

22.f0 for No. 2, and $26030 t 1- ton for No. 1, the latter STAVES. ?Staves are in rather better demand and [By telegraph to News Rcom.l MAILKEGILATIOiVS. figure being for fine ground, but there is very little firmer. We quote R. o. llhd at $40042; W. O. Hhd Fort Monroe, April 19th.?Ship Neptune, from tNSJJUANCE C<>M P AIV J EN. RAILROAD $45050, W. at per Rio; Oabrol, NOTICES DAILY COMMERCIAL doing in it. at an-i 0. Pipe SIOOOIIO M. Bremen: barks Lapwing, from from do: Time of Arrival of Mails at the Post ROOFING, ETC. COFFEE.?The has been fairly are in fair demand and steady at the Hadley, from Boston; Edsca, from Porto llico; El- OHi(IRA:!,lt market for Coffee TEAS.?Teas Office, Baltimore, Mil. ' HIE BALTIMORE A9lft t! ; active this week, tho sales adding up nearly 6,000 figures named in our last, viz: verton. from Matanzas. all bound to Baltimore, hare THE UNITED STATES FIRE ROOFINHI Wave- DUE. CLOSE. AND | BALTIMORE, MD. bajfS. Tho sales include d.LMM bags Rio cx-' Powchong 65 cents to 75 cents passed up the bay. ? " " rajOn and after R £SFIR4S! Last . i u w \r Sjii MONDAY let" at 12 cts gold in bond, 600 bags do cx 'Clifton' Hyson and Twankay 65 1.70 New York?Arrived April 20th, Br brig Undine, A \f P \f ! , I " " Phila., York, AM)' 6.3(5 .!t^L3atSS 2^ !!©!March 26,1861!, ®* at 15 gold in 300 bags do ex-''May Queen" Souchong and Congou 75 1.50 Williams, Pernambueo, via Hampton Roads. Ifew Boston,") 800 Marine Insurance Company twodaiivtrainJ £ 2 cts bond. " 3'io' willran between and Wheeling i " Baltimore and Par- 2d, throusrh, daily ex. Sunday >- .... Bonrrt of Trade. on private terms, 137 bags do also ex-"May Queen'' Oolong 75 1.55 Bremen ?Arrived April Brem bark Gutcnburg, 8.30 11.30 kcrsburg, 3 5 2 " " Sunday OF BALTIMORE, a? follows: at Cts gold bond, 2<>o bags rejected Rio sit 17?; Young Hyson 90 1.70 Rnsehen, from Baltimore. "n ) 4.00 6.30 % ta \VA in " OFFICE 171? SOUTH MAILTRAIN willleave Baltimore " March3lst, Abingdon. h L. ISROAOWAT. dniiv (except O gO©a Committee Arbitration A]jr cts g.ld duty paid, and ai>aut 700 bags Rio in lots at Imperial 95 1.80 Messina ?Sailed "Venus," for Batt. all3ton, Gun- j Ranking formerly l: of for il. " " pow'r, Deposit & IN the ikmse oectipietl Sunday) at 8.50 A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN will S o TOWNSKKP, from 181' 21 c f s gold. We quote to-day ad follows, Gunpowder 1.05 Queenstown, Ire?Sailed April sth, Br bark P. Phil'a S 1.15 7.00 .. 2 2 . ? S. P. to 1.80 Chan- by Second National drily, (including Sunday), M., gold common good; " " Way ) the Rank. leave at 10 P. and the A. Fcm.ER CRASH, {JOHN WEEKS, viz: Rio at els for to Japanese 1.05 1.30 ticleer, Hawkins, from Baltimore for Tralee. Company charge Policy, TRAIN leaves gold and choice; Laguayra at Del. and lower counties of) This insures without for ACCOMMODATION Cumberland Jos. 0. FOARD, iJ. Q. RAMSAY. 2O&021 cts for prime TOBACCO.?The market exhibits no new features Md., Buildinsrs,l Merchandise and other Property in out for Wheeling daily at 6.45 A. M. (except Sunday). TAGX'D T SNA, CBMSNF AND GRAVEL ROOF- and Jnv.i at cts gold. Tho whatever. There is still good lor E. Shore. dailv ex. >- 3.30 , or at 21 cts gold; 27027% a demand new Saturday 6.30 of the city against Loss or Damage by Fire for one These trains connect Belair and Parkersburg for imports thss week ore 4,200 bags Rio per birk "Clif- crop Maryland, which is being pretty generally ) , ARRIVALS, year or for a shorter period, and Insurances may all points West, Southwest and Northwest. a ai *" " at HOTEL Upper count'sE Shore, Md,) - be tU ton," and 8,200 bags do per bark "May Queen," and taken up on arrival former quotations, but old 6.30 m made lor years. FREDERICK TRAIN toowß for If. to-day about 10.000 bags. to daily ex. Sunday b.OJ j seven or for a less number of The ACCOMMODATION u" COMMERCIAL RECORD the stock is cron continues be neglected. In Ohio and Ken- Cub llilland J Company also insures Vessels and Cargoes on Inland, leaves Baltimore daily at 4.30 P. M. (except Sunday). '\u25a0> quote tucky there is nothing of consequence doing. Wc still BAKNUM'S HOTJEL. Greenwood!) A ,TUR.RANT.CE ALL NEW WORK for f,YAYEAN,, Refined rnjr-ts we - Navigation and Marine Risk. East?heaves Frederick at A. M. daily, (Sun COPPER.?-Baltimore follows, Monday, Wednesday and . 7.15 it IF. Tir, ? 4 . - at 2-8023 Sheathing Braziers and Bolts quoto as viz:?Maryland?frosted?to com- Tabb Md Spenenr, C 2.30 200 J Applications for for information day excepted.) better than t 1 f 111 Q-h. at the Baltimore Stock Board. 3li cts: now P k In, W H N Friday I Insurance or in AT3 V at r cts, and Yellow Metal at 54 cts for Sheath- mon, $.305; do. sound common, $5.5007.50; do. mid- J JSheppard, Pa A Dreyfus, d?> " relation to the Comj. anv may The ELLICOTT'S MILLS TRAIN leaves Balti dM Rooa retvurod itshort April 20. 1866. dling, $8010; good do to line brown, $10016; A Tuesday, Thursd'y, _ be made to JAMES T. notice. ing. and 27 cts for Bolts. Tho market is howover Tlt Armstrong Jr, do U E Goodman, N Y Saturday I 7.00 ' more at ''.2o and 10 A. M., and 3.30 P M., and Ki:i- FIRST BOARD. very quiet. do. fancy, $17025: do. upper country, $3030: do Mason, J Hood man, do / oott's Mills 7.40 A. and 11.30 A. , \ ofROOFING MA- leaves, new, R L Texas Wert. 11KXRY C. JONES. Secretary. at M.. M.. and 5 00 COTTON. ?There was some during tho ground $305 for common to fair, and S6O AM Wood & wf, do PBEBENT BOJLRD P. M. V M BWE KE ' <>CN- American Gold. Missouri 6*s. movement common, J F Day, Pa Wheeling, through, daily) T, TS TV OF DIRECTORS. - part the extent 13 for good to line. Ohio ?Inferior to good , ?? y RTSLBMFCMD 1 5,000 ...... 74 early of week in Cotton, sales to the W F Kevner, do Mrs A Robinett, do m i W S3 fiat 100 ex. Saturday ? s'°" t.OO 7.30 *. J. Abrahams, FOR WASHINGTON. 126% $508; do. brown and spangled. $9012.50; do. good and j V*1 mo'Randolph,i v IJohn 2,500 ... S3 Hat Virginia 6's. of 300 to 400 qalcs being made on a basis of 35 to 36 B O Mu!liken, Md |A Bott, do Saturday on Jas. O. Ramsay, Leave Baltimore at -1.10, 7.05, 8.45 and 9.45 A. M., - 126% Middling, fine red and spangled. $14017: do. fine yellow and (i On 7enlo s h 11. Cathcart, .I-H VRJV ?TIV ...... coup. 40 ets for but the foreign advices re- D White, do Q Shamburp. do m. and 3, 4.15, 7.4-5 M. On Sundays 4.10 and 5.000 127 2,000 latest do; IT and Wheeling,) ? ' , IGcorgc A. Coleman, and P. at ' ceived by the Persia, decidedly unfavorable, and fancy, $20030; Kentucky, frosty lugs, $6.5007 F J & Cumberland Charles T. Morris, M., M ... Ky Washing- GSBROSACC_ 5,000 NY 127 Tennessee 6's. arc $7.5008.50; to L H Knite, Robinson la, do Way 5.30 7.00 < Thos. Rooz, 8.43 A. and 4.15 ana 7.45 P. M. Leave , have have fair to gnod lugs do. common fur Failes, .I/ John S. Oilman, ' ' ? ... 127 ... 60 quite unsettled the sales L P Filer, N Y Mrs Caleb B. dynes. ton at 0.20,7.30 and 11.15 and 2.45,4.30 and \u25a0 -L.ARF 2.250 200 market. No leaf $9012; do. good $12.50016; do. fine select SIBO3B. Boston N. W. Virginia 530 7yp I A.M.. ... receipt and Sundays 276 126% Bare HillMin. Co. been made since the of the Persia's news, Maryland. J AV Stockton, N C Miss Hannott, do Frederick, Md..... mhl'2-tf JOHN \V. RANDOLPH. President. 7.30 P. M. On at 7.30 A. M.. and 2.45 and at Tho inspections this week are 699 hhds 11.00 5.30 7'.00 3.00 ? 5,000 ... slO flat 600 shs ... .9o the close no reliable quotations can be given.. J Stone, do Miss Failes, do liagerstown, d, of) 7.30 P.M. The 9.45 A.M. and 3 P.M. trains only 126% I at 190 hhds Ohio, nnd 16 hhds Kentucky; total 905 hhds. \ Cumb all WKtshs ... b3O .96 COAL. ?We quote Cumberland nominal $6 G AV do A L Ellott, a Allegany from Baltimore, and tho 6.20 A. M. and 2.15 p. M. EIF6 CA L. U. S. 7-30's. I TIN AND LEAD. ?Tin Plate is selling as follows, r Fred.. Wash'n, V 5.30 7.00 Union Fire Insurance Company' ... but in conse- \V S trains from Washington, stop at way ... bRO .95 ton free on board at Locust Point, J B Hall, do Koyster, do OF BALTIMORE, points. The 1.000 2d series 101% l SOOshs viz:?l.C. 10x14 at sl6. do. 14x20 at IX 10x14 at counties, Md ) " City 6's. j HillMin. Co. quence of the difficulties with the miners thcro is sl7: 0 de Ford, NY C S Blis, do Mills No. 42 STI! North bide. 7.05 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. from Baltimore, and the TO THE WK4H ! Baltimore Mineral sl9, and do. 13x20 at s2l box. Lead wc quote at 10 way Ellicott's 5.30 7.00 2.20 SECOND LET. TI'FKKNTJTH ... Park b'ds 99 i 200shs .. .70 nono arriving. The der.and for it. is active. Pig, H (linlini?,do A Old k wf, do Halt, and Cumb dW ay 7.30 A. M.and 4.30 P. M. from Washington, connect TO AGED 1.000 is Wo quote ets for and 13 ets for Sheet and Pipe. Spelter at eh, ?! ay, 530 700 THE 1,100 ... '9O new 9* {Springfield Min. Co. CHEMICALS.?The market quiet. as Mrs Tabb k Md M Mack do Catonsville ThßCompauyiiisur-es against LOSS OR with trains on the Annapolis road. KOBU, ilcts, nnd Sheet Zinc at 16 cts "g* lb. IL3O .... '"00 , DAMAGE ... at Soda Di IKb 400 99 1 SOOshs .15 follows, viz: Caustiv Soda cts; Ash, Wool, E B Harper k la. Pa E Hammond, Pa JSortk. * r on ali descriptions of property, Trains leave Annapolis at. fkSO A. M. and 3.40 P. M. BIOKRKNE standard test, at 4@4/4 cts: Sal Soda at 3;% cts; Bi WOOL. ?There is very little doing in and AV N Marsh, city either iD for Baltimore and IV ashington. 