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nrlify _'_E-4>3°__,;,,,, pcc nun. 20-011140 Innpnunnl 1%" .B.4,35" i i""'-"""~""" - -mnclln.-I.|c _ "$0 E- &qd - ....-'7'-1 "'""""""""-""'---1-'-' I g'_'d Lo: Am-010: CH» in g,-___..__---"- . - _ é-nru Inn ' ' or ' anul_____!l11l ___ _ ' rlnna-;.TL'A~ ivAt|n1|C0A§Ti1m.Ai4T' ml... _____.I' 1. --I - IF 4 '' I 1 ' __J___ 5 _ Qlll lllllill I . llruu. rnl Illllllll -as iii - _ I I " u II rllll null! U-llll Ill lllllll III j - . ' Ila urumn ll II- lnn llll ll an ll II Illilli II.

, ~¢~4z~*¢1-Qll. Ill.- P jg|QrI|QI!I-D CIQj§. |

92 92 . A =6 --' __ .....-. _ .1 QB-E - 4:? ' .- n 1"" 1_-.13-é.:L ' . . _ ._____,. 92 ____ III-Q-ii Inn Restaurant . ' 1 B..'L'."5..."2"-"Z 3 E-?.."3..."f..'-'5'- I Itup-IIIUQ-nulnln-:11 __ .- __¢ _ .' ____.- "" ' iii Ii _ __ 3 V ' lquwnnn wnuaenlpfrull Ipnwr '' I nm¢mm¢ ~@¬__ @@-" , -n_.___,_.__#- __ o1c - """' - Bqlln-s92I'."""" | Iv - -' - " - . . B1 l. Bur. Deputy. . '- I J "92


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Sliiihlanll IIIITIIIT I IX Illlll - . 4- " - I El _ , - _ _ . . _ . ,_:- 92____-,-__ ___ _....__.._. ._ , 1i1 iagnrul I - - -__ . - - . 1 1 , 92 i L *1 =-'.-=-~....-::-r.:-:- '-"*"**""" nbcunudmbI I mnn'¢1;¢_-._4,p¥-i-~-.;,..§;-»¢.<:;;@f~llH' win-mm"-g" 4! KIQ -ilI|i ~11 a. 1;.'1e- =1, 92 ::q¢:.nnunn.ujy,,!q-.;-l4,/ ' lhadfnn. _ , lIA..__-.- = | L92 '7' _20=0-41140 B °' mm":-' "' , ;;qi"F=?=~"f, '::_":.'.;::"_'_:_.":;:t"""; ,._'.-4-'1 '""' III Kill". - 1 IINIII. IIII IIIIHIII _ I - H nu?-nu. no In AIT'5'7m# an II ll Illl IIIIGI v- Ill". III lllllll II J5 ___. _ "F" - " -"' _ -._|||iIl:'" I" lIIIIII' I II- , - f . HHI llll ll IIII I 7- DQIIIU H.

Zll Ill I- J-''-42:» jUI¥IilCZ Q_¢ni-I-InIII'IIII i - ,- ' , . . __ _ . _ k ii?-E10. 92S-GE". / b, ll? -_ 1-nnwI...... _.....¢___-i---- :1£:=- ...;-:;.. L 1- ?;, I ~u¢4ua-1.8» _

'15 ~ |]¢ ;: 92 an ._ -4. 0" 92 L Z Jib 1 1 92 _ ---92 ,§___,J92~ ~ _.__.» .-.= ~:.- , .L__ =- . .»,,,__,_ .

Shh dhllforlll ....u.|=.... FE d-bl-1..IlL».__J' -1---~,»--¢- ___ 5,6 92 IIHUIIIT Q 92 PIILK IULTI i1 11is'harh M9 r M . flu: is: Hm I4 'Inn II Qu.:I:n.nu 5- an-an c.n.|nn- pr; - "'1 btuilllf m I0 _ L ranuuwrerrunu _ - _ Th! din. I-~% ° I ...1...,,..:*:.:'-as" $5.?-5"-L55*~="% 7 92 Illll IIIIIIYII I II ii» .. 1 1 E. % lllllll. IIII lllllllll Hllrllii-I7 |.n7'|:Ln:H'h'n ______llll ll Ill-Ill lllllll Oillil Ill 92IIl".I Ill ; __:'-.2-::~@*:.l! -*-4.-- __~~--;-_1.,,';*""'w"A""~=e:=s" L IIICI ulnnrr U It- Iilll Ill! OI Olll ll Ill llllllll II. _Z_.A3'_£y-I riff ' »_ ¢--=-=-Ii---=1=-dhw=b'/1-bl:-nr - 19- _'I 92 l_s4a-1-||3r7.lc6-n LQ§.A_£!§_.__;¢.-.,¢_.Ln=Aun.n:;1_¢.=:-a IIQI I ll-I, I- z - .*- ~-- u-'I.Jr -."A-I." ? pun:-Q 7 v-QR in - _»92 ' Iucuaclurzhinaé xilaunun '- .___. I Q-nil I at ilnrd P-IT" _ _ . éj ; MAR101965 1 mm-r-mun hm-pm-q--an '_1#l"_t"1rtv;.;.T ~= i: ~~ _~>_:E- - J 1 J; § , , . . ._ _ _ _ _ - - ' ._-'-.- ' ' '-'..,."_ '.._'_" ."" " - '. ;.* . . -_I . '- -" .-_ ---:...,..._ __",-.._...... _~-4-.ft_._i_.._a. ...¢n.u¢._¢a'»-92_.¢.-4-'L'--e.ezxe.e;,_-e....-4..-.-n-17-..-_|.~92.-»~;;n .u:-.-.»;~-.a..¢-¢-~-_..... _..-- _. _ . P n,-~.-. ,-

,, 44-um F- .11 r*/ 1 »<-;~~~=_ e _ - vannacn roan ~ ¢ , K. eleo known as 92 ._,'n ~" Iellie n. ford, 1 Uallei ford Wallace fared 92 9292 I ' '- 2' ~ -- 92 !3¢QR1?5JeQ§ 19553155Z9 PICK P?-EP*3T'"3'"'.' .. K EQPLEI E9821E02 Avae¥~=Police Q:2ect~sa$e£l§F92l.°?_1'5!

j 92 Arrested byLoe An%eleePolice Departmenton Iovenber 11, 1910 for aeaault u th a deadly weapon and released. J 4 Arreated by Lee Angelee Police Department on January 20, 1926 for violation of the Uoolvine Act California prohibition lav!, poaeeeeion and eale. On March I, 1926, he was sentenced to a one dollar fine or one day In ail on count 1 and to SHOO fine or 180 days in jail on count 2.

/92 Arrested by Los Angelou Police Department on February 18, 1926 for violation of the State Poison Act - I felony. On Hay 28, 1926 he was sentenced to a tern from - _ 6 months to six years and val received at San Quentin Penitent ' v Iary on9June12, 1926. He wasreleased from San Quentinon Hay 21, 192 .

$AH,Q§ENT{",8BQQED§= L E45??? E: o*'°*°_e_5Q e'."£E1'l. , .§;ge§!v Received at San Quentin June 12, l92§ frog Lou Qé:3Angelea County,where hewas convictedfor violation of the 1*.353?-,&§%teAct. Description: Itoiaon.

192 ** Born: ' . Pebruary'25,Port1and' i§§kgn£'lr;_: Orei~@% :i_ M '. _ Mother:' Father: BEAT§ICEZAREDFORD,boriH'é3¬;ii born"inHavel FORD 1;: ' - ,'I _.- , -'--42"" -_ t _'_~.._. I1 . '- ._ -. _ - .-I; 1, ._ - - 92_-_ ,_ . 1-. , .1. --1,-r,_-,_ -, I _ _u__.- --~ . . --. .. -. . ..-.-- -_ .,. . -- .,___,_.,,..L, ' l " " '' ""K" 'n-in .=..a.-=.-'.a_»-7- 1-.:..;.;...... -..= ._.- .-..-.-~»-- - ' -M ' . » 1/ e = "-'-'-21' Iw ' ' F ' ' J .-J .;;;-'.»x¢' -r_;;,.,1Q!..j_'.'_._"<}';B._'_t_~.'.',e#==":."};"lii*»*'*.»,§1;',.1 -_-a - V ». . e':"92's,*"|I _»¢~.,., :1-,;,,-.._. .-.1 _ -r~'- . - -'7-.-.;-"'2". Q,92 H .. t. 7*.-Q -,3"---""" ':""-:11 it . -I - .. ., . - 4.-~ 8" . _ .., . .92__.._ ., _. __q.. L J _. - .4-' -1 - _ - ~ .-_ _- -_ . _ _:.,-»-_ _i;.,_--92;-J_---1-.4~-§_.."§=,_. -.1 A I -_.1__ .__-- ! _$i,_;1;-..-.,_.,' -_ ~.*,_,f1:A _ , - _... ,'- * , f_ ' ~z;,.f-1'3"-.-=~_ . ',.__ J__ --;_'._-__;I1.=.:!"'"I?7?. =;'.~:~'--:§";~"v .'. __ ,=. *-E-"R. , 1, :fi5"**-r"-='-§-r*:"-'-~'-1*-P ;__|-' ._ ' _.. ' if . _J >-I- ' - 4 »-=-.'-_ a """'"'= 4 . _ls ~_ . ,_ , - _- __, . _ - _. 3 -- -~-, - " . _,.,___ -. . _,,- -_. . . - - 1._ - '_ _ _ - _ . ,.- _ _ _ e_.__ ___5 .,:,§r'__4,j./:,!__h;N'. . ,1, ;.-r._ .-_:_ . _---an, - ,______- NH. 57:1,-_L_Q.n____#__e'3 . fr ,1 J 1c '_M-I§-_ --é _ -. ,__~>¢'h.G!igr I _.-'1,v 1 __ I .. ','-=_._ __J=__ -.- -. ___ _ e '- 'ii92' 4"?-'.-f,"~. ;..:';'..';'-. H. . - pr J ~' ... ._ r _,.~1-." 13 ;T ' _"- . -' _ e V .- ._ _ P Jeuve I _ W _ - , :- :- 0 I ._ _ __' _,F_- - _ ___ I , __ ,_.. -.. .._ , -.-a ,_...".'§-. -' E,-Q"._..,_.¢l,,- "f92{,._¢'92;,-,~|aI21.. - 'T.!p92'4'L ; b-__ I5-.,t". .a3§9_? '.'-A-J; _~_,--_:i,£_1.. - n __ _ Ir a _ l 1 ._,_l _-_ ' - v ¢;_}:"gJ b- _;;¢§§-}f;'.=.,~-:;.w!F{F¢;j-W#-I '~_ ~~~ . ' t_ : '. -1 .= '-?.1.'L~;.'!'{'~'i,~'*-"_l.'.'-r-I__ :4. '-- ,3--3 -_}'.¢.$--5-1 -V . ;"_ ,_ ' .7»-*_;_-,-3.-'1'.~*--:-,f.' -- "' ._;7@§§§s74Ri;i;i?Oocupation offy*f-~ - ' ,- _,__ _'~.;f'- ="-= .+§q,>».- father: Operator of Ford Bottling - ' ;eT§j;~; ,,;;_;_41,,_-,1, _h_;»~, 4 Works, Honolulu, Hawaii : ' ,_9;3"?-_.92.'_"'E A _!ace:" ; Ilhite ,. _- *§- ?- A" - _Oecupetioa: _ ;_ Cook Q . ' " * Height: - - » " '_ 8'8 818" - Height: - 133 lbs. Complexion: -' Dark . aEyes: _" Maroon f H .- Hair: "* . Black _ 3 - Marital Status: Married A ' -to . Children: 1, age 5 1926 - Education: Public schools, Portland, = A 1 r=-_--_ -E - ' Oregon ' = - » 'E Farmer Address: bhl Hount Eagle Place, 1- 1 Lee Angelea, California

Released from San Quentin on Hay 21, 1929. While in San Quentin, a letter was received from Hrs. HAZEL E. OSBURNE, described as his former wife, attesting E 7 to his character. Ber address: lll Hount Eagle Place, Los _- ; Angeles. -.~ --E " ' E" F: ' .§ E nmznvnru atcsnrronnrs STATEmnou: AUTHORITIES warm A1 -'c"~;92

§é"_2I5",'PI"H P9312,F!!R"35"3°I°EEQ!,Is"t§ _1E.F°B!1é'£1°".'WU _ -':-_§ 3 - - Be was born in Portland, Oregon, in 1891 and lived 1' in that city until 1913, when he moved to Los Angeles, where he @_ - resided until his arrest. --.' . . . , . 92 92 lib, ~ He married HAZEL BARTONin Loa Angeles whenshe was , ' . ii years of age. One child resulted from this union. .e_ =; L°3_HNQELE§;QQQNTY BIRTH INDEX! 1 ' ;g¢q;§@;=~>~}'- Records1920 Volume173, page 7850: " tf -~92<92 ;:,'Q92'i_-_..e_."- _ . -. - _ -. '_, __ - i - , __ $§@&1~=-»WALLACE ~ FORD, DODD male child, bornSeptember 1, lO2O;*~§ . ..,-. "gixrliacbonaldt Sanitarium, ____,____,______Mum_ ___;;;,1;1~§f;;i;.;,*}....;._._-_;-.._,.1.' §E___.; - ¢??*-v-.- Father: WALLACE FORD, 3%? South flower Street, Los = {92L -'' I - Q - 1 Q_ ceqqg 11:!-I-pt -4- QR K-_ In; I--I q492_1 -_. ' .4'aeIeca-§.192Q I -_ 5%.: _, G92|n I-l¢l92. I5! Q. DUPII lull BC IIGGIQI-I 92,92-92n.92nl!@92vl92lI' '"e"- ..¢92 . - ' restaurant keeper. » 11?-%§rx~ §_ HY .1, -; -~ 92 '1 :.~:¢92=.-:----- ' ; -'-=1:

e . . ,; I! 2, ,_ I _. _ 1- - _-2 .j -=1--,.-,1, ' = - ,' .-.. ..-~..»-N.,,, A-1 1."--"».'<-'92-' a~-_p,,d_e--.4-,4--.~- ¢- ~t~.e. " - _ 2 - s-' a * - ~ - 4., __ - ~. ,,~ ., . ._-.1 ._ ' _' I_u I , 1 , _,_. ~..;-5.».~ ' 3. ,,.'.J- .92 <:.__- 1,-_- - I - ,_92:",.- ~_ r. - .. __,1- _ ._..._>e. 4. ..,» ...... -..-'.-,...'... .-V:-,.; ..___ .._.-,~.¢_'-,~. _92'.. - " - _ _ , . -92 _ '-_,._ =92. ., _-' . I: l _. .._ Z ,,-I:-_._ ,.:_----.__au ___._ _- _1_- _, -_ 1» --"2?-: _-!_|¢1l:v_:-n-:p_»_-- ,,§'_ ',"' . - :_..,;_,. .;.-.___,==,r__,.__.::_____-i______-__-E-'=e,_V.=E:_..¢-2-rs-§:,;.;,-;w1< .-...-,,_,-'¢--e,-,¢;,._.v--Q.._,,_._ __,.i,-_.: 7 -. . , ; . 4 > . , .» .- 92 _ . -__~ _ ,...... -_ cl 92. .--.__.. i, .. . ,,.... --92..92m;._ .. .. _. . _ . .. . .,_ ,_ _.. . , ._ .,..._ - __ , ._-. __ _.»',_,_.,,;.. __,-_,. ,'.,,__ ,___,. a; I U ._ '__ V . :-. _ _ 1 . , ._ . galj"..__ _'_, x 92 ax ,,.. g . .. 1, . .1K _ L ' -'I: F 3""»'¢,--T.'f'=¢':*f_"e' 1 i *,- ;--_'=' ' ':- . 1! V '_" 3 ¢ e .3 L _ J .. , -2' *.§¬§%n$1. M hr ,&5¬§2V¥$*g>?*¢;w=» ~, a_.» .m:uh --¢ -.~. __~ ,'- 5' . _._¢ ;»H*u*»- ,- ; _ > "I w_ 92 . _ _ 4 - .' -, 109- '- - _ ._a-.a.Q- ¢ - ' a-.ua..u;''1~_ _- 3. -- _ . . 1 -.>'4lAp ff -~ ~40- i 42:- *1-tn-4..r;'-'~: -...a....|-.-..-..a-~..-.. -.-._._.'..-.-a._._'4 .'I 3»-I9-aw-. --» §="M.£@ - 1 ==- . 1 F "5 T. '' . " _ 1 1 j _ ', .__ _ '_-; - e ,p ~ -v '.a - .~v.--~+= . w-<~@;»."*-t¥*:*J--=:>~*+~- - . . t " -~Pv-- . '. 1 . '5 - -92. I - - - ',- '

