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Memoires 1979-A Willem Oltmans bron Willem Oltmans, Memoires 1979-A. Papieren Tijger, Breda 2010 Zie voor verantwoording: © 2013 dbnl / Willem Oltmans Stichting 7 Inleiding Recently I was invited by the television company Het Gesprek to join the host Frits Barend on the programme Dossier BVD. The programme is designed to take a retrospective look at guests who had appeared on the now legendary show, Barend en van Dorp and Willem Oltmans had been a frequent guest. Clips were shown, discussed, and questions followed. Once again the re-occurring theme reared its head. ‘Would Willem be remembered as a great journalist or as a charlatan?’ Without presumption I say that I probably knew Willem better than anyone else, and the word ‘charlatan’ does not enter my vocabulary. I saw Willem as a man who hated lies, hypocrisy and cover-ups. His diaries, meticulously notated, and which he himself referred to as ‘my brain’, speak for themselves. Willem was also capable of being Spartan with detail when the noted facts were painful to him. 19th of May 1979, thirteen years exactly to the day that we first met, he writes of a painful incident and refers to it simply as ‘a sort of rape’. I was the subject of that rape and the same uninvited, explosive sexual attack was forced on me again two weeks later in the home of his mother. We never spoke of it, and so I find it a revealing characteristic of the complex Oltmans brain that he chose to acknowledge his darker sides and demons, albeit without any emotion. Willem was impressed with the study of ancient Greek homosexuality as written by Professor K.L. Dover, and identified with the rite of passage between the older and the younger man. The erotic association between the role model and the pupil regarded as a ‘compound of an educational with a genital relationship’. Ideally the beautiful young man should inspire love, but not give himself to his lover. Even Aristophanes, known for his conservatism, would never describe love between men as ‘unnatural’, placing modern religious ideologies with their violent aversion to homosexual love, under a critical spotlight. Oltmans found anything pertaining to organized religions repellent and described evangelist Billy Graham as an ‘American ayatollah’. Esquire magazine called Graham ‘Christ's American Son’, prompting Willem to write that it was all very sick and not something uplifting to read over breakfast. Willem Oltmans, Memoires 1979-A 8 Given the situation today with the Roman Catholic Church embroiled in sex-scandals rocking its archaic and institutional foundations to the core, one wonders what Willem's comments would have been? With his distinctive sardonic smile he would no doubt have been inclined to quote Nietzsche, ‘Christianity gave Eros poison to drink. However he did not die, but simply degenerated into vice’. I recall a conversation I had with the great social anthropologist Dr Margaret Mead, during which she said, ‘Peter, the Vatican needs a bomb’. That was many years ago and now the boil is finally beginning to burst. What would Willem's vision have been about the rising tide of Islam, the fall of the Dutch government and the ensuing political chaos? The party's endless cacophony of confusing arguments, the lack of leadership and the national identity dwindling under the pressures of absurd political correctness. The list is endless and at times like these we could all benefit from a dose of Oltmans sanity and to hell with the cynics who sneered at his wisdom and doubted his sincerity. Willem was acutely aware that we have all, in larger and smaller degrees been brainwashed and robotized by political slogans and misinformation. This struck a certain fear in him and he spent many hours in discussion with his close friend Professor Delgado whose views on robotization were alarming. Delgado reinforced Willem's apprehensions that the tremendous force of communications and educational media were forming or deforming our neutrons, our thoughts, our behaviour and our biology. Perhaps Willem's obsession with the brain made him forget that we also have a heart. That love, in all its senses, seems to have eluded him is touchingly referred to in his diary when he writes that even on his birthday he received no kiss from his mother. Had his mother ever kissed or hugged him, might he have seen the world through different eyes? As a journalist and writer, Willem's house was always home to a thousand books, so it would be impossible to single out a favourite. But Freud's The Future of an Illusion was one he often read and quoted. Freud's idea of maturity appealed to Willem. Between