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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1940-1941

Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1940-1941

Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1940-1941

Eastern Kentucky University Year 1940

Eastern Progress - 08 Nov 1940

Eastern Kentucky University

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.,■■■"■ ATTEND STERN !SS Class Meetings STUDENT PUBLICATION OF EASTERN KENTUCKY STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE VOLUME 19 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1940 NUMBER 4 Eastern to Meet Eastern's Who's Who Students Eastern Names Outstanding Students Central Michigan For Representation in 1941 Edition in Nov. 9 Game of National College "Who's Who"

Michigan is Team Dr. Qrace Overton Number Increased That Took Game to 18 Students Last Year, 18-14 Concludes Series From 10 Last Year of Addresses Here ALL IN SHAPE THREE REPEATERS In an effort to extend their win- Speaker Addresses Eighteen students were named ning streak to seven games, the by a special faculty-student com- Eastern Maroons Journey north to County High Schools mittee last week to represent Eas- play the highly-touted Central and Church Groups tern In the 1941 edition of the na- Michigan Teachers eleven tomor- tional "Who's Who in American row. Colleges and Universities". A victory for the Big Red would SPEAKS TO CLUBS The enrollment having increased be sweet revenge for the Eastern at Eastern, the number of students yeterans. The Michigan Teachers allowed to the school in this publi- Hpoiled last year's homecoming Dr. Grace Sloan Overton, noted cation accordingly increased. Last here at Eastern by taking a expert In character building, re. year's quota was only ten students, thriller, 18-14. liglous anof social fields, and a and the year preceding, whlcb was Little is known about the Michi- distinguished author and lecturer, the first year that Eastern was gan men this year, but last season concluded her five day series of represented In the publication, the « they sported one of the biggest addresses here on Thursday, No- number was -six. 'rnis year there and fastest elevens every to play vember 7. are eighteen students to be repre- on Stateland Field. The Michigan Dr. Overton opened her lectures sented in the annual edition. This boys outweighed the Eastern boys at the First Christian Church in number includes eleven seniors at every position last year and Richmond on Sunday, November and seven juniors. were fast enough and smart 3, when she spoke at the morning The members of the graduating enough to take advantage of every service arid also at the young peo- class of 1941, whose names have break of the game that came their The students pictured above Mildred Gortney, Jim Squires, row: Marie Hughes, Paul Brandes, ple's meeting that afternoon. Mrs. been selected for this honor, are: way. Besides possessing a dynamic have been selected as Eastern's Mary Frances Lehman, Bud Petty, Vivian Weber, Ora Tussey, Guy Overton spoke "Sunday night at Ruth Catlett, Lawrence burg; Mary running attack, they had a passer representives in "Who's Who* In Mary Agnes Flnneran, Elmore Whitehead, Susan Biesack, Wyatt Berea College. Agnes Finneran, Coving ton; Billy and pass receiver who were poison American Colleges and Universities Ryle, Ruth Catlett, Hansford Thurman, Mrs. Lamah Ltddell. The speaker spent the greater Farris, Richmond; Marie Hughes, to Eastern the entire game. They are, left to right, first row: Farris, Vera Maybury. Second part of her time on Eastern's Richmond; Frances Jaggers, Eastern's brilliant offense has campus, addressing the college Frankfort; Mary Frances Lennian, rolled over their opponents for a chapel on Monday and Wednesday Louisville; Mrs, Lamah Llddell, total of an even 200 points as Installation Held Carr To Speak Eastern is Scene mornings. She talked to the young Butler; Ora Tussey, Portsmouth, compared to 27 points scored by women of the college on Monday Ohio; Wyatt Thurman, Benham; their opponents. Their scoring at- At Baptist Church night, and to the men students on Jim Squires, Crest wood; and Guy tack, led by Smith, Thurman and by Future Teachers On November 8 of Annual Meeting Tuesday night. Mrs. Overton also Whitehead, Richmond. Schuster, has tallied at least three, spoke to the girls and boys of touchdowns against each of the Madison High School on Tuesday The seven juniors chosen by the opposing teams. The Maroons, dis- at Nov. 6 Meeting Warren Carr, student at the Of Home Ec Group and Thursday mornings. committee to be listed In Who's playing a varied offensive game, Baptist Theological Seminary at On the final day, Thursday, Dr. Who. are: Susan Biesack, Louis- have had little trouble scoring on Louisville, will speak at the First Overton addressed the Mother- ville; Paul Brandes, Ft.' Thomas; any of their opponents. Baptist Church Friday, November craft and Ethical Training De- Mildred Gortney, Harrodsburg; Pledge Presented 8, at 7:30 p. m. on the develop- Mrs. Bertha Damon Vera Maybury, Newport; Elmore Eastern will be in only fair partment of the Richmond Wo- Ryle, Burlington; W. C. Petty, Jr., physical shape for the game Sat- to New Members ment of personality. Mr. Carr was Speaks at Banquet man's Club in the afternoon and captain of Transylvania' football the young married group of the Ashland; and Vivian Weber, Fort" urday. Cross and Gordon were by Club President on "Fun of Food" Thomas. held out of last Saturday's tilt team in 1937 and has an admired First Christian Church in the eve- with Cumberland and will prob- and forceful personality. Everyone ning. The basis of judgment used in ably be able to play against COATES SPEAKS is cordially Invited to attend. ERICKSON IS PREXY It was through the cooperation the selection by the committee as Michigan. Goosens still has his of Dr. Frank N. Tinder, pastor of outlined in the letter of Instruc- broken nose, but will be ready, JJV the First Christian Church, the tion to the college administration the Cumberland encounter Tussey Installation of its twenty-one New Attendance Eastern State Teachers College speaker was brought to Richmond. was on the following four points: received a broken finger and Haas was host to the annual meeting Leadership, character, scholarship, new members ipto the Future of the State Home Economics Con- and potentialities of future, use- pulled a ligament and its doubtful Teachers of America organization Rules Passed at If the latter will be able to see vention on November 1 and 2. Xavier and Eastern fulness to business and society. tomoerow. here at Eastern took place in the Delegates from all over the state The picture of the candidates will University Building on November Faculty Meeting attended the convention. appear in a special section of the Even with the injured men that to Exchange Bids Milestone this year. Eastern has, they axe expected Friday's program consisted of to pull through the Central Michi- The program consisted of talks roundtable conferences, a tea at For Military Ball There were three of the students gan tilt with their undefeated, un- by Dr. J. Dorland Coates, faculty Class Attendance the Home Management House, and who have been selected for this tied record still IntacL sponsor, and Ruth Catlett, presi- a, pottery exhibit by Dr. Anna honor this year whose names and dent of the club. After a short Is Emphasized, by Schnieb. The day was climaxed biographies