He Oval" Series of Games Edited by C.W

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He Oval BY HORACE HUTCHINSON HE OVAL" SERIES OF GAMES EDITED BY C.W. ALGOGK, »•*' '• . ..—.tr- i • . Eleventh^ Routledge's Railway Library Advertiser. "A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD." Colour Cards showing 144 Tints, and Illustrated Descriptive Pamphlets of all ou Manufactures gratis and post free lo any part of the world on application to • ASPINALL'S ENAMEL, LIMITED, LONDON, S.E. ENAMEL. READ THIS FACT "94, Commercial Road, Peckham, Juiy 12, 1889. "Dear Sir,—I am a poor hand at expressing my feelings on paper, but I should like to thank you, for your lozenges have done wonders for me in relieving my terrible cough. Since I had the operation of 'Tracheotomy .-•' • (the same as the late Emperor of Germany, and unlike him, thank God, I am still alive and getting on well) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital for abduct, or paralysis of the vocal chords, no one could possibly have had a more violent cougfi ; indeed, it was so bad at times that it quite exhausted me. The mucus also, which wa.s very copious and hard, has been softened, and I have been able lo get rid of it without difficulty. ' I am, sir, yours truly, " Mr. T. Keating. " J. HlLL." THE UTTERLY UNRIVALLED REMEDY FOR COUGHS, HOARSENESS AND THROAT TROUBLES. " Keating's Cough Lozenges" are sold everywhere, in Tins, ljii and 2/9 each, Free by Post, 15 Stamps. PERFECTLY 30RWICKs PURE AND WHOLESOME MING INSIST on having BORWICK'! vvhi<: l wT f% 1 's FREE from Alum, an OWDER the Best that Money can buy. T: Routledge's Railway Library Advertiser. [IS&UB. "Show me what you can do, and I will show you what you are." .UOUD STAHEEY (now Earl of Derby), in an address to the Students of Glasgow, said: " M ]Work is our Life, show me what you can do, and I will show you what you are." "WHO ARE THE HAPPT, WHO ARE THE FREEP YOU TELL ME, AND I'LL TELL THEE. Those who have tongues that never lie. Truth on the lip, truth in the eye, To Friend or to Foe, To all above, and to all below; THESE ARE THE HAPPY, THESE ARE THE FREE, 80 MAY IT BE WITH THEE AND ME." What higher aim can man attain tlian conquest ovor human, pain/ TVRAWING AN OVERDRAFT ON THE -»-' BANK OF LIFE,—Late Hours, Fagged, Unnatural Excitement,' Breathing Impure Air, too Rich Food, Alcoholio Drink, Gouty, Bheu- matio, and other Blood Poisons, Fevers, Feverish Colds, Influenza, Sleeplessness, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Skin Eruptions, Pimples on the Face, Want of Appetite, Sourness of Stomach, etc. It prevents Diarrhoea, and removes it in the early stages. Use ENO'S " FRUIT SALT." It is Pleasant, Cujling. Health-giving, Refresh- ing and Invigorating. You cannot overstate its groat value in kooping the Blood, pure and free from Disease. EVERY TRAVELLING TRUNK & HOUSEHOLD OUGHT to CONTAIN a BOTTLE of 2NO'S 'FRUIT SALT," "It is not too niuoh to say that its merits havo boen published, tested, and proved litorally from polo to polo, and that its oosmopolitan popularity to-day wents one of tlio mont signal illustrations of oommoroial enterprise to be found Vinr trading rooorda."—Jiumpean Mail. 0 AL1J LEAVING HOME FOE A CHANGE.—Don't go without a bottle of ErTO'S "FEUIT SALT." It provouts any ovor-aoid state of the blood. It Bhould be kept jvery bedroom, in romlinuHH for any omorgenoy. Be careful to avoid rash aoidulnted lues, and uso ENO'B "FltUIT SALT " to prevent tho bile becoming too thick and ipuro) producing a gummy, YIBCOUH, clammy stickiness or adhesiveness in the mucous wbrauo uf the intestinal canal, frequently the pivot of diavckmti and disease. ENO',1 'BT1IT SALT" prevents and roinovoB diarrbroti. in the early stages. Without snoh a iplo precaution tho jeopardy of life is immensely Inoroased. There is no doubt that tre it has been talcon in tho earliestHt atfos of a disease it hnl im mauy instances prevented at would otherwise havo been a severe illness. 'KADACHE AND DISORDERED STOMACH.—"After sufferimr two and a half years >. from a severo headache and dinnrdorod stomach, anil aftor trying almost everything thout any benefit, I was ronomniourtod to try UNO'S 'FRUIT SALT,' anil before I had ished one bpttlo I found it doing nio a great doal of Rood, and am restored to my usual llth. And others I know that havo tried it have not uujoyod such good health for years. " Yours nioat truly, KOHKHT IIIIMJMJJUSYS, Post Ollico, Unrrasford." HE SECRET OF 8TR0CE8S.