. Louis W. Crampton, surgeon, August 9,1903, VIce Byrne, First Lieut. Walter L. Clarke, Signal Corps, March 2,1903, vice promoted. . . Greene, promoted. . Maj. Edwin F. Gardner, surgeon, September 22,1903, VIce Wil- First Lieut. Basil 0. Lenoir, Signal Coq)s, March 2, 1903, vice cox, promoted. Reber, promoted. . · To be surgeons with the rank of major. First Lieut. William Mitchell, Signal Corps, March 2,1903, vice · Capt. William F. Lippitt, assistant surgeon, March 18, 1903, Squier, promoted.· · . First Lieut. Henry W. Stamford, Signal Corps, March 2, 1903, vice Gorgas, appointed assistant surgeon-general. to fill an original vacancy. Capt. Merritte W:· Ireland, as_sistant ~urgeon, August 3, 1903, vice TenEyck, retired from act1ve serviCe. First Lieut. Charles S. Wallace, Signal Corps, March 2,1903, to Capt. George M. Wells, assistant surgeon, August 6, 1903, vice fill an original vacancy. Torney, promoted. First Lieut. George S. Gibbs, Signal Corps, March 2, 1903, to Capt. Henry C. Fisher, assistant surgeon, August 9, 1903, vice fill an original vacancy. Crampton, promoted. First Lieut. Charles de F. Chandler, Signal Corps, March 2, Capt. Henry A. Shaw, assistant surgeon, September 22, 1903, 1903, to fill an original vacancy. vice Gardner, promoted. CA. V ALRY .ARM. PAY DEPARTMENT. To be colonels. Lieut. Col. John B. Kerr, United States Cavalry, assistant ad­ To be paymasters with the rank of major. jutant-general, March 30, 1903, vice Forbush, Twelfth Cavalry, Capt. Robert S. Smith, paymaster, February 19, 1903, vice retired fi·om active service. Tucker, promoted. Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Dorst, Twelfth Cavalry, April 15, 1908, Capt. Seymour Howell, paymaster, June 25, 1903, vice New­ vice Woodson, Third Cavalry, appointed brigadier-general. bold, r_etired from active service. Lieut. Col. GeorgeS. Anderson, Sixth Cavalry, April 18, 1903, CORPS OF ENGINEERS. vice Rucker, Eighth Cavalry, appointed brigadier-general. Lieut. Col. Earl D. Thomas, Thirteenth Cavalry, April19, 1903, To be colonels. vice Baldwin, Seventh Cavalry, appointed brigadier-general. Lieut. Col. David P. Heap, Corps of Engineers, April13, 1903, Lieut. Col. Martin B. Hughes, Tenth Cavalry, August 5, 1903, vice Smith, appointed brigadier-general. . . vice Wells, First Cavalry, appointed brigadier-general. Lieut. Col. William A. Jones, Corps of Engmeers, April21, 1903, Lieut. Col. Clarence A. Stedman, Fourth Cavalry, August 16, vice Hains, appointed brigadier-general. 1903, vice Cooper, Fifth Cavalry, appointed brigadier-general. To be lieutenant-colonels. Lieut. Col. Edgar Z. Steever, United States Cavalry, assistant Maj. Ernest H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers, April 13, 1903, adjutant-general, August 17, 1903, vice Carr, Fourth Cavalry, vice Heap, promoted. . . . appointed brigadier-general. Maj. Clinton B. Sears, Corps of Engmeers, April 21, 1903, VIce To be lieutenant-colonels. Jones, promoted. Maj. George F. Chase, ·Seventh Cavalry, April 15, 1903, vice To be majors. Dorst, Twelfth Cavalry, promoted. . Capt. George A. Zinn, Corps of Engineers, April 13, 1903, vice Maj. William H. Beck, Eighth Cavalry, April 15, 1903, vice Ruffner, promoted. Steever, Third Cavalry,' detailed as assistant adjutant-general. 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENAT~. 189

Maj. PeterS. Bomus, First Cavalry, April18, 1903, vice Ander­ Second Lieut. Ralph C. Caldwell, Eleventh Cavalry, April 18, son, Sixth Cavalry, promoted. 1903, vice Murphy, Seventh Cavalry, promoted. · Maj. James Parker, United States Cavalry, assistant adjutant­ Second Lieut. George M. Lee, Seventh Cavalry, April 22, 1903, general, April 19, 1903, vice Thomas, Thirteenth Cavalry, pro­ vice Arnold, Fourth Cavalry, promoted. : moted. Second Lieut. Eben Swift, jr., Fifth Cavalry, April 27, 1903, Maj. Joseph Garrard, Ninth Cavalry, April22, 1903, vice Sprole, vice Munro, Fourteenth Cavalry, promoted. First Cavalry, deceased. Second Lieut. Edgar N:. Coffey, Twelfth Cavalry, May 15,1903, Maj. Frank U. Robinson, Second Cavalry, May 25, 1903, vice vice Valentine, Second Cavalry, prom~ted. . West, Fifth Cavalry, detailed as inspector-general. Second Lieut. James S. Butler, Twelfth Cavalry, May 17,1903, Maj. Otto L. Hein, Third Cavalry, August 5, 1903, vice Hughes, vice Smither, First Cavalry, promoted. Tenth Cavalry, promoted. Second Lieut. Solomon L. Jeffers, Tw.elfth Cavalry, May 25, Maj. George H. Paddock, Fifth Cavalry, August 16, 1903, vice 1903, vice Harper, Seventh Cavalry, promoted. . Stedman, Fourth Cavalry, promoted. Second Lieut. HenryS. Terrell, Eighth Cavalry, July 16, 1903, Maj. Samuel W. Fountain, United States Cavalry, assistant vice Roberts, Tenth Cavalry, promoted. , adjutant-general, August 26, 1903, vice Parker, Thirteenth Cav­ Second Lieut. Albert E. Phillips, Eighth Cavalry, August 5, alry, detailed as assistant adjutant-general. 1903, vice Sirmyer, Tenth Cavalry, promoted. To be majors. Second Lieut. Granville R. Fortescue, Fourth Cavalry, August 16, 1903, vice McCoy, Tenth Cavalry, promoted. . Capt. Curtis. B. Hoppin, Second Cavalry, March 23, 1903, vice Second Lieut. John Alden Degen, Fourth Cavalry, September Craig, Fifteenth Cavalry, retired from active service. 17, 1903, vice Brees, Twelfth Cavalry, detailed in the Signal Corps. Capt. Loyd S. McCormick. United States Cavalry, commi~sary, Second Lieut. Arthur N. Pickel, Twelfth Cavalry, September April15, 1903, vice Chase, Seventh Cavalry, promoted . . 17, 1903, vice Johnston, Fifteenth Cavalry, detailed in the Signal Capt. Henry L. Ripley, Third Cavalry, April15, 1903, vice Beck, Corps. - Eighth Cavalry, promoted. Second Lieut. Brice P. Disque, Fifth Cavalry, September 17, Capt. Jacob G. Galbraith, First Cavalry, April18, 1903, vice 1903, vice Hemphill, Third Cavalry, detailed in the Signal Corps. Bomus, First Cavalry, promoted. Second Lieut. Alvin S. Perkins, Eleventh Cavah-y, September Capt. JamesB.Erwin,Fourth Cavalry,April22, 1903, vice Gar­ 17, 1903, vice Butler, First Cavalry, detailed in the Signal Corps, rard. Ninth Cavalry, promoted. Second Lieut Robert M. Barton, Ninth Cavalry, September 19. Capt. George H. Morgan, Third Cavalry, April 27, 1903, vice ·1903, vice Hall, Fifth Cavalry, promoted. Gale, Ninth Cavalry, detailed as inspector-general. Second Lieut. Walter J. Scott, Tenth Cavalry, September 28, Capt. Daniel H. Bo:ughton, Third Cavalry, May 25, 1903, vice ·1903, vice Day, Fourteenth Cavalry, promoted. Robinson, Second Cavah·y, promoted. Second Lieut. Richard W. Walker, Eighth Cavalry, October Capt. Horatio G. Sickel, Seventh Cavalry, July 16, 1903, vice 15, 1903, vice Foley, Fifth Cavalry, dismissed. Hare, Twelfth Cavalry, retired from active service. Capt. Andrew G. Hammond, Eighth Cavalry, August 5, 1903, ARTILLERY CORPS. vice Hein. Third Cavalry, promoted. To be colonels. Capt. Franklin 0. Johnson, Third Cavalry, August 16, 1903, vice Paddock, Fifth Cavalry, promoted. Lieut. Col. Abner H. Merrill, Artillery Corps, April 14, 1903, Capt. Herbert J. Slocum, United States Cavalry, quartermaster, vice Rawles, appointed brigadier-general. August 26, 1903, vice Swift, First Cavalry, detailed as assistant Lieut. Col. William Ennis, Artillery Corps, assistant adjutant­ adjutant-general. general, April17, 1903, vice Myrick, appointed brigadier-general. ca'Ptains. Lieut. Col. George S. Grimes, Artillery Corps, July 19, 1903, To be vice Vose. retired from active service. ' First Lieut. Robert B. Powers, Seventh Cavalry, March 23, Lieut. Col. John M. K. Davis, Artillery Corps, July 28, 1903, 1903, vice Hoppin, Second Cavalry; promoted. vice Haskin, appointed brigadier-general. · ... First Lieut. Francis H. Pope, Second Cavalry, April 4, 1903, Lieut. Col. Benjamin K. Roberts, Artillery Corps, August ~' vice Merillat, Fifteenth Cavalry, retired from active service. 1903, vice Smith, appointed brigadier-general. · First Lieut. Matthew E. Hanna, Second Cavalry, April15, 1903, Lieut. Col. James O'Hara· (since l'etired from active service), vice Riple-y, Third Cavalry, promoted. Artillery Corps, August 4,1903, vice Rodney, appointed brigadier- First Lieut. George E.~hell, Seventh Cavalry, April17, 1903, general. vice Hawkins, Thirteenth Cavalry,. detailed.as .commissal-y. Lieut. Col. Asher C. Taylor, Artillery Corps, August 10, 1903, First Lieut. Pierce A. Murphy, Seventh Cavalry,April.18, 1903, vice Woodruff, appointed brigadier-general. vice Galbraith, First Cavalry, promoted.. ~· . Lieut. Col. Hem·yW. Hubbell,ArtilleryCorps,August 10,1903, First Lieut. Frederick T. Arnold, Fourth Cavalry, April .22, vice Kinzie, appointed brigadier-general. 1903, vice Erwin, Fourth Cavalry, promoted. Lieut. Col. William F. Stewart, Artillery Corps, August 11, First Lieut. James N. Munro, Fourteenth Cavalry, April 27, 1903, vice Tiernon, appointed brigadier-general. 1903, vice Morgan, Third Cavalry, promoted. . Lieut. Col. Anthony W. Vogdes, Artillery Corps, November 1, First Lieut. WilliamS. Valentine, Second.Cavalry, May 15,1903, 1903, vice·O'Hara, retired from acti:e service. vice Overten, Fifteenth Cavah-y! deceased. . First Lieut. Hem·y C. Smither, First Cavalry, May 17, 1903, VIce To be lieutenant-colonels. Summerlin, Fifth Cavalry, resi~..1ed. Maj. Ephraim T. C. Richmond, Artillery Corps, April14, 1903, First Lieut. Roy B. Harper, Seventh Cavalry, May 25, 1903, vice Merrill, promoted. · vice Boughton, Third Cavalry, promoted. Maj. Ramsay D. Potts, Artillery Corps, inspector-general, July First Lieut. Thomas A. Roberts, Tenth Cavalry, July 16, 1903, 19, 1903, vice Grimes, promoted. vice Sickel, Seventh Cavalry, promoted. Maj. Elbridge R. Hills, Artille1-y Corps, July 28, 1903, vice First Lieut. Edgar A. Sirmyer, Tenth Cavalry, August 5, 1903, Davis, promoted. · vice Hammond, Eighth Cavalry, promoted. · Maj. Sydney W. Taylor, Artillery Corps, assistant adjutant- First Lieut. Frank R. McCoy, Tenth Cavalry, August 16,1903, general, July 31, 1903, vice Hills, detailed as assistant adjutant- vice Johnson, Third Cavalry, promoted. general. First Lieut. Chalmers G. Hall, Fifth Cavalry, September 19, Maj. Charles Humphreys, Artillery Corps, August 3,1903, vice 1903, vice Fenton, Thirteenth Cavalry, detailed as paymaster. Roberts, promoted. First Lieut. Clarence R. Day, Fourteenth Cavalry, September Maj. Luigi Lomia, Artillery Corps, August 4, 1903, vice O'Hara, 28, 1903, vice Fleming, Fifth Cavalry, detailed as quartermaster. promoted. To befirst lieutenants. , . . Maj. Alexander D. Schenck, Artillery Corps, August 10, 1903, ...,. vice Taylor, promoted. · Second Lieut. George F. Bailey, Eighth Cavalry, February 25, Maj. Sedgwick Pratt, Artillery Corps, August 10, 1903, vice 1903, vice Orton, Second Cavalry, promoted. Hubbell. promoted. Second Lieut. Robert Sterrett, Fourth Cavalry, March 1, 1903, Maj. john McClellan, Artillery Corps, August 11, 1903, vice vice Morrow, Ninth Cavalry, appointed jndge.-advocate. · Stewart, promoted. . Second Lieut. William B . .Renziehausen, Fifth Cavalry, March Maj. Harry R. Anderson, Artillery Corps, August 14,1903, vice 23, 1903, vice Powers, Seventh Cavalry, promoted. Taylor, detailed as assistant adjutant-general. .Second Lieut. Kyle Rucker, Fourteenth Cavalry, April4, 1903, Maj. Robert H. Patterson, Artillery Corps, November 1, 1903, VIce Pope, Second Cavalry, promoted. vice Vogdes promoted Second: Lieut. George Ga.rity, Second Cavalry, April 15, 1903, ' ~ To be majo1·s. vice Hanna, Second Cavalry, promo~d. . . . . Second ~ Lieut. - Emory S. West, Sixth Cavalry, April17, 1903;-. ·- .Capt •. Henzy H. Ludlow, Artillery Corps, April 14, 1Q03, VlCe vice Mitchell, Seventh Cavah·y, promoted. Richmond, promoted. 190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.- NOVEMBER 11'

Capt. William R. Hamilton, Artillery Corps 1 April14, 1903~ vice Second Lieut. Claudius M. Seaman, Artillery Corps, August 14, Best, deceased. 1903, vice Carpenter, promoted. Capt. Charles W. Foster, Artillery Corps, July 28,. 1003~ vice Second Lieut. Hugh J. B. McElgin, Artillery Corps, August 27, Hills, promoted. 1903, vice Merriam, promoted. Capt. Clarence D~ Artillery Corps, July 31, 1903, vice Second Lieut. Arthur L. Fuller, Artillery Corps, August 27, Hoslrins, detailed as inspector-generaL 1903, vice Spaulding, promoted. Capt. John V. White, Artillery Corps, Augn.st 3, 1903, vice Second Lieut. Francis H. Lomax, Artillery Corps, September . Humphreys, promotect 20, 1903, vice Green, deceased.