2,200 ... 99 Mar. and Cin. R. b'ds. F D Dennison.N Y Ohio tne or county, for a quotations are still nominal, as follows, viz: 25027 cts Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis,) ' week, month or 4 ear ... cts, Bleaching at 5 Mrs J S every LIFE Northern Cen. R. 1.000 79% Carb Soda at 809 and Powders lor cts II II Thayor, S C Hayden, C'a through, daily, except It also makes INLANDINSURANCE. Short In- For further information, tickets of kind, ,fcc., KE.IUVENATOR. 6 cts. . unwashed, and 43047 for tub washed. Fulled 11 Welsh, V apply to J .T. ENGLAND, SOshs ... & b'ds. JE Scott Jr. Pa Pa 5unday...... surances made on Merchandise in bonded and stor- Agent, at Camden Sta- 45%1-Hslt. Ohio 11. quote at cts is unsaleable, and itis impossible to give quotations i 8.00 8.00 agot F.5" PRER, ... CANDLES.?Wc Adaviaritino 19021 S C Boykin, A'a O R Dennis, Md warehouses; tion, or at tho Ticket Office. 'W.P. SM LIS 3ration IS cneqmlled 100 shs I 'BS 93% lork, ? and where the risk has TTIf. as a Rejnvena- 45% 1.000 ets weight: Paratfine at 35 cts; for fleece. (ien llarnsburg, Chain-) , termir'ated. cor SECOND BOARD. for light, and 24 for full Whisky has through- F L Marshall, do E Shrivcr, Md bersburg, Pittsburg. . j 5.00 6.00 .00 8.00 tne Premium for the unexpired time will ho return- Master of Transportation. and ..estorer of wasted or inert functions. at 500-xj WHISKY.?The market for " Sperm at !o@4scts; and Patent Wax cts. Mrs B C Marshall, do G 0 Narainoro. N Y Sunday, t ed.t COATEH, L. M. COLE. General Ticket Apcr.t. ia't-tf Iho .noble, the r-GED and all those who have any Cea. K. pressed selling 20 for full out the week.been very dull, but it has ruled pretty Marshall, g.oo o JOHN way paired vitality in American Gold. INorthcrn Hydraulic Mould are at cts Miss S L do J D Cameron, Pa i llarnsburg ay Bio c WII,UI\(;T(I5 N: th<> r by excessive mental or ... steadily $2.2502.26 City and Western. The ork and \V . 600 President. PHIL4BKLPHIA. AMI 1,700 ... 126% lGOshs bSO 45% and 18 eta for light. at for ell, W 700 physical application, weight, sales, exclusively in retail lols, have J B K end N Y Calder. do lteist crtown. Westminster,) ' ' ' IIALTDIURE ttA.'I.ROVI!. will find the Biokrene to be 1.700 ... City Passenger R. throughout which have been market for Flour has Kendall, 1-, ME implies, 126%! FLOUR?The made principallyat figure. Aliss A G do E C Biddlo, do Ac / 6.00 i.OO BOARD OF DIRECTORS. , :' *, I| a Lile RE.invenator, which, 5,000 ... 127 100 sh? ... b3O .19 unsettled, very buoyant, es- been the hitter G Morris, fSfcT SSI GHSKffiSSfj On and after Monday, April it up I the week heen quite but have been no new freight Miss Kendall, do AV do Buffalo, N. York .7.7.. 8.00 Chauneey Brooks, William F. Ponti, vl3£ja2 jit**?hsfflf>.the trains wiil while builds the shnttered con?titution, willalso 5,000 ... 127 | Howard Insurance Co. pecially for the better grades, and an advance of 50 FREIGHTS.?There en- A E Knapp, Va Campbell, 7.00 Kenry S. Sbryoek, leave Presi- impart to the and gagements this week far as we have hoard, but Col A'a Freedom, Md., Mon. Friday ..'.... y.'oi) John C. Bridges, Street Depot as follows, tho foelimr.' briskness energy which U. S. 5-20's. 200 shs ... S% to 75 cts per bhl has been established in prices. The so J K Foster, ;.J A AVright. S.Oti bimon Parkhurst, dent viz: beiong to youth rates unchanged. To Liverpool per NY Pa Cahfornia, via St. Joseph,) James 0. Snea T Way Mail Train for Philadelphia ... 105 t Atlantic Coal Co. good Flour is beyond extremely light, aro generally and Way Stations i: r n 3.000 2d issue stock of doubt quote at for cotton, 27s 6d L AV Penney, Mass 111 H Archer, Md William Bridges, Joseph Matthews, at 7.25 A. M. '? r r . or.e m become en- 2,000 105 I 500 shs ... 95 and the supply of wheat remaining is also light, with steamer wc %d for tobacco, AV N Ewinff,N Y N II Decker, N Y John G. Hewes, William Chesnut, feobied in its functiorti, this superb nrcparation will Baltimore ' Maryland Copper Co, yet ntervening harvest. Should and 25s for heavy freight, but there are no fixed rates South'. Express Train for New York onlyat 9.20 A. M. tnut City 6's. four months before vessels, there being nothing offering. Dr E Bertan, La T Halcou r t, Del Washington, D. daily,) 8.45 Joan TurnbuH. Jr., John E. Hurst Express Train for Philadelphia remove cause at once and turcver...... 15 yet to for sailing To 1.00 600 1.00 and New York at r 500 '9O 99 I 100 shs the supply of Wheat and Flour come forward J AV Ford, Va E AV Miller, Brooklyn C? iliiO.- HU. S ports grain the nominal except Sunday ... OTIS 1.10 P. M. be as anticipated, a further advance in prices is not Irisli for rates arc7% toßd. For key, 500 309 oc3-Iy SPEAR. Bremen is 20s, and to Mrs R S J Publes, Va E Cummins Phila On Sunday f 7;jo Secretary. Train CLUES GENERAL DEBILITY, NERVOUS IN- (u Torfc unlikely. The demand for Flour is confined almost tobacco to the rate Amsterdam Miss Lee, do Berkhurdt k v.i. '777 9.00 Accommodation for Havre do Grace and in- IT.-;" I'. Prices au Bonds fdir. !L Pa """ CAPACITY. : . JIRMTESION, of bteeks entirely to tho local trade, but this demand is quite and Rotterdam 22s fid. The rates for petroleum arc Maryland Fire Company termediate Stations at 4.15 P. M. OF LOSS t'j II M lnsley, lit Ostrander, N Y Georgetown and Insurance APPETTTE. LO'-V SPIRITS, BYTELEGRAPH. sufficient to take all the Flour offering. We notice 5s fid Liverpool, and 6s to the Continent. There LeavVorth L Alexan-1 100 Express Train for Philadelphia and Now Y'ork at MENTAL I.VULUCP.ITY shipment* making, T II Martin, Balto S Randall, Pa ; 7'"° OF BALTIMORE. IN DOI.KYCE. MJIACIATION, ENNUI and Bill of 300 bbls Western Super at $8.7509, 300 are no of coal there in con- , dria 5.4-5 777 w!oo Havo removed 6.25 P. M. furnishid byLeonard,/. Tormey d* Co., Stock sales some sequence among E S Shaw, P. George 1 their office for the present to tho Express IT HAS A MUST bbls good City Mills do at $9, 4(H) to 500 bbls Howard of tho strike the miners inthe Cum- Norfolk s. Charles, St. \ or- niN. W. CORNER Of SECOND Train for New York at 8.29 P. M. I'ELIGIITKUL. DESIRABLE Broker. No. 22 South Street. district arriving, Mary's Md / 8 -4a 9-00 ! STREET AND TRII'OLETT'B The Trains daily except AND NOVEL EFFECT UPON THE NERVOUS April 1866. Street do at $909.50, 100 bbls Royal Yorkdo at berland none consequently there are MALTBY HOUSE. "co's.. above leave Sunday. 20. SIOO established offreight. "ox. Saturday ; ON SYSTEM: and all who are inany way prostrated by 2d Board 5 P. M. 10.25,200 bbls Western Extra at $9.75010, and 250 bbls no rates \u25a0nr 9.00 NEXT TO TIIEIR NEW ? ? SUNDAYS. are enrneciy to Ist Board B F Mantz, Va C A Homan, N C Washington Way, ? MARBLE BUILDING, nervous disabilities advised City at sll, within tlie dly, cx-1 For New York and Philadelphia at 3.20 P. seek a V.P. Coupons, 1831 105% choice Mills do and other lots J CunditT. do P Deen, Pa eept Sunday 8-4 ° DOO OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICK. M. cure in this most cxcollent and unequalled prepara- 105% range of quotations. We quote to-day as follows, I'ifLsburg Petroleum Market, April 18. f For Anne, and intermediate points on U.5.5-20's old. 104% 104% J T Dallinner, do J H Delonry, Ohio Annapolis, Md Delaware Railroad, tion. viz: Howard Street Super at $909.50; fancy brands do way very Snapp, (l I 8.45 7.00 6.00 3.00 This Company, having ample capital, take 7.25 A. M. train, and for U. S. 5-20's. new 104% 104% Business in the Oil was not active, tho W F do S Clide, do Way / X) an insnres on Dover, Delaware, FISFLKTTJSI!. , " U. S. 7-30's Ist series 101% at s]fNfc 10.25: do Extra at $10.25010.75; do Family at sales being Jno Jett, do H -do. 8.45 6.< 9.00 all kinds'of property in the city and country. Large take tho 1.10 P. M. train The FEEBLE, 101% made on a limited scale, buyers and J Strickler. AV Va Calvert Co., Tuesday, Thurs-f ? ? the LANGUID.the DESPAIRING, ...... Sl3('T 13.50; at $8.7509.25: Extra at WM. CRAWFORD, U. S. 1 year Certificates Western Super do sellers being apart in their views. Holders generally AV L do W A Beard, Mass 5- 40 9-9° linesi on Merchandise and other property, insured by L , the 03. should give this valuable discovery $9.75010; at 13; City MillsSuper Jet\ Saturday / ! year foi-tf Agent. D, a trial. Gold 126% 126% 126% do Family $12,500 at have come to the conclusion that prices have touched T Brooks, Md J AV Lawson, A'a p t nd N the or short time, on favorable terms; and Per- It will be found totally difforent from ail other Tennessee fi's 90 $909.25: do Standard Extra at $10010.25; and high posted 0l n o m r r 7m vetual Policies granted when requested. 