THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER. VOL. xv. NO. 35. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1889. WHOLE NO. 766. and then a long, loud roll of thunder, then tion of corn is lower, showing only 68 pei Shall Women be Allowed to Vote. A DEMOCRATIC ROW. a shower of cinders and molten stone cent, of an average crop. Potatoes show The question of femal« suffrage has ag- REMNANTS ! REMNANTS! thrown into the air far above our heads. 95 per nent. of a crop, meadow and pas itated the tongues and pens of reformers J. CAVANAUSH'S EVEC- We had to watch closely that none of tures, 97 per cent., clover 98 per cent, for many years and good arguments have TIOJT. these cinders struck us. A period of hay 91 per cent., and apples 73 per cent been adduced for and against it. Many silence for about a quarter of a minute In Washtenaw county the estimate o of the softer sex would vote intelligibly A Big Fight in the Democratic Ranks and then another belching forth of molten crops is as follows : Wheat 13,45 bushels and maDy of them would vote as their hus- Over the Division of the Spoils.— matter. It now got too hot for us and we per acre; corn 70 per cent.; oals 38 bush- bands did, and give no thought to the A Strong Effort to Defeat Car- Mack & Schmid. were obliged to descend a short way els per acre; potatoes 94 percent; hay 8i merits of a political issue. They would anansli but he Secured per cent.; apples 83 per cent. all vote for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- the Plam.- Secretary down, but before doing so I gave the tion because they know it is a boon to guide two raw eggs which I had carefully The reports from 16 of the 25 elevators of the Board of and mills in this county show the follow- their sex. It is unequaled as a cure for School Exam- carried all the way Irom Pompeii. The leucorrhea, abnormal discharges, morning iners. guide took them scooped out a hole in the ing : Wheat marketed in July, 21,912 bushels; marketed in June too late for re- sickness and the countless ills to which Extraordinary Remnant Brotherly love and quiet doth not pre- lava where we stood and laid the eggs in port, 25,079 bushels; marketed in 11 women are subject. It is the only reme- it. We waited about a minute, I should vail in the democratic camp in Washtenaw months, 725,420 bushels; marketed since dy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and say, and he pronounced them " done ", Aug. 1, 1888, 772,411 bushels. ailments, sold by druggists, under a posi- Sale! county. In fact the very opposite proves took them on a paper to a cool spot and tive guarantee fro.c the manufacturers to be the case and the air is filled with eDJoyed the Vesuvius roaster's work very that it will give satisfaction in every case They Don't Go. In consequence of this season's extensive sales, and more especially resulting threats of vengence upon the heads of much. The eggs were done to a turn and or money will be refunded. See guaran- The committees from the common tee upon wrapper around bottle. from the late cut prices, we find on our hands a large lot of short ends which we several leading democrats, and upon the with salt were much relished after so hard have to take from the shelves in order to have space for the daily arriving new a climb. Resting on the softest cinder we council and Business Men's Association fall stock. This great accumulation of Remnants forces us to slash prices way judge of probate and members of the found we took in the view which lay spread held a joint meeting and appointed H. J. down, in many cases to disregard value altogether, and simply to try to clear them Board of School Examiners in particular. Private lessons in dancing will begin at out of our way. out at our very feet. There was the sea, Brown as a special committee to conioiu- the State-st Academy of Dancing Sept. 1. The nice little fight grows out of the the bay and five cities dotting the coast. Come early to secure first pick and save money. All remnants marked in nicate with H. W. Ashley, general man- The general classs begins Oct. 1. 66 plain figures. election of Martin J. Cavanau(?h as secre- Pompeii lay nestled among the vineyards, ager of the T. & A. A., in regard to the the ancient city, but half excavated, look- tary of the Board, one of the best paying date on which the company would furnish OCR 23 CENT COLUMN. Remnants of Prints. Remnants of Sateens, 4 to 10 yards ed like a huge brick kiln before the bricks Remnants of ftlHglini lengths. offices in the county, the salary being are burned. From our point of view a train. Judging from the tone of Mr. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, Remnants of Muslins. Remnants of White 4»oo<l«. and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be Remnants of Jeans and Cloths. Remnants of Table linens $1,500 per year and the duties of the eight cities could be seen in the valley be- Ashleys reply there is a hitch in the ar- inserted three weeks for 25 cents. Remnants or Dress Goods, (In lengths Remnants of Flannels. office very light. low and far beyond stretched the Appen- rangements and our citizens will not have from 11-2 to 14 yds.) Remnants of Lace Curtains of every ines, receding from the shore to join the Remnants or Black Dress ftoods, description. Cavanaugh's election has been almost the pleasure ot the trip to Cadillac a9 pro- WAITED. (some sufficient for full dress pat- lt.'iiiiiniils Of AM. KINDS, on our main chain on the borders of Campania. posed. Mr. Ashley's letter is as follows: terns.) : Center Tables, (marked in plain tig- certain for several weeks past, his law From where we were we could plainly see AN WANTED to work in an orange (trove this Remnants of Silks and Satins. ures.) partner, M. J. Lehman, and the judge of H. J. BKOWN, ESQ., Ann Arbor, Mich.: winter. Apply to W. L. Dorr. 20 Maynard-st. the old crater of Vesuvius and the breech DEAR SIR: I have your letter of the 23d Inst. M 68 probate having pledged themselves to I regret that Mr. Paisley should have allowed made during that famous eruption of 79 himself to make such a suggestion. It has been ANTED—To act as steward fora good board- support him some time ago. As the A. D. when Pompeii was buried. The our practice to give free excursions to the citizens Wing club during the coming school year. Ad- crater then was four times as large as of the towns into or through which our roads run dress L. D. Carr, "Lit. '92," 63 E. University Ave.. Board consists of only three members this when they are first opened. We began this when Ann Arbor, Mich. 66tf MACK & SCHMID. now. Seven o'clock came and we began the assured his election. Cavanaugh was a our line was opened to Ann Arbor from this ANTED—Furnished rooms ; a sitting room candidate last year but was not elected. descent, a much easier task than the ascent. point, and last year brought the business men of with two sleeping rooms attached. Any one Cadillac to the different points along the line Whaving such rooms to rent, will n!ea»e address a At the last democratic county convention Vergil says "the descent to Avernus is south. I could not, however, comply with such a easy ("est facile). If he had had Vesuvius request as your letter contains for reasons which card stating terms to W., 20 8. Division-st., Ann he made a speech which caused some must be obvious to you—every town on the road Arbor. 68 A TIMELY SUGGESTION in mind he would have said the ascent to would be justified in making a similar request. ANTED—A boy who wishes to learn short- feeling at that time and made him ene- Avernus is hard, "hie labor eat." Very respectfully, hand and type-writing and pay his tuition mies among the leaders of the party, and H. W. ASHLEY. Wby doing office work. He can have a permanent Toledo, O., Aug. 24,1889. position as soon as competent. A good chance they thought to pay him off at this time for the right boy. Enquire of S. A. Moran, REG- ISTER Office. by opposing his election to this office. German in the Ward Schools. But it didn't work, the board meeting We descended by a more direct path ANTED—An unfurnished suite of rooms, A meeting of a number of prominent permanently. No cooking. Address G. Q. C, Tuesday morning and choosing him unani- than the one going up. Jumping from citizens was held on Monday evening to Wthis oflice. foot to foot in the loose cinders, which BOYS! mously. disouss .he feasibility of introducing the FOR SALE. Life was made a burden for Judge Bab- would elide along with us and send us study of German in the ward schools of As it is ALMOST TIME for school to begin DON'T YOU THINK it bit and Arthur Brown, Monday. Cav- much further down than our mere jump the city.
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