Capt. Erasmus M. Weaver1 Artillecy Corps, August 4,1903, vice Second Lieut. . William H. Burt, Artillery Corps, November 1, Lamia, promoted. 1903, vice Lanza, promoted. Capt. Eli D. Hoyle, Artillery Corps, August 10, 1903, vice INFANTRY ARM, Schenck, promoted. Capt. Granger Adams, Artillery Corps, August 10, 1903, vice To be colonels. Pratt, promoted. Lieut. Coi. John J. O'Connell, Third Infantry, April 20, 1903, Capt. Frederick Marsh, Artillery Corps, August 11, 1903, vice vice Rogers, Thirtieth Infantry, appointed brigadier-general. McClellan, promoted. Lieut. Col. Samuel R. Whitall, Twenty-seventh Infantry~ July Capt. Charles G. Woodward, Artillery Col'ps, August 14, 1903, 26, 1903, vice Page, Third Infantry, appointed brigadier-general. vice Anderson, promoted. Lieut. Col. · James Regan, Ninth Infantry, July 29, 1903, vice Capt. Edward E. Gayle, Artillery Corpsr August 14, 1903, vice Miner, Sixth Infantry, appointed brigadier-general. White, dectailed as assistant adjutant-general. Lieut. Col. John B. Rodman (since retired from active serv­ Capt. Hamilton Rowan, Artillery Corps, November 1,1903, vice ice), Tenth Infantry, July 30, 1903, vice Sanno, Eighteenth In­ Patterson, pro-moted. fantry, appointed brigadier-general. "To be captains. Lieut. Col. Harry L. Haskell, Twelfth Infantry, July 31, 1903, vice Robe, Ninth Infantry, appointed brigadier-general. First Lieut. Percy P. Bishop, Artillery Corps.,.. April14, 1903, Lieut. Col. Daniel Cornman, Twenty-fourth Infantry, August vice Ludlow t promoted. 8, 1903, vice Coolidge, Seventh Infantry, appointed brigadier­ First Lieut. Henry J. Hatch, Artillery (l,orps, April 14, 1903, general. vire Hamilton, promoted. Lieut. Col Charles B. Hall, Thirtieth Infantry, August 8, 1903, First Lieut. Elmer J. Wallace1 Artillery Corps, May 2, 1903, vice Roberts, Second Infantry, appointed brigadier-general. vice Nugent, detailed as quartermaster. Lieut. Col. Joseph W. Duncan, Thirteenth Infantry, August 9, First Lieut. William F. Rase, Artillery Corps, July 28, 1903, 1903, vice Thompson, Twenty-third Infantry, appointed b1igadier· vice Foster, promoted. general. First Lieut. William R. Doores, Artillery Corps, July 31, 1903, Lieut. Col. Henry Wygant, Sixth Infantry, August 11, 1903, vice Bridgman, retired from active service. vice Miller, Twenty-second Infantry, appointed brigadier-general. First Lieut. Alfred A. Starbird, Artillery Corps, July 31, 1903, Lieut. Col. Francis W. Mansfield, First Infantry, August 12, vice Deems, promoted. 1903, vice Craigie, Seventeenth Infantry, appointed brigadier­ First Lieut. James F. Howell, Artillery Corps, August 3, 1903, general. vice White, promoted. Lieut. Col. P. Henry Ray, Eighth Infantry, Augu~t 12, 1903, First Lieut. John C. Goodfellow, Artillery Corps, August 4, vice Bowman, Twenty-fifth Infantry ,appointed brigadier-gener~l. 1903, vice Weaver, promoted. Lieut. Col. Benjamin C. Lockwood, Twenty-ninth Infantry, First Lieut. John T. Geary, Artillery Corps, August 10, 1903, August 13, 1903, vice Rice, Nineteenth Infantry, appointed briga- vice Hoyle, promoted. . dier-general. · First Lieut. Guy T. Scott, Artillery Corps, August 10, 1903, VlCe Lieut. Col. Philip ·Reade, Twenty-third Infantry, August-13, Adams, p:omoted. . . , 1903, vice Penney, Twenty-ninth Infantry, appointed brigadier· First Lieu.tA Monell M. Mills, August 11,1903, VlCe Marsh, pro- general. moted. · Lieut. Col. John T. VanOrsdale, Seventeenth Infantry, August FU·st Lieut. Charles R. Lloyd, jr., Artillery Corps, August 14, 14, 1903, vice Chance, Fourth Infantry, appointed brigadier· 1903, vice Woodward, promoted.. general. First Lieut. Edward Carpenter, Artillery Corps, August 14, Lieut. Col. James A. Buchanan, Eleventh Infantry, August 14, 1903, vice Gayle, promoted. 1903, vice Forbes., Twenty-seventh Infantry, appointed brigadier­ First Lieut. Henry M. Merriam, Artillery Corps, August 27, general. 1903, vice Chase, detailed as paymaster. Lieut. Col. Joseph F. Huston, Nineteenth Infantry, August 15, First Lieut. Oliver L. Spaulding, jr., Artillery Corps, August 1903, vice Matile, Twenty-fourth Infantry, appointed brigadier­ 27 1903, vice Bottoms, detailed as commissary. general. First Lieut. Hanson B. Black, Artillery Corps, Ordnance De­ Lieut. Col. William H. W. James, Twenty-fifth Infantry, partment, August 27 " 1903, vice Cole, ~etailed as quartermaster. October 31, 1903, vice Rodman, Twenty-fifth Infantry. retired First Lieut. Conrad H. Lanza, Artillery Corps, November 1, from active service. 1903, vice Rowan, promoted. To be lieutenant-colonels. To be {i1·st lieutenants. Maj. Leven C. Allen, Sixteenth Infantry, March 15, 1903, vice Second Lieut. Allan Lefort, Artillery Corps, April14, 1903, vice Baldwin, Sixteenth Infantry decease~ Bishop, promoted. . . Maj. James E. Macklin, Eleventh Infantl-y, April20, 1903, vice Second Lieut. Joseph Matson, Artillery Corps, April 14., 1903 O'Connell, Third Infantry, promoted. vice Hatch, promoted. Maj. William L. Pitcher, Eighth Infantry, May 25, 1903, vice Second Lieut. Jesse G. La,ngdon, Artillery Corps, May 2, 1903, Williams, Twenty-eighth Infantry, detailed as inspector-general. ~ce Wallace, promoted. Maj. Herbert S. Foster, Twelfth Infantry, Jnly 26, 1903, vice Second Lieut. Francis H. Lincoln, Artillery Corps, June 2,1903, Whitall, Twenty-seventh Infantry, promoted. vice McCoach, resigned. Maj. John C. Dent, Twenty-fourth Infantry, July 29,1903, vice Second Lieut. Daniel F. Craig, Artillery Corps, July 28, 1903, Regan, Ninth Infantry, promot.ed. vice Hase, promoted. . . Maj. George K. McGunnegle, Twenty-sixth Infantry, July 30, Second Li.eut. Robert B. Mitchell, Artillery Corps, July 31, 1903, vice Rodman, Tenth Infantry, promoted. 1903, vice Starbird, promotOO. Maj. Edgar B. Robertson, N'mth Infantry, July 31, 1903, vice Second Lieut. William H. Wilson, Artillery Corps, August 3, Haskell, Twelfth Infantry, promoted. 1903, vice Howell, promoted. Maj. Charles A. Booth, Seventeenth Infantry August 8, 1903, Second Lieut. Edward D. Powers, Artillery Corps, August 4, vice Cornman, Twenty-fourth Infantry, promoted. 1903, vice Goodfellow, promoted. Maj. Henry A. Greene, United States Infantry, assistant adju­ Second Lieut. Nathan J. Shelton, Artillery Corps, August 7, tant-general, August 8, 1903, vice Hall, Thirtieth Infantry, pro· 1903, vice Gignoux, resigned. . moted. Second Lieut. Charles E. N. Howard, Artillery Corps, August :Maj. Edwin B. Bolton, Twenty-fourth Infantry, August 9, 10, 1903, vice Geary, promoted . 1903, vice Duncan, Thirteenth Infantry, promoted. . Second Lieut. Edwin C. Long, Artillery Corps, August 10, 1903, Maj. James S. Pettit, United States Infantry, inspector-general, vice Scott, promoted. August 11, 1903, vice Wygant, Sixth Infantry, promoted. Second Lieut. Augustus B. Warfield, Artillery Corps, August Maj. Charles L. Hodges, Twenty-third Infantry, August 12, 11, 1903, vice Mills, promoted. 1903, vice Mansfield, First Infantry, promoted. Second Lieut. ;Howfl,rd L. Landers, Artillery Corps, August 14, Maj. Robert H. R. Loughborough, Sixth Infantry, August 12, 1903, vice Lloyd, promoted. 1903, vice Ray, Eighth Infantry, promoted. CONGRESSIONAL EEcORD-:SENATE~ 191. ~- - Maj. John G. Ballance, United States Infan£ry, assistant adju­ First Lieut. John B. Sc-hoeffel, Ninth lnfantry,.May 25, 19ro, tant-general, August 13, 1903, vice Luckwood, Twenty-ninth In- -vice Fremont, Second 'Infantry, promoted. fantry, promoted. · First Lieut. Walter T. Bates_, Twenty-sixth Infantry, June 2 Maj. Frank Taylor, Fifteenth Infantry, August 13, 1903, vice 1903, vice Shuttleworth, Twenty-seventh Infantry, detailed ~ Reade, Twenty-third Infantry, promoted. quartermaster. Maj. RichardT. Yeatman, Twenty-second Infantry, August 14, First Lieut. Englebert G. Ovenshine, Sixteenth Infantry, Jun~ 1903, vice Van Orsdale, Seventeenth Infantry, :promoted, 23, 1903, 'Vice Truitt, Twenty-eighth Infantry, J>romoted. Maj. Thomas F. Davis, Twenty-eighth Infantry, August 14, First Lieut. Percy M. Cochran, Nineteenth Infantry, July 26 1903, vice Buchanan, Eleventh Infantcy, promoted. 1903, vice Bell, Fifteenth Infantry, promoted. ' Maj. Daniel H. Brush, Twenty-fifth Infantry,August 15, 1903, First Lieut. George N. Bomford, Sixth .Infantry, July 29 1903 vice Huston, Nineteenth Infantry, promoted. vice Clarke, Tenth Infantry, promoted. ' ' Maj. Charles J. Crane, United States Infantry, assistant adju­ First Lieut. .Benjamin P. Nicklin, Ninth Infantry,July 29,1903 tant-general, August 21, 1903, vice _Fettit, detailed assistant ad­ vice Hodges, Twenty-second Infantry, detailed as quartermaster: jutant-general. First Lieut. John W. French, Twenty-fifth Infantry, July 30 Maj. Hobart K. Bailey, United States Infantry, inspector­ 1903, vice Cowles, Twenty-fourth Infantry, promoted. ' general, October 31, 1903, vice James, Twenty-fifthlnfantry,pro­ First Lieut. Cromwell Stacey, Thirtieth Infantry, July 31,1903 moted. vice Parke, Twenty-first Infantry, prometed. ' To be ma}ors. First Lieut. William A. Cavenaugh, 'Eighth Infantry, Angust Capt. John Newton, Sixteenth Infantry, March 15, 1903, vice 7, 1903, vice Hart, Seventeenth Infantry, detailed as quarter­ Al\~n, Sixteenth Infantry, promoted. master. Capt. Samuel W. Dunning, Sixteenth Infantry, March 19,1903, First Lieut. George M. Grimes, Twentieth Infantry_, Augtmt 8 vice Lovering, Twenty-ninth Infantry, detailed as inspector-gen­ 1903, vice McCoy, Seventeenth Infantry, promoted. ' eral. Fir-st Lieut. Thomas R. Harker, Fifteenth Infantry, August 9 Capt. Joseph M. T. Partello, Twenty-third Infantry, April 17, 1903, vice Chandler, First Infantry, promoted. ' 1903, vice Febiger, Seventh Infantry, detailed as inspector-general. First Lieut. John F. Willrinson,· Sixth Infantry, August 12 Capt. Lewis H. Strother, Twenty-sixth Infantry, April20, 1903, 1903, vice Noyes, Ninth Infantry, promoted. ' vice Macklin, Eleventh InfantryJ Jll'Omoted. First Lieut. Frank D. Wickham, Twelfth Infantry, August 12, Capt. Francis P. Fremont, Second Infantry, May 25, 1903, vice 1903, vice Abbot, Twelfth Infantry, -promoted. Pitcher, Eighth Infantry, promoted. First Lieut. William B. Folwell, First Infantry, August 13 Capt. Charles M. Truitt, Twenty,-eighth Infantry., June 23, 1903, 1903, vice Blatchford, :mleventh Infantry, promoted. ' vice Edwards, Twenty-third Infantry, retired from active service. First Lieut. Bryan Conrad, Fifteenth Infantry, August 14,1903 Capt. George Bell, jr., Fifteenth Infantry, July 26, 1903, vice vice Beacom, Sixth Infantry, promoted. ' Foster, Twelfth Infantry, promoted. First Lieut. William K. Naylor, Ninth Infantry, August 14 Capt. Charles J. T. Clarke, T.enth Infantry, July 29, 1903, vice 1903, vice May, Fifteenth Infantry, promoted. ' Dent, Twenty-fourth Infantry, promoted. First Lieut. William H. Oury, Twelfth Infantry, August 14 Capt. Warren H. Cow1es, Twenty-fourth Infantry, July 30,1903, 1903, vice Hovey, Twenty-fourth Infantry, 'IJ1'0moted. ' vice McGunnegle, Twenty-sixth Infantry. promoted. First Lieut. Austin F. Prescott, Seventh Infantry, August 15 Capt. John S. Parke, jr., Twenty-first Infantry, July 31, 1903, 1903, -vioeEearn, Twenty-first Infantry, promoted. ' vice Robertson, Ninth Infantry, :promoted. First Lieut. Edgar A. Fry, Thirteenthlnfantry,Augnst15 1903 Capt. Frank B. McCoy, Seventeenth Infantry, .August 8, 1903, vice Brown, Fourlh Infantry, deceased. ' ' vice Booth, Seventeenth Infantry, promoted. First Lieut. Harry A. Eaton, Eighth Infantry,A.ugnst 22. 1903 Capt. Elias Chandler, First Infantry, August 9,1903, vice Bol­ vice Weigel, Eleventh Infantry, detailed as quarlenn.aster.' ' ton, Twenty-fourth Infantry, promoted. First Lieut. Campbell K'mg, First Infantry, August 26, 1903 Capt. Charles R. Noyes, Ninth Infantry, August 12,1903, vice vice Wright, Seventh Infantry, promoted. ' Hodges, Twenty-third Infantry, promoted. First Lieut. Tenney Ross, Third Infantry, August 26, 1903 vice Capt. Charles W. Abbott, jr., Twelfth Infantry, August 12, Hardin, Eighteenth Infantry, promoted. ' 1903, vice Loughborough, Sixth Infantry, promoted. First Lieut. George C. Martin, Second Infantry, August 26 Capt. Richard M. Blatchford, Eleventh Infantry, August 13, 1903, vice Pendleton, Twenty-third Infantry, J>romoted. ' 1903, vice Taylor, Fifteenth Infantry, promoted. First Lieut. Robert 0. VanHorn, Twelfth Infantry August27 Capt. John H. Beacom, Sixth Infantry, August 14,1903, vice 1903, vice{Jreary, Twelfth Infantry, detailed as payn;.aster. ' Yeatman, Twenty-second Infa~try, promoted. First Lieut. Ezeldel J. Wniiams, Fifth Infantry., September 3 Capt. Willis T. May (heretofore borne as "Will T. May"), 1903, vice Leonhaeuser, 'Twenty-fifth Infantry, promoted. ' Fifteenth Infantry, August 14, 1903, vice Davis, Twenty-eighth Firs~ Lieut. Moor:~· Falla, Twelfth Jnfantry, Sep.tember 14, Infantry, promoted. 1903, VICe Perry, Thirtieth Infantry, retired from active service. Capt. Henry W. Hovey, Twenty-fourth Infantry, August 14, First Lieut. Joseph W. Glidden, Nineteenth Infantry, Septem­ 1903, vice Nichols, Twenty-first Infantry, detailed as inspector­ ber 23, 1903, vice Lowe, Twenty-fifth Infantry, retired from ac­ general. tive service. Capt. Lawrence J. Hearn, Twenty-first Infantry, Au~ 15, First Lieut, .John R. R. Hannay, Twenty-£econd Infantry, Sep­ 1903, vice Brush, Twenty-fifth Infantry, promoted. tember 28, 1903, vice Wren, Seventeenth Infantry, detailed a'" Capt. Walter K. Wright, Seventh Infantry, August 26, 1903, quartermaster. vice Evans, Twentieth Infantry, detailed as assistant adjutant­ To be first lieutenants. general. B. Second Lieut. Franklin S. Leisenring, Eleventh Infantry, Feb< Capt. Charles Hardin, Eighteenth Infantry, August26, 1903, rnary 4, 1903, vice Ridenour, Sixteenth .Infantry, promoted. vice Starr, Twenty-fifth Infantry, detailed as .assistant adjutant­ Second Lieut. Charles K Andrews, Seventh Infantry, Febrnar7 general. 10, 1903, vice Humphrey, Seventeenth Infantry, J>romoted. Capt. Edwin P. Pendleton, Twenty-third Infantry, August 26, Second Lient. .Allan L. Briggs, Seventh Infantry, February 18 1903, vice Dunning, Twenty-ninth Infantry, detailed as assistant 1903, vice Enochs, Twenty-fifth Infantry, promoted. ' adjutant-general. Second Lieut. Solomon B. West, Twenty-second·Infantry, Feb­ Capt. Harry A. Leonhaeuser, Twenty-fifth Infantry, September ruary 28, 1903, vice Comer, Twenty-:fifth Infantry, resigned. 3, 1903, vice Liggett, Twenty-first Infantry, detailed as assistant Second Lieut. William M. True, Sixteenth J:nfantry, March 4 ' adjutant-general. 1903, vice Maxey, Eighteenth Infantry,J>romoted. ' To be captains. Second Lieut. James M. Petty, Twentieth Infantry, March 15, First Lieut. G. Maury Cralle, Twentieth Infantry, Maxch 15, 1903, vice Cralle, Twentieth Infantry, promoted. 1903, vice Newton, Sixteenth Infantry, pnmoted. Second Lieut. Martin Novak, N'meteenth Infantry, .March 19, First Lieut. Joseph F. Gohn, Fourteenth Infantry, March 19, 1903, vice Gohn, Fourteenth Infantry, promoted. . 1903, vice Dunning, Sixteenth Infantry, promoted. Second Lieut. John B. Shuman, Twenty-eighth Infantry, April First Lieut. James H. Bradford, jr., Nineteenth Infantry, April 10,1903, vice Densmore, Tenth Infantry, dismissed. 17, 1903, vice Partello, Twenty-third Infantry, promoted. Second Lieut. Charles G. Lawrence, Fifteenth Infantry, April First Lieut. David L. Stone, Twenty-second Infantry, April20, 11,1903, vice Campbell, Twenty-first Infantry, dismissed. 