
*;; lit* "<*•**» >,t RE( I L' S. .1., w i;nN'Ksi).\'i $1

Itlif <>«/M> AM* KOMHKI) F.nd of T )id Red Bank Stores The School News V\ at i-niit* litoiitxi *nr T»«» M»-n *nd Arrowsmith Post Time j to Give Prizes ' of Shrewsbury Ytoii.t-i, |» JuHtl.,. Keith. lvi:i e of Tietituri hie expected to •. a \.» '*.*>* 4* ui Hrd \\mn)n ( unpa'gn First Edition of .Vhctol Paper Is- [ ...ft- uii'ler arrest within the next Organized SO Years • Brmgi Much Hohtiny ButinetB N w da>a at least one of the four sued November 25th All ineiiihfin nf a parly of men and Meic Adtiitionttl ^toie* Join Shrewsbury Trachers Are Tak- women, who last week, according to in the Movement ing 1-xleiuion Course*. Michael Ahearn of Headden s Cor-Red Bank Organization of Civil War Veterans Reached ner, robbed him of a number of ar- cam The puj.l^ ,,f T h i Slnewtbuiy pub- ticles. the Half Century Mark on Sunday Only ihst lic c lint , .ii ), the /> is. i t,,,iK «:,,,.n, hat* already buKuit"ii, l^oiolhy iiioii»on, lluth touch with the Trenton police upon Five-Day Cruises fiftieth „ ,,,jt\,., ,„, , , , . ,.,, •> wi'ii 'Mi* was evident Scott. learning that they had left for that v lf u w ijjl!!h Fint srad, <>,srlcs UiickaUw, Milton city. !'•,«! .'.'„ fll of ,h,. ,-,,„.., „,,•",'„. i, • w,r, n!,i,,uni of holiday buai- M«r». Wnltt-r Wil,,,,,. For Sea Scouts "'« l!e|,,.b!o- i ,,, s ,,, , ,,. ,,.,, ,,,. •• , ' , •' f\ I'y in,- J!e,j liank mer- omi ltd,•- Wallace Davidson, John According to the story told Keith f'"" < !- - ' ' ••:,•., , >~ M, • f fin oilKhinl announce- ,, Juhn H>lanJ. Hurls BcoU. Helen by Ahearn, two men and two wom- Boys of Monmouth Council Will -in li. -I ' I..- I, • i •..,,- ,no,!! ID The Register last '1 hint Kiude (Jrorve Brown, John Sag. en called at his house a few days Boat Club Holds urtim, Kiitiar.i Wnr.l. Hubert Wilson. Wil- ago for the purpose of comforting Have Opportunity to Make Ar i.,v> -!,.;• |, |. . . , , Drukr. r.irlyii Lalme, Mildred Man, him at the loss of his wife. They '.,'!,, ,,f !lie»e educational ad- Trips on Coa*t Guard Cutters hi* w.,- ,.,,.,. ' •. ,,,ei,i* takes up four full offered him liquor, he sayn, which Annual Meeting l,,Lrlh xru,!e—Walter I'umsr, Samuel lelV of II,... . . l% ,r * ,,f loiiay's iHsue of The Reg- Ji.liii-1,11. licorifc Marx, J«rry Sullivan, later proved to be dru^Red. and De»troyer». (eil H;i|. ,• !l ,. ,..:l, I'lilrina <;«r,lner. 1 he internal trade committee When he came to, he says, the ifti-i lh. . I.,., • ...... Norlh Slirewnbur •• ! .I.,,.,. „„.! I'lflli •,.,!, M,,,,,,,, M.rx. William K'I loiliiys announcement has ynoidn, llavi,! Wood, Margaret Silver, quartet had vanished, as had also a Through the co-operation o[ Cap- Ya.ln (I ill, hi . -„-. r>'.i <,,).', ,1 for a number of prizes to MurKitiet Lumfe. Ku.h Francis, Dorothy quantity of house furnlahirigw, BOIIIR tain Randolph Ridgley, division n>ni- ,,'iv, ii away on Wednesday, De- Coma)', ErinH Uelinett. Jewelry and his two watch dogs. mander of the United States coast O!;(l>f.i.. I'*. • • >' ..".-.' ».v Sixth vrsde- Mflry Farrcll, Fatricia guard, sea scouts of Monmouth coun- l,ei 73d. These prizes include a JKhi-M, Helen Marx. S..m. .,( !>.- i ' '• M. -.it.. -, i,,. electrlo washing machine, a titvenlh utad« Samuel Yorfc. Ortrude cil will be permitted to take nvenlHy lity ie«|,.,|,.|. ,. . - lei n gaa range, two-in-one parlor Van Vliet, Ellinor Wood, Adeibert Weaver, cruises aboard certain coast guard Kdiuund Rroiiflon, Madelyn lirill, James "> p le, lady's wrist watch and a toilet Farmers Guests destroyers and cutters, during the named f,,r ,', , i . •. , , . ... ^ i i 1 ! Sullivan, EluaSeth Keynolds. roaster vacafion next spring. This ( <.,.. I "' " The K'^IS were made possible KiKhth Krade — Vinginia Curtis. Ailele I Freeh.,1,! «i, I, , i ...... , ... '. K Migh the co-operation of the Jer- Hrrmati. Elhpl proves. Irene Wilson. Kalph privilege Is being extended to the ,, i 1 I,,- i lull i '' '•' Johnson, John Metsger, Haroli Wilson. of Milk Company »lx Sea Scout ships adulated with ord In the, w.,, M ... , •, . . ,Hf . , I, „, I r.,,| , !ul». \ ll"l'-'"'l I'enlial power and light com- which »-,,s n.,n .-.i i ,, ,\, Hyiinin brothers, Globe furnl- The Shrewsbury school has Just Monmouth Council of boy Bcouts. proHper. doe |. ..,,,.., ... v . ; 'if Mm h < 'In 1.^ I ' '" '•'•' received from the office of Congress- Arrangements are being made to ! , i ompany and Cecelia Marks. Two Hundred Person! Attend a few yen r- il |, ,-. ,• . , * , v. ;•. ,.,,.1,., |H.;.-.,.K.- '"<" >" man Sutphin at Washington, six conduct competitive examinations in •'., [iM'liHH 1.1 I In- \ "" '"• h Mtoie cooperating in the ex- Party Given by Shrewsbury intenee and tif- . v.-,,...,,. . ,, , ., v ,,f itie "Sliop In Red Bank" beautiful portraits of George Wash- each ship bassed on the efficiency of new orfia ni?:,l i',n ,,,, I., ,',,. ,...,. ,.f ington; reprints from a painting by Dairy Company on Ninth An- the Individual member. The first :( :n is designated by a pink Ariowsmith l',,si ',, *\ w. r ,,,.,, f tin- .Sea Si "ill I • ' MIII|I; Stuart. cruise will be available to twelve sea in, I .HI MIINII.I) ' i".-il> ' l,,n,nei being displayed In niversary. This IH the |,,,M rt m -A)-, ,, ,,,. ,.i ^ui'luw ami these respective store- The first edition of this year's scouts, two of whom will be selected Fanners who supjily milk to the reaident« i,r He.l M ml, ,.., , , ,y lie, -j,eiM aie giving away absolutely Shrewsbury Monthly Press, a news- from each of the six sea scout ships. , I. ' • I I Will. I'HM \ V,r i Shrewsbury dnii y company and their are faniili;i i I- • w ,r u.' , , -1,, , ., fiee to the visitors at their stores paper edited each month by the pu- From a small start last year, of one i , Sc i ml M-il. | !•,,. families und friends, numbering 200. dent.s of thiH Me, Hun „,. ,,,., .. :!,i( ii, UelM which entitle the customer to pils of the local school, was published ship In the council with twenty attended the ninth annivernary party to remeinbei V, edethn,, [t -• participation In the distribution of on Wednesday, November 25th. The members, "The North Star" of Red of the company ' held last Friday ArrowHimth [MIMI h;f - t|. : - the prizes. officers of this year's paper are: Bank, sea scouting has now. grown tion of bring I he unl, •!.,,, • „ !•', ' 1:1! night at the River street school. to a membership of ninety Sea Ml.rl The members of the Internal trade EditoMn-chief—Virginia Curtis, eighth Each guest brought with him some Of civil War veteiiinn 1,, M , H grade. Scouts. These organizations ' are county. Mont folk* of i-.in,,. , , ,- •,. III I, committee have asked The Register Ah.i.Unt Eliter—John Metiger. eighth article of food raised on his farm, "The Rarltan" of Keyport, spon- to impress upon Its readers to ask for grade. and as a result a truckload of pro- memlier when VIUMIIW .,|I.I J,, -^ • I . , MM M.f.ri sored by the American legion; "The were In exiHtence. The I.II,,-.,I >,.,,,,. ']'• the free tickets when visiting any islant Editor— Elizabeth Keynolds. duce was turned over to the Salva- seventh Krade. Shrewsbury" at Long Branch, spon- ber of members win, h An « >u , .| Mii|>le m, line !IH I.-H.M-II ,, h ,.,,..,,, i j W nil,HI 4 [j|]li>£- of the co-operative stores in Red tion Army for distribution among Art Editor—Ralph Johnson. eighth sored by the Long Branch Yacht post ever had wn* lots rtn toijtt ,,,,,,,, iv „,. „ , , M,|t ,if t till! Si M '•' Bank and to make sure that their grade. he needy. Club; "The North Star" at Red , i ii.l - • , » lUvmnml Hiiyd. tickets are properly filled In with the News Editor—Adela Herman, eilhth number of veteraiiH who have J,,me<| l.i in, IIIIIIII. pill I of 'In- 1,1,lie IllKh I .11- IU I '.,!> I J 1.1,1 IUII,I. grade. The decorations were in blue and Bank, sponsored by the Young Mens' the post since It was Malted fifty way mid Ml, I 11V I" tine Ills dentil i,,Mi, .,,„,!,,in,.,. James If. 11 iHiml, name and addresa legibly written News Editor—Ortruda VanVliet, seventh Christian association of Red Bank; I tinhi,,, ,1, 1'iinik V. Ill, kman, white and the favors, consisting-of years ago 1» 18H. Today the post hr.« Ml , ii ii y in,1,1 111' j,i ,.|,el I V' I"' niol • thereon to that there will b« no dis- grade. pom-poma and horns, were of the "The Nor'easter," sponsored by thesix members. All the others have .l.i IHU,, ,. Kieil Kirlaer. Sr. Hurtior Editor—James Sullivan, leventh li.iui tin,- HUM,. lh» moonlit lie Imii IMII,^ none,, riint,,,, F. Elliott, pute as to who will be entitled to re- same color. Music for dancing was Belmar Klwanls club; and "The Der- died. paid lol it I i.liMlli \\ lUlim ClllllllKtlll). ceive the attractive prizes. Sports Editor—Harold Wilson, eighth furnished by Alan Woolley's orches- rek," sponsored by the Jamesburg 1,'n iteiinen White. Har- state home for boys. The latest sea Tonight the post will have Its an- in, llullniHll Htiili'M that lie ha» no y n«v. lll,.|f,,,,l H.h". Frank Br«nd, In addition to the firms and other tra of Red Bank. Assembly singing hubineKn manager—Georg* (ilaasey, sev- scout ship to be organized is at At- nual election of members. The num. Ilinni'dlale lilmiH in build on (He land. I,I>II,,, Alh business houses listed in last week's enth grade. was led by Eugene Magee. Hill. im.H CiHirtlnnill White. lantic Highlands. It Is sponsored by inations have been made and nomi- The luiiine »n,i I• 11i111 i11K had become .,I. l Register. Hance and Sons, Matthews ARBniUnt manager—Samuel Yorg, sev- E. A. Starkes, president of the nation is equivalent to election fu : K-I. !/]u\«-niriiL of John W. Caiitlllioti. enth grade. the Atlantic Highlands high school. run down anil they were razed be- These iiflicers werfl all re-elected and Forbes, Fink's department store company, and Mrs. Starkes welcomed each Instance. The post rooms are cause they were will IIIRI) useless. and Hrhroeder's pharmacy have The members of the eighth grade the guests. Mrs. Peggy Battersby, in the Clayton & Magee building on i in V council held with the exception of the recording This opportunity for deep sea The work of teaiing tliem down wan Joined the cooperative movement^. have elected the following officers: the "story lady" of the Shrewsbury Broad street, but of late more meot- r., .ii the winter »vu secretary and a member of the re- cruising should mean much to done by Richard WyckofT of Ilum- President—ltalph Johnson. dairy happiness club hour over sta- ingH have been held at the home of .:, 1,1 -•! ihn V. M. C. A. gatta committee. Mr Cullington future of sea scouting in Monmouth Hon. Mr. WyckofT Is selling the lum- Vice prt-Bident—John Metiger. tion WCAP, and Jack Strong, "the Joseph Grover of I.lnden place than 'i In ; . KtM.ril is made succeeds William. A. Plntnrd, who Secretary—Harold Wilson. council. It will enable boys to ob- ber HIIII the fixtures of the IIOUHP declined re elect ion. Mr l'initud has blue bird milkman" on the same at the rented rooms. Tho election i ;,,] + •! •, the ]'i '-Hitirtita find Treasurer—Irene Wil»on. tain actual deep water "sea going" and building on the place,. lln has nerve,! the 01 ^iini/jit ion u.s .seci e!;, i y Harvey Tilton ( IHBS colors—white and gold. hour, made short addresses. Capt. formality tonight will he at Mr. Oro '•M,. : nt the three JII-Y I'laus flower—Ked American beauty experience, as these vessels cruise ver's home. already disposed of a large part nf fol the puM twelve yiNHM iin,t v\;,:f Arthur C. Reedle of the Salvation several hundred miles at sea while this materlRl. uiuilile to continue • m ;,, , ounl . •( t,is Army was also introduced to the .•.IIJ s from Ileil Bank at- Rumson Fire Chief t lais motto—"If at first you don't aue- on patrol. Each boy making thi.* There are not enough members t« Inw lj,n.'!H»vi 1,1 ;Jv. V,,, I- (M».I ,(i,l. try, try again." audience. tnke chitrge of .-ill the ottices and or* Ynunri Mti.'n Chiihtiiiii cruise will remain a temporary mem Every teacher in the Shrewsbury thin account mime of the members .. ul.h'i hoy'n confcivncB at. Andrew llcctit Chosen Assistant A potato raco for children was ber of the crew of the roa.sl Kiiaul tfchool Is enrolled in a university or won by Ethel Waters. A similar vessel and his duties will be idriitiral have to lill two 01 three place*, in 'if l.i.st wtTk, Tliey wrtc College Honor For Chiff—Officers Chosen by the addition to this it in necesMiuy tf> ,i •.;•( .•, Kti>!riLi> < 'lark, llm normal school extension course this contest for adults was won by Wil- to the regular member* of tlie rrt'w It. , '-.-I ' I- ilv .il.r. ,,! \Y.i\eily 1 wo f ire Companies and theyear. On Tuesday of each week liam Ketchum. Miss Josephine Nest- However, a special ofllcer will be iW1 ini|,i,Hn into »fni,T i,ue individual .- i, <;iwnl.-n Jtlai!-, .lunirr- « ho i.s not a Civil w;ir veteran. Thl« Middletown Girl i'i, , .,i. cnl tin rustic vneht^Tn;in Auxiliary. MiHt-es Marie H. Johnson and Bertha ler and Joseph Stovo were the win- tailed as an instructor to the hnj .-* ( official is George W. Chandler, uon of : ' , !»•! •, t lie i ,'K ttt,i com Gordon attend a class In reading giv- ners of the three-leged race, and a while on the cruise. liir i, H'ie.-. They left Red the late John W Chandler, who at one niii'ee uf the Momiiouth boat club, Ollicers were elected lasL week by en by Teachers' College, Columbia novelty dance contest was won by ii-i v aii'l returned home Miss Julia Gulick Wins Diitim linn,id the li'ebnat chit) Thursday the two campanies of the Rumson university, at Long Branch high time Ms coinm.-UKler of the; i«>st and Dr. Frank Lawes. for in.'iny yea If" adjutant of the post. tion »t the New Jersey Col- file department. A chief and assist- school. On Thursday of each week Refreshments, consisting of frank- • ! u.>; of trip Junior Dm1 of the features of the meeting ant chief were also chosen. This Misses Bertha Gordon and Helen C. 'PI,., mllcei-i who will lie. elected to. , \ i furters, cider and cake were served. Relief Nominates i. .'S lege for WorarnOulilmul-J .t» Mr huyH WiiH li.-M VMIH a di.Mcun^lon of the early days of year the chief was chosen by Rum- Lang and Mrs. E. C. Thompson have iiif;lit tit c. ., 1 I On Saturday morning, December l-l HII1K . <'a])tiiin Kd ing Scholastic Record. a course in industrial art given by iceboating on the Shrewsbury and son fire company and Harvey Til- 19th, the dairy company's happiness U illi. K. Si,, it • .ruillitl i who iia.4 had Officers for 1932 this WQH supplemented by Mr. ton was elected to that office. An- the Newark normal school at Red !,,, Hi, ! '•-,!.re 111 mUlin^ veHHt'ln When I he New Jersey college fur club will hold its annual party at Krown, who read from the early files drew Hecht was elected assistant Bank. Every Saturday F. C. Eng-the Strand theater, the use of the •ithle hi; •• , VMI ^ the .'(|>ff.kt'i\ women ut New Id unswii k celehrtitea of The Red Bank Register news chief by Ocean hook and ladder com- land, principal, goes to Teachers' col- Red Bank Fire Company to 11 playhouse having been offered by .,1 ii.ljiiinnl IViijaniin Klihlilgi. 11- iA-ill Ki v ft in.st i 'lift ion:) Christmas on thi) eve. of Ihu college Items pertaining to the organization pany. lege, Columbia university, where he S,in.«,•!, M,,tri» H. Hoje,». 1 Manager Herbert Shusterman. Thera Have Contests for Chaplain, III HUH.) . boat huildinK- (.'hiiHtrnas rrci»»s on 1'tiduy, Decem- of the club; the first Iceboat races is preparing for the degree of mas- I'hni.liiii, Hnd iiatiiiitlc inntructor Ja- The newly-elected officers of the will be a children's revue and tho he|,)i i:i,.v,,r. III- lulu •i- of this club will ber IHth, a Middletown township girl Second Lieutenant and Fire held on the river here and Inter- Rumson Are company are as follows: ter of arts in Junior high school and feature. "Alice in Wonderland," will Otticer of the day—Thomna Leonard ,. u] .(.<>. i unitv of building a will be one of 'IX seniors honored at club events between the North elementary school education. Police. I ,t President—Harold Benson. be shown as well as other suitable m the winter. S«'vrrai tho yule loc ceremony for dis- Shrewsbury club and the boats on Vice president—Harulil J. Peters. aHort subjects for the children. Not all of the members will be •!!!•> [i provided by tinguished sei vices to the college.. Pupils of the seventh and eighth llil\ ••• her: the South Shrewsbury river. Charles Secretary—John (,. Anderson. Relief engine company of Drum- present tonight. Thomas Leonard! 1 grades are busily engaged In mak- M. I . A. ,it.H well a« other facii- She in Miss .liillu Ciillik, daughter Bind recalled several of these inci- Treasurer—Richard J. Rovers, Jr. Each child has been asked to bring oiond place held a nomination of of- Foreman hoae truck—Edwin Andre. ing Christmas presents of different Davis will be absent becauMe tie IH H •r tin uipnsr of making it of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Gulick, dents read by Mr. Brown and he gave a toy or some other small gift, and ficers last Thursday night. There > I' who live near Middletown village. first assistant—Harold J. Peters. varieties. The work is being done in bedridden Invalid. Probably th» • > 111 • tlH ; buy* further details about these races. these will be turned over to the Sal- will bo contests between Fred Brow- to procure a Second assistant—Francis Murphy. industrial art class under the super- other five will be on hand. All nf li: •' ( .f r namiiil training and Each year Dean Mabel S. Douglass An article from a sports magazine Foreman ho,ik and ladder truck—Ray- vation Army for distribution among er and Leon Darby for chaplain and them are more than eighty yearn old, mond Porter. vision of Miss Bertha Gordon. l selects 28 seniors who have the most pertaining to ice yacht racing in the the needy children in this section. Fred Munden and Everett Brower Capt. Benjamin Eldridne- is the Second assistant—Joseph Guerrler. for second lieutenant. Seven men are n. V ' |iI,inH to <-ondu<'t a regatta outstanding record* in scholarship Middle West was read by Mr. Cull- Trustees—Frank Pfeiffenberger, Walter youngest and at every anmml elec- fi, ,ml nf the. season in which and student life. Tho yule log ser-ington and an endeavor will be made Carle, Thomas Porter, William Gaynor, CHRISTMAS LIGHTS TURNED ON running for fire police and five are to tion someone always! rnnlndH him of Alfred Brighton. Jr. SUPPER FOR HOSPITAL. nrnlr by the members will be vice will be at Voorheca memorial to get the Western ice yachtsmen to be electced. The election will be held this fact. They call him "tho baby" Fire police—ThomaH Porter. Walter Thursday night, January 7th. i,' rii.-io will also be sailboat chapel at New Brunswick. In this come East to compete for the na-NeuhauKer. Alfred Brighton. Jr., James Business District Assumed Holiday A Feast at the Red Bonk Reformed of the lot and if the usual formali- |. i lowbont races, the win- building is a stairraae leading from tional pennant held by the Red Shcy. Charlei Sutter, Charles Tilton. Attlfo Last Saturday Night Church Next Tuesday. Ogden Mills, retiring president of ties are carried out tonight sums- the balcony to the chancel. During thd Representatives to firemen's relief asso- the company, moved from Red Bank one will place a bottlo of milk ia , • which will recelva trophies Bank organization. ciation—John (J. Andemun, Michael Shea. The business district of Red Bank, iiiir j,ii/es. Boys interested In service Miss tJullck and the other dis- Commodore Augustus Minton gave A supper for the benefit of River- to Plalnfleld a few days ago. He haafront of him. There was a contest for secretary. embracing portions of Broad, Mon- 14 il 1:1 club ai'o invited to enm- tinguished seniors will have places a short talk in which he thanked view hospital of Red Bank will be been transferred there by the O'Boy "Capt. Benny." aa h« in affection- Frank Pfeiffenberger was nomin- mouth and Front streets, assumed a held at the Reformed church of Red 1, .Ii- with Mi. Smith at the. of honor on the "senior stairs." The the yachtamen for re-electing him holiday appearance last Saturday Baking company. He presided at the ately known, enlisted when lie wu yule U>g li carried in by two Ben- ated at the previous, meeting of the Bank next Tuesday night by tt» meeting Thursday night and he gave In uccount of hin youth. The ,(lii)K to be held at the asBocla- of the highest scholastic standing club boats for the national cham- lot and won. Edwin O'Rourke was served at a moderate charge and the their royal aupport and co-operation army was not so particular urn! Mr, act as torch bearers. pionship pennant could be sailed appointed chairman of the ways and The lights were installed by thewomen of Tinton Falls are making during the past year. -.-. hiiidiinaitera Friday night at means committee and Michael Shea Joseph Capone illuminating company Eldridge had no difhVulty in eiili»t- oiliii k. At this time an ama- The yule log service will be fol-early In the season. extensive preparations. Feasts pre- The nominations were as follows: lng in this branch of service, riia Following the business session a was appointed ohairman of the re-of New York, which submitted a bid pared by Tinton Falls folks have al- win telegraph club will be lowed by a Christmas dinner at Coop- freshment committee. of $700 for the work. The only oth- President—Everett Itrower. title of captain was eiirneil tlunughj nizrii. er hall and a series of five formal supper was served by Fred Fisher, er bid was furnished by a local con- ways been noted for their excellence Vice president—Lawrence ForgTJ*. many years of filling that position Sr, assisted by Delford Fisher, Reu- These officers were elected by Oce- end there is every indication that Secretary— Raymond Brower, on a steamboat after the win. Cnpi. thin- Wallncr of Red Bank. dances for undergraduate classes and cern and was $500 higher. Financial secretary—Augustui Col- '.i-ily an Instructor in radio work alumnae. Whlte and Carl Ran. The menu con- anic hook and ladder company; this reputation will be enhanced by mo r gen. Eldridge, before moving to l:..,t Knit MunnuHilh, will be present sisted of home baked beans, home President—Charles B,i»gi. the affair next Tuesday night. Treasurer—Stanley Patterson. Bank, was for many years 11 i*•<,,!„!!!, i!d in the formation of sucti a baked butter beans, hashed brown Vlco president—Patrick H. Kennedy. Granted a> Divorce. Chaplain—Fred Brower, Leun Darby. of Oceanport. He seiviyl .<,\.-irti To Sine Over WOK. potatoes, Boston brown bread, pick- Secretary—Andrew 7.err. Trustees—Frank Reuther, Georye Ellen- . A considerable amount of Treasurer- William Murphy. A divorce has been granted to A Program By Girls. beijter, George Moody. Walter Noble, Fred terms as a member of tbr, township |iiM.-iii has been furnished by the Miss Sylvia Aul of Pet era place les, pilot bread, home made apple Trustees—Patrick H. Kennedy chalr- Sarah T. Dutcher of Red Bank Brower, Fred Munden. committee of Eatontowi: to\vt).shi|i. v y itenth. • : ,ii .a of wireless enthuBlaats. Secret," by Woodman; "Two HOHCB," center on Riverside avenue for the The auxiliary of Rumson fire com- tfVS. by Hallett Cilberte and "Wiegen- by Mary Ann Siellng and Margaret was Patrick Curton of Everett, who benefit of the Hebrew Sunday-school. pany elected the following officer* To the Taxpayers of Shrewsbury Tuller, a piano solo by Alice Ross Store to Help Unemployed. Hed," by Johannrn Brahnis. Miss last Wednesday night: Bo rough. lost one of his urm.s In a battle. Ha it 11111I Buttery Charge. Prises will be awarded to the win- and a dance by Olga Schwenker. died last summer. For many vciw?t Aul Is a pupil of Mnie. Mildred Gra- ners and refreshments will be served. President—Mrs. John Pfeiffenberger. The assessment list for the year To help the unemployed, Hirsch's ,11,,if Fair Haven, charged ham-Keardon of New York and Al- The hostesses will b Mrs. Nathan Vice president—Miss Helen O'Rourke. 1932, may be inspected at my home kiddie shop on Broad street will do- Mr. Carton served as a mull ouilrr c PUBLIC NOTICK. for Everett, Holmdol and liradevell. ill ami buttery upon Cath- lenhurst. TIIR accompanist will be Levlnsky, Mrs. Charles Komar and Recording secretary—Min Mary Mur- on Sycamore avenue. Srewsbury, nate five per cent of Us gross sales 11, ri.l.u-eil, of Weal Hergen phy. Tuesday, December 15th, 1931, from For many yearn the meetin^'i nf Mrs. Kenneth M. Wychon* of Branch Mri. Irving D. Rlchter. Financial secretary—Mrs. John G. An- Borough of K"-ison, New Jer- Thursday, December 10th, to the un- , held miller !>ail of $1,000 avenue. dersen. ten o'clock A. M. to four o'clock P. •ey. employment relief fund of Red Bank. Arrowamlth post were held In thu M., for the purpose of enabling the button building on Broad ntteet imd, , 1 Hun nf the. jji-and Jury Sut- Radio Sale Treasurer—Miss Irene Porter. taxpayers to ascertain what assess- All claims and bills of any nature ' in lie WHH arraigned before For Soar1«« Memorial Home, at Relseman's. Big reductions on all The auxiliary Is arranging for a now due and payable must be in the Tetley's for Xmas Cards. later in the Child hulKllng. I b« ment has been made against his or No need to worry about choosing money to rent and furnish th,- 1,,1,-t • i Kliner <', Walnri^ht of An- appeal ban beoii made by UIPstandard moke radios. Get our Christmas party for the Hie com-her property and confer informally hands of the Borough Clerk on or price before buying and snve your before December 22d, 1931, in order Christmas cards. We have assembled room was raised by a fair whi, h v.u , " , She said Hint he struck ofliciala of tho Wnnian's club of Red pany and auxiliary and members of with the assessor ns to the correct- in a box 28 of the choicest cards, 11. ln> was 1 UllriK in a <-ar. Xmas money for other items. Relse- their families. The committee con- ness of the assessment to the endthat they be approved for payment held for ten day» In July. I > . , ,, Hank for ronttUnit ions from the man's Radio Storm, 234 Broadway, that any errors may be corrected be- by the Mayor and Council of the saying just what you want to say in"the greon" or publl, . pi >, <.,, \\ I',11 In r treated her for club niorubci H fur Heat les iiicmotial Ixmg Branch; 21 Monmouth street, sists of Mrs. Charles Tilton, Jr., Borough of Rumaon at their meet- the way you want to say It. Mind 1 fore filing of the assessment list and Wharf avenue. OM time He,I - > I. •' 1 t-v.-M anil eeveral bullpen, home. 'J'h(> KlTtn will Im roce.lved at Ued Bank. Advertisement. chairman, Mrs. William Macintosh, duplicate. Chapter 236. laws 1918. ing to be held on December 24th, you, 28 cards- and the price is just Mrs. Valeria Casler, Mrs. Harvey Til- 1931, otherwise they will not be paid $1,00. Get a box today while they ers will perhnpH ieineioi,,i n the rlubhdii.se. bt'fnro next. Tuesday. Alfred Grover, until 1933. last. Perhaps you will want your profits amounted In SI "in Kach yt-nr t lie rluh iiiiilii'N a rontrl- Ducks, (TilclienK, Oeon*. ton, Mrs. Charles Woodward and Assessor Shrewsbury Borough. 1 for \111HH f^arilM. Finest young stock. Our famous Mrs. John Pfeiffenberger. By order of the Mayor and Coun- name imprinted on them, which About tdxtren yen , .,, ,, *', builon to tlm hump. —Advertisement. coats only 50 cents additional. Tet- building wan gull,',I IN II, • newest s iiiiiim CUKIH print- phone Freehold 3tiS K-J. Advertise- er", of the Monmouth County Farm- a cost as $75 per month. The so-—Advertisement. post met. Man \ ' I . 11 • • I .mi 1111.oi is (innplcl,. «'i|. *Mii I -I ' •••! in s'ht I •'li'MM ClrlbOMBpd. ment. ers' Exchange will be held at their homey and different apartments. other thltiiri .f li i- ' , 11 ,l'i hiii-.. |u.it pieepeil I,HI), •• • ,n i. is i.. -M-l.'.-t from. Hlgh- building. Marlboro. N. J , on Satur- References. Riverside Gardens, 12 Uttle Silver Borough. •v. . I , 11.... 'i 17 III, ,111! Were de.'il I n\ .• 1 11 , i.i • ••if i|ii-t!!l\ M! !li- IMIV.-II pilcftil. Thft Store For Kent, All bills and claims for services or day, December 19th, 1931, at 2:00Mechanic street, Red Bank.—Adver- re|iroiluceil 11, 'I i i -\ i I ( i ., ft .•: h.,)., ,";i Hi I,T\I\ stri>*»t. - admirable for showroom or service o'clock P. M., for the election of elev- tise ment. supplies for 1931 should bo in the pel's Weikl, -.1 • • station, at 2IK) Monmouth Htreet Red en directors, and such other business ^ • fc ; hands of the clerk on or before De- Bank. Apply Ued Hunk (iarage Co., as may come before the meeting. For Afternuon Weddings. cember 19th. E D. Hobns, clerk, box However .1 I. • • il . . • ! I HIM' in t ihiav Ntullt inc., 192 Monmouth street, Red Hank. W. F. Folcy, Secretary, Frock suits for hire; Tuxedos also. 85, Uttle Silver, N. J.—Advertise- and aninlo 11 • m Advertisement. ment. ^^ in.,n 'I nt i] . . i. • ' .. .. • ii .-iKhi 1(, I.., i. (.>i Kinl 1). Wtkoff — Advertisement. P. T. Jlannlne. 67 Uroad street. Red Bnnk. For vour convenience open Viedenl : I • I. < <> "tllnc ('».> .,1!

,!•<•'. 11' " - U" •

\: Z > 1 t ! • I. •' f If.. •l.r < ..ri'

I V Hit l.f T : •• • A 1 County's Finest Stores in In > 1 .1' 11 if , high wuTe 1 thai, f c t • •! j••.• A1 and the m hi f t nn W 1 • it the ('11 HO 11 I' •'• K" w ' f • 1 ! lit- int (In Ffbi nan l.-'t. .i

•>! !l.^ ilKltt. *.- THE SHOPPING CENTEB OP MONMOUTH COUNTY • I V\ ! (• . \ ' 1 }•• r l.i 1. h in •"•"'"• IMII , ••( '1,- !,. 'I

v\ : • , Kif.l t, j I" ;,- VV J I mm•MM M rm 1 MM •i tt, liar.'.' RED BANK -.il wt II. (.'hti'1's A Iffflffl mil v v • rsj « • • vvvwvvvvwwvvvw"* • — wwwwww »- - w - pfjjjpavarsjosjat******* •• •>•>•••••• •••••••• • • *••* •»•••*•• • . 'h. 1'ileh ."(fir;. . • ••••••••.•••••••a •• ••* ••>••• •••••••• •• •!••••••••• • •••••• •4^»««%4 ••••< > ;• MI Htnry Tru- : . •*»••••*• •*•••••*••• ••••••••••«•••••••••> •£•• ••••••• r.viiirt T Taylor j ,11.,-i. K Thompson. l-rifi VanKIrk, Jo- 1* mncls Vlertng. .-. - -1.1 Richard Wardell. 'S \\ ML Thomas J. Wine, A ,11 Kilward William*. For many years Red Bank has been 'v\ • , K.-v (-"hajlea Y.'iLio 1. v, . M..I John Weideiholt. ' V\ hiu\ Joseph Winter. known as the "Shopping Center of .\i,ii, l',hii Waini'lii'r. (' .'. i' hie, Kllaha I' Wool- H Wuth, Charles Ztmmei- Monmouth County," because of its 1 • i -f't'i members were Tliom- • •• ., •, • * Sinn h, John V AllHtrom, ' •- u,n.:\ f'.hri S Bainton (Jenrge wide vanrfv of wll-slocked stores, A Hi.VMH- ,l..hn W. Chandler. Wil- liam II 1 mipn. .luhn I" Elliott, Wil- liam H Kimtrt. .luneph T Field, John and its convenient, well regulated K. Hurley Kdwln I. Havens, Albeit

C. Hiiirlmin. r ;,.,,i Ke W Kriipn. Kli- sha J Kenrh Klihuid Uwiencf. Itobert K Mount. H.nn M Nevliis, shopping district. Caleb I'attt-tmiu Willlniii II Hhn man, John I. Wheeler, Hleh»r

,, tin nllire of national com- lor at the annual meeting January Lincoln The post history reviews This reputation is well deserved and, this event as follows: Nn member of Arrowamlth 6th, 1898." FOR CHHI^TVMS mioh dlatinctlon as "In 1885 Arrowsmith post partici- "The post was in attendance in uni- with Grand Army pated in the great procession at New form, greeted by a large audience at this time of the year Red Bank he inquired positions of j York at the burial services of Gen-of the citizens of . The speakers were Rev. William T. Ab- I'.ii.i inrl tilling that of the of- era) Grant. On thin impresatve oc- Ye Gem & Gift Shoppe of Monmouth casion the post entered the parade bott, the department chaplain; Rev. II.p Benjamin C. Llppincott and Past THIS I I'AH Merchants are displaying more merch- t v with about tbree-fourths of its nu- BROAD NT, III'1!* the- grounds of the borough hall merical strength and made an Impos- Commander Charles B. Parsons, the t,,,,,,.tv on Monmoutnh Rireestreeti mIs aa Ing appearance. They wera on their presiding ofllcer. The Baptist Sun- jnmiiitr.-rit dedicated to the veterans feet and in the parade about, eight day-echool orchestra furnilhed pa- andise than ever Iwfore. of th. Civil war. the Spanish-Amerl- hours." triotic mualc." nnd the World war. The Here Is another extract from the One of the treasured memories of money to erect thin monument was post history with regard to nation- the Blx members of Arrowsmith post rius.-ii Iiy tin- Kcd Brink nre depart- al encampments: la that a battery at Sandy Hook Is ment ;md tiie dedication took place "Nearly every national encamp- named tor Colonel Arrowsmith. The They are prepare ii to offer you a va- id a ceremony at which the late Rev. ment has had some representation story of how this came to take place Hol.rrt MncKellar. chaplain of the from Arrowsmltii' post and almost is succinctly told in the post history lin- :ittnient, was In charge. annually some of its members have as fololws: riety of stock, in both necessities and Out. landing as the principal figure sorved on either the department or "In the spring of 1908 a member of df this monument is that of Mr. Ne-national Btaff. At the national en- Arrowsmith post was informed that THE viu- Kc]iri-afntlnK the Spaniah- campment in 1902 at Washington the a new battery on Sandy Hook was luxuries, that would do credit to any Ami>ii:iti w;.r is a veteran whose post was in attendance In a body, about finished, but had not been ivui'.' him never been revealed. Mr. marching in the parade company named, and it was possible if appli- M;n in frequently stated that this front on Pennsylvania avenue. They cation was made to William H. Taft, went fn specially chartered railroad Secretary of Wax, that it might be Better liu'tiM was fashioned after a real liv- city twio- its •«•/*•, ao make public the name of a few days the post was informed keeping -vit.it general conditions tin in,m. He snid he had been en- Many old-time Red Bankers re- that; the request had been granted. V.H-...I to thi.i secrecy by the manmember ihe late Rev. Charles E. «iu. -I iveil as the modeL The other Hill, who "was OIAB of the best known "On May 25th, 1909, the battery throughout the country. ti^ine nn the monument is that of members of Arrowsmith post. The was transferred from the engineer to the ht'e IT. Peter P. Kafferty of post history makes the following ob- the artillery department. The trans- Wiiilii war fame, who organized and servations about Mr. Hill: fer was made by Colonel Roesler, the "Rev. Charles E. Hill, a clergyman engineer of the district, to Colonel commanded tha Red Bank embu- H. R. Harris of Fort Hancock. Ar- lfince < nips. of the Methodist Episcopal church, entered army service August 20th, rowsmith post attended the cere- Look around and COMPARE the - 1- Artowsmith post was named for monies at which the battery was Lieutenant Colonel George Arrow- 1862, aa chaplain of the 118th Corn Exchange regiment of Pennsylvania. named for Colonel Arrowsmith. Af- wh was born April 18th, ter the proper Inspection waa made 1H3>". in Middletown township In htheThis regiment wa« in the first bri- gade of the first division of the fifth and several selections were given by ues before you buy... hamlet known as Arrowsmith Mills. the band, a brief address waa made It wn> the location of a grist mill army corpB and it served in the Maryland campaign. Rev. Mr. Hill by a representative of Arrowsmith nud n sawmill. Today this property post, Colonel Roesler responding. is cnnimorily known as Phillips' Mills was honorably discharged in 1863 on Red Bank account of physical disability and af- The operations of the guns were nnd it is owned by Mrs. Isabella then explained and the members of J'hilliiirt. George Arrowsmith'fl neph- ter the war he resumed his place in Then You Will Buy In Red Bank. the ministry. the post with their friends were in- ew, the late Stephen V. Arrowsmith, vited to visit the headquarters of the Steam Laundry Wiis for a, number of years supervis- "In September, 1886, Rev. Mr. Hill government post on Sandy Hook, ing principal of the schools of Red became a member of Arrowsmith where the freedom of the lines of 62 White Street Ban Ii. post and In, December of the same fortifications and the grounds were Anowsmith post. In a statement a year he was elected post chaplain. extended and their Inspection great- few years ago, made the following On January 1st, 1899, which was thely enjoyed. The officers of Fort Han- Phone 1659. rem:uks about George Arrowsmith: date of his fiftieth wedding anni- cock informed the members of Ar- ' His father was a major In theversary, tht post presented to him a rowsmith post that there were thir- handsome chaplain's badge. The teen batteries on Sandy Hook all Many Free Prizes militiu and George when but five years of ape wim, as his mother said, presentation was made at his home named for generals, but our battery carried ;iway with anything that had by a past commander of the post. was the only one that had received Here is an opportunity to play Santa Claus to yourself... at to i!o with soldiers. It waa said by The members of the post were pres- any attention from the friends of the th<>: •• wlm knew him in his earlier ent in uniform. The chaplain, sur- officer for whom they were named. absolutely no cost. On December 23d, many valuable priae. day:i, when ndoptinp: the law for hisrounded by members of , Our battery waa the only one not The Gift Prize* were made JJIo?pei't 11 p profcKsion, that he hadresponded in a manner both felici- named for a general. are goina; to be given away—FREE. Included in the prizes are made a mistake in going to Madison tous and fraternal. eomes to pouible by the co-operation university. He should have gone to "Annual visits have since been the foil/wing: West 1'uint. "Rev. Mr. Hill was elected depart- made to Sandy Hook by the mem- of the following merchant!: ment chaplain at the annual en- RED BANK "lip graduated from college In 1859 bers of the post on Juno 28th, which campment In 1890 and he continued is the anniversary of the Battle of FOR with hinor, being very popuplar both to fill this position until he died in in his neighborhood and in the insti- Monmouth. The interest of the post October, 1908. He had expressed a members and its friends Increases Jersey Central Power A >hilco Radio tution on account of his natural eu- wish that when the end came he CHRISTMAS perinr qualifications and magnetic each year. Upon each visit some Light Co. might be laid away by his comrades. special attention has been shown by per.--oiuility. In order that he might This desir« was fulfilled. Arrow- lectric Washing Machine or contribute something to his own Hup- the regular army officers in charge smith post, assisted by J. B. Morris at Sandy Hook." Hyman Bros. port he iu-cepted a poaition as tutor post, escorted the remains from his jlew Up-to-Date Gas Range in the ctammar school and at thelate home to the Methodiat church, Most of the members of Arrow- Globe Furniture t^ime time began to study law in the where after funeral services were smith post were enlisted in the 29th :irnent of New York Volun- ment. The ceremonies were in nnder Crelin, Benjamin L. Chambers, of • store. teer. -. They wi-nt first to Elmlra and charge of Department Commander Charles Curtis, Gilbert J. Craw- (Co-operative) It costs you nothing to be one of the fortunate persons. Ask theme to Washington and Alexan- James F. Connelly and hla staff. The ford, Thomas Compton, George He's dressed up like a ten- dria. In August, 1862, fourteen of I post history describes the event ad Crawford, Joseph Chadwlck, Henry spot .. . has the looks . . . the TRADING STORE any Red Bank Merchant displaying the Official Tag of The lite \2 olliieis of the regiment, who follows: Covert, Cyrenlus Clayton, Somers T. wete unwilling to serve for two full fe«I . . . the snap . . . and \Come in and get your ticket^ Champion, David H. Carman, A. H. wear. Oh msnl How thai chap Chamber of Commerce. He will be pleased to explain to you, y.aiH. left the nervlcD. Capt. Arrow- "Arrowsmith post received the vis-! Curtis, Thomas Carman, Isaac T. .sniiih (hose tn remain. The regi- iting comrades from all parts of the will .lick with TOO. And, HAL- i with purchase!, entitling, ment became a part of HeinUel- department in their post rooms, Cole, Henry H. Curtis, Abel Cole- how the prizes will be awarded. 1 : man. William W. Conover, Jr., Lewis LELUJAH . . . he's the ssme you to win many val-/ man H hrlgad' . where a collation was served by the! ladies' auxiliary of Samuel T, Sleep- O. Chandler, William A. Conover, "FIVE DOLLAR BILL" 10 uable prize* ! "In Jiinc, 1S82, Ceorge Arrowsmith er Camp, Sons of Veterans. At the1 Harvey G. Conover, Jacob Comer, every last man in Town . . . was ii|i|Hiiiit«il Assistant Adjutant I Ward Crane, John L. Covert, Patrick cemetery the comrades formed Banker, Baker, Machinist or Spon»or«1 by TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IN lieneml on the staff of General Tow- around the monument when the Carton, John H. Carrell, John H. ind he WUK assigned to the Sec- Cole, Stephen E. Carhart. Cabinet Maker. Internal Trade Jacob Degenrlng, Joseph H. Den- This is a joy erenl. .. "FIVK Committee STORES DISPLAYING THIS SIGN nis, Benjamin Doughty, Thomas DOLLAR BILL" has come 1 • Leonard Davis, William H. Davis, BED BANK John Dondigan, James H. Dangler, •lay . . . Step right In and c' • y mander Connelly, who placed it in CHAMBER At the second battle of Hull Run he Arthur Davis, A. D. DoyU, Philip acquainted. You hare a Vic',. OF the care of Arrowsmith Jioat." Darby, Thomas K. Durham, Samuel purni'il the title or 'The Young LJon' On the grounds of the Red Bank romins; 10 joti when TOO se • , COMMKRCE J hy his bravery. high school are two cannon or how-T. Denise, John P. Elliott, Thomas Ihii shoe . • 2 kicks to be ex- At < 'tmnceilorsville. when his corps H. Eaton, Franklin R. Ewlng, Ed- itzers which were used In the Get- act. wa.s mirpl Itu- i:!v, With lli.i HWOIti lliawil find on May 30th, 190B, In the afternoon|Hur/lll. a Hendrlckson, Charles I R.-.l H»,il, N.-v. h.,, f.,.r '.1 tttc rm\ lie fell dead, hln In the prnnence of the pout, the |mIllughefl. Edward W. Irwln, Daniel INTERNAL TRAIM 1 . . ,, ,> 11 minnle bnll |illn of the hi^'li school, teueherw and board of education. They ware re- I V\ liwln. William hwin, Harvey Ii ml had bcaO OldtieU lu Jenkins, Ueorg. VV. Kiu«s, JCIi.h* J. |'..at* e-[r ; il

Kf HUM >,. I -« W ,n uf j >-n ! b, I'&ui i I1 ea.iui ei , 1 ij.g lir anrh,

l'r>lilMVM» O.M titr Head. ii!

' wiiiM i ;: w\ \»>nt <\ t;f edura I Mi'i'it'jJy I': id ay morning iitus- k l)i An'U-rgon was *,(f! Jlr- wiiH pi online nt In Hii li-N and was a m.< :)>Ai ChiM" I MM IK'V tiy >H .;u >i <>f ti'ustpfa of the Kng- i,( ;,! h! -ii up H'if it'iwjs an' l'u-n\)y\fr\Hu church. He Is J--!< • i)« t>m A* A f let » lit I If o hy a widow mid two daugh- in, |, I ! M al unlit, a Mi in 11 t OK whet- | ni a wdtrli bt-t HUM- dlb lodged Jr ( i hi»y B ihioat ami dioppeti to (h OIIH of the (julckest ways to find a )<))» is to adv^itiae in The ReRla te r's Want Depart men t.—Advertiae- IIICIII. bhu'l Ordered Out of Town. Jiiwpli Richardson, 19, a rolmod .mill who has caused confltdeiable then iiiiibh' at Freehold in the pant, re ( HKISTMAS < HF.EB II.i inmnl there last week and was at VIHIT • nh Mi-il on a charge of drunk and dls- 'iclprly conduct made by his mother Ye Gem & Gift Shoppe : 1 He WHS given a nuspended sentence i AK ll.invlded he left Freehold immediate HKI> HANK i iv.


A New Living Room Suite In at Jacquard $10 00 DELIVERS IT ! "THE Sofa and Chair pictured at upper left are Jacquard upholstered . .. full sprinsoring construc- Hirsch's Kiddie Shop tion. A thoughtful, acceptable Christmas gift for the whole fimiily to enjoy. 20 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J.


Gifts For That nni! Krcnrh I'an Doll Carriages OJ lUvi — Ve»* (M match; matin vt $O.75 up 3 non-run matorLil. OF OUR GROSS Darling Baby Slze» 3 (<» 16. Coffee Tables Secrelnrifs Pull-up Chairs S illustrated — waln-.it SALES OF Tricycles PHOLSTERED in Mo- A finish. R e. m o v R b Girls' Blouses U quettQ and Jecquard. serving tray. Makes $Q.75 up Saddle neat style. an excellent S.4 i\.iK) THURS., DEC. 10, Sturdy frames. present _ Broadcloth n n >l Only _. 811k I'ungre, li,( TO THE csi styles. 00 sine* a <<• in Children s UNEMPLOYMENT An Ideal <•!(( 1 Desk Sets FUND OF Chair and Boll Tap RED BANK Girls' Bath Robes Desk.

Beacon Fl&nnW, Boys' Shirts also all-won) 00 Card Sets I I II it <| II II I I t V strip« flannel. OLDING Table ani ESK anil (,'linir in W prinN, plain imtf Children's Slna % to 14. F four folding Chairs. Jn D nut . fitncy

Boys' Sweaters Blue, Green anil Brown.

AH - wool y urn. Sl7.ru 4 to II 498 (IUK'T |i»(lorn». Hlrcn 28 to 30 AM) IT Girls' 2-Piece Boys' Neckties Pajamas All M.ul (Utclcg Tables Boudoir Chairs Finn quality

• *«, •* e •

•I:;- '.- ,1 ex FLOWERS from You! HE'D ratber Dur the other thing* S herself—but flawtn arc the gift Union Beach News inspiration that is always sure to please! Visit our convenient show- '.fa • h«i i H»n •>!«> ..«.r (>• '•••• *IJ

room today; make your selection ]• ij.lia I,id ;... '.-.. • from our gorgeous variety of plants

and cut flowers. No shopping bother V :»i R. khto>t. I**. (..

or worry. No fear that she won't like K

Candle Arrangement! Kfqiiirf-e N<: V\ nuting Flowering Plant! ill at i '•* Cut Flower* A r\|) ri'iv, Sarit.ji s* t.- fn\ \\:il.fh Mail i 'I "^* by a Hunimuml 1 ititnc CKic-k. nj< MM J H FaJloiv Ji.OI The correct limt' forivi-i. With- iiit- i «gui»r meeting "f I'I i **U#hter> of 11..IL out winding! Can \-I.I IIIUIVMIK: ;I rliti Wednesday night, th« slate M- nmre perfect Christmas i"ft "' •. ili;if Mr*. Jueephlne Mm my uf tr ney j>*ld th« lOdg* an official i li

*•!•• Hfn!nt ivi-s b^ing prtaant from From %t% 50 u|> DM antiiiaItl l •lection of officers took that • phi. -. when these oftf<-trt wftri rrml* th»- b ,.i! .t Q.rtrudu Tletchar. ta fKi ttwnt vice councilor- Hannth &< »p S.. uncilor'—lama Weriing-. toi. M , M.. A In (i.tidnrtor—JotAphlne Zkhn. Wm dan—Ann CY*rn*r. til Ti h I \ i Allen's Electric Shop N. • In nidi MnUiul—Psultne BUrim. KT , « Vuiik.»ki. O.Fside »entin«l—Oladfi MtAler. 18 White St., Phone 612 Red Bank, N. J. Giade 7 H, K. 1). Wnilln, IMCIIII An so data reeordlnj Moretarr—Thtre» Old II. n I. JDS1I If..-'. »,!,: ll Jch-btr, G«orK« Ma Clmny. Knret Kliuwald, 1'efnle ulnuliowli *. !•! U^nmn. Mammd Slu m. rh Vm:;ier. Ellialieih Murlri, llmnlh I ,:, Eltnni.r Flarmiiiiiv, MIIJi Uri Hennaey, A Irle Uut«r. Anna ;>Lolla Lojiehult. lielrii Man. JUa.s. Stella Yuunruljiky. U;.lilts 7-A and B, J. M A te:.oiier— Kr«d B»yi«, J..hi c. ,•, DEAN'S «.L Hurt. Huuh MiKiilM.-k. c'laii "i Jamei McKeon. Mfi>.| P. MKIU . Sullivan. UtlUtirTilii Vim Iih LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY Youncontnky, Vlrlr.i V.n.nn.nl.k), Alexander. Kd*«id Hlt'rJm, (Juritnv Tusting s——= Members I'l- .•:-,'.!- (Mlverj Aim. rer. Charlei Hmrlnoi,, Wll!l»m H Ethel Clarlhes. MiMiril Mullen, l.t

ler. K ntlicrin*. .-linn l-.i-ithi.