appeared in the Who's discussion on the purpose of the by a banquet In the Blue Room.j Plans Were Laid Who for 1940. They are: Ruth Kappa Delta Pi club, the national pledge was ad- Faculty Repeal of the Student Union Building, Catlett, Mary Agnes Finneran, and Chooses Members ministered to the incoming mem- attended by nearly -three hundred at Fort Knox Jim Squires. pepple. Mrs. Bertha Damon, guest This national directory Is com- For School Year bers. of the evening, gave a talk, en- Last Summer After the installation services SEMESTER REPORT piled • annually with the purpose titled "The Fun of Food." of introducing to American busi- Kappa Delta Pi, only national were over, the members were divided into groups for the purpose The program on Saturday be- ness concerns, college presidents, honorary fraternity for education The faculty of Eastern Ken- gan with a business meeting in NEW UNIFORMS and the public the outstanding on Eastern's campus, has for this of discussing the plans for the tucky State Teachers Collge at its coming year. the University Auditorium, pre- students who will become the year. nine very prominent candi- meeting on November '4, changed sided over by Miss Statie Ertck- At Fort Knox, Ky., last sum- future leaders of these industries. dates for acceptance to the society. The students who were installed its regulation governing class at- son. University of Kentucky, presi- mer the Advanced Course men It is published through the co- Prospective candidates for'mem- Into the club were: John Walters, tendance. The regulations adopted dent of the Kentucky Home Eco- from Eastern agreed with the Ad- operation of the American Stu- bership are: Ruth Catlett, Dora Charles Stamper, Mary Emma are as follows:' _ nomics Association. Miss Gladys vanced Course men from Xavier dent. Allen, Susan Biesack, Hansford Hedges, Robert Yeager, Ann Al- 1. All faculty rules governing Wyckoff, field secretary of the to exchange Invitations for their Farris, Vera Maybury, Jean Por- len, David Barnes, Fejonise Leake, class attendance heretofore are American Home Economics As- annual Military Ball. Invitations ter, Evelyn Sic, James Squires and Dave Mlnesinger, Margaret Jen- hereby repealed. sociation, gave a talk on "Plan- have been received from Xavier Transy To Get Vivian Weber. kins, Sally Hobbs, Vivian Dicken, 2. It is recognized that class ning the Year's Program in the for Eastern's Advanced Course These students are chosen from Billy Farris, Mary Ann Rogers, attendance is the responsibility of Home Economics Student Club." ment to attend the Xavier Mili- Annual Fall Meet the upper quadrant of the student Thelma Mathewson, Mary Sam- She was followed by Miss Nora tary Boll on Nevember 8 at Cin- body and make up a total of only uels, Juanita Grizzell, Nora Mason, individual faculty members. Of State K. I. P. A. 3. Absence reports shall be Talbot, dean of the Division of cinnati, Ohio. one percent. Lawrence Kelly, Mary Ruth House, Home Economics at Oklahoma A. Major Hugh P. Adams recently Kappa Delta Pi was first formed Arnett Mann and Anna Louise made to the Registrar's office and M.. College, whose subject returned from Fifth Corps Area The fall meeting if the Ken- on this campus in 1936 and ever Preston. daily. was "The Cohesive Force in headquarters at Columbus, Ohio, tucky Intercollegiate Press Assoc- since has been a very active or- 4. Each faculty member shall Family Life." where he discussed several mat- iation will be held this year on ganization. One of the charter Instruct his students to arrange There were several interesting ters pertinent to the Cadet Corps the campus of Transylvania Col- members, Jack Allen, is the His- Gribbin and Allen with him for absences before the exhibits on display In the lobby with the Corp Area Commander. lege in Lexington on Friday and torian Reporter for this year. Mr. absences occur. of the Student Union Building. Among the matters were the num- Saturday, December 6 and 7. Mattox will act as sponsor for r>. In case of an emergency the Some of the most outstanding ber of men Eastern is to be al- Host to the various representa- the club; Marie Hughes, president; to head the Cast instructor may excuse the absence were the exhibits on hearth brooms lotted 1ft Its Advanced Course. tives of the Kentucky college pap- Clark Smith, vice president, and after it has occurred and report by Miss Anna Evans, Home Dem- It was announced by the mili- ers will be the staff of the Crim- Martha Barksdale as secretary and For L. T. C. Play the excuse to the Registrar's of- onstration Agent for Garrard tary department through Sergeant son Rambler, headed by James treasurer. fice .on a form to be provided. County; the exhibit on leather- Wlnslade that Cadet Corps would P. Taryln, editor-in-chief. After these candidates are ap- 6. At the end of each semester craft, by Miss Joyce Cotton, Home soon be completely uniformed. Among the college papers to be proved by the national office they a tabulated report shall be made Demonstration Agent for Scott Uniforms for the first year men represented at this meeting will will be Initiated on November 26. First School Play showing the percentage of. ab- County; the exhibit on weaving that are without them are on be the delegates of the Eastern sences each Instructor has had. by Miss . Eleanor Clark,. Home handand will soon be issued and Progress, Eastern; The Hilltopper, to be Presented Demonstration Agent of Lincoln the ■Ird year men will soon have Western; the Black and Orange, A- Yeoman's Club is The faculty has always empha- on November 15, 15 sized the importance of regular County. • their hew officer's uniforms de- Union; The Cardinal, Louisville; To Be Started For class attendance. The new regula- Miss Gladys Bowles is president livered to them. The Kentucky Kernel, University "William Tells" tions will probably be the means of the Home Economics Club at It has also been announced that Of Kentucky; Trail Blazer, More- TICKETS ON SALE of securing better attendance. Eastern." • there will be four Corps Days, head; College News, Murray; The Physical Education Club of weather permitting. Cento, Centre; and George tonian, Eastern is endeavoring to form a Lieutenant Reeves has an- Georgetown. Yeoman's Club whjch will be open The Little Theater Club will Progress Reporter and I. M. Yahudi nounced that tryout for. the Pistol Awards will be made this time to all students who have had any open its season next Thursday eve- Team will start on November 11 In the various fields of college class instruction In archery. There ning, November 14, at 8 o'clock and a week of theory and funda- journalism: editorial, feature, will be a breakage and main- in the Hiram Brock auditorium Get Sea millions Scoops {n'Interview mentals will precede actual firing news story; column, cartoon, ad- tenance fee of fifty cents a semes- with Its presentation of Thornton on the range. vertisement, and the best all round ter (thirty-^fc-e cents for the re- Wilde A* Pulitzer Prize play, "Our With Campus Guest, Porky Hawgrifle The following advancements college newspaper. The contest mainder of the present semester). Town. The performance will be have been made in the. Cadet will be judged at this time by It is hpped that when a number repeated the next evening, Friday, Corps: William McClurg from either a professional newspaper Novmber 15.