...... - i 0 .-.3 -. '%,,,.._5:;-$,fl_b_ ._--..* ' ';','?_.~.""'. .r..71;F_"j"_-J §.' "4 '___' __._ .-.-._.." _ _. -5'=-.I-..-;l._,1_!."I,':-.' ' ._,""1 __ ._n_ T C - - . . . _ . - . --- - " W 3* :71.-G. . , i ',./92.92=H , _f-~7?",,:_..1 - _4..§l' ,."_1._~'1:-.1 _ 1- _ __ .- _/ -'_" A . .-,_,., _,_-__--.- = maiden ,.~ -1 name U naznn nanron, ,- ..t-92 £1 'uh ' §&m@»c&P&+§%%@w?":~_.--.-.- ' Yr: re _.. _-.. :"- - ' -"%%@.*T Hi "%*F* - _ - . .. ~» y_ -1,41 . =p 4tn- if v _ Q * 5Q- §§upation none. "" ,3. 1" -1-. ._ __._,e -.-.:_- an_ A. 51'.1-_ F,q . '*="'". __,_.¢,_ __ _» - __ ,_ _ ther ...;} = . i jfj HA6 war DONALD, Street,race Physician, white, withage off 28,born ces at 1521 StateoSouth Hope lad-Io:-I: -=~ * ~ * .;§§§§%§-- Birth =certified September on 1:20naanzr by2, -'v§~ " Streetamendment Los to Angeles. the certificate . 3-"* dated July r lg, 19MB filed by HAZEL "mP7% FORD_7 EVELSIZERI . of 8116 Hub I ,L.. Street, - Los Angeles,_ i who stated she was'{'7' the lother. Amended :15iAttachedto the certificate above changed birth certificate the original was an 'r ." ! 1 certificate to read: Full name of child, WALLACE MAX FORD, ' 1 . occupation of mother - housewife. CLIFFORD EVELSIZBR, U716 94, >1-in Hub Street, Los Angeles, also subscribed to the information in .3 the mended certificate on.Ju1y 1, l9l0 before a notary public. ' HAZEL BVELSIZERswore to this certificate also on July 1, lls. ;92R-% $ 0 $191128 1>=1'R<>1r.>!IE&11<=.@!; 21;ma1:H1;M:="1:<;u_c§ » - _ wannact ranan, Detroit Police Department ll5l88, was arrested Hay 25, 1933 by the Detroit Police Department for investigation. Described as follpws: Age 33, height 5'8,weight 135 lbs., Arabian ancestry, occupation minister. No disposition ~ shown in records. A photo was taken. . .1 .._ ¢nl5¢c HALLEI FORD, Los Angeles Police Department ll6k!7 3 _ or l6l#B arrested November 11, 1918! identical to WALLIS D. _- FORD, San Quentin [k231i and to WALLACE FARAD, Detroit Police §3*@@5a ; Department lN5l38. ' ' :;_-L . . Last information as to whereabouts of this individual was in 193i. Son, WALLACE FORD,born in 1920, was killed in 'v Linhaven Roads, Virginia, on August 8, l9h2 while in the U.8. Coast Guard.

' J_ .a...... -_a__.-. ..___.. _____--Q-a 4-_.-a.>_-a

napanrillganl *1 <3 - . 92 s O C6 Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT sac 00-1.31650 mm 3-8 65 I I I u SA ldwin 0 laudoop I. 1; - lallacerara; n "'W

_-ound memo re hereto and nade a part hereof. ou Jec , w a 1 pertinent data to that ix already Since it contains no additiona knomo to the bureau, no action is warranted.

Action F110.

=4/1? --u

/M - */.%.5- /5

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92 I 1.5;.-- - ' s

I7r_ i .

. Kgggd-ii ns:s_isn s---M noraznwranx rune "- . rec .- '92-._. ., __ . ' ~ - ._-____ , _.._..__ . _. I. _. ncsoaarxox on muses noon n1==_F,1-e,r,1-1-ea, etc.! _- .-¢l'.I4.'1_- 7:1 -I ' - . - - . I ' '- -_. _ ,.-' ,. -.1 .V! _ _ - r . . _ - "~c*~i'2.re-r~.~l' --" -92 " _ 92 ' Dodd, under the name Wallace D. Fard, is the founder of the Black Huslim sect "Lost-Found the sect the is his chief apostle and prophet, - V

'Ia1'lnn Ian.-UI Q 1'92 BUBA R-I can IIC-U luau: HUI-L4 Q AH-II U92 his not-h.:r Polynesian. _ '

Nation of in North America"! and is considered by members of embodi:nar.t of God, the liessiah, etc. Elijah 1'.uha:n:cad Elijah Poole!

His FBI identification number is S5062. - ' . ' J " 2

.u' A newspaper article which appeared in the San ?rancieooExarminer andthe Lo: Angelo: Examiner on July 25, 1963, reporter Ed Montgomery of San Francisco! claimed to have - contacted Dodo: former comon law wire - Hazel Barton or Hazel Dodd or Hazel Ford. According to this account, moo went to Chicago after leaving atroit and became a = _ traveling suit salesman for a mail order tailor. In this position he worked hizzeeli , across the raidweetand ultimate'J.yarrived in oe Angeles in the spring of 1931: in at new car and wearing fl:-.-wing white robes. He tried to work out a reconeilation -with the 11011111,but die would not agree to one. lncidently, ehe said he had sent her considerable azuounte of money from. time to time! He stayed in Io: I-ngeles for two weeks, frequently visiting his son. Then he sold his car and boarded a ehip bound for New Zealand where he said he 1ror.ald._vieit relatives, v - . - I 0 . ' --' " . _ __ . _ - .__, Al an Hall -cu u....-|- ...._-~m- e 1--b_9_q'1-19§'t,hg aboveL1; Whi _ On bl-may, Ieoruary U, -I-Yo!, Eu Ii-"lVE,Ul-554-I - " "" he said the lluelinsclaim "police and SanPuentin .. n records datinbik 1'-°.'$h¢ n 33713 1920: hadbeen alteredand thatfingerprints identi~.:'1Y1r.2., - .. -.iirild -5 "'-'°'~5- -l - . Eedbeenufgctgi Elijah I.Io"1u::midsaid he would have nosted$100,000 rewardfor 371?P97-'55" 9° 1-"~° P Farad and.Doddwere one and the same person. Ten daya laterwhen-::ad's office in Chi_<==E° }Z;e92-{=i=a'r==-adolaw common wife and a blood relative were prepared to eetahlish t.~.e_. truth of Farada identity. '1_1nenewer was $100,000- - pl.c..d - - d in escrow anth ma o ~ ter was inn; "' droppedforthwith." -_ '- _ ' a of Liontgomez-y'ssays article of Dodo": disappearance:"I-arad, revertingto his true name Dodd, sailed for Auetrialiaai _ ' ' £70 Pro:confidential eourco- I ' -

_ 2 .

- 92 0

92 e , -' e

I I 4.

- - P . 92-e P 1 0 I e < - I

I I 92

1 92 a - ~ _ - ' " n I I _ Q _ 7.. . , |' - ' . V ii W VH7 77 7 "7 V LTL n _ 7 r -I _', I I , r I . . _ o e

4'4".-P ' 4 if _ 92- 9 . 4 _ . 92

~ ./.

I 4... .-- »-- '~ ' " _-4-. .______._he- - --..._,_~...- _.a,~-.. ..~,.__.-- 92 e. V H7 Gnome non: no. we _ UNITEDIn-In-03 STATESGO92uRNMENT ' Memorandum -

To = air; LQO-i3l.65! *"= Jul; 31, 1963 ' A7:


The San Francisco Examiner in its Finai Edition for unday, July 28, 1963, on page 1 carries an article by ED l£0N'TGCl.".:'2RY captioned: "nmcx uustm FAKE". This article exposes WALLACEram subject!, found: of the NOI and considered ALLAH, as an enterprising, racketeering fake" and e nhite man. The article was forwarded to the Bureau and a copy has been designated for the 1:01 file 00-51.1.73! in this office. Ir another copy can be made available, it will be led in this case file. The pur- pose of this memorandum is to note the existence of the article and where it can be located.

Recommendation: File


st:-;:s-1:9 ...... ::;o:.-:::J.__ sa.a.:.I_:'_Lu_4i'_.' :=.'-=;;>..;...: i JUL3 1 193 E Fb -_ _. --_

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3T1-~51-{.-3~'-~?= - :¢a*u;;-.., 4 ._. @ _ .,..,.a:nT2;:-.-*- ;______.___ WW,, 7 ,_._, _ _ ___ii V _~__ _..- .._...._____._.i WW ' ."-..--.- q,- ._WH-L----_--_-~~ ._§-Kgdvwiv-' »i _ .. '2;-:§"'§f~'» g -;_v'.92.._;'§~»e1*.,i I-uJV 'l¢".; 44: I V.~._ i 4 .3 -' F

; 5 / 92 _ 92'._...,-.1 _ - - .,-...... _. . 44 .. .. .u- d_._-..- 4 .e___._ __; * ,--e__A-"4-_-||~;<- - § hr.7+, -T .,__ . _ _ _ .--_ ..:__ A-1:: I --Q ;.., P_ Q I. . .. """""""""';- Q iij.i. *-".e_.-I * L.- Office Memorandum - UNIIED sures eovsaumsnr 1'0 : BAG, BAH FRANCISCO 00-#3165! narm May 20, 1963

on ''

;g_ .. é wI_|I='r= WALLACE DODD FORD I " R ' ' ' ' an-no: _ Re Chicago lett a dated May 2, 1963. On May 20, 19 State Department of Motor Veh- icles, Sacrament-, advise e.e s able to locate any automobile be registered to w lace Dodd Ferd. She explained that auto registra- 3 tion registrationfiles ar= I purged thz in the DMV automobi files two e years after stared.the last Q - ment On cM-- y o,=ctiona, 19 Sacramen o, ee a n deem State nrison Denartfile is = e =litornia Medical Facility, Vacaville, California. . Ag _ Hi At a -evie villgi " Californianrison file o1 California Pr - - m-r - hill obtain copy of his fincerprinte if they are i === ~'==1- = rieon file. He served a term of five years to life at -5:.-if-p;,?¢ Folsom iaon a - as 3. released Sep mber 7, 1934. _§-CL, cc I e-0 - 5"! 6/7 3 i 551-;;e";"ii"° _;§_n_ - i _ MAYZ215" F '__c_-L-_, I-.., _ _q § , 6'-$22....

Aw» */.321 ._Y ..~_-..- ...<--P -- --e -'r'a_II"'"'l-P'l1'--T """'-" ______;____e_ ___:_. .=_.;,_F,,___ _ - __ ;_:.q_:__ , 92 ' ~ e , ---v . _ __;___ . __...-e__, _ .._._-T.-... . - '-----u-_ - . Q ; _- .1 ' I. . 92 . _ _. - - A _e -.:__ _ , - - > 92 -1-, . ' ' . I - .- - - - -. . _ '- 0 ', . _ .' '_' A . e . '-- -.- . ."~ .- - '- - '. '92 . '- ' . . '. . . I . - . ' l. -. .' .- ,_ ,' ' V. - '- I . . -_ -- _ ,_ '


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______-3,.-_.. 92, .,.,-.l_ - _ _ -_ - -:';*;_-- c. .. u.__,J__;,%-_ - .. s -, ~"* '1'-I . . . ' ' . ' _ _ " _ " . " __ , ' ' . 192_:,_;:5.*_f','$j - - .-, *, r L . ./:1 -_"}_';,. _ -. _ ." _ _ _ *. __- V . - _ I -_ P. - _.__ _ 7 .. - - -J ef%~=~§";? ; "1-av. J - -<"-~_e=~-;-+-1~-+~---".--------<- .' " . 1 - 92- ---~'~ - ' -- ,7-~-4:»-"¢~ - "* "W. '*-"T - - 1 w-- a--w _ . -- 4 - a ' --.::-.- ;;"T*=. Q, . e. e , -. ~ 7 -- e - , . - n92.s" I .9292 L e - e '. - 92.";- ~~" -".*;-"5 '"v' ,. . . -

'.- : .. e _ ,. .-_:92 7 ,_ -,; ,_._. , 7 -_".1';_ . .. 92 ,-_ , 5 . _i,|=g_ if v Pix->_ -. 7-V? 3,. | _. . '1 .92_ - 9 I . » - »- -I ¢ Hp! a <.," 1 ¢ 0 4 -" _>>-... J " 1 . . . , . _ h. ' i ': e, "fa , ._ " -~ »1'-['1 I5 4'3-'1 '13" "'~ ". ':' -""*' '.-5 '45- -1 -".1 l'~.,.'--- Fe ' ' "0 ~ "' - '1' '! " '3' . dnjum " '7-I;C"'P"~"--~-.. UNITED "- --srxrns GOVERIQMENT - "W -'_ . 0' ' . ___.'_ - k . , '1 __. _;' . k " ''.W e_ ai s1c,_ar__ - Liloo-451:5! __'. _ . . r . _:, ; _. _ emm 1,0/4./51 ".- _ i Q1 _Ih-*:- in; _'-.:'.1;' D _ ' " ; 1"." ~92"'- D I. " . '. 1 ' - "F m ~ I -'-H" In .21 r; -= 2 v" I ICT: QDI I " '1. I H; 5 L D-:'_.."* . _ Qsu-ml " - - ~ ~ :1 .33; ~. eooicmcmo 1 .. _ 92 -sf; '~--~<*- 2 - -. - r Letter to Director dated e/21/51.

, ¢ 5: nc.nIL1.|;, §A1.;IfI§!fI?.RT_L! 7 j . On 10/4/57 ID Z Oioer,0uidenoe and K eoeption Center,Ce1i1'o e mi lledieel Facili ,ma. e e bale 1 photograph of HLLLIE o.1=om>,sq1 42314,whioh photo he lteted was taken in-.T92me,i926 when the euhjeot was received in the reception center; ~- _ *-- =-A 1 -. - . . teted his records indieete that the subject was arrested in Bit:-o it , Michigan _ , their number 45138.01: _ _ 5/25/33 on_ _ 0. ohm-go or Investigation, He suggested that the Detrpit authorities night have 1 more recent photo.

