

and then a long, loud roll of thunder, then tion of corn is lower, showing only 68 pei Shall Women be Allowed to Vote. A DEMOCRATIC ROW. a shower of cinders and molten stone cent, of an average crop. Potatoes show The question of femal« suffrage has ag- REMNANTS ! REMNANTS! thrown into the air far above our heads. 95 per nent. of a crop, meadow and pas itated the tongues and pens of reformers J. CAVANAUSH'S EVEC- We had to watch closely that none of tures, 97 per cent., clover 98 per cent, for many years and good arguments have TIOJT. these cinders struck us. A period of hay 91 per cent., and apples 73 per cent been adduced for and against it. Many silence for about a quarter of a minute In Washtenaw county the estimate o of the softer sex would vote intelligibly A Big Fight in the Democratic Ranks and then another belching forth of molten crops is as follows : Wheat 13,45 bushels and maDy of them would vote as their hus- Over the Division of the Spoils.— matter. It now got too hot for us and we per acre; corn 70 per cent.; oals 38 bush- bands did, and give no thought to the A Strong Effort to Defeat Car- Mack & Schmid. were obliged to descend a short way els per acre; potatoes 94 percent; hay 8i merits of a political issue. They would anansli but he Secured per cent.; apples 83 per cent. all vote for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- the Plam.- Secretary down, but before doing so I gave the tion because they know it is a boon to guide two raw eggs which I had carefully The reports from 16 of the 25 elevators of the Board of and mills in this county show the follow- their sex. It is unequaled as a cure for School Exam- carried all the way Irom Pompeii. The leucorrhea, abnormal discharges, morning iners. guide took them scooped out a hole in the ing : Wheat marketed in July, 21,912 bushels; marketed in too late for re- sickness and the countless ills to which Extraordinary Remnant Brotherly love and quiet doth not pre- lava where we stood and laid the eggs in port, 25,079 bushels; marketed in 11 women are subject. It is the only reme- it. We waited about a minute, I should vail in the democratic camp in Washtenaw months, 725,420 bushels; marketed since dy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and say, and he pronounced them " done ", Aug. 1, 1888, 772,411 bushels. ailments, sold by druggists, under a posi- Sale! county. In fact the very opposite proves took them on a paper to a cool spot and tive guarantee fro.c the manufacturers to be the case and the air is filled with eDJoyed the Vesuvius roaster's work very that it will give satisfaction in every case They Don't Go. In consequence of this season's extensive sales, and more especially resulting threats of vengence upon the heads of much. The eggs were done to a turn and or money will be refunded. See guaran- The committees from the common tee upon wrapper around bottle. from the late cut prices, we find on our hands a large lot of short ends which we several leading democrats, and upon the with salt were much relished after so hard have to take from the shelves in order to have space for the daily arriving new a climb. Resting on the softest cinder we council and Business Men's Association fall stock. This great accumulation of Remnants forces us to slash prices way judge of probate and members of the found we took in the view which lay spread held a joint meeting and appointed H. J. down, in many cases to disregard value altogether, and simply to try to clear them Board of School Examiners in particular. Private lessons in dancing will begin at out of our way. out at our very feet. There was the sea, Brown as a special committee to conioiu- the State-st Academy of Dancing Sept. 1. The nice little fight grows out of the the bay and five cities dotting the coast. Come early to secure first pick and save money. All remnants marked in nicate with H. W. Ashley, general man- The general classs begins Oct. 1. 66 plain figures. election of Martin J. Cavanau(?h as secre- Pompeii lay nestled among the vineyards, ager of the T. & A. A., in regard to the the ancient city, but half excavated, look- tary of the Board, one of the best paying date on which the company would furnish OCR 23 CENT COLUMN. Remnants of Prints. Remnants of Sateens, 4 to 10 yards ed like a huge brick kiln before the bricks Remnants of ftlHglini lengths. offices in the county, the salary being are burned. From our point of view a train. Judging from the tone of Mr. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, Remnants of Muslins. Remnants of White 4»oorg, T. J. Keech, F. H. Bel- nace, gas, etc. Price half down, balance on ser and H. Hutzel. Ftime. Inquire of S. D. Allen, No. 90 Washington- Babbitt and Brown for the sake of peace saw the bright stream of lava issuing from St. 68 For School Wear. and harmony, not to elect Cavanaugb. the crevasses of the mountain not far The following communication has been OR 8ALE, CHEAP—New bouse of six rooms; Manchester was represented by a petition from where we had been standing. We handed in by the committee for publics - hard and soft water, good cellar; small pay- If so, please DO NOT FORGET that we have anticipated your wants and bought a signed by the leaders in that vicinity. Fment down. No. 2 Brook-st., opposite 69 Miller could not see it before because the sun tion: Ave. 67 Large and, Tell Assorted Line of Stilts, etc., for that purpose, which we Tne faithful of this city was represented had been shining. It was now fast grow- There is a movemement on foot, emanating by J. F. Schuh, Mayor Beakes, M. Bren- from some representative citizens, to introduce OUSE F m SALE—67U E. Washington. Will will sell at Especially LOW Prices. We are SURE we can satisfy EVERYONE ing dark and the fires in the volcano could German in two ward schools at least. It is pro- be sold cheap, if sold by Sept. 1st, '89. 