80% bottom. Many of them are well in regard to J O Selby. Va G AVr Staley, do ff.i .^ . .-. . .- . ? .:} 4.00 S articles for the same purpose. North Carolina 6's 83% ?.... grade Extraat 13 per bhl. Patsipsoo, Reservoir the amount of crude held by refiners, whilst a por- K J Dorsej', do ! J A\ Ray, do k?i i rah.WAT, TO FEMALES. Missouri 6's 7414 74% and other choice brands of Baltimore Family and Ex- of them have laid good supply; R AV Woodruff, NY HP Spiers, X C TIIOS. E. HAMBLETON, WINTER SCHEDULE, This preparation is invaluable Company two days per bbl, tion in a others will in nervous weak- Canton 52% 52% tra were advanced or three since 50c require to make some liberal purchases in order to A C Timberlake. A\' Va AV 11 II Tryon. do* shipping. President. On and after Monday, Nov. 20. 18(5. nesses of all kinds, as it will restore the wasted Cumberland 44% 44% sl6 being now the price for Family, and sl4 for Ex- (any on the works for any length of time. On the O T Iligßins, N Y Miss F Allen, Va DIRECTORS: TRAINS NORTHWARD. strength with wonderful permanence. Quicksilver 51% 51% tra. The market closes very strong for all descrip- strength of this knowledge one holder of crude re- A J AVard, Va S U Button, do FOB Ira C. Canfield, Charles J. Baker, Leave Baltimore as follows: Itis also a grand tonic, and will give inDys- ork tions. JT* SAVA.YNAir-Thcfine fast sailing Charlesj W. Y., M ~, Cleveland and Toledo 101% cts; 1,000 bbls, two cts, I) Magill. IT E Tilucn, SECOND STREET, Parkton Accommodation, No. 2 8230 oc ?i-'m rive, 13 in parcels, 13 without do N J " Chicago and Rook 101% Stewart, Aiitohi*. NEW YORK AYD CAI.IFORNIA ADJOINING York Accommodation, No. 2 10.15 Baltimore. 151and..119% 119% 120% Total?Wheat Flour 16,281 24 packages; sales 1,000 bbls, future delivery, cts B B Richardson, Md ill Va EXCHANGE THE POSTOFFICE, IKK. Mil.and Prairie duChien Rye gallon. (* OFFICE. Is ready Fast Lino 12.30 T. M. JUUKNTOX Flour 134 J Parsons, N J W M ulhonland, Va No. 81 Broadway, now to insure " Wayne 93 96% 97% steady Lubricating following Judge (loldsborough, N. Y. ALL BUILDINGS, Parkton Accommodation, No. 4, at Bclton 4.30 IF BALTISIORE Fort FEATHERS. ?Feathers are quiet but at 55 Oil.?We note tho sales of Md J AVisslor, do Exchange for sale on California. 1 DESCRIPTIONS OF FURNI- " Alton and Terre Haute.... 34 (a ordinary, cts Eichclberger. TURE AND MERCHANDIZE, Mail SJO LOCK HOSPITAL IT. 60c ts for and 70075- lb. for prime Eureka; 10 bbls Aat $1.25: sales 80 bbls B at 75 cts, L do i E G Garner, Ohio Agents in Baltimore, PEN BE KGAST, FENWICK \u25a0 No, " OFFICE No. 7 Ohio and Miss. Cert 25% 25% Live Goese. and 10 bbls C. at 50 cts. L II Fitzhugh, N Y Mrs Brown, N J & Wharf, up In the city or country, annually or for short terms. York AoebmmodaHon, 4 9.45 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET Market Firm. Firm. Steady. I CO.. 77 Smith's stairs. anl9-tf Mail; Fast Line and Pit's'ourg and Elmira Express, Discovered in tho Great Hospitals of Europe Tone of FRUlT.?There have been some further arrivals of Now York Markets. HOTEL. t certain, Oranges FOUNTAIN AM)(lIABIXSTOS BOARD OF willnot stop between Baltimore and Parkton. t-IO mo: speedy, and only effectual remedy and Lemons, the market for which continues rw BAI-TIMOBE DIRECTORS: in Oranges NEW YORK, April 20?Cotton dull; 260 bales sold Jno MGreen, Va S Patterson, Norfolk I. CAREY, Fast Line. Mail and Accommodation trains, leave tnewoild for Weakness of the Back or Limbs active. Prices are however lower, Messina jfffv. STEAMSH IP COM PA NY. TIIOS. President. except Strictures, Affections FRIDAY, APRIL 20th?P. M. being now quoted and Lemons at $3,250 at 37 cts. Flour is unsettled and prices are cts J MGoldsmith, do N Marsh, Newark Composed of the Steamers Galloway Cheston. .Austin Dal!, daily Sundays. of tho Kidneys and Bladder, at $606.50 bbls; 10025 Huntingdon, 1 Pittsburg Express, daily Involuntary DISCOURSES, Impotency, Gold sold at the first Board to-day at 126%@120% box. are very (lull at $4.10 for I'Wer ?sales of 10.000 State $703.75; Ohio $8,750 C II do Jno Duflield, Penn CUMBERLAND. Enoch Pratt, Peter Mowcll, and Eric leave except Sat- General Debil- bunch,3.501* Raisins 12; Western 80; Southern lower?sales of 550 H'Nuttall, do II Bowman k la. do Thos. urdays. lty, nervousness, Dyspti sy, Languor, Low Spirits' seller 3 and 10 days, and 127 cash, and at the second and $4.20 box for layer. Figs are selling S7OB GEN It HALCUSTER. Yi'hitndgo, John H. B. Latrobo, o{ bids at $9 Wheat is of 63,000 J *V Robinson, do Jno A Silver, CO Wm. Kennedy, D.Harvey, Pittsburg and Elmira Express leaves daiiy. Confusion Idc . Palpitation of the Heart, and closed regular way at 22023 cts; Almonds at $33035 cts for soft, and 47 60016. unsettled?sales I)Harford U. ity, Timid- Board at 128%@127 cash, at bushels at a decline of 103 cts; new No 1 Milwaukie J Fulman, Jr, do C E Edwards, C KALORAMA. Tyson, Carey Mai! and Accommodation Trains arrive daily ox Trembling, Dicmess of Sight or Dis- cts for paper shelled; Palm Nuts at 11 cts: Filberts at These steamers having been put incomplete order, ' Jesso J Jamas oe2-tfi Head, Giddiness. bid, asked regular way, these rates being English r' an cts; whito 1650159 cts. Corn is quiet?- P C Davis, Balto J Raymond, Phila cent on Sundays. oasraof tho i.iroat. Lose or Skin, 127 127% 14 cts, and Walnuts at 15020 cts fl>. 1820188 arc now running regularly, and will sail promptly as LI-cr,Lungs, Affections about the same as on yesterday. The market for it Cocoanuts, arc bringing $75080 M. sales of 18,000 bbls at. 850S8 cts. Pork is heavy; 11 B McCoy, Harford f L Piper, Altoona advertised. Associated Fireman's Insurance Co. Elmira Express arrives daily except Mondays. of the Momach . Bowels?those tn Soiilary Habits of Y-.u'th?- was fairly active, the sales adding up about $15,000. FlSii.?Mackerel as in fair demand and firm at the PENDERGAST, FENWTCK Jk CO., OFFICE SOUTH STREET. MailFast secret and solitary pre. .iees figures quoted is dull. Bugnrquiet. Coffee steady. Molasses steady; L Poteet, do Jno Murray, Antigua wharf, up OPPOSITE SUN IKON BUILDING. Lino, Pittsburg and Erio Express and more fatal to THEIR vic- very strong, last week, viz. sl4 for No. 3's; sl6 f>r cts. 77 Smith's stairs. sung Governments were inactive but Five- No. 2's: and sl7 "p bbl for No. I's. Herrings still New Orleans 95097/? Naval Stores quiet. Pe- ELStigall.do D Thompson, Md AH goods the Recognized for tho prompt pnymevU of iis losses and Pittsburg and Elmira Express, make close connections tims than tho Syrens to the Mariners of are Freights |Dr Cockey, destined for interior willbe forwarded Pennsylvania IJ.ysses, blighting their N. Twenties selling at 105, an advance of % to % per dull. We quote Labrador SS.S(W9; Magdalen and troleum dull; Crude cts. drooping, R AVenn, N Y C do by our Agents, explicit Policies, insures Dwellings, Furniture, Ves- with the Central Railroad at ilarris- most hnlliant. PES or an- at Gold J P Thomas, do Hon 11 J Jump, 1 burg for Pittsburg, Cleveland, Columbu ticipations. rendering impossible. cent., and Seven-Thirties at slOl%, an advance of % Bay Island at S3O 3 25, and Halifax at from $3.25 12678. AAr I Denton WILLIS& CIIISOLM, ' sels, Merchandise and other property, in or out of ', Cineinn eti, to $4.50 V- bbl. Dry Codfish is selling at $3.5005, and I'liilmli'lpliiaMarkets. ItL Cochrall, Franklin DAV Smith, Penn aplfotf Charleston. tho city, at the lowest rates ot premium. Indianapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Fort Wayne, Louis- per cent, on previous quotations. Five-Twenties J T Young, Martin? burg I) IUanchard, Liek Haven 1 ville, Cairo, and all points in the West, Northwest, .Office No. 7 S. FREDERICK loft hand; do Hake at $303.50 "f* 100 lbs. North Carolina Shad arc PHILADELPHIA. April20. ?Petroleum % ct. higher. WM. A. HACK, President. Pido going from Filniuorc S3IREET. closed at 104% bid, 105 asked, and Seven-Thirties left still selling at $12013 bbl t;r short and full brands, J ITurhalzer. Richmond J Dixon, Jr, Talbot co ijs. FOB CIItIti.ISTOJi,S. DIRECTORS: and Southwest. Mail and Express Trains connect at a few doors from r Flour quiet but advancing. Wheat firm; good red Getty, C. the comer. not TO nothing JII It G N Dexter, Madison, - . Elmira with the New York and Fill M'JSCW and off at 101% bid, 101% asked. There was dono but there is nothing doing in Herrings, buyers and $2.6002.05; 52,7002.90. lively B&0It Ga . .5 Wm. Hack, Flack, Erie Railroad for NWHD Numbei T sellers being to Wheat white There is a Power, Annapolis J B Martin, A. Thcina3 J. |mints Northern, Letters in net eont.l n Astamp. unable agree upon terms. Buyers arc for yellow at v. ets are Jno Penn BALTIMORE AND CHARLESTON James Whcedon, Kirk, all in Central and Western Now ne4-tf in other issues. onlyofferings7o bblforshorf and lull while demand Com Provisions firm. Mis Ralph, AVask L AV Crampton, Md C. Samuel ST* brands, Whisky dull. Pennsylvania $2.2502.26; Ohio : Allen Paine, Francis Burns, ,N% 2 above these figures. The re- Chicago Markets. TO SAIL SATURDAY, at R. C. Mason, James Young, trfcatn.