$?.rZ2f°" " ' OCT - 5 1957 oam ' d I nu -.. gm _FRAHCISOO. Z - i

C /¢9o - ¢/A/es "I , - -_=!=_ .=» : .i.ra -1.-ii-_ -. _, .-- P-Q -n -., 4.-- -._,q' I. , --., H. _, __.,._...,__._. |_ ' _..__ ~_ 92- __ ' .. 1 92- '-_-1 .".- , - ._,¢-A - - - " " ' - ' 4' . ».' _,._,.a . ' --., , -. . _ ' i h

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, I_- ,1-f-.' '.. _¢nv'.-:1-_._-_ -,- ._:. . '_ - _ ._ .'_' ,, e 92 , y_../.-iv; Q :1 ___. : I .9 ._ I _. _ ., _ . . . -'__._ ' _ ... _ .:». W _/r . '' '___ _ -' "~ _ - ' _ ~ " l - v '-97"" ;i"§_ -J ' _¢ _' Y, ' , _._';.-_'_, __-______; - :7: ._,.,_..._.....+_-.--.;~i----~___-. _ _ _ . V: ______,;__r,__~;_,__..:_,, .1... -._....,._.e.._...-.- _._-._ ._._,.r....-4-_.___..- . .,..... » ___r _ I i _:..- r . ' - _ J

_ - » ..,- . _ _' K L _ k 1. I .f'-:$J}_1---1-t » r _ _ _ __. ,- '_ __ .,._ . , '' ""'§" -- - -~--~ --~>-'--t-VJ ----,-_----J"-1 ..-;_,~-...-.-M.;....._:.;a>.z_...,-_i ._,-_ -1 1- .'¢ D-1», 9--'_- 4---._.- _ -. e-='=..E-|»'_-___-_ I, 1,- ;_ A'44fj 15.43--_-_a.a.ae-pa.-a-.¢a..-er;,.a-'L"a> A-ea--4--.-.-. av- -1 D--A -. -. .- . . t / .. -Q. _-..--2;_ . _ _. .. __'__"______'u_1L'.;!______9292 1_. . {H , - --_ _ H' 7/ d e ,'7 Y '92,, , - m he . K7~R,<'h7";g.zJg;- ¬*w v _ §f___ __!-..- '-Zdnzl-ypgag t ~ - ¢7-4: Oz.! D.

..- I . 3-=mer=fL D rt-ic aa-=_- 2; - '. r

ls ... 'eI~ "'. =3? - G I i 4 " cm,came 00-33663! j-'5 '__£¢;1 ____,r 92_. -:_;_ _" _ , 1."-0 _ . . er? 1"-2:-D' -* 'e.c.-"' 'rD 92"e D '' ' ' - : "iv?-" .2 " BRURITY MATTE! - I01 ' 1 v ~ "-.1 ¢* 00: Ohicage - - -» .» '--

"Ia .

ll e reeult cf a recent inepection of the Ghicago t Officedetermine it wee whereabouts luggelted the that U,D. a concerted ofELRD,re¬orted1y effort he madethe founder to ef the Ration of Ielae I01!. According e apeechee and Uritinl of ELIJAH MUHAMMAD,the ctional Leader ofthe I01, Allah cane to Detroit, Michigan from in 1930 in the . personIeleut of Aocordinione U.D._EARDto MUHAMMAD, ehd_taught_hinYARD for arrestedwee 3 yearn concerning theby Detroit . leavePolice Depertueh Detroit bi the in 1933, police and do ehortlyart:-cent. thereafter I-EUHMMAD claim: wee aaked that to IARD continuedo teach Islam inChic o until 193b,et which time PAHDdieappeared not and ehoai hin.hee beenheard eince thie tine. ea of the cage Office indicate that . ALLAOR DONF D, FBI I 56062, was arrested ee 92[.n.iALLAGE nag r of tho Detroit, Hrchigaa Folios Departaent on Hay ZS, I5§§, their nuber RS138, on a charge of 1HV- Io ' diepoeition wee given. I The Identification Record for FAHD cleo indicates that he uaa arrested by t e Loa Angelou, Galifonia Police Department ea HALLIE FORD their number lchh, on November 17, 1916, on a charge of . Io diepoeition waa given.

2-Detroit2-Loe Ange cl RH @% um! 3}-Chicago ___n,* Q,-San Francisco I100-33633! RH! '." ¬_-5";-5,-?|%';'e:§ -- .- V .?Ex-'*;1'-A.;,-_-;;;, . -- ----F-A------ ~-,,,,, ---- $1- i P53 i 92 $£ARc:rgg "if-5; smmuniflzqgmA I 5 P I /D FBI SAN - __ , . -* . ,h- . -ea - ---- t .._ ...-i.,.__.M....--i. - ., _, _;_ , _. _ _. . _____. ._H: __ ,__ .1 y __ Z _ _ _. _ .__~-...-_.. _.,, .- 92. ¢92_ - r . __ I r_ ._ _ ;_ _ __ '~'.dd-I-1-m~u§ iamm m#a'%»n&c'.'*p».'§.927¢-Lat-;.rZ¢L|"i...'1. I - a- 1 1 -on 1...... --1: w. 4. _ off. . '. - A_ V 7 _- V.. '- .- '1._ _ . ' _ - 4 - 2 -_v -.-._....._.,._..______. r , _ 5. . .'_ _ £ D Q-'2. ' it , J 92 ,: ' w _ . 0 Y I H ' , . u ' ,.-

h CG100-3368! ¬%§i%%H Ihie record aiae indieatea that I can received --»~-§P at eRDthe ztate their nier Prison $231k San Quentin,lune on California, 26,1926 ee e WALLISchargeon of D. o , P018 An,Diepce hengiven cto 6 pun, Ila; 26,19,13, neon. I ' -*1 ->4 _er entriel he FBI Identification Recod areor 1 daya; HAE gii H E} DoeFOR meuub,elee Gelirornie,Lea Angeleaéeiirorn HA aale, a,th HA,rose, nu-3E"l?',1 , 11.00 or1 day, mu-cf; 1;,1926. Additional aiiaeea 1 eted are WALLACE FORD and U.D. IARAD. The follouing ia I deecription ae furniehed by the etreit Feiiee epartnent, their nubor i

Sex Ill! Race ' Ihite Age 3 year: in 1933 Height 5' E2: i pcude L Build ' 81in Hair Black ! Eros Haroon . Iationality Arabian According to the FBI Identification Record, additional information in the tiles of the Bureau indicate birth piece ce Oregon, occupation cook, nationality American complexion ' . dark ecara and marks,email ecnrbeck of left hand, black mole right eide or stomach, Detroit ie requested to review the indioee or their a Office torany pertinent information conoernin§ H.D.FARD or- WALLACE DONFARD,.VALLACE PARAD. Detroit is a so requested to review records or the Detroit Police Department, their number ,_;I-92__ _. -|_'-'»,'.'~!. h5138,__. _ and aecertain oircumetencee concerning FARD'e arrest .-+~~¢>¢ on Hay 25, 1933 and diepoeition thereof, and to funieh Chicago .=>i>?>-sf<:-_=e?i*-¬»e~»:..J"=?-- _'~~~a 'photograph ~ ~e A_*~i:@m=i~__,i<_iii_r_oii_i_iiiiii it available. _ r -.'Y. _-.-1 -,.- - 2 .

' 1;» "yf4;r'r; j-__~!*,'vv}.-»~----~--------92-~-§-5

-~ -92. . f ,¥§J%r92?: .__V, P9¢4;§A3 V-L-' -:-1*.+1. = Q. _ 4 _ _ _____ W, _ _ ,.__, ___ _ I _ . ;,,.92_ 92¬,-¢..,¢,...... _.._,.92,, .z... _.,< .: ..... _,.,..-.-.... _ ..,...... -.-... .~.a-..-A1-1./n-».~~¢..¢.-Jr;-1|.r..»---a. - »- _ :, _.-_-_,_»_,_ _ _----, __,. .___ ._._,_.. _:,_.~___-.:_;_l:_,_ _;_..'_'w-Q. .,.92,-_'_-~__- gl -_92._:__-., _.._ _ ,._= :r__.; a.___, _-7., - :__-_ - :_ 7- , __-.-._ _ -.-_ _'92-.1 ~.ix 92_ .1. . ._ -_.-. r, .._ _-- . _ I _ .-_, 4 ._ _ __A. __ ' -. I . - , r_ hr, L;- ' .-. - -. ' r -._._ _ ___ r _ __' _ .. ,'.3__i.92',', -.:;_i:5 _..:,.»~y;.;-_, _,_-,.__. 1 . _ _-J_ ~ -.. 92= . . '2" Q I" _ . . _ . . - 1-,, _-4¢.;|.4.-on-'...||u...'-'-*4--.-.-.-.}=..._;-._.-- V - r_r__d_.J_____ , , __ ._ _,_, _ 1 4 _,_.__. . Y -_-~ ; ET, - _ A ' ___av-4--4-l4"__ _ 92-5 . _ _ _ __ . ; . ~ *0 Y F I 92, '1 3 F '41ww*-#w+~~{,!y~_ In I rf _ _ .-8,A - Q.! » . _,~ , A . _ f -o ' _ . - ---._. vb. ' . , -. ..~.;"-..._. _ -,'-. 92.| " :- " - I~_ ~ ' ' _- I _ '., '6 _ .__ 1 .--_!a'5 f ,f.bpA , J_ l;'p:.-1'J _ .:-Q _. - 41'_.-,7 V _ r Po._ A D .. I P2,;{:_. _ i M . . I _ -.~D. ;-.;J:i.__-vial. * _ ~ ,_-_..'_'q._---'-.' * ' _ I It" '-.-. ''._ I_- --_ ~ Qt, Luz. -.' ' " . -1 _ . Jrw {-1 1* . I _ . ' ":3 . I,- : ' '_ '.. Q: Q5 Q o .._ _ _ 1 _ _ @_i 3-.- d J J . Loo 1 lorouootodt 1-owiowl-oolna-II - ._3§92:P.*~--_ or tho no,»-Q;-$301-4on-ouutoncoo 701100 o1u'1-mmdlng ldqz;tho M3301 on-out and odvioo or PLBD tor 01110130All ' ' on!11' lvllablo, 41¢ oltion to thoroofu mmlohol. It to also roqvolio tho I Ph°*°8**#hvA

' I-on Prmolooo lo to uootod to contact ofololo ot SonQuentin Yriocnandrowan! tholr filo #14231-InIll! 14'1" UhlooInd 12°oh-owootonoooounoblo, hlrnioh surroundingQ 9h0$°092P7l0 tho lnooroorotion . at - I180, - '1: in roguooto111 Ottlooothat rooolviné ¢¢vi¢I of thio lotto: h iohd tho roquootod information by 1O§tIl'o.' _!-.-- '- 0

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M ..-. . ~12.

-~ 7'9-»=f'~.~.=c.years laterin 1931 IhileSeveral mm; dorm thestreet in Detroit. .1:1 .3 I ...... F1. according to Bogane, he net "Allah." This pereon was known to him aa Iallace :- i . D¢I'arda.nd"the ].ivingGod." lllahhaeprovedtobeverymuchot ahuman ,,| § being eince he has an arreat record in the Identification Div-iaion of the FBI. K Q . 0 1 " " I I. II. Ferd taught Elijah that the negroee were Hoaleme an were all 1' .1: I dark racee and that by registering with the nation of Islam the colored .., Would be given their correct names frcn llecce and their slave name! _.92. " be taken Iron tha. llanbere discard their Lave mmee and use eymbole _ .-,_ ;. 1. '4-Li 1'", Inch.m ae '1'they until receive their nmea '1':-an?ard lleccaa also instructed -e e - ¢. w ,1'. ._; :1 . .1-'.'that loelqe Iere not to participate in military matters since they are a_ - '53,, L; ._....',_-Z-registered and are citizen: of the nation oi Islam. In 1935- Ferd dieeppeared -2.. -1+.-= ; mt! none of hie tolloeere will admit having seen his since that time. In hie 1._ .. 2 ablence Elijah Poole, not knoln ae Gulan Boganl or llohammed Raesoull, and hie helpere have been car:-yin; on the leadership oi the group. Temples of Iain .4. have been opened in llilwaukee, Chicago and Iaahington, D. Ga, in addition to 2-. .. xi ,~-rf. c--2': ihioliginlltulpleinhetroitag 3 __ pl" . ,§t,-- _H®- ._-.

H..- ~. ,

00- -'45?-'5 33:15 ==9e- >w-2_¢»»---4ALLINFOR?.1ATl0NCONTAIhiED I|'< lg ,.:.../oa-_:.¢s=- HEREIFISUNCLASSTFIED ~. ="_. 71 -'.0»-"' '; it DT§¥qn*B-.Y"" ' J .. . . - . ..= !-I"_,.-ara --s - -I - -5; _ _ -- . r W ~-1-_ ¢ . _ . . ax .92 92 - .. . - A i _ _, . - . a ? w .- . "1 - r 1' " . .- " 1; -__.. - '. - ._ = -- ~ '-r~- .'--- .~ _ »'~*.'~.*.'*»- 1 f .-:1 t . . Y --ti-, ..»-_.=:-.-.oz,§ - 1..-t '-i-§;i"..;>,¢-.-:-- -- -_ » ~. .,,_ _. ,3 Q. .. ._ ,..=..¢..1_.n.___<.j:;..__h.._._.$.=E.a-nli-'-- ,?_.¢ .,__W Q _§__H .15} _ _ _ 1?? --3%-£51-1 g~ 7 . V, r . _- _ -. - .-_ _ _, . ' ...... 4 ' -- -Iy -4;":, . r-Lid? *~'-'~"§.'?"?.'-"""*'-"*'Y=?§*-1421-o""*?*"art-*~=.~.e_"'"2"* Z *" ,4. ..__,=§..?§-.;;.¬"~ ' " " Q... - '75: ;~w;_i.f*: £;.;:. V . r.-inin -.,-. -.'.=:__.¥... _,. ~_;-V. . *.:.=i_'7-.. V .' . __ l v - '*--v V i... . '*- a ' Y - - _ .7 '' 'e ' '4 ' :'._ I -.:_./_., '.,.:,,v,-.; __ ..-'._ .9?-'..::= _~,--135511;; _ _r_ _- i . . ~_ .-.- |-- - 92 _=';;_-;..'..,_-~-1 if-__=i=~.5;'-1; '' _ r; ; .¢§'e .<§.r.e.':~=m.=;.*;.»~* ""~=w- *- l - " ' I--» » ~ 1 1" --~'+-'- -- "f ;,~A.~pe;="=**'---2: "r~1»-.'-- EIBRAL C'R£lII FIbN'E31'IQ&TIC.I "* '-*T.;;:.;._..,. " '" ;'.=.~_.» ' £*_*.-_-,3/i '_:~v-' '" .' r; _ . - _ a ~' .> _~ . _ .__y92- ' ___ , 2. ,*_1 ..92 -. .,:~o... J R 1. ; ~_._?j-_;_.,_,;;I.. ._4_ A-.u _ _ _¢ - ._ . . - 4-,,-,.-.'.,._»-_.,.;A-._ 1»-..>1»-5izlf-@022 mo ma i - mot if ' '. 92 0919/ ![2§W3'-*3 '-1 .< I ommo, %__ ...._ -r ci-*c..92sz -1 .= ..' .1-~. ~b-n..P smuasmr m:r'rza-I .,,:v;§ QEJITIII - 47;" _ -. §_.,,,- {VI}?- .'.." - I-¢ _J- _: A_ 7-; - .V.h .1... SIIIWSIS OI FACTS! ' =£ I ' E--"r:*" ' ~'-1#..:<=-.>*.;-_ . 92' ._.., _._=?|:'_i,,-_-,_-_;;;¬;,;.|."-,,.~.._._,.¢,_=>_ ;- .--_ ._ ; -- . 4,1 -.»_i* .; __. I :'__V -af.>?§ ae. -_...' -I-:I*.>-W2 -,.-2 . 92 _ I . -*.=w»"_v92<'_ W! , ¢ _, I . ~"_'._ =';,$'1.E-KP. i Z . _ ... , . 1 - .>f*"."7-*..--..55?=* 7= 1 - ,~».,_g_wa.-_P.a§~;<_-,__ ;i_l :.1~*' 1'1."-_ L-5 -e ' . -.... J fili- ;:._1 ¢._;-..;;§_,3. H. Z ' - ' 1 1.5 . -. 43;!J'i1*.,,' I __. .:' the ALLAH 'l'E1;§LBoi ISIAH, an oxganization I v-Isa» =- . ~*--- ..~.."!'!!-;-.-1*; L. _ E -.L_' _ .»_n_; 3-;-_-es-~ .-. negroee, was rounded by one I. D. FARLD; y ,1 _ . www- in 1930» This Organization has {motioned since that . » 1? :. -L v .. 1 - cutein Chicago, Yilnaukee, Cleveland,Washinzibn, 0.6., ' a_ ..-_'§-2;".5? jz3;.,..{ and other places. organization has been strongly "'. -;~3?§*¢£=:-~r'.I -.;r2'_-~.¢_.=i~-.4;*1 J .~; '-" 1.;~*f * = ff-Jipiiléé, end its leaders eoaiseleri the meziber-i ""r?L"4?T'1;, i to refuse to register for Selective Service by telling "Ii 3 J». 5'1' then that they are already registered in Mecca. ELIJLH ~_;;.-V-".§1?.>_-.92 I; 3 1.» .'.'__ _,__.fi_. _:l_ . IIJHLLIMED, Chicago, Illinois, was also I-morn an the - - ' PROPHET, and was the national leader. PAULINE BA!-{LR 13 the national secretary. Leaders of the TE1.!PI.l located in ltilnaukee, Washington, 33.0,, and Chicago, were ~ * , .~ ., ;_';_.;1...... - ~. _ - my ,-A 51- .- _ '0 convicted for Selective Service violations; and Ierli ' - V.-~., -. - »- l=. . - -, . - I else indicted for seditiomq _ - 7 _ $0.5,-1.. ,L. ." 1 - we :31"-I ;§*1_:-:,;92_:~Q_ V3.9;|" I '= ' 7.... __ F Q _ V M _ . !_. I _. _92. if .:_ 1 -. xv 7." W - = '1. . F .- 0- -.':- .11I P P. -.¢' - - . r_ _..= . - Z - ? ~...-.'.-"'!s'1-39 _,-_.= '