*' Cadet Corporal to Cadet Sergeant staff or that of some well known of students have become pro- By JIM SQUIRES I stepped back in dismay to size ficient with the "great long bow Betty Berneece Allen and Owen and D. J. Dougherty to Cadet college journalism department. After the Morehead-Eastern tus- my friend up.again for surely this Corporal. and grey goose shaft" the club Gribbin head a cast chosen from sle of this year your reporter de- loud outburst hadn't come from may join the National Archery the entire student body. Other cided to try to get an interview of this long slender windpipe of his. Rivard to Attend Association, which organization important roles will be portrayed some kind about the game and Seeing such astonishment plainly Afternoon Concert corresponds to the National Rifle by Georgia Roof, Orville Byrne, find what the feeling was on both displayed on my homely face, he Is 1st In Series Murray Meet Raymond Goodlet and Gerald sides.. Since the Morehead "con- cooled off somewhat and roared in ^Starting at once equipment may Johnson.'Mr. Cyril Hager, sponsor tingent had tourneyed homeward a milder tone—"Don't tell me—I Planned For Year on World Affairs be obtained at the door marked of the club, will be seen as the soon after the-g&im; and the East- know you're one of those Eastern "archery" In the rear of the stage manager, a sort of wander- ern crowd was too tickled for Progress birds lookln' for a story, The first in the series of Sun- Miss Marguerite Rivard, presi- rear of the Health Building. Any- ing commentator. The leads will words, a post-game interview and I'm prepared for you . . . Just day afternoon concerts to be held dent of the Eastern World Afflars one who has paid their 35 cents be supported by a cast composed seemed next to impossible. sprawl there on the floor and don't in the Walnut Hall of the Stu- Club, will represent Eastern at may check this equipment out at of Herschel Coates, Clark Farley, However, while I was loafing Interrupt . . . SEE?" dent Union Building from four to the Ohio Valley International Re- the following periods: Monday, 7 Mary Cook, Roy Cromer, Claude around the Registrar's office, our I glanced around inquiringly five was attended by a large num- lations Clubs conference, which is and 8; Tuesday, 7, 8. and 9; Wed- Harris, John Lee Jones, Gladys star snooper, I. M. Yahudi, in- hoping Yahudi was prepared for ber of faculty and students. to be held at Murray State nesday, 7 and 9; Thursday, 7, 8, Bowles, Paul Baandes, Ann Thom- formed me that there was a guy such rudeness, but believe it or This first concert was presented Teachers College on Friday and ty and 9; Friday, 7 and 9, and Satur- as, John Hughes, Walter Duch, locked up In -the vault in the not the little man wasn't there. by the music faculty of Eastern. Saturday, November 15 and 16. day, 4. William B. Jackson, Theda Duna- Registrar's office who had enough Half dazed I sprawled as I had Miss Brown E. Telford, harpist; Miss Rivard, a senior here, will vent. Rose Wiley, Hazel Waller, background for a dozen interviews. been ordered right on the hard Miss Blanche Seevers, vocalist; take part in the roundtable dis- Donovan, Jones Elsie Marcum, Billy Bright and Before I could make any reply cold floor. Unconsciously I opened Miss Katherlne Agna, pianist; and cussions of world problems and Shirley Salisbury. Yahudi grabbed me by the collar, my mouth to ask a question but Mr. Thomas Stone, violinist, took affairs and will speak on 'Alm- Attend Conference Assisting Mr. Hager in charge pulled me through the keyhole, he suspected my Intentions and part perialism." In Pennsylvania of production are James Stayton, and there we were inside the vault his story burst forth: The Student Union Music. Com- The principal speaker for the lighting; Sklppy Culton, costumes; in the Registrar's office. 'Yes, my name is Pork Hawg- mittee plans to arrange for per- conference will be Dr. Clyde President H. L. Donovan and Natalie Murray, publicity, and Sure enough there was the guy rifle and I'm proud of It I come sonal concerts on every other Sun- Eagleton, noted author and lec- Dean W. C. Jones have returned Scottle Sudduth, organist. slumped In the corner mumbling from a long line of Hawgrlfles. In day afternoon, alternating with turer, who Is at present professor from a trip to Mt. Summit, Pa., Tickets are now on sale in the to himself. He was the funniest fact, my great grandfather's sis- programs of recorded music. The of government at New York Uni- where they attended a meeting of Student Union Building, and at looking chap I have ever seen— ter's cousin came over on the symphony broadcast can be heard versity. Dr. Eagleton was a administrators and coordinators of the Glyndon and Stockton drug slim as a rail and only about five Mayflower. I'm 100% American in the Walnut Hall every Sunday Rhodes Scholar at Oxford in 1917, schools that are participating in stores. Students tickets are thirty- feet five. I immediately asked him steel with a little Alabama pig afternoon from two to four. The and received his Ph.D. at Colum- the national teacher's education flee cents, others fifty cents. Seats his name in the usual interviewing iron thrown in and my stock is combination radio and victrola in bia University in 1928. He was study. The meeting was sponsored may be reserved by turning the manner and quick as a flash he of the best Hickory found in the the Walnut that will be used for instructor at the University of by the Committee on Teacher tickets in at the box-of flee any shot back—"Porky Hawgrifle, so north woods. But mine has been a these programs was the gift of Louisville in 1918 and 1919. Dr. Education. time before the play. wEStr l (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4> Dr. H. L. Donovan. I Eagleton will speak Friday night. r v_;.~- v^*

y . >■ ' J Page Two' ■ THE EASTERN PROGRESS Friday. November 8, 1940 ■3»r arose the songs about the class of '37, '38, etc. The THE EASTERN PROGRESS loyalty that each member of the class felt for that CURRENT EVENTS Member of the Kentucky Intercollegiate particular class was something to be long remem- Press Association bered. ' It seems then particularly lamentable that there Entered at the postoffice at Richmond, Kentucky, should be so little carry-over from this loyalty to as second-class matter. college. We should feel the same interest In the EDITORIAL STAFF activities that our class sponsors here that we felt Ruth 'Catlett in high school. After all, only a few years have Jim Squires ., .....Co-Editors' passed since we were In high school. This lethargy Paul Brandes ...Managing Editor seems hard to understand In view of the very short Natalie Murray * News Editor period of time that has elapsed since we cheered so Guy Hatfield Sports Editor lustily for any and everything that our class hap- Susan Blesack Feature Editor pened to be connected with in any way. .Marguerite Rivard Society Editor That there is this lack of Interest where the re- spective classes at Eastern are concerned is appar- BUSINESS STAFF ent from the almost disgraceful attendance at class Dick Dlckerson Business Manager meetings. It has always been thus, and perhaps OUve Gabriel Secretary this will be only useless agitation, but the effort Helen Ashcraft Circulation Manager will not have been in vain if it recalls to the mind REPORTERS of one person the duty that he has been neglecting. Nora Mason Prewltt Paynter The same report came from each of the four Ora Tussey Raymond Stephens classes at the last class meetings. The officers had Dick Allen Bud Petty