


THE And I beat him again, I beat him till he sank go, and the ship be lost, perhaps all on board GARIBALDI AT THE TOMB OF HIS WIFE.—We DISSOLVED STONE —The invention of a gentle- from my hand against the rail; and then I sent perish And he saw too, that if he could keep recently gave our readers a brief notice of Gari- man in New York for liquifying flint and quartz, ssw EEiiMM mmm; one of the men for my quadrant. When it came the broken plank in its place he m^ht stop the baldi's visit to the tomb of his wife, near Raven- several times announced within a year or two, is A CONTINCATtON OF THE and I had adjusted it for my observation, I found incoming flood. So he sat himselfnpon it, and na, The following detailed account of that event said to have been perfected so as to be practical- ISrORTH

offer of war material to the Spanish Government The area called the "yard" contains many ^attifltt General. RAILROAD CHANGES.—The winter arrangement 6ur cf^^rrign Corrcspnbrncr. can have no other meaning than that the said acres. It is smooth and kept neatly in every part, of trains on the Hartford, New Haven and The news by the Hungarian, states that Na- Springfield railroad took effect la.st Monday.— Los-PON, Oct. 28 1859. material shall be deposited in the magazines of but especially where the extensive " park" of the famous garri.son Rock. All this war talk has poleon has addressed a letter to the King of Sar- The eariy moming train to Springfield is to be October 1859 will long be referred to with heavy gtsis Is arranged, in front of the Com- worked its necessary result—public confidence is dinia in reference to the Italian question, inviting withdrawn, the first train leaving at 9.15, and painful provniuence in tiro nnimis of British j-uf- mandanito ^lead quarters; and we were shown the the unconditional assent of the Court of Turin to not connecting with trains for Albany and Bos- fering and disaster. The havoc of human life shaken, commerce is paralyzed, enterprise is at a new and beautiful arrangement for discharging ths cirrangen^nts outlined at the Villafranc in- ton. The noon and evening express trains for and property wronoht by the great gale which stand still, trade languishes, capital stagnates, these sav*^ ^'peacemakers," after they have terview. The leading requirements are said to be Boston will leave five minutes later than hereto hns devastated our t^l orrs tliiring the present and hy-and-bye when stern winter lays his icy been elected. The buildings are mainly on the the restoration of the Grand Duke of Tuscany fore, and the late afternoon accommodation train wtHjk> is s-v)ii ething ini-n dihle. On no occasion, hand upon us. we shall have the sharp cry of outer circle of the yard; some offices and shops and of the Duke of Modena; the annexation of at 5 o'clock, half an hour eariier than formerly pr.ibably, fiiuco the hnrricane of 18'24 has any penurx rising upon our ears, and the panic mon- are more within. Parma to Piedmont; the submission of the Ro- Ihing comparable tothe fury of this tempest hot n ger may learn that hunger at home is an enemy The large blacksmith shop is a great curiosity; —connecting at Springfield with train for Alba- magna, and the introduction generally of mode- experienced. Our coasts are fringed with wrccks, more to be dreaded than an Emperor with a especially in the arrangement of the dozen or ny. There are no changes in the time of trains rate ameliorations, as the prelude to an Italian aud cunibered with the dead. Ships of every size shrouded policy, and a supposed destiny to fulfil. twenty forges. They are like double fires, back running south. Confederation. The developments furnished by and class from the stately clipper (Royal Char- E. F. to back, without any stacks for the escape of gas, The trains on the H., P. k F. Railroad now fuller details of this startling correspondence, will ter) with its hoards of Australian gold, to the but a flue for each—descending from the top of leave New Britain, as follows : be awaited with profound interest. It is under- tiny fishing boat aud pilot craft, have alike suc- gome ®0rw$iwttafttrf. the fire behind it to the ground—communicating Going East—7AO A. M.; 9.25 A. M.; 2.33 stood that England will participate in the Gen- cumbed to the fury of the elements, and left, each under the stone floor of the shop, by one grand P. M.; 5.08 P. M. eral Congress. the tale of »voe, to swell the narrative of this THE NAVY YARD, KITTERY. ME. flue, to the great chimney of the furnace. This Going West—10.52 A. M.; 4.38 P.M.; makes a draught, and the moment the son of Garibaldi has issued an address to the Neapoli- 8.10 P. x\I. groat Oconn tragedy. The gale coinmei>ced on FRIESN GPERNSEY :—The first (Special object Vulcan pulls his rod, for wind, the great blower . Traitis leaaoe Hartford going West, at 10.25 Tuesday las:t after a heavy fall of snow, and a se- of interest that attracted cur attention as we ap- tans who it is reported are on the eve of rebellion. being at a distance and communicating with each A. M. and 4.10 P. M. for Waterbury ; 1 P. M. vere frost on Monday night As the tempest proached the shore of the Island—which has The Emperor, Louis Napoleon, it is rumored, fire by a counter passage, the gas must be drawn