_ ;_.._,.. _ ;-, -, . . - .g 5 1? -_ __, - - - - 1 ._ ' , u. 3, _ ._'.- '. .- -_§'.*_'1r:~_§j-I-*1; .. , 4 1*". 1. z - - -, _ i __1,_ :* _- 5 _ _,_ We. _- _- _. if I I I

L ezazal-er; £5-21¢ {QB I'll-lnll "-*c¢p1..;..¢ : 4./rM 7fmt§1:ia:Hre;>¢I'1'-ilk/L L V n U mm;iwa smczs until? it " ~, when '~ ' - Q .1-92 no " '. m?¥' .§l_'_'$"*3lv. .' PERI U Q m - 1 1- Jackson ISL OlarkadelegHis i pi? U! * e. ._W. 7" _., __.~~--_._ .__. __ _.. __ /_=-92.-._. ~ -. ..-.- -1 r" " . . ~ , 3 - _ ":4 -¢' k _ __.' _; I


id _ _ ,-92 "-- . W-.2:-_@-_-1~-*1 H, 1;,-4, ~,.@-,.i>",..,,-.@_"-; H. >| -.,-,-< V. .- _ . is - . t _ ... _;.=,--;__ . --- .- .' » ~' D _;_ .4- " .: . - 1 .. -_ . . __,.,. .' * -C - _X ' Par . ,--"--i£:_.- I ~~ .,~..*;'- J 17 ' , -| .12, ' ~ 4. - $§. . '11".. _ ._ __.__ _ I 1 I . .; =-~*:~1'~ .- -C *w=-: _,__, -_."_:*_2; m ':;_921",:-Q_::-'.;w;'_;___a.§_I 92 i i 1, ,, #5,.-a;_ .3» 1&1 . '. r I R , .- - _. ,1 3; ~ 1 1"».6. 9», ..|- 92 ,- ea... .-£111 0 * ~.~ 0 _ "I -" cumgo £110 #100-12899 _ " _ - _ §l_""*-wrf 1- _ t _ 0 - - » ,1. Q _ 0 '*<;?="92i


, t, _ 7 T116 LLIAH ., I ' has been 5: of ISIAH was Io untied 1939 in or 1 930 , exao t date not t-,-1.. '" connection with the of Detroit, Michigan. BRAD, whose exact dentity ;. . ~.:1.i was arrested by the Detroit _ lice Department in 1933, in Cult activities oi the TEMPLE of ISIAH in that city. 'FIRED 'had been serving a short sentence. He disappeared zmd has not been heard If. iron since 1934. He assumed the title of ALLA? and prior to his departure designated ELIJAH MJIIM.I.£BD at Chicago, Illinois, as the "FIZOH-IE3". Temples oi 3392._ _ the organization i'oL'.ncie


. ha». -1 - " ~>;=_. -6- '.

1 .- ' ' I 92 =| 1J 4 . . .i '.' - ..|". ' __;.- ._-1-_,'-.o.'g ;__ _._:_;_' ._ - , 1» n¢ V ~- A ___ Q?! _ ____ -W -_:.__4__._ _._ __ ,4 ______4 __-_ ___ 4~a- - ~_~_.~..-...._ ...,.._.._,,..,1 ___ _;-...1...... -'.r.-....;._...... --..r-; .., ~;., . ' ,- -' ' -' '--~.:- -. - r - - '1-V '- L 1. ' . P . _. . _ -~ 6i-. - .5. - 92- ~ ~ ~ . ' 1 - , ' e ' < -_[ Zn; :_ LS _ . V V _ if ._ _ ._,_!-..

an . - _ 1".-on - - " '-' see; . ll: '.... _.' -' ~-: - , --92 » 1; , . .t _. _ - 92 -a ,. -» - - '_....-§$,.§le. . -ha , " ,.. $21

92 - ,:._ . .;.."§";_

GL1O.;0 rue #100-12899- ~ _ - . 5 ' r .v- .; erg _ n _ _ Y - £11 members we-re told not to register for the draft as they "mere already registered in Mecca". They were also told that they could not fight in the "white man's war, but that they should remain to help the Japanese and ' 311 dark races in their fight for supremacy. The organization has he'd many beliefs which are fanatical, including a belief that Japan has had for many 1 . 92 , years a monster airplane, known to the lbslem as a "mther airplane. The 1. .r92 "anther airplane" is said to carry 1,000 small airplanes, each oi which carries bombs, which will be used against the white man. Each bomb is said to be such size to penetrate the earth's surizce for a distance of one mile, and to destroy an area or fifty square miles when it explodes. The lbslems have also @016 their People that tholapunese have superior equipment of every lclnd and description. Hembers of the 'l'E-MPIB of ISIAH attend meetings on Wednesday, b Friday, and Sunday. Friday is designated as Holy D.-q for the Mbslems. The i members or the organization are not permitted to eat meat 0! any kind, but are perndtted to eat fish. Members also must undergo irequent periods of fasting; and have been told that one meal per day is sufficient. The women members of the organization wear long gowns, almost touching the ground. Each woman has -5.1. w several gowns, which are of solid red, geen, and white in color. In addition, ' rs the women members also wear turbans which match the gowns. The women are told to keep their heads fully covered at all times. The male members oi subject organisation wear ordinary civilian clothes, and do not wear costumes of aw I sort. Some of the male members near buttons indicating their membership in the -a TEIPIB of ISL?!» 4.11 members of subject organization have a. belief in LLUJL also llr. ii D. F£.Ri.D, and contend that this individual will return to help them liberate themselves from the yoke of the white man's rule» 1; I F.



-vi . ..;.__;_. 92.Cir -7-

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- - " - a ' - A. .. _ - .»._~.-*....-_-_?_,e, __ _,, W __ _-. _;- --$" f " - .' I '"3 .__<-_.-173 - - V _- - " . " i .' ,~,:"j

-v'.--',,~-I-'..-g: ._ L.-._,;.i'_.',;+ 1. _.. _M; 1.--. _ - -.-_¢" I " 1"f< __ ; -ll ~ -_"92._- ;'.- I f V_-n---'f___»-I; -, -_ hf, ;r'- I r...-..,_....- ._ ____- - _ __...... , _ _ ;92 4.. .=_._-1 " J ! G 4921f;_]_. 1. = _ ' 5.. fr . ___u_ _ - E-

b ~- 5. ~ . . . '7 Z .E -.-':.{-:2":->~ '*"J"492-.9 ---~","¬ *v - - " ' ' - " I -| E "* ' ~ 4"" , E . ._' ..92; -L .. -- I - Q :1: . 92 1", . T"; A ~-'- ,,, 1. *7 ;.'. -.'-92.'.i:%"1. -w. ~ '1~= ifr-J *0! "-2, 924 '-s_E-.-. -._? .-.-_-.L.-;...'~ a_. » ,_..¢' 1 :' ~ in -' . - -"~ -= ,-- :-. I x * 3? 5' 1 E A FEDERAL -- - BUREAU - OF . - INVESTIGATION ' - - = -E ,;;-. .* 9 mm .1 amour, ncmcuu _ A bi-roll IIJIIL 25-873 ,

IXIIQIIY - -- -.- 1,.

- Q-IT; '5/Z'Z§' ...... ,..1.;¢..."*" E ~ E " v j _ . _ If 7» '--" _-5. _. r szmouu . mum ; _. . _ h I -.~ ,-_-r . _ _ . = It ii _J-Iblg _4L______v 7 4-*1 7--** 1 I _ 3 " ».: -"iI$$!'.X'l'Q ' B g A gr 1&3 R, __;:¬,. ,3 ¢-5 »,_.-5; J. A .-I i 1 -=__».Iv. ms-~ " '

R" 92~;'. " . ' | om-an, uaupn, ~ " . *' :-_-,-- ; V D . . ~ f .. . . 1 1., . I 1 -é ..w,~..~=-E -14¢, 1 . *~ _ V - - ..-'.-.10 .. ' .,.- _ __l._,. _*_. 2 ...__ . E -. _E1;_*?";Qv-'"~._ ~ -. E . _ tn-oi nit! 7 -- _. ,. x... ~ _-'_;-_'.j»a|£. -rm .--

. I v_1'I.':-.1"; 'Q g nah: lat-ion of lull. All * . . .'~- ~ em-rw... e=:~:=~.-4;:£~:r.-:s*:: - - * -1 ; V .92.- . _. . .. . -. _i-. i 1 "" 92 ~- . - -_- i .' N 1'


_; : . L- . - . ;P __ F: - .4, h - =-.,_V-3. . . ,- "' '_ De 25-8786! 39;!-In 45¢ 92.re_,,, J,

Subjeet that he hr. IALLACI. II. FARD, knoen to hie ae ALLAH. Subject etate d that I'A.B.D had told hie nd other nnbere of the Nation of lalal that he had one to Detroit tnn i'| Iii Fe-ran Glam fl. L 110 ale ta la U-Liip H--a_-a. iBQU$ 1ean-§na4l IZCQLIUIU-e1d92$Q i In Aiial a92-al further related h t n re etering eith PABD the letter had advised hia that the nane ehioh eae the name given Subject at

thetineofhie hie elavenahe, givenhiafanilyatthe time they were plaoe atate of elavery. At the tine Subject regiaterod eith flit! the lattertold hie ea eell ee all other indieiduale eho regietered _ . eith him that inaaeuoh ae they had registered eith FARD and the Ration of lelam that they ehould not register eith any pther Government inaeiuoh ae they eere eitiaena of the Nation of lalan and emld aeree only one nation .--5 and that if they regiatered eith an; other nation they eouli not be pod 8 loele-Ia inaeaueh ea they eould he attempting to eerve tee governcaente at the eerle tine. Subject etated that he, therefore, had refueed to register for Selective Service inasmuch ae he would he eating in violation of the inetruotioue he had received from MILD to the effect that he ehould not giiter iith 'inother* go'v-eaent. u

at the tile Subject nu queetioned he etated that IARD had not epeei_fieal1; told hie or any of the other aeiaere of the local telple of the llation of Ielel not to regieter for Selective lereiee but he had told the Subject and the ether neebera not to regieter for anything eith my other government. Subject aleo etated that in hie opinion he eeed allegiance only to the lation of lelan and eae not e. eitieen of the United States. lubjeot further related that in hie epinim the eolered people are etill elavee Jé mt-92le_l14' e_1thoeg they ere-hot regerird eo by the 92.!1__it-e people of tile e.eu.i92.tz':= -1! He etated that the haaia for thie opinion eae the feet that oolored people 41}.-ii T are, not able to eat, eleep eo do anything elee in the eame plaoee eith ehite people and that enleee euoh praotioee are aholiahed, eolored people are etill elaeee in feet. - ' Suhjeet, at the time he eae intervieeed, etated that he didnotregardhineelfeaanegrohutaaenleiatieandthatifhehad euffieient lone; he uould like to ge hack to Aeia. Subject farther related that the Ielal religicn etande for freedom, guetiee and eqlalitg and for the furtherance of people in the eorld and that he, therefore, hae no interest in the preeent ear or ita outccne and earee to have nothing to do with the ear effort ehateoeeeh Q

At th Sahjeet -at: intereiaed it iii agplaiwed to hin that the government hzd p-zzwided for individuals who are oppoeedto participation in actual earfare but alloein_»; them to make a claim for defement ae e conscientious objector but that Subject etated that he eohldk --92-_--. _.. * u W -

:/ - ' * " . . 4 k J _ ' 92. Q: ._ s /' L, :._, 27 _Er. . , '--'~-1 s N Y._. IFQ

FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION {Q' ._,; Q'~_».*;:_r; r§?#i 'gjériq .92. - :_ 1 1-:nAl'UaIUlG0! i i__ III-IIIUIB 77 7 DETROIT "LII; - E; ; F -j vuzragrr, nunzrcu 7 10/23/Q 1o/Ts,zo,z1/ Q 4 m Eavi -92__-.__ _ I E A ' Iol1.$_a.nd mama locales, or mu =1»? kncw INTERN55"?-I'H " 5 '1-,, .. WE 92 P lax cHA1niED,".1th ljJ"..' Sillil} SIJJUTIVIZEHRVIIHI [7 *7; '7 _*_ . , 7 i ' '* ___ *' E __ if -I- 9292' ' LS_Yl92lOPSl8OII'AC'I'I| J1?! ';1# ,_

aka z--.-3.35.

$.73 filg §~*;-"E5;7125- . §.:T.§

_ 92 I " V __V.92: ,. 51. . l-._"7" . 1 -I »< .

