Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1940-1941 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1940 Eastern Progress - 08 Nov 1940 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1940-41/4 .>- - ; • / . .,■■■"■ ATTEND STERN !SS Class Meetings STUDENT PUBLICATION OF EASTERN KENTUCKY STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE VOLUME 19 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1940 NUMBER 4 Eastern to Meet Eastern's Who's Who Students Eastern Names Outstanding Students Central Michigan For Representation in 1941 Edition in Nov. 9 Game of National College "Who's Who" Michigan is Team Dr. Qrace Overton Number Increased That Took Game to 18 Students Last Year, 18-14 Concludes Series From 10 Last Year of Addresses Here ALL IN SHAPE THREE REPEATERS In an effort to extend their win- Speaker Addresses Eighteen students were named ning streak to seven games, the by a special faculty-student com- Eastern Maroons Journey north to County High Schools mittee last week to represent Eas- play the highly-touted Central and Church Groups tern In the 1941 edition of the na- Michigan Teachers eleven tomor- tional "Who's Who in American row. Colleges and Universities". A victory for the Big Red would SPEAKS TO CLUBS The enrollment having increased be sweet revenge for the Eastern at Eastern, the number of students yeterans. The Michigan Teachers allowed to the school in this publi- Hpoiled last year's homecoming Dr. Grace Sloan Overton, noted cation accordingly increased. Last here at Eastern by taking a expert In character building, re. year's quota was only ten students, thriller, 18-14. liglous anof social fields, and a and the year preceding, whlcb was Little is known about the Michi- distinguished author and lecturer, the first year that Eastern was gan men this year, but last season concluded her five day series of represented In the publication, the « they sported one of the biggest addresses here on Thursday, No- number was -six. 'rnis year there and fastest elevens every to play vember 7. are eighteen students to be repre- on Stateland Field. The Michigan Dr. Overton opened her lectures sented in the annual edition. This boys outweighed the Eastern boys at the First Christian Church in number includes eleven seniors at every position last year and Richmond on Sunday, November and seven juniors. were fast enough and smart 3, when she spoke at the morning The members of the graduating enough to take advantage of every service arid also at the young peo- class of 1941, whose names have break of the game that came their The students pictured above Mildred Gortney, Jim Squires, row: Marie Hughes, Paul Brandes, ple's meeting that afternoon. Mrs. been selected for this honor, are: way. Besides possessing a dynamic have been selected as Eastern's Mary Frances Lehman, Bud Petty, Vivian Weber, Ora Tussey, Guy Overton spoke "Sunday night at Ruth Catlett, Lawrence burg; Mary running attack, they had a passer representives in "Who's Who* In Mary Agnes Flnneran, Elmore Whitehead, Susan Biesack, Wyatt Berea College. Agnes Finneran, Coving ton; Billy and pass receiver who were poison American Colleges and Universities Ryle, Ruth Catlett, Hansford Thurman, Mrs. Lamah Ltddell. The speaker spent the greater Farris, Richmond; Marie Hughes, to Eastern the entire game. They are, left to right, first row: Farris, Vera Maybury. Second part of her time on Eastern's Richmond; Frances Jaggers, Eastern's brilliant offense has campus, addressing the college Frankfort; Mary Frances Lennian, rolled over their opponents for a chapel on Monday and Wednesday Louisville; Mrs, Lamah Llddell, total of an even 200 points as Installation Held Carr To Speak Eastern is Scene mornings. She talked to the young Butler; Ora Tussey, Portsmouth, compared to 27 points scored by women of the college on Monday Ohio; Wyatt Thurman, Benham; their opponents. Their scoring at- At Baptist Church night, and to the men students on Jim Squires, Crest wood; and Guy tack, led by Smith, Thurman and by Future Teachers On November 8 of Annual Meeting Tuesday night. Mrs. Overton also Whitehead, Richmond. Schuster, has tallied at least three, spoke to the girls and boys of touchdowns against each of the Madison High School on Tuesday The seven juniors chosen by the opposing teams. The Maroons, dis- at Nov. 6 Meeting Warren Carr, student at the Of Home Ec Group and Thursday mornings. committee to be listed In Who's playing a varied offensive game, Baptist Theological Seminary at On the final day, Thursday, Dr. Who. are: Susan Biesack, Louis- have had little trouble scoring on Louisville, will speak at the First Overton addressed the Mother- ville; Paul Brandes, Ft.' Thomas; any of their opponents. Baptist Church Friday, November craft and Ethical Training De- Mildred Gortney, Harrodsburg; Pledge Presented 8, at 7:30 p. m. on the develop- Mrs. Bertha Damon Vera Maybury, Newport; Elmore Eastern will be in only fair partment of the Richmond Wo- Ryle, Burlington; W. C. Petty, Jr., physical shape for the game Sat- to New Members ment of personality. Mr. Carr