1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 171 Also, petition of heirs of William Hendel'son, deceased, late of Illinois, praying for the passage of the so-called Hoar anti-injunc­ King George County, Va., praying reference of war claims to the tion bill; which were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. Mr. STEWART presented a resolution of the legislature of the By Mr. SHERMAN: Papers to accompany bill granting a pen­ State of Nevada, relative to the regulation and protection of im­ sion to Phrebe M. Eigenbroadt-to the Committee on Invalid migrants; which was referred to the Committee on Immigration, Pensions. and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Senate joint resolution and memorial to Con~ess, No.-, relative to immi­ gration and protection. SENATE. Whereas the Congress of the United States has under consideration the subject of immigration with a view to further legislation; and WEDNESDAY, November 11, 1903. Whereas in all such legislation, during the pa.st forty years, the ma.nllfac­ tm·ers ha ve reaped the benefit to the detriment of the tradesman, artisan, and Prayer by Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington. laboring man who have been afforded no protection against the disastrous WILLIAM B. BATE, a Senator from the State of Tennessee; competition of the undesirable, criminal, and pauper classes of foreign coun­ tries, arriving on our shores at the rate of half a million annually, assisted CL.ARENCE D. CLARK, a Senator from the State of Wyoming; hither, in many instances, by the Government, organized society, or private JOHN W. D.A....~IEL, a Senato1· from the State of Virginia; FRANCIS G. aid, thus benefiting the country left by relieving the labor market, and injur­ NEWLANDS. a Senator from the State of Nevada; and MATTHEw ing this by the number of unemployed, nearly every one reaching this coun­ try during the past twenty years being a positiy-e detriment to the people S. QUAY, a 'Senator from the State of Pennsylvania, appeared in already here; and their seats to-day. Whereas a; million of our people are suffering for want of employment, The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. and the natural increase of our population will, for an indefinite future, fully supply every demand that any possible development of the country may MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. make, it should be the policy for our Government to afford as full and com­ plete protection to the mechanic, laborer.Jarmer, merchant, miner, employed A me sage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. and unemployed, as the manufacturer: Therefore, be it BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, communicated to the Senate the in­ Resolved by the senate of the State of Nevada) the assembly concurring, That the Congress of the United States be, and it 1s hereby, memorialized to telligence of the death of Hon. VINCENT BoREm:G, late a Repre­ incorporate in all immigration legislation such provisions as will forever sentative from the State of Kentucky, and transrmtted resolutions prohibit from landing on our shores the undesirable element of the Old World of the House thereon. by the levy of a tax of $100 per capita upon every immigrant to hereafter land, or such a ta.x as shall fully and effectually protect our people from for­ The message also communicated to the Senate the intelligence eign competition; ofthedeathofHon. R. H. FoERDERER,late a Representative from Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be instructed and our Representa­ the State of Pennsylvania, and transmitted resolutions of the tive be requested to nse all honorable means to secure such legislation; Resolved, That the governor be, and he hereby is, requested to forward an House thereon. engrossed copy of this memorial and resolution to each of our Senators and The message further announced that the House had passed a to our Representative in Congress. joint resolution (H. J. Res. 14) making immediately available L.ALLEN, President of the Senate. the appropriations for mileage of Senators and Members of the C. H. MciNTosH, House of Representatives, and for otherpurposes; in which it re­ Secretary of the Senate. quested the concurrence of the Senate. M.Aru:oN S. WILSON, Speaker of the Assembly. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. J. A. CLARK., Chief Clerk of the Assembly. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a memorial of the Approved March 9, 1903. Antiopium Society of San Francisco, Cal., remonstrating against JOHN SPARKS, Governor. the enactment of Iegislation to legalize the sale of opium in the Senate joint resolution and memorial to Congress No. 7. Introduced by Sen­ Philippine Islands; which was referred to the Committee on the ator Lord, February 14, 1903, relative to immigration and protection. Philippines. February H, 1903, rules suspended, reading had, considered first reading, He also presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ rules further suspended, bill read second time by title, and referred to com­ ance Union of Covington, Ky.; of the Woman's Christian Tem­ mittee on Federal relations. February 20,1903~ reported back from committee favorably with the recommendation that it ao pass. Placed at the bottom perance Union of Powellton, ill.; of the Woman's Christian Tem­ of the file February 24,1903. Re<:'.eived in the assembly, rules suspended, perance Union of Dracut, Mass.; of Annie C. Jones, of Chatham, reading had, considered first reading, rules further suspended read second Pa.; of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union of Carroll, time by title, and referred to committee on Federal relations. February 28, 1903, reported back from committee with recommendation that it do pass. ·N.H.; of the congregation of the North Fork Baptist Church, of March 4, 1903, placed upon third reaclin.g and final passage, and passed by the Rush, W.Va.; ofsundrycitizensofLyons! Mich.; of the Woman's following vote-yeas 20, noes 0, absent I7. Returned to senate. F. C. Arm­ Christian Temperance Union of Almont, Mich.; of the Woman's strong, assistant clerk of assembly. March 5, 1903, received in senate and sent to enrollment. E. T. George, assistant secretary of senate. Christian Temperance Union of Sodus, Mich.; of the Woman's Filed in the office of the secretary of state, this 13th day of March, 1903 . Christian Temperance Union of Ithaca, Mich.; of the congrega­ W. G. DOUGLASS, Secretary of the State. tion of the Lyell Avenue Baptist Church, of Rochester, N.Y.; of the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Millville, STATE OF NEV.ADA, Department of State, ss: It W. G. Douglass, the duly elected, qualified, and acting secretary of state N.Y.; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Bing­ of tne State of Nevada, do hereby certifr that the foregoing is a true, full, hamton, N.Y.; of the Baptist Young People's Union of Eureka and correct copy of the original senate jomt resolution and memorial to Con­ Springs, Ark., and of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union ~ess No. 7,relative to immigration and protection, now on file and of record m this office. of Eureka Springs, Ark., praying that an investigation be made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the charges filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the of state, at my office, in Carson City, Nev., this 17th day of March, A . D. State of Utah; which were referred to the Committee on Privi­ 1903. leges and Elections. [SEAL.] W. G. DOUGLASS, Secretm·y of State, Mr. PENROSE presented a petition of the Trades League of By GEO. N. NoEL, Deputy. PhHadelphia, Pa., praying that an appropriation be made to pro­ Mr. STEWART presented a resolution of the legislature of the vide a 35-foot channel in the Delaware River from Philadelphia State of Nevada, relative to the naturalization of citizens; which to the sea; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. was referred to the Committee on Immigration, and ordered to be Mr. CULLOM presented a petition of members of the Grand printed in the RECORD, as follows: Senate joint and concurrent resolution No. -. Resolution r ela.tiY"e to the Army of the Republic, Department of illinois, of White Hall, ill., naturalization of citizens. praying for the enactment of a service-pension law; which was Whereas under the land and mining laws of the United States it is provided referred to the Committee on Pensions. · that all persons who have declared their intention to become citizens of the He also presented petitions of sundry citizens and church organi­ United States shall have the same rights as those who are ah·eady citizens; and zations of the State of Illinois, praying that an investigation be Whereas a large number of persons declare their intentions to become citi­ made of the charges filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator zens of the United States under the laws provided therefor for the purpose from the State of Utah; which were referred to the Committee of enjoying the benefits of the land, mining, and other laws, yet never become citizens, and while enjoying the benefits of citizenship are required to bear on Privileges and Elections. none of the burdens thereof: Therefore, be it He also presented petitions of Local Union No. 106, United Resolved by the senate of the State of Nevada, the assembly conc'IL1'1·ing. That Mine Workers, of Dunfermline; of the Amalgamated Association we are heartily in favor of such legislation as will require persons declaring their intention of becoming citizens under the laws of the United States to 'Of Street and Electric Railway Employees of Chicago; of the Mu­ become such within a reasonable period after they- are eligible or forfeit all sicians Protective Association of Joliet; of Mailers' Local Union benefits or privileges acquired under the laws of the United States; and No.
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