Tlwr* la a esmUarabl* group of piano* on our floors npnaantuuj BUY YOUR GIFTS me*ll«rt Table. In tola rroup at» lnatrumenU bearing nam«* famous in the piano worid . . . Steumaj . . . Hardman . . . Webar . . . Brambach . . . HERE... where you save time and money. Our store is fort) ana rood . . . raekard . . . Stock . . . WurUtzer . . . Stroud. And chock-a-block with other under-selling sensible furniture (ram Una gronp we har* selected «u outstanding value* of parttonlai • gifts. tatmsk JKade by old reliable .manufaeturert and baekad by tketr jraara

Genuin« Watnut $12.00 Solid Walnut Coffee Tables $7.95 or Mahogany top $5.00 Solid Walnut Magazine Rack $3 95 Daintily fluted Legs $9.00 Solid Walnut Smoker* $6.50 for a Melville Clark for a Stuyvesan! $8.00 Solid Walnut Pri.cilla Cabinet $5.00 Brass Claw Feet Studio Upright Grand Piano made $10.00 Web Seat Scoop Chair $7.50 195 with full keyboard, 375 by the Aeofian Co. I n construction, $10.00 Chintz Boudoir Chair $7.50 mide by the Wurlit- Izer Grand Piano tone, graceful ap. pearance this Piano $12.00 Chintx Boudoir Chair and Stool $8.75 Co. A beautiful lit- has no equal at the $14.50 Mahogany Flat Top Writing Deik . . .$9.75 tie piano. price. $5.00 Mahogany Finished Desk Chair $3.50 for a Stroud Studio $1.50 Walnut Finished End Table $1.00 for a Gulbransen s Miniature Grand. $ Upright Piano in $2.50 Walnut Finished Paper Rack $1.50 An instrument of an exquisite case of 490 two-t one walnut. tested reliability, . . 334 $4.00 Walnut Finished Smoker $2.98 backed by one of Made by the Aeolian $11.00 Occasional Tables $7.50 the largest manufac- Co., and a fine speci- turers of pianos in men of their crafts- Roll Top Desk and Chair $5.75 $350 Occasional Table* $2.00 the world. manship. K;.I,IV'. [vry Table and Chair Set* $4.50 $22.50 Gate Leg Table* $14.95 I ,1 Ay'» I ibre Reed Rocker* $2.75 $5.00 Table Lamp and Shade $3.49 METAL paymn... _ *pnad oft*? two aai f»hatf year*... fair ...free dcttT*i7..,tr*« tuning..,full Tusttnc h i,i i> * Doll Carriage* $2.50 $27.00 Engluh Club Chairs $18.50 on yonr oM SMOKERS , ,,Uy'» lV

d«trHli«f1 1911. AWLE(;ATE. BTIVKNS, rrt.s i KR * RBUS0ILLK, of Ccttolalnnnl, ftro.ri alrMt, H»d Rink, N. J. Boy* u*n maktextm ket selling Th« R«gl«ter.— 7H

H * ^* i at «j * ^H- , Heavy ( •.-• -Hi' r UR L W ( A i--/ }>J t\ DrtH 2\ £1 HH' : 2 ft. l)fl; e ' •> • ;.1 (It- > Draitw < i !•-.. These/Are Gifts t Hlgfc, ttt Alt «BtlIii.a!pi1 ' rjhi ot $L'Of},0<*> This report WHS from O ij>mJ»- !>. (.'-jiiKresa during the )a.>*\ ' ^^-^,^J•!li hut did n(jt reoeive favoraMe ! rf-iif-i'ii-1 tit .mi- The rnginetTB i r- drrnic >,f PUBLIC S/IU any Woman Wants port <: - i j • - pinnient proposed to spend $10.f«i0 ln .„ Khlnt sand during the coming year. f . "At You Like It " (In t-i .i of milk in New Jei sey who, I'.- ••< ' .n l..i ml. although 'hey «uj»r>Iy IHSH than half CONSINTIM; IIIMVIMIINMN AMI MICHK.AN of thf milk used In the slate, find NEW STAMPS. (.I'KHNSKIS AMI JKHSKVH. themselvea confronted with these M.n,- of tl, ( Sheer & Service 95 C Th ail I. II low piifs mused by an oversupply ,,,,1 I,I, ,.,,,. TMi. I. „] „, | Twelve Portraits of Washington uraducr 1 »l IH u,., ,yll ie of milk from other procuring areas. ,,» I,,,, »,,„. „! »,, ,,-1 r, Meth .... 1.50 "'I he pn-aent reduced MI In ilule of fit '•"",'' " l"t1""1 »"v*l.u..;. Y.. it.d l Ornaments Twelve famous portraits of George milk«il at KMy linn' |jt.f.,Mt (lay uf n»l^ JM i» 1-s will net the pi oduccia le.sa CIIWMKN AMI liAIHYMKN, If > . ..'••niily (.,»•, Stork Bull., B«f Cow. ind C«lv«» II. ."ri "n.i eevt n cents a quait, the low flpuie celebration to be held next year. nmembcr the tiny. ;u tlii« will be n jiieat opporlunlty to buy Dairy Cattl* nt vour own price hefurt ChilrlmLi.. Tlil, 1, ,,,,r |a.t ••!. for tki. ».ar »tid ». mu.t rl««i, All Attractive, Useful b<'in^ the absolute minimum and a These Htamps will be Issued In de- houne. Profit by aturidinK this •»!« for real Cow fcariilm. Come «nd brln yum ciir>: which moat innduct'iH are un- nominations from one-half cent to B pblt to meet. The dairy farmer In ten cents. The artists from whom CONDITIONS: Made Inoun nn day of .ale. the designs for the stampB will be and Inexpensive Gifts New Jersey cannot pass the reduf- »m. u .. . iA^9.n ZLOTK1N * "ON, Phone S30 Fre,hol,I. tion alonK to anyone elae but must taken are as-follows: "The Men Who hell Good Cowl and Give a Square Deal" absuib It himself. He has high fixed On«-h«lf cent stamp (dark brown) — C.EOBGB H. itOBKHTS and T. H. WARNER Auctionejru lonMr a cosi.s. Including taxea and interest, rhurieH WilHon Fealg ;ihowi Wsahinarton «t (iEOKGE HUNT «,,,! 11. M. BU11KE. Cl.rla, " " *- tfat «ie of twenty-ftvs y««rt- vhlrh he cannot avoM or ixluot. One-r<-nn stamp (gf—n> Fri» Wat to "The payment to the dairy farmer j J«»n Iloiiduf, French sculptor. I! Our ?.ut\ nne-riaiT ctm luimi) (l(irl't (' H H low price constitutes a. dras- fidwij) i'Vnm portrait by ChftrU* WiUun tic curtailment of income, destroys I'CHU. showinK WaehinKton »t forty yeain. vliiitcver buying power he may have Two-cent BtHtnp (radl — Portrait of Wunhinfrton from famoui Gilbirt Stuart hud, udda to the unemployment ii Qaloshes ]jx/bk'm becauae of the necessity for e-cent Btamp (purple)—From VaU Ii 1 tinp hired help go, removes the I( i>;t. inKtralt br Peale. -itiit n(amp. (warm brown) — Por- all styles jiotj^lbllity of higher educational ad- trait KU i by Jonathan Swift and painted vantages for farm boya and gjrls \]y Penl.. and will cause large-scale abandon- Five-r«nt Btamp (blue)—From portrait k h'y I'eiile. owned by the N«w York HIH- THREE DAT SA ment of dairy farms in t he state. turlfHl Soi'iety. Jf this were in the nature of a"tem- SI -N -rent Btamp (oranttt)—From full- porary reduction It might not be BO lenirih imrtrait by John Trumbull, 11 th. Sevsn-cent. utamp (black)—From Trum- HPrious, but under present condi- hull iio rti ail in Metro,ml tan Muneurn of THURSDAYrRIDAYSATUROW tions, an increase Jn price to the Art, 12 th. furrnpr beems improbable in the near EifrTit-cent stamp (olive gr«n)—From porUHit by Charles Saint Mem in. future. Nina-cent etmmp (pink) —From portrait hy Willam J- Williams. "Tbo present extraordinarily ser- Ten-rent uLa/np (orange)—From Cibbi- ious situation makes it more neces- ChHiiniuir portrait by Gilbert Stuart. sary than ever that the legislative Amateur collectors of stamps may Specially Priced for these 3 Daysf investigation of milk production and secure a set of this series, the most consumption be speeded up and pretentious and unusual ever Issued methods adopted to prevent unfair 1 by the government, in a flrst-day competition that la destroying the cover by addressing T. Souren, head nurket for New Jersey-produced of the Bi-centennlal stamp distribu- nilk, which is produced under high- tion service, 1211 Sixteenth street, er cost conditions and usually under N. W., Washington, D. C. The value more stringent health regulal ions of the complete set of stamps is flfty- than in surrounding territories." seven cents, the stamp on the envel- ope, two centa, to which a service Lustrous Satin Shop in Red Bank where values are right We are co-operating with the charge of ten cents to cover the coat of handling and addressing cover is Chamber of Commerce. Be sire to ask for your pink tickets. MONEY FOR RIVERS. added, making a total coat of sixty- nine cents. If only a first cover is Conrreu Asked for 125,000 for Main- wanted, with no stamp enclosures, taining Channels. the cost will bo twelve cejits^—the Washington, (AP)—Major-General service charge plus the value of the DamaskSpr ds Lytle Brown, chief of army engi- stamp The envelope will be mailed ne«rs has asked CongresB to ap- in Washington on N«w Year* day so JOHN B. ALLEN CO. propriate $15,000 to maintain the as to have the valuable first day can- cellation on it. Manaaquan Inlet channel and $10,- The stamps will be released In SUCCESSOR TO 000 to maintain the channel In the Shrewsbury river. Regular Price $5.98 WHITE SHOE CO. At the completion of present work in these two waterways, the annual FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER 9 Broad St., Red Bank recommendations of the chief of en- VISIT gineers aald, funds would be neces- Save Courtesy Quality Dependability sary only to keep the present chan- YeGem&GiftShoppe nels open. Work Is now being drawn THIS YEAR to a close on two jetties. Opening 69 BROAD ST, BED BANK Manasquan inlet at a cost of $600,-

i *T%fkI * V- t. f frTHAT ASE

We are specially..uK m (lifts for Every Occasion, having searched Individuals * for them in practically every state and even selected many from ' 84x105 'HI. foreign climes. Amply long enough for Gif* - to cover pillows Absolutely Fir

We always have something new and original; something differ- Because a moMffacfvrer of expensive spread* ent, and something useful and practical as well as decorative, needed cash immediately, you will be able to any of which will In MMI-IH.- },*»• (,,„,„, decoration as well as for save 50% on ffiete lovely satin Damasks that gift wit! ,<•.., ,,iy mt»mber of the family. Anythiny g y-... ;. h,« h .,. ;. -. , ;•. , iit Shoppe will equal any- fomorrow: thing offn - -' "• s •• •" •(• •-••< i*>i\tv-- h'.mn of New York City am •n i»»«"' •-a ''• ••. iA (ist-h . .tire reasonable. This is unquestionably the best buying scoop you have ever made—the quality will amaie you— and if you're a keen shopper you'll buy them for Don't go out of town * r I «ias shopping trip. Visit our Shoppe and you will I 8 < an select your gifts here from Gift Giving as weH as for your own V»wr -. an unusually lan><- v u IS as securing Art Shoppe quality ! merchandise of .•«••!(,< !> • •« o -.A fn'tter prices.

Money Refun.l. «l l! <»„, ^-,,,|. ,, i ., < .,,, n, I )„,,!„ n|<- • > 'Wartf 1 Ye Gem & Gift Shopp j THIB VKAIt , Ob HKOAII SI . kr.li K^K s Modern F # } lit:iii < i io> ? \ *• I' \\ t H \• ii;lMH * A i I t-g hraii< ft IUs.1* VI •'- tor • ••«•»•* trip •-> i ;Mil; "lllrH 5 rcfay, Dec. 12th, !93L I,I ti iff IInliitaffit '. j K «-d Bank 2 ,M, . - ,. I ,,,; fur. 1 s1,..,,.,,.. .• .<...,„...,.,. . •' ' '• UiK a few Ii!f r.'^ ,, . », li.Hull ankllig Hi,- ? • i V'">y '<» place a new ;.< • i'. >.*!<. iH-twern A!)anln A L. Davison Hi, ! :-,..-:- i.uM New Yaik. Tht. re»i> 1,(1-1, In,' ' • i • -. < • ' • • >n\'::b, mahogany t;liili|j II,..,k i. u'i i. .ji ! d It-tlrr have been 8en' >i i..-,' .:,- : .|t tal,lea. antique wul' I', i!..- . i.mi'Hii.v. The letter and ' h( 1,. t[«-.hl« «(ili.;lf! ". wnler botUtl, atluffdra and i. m.i.i'turi fullow. II IVminl JUllmnd Co. or N. J, lu,n H.s.-it-ni h, hedioorn Hiiltes. ju^M, ruckera, }adder h»cu 1 lie l.itiiit (illlcp (,r the Ceneral Pas«enger net ouB ti, mention Jerisy. vm; (• , Afitnt, Central KM i. 143 Liberty St. n Mi. ..1 I. • , 1 «• •, II, , TFJRMR -Ca»h. \>'W York City. •Ml, • k.- .-I, I i: I,.,.. .1. • [ lit f. Hi* «H 4 the c<«iiii,fi in I...-,.. J-l • ' v^ ,l>,.,,, H.. i up 1,1 I'I. i I...l.l !• • iigi.'/ v , i-a. I >ear Sir. *> • v f n,nn v of ,I»M iM'Ints in uteamei ^ M.d htt>n >'! I1r|lr~ '.«,,«Kt II«,I,W,| lhat T 111-v In ^ H'e;i t» K' s 'M •! '!. v IU,l.,,Ml If GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. i ,.» S\ t M, -....nh and South* EIK losed we hand you copy «» a slniilbi ! . Irlitelii'i 1 111 V lilt..in,' 'ley ! r , .i| .tvl < ^111 vest. Si. *-ftf<1 Uw. i), iA, 24, leHolution that was uu&aLmuualy 4 t.nil •'lruen'. WB •l«)i! tiaveled flmii !!• IM,:I or • l,,n! udi.iiii'd by the members of tho|,any i I ••• * i|t < .r.l luiKil JOHN ADAMS andvJ. E. ORIOQB. Clerks. f t f u r ning until Jan 5. f ! • ( I.t-oiiuuii) Civic Interests association III I < L"«>! ' , llic ni'Tnbfi^ •way. They wit y/>^<^ ,, (•>r it.t- ' ••• Inlciest R8HO- •pnlence and dlie< t*•,i I. ,,;i,r. th I !• "• fllcll t>fti( «.-. j.urj.o*e "I considering the rumored 111,11. 1. '1. I Hiici-ca» '>( the parts. dlB( nrillnuance of the two boat nei v htietolore oi>- Pupils With Perfect Attendance Rec- ALLAIRE & SON i( ^ on your renowned "Sa/idy Hook ord* for the Fast Month. v to better ami !>SKK«I" busl- AGENCY, Inc. HI fj UA.IH. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Koutt." , ,. •., iw-,1 that this resolu- Pupils at the Rl»er Plant public nesi leadH through 'lh« i'Vj(i«itn» « ad We aic (.irculatlng this reeulniion . • li.id on Ihe mlnutea of vertlfllng colunin^ Aih ^iii^einent. AND 1000 !lh school -with perfect records for at- PENNSYLVANIA unions th.' vallous civic and nun t I • 1 ', imt; nf Hit Leonardo Civic tendance and punctuality for the rjiunlTY ni ^unlziitioh.4 MI-I v n, ^ iht- Int.. anr*,>< Uitiun and lhat copies past month were: A. D. COOPER if.ntcis .if your urorcim-Mll'-i.'') d, i,, r h,- fuipwBidcd to all civic First and irrond vr&rtci—Albert Ben- route, and uinielBtand thai mn m i,,i,t . ,)in MI unity Hflsociatlon of the cen- nett. Bernerd Beimelt. Robert Call. AIMII tlon has already l>c*>n follows! liv tin HI \n1 by the Sandy Hook route iUniklln. Joteph Ch&sey, J«m«t D»v\ion. REAL ESTATE Charlei Edmundgoii. l.luyd Holbrouk, Mmi Wrealhi Bonn- mflut'iitla] oi^-aiiH In Monni'.tith with t lie ic lucst that similar reaolu- tin Mcr.uire. Frank KAStubk Ralph Villuri INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS County, Mild thai it HIHO IIHM h.-.-o i tliniM 1,1! adopted and our action en- Edward Wlldanniir. Jim,. MacPl.n.cit, Muriel Edmoudsoti. Jnwphlne r iHiniiKan. featured in roaponslblo jjie-SM < ^rn doist'l lo pel ptluute 1 he uncurtailed Aria Fctwltr. (;rai'u ll(')l,i,,(lk Mniji,ty Honey B«< ? lower Shop Tel MOO. mentK. nn»l (inmU'.i i upled boat aervlc.ft here- Knleda, Jtann. Hi.we. hilm, I m.kUi: OFFICES FOR RENT r Wo feel that It in needless to <-n: li.fnic furnished by the Central rall- Third and fourth K-ai1«-i. :. o, „.» < .n u I'! !!••... I rtiime K. II. H7I.60 BROAU STltEET. 1UCD BANK ' tai FLOOB phasize to you the human and pio| niHit

KRIDEL'S CHRlb Here Are Some oi tin Best Values to Be Found in Monniouth County. Price* That We Are Agents for Will Thrill You! Merchandise That Martin, Paramount, Will Please You ! USEFUL GIFTS OF and Gibson String Instruments. DISTINCTION AND QUALITY Piano EFLAT Alto SAX- Be Generous! Be Thrifty! Lowered Prices Accordion OPHONE Meet 1931*8 Smaller Xmas Budget. $39. Silver PUted w. s Smart "wearables" for Men, that you will be proud to give. Gold Bell We've prepared abundantly to meet your wish (and his preference) for practical gifts, smartly styled. Tuxedo Suits Suede Jackets Banjo Starting at 99-80 Starting at ft .95 Complete With CM* Guitars Silk Robes Wool Sweaters Starting at Starting at....'.... 9.95 #24.50 $4-95

Bath Robes Fur-Lined Gloves Very Good Quality Starting at O.95 Starting at O-95

Interwoven Hose Initial 'Kerchiefs Ukuleles Starting at OCc Starting at A Vast Asiortment to VIOLIN OUTFIT Select From Hickok Belt Sets Full Dress Sets Complete With Starting at A .00 Starting at 95c up How and Caw BroadclothShirts Toilet Sets Starting at 4 .00 Starting at O.95 L $9-75

Silk Neckwear Hdkf. and Tie Sets We 'A\c ••Iimnnj; mn: of the largesi $25 TRUMPET, $17.50 .issiiiiiiii-nt', ill (.( INN anil HUliSCH Starting at Starting at f .00 I:K INSIfaiMI:NTS in the county. Out^Completf with Case. Fancy Pajamas Suspender Sets $50 CLARINET, $35.00 Starting at Starting at Ludwig Drum Outfit, . $34.50 Boehm System .'.ilvei I'l.itL-d. Complete with Case Silk Mufflerrj.KRIDEs L Tie Racks Starting at -i .00 -Red Bank- Starting at -i .00

ASBUUY 1'AI^.. N I Oi t*rtnport !New»,

- HiGH« AY >ai; .1, < l.i .H J l,y II.. .- .II..1..., ... t I of t,,i- J'llSt j,°'^'*"'.,"'. FURNITURE CENTER 1;,.)'..-' < •.!••"•'••! n,,»M..n in the W(.n^ k,' „ ,/ , ()(.u:,|,,.n M. I.'MIIM il.mrh, lw:tm- w ,M. , rHONK KM> H\Mi i»V. MJDDLETOWN. N. J. Ijer a-''ii, ji h 'K) r -M. 'I tie paatur.. „,,.„,,„., ^" • Hiv. ii. .S|,,i,c:..r, will be Iji charge ojf ),',',,,„",',",,,, 1 Mil.I >>IUIII lie iii-ii IUMI ON STATF. HIGHWAY. the pioK'am. | , ,,

Mi ,,r.a Mi*. Pel ley Kiddle and'u>" n(" 1('f " ,K.I hli.ili, I.iJ'ili- .-in nt Sunday at All. I.IDJII «.lh lUmiet and a Mil, ""'' Cluster Wem 111!, l'uiilla at tho Orcanpurt publii f -In ilk 'I Your Worn Sofa bchi.u: li.r. ;i,^ l>f [ fct auwidmi. t feu .,' I Sun . tt-i IV

tile l>atl uu.i.tti UJ fc- • • ".-I. Miil- D (liar,- I'.i.lil. > • * ! >.<: 'A illiam (...ill., I I!.!'!. II,:, !»•. hnseu li) (,'. h,ly . nu.'. .- at 1,1/ III SI fjih* [i S/.,, I w.- • V !,t.-Tuwri. four Mi-aul,.-. M.,,.,1,1 JoftiU RECOVERED huiacM t,. S M'i-l "I ITuindelphla LETS "> I, Tld Bln^'lt '» l.liaa Pettae of 'Hi,I I \! 'ii. Ki iordon's Comer Hn.i J>«vld Mat (;,.-..,l.'». i.'i,'.;.. M ..,,'• l'., n'y MHX'.H I tht-ws uf I,aki'w<)'idI,ak . at this low I Elm.' Mull.-I', v, ,.•, \\.'..n, l.ur*-!t« i The hoube orcupled by Grove Wh,,U'. IUII i. ,M'..: • .• .'I....1I '"•""•"»• jThacker on Ihe Kveiett road Is be- lumi, j liii'i., >•<,•.. u,,, • •, Vim Note, lnB ierihii;K!fl'<'"•;'' i' " ' i'^-M. J...i.i«»,»ini» K«li- of Evt'iett IH doinK the work. m. •• t it,, i 1b i I. fi.i.i V .' ' • i < . • • M ^» I (* f .,,,.., ll'.y "In (Her <'harlea iiennett, James Bennett, Mir, ,'. J",'i,i,in,- I ufio, Wilbur Jlanirnoti'i and Robert Voor- Aiii'.i We'll RECOVER YOUR CHAIR for $26.50. I! an in..I Ji'«n Whe.[*"* hces represented the Young Men's r ii i vi Kimi- i fi. .tI in..,.1),•.!.-' . .tu.l.)hn ini m*'*n- ^rii'i»tian association of this place at hpi. Kii-iitmi M.nj'afi Jntiu Vcf.trl. John j 1 he older boys' conference which was Choose from our assortment of good fabrics. Wok-ott. iKM.ihy n.,,,1 I»MM, nuriry. Mil- heM ftL Haddonfleld on Friday, Sat- Blackboards TlH,nn.» Kv.lfn v»n N..U'. Marlon urday and hunday.

Bixtli IIIMII ll.'l.'ii llu'li. Viola J.itinnon. Shirl.-i Mou.'W. Hi.I,I,v li.-ny, Ctiuilci. r«r- Ilnttore worn iotas and chain to full n»<-rulncua and frnnh beauty. Choose new ni»y lli.iry Kik.rl. .I.,,i'i)l, K.kerl. Her- Colt's Neck News. JnhiDinii, W.,iman Meier, Edward covers from our select assortment. Mill call fur jour sofa, strip It down to tha MSI ANN -an lA-lncta doll aili. TliiT CiUcualo, Mll- Mrs. Emil Hofman Is Improving (Ireil Kirby, (• Ion-mi- I'i.-i-.c, Albertina t the New York hoBpital. where (tiivst-d in ih« modern attire— frame, tighten loose webblnn, re-tic "BKKIIIK springs and expertly fit a new cover 'leaidnlf. rlnimy rh(yH..hii, Norman *5 (K\, Frank", Horn..' Kirliy. l-'mlerick Hurley, she recently underwent an opera- ov«r all. Durlnr this month thin rejuvenating process cosla only $4«.50 for a sofa Ltillc lliii- i.i,.1 Ihriidorc Rom. tion. It Is expected that she will re- ATSV JOAN—a lWnch doll and Eltfhlh Kraiie--ltu.h t ....k. Kdna Green- turn home this week- n new-iMimci in the family— or $86.80 for a ch»lr. Only biscuit tufted sofas and chairs ezcepted. ley, l;<-nik-c hucklt-y, I.nuitie Mullen, Shir- ley Kelnstein. Jvnnii. Crim-ualu. Helen Til- Mrs. Walter D. Fields was sudden- ton, Miuwmet Kyiiii, Klcanor Wolcott, ly taken sick last week and she hai HUu.klxiardu t h it t I'ATSV—a 13-Inch doll and the (icorK.- H.ir^ian. Klw.'n.l Hunpy, Marahall since been confined to the house. have n>\\n at Instruc- most popular—$3.0ft. Wolcott, lharl.a Writer. A new bridge has been built on tion anrl <e US4»d ATSYKINS—an im-lnch doll Every Uttle Mlu lov<-» STEP IN... SELECT YOUR FABRIC ... WE'LL DO THE REST. Those having an average of "A"the Phalanx road near the Bucklln tu drsk. and a cute one to dress—$2.0(1. Piano. ]iu>rn Is nii« t<' lit are as follows: factory. The piling for the brlc ry ntM-il, r\t-o oitn th $1.75 to $4.25. rATSYETTE—a 9H-lncta doll and Scromi k'radc • Jn.'iiui'line KKeln. was Bupplled by Charles Danger of plays Itself 1TW.I fr.u Thir.l KrulL- lluddy Jlaion. Bill Con- this place. thu cutest one In the family— • I.IK* to %\l.M). ncll. luuith Krade Jean Whelan, Anna The members of the sewing club Offering Effective Until January 1st. of the Reformed church will hold (1OI.I) MKDAL BABIES—a new Fifth irriuir—Dorla Hurley, Buddy Ma- an all-day quilting party tomorrow Baby thai hai •"« ELECTRIC STOVK body, movable head, .sixth Kntile--Louise Canevari, Helen at the home of Mrs. John G. Schanrk and you Just can't help HIKII The quilting work will be discon- from wanting I .Seirnlli I'lacle-• Mii.Ireil Kirby, Norman tinued for a short time during tho Fraiiki.. Kmmy 'llu-yaohn, fitfin Lavcrty, sque«z« her. AMERICA'S WONDER VALUE FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT. Allr- Canevari. afternoon for a business meeting. $3.50 to $725- KiKlith Kraile-.-Klea.nor Wolcott. A meeting to perfect the organi- KfH'rnil mcmburs of the Oceanport zation of Atlantic grange will be I.AMKINS—a new-born Kpw.M th Ijnit^uo attended the dinner held Friday night at the school haliy, Just an natural as and bm:in'.es session of tho Young house. At the first meeting of the if it were alive. rcupl.'.i Hiiinn at. Simpson Memorial new grange 25 memberB were re $5.06 and $8.00. rhurch, Long JSranch, Monday even- ceived, and it is expected that sev in;-. eral others will join at the coming Be^ln now Ui \t-nixt ? ^ •• -.-(* I:- In ;ir.^alg have begun for the meeting. El«ctrio St(>v> mnipM. nirh (Mi; IIIVH rntfTtninmpnt to be pre- The annual fall supper of the sew pots and iiann. $i •• <>•->•:•> Hi'iii.il nt Ih- church hall Tuesday Ing club of the Reformed chun-li ovcu'iiK, Ili'ci-M-bcr 22d. A play, un- was held last Wednesday night. I me POI I.'S diM- tin. (llrr'-iiDn of the teaching to attractions In other nearby j)!ai:e.* BASSINFTIFS AUTER'S .-itaff of tho Sunday-school will be ft the attendance was not as large ii> MU.H CHAIR font ii rr of the cntorlainment. There had been anticipated. Nevertheless i s i NOW PHONE R. B. 3687. will bo ;i covri'd di.^h supper at the the receipts exceeded the expenses I'liuuh hill Wednesday evening at A complete tabulation has not ye 0:30 o'clock. been made and the amount cleared RED H is not known. The choir of the Reformed churer met for practice last night at the Holmdel News. home of Mrs. Harry Morris. Th choir is rehearsing for a Christ mu« .AUTER'S MBER OFFER Tii]iiln of Ilio public Bchool with program of music. pi'itiTi :itu :n!,incu records Jor the Coaches and Doll Carriages. pu.'it montli WCTQ: MINK Santa makes when thn <-• Manufacturer The road to better and bigger bus! What a happy ; hrr DirriaRO down the street, IT I i-;.I.•'. — Carolyn Crawford. ness leads through The Register's ad proud owner pii*n<"?* .>. . w»i,,,»inh / ««..•i • .«*. —f— n. <" . r.,t!y Ely. Ilutn Hance, vertiaing columns.—Advertisement. Various beautiful colors and the prices range from •: •. ( ! un l.efsky. Margaret l',vi'i> Dull needs a $2.75 to $14.93. Perfect Dollies' BedsI,, 1,,'Hllti . : h•. I.eshiii^ky, Helen Maher. (id in color, with '"•:•. ii ; Ir . ISo 'sie Philips, Eva 11 lull < hair. Thin V, Ml.,,ni MrCormiL-k, Harold Pol- For tho Cemetery... chair only 50c. Just the moNt <'<>m Iliriin Metier. Lloyd Goldiberry. Others $1 and $2.25. HEADQUARTERS bed for the »lei in

l and - IHLCOS ACCESSORIES IN Give Gifts Playasax plays rolls Red Bank I of popular sonf s. and Vicinity that Keep TOOL CHESTS DESKS v a I'i'w Days Left! 011 (jiving Advantage of This Offer OIJLD any < hrlNiina* gift be c more aorpplnble than the gift I lint korpN on giving ... HcTfl is trur most practical gl't dally throughout tho year ... for any child. Will be, used giving light, cheer, beauty, For the coming tarpenU-i miy and has drawers to keep there Is ono for every boy from their various papers and school- Thl« Bike—tu nt the Klil.ll. PHILCO comfort. frtMMlom from IrkNome f: $1.M to $4-7S. work together. $».5O. years. $3.30. little hoiiNi-lioltl ilulioN that be> I'omi' |>l<>»san< ainsfifncN when done with HI.>i utility de- vices ... Si't- Hu- HNI iif Nome of l»w . (<>> <.~ little as from M2.5U ii|>. >l(in fxpennlve a|i|ilinn<'<-N ran he |iurrhanod (jljfa ilwt Ihrilb on Nmall don •• iiavim-nt*, bal- ain'e nonthly. Tall (o nee then. DESK SETS GLOW LAMPS Table tight* DESK PADS Store Lighting FOUNTAIN PENS , rV., PENCILS Refrigeration PLAYING CARDS I Electric Hmnge* POKER CHIP RACKS I Electric Vt others BRIEF CASES COMPLETE Kleetrtr Cleaner* WALLETS Toantcr*, Percolator* BIBLES t.mnndrm ironm FRAMED MOTTOES Other Exceptional Values In WRITING CASES Philca 1932 Radios Sen-ing Machine* BOOK ENDS furling Ironm mix' l.owlmv complete with lubes $H9.75 4 GOLF CLUBS and BAGS II lulm l.oulmy cmnplcU with tubes, JI40.IM1 MOVIE CAMERAS II IIIIN. Highboy completn with lubes $lfl!>.MI Electric mmtl tim* ASH TRAYS FLASKS CUP SETS, IN CASES Piano Co. ipitin frnmn HDI.MI ••) KVKNINC" •IKII SKY «'K:\TIIAL TETLEY'S 17 Broad Street Red Bank, Yearg Ago in and Around Red Bank

Incidents Cull..! I rum 1 he k ',«id $6,OOO.° i»ter of the S«i i>nd W« « »r,d ; h in December Twrniy. Thirty |ir«st- I »nd ! I ea/s Avu IN PRIZES hhi F..r«> >«. *«'• The north wind doth hlou A aurpi :s(> par t y w FRIGtDAiRE CHRISTMAS CONTEST Hani S Kol>eiu <>1 (he party beJiij; u 11 Hubert i..,.« ,i, .,ii i^ mi,on »idt N. 1 6th. hirn prize 11000—60 Louie and K\ it- I And we shall hurt* snow, those J>i essi'M WH e ! H j vt !/Nf!« uj k )• >r details, other rslusble prizes. Com* Morford, Mum. 1 t.« Pri>gi»ms r«ci» Mmiiay, Tuci- to our showroom tnd get a Nora Walliij^1 I •• • r< And what will Yni H t HILDREN do then? di., Wednesday, Thuridap u Frigidaire demonstration so JOB der, Elite ar.-i t n-i, *'•• *•-! t»y m* at »n eitlinaicd *uftt » i tn WS1 j John Moif-id '• 4 December Let us help you. Call nowj Jame« H?nd • Ht-d Hawk der <•' '>*• w find Miss An- nun Juhn. nun* veiaary 11 *r I.N I>N MJZ ON WKDSKSDAV, AT 1:13 F. M. rin 11 .. k 1 >• 11. | Mrs. Alonso Smith died a' r.- cutrfcl hotel >ui ii, ^ a in-;i \ y wind fjttj home at Fair Haven Sh* wt.* «r • 11.# • uicnla wu rhiiii'it;,1 on i hf tin list: uf Thomas j years old and death waa ••• • driii k m i 1 k! H r;rt, Worshlp- •*ma.shiiig u hole through It and caus- H,.« )•!<> l.l'' 11 •<"" '",„,„„. »|,»,, ,<„ s,i tic dnaih <,f H. i of a new house at HclToia li.t • ^ Mtjj* waa toUL- 1 1 C[1M lilt.I 1 lilt dt l.ll ng runeiiUiwhle damage. The fam-was 18xZ8 feet and < •»• }i " wtl'»«e dirt Ai DON'T lrl winln j»i! w,.,r -hsl,'. < , , . . 111 r' i nie I-iongstret't, a Rranddaoghter of Tlie house of Ertwif, Hr.^ - doora. Whenrvrr iK« -.•i.i.r |M-rmttB. Mr. I/ongetrpet, was struck in th«Mtdrtletown was UCBIMV*-. I afTalis to be .. ,., .. . .„„ ft -f.i Ifciiwjt » ;::.'.,;', 'T'.': „",:," .,„.,«,! .- --ll. Hide by a falling brick and badly which was thouKM \ - > * >. . « The new- lot Sonny and Si•.i• r |.U* .>uti>ult in the bruised. ( caused by a apaik fion^ « > ;,• +• HattacittUon keen fresh air. ItuiM >>|i tlirli rrtaUlan<-« bodim Ton >•• The Port Monmouth steamboat Jacob M. <^ua< hfritMiPh r..••^'.' n Aillair M company held its annual meeting in lot on First av#mi«- A'IMMI. u>Hr. Hl-.Wr. I«!r ^, y \m\atti iti$ iKcir diet At the tanif ' ff, the schoolhouse at New Monmouth lands, on whit h t<> t>ut being What ha« milk to do with preventing <,i«5 ymtr tors in addition to the officers were TrafTord at Shrewsbury. «ln.h had p coldsT Milk is one of the best sources of They will I.... b»r»« of Shrf- George Morford, R. S. Snyder, A. G. J. Holmes Shoemaker and Kulle occurred u' ,« utt IJ..int Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Reed, Henry Pentermann and John Hopper Joined the Shrewsbury Pres- and Wait- Vitamin A—and Vitamin A U a cold's field Farm* • i lu-rr ia niilk at 3. Eastmond. byterian church. \ I I f <' M' I ', entered »> 1 hone ot Miss Maty J. Jcakens, daughter of Six barrels of potatoes were stolen lx>well !.'•,• M.Kim, worst enemy. A quart of rich milk dally ita delirious •niry-frcsh, every Mrs. Mary Jeakens of Shrewsbury, from William Post's sloop at Key-Mrs. <• (, >•• . gives a child enough of this priceless quart IM.I.I. . • •I liralth. K»ery and Charles DennJs, a painter of port. William :• ,.,-,|,net«r of 1 •tp lirlnn- »»" "- Red Bank and son of Joseph Dennis, The fair for the benefit of the pubth- e Hii. !,• . y *»t the vitamin to help rr-nint rolds. Uo school library at Little Silver Phalani. «... •he loi.f Of were married at the bride's home- ' kUpi'Bd ajid This £3cd hr=!th food further ge*rie I iri«^ introduced a Rev. Thaddeua Wilson. Ex-Judgn William H. Slocum. aged he fell Wu, . >;!.' One of It Pays to Advertise in The Register. A Christian Endeavor society was 78 years, died of general debility at his rllM) «r - • •I he was against winter's ill* l>r virtue of its great *t)ltx-lr*l milk s.hi. Ii » in* th« forerunner bis home near Oceanport. bruised HI. of our j»rr»««il *,(»(!> \ milk. Shef(it4d Captain Benjamin Grlggs built an Kill..11 .,: . 1'niik, a sec- addition 15x33 feet to his blacksmith tlon ham! . ' ; -Ik ami lAing I'ariiiH^ Sral^« f Htunil *.till iiiaialniiiA the shop at Port Monmouth. IiraiKli ii,!.: ?<1 j ilfk by a A pound party waa held in library lr»ln wlili. . and Instantly PIONEERS IN PASTKUHIZATION, IN THE lrad for (.r«-.>.!nrm. Our furmers killed 11 ..|.|>ened at the hall, Shrewsbury, and $28.65 was ar« |>alcl inorr for tin cleared. nl Hank and DEVELOPMENT OF CERTIMEI* MILK, IN » IwHrr product, THE INTRODUCTION OF <;RAI)EI> MILK, but it cotitn you »o m<•rr than any other Thirty Years Ago. * .«,.. n.,K <,f the Red Bank Grad«-A milk. Han your children'* Abram Bennett, proprittor of the <.f /•.r...,iii.-lMiii-ii, It was decld- AND NOW IN THE SOFT-OIrU) VITAMIN-O Sale of Atlantic hotel at Fair Haven, made UH. H(>.. ,>t I lie road money in CEKTIFIED MILK. winter dirt around a wager with Edward Doughty of u '*" '.I "n I-eJ^bton avenue, that place that Mr. Doughty .••mi'!' j |.v Tiiwidoif Hickl Snmli I Stunt ll, widow of Sld- Doughty accepted Uie wafer .intti, i';tM| HI the home of won. He drove his horse tip .).'"•' '"'^ v\'i!Ijmri Aumack steps and Into the haii.r.n ... •• !..• M.-., Mrulth was he got inside, the animal hi<) Sheffield Farms • .i -' i! ,' n i - ii.l death was unhitched from the wagon *, •< . ' :. -). I I.. ., '. I (rouble. COFFEE was not enough room i • - •" ' ' i.' M ,ouncilman at around. The horse wan t »• l>. : • . i >. • .,,l"<, WHS elected first GRADI:A MILK rear door and tht* WK>" . We offer ... for tnu week only ... special reductions on out ' i ilif llie department backed out of the front ,!,„,, . rill )i vdcancy caused three quality coffees. No finer, fresher coffees are obtainable Mils Mary Hanson Hi-emir •.. , i . i. ^i>.. i, ,i inn uf l-'rank Rue. West End, New ter of Captain William ii..ng Branch 3400 den Walling of that place. Tin, ,•«» ... roasted fresh daily in our local, modern plant. And we I H>ch iiniiH, fnrmerly of Red Bank mony took place at the. bride's horn* dieil <>f bronchitis at the age of grind !hes» coffees fresh in the stores whta you buy. and was performed by Rev. Floyd year Decker, pastor of the Keyport Be- tContlnued on Next Page.) A DIVISION OF MTIOVAL DAIRY

EIGHT O'CLOCK MILD AND MELLOW H,. 17* C RED CIRCLE R>CH AND FULL-BODIED ib. 23 BOKAR VIGOROUS AND WINEY Ib. tin 27C WHITEHOUSE CONDENSED MILK . 2 can, 21c WILBUR AUNT JEMIMA e Pancake FLOUR . IO C JEWE1J2R Buckwheat FLOUR . 2 25 Established 1882 PURE MAPLE SYRUP *» 25c 8 15 Broad St. Opp. Broad St. Nat. Bank Encore Spaghetti . 3 cans 20c P&G Soap ... 7 cak*. 25C Super Suds . . 3 7C 20c GOLD MEDAL CAKE FLOUR VISIT our STORE 44 OZ. PACKAGE, REG. PRICE 27c 1 both 20 OZ. PACKAGE, REG. PRICE 15c | for SELECT your UNEEDA BAKERS

CAMPBiLL'S BUTTER OR CHEESE WAFERS . tin 29c k Christmas QIFTS SUSANS . p s- 25c

QUALITY MEATS AT AAP MARKETS from our New Stock Be thrifty! Form the habit of inspecting the price lilt on our fine quality meats on display in your nearby A&P Market. EXPERIENCE AQAIN the LOIN PORK CHOPS CENTER cur . Ib. C SHOULDER PORK CHOPS . . b 13 C FANCY FRYING CHICKENS "&&* ,b 29 FAITHH/L SERVICE C PORTERHOUSE STEAK CHOICE GRADE ,b. 45 BREAS1 ;•' >< VFAL . . . b 13C that we have given for CHUCH >

, . i'l'. t,< i Lee waa bought by George MOIHY K. HOIMHAN Years Ago in and [ h<-«].»•[ ut New York my for |2,&00 | Mi huapcr bought it fur a country Around Red Bank ..'• ut South ttt'on i Contractor and Buildsr I** wig Turk of Keanatmrx tfave up (i »N 1'l.fHING • ,»n rtoMa and ftll I his jub at Dopplera ature at that • ...i of ihe »ta;is «he| plate to take & position in the New ..ftr'J ami was laid ui; Ymk Hippodrome. epti Thompmu of i. Thomas Carry, who was employed ed hei fuui ireutn • .'I, i-oultiy club of Kedby M- A. Teeney of Highlands, gave jjarty, al whi< !t a , ' a; ih annual exhibit up his position to become a traveling a branch of hia Perth Am- Rumson road was sold by William power or popularity but to reach boy automobile business. H. Hintelmann to Ernest J. H. Aray an ideal. We constantly seek to William E. Hunn of Ocean Grove of New York. wa« fhf).-*pn to yucceed Jacob Kohler, Captain John Edwarde, who farmed render our customers ideal bank- whi) recently resigned as secretary the Hankinson place at Eatontown, or the Hed Bank Young Men's Chris- decided to quit farming and raoved ing service. Your checking ac- tian association. to New Yoik statr. 'I,.- (-,, Mrs. Mary Bedel! and Thomas Tan- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer of count is invited. nwn-:r »ey, both of Red Bank, were mar- Little Silver returned from their Hi' JI.II i !,^i'i al the ried at St. James's church. Their wedding trip upent in Bermuda.