1903, vice Strother, Twenty-sixth Infantry, promoted. Second Lieut. Frederic G. Kelland, N'meteenth Infantry, April First Lieut. Alfred W. Bjornstad, Twenty-ninth Infantry, May 17, 1903, vice Bradford, Nineteenth Infantry, promoted. 1, 1903, vice McKenna, Twenty-eighth Infantry, resigned. Second Lieut. William P. Kitts, Twenty-first Infantry, April First Lieut. Patrick 4. Connolly, Twenty-first Infantry, ..May 20,1903, vice Stone, Twenty-second Infantry, promoted. 25, 1903,•vice Dowdy, Twenty-sixth Infantry, retired from active Second Lieut. Eugene P. Crowne, Fourt-h Infantry, May 1,1903, service. vice Bjornstad, Twenty-ninth Infantry, promoted. :192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NOVEMBER 11, ------~------I Second Lieut. Henry M. Fales; Twenty-first Infantry,. May 7, TO BE SECOND LIEUTENANTS, '1903, vice Faulkner, Eighth Infantry, resigned. . Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. William C. Fitzpatrick, Seventh .Infantry, May 25, 1903, vice Connolly, Twenty-first Infantry, promoted. 1. Cadet Douglas MacArthur. Second Lieut. Herbert L. Evans, Ninth Infantry, May25, 1903, 2. Cadet Charles T. Leeds. vice Schoeffel, Ninth Infantry, promoted. 3. Cadet Harold C. Fiske. Second Lieut. Walter Harvey, Sixteenth Infantry, June 2,1903, 4. Cadet Max C. Tyler. vice Bates, Twenty-sixth Infantry, promoted. 6. Cadet illysses S. Grant, 3d. Second Lieut. Frank B. Davis, Fifth Infantry, June 23, 1903, 7. Cadet Julian L. Schley. vice Ovenshine, Sixteenth Infantry, promoted. 9. Cadet William H. Rose. Second Lieut. Harry D. Mitchell, Sixteenth Infantry, July 23, 10. Cadet Ferdinand Williams. 1903, vice Dunn, Eleventh Infantry, deceased. 12. Cadet Richard C. Moore. Second Lieut. Ode C. Nichols, Fourth Infantry, July 25, 1903, 14. Cadet Lewis M. Adams. vice Bushfield, Seventeenth Infantry, dismissed. Cavalry Arm. . Second.Lieut. Kirwin T. Smith, Sixth Infantry, July 26, 1903, 5. Cadet Charles Telford. vice Cochran, Nineteenth Infantry, promoted. 8. Cadet Levi G. Brown. Second Lieut. William W. Bessell, Twenty-sixth Infantry, July 16. Cadet William M. Nichols. 29, 1903, vice Bomford, Sixth Infantry, promoted. 18. Cadet Olan C. Aleshire. Second Lieut. Frank C. Burnett, Tenth Infantry, July 29,1903, 19. Cadet Emil P. Laurson. vice Nicklin, :Kinth Infantry, promoted. 20. Cadet Frederick E. Shnyder. Second Lieut. Collin H. Ball, Twenty-third Infantry, July 30, 30. Cadet Thomas F. VanNatta, jr. 1903, vice French, Twenty-fifth Infantry, promoted. 34. Cadet James A. Mars. Second Lieut. A. Owen Seaman, Eleventh Infantry, July 31, 35. Cadet George L. Morrison. 1903, vice Stacey, Thirtieth Infantry, promoted. 36. Cadet Orville N. Tyler. Second Lieut. Clifford U. Leonori, Twenty-first Infantry, Au­ 37. Cadet James A. Shannon. gust 5, 1903, vice Valentine, Fourth Infantry, resigned. 38. Cadet Allan M. Pope. Second Lieut. Benjamin H. Pope, Eighth Infantry, August 7, 40. Cadet Reynolds J. Powers. 1903, vice Cavenaugh, Eighth Infantry, promoted. 43. Cadet John C. Montgomery. Second Lieut. Julian L. Dodge, Twenty-fifth Infantry, August 44. Cadet James S. Jones. 8, 1903, vice Grimes, Twentieth Infantry, promoted. 47. Cadet Edward M. Zell. Second Lieut. Herman Glade, Fourth Infantry, August 9,1903, 51. Cadet Dorsey R. Rodney. vice Harker, Fifteenth Infantry, promoted. . 52. Cadet Alexander M. Milton. Second Lieut. Frank S. Bowen, Sixth Infantry, August 12, 1903, 53. Cadet HughS. Johnson. vice Wilkinson, Sixth Infantry, promoted. · 61. Cadet Carl Boyd. Second Lieut. Ward Dabney, First Infantry (subject to exami­ 63. Cadet Stephen W. Winfree. nation required by law), August 12,1903, vice Wickham, Twelfth 64. Cadet Ephraim F. Graham. Infantry. promoted. Thomas L. Sherburne, of Louisiana, late second lieutenant, Second Lieut. Paul M. Goodrich, Ninth Infantry, August 13, United States Army, July 16, 1903, vice Caldwell, Eleventh Cav­ 1903, vice Folwell, First Infantry, promoted. alry, promoted. Second Lieut. Frank H. Kalde, Eighth Infantry, August 14, Artillery Corps. 1903, vice Conrad, Fifteenth Infantry, promoted. 11. Cadet Owen G. Collins. Second Lieut. William W. Taylor,jr., Twenty-second Infantry, 13. Cadet Scott Baker. August 14, 1903, vice Naylor, Ninth Infantry, promoted. 15. Cadet Frederic H. Smith. Second Lieut. Russell C. Hand, Tenth Infantry, August 14, 17. Cadet Marion W. Howze. 1903, vice Oury, Twelfth Infantry, promoted. 23. Cadet George W. Cocheu. Second Lieut. Henry A. Bell, Twenty-second Infantry, August 24. Cadet Charles H. Patterson. 15, 1903, vjce Prescott, Seventh Infantry, promoted. 25. Cadet Lewis Turtle. Second Lieut. Bnmo T. Scher, Fifth Infantry, August 15,1903, 26. Cadet Henry S. Kilbourne, jr. vice Fry, Thirteenth Infantry, promoted. 27. Cadet Clifford Jones. Second Lieut. George A. Herbst, Twenty-third Infantry, August 28. Cadet Wilford J. Hawkins. 22, 1903, vice Eaton. Eighth Infantry, promoted. 29. Cadet Louis C. Brinton, jr. Second Lieut. Philip J. Lauber, Twenty-fifth Infantry, August 31. Cadet Thomas E. Selfridge. 26, 1903, vice King, First Infantry, promoted. 32. Cadet Henning F. Colley. Second Lieut. Thomas M. Hunter, Tenth Infantry, August 26, 33. Cadet Paul D. Bunker. 1903, vice Ross, Third Infantry, promoted. 39. Cadet Quinn Gray. Second Lieut. Gad Morgan, Fifteenth Infantry, August 26, 1903, 45. Cadet Louis R. Dice. vice Martin, Second Infantry, promoted. 46. Cadet William M. Colvin. Second Lieut. Elverton E. Fuller, Twelfth Infantry, August 27, 54. Cadet Francis M. Hinkle. 1903, vice Van Horn, Twelfth Infantry, promoted. Infantry Arm. Second Lieut. WilliamS. Neely, Twenty-second Infantry, Sep­ 21. Cadet George A. Lynch. tember 3, 1903, vice Williams, Fifth Infantry, promoted. 22. Cadet Grayson M-P. Murphy. Second Lieut. Frank H. Adams, Sixteentb. Infantry, September 41. Cadet Samuel M. Parker. 14, 1903, vice Falls, Twelfth Infantry, promoted. 42. Cadet Robert M. Lyon. Second Lieut: George C. Lewis, Third Infantry, September 17, 48. Cadet Francis H. Farnum. 1903, vice Voris, Eighth Infantry, detailed in Signal Corps. 49. Cadet Benjamin E. Grey. Second Lieut. William H. Patterson, Tenth Infantry, September 50. Cadet Elvid Hunt. 17,1903, vice Kumpe, Twenty-eighth Infantry, detailed in Signal 55. Cadet Benjamin F. McClellan. Corps. · 56. Cadet Campbell B. Hodges. Second Lieut. David A. Lind.say, First Infantry, September 17, 57. Cadet Jacob W. S. Wuest. 1903, vice Jennet, First Infantry, detailed in Signal Corps. 58. Cadet Max B. Garber. Second Lieut. Leonard J. Mygatt, Nineteenth Infantry, Sep­ 59. Cadet Leo I. Samuelson. tember 17, 1903, vice Goodale, Nineteenth Infantry, detailed in 60. Cadet Corbit S. Hoffman. Signal Corps. 62. Cadet Walter V. Gallagher. Second Lieut. Elliott M. Norton, Sixth Infantry, September 17, 65. Cadet Clifton M. Butler. 1903, vice Briggs, Fourteenth Infantry, detailed in Signal Corps. 66. Cadet Edmund L. Bull. Second Lieut. Roscoe H. Hearn, Sixteenth Infantry, September 67. Cadet Truman W. Carrithers. 17, 1903, vice Fitzpatrick, Ninth Infantry, detailed in Signal 68. Cadet George F. Rozelle, jr. Corps. 69. Cadet Arthur E. Ahrends. Second Lieut. Nels Anderson, Seventh Infantry, September23, 70. Cadet Charles F. Severson. 1903, vice Glidden, Nineteenth Infantry, promoted. 71. Cadet Harry S. Grier. 72. Cadet Reuben C. Taylor. INFANTRY .ARM, 73. Cadet Charles B. Moore. George A. Detchemendy, late captain, Twenty-second Infantry, 74. Cadet Clark Lynn. United States Army, to be captain of infantry, May 9, 1903. 75. Cadet Cornelius Stockmar Bendel. 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 193

713. Cadet Robert E. Boyers. Private Edward E. McCammon, Company E, Fourteenth In­ 77. Cadet Burt W. Phillips. fantry, vice Sartoris, Tenth Infantry, resigned. 78. Cadet Ben F. Ristine. Sergt. Paul H. McDonald, Troop L, Twelfth Cavalry, vice Shu­ 79. Cadet Albert Gilmer. man, Twenty-eighth Infantry, promoted. 8(). Cadet George R. Guild. Q. M. Sergt. Philip Remington, Company E, Seventeenth In­ 81. Cadet Stuart A. Howard. fantry, vice Smith, Seventeenth Infantry, dismissed. 82. Cadet John F. Franldin. Sergt. FrankL. Beals, Fourth Company, Coast Artillery, vice 83. Cadet William C. Russell. Lawrence, Fifteenth Infantry, promoted. 84. Cadet Roland W. Boughton. Corpl. Charles H. Rich, TroopE, Twelfth Cavalry, viceKellond, 85. Cadet JohnS. Upham. Nineteenth Infantry, promoted. 86. Cadet Keith S. Gregory. Sergt. Paul C. Potter, Thirtieth Company, Coast Artillery, vice 87. Cadet Irving M. Madison. Caughey, Twenty-ninth Infantry, honorably discharged. 88. Cadet Ellery Farmer. Corpl. Albert T. Rich, Troop E, Twelfth Cavalry, vice Kitta, 89. Cadet Everett N. Bowman. Twenty-first Infantry, promoted. 90. Cadet Homer N. Preston. Battalion Sergt. Maj. David P. Wood, Fifteenth Infantry, vice 91. Cadet Jesse Gaston. Crowne, Fourth Infantry, promoted. 92. Cadet Edward A. Brown. TO BE SECOXD LIEUTENANT, INFANTRY ARM. 93. Cadet Charles F. Smith. First Sergt. William F. HaTI'ell, Sixty-ninth Company, Coast Infantry A1 ..m with 1·ank from June 19, 1903. Axtillery, June 12, 1903. · George Edgar Nelson, of Vermont. CAV .A.LRY A.RM. Stephen Morris Barlow, from at large. Alden M. Graham, late a private, Troop B, Fourth Cavalry, to Jesse Dnncan Elliott, of Alabama. be second lieutenant, February 2, 1901. Edward HimmelWiight Tarbutton, of Maryland. NoTE.-The person herein named was nominated to the Senate Carroll Borden Hodges, from at large. for the above-named appointment December 5, 1901, as Axthur Fitzhugh Berry Alderdice, of Maryland. M. Graham, and was confirmed December 18, 1901. This mes­ William Goodlett Motlow, of Tennessee. sage is submitted to correct an error in the name of the nominee. INFANTRY ARM. INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, To be second lieutenants, to rank j1·om October 9, 190j, To be inspectors-general 'With the rank of brigadie1·-genm·al. Sergt. James M. Churchill, Forty-second Company, Coast Artil­ Col. Peter D. Vroom (since retired from active service), In­ lery, vice Chamberlin, Second Infantry, promoted. spector-General, Apri111, 1903 (for a period of four years), vice Corpl. Philip H. Bagby, Forty-first Company, Coast Artillery, Breckinridge, appointed major-general, United States Army. vice Whitson, Twenty-seventh Infantry, promoted. Col. George H. Burton, Inspector-General, April 12, 1903 (for Sergt. Luther R. Jones, Twenty-ninth Company, Coast Axtil­ a period of four years), vice Vroom, retired from active service. lery, vice Johnson, Eighth Infantry, promoted. JUDGE-ADVOCA.TE-GE~ER.A.L'S DEPARTMENT. Sergt. .Andrew D. Chaffin, Company B, Twenty-ninth Infantry, Capt. Walter A. Bethel, Axtillery Corps, acting judge-advocate, vice Barlow, Fourth Infantry, resigned. United States Army, to be judge-advocate with rank of major, Private Ernest B. Smalley, Company L, Twentieth Infantry, July 15, 1903, vice Hull, promoted. vice Grinstead, Twenty-third Infantry, promoted. Sergt. Heru'Y W. Bunn, Company G, Twenty~second Infantry, QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTME..."ff. Vice Williams, Twenty-sixth Infantry, promoted. · Kensey J. Hampton, of Kentucky, late assistant quartermaster, Sergt. (First Class) FrederickW. Boschen, Hospital Corps, vice United States Volunteers, to be quartermaster with the rank of McClelland, Eighteenth Infantry, promoted. captain, April21, 1903, vice Carson, promoted. Sergt. Charles W. Stewa1•t, Troop I, Second Cavalry, 'Vice Kist­ ler, Eighteenth Infantry, resigned. MED~A.L DEPARTMENT, Corpl. Emil Engel, Troop D, Eleventh Cavah'Y, vice Graham, To be assistant surgeons with the rank of fit·st lieutenant. Fifteenth Infantry, promoted. James Irving Maybee, of Michigan, May 18, 1903. Corp!. Louis Farrell, Company K, Twenty-seventh Infantry, GeorgeP.ullenPeed, of Virginia, latemajorandsurgeon, United vice J eunet, First Infantry, promoted. States Volunteers, July 10, 1903. Sergt. Charles 0. Schudt, Company L, Nineteenth Infantry, vice Henry Denny Thomason, of Michigan, late major and surgeon, Danforth, Tenth Infantry • promoted. United States Volunteers, July 10, 1903. Corpl. FredW. Pitts Company H, Second Battalion of Engineers, Ralph Stribling ·Porter, of illinois, late major and surgeon, vice Mills Seventh Infantry, promoted. United States Volunteers, July 10, 1903. S:: rgt. :E1mmett Addis, Casual Detachment, Eleventh Cava.lry, Percy Lancelot Jones, of Tennessee, late captain and assistant vice Williams, Eleventh Infantry, promoted. surgeon, United States Volunteers, July 10, 1903. Sergt. Harry L. King, Twenty-sixth Company, Coast Artillery, Fred Wheeler Palmer, of Michigan, late captain and assistant vice Bugbee, First Infantry, promoted. surgeon, United States Volunteers, July 10, 1903, vice Richards, crgt. James B. N aile, Forty-seventh Company, Coast Axtillery, resigned. vi e Goodale, Sixteenth Infantry, promoted. Edward Bright Vedder, of Pennsylvania, July 10, 1903, vice Corpl. William F. Robinson, jr., Company E, Second Battalion IIarris, promoted. of Engineers, vice Frank, Twenty-first Infantry, promoted. IIenry Flanagan Pipes, of West Virginia, July 10, 1903, vice Sergt. John J. Burleigh, Thirteenth Company, Coast Arlillery, Wood, appointed brigadier-general, United States Army. vice Bury, First Infantry, promoted. Charles Lovelace Foster, of the Dist-rict of Columbia, July 10, Sergt. Manuel M. GaTI'ett, Coast Artillery, vice Leisenring, 1903, vice Banister, promoted. Eleventh Infantry, promoted. John Robert Bosley, of Maryland, July 10, 1903, vice Poindex­ Sergt. Gordon A. Dennis, One htmdred and twentieth Com­ ter, retired from active service. pany, Coast Artillery, vice Andrews, Seventh Infantry, promoted. Robert Courtenay Loving, of Kentucky, July 10, 1903, vice . Squadron Sergt. Maj. Axthur G. Hixson, Fourth Cavalry, vice Woodruff, promoted. B1·iggs, Seventh Infanti-y, promoted. Chester Jewett Stedman, of West Virginia, July 10, 1903, vice Corpl. Augustine A. Hofmann, Forty-second Company, Coast Swift, promoted. Artillery, vice West, Twenty-second Infantry. promoted. Orville Graham Brown, of the District of Columbia, July 10, Sergt. Henry S. Brinkerhoff, jr., Sixty·sixth Company, Coast 1903, vice Shillock, promoted. Artillery, vice Lull, Thirteenth Infantry, transferred to Artillery George Frederick Juenemann, of Maryland, July 10, 1903, vice Corps. Wetherill, wholly retired. Battalion Sergt. Maj. Fitzgerald S. Turton, Sixteenth Infantry, Joseph Franklin Siler, of Alabama,July10, 1903, vice Rafferty, vice True, Sixteenth Infa,ntry, promoted. promoted. Sergt. James Blyth, Company I, Eighteenth Infantry, '\7ice Arthur Maunder Whaley, of Michigan, July 10, 1D03, vice Mill­ :Molony, Fourteenth Infantry, resigned. hoff, resigned. Corpl. Frank C. McCune, Troop F, Fourteenth Cavalry, vice Theodore Lamson, of Massachusetts, October 8, 1903, vice Petty, Twentieth Infantry, promoted. Mason, promoted. Sergt. Edwin Gunn.er, Sixth Company, Coast Artillery, vice Craig Richard Snyder, of lllinois, October 13, 1903, vice Glen­ ~ ovak Nineteenth Infantry, promoted. nan, promoted. Sergt. Resolve P. Palmer, Company D, Sixth Infantry, 'Vice Ernest Grey Bingham, of Alabama, October 13, 1903, vice Brad­ Davis, Twenty-fifth Infantry, ti·ansferred to the Cavah'y Arm. ley, promoted .