'.-wF% i_u _ :" Ea_"!'2', DETIILS1 PT»Zi ft 13$

_ . 92 >-R1 .__; _o. » a--.:";:1'1-:2 . . __.4g-,' --iidjiM? .. '1z5{¬ .. -- »_, , ~-' F'<

.%f§% " Wm ? _ Pu / , 92-it 9!"; :4. ,4-_ _, 5 if E ;;*E -_ E, j If E E...E...... ,...;;.;;..E F 21* ~ _~_ L---3 4 A _92_ £1 '1' 231:3. T - ._.-l *5 ' qg A!-' - I ;- I? E Q q s A-1- I I H IND I 2 "" mun: x _ ' "L; . I , r ~ ' ' +1 ' , n392 _ ,_ U0? 4 FF? v" j v + * 43, E5-zmuag ' 'E % A H" E {E E 1 " a _, ._..,,._ . ._ i t» t~-I ' » i er? ,. _. ." ' -11 .e

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tat, ; -1+3 stated that at the time he entered the Temple _ _ at Isles in 1932 I. FARO was in charge ot the Teaplee He stated that HRH is known as th ophet and also as Allahe He advised that FARO pre- dicted the present war, stating that Germany and the dark races of the 1-. eorld sould be ghting against all the shite races some time at a future _ datee is te the on tcome oi the ear , he pr , edicted that the shite races would beAccording beaten do-In uwmand that a dark alse race stated would that step the in members and take of complete the Tam controlee or lg! Islus would be be er oft it the darker races son the sare tated .1-*;:-< '-' 5 that FARR predicted that in the ear to come all persons in t e ted States to seuld be called upon to register in order that they night tight for the t United states. FAR!! told the people that inasmuch as they were not citizens out the United States but citizens ct Islam, there eould be nothing that would recpire then to register. that FAR!! told bin ?' 1- __-"1 that whether they should register or not would be e question which each individual would have to decide in his own ninde He also advised that FARR told the people te line up with the darker races Ines the ear consee ii Ae to the present activities of the Temple of Ielal, 2-H, ,- mum that the local chapter has about thirtrfive active members1 ee comp ed Iith approximtely eight hundred at one time O1 the present £33 th't;-rive, approximately fourteen are men and the remainder are some and e 92 -I ,4-_n- childrene He stated that for quite scle time nos IALI MGIMBIED has been ,_"J. fee the teacher in the Tenplee He denied eaphaticall; that IOHAIMEB ever allowed I _; T§='1J Iv t . ,_>_,',q-.__1:¢.' the ear to be discussed in the Tssplee He also cbnied that IALI IIORMIIED 3F."2*"§§ * " ewe tale e pereen that he eheuld not register 2% Selective eervieee 5 -=1-;~,Q stated that ne one had ever told hie that he should not register . _ he used his can Judgment in deciding te registere He stated th-_ 12 ; ; ;- the aeetinge are strict}; religllle meetihgee The torne oi goyermedt"" er countries and any questions dealing with the ear have ne place 1 5? Teepleem stated that he had not heard the Japanese people T? " lelrl-Ioned in e ls since approximately 1933 shenle De FARO left " , #12? '1'elp1ee92 at ;, -"-"13:

e .- .>t. 2 , ._ 1-!".1l.2"~' g _ _ 4113;;. _L w .,- e 13 '._',P'I - - 1.:-J l_

" 1:» . y .. ,. .__ ..__.,_,: .. _.._ _. _.______,->.___W_, __ ;, Q ' .~v-1. j 1 j s , ' . . ' ' '9292 - t I r 5. _ _.Ki_ ' _ " "I ; - 92 .-; *§.".v:}{"" 7* 3- 3: .:_~ ,3;

--F:~=-¥'?.- Zwwf FEDERAL BUREAU o|= INVESTIGATION :1, ;,*;i:i5; - . - QLYQE I'll! 1 ' . _ * 1 if Y n-nz_cA.Il _< 1-mar ll!!!-HI Ill-I nu. .. dl':":i-,1 ~ i! i, _ _ ~mc i ""°'*3'*="'3'R9F» *1-1 mm '3-'3-34:"' 23'-"1"'?I§:19 mm j

fjllirllii-| H QQIILCIXICAI ._- .. m 117: - 1:&.'_ _ ,.. -

, , . _ _:"-'3! I svrmrsrs or rm:-1's: F? .1"; 92 x. _g§ ..;. a R 4,:/if 7A Q

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@;£ i ma!-_ n-on::wwnrr'I1:1'|-1:31:51-can _ _ L - :;'L;%£*gI;LJ"lgL: . gym cnrnacrn-nunlllncr 7 H_&3_;__&.EI-55 tmkqpfhdd 4 ~_',-GE

°"°°""-°"='m:mromnA % % I _:. 1.1} 1% 3°-¢i=~"'° HEREIN ms |_;]c£_ _, _,,_,__ .2- T746 * ~ a I-% j 4-i- .' ; 1 ' V '{.1 /1 '1'. '" . _2 *;*- --____._-¢_--=---+=¢-- ~..4-'41:-..aIi|-J L- ._ _.._ -1 .--n -._ __,,__, --= , _ W F-4131-1'- ..--_ _ _ . _ .. .- w -. 5 L ' gt! 35-£910




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?_ ,_ I1 am not register on 1- mm lprll 27, 191.2, and} thfla &:-m¢t_1."=s5 'V dmuld have, because cf lg reU.g1on, Ill!-IL I have been nd'dJ0d1:y__11!!§J92,i .351 _ "tho A&.g:1aSupruu Being, Ir. I. U. Flrd, Iqhamed, not to um any put in uy b Ilrl-um-ovunlholyunr. 1'oIa,th0aetb.frog1lterirg!.lpu'to!'1nr,mdt.h1s il ur i viii not register uni tiara sppiy for ¬onniuen" £5.02: ii i nu? '"i:"1ii'uii1 ' - - -- 92 1 - . 2. -nr - ..._ . I . .

,___-_-mt_92 __;__,, __ _,._ r. - ;,_._ __¥-1; ._._;_w_V __ _1,._.__t: _ ;._ _¢-"7,-;f'»v_2r,' . _ A,.,4,-92_: r _I92lr92l-I92I_1i!_||_lIlItilt§*il;_!___w_P£__W__ffJhin2___V____V~_,__;F _ '_Nu "Q ' p--- __ .--n. ' -92u92r-'- '-v-1-p». if 1 1. . I "I } . - _ k __ . ¢ - r . *

pr 1-F t §,<..":;:-=f1 " '1 a:».~1 b gm fmmdod the TIRPIO @: mm in at:-cit, mm awn ;1 1| 1.==+.l-_."*'=;*' -£3-q;,1q 42 1| in cn1¢¢g¢. mar tel! his Iollmrira um. he can up uni 2-'_$g»'*;~=-_, I Ahmyy July L, 1936. H0 In supposed to ban been 57 yarn aid at ham. -1-11>;-=1, 1m. as him in 1931- tn Chictgo when nan mm ta m f Q to Ioeca-" 'l1Iruft-or -mm. mu mm:-1 1=oou: rm the Tixplt in ml-9 fa ft plus. U I . P ~ ; ..- I


*1 92_. I'M lnhlbitmtc of the are blnei accruing to u qbjcct, The Caucasian rnco gut ttartod through gm.ft.1ng' performed rh- _x h I black scientist and I100! on u Illlnd K Pttml. Um! Ill In ¢_ .591 ,_ Arabian aecondh to PARD, duo taught than thing: it tho Tcplo la Ch!-@150-q rt

. 1' . ... - '3 ' - - E".- = n*I :f", /_ - =1 I. ii J. 4! - 2 AI -1

T1 ~ .., E ;,. --2:!31;. ', thafnlplanmiamligthglihntth '2.11.; nd, pt 1.11011 andu11t.hd.r lltuttlr _ __' ._... ._, ;'|_ ' '

<.§ " . .v-:1 .C:-'-» ' 4 d F1" -:- ' Qi-.-.~ . ,- --92_ -|=','_--1~.->? " - .'¢_ - 1- -P; ~_. ?"_,.__ _ .; . 5, . '1, at _:. _._ n-gr a .>.-- ,.. -- ,é:¢q _ i-:'¥.__'. 2? ,;'»=' __ ';92-$7"; .<- ;',',.-.i-11"; ,.. 1.- 1,; {_ 4.. -" - .._ ,. _ L-p_,_,.,.' -v . _- 3», I I 'an-___ '9- - ".' " ii-" i . . =3"-' -:;~.-= '. ~ '5

E < I- 1;.gs?-ii'.-.- .~= 92 _ 7 ,4-92 -~..- 0 - 1 Q *1 , - 1- *' Q ,. _ Pi * -. ,» . _ ~_J;~__ - me 92 I 1 i ;_. 1", . 1-'0-ss __' . :1 . 4 » / - t ,5- ~ - . L 7 i r w I . §_£~m~rni n __ {Tm-can of Enumoiigntiun - .= # niie Elmira epnrinnezit of ihxoiirt 3 _ > -Post Office Box 812 » - . me", . _ Chicago Illinois e. 11. t 92 _ 'L February 9, 1943 Director 92j ' I . _ - :i /;;¥ vecerei Bureau or Investigation 4 -- '4 - -1 _ F1ns_hington, D.C= » ' - _ 'I . Ike 92 .7" ' PM qtun TE"FI.§_OI; 1'§§;~_tf,_"_ we, etalu . I . - s5o:T1ot:T11::n?:@5.aL §92§c'I?.ITY 4: , Dear Sir; , f siteorlxm S:.?.VICi3 _ . 92 . . , - . .__92 It is requested that a wanted notice oe_p1aced in the files of the

Identification Division _ against the reocigd Ar ofthe following .0 ,1 'individual: _ / '3', R}92

nliases w. e.Q-nus, mun " "J J 4 . V V , {,1 ,-,-ii FBI number 55952i5rJ or! Local Registry number - __{_9292_ ifeoo. r.1>.o.»' i___ _ - -~»"' WALLACE - - DJfOrA??.D,<@ , , , V;-,../1.» /,4/r'~'_ 2 6; ,0, oneJ i I The above individual is wanted for questioning. v V .1 /Q é - _ ~.. - E ;- . _ F ,,/

, J I 7. In the event of apprehension of this individual notify the Chicago Field office. c ~ ' J1 H;

92 - 4 wow lain?»- z ~. iv - I I / K 1 r __ up _____N_ _ 5 The above individual may be described es follows nct3 Y3¬?C?f;? FQI 1 nuzber is furnishei!: iYTlQ-" £el_ W * /i . 1-Age: l l5~Occupetion'1 - LOT . _ - f.._--_~-- V--i , "*rn* 2-Date of birth: ' 14¢H&rita1 status: $:L1T|LN A" ' ii _ 1 : WI _ - ""I92 BUY> a Owe LEDnuw . 6 ~ .___. _c;. tuna! Ira!!! v-C0" lexion l Criminal Record fee l_§J F0 I f 92. F »";§§l5;ioww-15z943P_ '21- Q? -M 7 _ - .*'"'"' Yéo»~ 'Kn0§3 I-II ii-Sex: -_,_______QI,HJ< I¢ T_ _ Iq_t;ii_"_l_P__W;_ 92 >_H___"A 2_II %_ !_wMH2_7},_i_1§,_A _M_L_ M FJ W ifQ,_2_ A__"_r_Y___dL/IJ_ w F~_A_U" JE___A_____1_ 0_Iw__J.Zram K gAh____av my __Filmm__£___IinLn__UA _yW't_}UM_"1 U2_ __l_ V1T* _ iv!92_ h92N!"__"H________:_MMaQ _ _I_;£1_'__; r '}_I"__92."__v_PHAr136_ H C;_V _ _hm__' _:UrmW;¢l._'$ Q4!?'7'2'92__5>IAV _4, __L___m____i/2___W__ LVM _5*_!_.E_____7:it|_1 'k ______v 92 _ti_kl1>_KiusM!"_Q ~__YkM_ _.I _HMmR:___*___j>_1}Wm. JIHI UT. __w4___>xq;;__M_n_____F?H"WI?__yTyjwiv;1,_92_*_HF;_ifZ"1:!_vh"_".'.L__f'l{.§l'!..h"l__f"l_LitH:__M______hj_____;__f__yinW__IHHa______ UV _ 92____; ______'l_____"___92_ 92Qk ___w,_'1 _N_:_,_A_:___fr_r:______.___=|j_____>1_£i_92__Q1Haw"_'__,H' L W; EE:_>V_H F:FK_UnI __¢_g_U92J_492wm*_wkB_,__aw5]_*Luu _RgyQ____ _& F_____¢__,___Wislw wab_4%-_"0tHLEl,k__W___ inW_:_m_1_______u. K l} __VFA! _AM ML_ fa'___v _ _,F;__I_ H{ uhat[W _:kw;V r_9. I34 _~H_IM E*1 '2WV>1,E M__ !_"__,r t k" Ir'_N u_ w____u__W_Pw____& K4g ,_____KMW__!___:Yr6%A5__F I IW; _ t__AwKQ4'at5X'3T__J____-____w¬__ LGWM2 8$_h_e______92 I________v'1_1_____x____13__J"_M T5K|YvW _Tw__W:__We/92h__rI_N ____kw_:L_A"___§_givI;_h.92L_~____?____£5¥__5U__N 6JY_L __'WNL0: VW W _it_C0win__|_ >_______#__">E_4_-IaItLt_Q,_H__p____hHM A ___ K _ _é__JP" W 54fv_'__, J_?l%¥__3*1'_v__*_____5'__I______l_H______1____--J"_}_:___>__n;_____i_V_"r__'__'_f_______:t_X"5_:______r_d'_TD_Y__"-L_J"_:Vy$__Lit___V__u!___N__}"4E___'H___"_4____Vv Wt'3fQMU1 ID_ HVF"M_z>m___92__,_'__:_________I_1;-92____V:QK_!__!___f_"_._ kw_M Mli;h"__;__F_{______hanJ|!___r_____>____p_92;}%§!1{;__W__HyRq__yNJ?_'____t_an___an_E 92X4rmQXnu'I-UMKVI' 1 __K 44'_z_I4$_ ___I__;vV 7DL _ IINd____/I._____J_~',_ _ _w____:_'______;,__________/_l______J_HMT _W - I la - a a ~

Ohicege, Illinois. DeeQber ll, 1968- -

4 -

Director Federal Burem of Inveatigati Iaahingtoa, 1:. 0. 92 nu Gama Am aoonzsa mm: rarru or Isuzu l or scmvcz or mmu: II?!-IIAL 5360111.! - I Dear Sir: Q A In reapeet te Duran latter dated October 16, 1942, rcqucatixg that a deteraineiiqa be made ea to ehether or nae there wee any connection beteeen the tee eubjoet orgnieatina, he lleeriah teaple of Science ct America ie e religioua group fended by IOILI III ALL! ia 1980. LLLI died in 1934 and the leederahip or intiea ever by CHARLES KIHIILI B!-Y who reaidae a of the crgeniaatien are located e eaaa , ge. The organisation In incorperated under the lalra of the State oi Illincia, July 20, 192.5. me organizatim ha: apprsziaately % the-oaand fir: hmdreé on-nbere and titty aix oheptera located in varieea perte of the United Statea¢ Inveetigetiaa ehon the aqbara to be regietered for Selective Service and all aeabera diaoleia any affiliation with the Allah Tqple of kl-- Inveatigetiq ct the llccriah Teaple or Science or haeriea teila to dieoloae any all-herien ectitifyeq i There ia, however, e Schism within the organisation, a group headed by J88! SHELBY BL. Chiaego, Illincia, apparently ea e clancleetine ; grrmg cl the Ltcare, eeecrniiig ta LIILLL-E-5 Ll;l_;l4_l ll!!= Ililllllll BI! . . rm: on iljunctim against sums! 1» the Geek County Court on 1,1-11 s. 1sa4.»_¢,....-Q to atop all activitiea of SHELBY! gran!. Court action ie pending orthe '3 injunction-92 REQORDED. , Mn; in U/I Z 6 D-' -K :.;_ gr in any way an organist no izveetigeticn of the licorieh an-<1 tcple to 1-:1-7:1; or science m cs!____ gag 11>1 P L Illveliiflti lh0II that the 1.1111: Tq ' ehereabbhta by I. D Jill!! ia unhen. inheDetroit, Iiohigea, crgeaiaetiea in the ia earl; preeently 1980! - headed "" by ILI-ltr_ ' who ie preaently mder a three year aentenoe for violation o§___th__e__83_l___'_,_ IQ -- Servioe lot at Qieep. Illinoia, and erhe ia preaqtly 12-5; tried under vielatiee of the Sedition lot. Hithin recent a-oniha the local leadare of the Alllh 'l'¢'p1e ef Ialn have alae been erreetad fer eve-din; the Selective Bervioe let, and the Seéitiea Stetute. Aloe, approximately aixty five nanbera were arreated in Chicago and a large value of reeeria _/by and litereture was ocn.fiaeated.l| ll I INFORMATION ".NT :5 mes |3"sF2é':1.'Té"d§92iéLTéé§|%itb _, pm: BY mg £31441.-I 3 / a s -92_,.W -. = , Q»-____--'0 J 5 l . . 4';/ _. of--7-n


' . ---- -... .,; 1 If 1 X rznerm. BUREAUor INVESTIGATION 3",:-'-7" 4/J ' I t 1.ea - -zig 92 W {P LN ms case ORIGIN.!.'I'E.'Dca1c.t':o,i rumors AT H I FILE no, 100-9129 *__