worked, very diligently on the programs and were Bob Yeager '.' , Qrvllle Byrne . very much disappointed when lib one attended them. Gwen Sanders Roy Cromer No movement could go very far when there is so J. E. Williams Robert Mock little enthusiasm back of it It isn't fair to the of- Jim Todd ' Jim Crow ficers who have charge of the class activities to Hill Wilson Betty Sanders present them with such a lack of interest. Joe Cornell Reno Oldfield It has always been this way when the hour for Bill Jackson Robert Mock chapel was made voluntary. We had hoped that Glen Johnson Jtmmie Purdon the seniors would attend almost en masse this year, even when the chapel attendance ceased to be com- PROGRESS PLATFORM pulsory. Instead there have been only a sprinkling A modified form of student government. of seniors at chapel regularly and a very few more A weekly school publication. On special occasion. Because attendance at class A more active alumni association. meetings is not compulsory, no one goes except the Continued, expansion of college departments. exceptional few that are sincerely Interested In the Continued thoughtfulness in regard to college activities of the school and are loyal to their class. property. It seems ridiculous that this situation should exist. . A greater Eastern. We should take advantage of every opportunity that we can find to learn about world problems, and to THE AIMS OF STUDENTS participate In those things which will fit us for the Potpourri * The Rebel Yell By FRANKLIN CROMER By SPEED FINNERAN It was a remark by a supposedly prominent edu- part we will soon have to play in a world where cator, transmitted to a portion of the student body a few whispered nothings over a coke will mean very little. POLITICS WHOLESALE DISILLUSION here, that began the controversy that has since As you read this, America's Up until the time that we come to college we accept history and been a subject of discussion wherever 'the serious- So this call, wen, for attendance at class meet- greatest political lssu/ of the mo- companion legend without question. Then comes wholesale disillusion ings. They are a part of our life here at Eastern, ment will have been decided. with the dawn. Along with this thing called higher education we find minded gather. It was like a challenge to us, and that ancient literature wasn't censored; that college graduates still shook even the most apathetic Into thinking for a and they deserve to be on even the most crowded Whether or not the presidency 1 changes hands is of little conse- use "ain't"; that "Snow.White and fne Seven Dwarfs" is average few moments. " We are a group who seldom con- "schedule. —R. C. quence, at least in one sense. Noth- adult fare; that five syllable words cover a multitude of sins; that sider our purposes very seriously, • unless we are ing can happen to the American when a woman calls a man a "Worm", she's really referring to his challenged to do so. people as a whole, unless they by ancestors; what they meant when they called them the "fathers of A GOOD. BACKGROUND supine indifference and mental their country"; and that the Greek gods weren't godlike in any ac- There have been a few remarks made to the ef- In the face of the present world , It behooves lethargy allow it to happen. We cepted sense of the word. fect that the present college generation has no am- are living in the greatest tran- As children we were expected to be naive but now that we have all of us to wake out of our slumber of self-content- bition except that of creating for itself a good time, sitional period in human history. graduated to that group of the select few, the intelligentsia, we are ment and face the world as it really is. Present As students and prospective teach- forced to swallow our gullibility and are taught to permeate propa- but we have generally felt that such remarks were day discussions deal with topics of a higher, more ers, we should try to analyze and ganda, etc. I was reading just the other day of the truth behind the made by the cynical or the jealous and have paid understand the motivating forces intellectual plane than ever before. The man on truth that was Red Riding Hood. For instance, we find now that little attention to them. However, when it comes to of this transition. If we cannot Grandma of the famous legend was not really eaten by the wolf, but the street is discussing economics and philosophy, Doth rapidly and effectively adjust the point that a leading educator says that the am- eloped with a Fuller Brush salesman. That the lowly wolf whom not baseball and stock market. We are asking ourselves to these changes, we we had been taught to despise was in reality just another Boy Scout bition of the present day college youth is to get Why and How and If So, What. We express our may be lost ip the new world, doing his good turn in protecting grey hair from the foul breath of through college as easily as they can and then to which will follow. own opinions and ask. others for theirs. But how scandal. get out into an easy job, it seems that there should We want to know WHY was the poor, blameless wolf put behind much do we really know about the whole thing 7 THEATRE be some retort from one of those beleaguered col- the eight ball simply because Miss Riding Hood's grandmother wanted What is the basis for our discussions, facts or fic- The ensuing production of to take a day's lark? After you have sufficiently orientated your lege students. Thornton Wilder's "Our Towh," to mind to that state induced by college literature' courses, you will at- tion? Are we trying to tell everyone how to run be gTven November 14, 15, by the It is characteristic of human nature that the easy the world with only self-opinionated ideas? Are Little Theater group, is rapidly tack your problem by a systematic approach of logical and pertinent way looks the more inviting, when we are presented questions. For instance, would the wolf naturally have picked on a we being blind in the fact of visible light? assuming the proportions of what tough and wrinkled grandmother? Ahhhh . . . ! A younger and with two alternatives. That is not a trait that Is I'm afraid most of us are inclined to talk through promises to be a reasonable fac- more'delectable morsel would of course have been his choice. Even native to college students. Teachers, doctors, law- simile of the recent New York our hats. Rather than take the time to form a sub- production. today we say young women and children first. yers, merchants, and chiefs, hone of them, will stantial background for responsible citizenship, we Incidents of factual error of this caliber become quite the ac- cepted thing after a few years of hardening courses. We promise ■•arch for the hard way very often. This is not fly off at random on "Down with Willkle" and RELIGION '•• the point at all- The thing that is important Is Why doesn't someone propagate, you that at the end of your junior year you will be able to go to bed "Roosevelt's a Bum." In the past we've termed a movement for non-sectarian at night without weeping because there is no Santa Claus. this—whether when any one of those people, when that Americanism; now, It's termed stupidity. church services to be held in the confronted by the difficult situation, will run from ALIBI ICKEY It's true that none of us know the answers, and, Hiram Brock Auditorium on Sun- The excuses offered by students of the .women's dorms for being u it or will face it. , better