-_l.tuf . his suc- price, but Missouri's im- of week Miss Chose, do R I Ruth, Balto 21st inst.. 12 o'clock. J. N.DUBAIIRY, B"-cc?=ful CONSUMPTION. SeTcral brought 42. yesterday's ceipts North Carolina Fish this include 100 CHICAGO, April Noon. The A1 steamship Jacob Trust, Jas. George, residents of per cent.; 20. ?Flour is dull. Wheat oponed G J Rice k son, Md jJ P Elliott, Miss "CUMBERLAND," E. Sr., General Superintendent. Baltimore, in an advanced stime of the proved, selling at 74, an advance of % to'% bbls "had. and 600 bbls Herrings. closed cts; E. C. RKID, 1 James Getty, F. A. Miller, disease, are now rapidly GRAIN.?The receipts of all descriptions have quiet nnd firm at an advance of 3 sales at J Parker, Pa C Ottir.ger, Pa Commander. ED. S. YOUNG, recovering and can bo re- Tennessee's closed as on yesterday, at 90% bid, 90% lor No. 1 and 95 [email protected] for No. 2. M II Stowc, AA'asb J Cephart, is now receiving freight at Flannigau's wharf, and Noah Walker, Wm. Shamburg. nolM.f General Passenger Agent. ferred to. Apply at his OFFICE, been light this week, and with an active demand, best, Md willsail as above. Lancaster Ould, Southeast corn?- asked, but North Carolina's were % lower, only 83 prices for all varieties have advanced materially. Corn is active at 46047 cts for and 42J4041 cts D AV 8j , Md 1A Ellis, Rio do Janeiro of Fayetto and Frederick streets, Baltimore Mary- fr No. 2. Oats are dull and have declined r r For Freight or Passage, haying fine accommoda- 'JOHN DUKEHART, LAND - being bid for them. We note sales of Shout $5,000 The receipts embrace some 52,000 bushels Corn, 34 ct. tions, to sel-ly lticicsßUßG AND POTO- iel9-LY (against bushels last Provisions are firm and quiet. Mess Pork $25,250 EUTAAV HOUSE. apply Secretary. City 6's at 99 for Park bonds, and the same 100,000 week,) about 6,500 bush- r & MAC R. R -TO TRAVELLERS GOINI SOUTH. FC WK. A. MUM'S', Graduate of the Baltimore 25.75. Lard 18340183 2 cts. E B AVelch k wf, Boston It A\ ashingt,on, US N PENDERGAST, FENWICK CO., National Fire Insurance KF Medical vACUI- figure for new 1890's. els Wheat, and 16,000 bushels Oats. Corn opened at H R Glover, do 77 Smith's wharf, (up stairs). Company of tyof Paris. (Franco.) Member of the 800.81 cts lor white, and so cts for yellow, but t*-day Mobile Markets. O Pcrtnichief, .Aid TWICE DAILY, {Swooay 7 A. M, Excex^ted,) and hooiiiiy of Baltirroro, Medßal cts at J P Pape, do E C Bunker, Supplies purchased for the South from the proceeds Baltimore. Md is the Railway shares wore in some demand. 150 North- white eolda-t-95097 and yellow 59090ct5, both de- MOBILE, April 20.?Sales to-day of bales Mid- AV Va of the Fair by di.-covcror of the only Remedies tor Central selling at the first Board at cash. At scriptions closing firm at outside figures, showing dling C II Gould, do J Burnhaui k wf, Del southern willbo taken this Company Incorporated by the State of Maryland, 1843. The quickest and most I'is-eases of a i>ri- ern 45% the at 33034 cts. S.*les of tbo week 3,030 bales. Re- Mrs Maybury, Va It Eckley, FREE OF CHARGE. direct route to Richmond, vate character, without Morcury <>r noxious the second Board, this stock fell off slightly, an advance since the opening of 10 to 17 cts per bushel. ceipts of the week 5,393 bales against 5.169 tho previ- K Md OFFICE NO. 36 SOUTH STB EET, Va., and the South, via the and cases cured in from 12 druca.? howover. F R Jackson, S T C L Vallandigham, Ohio N. B.?All freight engagements must be made at (NEW Baltimore Recent to 4S hcurc, on written Of Wheat there were sales eariy in the we*k of some ous week. Exports 10,000 bales. 58,490 bales. U I> office, permits BUILDING,) OPPOSITE RECONn STREET. Ohio Railroad to Washington guarantee. Chronic, and 100 shares selling at $45%, buyer 30. There was also to Stock H R Kutzschuiar, Wash C U Billings, P,VE ItR our for which willbe given. every inveterate constitutional 500 bushels good prime red at C Kills lading This Company inzures description of prop- Potomac steamers from Sixth Street Wharf, Wo. h- diseases, such as have been sale the Board of 100 City Passen- bushels white at 200, and bushels good Cincinnati Markets. H Shelly k wf, do AV 1> Billings, do of signed at our office. erty, and out ington abandoned as incurable, a at second shares common 2,000 Goods insured open policy Agents in of tho city, against loss or damage to Aauia Creek and Richmond. Fredericks- arc speedily and permanentiy cured. TOO steady priuic do. at cts, CINCINNATI,April 20. ?Flour is dull; sales at $7.50 Mrs L Brown, do T McOonkoy k Pa oa in Charles- by Short insurances may burg by treatment ger at sl9, buyer 30. Baltimore and Ohio was to 2900 300 hut no further sales were Whisky II M Phila AV wf. ton aplu-tf A CHISOLM. fire. be effected for a single and Potomac Railroad now entirely completed adopted him is THAT which has approval of the made until yesterday, when 1,100 bushels fair good 07.75. steady at $2.22. Mess Pork sold at A'allctte, j V AA'ilcy, lndanop's JVILLLS day or a longer period. from Atjuia Creek Richmond, connecting distinguished Phy.'icians TH3 at yesterday's figures, $109};: being bid, and sllO to Holders asked $26.50 at J Han, NY : J Evans to Va., most of Paris, and its uni- 4>26.25. the quiet; k fa, Colorado ° ( l(t-' rod soiu at cts, and 6'JO prime at close. Lard JP B it ESTOS - JOHN B. there with trains on the < *'\u25a0 SEIDENSTSICKER, Petersburg versal success ina practice asked for it. the were limited, 2500255 bushels do. cts offered and asked. C L Flanagan, do ! H Findlny, Pa s Richmond and of 40 years HAS proved, In Bonds transactions 270 cts. Prime white sold to day at 330 cents, and 18% 183-2 President. and Richmond ana Danville Railroads, far Peters- oeyond a doubt, that the worn cases readily yield the sales comprising only SI,OOO and Ohio choice red would no doubt have brought 2750280 cts. E P Davis, do I Miss A Mcßridc. do BALTIMORE AND BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Wcldon, Wilmington, Raleigh, and Baltimore H W Ryder, do W F Heath N Y CHARLESTON burg, Greensboro', arc thoroughly removed at once and forever from 1885's at 93%, and SI,OOO Marietta and Cincinnati 7 Hhere are some lots of Western Wheat offering, and I STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Henry M. Bash, George W. Howard, Salisbury. Charlotte and Charleston, S.C. the system, especially all CASES of constitutional Sales are making of Chicago and Milwaukee Spring AV De Ifoss, do JS L Hommedia v wfjdo To sail 21st, at Joseph Trains leave Camden Station at 4.10 de- per cents at 79%. MARINE J PTAT" Harriottk wf, do Adin'l Farragut SATURDAY. 4 o'clock P. M. George Bartlett, W. Jenkins. A. M.and 3 and bility; nervous diseases, wnich soon or late turns o red at 1.800135 cts. is very much and i k la, do The steamship connecting Washington steamer: Mining operations Wheat wanted, A1 "KALORAMA,"Win. Denkin, Thomas S. Rentier, George Smali, 4.15 P. M.. at with consumption, and ail Ihe evils entailed bv certain In the stocks the were unim- desirable lots would sell very readily if here. Oats E L Smith la, do 8 Williams k wf, do commander, is now loading her wharf, leaving Sixth (Sunday practices which Miss Dix, do at foot of Con- Edward J . Church, Thomas Corner, Street wharf morning pernicious ruin both body and MIND portant. A few hundred shares of Bare Hill sold at have also advanced; they opened at 58 cts, and sold Pon s: OF cord s reef, next to Norfolk steamers'wharf, and will Wm. Woodward, Hugh Sisson, excepted), at 6.40 A. M. and 7.00 P. M., and arrivo in unfitting the victim lor cither businosj.study, from this price up but to-day they BALTIROKe. society 95 cts, Atlantic Coal brought 95 ets. Mineral Hillsold to 62064 cts, were GILMOR HOUSE. sail as above. For freight or passage, having splen- Wm. Heald, Robert Lawson. Richmond at 2.05 P. M. and 4 A.. M. or marriage, and to those who are suffering tho ev . lower, selling at 60 cts. Wc have heard of no sales C J Vorhco?, Mo IJ T Gorman, did state room accommodations, apply THROUGH TO RICHMOND olfects of improper indulgences, at 70 cts, and Springfield and Maryland Copper at 15 April 20, do to H. C. LANDIB, IN TENIIOURS. of whatever K'.MI of R ve. and we cen give no quotations for it. FEIDAT. 