{ snzopsxsor mars. " . ' tzoeum hasdone mostof the talking atmeetings ' q held betweenSeptember and ll September18, l9¢2, stating that the Japanese are their brothers and _ J that the flag of Islam and Japan are simj lar. Or: '. ' QEYQWSeptanber"Se 19, 1942, U,Comissioner authorized .. =~ IT comnlaints were at Chicago}; filed 11- Illinoil,violatio charging " Subje Hf-19 5035413Sedition! $0 with ard I 5 ff _ ~. 1 wJ_ and - iDH92.LIlED withviolation ' _ _- of Section34, Title 50 Conspiracy!.Prior depart-_ ll-7 ¢ I mental authority was obtainedby U. S. attorney, .-, |.V Chicago; On same datea search'?arrant v:asobtai;:|ed _ __ 4 to search the third floor of 104 East Slat Street, E E 92 i Chicaga, Illinoia,the meetinglace of Subject. organ-Q 1==*-i<=I- Bvbectse eommzzn were taken - 1_e_e___,__ ' °§§s°"Q§"¢m8tOdJ' E Bureau by a 23;-m}942L_!_&1TP17!_t!1-_$:;!~'ge nts on 2 9|"lqal 0% _. 1 ___ ;,._§EPPE- E53¢_ __a _e___e_ . 1" E E T gp J P ~ .92." "_| II /Rh, .1" - mute V" Y.T7_ . _ J, 92 J Q eni --. -Ip<_ E "k H. __ A4. I bl?-i. pig"- Atlanta De ' ' E .i 2 - - '-fllhilelm.C8 ...I -; . -It at 1_'l*._ - usa, Chi ca "_ ""-" w E an . ___,:.'92_1§w*_.__ §%}e1*fe"-me-an -'~ E @/ - _I " -E§§..§2};..s E.-,' I 1 '__I _ _§t'*""ef{";'i?""?. . I"/Yli~**3 ¢|IiF=l3I .. / 0. - ' '

- L-4 ,. ~ . I-a1.'.~:'u..v -"p;-nag.Q - V. ,__ __'-"" _. - " _,V ~ cow 1NFILE , , . ' -- 1--E:-' _ I

- The following investigation was conducted by Reporting igent- . mOHamEED furnished the following information, which was put in the fonm of a stetenent. However, he refused to execute this statement, stating that his word was his bond, although he admitted the truth of the facts contained in this statement. - - '

"Chicago, Illinois September 20, 1042

I ' WI, '" , __.,_,_, __ __ 1;-,_=_1q3 the in|lnw-inc .=+..=.t,|_=_-meant. Freely _1,nd _ - 1 ___£">¢ have 1 en 1 ie ense ves o me as peoial .gen s o ?ure:u of Investigation, U. Q. Department of Justice; No threats or promises have been made to me of any kind and I realize that whit I say here may be used ;;ainst mezq

"I was born in Sinderville, Georgia in the year 1397. I have never known the exact diy or month of m birth because my mother was not eble to remember it. my grsndp1rents_norked as slaves for 1 white family by the name of Poole nezr tsnderville, Georgie, and in my early life I was known as Elijih Poole. 1 ittended school it Cordele, Georgia but went only through the fourth grade. Ifter leaving school I worked on my £ither's Ierm until lqlq. In 1919 I was married to Clira Evans it Cordele, Georgia. From 1919 to 1923 I worked on 1 section gang for the Georgia and Southern Railroad at Dacon, eorgia.q

In 1923 my wife and our two children went to Detroit, hichigan and from that year on, to 1929, I worked for various companies in that city, including the Detroit Copper Company, the lmericzn Nut Company, Briggs Body and the Chevrolet txle Comoany. In the litter pirt of 1929, due to the depression, I was out of work but remained in Detroit. .round the year 1930 while in Detroit I- heerd of 3 religion lled Islam which was being taught by 1 man named L. Halls ard, Mohammad, who is Lllih. Lllah conducted meetings it various 3113 in Detroit from 1930 to gov of 10?? and usually h.d about 700 or 800 persons it these meetings. Ihooefuv meetings were held at v1rious'h2lls in the city of Detroit, the l1St of them being located it 3408 Hastings Street. The capacity of this hell was about 400 people so there were two meetings held to JUUUEUGIUE tne overrlow. I attended one of these meetings some ii time in the year 1931 and Allah was present and taught hilhreligionl! 4 a -11- I .|-

-r which was called Islam, Shortly after tiis ;l¢I cams to my house tlmost dsily ind taught me about Islsm and than continusd coming to my homo loss frcqusntly for 1 ocriod of 15 months thorclftcr until liy 26, 1933 uhcn the Detroit Polico Department - 92 forccd him to leavc the city.

"I remained in Detroit and continued toaching Islim it various mootings from 1033 to September of 1°34 when because of prcssuro from the Detroit Polico Dcpirtmont I loft tho city and cimc to Chicago, Tho l;st time I six ;ll;h was in Chicago in lQ34 ind I do not knowwhore heis it prosont.Lk

Zhen _ll:h first csmc to my homo in Detroit in 1931 he Siid that h; was hahadish phonetic! ind thit he was lllnh who cvcryono ;iocctod to come two thousznd yoirs iftcr Christ who was crucified %t Jorusclom. _t this time Llllh QJVC mo tho nimc Qohimmod, which I hiv; used cvcr sinco.q

"From 1929 to tho present I hwvc hid no rcgu 1r job of 1 _'. 0CCiSiOnllly I would do odd jobs for one day or so during puriod. Howcvcr, for the most pirt for tho lust ll ycirs, my flmily ind mysolf hiv: been taken circ of fininoiilly by tho moslems. From 1931 to 1935 I taught Islim in Dstroit and Chicago. From 1°35 to the prcscnt I hivc trivolod extcnsivcly ind have lived for vzrious o-riods in tho following citizs: Qzltimors, sshington, D.C., Boston, Providcnca, N;w York, Ncwark, Hartford, Qridgoport, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Clcvolind, Columbus, D yton, CI.l'l'1£!iT'lh'92}Z§__"__"--_ ._ '+11n+'1 .-_--_. ,_--B 3 Th: --s T'h11*' .Im. +'irr|'-> "H'92z'1 VrrrrrF-:mi]_:,r I. I-92:m_~incd in Chicigo ind they ind mysolf ware supported by voluntiry contrib- utions from tho Moslemsr The monieswhich I rccoivod 111 cmmc from tho mombors of the mU5lCmTemple in Chicigo. During tho time I hive trzvslod about I ongzgod in no activities other than the study of religion and I was also ondcivoring to avoid unknown indiVidUl1S who I undcrstood wore trying to tzkc my lifc. I L150 visited hoslcm Temples in Philadelphia, N;w1rk, Hartford, Columbus, Biltimorc ind Tashinéton, D. C. It is my undsrstinding th"t thorc irc mor: than 35,000 Eoslsms over the Unitcd 3tit;S ind 1bout £00 or 500in tho city of Chicago14

"In order to clarify Islam ind its teachings, I desire to set out tho followinginformstion=92 H


, 9' ___. _ .'_'.Ah -_ 4--. c _------»--- r

and one was dismissed after arraignment. It is likely that two more will be dismissed before presentment to the Grand Jury. ill have been questioned and in Attempt mide to obtain signed statements. However. most of them refused to execute :1 statement, stating that their word is their bond. _ Sixty-three have pleaded guilty and admitted not registering for Selective Service. VLQRIEM was questioned concerning his connection with Subject organization ind his ectivities ind gave the following informition. How- ever, he refused to sign the following stntement: q ' "Chicago, Illinois September 20, 1942 make followingthe itement st t [ is 1 Soeciil Kgent of the Federal Hureeu of J ztion. No force, violence, duress, threats of any kind Log or promises hJVE been mide to me to secure this statement. un myble tobirth occurred.give the execwas u I underborni - n-use the r gmd when both92 parents HENRY and ELIZX are now dead. I receive my ear training I it the_gl;ce_c£_my birth and came to Chic go sometime in Iq26: Sometime in 1934 I met rhort"u;htU. D. FlRR;RD v ..< me some of the principles of Islnm. ' I h;velearned him from myth=t pzrents were Is1;msand was I l happy to know this. I felt that this Wis the only religion that 1 follows my Creed. I know thtt 1. o. FERRLRD is Lohimmedwho is n élllh End thlt glldh is the s reme being who holds the power of life in his right hind bec us all things are right.

"I hive introduced E. F. nUCF CK as lohimmed ind nohimmed it illih. Lllnh his taught me the t all religion is peace; thit there must be no guns, clubs, knives or instruments of war. lllsh tzught me ind others not to register. I will not register for the'dr2ft 07 f°Tinything E156because hive Ialready registered withillnh H in.d h aving once registeredwith illah I cannot register igiin. , - ' "Beciuse of our teachings lllh has told us thit we should not 92 register for the selective . Rcrvicc-mg because that would be kin g ourselves available for war whenour true religion is peice, 92

-16- - " .

";lleh his taught me that I am free -- free from Christianity. Lllih his tught me th;t I am not an imericun Negro but thlt I 1m the original man. He his tiught me th1t I am not 2 citizen of the United States but 1 citizen of Heaven. my home is not in ;rkins2s but is in Heaven ind I wish to return there as soon 18 I possibly cin. -

"Lllih has t*u5ht me that the Christian God cinnot be seen. tllah is the living God on earth.

"I hive on several occ - Isions in the Islim tcmcfc introduced =YCW it .. ._ucx is the Savior or the suoreme being because he is the creator of ill things and God is I. D. TE=iLRD.

"On the bl1ckbo;rd I hive seen 1 oicture of in .merionn flag with 1 colored man hanging underneith it; although it hls never been cxpliined to me the meining I do know that the hinging means death. I hive also seen the flag of Isl m which consists of the sun, the Lt moon 1nd the stirs but its true me nings has not been explnined to me. I h1V¬ ilso seen on the b1iCkbO1Pd_l picture of 1 wheel or in object resembling 2 wheel with bombs dropping on the earth beneath ind sirplines flying. I believe thit this is to depict whit the other mtn is going to do so thit we will know whit the other min intends when he comes lglinst us. I

"If anyone were to 15k me ibout the selective Bervice I would tell him whit Lllih has told me end tell thit person thzt I would not register for the Selective Service. I cinnot say whit that person would do after receiving this infOrm"tiOn.

ith respect to the registrition for the Selective Service, I could not register because hiving previously been registered with .llih I would be disobeying him by registering ind to be 1 true hoslem I obey .11:h ind do whitever he isks me to.

"Tmoden rifles in the temple ire used to drill with znd the puroose of the drill is to know what tho other man's acts are going to be. I have not registered for the Selective Service and I do not have 1 Selective service registration cird. "I have read the zbove stltcment consisting.o£ two plgcs ind know ;h§.$;me to be true to the best of my knowledge, inicrmition ind e 1e .

..1"?- 7

9c 92 r - - II -c

¬_-,1 3 . -4 1' . s ---....__ -. ------T¬-w-- ¬# -.~.»- I;--_!___V I _7~______J_ - . . _ t n _ s I , - -,..» -. -. -_ '. ~" -on. . -92. ¢ _. - . - . , 4!? 0 "_/" n ' 0 0 0 ' -. p?-" . .1. "7 ' ,7 -._ TI." ~~ ~ 4' 1 ' . _ : _ - 1 . ' ~ - ,1. -

p3- Q 4,0 ; ~ 1.-r 3 s _ people only have slave n-mes , and Into these order to obtain their original names. i . 1'h=='= 1="¢="= Ire? awaiting the return or 1. n. rm, . 3. rib: lg :.11a.h. Io ori na names have been given out since 111111 ioft C t-F °r Chi¢88° in 1934. Pending his return those whose letters have been approved are allowed to use their first names and then the 1 letter '11. _ _ X

3 -- ,- r _. r l

-03- 1 -LA 5* E.. ~. .|~ 5 4 92 C M»--~ - '. -.-*, _ .-I-.».:»<192;,qP--"§,.-n-_¢4_ 4!! 92 ,_. _ ._- 7 , .3.-In 1. F I -. 1!? '92 1. 3*. ._'<,H "!.A_"1' l . ' 1'»r 1» i ~4. av-

8.. t. -;._ sf ll "l="¢5.t=92' 5-1' '" Hr. .--/ *.- -" 1' 0-- E? Jr." . '0 1. -I "T In.-:!lH'"" H ' 4. - * ~ _' P "~- '. - a _ . _ _ _ - _ ,2-_I!. . , _ _ ._ K _ rr! - . , _. #" ' _ ._a*=' . O Q 0 a 0 Q . Q '-Q ' I. - O 92 1- 4. --12.. "

o ~ ...... -...... I

. ,:.-fl sons intezwieuredwere questioned concerning thewhereabouts 01" _ .. .:-. in __ _ _. '7 RD, whom the HO81em3 oonsider to be Allah," but all stat-ed that F.QED was zt. seen in Chicago in1934 andhas notbeen seen or heard from since.'Q I -4 ._ -PEEDIFG ;-35.; -.1.:4 y ¢ , -., Q. .1 .;, ._.§ -,-.. p- ,.

: -e - n

ii"1 ? . . Q 3 .- -1 Eh _:- ..

|- -. __ _ ' . .1 - » :1 M -1.-_- -: .1 '-: . .- ,7» . . . *1» ..-. .v, .. .,. ... <1 + e . ' - ..v . ,...... _ -1 __ _ *_ ~ 92 1. -..,: - §. - . ..;_:.- .92=.lhiQ-.L.- - _.. -Au- .. . 4 - - _? _ : 1 1} 1.}, . .92- .Y5, ' A 92 " 3, . im- 92 1- 92 ._.___... _ _ ;._. -.~ ~¢;. 5 ' _ D ~ ¢ n, ;.,. _,..¢'- ' P. ii ..». .v _ _?1; " - .- w, . .- 5. 1. I .. -4--a1-_~. _ .1-,. '_ . -I . _, ._..._m;,;,l-;k.792 i 1 Q. VI. 92 '_ "~;.-T."VH." "'1 ~..;=.»e. *> .. n._ 3». _. - Rf43 I L. ' "' 1 ..,. .__. '. __, - i-'"71 - ~*|,4g- f w |? ,_. 1,-_ ___1W,,,___ ;. _____7 __ _ f -. ,"-". _ 0Q. -.. k ____ "- . e _ ub - 3 4"!#% ~ ' /= ** . C I 7 10""-'-I11 i_ w _, _ E; .,, nmm. mmmu or nwss-rmtml ~;~§;;~;~=Q<;"v f4 Iii: 9110

-f 15- - u-1;1n=s@a=92cnEc:=:x:,:_1r.LA___l!'!'!_'I*!1*_ 31¢}, 1m.91,~_9 made *t ta when riod I ggpcrg m;¢q qy :- , " Glicago, mum. 9711/4.2 §§§§E2§';q, H P'~ ;g . ... j * 11 f nk r}£1.smmnz .I! w I '.. D|§|ulI_I.Ml§i ssnrrmn sm..mc-rrvs srmvxca Synopsis _ *7 _ _:-: 7 _:_ +_



-1- 1?-2

:1 ..,-. 1- =.~ 92 . {£1 HEREINIQUNCLASSIFIED "" 1* *1 Ir A DATE3!'4!D__BYS!;s.ESL!al!q..-1-|-.4!-'¬" aliit -1 W ii .1, -. *1: - 11: --1 w-I--w92"5 1 *4" 1 ._ 1. i i I¢-iH~iI an-4_ _¢_ -. _». . .- 21;; 1* 1 Intiila Ioururiauui w [N°§7L Ki - " " O f 3' ' {AI U» _ r ._ 1;.--~ _ '.

.> Y il

$7: ..,, . 3.. :_92_ Y '. I, _ ' - A ".0 l.' ,._.... . . . ' , Q . _ -_ . _.