yet, that the majority of those who say they day mornings for those students who have no particular religious late become each year a little more weird than those of the year be- Moat people welcome a good fight. There is know all about it are the most ignorant of all. A faith ? The services. could be, fore. Gone With black cotton stockings and bone hairpins are those something controversial in Ihe fundamental make- great philosopher once said that when we begin to simple—a session of organ music, pertaining to flat tires, car trouble, broken watches, and late church up of every one of us. There is the joy of a battle group singing of the old hymns, service^. Newest and best Include brain children like these: "I'm realize how little we know, we're beginning ta.be sorry, but I fell asleep in the show!" "We were watching for the and prospect of a victory in the offing that will add short, addresses by students or smart. But we can do better than we're doing. teacnlrs or visiting minister— moon to come out from behind a cloud" (It must have been a plenty a great deal to the struggle. It is our firm belief The best authors and writers can do a lot to clarify something to place more emphasis cloudy night to account for a forty-five minute slip!); "Couldn't that college students are no exception to this gen- the situation. Have you read a good biography of upon the absorption and emulation walk up the hill any faster because my date has asthma!" and eral rule. It is our contention that the college stUr Hitler ? Do you know what the New Deal tried to of the teachings of

. .-,«-. i& ■ Friday, November 8, 1940 THE EASTERN PROGRESS Page Three Hughes is Named Battalion Sponsor * Kampus Knews With Hall, Stayton, Dunavent JOIN OUR By IRA SNEAK Selected to Sponsor ROTC Batteries FaUing leaves—football games- ing so freely. At least, he doesn't ; "FOUR O'CLOCK driving rain—a breath of Ice In If that touching scene uv the the air—it looks like fall. The amphitheatre on Sunday afternoon calendar says it Is fall. It must was any evidence . . . Bobble Hall ■p be fall. Yet, oh Eastern's campus, and Jacqueline Yavecchla both had ^^fl it's., Love in Bloom as never be- their he-men on the grounds over , CLUB" fore. Paul Brandes and Scottie the weekend . . . The whole, college Sudduth seem to have the best was worried two weeks- ago when 4 At four o'clock each afternoon a table time when they dance in the Rec a Louisiana government employee Room . . . Anne Elizabeth Earl invaded our library. Even the lib- 1 ** number will be drawn. Those sitting at swears that she and John Ertel rary .janitor thought the invader that table will receive their drinks and are only friends. We have 6ur sus- was going to find enough evi- picions, however... Margie Crltes dence to take our librarian baok sandwiches FREE I and Bill Kinsella are one of the with him. Even now Miss Floyd 1 Til •U romances that everyone enjoys still likes China for it is from watching. They-get along so well. there most nations get their . . . Speaking of the romances that "Rice" . . . Handle-bar Catfett ^^^M Perry's Drug, Store make good visual education, we they call her at Madison High. The Retail Store nominate the one of Natalie Mur- She has been seen In the vicinity \ki ray and Vernon Kalb . . . Bill of the West End time and again Lyons Was back on the campus too . . . Has Christine Ashcraft this weekend to dispel the rumors ever done any good in meeting a that he was married. As proof of guy whose initials are Graham . . . the fact that he is still fancy-free, Boyees, have you seen the cute he managed to take out both of Marthas on the campus—McCor- his erstwnile gal friends while he mack and. Thompson—some •guy PLEASE REFRAIN FROM ARGUING was here, Dorothy Eggenspiller was raving about the latter's blue and Ceclle Bowling . . . Russell eyes. Get closer sometime and see Shadoan and Nancy Bennett en- for yourself . . . And so the eyes POLITICS. WAR OR RELIGION Joy each other's company a lot ... have it ... TO END THIS PAGE, One of those little Madison High THE LATEST RAGE—GOOD girls has a twit on our own Joe BYE, MY FRIEND, THIS IS THE * Bill Siphers. She comes to Eastern END. MARIE HUGHES MARY STAYTON and looks for-him in the library ... JUST Jimmy Liogsden is now being seen ----» with Hiatt Nesbltt. Why doesn't Campus E Club he make up his mind? . . .Ray- "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" mond Stephens -is shadowing Betty Sanders as much as one of his is Reorganized .nature ever shadows' anyone . . . The other Sanders was thrilled Under New Rules to-death the other night when she received a long distance call from her love In Burgin. Imagine her dismay when it turned out to be Not to Compete Richmond Greenhouses a phony, manipulated by that prac- tical , Kelly . . . And there With Kyma Club Is the last year's romance of Billle or Phys. Ed. Club Clark and Whizzer White, which is still good copy. A lot of talk has been hard about the whole- sale petting party that "was staged ALUMNI MEMBERS to and from Club Madison one night last week. It seems that the This fall the "E" Club members A NEW GROUP OF dates got all mixed up and no began extensive plans for reorgan- one minded in the least... Tilton ization. Under the sponsorship of Bannister tells Ann Allen good- Mr. Tom Samuels, they are draw- night on steps of Burnam Hall a ing up a constitution wherein both DRESSES lpi now. He calls her "love" . alumni and students who have Helen Ashcraft and Billie Mason earned a letter in any major or are one of the matches that no minor sport at Eastern may be- IN PASTEL SHADES one thought would last. It's a come active members of a dynamic, pleasure to report it probably energetic athletic organization. At will . . . Sadie Jones lamented the present time, Spider Thurman, about her "campus" so much that Bert Smith, Ora Tussey and Travis HELEN HALL THEDA DUNAVENT "Helen Harper" Sweaters everyone knew about it before the Combs are busy drawing up a set Marie Hughes, Helen Hail, Theda Club. She is the first ROTC spon- tew days of .privation were over. of rules as a basic foundation for Dunavent and Mary Stayton were sor from outside the state of Ken- And all that furore over being the group. Mr. Samuels wants it chosen as sponsors of Eastern's tucky, all sponsors In former years in Twin Sets for Christmas Giving or Getting thirty minutes late . . . Tsk! Tsk! understood that this is not just Cadet Corps at the last meeting having been natives of Kentucky. . . . Allan Wickersham and Caro- a social club and that it was not of the Advanced Course. On pie last Corps Day of the lyn Brock are now gathering geo- organized just to compete with Marie Hughes, senior from year the Battalion and Battery logical specimens. The rumor is Kyma or the Physical Education McKee, Kentucky, was chosen as Sponsors award the medals and The Margaret Burnam Shop that they found a geode the other Club. It is to be a means of per- Battalion Sponsor. Miss Hughes Is cups that have been won in com- day . . . Wonder when Walter manent linking alumni and stu- a major in Mathematics and is a petition throughout the year. North Second Street Due's wild ideas will backfire? dents, of athletic ability in a well- member of the Future Teachers A new arrangement has been Speaking of Due, it has been said organized, functioning club. of America, Glee Club and the made for this year's Military Ball that Do*a Chancy shouldn't go Alumni are to be sent a copy Physical Education Club. whereby the Sponsors will lead home anymore on weekends. While of the constitution as soon as it Helen Hall, sophomore from the Grand March and take more the cat's away, et cetera . . . That is completed and are given the Paint Lick, Kentucky, was chosen part than has been the case in freshman football player, Bob privilege of becoming active mem- as Sponsor of Battery A. Miss former years. Neal, says he is from Alabama, bers. All alumni who received an Hall Is a major in Commerce and but hasn't a trace of an accent ... "E" since Eastern started giving last year was a member of Eastino Tom Combs seems to have taken them are automatically inactive and this year is a member of the YOUR PHOTOGRAPH our advice. He was at the Club members, but by paying dues, may Glee Club. the other night and he was dancing become active members. These Theda Dunavent, Junior from with all the girls in the party , .