. » . • i,- -• •11... (1 • *- • • • I, w hei i the attendants were Mr. and Mrs. James Garrett Lee of Belford was the last M.-il,., ill.-' I,, • • i • i ' ' i • r v. ••, r ' >• O(l«ne- d . lt» Walsh of Rumson. pound fisherman who removed his • v. •• • >. pound nets In Rail tan bay for the YTTTf H fs'.i H. I! • < ' " • • (.>••'• •1 th« CO rner- TTTTV Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gllmartln winter. Moi .int Hnd of iShtcwabury gave a reception In Tim Minil, , . „: wl . y hut h of Ked honor of Mr. and Mri. C. Edgar Alex- Mt-ll-'i rllM , In' < ' <;f 1!, vp',11 h> M h ' ' f' t " T V '1f the ander, who were recently married. FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER III in! ill-! 'Hi.; , j* „ If „ , Miss Ida Fayo Domlnlck, daughter VISIT Join 1 H Din,u i ••,'•!! n laite.l o l.lai h wise of J. IJ. Domlnlck of Matawan, be- BROADSTREET NATIONALBANK flniil h cli'ip i I. Hie Jutiii i'. EvnriB intion came, thp bride of George W. Allen NO FLAVOR LIKE fmm B( I'.vf-i 1 ' 1 Ye Gem & Gift Shoppe was held m • e Itljnt finll of Red Bank. RED BANK NEW JERSEY I > ( 'la i emu Walling opened a corn Morj- THIS YEAR mouth «! ir d the The Waiter K. Hopping farm In find r,• t> feed mill at hli distillery at 60 BROAD ST., KED BANK serenadoi * til! 'M i t he Middle town township consisting of Nutsw amp. HEARTH Fi ftVOR! I The pupils of the Leonardvllle school observed ThankeglvinK with ail appropriate celebration in the Mchuolroom. Hev. Charles* W Hol- That's wi- '"fids der, pajstm- of the Mlddletnwn l»utch Jteforrned church gave tl)© pilncl]>Hl addrcsH. Kecitat lotm were K'V( n hy Afc-nuM AMII, M»i ^tti »•( in ( hi u:t»"Hh.v. today buy J ead but Ho.slna KiitiilM.n*- AVMIH WHIMIIK, A^'il-H Kflll'H:' -i> if : t -1 :s, ut. ,, .Idhjl Rathhoiif, Li '-. h» * \7J- !in>-, itay- moml () Hi ten >• ' •! •• h- • -V! iluiinh Mr. and M: \\' '.^ I .ippin OLD HOME JUMBO! cott of IJtlh- 'M,,: > ..• •• .ii,ci at a REISEMAN'S About a Kci'i i ' ' t •• • ! -. i • !• |>[ »>H-

ent. In the af '• i ?•••• ;• .; • • ipjilncott loaned Bonn1 ••>! >> •->•*>* to hla In this new bread, you'll find the real gueetti fur imif' n n . ih»- i irlei'H Tiding jockey tiiOi!.,n I.- the. Mist taste of farm-kitchen, hearth-baked race Harry \V;Hlii y'i< IIDUDI l>rat All Standard Makes of Henry Conovei 'H AH it n> ihn second Harry Sickles ,s hmr-H w«» vlclorloua bread. Over Mr. Wallin^'M. Captain Chmlrn I*. It win and tho Merchants steamboat, company were This richer flavor is the result of more having trouble over a bulkhead be- tween their properties. The matter thorough baking—made possible by was brought before the Attention of the town commissioners and ihpy took the stand that the affair wan r. the wide, low shape of this new bread, perooml one between Mr. Irwin an. the steamboat ccfmpany and that it which lets direct oven-heat reach every was not in their province to inttifc^ In the-mnttor. Fritz Wcberllng , a w«U known ADXOS part of the loaf. German rer.idsnt of Red Bank, (•,( ; mad v;!'.r:i h:s hat was knockrtl >ni by en Itii!.*.n flag under which he Enjoy hearth-flavor today! Ask your WO* r^S'rir- He tore the flag down tnd threw Jt in the gutter. This act CARRIED IN STOCK grocer foi on Mr. \,'chr: ling'a part annoyed a number of Italian residents who had Mr.' Weber ling arrested. The case VU dismissed after Mr. Weberling FISCHER'S made an apology. Miss Helena Butterbach, daughter of Nicholas Butterbach of Oceanic, and James P. McCamm of Hmnsun were married at St. James's ('atho- llo Church at Red Bank In the pres- r OLD HOME ence of nearly 200 persons. MIBH Mary Also NORGE REFRIGERATORS Coyne waa maid of honor and Henry B. Shaffer of New York wim grooms- man. The bride waa a teacher of Ungnagts at the Ked Bank high JUMBO oohool. ' The flret big general store In Red Bank waa opened by the Great At- lantic and Pacific tea company In the Eisner building on Broad street. W. BREAD B. Oakeraon of Peters place w&a made manager of tho Red Bank at ore. 'ertificate Captain Charlea B. Parsons of Red ;AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Bank and Charlei Smith of Port And Here Is Monniouth represented Arrowamith Jfo.. Reiseman's Christmas Gift ihe xmwiwt vff AT REISEMAN'S RADIO STORES To You With Every $90 Worth of Standard Priced Mr re handle


OOLMOTOR LONG BRANCH RED BANK ASBURY PARK 234 Broadway 21 Monmouth St. 169 RE WINTER Phone 1307 Phone 897 Phone 2663 A CSTIFS SI '-ill, Crew Levick Company A aobaidlcir y of Oitaa S*rvk« Cmrv«i r WE REPAIR ANY IVIAKE OF1 RADIO -

* hi.1.*! Just Coal Kt, ( Mill

Ji u? •!.-' f' ! ,ai * I ! iit'M (- than DEMAND THE BEST 'rttl,1., jcais i... a. ii^tlit tl'I t!.t- .\h %••

F i .•< d ipi. Whf pi'i. a d-nm-i fat Wtil'.cr < • :.•!.-- Ltth«vs<,.,i! SH1 UI d<»\ i .K*'t wi ek by er of ftttht r an.I ^om 1 In- .1 ', and nit fvUuw v.'.! K* t» M) I,din. has C'li.ii" > I'M'iiB-.ii. Si , uf }*ai miuji Ijffii f'ji'.t--l *', ^ii' u|. woik lempur- Susquehanna r j M • K* «i duW- ait.I ho ,.. 1., cjuiui-?. of -Nipruhe I Mat aiHy Uiau.st- of I.>.l J-'" r>0 last week Jui an theii '1 (Mik * ivil S*-r % Uf K&ttnut. vii/liit;iig the, K 't; iawt. The eldei M>.]h tiiiiii ii;. [M-K-niiS tuuk the civil 1;(-IIM.II rta.-' cnaigtd with gunning the "Certified" bt-ivii. rxuiniiiftn-Ji HI Freehold last wil iiout a hi't-nse and the son with : tiv" him in ht'lU'i con wi-tk 1'ii twd ]»'j-i!iinib as Monmuuth lending his hunting license to his who [MM!! fi author Hies ha < untily pinhtii I'.ii "till crs. Two offather. I, those exhii.iiif.t wt-u- Basil Ii. Kruno Freehold Man Wed*. uf lAtUti liiain M jiini J. Lt-dter BogeiN Announcement had bten made of • . • J,?J ! Mfimi, iifc, of J-KMig Hiaiuh of Hi ad ley ]!,•«<• li who at present • -I.! f'.i observation last week the marriage of Miss Bartella Pro- ••.i h dud biuken a window in basco, daughter of Mr. and Mi». l: Conviction I'phi-Id, Charles B. Probasco of Hightctown, COAL r« . ,vy hall while uyl»B to *svu\n- fr-.iii jail I'(.(tnt9 taid he required Judge Many Tiuax has upheld the to Italic N. Applegate of Freehold. ' • . r i 1 !,;'-'. iti.i.,i; 39, of Point hn-,[jilal tieatment. conviction of Joseph M- McConnell The ceremony was performed Na : •• .-. • ^11. ' i •{ n fritciuied left AmiuuiH ement has been made of of Belnmr on a charge of drunken vember 7th at Poylestown, Pennsyl- ..•„,' i-.-.i week when he fell tlie marriage of Miss Helen,Juska, driving last September when his au-vania. . 1 it,.- > •., PI,- «it t fie Mfttmf nuai\ Inlet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph tomobile struck the motorcycle of Killed in Auto Crash. j, : t v Hr mj.i tiikt'ii to the i'olnt : »*'.!• J v Corsages Juska of Long Branch, and Wood- Policeman I>roy Applegate of Nep- William Palmer of Southard was I'lr-.sMi.L h...-1-Ul.l. low VanDyke of that place. tune, fatally Injuring Applegate. I tin,11,.r.- ( "inpany Hank nipt killed Thursday when an aulomnhile '-' "f .1 ' M,,l(1vwir, M. V. Brown Fire caused damage of about $350 Boy Awarded $7,600. I vVnghl's Rose* Fresh crashed through a guard rail on a A i-tiili'-ii in bunkruplcy huxi bffn to the kitchen owned by A. Robert A vfidict of $7,r>00 was awarded at bridge of the Pennsylvania railroad mirlt'd NIHH.I!,,, ;••, '['lie l,i t.it- lh fUi-d tw the Wh'te IiunUuie codijittny 24 VMlAki A\ I Daily Kehs of Freehold, Sunday of last Freehold last week to William Koto- at Avenel and dropped fifty feet. The teHihei jn * K»-u<..- ,,r A.ihiny f'aik It 1M stated that week. The fire wafl kept confined to podes, an Asbury Park boy who was the ttfcM'ta hWi ubmil J2S,'HK) and the automobile was driven by John r J..-MIKHM J TEL. 27 M» O BANK, N. J. M 111- WI.NAB1.K PRICKS. the one room. Injured when struck by a Standard of I>akewood who was seriously in- Councilman RuaseH Glllam has oil truck. The parents of the boyjured. ' StaUt Trooper W«A*. been appointed relief director of Uaymund HaMedo M»H of Mi and claim that his brain has been per- Married November 7th. Oeeanport borough. The borough will manently injured. Hooey Bee Flower Shop appropriate $500 for unemployment Miss Dorothy Hall, daughter of Mr. relief. Died of Injuries and Mrs. George Hall of Adelphia, Tel. R. B. 872. Harry Brenner of Union Beach Willard Curley, 17, of Ely died Jn and James B. Applegate of West the Freehold hospital Monday, No- Freehold, were married on Novem- I I'I'KH I1KOAII ST., was sentenced to ninety days In the county jail last week on a charge of vember 30th, of injuries he received ber 7th at Doylestown, Pennsylvania- Hl>ury I>alry. being drunk and disorderly. 1 when his motorcycle collided with a Announcement of the wedding was The Long Branch commissioners truck. Curley, who 1B survived by made last week. have authorized the issue of $300,000 hla parents, formerly worked In theSold at Sheriff's Sale. In tax revenue bonds to cover dilin- Freehold rug mill. Fred *^uinn of Freehold lias pur- 'i hr £ C • -el ii.inn ivr^inirr trartlw quent taxes of 1931. Jailed for Stx Months. ovti tvei\ utii'it in town and every chased at a sheriff's sale the former »!.:tri in ihe rouniy. \f\ it ,\irry your Harry Mount of L«ong Branch has Joseph Comwell, 31, who was con-residence property of William Keinci gin- •;•»• i:. thu'-t wini live on these been granted permission to extend victed «f assault and buttery upon on Murray street. The price bid vv«> his bus route Into West End. Officer Theodore Uurkhardt of $;i,6*H), but various eiicuinhei an-v^ WUV31W 7il.Pn &,in C 017 At REUSSILLES' y°u WUI find fix ^rrjilcM villucs SHOPS in a gencmtion for the 1931 Clir inuis Shopper We welcome you lo come iiv—look around hny, Convince yourself of the truth that RKUSSILLES' prices are r.J M-HKtmablf their selections the largest—and most important, only thf lin <{ui ».l< ,,m. nut I'lilll I.II. Simp, anct s:ivr on CV*T\ VI riling I'ads ^^nrU Si'i'fw- P'"\vil<oe had by is. ml Purse* 1 ila wwk. Kr thrifty . . . rrlebralc Thrift ?.lii>I>I>iliKr :it one «l Iliesc storrj. Vou'll like Week with us. the thrill n( "Thrifty Shnpplni;." HMIIMF rtns YVATOHKS IIV II \ 1. i >•• Hill (lips ^(Ull ^rtt THRIFT WEEK SALE DECEMBER 10th TO 16th t'ursc Lighten BCI.OVA. WAI.Hi vi) l\r\ ( IliilllB !!i!(l»o Pencils Ladies' Wrist Wat* l». $!» t<. $75 kn Uhif- • >l. stiK'k riim SUM-IIV Bracelets s.ift Collar lin» l.in.rcl Kings • •.•in II Mfhlers Green Circle Brand < uir l,l nil PI 5 lbs. ^ 3 cakes IVlM-lld , WATCHFS Half Price. I'm und rencll Seta r.n-Wet ii nivcii Oimiiond Rln Elgin Ladies' Wrist V\ i r ' i '- Now $12.38 Wuli li ( IIUIPIM lllclhsliin,. B Wall h l!ru< rli'tll SLICED OR LARGEST '-?!i.(Mi Now $17.50 rix'ki-t VViitohos Elgin Ladies' Wrist W at. d. Wrist WutcllOH HALVED CANS CrjsUl NeckUcea Elgin Men's Wrist Wal< i. >.'. ",n- Now $11.25 23c 11c IVarl Necklaces l.ii(li;i> UtlfctoilH 2 Montlng Opal Necklaces Elgin Men's Wrist YVah Ii. ', . ) Now $16.75 ItlrlliKtonc Itll)K» .Ijide .lewelry Slenit KIPIFH Mnrraslte Jewelry ALL FACTORY i ;l',M: \ ' ' i.> i)l ITS nil Kl Jl ilL J1L lCi We Include Several «.)tin-i Make* at lMt. Ilui'kli-H One-Third to One-Half Urimli ait'l Coinh Hetil Royal Viinity Cases Oil K.-Kular Price. KliMtric Di'Mk Clocks Blue Ribbon P.&G. <'i)pnp.".('(S Tulli't Nets <'il.::rn Seto I I^iitlior Wallets Ivory Flakes Traveling Clocks LARGE Score Pads Royal Gelatine Ilrldje Sets CAN IVrfu Mists A 49c AIL Flavors O pkgs. 1 C Ifliie Mountings 3 p^ 25 c lingerie Clasps $15.00 SPECIAL ThlmViles M RING& LAVALLIERE In II Kt U'hitp Cnlii, willi flu** uhi(,< cut IN.WIHIIHI in each plcca Ivory Snow Genuine Crystal O - iiiut i <'iil c! y.i ill. 'UNEEDA BAKERS' "SUNSHINE" NECKLACES DIAMONDS 15c - 2 »19c KRISPY Value $5.00—$3.95. REDUCED 25% N Wallets iiuM JnpanPBO rock crystal Prisont economic condHiond now In exlnt Mesh Bags FIG BARS CRACKERS '•' kliices, in 18" lenpths. throughout thn world have had a material <> I) on the price of Diamonds. We made recent Pen & Pencil Set chnspH fnr cash and aro reducing our pi Ire• '• ~ jiract irfilly nil mounted Diamonds to mret this Toilet Sets EITTEE CANNED Q ««« OC« Full lb. Electric Clocks low prkMi love). S 2 ^ 25c SPAGHETTI O LOC Pkg. 15c Book Ends $100 DIAMOND SOLITAIRES NOW $75.00 Silver Deposit $200 DIAMOND SOLITAIRF.S Now $150.00 S0NMAID SEEDLESS in Picture Frames $300 DIAMOND SOLITAIRF.S Now KAISINS, pkg 1 £C $225.00 ill LADIES' FANCY DIAMOND RIN( ;s DROMEDARY QUAKER'S Yel. or White A $f.f> Values, Now $49. :v»u(> \ ih r., N OORNMEAL, pkg "C KKDUCFI) I'ltll IS Ii,tA \i> >w $375. PASTEURIZED Diamond Hraceletp*—Hrooch. ^ ^\ * i-.i \\,,; (., FLAG BRAND FANCY 1 A Chocolate Pudding SAUER KRAUT, Irg. can 1UC DATES or D. A C. Pie Fillirig f A SMALL CASH |;iT MACARONI pr O lbs. OC_ SECURE ANY AKTK'l,f. K< Hv'ISTMAS. Large SPAGHETTI J ^DC Cigarette C'aiu-t Pkg. 19c fiKARDSi.KY'S BHREDDED 1 J —JEWIIKY- Pocket I.igliteis CODFISH, pkg 14C Beverage Sets Compacts Sterling Silver Solid Gold — Platinum Silver Gold-Filled FLAG PURE HONEY 1 O Jewel Case* III Pickard China BnACF.I.F.TS t'VVV LINKS J1L 8 or., jur luv BAR FINS Sf;AI. HIN(;S HORMEL'S Bowls or Vases MTONK IUNCS HATCH CHAINS Make-Up Boxes i U.S.G. COFFEE I'KAKI.8 I'IM'HKT KNIVES Belt Buckle. GREEN CIRCLE Bread Trays LACK PINS STIIII SF.TS III-, CI.II'S HAM TOILET PAPER -I A Stem Glassware HltOIHUKS KMV CHAINS =-! Finost Quality ^% ^5tf* I.A VAM.IKHFS •III.I. (ill's 1000 Sheet Rolls 3 Rolls ijC Pewter MAIK'ASITK 1 i,(iiii,i: Kisi.-i You Will B« 2 lbs. 2 oz. $1.09 EVER SWEET BRAND o cans O|- •i 1 lb. Tin && ' .IFWFI.KV GRAPE FRUIT L CjC AMAZF.I) Yes—You Must N0X0N P0LI8H FLAG PEANUT BUTTER 1 r GREEN CIRCLE TO HI'.K VVIIA'I' 1 COME IN 2 pt. can 19c 1(5 oz. jar IDC COFFEE; \b. pkg 23c REUSSII T.ES' OR HKr TO A MDNMIII HI'S IKMIIM; JKH'KI.KKS $5 810 TIIK (iltKAT J VALUES 36 Broad St., KST. I HUH HIM. IXI Iv in, WAV (II1 III \ i,< i THERE'S A UNI AR YOU in nil- in IIIIIM; ion III. IH.'II. RVICE STOR < IIHISI MAS <;il'TS. Red Bank, N. J. F I N I. <

and There d&ujtr.iei, water* » tl H •% •* f (Mlili'.ril MUM lM-4id The flr»t *MU in the County ..,-i.l (Mkhurtl died fjn ManmujU; •••!. *r<;k «t the a^e ofn! Florentine in i' lury later hir H«- ' 7h Jt-BM Mi }{arvt-y wai bqrn in I 1- Mt-h'ild his veiael. the MB !-,r gall ihe J. ,u-'' IN viti.rh he died. lie f leaves a w,' < hor near the * iltti 'I ties- tw. rnen *«h<>! t A 0* ye.aia old Clover Lii Bloom. der d4te f.f h* ir>- III b« ex- \Viii;;:Mi I . t'in of Freehold picked wrote in h\* u-it a r».d (: J'.'I r hiobsum In his garden v«r>- go<>*] ihi.'i '•> •*. -,= •••^»i| Ordinance. last V.XI It f',ivr-riil Freehold reni- pleasant ieft• 1 ''- a / - ©• f-njf Hranrh borough (lcntB lin.r nil nlly picked roseii In In lftW> a ^r.Hjp h*« n/l'-pted zoning and tht.i- jjai'l* n.'. * Jrave»*rn<1. i *>rt# 4l>TfON H t r h ; • g iifliiiincea The ordinance Lost Ilii (hrihtnias Money. before the ne '! v. *••"*'. effort January lit, when I*'1'' ' I'IIKII^ of Freehold ca«hed N>w Yolk and obtb „ *,<,»-t\ Mf »/i)uetmtn's will be up-his Chilf'inaa chih rheolt last week "Monmouth Hat en' The, „•-!! I.-,! In' .Sill rwr-hiil y (iEOKdlf ft • • . ;, • • r ' *• '\ and siiml a small part of 1t. Theat Middle*uwn and at remainder, t'tH, was lost before he The county WBI na •d thrnunh the No fUd» fur Boirtta lH:s|)itu Ihe unportain•*• <>t lU a leached honif. InfluencI e of Colonel Lewis Morris. cultural and industrial tlf-vpifirmi PltUrv.i. i- Ntfitu.'.e City, tot the «econd time lifter Monmouthshire, Kngland, w!1 hir. iwo w^ckw him failed to re- Mori mouth, to outaidera. it* Ijf- where his family owned a vabt e*- known lor its resort section thai M » 11 -1 l< N 'f vt any Mil* for « bund ISBU* Of HU.NM0l.TH COU.NTV. tate. $fcK (KX• to f'ninfe tfiuporary employ- tenda fiom end to end of itii 2n GJVIl KNM - ' ,,diii;«t!un ment MOl M ()f 1 hf bo] "Ugh. Klml Seltlrnu-nU Here Blade at Ocean county was formed from ocean front- Long Branch wan I-1 I MBINC , < ,, • , .[,'[•, ri b« »e 8hrewibiir}' and Mlddictown. part of Monmouth In 1850 and *he(Irst and moat famous res- - it •Ue'i.- ftelil present bounds were determined- It Ainerk-a, ffalnlntf the name na MONMOl Ml - „.. « Freehold, N. J., (APi —Guarded by i Ttit- \AIII4 tijnr.* h em ;iMii>inent Of if the fifth largest county In Newback as 1860. Today, Asbury i' ' , 'I,,' Jnr'rlla.*, " of the prop- the hlghi.it juak of the Atlantic 1* J >. • I Odd F'elHjwa ht-iii a boom lessiun last Jersey with its 637.94 square mlleu. has taken over a greater portio ! coaat south of Maine, Monmouth -ll-f !'J' ' I W*jflne»day ni^M Ohcar Rialy, Grand In 1713, Freehold was chosen as its sister city's fame and Is county hau luld an important pool- Nil' ' ^ M l.c -t-l v R/loltlKNJZATION of your j.hmr ' lllt»tl.in* UghU ! I'atilan h of t^ts < MICI, and members county seat and two years later a mpcfa for thouaanda in the sum tlon in tin; life of New Jeruey since he Or;,!.,,! - ' , ..I !/ -'K hiHti< h «•iiy employees lajt ' "1 MB uiafT w»i(- present. court house and jail were bulk at months. Mh. 1 (,. I • ' II'. injr will repay you over ami '>v«-r thn Btatts biiili back in the 17th '•'. Ht-\ Mt. .-. v W.th r t « r t ri1 w ' • ih on putting up their present locations. It, (nn on nalfi the Highlands h iBtilldllif century. Having natural attraction tilt-'I wi> h >)'•' 1 !. • L'i (rii(. < • . I * j f W . •Ing In the (JUBlneita The Revolutionary war fravp Mon- piiarded well as thny have wntr l*.; v tiln in convenience and health, comfort uri'l in its liiKhlunds, which riaa to a ( • !:.-ii i i ' !i 1,111 whi I'll Will be suspend- ] vM'H H Wpbt Long mouth an opportunity to add great- ( vor Monmouth's long reign on HT , is building a five- height of 3U1 feet above the Atlantic appearance. Especially in the sumr'n-r 0(J if." lights for Christ ly t-i it» history. There was a large Atlantic .shore. oroan anj Radian bay, and lt» miles •.I Jiihs di C'i| fatl-jll. or) Upper Broadway Royalist element that was never iil-l will you enjoy the time-saving and en of •eaeotihi, it 1H the ilrst spot in the the am.ril|m, that i<)»" Mr Is building the entirely suppressed all during the Onn of the quickest ways to find a S.'urr Ouirull I'll* -Jt' Nlf lit utate to he neen at aea and a mag- Court IIHM fN . -I "1 i. . ergy-savinR advantages of new plumb- 'llii- Spi mg Tjuke borough council atruggle. Job la to advertise In The HeKis- of U*rtmh«i. N'!.. '.•, net to those inland. ter's Want Department.—Advertise- 1 y-on#s, «t. 1 0 has vi,tdl I" liiiy 1 180 feet nf pipe <««irb&K^ * <>ntr«ct. But the far-famed battle of Mon- ing. That is why you should take care of Montnuuth was one of the four rnouth, spoken of an the. turning ment. l.efore M«rr% f t..., . ffir i hi- |nu|,(,Hi-rt hewer outfall to be ier ? Hhthii'* of Oakhurtt has < C orininul ciunitlos of East Jersey an the ttir f n,.- lunt !ii I III' nrtun Ht the foot of I'crui »WMI(led the

you'll enjoy better n

andthepriee „ is only

Ihe New Maying... with

structed to tako thr |Hiiii»liMM lit (1f years of hard • RMt W-InJ»T tl» Miytu use... every hiki- of washer. "£|TANDARD" LultriontioH Serrio* is skoraaa/h, scidotiiic C.T. — 7KW M.T. —6,00 P.C.T. This New MnylnK. I, liinioiin Maytag Gyrafoam j»u-tli" vidual make of motor. Your car is gone over from front axle tto Inmaht 11 •> naves wear and IfHron t'lull-.- 7 i 'Hiin ill zone". to rear spring shackle bolts—including a thorough dnifting —iinollirr M», > -,. Mill prevent* dir 1 from l>i <.. • •• < him clothes). and flushing of your crankcase and refilling with tbe prop- CHECKS ALL POINTS l'llrnlarK" »i>H« IHHI vriMtiicti of d(,i > > liilttoilH. ex consistency of motor oil.

: Every 'Standard" lil>jrionHon Job is checked and rechecked by And ili^Ncw MK>I»K >> •• i . tnVH quint. Be- The result is easier, pleasanter driving all winter long. t miK«i IIK- moving j.i.i •'••, i i H, iullv itsade and means of n special ch'\ iil anil fret looie. Quicker starting. Less strain on your battery. Less neeii Nothing is overlooked. Extra c«ro is taken to keep yow car /•/•:« » /•:/. llmt .(ui< III.WB in ,i nign,,r 11.- I,, ill in i| unlit y that thoroughly clean. n>ak<« tliift Now MIIJIPIK n'nii (in iiiiiii/ing value. of using the choke and a minimum of carbon accumulation. Less wear and tear on every moving part and easier opera- attil (.. ,.„.,...(( ihnr rW. It th0 kirxil ttf ft ic*mhfi ivif 1 tion regardless of the weather.

HIK M*VMC (OMI'ANV r I,.I iM] NKWTON. IOWA I' ,.,.."1 l'l,ll«'l»li>li>» IMI.'. K,.,,,l,. M.H.I UulldlBlluUd f It takes little time. It costs little. It means a saving nil I Noilli IIM>««I SI., I'hll.d.lpliU. r.ninyFv.nU. many times over. WASHEII . . . TABLE "STANDARD" Stop in at any "Standard" Service Station or dealer's. Put your car now in the best possible condition fox the LUBRICATION SERVICE Red Bank Stove & Supply Co. winter months ahead. AT "STANDARD" STATIONS AND DEALERS 16 MONMOIIIII NTKKI-'.T, 115 W. FRONT STREET. RF.l) !?ANK RED HANK I III »N i (M \\ Radio Does Your u\M Play, Sing, Recite? ,' i«»),UUU deficit TUT

lui'li Ihuiiduy aftrni'MiM at >• jo o'clock, for a per- : MI IJI ten weeks, we mil 1'ioadcast a children's programme jvr! Mation WJBI. Any child of school age living in Red an not m*lntti.iii public < !*-<<>niMi«-. he abtlirihtttd $3 B41' needed to i un tht the 1V24 revenue »tt . aluahle prizes will be awarded to the winners. head of a family h«d only JL'.VM) "'Hiptinn and ti atngl UiMMHfi of Ask for an entry blank for your child. Selection of participants in this series of programmes will be made in (he order that entries are received at our office by mail— So to he sure, act quickly.

Farther announcements ot this Contest are being Broadcast daily over Station WJBI. TUNE IN and

hy adding \ bear more about il! Get your Trial Bundle read; ble balHlirt- t now—and 2, lliii.OOO,

«H) (it-licit in li'3.H. H»- !--ft 5r ND IT TO THE

1ii(in tax plan.

vt r wi ot f "VVe should endeavor by increase of taxes and rigid curtailment of ex- Rumson Laundry Adini»Bi(m« tn any penditures to balance the budget for YeGem&GiftShoppe •'The LdbttHrv Hm' I >oi » ll» llt-sl" OUR FRIENDLY CREDIT PLAN the next fiscal year except to the ex- tci taintnent will Tills 1 t A il tent ol the amount required lor etat- 88 BHOAI) NT, Kill HANK utory debt retirements. We should s lens than fifty IS OFFERED TO YOU FOR assure Us balance, including statu- tory debt retirements, for the fiscal CHRISTMAS BUYING. year following. "I recommend that Congress pro-1 iff- vide for an Increase In taxation for """ a definite limited period and upon the general plan of taxation which existed under the revenue act of 1921 •with such changes M may be appro- priate In the light of altered con- Acme Furniture Co. ditions. lTlen-y Slippers ••KKD BANK'S LEADING FUKNITURE STORE" "It la proposed that this Increase shall be definitely terminated |u tw,, years from next July. This plan, il 135 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. Is estimated, will realize J920,0OO,0oo next year and thus meet the above AII r**V ERYONii can cl !(><>«• their Christmas gift .slippers at this store. Our stocks arc so complete and so diversified that selection is easy. And our displays are conveni- ently arranged so as to provide for CHRISTMAS CLUB quick shopping. Moderate prices prevail throughout our entire assort- ments. FOR 1932 fO right through *"* your gift lUt, and ehooM our lovely slip- pen for everyone on IS NOW OPEN It Then are stylet fnm flaintT and color- ful fox women—attrao- Hre, eomfortabl* last* for men, and novel de- Our Christmas Club plans are very simple, very brief, void sign* f of kiddle*. of complications, yet within the means of every man, woman or child who chooses to put aside small sums weekly during the year in order to accumulate money for use next Christmas. Make your 1932 Christmas a merry one by joining our club. Give Them If you have not been a member let us demonstrate what By The Box 1 to 3 Pair* a wonderful satisfaction it will be to receive a check the first a Box. of next December. If you have been a member, increase your class this year and receive a larger check next December. YOU CANNOT SELECT A MORE PLEASING GIFT THAN BEAUTIFUL HOSIERY. EVERY The following popular classes are available: PAIR IS SUPREME IN BEAUTY, COLOR AND TEXTURE. THEY'RE EVERY INCH A LADY'S $ .25 per week for 50 weeks . . $ 12.50 CHOICE. .50 per week for 50 weeks . . 25.00 NEGRITA, TAHITI. AFRICAN, SMOKETONE AND OFF-BLACK. 1.00 per week for 50 weeks . . 50.00 2.00 per week for 50 weeks . . 100.00 For Christmas She Will Like These Handbags. 5.00 per week for 50 weeks . . 250.00 Genuine Reptile, Genuine Calfskin, Genuine Suede. Any Amount per week for 50 weeks. The total amount distributed this year was approximately $200,000.00. Merchants Trust Company Broad Street National Bank ALBEK1 S. MILLER The Second National Bank & Trust Co. KOOTWr.AR HAGS AND HOSIERY. SHOES FITTED BY X-RAY. I 18 Broad Street, Ked Bank, N. J. RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 9, 1981.

Come and See the NEW CHEVROLET SEE


Silent Syncro-Mesh shift Faster, quieter getaway Simplified Free Wheeling Smoother operation Improved six-cylinder engine Smarter Fisher Bodies 60 horsepower (20% increase) Greater comfort and vision 65 to 70 miles an hour Unequalled economy

HE new ChemUt Six is now. on display! Its appearance strikes a smart new The motor includes soch refinements aa down-draft oarburetion, a note in motor car styling. Ita performance combines the greatest thrills of crankshaft, and rubber insulation from the frame. Power has been increased 90%-* Tmodern motoring. Its new features inelnde many of tho important develop- giving a maximnm speed of 65 to 70 miles per hoar and a getaway from a atandatffl to ment* in engineering and craftsmanship. It actually looks, feels, controls and 35 miles an bora in 6.7 sscanda. Ch—nV»*r funwhyiT iv TOOTTV-nniran d tpAaUum pmformt like nothing you hare arar associated whh low price before. have been made even smoother and qmeter throoghoat the entire speed range. And .',-:,•.'. An outstanding feature of the new Chevrolet Six is its combination of Syncro-Megh all of these important advancements are offered in twenty different mndWs Bath getr-ihifting wii li Free Wheeling. Chevrolet is the first and only low-priced car to offer styled in a new and distinctive manner in keeping with the finest Fisher traditions. these two great advancement* in combination. Syncro-Mesh, as yon know, is the To develop snch an automobile at such low prices, Chevrolet has utilised «nra \ finest type of tranmuiission ever developed by modern engineering. With Free Wheel- advantage of its present position as the world's largest builder of automobOaa/ ing, it gives the Chevrolet driver the advantages of simple, easy, quiet gear- And Chevrolet presents this new car—proud in the knowledge that it repreaenta flltf drifting and positive control of the car under every driving condition. Great American Value for 1932,

\ i $


47*w d.llv.,.,1 p,l, • (, 5M A f I. leali Red Bank: IVIotor Co Mechanic Street and Globe Court Open I1 Phones 1720—1362 A. :tpr c o Wood, Feeil. Straw COUSIN BIUSEZ:- I.IMF. «ixl MOM Alt K • •' •."' • ' "-

•U ,ni'. W I

.Vll -i I I'll. 6 !><<) Baled Sh«vtiK>

- f aiiju^tiiM ni waft HppoHited I . •:...* 1 - J niith.- » .- HI v >-y "t the local :p(iacij to build the feer vl< e *-Uit lun ia tf< 1 Jii ll!l.:t Kit ..III.I tlwt it will become more or leas " Mi d Mm Julius Irfohatay I alay at Hergenfleld business neighborhood, and tht-i e 'I'lil'r.i* iieah'iM. N J. N.i». uli. 1931. HOWAHh S CoNOVKK, fore it approves the erection of th»- 117U ('.Milldyt A\e.. I'liidii. N. J.. station as described In the applim • WILSON N. (I)N(IVKK, tion. The report recommended thai Vitinii, N. J.. K. K II. No. 2. CharUs S. Smith. E«U.. the northerly side of Leonard l»n»- Lefcourt Building. from Palmer avenue to the boiuuKh Nawark. N. J. line be changed to "Business II dlt- l-rii to Attorney. t."t litoK trict" in an amendment to the zon- that It pays to advertise in The Register. ing ordinance and that such district 1

bt* held >•!«« ui. i ' r J I >• Mill face prominent Mirim-n in the malt- (un- GIFTS accepted in v11 at must lo i- tl cm' Amung thpm aie Ohris H. I I< .'!• ' huhm of (*ai Istadt, president of t!. r New Jfrspy :>tat<> fir*-men's 1 eiiei' );•; J. YANKO soci;:t:un : Charles f Ai! )ngt/»n, president of the New Jcj.o;,' BROAD STREET, RED BANK fire chiefs' association and Ft t <1 1'. FORMERLY ADIJCM A CO. Rt:.-'i.:iT of Bradley Beech, pies-,i«nt of the Mo.i mouth county flrrnuT'J ass;j;:.L ;;<,r.. Ttu meeting will b:> opened by an invocation by Chaplin KUwa>,l Cumnton of the local organ- ization, followed by an aildress of welcome by Borough Manager, Clin- ton 1' IAJSIBCU, who wca Keansburg's ft ret fire chi«f. Music will be pro- vided by tho Ki/yport flremen'a bund. HOLIDAY William Kalbarh heada the rommit- Ico on refreshments, Louis Ruhlman is general chairman, and Richard Jessen ir; secretary. The borough will sponior a bene- fit vaudeville show to raise funds for the unemployed relief fund, of which SPECIAL* Mayor Clarence Watson Is director. The affair will be held In the audi- torium of the Francis place school .sillltTS Silk MeAtuknA tonight Hmadrloth. Collar) at- The following pupili had perfect and f^ to I POCKETBOOKS HANDKERCHIEFS records in the Keansburg public separate col- schools during: November: lars to match. ( CHURCH STREET SCHOOL. I Grade 1, Ra« K. Harney, teacher Mnr- | Kuivt Selena. Alici Cre»r, Elletn Dan*,

! Calhleen Pe«den. Geraldlnee e Thruckk,, Ken Ke - Doll, George Ack«rman, Nicholas Amir. 1 and 2. Koma E- Raymond, teni-hei kumarle GUnn. Marjorie Mat - thtjws, Sui.hle WalUra, (Jlorla King. WHI ! All purchase* lacacaa Gilbert. Thomti Aiimnck, Wlltinni , luin Hiuuld Wnlling. Kenneth WBIIIXK le 2, ElRle Potter, teachei MBI Kiu-el l),r:ipi«.. (.oraldine pi-hoei.«.in. J ..hn, , I bored free of Antltos. IIHI-I y An-liews, lUymond < n- ninn, Cliffnni freni. Allan Dale, Frank Moir, K«nn«th Robinson. 1 ! Hand-rolled colored linen 25c up Grade -V Florence Sculthorp. tturher-- , Maicasiti? all l.-aili.T l\i.s> .-,2.65 charge. Ml<-li:»cl Amlron. Anthony Belleixs, Putsy Colored chiffon kerchiefs 50c up Bonu.inin, Jr.men IhivU. William Karley. : Genuine seal liaiull\n;s .'.4.95 Appenzel embroidered ....25c up Don -las Fnulkn, Hurry Silver. Harold Spitxtn.-.j, Uorls Borytr, Minnie DaiUy. Smooth leather hits.. 7.50 Men's initialed handkerchiefs 50c Lucille Donnelly, Adele Jesicn, Anna i : I Finelv grained baps 10.00 Krue^er, Rob« Latins, Sylvia Perl, Clcl- All linen embroidered 15c he Fitdcn. Imported Jb'nelisli' leather..12.00 Grade 4. A. V. Coon, teacher—Ro*3 I (ieiven, Dorin Matth«w«. Eva Rockafet- HOSIERY lilk 5.00 VanRaalte chiffon hose 1.95 Grenssr Robert Moore, Henry C liver. Amber handled, .silk 5.00 lOhe^tei' Pearl, Walter Hytin, Herbert: 3 I- Silk and wool hose 1.00 . lanrk, Vincent Vnccr..-cl1t. I^-n Zuc!- - 16-iib re-inforeed water-proofed I men, Clarn Anpley, Nnrrnr.ii B:-ocVi Kayser's silk mesh hose 1.50 I Shirley Grcn«er. Elim'.-c h Jo^phaun, E - THROUGHOUT this Man's taffeta 8.50 and 10.00 • telH TI-URK, There.:- W,.\:z. Special GIFT Values Men's silk umbrellas 5.00 \ Grade fi. Alii . V; :o. i;rcher-- \*"- - • Shop you will find a very • V , , KM h Krc-f • . fJ •••:••• I',.-"-:. , V!e::"ii:;i V/r.llIn*:. I-1,-..:'1, Ir .-, •,;•• . NECKWEAR in rich new weaves and pattern. $2.50 LEATHER JACKETS v I smart collection of the finer MEN'S TIES i K ,- things that contribute to a man's SWEATERS for the year 'round golfer $8 ". V. i' dressiness and comfort. It's the l:. GLOVES in fine pigskin and buckskin $3 better part of gift shopping covered . . .-rj A.a:..-.u<»-.Cl> ' 'Lin fc*' ! BATH ROBES n> .. u ,1-s.gns of Terry Cloth $8 •• >\. >• :>-•• : t^arher—Dlro judgment to choose wearables •r; i: J, /.!' zyi Fiimlianor, Jthn ' MUFFLERS .«, I. : ..ml silk square* $3 pillows, cor- • 1 •/ L- . -!. Charles MaLthcw*, 1 for a man and to select them in < < ' MOP'T. Rr.l-.1! Silver. Janie* i etkd with pure o.'. Cecil Ti uflK. Elmer Truax, An- | HOUSE COATS ersnn, MEN'S LEATHER COATS :.... sizes 5.50 Ru-li Pearl. Emma Ryan. Marie Splttman. 50 to 12 50 Grade ». Margaret T.yl.T. Uacher— BOYS' LEATHER COATS : & * - Made of line qualitv imported Arth'T Vox. Albert HennzlnKer, John 6 50 to 15 oa kionenberc, Loralne I^onardln. Ctorgm .silks and biiH-ades.' Well tail- NECKWEAR Rr*snn«r. Je*nett* Drnt-der. Vivian romp- SUEDE JACKETS * - $ - o.ed and shaped..l.O0tn 2.00 ton. Frieda Ciranato. Ruhr Hnlmaa. Eve- lyn Kiat- Clara Olmitrnd, Marie Schu- SWEATERS $2.95 to $7.50 marker. Thelma Stanford. ' 5 95 to 13 50 Albeit Neof, Seymour Compton, ROBES (Flannel) $ - * - GLOVES Richard Trenery and Frank Flaher- ROBES (Silk) ./>. $7.85 to $18.00 ty are on a hunting trip. f Eurd's Writ- Mrs. Chester Mulliion Is planning BLANKET ROBES . , $4.85 to $7.50 a trip to ICurope. ing Paper and William Aalbue, while walking- on | PAJAMAS I $1-25 to $8.00 the Ptonf road Wednesday was hit' 150 lo S0() cards with en- by ; ti automobile and thrown to tho GLOVES \ $ $ i nanwiiy He received cuts and •NECKWEAR '. '• 65c to $3.W) v elopes to l-Mii.-p.s and waa treated by Dr. 3 Chiii Irn From kin. HATS $ -5° to $10.00 inati'h. ArcoidlnR to Mayor Clarence Wat- son thore will bo no Increase In tho SCARFS $100 to $4.00 hudfcei for 1932, At an Informal WALLETS $100 to $6 so uifetliiK of the council Thursday a 50c a box Imported l.uv ( • >iE.ii nnj cuff tentative budget la said to have been sets 1.00 UKrtrd upon. A decrpajie in the sal- aries of borougti ernployrcH was tin- Georgette o>ll.n and culls .1.00 tier <(>nuideration but wun not taknn dpi .1.95 Hand enil'ioideu'J cnllar and up swrlnusly. Impoili .1 ki.l ; \',\ c . 2.95 cull set-, 1.50 'I'r pnrry Hi othpi B. Automobile dcalerH. hftvn inntHllcd HII oil Imni «-1MI(IU:I mi] I/I. I kid 3.50 Silk haiidkeichiel cases . ... 5Oc CLAYTON & MAGI ...„ en <'hurrh strert I'l ltio,

Ifchoiitifi I'niiay niohl. A nunibri » \m it *\ ( * H f t Ke ws. K an Club 1 I („,,!,„ I, 1.,.; ,-,• rir. I:, o..-«l.' "Q(M)[l biniiilurc for Ik cry rets Offic ers i^ui,..!- ,' M.* ( ,. i:., -. r, ...... N«M.r<:! *• ' N'-'-i.i Wt-I I: I'll I • ' . I. at Mil- Tt., fit : : M 1.1' t li.-jfl Itc'il : / ,.,..,! .1, '-l tl -Ti IHllh- Mi« )i J. I.iHl First SO Thursday Buyers ,ur' to S.fl.iv- the re The bo;,-. f,.Mb-tH U-uir. of Hn.- lilac-c played a tea in from km J 11,1 ow a'1'ht.k,i .v Plaza Sunday in a nluin ^a; .t <>n Mint ,,1.1 the local field ai.d lo.M In a i-.-u•! ..,.*. h»vi- fought t'iinit- to thf \i. I!;ul,t ufj'' h K: • ARM CHAIR SSSS ; third k^iKk- been undtr rt'pyli, 1.4 m'arly fiin.-iiv-J The V\'t-dnt'sd;iy t vi-ninp pr"- < n <>t Of . * Wil- Wunduy srbonl will pi r^ont u < 'fi : . . *r CHARGE IT TO YOUR ACCOUNT lmuy I.(.1,1 !i!i He. '(, Avkei niUH pio^i am In th<- < }Ktp< I H n I''** Folding Table . . ptirt of the pioKratn ;irnl the pupils ,.,11,.^ brr 4 »«) , I.„;,,,[ !••«.,,., tt-aoticr, Ada Ken ton, will I" li 1 Dllhl t \< 1 ( I 4 h f ,. • WllllKMl - - -A ; o [>(>•• •.' » lie atatkf.1- chare at the affair The c-hiMien VtOHI'l I i'lK >(1| , ',„ hope to have a guest arils' |>iecr >rUu! i n H. J ', •, ht field lit * i W fdltf w MIHH Ada Ken ton Hpunt Hun day c urtwn. N"il. ri( 1. .«,..g ^ ' ' ,'t |i- tained a number of fiienda iind icl •;,,[..- i«.r a it.UKjuft to be h- id -•' fi.kl r.nlN .l,r,, >.,.. 1 ,iiiiiin biMhm» btiftiMi. h'jpt-ii li, huve many stale and home Sunday afternuoii. The fc'iieats ' inly iupuhlican (.flic iaU jin-nen' were Mir hat-1 Ilallerati M i and Mrs. Frank Haley and d-iu^h j • i »if#* when you open let 1M chaiiiiian ef i ht- • MUIM, n ' > - ler Elizahet h of Kvrrct t, 11 a 11 y rubber tip(i*if IIK.I.I.^K

vyhlcli it, «'«,nip'(N,-(| . ,f Mi Wiliiujt.'' ( 1 inr> of Vand^rburg and Mr.-- J'liri fold mi. i... ,,h ,,,,,: anu^f.t. .n Jeffrey of Linrroft. the drafts • . . warms your Ash Trays ... Hairy Y, SMJHII in n hJniM talk ">!" I-^lwie Leonard t^pent the wrck iini with Pearl White of Holmdel Mandr .ir^.u!,., „.„.! f hi tt iwftii huii' i TI x t' i|> '" MM Hit- 2 w ^ Hie coffee boils! triyi in imoilt'd t j s t» 1 Thf following had a rcroi d f«n pet it WBB ((.ntinuinn in Mipjdy MX fain ftc-t attendance in the Linriuft pub iih—juit rhf iih[>. AnnouDCf tnent was made i hut a Primary department—Kuln-tt Hu-Un- ! Coa it • r s . . . . nnn u WIKOFF CO. Htmlfi telt"Kiurn had hecn nciit upon bt*h«I! 1'f ,;,| -v. KIMIS lirekcnrldK*. Km her IHeHt-n- i Ornamenlal and very u»e Phone $51-552 of the flub l<> Henatoi Harbour con mii iidK«. Mildred Emly. Dorln I-Hyluii. U«ni-j 4 •Mwin VaiilluHklik, * WVldoii VanNnte. ihy Millar, HtiHc MorAt>, F.llen Mnunvr, ' fill to hold rrfrcahm«nt HAROLD COAL CO. KratuldUnK him upon hln appoint- Vivian HemiftU, •J'».«i,hln« (handler, Dorothy Weijen. Evelyn ('rafi, Under t gUwet io imtn p«wtrr ment !>y (lovernor Larson. •Dorothy I>oiiulnaii. 'Morn FIUIU, •(;IHc« Devtrl'*, Geoi'Ktt K«ily, KKimvth I-ii>K«n, Just 50 Arm Choir Sets at This Price M K MAUSNIft A ION JH nil HI crif. *MuUel KI ILK. *Innoi«nc« ( huilen Miller, Ral|»h Mnlr.on, Waller finiih. M«yei, Mar Km Tmffur.l. -Httty Vi.nDc- TumiiiUki nrirl Josei>h Wr;wht. mnn, 'Kluablth Viiubal. Including Accessories These Six Gi W EltlOTT & CO. ri.AM Phon* 14 FiiKt Kr»< u H RuxiUaiy »t rick, Chmlen Ht-hriit, Fell I>own Well; I^JT Fractured. •Jack Conover. *WillUm Ci>n. 75c and up tin [tit-house. A sink with a dou- Htrkn. Hoia Reevej. Thciaia Searn. • iiHlnhoHrd, purchased by the Cmmniar d*i'»i im»nt—•Victoria Hlrk*. *Edrm V. Alhett. 'Pierre Lyons, 'Andrew 77-79 Broad St. Phone 270 Red Bank, N. J. ' 'imv. was inBtalled free of Kinn. •StHiil^y K.fvey. •Edith Albert, Honey Bee Flower Shop * H i *-1 by Waynard Applegate of •Anim M«« Hlcltp. pmwthy Keevey, *U r- ! B I'ppcr Broad St. Phone It. B. 872. i . !;. si st way o( (illinj? vou> v>.«rtt • ( ik- hton avenue. ttuda Alhei t, Itoi nihy Crawford.

; •>SXK'**'>*^~X»<**^^^^

iJeerle»s Boys' and Girls' $5.00 up Bicycle, $26.75 Tricycle^ up

FOR FOR LITTLE BETTY OR . BILL.Y FATHER or BROTHER MOTHER or SISTER A FEW SUGGESTIONS: A handsome Doll Pool Table FEW SUGGESTIONS: Doll House Desk Skate and Shoe Outfit, Camera Stationery good grade, $4.50 up. Cradle A Grand Scooter $6.50 to $12.00 Wallet Bridge Cards Carriage Bicycle Golf Balls . Diary Terms may be arranged Charming Dishes or Football all makes, $60.00. Golf Sticks Leather Brief Case X Aluminum Pots Ba~!:etball Roller Skates, Real Electric Range All Sorts of Wonder- Poker Chip Sets Typewriter $2.25 and $2.50 or Stove ful New Games Fountain Pen or Photo Albums Rocker A Pen Knife Pencil Memo Book I Desk Movie Machine $5.00 to $20.00 Handsome Desk Sets Fountain Pen or I Kitchen Cabinet Pencil Footballs, T A Grand Gun Desk 98c up Y Office Lamps, Table and Chairs Punching Bag Backgammon Game X $2.00 to $25.0C Pool Table Y Doll's Furniture Boxing Glove* Ice Skates A Good Book Sewing Sets Trains 4 k Skis Tennis Racquet i Books Wagons ! Cards Bibles Painting Sets Watches Sled Dictionary Flash Light Alphabet Blocks, Drum Doll Furniture, 50c up 25c up Bi id 'Juoos, $1.0C to $10.00. COME AND SEE THEM ALL I AND AT SUCH THRIFTY PRICES, TOO! I I ? Y *. Leathei V/allet*, Drum:, 75c to $10.00. 25c up 1 TRU XMAS CARDS Have Your Doll Assortments. Repaired NOW S8 Broad Street Red Oanlc 25c to $1.00 per box. *<••><»<»<.<**;**><»**»<*»*»*r«*x*<»*><**j*<*»j**t**z»*J**t*<**»*<**>****^»;•»:-•>»:-<- •: c t^-; >•:- <**:**x**x*«>-x*-x»*x**t*<*<**i' , DECEMBER 9, 1981.

ifiOil vivo (lam < h..wdw fMippw. «!,• it f.,';o huiiditrd (t* i ^"ii» w-ie

'* ' . anil- "I the SaivHlv.i. »>" - * <"" f i!ay nlfchl at !ttc.. J'tim) t.i,.l I.M- ! ..i m tides we re aiso pltn t*il on s«le COMPANY Tinton Falls New*. Miss Kuth Coleman, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Harry Colemsm, le cun- , •. i !• M nt. They nned to the house with fk upi&incj ,,t \l,,. ix>B,rd ankle. She received this injury laat '•'.-. the speakers and week when she clipped and fell ;. i< s I'J trie inembeis while etepping off the porch of her ; ; home. Miss Coleman la a trained • , i , i tinj; came to order, nurse and she was home on a short i ,: ! „ Mate W. C Coody varatlon when Bhe was hurtt Miss Maifrarat Schults of Belmar A Gift Group of Beautiful Silk ,,i a^i ^latiun at Lake • . ii r tin glider with th was a recent guest of Miss Margaret :u: i ; ;ive them helpful Dean. u wlni li wuuld increase th( Mia. Harry Covert U a patient at Santa and the Spring Lake ho«pitaj. Laat sum- . (.f their <-raft. . . nni: was called to ordel mer she underwent an operation and A New Gift Size! it J. ^tukfs, the bo>a man her health for a time seemed much ^ iiibtruttttr, "who explained improved, but of late her condition, li-trni'is that Bllhout!h he took a turn for the woree. Umbrellas M iMya U> pume extent they Miss Ethel Dreyer attended the re- i i,t Hie work and stuck to cent state conference of teachers st His Ponies oj' 11 until it was completed Atlantlo City. Houbigant Perfumes j o (uliiivtr president of this Mrs. Laura McManimee II aict glider club, introduced the with a heavy cold. u (,r the evening. William Scott is spending a month ...Real Live .Ones nt Cleveland, Ohio, on a business Th first speaker wae the flrat nn-Mileni and founder of the club, mission. $5.00 'uaiph Child of the sxaduatinnclass. William Bennett and family of Bed Me explained some fundamentals of Bank have moved in the Stoothoff $4.95 Which You May Ride These popular, delicate scents , , . Men i uMicm and Bhciwfd why aviation house which they recently bought. today in an important factor in the The work of improving Swimming Jioudoir, Idea], QuelqueB Fleura , . , lio^iess of transportation. He also River road, between this place and Inimitably Houblgant! II she hai set thanked Mr. Slcikes for his co-oper- Lincroft, was completed Saturday. her fancy for one moment upon one ation and helpfulness in the con- William M. Flitcroft of Karming- of these, don't fancy for one moment For Discriminating Persons !".uietii,n of the glider. dale was the contractor. Are In Toy land! that you can change It! ... Instead, Mrs. Wellington Wilkins and Mrs. 'Die next speaker, Mr. Coody, com- indulge it! With a new gift size flacon. plimented the boys on their under- Harry Osborn will be In charge of On Your Christmas List Santa li here. He lnvltea you to come In and ride hla beautiful taking end continued with the ad- the supper which will be held at the Shetland Ponies. He will give you a little colored ticket when \ ice lie iiad given them before the Red Bank Reformed church next you ahtke hands with him, and this you present to th« man at meeting. He told them that their TufEday night for the benefit of Chanel Perfumes, $3.75 to $13.50 the pony track. project was the most successful Hivervlew hospital. The supper will If you've been told by some of thins of Its kind that he has seen be given by the Tlnton Falls auxil- Gardenia, 1940, Rouge, Beige and Bleu are some of the exquisite the most difficult feminine ...And Red Riding Hood ii here, too! Coma In and talk to bet undertaken by amateurs and added iary of the hospital. fraicrnnces ... One of the most appreciated things you could glv« ...and perhaps buy a Red Riding Hood Chriatmaa package. that their craft would fly. persons on your holiday gift Frank Howard Lloyd, superintend- Everett News. her' list, that you must be practical ent of echools, thanked Mr. Coody STEINBACHS—First Floor on behalf of the boys for his words this year ... choose to give of encouragement and eonimende.d Jean Carton of Red Bank spent them silk umbrellas ! A silk Up the Chimney J the club on its perseverance. the week-end with Misses Katherine and Mary Warneker. After the meeting a social hour umbrella is a luxury ... yet ...That's the way to get to Toyland! Straight up the flu* of % was enjoyed with the club doing the Mrs. Patrick J. Carton, Jr., and no one can deny its practical- great red brick chimney... In an express "lift" which takes yott honors and »erving refreshments. daughter, Mary Patricia, spent Fri- directly to Santa's domain! day with Mrs. Joseph Eustace of ity ! Shrewsbury. 1/ She Loves Pets*., GOOD MJPILS AT UNCROF*. William Kelly's horse, which has - Some Important Christmas Toys; been under the care of a veterinary These dainty styles ... of Forty-Three Children With Terfect for the past week, died last Satur- Rrcords for a Month. day night. duroweave or silk ... come in Juvenile Golf Outfits $1.00 The following pupil* have perfect The Blessed Sacrament guild of such shades as black, navy, Ping Pong Sets $1.75 records for attendance and punctu- St. Catherine's church held a card She will Like a Canary maroon and tan. The handles Parlor Croquet Sets $1.00 ality at the Lincroft school for the arty at the home of Mrs. Edward past month: 'owe Tuesday of last week. Prizes and tips match attractively. Anagrams 88 Primary deiiarunent - Elsie. John and were won by Mrs. John Henry Hy- Robert Itreckenridge, Mildred Emley, Rose lm and Mis. Frank Haley. The next And really, the small price is Steel Pull Toys $1.00 Morris Dorii Hint Kenneth I.ayton. Doro- meeting will be held at the home of Which will sing all thru the Winter >hj ami C\i»rl»» Miller. Kllen M

at . . ' - 1.. I. 1-UII...I,:, II, , I..,h. i-h,,,, ||, 11,r M. ,1.| ),uillllf,( oil , M .,, , , ,, »fl. • :.•..- Shrewsbury News. M»ll'HI', sttltr aii'i uu at tin' itriury lawt i traiik Cuvert waa home over the Fine ..li ' CBII tf tiUUtftlt VWiineH'iay Alu ul Jli'i wn> -It-Hied iwet-h-end from Tri-liti>n. Mrs <•• 'Hie utliiiio Bi.ii IMIIIHS i,f CliilKI 'l''ie ofliclal l,.,ttid of the Metlm

L. C.lHl hurrh S;iri'!a> BI ho',1 win meet at j dint church met Monday night at WOUd uli Aitliur l.iuiiax, manager of tho the lectoiy 'I'huiBday iw.ht at cl^nt the parsonage. K«yi«.M. - ' brunch awrence Cook, one of the foremen, In the Kentucky mountains for dis- benefit of the ladles' aid society. tribution- J.'/i.hKi.l'J, lu installing the system. About 125 persons attended a tur- I In- I,.-nil- ul Mi- >• •• V. « ..11 i , 'in mort- Francis O'Brien spent Saturday Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Holland are vis- 1 key supper given Friday night for 'I In- Ki >J.iil I li.n l-.il.> • 'ill.j.nny mi.) iting friends ID the South. Ki-, w.-,e i ::\W» and Sunday at South Amboy. llrtngthrntd tr\d yum njutrj IM d the members of Rebekah and Odd property ouJc ttcun TIUIIMII.V r.lvtlt. H"li.\ 'IfiiKe W. John Hamm and Walter Leuck re- night at the home of Mra. Gertrude liruwn. F Palmi-i AirnM '>I>K. I Har- cently spent a day In the woods In Miss Clara Franklin has a position dent Hoover. Styron on Shrewsbury way. In a store at Freehold. old Hendrirkwin anil I.I -yd K. Arm-'SftUth Jersey, prior to a hunting The Song and Daughters of Lib- Mr. and Mrs. Alex CadiMi, Jr., of (| The firemen will hold a dance In fit ruiiK- 'I'ln- 'li' i i ' rh I elrrw-d the trip they expect Ui make there soon. erty lodge will hold a Christmas Summit were wet-k-end guewta uf following <,fllcers: The boys' football team of this their hall on Friday evening. Mr. and Mm. J. 11. Hendrlckaon. party Friday night of this week. Pri-Biili-nt Hniv,-y F K.ill.. place defeated a team from Rum- Mr- and Mra. W. A. n laHt Hunday on their own sition In the office of the Chevrolet The lied Bank Register travels for West Palm Beach, Florida, where Herrrlary OuriK- W. lln.nii NC|< Kiminda by a score of 24 to 0. agency at Long Branch. over every street In town and every they will spend the winter. TrraaUKT- I' l'«lin'"r Arm-! I nr.jj. road in the county. I,et It carry your 01 MONMOIITH iLCEOilAMk The association has ataiteii a now The foreign mlsHlonary meeting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens, Renel Lewis of Washington, D. C, will be htld at the home of Mrs. message to those who live on these 1B spending the winter with Mr, and series of Hharec to bo known H* the who have been Maying with Mr. thoroughfares. —Advertisement- Mrs. Eail II. liegeman. For MEN Mra. \Villiain C. M. Anderson, J. C. Andersun, Jr., Miss Mary Hughes and William Lock wood are visiting $ relatives of Mm. Anderson's at Dov- e er l'oxcroft, Maine. 2 to '3 E. L. Conklln left for Florida <>n Thursday, making the trip by air- NATIONAL 5 10e ^ 1 St -I plane. • For CHILDREN Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith ami daughter of Harrlsburg, Penney! itnincrly Prowit'Coopcr Co. 1 vania, were recent guestu of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cross. The local board of education has 47 BROAD STWf-KT RED BANK given Instructions to R. O. Walling, district clerk, to procure options on A SMAI I Dfl'OSII WH- !• in ANY ITEM UNTIL XMAS. Wi land necessary for a new athletic field. The tract selected Is on the east side of Atlantic street and north .|| A Complete Line - I of the new state highway and ad- jacent to the new high school. The tract is 8 acres and the lands of J. f °' ^T C. Osborn, Emil Plmper, the Hoff- Morris Bros. man estate and Paul Meyers will be § XMAS BOXES ^} necessary to complete It. Several of THOMAS und WALTER MORRI8, Prnps the owners have agreed on a price :» . ... , Af and those who do not agree will have ; "Th« Sundial Shoe Store" the property condemned. The board * in all sizes and has the money on hand to pay for 51 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. the land. It Is probable that the :S shapes for your proposition will be placed before thr > Hirt* voters at the annual school elertinn. selection. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Mason and win Rfly, recently returned liome fmm :tn 2 for 5c; 5c, 10c. All Steel SNOW KIN*. XMAS TREE IM 1FITS SLEDS Turner Toys

\ real steel toy Unit irlngu jo; to any child. Can bo had U| jouf rholra of a dump truck, 98c fchutrl, speed uiifron and horjk ft ladder at the A real high-crude Sl*d at a real • llliollillly IliW piicM (if— low price. Other sizes at $1.98 and $2.98. Reg. $1.50 Value. Each set consist* of 8 Sockets anil H lw.> l.mo Bulbs with e: 88c sion cord and socket. Complete Games ! Games! DOLL'S ». in « -.iiu|iMlinl Outdoor Swing HUBLEY'S All Metal lile ICi-frlKcnitniw "SONNY" entire Indii.Htry. i 'h Cast Iron Toys •*•* Uuiii i«e l^i operate. Absolutely I Wheel Barrows Bright red enamel Anlnh.