67 that will look over the goods. We also have a LARGE LINE of Suits for ner, M. Stabler, T. F. Hutzel, E. B. Nor- be plainly seen. A perfect river of fire oosed to pay an extra tuition for this privilege. H ris and a number of minor lights. They Wherever the German has been studied in con- TiOR SALE. CHEAP—Good carriage horse. Is Youths and Men which we will sell at correspondingly LOW PRICES. Don't entreated, begged and threatened each of flowed from the mountain and crackling nection with the English language the experience ' also a first claes (addle horse. Enquire at cinders rolled down the steep sides into aught that the study of the English language Iiffice A. A. Gas Co. 66_ Forget the Place. those to whom was left the matter of s more successful and satisfactory. filling the position. Brown was notified the valley below. The darker it got the There is no doubt that such a movement in a OR SALE—Curbing stone at reasonable rates. finer was the appearance of the lava University town like ours will be welcomed by FAddress Box 1233, City. 67 that his chances of ever being county many citizens of different nationalities; and out- COR. MAIN AND WASHINGTON STS., clerk would be ended should he vote for stream which looked for all the world like siders will seek homes at Ann Arbor to avail BARGAIN—8150 will buy our family horse, Cavanaugh. They talked of political deals an immense forge. No wonder Vulcan themselves of this rare opportunity for the benefit A buggy and harness. The horse is perfectly of their children. safe for anyone to drive. E. B. Hall. 67 being made at the expense of the party. hung around Olympus and let his Cyclops The number of persons visiting Germany for But all arguments were of no avail and do the work, forging armor for gods and msiuess, recreation, health and especially study, J'OR SALE—Gasoline stove, good as new, with is enormously increasing. A knowledge of the I all the latest improvements. Parties that J. T. JACOBS & CO. Cavanaugh was elected, thus giving two heroes. I think Vulcan showed good taste German language therefore, acquired in early called while we were away will now find us at of the most lucrative offices in the county in this regard at least. childhood, where the difficulty of pronouncing is home, 26 N. Thayer. Qeo. W. Millen. K to the members of the same firm, a division After one half hour's precipitious descent easily overcome, is a treasure in itself. OR SALE OR RENT—Good brick house, THE COMMITTEE. furnished; with good well, barns, etc., and of the spoils which oauses the hungry we reached the horses. Mounting them F acres of land. Enquire on premises, No. 76 democrats to howl. "Let the merry we beicari the sliding process on them al- ler-st, or of G. H. Rhodes, 12 Wash.-st. 66 dance go on." so. The slow pace we had complained of Real Estate Transfers. Mary C. Albrecht to E. B. & M. C. Al- U>OR SALE — Modern House, with furnace, in coming up was just what was needed brecht, Ann Arbor 1 P centrally located. For particulars call at No. IMPOETANT! in going down. The guide riding behind eorge M. Russell to William Gotta, Au- 1 Maynard st. County Fair Fruit Premiums. gusta 1000 would cry "Arrant" and the pace was Adaline E. Holland to Caroline H. Cbapin few pairs of beautiful fantail doves for sale, WE DON'T OFFER FOR SALE REFUGE GOODS, REJECTED BY The fruit department having been unin- quickened. Another hour's riding brought Ann Arbor 3800 L cheap. Eugene Phillips Hall, Hill-st. HONEST RETAILERS AND THROWN INTO AUCTION HOUSES TO Alfred E. Perty to Mary E. Martin, Ypsi- BE AFTERWARDS DISPOSED OF THROUGH QUESTIONABLE tentionally omitted from the published us to the main road and in one half hour lanti 500 OR SALE.—Thirty acres of land one mile premium list, the county fair officials more the horses brought us up before the Thos. Neat to Laura S. Northrop. Ypti- Ffrom Court House, also ten acres in the city CHANNELS, SUCH AS SNIDE BANKRUPT SALES, ETC. lanti 1000 and house and lot in the city. Address F. C. authorize the payment of the following hotel. It was 9 o'clock. We had made James N. Wallace to Herbert F. Day, Ypsi- i 32 Ann-st. the ascent in 6 hours and returned un- lanti $ 900 OR SALE —Building lots, fronting west side premiums in the fruit department: Joseph McMahon to John A. McMahon, Mann-st; extra view; sizes to suit; longtime scathed. A good supper and a tip for Manchester „„ 6000 For payments. J. D. Duncan, 76Miller-ave. 1. Largest and best display the guide made us all happy. We turned Hudson T. Morton to Oscar O. Sorg, Ann of Apples, not leas than IS HONEST GOODS Oil NONE AT ALL Arbor 200 OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM.- varieties *5 00 3 00 2 00 in for the night vowing that we would Chas. S. Chadwick to Wm. D. Chadwick, House and 24 City Lots.—Appl' y 48 South 2. Display of Winter Apples, never go any nearer the lower regions Sharon 2500 MaiFn St., Ann Arbor. -WE OFFER- not less than ten varie- Sarah E. Bogardus to Edgar Bogardus, ties 2 00 1 00 50 than that. We had had all we wanted Ypsilanti 600 [7OR RENT—Three rooms fully furnished for 9. Display Quinces 100 50 25 ceived from 89G correspondents, represent- Wm. H. Wellsto Edward A. Gott, Ann V housekeeping, near the University. Suitable WARRANT EVERT PAIR. 10. Plate Quinces, any varie- ing 670 townships. Of these reports, 614 Arbor 1 for man and wife. No. 5 N. Unlversity-ave. 68 ty 50 25 Julia Maria Clark, by heirs, to Wm M. 11. Largest and best display of are from 411 townships in the southern Clark, Ann Arbor „ 5000 OR RENT—A suite of rooms in the Hamilton Peaches 2 00 1 00 6» Wm. Gibson to Albert F. Ball, Milan 475 FBlock, suitable for light housekeeping. Apply 12. DispUy Peaches, three va- counties, and 147 from 132 townships in Charles Thrasher to Albert F. Ball, Mi- to A. W. Hamilton, Cor. of Huron and Fourth-sts. rieties 75 50 25 lan 100 68 13. Display Peaches, one vari- the central counties. Eli Roberts to Louis H. Miller, Augusta. 125 GOODSPEED'S, ety • .. 50 25 BURNISHED—and unfurnished rooms for rent, George W. Smith to Emma St. Clair.Ann 1 No. 7 E. Ann-st. 67 14. Largest and best display of The average yield of wheat per acre is Arbor 500 Plums 1 00 74 25 estimated as follows. In the southern Nathan T. and Allen P. White, by heirs, OR RENT—House and barn, 41 Madison-st. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, A > > ABHOR, MICH 15. Display Plums, three vari- to Emil Golz, Ann Arbor „ 437 Inquire of B. E. Nichols, Box 92. eties 75 50 25 counties, 31 and 81-hundredths bushels; Nathan T. White, by heirs, to Emil Golz, F 16. Display of Plums, one va- Ann Arbor 1 'OR RENT—Two large houses near the Uni- riety 50 25 in the] central counties, 12 and 70-hund- Nathan T. White, by heirs, to Emil Golz, versity, in excellent repair, and well adapted 17. Largest and best display for boardin* ^ _ _11 fcg ^ ^anm Ad n .rentin) wnntingA roomsw/u\tvia . 1Enq^ ri o fu 1 1 F£4 Of T Grapes 5 00 3 00 2 00 redths bushels; in the northern counties, Ann Arbor 1 ij. A. Sessions, Office No. 5 N. Main-st. 67 18. Display Grapes, five varie. ties 1 00 75 25 14 and 32-hundredths bushels. Besides OR RENT—Several Houses In good repair, in 19. Display Grapes, three va- these, 282 correspondents in the southern The T. & A. A. will give reduced rates central part of the city. Yearly rent from J130 That we sell the best Overalls for 5Oo and the rieties 75 50 25 to Whitmore Lake and return on Satur- Fo $360. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, Atty. and 20. Display of Grapes, one va- counties, and 18 in the central counties Real Estate Agt., No. N. 5 Main St. best Cotton Pants for $1.00 of any house In the riety 50 25 day, Aug. 31, to the eleventh annual picnic In Nos. 18.'and 19 the display must not be exhib- have reported the result of actual thresh- of the farmers of Washtenaw, Livingston, JIIM'KI.l.ASKOI'N. County. ited in more than one class. ings. The number of jobs reported thresh- Wayne and Oakland counties. Train OR lessons on the Guitar call on or address WE CLAIM FRED B. BRAIN, Pres. leaves Ann Arbor at 7:40; fare for round Inna C. Wilson, No. 30 Geddes ave. 8aturdavs ed in the southern counties is 899 ; acres, Fare reserved for the accommodation of students GEO. H. POND, Sec. 15,177 ; bushels, 259,805, an average of 17 trip, 40 cents. 71 bushels per acre. The number of jobs re- HAVE a large tract of land in Alpena Co., Mich., that I would like to exchange for a That by buying a $10.00 Suit of us now, for THE r \ I KK\ II. REGIONS. ported threshed in the central counties is Ioood honse and lot in Ann Arbor. These lands >elong to an estate; can give good title. S. S. Blitz. $7.87, we will save you just $2.13. A day's 47; acres, 449; bushels, 7,102; an aver- 68 wages. Our Correspondent looks Down Into age of 16 bushels per acre. the Bottomless Pit. RICK STORE and dwelling at Vermontville, WE ENOW Eaton Co.,to exchange for Ann Arbor proper- The wheat crop of this year will grade By. Address D. A. Pray, Whitmore Lake. 68 (CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK.) low. In response to the condition in the OST—On Tuesday, July 11th, in business part Zigzagging back and forth up, up, up southern counties, 32 report "good," 239 of town, in some store, or between town and " average," and 283 " bad." A few pieces LLawrence-st. ladies' gold cuff button and cuff". That out prices on Flannel Shirts when and the top is yet above us. We can see of wheat were cut as early as July 4, al- Seward if left at Brown's Drug Store or at No. 11 they are most needed, viz., in hot weath« the smoke pouring out and hear the bel- though the general harvest did not begin ,wrence-st. 67 er, are appreciated. until a week later. AGAZINE3 AND PAPERS below publisher's lowing within. We cross a plain of yel- prices. Harpers' Weekly, J8.65. Harpers WILL SAY low sulphur, the air is stifling and we are Reports have been received of the MBazar, J3.65. Harpers' Magazine. $3.60. Lippen- quantity of wheat marketed by farmers dura ott's, J2.60. St. Louis, &1.25. Forum, J4.65. W. A. forced to hurry. Climbing almost st-aight ing July at 417 elevators and mills. Of )nncan, 6 Jefferson-st., Ann Arbor. Mich. 67 up toward the top for six hundred feet or these 358 were in the southern counties, morning school for little children will open on July 22nd. Hours from 9—12. Kindergarten To aave you from 4Oo to $1.50 on Flannel Shirts, more we reach the edge of the present which is 62 per cent, of the whole number. Aoccupations. Terms 1.50 per week. For further crate! The ground is so hot one can The total number of bushels reported nformation address Miss Wire, No. 30 Maynard. Blazers, Flannel Coats and all Hot Weather stand still but a moment. Passing around marketed is 706,558, of which 682,988 f) ARTIES having money to loan: I have appll- Clothing. bushels were marketed in the southern L cations for money every day, secured fully by a little to the right and keeping close to counties. About 63 per cent, of the crop irst mortgage on Real Estate at not less than G our guide we were presented to the whole of 1888 has been marketed as follows: POWDER >er cent. Address B. F. Boylan, cor. Pine and nd-sts., Seattle, Washington. panorama of inferno at once. Peering Total crop, 23,581,504 bushels; Reported Absolutely Pure. OR EXCHANGE—For small farm near Ann over the edge of the crate we could see marketed to Aug. 1, 15,604,084; seed and This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, Arbor, 120-acre farm, neai railroad, timbered bread of farmers, 7,650,000; balance on strength and wholesomeness. More economical Fwith maple and other hard wood, soil first class, WAGNER & CO., the white sulphur smoke rolling up like than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in 30 acres cleared, good house and barn, 2 wells- hand, 327,420. competition with the multitude of low test, short A1K> house and lot in Grayling. Will pay differ, clouds from the bottomless pit just in front Oata are estimated at 36 bushels to the weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in nee in cash, or assume a mortgage. Address Cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall Box 184, Grayling, Crawford Co., Mich. 67 CLOT of us. A moment of comparative silence acre in the southern counties. The condi- St.,N.Y. RAILWAY WRECKS. BASE-BALL. LEGALS. MlGHIGAN ClEXB&E THE REGISTER Standing of the Four Associations for the Week Kmleil Angust 34. Probate Order. " The Niagara Falls Route." THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1889. They Are the Cause of Great LOBS Following are the number of frames lost STATE OF MICHIGAN, j COUNTY OF WA6HTENAW. i of Lifo and Property. and won by the clubs in Eour leading base- At a session of the Probate Court for the Coun- ball organizations: CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. LITERARY \OI IS. ty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in GOINO EAST. AMKHICAN ASSO'N. the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the 21st A Now Railway in Tennessee Opens by NATIONAt, LEAGUE. O day of August, in the year one thousand eight y. « . r Killing Three Moo anrt Injuring Many hundred and eighty-nine. CO i Youmans's "Class-Book of Chemis- Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. STATIONS B