James Downie Heysinger, of Pennsylvania, October 13, 1903, JosephS. Shultz, a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be an assistant vice TenEyck, promoted. civil engineer in the Navy from the 27th day of June, 1903, to fill Lloyd Llewellyn Smith, of New Jersey, October 13, 1903, vice a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Cloud. retired from active service. Carl A. Carlson, a citizen of Ohio, to be an as istant civil engi­ John Braiden Huggins, of New York, October 13, 1903, vice neer in the Navy from the 27th day of June, 1903, to fill a va­ Willcox, promoted. cancy existing in that grade on that date. Edgar William Miller, of Iowa, October 13,1903, vice Pinkham, resigned. PROMOTIONS IN THE MARINE CORPS. William Henry Tefft, of New York, October 13,1903, vice Frick, Maj. Henry C. Haines to be an assistant adjutant and in­ promoted. spector in the United States Marine Corps with the rank of major To be chaplains. from the 18th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that Rev. John Aloysius Ferry, of New York, June 4, 1903, vice grade on th~t date. McKinnon, deceased. Capt. Rufus H. Lane to be assistant adjutant and inspector in Rev. Andrew C. Murphy, of Illinois, September 17, 1903, vice the United States Marine Corps with the rank of major from the Kelly, retired from active service. 18th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on Rev. David Law Fleming, of Colorado, late chaplain First Col­ that date. orado Volunteer Infantry, September 18, 1903, vice McKeon, re­ Capt. Louis J. Magill to be an assistant adjutant and inspector signed. in the United States Marine Corp with the rank of major from APPO~MENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE ARMY. the 18th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade Second Lieut. Norman H. Davis, Twenty-fifth Infantry, from on that date. the Infantry Arm to the Cavalry Arm, March 27, 1903, with rank First Lieut. Henry L. Roosevelt to be an assistant quarterma ter from October 19 1902. in the United States Marine Corps with the rank of captain from Second Lieut. George E. Nelson, First Infantry, from the In­ the 18th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade fantry Arm to the Cavalry Arm, July 11, 1903, with rank from on that date. · June 13, 1903. First Lieut. Norman G. Burton to be an as istant quart.er­ Second Lieut. Arthur G. Hixson, Eighth Infantry, from the master in the United States Marine Corps with the rank of cap­ Infantry Arm to the Cavalry Arm, October 26, 1903, with rank tain from the 18th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in from October 9, 1903. that grade on that date. First Lieut. Hugh L. Matthews to be an assi tant quarter­ PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. master in the United States Marine Corps with the rank of cap­ Capt. George A. Converse, United States Navy, to be Chief of tain from the 18th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in the Bureau of Equipment in the Department of the Navy with that grade on that da.te. the rank of rear-admiral for a term of four years. First Lieut. Rupert C. Dewey to be an assistant quartermaster Capt. Charles W. Rae, United States Navy, to be engineer in in the United States Marine Corps with the rank of captain from chief and Chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering in the Depart­ the 24th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade ment of the Navy with the rank of rear-admiral for a term of on that date. four years. First Lieut. Frank J. Schwable to be an assistant quartermas­ Pay Director Henry T. B. Harrls, United States Navy, to be ter in the United States Marine Corps with the rank of captain paymaster-general and Chief of the Bureau of Supplies and Ac­ from the 19th day of October, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in counts in the Department of the Navy with the rank of rear­ that grade on-that date. admiral for a term of four years. Capt. William C. Dawson to be assistant paymaster in the Naval Constructor Washington L. Capps, United States Navy, United States Marine Corps with the rank of major from the 18th to be chief constructor and Chief of the Bureau of Construction day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that and Repair in the Department of the Navy with the rank of date. rear-admh·al for a term of four years. First Lieut. William G. Powell to be an assistant paymaster in Col. George F. Elliott, United States Marine Corps, to be the United States Marine Corps with the rank of captain from the Brigadier-General Commandant of tlie Marine Corps from the 18th day of June 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on 3d day of October, 1903. that date. Assistant Naval Constructor William G. DuBose to be an as­ Second Lieut. Cleyburn McCauley to be a first lieutenant in the sistant naval constructor in the Navy with the rank of lieutenant United States Marine Corps from the 3d day of March, 1903, vice from the 1st day of July, 1903. Second Lieut. William E. Smith, who failed to qualify for promo­ Assistant Naval Constructor Ernest F. Eggert to be an assist­ tion and was·suspended for one year. ant naval constructor in the Navy with the rank of lieutenant First Lieut. Alexander S. Williams to be a captain in the from the 1st day of July, 1903. United States Marine Corps from the 3d day of March, 1903, vice Assistant Naval Constructor Joseph W. Powell to be an assist­ First Lieut. John H. A. Day, who failed to qualify for promotion ant naval constructor in the Navy with the rank of lieutenant and was suspended for one year. from the 1st day of July, 1903. First Lieut. James McE. Huey to be a captain in the United Naval Constructor Albert W. Stahl to be a naval constructor States Marine Corps from the 18th day of June, 1903, vice Capt. in the Navy with the rank of captain from the 1st day of No­ Rufus H. Lane, promoted. vember.1903, vice Naval Constructor Francis T. Bowles, resigned. First Lieut. Fred M. Eslick to be a captain in the United States Naval Constructor Robert Stocker to be a naval constructor in Marine Corps from the 18th day of June, 1903, vice Capt. Louis the Navy with the rank of commander from the 1st day of No­ J. Magill, promoted. vember, 1903, vice Naval Constructor Albert W. Stahl, promoted. First Lieut. Jay M. Salladay to be a captain in the United States MIDSHIPMEN TO BE AsSISTANT NAVAL CONSTRUCTORS IN THE :l\Iarine Corps from the 18th day of June, 1903, vice First Lieut. NAVY. William G. Powell, promoted. Frank D. Hall. Charles F. Williams, a citizen of Connecticut. to be a second Ross P. Schlaback. lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day of George S. Radford. June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. CHAPLAINS IN THE N .A. VY. Nelson P. Vulte a citizen of New York, to be a second lieuten­ Arthur W. Stone, a citizen of Vermont, to be a chaplain in the ant in the United States 1\!arine Corps from the 30th day of June, Navy from the 14th day of July, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. that grade on that date. · . Harrison T. Swain, a citizen of New Hampshire, to be a second Mathew C. Gleeson, a citizen of New York, to be a chaplain in lieutenant in the United States l\farineCorp from the30thdayof the Navy from the 5th day of October, 1903, to fill a vacancy June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. existing in that grade on that date. Percy F. Archer, a citizen of Maryland, to be a second lieuten­ ant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day of June, APPOINTME~ TS IN THE N A. VY. 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. DeWitt C. Webb, a citizen of Vermont, to be a civil engineer in Seth Williams, a citizen of Massachusetts, to be a second lieu­ the Navy from the 27th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy exist­ t enant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day of ing in that grade on that date. June, 1903 to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Walter H. Allen, a citizen of Connecticut, to be a civil engineer Gerard M. Kincade, a citizen of Massachusetts, to be a second in the Navy from the 27th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy ex­ lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day isting in that grade on that date. of June. 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. James V. Rockwell, a citizen of Iowa, to be an assistant oi:vil Frederick C. McConnell a citizen of Virginia, to pe a second engineer in the Navy from the 27th day of June, 1903, to fill a lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day vacancy existing in that grade on that date. of June, 1903, to fill avacancyexisting in that grade on that date. 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 195

Frederic Kensel, a citizen of Massachusetts. to be a second lieu­ James H. Payne, jr. tenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day of Charles H. De Laney. June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Fred M. Bogan. Hugh M. Howard, a citizen of North Carolina, to be a second Medical Inspector Manly H. Simons to be a medical director in lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day the Navy from the 9th day of June, 1903, vice :Medical Director of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Charles U. Gravatt, retired. William A. Howard, a citizen of Michigan, to be a second lieu­ Medical Inspector John C. Boyd to be medical director in the tenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day of Navy from the 20th day of June, 1903, vice Medical Director .Jo­ June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. seph B. Parker, retired. Elias R. Beadle, a citizen of Connecticut, to be a second lieuten­ Surg. William R. Du Bose to be a medical inspector in theNavy ant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day of June, from the 20th day of June, 1903, vice Medical Inspector John C. 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Boyd, promoted. Arthur B. Owens, a citizen of Maryland, to be a second lieuten­ APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY. ant in the United States Marine Corps from 30th daf of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. James R. Dykes, a citizen of Georgia, to be an assistant sur­ Eugene P. Fortson, a citizen of Georgia, to be a second lieuten­ geon in the Navy from the 18th day of April, 1903, to fill a va­ ant in the United States Marine Corps from the 3oth day of June, cancy existing in that grade on that date. 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Albert J. Geiger, a citizen of Michigan, to be an assistant sur­ Robert 0. Underwood, a citizen of North Carolina, to be a sec­ geon in the Navy from the 6th day of May, 1903, to fill a vacancy ond lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th existing in that grade on that date. day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that William W. Verner, a citizen of Pennsvlvania, to be an assist­ date. ant surgeon in the Navy from the 25th day of May, 190d, to fill a Je ~e F. Dyer, a citizen of Minnesota, to be a second lieutenant vacancy existing in that grade on that date. in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day of June, Otto Kohlhase, a citizen of South Dakota, to be an assistant sur­ 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. geon in the Navy from the 25th day of May, 1903, to fill a vacancy Clarance S. Owen, a citizen of New York, to be a second lieu­ existing in that grade on that date. tenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 3oth day of Perceval S. Rossiter, a citizen of Ma.ryland, to be an assistant June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. SUl'geon in the Navy from the 25th day of May, 1903, to fill a va­ Maurice V. Campbell, a citizen of New Jersey, to be a second cancy existing in that grade on that date. lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day Wesley H. Rennie, a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be an assistant of June,1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. surgeon in the Navy from the 25th day of May, 1903, to fill a va- James J. Meade, a citizen of Massachusetts, to be a second cancy existing in that grade on that date. . . lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 30th day Walter S. Hoen, a citizen of Virginia, to be an assistant sur­ of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. geon in the Navy from the 2d day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy Richard B. Creecy, a citizen of the District of Columbia, to be existing in that grade on that d"ate. a second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the Wallace B. Smith, a citizen of Alabama, to be an assistant 30th day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on surgeon in the Navy from the 2d day of June, 1903, to fill a va­ that date. cancy existing in that grade on that date. Char]E> s J. E. Guggenheim, a citizen of Connecticut, to be a Charles C. Grieve, a citizen of Michigan, to be an assistant second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 11th surgeon in the Navy from the 2d day of June, 1903, to fill a vacancy day of August, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on existing in that grade on that date. that date. . John E. Manchester, a citizen of Wisconsin. to be an assistant Alexander B. Mikell, a citizen of South Carolina;to be a second surgeon in the Navy from the lOth day of June, 1903, to fill a lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 11th day_ vacancy existing in that grade on that date. of August, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that Paul T. Dessez, a citizen of the District of Columbia, to be an date. assistant surgeon in the Navy from the lOth day of June, 1903 to Davis B. Wills. a citiZen of Virginia, to be a second lieutenant fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. ' in the United States Marine Corps from the 16th day of October, James S. Woodward, a citizen of Maryland. to baan assistant 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. surgeon in the Navy from the lOth day of June, 1903, to fill a EdwardS. Yates. a citizen of Virginia to be a second lieuten­ vacancy existing in that grade on that date. ant in the United States Marine Corps from the 16th day of Octo­ James A. Randall, a citizen of Georgia, to be an assistant SUl'­ ber, 1903, to fill a vacancy existll,lg in that grade on that date. geon in the Navy from the 26th day of June, 1903, to fill a va­ Harry 0. Smith, a citizen of Vermont, to be a second lieutenant cancy existing in that grade on that date. in the United States Marine Corps from the 16th day of O~tober, Charles E. Ryder, a citizen of Massachusetts. to be an assistant 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. surgeon in the Navy from the 26th day of June, 1903, to fill a va­ Albert Hamilton, a citizen of Massachusetts, to be a second lieu­ cancy existing in that grade on that date. tenant in the United States Marine Corps from the 16th day of Allen D. McLean, a citizen of Michigan, to be an assistant October, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. surgeon in the Navy from the 29th day of June, 1903, to fill a Fred D. Kilgore, a .citizen of New York, to be a second lieuten­ vacancy existing in that grade on that date. ant in the United States Marine Corps from the 16th day of Octo­ Harry L. Brown, a citizen of the District of Columbia to be an ber, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. assistant surgeon in the Navy from the 29th day of Jrlne 1903 Sidney A. Merriam, a citizen of Maine, to be a second lieuten­ to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. ' ' ant in the United States Marine Corps from the 16th day of Octo­ Sidney L. Scott, a citizen of Virginia, to be an assistant slll'geon ber, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. in the Navy from the lOth day of July, 1903, to fill a vacancy ex­ William A. MeN eil, a citizen of Virginia, to be a second lieuten­ istingin that grade on that date. ant in the United States Marine Corps from the 16th day of Octo­ Theodore N. Pease, a citizen of New York. to be an ·assistant ber, 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. surgeon~ .the .Navy from the 10th day of July, 1903, to fill a va­ cancy eXIsting m that grade on that date. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. Frederick G. Abeken, a citizen of Missouri, to be an as istant Passed Asst. Surg. Eugene J. Grow to be a surgeon in the Navy surgeon in the Navy from the lOth day of July, 1903, to fill a va­ from the 12th day of March, 1903, vice Passed Asst. Surg. Ralph cancy existing in that grade on that date. · T. Orvis, who failed to qualify for promotion and was suspended Winfield S. Pugh, jr., a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be an assist­ for one year. ant surgeon in the Navy from the 23d day of September 1903 to Passed Asst. Surg. Alfred G. Grunwell to be a. SUl'geon in the fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. ' ' Navy from the 6th day of May, 1903, vice Passed Asst. SUl'g. James Miller, a citizen of Massachusetts, to be an assistant sur­ David B. Kerr, who failed to qualify for promotion and was sus­ geon in the Navy from the 12th day of October, 1903, to fill a pended for one year. vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Asst. Surg. Charles N. Fiske to be a passed assistant surgeon Elwin C. Taylor, a citizen of New York, to be an assistant sUl'­ in the Navy from the 15th day of May, 1903, to fill a vacancy ex­ geon in the Navy from the 12th day of October~ 1903, to fill a isting in that grade on that date. vacancy existing m that grade on that date. The following assistant surgeons to be passed assistant slll'geons Franklin E. Campbell, a citizen of New Hampshire. to be an in the Navy from the 7th day of June, 1903, to fill vacancies ex­ assistant surgeon in the Navy from the 12th day of October 1903 isting in that grade on that date, viz: to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. ' ' John J. Snyder. James E. Gill, a citizen of Illinois, to be an assistant surgeon Edward M. Blackwell. in the Navy from the 12th day of October, 1903, to fill a vacancy George F. Freeman. existing in that grade on that date. 196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NOVEl\IBER 11 J

IsaacS. K. Reeves, a citizen of the District of Columbia, to be Navy from the 28th day of April, 1903, vice Lieut. Emil Theiss an assistant surgeon in the Navy from the 12th day of October, promoted. ' 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Arthur Crenshaw to be a lieutenant in Richard B. Chapman, a citizen of California, to be an assistant the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1903, vice Lieut. Willirun B smgeon in the Navy from the 28th day of October, 1903, to fill a Whittelsey, retired.. · vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Amon Bronson, jr., to be a lieutenarnt in PRoMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. the.Navy from the 1st day of July, 1903, vice Lieut. Samuel M. I Strite, retired. P. A. Paymaster Perry G. Kennard to be a paymaster in the Lieut.SpencerS.Woodtobealieutenant-commanderintheNavy Navy from the 3d day of March, 1903, vice P. A. Paymaster from the 18th day of July, 1903, vice Lient. Kenneth McAlpine Phillip W. Delano, dismissed. who failed to qualify for promotion and was dismissed. ' P. A. Paymaster George W. Reeves, jr., to be a paymaster in Lieut. (Junior Grade) Harry E. Yarnell to be a lieutenant in the Navy from the 16th day of June, 1903, vice Paymaster John Q. the Navy from the 18th day of July, 1903, vice Lieut. Spencers. Lovell, retiJ.·ed. Wood, promoted. Asst. Paymaster Frederick H. Lemly to be a passed assistant Capt. Charles D. Sigsbee to be a rear-admiral in the Navy from paymaster in the Navy from the 16th day of Jrme, 1903, vice P. A. the.10thdayof August, 1903, vice Rear-Admiral George C. Remey, Paymaster George W. Reeves, jr., promoted. retired. APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY. Capt. Colby M. Chester to be a rear-admiral in the Navy from \ the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Rear-Admiral Charles D. Sigs- Alvin Hovey-King, a citizen of lllinois, to be an assistant pay- bee, an additional number in grade. master in the Navy from the 6th day of Ap~11, 1903, to fill a va- Commander Seaton Schroeder to be a captain in the Navy from caney existing in that grade on that date. the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Capt. Charles D. Sigsbee, pro- George A. Deering, a citizen of the District of Columbia, to be" rooted. an assistant paymaster in the Navy from the 6th day of April, Commander Duncan Kennedy to be a captain in the Navy nom 1903, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. the lOth d.ay of August, 1903, vice Capt. Seaton Schroeder, an ad- William C. Fite, a citizen of Georgia, to be an assistant paymas- ditional number in grade. ter in the Navy from the 6th day of April, 1903, to fill a vacancy Commander Richard Wainwright to be a capt.ain in the Navy existing in that grade on that date. from the 10th day of August, 1903, vice Capt. Colby M. Chester, David C. Crowell, a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be an assistant promoted. paymaster in the Navy from the 29th day of April, 1903, to fill a Commander Jefferson F. Moser to be a captain in the Navy vacancy existing in that grade on that date. from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Capt. Richard Wain- James A.· Bull, a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be an assistant pay- wright, an additional number in grade. master in the Navy from the 29th day of May, 1903, to fill a va- Lieut. Commander George B. Ransom to be a commander in caney existing in that grade on that dat~. the Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Commander Frank T. Watrous, a citizen of Ohio, to be an assistant pay- Seaton Schroeder, promoted. master in the Navy from the 15th day of July, 1903, to fill a va- Lieut. Commander Edward J. Dorn to be a commander in the caney existing in that grade on that date. Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Commander George Arthur S. Peters, a citizen of the District of Columbia, to be an B. Ransom, an additional number in grade. assistant paymaster in the Navy from the 15th day of July, 1903, Lieut. Commander Bernard 0. Scott to be a commander in the to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Navy from the 10th day of August, 1903, vice Commander Dun- Edward S. Stalnaker, a citizen of West Virginia, to be an as- can Kennedy, promoted. sistant paymaster in the Navy from the 15th day of July, 1903, to Lieut. Commander William C. Eaton to be a commander in the fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Navy from the 10th day of August, 1903, vice Co:mrilander Richard Chester G. Mayo, a citizen of Vermont, to be an assistant pay- Wainwright, promoted. master in the Navy from the 15th day of July, 1903, to fill a va- Lieut. Commander Alfred B. Canaga to be a commander in the caney existing in that grade on that date. Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice CommanderJeffer- Clarence A. Holmes, a citizen of Texas, to be an assistant pay- son F. Moser, promoted. master in the Navy from the 15th day of July, 1903, to fill a Lieut. Gny W. Brown to be a lieutenant-commander in the vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander Jere Maupin, a citizen of Washington, to be an assistant pay- George B. Ransom, promoted. master in the Navy from the 15th day of July, 1903, to fill a Lieut. William B. Fletcher to be a lieutenant-commander in the vacancy existing in that grade on that date. Navy from the lOth day of Augu~, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander Thomas H. Sanderson, a citizen of Wisconsin, to be an assist- Edward J. Dorn, promoted. ant paymaster in the Navy from the 15th day of July, 1903, to Lieut. William H. Chambers to be a lieutenant-commander in fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. the Navy from the 10th day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. Com- James F. Kutz, a citizen of California, to be an assistant pay- mander Bernard 0. Scott, promoted. master in the Navy from the 24th day of July, 1903, to fill a va- Lieut. Marbury Johnston to be a lieutenant-commander in the caney existing in that grade on that date. Navy from the loth day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander Arthur S. Brown, a citizen of California, to be an assistant pay- William C. Eaton, promoted. master in the Navy from the 24th day of July, 1903, to fill a va- Lieut. Charles E. Rommell to be a lieutenant-commander in the caney existing in that grade on that date. ' Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander John R. Hornberger, a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be an assist.. Alfred B. Canaga, promoted. ant paymaster in the Navy from the 13th day of October, 1903, to Lieut. (Junior Grade) Harlan P. Ferrill to be a lieutenant in fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. the Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. Guy W. George B. Bloomer, a citizen of West Virginia, to be an assist- Brown, promoted. ant paymast-er in the Navy from the 15th day of October, 1903, Lieut. (Junior Grade) David E. Theleen to be a lientenant in to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that date. the Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. William Noel W. Grant, a citizen of Georgia, to be an ru;sistant pay- B. Fletcher, promoted. master in the Navy from the 15th day of October, 1903, to fill a Lieut. (Junior Grade) Daniel S. Mahony to be a lieutenant in vacancy existing in th~t grade on that date. the Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. William David G. McRitchie, a citizen of Maine, to be an assistant pay- H. Chambers, promoted. master in the Navy from the 15th day of October, 1903, to fill a Lieut. (Junior Grade) Arthur J. Hepburn to be a lieutenant vacancy existing in that grade on that date. in the Navy from the lOth day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. Mar- Philip J. Willett, a citizen of New York, to be an assistant pay- bury Johnston, promoted. master in the Navy from the 15th day of October, 1903, to fill a Lieut. (Junior Grade) Needham L. Jones to be a lieutenant in vacancy xisting in that grade on that date. the Navy from the 10th day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. Charles E. Rommell, promoted. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Thomas C. Hart to be a lieutenant in Lient. (Junior Grade) Henry C. Mustin to bealieutenantin the the Navy from the 16th day of August, 1903, vice Lieut. Charles Navy from the 21st day of March, 1903, vice Lieut. Martin A. E. Gilpin. resigned. Anderson, promoted. Capt. Charles J. Barclay to be a rear-admiral in the Navy Lient. (Jnnior Grade) Pope Washington to be a lieutenant in from the 11th day of September, 1903, vice Rear-:Admiral Silas the Navy from the 27th day of March, 1903, vice Lieut. Albert Casey, retired. Moritz, promoted. This nomination is made to correct the date Commander Franklin J. Drake to be a captain in the Navy of promotion as confirmed March 19, 1903. from the 11th day of September, 1903, vice Capt. Charles J. Bar­ Lieut. (Junior Grade) Roland I. Curtin to be a lieutenant in the clay, promoted. 1903. .. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. ·197

Lieut. Commander Abraham V. Zane to be a commander in Ernest J. King. the Navy from the 11th day of September, 1903, vice Commander Isaac I. Yates. Franklin J. Drake, promoted. Byron A. Long. Lieut. Edwin A. Anderson to be a lieutenant-commander in the Alfred G. Howe. Navy from the 11th day of September, 1903, vice Lieut. Com­ George C. Westervelt. mander Abraham V. Zane, promoted. William Norris. Lieut. Joseph L. Jayne to be a lieutenant-commander in the Charles W. Fisher, jr, Navy from thellthdayofSeptember, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander John T. Burwell. Edwin A. Anderson, an additional number in grade. Raymond S. Keyes. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Alfred W. Pressey to be a lieut.enant in James L. Ackerson. the Navy from the 11th day of September, 1903, vice Lieut. Ed­ Adolphus Andrews. win A. Anderson, promoted. Frederick L. Oliver. Lieut. (Junior Grade) William R. White, an additional number Thomas R. Kurtz. in grade, to be a lieutenant in the Navy from the 11th day of Sep­ Holden C. Richardson. tember, 1903, vice Lieut. (Junior Grade) Alfred W. Pressey, pro­ Harold E. Cook. moted. Merlyn G. Cook, Lieut. (Junior Grade) William H. Reynolds to be a lieutenant John H. Walsh. in the Navy from the 11th day of September, 1903, vice Lieut. Rufus S. Manley. Joseph L. Jayne, promoted. John M. Enochs. Commander Thomas C. McLean to be a captain in the Navy John P. Jackson. from the 23d day of September, 1903, vice Capt. Charles R. Roelker, Benynard B. Wygant. retired. Manley H. Simons. Lieut. Commander John R. Edwards to be a commander in the Roger Williams. Navy from the 23d day of September, 1903, vice Commander William S. Pye. Thomas C. McLean, promoted. Charles L. Bruff. Capt. Benjamin P. Lamberton to be a rear-admiral in the Navy Arthur P. Fairfield. from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Rear-Admiral Louis John C. Fremont, jr. Kempff, retired. Edward E. Spafford, Capt. French E. Chadwick to be a rear-admiral in the Navy Newman K. Perry. from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Rear-Admiral Benjamin John H. Furse. P. Lamberton, an additional number in grade. Walter N. Vernon. Capt. Bowman H. McCalla to be a rear-admiral in the Navy Edward C. Hamner, jr. from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Rear-Admiral French E. Frank R. McCtary, Chadwick, an additional number in grade. Wallace Bertholf. . Capt. William H. Whiting to be a rear-admiral in the Navy Orie W. Fowler. from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Rear-Admiral Bowman Percy W. Foote. H. McCalla, an additional number in grade. George F. Neal. Commander William J. Barnette to be a captain in the Navy Theodore A. Kittinger. from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Capt. Benjamin P. Lam­ William H. Allan. berton, promoted. Guy Whitlock. Commander Edwin K. Moore to be a captain in the Navy from John Downes, jr. the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Capt. William H. Whiting, Charles T. Hnt:!hins, jr. promoted. Owen H. Oakley. Lieut. Commander Stacy Potts to be a commander in the Navy John J. Hannigan. from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Commander William J. Jesse B. Gay; Barnette, promoted. John J. Fitzpatrick. Lieut. Commander Henry T. Cleaver to be a commander in the John V. Babcock. Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Commander Fl'ancis Rufus F. Zogbanm, jr. H. Delano, promoted. John M. Caffrey. Lieut. Commander Cameron MeR. Winslow to be a commander Also the following naval cadets to be ensigns in the Navy from in the Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Commander the 7th day of June, 1903 (subject to the examinations required Edwin K. Moore, promoted. by law) to fill vacancies existing in that grade on that date, viz: Lieut. Commandel' James P. S. LaWI·ance to be a commander Ernest A. Broo:3.s. in the Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Commander Caspar Goodrich. Cameron MeR. Winslow, an additional number in grade. Ivan E. Bass. Lieut. William L. Howard to be a lieutenant-commander in the BuiTell C. Allen. Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander Lewis S. Cox, jr. Henry T. Cleaver, promoted. · John F. Green. Lieut. Wiley R. M. Field to be a lieutenant-commander in the Frank McCommon. Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander Joseph L. Hileman. James M. Helm, promoted. George F. Blair. Lieut. John M. Poyer to be a lieutenant-commander in the Guy W. S. Castle. Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander Garrard P. Nightingale. Albert B. Willits, promoted. William W. Galbraith. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Leonard R. Sargent to be a lieutenant in Gunner Levin J. Wallace to be an ensign in the Navy from the the Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Lieut. William 30th day of J nly, 1903. in accordance with the provisions of an act L. Howard, promoted. of Congress approved March 3, 1901. Lieut. (Junior Grade) VictorS. Houston to be a lieutenant in Gunner Myles Joyce to be an ens~gn in the Navy from the 30t.h the Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Lieut. John M. day of July, 1903, in accordance with the provisions of an act of Poyer, promoted. Congress approved March 3, 1901. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Gilbert Chase to be a lieutenant in the Navy from the 11th day of October, 1903, vice Lieut. Robert B. POSTMASTERS, Higgins, promoted. ALABAMA, Lieut. John C. Leonard to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 26th day of October, 1903, vice Lieut. Commander Jesse W. Barnes to be postmaster at Andalusia, in the county Martin Bevington, deceased. of Covington and State of Alabama. Office became Presidential Lieut. (Junior Grade) Walton R. Sexton to be a lieutenant in April1, 1903. the Navy from the 26th day of October, 1903, vice Lieut. John C. J. D. Dennis to be postmaster at Marion, in the county of Perry Leonard, promoted. and State of Alabama, in place of Charles C. Crowe. Incumbent's Lieut. (Junior Grade) Walter M. Falconer to be a lieutenant in commission expired February 22, 1902. J. E. Tillman to be postmaster at Geneva, in the county of the Navy from the 4th day of November, 1903, vice Lieut. Albert Geneva and State of Alabama. Office became Presidential Octo­ M. Beecher, decea~ed. . The following naval cadets to be ensigns in the Navy from the ber 1, 1903. 7th day of June, 1903, to fill vacancies existing in that grade on .ALASKA. that date, viz: E. J. Brooks to be postmaster at Juneau, in the Territory of Clarence A. Conway. Alaska, in place of John J. C. Barber, resigned. 198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. "NoVEMBER 11,

ARKANSAS. of New Haven and State of Connecticut. Office became Presi­ Arthur Deland to be postmaster at Black Rock, in the county dential April1! 1903. of Lawrence and State of Arkansas, in place of Jay J. Bryan, re­ Frank A. Heffion to be postmaster at Deep River, in the county signed. of Middlesex and State of Connecticut, in place of Thomas L. James A. Maxwell to be postmaster at Lake Village, in the Parker. Incumbent's commission expired February 15, 1903. county of Chicot and State of Arkansas. Office became Presi­ James R. Meigs to be postmaster at Madison, in the county of dential April1, 1903. New Haven and State of Connecticut. Office became Presidential Jonathan Neal to be postmaster at Van Buren, in the county Aprill, 1903. of Crawford and State of Arkansas, in place of Asa M. Orrick, Jacob Widmer to be postmaster at New Hartford in the decea ed. county of Litchfield and State of Connecticut, in place ol Ranney M.A. Pickett to be postmaster at Fordyce, in the county of G. Foster. Incumbent's commission expired February 14, 1903. Dallas and State of Arkansas in place of John P. Cox, deceased. DELAW .ARE. Mary J. Smith to be postmaster at Lewisville (late New Lewis­ CarrollS. Fisher to be postmaster at Wyoming, in the county ville) in the county of Lafayette and State of Arkansas. Office of Kent and State of Delaware. -Office became Presidential July became PTesidential April1, 1903. 1, 1903. .ARIZONA. John P. Steward to be postmaster at Milford, in the county of Fred E. Cadwell to be postmaster at Douglas, in the county of Kent and State of Delaware, in place of William V. Sipple. In­ Cochise and Tenitory of Arizona. Office became Presidential cumbents commission expired January 10, 1903. April1, 1903. GEORGIA. CALIFORNIA. Cicero C. Alexander to be postmaster at Commerce, late Har­ Roy R. Giffen to be postmaster at Fowler, in the county of mo~y Grove, in the county of Jackson and State of Georgia., in Fresno and State of California. Office became Presidential Octo­ place of Cicero C. Alexander, to change name of office. ber 1, 1903. Sarah J. Anthony to be postmaster at Shellman, in the county Samuel W. Metcalf to be postmaster at Sisson, in the county of of Randolph and State of Georgia. Office became Presidential _Siskiyou and State of California, in place of Samuel W. Metcalf. October 1, 1903. Incumbent's commission expired January 10, 1902. William 0. Bagwell to be postmaster at Lytle, in the county Frank M. R.ntherford to be postmaster at Truckee, in the of Walker and State of Georgia. Office became Presidential Oc­ county of Nevada and State of California, in place of W. M. tober 1, 1903. Burckhalter, resigned. Thomas W. Brimberry to be postmaster at Camilla, in the Catherine T. Ryan to be postmaster at Gilroy, in the county of county of Mitchell and State of Georgia. Office became Presi­ Santa Clara and State of California, in place of Richard M. Ryan, dential October 1, 1903. deceased. Ransom A. Brinson to be postmaster at Millen, in the county Nels A. Thompson to be postmaster at Newman. in the county of Screven and State of Georgia. Office became P1·esidential Oc­ of Stanislaus and State of California, in place of William W. tober 1, 1903. Giddings, resigned. William 0. De Loache to be postmaster at Talbotton, in the Daniel R. Trout to be postmaster at Boulder Creek, in the county of Talbot and State of Georgia. Office became Presiden­ county of Santa Cruz and State of California. Office became tial October 1, 1903. Presidential October 1, 1903. John W. Evans to be postmaster at Ashburn, in the county of George Watterson to be postmaster at Bishop, in the county of Worth and State of Georgia. Office became Presidential October Inyo and State of California. Office became Presidential April1, 1, 1903. - 1903. - Fred Feltham to be postmaster at Boston, in the county of William F. Wulf to be postmaster at Crescent City, in the Thomas and State of Georgia. Office became Presidential Octo­ county of Del Norte and State Qf California. Office became ber 1, 1908. Presidential July 1, 1903. George F. Flanders to be postmaster at Swainsboro, in the county COLORADO. of Emanuel and State of Georgia. Office became Presidential October 1, 1903. Arthur F. Brown to be postmaster at Berthoud, in the county Anna P. Grimsley to be postmaster at Cochran, in the county of Larimer and State of Colorado. Office became Presidential of Pulaski and State of Georgia. Office became Presidential April January 1 1903. 1,1903. Robert W. Campbell to be postmaster at Brighton, in the county George L. Liverman to be postmaster at Bainbridge, in the of Adams and State of Colorado. Office became Presidential county of Decatur and State of Georgia. in place of John O'Don­ April 1, 1903. nell. Incumbent's commission expired February 7,1902. George W. Miller to be postmaster at Hotchkiss, in the county Charles E. Murphy to be postmaster at Way Cross, in the of Delta and State of Colorado. Office became Presidential Octo­ county of Ware and State of Georgia, in place of William A. Mc­ ber 1, 1903. Neil. Incumbent's commission expired January 14,1902. Benjamin F. Niesz to be postmaster at Steamboat Springs, in the county of Routt and State of Colorado. Office became Presi­ HAWAll. dential July 1, 1903. Vetle A. Vetlesen to be postmaster at Wailuku, Maui Island Rolland Oliver to be postmaster at Paonia, in the county of Hawaii. Office became Presidential October 1, 1903. ' Delta and State of Colorado. Office became Presidential Octo­ Mabel R. Woods to be postmaster at Kohala, in the Territory ber 1, 1903. of Hawaii. Office became Presidential July 1, 1903. George N. Raymond to be postmaster at Durango, in the county ILLINOIS. of La Plata and State of Colorado, in place of Samuel M. Biggs. Incumbents commission expired March 2, 1903.. Frank M. Cauger to be postmaster at Granite City (late Gran­ Earle H. Reaugh to be postmaster at Alamosa, in the county of ite), in the county of Madison and State of illinois, in place of Conejos and State of Colorado, in place of George H. Shone, Frank M. Cauger, to change name of office. William A. Collins to be postmaster at Western Springs, in the resigned. county of Cookand State of Illinois, in place of Nancy H. Watson. William C. Sloan to be postmaster at Amethyst, in the county Incumbent's commission expired February 16, 1903. of Mineral and State of Colorado, in place of Mark G. Woodruff, Albert S. Corl to be postmaster at Nunda, in the county of resigned. Frank E. Songer to be postmaster at Crested Butte, in the county McHenry and State of Illinois, in place of Albert S. Corl. Incum­ of Gunnison and State of Colorado, in place of Jerry S. Olney, bent's commission expired December 21, 1902. Charles A. Gregory to be postmaster at Lovington, in the county deceased. Charles L. Todd to be postmaster at Rifle, in the county of of Moultrie and State of lllinois. Office became Presidential October 1, 1903. Garfield and State of Colorado. Office became Presidential Jan­ Herman F. Middendorf to be postma-ster at Chester ,in the county uary 1, 1903. of Randolph and State of illinois, in place of Napoleon B. La CONNECTICUT. Paugh, resigned. John A. Ayer to be postmaster at Saybrook, in the county of Frank Morrell to be postma-ster at Pawnee, in the county of Middlesex and State of Connecticut. Office became Presidential Sangamon and State of Illinois. Office became Pl·esidential J nly July 1, 1903. 1, 1903. Levi 0. Chittenden to be postmaster at Guilford. in the county Frederick W. Morrison to be postmaster at Berwyn, in the of New Haven and State of Connecticut, in placeof Joel T. Wild­ county of Cook and State of illinois. Office became Presidential man, ret:igned. July 1, 1902. BillioUB C. Hall to be postmaster at Union City, in the county JohnS. Nicholson to be postmaster at Beardstown, in the 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 199 county of Cass and State of ruinois, in place of Cad Allard, Frank C. Traverse to be postmaster at Bloomfield, in the county resigned. of Davis and State of Iowa, in place of Joseph A. Rominger, Frederick W. Obermiller to be postmaster at Mount Pulaski, in resigned. the county of Logan and State of illinois, in place of Frederick George W. Wiltse to be postmaster at Montezuma, in the county W. Obermiller. Incumbent's commission expired May 4, 1902. of Poweshiek and State of Iowa, in place of Joseph W. Jarnagin, Frank L. Paine to be postmaster at Xenia, in the county of resigned. Clay and State of illinois. Office became Presidential October 1, KANSAS. 1903. Peter Graham to be postmaster at Scammon, in the county of J ohn F. Regan to be postmaster at Mount Sterling, in the Cherokee and State of Kansas. Office became Presidential April county of Brown and State of lllinois, in place of Marie Friend­ 1, 1903. lich, deceased. George W. Hill to be postmaster at Douglass, in the county of George E. Swanson to be postmaster at Woodhull, in the county Butler and State of Kansas. Office became Presidential July 1, of Heru·y and State of illinois. Office became Presidential Octo­ 1903. . ber 1, 1903. Frank W. Johnson to be postmaster at Larned, in the county Allen H. Webster to be postmaster at Cuba, in the county of of Pawnee and State of Kansas, in place of Frank J. Davis, re­ Fulton and State of illinois. Office became Presidential October moved. 1 1903. . -- . Roberta H. McBlain to be postmaster at Fort Riley. in the county 'George E. Wiedman to be postmaster at Zion City, in the county of Geary and State of Kansas. Office became Presidential Octo­ of Lake and State of illinois. Office became Presidential July 1, ber 1, 1902. · 1903. Richard L. Musson to be postmaster at Elk City, in the county John Yost to be postmaster at Eldorado, in the county of Saline of Montgomery and State of Kansas. Office became Presidential and State of illinois, in place of Henry M. Webber, deceased. October 1, 1903. INDIANA.. J. Frank Smith to be postmaster at Pleasanton. in the county John Perry to be postmaster at Kramer, in the county of War­ of Linn and State of Kansas, in place of Henry Plumb. Incum­ ren and State of Indiana, in place of Henry L. Kramer, removed. bent's commission expired March 3, 1903. Joseph A. Whitehair to be postmaster at Chapman, in the INDIAN TERRITORY. county of Dickinson and State of Kansas. Office became Presi­ John E. Bruin to be postmaster at Bristow, in the Cherokee dential January 1, 1902. Nation, Ind. T. Office became Presidential October 1, 1903. KENTUCKY. Harland J. Butler to be postmaster at Miami, in the Ottawa Nation, Ind. T., in place of William L. McWilliams, resigned. Eugene W. Veluzat to be postmaster at Horse Cave, in the Philip K. Connaway to be postmaster at Minco, in the Chicka­ county of Hart and 8tate of Kentucky. Office became Presiden­ saw Nation, Ind. T. Office became Presidential April1, 1903. tial October 1, 1903. Charles J. Lane to be postmaster at McAlester, in the Choctaw LOUTSlA.NA. Nation, Ind. T. Office became Presidential October 1,1903. Laura Bondurant to be postmaster at St. Joseph, in the parish Arthur I. Morgan to be postmaster at Bartlesville, in the Cl;tero­ of Tensas and State of Louisiana, in place of Albert Bondurant, kee Nation, Ind. T. Office became Presidential AprU 1, 1903. deceased. Enoch Needham to be postmaster at Hugo, in the Choctaw Joseph R. Domengeanx to be postmaster at Lafayette, in the Nation, Ind. T. Office became Presidential July 1, 1903. parish of Lafayette and State of Louisiana, in place of Paul De­ John A. Porter to be postmaster at Tishomingo, in Chickasaw manade. Incumbent's commission expired January 10,1903. Nation and Indian Territory. Office became Presidential April Edward E. Fitzgerald to be postmaster at Minden, in the parish 1, 1903. of Webster and State of Louisiana, in place of John N. Sandlin, Flavyous J. Sullivan to be postmaster at Pryor Creek, in the resigned. Cherokee Nation, Ind. T. Office became Presidential April 1, Benjamin F. Ford to be postmaster at Natchitoches, in the 1903. parish of Natchitoches and State of Louisiana, in place of Jean E. IOWA.. Breda. Incumbent's commission expired :March 9, 1902. Charles H. Austin to be postmaster at Lineville, in the county Caroline G. Lyman to be postmaster at Franklin, in the parish of Wayne and State of Iowa. Office became Presidential April of St. Mary and State of Louisiana, in place of Caroline G. 1, 1903. Lyman. Incumbent's commission eXpired May 24, 1902. James Beard to