for New Britain only; and 7.40 P. M. for Bris- rose through Tuesday afternoon and evening it w^harves to the south and east—was the old ship has recently had another and most violent attack ^way to the great smoke stack. tol. was accompanied by a deluge of rain. I had to Constitution. There she lie» ifr liei UUIIUIWI of that nervous disarrangement which has been ine shop presented nothing particu- turn out about 8 o'clock in the evening, and trav- pride, resting from her labors, an object of sacred so frequently spoken of, and which it is feared, larly worthy of note, except piles of Broadswords THE COSMOPOUTAN ART JOURNAL is at hand, el nearly » couple of miles near the old Silgate and noble associations to every American. What will sooner or later make him a confirmed maniac. with bas4cet hilts, and a peculiar railing for Gang- containing the usual number of rich engravings, forest, in Sussex, in order to attend a Public service she h:)8 done; and what proud memories ways of ships which being covered with heavy Gen. Scott arrived in Calitomla, Oct. 17, and and a choice collection of Biography and other Meeting. It was a drive not to be forootten. and will bang around such objects—an old ship, an old canvass forms a fine shelter in storms, or, in time left for San Juan Island the following day. literary matter. The principal engraving of the as we stiuggled on through the thiik darkness* fort, :in old gun. There she lies, with her "old of action, could be removed in a moment. number entitled "TA?* LUtle Pig vxnt to Mar- doins battle with the which ^tt niod bent Jackeon figure-head" on her head, and the head The recently discovered Silver Mines in Carson kei," is a copy from one of the Premium paint- on carrying us off bodily (as it did some poor vic- of the figure on the shoulders—it was once sawed Then we took a look at the arsenal. Here Valley are proving the richest ever opened. ings. A mother has her little one of two years tims to an awful death) we timuiil.t and spoke of off and carried away by a younjr America speci- our very gentlemanly conductor, in a most easy The trial of Cook one of the Harper's Ferry in kr lap, telling the story of "Little Pig" on the terrible m.ene8 that nn.st nci'es.«Hrily be en- men of a Yank«ie boy, who wished thus to gain and eloquent manner gsive us a lecture as we leaders, was concluded Wednesday the 9th, and its toes. The look of quiet happiness on the face acting on various points of our roi'k bound coast. some notoriety, and surely he did becomc quite passed. I can only sum up the view—of cannon on Thursday he was sentenced together with of the mother, and the lively interest and joy of With the nioniii.g cause sad confirination of our conspicuous for a few days, lliere she lies, a shot, bombshells, grape, cannister, and grapnel- Green, Coppick. and Copeland, to be hung Dec. the chihl in lisfc ning to this first wonderful story worst fears; and every post since, and almost relict of olden times, going down gradually, fig- mortars, that require fifteen pounds of powder; 16th. of childhood, are life-like and delightful. every hour's telegraph, adds to the long catalogue ure-head and all. Jackson, who was oue of the represented by a bag of rice, which we were al- The bark Emily, which left New York in Every subscriber to the Art Journal hiis a copy of disasters wrought by this fearful storm. The greatest men this country ever produced, left his lowed to drop In ourselves—swords, knives, navy last, bound to the coast of Africa, ostensibly upon of the Magazine for a year ; a beautiful steel en- list of wrecks at Lloyds' maks the stoutest heart truly Republican and earnest administration an pistols, revolvers—the old fashioned smooth bore a trading voyage, arrived at that port yesterday graving ; and a Season Ticket of Admission to quail, and the loss sustained by the underwriters object of admiration to these degenerate times; —boarding pikes, a howitzer from Yorktown, in charge of Lieut. H. K. Stevens, of the United the Galleries in New York, in addition he has will be immense. Foremost among the great but like the old ship, it is now an impracticable a wheeled gun carriage with a net work of cord States sloop-of-war Portsmouth, with a prize crew. an equal chance for a premium which may be casualties is the total wreck of the magnificent nionuiuent, upon which the figure of the great curiously wrought over the iron tire of the wheels, She was seized, it appears, on the 22d September any one of several hundred beautiful Paintings, new clipper steamer, Eoyal Charter, from Aus- man appears, as here. The times now demand four Spanish blunderbusses, around the stair way, last, upon suspicion of being about to engage in Statues, &c. tralia, with 388 passengers on board, and a freight such stern political material; but it becomes a (small guns for defence in time of siege) taken in the Slave-trade. The captain, mate, and two of of gold valued at from-£500.000 tQ £800,000. very serious question to (hose who love the na- Mexico ; Bucket®, rapiers for fencing exercise, The Engraving, to which every subscriber is the seamen were put under bonds of §3,000 each, The total number of persons on board was 498, tional honor and interest, whether it will not be a and lots