#■ dues, for both "E" bearing stu- Loyall, Kentucky, was chosen Ray* Goodiett and Martha Cam- dents and alumni, include a pin Sponsor of Battery B. Miss Duna- FOR CHRISTMAS mapk take in all the more cultural and free admission to all athletic vant is a major in Home Eco- events on the campus , . . - The events on this campus. Banquets nomics, Sponsor of Eastern's Band attendance at crass meetings on and special seating sections are and a member of the Home Eco- - And Get Your Milestone Photograph FREE! this campus is disgraceful.^ It planned for members. nomics Club, Glee Club and the might not be a bad idea to maKe Mr. Samuels would like all mem- Little Theater Club. them compulsory, if this keeps bers to watch for a notice of the Mary Stayton, junior from Day- up . . . The Hawg Rifle took so coming meeting. Those students ton, Ohio, was chosen as Sponsor long to win and then .there isn't having letters in baseball, football, of Battery C. Miss' Stayton is a enough enthusiasm to warrant the tennis, basketball, swimming, golf, immediate presentation of the major in Physical Education and long-coveted trophy in chapel . . . and track are requested to attend. Is a member of the Physical Edu- John Staton, Brooksville High cation Club, Future-Teachers of School flash, was labeled as "too PURDY—LONNEMAN America, and the Mathematics slow" by a little Flemingsburg WEDDDING ANNOUNCED VULCAN~IRVINE High School gal the rf>ther night. Mr. and Mrs. William O. Purdy He'll learn . . . Bill Green had his announce the marriage of their girl friend from Owenton on the daughter, Mary Gene, to Mr. John Ladies' & Men's Tailor campus this past weekend. And Lonneman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing after keeping Sadie out thirty min- George Lonneman, of Ft. Thomas. utes late too! ... Mr. Samuels The wedding took place at 9 o'clock Made in Richmond labeled Sal lie Hervey as. "quarter- on Saturday, October 19, at the 241 Main St. ' Phone 898 back" the other night at the free show that the football boys at- St. Mary Cathedral, Covington. tended . . . Seen together all the The bride's cousins, Miss Betsy time: Marty Thompson and Nash Castor, of Cleveland, Ohio, and The drink everybody Hancock . . . Dale Morgan was Miss Virginia McGlone were the on the campus last weekend and bridesmaids. knows Virginia Stith looked so happy . . . Unofficial hero of the Morehead BATES—SCHALTENBRAND game—Pete Prater . . . Poppy MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED J. opnn now walks with Jack Tal- Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Bates an- bot all the time. It seems that nounce the marriage of their there is more future in that than daughter. Ginger, to Mr. Ray the library , . . Accurate simile— Schaltenbrand, of Pittsburgh, Pa. the football team going to din- The wedding took place on July 10. DfUNK ner—the thundering herd .. . Over- heard on the campus: "What's he L DOES THINGS FOR YOUNG FIGURES like? Well—tweeds, a bad repu- Special Sale! Dinner and evening dresses one-half price. The Mar- m$% tation, and a line- Gee, he's inter- No matter how trim, how esting!" . . . So's this—Jack Loper, garet Burnam Shop. George Nash and Elmer Graham tailored, Jeanne d'Arcs are have all .concentrated their affec- tions for the year on the same FOR THE BEST IN SHOE REPAIRING VISIT always feminine and flatter- girl, Blanche Trivett . . . Harvey Lewis was telling the whole world $1.95 ing. Friday night about the Jewell he RIVERS SHOE SHOP had found. He Tucker her down Yen ill, you bend, you town and around . . . Here's an- •loop . . . you indulge in other guy who is running 'round Just Around the Corner From Stanifers loose this year—John Rose, get active iporti . . . and in him W0 • • • Someone said that every position this winder Morris Garrett, the woman-hater, No Matter What Your Permanent Wave Difficulties has been doing some courtin' on •lip magically mouldt lo the sly . . . Orchids to those stu- Are—We Can Work Out A Satisfactory Solution your figure. There'* no dents who had charge of Friday's pull on the team*, n» tea and to those students who at- tended . . . Timber Williams and VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP •train on the slip thanks Button Bazaar: New as to- Barney Barnett have been making to the ingenious Laton* morrow's gossip. Those are some speed at those weekly square dances . . . Spider did some nice Phone 177 •ide insert*. Can't twiit or honest - to - goodness, saw- broken' field playing among the ride up beraute it's Sullins students. One Sullins dame straight cut, hut give* you through buttons. The fabric wrote up here for his address. What a man . . . Wonder what DON'T FORGET the contour fit of a bias. Is that wonderful Koda- Helen Floyd would ^say to the Rayon Satin LaRue. Krepe, 60% pure silk, 40% way that Stafford and Jeannle are courtin'? Maybe she knows, to Send All Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning to LUX-et beautifully. Tea- Teka rayon. Rose, copen, but if she doesn't, she should. rose. Black, White, Navy. Let's be fair to the girl . . . What Sites 32 lo 44. 31 '^ to 3 714. golden, green. 9 to 17. luck that Purdon boy has! If he can't get his chosen •femmes one MADISON LAUNDRY & way, he does another. It Is re- Laos for lh, 'Scamptutt' labtl ported to us that two of his IRIS friends lost their girls to him in a ' DRY CLEANERS crap game Sunday afternoon . . . Looks like Delin Partin doesn't SHOP object to the home town talent Phones 352-353 IN McME'S 8TOKK that Betty Jo Goodln is Import- J£«. - ."c. • « T / ' - ■