Mi rim.I. Hint; Toss, Quoits, Old THE ONLY DEFINITE : .Miild and liniiilreils of other games. GUARANTEE to $1-49 WITHOUT TIME LIMIT

and guaranteed by the millions of Hade In two styles at $2.88 Other Dolls at prices ranging from resources of Montgomery Ward Si Qgc and $| .49 10c to $3.98. Co. Others 10a to 118c. Size* for All Families. American Mixed Brightly enameled fiiil.ihrH In as Mechanical Train sorted colors. "They look real." As Low As $|.00 Set XMAS CANDY % Genuine Slate Complete with strong Wind-up Black Boards .50 KRlne, (^oal Car, Fassenger and 15c - c to CASH Pullman Car, Including 8 sections I'll re fresh candy made In numerous of truck. 49 149 assorted cuts. GARAGE Aluminum Delivered and Installed Percolator Set Nothing Else to Pay 49c o Sold $11) Down, $10 a Month. Olhrr NIZON ranirlng from 10c to Small Carrying Charife. Large Hlza O PLEASE Toy Telephone EVERYOHE Nickel Finish. i nkdlil I i uly Simplified An aUnictlvu (iiiriine, lar» Men's Leather Metal Knamel Heavy Metal enolish fur two curn. Kleitrii. Refrigeration BREAD BOX Bridge Lamps /o OFF • H't.u: I,..in.-. MIII ,.|, oine TruKolil. Tim Ideal Kleo KID GLOVES u i(. hki intor ji»i'ir hi'in "altlni; fur. Thanks to French $"• .00 each 10 • I .. In io 1» . TRAIN OUTFITS • iijil M'IIIN \\v Inn e kindled mid watohrd progress FREF./.IN(. SIM.KDS . . . C hi. II. Ill N.nv our .ntiiieerM iiro ready. TrnKnld Is 8 LADIES' AND ACCESSORIES. !•• in Mm imii speilllciilloiiH hy oil« of thn largest em- AUTOMAIH CONTROL 39 Fine Holiday w-> niiiiniriietiiii I-N of refrlKciultnn oqulpment In Strong Reinforced ll I rili In Tho FOOTBALLS STATIONERY Pocketbooks .i,, Mi,.. Hint Each Miiliit the Irn Box SI'K IT IN OPERATION CARD TABLES 49c 25c I'ly-to-tlK'-inlniilo NtyWi* at a nv " 'I- i I < .iliinet. Oni' pit-Co Heamll'HH porcelliln fond In H<<1 <>r (Ireen. MeHlltlflll lili.dirnlstlc IIIIXPS lllli*d 1 ••i.i|iiiilnien(. :r',, ti , or 1'i poiuuls of Ice. trecjlng ill Only 3 with guild (|llilllty ttUH'h—maUen an miirkillily low price. |" 'I «l. ll.Ti in- l!l\ lee i-illies. ..21 In a Iriiy Each M.i -l/i- (11, i il.i 11. .II rienlv of Hloratr B|mce. K»rrv MOVINC. 98c Ladies' Rayon •iili'iiiiint te.ituni of initloMallv rulviTltm-il makes, llout PARTS "l-> It. (iiinii tmliiy. . . Itrllig your frlellda! Ladies' Newest Underwear PENCIL BOXES Boudoir Slippers Your choice*

• fcLECTRK'MKNACfcMAN • •• ufi n * M t M>» Uiii'. CHILDREN'S DRr.S.St>, AT

! : E : .t ! t • f i' r ' ! A ^ * " B L ' n *• f *or> «"•" .I* H.., .lt |(,, r . • H'• • r *• ' • ^' Anttiraittr Jonw Ml *,.,!•,.HIBIH «Uv I • «• a» ( >»: ami Remove* Mr* Cimwi Larkm Mi Hodas Factory ihr Astit-t Mn Will,*. LEWIS STKKF.T, EATONTOWN, N J .\ tAKMAI 1 ISl OJ SATISFIED USERS: some forn 4 r Vfll News. . , ,, ,i mi'- lu ' raids A\r hiii 3 Installed. •tudiad niuai » Cotton Dre»«; Formerly KeLailed $1.00—^ , r HI ,i i win 1r fru»pec« Ave, has > Installed. the right n>«-<< , .iv... ul Herri ,, i .i.i ! ti il 1. i •.liiK-i Plane. drawiiiK etnl i" ,, \, mm i tii,..ni >l Slot ol w..ik ,j ^.)L «bi} et lk« Cotton Dret«; Formerly Retailed $1.48— .'. i > M^ Hit* i »uli. A w I tXlad acul|/< !• -A V...t»M|1 lilM-lnlJc AVC •Bd Wll artrHj' * n.tei ui«dlala :,. : .HIS I ulr Hit*nn Road. th« Archlpt-nkf, > bu< let V Will tl\- Cotton Drew; Formerly Retailed $1.98— ,,,ii I. . Ki.rrnldr Drive. entlrtly «nvh.»i- peiiplt of the f > i< HII.MIN. uinriitde Drivfc •v»ry dny for it . li. the Metho- \ !>'!iuMI>, Munmouth St. >.'K>.I here Silk Drew; Formerly Retailed $2.-5H—$<• m Deinnber 11th. Leonardo New*. imeiit will be !'*-'l:e . » tie.ll by Mil. eini her puplll (The K«d Biak K iRici ran t>« bou«M for the cli' of IK Ijeunt'do •< !!>• xea ol Fred Meren clnmh Ihe Methodist Lamont A. Dube, tad Gene b«utl t wilt be under the (Ilif "f Hi ladlea' kid io- Mm Hlajr Hartley hn,v« cUty Phone 2310. ndlng a week gait, will he held Saturday, iK*"«r in Maryland PrMfinbt-i l.'lli. in the .Snyiler bulld- H.lvr ,\v, & W. Front St., Red Bank *• and Mis* Mary O*ur Inn tiy thr Methudlat ladies' aid >o- ' ri Nfw York, spent clety Is .- ith Mr and Mis Edward Mr* Carolina Mlnton was operat- w*i »- * ed on yenter.iay ml the Hpring l^ake r Bryan hu b««n hospital • !H-I home with H severe Ate htntiett, who was* operated ,.-t few d»yg. cn at a Nt-w York hoi^pilal. Is »tead.- f vbody Drives a Mih. ('laud* aCy&iiB of Key- lly impruving and Is expeoted home and next we«k. |i«m sunday with Mr. and Mrs. to The regular meeting ot the Metho~ ¥ Sf A H V dlit missionary Hficiety will be held Burn Used Car A iiiimhci nf men In Leonardo are a I,- b-inx cin|)l(,yr(i by the township of lKht, December 14th pay too much Middlutuwn on the road that U b»- Harry ii Kuiti.s, miinirijial dlicc lnjr widened at Chapel Hill tor of uiH ilil"Vio''nt inis succced- Mrs. Jeiiy Bottino and family •iml ed In ohiai ing jnbs foi half dozen for your coal" Mis. Bottinrt'H mot hex, Mrs. Wnlt". .1.1,- ,,t I in .i.tARANCE SALE pent yesterday at Arlington with tfin! .'!. 1«< Mra. Thnma* Crawford. ii'pem Ten Ter t>nt *'er.|«rlt t.. ' .- .•••l.-F ,.t Jo^pl, I-. Harry Swllhanby of Kft&rry sjient Mayor J. William Jones at Long There'i at much difference in Coal ••, • t it,.' < i,.,nt v .,' Mon RECONDITIONED CARS h*» week-end with hfrt parents, Mr. Branch announoed last week that ha nd Mrs. John NwithPnt.y would contribute te" per cent of his as there it in people, at Nature hat C hrytler 65 Sedan $325 Mri- Anna t.'lliirfi ,,f Maple wood salsry In the unemployment rillef made many different kind of coal. D( J I'. II.,. and Misi EIMIIUI Mr A.. In emergency notes In order and lasts longer — Order tome Buick Coupe 200 to obtain a like amount from the Oakland Sedan 200 Mr. and Mrs. I. nl* Ki-l*f <»f Rum- today ! eon spent Sriturd* > . •, ..!-•'. ; » ' »i Mr Hupmobile Sedan 200 And Mrs. Kobe it Studebaker Coach 150 Miss Klirreme I Mi • ' • w, h k h-- been sii-k wit' • *t t)>. Coal—Fuel Oil—Grain and Feed • * I ME Hid IA If .-: I I, I I I , •", M ' ••'• • I . HiNK Long Brunch ,..,.- in- ithi' in1' iv ;i-.v\ 11 K ;LY Buick Coach 100 j II,..i Hn,i }• 1 !!• ! MS She is «»J'«< In' : , • i Ailnilir-iiRlr ' Studebaker Sedan 225 within s «hrrri i I II I Ol M I I I I Ml !, 1 . ,1 Jordan Sedan 125 Mrs. Ermvm.i sy^r "" t i i LAWES COAL CO. Nollre i> lie>i e-l> r vl • i. Cadillac 7-passenger Sedan 250 .„ ,., ,, ^ r a I l|( I Ii *•*« .• Ml'.s Ih-rh.'i t | . r Ph !As 1 •;' *i i Sill I'IV -.trill \ .. N I Ph He.l Hani* \2' ' K rr> t • ., r I . I , t J atfi ON f<>, ,, h\>\. «i • • II •• f i r : - n i M the , » I « „ I , . ..,11 Ih. TlirM' cars are in first-class mechanical con- OrthopfKJlf; honp) al at T^«wYork I • t about t>i!«-«. w.-ek,- «K". i* 1'")' nvinj; dition. Dd not be afraid of them at the prices I I f r I Mrs. T\ lrh« i>1 p|ci m!f> ami *"n How (|iinti'(l. This is a clearance sale at reduced an. ami dautfYiter l^vinla of juices to move those cars quickly. <'it v, «]>#> rit Hn nd«y with HuTtnl.'s mother. Mrs. KBIP W.ilil rab. Amlrrsw Watu, Jr, and family at ad 1 .1. N.warlt spent the week-end wit Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watte. Mrs. 8. A. Foster is spending »e llatar f J. W. MOUNT CO, •>•< ejHev ttM tlir* what a 37 «*•.(. « eral days with Mrs. R. u ralcwr of «Mt«r«ne< llmre la of 1 roi• ly Belforrl. • 1(1 I htj Maple Ave. and White St., Moiu « Y ^ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vanderbeck fttt tn m. ^ III- I Sr I II I Ml- I ( I- Al Kll NT and son Harry spent Sunday with I I - r ii ) PHONE 515. RED BANK, N. J. Mr. VanderbecV's mother, Mrs. Lena ( ,):„ 1),. .0- •t « »h . «r I . 0» Van4arAeck. e. I be « Mr. and Mra. R O. Tompewa sp«t nu A en U 4 • Of • Saturday at New Brunswick iflth . ,- .1 friends. ' I ALLAIRE & SON Hud. .-. A i.rl, I 1 » I 1> fl > • Andrew O»ff at Jereey, CUty ep«nt H«llll „ I 1 n vl I >• the week-end here. lemercl i r»l Mrs. CSwUt MeU1«, tad Mr*. K. O. AGENCY, Inc. Tompsop epeot Wedaeade-r at New- ark with Mra. Tempeotl'e daughter AMD Mrs. Harry lUnh, and Un. Trti Touny. The Jolly Fire met at the hone of A. D. COOPER Mra. Mary Reed of Kaveeiak on » 1 p* ly Monday. The meeting next Monday ntrol wtu be held at the horn* af Mrs. REAL ESTATE Lena Vanderbeck. Greatest Achievement Since flm 3«H-StTter Mrs. Louie Meriffold has been oon- ltuuran.ee ELECTRICAL fined to her horn* with eiakneee sev- eral days. NEW AUTOMATIC CLUTCH Mr. and Un. Ralph Johntoa an Mortgage Loant occupying the Wakefleld cotta#e on GIFTS Chamone avenue. Mrs. Johnson, be- M BROAD 8T, BKD BANK plus NEW FREE WHEELING fore her marriage, was Mica Cath- KRK'tt elmtrifylng news! The prices o( erine Grant. TeL SiM tnd Floor. H oloctrlottl aprillanc«s are 'wav dawn thti ( hrlstmas. And their variety and Ingenuity I glr.« NEW SILENT-SECOND SYNCRO-MBSH Mrs. Matilda Marlfold Is oonflned l y A I* A to her home with grip. ar« greater than ever. fara N •cernl « Erneit MoOIIrray la eonpletlaf a i ly .1 I r • foundation under Captala Beat's cot- Electric Electric vaml . I d 1 tage on Center avenue. Ke is ajeo Waffle Waffle 1 H, 2 Ih building; a septlo tank on the prop- t hare Tke mw DRIVING THRILL erty. Irons Iront i f • Nickel Plated Chrome Plated 1 . The lectures of Colonel K. A. Wat- ul fhlft M seen—fast. KUXKL third end kins ot Jerusalem at the Baptist I I.I idMluuf the dutch pedal church the past week were very $2.75 up $9.95 up Oafy * ftw men 4iyt— largely attended and much enjoyed. »he V Colonel and Mrs. Watkins have been Electric Electric staying with Rev. and Mrs. Thomas. a 1t . e BUICK'S Bread Bread 1 Mrs. Edward Burdg» It having- her Ih . «f Hi cottage on Highland avenue painted. To&»tera Toaster* 1 Robert Search Is doing the work. *50,000 Contest Chrome Plated Nickel Plated 1 c ai Charles Patterson Is making Im- I!*." . ends Dec. 14th provements on hit cottage on Olen- 1 mary avenue. $3.95 up $1.00 up fim Pro., fnfiOi. Stood Rev. Thomas O. Thomas, Miss Lil- Closing Out Electric Prize, flOfiOO. ThW Pram, lian L. Larsen, Ralph Pease, Mlsa £5,000. Forty** other pmti Anita Hammesfahr, Miss Mildred Sandwich Grills ranging from fIJOO to flOO. LeUelter and Miss Edna U Wood- ward attended a Christian Endeavor Reg. Price I a < MONT€R£Y r - i Tim. u r, supptr-oonftrenoe last week it the your lei tar brfon toe cental ejala, Red Bank Presbyterian church. Armstrong $12.50; Now $g.25 Midoi.ht. Moodar. DM. 141k The week-day Bible study class, 1 I, I . M« You have t>« NM ivad ohMce M HOT€L III enym. to wm CM of tfce Me <•• under the supervision of Mrs. H. B. ea-anl*. Warburton, will meet every Wednes- ON THE BEACH AT Proctor $12.50; Now $g.25 day at the home of Mre, W. J. Bills. A The requirements en abnale. AU r you need do le write y«er .aeari1 The Women's Republican club oi ASBURY PARK..N.J. N Urn Sets Percolators Auw«, Cp.>ini i tothequeeticn: *Why done tea new Leonardo will hold a card party at A Monterey DinnerDeLux* Buick Silbt at iu new tow prricae the Community flrehouse Monday af- E t ic I on eamla eooJlrm Bnlek'a parifx ternoon at half-past two o'clock. i « When better eutomoWha are ... Irreilillble Music... Eight $13.23 up $1.75 up % ' Q rr « it tr built, Buick arill boiM then.' Ton Rev. John Sherman of Holmdel g t \\ I Septrete Acti oFVtudcvill* $ 95 •HIT us* tea. twenty or will preach at the Baptist church ber of word* op to 200. Sunday morning. Rev. Thomas G. .. .Two Complete Sliowi... Al of raaanm alnoe w(U coon*—wiit- Thomas will preach at Holmdel Sun- "lectric Electric Heating loe ortil and upcrifLt an aa- day morning. Miss Lillian Larten G»ytty,Color end Life,Until Heater. Clocki Pad. I will lead the Christian Endeavor \t f meeting. The subject will be "Mak- 8ee, phoaa o« wttta jrcat Botch Breakfitt Served 5 I | 11 dealer for further iaTaoaatica if ing Christmas Christian." "Steward- 1 deaired. And be e«re to mail TOUT ship' will be the subject of the Sun- $7.15 up $4.75 up $4.45 up day evening sermon. at 3 A. M. Flint. Met.. The members of the ladles' au»- ; Monday, Dec 14ta. Whet e Nljhl I . ; u Illaiy of the Brevent Park »nd Leon- Buy at Ennis' Where Quality Counts h . I - Sc V ardo fire company will go on a bus A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article • ly h l« ride to Newark next Wednesday. Tickets, Inckiellng dinner it (use Sec and drive the new Buick—today. There are 26 models Shopping, a matinee performance Until Christmas. ,.•. il — new low prices, $9^5 to $2055,f.o. b. Flint. Micbigm. and dinner will be enjoyed. Only J7.50 Imitf Re»e*vedeM Reie . tin- The ladies' auxiliary of the Brev HIM'.' ent Park and Leonardo fire company Mike Year New ESTATE OK will hold a card party at the flre- Yesr Celcbrelloit e housn next Tuesday, at which time Week-end V|sl» tl Mrs. Clifford Huddleston will be the Uli SKers. You will BUICK hoptcss. C. H. ENNIS The card party which the ladles' IIODUCT OF G II N I! K A I. M O T O • S VttVLow Special ft* i>i auxiliary of the Brevent Park and Retei. I OCKSMITIIING ami KEYMAKING Leonardo fire company planned to A SI'FCIAI.TY. i1 H. L. ZOBEL hold on Saturday of this week han T.Ue.ea. Kl t V M..1 il), I mini)"" lj>r(rnt AutiminMli- Dlntrlbutor been ponlponrrl until Saturday even Aaevv »"•" 1*00 Ing, DrVcmhrr l»th. IU.D BANK, N. I 11 l..,r..h D.r.nl. »<•- \?. wiirn: sr., W H... ••I M.nk Mrs. Chrntfr OutlormAen returnrrl I) BANK, N. J. SEA BRIGHT, N. J. TKV AM IMIXrrHSIvt N, »•• Kmail St. 2143 J !, home Monday after spending a few WIIIC.lMt) VIIII •I tmiu; Tejepaooe M 4aya with her parents, Mr. and Mra. River P!az.a New* , day i' l /-* .,t, * t < M.t; pastor <>t Anne's Beaut - ':.;,B^n vt.ui' t: "1 l-'ng Branch. ;>! v-.fi' F.^-.i t he «eririfiii a' the Meth The lades' al'J .- ::.-i • ';un h dt thi* pia'-e Sunday Chlil <|, Wi j! hiilU BCD -I . ,-. i ., • M.r ii-xular uier'il.jj -il f ^1,' Mr Zefi*-y ID &n uni It of Rev per Iti ihe ha.-*- 'i.' I,. * '. ,^f. i u i inn church at 1-^mfc H H < ; ttmtiier, pantur vt the IUCHI tonl^M i, i. ). > r.-'ti lay. Her lubjt* t »a« ' hnif U The diatriot rally ,- -"n Ml- A II bt-en m k with grip, Is Improving iH-xt W'» dtiesday with Mrs. George Saturday The speaker >>J the cvt • .,! >< ..,., i, Mr.nriuy A nidus f"i the Feast of the Im M WhitfUld. ing will b« Rev. James Vl.iA \iom ton. - H ' I ' ' ^.tit a |«iin»»-t!a maculate Conception was held in the Kriday evening will be observed MM. ANM litnk »ii.. • »'•••. l JIM., me In. I.MUS live "f ,Ht nmothe&'i church yesterday as young people's night In the Meth- The woman's community • >• • . ^Mt ,.ly pHItty ill Moolll. morning. odist rhurch. Monday rtlpht ht the iihtmy m i it lti» 1 l« ' • . in. -.^ ' 'M i» II vc j ^ai8 uld. Kibnli Marccllos brother, Ernest A ieg-ular prayer service will be Muni' ijmi tiuildin^ lub ;••>-' ' Marci llo, spent a few days hunting Ilidlnr. •••' here. .1 >iei V.. • Eatontown News. The boys' basketball team of this place was defeated last Thursday r.h'r'.'" . lihi H«d Bank fUtr*»t«r ran b« boafht night at the Cults Neck schoolhouse u. Ki.iui.iowt! fiom N'.U. HotLr at th« by a basketball team from that place. i»o*i rtit. •u'i ftt Krtnk U&rccllo'i barb«r Nil. *•• • u The score was 30 to 19. A LIST OF .!.••[» ) .t.y W • The ladles • aid of th« Advent .! I.HI '1 In. Presbyterian church held a church will hold a regular meeting lied |i» t 'oltii^e prayer meetjtig lajjt night at tomorrow at the home of Mrs. ti-urt tlit home of Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Charles Hret:w. The meeting was to i-!i i-1! Va nKeur eA. hftve bef-n held laat week but waa vvili J[i • uhilf The Mi«alonaryy societsociety of the postponed until the above date. 'irhbyterl«n church will meet this I Daniel Marks moved last week lie -I'll. :• " »••' '• •' fteriKxin at 2:45 o'clock with Mrs.; from Mrs. Charles Brecse's houae on F. Woods. Breese Terrace t<> Red Bank. Christmas Suggestions The tdpic of the Sunday morning MIB. Ida Van Dermark has been It paya t" Console or Buff #-t Mr r . . $1.75 to $15.00 Sectional Book Cas»-s, *i! finishes, Top and Base

With 3 S«*s, Mahogany finish $35.00 Book Shelves, > >>nut or Mahogany $5.00 to $17.50 at FINK'S Martha Wash, '"••••'•wing Cabinets, FOR A II (Solid \h U.hoKany) . . . $22.50 Dolly M;ifl. ( ahincts, Maple or Cherry $18.50 You Will Suiiiy Be Pleased with the High Quality and Low Prices Priscilla nuts, Mahogany or W.. $6.00 to $10.00 FINE HOSIERY in and Crepe Mahog.un WaInut Desk Chairs, Rush Seats $15.00 Always welcome. UNDERWEAR Mahogany Walnut Desk Chairs, A generous assortment of colors and styles; l-'ecl the fabrics. Pure dye satins and French Wood Vats $4.75 to $7.50 chiffon and service weight, adjustable tops; crepes. Lovely Alencon (ype laces. You'd Windsor or Occasional Chairs, with Wood picot tops and open mesh. hardly expect to find such workmanship at these low prices. You'll want them for or Rush Seats; Colonial Designs $12.50 to $25.00 00$-1.25 yourself, as well as for j;ifts. Ladder Bade (hairs with Rush Seats $8.50 to $11.00 69' 85' 'I $1.95 and $9.95 r $|.5O Overstuffed Slumber Chairs with Stool . . $M.>fl Club Chairs with Foot Stool , . $17.50 to $22.50 Sterling Silver and Real Fine Stone Overstuffed Wmr Iliau-, Mohair or COSTUME GLOVES Velout $25.00 to $35.00 JEWELRY Exquisite, soft, pliable im- Secretaries, Siut'Sj or Double Door, A new shipment and x ported kid; pull-on and large assortment, which costume styles. Contrast- Mahogany finish $30.00 to $50.00 includes rings, necklaces, bracelets, ear rings and ing color touches. Appli- Spinet and Novelty Desks from $19.50 to $37.50 clips. Individual pieces ques and inserts. $15.00 to $22.50 and matched sets. Lady's Desk with Drop Front c to $ 98 $| .95 and $9-95 Occasional f Mrs, Walnut, Mahogany or 50 S Maple ini».sh $7.50 to $15111) Boxed Handkerchiefs LEATHER BAGS Coffee Tables, Wood or Glass Top . $3.75 to $28.50 Unth Ladies' and Men's, in do/.ens of End Tables with Book Trough or vlyK-s. IMu' linen and line nainsook, A sale—and what values! Almost Magazine Rack .... $2.00 to %\ill r.uiey and plain tailnuvl A1M> initials. every smart bag in fashion's line-up to c C Console Tables, in Veneer or Solid Wood $6.00 to ' • si 50 59 85 bear your glad wishes to friends. Drum Tables, Walnut or Mahog. finish $11.50 > $| .00 and $ j[-98 94C $149 $1*95 and $2>49 Tip Top Tables, Walnut or Mahogany $6.0 New Umbrellas Studio Couches with Coil Box Spring, made i of fine gauge tricoshani; run resist and highly prac- •A very practical and inex- Englander, .... from $25.0(1 f tical. Gowns, panties, pensive gift. Gloria cloth Mi- combinations and dans- Boudoir Chairs, your choice of colors $8.50 So V and silk, with attractive ctfes; tailored and lace Lane's Cedar Chests, Walnut, Mahogany or trimmed. handles. Red Cedar $9.75 to $42.0(1 Ferguson Tea Wagons, solid Mahogany or Walnut with Drop-Leafs and Drawer at . . $32.50 We also carry a full line of Tea Wagons Sheet and Pillow LINENS from $17.50 to $25.00 Case Set A very large assortment. Tablecloths r in all sizes, with and without napkins. Serving Trays, in Solid Walnut or Mahog., $1.75 to %'.\. M) With colored borders; green, orchid, Luncheon sets, bridge sets, scarfs and Serving Trays, finished in Green or Red Lacquer io-,e, j,'nld and blue. Boxed. bedspreads. all Stain-Proof . . . from $3.50 f« J i1 $-1.49 Set $J.98 up Magazine Racks, your choice of colors and designs, $1.00 to $11 :>1I Men's Shirts Fool Stools, Upholstered in Denim, Velour, Mohair With and without collar or Tapestry; make Ideal Gifts, from $1.00 to $4.50 attached. Well tailored; Smokers with Porcelain Lined Cabinets, $4.75 to $10.00 fast colors. Broadcloths, In colors to please the dress flannels, oxfords, most fastidious. Finely, Smokers with Brass Lined Cabinets, $2.75 to $12.50 silks. tailored of rich silks. Drum Table Smokers in Mahogany at . - $12.50 $| .00 $|.49 $4.65 65C85C&$135 FIREPLACE FIXTURES $|.95 and We have a complete line of Fire Place Fixtures, including Spark Guards Andiron* and Fire Sets. Come in Now and make your Chrut- MEN'S HOSIERY Inas Selection while our stock is complete. BATH ROBES Boxed for git'.'. Andirons from $3.75 to $10.00 I <>i nun, wipinrii and children. Blanket robes Silk . . . O pair $<| .00 .uul tt-nni ilannels in snipes and snli.l colors. Fire Sets from $3.75 to $11.50 SJ.98 to $ff.98 Silk and Wool ... /I pair $<| .00 Spark Guards $4.00 to $12.00 We Make Spark Guards to Your Order- Any Sue. Robert Hance & Sons FINK'S SF.CONI) FI.OOK 12 Broad St., (Broad St. Bank Bldg. Red I : 21-23 Broad Street rimm- K<.,I Bank ni Red Bank PHONF. 25K4. WK Dl I IVI U JtF.I) HANK RK<;iH'U:F: ••••••••••••••••••••»•••••••• Racketeer's Body Hospital Burns >!<«!, Found at Brielle at Highlands H Jimmy Granato of Keansburg J. H. WHITE I '« Institution Operated by I> M.» ? ' Supposed Vidiin of Gangland : ,'!•.-« t'-..i'-n^ «ml Sheet Metal ( ontrac tor Keed Destroy* d J.rf, M,,,. ORDER Vengeance—Father and * i Mttotlunery etig-ii.trei «,t tl,» ii*t;i»*« , , i t* •« Ventilating Brother Met Simil. r Fate. ! li.-lury, was » native ,r Dw«Un Mi Moat ol Con'n * had no BUIVIVUJs l[i thll) <. Mo.-, < LKAKK1) JIM Al Kl'FFEK. • I RKI> HANK N J i Sa< U! day His Kf ll.V Helping Hand Hocirt^ of Nhrrwskmr) I., r i e .,•• . ." *»•»»••«•«««•«»«« bv acid, w&i dug M\f at Hrielle on Held AJIKII Titumi»> mit t-r John Kog- Th« Helping lUl.d m i«i, . f r •„ i;ii)i for violators Hhrewsbury I*ieoh>i«:i i«n d^ni r.t l OLD-FASHIONED FRUIT CAKE Kogeis discuv- a successful tuikev *ip;.tr :i, .'., he was riding I. Wing estate i Thumilay t-vuni^ ,:t t i • r PUMPKIN AND MINCE PIES 'I M hcxly had been a Frank St.n. k «»» , i.h,4 (ln«ii Into a hole about chali man of the aflh l^., t>r< .u-e[• Within a few more I-!)' UI1R Hi! tllifc dlH; ' • !y •- 'h... a< 1.1 w>uld have rendered were dl&ti iljided Al i* 3 Best Selection of CHRISTMAS COOKIES <"><'•> in ,«urh a condition that leaied. Thi.se »!,.. • . i; . • ull ( • .r iiiivf been identified ei- r < ,iii fiulomohile licenue card tables weie Mu H h i'lank Hni iiiii Mi* I (!i,, > i, »il lit-on left In Granato'a bllHh, MlSB I . Hhi ' ut ' ',! LEBKUCHEN-SPRINGERLE Mam St. . . i in one of Ilia flngera was t 'I H r]rsp containing a large \ y< .• - BUTTER COOKIES CINNAMON STARS kill.IK were not activated by a Miss Grare Hii«iks fir • w TI y mot ive. niakci, MI^M l.«-h.t, ',.(,-, \i -

i.mato is the third of his imme- Susan Rdbcrlsnn, Mi.-. A^ii. •, \i!/; fRIIM.F "F." .' tiimily to die at the hands of ung, mizabeth HMVI uii'l w! rn' , Little Christmas Cookie Houses Made to Order. HAM l gangsters. Hie father was Burst, Edwin Hobba, Kilwam I., u « ili'tI'd in 1915 and a brother met nd Frank Storck. The ti.,iai ,ic(11, he san» fate in 1921. Another atlons were donated by Dean, ,,f i,u •I'll hiothfr, John, has been missing for tie Silver. wte eetlm Kt '., N.,11,11,,; (.i.lili n Hour < Ire !• In the opi Mviial months. The murdered man WHI Sti Yt-t\ 'I'hlKV ineriih.ii- • .f Th«! origin ..f the tli lived with his widowed mother and Wedding Date Set. licit- may hot tliii-i- brothers at Keansburg. He terii i in 1 In' h .i had hren in trouble with the police The wedding of Miss Elizabeth 59c Heller, daughter •< «* Jimi we will refund your running racket in Florida. Granato (I! pun ha.se pi ice. was last seen alive at Keyport Frl- c'ay night.

AIR HORNS WOULD-BE BANDITS FOILED. Hi AM. < HKOMIIM c Service Station Manager Refuses to DAVIDSON BROS. < .>i,i,.IH.. uitl) all Fittings. Kilter His omoe When Ordered To. An attempt to rob the Standard Oil company's service station at Shrews- bury early last Saturday morning I',.) All ( ,,!h was frustrated when the manager, Meivln S. Rose of Plnckney road. SUNSHINE MARKET Red Bank, refused to accede to the demands of two would-be bandits to hand over the day's proceeds, the amount being $250. A passing automobile frightened 45 BROAD STREET RED BANK the bandits, who put away their re- «ssveries volvers and fled In their car. Rose then, noted the number of the car's l do and the car drove In sight Vacuum Packed AIW,«Y» Fresh 11 few seconds later. The men then Swift's Premiun h Vk^., Sliced jumped into their machine and left. The matter was reported to the slate police by Rose, who also fur- ib 35c nished a description of the two men. x lb k •UK) TUBES Very Special 29C P « KILLED BY TRUCK. 3 lbs. for $1.00 Monmouth Beach Man Met Death on Eatontown Boad. Beech-Nut Andrew Thompson, 42, a Mon- SUGAR BUTTER mouth Beach fisherman, was killed Saturday night when he was hit by Fine Granulated 1-tb. Country Roll, Very Special TOMATO CATSUP a truck while walking along the Open Evenings. Sundays Until 1:00 P. M. Katontown-Long Branch boulevard. C large bottle 1 Qc His body was not Identified until 5"" 23 35c 'b SOAP CHIPS CLEANSER TOILET TISSUE Quick Arrow, Large Pkgs. Swift Sun-Brite Northern Tissue plcg C 0 INVESTIGATE 2 " 35 5can823c M large rolls OS Store Open Eveningt Until SPECIAL SALE BEECH-NUT FOODS OF FINEST I LAVOR Our One Hundred Christmas Beech-Nut Prep. Spaghetti 3 cans for 29c Beech-Nut Chili Sam * large bottle Beech-Nut Tomato Juice Cocktail Extraordinary Specials in Beech-Nut Peamif Butter 2 m«*l- j 2 bottles for 35c rs*. GIFT FURNITURE Beech-Nut Sliced Beef medium jar 29C Beech-Nut Pork and Beans 3 cans for From a rather remarkable stock of new Furniture and Rugs we have selected with painstaking care and placed in This JELLO "SALADA" TEA Mince Meat Big Sale—One Hundred Very Fine Bargains—every item is out- All Flavor* BROWN LABEL QUALITY Grandma's Brand standing because of its Style, Quality and Undeniable Low Price. The most wanted things in Dining, Bed Room and Living Room b 29c pkg8 € Suites and Odd Pieces will be found; many kinds of Occasional 20 3 - 25 Chairs, Lamps, Utility Tables, Desks, Bedding, etc. For the 15c Children, we are offering in the better grades, Desk and Chair RELISH Sets, Go-Carts, Pool Tables, Rockers, etc.—Every Special Will SWANS-DOWN FLAKO ORANGE GRAPELADF India or Vef. Reltih Make a Splendid Gift because some are Practical, some Beauti- FLOUR PIE CRUST MARMALADE Qt Jar* Welch's ful, all Appropriate. We have prepared a Genuine Sale—the Speec pkgd 1 pkg8 C Fnii|>v'" I II' '«r» kind that will make your Dollars go a long distance. We Urge ars C jar8 C You to Pay Us a Visit So You Can See the Character of the 25 * 2 - 25 2 ' 39 25 2 39 Merchandise and Quickly Recognize That Lower Prices in Feb- ruary Would Be Out of the Question. Fruit «««• Vegetable Specials WRITE US AT ONCE FOR OUR CHRISTMAS CIRCULAR SHOWING MANY FINE VALUES FROM 50c TO $147 Green Moiinfam Fancy Sunkiit ALL WORTH DOUBLE. GREEN BEANS Fancy Stringlcsa POTATOES LIMA'BF.ANS LEMONS STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. lb8 C 100-lb.bag $|.Q5 . r..r 29c fOT 3 29 15 25c

Baldwin, York Imperials or Fancy California WISEST FURNITURE CO. Winesap GRAPEFRUIT TANGERINES KEYPORT, N. J. APPLES SPROUTS Large Florida c aqt 16-qt. basket ft Re 23 6 for 25C 20 ' 25 Red Bank h. AtU-i» ill i ' ' -, !< •*» Toys hare not beqjjjo low

. r h .• J! Ha|,,l ('«»<„,. ",,,,fcur lev Night - AIL. !(,• 1. .1 Lodge l..»»l I ! V,r,.r,rr, by j. I- Mill III -I MIKII I ! Death During ! r i lieari. Utrr.er- - VV .) I (.•rd f,Miu.l.,«y, The arn.'.itti rut > -, *ri.i,i-« , Ory Of ttlf •*!..».. " ., • <,,:* ::;.•) • M 1 ei.« In the p&at vt»' »«>. • . . »r * ar,, All.:* Uaiu, auditorium f • - • • . .-.,,.. appropriate tllfht- Al)' < ', r , . -„..;,: the aer >>^ ''•-:>. *- - r . i ' prlately o>r' • - c < • , . . : fluwen ar. ; ~ r and inexpensive lodge !».••. ,11, y memory .f ,, ' ;cl.irr. A.i«- beta, f... •....: „ Ihe de<.,r»!. . r Those glft» you've been trying to think of I occamori wtr : . • Here they are In wide varieiyl Something th. lodt,. i ..,.-. . Hill suitable for every name on your list, at Huifhea oi.*-.*. i • ' ' • . . Boyr |ust Ihe price you want to pa/ And every Edwar.l '•l-.i,.' . r !• . btw of them—from the novelty ot o dollar • Kn..«k. tii.ny son, sang ' • •..«:• « .. • i .,. I Or to, to a One Gruen Guild Watch — li a»nt," -Fi/iK-.m-.'- • .-..•• u'Hrlen teacher . ll'.i.ii. Ml . a tyft that lasts. Isle of Hoir.i-wl ... . . •, . . >T,r. Ju.k DeLai orchestra li,> y. ^r . ml Karlnja. 'llro: music. Mr Hun ,. J-eMler 1'aUei In the picture we ore colling attention to le« Jj, hi,llei. Ktlw Edward I H.,r> • V«I,AIIIII Wi. r.l. J |uit a few of the almost unlimited varinl/ orator for n,* ;.-le Nni.ry Enifc, y. S ot gifts that await you here- Come -r.l JtHI oaslon mr r, i , . *MIIIK l.>ur,r Wo can offer you real tie'p 'n selecrlnjj IKHI«I u It WHO i,.,- .. ' • „. too. the rltmi «„, . . .. .•• in, . Hill B u.ll Unr-her „ j>rk A nol.l. 4 :K paid oil,HI. • • - ..t I lie Wilhiim Hyers, Jan lodge for it ,.-h < ,,.H M,«;y. Arlliiir uii.h/. E>l' k*.!,.!. .i;,..li..,. H,l Kullu The ir.<-n.l •I .I" Hit -Ml. \V n Went, Anthony past yi-br >• I'.. I V V\ I I I death si. , !,, W . h Wlllmr., ••<••• •.:.••• i, :• i William Mm..., . '.-. • ..I. W,.»l. Elizabeth ti Kminya, Elizabeth •as H. J'ei,!, , : ., •• i . . • ,iKii\e, Ji.nephine Pul- Magee. Mm ,• i.l/o. Muriel .Seaman, i KMIII Vital, Beatrix May 7tli, >• •• • • lU-ttH, Maruaret B9tta, Alfred V I....I--. • . John H. V«iiM..r. • jHck ForBman. Fmd Blddle II «,.r. ,iu, hy, Walter Slocui Robert lletti . Aifnea Fanning, Arthur T, I'lu.n i..i.. • ••, • , Mi., in M,,i,•€..,, Hoi.. Patch Jamei G. Hun.-, h • .. • •!•• , ••> , !.,,,„ M ,,liy Surtlno. •I. ti,.,i,- MUUIHII.I (^ongdon, Ro« John V. Iluiniilwlrf.. •.-,,, ,, I,., t.ih. -I,, 1 I,,lip l^.,iiK, Conrad Pnteh. Rev. Rotrert Ma. Ky. Dorotliy Sutherland. "The. Modern Thrift Ih'pnrlmvnl Storr" Siegfried, Jesse Iswrnirp. iiui.,i.l A. Ill Ki'i'le. I Him vuriGlahii tcachei'— Davlson and Jorseph lluiy- .« Hern, Iluenoa Crona. Carl Han. «III. Walter Johnaon. William Pmlcky. Walter KweriHon. Dorothy Congdon, Ruth 69 BRO/W STREET HOM) VKHPEK SKIIVK'KH. Nary. Alice Parka, Ethel Terririe. RED BANK.N.J. Bfeptist riiiinli (iiilid Observed A VICTORY FEAST. Kit^s La«t Huiiday. Colored Democrats of Shrewsbury The annuul viiHper services of the Township Bejoloe. World Wl.lu ,julld n( the Baptist church wa.4 hr^lri la.sL Sunday after- The colored Democratlo club of <;uil,lH floin I-.IHK Hranch. Shrewsbury township held a victory 32-34 BROAD SIRI 6 HIJ) HANK, N. J, rchn Mhtai.'t.rwn t.iwriBhlp and banquet Friday evening at the home i It itmy wi'i t; ^ui'sia' of the of Leon Williams of Pine Brook. The IIIIH! principal speakers were Assembly- na furnishpd by a vested man-elect Theron McCampbell of In lurjo of Mrs. J. William tHolmdel, Dr. John Barisclllo of As- Helm, who also gave several soprano Ibury Park, Frederick Relchey of Bolna. A candle light service was Bradley Beach, Richard Cheatham participated in by oeven members, of Red Bank and Harry Richardson they being Mrs. Henry Chamberlain, of Asbury Park. Mr. Williams acted Mrs. A. W. VanNostrand, Mrs. Alden as toastnuuter. It was stated at the Mason, Mrs. Bert Miller, Mm. dinner that the recent election Elsanor Kenyon, Misa Helen How- marked the first time In many years ard and Mrs. Arthur Ryereon. that Shrewsbury township has gone Tea was served after the meeting'. Democratic. Miss Mary Mount and Mrs. A. H. Sulphln poured and Mrs. Kenyon, To Appear on Newark State. Mrs. Howard Burdge, Mrs. Edith Howard Marsh of Rumson heads Worth, Mr*. Dewey Williams and tho cast of players of the Clvlo light Mrs. Chamberlain eerved. opera company, which will open a two weeks' engagement at Newark Won Fifty Founde of Flour. Monday. Mr. Marsh will appear Fifty pounds of flour was disposed In four Gilbert and Sullivan operas, of on the co-operative plan for the "Pirates of Penzance," "The Mikado," benefit of the Reeveytown Methodist "Trial by Jury" and "H. M. S. Plnv church last week. The winner was fore." «»..«• Mrs. Samuel Rlker of Riverside Boys can make extra pocket money drive In Mlddletown township. selling The Register.—Advertisement

"Good Furniture For Every Home" AMERICAN BOSCH 1932 HEAVY DUTY RADIO

For Met now! | Throng

MAD THUI riATURIS Windsor de Luxe OTHER MODE15 •••NTODK POWtR l MULTt-MU TUFJK FROM $43^0 MERE'S an endless array of holl- ** «lny mpri'handlse al varying Now $10 LESS! FULL BICM To TO $139J0 prices, hut Invariable moderate—to COMPLETI satisfy every whim and fancy. Onh VOLUMK CONTHo i)0Wrl TTAHT •TAT1ON nN % LINK-O-LITK TUNi WITH TUBES $ HETERODYNE Shirts $1.00 to $3.95 $1.25 Weekly You can bvy A»«fk«n LAflOICHASH*. Nnt *. Hlliail 4 toich Radla lor oaih or Neckwear 55c up CABIHKT •• INCHIt TAIL Or just alioiit what you'd pay MI lk« iioilllb«nl wrsa. Gloves $1.00 to $6.00 63 a week for "Wet Wash" Ccmtider fhi« startling valuo. The twice today's price. But the price 1 1 $:l $5ft ll very p^aV of radio quality—all Hosiery 35c to $1.00 i.*"* . .",.,.^'";;!"^-^ " '" 'Khcr! f, to 8 «h,vt;; rapacity tub. $67.50 complete with tubas it the widely recognized American your opportunity NOW—It li a Dressing Gowns, Sufrlv It,.I.•;!:.'. < ainrantecri. Com,, and sco this super Botch Quality—at half the price price and engineering achieve- $4.95 to $10.95 MUHM ' f, Me ;• • IH tl : 77-79 BROAD ST., f 1 BumsteadsWormSyiup RF.D BANK, N. J. (li.Ht Off llroiul Sir. li win' f » I'IIIIM: '.'jo < HlriNIMAS (HITS I1O\KII Htl.K. oil v v:\ I ^<^#M^«^ "wf-TitY RED Mal (Tke K#o r» II Hiuoki ' Send f our FILM by MAIL • tre«t and Ja. .1. ' A mui.'it ... bome t i»wn *. 'L : . his fortun*: ::• r- > la ou»p,-, • .d I In a robt^i > play, "S...11..., to be in. .11 : 1 • Poat (if Al'ii-i dilorlurn < f ' 1.1 • Gem -& day and t 1' », . for the f < • * r.1