Others—A Circus Train Wrecked ail . try," which has given so many their In the matter of the estate of Thomas S. San- a! 1 ij tltu i first view of the fascinating world of — Other Disasters. ford, deceased. ; i A -t- II The Best and Purest Medicine On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, s fl fl fl, science, is being revised by Dr. W. J. of Benjamin Brown, executor, praying that he M. p. M. L ItwlllEVE flriveR th eMADE Humorfromyou. r IN TENNESSEE. 6!) 33 87« A M. A. M. p. H. Ai. M. P. Youmans, a brother of the author, and Boston ti • .645 St. Louis.. .. may be licensed to tell the Keal Estate whereof 7 10 .... HI 10 vatem, and make your skin .617 34 oea Chicago I.v. 55 85 3 to 8 10 KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 23.—A horrible New York. .. s 6 Brooklyn said deceased died seized. M. A. n and smooth. Those his successor as editor of " The Popular Ml 41 681 p, p. M. M mples and Blotches wreck occurred on the Knoxville, Cumber- Pniiauelpma. Bg 41 Baltimore Thereupon it is Ordered, That Monday, the 16th SCalamazooo l 12 2 (S 6 5.S 7 Ill 3 K 2 27 Science Monthly." Latest developments Chicago SO 48 . US iAihletic 58 43 day of September next, at ten o'clock in the fore- .vhich mar your beauty land Gap & Louisville railroad at Flat Gap .80 .B8S Jackson Ar. 8 25 4 (fi 8 48 9 81 8 15 1 45 are caused by impure of the science will be found in the new Cleveland 40 !0 [Cincinnati... noon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, 4;') IK creek, twenty two miles from here, at 10:31) Kansas City. 49 98 .480 Ann Arbor... 4 48 5 9 41 10 1", 7 60 6 a can be edition, while the original character, PlttSDUrnh... 44 J! .444 and that the helre at law of said deceased, and all Detroit Ar. 6 10 6 51) 10 46 11 5D 9 •JO 7 80 Thursday morning. The train was the IndianaDoiis.. 41 •81.414! Columous... 9 85 .375 other persons interested in said estate, are required which won the book its popularity, will 61 .887 Louisville... •Jl!8ll.2Oo A. M. A. M. p. M. p. M first to fro over the new road and carried a to appear at a session of said Court, then to behold- Buffalo Ar. 2 80 8 26 8 15 1 55 8 or be carefully preserved. Messrs. D. Ap- select excursion of the City Council, the INTKR-riTATK LEAGUE. en at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, pleton & Co. are to have it ready in the WKSTEHN l.KAGUE. and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer GOING WEST. Board of Public Works, representatives of the petitioner should not be granted: And fall. of the Chamber of Commerce, the it is further ordered, that said petitioner give W • I very flower of the business and profes- noiice to the persons interested in said estate, E3A sional men of Knoxville. The train of two of the pendency of said petition, and the hear- >o. 3 3. Prof. John A. Paine, who wrote an ar- ing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to E x ticle on " Pharaoh the Oppressor, and cars left the track at the crossing;, and the be published in the Ann Arbor REGISTER, a news- II tC h rear car went down a trestle. Only one Omaha 'OS 28 'Davenport.... 49 33 .556 paper primed and circulated in said county, 48 43 A. M SS&&&&! .527 A. M. P M. ® his Daughter," which attracted wide man was uninjured. It was impossible to St. Paul 00 H .638 jSprinstleld. three successive weeks previous to said day of r Minneapolis.. J45 -Id .49""4 Quincy. 45 43 .511 Buffalo Lv. 11 25 5 35 8 35 12 30 attention when it appeared in the Cen- obtain medical aid for a long time, and un- 45 45 hearing. Sioux City... 45 47 489 iPeona .500 J. WILLARD BABBITT. P. M. P K. I tury two years ago, contributes to the tll4:SU p. m., when the train reached Knox- Denver 142i4'.' .461 iEvansville... 4-i W .456 Detroit Lv. 9 10 4 00 1 20 8 00 10 15 11 :>0 TA true copy.] Judge of Probate. 5 20 September number of the same magazine ville, scanty attention was rendered. Many St. Joseph... '.) 4 7 458 Burlington... .450 WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 6*-— Ann Arbor.... 10 25 8 59 2 20 9 15lll 35 a fully illustrated paper on " The Pha- had to be brouht back on flat-cars and the Milwaukee... 87 5H .411 Jackson Ar.lll 45 10 00 6 50 8 18 10 45 12 49 Des Moines..|315S:.343| |P. M.|P. M. A. M. A. M. raoh of the Exodus, and his Son." He last part of the Journey was made in a driv- Probate Order. Kalamazoo ! 2 45112 13 9 45 5 07 1 20 3 07 endeavors by a search among the monu- ing rain. Three men died from their in- STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 Chicago Ar.! 7 551 4 3; 9 Ou 7 00; 7 45 ments, to fix the identity of this famous juries and others can not live. The dead BHAVED THE RAPIDS. COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. I At a session of the Probate Court for the County •Sunday excepted. ^Saturday excepted. -fDaJly. king and to clear up the mystery of the are: Safe Pai*age Through the Whirlpool al O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES. smiting of his first-born son. of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Ag't. Ann Arbor. Judge George Andrews, the most prominent Niagara liy Carlisle D. Graham and His in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the second I small-only a t Fiiinmis llarret day of August, in the year one thousand eight I spoonful. Itisthc lawyer In East Tennessee; 6. T. Powers, the hundred and eighty-nine. BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug. 26.—Carlisle D. Gra- I best and cheapes leading merchant and former president ot the Present, 1. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. I medicine. Try it, an Messrs. D. Appleton & Co. publish this ham on Sunday successfully passed in hia ToluuO.Anii Arbor & Nora Michigan IPy month " A First Book in American His- East Tennessee F.re Insurance Company; In the Matter of the Estate of Eli Benton, I you will be satisfied. Alexander Keeder, a lead:ntr politician who has barrel from .he Maid of the Mist landing deceased. Time Table going into effect Sunday, Jan. 6 '89. j Get it of your Druggist. tory," by Edward Eggleston, author of held many offices of trust. at the foot of Niagara falls through tha On reading and filing the petition, duly verified the popular " School History of the of William W. Wines, praying that a certain in- Going North. Going Sou h. I DON'T WAIT. GETITATONCE The injured are: devil's and whirlpool rapids and the great strument now on file in this court, purporting to S3. • 1:. STATIONS. 1. 3. 