infancy and maturity one should gradually free oneself of the gods and kings and myths and see them for what they really are. Vehicles to evade reality. As Willem wrote, ‘Physics, chemistry and natural laws reign in the universe, not Zeus and his associates’. ‘History is a set of fables agreed upon’ Voltaire Peter van de Wouw, Amsterdam 2010 Willem Oltmans, Memoires 1979-A 9 Florida 4 april 1979 Deerfield Beach, Howard Johnson's Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is opgehangen. Robert Trumbull meldde dat eerst nog de drie villa's van de oud-premier van Pakistan door de politie waren doorzocht en ‘secret documents of an extremely sensitive nature’ waren meegenomen. De coupgeneraals zijn flink bezig geweest. Bhutto werd om 02.00 uur opgehangen en per vliegtuig overgebracht naar Gari Khuda Baksh in de provincie Sind, om in een familiegraf te worden bijgezet. Zijn vrouw en dochter bevinden zich in Rawalpindi nog steeds onder huisarrest. The New York Times schrijft: ‘The way they did it is going to grow into a legend that will some day backfire.’ Het herinnert allemaal aan de wijze waarop Sukarno, na te zijn doodgepest door zijn generaals, werd weggemoffeld naar Blitar in een uithoek van Oost-Java. Bernhard Weinraub presenteert een balanced view van Bhutto in de The New York Times.1 Kots alweer over van alles om me heen. Het blad Esquire zette Billy Graham op de omslag, ‘How “Christ's American Son” lost himself in the halls of power,’ met zeven oud-presidenten om zich heen.2 Volgens Marshall Frady ziet de 60-jarige Billy er uit als ‘some blond, gallant, crystal-eyed prince out of a Nordic fairy tale - young Hansel grown to a stalwart golden manhood, unaging, changeless....’ ‘You can say of Jesus Christ what you want,’ schreeuwt Billy in zijn preken, ‘you can say He was a great revolutionary, you can say He was mad, you can say He was the son of a loving God, He loves you, loves you, loves you!’ Graham is een Amerikaanse ayatollah. ‘To a lot of church-going folks in this country, Billy has become nothing less than the nearest thing to Jesus on this earth,’ aldus een Baptistische predikant, die zijn kruistocht volgt. ‘He is sort of like Christ's American son.’ Het is allemaal goed ziek en geen opkikker om bij het ontbijt te lezen. Esquire is wel diep gezonken om op de markt te kunnen blijven. 1 Zie bijlage 1. 2 Esquire, 10 april 1979. Willem Oltmans, Memoires 1979-A 10 Ik zit aan het strand en geniet van de ruwe zee en de geur van de golven. Met weemoed denk ik hoe zalig het hier nu met Peter zou zijn. Jammer dat hij niet mee kan genieten. Verwonder me over de snelheid waarmee pelikanen van vrij grote hoogte in het water duiken. Die arme vissen won't know what hits them. Dan Rather schrijft in Playboy dat de moord in Dallas de moeilijkste reportage was geweest uit zijn carrière. Het blad publiceert een brief waarin schande wordt gesproken dat de staat Ohio 675.000 dollar heeft uitbetaald aan de families van de slachtoffers, waaronder vier vermoorde studenten, bij demonstraties tegen de oorlog in Vietnam aan de Kent University in 1970. Om 12.00 uur een lunch en daarna een lezing in Boca Raton Woman's Club, die in de Royal Palm Yacht and Golf Club bijeenkomt. Ik wist het drukke gebabbel van de dames te ontvluchten in een andere kamer, onder het mom dat ik me op de lezing wilde voorbereiden. Waar zal ik het over hebben? Een dame, Rhoda Lund, lid van het National Republican Women Committee, zei nog altijd niet te begrijpen waarom Nixon de beruchte tapes niet in de Potomac had gesmeten. ‘We all still like Nixon....’ Een andere dame vroeg of ik het boek had gelezen waarin werd verklaard hoe de Trilaterale Commissie van Rockefeller & Co via Jimmy Carter de macht in de VS had overgenomen, ‘while Japan and West Germany are delivering the world to the Communists.’ Mrs. Rufus Hedges legde uit dat de pers nooit werd uitgenodigd tot een ‘lavish luncheon’, alhoewel mijn lezing wel in de pers werd aangekondigd.3 Na afloop nam ik een bus naar Miami en het vliegtuig naar Key West. Viel tijdens de vlucht in slaap en droomde van Peter. Maar in tegenstelling tot Frederik van Eeden weet ik dus nooit wat ik heb gedroomd, of bijna nooit. Hotel The Pines was vol dus ben ik gaan overnachten in de lokale Thermos. 5 april 1979 Key- West Vóór middernacht pakte ik een neger. Een blonde jongen voegde zich bij ons en het werd een levendig trio. The New York Times wijdt een hele pagina aan het ophangen van premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Ik blijf het zeer schokkend vinden. Met zijn dood heeft het militante mohammedanisme weer een overwinning geboekt. Wanneer ik in Den Haag iets 3 Zie bijlage 2.