Utbyggingsprosjekter Vest

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Utbyggingsprosjekter Vest Construction Projects Vestfold Line Upcoming contracts Project Director Stine Ilebrekke Undrum 2 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. … and today`s trains use the same track as in 1881 … 6 Construction Projects Vestfold Line 7 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Upgrade of the Vestfold line from single track to double track 250 km/h • Kobbervikdalen-Skoger 1995 • Skoger-Holm 2001 • Nykirke krysningsspor 2002 • Barkåker-Tønsberg 2011 • Holm-Nykirke 2016 • Farriseidet-Porsgrunn 2018 • Nykirke-Barkåker 2024 • Drammen-Kobbervikdalen 2024 • Stokke-Sandefjord 2026 • Tønsberg-Larvik 2032 • Porsgrunn-Skien 2032 • Grenlandsbanen 8 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. InterCity – a transportation revolution! • By 2024 double track line to Tønsberg, Seut/Fredrikstad and Hamar • By the end of 2026 crossings to facilitate half hour departures from/to Skien and Sarpsborg and capasity for more freight trains on the Dovre- and Østfold line. • The whole network done by 2032! 9 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Future goals for the Vestfold line • Continuous double track to Tønsberg by 2024 • A short double crossing track between Stokke and Sandefjord by 2026, to facilitate half hour departures from Skien to Oslo. • Completed IC Network within 2032 10 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. 11 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Drammen-Kobbervikdalen (UDK) • 10 km double track from Drammen to Kobbervikdalen • 270 m long concrete tunnel • 7 km long rock tunnel • A new 160 m long bridge crossing E18 in Kobbervikdalen • 3 minutes reduced travel time between Drammen and Kobbervik • Design speed of 200/250km/t • Estimated cost 10 billion NOK (Overall plan) 12 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Drammen-Kobbervikdalen (continues) • Double track between Drammen station and Gulskogen station. • Drammen and Gulskogen stations - Complicated interfaces at Drammen station - Narrowing cross-section off the Drammen bridge - Drammen station is built with six tracks with platforms. - Gulskogen station is built with four tracks with platforms. 13 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Nykirke-Barkåker (UNB) • 14 km double track from Nykirke to Barkåker • Three tunnels ‒ One rock tunnel ‒ One concrete tunnel ‒ One rock and concrete tunnel • Two bridges – one crossing E18 and one crossing Rv. 19 connected to the new Skoppum station. • Design speed of 250km/t • Estimated cost 7 billions NOK (Overall plan) 14 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Nykirke-Barkåker (UNB) • New station on Skoppum West: • Connection to existing road network for all road user groups • 3 tracks to platform • Service track for machines and equipment/passing track, • Freight trains, local trains and – deviation trains (if the Sørlands line is closed) • Parking for cars • Parking for bikes • Bus stop • Taxi stop • Kiss & ride 15 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Tønsberg – Larvik • 40 kilometres of new double- track under planning • Reduces travel time by 40 minutes! • Municipiality planning ongoing • Challenging planning in: ‒ Tønsberg ‒ Torp (connection to airport) ‒ Sandefjord ‒ Larvik • In general bad ground conditions; soft ground and a lot of tunnels under planning • Completion by 2032 16 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Drammen-Kobbervikdalen Head of Project: Hanne Anette Stormo • 10 km double track railway • Rebuilding of Drammen station and Gulskogen station • Pre-qualification in 2018 • Tender conference in 2019 • Planned opening – end of 2024 • Estimated cost 10 billion NOK 17 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Drammen-Kobbervikdalen Contract strategy Planned schedule 19 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Progress Drammen-Kobbervikdalen (UDK) • Working on the area development plan autumn 2017 • Two (or one) large EPC contracts, rock tunnel and concrete tunnel towards the Vestfold line • Implementation contracts for civil works between Drammen and Gulskogen, included railway system for the entire project. • Pre-qualification: spring 2018 • Preparatory works autumn 2018 • Railway tender conference autumn2018 • Main construction work summer 2019 • Railway in operation by end of 2024 20 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Thank you for your attention Drammen by night 21 Nykirke – Barkåker Engineering Manager Tom F. Hansen • 14 km double track railway • New station at Skoppum • Pre-qualification in 2018 • Tender conference in 2019 • Planned opening – end of 2024 • Estimated cost 7 billion NOK 22 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Nykirke - Barkåker Contract strategy Planned schedule EPC -engineering, procurement, construction 24 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Contract strategy - schedule 1.Sign contract for EPC Railway systems 2.Sign contract for EPC civil works 3.Transport the EPC contract for railway systems to EPC civil works 4.One large EPC contract 25 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Planned Schedule • Working on the area development plan autumn 2017 • Approved area development plan summer 2018 • Preparatory works 2018 • Pre-qualification for EPC contracts autumn 2018 • Tender conference spring 2019 • Main construction work 2019 • Railway in operation by end of 2024 26 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. Focus on new technology/methods - examples • Building information model (BIM) ‒ The main planning details from Bane NOR will be 3D- models, ie. no 2D PDF- drawings as legal engeneering plans. ‒ The contractor must deliver detailed planning data and regularly As-built data in 3D. • Tunnel lining – considering 2 methods: ‒ Sprayed membrane for water proofing of tunnels, combined with shotcrete for fire-proofing. ‒ Cast in place concrete • Consider to request electronic blasting system instead of Nonel- system 27 Information is correct as of 10 May 2017, but may be subject to change. See you at the tender conference in 2019! Ready for questions in Oslo 10-11 May 2017: Nykirke-Barkåker Head of Project Anders Dahl Johansen Engineering Manager – civil works Tom F. Hansen Project Manager – railway systems Rune S. Røer 28 .
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