31. If you are suffering from K United States." This First Book will Alexander A. Arthur, president of the Cham- central whirlpool, coming out in safety. be the last will and testament of said deceased, JC4M Southern Division. JC*M make history delightful to younger pu- ber of Commerce; Isham Young, president of He entered the rapids at 4:30 p. m. On the may be admitted to probate, and that he may be Pass. Pajss. Mail Mail Pass. Pass, pils by introducing them to men who the Board of Public Works; John T. Hearn, appointed executor thereof. br SK- si&a&ftS surrounding heights were over 2,000 specta- A. M. editor of the Sentinel; W. W. Woodruff, a lead- Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the A. M. p. M. Lv'El [ARE P. M. P. M. A. M. I They never fail to cure. are the great landmarksof our country's tors. At 4:30 o clock the barrel entered second day of September next, at ten o'clock in 3 25 I 85 .Toledo 1 10 11 00 story. The book comprises a series of bi- Ing wholesale merchant; Charles S. Rimour, the ereat whirlpool where in 18S7 William the forenoon be assigned for the hearing of said 4 06 6 19 Monroe Junct'n 12 24 10 20 Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., attorney of the Cumberland Gap & Louisville Boston, Mass., for best medical work published* ographical sketches of more than a score Flack lost his life in a similar attempt For petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and heirs 4 !5 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 road; A. Wilson, assistant chief engineer of at law of said deceased, and all other persons in- i 31 6 46 Milan 12 00 9 50 of men eminent in different periods of the Cumberland Gap & Louisville road; a moment it sank from sight and hundreds terested in said estate, are required to appear at a 1 52 7 Oh Pittsfleld 11 40 9 82 American history; the sketches being County Judge Maloney; Alderman Barry; Al- screamed: "He is lost!" But in a moment session of said Court, then to be holden at the "fM 5 07 7 2(1 ..Ann Arbor... 11 25 9 20 9 3( chronologically arranged to form as derman Hock.uga: General H. S. Chubert, of the little tub reappeared and floated to Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, and 8 00 5 27 7 35 Leland's 11 10 9 05 9 10 THE BtSTWniTE SOAPMADE1N-AMER1CA- near as possible a continuous story. the Governor's staff; A. J. Alberts, a wholesale the Canada side b i.yond the reach show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of 5 15 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 50 the petitioner should not be granted : And it 5 52 7 5f Hamburg 10 48 8 45 The book will be beautifully illustrated merchant; Rev. R. J. Cook, professor of U. S. of a rescuing party which had is further ordered, that eaid petitioner give 6 M 8 45 Howel' 10 11 8 13 1 MAIL ^ s by eminent American artists and will Grant University; City Physician West, and intended to stop it at t'.sis point Then it notice to the persons interested in said estate, of 7 19 1 85 Duraud 9 35 7 30 contain many original and very instruc- Judge Ingersoll. floated around till it was caught in the the pendency of said petition, and the hearing 8 55 10 55 ...East Sagiuaw... 7 55 5 55 JAS-SKIRK thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pub- A. H p. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M tive feature in the way of maps, cuts, Several others were injured, but not se- devil's rapids, where it was borne swiftly lished in the Ann Arbor REGISTER, a newspaper etc. It will undoubtedly be one of the riously. The total number of in]ured was on to Lewiston. When recovered at 5:20 printed and circulated in said county, three suc- NORTHERN DIVISION. forty-one. Intense excitement prevails here. o'c'ock the barrel contained a foot of water, cessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. most attractive books ever issued for 7 30 9 35 Durand IN WEST VIRGINIA. but the occupant wai uninjured. Graham J. WILLARD BABBITT. a Si 7 If, the use of schools. [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. 10 15 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... f> 4S 4 its PETROLEUM, W. Va., Au New York Times; the last regular arti- sene. corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for cle in the successful railroad series of burg at IS o'clock, orashed Into Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the first day of P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. 8. & M. S. E'j. (mi receive 1 § DENVER, Col., Aug. 2b'.— During tho pres- At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and twelve papers, which, after thorough re- a special train occupied by rail- Ju'.y, 1879, in Liber 58, of mortgages, on page 95. at South Lyon with Detroit, I/anslng and North- HANDSOME3 road magnates on a tour of inspection. ent month a dozen persons have lost their The Becond mortgage bearing date the 7th day of ern R. B.,and a. T. Ky. vision, are soon to be published in a lives in this city and vicinity by using kero- July. 1883, and recorded in the office of the Regis- handsome volume; another of the The cause of the wreck is said to have been ter of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, on H. W. ASHLEY, A. J. PAISLEY, Fishing artieles, this time describing conflicting telegrams. The one received sene in starting fires. Most of the victims the 12th day of July, 1883, in Liber 68, of mort- Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. the picturesque Nepigon region of Can- by Conductor Flannagan and Engineer have been women. Saturday's record gages, on page 304. The third mortgage dated GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Layman of the accommodation ordered shows two more. Mrs. Dulmadge, mother July 3d, 1881, and recorded In the office of the Agent, Ann Arbor. PHOTOGRAPHS 2 nada; an out-of-door paper by W. Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michi- them to pass the special at Petroleum, of Assistant Fire Chief Marshal Dulmadge, At Ashley with the Toledo, tiaginaw & Mus- Hamilton Gibson,with the author's own gan, on the 7th day of July, 1884, in Liber 65, of kegon railway. while the special train engineered by of this city, was fatally burned while mortgages, on page 207. On which three above illustrations; an end paper by the fa- Captain Cephus Rowland is said to have pouring oil from a can into her cook stove. described mortgages there is claimed to be due, at ACTORi-andACTRESSES mous Irish leader, historian and novel- Mrs. Jeff Orr, wife of a prominent business the date of this notice, the sum of 83194.26, for ist, Justin McCarthy; and other striking had telegraphic orders to pass the accom- principal and Interest, and no or proceed- Send 25c forself-inking pocket stamp modation at Silver Run. man of Durango, was using kerosene to ings at law or in equity having been instituted to papers on literary, educational and mil- IN NEW TO UK. light a tire when the can exploded, burning recover the debt j«cured by said mortgages or any (Retail price. 