be postmaster at Mount Ayr, in the county of John W. Miller to be postmaster at Alexandria, in the parish Ringgold and State of Iowa, in place of Adalaska 0. Ingram, of Rapides and State of Louisiana, in place of Robert P. Hunter. resigned. Incumbent's commission expired January 10, 1903. Alonzo Bryson to be postmaster at Davenport, in the county of Mildred P. T. Prescott to be postmaster at Lutcher, in the Scott and State of Iowa, in place of George Metzger, removed. parish of St. James and State of Louisiana, in place of Mildred Alice M. Davis, to be postmaster at Bonaparte, in the county of P. Tompkins, name changed by marriage. Van Buren and State of Iowa, in place of James P. Davis, de­ S. F. ~teere to be postmaster at Shreveport, in the parish of ceased. Caddo and State of Louisiana, in place of Leon M. Carter, deceased. Walter Gillrup to be postmaster at Northwood, in the county Jessie B. Wells to be postmaster at Leesville, in ~b.e parish of of Worth and State of Iowa, in place of Guy C. Toye. Incum­ Vernon and State of Louisiana, in place of Edward L. Wells, de­ bent's commission expired February 7, 1903. ceased. Henry P. Gow to be postmaster at Greenfield, in the county of MAINE. Adair and State of Iowa, in place of John J. Hetherington. In­ William W. Brown to be postmaster at Bowdoinham, in the cumbent's commission expired Decem~r 21, 1902. county of Sagadahoc and State of Maine. Office became Presi­ Nathan 0. Hickenlooper to be postma-ster at Blockton, in the dential July 1, 1903. county of Taylor and State of Iowa. Office became Presidential Irving W. Case to be postmaster at Lubec, in the county of April1, 1903. Washington and State of Maine. Office became Presidential J. J. Marsh to be postmaster at Decorah, in the county of October 1, 1903. Winneshiek and State of Iowa, in place of Clark N. Goddard. In­ Lindley H. Folsom to be postmaster at Greenville, in the county cumbent's commission expired January 27, 1903. of Piscataquis and State of Maine. Office became Presidential Minnie A. Muhs to be postmaster at Akron, in the county of July 1, 1903. Plymouth and State of Iowa, in place of Henry J. Muhs, deceased. Frank E. Monroe to be postmaster at Milo, in the county of PeterS. Narum to be postmaster at Waukon, in the county of Piscataquis and State of Maine. Office became Presidential Allamakee and State of Iowa, in place of Frank H. Robbins. In­ October 1, 1903. cumbent's commission expired January 10, 1903. Stephen B. Thurlow to be postmaster at Stonington, in the Robert P. Osier to be postmaster at Clarion, in the county of county of Hancock and State of Maine. Office became Presiden­ Wright and State of Iowa, in place of James C. Harwood. deceased. tial October 1, 1903. Jacob E. Palmer to be postmaster at Hawkeye, in the county MARYLAND. of Fayette and State of Iowa. Office became Presidential April 1, 1903. J. Henry Cover to be postmaster at Thurmont in the county of Lambert J. Rogers to be postmaster at Allison, in the county of Frederick and State of Maryland. Office became Presidential Butler and State of Iowa. Office became Presidential October April 1, 1903. 1, 1903. Edward S. Furbush to be postmaster at Berlin, in the county of Annie L. Tabor to be postmaster at Independence, in the county Worcester and State of Maryland, in place of Henry C. Conna­ of Buchanan and State of Iowa, in place of Stephen Tabor, way, deceased. &ceased. Alonzo R. Spitzer to be postmaster at Brunswick, in the conpty 200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. N OVE~fBER 11' of Frederick and State of Maryland, in place of Lorenzo S. Gard­ Sault de Ste. Marie, in the county of Chippewa and State of Mich­ ner, removed. igan, in place of William Webster, to change name of office. Harry K. Startzman to be postmaster at Hagerstown, in the Joseph Wise to be postmaster at Hubbell, late Southlake Lin­ county of Washington and State of Maryland, in place of James P. den, in the county of Houghton and State of Michigan, in place Harter. Incumbent's commission expired March 2, 1903. of Joseph Wise, to change name of office. Washington G. Tuck to be postmaster at Annapolis, in the county of Anne Arundel and State of Maryland, in place of Wash­ MINNESOTA. ington G. Tuck. Incumbent's commission expired February 20, Axel R. Anderson to be postmaster at Sparta, in the county of 1903. St. Louis and State of Minnesota. Office became Presidential M.A.SS.A.CHUSETTS. April1, 1903. Otho A. Austin to be postmaster at New York Mills, in the Festus G. Amsden to be postmaster at Athol, in the county of county of Ottertail and State of Minnesota. Office became Presi· Worcester and State of Massachusetts, in place of Harding R. dential July 1, 1903. Barber, deceased. Oliver B. Boobar to be postmaster at Sauk Center, in the county Alfred G. Cone to be postmaster at Haydenville, in the county of Stearns and State of Minnesota, in place of Charles F. Hendryx, of Hampshire and State of Massachusetts. Office became PI·esi­ resigned. dential April1, 1903. Frank H. Buelow to be postmaster at Sleepy Eye, in the county George W. Cutting to be postmaster at Weston, in the county of Brown and State of Minnesota, in place of Frank H. Buelow. of :Middlesex and State of Massachusetts. Office became Presi­ Incumbent's commission expired January 19, 1903. dential July 1, 1903. John W. Gish to be postmaster at Waterville, in the county of Ralph W. Emerson to be postmaster at Chelmsford, in the Lesueur and State of Minnesota, in place of Serenus H. Farring­ county of Middlesex and State of Massachusetts. Office became ton. Incumbent's commission expired January 19, 1903. Presidential October 1, 1903. Henry C. Miller to be postmaster at St. Peter, in the county of Frank A. Fales to be postmaster at Norwood, in the county of Nicollet and State of Minnesota, in place of Daniel Fichthorn, Norfolk and State of M;assachnsetts, in place of William J. removed. Wallace, deceased. S. J. Swanson to be postmaster at Cokato, in the county of Fred A. Hanaford to be postmaster at South Lancaster, in the Wright and State of Minnesota, in place of Axel Hammarsten, county of Worcester and State of Massachusetts, in place of deceased. Henry F. Hosmer, deceased. William E. Talboys to be postmaster at Chisholm, in the county HerbertM. Howard to be postmaster at Randolph, in the county of St. Louis and State of Minnesota. Office became Presidential of Norfolk and State of Massachusetts, in place of Minot W. Baker, July 1, 1903. removed. William H. Towle to be :postmaster at Annandale, in the county Stephen C. Luce to be postmaster at Vineyard Haven, in the of Wright and State of Minnesota. Office became Presi

NEW HAMPSIDRE. NORTH CAROLINA. Andrew J. Hook to be postmaster at Warner, in the county of John E. Albright to be postmaster at Mount Airy, in the county Merrimack and State of New Hampshire. Office became Presi­ of Surry and State of North Carolina, in place of Richard K. dential April1, 1903. Marshall. Incumbent's commission expired May 6, 1902. Forrest E. Page to be postmaster at Raymond, in the county of Claudius D. Holland to be postmaster at Gastonia, in the county Rockingham and State of New Hampshire. Office became Presi­ of Gaston and State of North Carolina, in place of Laban L. dential October 1, 1903. J enlrins, resigned. NEW JERSEY. Ella C. Peace to be postmaster at Oxford, in the county of Gran· · Robert L. Barber to be postmaster at Camden, in the county of ville and State of North Carolina, in place of Ella C. Peace. In­ Camden and State of New Jersey, in place of Louis T. Derousse, cumbent's commission expired January 28, 1903. removed. Benjamin T. Person to be postmaster at Wilson, in the county Peter W. Brakeley to be postmaster at Dunellen, in the county of Wilson and State of North Carolina, in place of Samuel H. of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, in place of Adam Deala­ Vick. Incumbent's commission expired May 28, 1902. man, deceased. NORTH DAKOTA..- William L. Doremus to be postmaster at Montclair, in the county of Essex apd State of New Jersey, in place of George A. Bertha 1\f. Gunderson to be postmaster at Aneta, in the county Van Gieson, deceased. of Nelson and State of North Dakota. Office became Presiden­ Frank A. Esty to be postmaster at Clinton, in the county of tial October 1, 1903. Hunterdon and State of New Jersey, in place of Benjamin F. Thomas B. Hm·ly to be postmaster at Bowbells, in the county Honness. Incumbent's commission expired January 12, 1902. of Ward and State of North Dakota. Office became Presidential Herman B. Walker to be postmaster at Orange, in the county April1, 1903. of Essex and State of New Jersey, in place of Louis D. Gallison, John E. Jenks to be postmaster at Souris, in the county of Bot­ removed. tineau and State of North Dakota. Office became Presidential NEVADA, April1, 1903. . Charles Leathart to be postmaster at Fairmount, in the county Herman C. Sommer to be postmaster at Lovelocks, m the of Richland and State of North Dakota. Office became Presiden­ connty of Humboldt and State of Nevada, in pla-ce of Charles M. tial October 1, 1903. Sain, resigned. William G. Mitchell to be postmaster at }finto, in the county NEW MEXICO. of Walsh and State of North Dakota. Office became Presidential Fred 0. Blood to be postmaster at Las Vegas (late East Las 1 October 1, 1903. Vegas), in the county of San Miguel and Territory of New Mex- Edward T. Pierson to be postmaster at Granvi11e, in the county ico. in place of Fred 0. Blood, to change name of office. of McHenry and State of North Dakota. Office became Presi· .Albert R. Carter to be postmaster at Tucumcari, in the county dential July 1.1903. of Quay and Territory of New Mexico. Office became Presiden- August H. Wahl to be postmaster at Washburn, in the county tial October 1, 1903. of McLean and Sta.te of North Dakota. Office became Presidential John M. Hawkins to be postmaster at Alamogordo, in the July 1, 1903. county of Otero and Territory of New Mexico, in place of Frank omo. M. Rhomberg, resigned. Oliver S. Applegate to be postmaster at Antwerp, in the county NEW YORK, of Paulding and State of Ohio, in place of Oliver S. Applegate. JohnS. Burr to be postmaster at Charlotte, in the county of Incumbent's commission expired January 28. 1903. :Monroe and State of New York. Office became Presidential July John Q. A. Campbell to be postmaster at Bellefontaine, in the 1, 1903. county of Logan and State of Ohio, in place of Wallace W. Roach, Silas S. Cartwright to be postmaster at Roxbury, in the county deceased. of Delaware and State of New York. Office became Presidential Charles W. Dean to be postmaster at Mingo Junction, in the October 1, 1903. county of Jefferson and State of Ohio, in place of William E. William G. Davry to be postmaster at Mechanicsville, in the Pelley, resigned. county of Saratoga and State of New York, in place of Gem·geB. Charles E. Fenton to be postmaster at Newton Falls, in the Tripp, deceased. COlmty of Trumbull and State of Ohio. Office became Presiden­ Lucius R. Doty to be postmaster at Catskill, in the county of tial Aprill, 1903. Greene and State of New York, in place of John D. Smith. In­ Gustavus A. Ge sner to be postmaster at Fremont, in the county cumbent's commission expired February 10, 1903. of SandusJry and State of Ohio, in place of Gustavus A Gessner. James Freeman to be postmaster at Mumford, in the county of Incumbent's commission expired March 3. 1903. Monroe and State of New York. Office became Presidential Herbert Harrison to be postmaster at Dillonvale, in the county April1, 1903. of Jefferson and State of Ohio. Office became Presidential April Frank E. Gaylord to be postmaster at North Collins, in the 1, 1903. county of Erie and State of New York. Office became Presiden­ Charles H. H nffman to be postmaster at Richwood. in the county tial October 1, 1903. of Union and State of Ohio, in place of WilsonS. Burgoon. In­ H. C. Holcomb to be postmaster at Portville, in the county of cumbent's commission expired March 2, 1903. Cattaraugus and State of New York, in place of William Holden, Walter M. Kyle to be postmaster at Troy, in the county of Miami deceased. and State of Ohio, in place of Newton C. Clyde, deceased. William Hopkins to be postmaster at Au Sable Forks, in the .Arthur M. Lyon to be postmaster at Struthers, in the county of county of Essex and State of New York. Office became Presiden- Mahoning and State of Ohio. Office became Presidential July 1, tial October 1, 1903. · 1903. Flora A. Homer to be postmaster at Belmont, in the county of John F. Orr to be postmaster at Xenia, in the county of Greene Allegany and State of New York, in place of Melvin E. Horner, and State of Ohio, in place of Joseph M . .M:ilburn. Incumbent's removed. commission expired May 24, 1902. Frank H. Johnson to be postmaster at Farmer, in the county of Lewis M. Riley to be postmaster at Blanchester, in the county Seneca and State of New York, in place of Emmett C. Grant. of Clinton and State of Ohio, in place of Lewis M. Riley. Incum­ Incumbent's commission expired February 15, 1903. bent's commission expired December 20, 1902. James E. Johnson to be postmaster at Canton, in the county of Porter Watson to be postmaster at Lowellville, in the county of St. Lawrence and State of New York, in place of John H. Mc­ Mahoning and State of Ohio. Office became Presidential April1, Intosh, deceased. 1903. . James M. Requa to be postmaster at Tarrytown, in the county OKLAHOMA., of Westchester and State of New York, in place of James M. Requa. Incumbent's commission expired March 2, 1903. George A. Ahern to be postmaster at Frederick, in the county Norman C. Templeton to be postmaster at Irvington, in the of Comanche and Territory of Oklahoma. Office became Presi­ county of Westchester and State of New York, in place of John dential October 1, 1903. F. Dinkel. Incumbent's commission expired March 2, 1903. L. N. Bushorr to be postmaster at Pawnee, in the county of John G. Ward to be postmaster at Cambridge, in the county of Pawnee and Ten'itory of Oklahoma, in place of Oscar M. Lancas­ Washington and State of New York, in place of Benjamin L. ter, resigned. Ward, deceased. OREGON. William W. Worden to be postmaster at Saratoga Springs. in Carlton E. Harmon to be postmaster at Grants Pass, in the the county of Saratoga and State of New York, in place of Win­ county of Josephine and State of Oregon, in place of Carlton E. sor B. French. Incumbent's commission exph'ed February 15, Harmon. Incumbents commission expired March 3. 1903. 