MAKING A DIFFERENCE 2019 Serving the Naval Family since 1876 CEO REPORT, Our year in figures Craig Fulton 2018 was a busy year for Aggie Weston’s. We continued to refine our pastoral Pastoral service offer for members of the Royal Acts of Navy, Royal Marines and their families, Worker hours Dame Agnes Weston’s Royal but there have also been some kindness Pastoral changes behind the scenes. Supporters 620 per Charity for the Naval Service will be interested to know that we 186,435 conversations (Generally known as Aggie’s) have successfully incorporated as week a “Company Limited by Guarantee.” 1941 Company No. 11114651 With this change in legal status, and by the gracious permission Charity No. 1176596 of HM The Queen, our formal name has changed to “Dame Agnes Weston’s Royal Charity for the Naval Service.” The old Royal Sailors’ Rests (RSR) name has been confined to history, along with the Rests themselves. However, we are still “Aggie’s.” Our logo, branding and presence has Welcome to Contact Us not changed, so we hope that the ‘back room’ work will have passed Locations Aggie Weston’s Coffee bars Pastoral unnoticed to our beneficiaries. These governance changes are very much Scotland visits 17 Castaway House part of our strategy to be prepared for the demands of the 21st Century. 311 Twyford Avenue 11 15 Workers Portsmouth PO2 8RN Many well-meaning charities with laudable aims fail through weak governance, and non-compliance with modern legislation. Thus, while we T 023 9265 0505 30 remain focussed on helping sailors, marines and their families I make no E
[email protected] apology for spending time strengthening the foundations.