was Speaks at Banquet man's Club in the afternoon and captain of Transylvania' football the young married group of the Ashland; and Vivian Weber, Fort" urday. Cross and Gordon were by Club President on "Fun of Food" Thomas. held out of last Saturday's tilt team in 1937 and has an admired First Christian Church in the eve- with Cumberland and will prob- and forceful personality. Everyone ning. The basis of judgment used in ably be able to play against COATES SPEAKS is cordially Invited to attend. ERICKSON IS PREXY It was through the cooperation the selection by the committee as Michigan. Goosens still has his of Dr. Frank N. Tinder, pastor of outlined in the letter of Instruc- broken nose, but will be ready, JJV the First Christian Church, the tion to the college administration the Cumberland encounter Tussey Installation of its twenty-one New Attendance Eastern State Teachers College speaker was brought to Richmond. was on the following four points: received a broken finger and Haas was host to the annual meeting Leadership, character, scholarship, new members ipto the Future of the State Home Economics Con- and potentialities of future, use- pulled a ligament and its doubtful Teachers of America organization Rules Passed at If the latter will be able to see vention on November 1 and 2. Xavier and Eastern fulness to business and society. action tomoerow. here at Eastern took place in the Delegates from all over the state The picture of the candidates will University Building on November Faculty Meeting attended the convention. appear in a special section of the Even with the injured men that to Exchange Bids Milestone this year. Eastern has, they axe expected Friday's program consisted of to pull through the Central Michi- The program consisted of talks roundtable conferences, a tea at For Military Ball There were three of the students gan tilt with their undefeated, un- by Dr. J. Dorland Coates, faculty Class Attendance the Home Management House, and who have been selected for this tied record still IntacL sponsor, and Ruth Catlett, presi- a, pottery exhibit by Dr. Anna honor this year whose names and dent of the club. After a short Is Emphasized, by Schnieb. The day was climaxed biographies appeared in the Who's discussion on the purpose of the by a banquet In the Blue Room.j Plans Were Laid Who for 1940. They are: Ruth Kappa Delta Pi club, the national pledge was ad- Faculty Repeal of the Student Union Building, Catlett, Mary Agnes Finneran, and Chooses Members ministered to the incoming mem- attended by nearly -three hundred at Fort Knox Jim Squires. pepple. Mrs. Bertha Damon, guest This national directory Is com- For School Year bers. of the evening, gave a talk, en- Last Summer After the installation services SEMESTER REPORT piled • annually with the purpose titled "The Fun of Food." of introducing to American busi- Kappa Delta Pi, only national were over, the members were divided into groups for the purpose The program on Saturday be- ness concerns, college presidents, honorary fraternity for education The faculty of Eastern Ken- gan with a business meeting in NEW UNIFORMS and the public the outstanding on Eastern's campus, has for this of discussing the plans for the tucky State Teachers Collge at its coming year. the University Auditorium, pre- students who will become the year. nine very prominent candi- meeting on November '4, changed sided over by Miss Statie Ertck- At Fort Knox, Ky., last sum- future leaders of these industries. dates for acceptance to the society. The students who were installed its regulation governing class at- son. University of Kentucky, presi- mer the Advanced Course men It is published through the co- Prospective candidates for'mem- Into the club were: John Walters, tendance. The regulations adopted dent of the Kentucky Home Eco- from Eastern agreed with the Ad- operation of the American Stu- bership are: Ruth Catlett, Dora Charles Stamper, Mary Emma are as follows:' _ nomics Association. Miss Gladys vanced Course men from Xavier dent. Allen, Susan Biesack, Hansford Hedges, Robert Yeager, Ann Al- 1. All faculty rules governing Wyckoff, field secretary of the to exchange Invitations for their Farris, Vera Maybury, Jean Por- len, David Barnes, Fejonise Leake, class attendance heretofore are American Home Economics As- annual Military Ball. Invitations ter, Evelyn Sic, James Squires and Dave Mlnesinger, Margaret Jen- hereby repealed. sociation, gave a talk on "Plan- have been received from Xavier Transy To Get Vivian Weber. kins, Sally Hobbs, Vivian Dicken, 2. It is recognized that class ning the Year's Program in the for Eastern's Advanced Course These students are chosen from Billy Farris, Mary Ann Rogers, attendance is the responsibility of Home Economics Student Club." ment to attend the Xavier Mili- Annual Fall Meet the upper quadrant of the student Thelma Mathewson, Mary Sam- She was followed by Miss Nora tary Boll on Nevember 8 at Cin- body and make up a total of only uels, Juanita Grizzell, Nora Mason, individual faculty members.
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