. QQ .-'p . - 4 _ _. -~ The speaker unc-baa -talked - b 'I - lozg talk ould about the son -01 man the had ¢<=;m::@:mzn§a§§:%° 0 thagimad 1 I-3'11at :11 idi °° t t: the U. D. devilFARM}eon of max; but rather the iloalcm arm ct nan. -'.._ Rm apparently ma pengmnriig :11: 531! Ofmlnorheunaa mrea-ring to- I-'-kB"up be Ihm-.v destroyed before and 4 therewillo'clock. be no 1. . . 74- .-'-,- ;-u-

= -.. . w . _ _ -. 1, 1;. . . ' ' '. 1 , . A ax J t- .' 'S'- ,. } . ., .; , - .. . "'-" ..- ¢ ' - 4 u. -' '1'" . r .92. , _, , "" ~=~.--.w.-..~ n - I ' Iown-Ii ... . , 9 92- __- 1 . ~ " - - 1: - _ . .. .__ . . - *1 . . - _ ...92_- . -¢;t_"~:."I-0*. -"$9"; _- --~ F : ._.' -1 ,. In ' ,_ . -. .. , s.--. "_,,.f.; ...: ¢-#1--»,-.'.»s.;?--',.*_:'*.~r:f -.2; " Q '.' ' - a - " "' ' '1 "l- 1; _.-.1. - f._:-Q - '1»-2 .- _ ?- =- -. an-_ ;"_" "g -,~. ...";~.*-;I J =..- J I I i H K. ~ I I : _ _ . ,_ : _ d92'¢.: Q" __ :- -*' _ __ _. . _ __.,,g_._ _ ,__ . __ __ _. _,. -.- _ ____;, ______W____. ,_ . - .- _.-p-P1" -~ " Iv; ..-Q .. .._.- - 3 _ ' -.1 '-_ ,_ _ . . lb , '~* ' ,___ n V .. D -I. 513'. -- 1.1 -.-¢-- - -- » ._~ -4 ¢~ - ,_w qr -.:~ -.LAM _ .3, . .. nu: ' * .. .1»- L . '- i ,. _ 1?. . - . _._ - . _ . ,.n _ ' -- " Wt . I - ,.. . . - -2 ._ _. _ 2- ._ _ _ _ I _ _. - t .. .- 1 A - U... <<=92¢.-- 1 - . _,.. . *1 1:,» -. - N 7 ' I -r ' __ . :'92'.q . _ 1 _ ._<. - . - - 1. M. 0 " I4 ' -. '.-,4 - _ .-_ ' ~ - . 92_ _ y... : ' Q» .0 ~ é-L ,;_ t~"-='i&- ..al" , .b¢- -_ @_ __ . _ v_.3._ .. ..._.. J: n . . _ .. 5%,. .- , __.. -- . _ .. __ u. - . 0». - -*7 r ' ..4j-I. -.. Q Q .1: - .' _ r -'. - 1. '» ' . ''&. h - ~11 --'-0 --Q : A. ' :..~ I "-5%. J . . .- * '.'... if . _,_, ._.. . - - * . 1, _, 1* - ,... I . - 4 w:-. .- _- »- pi. H -4-v_ 5,. '92 . -_"' . -J." - 2. ' j _. it '-,4 92 A92l '. . -. . _ _-2- . -., 7 . l:-t.- --_.m---. I "av - L--:_.-=..¢... I --r-.*.--_-:.-»..:w.s__- ~ 1 . _ ._ ...... _.. 92 - ._ MQ 92*1 Z

'92' . " 11 1 ._, .- __. . ,. ~ ..- _ "' -'~. K J I #2 r-' = -*

£9 57¢

.' :11 Confidentialnmlished Informantthe following report 1- 4 concerning the meeting o su jest organization held ,1g".1SfiI-_25, * =.j;.=;j ieez. The meeting started with the eusto@ry call " 5-.4 and opening prayer said by the preacher and repeated by "those in the audience. Armouncement pas made that the minister was late today, but that the members would carry on in his absence ' "8 until he came. Following that various persons spoke either frcm the floor or from the stage and invariably praised Allah and his goo-jness. One of the speakers, a'man,stated, give us freedom, justice, and equality, or give us death. If you _can'tgive us that let us alone as we are determined to carry on regardless of cost. Be careful of how you speak and how you act. Be 105$»! care- ful, as what will hurt me physically or mentally, will hurt my sister and brother.92 , B ' ' 1» Another speaker stated that the term "muck-muck"_ mr..'1B"high praise" and apparently is one of the usual surnames used by the Moslems. One of the male speakers gave a talk lasting for about 35 minutes concerning the caning of the Son of Man. He -.143 stated that the Son of Man would rise in the East and cane to the eet and rill teach wisdom to the Moslems. He called the Bible the poison book. lg --:1-1 W. also knownas92lQI11ck-Iiuok" is theSon apparently of Mair who is now in the East in "the Holy City of Mecca, which is heaven. The only heaven there is, is Mecca. This Son oi Man came to the wilderness of North America by himself, because he was all powerful. He held the power of the universe in his right hand. The Son oi Man came for the deliverance of the lost tribe oi Islam, and not to serve the Caucasian as the white man is the devil. This devil has had streams of prophets who lnve been un- able to reform him, and that is why he must be killed, and we Moslems must kill him. The devil is a snake and there are no good devils. The white man was grafted Iran the black man, which r took 600 years. The white man is weak and cannot do right. The 1 righteous nature is not within him. He is the devil. The devil has been given power to build, but the duty oi the Son of I-Jen is to destroy him and give you peace and happi.ness.In a few days Allah himself will shine in the wilderness of North America. We have been lost in a land of ovi_ldoing by a race designed to wipe out the original black men and-women. Have patience as the Son of Man will be hero soon. A Lioslem is one who has found peace with Allah, and his fellow man. The Moslcms are in the war but not of the war. The new war is to come and it will burst forth all of a sudden. let us enjoy peace and happiness now and have patience. q

-17- ¢/ 1- 4. . , 7 -. 92 3 . ,, _-U Q F/_. § V -0- v_ mmsvstorso commune! zeros $1

concerning theleaders andactivities of subject o:rganizatic1n.T92

will ascertain the identity and connection ii any with Subject organizationof thefoil?

T-iJ_l exhibit their photogaphs to witnesses who have seen the Japanese at the tmnple of subject orgsnization.92.| " _ Q Hill report themrther resultsof themil cover.-V


or not FARAD and BEAM!-LN are. the premises at 6026 Vernon Street, which is said to be of U." D." FAR.'Da£1 41- makean

u ____ +;__:_ t inf tion obtainedmm confidentialam t _ 4 -and Tm f°m -4 Will maintain a s1.u'v'eiJ.lance of104 East 51st Street at the 6 time of the meetings there to ascertain _whether or not any Japanese F attend these n1ee"c-"1.ngs.92Q -

-1+ Will 3*."l'.emptascertain to the identity of these Japanese. Q V 4+ Ffill identifythe personsresiding at Vernon Averme, Chicago, as believed these emises are occupied U31 membersof tie organization and are possible Selective Service violators, u

-||- consider the ad'v'i.sabiJ.ityobtaining of a search warrant l to obtain the manbership records of the orggi ation, which are I /I reported tobe in+ .-he possessrwn. ofL _ / 41- '-I:il'L determine the identity, as-t:'.vi*-3"and background of

4+ will await the decision of the depar-mentrelative to prosecution-_ 92| .. -PE_NDING- -' va

1- I , .5 _ ii. ., 7 nv - _ . __ J __ 5 . ,_ . .. L > _ V as - ~ _ -H;-v'___ ,7 7: - _ ' L" 5, 1....-5 E E , E ,_ I 7 -~- -"' +."e -A ~ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - 1'0-us c.1::I1o|uauu1-a:|:a'r QHIQGQ 7 - Pi!-III;

fII'HA.XlT '1-' nuvrnmnnuna '- |-nuooro uanaav . .1, ¢3§ 4:!" *-.;_'~. ' In-nae Q " - CHE QI8 2/41 I K 1'BlPLE INTERIILL Sllif! -' J SKIJITIG 'shm:-1'11rE smvlct

or rac'r92a_= Subject orgnization comprised of about 200 colored people who meet at the Tmple of Ielain, 104 I. Slat qr, F- 8t., Ctdcego, Iedneaday and Friday evening: at '7 PJI. fl! ,_ .».. T and KARRIFEQ;Sunchy §ecretary, afternoons PAULINE at 2 P.1l. BU-ILR. Local I. lea PM aria re-IE "tobe1nlbocaaeaeupe11.a-be1.df'o2the-A-5?. er iaticn. An unknown Japanese introduced aa ...: __| Ill} GK, has attended at leeet one looting, at which go; -» epoke for about two hours. He, KARRIEI and e -1 -E c-1-e other nepos have instructed the members that the - _.."_:.' ,.,' etdte nan 1| a devil and the oppreeacr of the colnred . 4 -.___ race. ue colored people need not pay any attention E to hie lure, Iith particular reference to Selective -- '.~.~ 92 I- Service. All um-white people belong to the cane _,_ . ¢n- ' race and should stick together. The tar till eon: . '~ * e he Ion by the Jepaneeo and then the colored people , 4 -p Q _ 11.11 take the...rtruep1ace1.nth1eIor1d. lllahie the God or the cola-ed raoe. there 1e no heaven ¬"" except on earth. Iemhere are regietered in pooa _:_'-fl and obtained their 1:-ee mraee tron that place. Iew- hi. he re are not allowed to smoke , drink or c arr; a _* -1. I'eapOn. Iomen wear long robes, reaching to the anklea, "w-cf I and heed coverings Ihioh cqupletely cover the head. , "¬L.l DKN


-2 * L5 42 xi? '" . -D-7 a MI: - - ,_'_. pi?!'- -In-P I U. 1 allneenai ilhli Una 'm _ 3-""" N _t_:_,,._,_...__~. .- _ .. -._...... _ ~' T z. " - »--1'».-.?.~r _ ..~ ~~:~ V: '1 _- . . » .-~ . _ 7| _ _ "..i.~'--~ --»- - Q _E

- " .|_-.1-a_ , v.:§3:*i - " _1~~ ,r _-..-. er ax.-_.*.. - > '_ . V . --.--.._-._... __ - ----- - ' - "M """'_ _ - - _ ' r . ' ' I

1 ~- e 0.. W n . 1

.3-r _ - . _ 1

'¢- * re, r , '4' - -' "'=>:' ;-- _';. _g1=->3 Q V " "'-"Gian "~~-?92-an-1-4.4,-ma:---"t"':= 1111;: ' ,. - Rel; I F-I ' ssmnm §E*m cr"w¢';pI :11, mmber Ibo-6955-;{{§J.» , .- * IETAIIB: Ar cumnoo, Iznnoxs '

Reference report n-niches a background of Subject crgmisation, together with _ its activities; indicates that the orpnintion met: at 10!. Bast Slat Street, - Chicago, Illinois, on the third oor, Iadnesday and Friday ewoningl at 7 ELI. '_ and Sundays at 2 PAL. The Supreme Bglngi of the C'@I!lil.Slf-1011, I. D. FARM!, 1| ' roprrted to be in lleoca. I81 KLRRIEEII is the local leader and hie snot a_,¢-. J2 -and her lddreel 1| 373$ Iszticrth Lveme, cmmgmu -» - - '~ - whereabouts are unknown. PLULDIE BAHLRM: the Secretary or the orpzriatim _W 92_


"*r ii;-T" -"Q11: V.

-¢-@- Jr P: I _



-r-I -- :" are-'.. '_$5? :r""' '. H'3 __ _ ._ k . -1-as 92:__ 39* .V , HFW .=-' :'_;. . " ' ' - -- i;'- -' 9292Z _;. _.'

. I _' §:_V,,

1-» 92 ¬"wI:i-' ; »» J-' Kn: La 1 _|B I '-j 92. - 3 A.L.§_4'._ I 3;. u_. . ! 1; . ,

- 3 -an, rt

Joined the lloalen Temple in , a Iidourer. He was The Ilnieter then In Kllgf; who is the present minister- Meetings in about are held 1935 Iedneadnyby In ~ md.?r1dayeat7P.1l mdm81md:yet2PlI.etthe1'enp1eo£Ie1n 92 3rd ner 01 104 End: 51-at Chicago- I. lJ.'FARLD is the Supreme Being and heed 0! the orgeninticn. Re 1| in the Holy City 01' Mecca, and fl; In 1: seen by me in Ghlcagn in 1932 Q! 1933. ire. rm".-1:13 mm Iifi oi KLRRIBI is the Secretary or we Chicago

_ iluavet-era; the~.F';'u'st Iorld hr, but did not register 1 " 1 ' III 8010:1217: Service because 0:! the teaching: ill I. D. FARM} an ~ - -exphinedbylilll! ' A - --~-#1-I-~ A . -'v. »z,. * * _,W r' 92-

L . ii ? .r ii -17- . - 4.- t ' _ . -.4;-r-'-£v=-.-¢-r"~* " f~_"C'-''»."P'-'_ -. _ 3, _ I-92 -" 0 92 -z 92 _;" ixeuvr ,r~ I;--1»--. _.v;__.':I_ ,,_,.' w I --qr _ _|,_f---en:-vy;-g1q»;;'*_'92',:ll!I1"17!""'!"""»_' '- .- a I - -Q 5 "W FIELD DIVl$_I Q11

42 of W. D. FARAD to determine whether premises at B026 _ man n92n1l:Qr;'§!92§' |92 '!?nD'Al] I. 92'92*Ill9239¬I»92l-U a 1't92-Hi-Ho 921 _ a!.e_r ls listed

' nt I» win s surveillance of 104 East 51st Street at the time L3 of the meetings there '60 ascertain whether or not any Japanese attend these meetings. 92.92 71111 attempt to ascertain the identiiy Oi these Japanese. will identify the persons residing at {>026 Vernon Avenue, Chicago, es oeliieeeci these premises are occupied sir member-s oi -the orgarnlsation and are possible Selective Serxcice violators. R

Will consider the advisability of obtaining a search warrant to r92'l-v-+5-in V! 91% -I-ha "ll: vnnn-J-92@92-92u1n-in maul/$$ 92IJ92l-J-3-F qnna-¢r92v92r1a' § §92lY'l 92§Hl n4 TLW '+l-92Q rvnnnn-@051-l~-l Wm rvn VII M4 TIQE-513 ah 1 urnQ v-nnrn-92'kn,HW "Q? in UT HAY in the possession of u _ will determine the identity, activity and backgound or_ 92l' will await the decision of the department relative to prosecution- U _. _ .; 7 _ --~- "'_ I'D-I

Y ll u lnitoh States Bepartmentnilultin

_ _ Detroit, 7 lfichigan W __ ',..-y- *|Z.L"r' " s . i"; ..~ : -, .92. *~ .. 2":-'.; ~ .~.. . ~14: ' ' ? s _g ' E-.2.-__ =2"- .'=_,.,;:--at ,- as =-, , __.<-1-92 _, W, . '-~ ._ _ _. - 1- if ., e- I t4>aIP4 . _J; . .__ _ ,,.,. _._ - *1 , ._...... -W.--~---_.. .. _.-,_-,->~_1- ; e1 - ~¢H . N -

Director Q- "1 Federal Bureau of Investigation _ I United States Department of Justice w .-- ..i Washington, D. O. . A O Be: GULAIJ HDGANS, with eliaeee, at le _ SEZDITION - SEIECTIVE SERVICE $3 , ,Q¢§_e .- . G - W . - .. , - I .. .. _ . . _ I a .1 '1'. . , ..q 3 _1=:1 Dear gg;-; 5--21.,--~=-;e,,_§.;_ ._.- ,- e .~_ - -+,;_ _ . -' ~,~' ~ I .;. I"¥".4.-'11--,?,.'~1"T?':,_" " R" "" ii 1- " 92 92--'1 .~ 11 > . Kindly rurnieh the known criminal record of the following: _ . A ._a a » 1 = ,1 *1~»| _.92-.' - .1_;1;=_ :_.'._ '._ _ _ I _ Approximate date Fin- .- 92- 5.;i»*~=*»'2*;%.=~;-=Z§*' ~~.- ity, Police gel-prite forwarded Hngemrint 5 é "'92 I Arrest, or Other Federal Bureau of In- C1aeeifice.- e Q a . 92 lame inc. ejgaeeel l§1_1mber*.?* yeetigatiooil tim-