.rt held rw ii,- hail oti Man, ^' • • < cast ait Mti'itn Jlldeisleii. M- ney. (it-orj m 1 ,.> Martin, J. 1. n,. rjevlln, Ju»i.|>( I Samuel Hit-»i 1 < .Sliri'liai Some of M11™ ^1 •I., i.l.m. the choi iih t>< t 1 > McDonald, 11. 1.1 ,•• , •• • MalKniuH, r,uii,t 'in 1 , M i- .^. . Malkmus. Mary 'v n U- MM> li..•.!.•> \ nswer Jennie Muliei HIM li»na ,\K'« Miller, Ht-li-nc ftiiiMii.at Jull. 1 Chrlatlnat, Kloltriif Miliimall Charlotte SantlJord. 'itu/m lii.nvn Shirley VanKrakle Mililreil Klul'z «nd Nellie Stultz. h !• (,; ill-' v ('mints 1... •! Mr. and Mrs. John Auniack, Ht , liar.II ' <• 1 ind son John and Mr. and NIB I »n< y m Robert Aumack of Long Bram ti •1 ». 1 were recent guestB of Mr. and Mrs Pea Beans 2 " pai Blur Rose Vel Rockhill of Atlantic avenue. ty ti 1--! hii ccv cry home. lira n .hi Charles Haseman and William George of Johnson avenue, motored • la 1.IKhtM &SCO Rjft*r\ CampI*'.. Beam . 3 can. 17C to Baltimore. Maryland, where they Matlii. 1: . . spent Thanksgiving day with Mr Will* George's son, William George, Jr. dill B M' ' r C Rltter Italian ho Is a student at the University at tin- of Baltimore dental school. M'an^ Cheese '" 19 The auditorium of the Methodist Spaghetti church was crowded almost to ca- a BROWN BLUE GRAY pacity Sunday right when Long ran Branch council of American Me- 10^ 4 ' 25" chanics presented the church wltli an American flair and a Christian (-.id "PLEASED TO MEET YOU!" flag. Rev. Elijah F. Reed, pastor :iv Flnnr' ,, of the church, Is a member of L, ••>• 'i >• i • li.'Vi- worn Middishade pulplt. The ChrlBtian flag, wliltr 7c with a blue field bearing a red mas, 4SCO Mine Mtat \h 19c Blue Suits...and liked tin MI unmrnscly ... will be glad to waa presented first. The preHenia Ilultor in a 1 f tlon address was made by William /JSCO Cook"-) Pumprtin hip can 10c Bay "Pleased to meet you ' '<> ')> * new colors. R. Robinson. The flag was rtucivi-.t uhl1 > The automobile, which was tofuture These \An s.ve been disposed of on the co- 27' Bartlett Pears *"" at the rpijut'Hi >>\ M i- operative plan by the Matawan ho» the Moniuoiith coin pltal auxiliary as a benefit for the for social m-tvict- \<-, or Buckwheat Flour free patient fund of the hospital, on an architect of l.-m 3 4 $37.50 November 27th, will be disposed of estimated Unit the - this Friday. Under the present Vormont Maid glass jug Ing would be In thi 1 plans of the auxiliary the car will 000. In ct.iitii.ienr-! N n i Syrup ?3c. be disposed of In the American Leg- the building fV us KluUf itrlttUt ]>kR ISc ion ball at nine o'clock Friday. taken up thr t\\ic^\ n Nhort merit lb 26O Muckerel each lot upon wliich it Fillets 10c Walter Lockwood of Freneau left i I! HH (]('1Kicimi' K Coffee— Thursday for Virginia. ; i .sc one of our blends Cilenwood big J»r PHILIP T. JIANNINE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rader of Main street were guests of Mrs. Preservei .... 35c Alexander Reafern of Jersey City ASCO It) 57 Broad St., (Upstairs) Red Bank, N. J. Friday. Berarck's 23' IIonm1fvLlt« pt jar Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dominlck Coffee Mayonnaise 21c "It Pays To Climb" and daughter have returned from a The very ch[)lc««t Coff-stM. M«nd«rl tn nult visit with Mrs. Dominick's brother, the most particular t»st«. William Bergen, of Baltimore, Mary- SunrlM land, and a sight-seeing trip at ONE WAY Ketchup ..... 2 bnts 25c Qtutom-auiftecL Washington, D. C. Victor Coffee : 3 "" 50c The "Jazz Wedding" and "Radio (if Hi n/il'f * . '<< M 1 ,iti., '. thin In ben t mild and mallow. Remark ably priced Broadcasting Studio" will be given Ivory Soap MIDDISHADE CLOTHES In the lecture room of the Methodist Acme Coffee 2 larjrc cakes 21c church by the junior choir on De- In Arini. c.i i.-ri^ lime created an entirely different heavier bodied AN ACHIEVEMENT IN SPECIALIZATION cember 11th at eight o'clock. There imi ii uniformly to help you Ket the bent reButts 3 tiled cakes 19c will also be a musical program. l.l.-l: I Mrs. Wlnfleld Warwick and daugh- Let us do your liread linki ters Jane and Betty and Miss Mar- Aunt Jemima Pancake NOTICE. garet Mollahan of Newark were k Public 5al« of Real EiUU (or Unpaid Tuii. Matawan visitors last week. Flour . . P * 10c George Llsk of Newark, a former I. A. E. Crawford, collector of taxes in and for the Township of Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth and Stat* ot New Jersey, hereby give notice that according to the law requiring me to make the unpaid taxea. assessment* and other Matawan resident, was a visitor here municipal charges, aliened on land, tenements, hereditaments and r»*l eitata In Mid Township of Shrewsbury for the recently. Mr. Llsk has taken a po- Aunt Jemima Buckwheat years 1924 to 1930 Inclusive, will on the, 18th day of December, 1981, at 1:00 o'clock, P. M., In the public Bchoolhouae sition with L, Bamberger 4 Co. k 8 at Tin ton Falls, sell the lands, tenement*, hereditaments and real estate hereinafter described, to make the amount chargeable against nald lands on the first day of July, 1931. ai computed In the tax Hat, together with Interest on said Councilman and Mrs. Frank Lloyd Flour . . 2P « 25c amount from said first day of July to the date of salo And the costs of sal* at public vendue to such persons at will attended the convention of i purchase the iame subject to redemption at the lowest rut* of Interest, but In no cast in excess of eight p«r cent par an- ca |Mn loaf num. This sale is made under the provisions of an Act of the legislature entitled "An Act concerning unpaid taxes, ai- Jersey state teachers, held at Atlan- sessments and other municipal charges on rtal property and providing for the collection thereof by the creation and *n- tic City. Councilman Lloyd is su- OSCO Syrup . " Mr \ 5c forcement of Hens thereon (Revision of 1918)." perintendent of the public schools of The said lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate to be sold and tht names of the persons against whom Middletown township. said taxes have been lain on account of etch parcel, are as follows: WEEK-END SPF.ClAi .n I'ARTMENT. A large number of people attend- 1 Year ed the card party held by Knicker- at Our RED BA 1 )!u'«"t) Store NAME Description ]92< 1926 lm 1927 1929 1990 bocker lodge of Odd Fellows in the Ethel M. Clark 26 acres S 1 45 I l.lt • i.u « 6.S9 8 8.79 I ».«2 lodge room on Main street. The af- THURSDAY—Dutch Cake* 9c each Rose Brooks — 4 lots 2.10 1.91 Mabel Reevey acre land 1.45 fair was staged to raise funds for Assorted Cup Cat. 19c doz. and building 1S.21 12.91 the emergency relief committee. Emma B. Cooper „_.—_——.. acre and 15.90 Dancing followed the games, niuslc FRIDAY— Lemon Snail Huns 7c each 20 acres .84 4.SI 6.59 10.19 1B.J8 IS.88 Bridget Callahftn Est. —. acres .72 3.38 2.8» 3.79 4.OS 4.10 S.82 being furnished by the Knicker- Pineapple Mei-ingm- Pie 23c each Isaac and Flora Em morn acre land bocker orchestra. Refreshments and build inn; 5.07 «.«0 6.78 were served. SATURDAY—Honey Buns .'... 21c each Cyril Graham _. _..- lots 1.15 1.76 Harry and Perciena Kuntz lots .7« .88 .71 At a recent family reunion held Cocoanut Layer Cake 31c each Reevey town Republican Club lot 1.19 1.44 2.04 2.20 1.91 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Benj. Reevey Est acres 1.18 Z.8« 3.19 4.08 4.40 S.K2 Orders Taken For Christmas Cakes. Sunie Yountr Iota 1.01 .87 l.M 1.2J 1.82 1.14 William Brien 5 acres S.07 4.11. 6.69 6.12 6.SO 6.73 Ham. McMlchatl —. 1 lot 1.89 8.79 4.08 4.40 J.82 *»•»••»>••••«»•*••••••••••»•••»••«>»»•»>»•••»•••»»« DELICIOUS CONFECTIONS Margaret Dumra Eat. 1 acre 1.44. 1.90 2.04 2.20 1.91 James and Hattie Polk 10 lots t.8> 8.7 » 4.01 4.40 •.82 Helen Hops Est. Delicioui Mixtures IT) 18c Lucille Chocolates Ib49c Jennie GtfTord et ala. — 90 acres 108.19 284.36 SOS.9! 829.(6 28*.II Charles Hope Est _ 10 acres ze.is 28.51 80.76 26.71 Lady Hancock Chocolates Hi 39e Lucille Chocolate* 2-IT) box 95c Jsnws Dftniiler Ewt. 1 plot S.7S 4.08 4.(0 8.82 Coleir.an (iill»» E 4.08 Henrj Kil«nr Mi»tlli*w S-hiiplB 1 lot (.17 Feed - Fuel Oil - Hay ML. 1M. MIImi.. 1 plot 8.80 t.St 2t acres, 2 plot* 80.76 14.88 LEGS °f Genuine LAMB :25c Mr. W. H. Snyiter _ 49 aaras •l.ll t7.!8 H-ti» A.in Taylur Bet — 1 acre 4.4| (.81 4 lota 1.71 1.61 Large whole or 1,.'»*••.I, Wm.lell ... 77 acres, 2 plot* •0.(1 106.82 '- __ 4 lota 1.(8 Score pads for Bridge. Aik for them with ; Skinned Hams .shank half 7c lib W. —. 40 acres (0.06 | Smoked irk Ar .118 acres 4(0.11 108 acras. 8 plota , SI6.80 your next order. 27 acres and buildings J12.40 Finest I'ntits and Vegetables »an lota . 11.35 lli.illey M 1'l.li.r I acre* 8:71 1I.T..M Cillmm. I lot (:T> ICF.BKIU; i I.IHK K .2 heads 25c Kinllr (;.ni»biiiiit 1 lot and building 40.06 Jiill. Ilimver 1 lot 3 lbs. 29c 60 acras I 6:78 GRKF.N STKINf.l I-.SS HI ANS »ll«n H. Hii-th Kst. , < IK. 11 : K1IU 1' Jordan 1 lot and building ' 47.49 HKARTS ()l < 1 S I KY 2 for 27c 11,11. Jeter I acrei 8.81 Ki..l M.l)o»*ll ....„ 6ft acrei 1 87.28 3 for 20c .. 100 Rcrei 1 88.16 (.RAPKIKDII Holtefor« till* '» nl Ilia nnle. otheiwlie the property wilt be TSShSff ^..i.""^ """ * ~* >"" " " ,ii,l llali 1 17th day of November, I'm. Wit nee Telephone 103 (AHH> ( I1F.ER" MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES ALLEN t. CRAWFORD. Collector. I-.,. $1 (Ml * $2.00, make ideal Rifts. Now on sale in all Where Quality Rule*. ( )ui St..nx A»k our Managers or Cashiers about them. Give Luke Longhead of Supplying Your Wants. • »*«MMM»»»MMM»» w s

Hcney Bee Flower Shop I r,- .iiid ht-i soil w ., *ll 1 t 1 (•(-, Ismail M M SH k te» arid Ml- -•> L.la IJ.I .. .b (,r,uir(d nix- '' '. ,.: i,.t;[.in ra ol tii. ' r, . am tie New Yo! k \ i -fit< r.- t I • - > i,.iiin:itee ni Urn li Naveiink News M i a Chtti !*s M.ipway and N! ,*a i . -to mum" vf..-ifnt it; .,oi':;. -CREDIT MANAC- i, ill,- h ..• «-; Mi. and Lii. J-!eltn Shipw;)_, ui* (jpenillntj a v,ecu "^ * Ss> * ittMo i II i II f>1aliy»« i ,K ; I uii.fi, at New Yoik '- i.: t: ' \;mk. A .- ! : ,, (1 1) *^l . ond Mi b. I 11 1 In. Ii!;: n ,•*< '*. I ' • •' Mi ia nrt MIH JUUHJS Scott and Mr. r.niy hh'iWF thBl 'lir rlrrllln' i'l •t books a : - .i! .n c Via.-. Pnjujt'd >': ; r..l MIH (Icorge Hi-lw. u I'.'i t y givni luii week at the li'>- '• ri i , ;. •! .li .in a visit at .*.i ;•- GRAND PIANO ill. r last o! -' I; and Mi M Nor man JVoit ;.i ' I ix I V w 11! A n itphf-r of (he men of th: Fur da. I) i. ISMIl to J.i nary Slh v. !.•) h .»i f'C -ri nut of v. '/i K Mi a I.ouls Ho*ck-el, who hen been up 11.-if fi.uirl < r.!] I'.yuicnt the paH f- A III !<« »!:• 'A I to takfi •Ick with [itn-iifiinnls, tn Improving. on M li'lit'uwn town;h.[. nc iber of Mrs Alfred Iliower and son Rop- Ihf UMPmploymcnt. ri;';i l !i,n ! • I mom., pt.1'1 avenue er have rHurned from a week's vlilt Aii'l a ln»f used lor this jnirjx. *'. A with jplaiivi»a st Irvin^'ton V,MU A t> MACK, D.pt «f Annnnt.. or 1'l.un. PEN 147! f the II < IdHH hUH I"'1 en; the men ait working ne;i; •>t!''red Brown went on ;» d • fur I lie i lip :it. Run^ly Hook Tuesriay n 1 Inittailed In a house on Stearns \)]Rrc v !> in...*-, j day T ni hy a eh n.ney flro In I-! wif-lt. They made a bi^; .>w York own td by Arthur Foley y • • 1< • It P— to Advertise in The Reerister. ,,/„..-i the h Is-lan.J. ! ! LToi, • .<••»,. M f-ntn< nit h a News, *e r u» r"K-.'.''"i," a ma hu '"• Tide Water announces its new whirlwind winter gas ! % ti

-I. ,, H.I.. |i ' ' f ff' •

,,..4r. 1¥ 1'-/ In st,.« ,.. -t Mr • ,. ill »! 1 „ rluac i »fi«r havlnf < • -!f t !' VJI

1 ''• • • .. M Fen.-. . ! i of tha B»p- ,. .;.... «t ^,/ , II . ;-hj-i-«ii! Sunday McKI # FREEHOLD Actually starts car Furniture frozen in ice box in his Year Lounge Chairs i • *i> v »rl»d an th« i HMJM !,,.,« M.llllB f.v Ktivtya abound* in the nacful, oane and thrifty

Ki if-t) Ki "'l|- \l Ii).'. «• U .-.I u.p.l l.i thiuKht. It endures through many n year. It la prac- (Jhllitina.1 B tli u Ki«a lli al, becaua* It la »o uiablt. Th«r«» a piece of furnl- lnr< for every home. There'e a prloe lor «very budget. Anil at McKelvey'n, there', true value for every dollar. $29.75 to $75 "A BREEZE FROM THE SOUTH POL I" ... said Lieut. Thomas Mulroy* Chief Engineer of 1 he Uynl Antarctic Expedition, when he checked the amazing perform- ance of the New Winter TVDOL ia the freezing room. American Oriental Rugs 9x12 and 8.3x10.6 Formerly $125

)rienml Kuir '(uilrl equal the beauty and rhurm of

f th( famotiit (iomentic Orienl«U 8»,guk«. Klrm*nih*«, Tnimh fnithfully copied In «very tletail. Th«r art th« moat in America loday but never «d. Thalr allky tlvatlni colon, and aoft dHD pit* art tmlr raraark- Ou ' vast aFtnortmtntri arTord unllmlUd opportunity for r**» up your homa for Chrlatmal wtth ena ... or «lv« uUh«d rift. rrefular Other. As Low A* $57.50 second! WILTON RUGS : : : Seamless $ .50 of deili and colori. Tha i>x TH| PLACI . . . fefrffmtfon room of Tfc« Seaboard Terminal Company THI C AH... Ice-covertd for 12 houn at 29° Lamps to Lighten below freezing the Task of Gift TH I- 0AS New Winter TYDOL GatoUne tTARTINO TIMIl Selection V* Second UcKelvey'a haa (athared a collection of lampe the beauty and value* of which have aeldom, If ever, been equalled. Flat lampe are amooc the moxt fraeloua rifle to vive . . . and at theee low pricea downright lrrealstlble. Some are •old-plated with onyx baaei. Hundreds of dif- He'll bless you for your ferent lampe to choose from, Including pottery thoughtfulnMi. .hii fav- lamps. orite books tn reach of A room that chilled you through fur coat hti ftTorlta ctutr. In walnut, (13.TB. and galoshes. WINTER JUNIOR LAMPS... $2.95 to $6.50 BRIDGE LAMPS $1.75 to $25 An ice-covered car, filled with gaaoline that V E E D O L was actually 29° below freezing. TABLE LAMPS....W.26 to $47.50 (1OO% PENNSYLVANIA) BOUDOIR LAMPS $1.75 op A group of witnesses—a South Pole flyer, This can of VBBDOL Motor Oil waa engineers, refrigeration experts. frozen solidly in this cake of ice, and kept there for 12 houri at 29° below Nesr Would the motor start? And how fast? freezing. Even under this extreme cold teit, VEBDOL wai ready to gush in- of stanlly to every bearing and to every Down... went the starter. Bang... went moving part of the icy motor. Tables the engine. Click... went the stop watches. Don't let a »!ow-flowing motor oil ruin A nwt of Ubles will nes- • fMt starting gasoline. Alwaya. use tle in th« rMlpient'i thoughts forcTtr. UR The frozen motor had started in a shade cold-proof VEEDOL and instant it art- thrM-Told prsctlcftb.llty, • nd |ti compKcti.ua, will Imts than 54 of a second! Four-tenths, to ing TYDOL, together and you'll have IN A CHANT ICK BOX ... This revolutionary startm;; ti-st was held at the perfect combination for winter iet In aotld m»~ be exact 29° below freezing in the Seaboard Terminal Company— thr lnu-st and largest motor protection. refrigerating plant in the world. The car was left at teinp< laiurcs close to zero We believe that no other gas has ever met for 12 hours before the test, and every itep of its ama^inu performance was such a test And that TYDOL hung <""» » checked by witnesses. Smoking Stands record. of Many Kinds Hfrr'i a gUt In thr true ma«- To substantiate this, TYDOL actually proved [•uline manner, that also has IU >mlplne appeal. Bvery onr its case against well-known competitive dlflcrfnt. Priced IS.J5 lo An rnd t»hli- 127.51. ootislmit rtoil erasolines. y«ur Chrlstinu THE NEW A wide cholc* Prtctti Hit In Many Other Items, Too We believe that this New TYDOL makes gear-grinding, battery-draining starting a thing of the past—regardless of snow and ice. WINTER Always super-power, anti-knock, high-test. S.NcKELVEY Now—split-second starting at no extra coat Tide Water Oil Sale, Corp. . 21 WF.XT MIA.IM Eatontovm, N. J. G LINES I: FRF F HOI I) ,, fN .1. Factory Distributor is Made at Freehold WITH TYDOL Q AIOLINII.. . UII VEIDOL MOTOR OIL HE AT- PROOF. .. COLD- PROOF ! :- > m.T ilia nfiri Kti

'. • \ • i 1 :/. N) :iU-Li fterve> «*no PEA itAL GIFTS linl • ;•} }• FRtt BUS SE [MAI • ; *' iff! f AMI AND PUKSK. r *1& at < ake **!*.

J ;,(.r. i limn ini to »t-ive you with the largest stock "! ! it !••>:• t n - ucii-. ttt f ilSOt »< til f lO II (it :«t!V H ( hfistmas ha» seen. 1. >l To ASBURY PARK t • \ rt ! I hr i. bt1 aiirl > ].,, 1 A •!:• =.' h Mi** if, Those in t-lianje Practical Gifts r wr i » Mrs Juttt-ph K*-t I or the Feminine M i f Al. x V\il<1e, Mr» John for Children M<- I'Kse'.r; ('un IB and Xinas : iw • • ii< f St-ibrrt At die last

' '»!»- KSH<'( \nt\otv $9 m&dc > i. ...I, C I, |u Zipper Set» and Snow / •.- \\ •I.I. fl,i u CHIII )Miity at her , ! IHII rthings Suits $3.50 to $6.95 t 'II i*Ml 1 uver tu the wel- $1.00 to $3.95 In Chinchilla and Suede; New fStylftS. on the next two $1.95 to $4.95 Wash Dresses Atlantic Highlands For Girls of t U> • of !k Hosiery CD't Ited Bank Ilegnter c«n f bought 1 to 14. in A i him it- HiKhtnndi at th« itoraa of •>!>c [jr. to $1.35 pr. $1.00 to $1.95 William Ull W. l^uibiim and ». Kats.) W. K. Ja^Ker is donating the use Silk, Wool and Velvet tif hl.s va<-Hnt ntule nn First avenue i. i.i ( h,iiii"l*>-tt<-. Dresses to the Atlantic Highlands public $1.00 to $3.50 pr. health HS.snciatiun. Clothing will be $1.95 to $5.00 received at the store for distribu- N. i.Iif-«'es and Pajamas tion arming needy families. ASBURY PARK DAYS Party Dresses $1.95 to $6.95 Mi. and Mia. T. H. Patterson will $2.95 to $5.95 close their home on Fourth avenue }\,,r> rl FTandkerrhiefs on Saturday nf thla week and will r»0< to $1.00 Silk Sets and Pajamas it turn to New York. For Girls. The interior (if jiollce headquart- TUESDAY and Wi , ers h;is been repainted under the $1.00 to $1.95 uniTiiiilnyment relief program. Sev- eral IM"M who have been out of work Boys' Suits were Kiven jobs cleaning up the old 1i e lioml near the Atlantic High- DECEMBER 15 and 16 Washable and Wash Top Suit*. lands baseball field and repairing Sizes 2 to 10. thf bulkhead around the pond to $1.00 to $1.95 niMlti- it ready for skaters in the Blouses and Shirts , e\ ( nt t hete is ice. MM. C. K. Radford of East Wath- In order that the greatest possible number of shoppers may see for 69c and 95c in^tuu nvenue, who has been sick with pneumonia, is on the road to Sweaters i tcuvcry. themselves the wonderful values that are being offered by the pro« Hosiery Mr. and MIK. w. H. Jonei and gressive merchants of Asbury Park, those merchants have arranged Gloves daughter Kate have returned to i'loukKn for the winter. Fletcher c'luyton will return home to provide free bus rides on the above days from the following points:—" We couldn't begin to picture Saturday Hum Villa Nova college for the many gilt* for baby you'll the Christmas vacation. nnd when you visit the store. Sevrre Sorcnsen has bought' a And Mother* know "GOLD- Packard roadster. BERG'S" reputation for Moder- Rehearsals are being held for the ate Price* GIFT BOXES FREE! Christmas entertainment to be given BELMAR FREEHOLD December L»3d by the pupils of St LAKEWOOD Agnes's school. BUM wfll start from ltth Arame ai », Bams will start from Conrt and Lafayette Bam win start fran roarlh an* OUU* CONTINUING OUR SALE OF Mr. and Mrs. George Owens of ».!*, It mnd 1«.X« A. M_ ukb| all ro(- Strafe .t 0 JO .nd 10.30 A. M.. m»kln( all Armua at » and 11 A. M, wldar •" Irvine-ton were week-end guests of ular sfwpk sn the way to Aiftarj Park. retllar stops on the wajr to Astral? Park. itopa on the way to A»hary Pat Mrs. Kaia Jackson. Mrs Ceorre, Ploger has returned home from the Long Branch hos- 20% off pital ami is on the road to recovery. Mayor John R. Bnedeker is a LONG BRANCH RED BANK Basses win start from Second Annn and on all mcmla-r of the state committee Bnsm will itart from RUln>a4 Station •* which is making arrangements for Broadway at », It and 11 A. M., nuklnf an regilat stops on the way to Asbury 8, 1» and 11 A. M., nnklni all regidar rl k'bi.limns commemorating the hk 200th anniversary of the birthday of stops on tht way to Asbory Puk. Boys' and Girls' Coats and Legging Sets (jcorge \'.'asllinpton. The Ijioris' club has appointed a coniniiUee consisting of Karl Snyd- er chulrman, John F. O'Neill. Stan- ley Sculthorp and Dr. Thojnau C. McVey to represent the club In its HALF FARE ON RAILROADS QOLDBERQ'S inotest against any attempt of the In addition, the New York and Long Branch Railroad will continue to issue round Central railroad company to curtal 24 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. its boat service next summer. The trip tickets to Asbury Park for SINGLE PARE from points between Matawan and borough commissioners have all Point Pleasant. Such'tickets will be sold where minimum fare is 25c. and will b« uu; MIUULIII. December 14th, This Store Will Be Open Evenings registered a protest to the railroad company. good on any regularly scheduled train on the day issued The Epworth league of the Meth- odist church will hold a Christmas party December 15th. The Christ- mas music program of the choir wir be rendered Sunday night, Pecem- Asbury Park is one vast ber 20th. , The collection of holiday bags and Christmas Gift Shop . . . dis- YOU , a shower for the traveling basket will be features of a meeting of the playing stocks from all over Central Baptist ladies' aid society tomorrow afternoon at the home of the world . . . and offering CAN HAVE YOUR Mrs. W. Harry Posten. them at 1931 prices . . . , Highland* News .Your selection may be made (The Red B*nk Reziiter can b» booiht GENERAL® ELECTRIC In HiulilntidB at Bedla'n drug »tor» and from elaborate and complete ALL-STEEL REFR.1GERATOR Rfc jooepti St&men's »tor*.> The Trailers' club will hold a card stocks , party December 21st at tjie Lions' den for the benefit of the unem- Careful dollars will do a lot ployment relief fund. The borough has been divided into six districts, of work at shops displaying with three members assigned to each district, for the purpose of so- this poster.,,, FOR 25< A DAY!liciting contributions and prizes for the event. There will be no ex- (PAYABLE MONTHLY) penses to be paid and every penny taken In will be turned over to the fund. A meeting of the committee will be held tomorrow night at the home of Miss Cora Bailey on Fifth c Lowest street. At last week's meeting of the Trailers' club the highest score Carrying Charge yas made by Mrs. Margaret Mohr- ijtck. Radio Station AOURY PARK Aabury Park Hotels The first load of Christmas trees for Jacob S. Hoffman will arrive on Cooperate In This NO MECHANICAL .^iiturday of this week. WCAP Will Broad- Great Sales Kv<>n* Kllsworth Cottrell and Councilman On Thr*U

•o Community < I i<'-use Minstrel Show Illi.II M 11OOI. KM f.l'IION. Junior httnlor K«*w|itli»n to Be Held First Mctary •a N* ,JH For Colors* at Red Bank December 11th January 15th. The rlass of 1933 of the Hed Bank . w O'tJtl.UfHr 'A« Adopted West Red Bank Community Club high school Is planning to hold a The Ingrahain junior-senior reception January 15th Monday ^igM, »-ul It Will and Uncas Club to Give Per- ut the high school. The following i'ii>t>&b>y tiMiit- of the Chugea. School Auditorium. he February class of 1933: Kntcr- ninment, Walter Kruyere chairman, nayi ttiid | Everything ia. In readineaa for the Edna Schmitt and Helen Voothees; Reading Monday Night by a Close hL ay | ininstjel uhuw to ho given Friday i eceptlon, Florence MacDnnald up by night, iJtcwnber 11th, at the River chairman, Cheater Farrar and Mil- Crucial Test at Next Council Meeting. new licensing ntieet school by the West Red Bank dred Swift; decoration, Alice Cook 'ly Community club and the Uncas club chairman. George Decker, Donald Ttit of vtutous h- ot the Informed chuich. Mra. Wal-Hubbard, Doris Eurich, Chad wick yiahfim iuu'1 ved tweive o clock | luce B. Kankin has been directing *•[* It Hendrickson and Harvey Rogers; iKht wheu UJ« Die the production, with Mre. John Os- efreshments, Claire Davey chair- Raise $3,144 to pieBideni of j born as pianoist. jr an expend)! i man, Alice Slmmonda, Elizabeth mayor an.l conn mayor in the Hugh Ryder will be interlocutor. Megill, Agnes Cotgreave, James Gib Date For Relief hi; pfnpo.ieij of Charles K. KiiKl^h, who The end men will be Louis Grob, bons and Herbert Cox; che^ckintr. ! -- ™_ >ufcned ita Hi;-' is on a ti ip In Florida. The. oidi- Charles Keeves, Edward Havens, Mildred Pace chairman, Tony Sav- More ITum One-Fourth of the nrt me pu.--.ied its Bcrurid a. llnal I Floyd Imlay. Wallace B. Rankin and he rirruiiiHla >i< * tn, age, Americo Adams and Gerard i Amount Set Hai Been Secured ndicute iluuM i '-adlriKB without n fli^^fiit. vole Arroiy Osborn. Specialty numbers th« Kenyon. The June class committees ! iicaHuie W'liiM Inil with the tacit undei ataM niK 'nut will be given by Peggy Rankin and Thus Far, According to Report •rs It i: entertainment, Roberta Me- I 4 scheduled t-> i! will be amended after the tliat ut Mrs. Tony Hunting. Knight chairman, Martin Becker Issued Yesierday. the year to reduce some of the f at the in-xt ii h« Middletown The sotoa will include "Sing, You end Vivian Unbarger; reception, and iilicil charges. It was explained that to SinnerH," by Louis Grob; "Some- Anna Bottagaro chairman, Charles Up to and including last. Konday, I>IMt Fire Election change the ordinance now would re- where in Old Wyoming," by Frank- Wodehouse, Charles Scheldt and the Ked Bank \ unemployment Relief ber 21HU quire i e-advertiairiK, which would en- lin Sniffen; "When It's Springtime Olga Schwenker; refreshments, Mar- committee had) raised $3,144.92, .ac- It was almost by tli« bltmmf#i <>t cording to a report made public ^yes- , ,. ! lull an of In the Rockies," by John Shapter; guerite Cole chairman, Kdison Calio. margins that the ordinance wa*i I hr I urinen of th< r dcalera were terday by MJ/H. Mildred Congdon, passed for IU first reading. Ma>or f lownahip A number of jiii.k "Tho Preacher and the Bear," by Adline Olsen and Joseph KUchei- Went to thr nst the license ({POVCS; "Many Happy Re- bach; decoration, Allen Shoemaker publicity chamnan for the commit* Charles K. English wan abaent on Poll* Latt tjn eBent to plot en! H^H tef. It is hoped to raiae $12,1)00. Nijfhl to Vote for in the ordi- turns of the Day," by Alfred In- chairman, Horothy Smith and Wil- count of being on K aojuui IL in •> Chief and !nancfte oef fo*10r °jun »"i'"'""k yai ' In addition "Thut Funny Melody," by Ed- liam Sweel. Anna Bottagaro of tho According to thia report, the nntt Florida. Jjunea tf. Pai kea, preuMfnt I iir«*(- Assistant ( to tliia junk yai d hcenae, a fee of ward Havens; "Can't You Hear Me June class of 1933 is chairman of llgure represents actual cash raised f the council, acted In his nit'id. $2?> mubt be paid to operate automo-Calling, Caroline," by Floyd Imlay; the junior-senior reception for her and does not include any pledges. The vote was 4 to 2 in favor of bi led and for tins collection "Moonlight and Roses," by John class. .Several of the.se, promising the i&sslng tho ordinance. The affirm- .f junk The dealt-m were partlcu- Muiler; "IUill On, You Mississippi, money to be paid over a period of ative votes were cast by (\>unrilii"n ppoacd to the $100 foe. Several Roll On," by Wallace B. Rankin; four months, have been received. Ac- Robert A. Kennedy, Kenneth M. "Are You From Dixie?" by Amory cordingly, Mrs, Congdon aaya, the Wyckuff, J. A. VanScholk and Jumrs cf t! 'Mi htatt-t»'M w«(a many municipal it ius, although Home Wenzell. thus far. cast by Thomas M. Gopstll and * '!(<>»•. Elmer E. Carlile, director of relief, tian Berge. (if these municipalities had ordi- Tho rest of the chorus Includes Christmas Funds nances requiring fees to be paid. has arranged to place 43 men to t. George Havens, Howard Hurley, work this week. Among the jobs A majority of the mernhpis of 'i» They said that under such circum- Paul, Jack and Cedrlc Ryder. Ralph mayor and council i« IMH]I-"1 M stances the charge of $100 on Ked Independent Fire Company Re- assigned to the men are those or ut < !• ii. HM FI will he the only Jobcs, William Johnstone, Alfred cleaning up the streets, cleaning up pass an ordinance, Thf Hank Junk yards, instead of protect- Kubli, Evald Ericksen, William Wil- ceives Many Letters Asking •n|.- i.llMWrd t'l Vutt' the riverfront, painting all borough vote only in case. of H lit; I iH ! I . . 'I.-I I.MVh c M'lli ! ing Red Bank dealers againbt out- iir itf-pju f[unit cU'cliuDH In Mid son, IJOUIS, Carl and Herbert Col- for Aid—Donations So Farsigns and sign posts, improving gar- only vote that could huva )>• I ,wn!,hii> differ from those siders to have a big advantage. Are Behind Last Year's. bage removal service by returning er than that of MOMIIJM m, nic.Mt otlur municipalities in a born, William McAdams, Roland empty cans to the rear of residences to 3. In addition to ihc •••[,, , .I \1. •!.-< < h» IMmn H^MI 1 HIHT of renpt-rtH. For one thing Councilman J. A. VanScholk said Cresse, Albert Snlffen, Fred Moller, Independent fire company, through after being emptied and hauling the vote there weie ur},. > n.- ,;, .. ,,ii ,,|.|."M f(.i tun.l that he had talked the matter over / one ticket of candidates is In William Cook, Grandin White, Ar- its secretary, Samuel B. Rogern, last gravel for street repairs. that the proposed impr,.-. - i - , .iv. < ' nifiiinll v cenlri with some of the largest junk deal- thur Capen, Cleo Padgett. Leon Pen- field. This, however, is no assur- night asked The Register to make Mr. Carlile has also been able to not yet "cut and dr i .1 ,. n" i.. 'in iill-ir, IMI wlili Ii ers In tha town. He said they had r.inRton, Paul Stout, Harold Roberts, e uf election. Although the can- a further appeal in the interest of A considerable siit-inu n- , I ,,,. ii: I..-,I |(» H.i advocated a fee of $50 on junk yaris William VanNote and Charles Holn- place four men on private jobs and have no opponents, It is pos- their Christmas tree fund, stating announces that he has many more zena was at the me. I in,; n I: ,| . ;,, || •. , I,-till V . icUl for them to be defeated. licenses. Councilman Thomas M. men available for almost any kind Opposite the name of each in exceptionally slow this year and of work. Among those he has listed made that a petition won].: ,, . I. . • '...•.. I Mi. .In . I;. Ill-I Gop*til, who introduced the ordi- that tho amount on hand at this <-aniiidatu on the ballot Is the nance, stated that any change in the arc painters, plumbers, carpenters, culated for a referendum fh« win d yes and the word no. If time falls short of last year'a fig- chauffeurs, a pipe-fltter and a large question of apprnpi Kiting $1 ordinance deemed necessary by the Hebrew Society's ures. 11,001) tar tlit- voter approves of the can- number of handy-men and laborers, the proposed new road T*.< call &n councilmen would be agreeable to Mr. Rogers told of several recent didHte h« marks a cross opposite him. He said he had tried to be fair Mr. Carlile also desires to aasur'e election to vot»* on thn matt i»r would the word yes. If he disapproves he Annual Ball letters the company had received anyone applying for workers tha require the signaturr* of o all parties and that the fees stip- from local reaidenta asking for help citizens II • » ..lt.T. i" nini'liH u cross opposite the word no. ulated for licenses were suggestions the case of each man to be supplied paying ten per ennt of th« property Red Bank Organization to Hold from the firemen. One letter mailed has been investigated and only those On one occasion two yeara ago a by similar charges made in other yesterday afternoon by a West Red taxes of Red Hank. A petition •t • ..iimy Cl;i iMin candidate failed to be elected. The municipalities. Edward W. Wise Affair Wednesday, January who are sober and industrious will .niii.ii.'iil I'ank resident was particularly pa- against the road pioject WH.I pi e- M :. \ e i r IH an e represented the junk dealers and al be recommended. >llV>i-" ' rejected candidate was running for 20th, in E'ks' Auditorium— thetic. The writer by the appear- eented at the rneetinK Moiuiu.y lii^hl^ leveral intervals he and Mr. Gopsill Many favorable comments regard ifll er.ndl- tho office of chief of the department Funds for School and Charity. ance of the letter, the penmanship but it did not ask for a refcifnhnn. • I the Hii!l WHH lil'Kt and he was a member of the Eaat engaged In verbal tilts. Mr. Wise said ing the appearance of the streets It waa signed by 27fi pn-wiii.- U : \\ ii-- f< Jll!l(t JlllpOHrilhl'1 and the phraseology of the appeal, Keanaburg flre company. the junk yard license should not be The eleventh annual b.ill of the showed she is far from the average have been received since the relie: was freely predicted ut (he .mw:;nK i- n••<•!'- .-.;u y hor.spM from Seven lire pompanies are In Mid-more than $25 and the peddler's li- Ladies' Hebrew society of Red, Bank type that generally seeks assistance committee has had the men at work Monday night tlmt :n iho evoir: ot •i --, dud ai thin p[>int the Church Activities dletown township. Two are at Bel-cense should not cost more than $10. will be held at the Elks auditorium, through charity. In thia home the Thus, it was pointed out, in addition a special election t h'1 J" <>\>\*' of V'.-sl • •• . • ii- * iu my a', Fort Mon fojd, two at Leonardo and one each Other speakers were John Marks Broad street and Pinckney road, father hau been out of work for a to giving men work, many worth Red Bank would \ot<- H\UU,~,\ tsjiSusiy . •!•. torwai (l and provided and Nicholas C.ettis. while improvements have been made ut Headden's Corner, Port Mon Wednesday night, January 20th. Al- g period, there are several bmall against the adoption "t"; h.- orCH. Thrse hnrne^. at Middletown mouth, and East Keanaburg. Each an Woolley's orchestra has been en- children In the family and a new- Plant for a benefit riding Thf* opinion «ci in. .i t . hp Ken^rs! >,. u) never lu-eii driven in It was stated by Mr. Wise that the gaped for the ocraaion. year a chief and three assistants town now receives a substantial comer ia expected almost any day.bitirm to be conducted by Troop K thnt tin' I'C'I Iti ut ih:-tt if*ii.,ij| use ; I, ,nd. which ni'ci'.ssitnted A Four-Act Play to be Given by hie elected. The rules of the de- A meeting of tho committee will In the seventeen yeara of their mar- I ui thp Red Bank armory in the nna town tn: I ttat. th i • ui'iim, and Captain IViry amount from license fees from junk the Young Women'i League part men t are such thut the com- be held at the home of the chairman | future are being made. The progran JOll'l Will ild . ntml • -r i • ' •• (ni.fil Ku>:ene Kimr, ('«]. dealers. Ho said all of these deal- panies take turns in noinlnu,Liji£ tomorrowt afjLTnggn«_ polo nratrh bet without Wi.,.'w \ .'• .i 1' Kianklln and 1'rivate for Service of the Reformed live iu Ited and. that Uiey arrangements f e ball will be family fig's tlie lielj> (iindidaiea for department o 111cCH. or th tin* Red Bank team and another them. . i. I M .y to t'Hin the horses for Church Monday Evening. were entitled to protection from out- decided upon. of others for nminUMmn Seniority of service is the rule em- side competition. He said thry would team not yet Selected. , i- •<•• ', under t ho direction of These annual dances under the The firemen fully appreciate the •in tin The pa.st week has boi'ii unc of ployed. For example, tho third as- be driven out of business if the pro- At the meeting of tho committee i! •- I ••!!", whi. h'td volunteered to auspices of the Ladlea' Hebrew so- kind co-operation extended to them last Friday at the borough hall, sev- liriKht .--1ml', !m [ !i . i '•• cn.irh on its journey unusual activity for tin- Keformeil tdatant chief ia eligible for the olticf? posed new feoH were exacted and ciety not only bring out the social by those who have sent in their con- thp |.ni| in.HCil If thut instead of petting more money eral offers to hold benefit affairs li h, ii i h,< < . uinty. Mr. TJit tie. In church of Mlitilli'tnwn vllliiRe. f second assistant chief the follow- elite of the Jewish people of Red tributions early and earnestly solicit Chief an K I Iu :-• On Monday t^venlnK thi; YounK ing year and if approved by t ho f li were received, but no action was ink- p. • t mi wHli ('upturn I'eny and from fees th« town would Bank but also a large number of the further donations from those who en, the committee feeling that too the fact that Mi< '. i ii !•]• Id. ni;nle lh« plfins for Women's lcagXic for soivlco will pro- voters at that time he ia eligible for probably get no money at all. Gentile friends of the Hebrew people have made it their pleasure to here- hi \ \ Sfnt a fonr-ftrt. plfiy entitled "The promotion to first as.siHiant chief. If Randolph Daniels, in a letter, pro- many demands to patronize charity h t • HI in,' nf Ihu 1 mi si's and the of Red Bank and they are among tofore assist them but who have not struct ion of Pill Bottle." Frequent rehearBala events should not be made upon the . i, M'v thnmj:h th<» county, and the approved for that otlice ho is then tested againat charging a license fee the moat nuccessful of any of the as yet done so this year. would pu.ss ! hmu; have been held and folks who have of $10 on pool tables. Heretofore the public at this time. Although the i. - }' w>c* tiM;>cmhje(l and put to- in line to become chief the follow- dances held during the season. committee will not officially sanction • roperty. As the p seen the performance etate that a ing year. charge has b*en $2.50. Mr. Daniels The proceeds of the ball go Into a ally laid out the u> • • >M ' l.v 1'iedeiick Wasdin of New real treat Is In »tore. On Tuesday EMPLOYMENT RELIEF WORK. any such affair, they will be g' d to If a candidate Is rejected thia does stated that the proposed new fee a general fund for the advancement ,)W a straight line at thl^ p V-- li, who ha.s driven over tho oldnight of last week Home 01 the would drive many pool room opera- receive any proceeds from euch af- $|i,,i nniiiH In England and is com- not mean that the company of which of the Hebrew school on Riverside fairs held by organizations them- would be cm vt'il. Mi. Ki-Mi church members met at the home of he la a member losea the opportun- tors out of business. He said most avenue and for charitable work Money Required to Make Improve- pl< • l\ < .uivfM-sant with all tho in-Mlsa Marie Conover to prepare new of them were people of modest ments at Town Hall. selves. lection waa that, it would jui.--^ toes in. ii ,en i>f thin specialized field of ity to have one of its members as a among the needy Jewish families of close to his houa*1. stage curtams for the church. means and that with unemployment this vicinity. Requests by mail have been sent sin > in),-. It tg planned to drive the lire department ofliclal. Under such Councilman Thomas M. Gopsill of At a meeting two WOPKH a^o Mr. Choir practice was held at the par- general this would Increase distress. out to commuters asking that they tin h Vi iday afternoon from Rum- circumstances the company whose Red Bank made a report Monday contribute their share to the RedEisner stated tin;so ohjtv.tinnti ami -on t<> Iti'd Hank where the window sonage Wednesday evening ahd on candidate Is turned down nominates Harry Zlnk, representing owners GAVE AWAY TON OF CANDY. night with regard to unemployment naked that action tin thft tudinjinro Thursday evening a meeting of the of chewing gum machines and other Bank relief fund. The commuters in. -|nn Td by the Young Woman's another candidate. On the occasion relief projects. He said plumbing have two representatives on the com-be deferred in order to tfivi' tij.pov- Sunday-school teachers and officers after the East Keanaburg candidate vending machines, said that the li- Wagner Market Company Repeats fixtures had been bought for the new I'luii on Hroad street at the head of Offer This Week. mittee, both of whom stated that tunity to him to huy hind fiom tha M. •niintulh will be viewed. The coach was held at the home of Mrs. Wil-for chief was turned down the com-cense fee of $5 on each machine was comfort station at the borough hall liam B. Waters. On Friday evening entirely too high. He said that at they felt sure the commuting public Uzal McCartrr estate. Hn offri.-.l It» \£ll! ciinio to Red Bank by way of pany put up another candidate for The Wagner Market company's at a cost of about $250. This and would do its share. donate part tif this land ti> thti town the trustees met at the parsonage. Long Branch the fee was only fifty store, which was opened on Mon-other expenditures for material used River road and is due at Broad and the place and he was approved by * In addition to those who made so that the road would he .s'uLiKlit- Mmirmmth street a at 2:10. From ^ Doris Poole and Stacla Gurniak large majority at a subsequent spec- cents and that this was about the mouth street last Friday, was in unemployment relief work have 1 attended the older girls conference right amount. He said it was a mis- thronged with shoppers on both Fri- to be paid for from appropriated voluntary contributions up to last ened and would be ut >\ HH'HU-V dis- tiei i , the coach will proceed through ial election. week, the names of whom were pub- tance from his 11 Mil-'in ^ 11^ re- the I Stanch avonuo route to Long at Holmdel Saturday. The candidate for chief at last take to assume that all of the money day and Saturday. The company funds, as the law does not permit un- An old-fashioned Christmas carol placed In these machines was taken gave away a pound box of Loft's employment relief money to be used lished In last week's issue of The quest waa granted, and al (he un-ef/* Ilninrh and later return to Fort night's election was William Scott Register, the following have made Ing Monday nigiu it w,ci i.'au-d that Mnnmouth. On Saturday, the coach service will be held at the church of Headden's Corner, he having out of town. He said that the own-candy to each customer. A supply for anything except labor, Sunday evening, December 20th. It erg of tho stores where the machines of 2,000 boxes was on hand, but these donations: Hylin & Salz, J. Goldfarb, otiatiun-s fur the -»il.- i>•('!*, it will be impossible to ex- Waters, Ruth Knight and Charles oC the Brevent Park and Leonardo nance was taken up. He said the new pass have signed u^i-fi'inrnlH WIUT»- ordinance had been suggested by the ment was carried exclusively in The cost Mr, Gopsill said that balancecs Wilbur, Charles Allaire (25 barrels by they will donate or nv\\ t httf it'iul the tri]> to Manasquan on the Conover will attend a young people's firo company to nominate the can- Register and the firm states it is In other appropriations might be | ^^^J^^^^;,^;^ .stmill or to Matawan on the nortn conference at New York Saturday. didates for third assistant chief and chamber of commerce and that he lands. The aole cxcr|iunri in if^wttt had introduced it at the request of highly gratified at the results ob- y 1 tB rla fOr ll e where, other windows will be on did- The ladles' aid society met at the tho fireman placed In the field for ^ ^" ^ . !.. .i J ! hundred lnave. of bread) and The Qtiackenbu.sh, who linn bin ie«U that body. tained through this advertising. work. James S. Parkes, who acted Register Iprlnting). dence on Hudson avenue. jil-iy. The judges, however, will be home of Mrs. George A. Tllton Tues- this position was William B. Meyers. as mayor in the absence of Charles taken to see these windows by car,day of last week. Employees In the following con- The Ingraham road proposition ha» R. English, said that a conference cerns have pledged two per cent of .ui i as the windows will be judged PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY. of the chairman of the various coun- been before the mayor and council entirely on their own merits, all the All of the candidates were elected. their salaries In addition to those and beforo the planning board of ITALIAN CHAHITY BALL. The total number of votes cast was cil committees would be called to as-whose names were published ululm will have an equal chance to Arrangement* for Affair Made Woman's League of Presbyterian Red Bank in various Kui&fH fnr three win the prize. 111, but there were some defective by certain if the necessary money cacn week: R. R. Mount & Son, J. Krldel, Civic Association to Bun Affair To- ballots and some firemen who did Flayers' Auxiliary. Church to Celebrate. be raised. yeara or more. Aa ia well known to morrow Night. Metropolitan Insurance company. Register readers Gourde H. Intfraham not vote full tickets. The results At a meeting of the Flayers' boat The Woman's league of the Pres- Empire garage, M. V. Brown, J. B. were at follows: THE RECORDER'S BEPORT. of Brooklyn, a sumnn'r rrslilcnt. nf MOKK JOIN CAMPAIGN. The annual charity ball of the Ital- club auxiliary of Fair Haven last byterian church of Red Bank will Allen & Company, Matthews & this section and ono of the OVMIPIH ian Civlo association of Red Bank hold its annual Christmas party on Forbes, R. Hance & Son, N. Gold- William P. Scot'.—Yei. 07; no, SS. night plana were made for a Christ- Twenty-Onp Persons Arrrstod at Ked of the Knoll wood Meet ion of Kaiv Additional Slorefl in "Buy In Bed will be held tomorrow night In the Gtorm Kanty—VCB, 100 ; o, 0. mas party to be held Tuesday night, Monday evening, December 21st, in berg, Ruby-Lanp. Inc., Trubln broth- Red Bank Catholic high school audi- SrhuyUr RlckUs— Yen. 102; no, 0. the social room of the church. The Bank the l'ast Month. Haven, offered tn don.iUi nu•** vt Ilunk" Movement. December 226, for members of tho ers, postofflce (including clerks, car- the land through which th * new torium. Bantangello's orchestra will William M«jern—Yt«. 100; no. 2. program will be in charge of Mrs, At the meeting of the mayor and j riers, star route carriers and custod- ( In addition to the appended list of furnish dance music. auxiliary and friends. Tha auxiliary Leon W. Kelley, who has arranged road would be built. Kor «•• vt«rnl After the votes were counted a so- also made plans for a theater party council of Red Bank Monday night, , ial force), and the Red Bank branch tlm Iltil Bunk firms co-operating In Tickets have been selling rapidly cial time waa enjoyed, and David for carol singing by an Invisible years before making tho <>(T*T ho January 13th. A social meeting will Recorder W. J. Poulaon turned in $9 j of the Asbury Park Press. bought varioufl proportion with thn (ho "Buy in Hed Bank" campaign for this affair and according to all Schnoor of Belford, who is the out- chorus aa well as a varied program In fines which he had collected the itH nirnt ioned in the item on the Indications It will bo both a financial going chief, made a short speech. He be held next Tuesday night and the of musical and dramatic selections. idea of making thorn available for hostesses will be Mrs. Calvin Brltton. past month. His report showed that Openg Women's Coat Store. the road project He waa unable to Mint page pertaining tn the Internal and social success. A lady's or gen- thanked the members of the fire de- Refreshments will be served and a 21 persons had been arrested. Two tiHrtv wns hold I» - convince your- it til) ••t ii box today while they S Dozen Ijtrgfl Kggft, $1.00. Those who bought their Thank»- On Sunday morning an oil burner night by I-eon HtiuftMIU. who Is * 't. I' t|in you will wnnt your Ktvlng turkey, chicken, duckling or In the home of Mr. H. B. Fisher of Belford Methodist church last Thurs- at $6,000, nicharThe dpropert R. Pluy mwa ofa Lon heldg .stroet,, Kat.sin'Gillettse Pollitt. Store49 ,Broa Red Huy ut the fiirm. KoantLng, frying, gooofl In an AH('(> market, now know day waa the largest attended and sp f F member of the Red Hunk phmnlr!< me im inted on them, which broiltiiK or frlcasHce chlrk^nM, 30 Ridge road, Rumson,' exploded. Very Branch made the sale. Bank. conkmiM.stnn. Mo a'tod nn Hpnltr-ntimit inlty M centH nd.llllonai. Tet- tho per fed natlnfactlon they gave little actual damage was done other moat Buccesaful in recent years. cenU i><'> potinil, Killed and dressed for thn roinitilMMlon. Mr. Kru^flll* 17 Miiiiul MtrtM't, lied Hank.— free. <)U1 fuslitoncd pine pork farm when Hprved. t han blowlng the doors off the fur- About $400 waa realized. The pro- Pure ('andy. Tetley's for \nias (ardi. BmiHiiuc, '2',\ IIMIIH pound I''i p«h rt The (mine, line qimllty poultry will mice and ulnrminK the family- A of Always the newent deHlgns, the urf^nd thn council to adopt th- ..r*H- he, on hand iin ur meat markrtk a for gram, as presented in a previous There aro neverat vurietion pork lfi rtMit.s [KMIIIII. hlfitontown I,lv« Motor-Stokor to replace the oil burn- Issue of The llrgltftcr. was carried Loft's candy for Hchooln, Kunduy- cleverest crentlona, und the moat mince. llu deneribod th«* i«>u*'* <.f I'oultry Knrin, Stair hl^hwuy No 3fl, thn < 'hriHtmiiH di Our poultry er i« being installed Ijy Mcrrltt Ma- beautiful ChrtstmuM cards are found out. schools, and" otheh r organizationiti s tto the rnnd and lt« bcnenin. H^ «*ui We nuiy n cuiiiplrtr HTM* of the Jii8t (me half mile H.MII h of I'lnlon huypiM Hie. now in the fielildd selectinltt g chlpe Shop. Advertinement. choose from. I^et us quota you a at Tetleya. Why not choose now Mr. In^rnhatii had imtdt> t *i •- -tf ->r 1 .iti'-ii'i I-"It |iuit> ciiody. l'nio hard town I'hnnfl Miilontiiwr n WiTt Ad fin vmi, iilrynif»n. ChrtatmAH Cardn. Hwannell, propose torn, Brood and und the new curds have Ju»t pfteped ..U iciTii-ly low in Ires. 1'nrh'n C\%t\r e nt thl.i moHt import- Order yours now at The Heplater Mechanic street, Red Bunk,—Ad- from their boxen. Tetley'rt, 17 Broa.nint' A .SwimiH'll, proprip- pK | ant of ,,!! .) ered. $8 F\ O. IV Jam en Rlordun, vertisement. I street, Ked Hunk. Advertisement. IPMH fldvuntfi^ft WIIM tnUori '-r I* I in*.. Hi nml M ml MiThnnm «trpctn, deBlgnn at any coat you desire to Ml . Itrilh-ll!- NHld '!,,,!. Hu , : fit Mm. .IriMoph H«»> Mnnniouttl assured of getting - -Advertisement. Headquarters Open Tonight ty whlrh Mr TiiKniham h»>\ -.F; ?>S Junt tho Htj-.a yiiu wiint, when you extra coat. An eurly selection is ad- n nt rent. Hen I bHi ^ulns In cmttu ut vised.—Advertisement. for live and dressed turkeyH, K*"""". und^ every niK t until Xmas. Shop to 0 Advritlno want it. Advertisement. duckfl, chickens; gitmn (if fill klniln. nHt line of toys In town, Metal Weatherstrips Iffiwt |l(MI,IMHt mid |>i ,»».»).! ' • •-! , 1 y | inent. for windows and doora. Call J. A. X>»". Dunn, surgeon chiropodist, Ue Nure of the bent. VV<* mnko our (Jiftn for the entlrn family at low own tmunufife. OHITHIUH HIOH. CO., 11- "Whnm V\HP oih y-.il ,•') tlM.M ,.-, ,.t j Hendrickaon, 7H Newman Hpi Ings Uroad street, Red Jliink. Phone Hed pikcH. Niitlomil >:«•-, KK-. iiiuii Jl MI Indian Tr*r If» llDiint', for Xnum wienthii and laurel nmd, Hed Bank, phone 1400.-Ad l'& Broad atrt'ct. -Adviu tlHiMncnt. Stiues (formerly ] rt)wn-Coo|i* r (V an rxpt-ndii ui i* d < n\; 11<• ••*'«!,"' 120 Rrnad ntU'M, H.d Hank l.iui'*h Hunk 2UW); houi'H two to Hlx dally — \ roping. IJ stork holiday table vertiflemant. AdvertlHi-nient. Phonu 26H(». W« deliver, Advertise- U.'dtlMl M.\ It.'HHSlll. i|': ...I-I thMt. •• At..inn InnMi |niwili'|- tn wtlttpn Ht tll<» In*l(nn Ti ' ' v our fur! v o ! 1 ! (lellrnclpfi Riid fancf y K'' ^ »h*j y.nn '•• ti ;'.|>' • liil till** week 2!So. rent •pfrinl ,•. HulMiitnl ml hot Mcmmouth county. DoremiiH HFOH. FeUey'ii for Typewritare the perfect tonth k«d food. . 1113 broad «Lreet.~A cent>i 'Ifiwilli- hu 'II I nut )•• I- -AdveitincninnU meuL •trs*L Il«d Bank.—ArivertUemanL blon rtfty centn. - AdvcrtiBemcnU uei's rharuim-i. -AdvertieemenL itclllnu The lteglstor.—AdvorUnuiuvnl ! vat ion A. A R;