1866. R C Davidge, N Y A F Lewis k la, Ala PENDERGAST, FENWICK & CO.. !eIS-ly Secretary. Fifty Miles Shorter and 3 hours quicker Can any fail now be perfectly restored to natural health cts each. We notice sales of 200 shares Howard In- GUANO ANDFERTILIZERS.?Wo quote Peru- Arrived. J Chessman, do J Parker & Mo 77 Smith's Wharf, (up stairs.) other Route, vigor, IN A brief period, by la. applying to ON- 0 " WHO3 E surance Company at SB%, and of 300 shares Bankers' vian Guano at SIOO V t onof 2.000 lbs; ground Navassa at Steamer Adelaide, Cannon, AAr II Duntar, Mass AV T Galloway, AVis Supplies purchased for the South from proceeds of Baltimore Fire Insurance Company Be sure and get through tickets via Aquia Creek skill and experience can bo relied on. N- A at S3O; at at from Norfolk?to M Duntar, by to Richmond, NR.RTJI VI at $-3''! $35: Mexican do A A $35; Pacific $65: N Falls. Passed off Wolf Trap, a bark bound up?- Miss do C C Spoffard. do the .southern fair, will be shipped this Company S. W. COS. SOUTH AND WATER STREETS. and Fredericksburg at Camdon Station, or wrprofeeewnal charges. and Brokers'!'olograph 8%. The latter stock at A Rhodes' Super Phosphate $55 in bLls, and $57.50 J Wooland.do J Smith, Cal free of charge. This Company insures against loss or damage by Baltimore, and get through baggage chocks. Distant Fatients consulted by let',- I - , ?.I;-- closed at $-8% bid, asked. wind S E. city FTM 0 N $9 in bags: l'atapsco Guano Company's Soluble Phos- Steamer George Lcary. from J A Parker Jr, A'a Mrs Knapp, N Y N. B.?All freight engagements must bo at Fire, in'he or conntry, en tho various descrip- Omuibusses and baggage wagons always in - Money continues ample supply and easy phate $63;-jlaugh's Raw Bone Phosphate Blakeman. Norfolk?- J G 8 Knapp, for which permits be made ofFroperly. convoy passengers and readi- tek ia in at un- at at S6O; to J Eirrkhead. Jr. Brought lip balance crew of Parke, U A W do our office, will given. tions J. I. COHEN, JR., President. ness to baggage to the steam- Bcrger A Butz'ifSuper Phosphate $56: of AV Jlalloway, 'T Tweed, iadiEg signed Washington city changed rates, viz : 6 per cent, for call loans, and 8 at do. Aromo- s'eamrr Vera Cruz?passed off Sandy Point, a Md do Kills of at our office ers in free of e harae. " niated Super Phosphate ssl; ship R J Morris, S C Goods insured policy. F.OARD OP DIRECTORS T FAYETTE a d FE ?- per cent, first class paper. at Turner's Excelsior a up. PA Kneisle do on open Agents in Charles- Harrison, J. Pennington, A. NEEDIIAM A SON, JO for $80; Bones $55, and briß bound Mrs Authon, do ton, & CHISHOI.q apl9-tf W. G. at Dissolved at and Bono Dust at $45 Steamer Octorara, Reynolds, from New York?- Z WILMS George R. Vickera, Joshua I. Cohon, No. 142 Light street wharf, The foreign exports from the port of Baltimore ton of 2,000 lbs. to i* mdse J ASljriver. < F. Alricks, R. S. Stewart, _ General Agents. this HIDES. ?The market remains Willing, HOWARD HOUSE. FOR IAKI.EVrOX. S.C. King, CHAS. H/.Sk?, week amount in value to $102,685. Included in quiet. Buenos Steamer Richard Cundiff, from Philadel- J A Parker, : S Ja-jues, NY Francis T. Wm. 11. Bruise, M. iIiJIPHREYS' the exports were 3,163 bbls flour, 851 bbls corn Ayres are held at 19lA cts gold, and wc quote Rio phia?mdso to J A Shriver. Boston E *MS> PEN DERGAST'S LINE. Henry Carroll, Von Kapff. ocs-ti General Passenger Agent. meal. Grande nominal at cts gold. There are none of II Lortz, AVash G N Larrabee, Luxenberg TO SAIL WITH DISPATCH, N. IE O (popathic li . 730 bbls bread, 1,000 bushels 411 pork, and Steamer Maggie Saffell, McLaughlin, from Fred- L Andris Jardclla, Md M AV Fahter, Pa The fast-sailing brig David S. Wilson, T. Robt. Jenkins, Caa e&CW~B&3!n OIIAJTUE AMI SICCi C 8 corn. bbls the latter description here. City Slaughtered arc ericksburg?to Joseph White. "AMBROSE LIGHT," A. A. Worthingtcn, G. tftgg A Geo AV Goldsmith, W VaIAV J AVooddell, AV Simpson, master, having a, large cargo W. F. Morton Stewart, tm -HS ALEVAIMDRT RAILROAD B, proved, from tho 7,582 gallons petroleum. selling at 70S cts for light, and 9010 cts for heavy Ship Crest of the Wave, Woodburn, from New Va portion of her Thomas Franklin, most ample experience. Hides. N J Vinyard, A'a IJ E Sharps, I'arkcrsburg engaged, willsail as above. I THROUGH BY RAIL HAS- ?> entire success; Simple, Prompt, Efficient and The New York stock market assumed a more York?to Alex Jones. V Majors, C AVennor, Forfrcight FREDERICK WOODWORTH, FROM Reliable. Ihey only HAY AND STRAW.?Wo still quote Hay as Ship Neptune. M Ind F Berlin or passage, apply to aru the Medicines perfectly healthy tone this morning, which it retained during (Han) Relim, from Bremen March J Clemmons, Va I Jno Murphy, Pa & CO., iaCT-wamtf Secretory. WASHINGTON AND ALEXANDRIA TO adapted to popular use?so simple, that mistakes follows, viz: at $17019 for baled Timothy; $15016 4th?mdse and passengers Geyer & k PENDERGAST. FENWICK canuot the day. The most active stock on tho list was Fort do; 88 to Williins. E Alpley wf, AVash J Carmick, N Y 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs. OMF. AKI>FOREinic E. RICHMOND ANDLYNCHBURG. be made in using them; so harmless, as to ba for loose $15016 for baled Clover, and Straw at Bark lladlcy, Snow, from Boston ?mdse to It M trout Wayne, which opened at 93. The purchases were sl7 for Rye. and $lO ton for Wheat and Oats. Miss Alpley, do Goods insured on open policy. Agents inCharles- H~ THE FIREMEN'S INSURANCEINSCBASt'COMPA- free danger, and so efficient, as to bo always re- HEMP.?We again Ileslen. THREE ton. WillisA Chisolm- alO-tf NY OF BALTIMORE. On and after FRIDAY, Sept. 1,1865, the trains o liable. Ihey have the highest commenda- large both at the Boards and on tho street, most quote Rough American at 12% Brig Caroline. Jones, from Mayaguez, R, 22d ult TUNS HOTEL. this road willrur. as trom received of # lb., and Dressed "p ton,currency. P ESTABLISH Kl> IN 1.825. follows: tion all,and will always render satisfaction. which were evidently made to close "short" cts uo at $4250 450 ?sugar to Stirling A Ahrens. J Seymoro, Balto !G AVaite. AVash, D C xA FOR ( HAKMNTOS. S. C. TRAINS con- Clean Russia may be quoted at gold, and ! brig Kothsay, Parker, Laughlin, Md do Office N. E. corner South and Second streets. SOUTH. S4OO "P ton. Br from Fajardo, P R. 26th T M AVaite, PEN BERG AST'S LINE. Insures property, Leaves Washington at 7 A. and 8.30 P. M. No. 1, Cures, Fevers, Congestions, Tho reluctance with p all of at home " tracts. which it was offered for Manilla at 11011 }\u25a0<> cts lh. gold. The demand is I ult?sugar to ,t P M Shipley, do iDrTC AVorthington, Md kinds or abroad, M. Mamma-'" very and molasses Kirkland Chase Co. TO SAll. WITH DISPATCH, against by lire, on very Alexandria at 7.35 A.M. and 9 P.M. tions sale appeared to impress the "beare" with the great however limited, and wo bear of no sales. Brig Chas Wesley, Ford. 20 days from B T Watterson, NY A Coleman, Va The brig loss favorable terms. " 23 Guantenamo fine "CHARLES HEATH." 11. C. Wy- HENRY P. DUIIURST, Gordonsville at 12.30 P. M. and 1.40 A! M. No. 2, do Worms, Worm-fever, Wor E eoj'ic'.'.'. probability of "cornering INDIGO. ?Indigo is very dull but prices are un- ?to Loud, Olaridgo & Co?sugar J N AVarfield. Md Mrs A L Coleman, do man, master, having cargo President. at 25 another operation," and its changed, and molasses to one-half of her engaged, BOARD OP DIRECTORS : Arrivo in Richmond 5 P. M. 6 No. 3, do Urying-colic 'Teething and wo still quote as follows, viz: Caraccas Fisher J W Baily, A'a IMis3 M C Coleman, do " and A M or of infants. 25 advance was aided by the extreme desire to buy in Bros A- Co. willsail as above. For freight or passage apply to Austin Jenkins. Bennett, Lynchburg at 5.20 P. M. and 6 A. No. 4, do Diai'rliuea of children or adults $1.2001.10; Madras at >1.1001.30, and from ? 28 Manilla at. Brig Wm Nickels. Georgo. from Sagua la AV Blackburn, do A Mason, Md PENDERGAST, A Augustus F. W. M No. do Dysentery, the stock irrespective of price. The condition of tho 1.10 cts to Good descriptions are held with & Grande FENWICK CO.. J. Albert, Samuel Hart, TRAINS NORTH. 5, Griping, Bilious Cholic 25 $1.40. con- to Kelsey Gray?sugar and molasses to Stirling k AV Young, Md IT Sammon, do 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs. Chas. I). Leave Lynchburg at 6.45 A. No. 6, UhoJera slorbus, Siingluff, Hugh Bolton, " M. and 7.15 P. M do Nausea, Voinit- road is such as would, at least, suggest tho idea of a siderable firmness. Ahretis. on open GENERAL WAYNE Goods insured policy. Agents in W. Elder, Richmond at 7 A. and 7.15 P. _T ing Jiu--. Jas. Taylor, ? , 25 than Basing operations IRON.?Baltimore Charcoal Iron is still sellingat Brie Water Witch, Knight, before reported HOTEL. Willis Chisbolm. Charles- Francis 12.30 p. M. M. decline rather otherwise. Forge, p below, P M Red field, N J T Wiley, Md ton, A a!9-tf Edward Jenkins, James AlcConky, Gordansville at M.and 12.20 A. .51. No. ~ do ('ongliv, Hoarseness, Bronchitis 25 $55 for and $57.50 ton for Wheel, An- ' solely the tho but from St Jego do Cuba?to LII Travers?sugar to Sanders, Frederick Achey, John Arrivo inAlexandria at 4.53 P. 51. and 3.50 A 51 No. 8, do Neuralgia, ... on merits of stock, a considerable thracite is lower, Ashland No. 1 being now quoted at C D AVarfield, Aid II S do j-.ry t in: itIO G. Keaney, " Toothache. 