'••-'• t ) Page Four THE EASTERN PROGRESS Friday, November 8, 1940 Eastern Nears Undefeated Season Progress Reporter H. M. WHITTINGTON CO. I. M. Yahudi The Sporting Thing After Crushing Cumberland 48-7 By GUY HATFIELD JEWELERS Gets Scoops in 6th Consecutive Win of Year /CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Well, It's six down and two to Jjfts—Watch and Jewelery Repairing go, but these two will be tough. Eastern, after winning six, losing North* Secondjecon Street Phone 756 Schuster Leads Way Eastern Wins Rifle hard and adventurous life. none, and tying none, has but to "My early days are of no Im- win from Central Michigan to- in State Scoring portance for during that time I morrow and Bowling Green Uni- After Oct. 9 Game By 27-13 Victory was kept clean and was Just a versity next Saturday to end the babe In arms. Then In 1861 when season undefeated and untied. The Hair Cut^_ w 25c I was ef age I was put on some team will be extra anxious to win The Eastern Maroons were- a Over Morehead lanky, bony Tennessean's shoulder over Central Michigan to gain re- step hearer their goal of an un- and marched off to What I found venge for the defeat we received BOGGS\0ARBER SHOP defated, untied season after their out later was the 9»yil War. Here from the last year. crushing 48-7 victory over hapless Pass to Smith I had the time of my life for I Bowling Green will offer a Hours 7:00^. M.—7:00 P. M. Cumberland University last Satur- was in all the action that took strong defense and offense, since day, October 9. Behind Goal Line place. There was once at Vicks- they won six, lost one, and tied After kicking off to Cumberland. Makes First Score burg when I got plenty 'hot around one last year. Eastern should win, Eastern received a punt, at mid- the collar' for I hadn't been used however, if they put forth some Keep That WelKDressed Look field and drove immediately for a to continuous day and night work, "~EHStern\defeated Morehead 27 of the power which they displayed touchdown. Captain Thurman but in time I cooled off. In 1863 against Morehead. •o dashed 24 yards to the 16 yard to 13 In one^of the wildest games I was nipped In the trigger and line and on the next play Smith ever seen In\ Hanger Stadium. that was all I saw of the war. DIXIE DRY CLEANERS went around end for the first Thurman, Smi and Schuster led "Tlils blow on the trigger "was Eastern not only has a hard marker. Schuster converted the the Maroons > their smashing a harder blow than I had realized fighting team, but also has a Phone 7 South Second Street try for the extra point victory over the r bitter rivals, the-feand it caused me to lose all track pugnacious band. The band at Eagles. v., Eastern tallied again in the first of time until 1936. After 1863 the present stands undefeated, untied, period when "Bruiser" Bennedett In the first quarter directly first thing I remember was a and unscored upon, having scored T crashed over from the elevn yard after the kickoff Morehead began mighty roaring, hosts of screech- a striking (STRIKING) victory line. Again Schuster dropped back a series of line plays which com- ing people, guys running Into each during the Morehead-Eastern RICHMOND BAKEtiaERY and split the goal posts with his pletely baffled Eastern. With Var- other, and all the 'nuts' chasing game. try for the extra point. ney and Lustic pile-driving the the guy who carried a thing about v line Morehead swept down the field the size of .a good-sized cannon Next Saturday afternoon's game Pies, Potato Chips, Pastries of All Kinds ■ In the second period Eastern ball. I thought a new phase of the again crossed Cumberland's goal and in five consecutive first downs will bet the last for several of had scored. Zachem converted. Civil War was In progress but Eastern's seniors. They are a fine The Home of Maryland Biscuits line twice. For the first score, found out soon that this encounter •' Siphers faded back and shot a Eastern clamped down on the group of boys. They are: "Spider" Morehead offense and In the sec- was only the annual football battle Thurman, "Tater" Combs, Bill 27 yard pass to Schuster. Schus- between Eastern and Morehead. I ter's third attempt for the extra ond quarter Smith layed a beauti- Cross, "Flash" Gordon, "Smooch" ful coffin corner kick out on More- was the 'big shot' at this game point was blocked. each year, too, for they handled Mayer, "Bobbitt" Mowat, "Uddie" The other score came after head's 6 yard marker. Varney Ordich, "Sam" Tussey, and "Ca- kicked out but was rushed by me with care, put me In the best ruso" Ylnger. Buchaus had intercepted a Cum- available seat, and the prexies of berland pass on his own 25 yard Schuster. His kick went out on Well done, boys. To you we wish STUDENTS! the Eastern 44. both colleges smiled as they held line from which spot the Big Red me at the end of the game. Later, every success. You have left some- drove 75 yards for the last score With Smith carrying the ball, I read in the Eastern Progress and thing here, not exactly tangible, of the first half. Ordich ended the and Captain Thurman blocking the Trail Blazer that I was the but something wholesome and very WE ARE IN A POSITION TO OFFER YOU drive with a seven yard smash like a demon, Smith returned it trophy for which the game was likeable. Boys like these seniors through the line for the score. to the Morehead 1 yard line. After fought and I spent the year with who have honestly played the A FINE LINE OF Flanagan's pass to Buchaus was a loss on a line play and two game recall a poem:- heart-breaking pass failures Thur- the victorious team. good and Eastern led Cumberland "My first four years as this "And when the One Great Scorer at the half 27 to 0. man threw a strike to Smith be* trophy were spent around the fine hind the goal line. Schuster's comes • Cumberland registered first in Morehead school. During these To check upon your name. JEWELRY the second half after Orr dashed trusty toe didn't fail and the score years, I saw Morehead trample was tied 7-7. It isn't if you won or lost, 62 yards down to the Eastern Eastern 27-0; saw a thrilling score- But how you played the game." 2 yard line, where he was over- In the same quarter Morehead less tie, and last year witnessed taken and brought down by Smith. punted out on- the Maroon 4 yard the game In which Morehead eked WATCHES Two plays later Orr stabbed line. Smith's kick was blocked and out a ,7-6. victory. From my pre- A sportsman's gesture: Presi- through Eastern's line for Cum- recovered by Morehead on the game reading in the papers I knew dent Donovan and Coach Rankln berland's first and only touch- Maroon 2 yard stripe. Eastern put the 1940 encounter was bound to sitting on the bench with their down. Hall's kick for the extra up a goal-like stand but be a thriller with such grand ath- arms around one another's DIAMONDS point was good. Morehead scored on the 4th down. letes as Smith, Thurman, Darling, shoulder. Eastern came back and scored Zachem missed the try for .extrar Schuster opposing • Varney, once in the third quarter when point and Morehead- led 13 to *sLustic, Ruchlnskas, and Zachem. "Going to Class!" — GIFTS Thurman tossed a pass to Schus- In the second half Eastern "However In some strange way ter who made a sensational one- stormed down,the field on a series I was misplaced a week or so handed catch and stepped across of reverses and spinners and on before the game, and for a while A- Small Deposit will lay away anything you for the score. Chuck again 'made a beautifully executed end around I thought I would miss Kentucky's purchase till Xraas. ,_ good the extra point. Schuster toted It to the 29 greatest football battle. Fortun- The Maroons racked up two yard line. With Ordich, Smith and ately for me I was located and touchdowns in the final period. Thurman blasting the line the Ma- again there I was way down front Eastern recovered a Cumberland roons had a first down and goal at Hanger Stadium in Richmond Watch Repairing of the Finest Workmanship. fumble on the Tennessee boys' to go on the one yard line. Smith waiting fpr the opening whistle. drove through center and scored. 