*.-._.. N^,lf

by tt.i Hit-

to ttthe

will be heid \.'» < • • -. • fhajitrl on \A\\<\k-u i >-. .-

A t ehearaal . *f • i -r -->••• ^ In the Chriaxn.afc '.•*?•*< •

t -i «,* iiiiitiiripal and sentfd on (he -"-.',•••* ' * .

r . r •- ..* Hi i.n trie people. t'hr.Htmaj will h\»- <- • *• ' • ' » w • . rt • •,. fi.-hiiiK for more Captain AIINU» ••• <• • «• t •: ^-Ani.niu and increas- charge of the l<- a, »'*••• -.-••.>•* -»;•'••"> tttnl ihat they should Ing to take car*- >,• >< «< , • - '. '* • [)ftective Talks ***- «hai I hey could not get allHies during Kit- v •.•!«> • • •• ->,- ^ •- * hu-'H* without paying In- ,tion Army clmm,* ,.- nu • «• • •'••- to Young Women i < i luAt-h In mention.ng the In which coins may [•• • :••!.•„. • r-; • ,. .- :. iii s< hiK,l taxes Mr. McMahon ! lief work have \>*-v-~ \.:n> *> \ -i. H>. .«,i i. Merritt Kent, County Finger 'uiifd thai the itato appropria-, • treet. Begin n I OK i^ent ^«' 'i: tiny workers, arnuH with w;i>• %vti• be , lt tioii for Rchot.n at Red Bank was Print h*pert. Addreutt Red stationed neat these ttHmt.f y» »n<1 ,'i(1, leducua Jfc.QOO this year. Bank Organization Butinett < tirlftlmnn liatui kettles. lur ..'..Ullty bill M flJI i The speaker advocated a new re- »,i >o kulei I e«il eatiit i- ' This Sunday will be observed with Suasion Follows Addrew I I •• > git It I j,,^.'' funding policy such as is employed, J.'lill 1' Hii(l;,Hu*h. , A II I' • olK'lllfllOIl iJ last infill II j tne a holiness gervice at eleven o'clock » ^ uXur lit tl i the ! * y freeholders of Monmouth ' T ty of ll.u t. ,rt f 1 ll.es ^niK'HK *'f Ilit In tha morning and a salvation ser- fiuLtia I county. He said the present system. "A uld Uui* Hyii. "Mi Ji.IV •= IllltS real estate, noted vv.a. s ^ wfta vice at eight o'clock at night. The 1ui \ ui 11 1 lined unfair to the banks He said, , meeting Mu ndfcj dh n. i-i a, h'ay arid f n' u--i«;>,'i I'K-1;'! "> so willing to finance municipal un-1 The members of the Life Saving Detective Kent <.' The oiigin clal suecesH. The committee In r| t! !! I.. • t - A jipjt-^ate, the scouts and guardi went to the nata- the collection f garbBHf > i *"•• lo explained this dertaklnga as they had been in the | g of the flngerm. «t<-n; and its chaige waa headed by Clark Worth- decided lo corilirme v, lli HII- ', .lli-.il lorlum at Asbury Park Monday night Hiice at greater past. He aaid the bank of which I growth to the ; trta** He de ley ______of private colli-ctW.ii [.n-iiod t l,-.n« for a swim. The party constated of h\n remark!, Mr. he was president would try to ac- • dared that it ;ai dftil HH one j hired for thin wink empiy with itit commodate the town in all these 24 members. of the sureni i which law- | MIDDLJETOYVN'S JOBLESS. Ilirnt i,n M 1 • .•; t. u * i' -1 to the petition by board of health legulHtion.H matters, as it had done In the past, I • twiMiKht to justice, j ' lijink II,, r ,],,, ,, ,, lifiai re. Jle said he breakers may t At the next meeting I >ec.«iiibi>r DEATH OF ISAAC £MITH. '<*! b! < uBf-s in which : Work It Being Found fur Them In college. Mi HI,., ,„ ,. .,. to believe that but that in order to obtain the same and he cited nt 22J a public hearing will be held on B liberal terma co-operation, by means the system hn t&ktn a prominent , Improving Roads. the sidewalk and curbing assessment die «olu...l 11,- !.„, „ .... ,, had signed ihe Former Wlckatunk Fanner Died at urt- of law-breakera. of economy, would be necessary part In the raj The Middletown township health reports for i'inckney road and the Mount Eitfli,.!, .., i.,M without being Red Bank Sunday Mornlnf. ••aslon followed the h to the eoniiiilons. center at CaxnpbeU'u Junction ha« Branch avenue. been informed to i Isaac Smith, formerly of Wicka- addreaa MisMisa Catherine Rusaell, bten made headquarters for unem- Hrlldi'tl* JVI.ilM-ttl tunk, died early Sunday morning at i who picsMe<1 I«-I, in' (if [he signers. rted that 175 hadployment relief -work in the town- STRUCK BY AUTOMOBILE. Mlas Jean Kt-mielli. i. -,.| I'. State Exchange the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wll titen CIIIIK tid for the Red Cross at IHC vvfts j) if sent as ship. All residents of the township j ettl, but I, .,r -;,,w •» ,„ ,. „, f>\ | f f j M| liftm P. Allen of Waverly place, Red the two ii'.'ui thraiors. Miss Alma who are unemployed are requested (^uackenhush and Boy Crossing Shrewsbury Avenue lied HaltmlHv on n.K ... Bank w|th l/ori^str f*-t WMN chairman of the h<> hi^Ded the peti L-iub Head rlcre ' *i»»» he had nved ti^ to register there. Frank Scott of Severely Injured Yesterday. j liy Rei'i.rili-. !., ™i.. K , . - pajt ten yeais. Mr. SmltJi wu form c<,intnil tf. in chttr K« Headden's Corner is director of un- I lila" Mwi- I . i, .!•„ „ •• nti-il it He Bairi crly enifaKMi In farming, llf was H^ Ralph Rowland, three-year-old son Mlaii I lor,.thy iiaviland, chairman employment relief. About 275 per- Mi !• iii nsisi epreaent the Charles Bod in e of Morrutown years old, and he and his wife would of Mr. and Mre. Harry S. Rowland r of the <:ommitteo In charge of the sons have registered. H' i...ntt} i,r u1 t lit- pi eamhle of have been Im married 59 years dance held recently at the Mon- of East Sunset avenue, was Injured • cv,, ihla aBsertion Outline* Aims of Organization ' A number of unemployed men have hM .1 H 1 ': I, [),« luwn. d Db mouth boat clnli, btated that a com- yesterday afternoon when while at -l' iil<" fur ppiHont* at Meeting of Red Bank Club been put to work on widening and i ,- I Ht- II KLSOI.VKIt ha d genial temperament and thin, | plete leporl could not yet be made tempting to croBs Shrewsbury ave otherwise improving Chapel Hill nue he was struck by a car ilrlven Mi- MS ., ,-,,., I,,,,,.,,. In th. Last Thursday. \ with othpr sterling qualities, made owing to the f»cl that all tickets • • >!-«,*!• In tha lift i<1 ! road. When the work is completed i'l • i" many friends for him. had not yet I,ecu returned. by Joseph Cuzzl of Long Branch. He i •,-,', ,".nfj ih. ..Id Haalth «Iu f Mm i.Hlownt state other road improvement projects will was taken to the office of Dr. Frank , -i , , 1 Un.I all ullaf wuik Besldea hia wife, he is survived by Mrs. Hru.e Vitrm Man1'" present- th'i J*;x<-hunge club, in be started. Each Job, it U planned, Qoff and treated for severe lacem Dh 'it • ' ". "I Mi.i,tl«i.,wM lia ro-cr- a son and two daughters, they be- ed the dull with two stockings, • . ' M.ri.. If, ,.rue mo>m banafl- iveu at a reKU.la.ir mect- will supply work three days each tions on the forehead. Sergeant ( >H .. • 'in.. . ,i.i,ll,,,il,,i.« ,,f moi..,, ing Edward Smith of Keyport, Mr>. which th« rii«-iiit,ri« will fill for the of II.. '• tiling •!••, will Eleanor Vanderveer of Newark and Monnioutli couiiiv oiK">iization for 'itli.l n niKht at the Olobe township committee, at a special complaints were, made at th« time Mrs. William P. Allen of ned Bank. •oclal in vl< « for illntrlbutlon on IKiWAItli w. HOHEK'l'S. -il th*' aims of that or- meeting last week, passed a resolu- The child's condition is not serious, He also leaves four grandchildren. ChriMiiiHs Hi,,,,hK tin- children In . nbf i They are Marlon and Benjamin tion designating the health center though Dr. Goff ordered him reHi ! in ! I,.,."! ,,'.1 HIII-.U.^I hec-eliibiir i. 1011. •m, declared Mr. Bodine, two iif.'.lv rniiilllrK. as headquarters for unemployment moved to a hospital for further ex arid M Smith, Leroy Vanderveer and Edgar The rncrriberH of the club will • protection for aviators relief. All associations or persons amlnatlon. illen VMl,* .f w.-«t U Hn P. Allen. gather at the home of Mias Cath iht^ establishment of who wish to donate food, clothing Ntev 1'B* <urh nth WHH interested \ 11n y damage of about $7,000 to Frank H. Miss Clara Layton of Sunset ave- tlon on Branch avenue. Readings i t :):lit Lim Kxcb-angc Tlntoo Falls Reside** Passed Awny Maf.k, M r HIH: i\ '... 11, of Earle's large house on C'orwver lane, nue gave a shower at her home Mon- wert given by Miss La Wall and foi id- tul in youth. He ami ilaujflitfi \nH „( 11 at the Age of 71 Years. in Middletown township, near Red day night for Miss Dorothy Teller, Miss Katharine Sickles, new mem- *'ll> b not to con- ner. Mi HII'I Mr,, l-:.l' • I I :.i Bank. ypslcritHv The Maze wan dls- al9o of Sunset avenue. Mtsi Teller bers, and emblem songs were ren IIH- movement, William Farrell of Tinton Falls Imi Btnl Mi mid Mis. I]ini\ !•, .i.V ' dered by the club. ChrlBtmas stock 1 died from Brlght's disease Friday, covftr . ,1 al>..ul eiei'i -i ,, rl.wk In thereceived many pretty gifts. Bunco .'••';,:,';:::;; r. , In H !• nsfiny as pos- Inga were filled with gifts for theton and daughter Ada ,,t Mn.i,.(i November 27th, at the age of 71 1^ HI •! " ^ ... ,,,' fn,|y pin outand cards were played and refresh- lfipii i« the unem- ! poor. A representative of Helena years. He had been In poor health I' 'i! ' • . ' • " i Ill th" after ments were served later. <1iHti e.Hs and help- Rubinstein, beauty specialist, will SwarUMadnlik. since last July. He Is Htuvlvrd In •• i- . ••! nr mid The gifts were drawn out of an umbrella decorated in pastel shades give a talk belore the club January Mils Levlna Swartz, daughter ul :• , i .. '!.>». SBCielary of tbBhis wife and by*» brother Hint n 12th. sister who live at Jersey <'lty Mi of pink and green crope paper. The Mrs. M. Swartz of HlKMamlH, b,. -i.tri. in ^anlration, also made a table decorations wera of the same came the bride of Peter Madnlrk. shoit ad.iress. In which he told of Farrell was a summer reHldent of colors. CHURCH SOCIETV MEETS. son of Mr, and Mrd .In,ir.pb Mail Ii. •! Km I, 'J 1 i- the bulletin issued monthly by theTinton Falls a number of years ami ! h; it • i!-1 'i, t, hu.slnesH du- Besides Miss Layton and Miss Tel- nick of Neptune City, Sunday ninht '111 1, l.ilj passes etate Exchange club. of late he had lived there all the • i.i i, .mi Mrs. Karle Women's Missionary Society Has In- at Temple Beth i>Jl »t Asbury I'Hik M k , i>uUi cause year around. He had a position with ler those present were itrs. Margeret ' Hi ' 1ly. . i;. by Rabbi RRIIJII H. ll.Msbnn. The : Kli, .,iher expenses. j left tlm timiHi a Ow minutes before Kelly, Mrs. Marjorie Kelly, Miss Mae teresting Discussion. i Mi .1 •I, N J the Jersey City department of health ceremony w»s Mttftitli-il by 3!VI rela it'^^ed reaentment the fire waa discovered. 'Hie blaze Predmore, Miss Ellen Mattson, Miss MAN. nu|.|..yi twanty RELIGIOUS COUNCIL MEETS. The funeral was held Monday A meeting of the Women's mission- tlvea and fi lt.ii.ls en hinted that the was difficult to fight because It wasJosephine Kearns and Miss Pearl 1 >Hla<- mornlnr of last week at St, Doro- ary society of the Prenbyterlan »' A, 1o,x fill. in more or less inaccessible places. Good ridge. The Inkle wan attired til white project would be long Branch District Council Met thea's church of Eatontown. There church was held yesterday afternoon thi' The fire was fought by Middletown Miss Teller Is engaged to marry satin, with a veil. Mb.- .Hiiiei! rn^pH. road being built. at Eatontown. was a large attendance and many with Mrs. Thomas Head and Mrs. 1. thill y j "i : ,i ilia' fidin the outset the Township Fire Company No. 1, River Ctaorge Predmore of Sunset avenue. Frank Speers as hostesaeH. A dis-Hhp WHH Kivn away liy lier mother mi" h.in.lU man ; »i«k! floral tributes. Burial was at Mount l:i«..l in»i,i,;» A,Id reaa i•"iiiMi,.: c(,n;rnisHion had advocated The Lons; Branch diitrlct council Plata fire company and Liberty com- cussion on "Mormons, Syrians and and alnii her ln.itli.-i, Sinnufl Kwartz. Itmn.ll. A, of Religious Eduoatlon met In theCarmal cemetery at Lonr Branch 1...^ Ml. l{*.l ' :.•-,! He said none ot tha pany of Red Bank. Early In the af- AT ST. CLEMENT'S CHUKCH. Persians" was led by Mrs. Edmvind Hor atierulnntH wen- Mils Thelrlla Methodist church at Eatontown Fri- The bearers were Wellington Wll- HleKfre.i i,f Kncl Hunk, who was1IUNI.AI.IIW ol nix iiinm.. I,mh. slngl* irn.iH's of the commission would ternoon the River Plata firemen vomSteeg, Mrs Newton Sherman HUIII^C. for iei.1; IIIK.I hi.uRfl of klx day night with tha Young People's klns, James Dean, Edwin C. Reed maid of bonr.r, aii.l Miysos (Jertruile l.< I., i,. Una by the hew road. He wen called to that place by a blue Neighborhood Association Will Meet and Mrs. Fletcher Sherman. l.inm*. Imlli; nil lm|ii uvcment •; doubl*" union to discuss the subject, "Youth and Walter Wysdorff of Tinton .• i ,1 hr was sure that the only rsa- which broke out In the roof of a at Belford This Afternoon. Mrs. Margaret Fields, Mrs. Wool- iiwartz, Anna t ;i unit ('In. Hose Mad- ttniBi{«; i t-umiiinbl* it-nt. Ixjuiitliin P«lm- and Church." Charlea W. Blakealae Falls and Joseph and William Fin- ei* iivrime. Keiviiitliiiru, Imi l!n«. I'hoii* n,n tlicy mlvocated the proposal was house. This lire was soon put out ley and Mrs. John Hayes read pa- iilcH,Casals St.'lnb.-rn, l>orls Neodle- presided over the meeting wd a pro- ley of Long Branch. Members of the Monmouth district man and Sylvia Ciulm!elri. who were YW* liiun., Mitlilletiiwn 67^-M." 1» «n <• ihoy believed lt would prove) and the damage was small. pers, Mrs. Rachel West gave a vocal KOR .SAl.K. vlulin, Mllh ra«,~bc;« »nd gram waa presented by the young of the Women's Neighborhood asso- bridesmaids. Ji'-nitHial t,» the community. He ds- solo, accompanied by Mrs. Grace stRnii: tine I'lirlBtmBB f.reitai t for itnnit- people. About sixty person! attended, DEATH OF JAMES TBEAMOB. ciation will meet this afternoon at om; smftll (J«|.oalt will hold sam« until < i.ii.ii thiit as individuals they had Doremus at the piano. including nine pastors. They were TAXK ON CHILDREN. three o'clock at St. Clement's Epis- Max Mail nick a brother of the (hiiatmiH. H. Ely, \Ui ChtBtnut Itictt. iioilmiK to gain by the road bains Revs. Leroy Y. Dtllener and H, S.Former Resident of Middletown copal church at Belford. The speak- groom, was best nmn, and the ush-Red _n«nk.'__ -_^_ I'Uilt Crammer of Eatontown, Rhaa D. Clothing for Children. ers were Benjamin Madnick, Joseph FOR 'RENTr>u'inl«hVu two-room »|iart- Township Died on Long Island. Mrs. William McDowell Addrewe* er will be Rev. Frank B. Oasklll, ment, with h»at. fl4 Monmouth «trt«t, A report In favor of making th* Coffman, Henry M. Lawrence, Al- who li a missionary. Refreshments At a meeting of the Rumson par- Batterman, Max Drucker, Archie Jamas Treanor, a former rtsldtnt Parent-Teacben. lihone lUdlinnk 12T1." fred Duncombe and Herbert J. Lane ent-teacher association last nitfht Orunitein, Morris Swarti and Wil- rhanK^ suggested by Mr. Eisner and of Middletown township, died Tues- will be served. CADILLAC." 1927-a 1 *. fiv. pn.iiniVr n~ of Long Branch, Stanley Meyers of A m««ting of the Red Bank pre- Mrs. Frank Nary reported that sev- liarti Grunateln in fuvor of passing the ordinance day of last week at hli home at Co- Sunday morning at eleven o'clock d>n, nix »lre wheali; baualn. Ford v.aH made by Mr. Kennedy. Two West Lone; Branch, Marvin R. Gulce school P»rent-Teach«r association eral children had been outfitted by The couple will spend the winter coupe, Hudflon coach, Reo ned*n. Nub rona, Long Island, at the age of six-waa held last night at the Social Ser- at the church the Archdeacon will ••din. Th«K« cam all caah bargain!. wookH nuo he was appointed to ln-of North Long Branch and Howard the welfare committee. Ths associ- In Florida. ty years. He is survived by three vlca headquarters on Pearl street. be present to celebrate communion. Dobblm, 1(7 Weal Front itreat, Rad v.stisiate the matter and make a r«- Rash of Beabrlght ation will hold a card party tomor- IJk^ daughters and a son, they being Mrs. Mrs. William McDowell presided for On Friday St. Clement's club of the row night at the home of Mrs. D. Hart—Layton. ],,,rl. Those who spoke were Rev. MarAngel- o Giaclnl, Nicholas Treanor, the first part of the evening and church will hold a Christmas novelty &IAN, to, wnnvii tmploymtnf, sood Mrs. John Flood and Miss Ann Tr*a- Harold Karp on the Rumson road I h, last feature of the meeting vin R. Gulce, Peter Nilaon of North fava a talk "How children differ and mask dance, with Christmas gift Mrs. Ivy Hart of Brooklyn and ofTir* man; iiulrk and corrart at nor. He was the husband of the late and the proceeds will be turned over before th0 vots was taken was a Long Branch, Rev. Herbert J. Lane, mentally" stressing the Importance •nips. Alonzo Layton of Hiunson were mar- flBurta; sjber and honcat. Addrass Susan Cadden Treanor. Before he to the welfare committee. Inlk liy Frank McMahon, president John F. Davlson, Harold Smock, Mr. ried Sunday afternoon at four A, box Ml, R.il Bank- moved from Middletown township Of harmony and affection In the nf the Second national bank and Johnion and Mrs. Marlon T. Clark home In order to give the child a HELD FOR GRAND JURY. o'clock at St. George's Episcopal I rust company. He explained that Mr. Treanor was employed for seven Bnraugh Pay* fM,OO0. church at Rumson by the rector, of Long Branch and G. M. 'Whlt- years as horse trainer on the Her-fair chance to develop mentally, and two butha; all lmiiruvcmanta; ga.rag«. )i" v.ns not present as president or Colored Han Charged With Attempt- The payment of county and state Rev. Albert J. M. Wilson. Celd. bert N. Straus estate. the Importance of good food, eating Phone R«d Banl._<5^-J. Tppreseniative of the bank but as a habits, regular rest periods and the ed Assault and Battery, taxes, Interest and bills amounting Mrs, Qeorge Lacey, a sister of the YOUN'ii" Sroich'ulrl will «o at ganaral The funeral was held Saturday at to 154,000 was authorized last night .':.•! n to ur^e lessened expenditures proper amount of play. Toys for Daniel Glover, colored, of Bank bride, was the matron of honor and houa«work«i; bant of rtfarencaa. Phona umi ir.wtr taxes. He said he had not WOMAN'S CLUB EVENTS. Our Lady of Sorrows church at by the mayor and council of Atlan- Rumaon 7 9 6. or call at 9ft Klvar road, the pre-tchool child were on exhi- street, charged by John KUbourne ol Aaron Brown ot Red Bank was Kumaon. Mary Ilmldow. iiiuiuliil to mention the Ingraham Corona. A solemn high mass was bition. Mr». Harvey Smock presided tlo Highlands. The commissioners groomsman. The bride wore a Un A Meeting of the Club Executive Broad Btreet, with attempting to hit LOST, on Denember Ktrl, a whlta gold~ba7 r.md matter but that he would do chanted, the celebrants being two for the second part of the meeting paid $34,000 In county and state ensemble and carried a bouquet of Iiln. elangatcil bow knot Uaalirn with Committee Monday Morning. him with a brick, was held under n> Iwniiifn the discussion had inter- nephews of Mr. Treanor, Rev. John at which It was decided to Institute taxes, $13,500 to the board of educa- American Beauties. The matron of thrat small emerald*. Valued as a lit«i>- Treanor and Rev. William Daly. bail of (290 for the action of the aal.a. K«wani. 1'tiutiai Had Uank flu. ( .ul him. Mr. McMahon expressed Twenty-seven persons attended the a program of child welfare for Lho tion and $400 Interest on the road honor carried a bouquet of chrysan- Burial waa at Calvary cemetery. grand jury by Justice Gilbert M In. I'.. F- Ai'ket'innii. 31 Haddon Pari, the ;iPH'est confidence and respect executive boaxd meeting ot the Red bond Issue, besides the regular bills thfmumfl, K«d Hank.' ( pre-school children, Clothes will be Keith Monday night. foi' th. ri.Hvor and council. He said Bank Woman's club Monday morn- and salaries. The couple are making their home MlliDLR A(;E» anitclimnn "wViiid ' ilke Funeral of Mrs, Little, supplied for needy children. Mrs. The alleged attempted assault and th-v .i,-lived the utmost credit for ing, when Mrs. Clifford W. Hum- on Ward avenue in RumBon. They hiiiiiemHn'H j.ib, tjtklitK .are of furaaoan The funeral of Mrs. Louisa C. Lit-Smock Is planning to hav« an exhi- battery was said to follow an argu- and IRWIIH. I'hunti Knnuuri 20.',, ov call at fci\iim tl-.fh- time and efforts with- phrey presided. It was voted to send P. B. A. Officers Elected. expect to leave shortly on a trip to IH) Ittvar IOIHI. Kiim^on. '1'hnmnn Coultev. tle, widow of Oranvllle B. Little of bition of toys at her home on Hard- ment after, automobiles driven by out crnji.'nsation and often without $3 to the Penney art fund. Mrs. C. KUbourne and Glover collided near Officers of the Red Bank police Niagara Falls and Canada. Mr. Lay- STORE, 16x44 faat, for rant; wood lora- Rector place, who died a week ago ing road sometime next week. thnnkt- F. BoBtock, chairman of the drama the corner of Shrewsbury avenue benefit association were elected last ton Is employed by Mahoney ft Har- liun, n,,liH>,U fur l,u.li,.»- ,:i any kind. department, announced trat a pag-last Sunday at her home, was held Apiily to Nlcl. in il,, i,l, H'liKHtp.l iiil.l'llB rga.t m-lduw .. , ...... the members are asked to leave at Mr. Osbourne' ot America held a sard party In St.Minor. Only the immediate families ported that tht club had an active formerly published The Standard at James's high school auditorium last \M,iihl lik« in ,"lti, ni n« hoimcktupai' m ,.<.|lolli...it .'MI.II.II. J. H. lie said mat «,B ,o ,he yardiey memorial fund! was attired in a gown of carmine i', ai?o H referendum was tht summer outing, the dinner In Oc- N,.,il". II" W M-hlnut.iii Mtiaal, Lons Miss Minnie Perkins of Navetlnk staff of the Atbury Park Press tor lips In charge. She was assisted by Mrs. Harrison Bance announced that tober and the helping of several crepe trimmed with white satin. ill ,.II. h. N .1 . i'l t ,17l,r, W. ilie (|uestion of Increasing a concert would be given in January J died Saturday at the Long Branch several years. He has been Identi- forty other women. Ninety prizes :' s ot the policemen and he needy families and twelve monthly fied with Senator Barbour in a sec- Both the bride and the groom are YO1IN'. ::. „i.lim„„ »,,,,|,| |ik, l,,,,,..niaii'a' department. hospitahitl l at thh a age of 23 ytara. She were awarded to the winners. After j..t. Inn .hut. iti,y kln.l i.f .-«i ; v«ry >i loss to understand why social meeting. An election of of- graduates of the Red Bank high w the fourth member of her family retarlal capacity for three years. ththe fiard» playing refreshments were h»i.,ly «I..I,II.I 1.,.,.^ l'l.,.,,« H,im»,,ii 7B6. ficers was held at which Al Patter- school, the bride being & member of or nil >• :'-., lii.r mil,I. iluinauii, John H(,ni'. lie also mentioned to die within tha past year. Her served. r I'litltini which was held a STRUCK IVY AUTOMOBILE. son was elected president. Fred Bain! the class of 1930, and the groom a lliul'l" • brother Ltroy died >lx wnki ago, Veterans' Service Officer. ITAI.IMi VII,1.A. liMKlad In FIIVVKVO^I i • nKo oi) extending Broad on vice president, Oeorge Orob; member of the class of 1»29. The Her mother died laat July, and an- Richard Olsen of Port Monmouth, To Broadcast Sermon. bride was the recipient of many fine 1'ail '.tiiliili.ii Mivm i minia, two tlla - tm. t Ivor. The vote on Boy Knocked Down* While Crossing reasurer and John Hollan secretary I .. , „ „ , , LathK. 111., lit. li.i,. IM.HI I,, L-o I,.,X. braak- other brothtr died m. few months r Rev. J. W. Tower, pastor of the eildlng- gifts. tin.- ,',•..,I was adverse. Mr. Mc- Shrewsbury Avenue Last Week. ago. The funeral was held yester- After th, business meeting a social i dJutaM of KMnsbur& Post' Veter (•»! i, ...I,. ,i tl.rilait. I,,,l wnt.r liaal. Rumson Methodist church, will t* Ki.i.iK.' •• I. .ll.honahar. Hail Ml- •ii 1 Iiu believed Broad street n of For n Wa ed | Samuel Lettl, nine years old, ofday afternoon at the house In charge msetlng was held, ending with an *noticf e tha K t ^«George Smit"' !"h "o f'"" 01 Par *k broadcast sermon Friday after- I'l Hull. ••'•> M,,i,i,',..ill, nliaat. i>hnll« fUlt ,• i xti-ii.kd to the river and of Rev. Mr. Bouldin. Burial was byItalian spaghetti supper. Wennl (—llettanian. Shrewsbury avenue was injured last &vavenuenue , KcKcansburgnBbu , nhas been apr - noon, December 11th, from four to MMi fiunt should be beau- Th. next me.tlng ,,f the t-lub will f ' » r*' »« "« Miss Edith Irene. Wennlim .IHUKII Al' \ l! ..I 1,1.1.laii». Saturday night when, while crossing i A. M. Poaten and Son and was at 1 1 1 1 fflCer f r dls- nve o'clock, over station WJBI. His thlF wou d e held January 7th at (he h»™ I" "'" , "" " ,° ° "?'' ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kid | II .dl. ill. Mon . ' that thoroughfare he was struck by Crystal Stream cemetery. trlct AnyBervl m g ad- topic will be "The Oood Time Com- whil,. and that while he rr. Paterson on Uk« avenue ' ' « «n wlshln erick Wennlng of Chentnul nin-.t an automobile driven by Louis vice concerning navy or marine ing." Mr. Tower will have charge ,'!\.Hute of economy he was and John Wilson lleltr.iuim. •«, . f Clancy of Island Park. The boy was Died at Slate Hospital. free of charge by of the program at this hour on the corpa can get it Mr. and Mm. William II ll-H/,,,,.,, ,i\".nti» of parsimony. removed to Rlvervlew hospital where Arabella Crumwell, colored, of getting in touch with Mr. Smith. second Friday of every month. College Women's Meettni. of Monmouth Heach, WI-I ,. .,,i,,,l' i , Mutton then related facts he was treated for lacerations of theEatontown, died at the state hospital Dr. ICmlly Hlckman. professor of .Saturday in tin. in. ,•,..,,„>. .r :;,,,,( I '!" II nlll liohl million al Hed Bank and scalp and face, three fractured ribs ( at Trenton Sunday. She leaves two history at the New J«r»ey college 'I' Ai,'l.,.,ii,. H.r • -at every possible measure and contusions of the body. Hurt In Washing Machine. Vhlted Former Pastor. son Mfthn.list 1-1 h -ii sons, Glenwood and Arthur, who live for wom«n at New Jirunswlck. will ta inlurfl unnecessary ex- Clancy was taken before Justice Frances Sherry, aged eleven years, Mr. and Mrs. Albert I. Frost and Hrnni-h l.y K.-\- U illl" m H ,: .< . on Grant avenue. Th« funeral ser- be tht principal speaker at the De- Hi'nillng from official fig- Henry F. Hylln. who held him for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank tons Robert and Richard of Newman. Mi iin.l M,.i HI. I.H i i i - 11 i' >- . i..,i ,,.ar lilirii vices will be htld at 2:00 o'clock this cember meeting of the American as- '• -• «-. 1 fl (221.(100 in 1926 toTalerlco, a witness to the accident, o She receiver! these Injuries last week Carmel. New York. Mr Simpson In the ullli-.- u! II I , 7,III.. 1 Ml Sn in;.; W>NI. ., ..!.. r,«ul.tlon Rev. R. WakeStk) In charge. The Mrs. Martha Papa on Riverside av z Rnal Kn.nt atieat. |.:'.4i.u>.> in mai,which.increase was when her hand was caught In the as formerly paHtor of the New Mon- Kht .''li.' wan r..iiii<-ily with th.- *U*. Inmi.l . told the police that it was unavoidrj burial servlos will bt In charge of K«,l Hank, [hi nl«iiit llfly par cenL nut at Rsd Bank Monday afternoon wringer of an tlectrlo washing ma Ktorckfl IIMIHI. ntoio .in Jlroad During the able. „ Charles' Brees* mouth Baptist church and Is now noaUnuad -

KeguU A»< f'» 1 I BUS1NI..VS NOTK IS KOOMi H)H H!N' A! * M A 1 J ! f »>' i' I N !

M\PH I. KM'.H f

ROOMS. ( uime- (In« U,< Eili-tifl . NOW ^ M» fniin " I'll A- M .nd Old I < o'h, rleiintih BTK dyeiH, 60 White Boj-ce. ,.•1. Red Hai.r CHICKPINS KBiitd, naiket prl.:e» for pho Y "JO I/JAN on ni I or wilt* AIHX Broadway, Ixjng lln i tuhk-e. Aii.tlicHliofi