1903. Hiram F. Mnrdoch to be postmaster at Klamath Falls, in the 202 CONGRESSIONAL R~CORD-SENATE. NOVEMBE~ 11' county of Klamath and State of Oregon. Office became Presi­ Turner and State of South Dakota. Office. became Presidential dential July 1, 1903. October 1, 1903. Wallace W. Smead to be postmaster at Heppner, in the county Eva M. Young to be postmaster at Faulkton, in the county of of Morrow and State of Oregon, in place of Benjamin F. Vaughan, Fa~k and State of South Dakota, in place of Fremont Young, deceased. resigned. PENNSYLV A.NI.A, TEXAS. Alexander C. Alton to be postmaster at Fayette City, in the James A. Butler to be postmaster at Troup, in the county of county of Fayette and State of Pennsylvania, in place of Edwin Smith and State of Texas. Office became Presidential April1, H. McCune, resigned. · 1903. John C. Bailey to be postmaster at Ford City, in the county of W. E. Connelly to be postmaster at Hubbard, in the county of Armstrong and State of Pennsylvania, in place of Andrew C. Hill and State of Texas, in place of William B. Norvell. Incum­ Bailey, resigned. bent's commission expired March 31, 1902. Joseph M. Bloss to be postmaster at Titusville, in the county of Ellie V. Flanagan to be postmaster at Henderson, in the county Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, in place of Martin R. Rouse. of Rusk and State of Texas, in place of JohnM. Hickey, decea ed~ Incumbent's commission expired December 20, 1902. Albert L. Gibs.on to be postmaster at Guffey, in the county of John B. Branagan to be postmaster at Charlel'IJi, in the county Jefferson and State of Texas. Office became Presidential Octo­ of Washington and State of Pennsylvania, in pla-ee of John C. ber 1, 1903. McKean. Incumbent's commission expired July 5, ·1902. Dallas Harbert to be postmaster at Commerce, in the county of Joseph B. Heister to be postmaster at New Kensington, in the Hunt and State of Texas, in place of Charles W. Rush. Incum­ county of Westmoreland and State of Pennsylvania, in place of bent's commission expired March 31, 1902. Georgie E. Shaw, resigned. Eli_as J. M. Hopkins to be p~stmaster at Rockd~le, in the county Emma Keat to be postmaster at Pen Argyl, ill the county of of Milam and State of Texas, m place of Esta Witcher, 1·esigned. Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, in place of Samuel Keat, D. A. Robinson to be postmaster at Dallas, in the county of deceased. Dallas and State of Texas, in place of William M. O'Leary, de­ Eliza Ketcham to be postmaster at Narberth, in the county of ceased. Montgomery and State of Pennsylvania. Office became Presi­ Gertrude Taylor to be postmaster at Llano, in the county of dential October 1, 1903. Llano and State of Texas, in place of James L. Taylor, deceased. Jacob E. Long to be postmaster at Bangor, in the county of TENNESSEE. Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, in place of John W. James S. Beasley to be postmaster at Centerville, in the county Jones, deceased. . · of Hickman and State of Tennessee. Office became Presidential Ellwood W. Minster to be postmaster at Bristol, in the county July 1, 1903. of Bucks and State of Pennsylvania, mplace of Elwood W. Min­ William B. Farris to be postmaster at Pulaski, in the county ster. Incumbent's commission expired March 3, 1903. of Giles and State of Tennessee, in place of Peter J. Clarke, de­ George S. Mullin to be postmaster at Hyndman, in the county ceased. of Bedford and State of Pennsylvania. Office became Presiden­ Lewis J. Garner to be postmaster at Cookeville, in the county tial April1, 1903. of Putnam and State of Tennessee. Office became Presidential Francis A. Ready to be postmaster at Tarentum, in the county October 1, 1903. of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, in place of Andrew S. Rufus T. Hickman to be postmaster at Lynnville, in the collllty Warner, deceased. of Giles ana State of Tennessee. Office became Presidential July Renwick Rowan to be p0stmaste:t at Parnassus, in the county 1, 1903. of Westmoreland and State of Pennsylvania. Office became Presi­ Lorenzo H. Lasater to be postmaster at Athens, in the county dential July 1, 1903. of McMinn and State of Tennessee, in place of William S. Hoge, Joseph T. Russell to be postmaster at New Salem, in the county deceased. of Fayette and State of Pennsylvania. Office became Presidential Thomas J. Littleton to be postmas~r at Estill Springs, in the October 1, 1903. county of Franklin and State of Tennessee. Office became Presi­ Cyn1B B. Smith to be postmaster at W emersville, in the county dential October 1, 1903. of Berks and State of Pennsylvania. Office became Presidential UTAH. July 1, 1903. · Samuel Judd to be postmaster at St. George, in the county of Denis 0. Sullivan to be postmaster at Devon, in the county of Washington and State of Utah. Office became Presidential July Chester and State of Pennsylvania. Office became Presidential 1, 1903. July 1, 1903. - FrankS. Tryon to be postmaster at Spartansburg, in the county VERMONT. of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania. Offire became Presi­ Albert H. Cheney to be postmaster at Stowe, in the county of dential July 1, 1903. Lamoille and State of Vermont. Office became Presidential Oc­ James Q. Waters to be postmaster at West Newton, in the tober 1, 1903. county of Westmoreland and State of Pennsylvania, in place of Henry E. Spencer to be postmaster at Proctor, in the county of William D. Allison, resigned. Rutland and State of Vermont, in place of William P. Donahue. John W. Zerbe to be postmaster at Shamokin, in the county of Incumbent's commission expired March 15, 1898. Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania. in place of Frank VIRGINIA. W. Daniell. Incumbent's commission expired March 3, 1903. William T. Tillar to be postmaster at Emporia, in the county Andrew C. Ziegler to be postmaster at Mars, in the county of of G:reenesville and State of Virginia. Office became Presidential Butler and State of Pennsylvania. Office became Presidential April1; 1903. April1, 1903. W .ASHINGTON. PORTO RICO. Grant C. Angle to be postmaster at Shelton, in the county of Augusto Font to be postmaster at Aguadilla, in the county of 1\Iason and State of Washington, in place of Albert J. Munson, Aguadilla: Porto Rico. Office became Presidential July 1, 1903, removed. John Black to be postmaster at Fairhaven, in the county of RHODE ISLAND. Whatcom and State of Washington, in place of Samuel P. Tap­ John B. Landers to be postmaster at Jamestown, in the county ping. Incumbent's commission expired January 22, 1902. of Newport and State of Rhode Island. Office became Presi.: William M. Clemenson to be postmaster at Clarkston, in the dential July 1, 1903. county of Asotin and State of Washington. Office became Presi­ SOUTH CAROLINA. dential April1, 1903. Richard Connell to be postmaster at Odessa, in the county of Wilmot L. Harris to be postmaster at Charleston, in the county Lincoln and State of Washington. Office became Presidential of Charleston and State of South Carolina, in place of George I. October 1, 1903, Cunningham. Incumbent's commission expired June 14, 1902. WEST VIRGL~. Samuel T. Poinier to be postmaster at Spartanburg, in the Edgar C. Bennette to be postmaster at Richwood, in the county county of Spartanburg and State of South Carolina, in place of of Nicholas and State of West Virginia. Office became Presi­ Samuel T. Poinier. Incumbent's commission expired March 3, dential April 1, 1903. 1903. Madison E. Callihan to be postmaster at Thurmond, in the county SOUTH D.AKOT.A. of Fayette and State of West Virginia, in place of Samuel G. Bayard T. Boylan to be postmaster at Armour, in the county of Walker, resigned. Douglas and State of South Dakota, in place of Thomas B. Rob­ Thad T. Huffman to be postmaster at Keyser, in the county of erts, resigned. Mineral and State of West Virginia, in place of.John W. Matlick, John J. Mansfield to be postmaster at Hurley, in the county of deceased. 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 203

WISCONSIN. Also, a bill (H. R. 1193) to amend sections 3242 and 3281 of the William H. Berray to be postmaster at Wautoma, in the county Revised Statutes-to the Committee on Ways and Means. of Wanshara and State of Wisconsin. · Office became Presidential By Mr. JONES of Washington: A bill (H. R. 1194) providing April1, 1903. for subsistence for rural free-delivery can'iers-to the Committee Thomas W. Claridge to be postmaster at Reedsburg, in the on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. county of Sauk and State of Wisconsin, in place of John Kellogg, By Mr. JENKINS: A bill (H. R. 1195) to provide for the pay­ deceased. ment of certain claims against the District of Columbia, caused Albert E. Edwards to be postmaster at Monticello, in the county by the destruction of the Northern Liberty market house in Sep­ of Green and State of Wisconsin. Office became Presidential tember, 1872-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Jnly 1, 1903. By Mr. BROWNLOW: A bill (H. R.1196) for the purchase of Gertrude Frazier to be postmaster at Viola, in the county of a national forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, Richland and State of Wisconsin. Office became Presidential to be known as the" National Appalachian Forest Reserve"-to October 1, 1903. the Committee on Agriculture. - Edith L. Maynard to be postmaster at Sheboygan, in the county By Mr. SIMS: A bill (H. R. 1197) for investigations of the of Sheboygan and State of Wisconsin, in place of Charles H. May­ chemical composition and economic uses of cotton seed and its nard, deceased. products-to the Committee on Agriculture. Sutcliffe Parkin to be postmaster at Mazomanie, in the county By Mr. GILBERT: A bill (H. R. 1198) providing for the pun­ of Dane and State of Wisconsin, in place of Maud Dodge, resigned. ishment of United States prisoners for crimes committed while Kirby Thomas to be postmaster at Superior, late West Superior, confined in State penal institutions-to the Committee on the in the county of Douglas and State of Wisconsin, in place of Kirby Judiciary. Thomas, to change name of office. By Mr. SIMS: A bill (H. R. 1199) to regulate the mode and manner of taking proof in all civil cases, both at law and equity, WYOMING. in the circuit courts of the United States-to the Committee on FrankS. Knittle to be postmaster at Douglas, in the county of the Judiciary. Converse and State of Wyoming, in place of Howard S. Dates­ Also, a bill (H. R. 1200) to provide for a road to the Shiloh man, removed. National Military Park-to the Committee on Military Affairs. William P. Webster to be postmaster at Cody, in the county of Also, a bill (H. R. 1201) to provide for a road to the Shiloh Bighorn and State of Wyoming. Office became Presidential National Military Park-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Jnly 1, 1903. Also, a bill (H. R. 1202) to repeal an act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States, approved WITHDRAWAL. July 1, 1898-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Executive nomination withdrawn November 11, 1903. By Mr. ACHESON: A bill (H. R. 1203) authorizing the Secre­ Asst. Surg. Matthew K. Gwyn, of Maryland, to be a passed as­ tary of the Treasury to provide a post-office building at all cities sistant surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service or towns where first, second, or third class post-offices are located­ of the United States, the same having been made through a cler­ to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. ical error. Also, a bill (H. R. 1204) to increase the limit of cost for the purchase of site and the erection of a public building at Wash­ TRADE RELATIONS WITH CUBA. ington, Pa.-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Also, a bill (H. R. 1205) to establish a fish-hatching and fish The injunction of secrecywas removedNovember11, 1903, from station in the State of Pennsylvania-to the Committee on the a commercial convention (Ex. 1, 57th Cong., 2d sess.) between Merchant Marine and Fisheries. the United States and Cnba, and from the hearings thereon before By Mr. SULLOWA Y: A bill (H. R. 1206) to provide for the pnr­ the Committee on Foreign Relations. chase of a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Dover, in the State of New Hampshire-to the Committee on Pub­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. lic Buildings and Grounds. By Mr. ACHESON: A bill (H. R. 1207) providing for the em­ WEDNESDAY, NC(IJember 11, 1903. ployment of letWr carriers at every post-office which produced a The Honse met at 12 o'clock m. gross revenue for the preceding fiscal year of not less than $1,900- Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CounE...~, D. D. to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. The J onrnal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ By Mr. MOON of Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 1208) to amend the proved. pension laws-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS • . By Mr. SIMS: A bill (H. R. 1209) to erect a custom-house and post-office building in the city of Paris, State of Tennessee-to the Mr. LITTLE. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues, Hon. Charles C. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Reid, of the Fifth district of Arkansas, and Hon. R. M. Wallace, By Mr. SPERRY: A bill (H. R. 1210) for the improvement of of the Seventh district of Arkansas, were not present on the first harbor of refuge at Duck Island Harbor, Connecticut-to the day of the session. I ask that they be given an opportunity to Committee on Rivers and Harbors. take the oath of office. Also, a bill (H. R. 1211) for the improvement of theNew Haven The SPEAKER. The gentlemen will step forward to the bar (Conn.) Harbor breakwater-to the Committee on Rivers and of the House. Harbors. . Mr. GROSVENOR. Mr. Speaker, I make the same request on By Mr. HITT: A bill (H. R.1212) to erect a public building at behalf of Hon. Thomas B. Kyle, of the Seventh district of Ohio. Dixon, ID.-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will step forward to the bar By Mr. SIMS: A bill (H. R. 1213) to amend section 4 of an act of the Honse. passed December 27, 1894, entitled "An act to establish a national The Members named came forward and took the oath of office. military park at the battlefield of Shiloh "-to the Committee on Mr. PAYNE. I move the House do now adjourn. Military Affairs. The motion was agreed to. By Mr. DENNY: A bill (H. R. 1214) making an appropriation Accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 5 minutes p.m.) the House ad­ fo! increasin~ the depth of the main ship channel in the Patapsco journed. R1ver to Baltimore Harbor, Maryland, to 35 feet-to the Commit­ tee on Rivers and Harbors. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. Also, a bill (H. R. 1215) making an appropriation to increase Under clause 2 of Rule XXIV, the following executive com­ the depth of the main ship channel at York Spit, in Che apeake munication was taken from the Speaker's table and refen·ed as Bay, to 35 feet and of a width to 600 feet-to the Committee on follows: Rivers and Harbors. A letter from the Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, By Mr. HAMILTON: A bill (H. R. 1216) to increase the pen­ submitting an inventory of all books, maps, and pamphlets re­ sions of those who have become totally blind by reason of service maining in his department November 2, 1903-to the Committee in the Army or Navy of the United States-to the Committee on on Accounts, and ordered to be printed. Invalid Pensions. By Mr. SPERRY: A bill (H. R.1217) for the maintenance and PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MEMORIALS. improvement of the Connecticut River below Hartford-to the Under clause 3 of Rule xxn, bills, resolutions, and memorials Committee on Rivers and Harbors. of the following titles were introduced, and severally referred as Also, a bill (H. R. 1218) for the improvement of the Housatonic follows: River-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. By Mr. WILLIAM W. KITCHIN: A bill (H. R. 1192) to re­ Also, a bill (H. R. 1219) for the improvement of the harbor at peal the 10 per cent tax on State-bank issues-to the Committee Milford, Conn.-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. on Banking and Currency. Also, a bill (H. R. 1220) to provide for the modification of the