50c,) and full directions for making RUBBER STAMPS, with description1 of appa- LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS' itary topics by eminent writers, with WATEKTOWN, N. Y., Aug. 24.—The sec- her in a horrible manner, her flesh peeling part thereof. Notice is hereby given that by vir- The Oreat English Prescription tue of a power of sale contained in said mortgages ratus used and compound for making the short stories and poems. ond train of the Forepaugh show wns off her bones. Death soon er.ded her suf- will restore that lost Vitality and a Rugged, and of the statute in such cases made and pro- moulds. An Improved process. All kinds of Healthy Condition follow its use. Buy at your wrecked late Thursday night, about ferings. provided, the said mortgages wiil be foreclosed by Stamps, Seals, &c, made to order at reasonable druggist's, one packt^e,81; six for 85. two and a half miles east of Pots- BROKE A NATIONAL BANK; a sale of the mortgaged premises therein describ- rates. Write at once, it will pay you. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., DETROIT. MICH, Economic subjects are being more dam, while en route on the Rome, ed, which sale will be made at the West door of Sold by JOHX MOOICK. and more discussed by all classes, and Watertown A Ogdensburg railroad, from the Court House in the Ciiy of Ann Arbor, in the Boardman Stamp Works,Toledo, Ohio An Ohio Cashier Takes »a5,000—Doors County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, at T/r +-l j WITHOUT ANY EXCEP- "The Popular Science Monthly" does Gouveneur to Montreal. A broken axle Closed by Surprised Directors. public auction, by the Sheriff of said county, on o Well to give spare in its September issue Eberbacl) A- S0111. Ann Arbor, supply IVlcIicil! TION the best in the was the cause. Two camels and thirty ring MOUNT GILEAD, O., Aug. 20.—The doors of Friday, the 25th day of October, A. D. 1889, at 2 world. Absolutely rain to three arlieles dealing with topics of horses, Including one of the four chariot o'clock in the afternoon, to satisfy the amount Ascents for the limit French Rem- the Mount Gilead National Bank were edy. DK. LeDl'C'S PERIODICAL storm and fire proof. Eas- this kind. One of these is " The Ethi- teams, were killed. Six cars were de- which shall then be due on said mortgages, with ily applied. Artistic in closed Saturday morning, and all day the the interest thereon and costs and expenses of VI I. I.S. cal View of Protection," by Huntington railed and two telescoped. Three trains finish and at prices that, wildest rumors in regard to the bank's con- sale and fcixty live dollars attorney fee as stipulat- from Paris, France, act only upon the generative iSHINGLEn many parts of thSe country, compete success- Smilh, who compares a protective ta- conveyed the show from Gouveneur. ed in said mortgages in case of foreclosure The organs in females and positively cure supression fully with wood shingles. Illustrated catalogue dition spread through the town. The di- premises described in said mortgages to be sold of the menses (from whatever cause,) and all riff to the protecting walls which bar- The first train, which carried tents and rectors were in consultation, and no infor- and prices free. utensils, passed into Canada safely, as above specified, are the lot, piece or parcel of periodical troubles peculiar to women. A safe, re- barous tribes build around their vil- mation was given out until 2 o'clock, when land situated in the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, liable remedy warranted to promote menstrua- but the second train, conveying all lages. Hon. David A. Wells contributes it was announced that the cashier, R. P. and known and described as follows: All of lot tion or money refunded. Should not be used The National Sheet Metal Hoofing Co., some new thoughts on " Recent Eco- the animals, met with disaster. The No. 6. block live, Range ten (10), E«st Lawrence during pregnancy. The large proportion of ills S1O East 30th St.,New York City. scene is one of great confusion. Holliday, was found to be about J2r>,000 and Maynard's addition to the Villege, now City, to which ladies are liable is the direct result of a nomic Changes," touching on the ori- disordered or irregular menstruation. Ask any On either side of the track are dis- short in his accounts. No business will be of Ann Arbor. Michigan, according to the plats gin of trusts, changes in the prices of done until Bank Examiner Sullivan, who of said Village and City recorded in the office of druggist, Ann Arbor. AMERICAN PILL CO., tributed the bodies of the dead horses. The the Register of Deeds for Wastenaw County, Spencer, Iowa. ROBERT STEVENSON & Co., diamonds and some other commodities, has been sent for, makes an investigation. Wholesale Agents, Chicago. and changes in certain industrial condi- loss will be J40.000. The New Hampshire State of Michigan. MKS S. S. COWLES. tions. Henry J. Philpot writes on the and Maine delegations of the G. A. K. en- Gone with a Large Sum. Dated at ANN ARBOR. MICH., August 1, 18S9. "Origin of the Rights of Property," campment at Milwaukee are delayed at Nor- NEW ORLEANS, Aujr. 25.—The sensation ». IJ. DOWD'S " HOME EXERCISER." wood on account of the accident. yesterday was the disappearance of a prom- For Brain- Workers and Seden discussing many conflicting views on tary People; the subject. New York: D. Appleton The trick ponies, which have attracted inent young lawyer and notary, Alphonsa Phillips. The matter came before the pub- Gentlemen, Ladies and Youths; & Co., 50 cents a number, $5 a year. much attention, were among the animals the Athlete or Invalid. A com- killed. The «7,00U stallion, which was lic in a suit filed by one of his clients, de- plete gymnasium. Takes up driven by Mrs. Adam Forepaugh, Jr., was manding an accounting for funds left in but six inches square floor- _ /UiD Col. Clark, also killed. It is said that -Mrs. Fore- his custody, amounting, it is claimed, to room ; something new, scien- The largest, fastest and mfinest in the world. U. S. Army, writes: For the last two $50,000 or $100,000. Phillips was an official tific, durable, comprehensive, Passenger accommodations unexcelled. paugh wept bitterly and would not bo cheap. Indorsed by twenty New York to I.i vcri I Tin cnatn--vn, years my health has been excellent; this oonsoled when she learned of the of the Mexican Lottery Company, out ot housand Physicians, Lawyers, Clergymen The Celelinued I The Finest Steam- Aujr. 