24" yard ljne and Thurman went "It was a perfect football day. —Certified Watchmaker No. 48— across for the touchdown. Ordich Schuster, of the magic toe, split the uprights with a beautiful kick The stadium was a hustle and smashed over for**the final touch- bustle of hot dogs, chrysanthe- down after "Smooch" Mayer had and Eastern led 14 to 13 for the first time In theyball game. mums, band music, light hearted intercepted a pass in Cumberland co-eds, and cheering students. Of territory. Schuster's trusty toe Morehead began a rally but their course, I couldn't be partial to added both of the extra points. first pass attempt was Intercepted either side for I like them both by Smith who, behind wonderful so I would yell with the Eeastern interference galloped 56 yards for students one time and then I a touchdown. Schuster kept his would help the Morehead bunch kicking average at 100% for the the next time. * P. E. Flashes day with his place kick. By'ORA Tl'SSKY In the fourth quarter "Spider" "The game started at last and Thurman circled right end and be- In the first half it looked like Lustic and Varney all the way. TO THE VARIOUS CLUBS hind good blocking raced 44 yards for the last touchdown of the The Eagles had scored 13 points in ON THE CAMPUS the first half and with Smith lead- The clubs and organizations on game. Schuster's conversion was nullified by a,penalty and his at- ing the Maroons they had tallied Eastern's campus could do a won- only 7- I ignored the Eastern boys derful piece of work In coopera- tempt from the 20 yard line was short. One of the sweetest, ex- as they walked by me on their tion with the" P. E. Club regarding way to the dressing room at the the Social Center in East End. hibitions of broken field running of the whole game was Sipher's half and this surely made them If each club would endeavor to mad. provide one program a month it run late in the 4th quarter which would greatly benefit the under- was called back because of a pen- "Anyhow In the second half the privileged children of East End alty. Siphers took the ball on the running power of Ordich, Thur- KEEP THIS LABEL UNDER YOUR HAT and give them a chance they really 45 yard line, started off tackle, man, and Smith proved too much deserve. Providing a program for faillrur to find very much of a for the Eagles and they were the Social Center during the hole, he plowed on and running tamed In. no time. Of course the school year is too large a Job over the fullback, spinning, twist- Eastern line opened the holes. That $10-98 FOR TOP STYLE! for one club. The cooperation of ing loose from man after man corkscrew-hipped Smith boy Just other organizations on the campus was finally dragged down from made these Morehead birds look would be greatly appreciated. behind on the 10 yard line. silly and by the end of the game "Beau" Coat Eastern played a hard ball game I thought Morehead would be bet- OVER THE TRANSOM and earned a well deserved vic- ter at 'drop the hanky.' Eastern Boy-meets-Girl coat in It looks as if "Barney" is pick- tory. Morehead piled up more scored 20 points in the second ing up where "Bucky" left off. yards, but the Maroons were stanza to none for the Eagles and soft, well tailored so the final score went into the Among those taking advantage superior in the air with 4 out of 8 fleece. Double-breas- of the late fall, and we ain't kid- passes completed. books as Eastern 27, Morehead 13. din', may be found "Pug" Darling "Oh yeah, I did get handled ted rever style with who hums a mean theme song on roughly during the game at one the front porch. of Burnam Hall time. In fact those two guys ex- __glant pockets. Nat- most every evening. Eastern Maroons changed punches over me so I Ask Bob Ooosens if he believes know both sides like me. Inci- ural, brown. 12-20 In that quotation "Never the To Play Nov. 16 - dentally, the Eastern fellow has a twain shall meet." good right jab. Ask "Rooster" Darling what he's In Last Game "My crowning moment came got to crow about. when President Vaughn of More- "Going to Class" Jim Little used to date several head presented me to Registrar girls, now he dates several groups Eastern will finish Its football Mattox of Eastern. Some nice fel- of girls. * season here next Saturday after- lows took my plcutre as they al- Will Larry Lehman ever admit noon against Bowling Green State ways do and everyone clapped and Sweaters he is In love? University In Its game In which everything. Mr. Mattox hastily "Copper" John Campbell has the dads of all the players sit in brought me here to this vault changed from "Turkey In the reserved seats and are the honored where I've "stayed ever since. Straw" to"Tm Stepping Out with guests of the day. The "Falcons, "It's not so lonesome In }iere a Memory Tonight." He Is fast coached by Harry Ackerman, will though 'cause I've amused myself becoming acquainted at Burnam bring a fine team with a fine by looking at the records of the Hall. ' . record to meet the Maroons. Eastern students. Then too, Ya- WU1 Joe Bill ever give the girls Last year the Orange and Brown hudi and I have heart to heart a break? team lost only to Capital Univer- talks. Tahudl Is going to bring Who are the ravine lovers at sity and held a strong Findlay Ira Sneak In soon and that should noon hour? • College eleven to a 7-7 tie. TJie be very enjoyable. Ho hum, I'm Duke and Doris in a secondhand Bowling Green boys are rated with tired of fooling with you anymore. furniture store. Tsk! tsk! the top teams In the Ohio Con- Come and get him, Yahudi." Our coach was quite a hand ference. These Ohloans boast of a with the ladies in his day. With a Jerk I was brought to squad composed of 13 lettermen my feet, squashed through the and a team averaging 178 pounds. TO OUR MAJORS keyhole and dragged to the Prog- One of the major problems of The Maroons average 179 pounds ress officejwhere I was plunked In our civilization today is youth. which will give them a one pound a chair and told to type and type Education can do more to solve advantage but this should not fast. I looked around for Yahudi this difficulty than any other pro- make enough difference to make and again the littl* man wasn't fession and particularly Physical the. game uninteresting. Both there . . . Education. Why? Those teaching teams have excellent records for Who cared, though, for I had Health and Physical Education the year and this tussle should gotten my post game interview come in contact with youth not prove as Interesting as the More- and Yahudi would come around only in the classroom but on the head game of two weeks ago. some other time. $1.98 playgrounds, the atletic field, In MEN'S HATS the recreation hall, the summer A camps and all activities In which Smart new panel front sweaters Individualized details, a distinctive flare, taste- youth Is concerned. So, let us all • BEGLEY'S FOUNTAIN SPECIAL a with full zipper front. TaiUred ge{ the most out of our college ful coloring and assured serviceability — those life, and give our work the Im- THURSDAY and FRIDAY. NOV. 14 and 15 for complete comfort. Being are the factors that make Marathons* so popular portance that It really deserves. with discriminating menl Try one on—prove to Some day youth will be called to featured In six different color yourself that here are the styles of tomorrow in run our government. Let's prepare This ad and a dime entitles you to a Grilled combinations. them for it finest fur felt—and at YOUR price! NOTE ■,,. Pimento Cheese and a Coke. •■•«. u. s. r*. os. jy The "Over the Transom" depart- ment was originated through the UNITED "snooping" of those "super-snoo- BEGLEY DRUG CO. pers" Vic Nash, Bill Hickman and DEPT. STORE Ted Bennedett, who were willingly Phone 666 We Deliver Cor. Second and Main St*. PENN assisted by the entire student body.