from Broad itieet, 1U •M-. t}\\\ j. MISCELLANEOUS utrtet, Ited Hunk. ..nt loom, connects wl! WATER SYS'IKMS (le beds ; plenty of hei OSEPH C. I'KiONE. i.iMhiHi, Lullder and 191 Broad street, Kt Kcneial rontructor; «M iniiiten. pUrin, j • i> 11 ley ti •'' r -' ' peritii'ntlor.a fuii.nih«d ; Jo I, bin it and ulUr- all improvements. K« 111/.ill I '•'-' I itioi.N Kiv«ii aputlal uttmtiou. (yi ice 246 ringa road, near bell -*l ht(ir) avemip, Ht'd Hsnk. \.hone lfif.. Hp W'l !« I, f •" K NO (JUNNINC nll< i TO I'Um.ir 1 "have"»i»*ned~i Vith Ol Ulltio.lt ( f.ia >>t •urul»hed~"or unfurnished ») No. 1 r» mlty of \lu- h.w HAM-' a Ii i ti> lit; I id i r i •.••:" FOMI ' «l>ilol«t( n«w p.trt ad, Victory all im[irovementn. Buiy. I,I:NNIM, nil ath. All ha -i * -•'•' iUsKKii Knm., ]{| M«- li « road. K«d Hank. the vi! h oi wild,mi . Vf i view room, Jf f> , pi en t y (•MtiVM npiii'U if nt-^ded 4 4 be lii'i.i d Will U»«d Cmri. ntr 17.11, inlty i,f the Jnw itilly located. Inquire 14 pla.-e. Ked Bank, phone U4-J._ in the HALF OF HOIISF.. urivnte, eix'iooma and' lit. ,, cvcnintfi, »:00 1*. M. Thone BOARIUN.;, mode v, Ued Itank. U«nk 806&. ,,,,1 ,-,,',I ,,,,,:: h.th; uteam heat; tjamue, ull Jrnin«ve : tri"*,',',. •i t it M If ' rated ; ralen reHfor .K fu tilwhed r« me tits. iH Wehhi:iKl"N street. Ke<1 that I'" Hi l!i '.-• • l;il Hudfnri nwur pfiot.t- A«| :i:!iio furnace, KHJ und elect i ic; one I.lock Ing Him:le I( 11 Ih. THKOItA IfltO NOW i» the liiu IIH LATE 1928 Ford roftdittr, 1100. ) while Foil RENT. fu from IniadneMH uection i,( Ilrond street. tiHI. i In, inent In, I,,. J" Itent iea»onttnle. Cttll at 76 Mechanic Hants Bror, IS Mechanic atract. Open from 7 ;M) A. M. t ]..Kh»H>. atlon ii. th BJH ' Api-ly 11 Oak laiul street, Ited eet. Ked Hunk * __ FOX Win i P.nod Will U>«d Can. Op«n avanlnm 64 White street. lied Mano'H, (learu-iu and U>L-IH, 60 While KinK, v hHin nt in «,i till 9:0 P. U. Phcina R«d Bank SO«S. k, phone I.', street. Ked Bank. F()R"RENT."ijnfurni»T«d." twt»-ioom apart. FURN1KHKI) roomi f,ir itnt on the river ment, t 1 U , thief i "Oi" HIXU Mnent, $ 1 f. . mittee, ,Htutl-ti tt.M ALL UKI)lf('KI I~mJY and 'rail hecund-hand clothes ; nmxt I.lHrv, Ited Hank. $1.00 to be in Kood condition. L. Kerber, 209 liank. r,*j Rectoi five H-.iin., I.i'. . rMifllv lo.aitjd; mie annual baiifj in •I V., i . _ ._. Simonli- i(t. Jono:< VilliiiK Station. North BrMn Shrewsbury avenue, R«d Dunk, phone AJ'ARTMKNT. stei in heitted. furtiished ; Unite fioin Itmiid aiieet huxiiieHi. cenl**i. Otmin i if n 'ir ».!h. 1929 PONTIAC etbrloUt, naw rub. venue. lied Hank. <:hHrj£n Roberts, i>ro- 2654-J. _ 67 Moiiniou'.h Hti eet; three, Intife, min- njiitre Rt 14 H:..-hid.- HV,-TI ..•, lu-il \inn\- ni ruoms mni balhi ourn; newly decorat«d ; SPANISH Ijiiiutttluw iu U.-d Iliiiik ; hot » Hubmllltcd It •i» i ' ' .i i bar. looka ai sood aa naw. R&HRRR rletor_. I'hone Ued Han IT 12(14. _ MEALS; MEALS. MEALS—Where do you A.M'ly to owner, M n H eat 7 Best meala money can buy for ,d electricity. ter lieHi. hreakfiiHt nool-, tnei.la«ts Bhampooed and dry cleaned. Bank 295-W. THKEE-ROOM apartment, ith all im- Lfppln.oti, »u M< nmouth street, l(.*ii Old carpets mad« into rugn. Rag jirovemeiith. at. 11 Monouth street. Worden K t-fi i I r,l I: I t!N • .,,1.M<-M1I.K Ch rllit^ ABOUT 26 yards of fill dirt can be had Hank, phone Ked iiank ••::'-->. ev^nuiKri • • , n ! . . i •• - - • mini! One two- Inquire in nho store." after id 'in,, rugi woven. Telephone or a postal for taking It away from 96 Harvard PART" of houH*» for rent at 8u 'In*,., • • !• - .... i .... .••-. K HKntr.. Band, 1680 PONTIAC coach, low mUttf*. card will bring our truck to >our road, Knollwood,* NiCK~8Uiiny i om, bath adjoining; with Hill avenue. liuiuire aL Z\ Jiving . .ii ,,' . I i • i' i .,i • i •• - f tifli Hiieclnl for or without h ard, Im.uire at ti Branch pjsce. Red. Hank.' _____ • . !:• M.M i -, ... l. i u-s i.I IIKII ; Hll Kit« Rum Bros., 19 Ifachanio atr««t. door. Monmouth Curpet Clenninic pp Ked Bank high school, or I.IKI'INAVINi. III V II V\ ; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY—Party BUNlJALOW for rent, five rooms and • < " ,,i' I < Hli.I flMh rlli'l'llo Good Will Uaad Can, opan avanlngt Company, telephone Monmoulh Beach i able to tnveit 11.000 to IS,000 haa phone Red Bank ljH4. bath, all Improvements; alno itarane 1-.. ,;,] vKilr VMIHMK, Phone th« 9:00 P, M., phona IUd Bank S065. i!272. William Cross, proprietor. LAR(.E, " comfortable, suy, ltirnixheed Fro* avenue, Riverside HeUrhtx, Ke 1 All UiVwivIng I'>n,iilni r» in tin' |lliit Attend It. i \\ t. .1 I I ..I I I-,.t nect profitably with local manufactur- Red Bunk." Bank 249. HEMSTlfCHIN^-Mexican, Kold. allver, 1 AN I'H.jt' KS iiinlr inet' Chilhin.ari (([ft*. 102ft CHRYSLER eoaeh, modal «5j etc., buttons, Jiiukintr. itlaitltig, em- ing corporation. Investment fully THREE-ROOM apaVlment. furn hed- sun- ", < :nbinet broidery, trimmings and noveltien. Man- protected. For appointment address ny side of tKui«e: reasonable 15 Wal- Red Ban W(l( I c) . . 11 f llt'lll-l HM.n'r! Anti; u I '•* i'iv i.t all t h,- llf*>- ( qucradu nuits fur hire. The Handy Shop, lace street. It.-. Bank.' WantiitiMi.m Htieet, HuiiiHDii, N. J., iihona Broi., 19 Mechanic atrvat. Good Will 6 Broad street, lied Bank. HuB.nenB Opportunity, box 611, Red BUNCALOW of two rooms, all imp « ttuvlng txiunlnf-i ,i living in ttin timii ! KuiNnrHt H4. Hank.* mentfi. Call at 63 Poplar avenue, ta i ly. It i» iiMjiill-t'il Hint ull rxnmlni'is j Uaad Can, op«n «vanlnga, 9:00 P. M. OTTMAN'S EXPRESS —Movln*"and~k-ei> REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Haven._N. J. _^ _ K'Ufh Kit Si'A NIK!, pin,,, ien. pedigreoT eral truck inK No job Loo large or take a review at II-HM. nnri* evity j (lirt'f nn.iittiH old l'iiim Itu ui 4114. in Rood condition, cheap for canh. Sen- all innxov ia M.-i lii mnikftlile tiaikcaln ni jar, I'd. S, 1! li:.-t ,-IUMI >hi,|ic, •''•• vimliin' f,>i»» am! Bank 8005. TH EH T<; H EST~ pr i JOH"" pal d~fo r~Ti ve chic k - used clothing of any kind; toys ur any- Boynten. HI Monmriuth fticpt. Re.l I •I'he llfi'iavliig .'xiimiiii'iH ill Mori- ..inli. ,,,1.1 Hi;u IIOI.IB. 'JO llnltliv. road, ens. Joe linker, 2'Ai) Mechanic etreeC. thin* to make the poor children of thin in'riTL"K~.SILVKH ' ModttTn »v*. lonrn l-'nir Hiivfii, N. J.* community happy at Chrletman time. If. S Sln $lif. per moutli counly UIH Janiri 1'. Ander- >hone lied Bank 2309. Please communicate with Mra. F. C. Moy- nt. nil im- son, AlRruiMquan . Jdi:k M*i KMUIII, Her IJAHV (AltltlAf.K In very KECORATINc,, wall popeParuT painting an. 13 Linden place. Red Bank, superin- ill .1.- ihln loi Hiik-; ,i -n wind lireukor or shield. all work entruHted to me la executed tendent of the Moyan Mission/^ _ illltp S. |t...-nto ;i i Mr, bert McCleiw. Hcil Hank; Li-hlii- N. 117 VV,'-I-.1'I>. nvpr.up. Ited HanU. •lx wire wheel!, new car Kuaran- with personal r>iide and expert craftsman- W Apiile^'titi', Rnbi'tt A. Ritchie, Fri'e- SHOW CASKS, irntaiirant rhalr« ani^tV^ tee. Raaiaa Brot, 19 Mechanic etrect, ihlp. Arthur E. lloyt'e, pbone 666 Rura- >on. KwUn.atew cheerfully aupplied. Ford or Chevrolet car, coupe. H. hold; Howard ll.lt., l,(,ul«o Schnei- hle-i, ,IU1,OK. kit,liei, «,ial,mcnt. jan Cood Will Used Can, open evanlnga Bloom. 27 White street, lied Bank.' der, Lloyd Wllllanri, I ,ni ry Klrkc- atuve, oil'. Cinmauii'a, II White atraat, 9:00 P. M. phone Red Bank 1065. PHOTOGRAPHS taken in your own home. K»rtU\ .Iiimi'H 1'.!.! im, Marjnrie Kf,l H,i:ik. ^ K. TERZIAN- Ar4 cabinet maktr. up- day or ni«ht; $8.00 to J1K.00 per dozen. Drelsbo-k. A IHH CMHII'M i.r l.nnn hulsterar, interior woodwork decor* Satisfaction guaranteed. Mlr id 1S3I PONTIAG coach, damonitrator, ator; repairing- and rectorlng antique ison avenue. Red Bank, phone Kihl-" liianch, lluf;i. I). Hunk, M.-iiditlii er, rreHt-o-l!ta tank, battfiy re- WANTED," C.eogrsphic "mag-aiinea from 1U-.I hniik ] Kill, Redgrnve, Howuiil .1. ILiwland, new ear suarantee. IUuu Broi., furniture a specialty. 11 White street, K ofllce for rent in the F.ln pairing equipment. Also cotnplet* phone 2745. K«d .Bunk. l'.)i>2 to 1929 inclusive; inunt be in good building. Apply at the offi •« of Pherbla 'I'linnus, IVn imiiln II. Win- 19 Mechanic, itraet. Good Will Used condition. Addreei P. O. £ox 118, Allan- . Apply at th g Una o( aWctrica.1 aer^ca parta: polnta. mundd EEii Co or telephone Red ans, Helen Lipiuiiii.il, lUibiMt L. Can, Open evenlnga, S :00 P. M. hurst, N. J.* er Co.. or telephone Red Bank bruehei, condenseri, rotori, dlitrlbu- ARTHUR E. FOYCE. practical 100. Longetroei, Oauilf NI'WIIHTV, Mar- Phone Red Bank 806S. alnter WANTED, good set of heavy double work torheadstor-heads, etc.;; verv y reasonable- Call and decorator; i-xrellent workmanship, harnesa cheap for cash. Phone 1B4-M APARTMENT for rent; six rooms, bath, ion Flanna^an, «Wn:i v i'arU, Laura line equlnment; clean, polite workmen. if.lM.i ll.-.l. M\ , Kiiuic.'H VV. I'at-I'liMl', three-cylinder llemlnu with Vi h. 112 Monmouth street, pbone Red Bank 1'. Winner olectric sinule-phase motor, Mechanic itreat. Good Will Used Can. Civil Service CommUftim. and War Depart- fee, bread, soup and beam or Hah at Moy- 247 5. •e.aer. phono SS1-M. Red Hank." 1 K 1 jlcrKnn, Ailantlii llluhlandti; Ambrose 1 ment officially. Cowboy Moyan himHelf an's Quaker Miision, 116 Oakland atreet. 1 ^ a e h A, ('. type, In4 volts, v.ith a nn-gallon opan evening!', 9:00 P. M. Phone executes all work satisfactorily. 116 Qak- True Christian hospitality prevails here HOUSE HUNTING? If so, let me help BUN(iAt/OW for rent, new; five rooms le n » It «y 11 PMHiih.'ittan, K.ilwitnl iJnET, .If., Keanfi- Kiilviinb.od talk, ell In perfect running or- R«d Bank 2006. and street, plione 14H% Red Bank. and no queationt asked. Brotherly, men- you. I have many listlngR of houses for and bath ; all Improvements. Vermin I.hone biirt, Hay Wattrr.»on, Kurt llaai'uck. der; nine Yult-Hii uas heater and steam MASON contractor; estimates cheerfufllr tal and spiritual advice or assistance alio rent In Red Bank and vicinity. Reason- Cook, Newman Springs road. Red Bank. li,,t u;itt-i neaw-i. Ciui he seen in opera- Kiven. Eugene Soyer, 40 East Weatside If wanted. Come around and meet able rents. W. T. Parker. 54-66 Broad Phone 642-M. Two ^hl\ 1 O( im imnl ti"ii. I'hoini for flpiioliitment. Andrew 1980 HOI"K;E halMon four-cylinder panel enue. Red Hank, phone 1467. personally the genial Cowboy Moynru street._Red_Bank, phone 3822. HALF of double house forrent at 72 Wal- lio ii h Sv-4 feet >.l II,.bi.itsi.il. Allnntic lllnhlKiids 7 15. dallvery, $876. Frank VanSyckla. 149- HALF of double houee, 101 Shrewsbury elertil • It. I'i, :it , i 1 1 COLORED couple wish position! In pri- lace street, one blc k from Broad H 1U VRBVON A. BIIOIVN POST. la.l'^'lICH' nulin ti. l,u rnihl for storaKe: f»l Wiit Front street, Hed Bank. TO UBTA1N the bent help advertlw tn The avenue; six rooms, gas, electricity, heat Rteetstreet; to aduadi.ltt fayfamily; ll Improvementspe: I like: Rlty n«ir ReginUr's Clastlfled Columns, Every- vate family as cook and general house- Keaim kiliK ii i 4 M lii .,1 Jlr, tiikon It. I'll, mo Ile.l Itank. KOlTsALisr" Bu1ck~~nUtioir~wa,zon : excel- irker. Richard Lyons, phone 6520, _nd toilet: 126 per month. Apply Mrs. ffood heat and Karaite. Georire E. White, body in Red Bank and vicinity reada The rAHMb r{ HI 1 * 5B •M,sl. or fi Moiiiniiuth Mri-et. lied Hank. lent shape; bamaln, J100. 1'hone Eftt- Mananquan.* J. J. Quigley, 69 Neptune avenue, Deal, 70 Wallace street.Jted Bank.-_ _ jjutlnT Aujlllary Holng Organized IISKII 1'UUNlTlIlti; b>iiiiilit"and*>aiii';Vn7t ontnwn 2t»4. RRit fiim ^4 WHITE WOMAN wishes day's work to do, ybUB CHOICE of nlnetcon modem l)jnB»- [e« 5 _i i in HI \ —(ilfts For Orphan*. think' f"'iTi ,,n« rlere to contents of JVZH I)OI)(.K*half-ton"fniir-ryllnd«r panel __ lowa In Red Bank and vicinity; attrac- 16^ a or would do laundry In or out. Call at M i II p 1 ., li.iim-. At Crnmanii's, 11 White street. delivery, $225. Frank VanSyckle. 149- LANDSCAPE gardener. Pruning by BUNGALOW for rent, four large rooms tive homes: desirable locations, with all !'••• The regular monthly ineetiiii; cf 27 6 Mechanic street, after 6:01) P. £1., and bath: all Improvements. 24 Foster N I Phoi it K en H-,1 Hunk. ^_^ M Went Front ntrt?#t. He A Hank. experienced men: spraying, laying phone Red, Bank 1274. Improvements; nvn and nix rooms ; $30 to the Vernon A. llmwii punt ..I' V, ! l'IAMI. ,-,i,,,l t,,ne.' k'i'iid loinlltlnn. for DOilGK Vlrtory MMI.U,. ju«t "overhauled ; itreet. River Plata. N. J. '_ J6T,. Ray H. Stillman, Eatontown, phone rOIt i\I I- i>i tl . 1 out of grounds, large or small. Ad- EVENING and day Instruction; Bed Bank AP A RT ME N T~1 n p r i v ato house, fniir 178. ol'ans of Fiuei^n VV;u:i wan lieid |,il,,-. (,ile», 110 Mad- will nell rheRp. Joatiih Laurino, 6H vice given as to what, when and how Business Institute. All commercial aub- rooms and bath; all Improvements; Thursday nI>• Iit I'lniirt weie IIUUIH I;,- hu Wanhtnulon Btic.;!, K.-.1 Hunk. icti, including bookkeeping, preparing steam, electric lleht, gas range; large sun !••( M: SA 1.1', I hi;, i w ate i- wyrilt'in, rom,>let« to plant. T. H. Stiles, 17 Harrison 1»3» DODflK flight rylindrr nftd«n. nk for secretarial positions. Individual ad- porch; one minute from buH; rent JSO. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. for RIl expansion of ii.i.l iirl; v it ieM avenue. Red Bank, phone 1991. vancement. Florence O'Shea, 128 Broad uilh tmiL •.. »'!<-.: unci'llent rnnditlon ; wire vrlicidFi: will H.'M for half original mly street, Rumson, N. J. MUM HJH( f- during tho cumins y :n i i I'lin' i'."' li.ifiiiit, K. K. OitinRcr. OIMKI- Ktreet, phone Red Bank 688. HOUSE for rent; half of double house at ONE of the choicest .ilacen on Shi-evvBlniry .ntl rout. I-'ntnk ViinSM-kle, 14H-51 Went rnati Ul t- H 1 ItI flltlprthli^ cut husiaMii ^ ii i!.- Mi-lll-iuMi, hrhmil. I'hotM 264-R. 63 Oakland street, Red Bank; alx rooms, river; 85 feet on river, 120 fe*>t on ma nil cut Front BtttM-t. Red H»:il>. SOLE'S BARBER SHOP, at 79 Monmouth LET US clean your house for Imu; will A"v Ml, (in, Hunk.' TYPEWRITER headquarters. Typewriters hen. Call Red Bank 2515.* jir, 8 Linden l'tace, Ked Bank, phone a' res Ith UI W Hi of the, oiKiMil/.Hlli.n of 11' la. lit1: drlivt'ir-d. Kin 1 It'Milim, iihuna FarmlnB- rented, bought and ttold. Trubln'a 68 HALL for rent; third floor, 10 Broad road An. leiKnn I 1923 Hlll'HOIll 1,1; i.'<>.•; t \ i:.i: and tho piirrt IM MML- nimble. Auk f. Broa.dj.lrMt. RedBank. automobile. would like any kind of atreet; for lodge, dances or entertain- Went I, etl Comrade .l.'lin • H)K*";; \I,K. rnnu.k'te bed." Bi-rin^^miiV." Dr. L. <•»•. Fun U VHi.'Jvrkl*. KB-51 Wont UPHOLSTERING and" refiniahW of all work : wane i secondary. Address Box 194, ments. Can be rented by the jear, month BRAND NEW Spanish and Engliih bunga- CHH KFN I A KM". Mi i i th or evening. Apply R. Hance A Sous, 12 lows; best residential sections; five and I In .tun Unltod .States naval ho»pltal ut tipf.-; IIIHO i-liinn clonet, ttble, crib and Front Riu'et, i;,.,i H,i ,!.. kinds of furniture. Frank Howard, fifi Keanuburg. eral i .•liil.l'H kllrhf-ii cnhlnet. Apiily 14 Sprinif Broad^ street. Red Bankj six rooms; hot water heat, modtrn im. suitable- huilillnira Incl ;ded; owners Brooklyn .Sunday. Harrison avenue. Red Bank, phone 2081 SCOTCH WOMAN wants work, cooking or provernenta; landscnped ; garage. Priced to oarrinre: fr< Micet. I:«M1 Hank." or G44. cleaning by day; also take nursing, sclk FOR RENT, 8 to re rooms on Mon mouth obllired LOST AND FOUND street. Red Bank. Favorable) location; for quick sales. Ray H. Still man, Eaton- terms. Ray II. Stillman, Eatontown, N, J., MemborH have tjeen iei|ilested to ADHlNii MACHINE. American: also Mon- C. ESCHELBACH & SON. 125 Went or confinement cases; or cooking week- town, phone 173. phone 178, I,I,' cHlt-tilntliiK mnchlne: both In good moderate rent. Apply at the office of report a liulf bour earliet- at the LOST, K ld«.-k .-..III.- uirt, white noii; an- Front street, Ited Bank, phone 1275. ends. Mary Haddow, 99 River road, Rum- ligmund Eisner Co., or teUphon* Red order; .heap. At (Iramann's, 11 WhlM Auto accessories and viilcHi.ir.intr. BOII, or pbone Rumson 795." next regular nicetliiK, .lanuaiy 7th,street. Ki',1 Hunk. iw«» 1" iinu ! Mn.-k. I.Iheral re- Hank 1100. wfir.l. Itctniii t<> \:-'i Miipla avenue, Red AUCTIONEER —I«t my •xnerie'nce of con- UNION carpenter wanted for small Job. for an extnn.stve drill In tlio ritual. ELKIIIilO radio In flrit class condition. APARTMENT for rent. ISO, thn» rooms; Honk. _p.i<»n. ductinc over one tbotiufcid sales be of Address Union Carpenter, box 511, Red 14 Sprlnff street, third house from SI.'.. (.. UMeune, lit North Fifth ave- r Bunk.* Comrado Artliur Hanson of Fair LOST! one i wi'h foiannuei a"eT>Rrate; service to you. Will attend to fill adver- Front street. C«U or telephona Red Bank Haven has recently been i.iade a rino, Ixinir Uranch." br «itli vhuepskln Hnl tlBirnr, furnish clerks, etc. Ceorira H. Rob- SALESWOMAN wanted: axi^rlenced only 2065. member of tho post. Tho post has Call Hfd H .'ti.I. Reward. _i_rtg. phone Midilletown 276-M. need apply, Ladies' and children's to ENC1.ISH SETTER ruppl.i for salei HAVE your clothes cleaned at th« City wear, (ioldberg's It road itreet. Red Bank. FOR RENT, stores, offices, flats, houses. sent Christinas Klf'» orphans at LOST, in K..VW....! l-H.k Sundiiir7~iiia apartments; Improved; all locations. dam Monmouth Harj, sire Cham- wire In.li.Mt fov tai rier; white with Dry Cleaners, tf Hrrhunlc street, near MIDDLE A(iEf> woman, experienced \n the New Jersey cottage of the home Frond street, Red Bunk. Phone 2117, Wil- Just off Broad itreet, at 12 Utchanlo pion White Stone Chief. G. L. Thacl- brown m,.| hln.-k aiu.tfl. Phone R«d Bank cooking, housekeeping and nursing, jlreet. Land A Loan Co. at Eaton Rapids, Michigan, main- 122-J. UI Ham_Ostroy proprietor. •rould like poult ion as housekeeper for er. Holmdel, N. J." CES.SPO0LS~Heirn»d~a"t reanonabl imnll family, or to care for aged couple. SIX-ROOM home for rent; all improve- tained by tho Veterans of Foreign FOUNK ,owl,,,,i own*., "r.;«y have ii.ni. ratee. ments: In good nection of Red Bank. hy |,.^tihint: HIKI piivlnx for i.lvartlae- Call Atlnntlr HIKhlan.la Hf.7. Referenced. Address E. E. R-. box 611. uara. ( Reil Hank.* Five minutes' walk from business section. SKI.I.INli OUT; contents of • large home. mont. .It.tin kniipv, ii IF Allen Htr«eL, Itum- PARMEIIS and truck Ki-ower» will flnd~a Rent *5u per month. White-Pach. Inc. IlreBsers, chiffoniers. Ice boxes. anihitfH. HHIl. N. .1 " r#«'ly markpt for their produce hy ad- WHITK CIRL wanti part time work; Red Bank, phone 2100. A Quick Response. DRAMATIC CLUB PLAY. maltresses, dlnlnir room tnhle, lmir«t«, LOST, htMtt.MMi Clins-el HID ^nd Hfddle- •ertlnina in I'he Kegiriter'a clansified col- mttrnlmrs only. Call Red Bank 1402.' ATTRACTIVE HOME. Freehold'a best resi- scwint; machines, Vlctrolaa and radioi, nt hound, answers to umns. tilRL'WISHES general housework, wholi dential section; three bedrooms, two Jl.no. Sa«h. iloors. Bulck car. elertilc. ,,t ' Cull Allantk HiKhlan<1 baths, all improvements; fireplace, auto- M, LET the larireat manufacturer of Hi or part lime. Call Red Bank 1959." et Jftme* Church Club Fnwentod I inHo and cornplete dining, living and he,) 6:f'ii nml 7:00 P. M. Re- YOU Nli ~ wh"lle~~Efri wishes' i»o«Uion~at matic hot air heating system; two-car ga- Folki who uu the Claulflad Department of Thi Cvroedy Frldny. loom suite, fill. Had Hank AMI lion kind In the world help to finance general houx«work; will also help with t,ly ?e:>. Ray H. Stillman. Eaton- Register want and expect quick response! to their Itooms, 85 East Front »trert." you In a bunlnntiB for yourself—where oookinn. 19G Droad street, Keyuort, N. J. town, phnne 17S. f The Dramatlo club of St. James HACCOON CtlA'l'. sire 411- <•„.., l:ir,o. will Call Keyport 1331.* advertisement*. And results ot thla kind are what sell fir tin,I; or will tnuln lo, .nudl FARM PRODUCE returni are all cash, no stock of mer- church presented a three act com- YOUNt. "(URL, "h'lKh school grvluate, Is FOUR AND FIVE ROOM bungalows car. Address Senior High, (icneial Imlli chandise to entry and where profit V.IIM11K to «Lv either part or whole time hundred! of users of these advertisements ar^, ob- edy entitled "Your Uncle, Dudley," to eiv, Alli'iihui.t. N. J." HAI.KD HAY for sal«; timothy and mlxei will figure 25% or more on Invest- for rent; 186 and up. George B. h\y- AUo riiHt. Rtrnhil ami third cut- work in private home. Call Red Bank taining week after week. an almost capacity houwe in tho Ited rii;KtlNS foi sale Mnko money int.I,.,, Brown Co., » Union itrett. Bed tlnKK of HirHKfi. F., I>. I«lltilhon. Mllldlft- ment each year. Lena than $51,0 Bank Catholic, high nchool nudllor- H,]imt,H: Mill i,i'l! ah,,nl lno pairs i,lnnt t.wn, phono f,' I. capital necessary to start you In busi- white waitress wanted fur Bank. I't,i.rn, llomels or lumen,n: ieas,iliable. lum. Almost every reserved seat I.AiKJK Whlt« UKIHIM. hreedhVu corkerela ness for yournelf. Write the Bruns- private dining room. Apply, •tatinjf ex- Last week The Register was Informed by an ad- Aililio.i 'Mill llni'i-y IAI(1», Ea.t Kan» fifim the bcht LI.- "I hi America; $8.00 reiloncc, etc., to Waitress, drawer M, Red WM taken and tho other seats wen- Inn I', N. J. *i..-h. U.m't miH!. tl,t« rlianra. John H wick- Rnlke-Coltender Co., TOO 7 th Hunk.' IF YOU dont H* advertised hare) the vertjser of what was to him surprisingly quick re- nearly Illled. The piny was highly Hellarnian. iH Wnnlifi>Kl ilreet, Kum- avenue. New York City, for further house TOU want It will par jou to in- SMlHiTHTHC KI.H iiiiiKfl, Ilk* (m 11A ItllER WANTED. Apply to"" Richard sponses to his advertising. He bad advertised • Kon. N. J particulars. sert an advertisement of your own telling successful In every way. Itev. John ,'Min t ull l\l 7';l Jil avenua, Ited • Uincn, American barber shop. Still man Just what rou want. Hsnj real estet* l.lMll.." house for rent and another for sale. In less than P. Fallnn, aHHlstant n-clor of the FIVK MOCK foi H ; allve or "drened building, EiUontown, N. J. wnera watch these oolumne foi prospeev. Wflitlit .ib.M.t iMo [mundi. e.rt, dr«»n.d REAL old-fnahl-"nod chair caning. Mi church, was In chatK*' of tlieairanne Mill :AI h, Inii-e fui-ninhfngii,"he.ii."itraM-' BARTON CHAMBERLAIN, contracto77n7 live customara. an hour fcfter the paper was on the street he had • ir<. tnlil.-H, r !i JI 11 M . i uu» »nil items too Walter It. Wnlltnu. fUhvtl HIM, phoni WlUon, 29 Wharf avsnua. Red Bank, jncnts and Mrs. Matthew < Irel^ wn« MiidM 2fh M builder; jobhinu especially. 151 South For re fen call 2620-J. ATTRXCTIVE house, 45 Riverside avenue; received a satisfactory response to one of the ad- director. Mrs. (irtli: wan nHnlHted by II ri in •'i mi* I-- UHMitiiiti at (irn matin'a, J ] ntteot, Ked Bank, phone 3554. eight rooma and bath; newlr decorated: \\ Iiiti- -' i r. i, Hod Hunk. FOK SAI.K. tui nnd IMIII, HAVE your «hui>i repaired by' thla new MKN AND WOMEN wanted to sell stoc] fireplace; bookcases and electric refriger- vertlsements and the next day brought an equally her brolh"!, IIni ry Wmth. Knd »v«nu,-. Iliaiii-h, li Chum.ilon McKay udo Mitch I nit mn- fur the Travelers Tra-fJar Service. Inc.. ator; low rent. Inquire Owner, t Allen wii-i. i nrj; i inn i'K!> nnx9 foot •«« Branch fi«U M. 1 a lot al New Jersey COIJIOration, building place, or phone Red IJaiik Be«2-W;_ satisfactory response to the other. Th« r.aMt Include,! Mi.-;. Cuthci Inn ,.•!' Imll. i -h. nhuiled. for iale : or will rhine. There are no nulls to hurt your feet, tear your hose or mar tho IIHOIH. iind inunaxlng tv chain of super highway Schwewrs aM Mabel IMx'tii ('Inneh, [!.:>' tn unit Imiei. <'M. he ne«[. at nub stations; best of references required. HALF of double house for rent; six rooms Y.MM w.iii.-., :••••'. iitimdwiir, Kciypint, N. AI pome y Your shoes remain flexible and comfort- and bath; all improvements; ISS. M. able mni n-itiiin their orijrlnnl nmni tt.c-ns. Fivo dolt am commltmlnn paid on each For quick and satisfactory results In filling any Miss Iflobel ttniiM Ii a-. Kthel.ii I , .,, i h |\..; |.i>it l,u;i-J, «fter 6:00 | nd. (diare of stock Bold, which sells for $20.00 Phone Red Bank 2S5K. Church, MlHa Maude l':l, hele u-> .liinet oml faim left, <.«>! ,f Hlvtir ]'ln» achonl .Strand Slum Uene ry, West Front l>ei' Htinre. Phona All en hurst 43S8 for FURNISHED houie to let: sU rooms, all sort of want there Is no better and no cheaper way IlUon. John Attlld,;,' a., I1-, i II i 'im h, FOR SM.K, -ow |.«.^tn f,,r poultry am Htreet, Iieii_ Hank. i * Im.movements ; alio gartige ; reasonable. i; \ li nit •; I.., MKII', MI rt-ntn «arh ; make than by using The Register's Classified Department •dock; {],<)[> ,,«r h«Mel, 110 p»r ton or WlLTjAM"~V.'"lHK"fRICH, piumln7i7;"he7T R McLaren atreet, corner of Spring itreet. <:harles 'I'nhor im I"""' v 1 'I--.!, Mi-. i - .. 'I,. I..M.M< ' ,'ifl- Ki*«•,!• f.'i nell- ero, <:(,lt'» Nerk, phone 109-W-l, Free MAPAMK aSAKA~HAlf]>IN(;,~t.'iil..fi. Splr"- n Hank 43U-M. __ _ t . I. ii .iMniniMi. fill McnmoutK at n-HBonable in l< on. l)j»« air drying, Klrby. elia corset lei e. 227 Herjfen place, or nil band work done; neutleman'it wash HOUSE for rent, "aU rooms, bath and all phone _ftD7-M. Red Hunk. immdrd free. Futures Dhsse. 101 West Improvements; with larue sun porch f.M t i onrfitiun ; |2() WANTED, ratliterad litiimi«r flrat HAVE your paintii.n wnd paper hanuinn Punnet nvenue, R«d Htink.* and fti-tiilare; hot water heat. Situated t or sarond calf helfar. Call Red done now. Tnko ml vim taut, oattio"' at l'H McLaren ..treet, Red Bank, phone WANT ADVI-U-l prices before Chilntnm«. Of .OIUHP. it Bank I7BB-R.* at once. Call Ued Hank 3653.* Red Bank 704-R-2. _ __ mint bo done by ttit> old rellnhln i>n ARE YOU "a good c»ok I Oimn a tea I., IM, K»1« rlirn|>. C. t. rhllllpi. and decorator, Willfam V. Armut loom, home bike shop or dtlicatessen Mi,.),l,u,.l-.. N J. NICE fat pig- for aala; allv« or dr«M«d. Rumsi>n,_N. J.,jr>ht>nn (.•'». REAL ESTATE WANTED In this attractive store In heart of Eaton- GLASS WORK - All"VindH of^TiriTrTtTi town. Beit location, no com/«ltlon; rea- AH) N I !• 1'A NT . ImliH. iir>«.i drily (K*re« Itor« now dd hit 1100,TUO Flank.' for small (nnnn, H«ni! HI i .luliufl Htove liul nv»n : Urotheta ami Haker • train. Itenaonnld town. N. J. phone 17K. irl.tr Call Mn. H. J. CU.MICN. VnnJtr WANTK1. Ks hi.men and (> i-i . .'li.ii> ..il hrntsr. I92H "HdNEY to loan «--i fii •*f t ..nd and tm Al'Alt! MINT nf fonr roi-ms anil hath, al ' IM •• i. IIHI^* ill.irm.nd tintr and burir. |.h..u«« !•,... h' (inin.iM luiiiii'.i AI-IUII ll,.|.k- , \p..li•" I'.eoi'ite ll! HHIUIIH'>. 12 West UWer J("*IIIIH. :'.'Hngi road, K«(l B»nk."_ MCQtid cutting, rbont K«4 Uank 7»«.J-2 man. attorney. 1U Iiiu»d •treet. Ked Dunk. N. J. ,.,.,[. |:,in«,,n, N. J. thont K.imaou b'.}* KR I-OT

I; .'V t«* » i-.,;".,* ' l.'-t I..- tri-t! H cn«' M . ha! I" ... Mr- Vf Another r ent arid willing *•> v. it- r,>ii wr <«• ,'•• ; .r,a < ' • • l >•-•,«•!!. blali'- t ftalurc of ou: the um« preaicfctiitn', «• tht ?H:....e «'•> r: uoa more liberal ltw» In this regard than New Jersey. CM- ;Uci, frtoeei talnly. If moratorlutna are necea«ary It would seem a like 'lui.t.o i r pied like my otht; home flfift whole lot more worth while to extend them to our cit mate "f *)•<. I he importance <>f tls.>. 'a • >, niei il 1'...: • -!,r inn liens who are In financial itraiti through no fault of obvious upon cji'siirra' .• their own than to grant auch favors to foreign nations there 'I> * •• Is dlffrit-f.t '. Mi Ho11,,..,i - let to be in. f'.f ' ."he Kf'l Bank HeK *r late f»!he, • IB a member of skilled l,.,iaper and also the local newi congressional district of Mew Jersey, comprising Union j used

and Morris counties, to fill a vacancy caused by theBarlmui Bin death of a Republican congressman. Democratic party -.>.). M..HI.AY. DECEMBER B, 1B81. leaders, Democratlo newspapers and Democratio par- The that of IIIBII..!.. tisans In general end much Joy over the outcome, Their HIB an.eblt.:-, ' • candidate for congressman wta elected by a majority Ireland a < eni... >* * - . of 1,900, which waa truly remarkable In view of theffrating to IJa If. ^.: : • , ' Wipf « Hit the fact that the Republican congressman who died was is not a l.io^i«[ ; \ ^ '.' , ' • ' ir- lav Blue Lawi. elected last year by a majority of 31,000. it belongs only t . VY*M»J H experience as H vnu''^ it.*' HOMIII NfW M"N\VlOlt i'. rust things -which the new legislature The usual post election diagnosis has taken place. ailnply rould i,<.\ hutp ff (juery If the OUHT »eiin!"i*< > • lepeal the 8unday blue laws. No un-The Democrats hail the result as a harbinger or what •A Hiiifrt llaibiinr I'i»»f-nttsl With ill happen In the presidential election of 1932. The of this story, tan they l,tr t,l . .-. ., • tin doulit that these laws would be over- they deport themselves a< » MUtlurttr. Republicans claim that this special election had no re- ii ».uwfd under if subjected to the acid test Iy? lation whatever to next year's contest. These rival Cordlallilly: . linv S. ..u|» i.f Mill.!' , i .i. Ilie liouble Is that the people never claims are "the same old stuff." Both parties are never •SamueSamuel PV 'Jllpln(rllpln,. attempt t . *, •. • ' -••'•' " I..I the ! Mi.li :. t tif r. , , i" vnte on repealing unpopular laws. at a loss to magnify victories and to Invent excuses for Hotel Lincoln, New York ship ft ..in » -•• • v • , i . ii.«- . .1* .,t. M..i,.l,. >• I.... ;.h w tht-y have opjKirtunlty to vote on meas- defeat o i m> —~—• If we wonlii i ' - - ! . < * • , .* t ts ,,f N'au-f. S,t.Mt..| W W'HI .' H'lnpled would Increase taxes and the SLNDAV A BETTER DAY. Class (llBtin. I i ^ » . •.-, ,-M , nil '.f New I.ift-v, pi, ^ttith,^ Seiiat... ' ..fMMMip The laat election afforded an ex- But there Is another side to this story about the stantly lefitht. . ), (,,', ^t,ij, wit), I'.ailK.iii mil. n vim i,,tl(. ,,i n H.,v ! • v- >..M At that election the people very special election last week and maybe this will Interest A Letter from the Manager of • the Ideals t.r <,..; p- ,[.'.• we mu»t Si i.lit ilj.'in wl|. t, i!:.- S'.Mlt InSV WB t. taxpayers who are not partisan zealots. The cost of B«d Bank Theater. constantly rtmu fn'n, ! t!t, Kf.nfin\ i .,<•<.: a pnipohftl to have ttie work of the holding last week's special election was approximately masi The t.ili . |,[.< r'unity f..i h\ .N. .,.,'., Will... i .Spall, w Hlid . . r h,- pnn; ti<>[i,; by a But-ailed county wel- Editor, $70,000. Entirely aside from partisan reasons, was It every Ymy hi,.) K'HI to Mae Unouxh I'llll.ll !'. Mi.tMlf ll'J.I CHtnt Ilig thf .vi,,- !b R that t ,-fei endums are frequently Red Bank Register; jor {heir worth the cost? This Is something well worth the while Dear Sir:— the Selective p,'Hf?*K,.M r.f edU'ntll.h l.l;.f|j-l ,,r |-.,lim.l,ia ol ^a !,i/.at 1. n, ; ' -i',' n.~ It, IIMI eitBe laws ami expenses and i.n.I I'lank i' I',,hi.. Mutiinoulli t r of taxpayers to consider. I want to thank you for the fine la one t.f the ^Mat t,>neta cf Anieij :,. r • tn. !Hly, while i •• fci inilums are seldom cani.vi. '' i ..uticlt ;.. i.nt cxi'i ut I \ I- To hold this special election special legislation was editorial in the issue of December 2d - • .•>': (,i..Hhn>; uat it-HS laws and on wiping referring to the unemployment shows I Bay thl* VHt&Kiaph f'om out tv-nnt.II I'lilli.mi leit'lvi'd tbi- hf required. Control of tha national house of representa- . -.-..• v . *!•, " '- an'l superfluous officials? held at the local theaters. 1'lesltlti.t hu* pstftlttilai nnd lnipoi «. OUIH ,ii tiirt dt-..U In the Hi-natt- ut tives or lower body of congress was at stake, the two Had the showB been played on a II. •« l.uil.lliii; Just pii..t tn lenvilir PROTECTION . .* i. ">ln^ nil l:i Hit- In HI. cpliliK ttm Illhtit,. I-. «:•!(• "pen .lay but lo enable each mu- riched by about $1,000 Instead of putting through the legislation for the election. Ap- ™ld Hint Ii,. coiiMiK'ieti the Ii. -. ! ••<•' !\~ imn I eKulatlons for Sunday ob- *400. parently the administration thought that the district I have mailed a cony of your edl I ...t,,l.tli -:< . ut ni..\ . tut nt nt vital lull.i.l ta n. . • •-. . iiimiinlty should have the right to MI mi.Hiding Hi,, yi.ulli of tin- . -,i.n was safely Republican, but by an Ironical twist of fate torlai to the Will Haya office, n>i- Good Shoes . I. In accordance with majority sentl- Theatre Owners' chamber of t..n. it V uri.l that he h.ii.i .1 nt-vt i t., tl>- the very action which was taken to help the fortunes merce of New Jersey and to Mn\<>* ,i! . exists as to what the public wants re- of the party turned out to be the very worst thing that Donovan, campaign director of (in .. ' HHe IIIM iiilt-lcst in the. caiiM- • .... -..i t.ox will give an unerring answer. could have been done. Motion Pictures National niKHni/*! Ncimt.'t Itutbttur 1B cliali mnn nt I- i.. nl home rule, vastly different from the tion in aid of unemployment relief thf huaid tif Monniouth council and ill I Inclement weather here It. was net necessary that this election at a cost of Very truly yours, fooh-,1 ,'.'..• i . !,, Li- ii^lonal (halrnian for New Yoik W Footwear of quality becomes $70,000 to the taxpayers should be held. This expense Herbert ShUBterman, eeoiK.llili-nllv ami New .leiscy. . , «, ept bedridden invalids violates one or Manager Strand Theater, a necessity In the lives of all .. , *, lawn alnioat every Sunday. The extent could have been avoided. Tha third congressional dis- Ked liank. • ^ hack and xti »•!,.. nit illlri'il to Want Street Improved. < . ii>;t. laws restrict Sunday activities Is al- (freed, selfinh m,,| materialism i i . M.f. II is illegal to play marbles, or to out a representative In congress not many years ago, BEFUBUCAN CLUBS GIFT. A petition asking that Canal street because the choice of the people for this position had There, are th inl wt- must face. ,** t.u- pleasure, or to play tag, or to roll be widened and Improved was re died. No special election was held on that occasion. An Organization Which is Interested the fact, whi, !>v their utteiancea ceived at the meeting of tho mayor "Dr. PosnerV i t i ;ay pianos or phonographs, or to listen to In More Than Partisanship. (and their volt -en ate sometimes No extra expense was caused for tha taxpayers. The and council of Red Honk Monday Solenttflo Shoes for Boys i i,i;iy baseball, tennis and golf. It Is un- T. Irving Brown, loud), would «eem to Impress upon night. It was referred to Ceoi>ro K election of a, congressman to fill the vacancy did not us that they have either entirely lost and Oirla of all Ages . , ;, ,.pen any store or place of business, or occur until the regularly appointed election date. This Manager Red Bank Register, Allen, the borough enKlneei, for a Red Bank, N. .1. sight of the fundamental function of .ii•., vehicles except carriages on Sundays. was real economy but lest there tie no mistake It should teport. : il> III'KC K'anted to Sunday riding in car- Dear Mr. Brown. public schools with relation to citi- be stated that at that time the Republicans bad such zenship or wish to ignore It or bft- ' -n. ati amendment in 1893 before the au- The Young Men's Republican Club New Low Prices ! a large majority In congress that they could well afford of Red Bank takes this opportunity llttle It. .i • i.' TIMI iiwnera of livery stables had to lose many members and still have control. to express their thanks to you and Fin Instance, wo have Just read in • -, \.i Kf1 this amendment passed. your staff for the splendid editorial tho dally papers that a great scien- "Good Furniture fn "Chesco" WelU r;. I'.iiti ihfne laws served In the early Monmouth county and all the rest of the third in Wednesday's Register regarding congressional district was not one whit less worse off our donation to the town's unemploy- tist says we are sending too many with Gold Spot Soles. '• .-i'-. the:,- IH no excuse or reason for ment fund. to collect) anil that our state unl In all sizes. : *v K. : th.j ini.nt part they are dead because for a brief period there was no representative This article «x$laiB«d to til» ut verHltlea are l«i generous. Do you In congress. It was far better for the taxpayer! to i <:;, n..,>,. <,,- s*.sli openly violated, but moBt the interest in which the rlutk believe thin' Would yt>u wHlit yolu $2.95 ><: • iiv.k.M *h,-u someone with ahave no representative than to spend a lot of money, made this donation, and we fedt htldren HIH^IIM! out ft.s the ones who $70,000 or so, for a special election. when the people of Red Bank realize thouhi not enter college'' Or read - . ..n. .-Is,- wantn tt, ^et revenge. The that partyism is our last thought on Rubber Galoshes •!,-. n'v,,>\'i a haiuiy weapon for such However, dont think that Democratlo bosses are such an occasion, one purpose of oui thin: ""nly those Rhoul.l have n high school etluctitUin who can pny fot "Ball Brand." u , i.u said before no one except the any more considerate of the taxpayers than Republican club will have been realized. bosses, when It comes to calling unnecessary special Thanking you again, I remain. it privately' HHys a. bl^ business • \ ioialni .s Also, the Sunday blue laws man. Would you like to stand for elections. Only a few days before the special election Very truly yours, • mainsprings for passing various ordi- Elmer Hesse, this doctrine? How long- would our $1.95 and $2.95 was held in the fifth congressional district of New Jer- r. iin>f SimdHy sports and recreation In Secretary. "republic In a democracy" last with i. , »li. ie public sentiment Is overwhelmlng- sey a special congressional election was held In Texas, such doctrines practiced? Or says which Is completely In control of Democratio office- No Honorary Title for Him. i •. • .i to fcuch a course. another, "Many children should not Children's Slippers holders. As was the case In this state, special legisla- I From Tha Ntwmrk Ermine N«w..l go beyond the sixth grade." Would tciitlv these laws have been executed more Every Style and < t>l.. tion was necessary to hold this election and a*, was the Monmouth county's recently elect- you subscribe to this Idea if your I«athers, Felts, Mu»l no arcess to the ocean and Is not what the public needs military staff of the governor of l»lad Slilloi, In onler to give taxpayers In financial straits a better a dste for the solicitations to be R.«oft)ln,Dl.l log /•, nt this time. The development of land along the ocean- Connecticut • luidk " (Vrtalnly, no more opportune time for such made. Smhch Auto ( nmt'l.tw a I'huiKF lino ever occurred than right now when taxes front for publlo use should come first. It Is reported that Mr. Barbour already has been christened "Biff" Matlc Voluma With V «i» In. leaning liy leaps and bounds and the where- Contol. puij, I^^. R. R. MOUNT & SON by a Washington columnist, whlcfc To Mold Bunco Party. Funeral Dirrrtort withal to pay taxes is more difficult to obtain than ever will do his personal publicity no The Red Bank unit of the Anierl t>*fon' on account of unprecedented conditions. It Is a bit complicated, but we gather that Europe harm. Senator "Wild Man" Brook- can bureau of chiropractic will hold Frederick K. A.lnms, Mgr. will be unable tn pay what she owes us unless we can- One of the worst features of the tax sales Is that ; hart will be there to greet him, along a bunco party Saturday night, De- it gives opportunities for private individuals to make cel the debt-Life. with the son of "Battling Bob" La-cember 12th, at the home ot Henry J. SCHWARTZ, !»«=• 185 W. Front Strwt, lt«l Bank, N. J. ' i.'.ii" Hiolltn by buying properties which are Bolt] Follette. A reputation for warBanders- , on the corner of Branch Trlrphoiio 226 t>.i unpnM taxes. The original owners of these prop- mlndedness is a help In public life. avenue and Wlnfield drive at l.lttle 77-79 Broad St., H.d Bank Tho parlies, a political sharp wrilrs, arc finding It Mr. Barbour, however, has actually Silver. Prlies will be awarded arid ?i <-im re-cover them only by pHylng fees and other hard to pet the key-note of a successful campaign. The < li»r|i"» whlrli bring the costs far above (lie tnxen owed, engaged In public fisticuffs and made a social time will follow. The Mor We Furnish Nations I Casktti key note ot ft successful camnalirn. at you know, Is ris sisters' orcheatra will play for if «MV mom Is to accrus from tax sales it should nu to Koi,(I. It may be well for brother dough. Boston , Herald. senators to keeo this fact in mind. dancing. Cross in

vs.«,-,« Bell.,.-: $1.29

A TMjy'i delight1 \ lived (OCUSIII^ ll.nl thai can be jt,:ii, .1 moment to Mi

U.rtt -, •!'•!

! I Mi H ti-i M:» '!'jri/ Hii.ntirij? have . •• v- • W I'll. invltiM] rhe (MJnn of th* pout a rid •in hlli uuKiii;ir> ir.i-mt.eiB to (>e then j;in-.-t:i at trie MunUiiK auditorium at High . •uuclftlluo — land* Hat urduy afternoon, when a j • t r f! - «in« opecial UKAiiig; pict ure will be fea- , lured Transporta1. ion will be pro- j videri ft^r children who re^iiter. The! Ouick-lkating «»!• H.wkln. children muat be at leaBt aix yeaisl old and not more than fifteen years It. , I *• I. Hiltten .fr . WII elect- $:;.98 of t ho com waffle iron design • *\ i l'!/ih rt -ft ltd l>8Vli M Bridf»-I.uncheon. • -. i .<-[.-,«#-.] 1 • r honorary in brilliant chromium The Ellci' auxiliary will hold a > '): h ? 1 M * JIJ • A Frled- plate, with heat indica- bridge-luncheon on Friday, Decem- •f \ • . •>**-<.'. '>>[ »rf Un Mr«o«.*. •!.- ••< • all t wo new 5 Body Builders } ' in. -s^n ' • • ' i • '•, !•,»,('!<• I l<- naui t^w . ... h Hi, ' i. • Er.ra MeStikvsn »» >•<- I- •' <* " i . i.ll the pm|» 1 n!\ i iw hi ' h • -r, }•:. • M .,!. l nvciiiie and Keuben McBpavtn (th» conftnl.ip , »,>„< Automatic Iron A nf»- "n"eii.brishf-> f ertlncate to 5 AirOM'lllll F BODIh.X 4 iiH-l »I»MJ'! t» * n ii' -•!,, j,, (tti'iwn their f. rA 1 I-uella Lump ton I* vlllure HIMIIIMII I'l MI'INO MI ''I* H^^ viewH .ID ih. M-I ...t i.,,, n* nrild he !>!.;.. lltKl I., CIlMlrB 1' CloBB, wtlH m ltepRlrir>^ ^ >il-;*>''tt, iFinirtilrix ^ $4.98 wnwM nil"- u|. tht MI.IIICI- with the Sa<)ic Blmpkin. (Anottifr ^ UIHK«- ><•-> Snlrty lilast J iso gm so universally Qniul.t I'.lltitlnlnrd at Kl||li Mi.ml inwiiMnp - '.'wnnttr ;,t th»- meeting lion flv« yearB, A firftiifn M pjit-iiip iDin-t i'.w ;>>j.| 1h..t hi- WiMJld at-U in; »-i-< iau-i!—chremium- The choruses are made up of thej tion rertlflnate WB« piiniiite i ti ihcn. t*. 'i :--j.i M M-s<,lu(iun ufcalrwt girls' and boys' glefl rtubn. ! {>late.l; | tdect hard bal. Tim Kllll'lmi viiifi'v f'.» HI • :! t.:, - •Jti!!:u>-> i on will hold a hear- ^ U WKNT ST A K. It »Vt ^ riNcn A. AHla lunl Alii itlii.m >>'", • ••> 'ii,' - J 'i..- fnfiM* i :ii Newark next BEACON WAS ON. ing of an antique Hewing table . V.

1 Jir'l lli.lill IHKli :•' >••"•> ...-'-I. ..'. ( > . . 'i -| '- hi- liM.'K'Tit Airport Official Denies Statement of f 4 llltiiliiiiK Wllil tt inniili'i T !(,*•, : H i . . - .-iiiv would hi- little less Mexican Aviator. FIREPROOF live »,,it», Tin- ,."!:»•• i !:••'-I »:'•• -. -i -••'" i" l» i the itiilminl coni- ; Jack Casey, president of the Red (ill Iml I vc tf^l 1 Uiu'-:.' : !•' t .: [ :• • • y< i -'«•!.', wilt. I)HK" .said Mr. Hunk airport, hao contradicted the New Rule* K»s;ulatlng th* Con- !i |llll<- liiiiinli.llli ' I.:.n.l..i :' • II' ; '•• ii.- It is a i iiliculoiiM inopo- statement made by :;ixint>-ii !••»>' ,i ..:••> h;.,-. . ",: ii '!•> • Idsn tlila ri-oSHini; and Mexican sportsman-pi lot, who as- JERSEY CENTRAL j;iUtiii , ! In- i-t • • I ! l.i w ,lUid K ntUu An ordinance nine ruling th» build- ; .(MM. MII th»> ]MM)J.|I. (,i Iho nfi^hbor- aerted thnt the revolving beacon ut 1 ing i c^ulat ions to require fireproof Light and Speedy Kllll till! llhl'll'lf 'III! "''I'' 'I"'"" , tiniMl lo II.-I- tin- «l«1c hlp.hwjiv would the airport WHH not ]jght*-d on the I'laM'd wen- thn Knllma waltz, "One, he ten Iliiipn inuit- dn n^ficJII.4 than ni^ht. of ])et*etnbt>] IKI. when be was buildinKH pa»s&d Its final reading 11 POWER & LIGHT CO. 'Iw,,, Thri-e, J-'i'lir," "JII. lo March tn leu ve Ihy i n>.••.••!injj opi'ii. JUHI forced U> Jump fiom his vlfiiif* ^n a Monday ni^ht. Under the provlalona $4.79 pr. ImaKlnr h<-w It w.-nM >„• if ,,11 font of t)iW iiieajure, no new buildings mid "Alnhu Ol " parachute, over Hayonne The. MPX Tubular hockey Bkat«« at- Lravel^i'H v.ho uow nd ave- am l>« erected In tha business sec- On i'liilny thn glee club, under lean iiviiitor Btatrd' that h« hnf A. LeRuy Baker, nue hill! to MM* t > • * - [M Jitr Jil^hWiiy. cled over tin- Ited Hunk jmit for tion of the town unless they are of SV2%, 6% and 7% will nint; a number of carols In You know hiiw I1M,J; ^ tin- .-,tat.e mo i« than an linn J but wan uimhle Miepmnr or semi-fireproof construc- Biiilor assembly. to see the beacon or any alrpoi 1 tion and unless the adjoining; build- Thn ntat*' tn^hwiiv • Minniis-.inn hiifl lights. ings on each aide are of this same PREFEBBED STOCK Heilt the fnllnwinj: n.itlre tu Mi. Itob- construction. Mr. <^aaey said that on the night MISCELLANEOUS SHOWEB. e.rls In question the electric revolving be« It Wu Given Ijut Week for Ml»» con was in operation from 4:43 To Build StoTe at Bunuon. Bought—Sold—Quoted. florenoe rowers. An H|.| M. ti,.., lum hpen filed with o'clock In the afternoon until day- The HumEon Methodist church this h "•ntlHll Uft that a man wan at the airport ready weBt corner of River road and Wash- gave a miscellaneous ahowrr '! m * to turn on the landing lights when- PAUL & CO. Inc. J( - r .,• ,u [ t , ,,!,!.• ,, Ihf liflfoid ington street at Rumson to John G. day afternoon In honor of MISH I'IIM M ever the occasion necessitated. $3.87 set Elgin Bicycle Anderson of that place for $2,750. ence Kidman Powers of .shit^^li' }< • • ' \, • . \ n!<-!r].-ntnl (o the The lot la SOxlOO fnet. Mr, Ander- Investment Securities Four juvenile hoxlng giovca Miss I'liwcrn'H Pli«in;i'iiii'iii '•• I • son will erect a More rnvprlntf the of soft Icatlicr. •••••- .11 •,• r > htl.. ,Mn|j Forty Hours' Devotion. tenant Lawl (iw ,- Hv • • ' entire lot, for hia radio huslnesa. l<20 W»lnut SU >20 Bro.dway, Fort SWlsn, Trxi.x ••> ' K'.iviy-hmirs rtevntlon will begin In The lot *djotrr« the Methodist 11 nounxeil The K ' '" v...' :4t Juinejj'N <\tthol|c church Sunday, churrh. Rico of LciiiiMi'li., M: . . . •! • . IH'cembrr 13th, at the II 00 uVlm-.k IIIIIKS The- net vices UIM will tte every morning and twiv evpnlnp at MOO o'clock. The BOH, MlH Ali"ll'll I ' ! * ' ' • : i • :\] .- A oiinoert was scheduled for to- TO. RAYMOND JOHNSON f 1 Oh Boy, what a l,,k, • I, ,,, nK,n Oriole »od «« H. R Hmllh ..< i1.:'..!.' lj - , .vtii..-, . M ! liiuii.i liming thi« period will hv nmrniw nl^'ht at Calvary Baptist d.-Uveird by Rev. Arthur Miller of Misses Ell/.nrji'th ni-.il KalliMn row- church nn BiidRO avenue, but it has 15 Hnbbard Park, RED BANK, N. J. ought to see how shn.v us !umile-S*rs are! They're Hit* r;iu!iM Kjttbci H of New York ers of Slir^w.ibiu y H'1'1 Mi"li II-KH brrn poHtponed until Friday night of T.L IMS. Build Young Muscles m- lu ;V\rvnl n\]\ nf \i>wn priests will ae- this week, it win be under the dl- Chromium plated! So are tin- rim, and the sprocket. Wilson, Miss li.'tty Millr-i. Mis-, l.mi> :-ir.t diniriK this period. roctliin of Ml«» Kthel May Brandon. AcUndy red enamel frame, too, witri $napp^ trim GIlllR and Misses" Moil* nnil minor ne $4.98 Jarillnc of lii'il Hank. in White! It's guaranteed because it a,m« ir,,m I am rin . i t. .' )., A douhle end punching bag. (Hlf.st yoll (<> II- : : i Bladder, ruriJ, ropp. Setts. And the low pri.v will ;„„;,„. r,,),,,, IIAHllOt'Il IN MPNATK. the towns,ii j. ,.(••• Jertion t<. thi-^ ;.-. : •*.• Oath AdmlnlM'TiMl YcatiTflay to IH. ob|i><-ti.'f h1, • . Mlildlctowii Itrsldrnt hcanl wiM ••..!• •

Th« oath of olllro waM ntlmlni*- the <•[ 111 1J I.-11..M • 1 i '.. :,.|,. I i^lnniv Urcl In lln- Unltrd Stnti'S KiMmti- If Ill.T.. • • .-I.|, .11. :. ,1 ,,, I,,,'!,,...!,.,!' tl'i't ?' ! ' }• il :. .- ,t 1 hr liiwu- ; -Mluv n> W Wai i >'ii Iliiitiinii' <..' Why Be In Doubt? AGiftThatSays,"B ,^lll|. . MhllillM rr lippr., , )tt H public I iMili. ill ivu in Mlildli'town town In ' mi . 11 Ii . . 1., I ,. h.li! in the, • :

111]', uln) in llllllin I III' V.I. urn i .. Ii ..• 1 . n 1 i..i). il MI;([ t,r at the

, Hll'iril |.y 1 lit- dc-illi of I i.Mi.hl \\ I." •! .1 :i 1 HIIW, Hit,11 in,,ml street, M «'. 'I'lli' «'iiii:'litiilliili.il 'III >.i '-viuk, I\rw Ji'iM'v, <•> ciiibi'i Hi, Ul.'ll, ut i-lcvcn A. M. I inn "f liln chcililliiy iimi I" • " i.ii"' 'i Very truly youva, birausft Mr, Mulliiw hiul in '•.'•• i h.'ii Hwmii into ollleo, lint nn \ut'' emocraUc club on social Long months after Christmas h»s The mayor and council of Hijullry I MUTlinic ni^hls wan hold last Friday COtne acd gote, the C.omrm-rfier Beach have, aent an Invitation to iin; ni^ht. 'I'll., individual table prizes mayor and council of KIMI Hunk ii vmu grci'ii ronHie jarB. A radio cleanei yc« give ;c,w will re t.,ak attend a conference of iiiunirii.nl niinp, doimtfil by Ueisemaii'B radio ing sorse wema.-j prc-u Hun 11—$10.00 a Monttl York will exhibit a plcturn by Mls» MIH. Hnlph Hlrkpla, Mrs. Oeorgo LU- on Smrt.' HIHIKH ritin IJHian C. Terhuno of He (JforRft Fltzpatrick, Mrs. Walter ('minor, Mrs. Leon Iltirdge and MIB. woman could want wii for- K I Imlt r it'ilili-il. gotten—hind or knee con- John Chniinzy. A (JiKT at onci' practical and thrilling 'lliii i ii (li in i' I'KI. oiling tbo two trol, chromiurn-plitcd shoe, Now members of the club are Mm. hour 1'iiilil ; limit ;,l Itrd Hank *"* ... excellence of quality that all opcnentl mil. and nunyottxrr IMfsed It') Una! rendhiK Monilny Jack Hplllnnr, Mrs. Mort Planltx, MTB. M. Munch, Mrw. II, Huzzy, Mru. women appreciate, "with guy frivolous pointj.YctSi itVjirio bnn|<\ nlKllt Th new pal Is of tile JIB 1 k it caiily w'r.liin n.uii ut yum Ing limit zono H Ilinail wtieet fiom Wnltor Connor and MrH. Mary Cur- touches thiit cause every feminine heart a Moiiniii'.itli to ( ni ' fe«t eait flutter or two. Dancettes, teddies, panties of Hroml nti'eet t\nd l.lnden plaro for Party at Weat Kcnnaburg. and slips, in tea rose, flesh and lido blue. a illHtnnro feet PH.SI of Hroad A card party will be held at the nti'-'t. W«t K^ansburg school Friday, I")*- cfmber'llth. Refreshni^ntr* will be 1,11 III < 1;) \:i" Ditiic'lnir and Music. K<>rvrd and a door prlzo will bo uf- Thu Hlesaed HaclRinent Kulld of f St. (liiliili'l'n chuicli or Hiudc-vi'll met IVtlford Woman In Ilo«plta]. lant Wiiliii'Miny evening at tIi•« |mr 1 llh I;, ii." After a shoit liu.ilni'S.i Mrs. Edward flames of Hrl ford Ik 17 I'.IO.HI \1I«H I- ,.,I I .ink, N **" " iiu - ill); wns enjoyed, music iirulr rwtmt an operation yeHtordny no M. b«lng provided by lfarvey HmtherH. «t the Hlv«rvlew hospital for the rn- Mn. ii'iiuUi, iJuuait WHM the ho«tcw. Juoval o£ a irrowUi from h«r ayelld. Red B*ni.