25 KGkland Chase A Co. .T AV B >E .EINKiSG-KIKKIT. Thos. W. Levering, Washington at.... 5.30 P. 51. and 5.25 A. No. 9, do Hcatlache, Sick Ver- "short" interest has been induced, and the conse- s4s' ' 47: do No. 2 at $420 44, and do No. 3 at S4O p ton, Brig Chattanooga. Fry, Mayaguez, Slnin, do S Patterson, Pa A 1 clipper bark James Fields, Sunday.- Washington Mi Headache, at figures to Jr. from P R, S Donovan, Wash J S Patterson, do te-o-ir WAVELET. Kline, George R. Berry, Garrett Brown, On leave at 8.30 P. 51. only. tigo 25 quences arc depicted in its closing quotation, which sales a considerable extent arc ult?sugar to master, will have despatch which making in to 26th Kirkland, Chase A Co. J O Homer, Aid W Meredith, Mil freight iiuick for the Joshua Dryden, John M. Gait, LOCAL F HEIGHT TRAIN leaves Alexandria at No. 10, do DYSPEPSIA, Weak Stouiaeh, Cos- is 97, having touched lots of 10 20 tons. There is however lit- Br schr Phantom, Dill,from St Antgua Bth above port. For or passage, taving first class 4 A. M? arriving in Gordonsville at 11.45 M.; tive 97% at half-past three. tle or no demand for largo No. Johns. AI Jones, Pa J A Harm an, do to John Cnshing, Thos. Wilson, A. leaves 25 lots. 1 Ashland is inst?old metal and ballast to Knox k Reports stateroom accommodations, apply ? (1 ordonsvillo 12.35 P. M., arriving No. 11, do Reading was active, and tho transac'ions were nu- scarce, but No. 2 and 3 are in fair supply. Scotch Co. AV Conrad, Md D R Clayton, Pa Georgo W. Flack, Kenry R. Louderman, at in Alexandria at Wnppressert. Scanty, Painful Pe- selling below, brig Emily Fisher, Ashford. from Calais, with PENDERGAST, FENWICIC A CO., Caleb nods 25 merous. The "bull" interest gaining the Pig is from the yard at $52.50 p ton. cargo J H Bussard, do T N Pindle, Md Monies I. Cohen, Parks, ascendancy, of laths. Also reports off New Point yester- 77 Smith's wharf, (up stairs.) G. S. Gibson, THROUGH FREIGHT,TRAIN 12, Wliite.H.ProfusePeriod it gradually advanced from LEATHER. ?The market for Leather is quiet, but day A bark for Rio II Dorsey, jr, do IJ It Gordon, do or RllO. A George Franck, leaves Alexan- No. do U5 102% to 103% at 4 o'clock, prices pretty M, Adelaide, Janeiro, ami brig PENDERGAST CO., A. Needles, dria at 3 A. M.. arriving in Lynchburg at 7.10 M.; No. 13, do t'nmj*.Difficult aro well maintained. We quote sis fol- Muscovado, for Demerara, both ap 19tf 62 Beaver street. New John Wm. H. L. Roitz, P. ]1 Salt Rreathinsr 2.5 hut at tho close it reacted to 103%. Michigan South- lows, viz: Spanish Sole at 38 to 48cts; City Slaughtered hence at anchor- York. Jas. M. Anderson, Isaac M.Denson, leaves Lynchburg at 3.20 A. Mr.arriving in Alexan- JSo. # do Kuciua, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. 25 wind southward, weather foggy. Antoinc Probst. dria at 6.10 P. 51. No. 15, do ern was firm and infair demand at the several calls. do at 45@o0cts: Country do 33038 cts; and Rough Schr Planet Mars, Kelly?with x£X FOR RS IK JANF.JKO IHKETrI John A. Shrtver. Rheumatic Pains.... 25 Skirting cotton and ship's There has not been any change in the conduct REGULAR SAIL Passengers forWarronton will take the 7 A.M. No. 16, do Fever and Ajrue. Chill Fever Ague.. 50 report at cts lor heavy and 30033 cts for of LINE.?TO NEW , _J. MARSHALL WINCHESTER The annual of the road, ending February 28th, 34038 materials from wreck of steamer Virginia?to J Carey FROM tno train south from Washington, and the 6.45 51. No. 17, do or external light. Cnalc. Antoino Probst, indicted for the murder of tho Bear- 20th instant. The At British bark A. train internal 60 1860, shows a net increase over last year of $396,979.29, el7?=fYOKK.L KSULA, Lanfare, master, loading north from Lynchburg. No. is, do o|tlmlmy, sore, inflamed Eyes MOLASSES.?There was a sale yesterday of 77 Schr Wm Allen, Creamer, from ingfamily and others, within the past days. is now and- t'aturrti, 50 of $146,185.37 was on passengers, $212,430.5S on puncheons English Island cx-"Chesapeake" pri- Boston?ballast to few He will sail as above. For freight or passage, having Passengers by the 6.45 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. trains N0.69, do neutochronic influenza. 50 which on It M Hcslen, Lynchburg, freight, $38,363214 vate terms, which is the only transaction worth no- manifests the same indifference to his fate, speaks hrst-class accommodations, apply to PENDERGAST, ACCIDENTS. from and the 7 A. M. and7.lsP. 51. trains No. 20, do Wlioepiun; Coufh, or Spasmodio.... 50 and on miscellaneous business. Schr S 11 Cady, Crowell, from Boston?to R M from Richmond connect with Washington 21, do Asteiieia,difficultbreathiusr.. directors predict ting wo have heard of this week. Wo quote to-day Ileslen, Reports schr Nancy J Brayton, mildlywhen spoken to. but does not incline to con- FENWICK A CO.. 77 Smith's wharf, upstairs, or .to trains at No. 50 The a still more prosperous condi- as follows, cts; 19th. from PENDEHGAsT A CO., 62 NATIONAL for all parts of the North and West. No. 22, do Kur Discharges, Impaired Hearing! 50 vu: Cuba clayed at 40042 do Musco- Georgetown, C, for Dighton, Mass, struck by light- verse; eats his rations with an apparently good ap- BROS. Boavcr street. LIFE AND This has No. 25, tion of tho road, and consequently a still further ad- vado at 4305) cents; English Island at 40065 cts. and D New York. ap!9-tf TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COM- route the advantage over all other", by do Scrofula, Enlarged Glands Swell- ning on Sunday night last, off the Wolf Trap, and petite, sleeps well, as well as his handcuffs and ma- PAN Y, having a continuous rail from York ings vance in the price of its stock. Porto Rico at 50070 ets. Tho imports this week are AVAS'I'I;!!.?VESBEI,S I.IIA!) New to Lynch- 50 lost head of foremast and both topmasts?would nacles will admit of, and reads such rclipious books jm lO AS- OF NEW YORK. burg?los miles. No. 21. do General Debility, Physical Weak- Rock Island was barely sustained at 120. New 77 puncheons English Island, 39 hhds Porto Rico, 490 proceed. as are furnished him by his spiritual SEarorted cargoes for Charleston, S. Cargoes CAPITAL It also passes hhds, 62 tierces and 6 bbls Cuba. adviser. Quite C. $500,000. through Fairfax, BullRun, Manassas' ness 50 York Central exhibited some weakness inthe after- Schr Sallio Jlcars, Lewis, Savannah?to A B a number of persons have visited tho prison in the ready. OFFICE, UriFcOo, Cutlett s, Rappahannock, Culpepper, No. do lli'opsy Scanty MILL FEED.?MiII Feed is in good demand and & from BALTIMORE Orange 25, Secretions 50 At Morton Sons ?salt to Fowlc, Bayne & Co. hope of being able to see him, but few nave had their Apply to PENDERGAST, FENWICK A CO.. . 56 EXCHANGE PLACE. and Oordonsvillo, whore many of thelatcgreat battles No. 25, do Kea-Sickness, Sickness from Riding.. noon. one o'clock it was quoted at 92%, after firm at 23 cts for Brown Stuff,and ctsP bushel Schr curiosity gratified. aplO-tf Smith's stairs.) Issues 50 Middlings. 33036 Vulcan, Bowman, from Calais?laths and plas-. 77 Wharf, (up General Accident Tickets from One to Tieentv were fought. No. 27, do Kidney Disease, Gravel 50 selling at 92% at the first Board. It became firmer, | for tor to Wm Courtenay. the few days of hi* incarceration, Tiettets can be [ MADDER.?Wc quote Madder beforo first a re- FOR SAVANNAH Days. . Procured inAdams Express build- No. 28, do AervoiiN Debility, Seminal however, towards the close, and changed at as at Brig Castor, Norris, from St Johns, P R, 24th ult?