-STERIJLN(} HONESTY OF PURPOSE, WITHOUT IT LIFE IS A SHAM I —" A now Invention is Brought buforo the public, and commands Bceas. A score of abominable imitations lU'oiinuHsiHatHlyintroduond by the unscrupulous, lo, in oopying tho oi'iginal cloacly oJiough to denoivo tho public, aud yot not HO exactly as infringe upon legal rights, oxoroiso IUI ingenuity that, employed in an Original channel, old not fail to secure reputation and profit."—'ADAMS, IAUTIONI"*11™'11" Olt''h I'0"1". aml»"" *'tat "in (-'n])»ulc is mnrl-cd BNO'S " VTIUIT SALT," Without il you have bctm imputed un hy a worthless iiiiilatio>i. •eparodonlyatEuu'u "Fruit Salt" Worfrs, Hatoliam, London, S.E., (>y J. C. Eno. Eleventh] Routledge's Railway Library Advertiser. FOOFOB D INFANTS AND INVAUDS. "Wood's Hotel, " GrahaniBtown, S. Africa, "let; Deo., 1890. " (;. MKLIWN, Esq. " l>i:ai Sly,—I h^To much pleasure In Bending you the hoto of my little son, who I believe would imvi al n but for your FOOD, which WHB tbe only thi Hg ho could keep down for a Jong: time, and now he is very strong and hciirl.v. He livtw upn It yet; he is two y*-ara old now* We tried htm without It a short time b*ak. but ic would not do, he had tu have it again, and ami Hv^a on it. " yours truly, 41J. T. wonnifl'• MELLIN'S FOOD BISCUITS. (Manufactured by CARK and Co.. Ua> lUl e, a* e iully forG. MELLIN.J DIGESTIVE, SUSTAl.tl.VO. ?or Cliildren after Weaning, the Aged, Dyspeptic, and for all who require a simple, nutritious, an d SUS - taining ITood, Price 2/- 4" rTin. MELLIN'S EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES. The Finest Nutritive and Tonic Food for Delicate Children and Weakly Adults. VERY PALATABLE. EASILY DIGESTED. PERFECTLY SAFE. Trice 2s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. per Bottle. Samples, Pamphlet, and Prospectus Post Free on Application to G. MELLIN, Marlboro' Works, Peckham, London, S.E. 100,000, S. & B. S/l/9.1!. \ LVST.IR BAI.FOUR DKIVINC. DOUGLAS HOLLAND "ADDRESSING" THE DALL FOR FULL DRIVE. THE '"OVAL" SERIES OF GAMES EDITED BY C. W. ALCOCK GOLFING BY I-IOBACE HUTCHINSON LONDON (JKOIKIK HOLTLKIXIH ^ SONS, LI lii:nA1i\V,\ V, IJIMHI \ I" 15 11,11 MAN'CIlK-il'l'.l! AND NKW Vu;;|\ GOLFING. HISTORICAL. WHEN Scotland gave to England tho rather dubious bless- ing of her Scottish kings, sho gavo therewith a gift which was an undoubted boon : tho game of golf. For very many yoars England was more blind to the merits of the game than of tho Stuarts. Tho Scottish Court, taking its country loisuro at Greenwich, recreated itself for tho toils of govornmont by playing golf on Blackhcath. If Blackhoath was as flinty them as it is to-day, that fact may partly oxcuso and explain thoir governing so badly. It doos not soom, howovcr, that golf was of indigenous growth in Scotland. So far back as tho date of Jamos VI., wo find an Act of tho Scottish Parliamont forbidding tho importation of Dutch-made golf-balls as injurious to native industry. This stringent protectionist moasu.ro shows that tho game must have boon lnvgoly cultivated by tho Mynlioors, but its records are hard to traco. Horo and tlicro wo eouio on a picture—thoro is one by Van dor Vuldt in the National Gallery—or on an old Dutch tile, representing tho game, usually on tho ice. But this was not an exclusively glacial epoch of the game, for there iw an account, ofteni jiiotoil before, in an old book named " Los Coutos du Roi C'um- briuus," by one Charles Dunlin, of a gamo named cJiole, a bastard species of golf played in French Flanders. H o represents it as a very popular gamo. In his tale ono Roger, a wheelwright, is so great a player that in all tl.o n ! 2 COLFIXG. country round ho is known as " lo grand cho'.eur." But we cannot think that he oxactly flayed the game, for h.& had a wonderful club given him by no less a person than St. Antony. St. Antony was thus generous in return for some small mattor of smith's work which Rogor did for him, and besides giving him tho wonderful club, ho granted him two boons— ono, that no ono who sat on tho stump of elm tree in front of his smithy should bo able to move without his leavo; and tho othor, that no one who stood on a certain squaro patch of carpot should bo moved therefrom against his will. So Rogor boat everyone at chole, including the Dovil, from whom ho won a whole sackful of souls. When, death at length camo for Roger, the '' grand choleur " asked tho monarch to tako a scat for a momont on the elm trunk— whenco ho did not ponnit him to stir until ho had covenanted for a hundred years longer of life. So again he golfed and beat all comers.
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