'Jlst. has been due, I think, to my using Sul- death of this horse. The pretty white mule which he made a handsome sum. Editors and others now using it. Send for Clly of .Home I ship in the World. Sept.lSth. illustrated circular, forty engravings, no charge. New fork to Glasgrow via London* phur Bitter?, as formerly my health was which performed remarkable tricks is Prof. D. L. DOWD. Physical and Vocal Culture, 9 Their Kfioits Were Fruitless. derry. Ethiopia. Aug. 31; Anchorla, miserable, owing to the frequent c".iang»s also among the lost. Seven of the eight E. 14th Street, New-York. Sept. 7, Devonla, Sept. 31, Fnrnessia, of climate, etc., so incident to a soldier'd chariot horses are dead. There are about SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug. 20. —Governor Sept. 11th. Sulooii to Glasgow, Liverpool, eighty head of live stock stabled and Fifer's committee which has been investi- Derry, Belfast or Queenstown $50 to $60 by life. gating the miners' strike in the first and Glasgow steamers, 860 and upwards by " City pastured near the scene of the wreck. of Rome.*1 Second Class 830. Steerage $20. Excur- second mining districts of •Illinois reported MANGLED PASSENUEES. sion rates reduced available for either route, thus giving privilege of seeing in one trip the River Epaulettes and shoulder kno:s grow CHICAGO, Aug. 27.—The vestibule train Saturday that it considered the men justi- Henry Richards, fied in demanding higher wages, but that Mersey, Picturesque Clyde, North and South of more and more fashionable as the season on the Santa Fe road, in which were Ireland. its efforts to effect a compromise failed. NO 9 DETROIT ST. Bdvances. several extra coaches carrying Grand Army Excurions to Paris or Continental people to the Milwaukee encampment, Jumped from a Great Height. Dealer in all kinds of HARD Tours on lowe.t terms. Travelers' Circular was wrecked at Kinsman, about fifteen WOOD, LUMBER, PENCE Letters of Credit and Drafts for any amount at SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser- miles north of Streator, at Si m. yester- CINCINNATI, O., Aug. 26.—Saturday even- lowest current rates. Apply to any of our local ing Joseph E. Russell, a 16-year-old lad, The only known specific for Epilept POSTS, etc., also all agents or to able by that terrible nough. Shiloh's day by the spreading of the rails. Four «9-Also for Spasms and Falling SickneB8.-£* living in Ludlow, Ky., jumped from tho kinds of 11K.VIIKK.SO.% BROS., Chicago, III. Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by coaches, two Pullman sleepers, a chair- Hervons Weakness qnickly relieved and cured. II. W. Mellor. car and the dining-car were derailed and Cincinnati Southern railroad bridge Into Equalled by none in delirium of fever.-en Eberbach & Son. hurled down a forty-foot embankment. the Ohio river, a distance of 101 feet It 49"Nentralizes germs of disease and sickness. ook'a Cotton Root Compound.—Com- About fifty people in all were hurt, the fol- was the result of a wager and he suffered no Cores ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. STOVE AND CORD WOOD posed of Cotton Foot. Tansy and Penny- "Our son, who has just graduated," is lowing badly: inconvenience from the leap. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. roval. Swcex-tfvliy vse.il monthly. Safe, the hero and hoo of the mansion. Xlimlnates Bolls, Carbuncles and Scalds.~»» I am also Agent for the celebrated Bffertnai, Plensant.. $1 by maii.orclnig- Mrs. S. S. Dickerman. of Lawrence, Kan., Lived to Be 103 Years Old. ^^Permanently andpromptly cures paralysie. address FOND LI1 v CC M^AIiY, 1 CB, It is a charming and healthful Aperient. chest and head bndly cut; Mrs. Dickerman's BOSTON, Aug. 25.—James Tunny died here CHAMPION BMDEftS AND UOWERS, '"" tflon^ ,r»i av*>. DtttrotC Mien. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet little son, hurt about the back and face; Will- Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Reme- at the age of 103 years. He came to this Changes bad breath to good, removing cause. Sold in Ann Arbor by all druggists. iam R. Fish, Topeka, s. nous head injury: country from Ireland sixty-one years ago. fWKouts biliousness and clears complexion. And Keep a Full Line of Repairs dy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector ftee. Mrs. Fist), of Topeka, head, back and Charming resolvent and matchless laxative.-e* for the Same. arm hurt; S. F. Gould, of Mul- His wife survives him. Sold by Eberbuch & Son. It drives Sick Headache like the wind.-«» Telephone No. 5. vane, Kan., back and face terribly cut; t9~Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Why Should I Mrs. R. K. Tuckerman, Topeka, former- THE MARKETS. Twenty autograph letters of Dr. Samuel Promptly cures Rheumatism by rout'.ng it.*en ly of Chatsworth, face badly cut and internal- YORK Aug. 27. Hestorcs life-giving properties to tho blood.-%a» Johnson to Mr. Perkins recently sold in ly Injured; Mrs. Edward Andsley, Carrollton, LIVE STOCK Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders.-%» Go to Montana ? London for £,Hl. Mo., arm, head and back badly bruised and heep I irlidiable when all opiates f ail.-S» lacerated; Mrs. George B. Peters, Emporla, S.OffS Refreshes the mind and invigorates the bod). THAT HACKING COUCH can be so head and face awfully crushed and cut; FLOUR—Good to Choice.... Cnres dyspepsia or money refunded.-^* LUMBER! <;r<*iit Reservation. Because 18.000,000 George Peters, Kinpona, hurt about the chest Patents Cff~Endorsed in writing by over afty thousand acres of free Government land, with a delightful quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We WHEAT-No. SRed Leading physicians in IT. S. and Europe."QK and face, also internally injured: Mrs. S. S. September climate, and equally suited for general farming and guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach Johnson, or Norfolk, Conn., badly hurt in- Leading clergymen in 17. S. and Enrope.-S* stock raising, have just been opened to the home- CORN—No. 2 White Diseases of the blood own it a conqneror.*Gti ternally and head and face cut. OATS-No. 8 White LUMBER! seeker, in the Milk River Valley and near Benton for sale by all leading druggists. $1.60.-** and Great Kails. lubbon bandeaux and metal fillets SEEIOUS ACCIDENT IN NEBRASKA. RYE—Western for LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 27.