County C -its

;•• LocaJ fiWfc.i '":" Park m.d ! in l\,** ""' Woo fr,*,, A IX MK-HANH 111 Hy dr IIS 112 in lit lit On« if w.p .LIM k»mr ways to nnd a 800 SI! >02 j< t> is !<; adveHlne In Th* RartS)- Men's lebrn • He I luoiinv !••> • Wurn l>M""Ul.rlil Advertll*- The Profession*! d three (janie s from the litrJi ire Hum t»>. K«""» IIUIIHK '- riune pimntn at Hec I tstt 1..i: Monday iiigtil- Merrill, amhu! : f1.-M x • r » IN T9MCN • T TILKPHQMB for the I'hune company, was DOKSNT WANT fAHAUE. pi esl.i I score of 236 In the Bet w!tfi Mlilille •- n.-!'-( and Meiiiu-a : mat. h ind 223 ln the third- Thi irHiiiS l.as.1 Sun- Governor Moore's U««Ulan Will Lillian N< hon- fI hat j.laoe. end of th. w ornor^lect A. Harry Moore haa re- , . lul:, ,.,,n _ lit 170 Red Bank ama; t-,1 1 400 points In !quested K«w Jeraey military author- awarded •try . .._ ISO 1S6 Monday Neptune was Mun • krr 1(4 14S ities to cancel preparations for par- Other ineirit't i tallies ei . .._ 182 ISO »«cond -with ! .'W* and Afrtmry Park those meath.r, K . . . ,,. , , ticipatlon of national guard and at the. WIEK-END.... t!. ',* nl' s ex bro^ht up the rear with . total of,,,,^ , ,„ * ^ bett. MaH"i> 876 817 mlHUa un|t hl lM<1 ral Itiver stieet parade. Helen VVnth> BILL TELIFHOHB COMPANY. r ;,,„ iriim main lieutenant James O Hourke. crack Moore will be Inaugurated at cere-! Muria) M&a< k nan _ 14S 151 i,^en adopted by :, , they were ln shot of the Neptune marksmen, was monies In the Memorial building to [ Knight, Ann <;* ••I 100 100 in* let their pro- ' !.:ci s and Insur- Wtf high with a scoie of 'X3. Actinj: Ser- soldiers and aailors of Mercer county Caroline Wadsw. ninHi t-onflne Its , .!](,- rtialglit wins Bronion _ 124 1S8no geant James J Shwdy of Red Hank in Stacy park, Trenton, on January tin, Anita Mutllu M.rrlll wa« aerond with 1'KK and Pohreman tuxl the names , , i, of Ihe week. 223 li"th. By dispensing with the mill Lucille [Vrbuy. 1 168 Hi Ml he rt-Ristered filled by The George Clayton was third with a tary escort Moore estimated a sav- Hobliibon. Kliiali • >\ung the number of 706 >10 score of a single point below that ing of J2Ji,000 could be made. jstiyker, Hosi- Ho e of the league's Th< the of Sheedys The summary, totaling : ! 237. o-.ii i l.jpa i 1.02S OVERHEAD DOORS. Neptun« to wmhip Ji r« O'Rourv* 2PS. 10 Murphr _ _ 184 US JS2W.rii.11 2 HI. Banrert -7". I'.'l- 861 857 l»ek :'T0 J,.,nt, OR,k> 2 .„.,, - .. 17 10 Woodwari«di .. H14I7 115 Atburj P»rk Parry 2*4, Kow'an.l . .„ 14 13855 Joan 187 185 211 Herra&n ZT.s. Osmun 2~l. I'onklin ;o. 830 »5Z total 1.16:. . ,.,. ,...... 15 15 Hcrden - 185 ' , ,,„ .12 12 845 Bcnnttt ltl Red Bank's victory over Linden , , ,'• liuml.frl .. 12 12 826 »0Smoc4 k - .~~"™.".r. in * l,,.u.«nce .... IS 14 858 1.061 Sunday night was t^e third surre.s- ! , ,,,..,-»l l,a,.k 12 16 811 »S0 841 7»t* 889 &lve one of the season. The Red Hank Y O I. R 11 16 841 909 | era tallied 1,400 points while the „ , hiilton -. 10 11 »>! »20 111 j Union county bluecoats had to be CHRISTMAS CHEER .,,... 10 16 811 92S content with 1,361. 8 19 800 1,017 165 Brook. Policeman Charles Ericksen of WILL of the Sfgmund Eisner com- 167 125 205 R*»d Bank won high honors for the i.i Tiui-x of the Professional 159 Hoffmann 147 167 day, making a score of 287. Police COST YOU LESS • i tin- li'BBiie for Individual 171 222 'uttle man Benjamin Pryor was set •• at the end of last week, ac- with 284. Two Linden marksmen, HERE to ti^'irfs compiled by Har- 809 8&6 880 Tom&zewskl and Wagner, eac h l dwiiinil. secretary "' the turned in a score of 283. ' I'.oili tind averages of 1*9. . f ilir Hell Telephone com- Lieutenant Harold Davison and Po ; ilFT SECTIOUYE OEM SHOPPE W WOADST.. MP1AMK Tlw oW-fothioned, formal "bread and butter not** 'olice Score liceman George Clayton of the Red ,,,., .,••, ,II.I with 187 and To- if Mnt by telephone today. More and more ptopl* .i i Mi.ii •< of the Jersey Cen- Bank force went under their usual scores. The score, the total of which ! .,,, (tiii M^hl <-<>mpany were Remains Same prefer th« warmer friendliness, the personal touch -.,.- i »nh IKS. however does not include the low man on each team, follows: of a chat by telephone. You con express your op- •.. :' the Caillon theater Lieutenant Davuon Leadi in A Q>tk CO* *rtr T'ltr* 'Sir* *r Red Bank—Erlckien 287, Pryor IN. t w* < k were Tuttle of the Weekly Practice Series With Sheedr 2H3, Clayton 278. Daviaon preciotion so much more truly. nijaiiv, WaUy Macintosh of Evans 257, total 1,400. 268, A Beautiful •• m. c i. am and Van Ness of Sergeant Sheedy Second— Linden—Tomaiewiki 298. Watrner 28S. Mi-, hanii's. The Strand the- Rodferc 268. Waihburn 2EE. Hengehan Say Christmas With Flowers Out-of-town calls cost Ifttle: 30 miles for a quarter; Davison and Pryor Tied. 261. Onechowiki 254, total 1.361. HOLIDAY ;. mis were Tuttle, Mangan IOO miles for only 6o cents. 1, i, phi.ne romp&ny and Mens- Lieutenant Harold Davison and ND you'll look ynur Wo liiive a very fine selection of i,t the Clothiers and Insur- Policeman Benjamin Pryor were FIBST TO1XJEYBALL PBACTICE. A most beautiful if you the following varieties: led for first In the weekly police 11 trust yourself to our I'olnsf ttlas, S to S plants to pots. m rif the Slgmund Eisner ractice shoot last Wednesday night Brooklyn Coach Present to Give In- beauty expe: t struction In This Sport. AIHD Dwarf l'olnsettlas, Cyclamen iv hnd 133 spares at the end .t the Spring street range. Both lade a mark of 284. Pryor shot lor anil rhrlstmna Red Peppers, for the NEW JERSEY BELL . k and Tuttle and Truex each , Candidates for the Young Men's Genuine he first time in three weeks, having association volley ball tuble. In christlan $y.5O missed two of the meets owing to the Uam tutned out ln large numb(,rs Eugenie Wonder Begonias, a nno assortment. TELEPHONE Company Ihe individual standings, showing Cyclamen, Cherry Plants, full of act that he was on his vacation at last Thursday night at the high A Ho J«rwr liiMIMtoll IwM by Hcrtiml Imwii th« mintner of games played, the Permanent Wave the time they were held. school gymnasium for first practice. berries. average, and the number of spares Acting Sergeant James J. Sheedy Jacob Holta, for four years coach of FREDERIC'S I'andanus, SanservlerU or Snake ma'l follow: anJid PolicemaPolicem n CharleC s Erlckaeto n Brooklvn T. I'lanU. sach turned In « score of 282. Por.ce- j Broo k j£ C. A. team was AND OTHER METHODS. INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. prM£n t wU MiirclsNiia Bowl, Cactus Bowl, loose ,an George Clayton made a mark ev Thursday night to conduct SHAMPOO AMI C. Avi. Holly full of berries; Holly Wreath*. 26 ,1 274 and Policeman Joseph Evans practlce from 7;00 ,o g:30 o,c]|)rk FINGER WAVE Ki 18» Finn Wre&UiH, Boxwood Spray and •eglstered 247. ._,.,.,. Volley ball is fast becoming a pop- Hell Telephone 22 187 SlIAMl'OO AND all kinds of Cut Flowers. Basket* ,r Ji-raey Ontral ..- 12 185 Two more shoots are to be held for ular atnletlc Bpon ana ,„ bci .„_ MARCEL WAVE jersey Central 28 185 flllril to order. A CHRISTMAS GIFT the five prizes to be awarded the win- moted large]y by the Y M C A or. • pane Clothieri 26 18* MANICTKF. Miiko your selections early. m Utility 27 182 ers ln three different classes at the ganijatlons throughout the country. 180 i Clothiers .— •— 12 ,nd of the series on Wednesday. De-| Men Interested ln playing volley VISITORS WELCOME. THE WHOLE FAMILY :ember 16th. The winner of the last ^ ^ * I Thf Professional Men, who were M elther a3 rccr tl m a3 meet will be yarded a turkey of- , , 3 tlef points made ln the eight Bhoots GIRLS' BASKETBALL. held thus far. Their record of 293 X 10 Broad St Tel. R. B. 1510. ILOTHIERS AND INSURANCE. 'or a single shoot still remains un- First Squad I* Selected by High Ivlnn 195 149 187 School Coach, >tlHMHMIIIIIIHIMII Sloru 15J 160 157Token. SUPERHETERW PERFORMANCE 176 121 124 The first squad for the girls' bas- 123 206 156 « IIH'UIT PRICES , _ 182 20» 212 BAJSBLBTB^LX. ketball team has been chosen by AT LOWFR ••'M/.--.I •! Miss Jeanette Matthews, coach. The 821 847846 Hlfh School Squad Reduced to 37 ln Bquad is comprised of Florence Mac- PROFESSIONAL MEN. Flr»t "Weedlnf Out." Donald, Anna Bottagaro, Caroline W«r0S 800 7S0 •y boys reported for the team and don, Ruth Adams, Esther Dodge, the weeding out process hits elim- The Bell Telephone company took Marjorle Fritz, Margaret Tuller, two out of three games from the nated all but 3T, some of whom will Doris Wllman, Phyllis MacKay, Commercial Chauffeurs last Thurs- be dropped ln the next cut. Those Marjorie Eastmond, Harriet Mann, day night at Kecreation hall. Man- still reporting for practice are Har-Ida Grand, Claire Davey, Agnes Cot- gan of the Phone company was high old Turnock, George Worthley, Din- greave and Jean Fix with 219. The scores: ile Arnone, Chester Fan-ax, Frank Loversldge, Patsy Gettis, William -•• H TUBES BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. •"•'AND C+JC*J Bloom, Lester Berkowltz, Louis SUXDAT FOOTBAIX GAME. Hangin .... 195 105 3rand, Lorenzo Dotta, Joseph Pao- L«wii 14» 181 TENNABOARD Pollock _ 179 171 uccl, Arthur Kerr, William G«rattl, It Will Be Flayed at Leonardo for Bronnon 187 144 William Sweel, William White, Wil and Colder" 216 the Benefit of the Unemployed. Merrill 210 Ham Bottagaro, George Marshall, 911 809 Tony Savage, Hyatt Cunningham, Tickets have been »elllngr rapidly William Jennings, Albert Fazzone, for the football game to be played says the Weatherman! COMMERCIAL CHAUFFEURS. Hyman Polin, Leon Wlgdorwitz, John on the grounds of the Mtddletown Bcym.ldi - - .— 1JI169 184 Stoye, Irving Rlchroth, Al Porcelll, township high school at Leonardo / • 1 I.ofburruw 16» 193 Tony Natale, Peter Co«ts, Louis Vac Sunday afternoon between the Leon- C it S L E 164 169 carelli, Anthony Vaccarelll, Leo ardo field club and Fort Hancock. Nordy . . 195 Let it come.. • These McKnieht 152 LaBlonda, John Amelchenko, John The profits will be applied to the un- 752 920 816Scheldt, Joseph Rosatl, William Sak- employment relief fund of Sandy BALL-BAND Galoshes owltr, Theodore ROM and Richard Hook post of the American legion ot The Slgrnund Eisner company de- Davey. Atlantic Highlands. The teams art and Rubbers will pro» LITLFELLA feated the tallenders, the Tilton The girls' basketball team has only said to be evenly matched and a fast Dairy company team, ln two out of and exciting game is looked for. CONSUL !' H, vibst.-mdyne . . Five Tubel . . . Pentorla three, matches the same night. Tut- scheduled three games so far, Thurs- tect your feet. So light day, January 21st, Leonardo at Output . V'iiifli>l.> Mn . . . ( ontinuous (stepless) Static and tie of the manufacturers rolled 235 you hardly know you Tone ( ontiol . _ . ((imhincd Volume Control and On-Off ln the second match, the high mark home; Wednesday, February 10th A GOOD CATCH OF FISH. Leonardo away; and Tuesday, Feb- Switch . .. Illuminated Hair Line Shadow Dial with Vernitr for the evening. The scores: PAAfUM ruary 15th, Asbury Park at home Codfish, Skateflah and Blackflsh have them on ... so Drive .. . Full Floating Moving Coil Dynamic Speaker. . . Fine SIGMUND EISNFB COMPANT. Olrls' games are played at 3:30 Hooked by Three Men. Wood Cabinet. Klgrlm 178 196 o'clock ln the afternoon. smart everybody will Brook. „ 154 172 William Haffner of Monmouth e e • ' "" 180 187 169 Beach and Ralph Mulford and Har- admire them ... so Hoffma i . 191 QCADBANQIJE CLUB SCHEDULE. The CROSLEY LITLFELLA will perform beyond your greatest Tattle ...I 181 215 old Gahn of Seabrlght went fish ing two and a half miles off Sea- fronounc»d • EE-MCT ihirable — they will expectations. It incorporates these most recent radio refinements. 885 929 107 Local Basketball Team to Open Sea- bright Sunday ln Mr. Haffner's cab- PAM/ The extremely beautiful and exquisitely desisned cabinet is the ion on Saturday Night TILTON'S DAIRY. le seaaklff Manana. Their catch at stand the punishment work of master craftsmen. The attractive walnut front panel is in l.xVhlll . 177 221 The Quadrangle club of the Young the end of the day comprised fifteen CREATORS OF IH( "COSTIIMT Hunmond 171 117 codfish ranging from fiv« to 22

17 Br<>. < •--,* % V Red Hat ... *, 1 GOSSAKh Foundation (»« FLORIDA I ."!) i 4 I.HMH \ I I- ¥//" 0lJJt'4t \y 1 (L,.' IF YOl RADIO IS NOT WORKING WfLI

Railroad • • • "' included iff one 1 O A'rate '•>•,. c^h i tickets for t'\ I <. . * ^ tf> all pom'J in &r ( •»"; ir>«, Service Charge $1.00 '"•KM"'",',, Georgia, Alol»rtii,(., If.-f-ee '• r-'!;1 ' rids a i\ To MIAMI I- .< • * -*> ••>•, • 1 <1 Miller's Hardware It HMlll) ( II ilbot. I'll: • Hi'iMtB an the | y\S to "'JAVXMJN'VM IK -I -•.•n>. acroM thfc

\ drum may MIAMI U, HAVANA J drum Rini MINI, WKITKR. O'er..1*1 ' •kiMtujB. . •Miiiitti tlnv The (!•"--• I'BO i'l- j NEW VPAK*> (Hl'iM* t.. MIAMI Bieniri, M 1 ril lllirilKffll 11 Col ••ul Hotisn Blue*." Salllrg J'e I l\ • • ] •*»> n All K* Dorottr, ,v I- nsf.~, S • • •' i- I:iui-.*. ' a popular ' Murgnn 1 Sh.- Ii.- imt H hit ' FRANK J. MULVIHILL tea • uiiiiiOiH'ii \>y Wit- CLYDE-MALLORY LINES ami sen of 'Aliens, and ,4j>lf.l, Avc.ur.,1 Successor to Pin ifc.NoftliRivc-i.N'wYmk ,lf r cJI iiitf 1 «•«!<•(] in com h/' tain IIir HOWARD FREY • ' ••,'.):••!f Ailliur and 1 The (Jin > • *t, ., (.M.Hiirtlrm at I Sn enthusl* .(1. 74 MONMOUTH ST. TEL. RED BANK 609. .- -.:• h^-li lit! tfl I nlcipal l)ui il . plans w*tf Hit- • I.AD1 Kri' ,t ' h<' has 1 e Ii. : • »•-.-(; h*- writes for j nod b«r 22d •! !"• > ' >. I'd dues not need Hot Water and Steam Christmas ; itt . of the prog air JU l.OVA is for Robot vldlng entci Itl! 1 * itnilU) MEETING. Heat'ng. WFII-T UATCUFA tnce, the v'. II'- •-,, The mechanical man, girls will » i,f 1 <>nu \\<.i"i,' in There must be plenty of water At the nice 111? iMweiR registered. The . , | Mill Vllltlt. As fresh as the dew. pointed liv 111- y riM n'h bt»>k wrfk display off Boom 10, Elinei Bulidlnj. Seven Chijf- ' Ilian ii! l.Vi nftw nnokn wa« veyr pop- needy mild III fif the book.i were as part nf -'t \<\ the rijilv libiary and & 54 Broad Street ''"l in rirculaUon. Telephone Bed Bank 477. Ttlonmoufli Consolidated IDater Company dim will hi |ij. • urv unil H -. 1 J l , J. 0. Herr. Manager fl«!I! III.- V MI . Belford News. Hair Cut, Marvel (I tie Knl Hunk i{eL',iter can bs bought Wave, Scalp in ih.< *l f .Iiilm o'Nt'lll. tha nrvic* Treatment, Mani- .!. »i ,1 M Minion uf 01 \ .1 Je I Hfler and tb« Htnry •u 1, 1- 1 ' I il Kl- . iniiny yem p. Wnhnciiiiuii's uuitins room. cure, Eyebrows, in- .-1-,! !,. -'Ill -,li bu the -l WMk. Ml. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johasoa of Shampoo (short 60 Ml 11. »!m 11.. lu- ujjli.yccl In the Orcan City returned home Sunday hair) ! tried the rest NOW Y lu' .1 ills,,- , • i > Kl el tut kint; after aprndlng a few days with Mr. in ,,.: „•. -HI ,-• ami MIB. Klwood Rtinyon. Finger Wave, [il'.-il .,- 1 -l !!. ul Mix MISH Mnrtha Hchuler is visiting rel- W atives at Ii. Park. Stewn Wave, Wa- ~M T~ C v Shop and The, (Jlrln' iluti hi'lil a meetlnt; at ter Wave, Facial, * •- Save In Santa's Most tile htiiiie nf MIMS Etht-1 Koop Mon- Shatnpoo (long hair) 75' plant !<• ti'iaiil ! ,,f ',; iMii-es ni'ii'1.! H"m Main street CCHNEIDERC ' ~ ! 11 • 1 i,. n''W hiL;hw;iV. Pofmiar Qt/t 111 M..|,: ,1. Hi 1 Il.'i I Mm. \v. w. Minor spent Monday Henna Pack $1.75 ' $i.J7r.,:n! 11 ..... I'll. i| ,w-W VMIII MAEIET . ti.t.-il fin r.- I Mi i,,i;t Hrds.m Ijennard Howell of blndder »• eaator oil on th* bowtli. Bicycles 1'< . ,n.i!(i, J^mK Island, spent the Drives out ImpurltUa and axoesi acldi ,1 i. emi with Mr. and Mrs. John that cause irritation which r«iults In not- C rj( I tins up nightii, frequent dailn. burning, i,,..,l ,, , 1,1 Herman Tarnow, Mrs. Earl Ilw VEim m"d b»cl"chl- <**• • "« u>t Legs or Hind Vi Lamb "> 19 of BU-KETS. (6 tr. Tablets) the Mi ai,,l .\l l; anil Mr. and Mrs. Harold \'v aiini i,:K..u ,ivid Fostpr and his slater, Eureta ,,1 C'uinl.il Jano Foster, celebrated their birth- —FOR— ..il mill M i M. .Inhii .Sheridan of days mi Friday. David was' thm BIKES years old and Euretta was fifteen i;l. -• •!.ill.-;.t hav,: it'imnt'ii home af- K r-v v, ml tiayis with Mr*. years old. Tire Service «|! ' I.']" Mrs. Cornelius Bluh la out after liavlnp; been confined to the house Pork »12 Ft AC F YOUR ORDER NOW ! iiii.lin AVBB a visitor Hams >» 14° -ll Ml iMMlll-,-. srvrrftl weeks with filckness. Our Service Car is 2 ths. 25c i IN SI KF, CHRISTMAS DELIVERY. II- ''- uilui hits fetiirned Mr. snd Mrs. Fred CooK of Point Center Cut Pork Chops tt). 19c End Pork Chops 1'lcasant spent Sunday with Mrs. Mll- always ready K- i" home of hpr lird F. Trimble. ,i John Roche Mr. s.nd Mrs. Jesse Clark of Hlgh- laiul.s apent Sunday with Mr. tnd Mrs. Thomas Smith. Ml.-.-i M,i. .. Inulmi to tha Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett, Jr., Armour's Cloverbioom 3V2-% FO Wl »» 24° Big Reduction Tine Illih! '•i home on Bid- Steam Vulcanizing ni-y HVHiiu It and son Palmer spent Sunday at Keyport. On All Mm. Id,• ••"ii of Herbsrt Mlsa Mary Glass has been sick Balloon and Truck hi I '-CT , l.. In , ,-iilliifil In the Special ! Special ! I t Hal with what with a heavy cold. Mies Jean Pettlt of TUv«r Plua W« * ' It, Hi. i'-iii iny and later apunt the week-end with her cousin, Tires in Stock fnllll'l I.. , nnii breakdown, John Gla.ii, Jr. Armour's Armour's 11 II' -A- ,1 tii^ home of & olumbia Bicycles Mrs. John Euler and Mr. and Mrs. llll'll'l lit I Cornelius Bluh spent Friday tt Asr cans Mi mi.I ••)>h M--*'oy are bury Park. lb Mn\u\ your Kiddies Happy Christmni. Give ihn iniiiul I ,ti fight Hid Fancy 2 /I OCi Mrs. ChaMlna Brower and Mrs. Print - nil.' tlMlf p "/ h.iv limn at Kinpst Howard of River Plasa spent em a Columbia and Save Money, too. .1 Id-it Hunk iin Huuday with Mr. snd Mrs. Irving 33 ii I Mm W»l- Peaches •T'J (In ', IN Irini I • '. .1 ni.. thr Mm. Anna Budlonjf of Norfolk, Butter nf •• l«.I il Hn-fin- Virginia, ha.s been visiting friends ... i, ',,,.,,111!! hni*> thn past week. I?rea»t Leg \ m A T Ik REMEMBER... We Maintain A iti». I It lb Mr. Hnd Mrs. Frank Sherry snd or I'llltil-. I,,,;,- • • ,.',.,. 1C.-,.. |, VEAL VEAL family apont the week-end at Jersey Will tin h«l OUR OWN City. Neck Rump MIHH Marjorle Whitney has taken a Print Lard >I«V, Hlli-.ii: ; ..I i- M. position as secretary fur Thomas Veal Cutlet. II REPAIR and SERVICE Cajit. Co • I ,II-K t Hay Day, superintendent «f publlo works IH VIBIIIIIK ' ^? i -, John »CI1 >.ir(je of Mlddletown township. Mrs. C. Bernard Roche and Mrs. %£ BUTTS Sf HAMS »>• DEPARTMENT Mai jiu hi 42 Weit Front Sheet, i uiiiirnod to C. Harry Lohsen spent Monday tt •i i m« Hftor Elizabeth. 'i II-M home RED BANK. N. J Mrs. Clarence Marvin Is mtklng a ui I'.iil. . l! TF.i.Ki-noNr nvt slay with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mi i . i ..inflrHMl to ( Hiiiiy Hpeley of Brooklyn. N(JT1CF <>K M'.TII.I Ml N I lit A' I UIIN 1 In" >" Mm. Stanlty Conk and Mrs. Dtvld BOTTOM ROUND T ROAST 24 Mi ... I 11 .ill nf (Irnnklyn Schnoor spent Wednesday at New Noticn Ix hri<.|.y ,I.<-II' tlikl l),« n.- M|..i,ll -, MI I hi* hums of i-iiillita 'if Hi- mil.«. ill-.. .i-l'nltil.''.'-.i -( urn; Kill -' York. lha sitAlA "T "ni'l 'I..-«-.•,] ulll 1... ,. I rliert llowlfty en- fil«l \K,'lllil III, I • I'll,III lll.MI'l St. ,( f .• • I,T "f ..n'l. I.... ,~ mid >o mini (i»>. '•V lo:i! 1 • Milliilay. Al.til 1>N IIKI-hM,\N. Ue,l lUia, t, I "v'li'i'.' "lit IM>V<>« of Mr. and Mre. John Kelna enter OPF.N F.VEN1NGS. PHONE 1313. f 1 h i y «venlng tultii-d Hev. and Mn. James C'Hnn Bucks County Horse Radish t M (. mn'1 MrsJ,. and ilmiKhttr Virginia of Urld^rlon I'oiini.llor «t. I..w. ' R«.l Dank, N .1 r«o«ntly. Pt'.rtor. t j with flani Ing by , ! tie mage wtre do )>y ift-n P a nd flower» were ni t'> tr Honey Bee flowei the wrong i !fi-.» Hii-1,- fiorn toil * America arid J- r, m t- Hei^ium England wni i rttlrd.

HhlJ) ON RJEBIOUS CHAKGE. M*'tlu»dlbt« Have IHnnvr. Bandit* Charged With The H'tiiK- mi.'-«i(iiiary btnie t arry Concealed Weapon*. the "fcit-ttfih rh held its am Walter LeValley of Red Bank and Chrtatm».- lfti~t niyht at iht James Jinofsko of Port Wofimnuth Cosy Cut fitr j fur were held under bail of J2,<»00 fur the street. Aft i (ho dinner, A e 11- action of the grand jury by net-ord- tIii er Elmer C. Wainright of Shi ews wan derided in send a Chnst .,, ... - and live hury last night after they hail been and t**n dnllart* to the 111^ .-..-li.Hf:!!,^ , •, M ^ , , jwris*. cven- m rested by stale police near Kay home in (\.nnit-n Mi.s Munlif I- TtUd 'It-Mr.-,, <, n y-}\\T\H were Sanborn's nervice station on Shrew.-*- iiianin prefiided over the meet ing r younger concealed weapons. One of the at- Price. last rophe. A miA and Patrlria tendants at the station stated that the •een fin I launched my flrat one 2( It may be true that I have much »K'> and it ia mill going lyn I driving, nnd a truck owned by the lesa to live on than I had a year many men H thillling Hpitltuat ad Hevrny ttjemer *ave an exhibition Freihofpr baking company of Tren- ago, but it is certainly true that I venture thiou^h whir h they have There had been a wedding " or acrobatic dancing and was accom- ton collided at the corner of Wal- have just as much as ever to live discoveted th real wealth Betelt I participated as bi idegnx, panied on the pmno by her mother, lace and Washington streets. Police- \ The refil values of life are un- of dividends and pioOiMthey indis ^hoitly thereafter a local ft, Mrs. Carl Hrrmei. Marjorie Jones man Benjamin Cook investigated shaken and solid. The market fulled tht> sustaining powe s of n dealer Hold $400 worth of Im rendered a vocal selection to the ac- but no complaint:a -wen* made. but nothing else did. 1'ricfs went M ronn fliKious faith, t he pair of bright-eyed ir> 1 companiment of Mis*s KvHyn Wyr- Luncefoi ( one acre lost its fer- HIUP.H About a year later, wht-n tl* koff and the «*hil>it:i.n<. hy tin <*«'I<1- t i ; ;' 1 f(»c lii UIM'.S abi'ul the knnrs tilit>. IIIKI ill! 1h(! electrons, pn>ton.s hat ity Iraving the city, they u h -f berg fompatiy !"'•' > •• ; '••' • '' furniture dealer if he w i I hu '1 tcrested in repurchasing S IHKCH Htid he said that he wm VISIT 1 IU'HII in both new ami f i lu-use furnishings* He. »•* K . tin •ii i have ue er hesn in I I.J titles critically and eal or tho laige New Y >rk motion YeGem&GiftShoppe j they would be worth tu jiinuie theaters. That, f course, in THIS VKAK WAGNER MARKET CO 527. That wu a great s carrying thn thing a bit far and 60 BROAD ST., HEI) BANK I ridegroom. 1 remenibr happy to glv,, Isn't necessary. What actually haj>- TO THE PEOR RED BANK . . . THANK YOU/ # At this time it is only proper and befitting that both the National Grocery Company and OUTMIVM talc* this opportunity to thank you for the splendid reception you accorded our New Ultra-Modern stores. The confidence which you so generously placed in us is keenly appreciated and you can rest assured that we shall do everything within our power to Tetain it. .... Wagner Market Co-National Grocery Co. Do Your Christmas Prime Rib Roast . 25c Eat Well Shopping Early!! Top or Bottom Round Roast 25c And Save

Blade Rib Roast 19c PURE or Hindquarters Genuine FOOD Lamb ...... 19c If you want to shop Loin Lamb Chops 29c in comfort, do your Shoulders of Lamb 11c Less or Rumps of Veal • • 19c Christmas Shopping

Veal Cutlets 39c Fancy, Fresh, Milk Fed Roasting Chickens, your choice of Boneless Veal NOW!! 19c these popular sizes, Vh, Shoulders of Veal . 14c 4, 5, or 6 lbs. . . Ib. Armour*s Star, Swift's Premium or Step through the Archway to the new Select Your Christmas Qifts From Wilson's Certified Sliced Bacon, 1A Ib. package . . . . 15c NATIONAL the Advertisements in the Best Pork Chops Ib. 19c Grocery ^T Company Red Bank Register Pork Loins, Your choice, Tender- Do all of your Food Shopping in the loin or Rib Half . Ib. 12V2C same building. Make a list of your ChrUtmas gifu before you go »hopping. For «ug- gestions consult The RegUter, where you will find the Christmas an- WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR FRUIT and VEGETABLES HERE .... nouncements of all the prominent stores. By looking over their gift Keep this in mind . . You've got the BEST . . and SAVED MONEY TOO! suggestions you can easily decide what and where to buy and how Maine Potatoes, . . . . 5 lbs. 7c . is lbs. 19c >, much to pay—before you begin your shopping tour. Florida Grape Fruit, large size 3 for 17c . extra large size 3 for S3C /-- Florida Tangerines, Sweet and Juicy. . . dozen 17c To save time, energy and money— Florida "Sealdsweet" Oranges, . *. medium size, dozen 25c use the Red Bank Register a$ Your Texas Spinach, ...... 3 lbs. 29c Christmas Shopping Quide Cooking Apples, 5 lbs. 23c

The above prices prevail in our RED BANK Stores only:

7 BROAD STREET 36 MONMOUTH STREET Red Bank Register Phone: Red Bank 220 Phone: Red Bank S65

YOUR BUYS MORE AT A W4C*/* STORE .'. In 1,1' •..I -' I I II "IH ••' I" '". 'I Hi \. j ... i : .• |;J> ' > n LI n'

I, !•'„• fir !.- i T,,.; .- ! 1 • j• i-.l I.t- !ui).i-.i Yimr f,,ii >X ••' >n .- t., ,,,,: In if..- M plane pnil M.»- .-/ill ' .,„,„ Tlii- ne. .I il 1 i;:.:c t > ii, ,, ITS' »... 1 < I. But Winner 1~|n fin (-:'•• irm ch'-Arr I • ^itiun, in *i-<•iilllliK I" •'•'• • ;:.-»t ("r Pimltrj. Hzes It, It will be frime tu atari Ihe plfiyer. lint de itni h;.i in;r. ?h last W1" '>' I'ftlu- '• r."\; r i]u[ jir.y (1 a111a^ • in 1 1 jUiiiit loi nc.\t ueason's <• i <.j».-_ nt th- hniiil of <•).. r, .'.: C.!y. Mom.i'.utli c (' '' uri!rpdh it Ii!' w on \ h'. ' •' ' » many vegetable farms would be thm. Ji . uf HII',... ch'M.h.-U h.iv j Iran lidoj, ,•' '• A i-oult lyman i:;;:y .,ld I v. ill h*. fm the jnii ID P I Illi- 'from a *mall sash green house tin- police win- c Hill tn 1-; ;i<-ln ,• ili i'ii^ I(<•! at yi'ii. 0 •II.-' !a- in a! tempting lo • IMIJL' l.cattd hotbed There a « a I u hand in the j-ami Ac Jin;; t> Dr. ).>}.:, \. .1 I.I h> kcrpin;'. M I r.HMUHI' uf rather Inexpensive i lant I Arthur, cvitlenlly a i* •'[•?• of i I.-. :MIA HT I;.t i "."Hi' ;nc If. i^.1!:.. A tightly cloned growing BtructuiOB whirh can h« j Hroarlway column in n M- ' Mipi'it.u ncul i u!:.-.i. '!icrif..!ifylli^ <••:,, ... 1 In be d-::np berauxp M \\ M I Kl IHK be a number of v eaally built on any veKhatt of arnjr; 1 •V\'h*-n I i. 1 11 seitle down In a circuiaiinu of air inin adiiltion to the Ul, I its-, i fiKling'" Why Ih -u l, Hunmti Uy W Hr-.run V\uJf«* -d book a uionth K daya'' If we de- W'ti <>i,< «• • .^.n»-. ••••) « H,i( , »-aHf.i i) v 1. lorij; unff.j tunatc in- f i eju ntly f^poll '. F j,! i ii;, ;i ml cti.iiiKc our iiims. -i it <* "* ! •!•- H rhhtnf1 Huy a new picture

f . i I . ,A ' • > 1 i ;i,n M i'»iii. <•!( i ol I in a new

I ' j • • • --• Huy thuf automohlle even i. ,,>,>) it th n seinnd-hHinl Vui d' Hit . i >,. t i, llt-i >, and «(•(.• th.it j«l., v. or i»ii »(• ih«-t enn-'cit. The dlv ilendfi . * !..>, rim. ti citutmn and He.cn-^tv' -u e ••• -• •inm mid HiniJKneHM. It \n hetier . hiivi' iidw-ntnied in life, and made -> •1-!nl(('« t ban tn have pet rilled In ir..i-i! Hiid body, in t.h« neciire depths • f tut fMH.y < hftlr, with a' hoi Uon l.^umled by your ofllce, the daily pa- • •'-i find the four wallH of your home. hiiy the dead know complete secur- ity December Food Values/// I nlike the Mean, the spirit doe« not dei-uy wltb yeara. Many of the hap- Utiy » ft v pi«-M men and women In the world *»! joy on t He me. men and women in their (JO'H, •iy Hlnre. thon Th.- II \' bfi-dine or activities to make their leisure H do- ,!)|.^^in^ of filcuaollc: has of the dlrertore livr.l Th »y»' t-hib « ll ght. Growing old gracefully should SMALL CAN ^ up in hhoi t order. a ha the lower Eaat JMO.ht begin with youth. No one who in- LARGE CAN fp!l off In popularity, p of N>w Yoik. and a member of Enough for 2 p«opl« Lends to lead a happy old ago should the foreign hoi ti CIP- ioufl child welfare and civic or- (Regular 13c value) (Regularly 3 for 20c) neglect the adventure of books, of wIltinK to x've wine hicli munlc, of dancing and the other artfl, |,'f. AmeiicHnu took to hart! What Is htijiplnesH? It Is not a and above all, the art of social inter- Whole sections cut from the heart of the grapefruit and packed with the juice. Excel- :ulv-niini)« Hiid lfiadily avail- thhiK Ihat ran be defined by mathe- coume. The last of life, as Brown- |. jili(ihn):/,cd wine WIIH not matical formulas. Happiness IH a lent as a breakfast dish or for dessert. Also fine for salads, cocktail] and fruit cup». ing h»« sci •well put il, Is the goal of , I in- the roiiHon that with- quality and an attribute of the good youth. How run one be happy, then, l ii ni of iilcohol leal wine life. It ia ai ineluctable as electri- p looking jilwayH at the lost paradise kei-}i. 'J'lie h(t ct ei'la rhnn^e city, as evanscent as melody, as in- of youth and denying the reality for Sea Id-Sweet "Indian Rive/ In viiit-^ur. The wlno ln- definable as health, as variable ag vv hi'h we were cieated ? speed, time, matter. If we want Id A delightful beverage containing all the health- (h d inevitable ruin, know what happiness is we nnint i iif »i tint in living must never atop CAN aimniK old-tinu- Americjin wine seek it, not an If it were a pot of K"11' ^'<^'^" ^arr;^ and ^[H of the natural fruit. mnti, < *.i pt a in 1'aul Garrett ia re- i.dining. You cannot coast through at the end of the ralnb* hut 1111- <>n the momentum of a high GRAPEFRU Kaided ,IH the dean of them all. He human betnps whn HIT WR;I the nr.sl wine man to grasp the h.i'il m even of a college education. and fully the good life i.if'- teaches us much, but we must A- "Indian River" is Florida's finest tree-ripened grapefruit. Never before has this fancy Quality been sold at such low prices. aiKnlMrtinee; of prohibition. He eawhuman beintf 'is Ion Mi tftiiH uf thousands of Americans try- I'-M'II and learn and learn. To atop, nesa. Nevertheless if > 1.1 ii for a moment, in the pursuit of ing t" nmkc wine in their own really hiippy iiuui v J h'imi'H. }\e Haw ^rapo prices soar. iM^'wiedge Is to bring mental death buihiiriK ti l«'ni, v. i H • -;| • i< Mi. Never before has life been BO He saw wine-inaklnK cease, because educating liin .ion f i homo brew era could not wait for .-II,inert!>• worth living, and never dtthlla* in his JJHMICM . hef.,r« so thrilling. The morning thfitr wine to a^e, «aw Ihe grape in- dinosaur eggfi in the u dvistiv cni.Hh. M.-wnpHper and the monthly nmg;i- will not be searching /me me veritable Htorehoues of chal- "VVc"vy Ki>l to find a way to make a^lf It were a COIIRI bi AT1H13 EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICE. tl. hMi^fH and stimuli. Never before Finest Florida Oranges wtn<> fust," ho said, "us fast us they rolled undf-i' the i tulnr •. 1 1 h;t\e tlierc been BO many profoundly niiili' ^ln nixi whisky nowadays." And not be tstriving" f' ' H •<' inij'oj tn nt causes crying for intelli- ht culled into his ottlce a chemist itaelf, nor will he bo we* K''iii f*'H-:iil cooperation. Extra largn tize. California's .finest. fnmlllfu wit h fermentation, amonff the nebulous WAKI AT THIS EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICE. X few day.H later the chemist physics. He will have l>«* VDII can hardly name a uphere of Sunkist Seedless Oranges brought him some samplp.s of good that he is happy in tin- «•« huniHn nctivity, be it transportation white wine "1 crushod the grapes," Ing 24 crowded bourn nf -it irtetTuitlonnl peace, be It econom- #!nphi IIH'C! t hf> chemiat, "then rin ic of Mi.cinlD^y, l>e it commerce or Heart 5 D !isht P t hem [ In nii^li (i vucmim pan and To ilnd happijie-is w< mi 'Heine, I'ollticH or philosophy, in ' 5 \T~£:-^™XZ ™^^X™. made ri -i\ nip. Then J restored wa- for it In a /ocua outMiMi which old valupK are not turn hi ing, Brand Endorsed by th. WcConn Uboratorio.. lit 1 pound packog... ter tu thi* Kyrup. and the yeasts did If you live only for yom; in whit h theie. i.s not a cry for lead- th»- v.iu k in 48 hours." aro always In mmiedin!. «=IH Tln> world 1R nick of Its mis- being bored to death wit* i H I- •'!•: it is hungry for peace and NOBILITY A choice assortment of II varieties of fin tit REGULAR 32c 1 li >;hu.st walkh!" cxclnlincd the tion of your own VICWM •> < in ..{ hei hood We stand ftt the cross- ASSORTMENT Engliih it/Is crBam-fillod cakes and biscuit*. POUND PKG. e mini, "{lot a ton of jtmpes If your center of gi !••-(•!'. «':H' road leads definitely to- Sunshine Cakes vit\ ancL se what you can do In quanti- tra personal HOCIMI •-... >'' t »i.d I.I nthei hood of man which ty.? profit by the vitain '>• • n Hie Kn*il "f every religious ?i> days later the chemist had of that movenien! piiii- 'phic. movement of the 1 thv, ontlrt; ton of grnpea into for psychological p • '!!> t njui leads to the very It W;IH Houiuler wine than that you Interest yom ;.. ; ••>• • i' •• • i't inn In kind by war and iniide l»y the old procenH, clear and cltycleanei", nr •• nI • • : • • We can choose con- l>Hliiht)i]e, though ljickin^ in uroma. tional campaign t i ' nlnnd must make civlH- The new |no«rns htid up" uiihajipy who sees this ThiiI was the beginning of five cruaader aK"ln>''' ' -,•!•• who looks to his re- Large, full round likes of luicloul vfin>- of experiments with yeasts ence of Comatm'ii - v, i.. I;IIM forward, singing, Hawaiian pineapple* in their own juke. mill wines which have revolutionized tlon. Chnnne M m.. I he M ii' lent i ndust ry. • • '•• ••-. i Miuplishment of the great- NEW LOW PRICE 11 sents a distinct 11>-u !•*•>" "f all. the establishment of SLICED PINEAPPLE riie funny part of it," laughed the human happiness JU •.-.-l l»t n in. IH that we run't ^o ahead , ' »e:u-al brotherhood of man. with it. Mo (mo mill mitt*-.' wine hy thin new process, h: meaning of living huf tlie 1'ieneh, the (JermanN and the i! pays to advertlM In The Ragiater, HMIIHIIS, who are now experimenting will H method perfected in dry AintM leu, enn RO ahead and use it. And it s ^oing to revolutionize the Crispy — with that real dill flavor. RtDUCED indunlij ." Budlong Dill OUR REGULAR 25c GLASS JAR. TO The captain took me to a loft whirh II;IH bfpn turned Into a labor- nliiij. In it tht* wine gho«t ho« bftetj inborn There urn rows and rows of tfMt tubes, galloa hot UGH, Bunsen Wesson Oil OR Snowdrift ImriH'iN. itnd five RRllon tin rnna. The ui,, illed with graj)e Juices i-vnips pneked In the iillon hottlr.i nro pris- Royal Gelatin Dessert ° th enei-«Ptie rnlonlcH of , hiinl floni the RrapftH, \A / borne folks

!•! lieck hy proper diets m- . (live tliem leanh. t u t ii grape juice into try to make up dicif own greetings Royal o"VANILLA Pudding

!•• i I lie t ot the buny lnbnratory IH a c hen list named John K. ,lr 1>I. KofT IH reported to kno M innic about 'wino yeast s lh;m i LARGE 2-POUND CAKE ntlit'i living pi'i-Bon. Hi« tp^tfi of . tilckrt of ycjiHtH ami wines run i FRUIT CAKE WRAPPED IN CELLOPHANE 70c BftOOK BUTTER IE37c ten:* of thounandii, and he Is hut ; arted iin hln proginrn. In two If you haven't yet tried this delicious fruit cake there's Butter means so much to a meal Ihat only the finest wil! do. mnnthH, with tiie lielp of yeantn from a rare treat in store for you. It's just chock-full of tasty That's why we recommend Glen Brook. There it no finer Ihln bottle or thul, and UHIDK HyMi|>;> some tolksi tnadi' from different varieties of j fruits and nuts. Only the finest ingredients are used. grapeg, he can match any wino or ', And, best of all, it's baked by our own Honor Bakers. LED FRESH IN FHfc rhnmpu^tio that wns ever nuide mi j try shopping at the last minute — You'll say it'» a masterpiece—after the first bite. I-POUNDSEALDTOPCAM closely that even the experienced ! MAZOM COFFEE & wine drinker runnot tell the ilifTrr Compare Mnzon with any other cofFee .... r©gardl«$.i o* en<•« mid often old-lime wine-tenter;! P'icc You'll find none superior ro its excelled flovor urn fooled. J others f'Rfiteur first !nolftt«d and studied DEL MONTE FRESH PRUNES 4 ^ through run microBcope thoan potent come in early and make a happy IH tic iiMdit'i. th« yoiiHts, the reril ^^^IJF^L||f"5 V. HOlt v\Mt AT KAKE.> WITH AIL THL i-HAN O r*(" **GE5 23^ nialtcf) ut wine. Though be found selection from our big line of BAB-O 2 23 liLUX 21 IIRINSO. 19 (inI whn I t hey were, and t liou^h he i lAMined hr>w to kill them by heating j Hi** Mihfltjirn-e In which they lived, ' PRESERVED FIGS ^^oV:; ^ -j^v 18= LIFEBUOY SOAP • • • • 3 - - 17< • 'M.^tt in m-viT iiificovert.'d a way to Burgoyrte hHiTi'-HM ven^tn. Nor did anyone, elne BUDWEISER BARLEYMALT'SYRUP iroum..,., 49c i HI jiM.hihlli'-n W;IH rnncletl. Now CHRISTMAS >.{ H i 1.1 [Ml >• '<( y ca.HtM have aired il v itrcn \ *>ip(l. Dr. ICoff'H expel 1 •iKMit!- htive M Icnliol content in WHICH MAawu II a'If f f "in Kiiipe. nyiupM t * i HI per mi. A)' ">><>l IH not, liuwn-o Ih* riifiln in^i'tllt'nt. In wine, find U inistinas! I p ''• li!' "!"''•* ""'.V enough nli-ti MI [ IlluHi «h..t lo ,|o with Ihfli RED BANK KKGISTER Mftmwl- 'I, .• of wine mitkl un. KFI> BAi'il.. N. J. th« 1 In Hwini with (v |>) t:.\i\K, N. J. 'i"h«*v iimv ma I 36 MONMOlii'J »•*»•

. 111 A i. i ! -I'R • Mi" !• nil, I :i k U );» !,!, i. lUl.lWl, Mil, Ki! Mi. I.it,.M Mi'l'ufti' M M.i' ..- I'mlii. Mis Iltmy iii.il M't. MIIUM A YmniK M I '• '-MMUNITY ills' I.IKII 1^ ih:tii!t.aii u/ tfie t-:it,i il} Vt !>.f liilliiinlit ciniinlt tec charge. l.nletta KenlK.ly, daufchtei of Mr. li and Mrs I'atrlrk H. Kennedy, has been laid up with a Inoken arm. . . « 'i. I. ki^t him in tin: She was injured in a fall. A .•. .••„', vvrt-ke. There weie Mr. and Mrs Raymond Tierney . . . • ,! : ' 'i' I Il.tMnt>ITS Wtl(» hH,'s dressing table here are semi i 100 j»t i cent meeting tomorrow, night at the "Cupboard" on River PROSPEROUS tnht-i liy personal attendance at theion,I. Prizes were won by Mrs. Wil- *' , ,i-ahle suggestions for gifts at saving prices. meeting or through make-up cards liam Lufburrow, Mrs. Elma McKay, JERSFY PORK secured l>y a Ked Bank Rotarlan vis- Air*. Juhn Uixun and Mrs. Kalph iting some other Rotary club this .ioii].->un. Others present were Mia. Vol|>ute Perfume Atomizers -85 week. Kenneth Kruce, Mr«. Andrew Stroh- rnennt'i1, Mrs. Ilalph l,ongstreet, POKk ONE H.-ub.Kant'» Quelque. Fleurs, $4.00 size $2.89 \>i\ Kamuel Hausman, the club president, who has been away several Mm. William Ward and Mra. Lewis Christina* Night, $16.00 size U-79 weeks due to poor health, returned Wilson. LOIN in time to preside at laat week's On Sunday night, December 13th, Nhalmair, iflifi.OO size 19-80 meeting. the annual service, "(lifts to the At tomorrow's meeting the club King," will be given by the Pres- C.tv's Perfume, $2.00 size 1-49 will elect a Santa Claus for the Ro-byterian church. A special program Milk Veal DO YOUR ( ot\'s Manicure Sets 2.69 tiirlans' Chrlstmaa party to be held will be Riven by the senior Sunday- Thursday, December 24th. The club srhnol. During the service the lights OMCKF.NS We carry a complete line of Christmas Sets. will also hold a New Years party in the church will be dimmed for Shoulder the following Thursday, December a Bhort period, during which gifts TOMORROW and FRIDAY Visit us before buying elsewhere. 31st. wrapped in white will be laid in C front of a manger. These gifts, I Ffat;:i • .il i K1. 7.43, B.4» 1b 9' "- which will consist principally of j Rump Leg 23' ' Rumson News. winter clothing, will be distributed ! within the next few days to needy H HOSIERY (Tim Ked Rank Reirl»ter can b« bought families by a committee of church n KUIIIHKII at Finnerty'a general atore, members. hml.hii Hr«i« " Btore, formerly Yellen'i. Tor- \<>iv * st.iie mill Mrs. Ludlow'i itore. The SEA F(Kir) SPKCIALS To five as Gifts—and for !.'.iM-.nr i« also sold and delivered by R I !:.ul.* (.t-yer, 63 Lafayelta itreet) Little Silver News. yourself. <". .1..JK-1 and Mrs. Arthur Little of C 3 I {'he Red Bank ReKiuler can ba bought Shrimp 25 " - w,.!-hlnnion, 1). C, spent last week in l.iule Silver ut the Union News Stan.I Smelts «ii|i Mi and Mrs. Julia McCarty in the ileimt unit at Geurice Uuackenbutb'* C lb I $2.00 Value—48 $ J.17 i.inif. k'eneial tiluie.) Scallops 29 - Miss Kila Murphy, daughter of Mr. The Little Silver fire company or Fillet Gauge; 3 Thread "rid Mr>. John Murphy of Carton held its annual election of officer:* :lnet. was operated on for appendl- S 3 pairs—$3.37. last Friday night. Myron L. Camp- niis last week at the Long Branch bell, who has served as president of "The lini-pital. the company successively since 1926, \ Specials for Mon., Tues., Wed. A daughter was born last week to vas re-elected. Mr. Campbell was PHANTOM ol PARIS" $1.65 Value — Adjustable Mrs. Walter Pomphrey. also president of the organization DF.C. 14th, lfitli and Kith T Kilwln Farrier of Wilson circle has twenty years ago. Theodore Mar- Top; 45 Gauge been confined to the house with sick- tin, Sr, was re-elected chief. Other LEWIS STONE LEILA HYAMS ness. officers are George Ivins, secretary; JOHN GILBERT 4 Strand Robert Wilson, mechanio of theEdwin Hobbs, financial secretary; LOIN LAMB CHOPS M borough road department, Is having William D. Pontin, treasurer; Mar- Jnn Htrtbolt C. Aubrey Smith 3 pairs—$2.47. a vacation of two weeks. tin O'Connor, captain; John P. Adapted from tha novel. c John Boyle, an employee of theKemp, first lieutenant; Vito Parro, ''Cherl Bibl," by'Gaston Lcrous Lamb Stew, Ne< k ami Breast $ lb. road department, who crushed his engineer; James Iannerella. first as- . Mor> Show Sizes 8V2 to W/». toe a few days ago when ft manhole sistant engineer; Vincent Fitzmau- Billy HMIH ID >M*»M< cover fell on it, is able to be around rice, trustee for three years; Vin- "BULL MANIA" again. cent Fitzmaurice, representative to "Family Shoe." Fable Concrete gutters are being laid on the firemen's relief association; Wil- Screen Snapshot* liam H. Carhart, Sr., member of the driveways on the Wllllston estate Paramount Sound Newi Today, FOR MEN of a. S. Thompson & Co. board of visitors; Myron L. Camp- Henry Schappert, who Is embell- , Vincent Fitzmaurice and George I o'Tioriow, Reg. $1.25; 69c ployed on the property of Mrs. Eliz- M. Quackenbush, representatives to STRAND Shaving Brushes abeth Nelson on Bingham avenue, county firemen's association, and r i i II, Cut-Rate ' Cosmetic Mr. and Mrs. Kussel Parker have S«e thit picture and |.,<-t week. The raid was made by Capt. gone to Connecticut to live for the into tho heart at huniaiiity ! John Connett and Policeman Seth & Hosiery Shoppe winter with their son, Frank Parker. It will lift you out of CELIA MARKS Johnson and Charles Blaessius. Sev- yourMlf ] eral bottles of gin were found by The creeks were frozen over yes- 18 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK, N. J. the police. Trute waa held in $500 terday morning for the first time ball for the grand Jury by Recorder this winter. The thermometers In "Save By Walking Just Around the Comer." the village registered eighteen de- Jere J. Carew on a charge of "unlaw- grees above zaro, setting a record LONG BRANCH STOKE: 190 BEOADWAY. ful storage of intoxicating liquor." When Trute was arrested on thefor this season. previous Saturday night be was held Miss Sallie Wilson of New York •••••••••••MM ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Wilson. Miss Myrtle Clapp has been con- fined to the house several days with grip. Myron L. Campbell la attending an exhibition of machinery today at the Pennsylvania hotel at New EVERYTHING York. William Ponttn has been laid up with stomach trouble. "OVER THE HILL" Middletown Village with JAMES DUNN

TUESDAY and WEDNESDAV OF FRUIT Lauter's Feature at 3-.0S. 7:35, 8:41 RED HANK The mid, merry comedy of the actor who play! hi* hardeet role to test nil uife'e Imported and Domestic Phone U. I',. WI87. love! The event of the S V i I I A 1. Seaion— FRUITS and VEGETABLES The talkie RIFRID Thursday A I i ulay debut of FANCY and IMPORTED GROCERIES lf the courleev LUNT I thr Thtatii- FOREIGN and DOMESTIC NUTS •1.1 I LYNN NUT MEATS of All Kinds FONTRNNE HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Order Now! HOLLY WREATHS CHRISTMAS TREES

WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION IN RED BANK Leon's Visit our Store today and let us take care of your Christmas wants. WHKRK RUGS AND Over 50 years of Service has taught us what Service and Quality Reg. $2!).r).00 means and We Have It, $-1.00 $r:.oo | HOUSEHOLD GOODS] JL Hirl,l.( It* n,.,,,,sit "Not a Used Piano" BROWN ARE BEAUTIFIED. lAITlK'S (.1 \|( ni I |

ilill. .. .il ... ,. .. II ,:il nl M lli>. I.,M,I. In :< Mou» in "llr.ACH I'AHIY" Vullrv mid MII.MII' MAIN OFFICE & Scieen Suuvenler LOCAL BOY L. Prate Co. Fox Movietone Newa Lauter Co. PLANT: 6 W. FRONT ST., Phone 1 21 7 RED BANK, N. J. V) MolllllMlllh -I,,, I 1'IHI.IX fVf M I >' i J H -- • HI II IMM\ W<- Deliver. Foot of BroAcI St. We Deliver. 70-76 White Street, I '••• llnilliluiiv, I ,,111! llr.'llrll I). ( ! ! I'll.,1M I ii. i:,,;. ! Red Bank, New Jerteyi

—I UoiiKia "*.*!#et " *