- quest was made by tbc chief of the detective force JAW AMI BRITKS- These Tickets insure against Accidents of ever7 de- ing, opposite the Baltimore and Ohio Depot, JEuiiMMaoiiH, hands cts currency for prime Dutch Ombro. sugar not permitted by WICK. GA.?The schooner "SALLIE Railroad Involuntary Dis- Erie fluctuated, consequence 12Vi to Kirkland, Chase k Co. that he should be to be seen visit- SMSSEV scription for $5,000 incase of death, or $25 per week inWashington, also at the Dcoot on Maryland avenue. charges 92%. in of tho conflict- NAVAL STORES. ?The market continues dull. Schr Peerless, Patterson, ors, carried out; and since tho assignment MEARS," Capt. Lewis, willload for the compensation Trains leave tho 15Q ing influences brought upon We quote Spirits gallon: from St Johns, P R, 28th was of for disabling accident. corner of 1 irst and C sts.. Washing- No. 29, do Sore Mouth Canker to bear it at tho different i Turpentine at 90092 cts P ult?sugar and molasses to Stirling & Ahrens. counsel by tho court, a similar request by them is above, and having thegreaterpartof her cargo ready, TARIFF OF KATES. ton. WM. 11. No. 00, do I'riaary Incontinence, Wetting opened at and 72 Rosin at S3 for common: $3,5004.50 for No. 2; S6OIO Scbr W B Darling, from complied with. Probst still adheres the will sail without delay. For ireight to either place, 1 day .25 MrCAFFERIY. Boards. It 72%, declined to at one p. Baxter, Boston?to Kol- to story first cents 5 days $1 35 General Superintendent. Red * o'clock, for No. 1. and Tar at from $202.75 bbl. scy k Gray. told by him in respect to an accomplice. Not apply to A. IE MORTON ASON'S, 2 days ,50 8 No. 21, do 50 after which it rallied and sold at 72% at the are selling 7 for only ap!B-4t* cents! days 2 00 J. M. BKOADU3, Painliil Periods oven withSpa. nis" 50 [ NAILS.?Nails at cts Cut 4d and Cleared. to his counsel but to the priest who visited him yes- 103 Smith's Wharf. 3 days .75 cents 12 daya 3 00 OC9-tf General Passenger Agent. No. .52, do niilFerings at Change of life. closo. The Northwestern stocks each improved ; the upwards. 8 cts for 3d. and 9 cts P tb for 2d. Steamer terday, did he declare that he had KICIItlllNI)?I) ~ 33, *IOO " Adelaide. Cannon. Norfolk?M N Falls. a confederate in FOR 1 No. do Kpilepsy and " KEC T?TO St. Vitus' "common" advanced to 27, and the preferred was OILS. ?The market is quiet, but prices aro un- Steamer George Leary, the murder, yet the police have not been to Insurance above tickets YORK BOAA \u25a0!>. NU. da\ lCes".7.'loO changed. We quote Blakeman. Norfolk?J. any able ob- THIS DAY'.?The schooner JULIA, on commence at 6 o'clock 34, do Diptticn:., Ulcerated Throat 50 quoted at late in the evening. Lard at $1.7501.80; Tanners at Birekhead, .Jr. tain trace of such a person as is described by *\u25a0l Captain Belaney. is A. M., 12 o'clock M. 6 o'clock P. M. Family ( Soto 57% $1.2001.30, and Crude Whale $1.4001.45, Winter l now receiving freight t uses. were and Missouri's and at Steamer Diamond State, Wilson, Alexandria?A him. They havo not, however, abandoned the pur- and willsail as above. For terms of freight apply Remember that 25 cents per day insures for $5,000. Of 35 vials, Morocco case and book State bonds inactivo Vir- Sperm at $2.7502.80, and Linseed at $1215 P gallon. Needham k suit, but are using every means to at On and after MONDAY next, March sth, cars will 10 OO ginia's unchanged. Tennessee's sold OLIVE Sons. to test tho truth or M. A. MITCHELL, Tickets for sale the Office of the Company. No leave City Hall each hour, from Of 20 large V ils, in morocco and b00k... 6*oo were at 90%?an OIL.?Wo quote Marseilles at S6O7P case Steamer Wenonuh, Dawes. Fredericksburg?J J falsity of his story. The weight of the evidence and 2 Spear's wharf, 56 EXCHANGE PLACE. at 7 A. M, to 7P. 51., Of 20 large vials, plain case for quarts _aplß " except 12 noon. and b00k....'.".!!!. 500 advance of % since yesterday, and North Carolina's and pints, and Bordeaux at $10.50011.50 Taylor. circumstances thus far developed is against oft- Of 15 boxes (N'os. 1 to 15) P case, for quarts pint . his FOR S A VASSA Brig PHILIP D. SUTTON, Night car 11 and book 3*oo show a corresponding decline, being quoted and s Sardines in Oil arc sel- Steamer Josephine Thompson, Moore, Yorky- repeated and solemnly asserted declarations. rsr 11.-The fine General Agent. for Towsontown at P. 51. 3!r ihesa remedies, by the at 83%. ling at 41 cts each for half and 20022 for New "LEONAItL)MEYERS," Captain Cole, now Leave Towsontown every hour from M. to 7 casu or siiigi'O box, are boxes. cts J A Shriver. Probst is willing,and his counsel will consent to r'PHFir dock, SUTTON SL GKMMELL, except 6A. sent to any part of the country, by Mail Express Governments were firm and in demand. Five- quarter bores. Castile Soap is selling at 18 cts for llonry Gaw, enter plea of guilty of killing the boy loading in Frederick street having a Agents. P. 51.. 12 noon. no's ireo or pink, 34 cts p Steamer L Iler Philadelphia?J A a Cornelius large portion of her cargo _foKhjf Associate of charge, on receipt of the price. Twenties advanced to 104%, and Seven-Thirties and IT* for white. upon the condition that to engaged, will have quick ONlONS.?Onions selling Shriver. Carey, he is not be tried dispatch. freight to Address, reached 101%. are at $1.2501.50 per bbl, Br bark Geo Bell, Scovillc, Quecnstown, Ire, for on the other bills. It is questionable, however, if For balance apply ETC. MSWIILKTS' but tney aro very dull. agree KELSEY A GRAY, HOTELS, Gold was steady and infair demand at 127, being orders ?John Hugbes. the District Attorney to this. And inasmuch apl3-tf PBOSPECTOS OP Specific liuuitieopHlliictteilirliie Co,, \u25a0PROVISIONS.?The market ha-? throughout the Brig R M as itis essential to bring out all tho testimony bear- cor. Buchanan's wharf and Pratt st. worth 3-16 for use. Tho requirements for week been quite firm in tone, although not Ileslen, Hammond, Savannah?Phillips HOUSE, Office and Depot 562 Broadway, N. Y. custouig specially k Maitland. ing upon tne important question whether ho was or FOR RICHJHONI)? UIHEC'C?To SAIL THE H. are very large, through fear of activo. There were sales early in the week of 150 scene, C<-?pir. BENTLEY SPRINGS COMPANY. AVM. READ, the a speedy passago hhds cts, Schr Richmond. Grant, Fortune Isl?R M Heslcn. was not the only actor inthe bloodv it willbe FFY F,\. SATUEDAY.?The schooner MINN E- 27 HOLLIDAY STREET. >V holesale and Retail Agent, of a bill to raise tariff. Monoy Bulk Shoulders at but to day wc ; Wm S Copes, Creighton, Murfreesboro, well if he does not consent to it. From acquaintan- " (I AHA,Captain M.B. Frank, is now load- tho continues abund- havo reported sales of cts, Sell, N C?- A first-class establishment, to . ._ _ BALTIMORE. 147 Baltimore street. 20 hhds do. at and of -1\ hedbee1 k Dickinson. the prisoner ithas been ing and will sail above. For terms freight which the citizens of BY ant and call loans still avorage 5 to 6 per cent. 10 hhds heavy do. at 11 We have ces ot ascertained that ho as of Baltimore could retreat inthe heat delo-om A. RLE IF.PROPBIKTOP.. FOR SALK ALL MEDIOISR DEALKRS. cts. hoard of no of summer, was " Schr James Brophy, Packard, Boston?R Q Rieman came to this country soon after the breaking out ol apply to M. A. MITCHELL. sought for in past Dr. Humphreys is consulted daily at his por- AtNew York, the Herald says, foreign exchange is sales of Bulk Sides or Hams. Sides aro held firmly & war, tempted vain during the season. To supply office, at Co. the by the high bounties offered, and "I 17-tf 2 Spear's wharf. to eonally or by letter, as above, for dull and steady at the following 14K cts, and we quote Hams at cts. For Schr Reddington, Gregory. that he the army. that w?.nt and present at the same time a profit- IJLotel. ail forms of disease quotations, namely; Bacon thero 17017% Portland?R G Rieman at once entered Actuated alone by WAVIER TO I'litlllASE?A eble investment fe7-nodlv sterling, sixty has been a good jobbing demand, and k Co. a mercenary spirit, deserted at the first BKIU to subscribers, attention is culled to & Bankers' at days, 107%@10S; three we note sales in tho week of some 200 hhds Shoulders he opportu- or Bark of 1,800 to 2,5(10 barrels capacity. this Prospectus. 170,172,174 170 GREENWICH ST., days 108%@109, Nulled. nity, and several times in tho course of the rebellion ®JNS> Bentley commercial 106%@107%, francs; long at 12 1 2012% cts and 100 hhds Sides at cts; Bark Elvorton, roported below, enlisted and deserted; in other \u25a0 , BIGELOAVA SARGENT, Springs is situated at the distance of about (Ono Square West of Broadway.) 8E MACHI sales also of 20 at from Matanzas, words, he was a "boui% ap-2-tf 70 wharf. 