—News has been PORIt—Mess Stock Raising. Because the favsrable cli- the coiffure are much worn. LARD—Steam LUMBER! mate and superior grasses of Montana make it the received in Lincoln that a construction CHEESK lhe DR. S. A. BICHIOND NERVINE CO,, St. Joseph, Mo. natural home of horses, cattle, sheep and other train was wrecked late Saturday night on WOOL—Domestic If you contemplate building call a domestic animals; and because winter feeding is Interested People. the Burlington & Missouri railway near CHICAGO. Correspondence freely answered by Physicians, not iequired, as stock grazes at large the year .. For testimonials and circulars send stamp. round. Advertising a patent medicine in the the Pine Ridge tunnel, about S50 miles BEEVES—Shipping Steers.... S3 80 ® * 75 Cows 150 ©2 75 FERDON General Fanning:. Because a rich soil and peculiar way in which the proprietor of northwest of this city. The train was back- abundant summer rains produce wheat, oats, rye, ing from work in the tunnel, and two Stockers 2 00 <3 2 50 Kemp's Baleam, for coughs and colds does, Feeders • 2 50 i} 3 10 barley and the grasses and vegetables of a quality, cars were thrown from the track Hatchers' Stock , 2 B0 2 90 "CHICAGO TRUSS." size and yield unsurpassed. it is indeed wonderful. He authorizes all Inferior Cattle 1 50 New Spiral Spring 2'iiiSi, by a plank. Eleven men were more or 2 73 Hard Rubber Pad; Clean, Mining:. Because Montana produces more ot druggists to give those who call for it, a less injured, nearly all of the wounds HOGS—Lire—Good to Choice. 3 50 i 70 the precious metals than any other state or territory, 4 75 Durable, Cheap. Approved sample bottle free, that they may try it consisting of broken legs and dislocated SHEEP 3 25 uy the highest Medical Au- and abundant opportunities remain to secure valu- BUTTER—Creamery 9 IS able properties at nominal cost. before purchasing. The large bottles are ankles. One or two of the injured men are Good to Choice Dairy 15 .hority. Worn day and night 8 r>y an Infant a week old or u Immigration. Because the Great Reserva- EGGS—Fresh Mtf 50c and $1, We certainly would advise thought to be in a serious condition. The 14 M Adult 80 years. Easily tion is the meeting point of settlers from the a trial. It may save you from Consump- road upon which the accident occurred is BROOM CORN— adfutted. It meets all forms 11 YARD Pacific Coast and from the Eastern States, and is Self-Working & 41-4 ol Serotal.Fermoral, Inguinal Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and tion. the Burlington extension from Lincoln to Hurl 5 the only extensive tract of good land left, suitable and Umbilical Hernia, in get our figures for all kinds ot for settlement the Black Hills. Inferior 4 both Infants and Adults. POTATOES-(per bu.) 25 27 BiisliieNM. Because the rapidly growing towns Pale blue is fashionably combined with PORK-Mess .Satisfaction guaranteed in A Bold Highwayman. 9 05 9 80 all cases. Any desirable pressure obtained. II along the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. dark green, and pale green with dark LARD—Steam 5 72 ,.. power water-power at Great Falls, the extensive Bakers' 2 00 ffl 3 50 coal veins, the wool, mineral and grain raising re- bic and Bessemer yesterday and robbed the Straights 4 011 < hi. liLO. 111. We manufacture our own Lumbei Impurities of the blood often cause © 4 25 OFFICE AND FITTING ROOM, sources ot Montana offer exceptional opportunities passengers. Two men were fatally shot by GRAIN— Wheat, No. 2 77Sa 78 and guarantee to the manufacturer. great annoyance at this season. Hood's the bandit. They are D. Mackechar, of Corn, No. 2 83'4<» S3* 1M E. Randolph St, Oats, No. •-' T. Y. KAYNE, MANAGER. Tourist. Because the canon of the Gates of Sarsapnrilia purities the blood and cures all the First National Bank of Minneapolis, 4 Sold by Ann Arbor DruggiM*. VERY LOW PRICES the Mountains, the Great Falls of the Missouri, the such ^ffectionp. and A. Ci. 1'lec.schbein, o( Ashland, \VU Rye, No. 2 41 & 43 Barley—September 61 £& 64 ^ Giant Fountain and Continental Divide offer the LUMBER— 4S-G1 ve us a call Mn your micrcNl, »H our large and w«l the Continent. Take a summer tour. Shoes are worn both pointed and Common Dressed Siding... 17 00 ©17 50 (cr.iu.-tl sKM-k mily HiiNlniuHour .wsc-r square, but pointed ones are the more in CLEVELAND, O., Aug. :.V - A special from Flooring 38 00 w;i4 00 BOB. Why Travel by the St. I»., M. A M.? Mount Vernon, O., says that Elijah Ly- Common Boards IS 00 <&13 50 Because only by it can you travel through the vogue. Fencing... 14 0(1 ©14 50 JAMES 1OLBKKT, »*«•«». largest body of free land left for settlement. Because barger, a prominent Democratic politician Lath •-> 1(1 O -i -JO T. J. KttF.OH.Kltpt. it reaches the Great Falls, with the largest water- residing at Millwood, shot his wife Sunday .Shingles 3 10 @ 3 30 Drunkenness power on the Continent. Because it reaches CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and night and then shot himself through the KANSAS CITY Helena, the richest city of its size in the world; and CATTLE-Dest Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured PENNYROYAL WAFERS because it is the shortest and best route to Butte, Bronchitis immediately relieved by head. Neither can recover. Jealously is 13 go 4 IJ BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. Are successfully used monthly by OV«T HI.IIX FairtoGood 3 I'M a 3 K Ladies. Are Safe, Kfferluul and Plm\(ii,t. t the largest mining camp on earth. Special tourists' Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. supposed to have been the cause. HOGS—Best 1 a It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea, or in ar- ~.>or box by mail, or at druggists. Sealed Par and landseekers' rates. Daily trains through solid 00 A 4 18 ticles of food, without the knowledge of the per- iculari ^ postugo stamps. Address Medium :t II 'a :i H to Montana. Choice of three routes to the Pacific <>rt-ilt Vlyt ill l(u»»i:i. SHEEP—Bcsl i... » 75 t (»l son taking it; it is absolutely harmless and will THE KUKBKA CHEMICAL COMPANY, Coast. Find out all about it by writing for "The effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether Flshnr Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich Great Reservation," and "Tourists^ Summer "Florida Days," by Margaret Deland, ST. PET8B8BUBO, Aug. 27.— Half the city Medium - •VI IS 50 the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic, OMAHA. Guide." For further information, rates, maps. etc.. author of "John Ward, Preacher," will be of Dubno, on the Irwa, has been destroyed wreck. |T NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE 1'TTTS PAPT5W marts round on me at Oeo. apply to F. I. WHITNEY, G. P. & T. A.. St. CATTLE—Best go