of material belonging to a man-of-war entitled this year, is entitled "Shakspcare and his and six of the seamen $1000. and of these only 39 are reported as saved. The long time before we get a supply. which I catinot describe, nor can mention. Friends." It is a beautiful picture, 30 by 38 ship got embayed on the coast of Anglesea, dur- inches, making a superb ornament for the parlor. Beside the Constitution lies the new ship San- Passing on by the Chapel, which we were not The Tribune declares the intention of Horace ing the height of the gale; her masts and rig- A copy of this picture may be seen at the store tee, and near, the new Propeller Mohican, which Invited to enter, we came to the steam sawmill. Greeley to be in Washington, Dec. 6, when to save ging were cut away and it is feared became en- of G. A. Ellis. Subscriptions received by L. J. our conducter, as we looked at some of her arma- There are two powerful steam engines running expend he will go down with the Governor and tangled with the screw. Thus deprived of the aid NORTH, who is Honorary Secretary for this place. ment, in the course of our observations, playfully here, this carrying various machinery—is the be examined and tell all he knows about the Har- of her machinery, the hapless ship drifted into remarked, is without doubt "the last of the Mohi- most beautiful and perfect, as well as powerful. per's Ferry affair; and in consideration of old Molfre Bay, where she went ashore, and in about lay We Tisited Little Dolly Dutton on Wed- cans ;" being a Connecticut Indian name which When we went into the mill the saw was making acquaintance with Governor Wise, will ask no five hours was literally dashed to pieces.- The nesday evening, and in'common with all present has been sadly abused by orthographers; for it 250 cuts in i minute through a large seasoned guaranty or stipulation. storm appears to have raged with equal fury all white oak stick. From that we repaired to the were delighted with this diminutive specimen of used to be Mo-he-gan. 'Twill possibly be inter- Paul Morphy was to play four games of Ches, round the coast, and from almost every port ac- "saw pit," where two men, one above, the other humanity. She is indeed a wonder, and grows esting to know where the last of the fribe is, when against four of the best players in Philadelphia, counts are coming up of ships lost, lives sacrificed, below the stwk, were "pulling and pushing" the more wondrous little, under your verj eye^ un- the new novel appears under that title. without seeing the boards, at the Academy of aud immense injury Wonp tn vessels and buildings saw in a^£j||j|eval manner, at the rate of twenty til yqp are t«mp(ed to tkkik rnor<» w^ whoro tbo shears Music. Friday evening, Nov. 11th. Tickets 25 ' in the various harbors, and along the shores. The strokes in a'minute, and that is pretty rapid for a wax don, a^ hag imgtt koM af tlM fiufe are erected, which some of the younger readers and 50 cents, the proceeds to be given to the Breakwaters at Holyhead and Portland, have man power. Some sticks must be sawed thus, sprite^tMid coovince yoonelf that she is veritable may need to be told are two large and lofty spars Mount Vernon Fund. fiustained serious damage, and the line of Kails flesh aud blood. The only drawback to the en- set sufficiently wide apart at the ground for large and it is doubtful if any plan can ever be Inven- on the South Eastern aud South Devon Raiiwaye, tertainment was too much show-talk, unnecessa- bodies, such as bales, water tanks, hogsheads, and ted which shall preclude the necessity. Now we Oerrit Smith's Insanity. skirting the shores, have been torn up, and the rily detaining the little Miss and her audience, even a cart to pass between them, coming near passed by the noted tread wheel. A tread wheel The New York Evening Post makes the fol- commuuication for the time stopped. Inland the in the foul air of a crowd d Hall, though prob- together at the top, where blocks and tackle are in this day ot machines! and in a U. S. Navy lowing statements concerning his alleged family storm was felt v/ith almost equal violence, and attached, and project outward over the deck of Yard! "Is it for punishment," said I. "For tendency to this disease: ably with the laudable design of pleasing the au- has done immense injury. Several persons have the ship—they are used for loading and dischar- punishment!" said our conductor. I bethought "Mr. Smith is said to have an hereditary pre- dience, and giving them their ' money's worth.* been killed or seriously injured by the fall of ging—lies the Cumberland. She is discharging. me that punishment for U. S. Marines is quite disposition to Insanity. His father, Peter Smith, chimneys and parts of buildings, or by the fall of though the possessor of an immense estate and New Britain Institute. They were taking out her masts. These masts another thing from treading a wheel; and at the trees, many of which were uprooted and laid surrounded by every circumstanco of prosperity, THE FIRST LECTURE ofthe course wiU be deliver- must surprise almost any of your readers who Navy Yard all in the service are subject to gov- prostrate. A woman was driven by the force of was subject to fits of profound despondency, dur- e