30 miles the city. (fi(X) WLN JYEB: date, [email protected], short sight $5.17%@5.20. somo tierces canvassed Hams 22 cts. to Stirling k ty jumper." Ho has relatives Smith's froia feet above tide-water.) on E3TWEMJ AND DRY BTREKTB, )> with Ahrens. sailed th inst, in good the COURTLAND NEW YOSX. e notico a sale in the week of 50 tiorces Western company circumstances Foit SAA ANNAll. Northern Central Railway, which, with its double The following table shows the extreme range of the Lard at 18' cts, at in with brig Senorila, Linden, for New inGermany, and from a brother he received enough ?The new fast sailing present 40HX PATIEN, Jr., Proprietor. LR>7. ESTABUSASD 1857 market for leading railway shares during £ but tho close it is held at 18% cts. York?vessel left same as before reported. money, a short time ago, to pay his passage back to brig FRANCIS W. WILLSON, Capt. 11. B. track and laciiities, renders access to tho 1865. we , quote $26.50, gSSg-* bprmgs easy and frequent. at and Prime Mess at Aground. the old country, which money he spent in the E night, now loading in Frederick The location is one of the t 1' ISOTMf, P bbl. but there is very littledemand for it. haunts street most healthy in tho and tho j'B I'AUIFMI is well and wideiy T. SI , Lowed. s2l Bark Elverton, Smith, from Matanzas, got aground of vice.? Phila. Ledger. dock, willhave quick dispatch. For freight apply to United States, scenery is JL known to the travelling ? Hiahcat. BUTTER AND CHEESE. ?Butter is arrivingmoro free- night; scarcely surpassed anywhere in beauty and public. Tho location is New lork Contral off Covo Point last tug sent to . ? KELSEY A romance 119 SO ly, but it still rules at very high figures. Western a has been as- GRAY. ot character. Magnificent trees, is especially suitable to merchants and business men; Erie 98% sist her off. an abundance of the tt is incloso nroxiinity to the business part MACHINIST, 44% packed new is selling at 47050 ets; Western Roll at PARDONED BY THE PRESIDENT.?On tho 18th inst. purest water, beautiful ravines, clear mountain of the Hudson 117% 88 cts; Country Roll fresh cts, Spoken. the President pardoned the following FOB WIMiISUTOSf. X. C?The city?is on the highway of Southern and BKWISIi MAUMIMK AKB Beading 40050 at 50055 and fresh April 14th, lat 28.22, long brig criminals: fine streams and lofty hills contribute to make spot Western PiSJ.Lia 118 BB New York State at quote 79.49, Harp, from Ma- John G. Harris, of Kentucky, SStOist sailing sehr. O. M. PETITT, mas- attractive, this travel?and adjacent to all the principal Railroad RRFABK9VK, Michigan Southern 58059 cts. Cheese we at 23 tanzas, for Delaware Breakwater; same time, Ac, convicted of violation Clark and to point itcut as admirably adapted and Steamboat depots. SOUTHWEST CORNER 84% 49% cts lor New York State Factory, and of the internal revenue laws, and sentenced pay ter, willbe ready to receive cargo in a few days, and for large Summer LGJMLSARD AND SHAR"* Illinois Central 024 25 cts for steamer Malimon, bound to Liverpool. #800; to a a Hotel. The surrounding neigh- The PACIFIC has liberal 138% 90 Eastern English Dairy. Eggs are dull p lor fine of Horace L. Jones, of Michigan, having nearly all her cargo engaged, willhave quick borhood abounds in pleasant accommodations for over STREETS. OPPOSITE ROUND CHURCH. Cleveland &Pittsburg 101 47 at 22 cte doz Cleared Baltimore. embezzling convict- dispatch; freight appiy walks, shady drives and 300 guests; it is well furnished and possesses every Twenty years practical experience, oight years by the bbl. Brig ed of from the mails, sentenced to ten for balance to delightful prospects. and Northwestern 20 Waredalc, Molseed, cleared at Philadelphia years K. M. modern improvement for the comfort and entertain- on SEWING MACHINES. All kinds of imprisonment; Whittlesey, . . proposed profit preferred 40% PETROLEUM. ?There have been no transactions I'Hh, for AVallace W. of the HESLEN. Itis to by these natural advantages ment Machines Northwestern 71% 46 moment Baltimore. District of Columbia, abstracting mh24-tf N. Pratt Gay sts, by erection of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and for SALE and EXCHANGE, withthe privilege Rock of this week in Petroleum so far as we have Schr Wenonab, Tall, cleared New convicted of public AV. corner and tho on one of tho most eligible sites, and turning of re- Island 81% price at York 19th, records from the United Treasury Depart- view well ventilated; provided withgas and water; tho at- I REE OF CHARGE aud selecting any other lort 113% heard, but aro unchanged, and wo quote Re- for Baltimore. States U4t SAVANNA 11. fine within ofthe Depot, of a Hotel, under days Wayne 107" fined before at gal- ment, and sentenced to pay fine SI,OOO AUNS. OA.?The schr. first-class tendance is prompt and respectful, and the table is Within sixty intho city UNIT ninety days in tha 77% as 39 cts in bond, and 58059 cts p Schr Ilrien a of and Captain Feny, Hto direction ol the Bcrtley Springs Company, of OANTRV Notwitstanding tho depression lon free. Benzine quote Augusta, McEve, cleared at New York stand convicted until the fine was paid. TjtSvy AMERICUS. having a large generously provided with every delicacy of the - QO3S-H of tho oil trade, tho we at 18020 cts in bond, and lJth. lor Whittlesey portiouof cargo engaged, Baltimore County. The amount of Capital is fixed reported receipts of petroloum at Pittsburg have in- 38040 cts per gallon free. Baltimore. has been in confinement about eight months, her willhave quick at One Hundred season. Nailed for Baltimore. and is dispatch. For balance offreight apply to ihousand Dollars, inShares of One The subscriber, who, for the years, creased since the first of January two hundred and POTATOES.?Buck Eyes are selling at 95 cts, Steamship now pardoned because his health has become so much Hundred Dollars each, and tho undersigned aro the past few has XAZXftim-SXi fifteen thousand General Custer, Harris, from impaired to endanger his KELSEY A GRAY, Umcors been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends XIVXFROVnZKXBZfITT eight hundred and fifty-two barrels. Maine Mercers at sl, and Maine Carters at $1.0501.10 Charleston 19th inst. for sailed as life. George AVarren ap3-tf corner Buchanan's wharf and Pratt and Directors. to identify Bast week s receipts of crude by the Alleghany river P bushel from the wharf. White Mercers bringing Baltimore. Townsend, of Massachusetts, convicted of attempt- st. Itis boiieyed that, in asking himself thoroughly with the interests oi were among are licmoranda. OKSAVANNAH, tho citizens of Balti- his house. With long experience as a hotel-keeper, the largest ever reported. $1.50 p bushel. Steamer ingfraud on the enrolment division of the eiX , OAITRST VES- more to this project, advancing A law passed Saxon, llolbrook. from Fort Monroo. will Provost sEL? The subscribe to we %ro he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, . recently inVirginia requires 'foreign' POWDER. ?Powder is unchanged in price, and it proceed to to Marshal's office, and was semenced to three years fine new schooner ALFRED their aa well as that cf the insurance companies Smith's Point, raise of steamer imprisonment. Capt. individual interests oity to maintain favorable reputation of the HICKS' PATENT DIRECT-ACTING, doing business that Btate to is still selling at $6.2506.50 for Blasting and Mining, wreck Also, the following special cases Robinson, now loading in itself. the Pacific RECIPVTN in \V m Carleton. r rederick Hotel. CATINU PISTON - their capital keg of 25 lbs Rillc. port under the first and thirteenth exceptions: On the street dock, and having a large portion of Our be waited by the Directors of to and'sß.7s P for St Johns P R?ln 21th, Br bark Eliza, Br brig cargo citizens will on N. B.?To prevent overcharge by hackmen, stock, with the State treasurer, who is to see that PLASTER,?PIaster is selliug insmall lots at $7.75 18th instant four Texans were pardoned, and to-day her engaged and going on board, will have the Company for the purpose of soliciting subscrip- the Planet, and Br schr Imprudence, all from York, two quick coaches of tho Hotel are owned by the proprietor the companies make good thoir obligations. P ton. The supply is light as is also the demand. New one from Louisiana, from Kentucky and one dispatch. For freight apply to tions to the stock. apl'i-l- 9IIN discharging. ? : PATTEN. .la. says: from Star. ... - A GRAY, may The Cincinnati Gazette ?We notice a sale this week Texas. ? KELSEY Application also bo made to tho Secretary, RICE. of 60 tierces Sagua la Grande?Sailed April 7th, brig mn34-t, ? , Carolina on private terms, which is the John Cor. Euchanan s wharf and Pratt st. at the office of the Company. No. 21 S. Charle3 In all the markets of tho country trade, inthe gen- only transac- Stevens; schr G IV Hynson. both for New York. street eral markets, is more active, and gloomy forebodings tion of importance we h-ive heard of. We quote it to- Fajardo?Sailed about March brig A REMARKABLE CURE.?A young A V about BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CuSrHS]' OIL STEAM-ENGINES. day at 9}£@9% cts ? 16th, Br Eliza, man wanted to \u25a0rif&iSft 2,0"a)o barrels, 1,500 or E. A. ABBOTT, CLOTHS! inregard to the future are giving place to confidence. for Rangoon, and 11J4012 1 ct3 for for Philadelphia. marry a gil l out in AVisconsin, but her rich parents to load for Apalachicola. An- Pres't. SIATTINGS! Merchants are now of the impression that there Carolina. Mayaguez. 1' port 27th, forbade the match. Tho young man sick- ply to JOHN HENDERSON CO., John S. Oilman, | W. T. Markland, U