_| . :-__-_ _-_.t:..Q_92 on X 92>w1_&danu¢=,/ 'IlLIACE [DH FARM . nu 0 0 1-.e¢,12'Y"E. r 1* Din . Y, '

-..-~ ».¢

-1* K . ,. _,_ ' - ,_ ._ _r,.. x w .-U, _ ... t .-V : t . ..._ '. _. .. __ _ :,» vM. o I . ..¢_.¢'ig<¢a- -- - ..: _., _. .92 .2 -'*"' 1 ' _, ,, ..;....».-J4 TI.-*.-.. .1.-;,._.. 92>% o-,1-. "F. . .~ 1.. . --- A »- _ ~"~- o-- =' ~ ~~ * * I. _ 1 e , 1, . " . . - _ . o. __ " ___,r92_n:,__.,_.,,,-U ._ '13 __ ._ ,_ 7- =,. ; _, __ --3 : V. yo -3 -w . ._,..:' . = I ¢ I a D :5 . t n -_ eI _ " -Q " 92 " " '* _1-1" "7_ , . " . .. J; I k . _ 1. _ " I q _ , ,~ - ~ -¢.- it 0- ., ...... - .' __H:i'_»1.' 5" - .._: - u 18!> " '- "92 ' 4 L; _ _ 4 A: 92_A ~ Mu __ i} y 7 _ _ > r *_A _ _ f -.§_in" . _ . . I ._ ,_..- V _, . . .- - L1 ~"o A at{°°"*WNl¢ATr0us i' sscmf aw- 7 '--2.1. W!-"-£1 e 7 e*~~» 'r ...- e

1 et*e"**LH> 4 o

__,.__t__92 ' _.J. ' ' . '- - V ..._. ._.:;'_ I * man Fr. __ . W "H", v___' ____ H $3 A ___1 -- " .- A W I

! --Wm 92°-" LL92'%Fe'wmne1ecemmm Q ~ r 100-mo em SON-19 t 20197¢~eaFi-"|*uY'~@A.=-». . - i - ~ ., .. v °*~» . --..- ' * iv. :1~-"- ' £'~."§*3*,>?*35"§?1_.-*~5* ' . ~.- 2.. 92..¢ .!-;- r " Om ,,"5' 5}? .+* , , -1-,-. $ 2- 4' 1 ._ ' _ U 5 ~ 7"" T. 1*.-'55.-7-I . V, =1 " , 'I bJ41 '-' 7 ' . .- .- "-"'-I5 _H.-.,,." "'3 . 2 . t ' ,_ .' ~ -+ . _. Ev, _. _- .- _ -»_ J :,_92~' -.-- <_ w. .-_;-. -1, ,.{_,' e :: _.. ._ _ 4 _. i, - -.. - __ Q,,,~,.'§__,, -'_.- _._-.1;§_rf_-* .4-115'¢_ 3-5»! 50 nu. " ~m-92.=-5 * "' -1;; . .5 "-- ~14 .* -» - 1 .- ,4: __...-- - '. .-, T*.~.*. - ;- 1"- * -;"- ¢~.=»#-- .--'--"I-~' . 1'l- e ''~ ."--'?-' . __. .-----;-W,-.,_, 3,1? "*_' ~ 1 cL§__ql'i_ggate_q in n.§.J"_ na-mom Pile lo. mo-551.9 .

I Let-emr.l.e Perioé. gee;-r I .--»z..-- m-rmrr, um ' e/6/_1.2 " 6/m,,_,,W5/150 ma! I EaA; Gbuectc ; _e ._ 3,, .- l-'4'! ~"* "2-:"..<~ 92 _ NU! HIGHS, with eliaeee, et I1. 7 ' I . Q Pr ,¢ i "Q: PP.:",_ ... J. - _.. W. .1.-I ...{,§g,¢_;¢H.-'§;=-»,_».92 J: envy; '_ .,-..,:- , I . ,1.! 92__ ;~."=* Q p* . _» . , , *;?.'i{-'..._§_'_'_ 3;? ji-. 1 W '0 BI V . ."'_'fi-mu ' T -" =."-T , knownee ¥m.LlGE I ..,-_ - --92,., _.. 4 " , who ms Detroit 1 »,¢~:r--. $£5._%.§:,g - -'.'-.Q"~;~P ~. 2; -- . 1-_ .:_,, ---4 :"..ml ea unknown. Re bee PEI Io. llecnrb - ._<$._92 -_ L... iuiieete gmup has mnberehip of Qgrmdmtely ' 1'__. ;,. .. _ .- RD in 1931., but meetings grelertly average tron 30 to 35. liegulatione pravide tor captain, >. -,"' ;. "1 * 9 :;:._.i.r secrete:-iee,1.nveet1;atore, uinietere, student - - e . Ci. 1; ministers, teachers and treaeurere, bi mi in _,- _ - --92 .-1-J1 organized at Detroit. Teedminge are ebo92§ 4 _ i >_ freedom, Justice and equality. Io member in '1 V ; elicited to ennke, drink, lttmd movies or 8ll"I1 _*5 up sort d weapon; Io nanber allowed to rm: mier any circumstances md eo members Nhle to register under the Selective Service Act; . ' he nuiaer cl Det-nit group registered but ii. presently unclassified. liembere eleil regietref -ll D_ Q,..1-.ll-- Q.--_-I- QQL I -41.--I n 7-»-- IT! IUI' U-IIVDJJI FIT!-F II"! 92I~'5'92l'U X _U .92.n .- peeti-nge.' 711:1-ed tnehinge nil pwblenl ctudieil lag the group indicate the white nan en the devil _ en! that the In 0! Allah il euprene to erg mn- I nude hi. I0 inreetiuu o1'.'J'q>meu intlucne z : 2- '* ». __!f -._ ,, §- ,_..' " .- .'- -P',__ .-- - --.< '55 1.e - ;» ». 1.: =-i .--'..-'7 ug-; 1'" * - .~. -3 3-1' =~ J»; q T $mr R? M. ; '-in IS a"I»2'- -i--n'=?~1-- J ~

"q W: _-_-:Jf';: 11" " . M. , §I'_1 ' ~-' -' Illnabe +481Dltm it H

» ...-... *1-_,V . .51.1 ¢ - ._< -, . Q '_,J''~ '. Ya.- . _. _' . . ._ _ . . _ _,._._..__. i_ .,,_ ,_ v .! = .3 .. ~- - . ~..-.- -.-.,--. ._ . .~-».. - -- . - ._ -l 4 . . .--~__ .7 - , .. .~ .. 1 -7.-.-.~§:'. l -.---1@»¢=_»~i._'-_..s-;.~_.:..z1_ , _ -. I. "_.. weir-* 4:..* guy. 5%. »-=*==-.... ;_-96:-"~=5-W' .' _.e.1.7_ :3-ii!,_;" '!-':- J ~.-..--':.w': ---M."-1-v~''£";'--. P ,.. -" L -; 3;," i*1 4'1. i:';1w-l d 7* T 5%»-'1 .. 1&1-=-2" --1 w . ..'715%-{ -. wt -1i "",:'. '.=-' '.'?-"-- g Z 3.". -Rh' if' -... - '_=e¢~~.¢-". ;..'-I|.*§I'..:w= .=-i,:"-' A"-.I-~?'4';;'%'.-*'-.-e?-r...:.§»-1:1-~'?~"1'~e~'=*_" ;w~-er-¢='--~=~=*';#=*>._ 4. 1-. --?;~3.*:'=".:-'~ar*- *~~.--*1.»we-"-1" .3: 49292->M'.=-.=--:/ . =.-en:--=. $1.-»9P>--- ':'v- ---.- ' ' -1- ...- = "'2 - a »-,3 ."-'-"="-'-_-= _ .-.-"=;'>e~ -1'-4" W...7 ..~*"** ...-#1--- "~ r _..,,_,._;_._.; ; _ .. ,, f_L.....»_;é_!..L,,;_-1.-,-5:»? J;._4_,§,__-..:._,¢:,V~:,..?._¢_---:P.r...;__,_1:___::~$;._i ¬,,..:,,_.-H it ..,s§_§,:,.,¬. F-X1.-1.é?o:_ -e ;. _ _ . ¢ ,._l .., , -. , . 3 92,- - , ,- n ., - - _ -1-.. 1 -I- ,4 .. L._92 >1 '.'--- -. - _.- 1-.nlr' "' 7",..',._1,=, . : - -~ _ 0 92= _- . ,1, _*. , . - , 3 " W 3.if .- ; . ' f, 5 ='5. ~927 wen.P" ,;n¢;§f_§~¬r-.-Q.-_;'qj-,{:5}__'._.»r"§>.1 =-_ - - .'-.,.-». -~.--"'.~ ' 1-'--<. .-'.- 92 ~' .- . . .-1.-_._ .- * ; at - -~.-.~ -1':-e . - _!;;t:~*e _:-: ._-,,.' '; .- :,,. "r~ . , '--'-.~ ',- - -~ ~ ."-'-'i~"§.?=* *,#~1»l~..' --':~."*:'7-=92: .. ~.. ' ' {Bette *e%ww=t~ww~wwem%¥%@J@w- .1. _ _w,. r_ .._ _. . . _, _ ~_ §,..;v"a_..=y...._ -. _- -, -. . -- .; -, .7 r. , -- ._. 92- .1. -_ ... -. » -.»;:"-5-,._ ..92-__,-¢w- - _ ' -'-§o92~~-7!--/<-92-wr Q...... _.. . ., . - .;_ .

. . 1 - --»: , -92__ ., _ _. . . e __ .. = .,. -Ar -41 . -. ",__3....'a.n~*.~'92g~ .'~ -. ,2,» ,_'--,

.'_;-Q.73. . '

__...- , ~ n The teachings of the University 01 Islam and the studies eon» ii i ducted at the regular worehipful meetingsof the Islam group,which meetings I __.. 92...1.-1 a.._.-1.... _0s.,._...-._ -...1 e..s.....a-- -..A D....-tA-- ..u--I...-Q mt the Unnmln ll " I J C11! IIIBLU OMJIQGJ u1wI1l92J92II -IN i§B92llw IQ l'-W walllléf 1* *5. W13 i 4* 623 lledbury Street, Detroit, instruct that the black race, which is saved Ind F I which affiliates itself with the Hoslem Religion, is known es "The Asiatic .,_- .-2.. *-.. ";,~... . Blacks or the "Lost Sound Nation of Islam. The teachings indicate that these *- = L Asiatic Blacks are the chosenpeople and that they end their P0115101! areT -*. - i.._ superior to any other person or any other religion. leeording to the beliefs i -1 the Islam cmup,the blackman hadhis rst contact withthe devil mm he was '" brought tothis country as e sleve. The slavenape thick was given hi: It .3 -. -'*'*" - that '-* time is not his tme name and his tme name een onlybe formal enthe I031 . er Eh at I-iecee. The e.-11';the ea; in-.di'.'id::el cm tin! hi: tr: nem..e ists lee» .92i . cane affiliated with the Islam Group and be e sincere believer therein and E if; - make - written wplication for knowledge es to his true hale to I. D. HRD, to =-s§;el._- _ __ is ALLAH. At the present time, inasmuch es the present whereabouts of ALLH .- ..> _ is unknown, the written applications are being received at the Temple end" ' reserved for action by ALLA!-I upon his return to Detroit. Q . . -..,§_...:,¢;_;;.;i§;,55=_+§.;,;_;§§;¢§e;;;§*~;;-- - -"..~ . .. ¢ . .- -_ s 1 -- - -- ~.- v .» -. . - - . . -I 1 . .' - . s %4%Me_ sl- in- . -._'. ~» Hr§: - 92,,.!'"*9 -11;?» ' -"I ,_- E-17* -' The entire membershipof the Detroit groupst the pmsent 1-IQ;__ .. $3.-7 with the exception of very minor children, became affiliated with the grow 1-...;.-9....av vs-wane [Jiblea: Illnn -mu 11;" 1e'u._-s. new -Ion-seven-n-.1.-1-. 1-.1.-... uu-av -vs :1-n_ wq a-an-or PART! gas --w -- in n.;r.1-atw v-w- -g- Q-engine it ___. and "J E E actively leading the group. they ere s semi-i'.U.iteretegroup, unableto _ _. understand the Iritten instructions and teachings furnished than by Y. De mm . 2;. ,;,_,, _ and consequently their teachings concernthemselves largelywith 92f92l1'!921_-lb-ml--.-» -;A,=-.,;.¢-._ __ the children the essentials es t9 reedin, writing a|sd_g1,g-urirlg.The teachings?-;I.£;§ ¢.;_;; -1.end thestudies in the meetings atthe Islam Grotiergely concern '- .,'92u .-..-.; __...- ..._ themselves withthe stud!it Justice, equality and1!-eedqn. H ay teach that ._ -. - * the the Islamblackmen Religionwill be isliberated the sup:-ene"re1.1.g1.ou, through the Isle: and thatReligion e t %on i n ';»i§'§"- recent . _-_'-.-' st !-eceen92..»e~_-,g.n uithezziiieeiee thegee-.1; Q suiaject -m -- W- - .__._..§ ~ ALLAH. Inoaeesnemberdthelelantboupvioletese -_ ClassI for s certain stated yeriodof tine,-such as -e » - f accusations are nude against him by other members of th _.._ i _ mad

"I. 1' I r92 - a~ ."~=<---Q- answer. .. ., . . Lry .endear - r -- ofthe = 1-. . J.grasp- »"--_*se»= mmll free:-.=-.#.*-.»~;~ .56!-§!ee---_'--_-=;'.-*-. express_ -. --!.£r,-.3i.-~Y:;'*.'7'+:_§'»§92'£tan 2 . his opinions -_ -'.'~.e.4.. -=. - as1 ,.anyW -" masher ., '1'is' -.=-.92- also- ~" W 'r'-.;--H-'1-92 free to --'-'1'-*-=' s. -*--E < .~re - ,5- JP ' 7- *_ . Y I ~ 5'51 4;";"U . 3, ' ' 4'? - hi; *' . -:1? -F;I ~ :5 the '- -*teachings -11.1-+~:=>.'>l*-5.=:-4?' - =-- of ' {Ktbeleseons' 5?- Q ";;;~..i -set *' ' fa -4--j~-'"-<*i"~- - <1..-*-- -1the .-.1--avpnwi -" ' . - If the 1 we i-"- - '1'. * :i-'92'.~<'....'*-t I .- - -..-"-g -~~» . .. . ;~_- i 1- - - violated his 1 law, j..-..... he can receive one**-='. at tun '1?.- 3?-"F"**1'-.-ed . .... _. .. - 1. _ - .-.~ -Y ~ .. -. ._ . . - _ -..-. . .-.. . , ._ _ __ _ ..__ g, , A. '-».. ,,--ee-E , - ._._;.§.......__their heis then seg.>e;'ate_d_the gong _!re..n_1 £0: 1-hit , ....- -- -= 1:;- -- . . f _.' .7 ._ _ __~_ , xi -_: ' "-T" e ' » ~ ~ -= . e -::aes;s:see-__=ees:;e*if . a . ._..a ~.W, + ~~a»- . t ._;_;f F 1 _§%.. 1' :*~:t*+ A iggxiékeirt wine F J ' " .. I-_ u -_ Lo _ .- u F

Detroit file 100-55a9! '

'unday afternoon to attend meetings regularly and in addition to this many of them are giving up time to instruct at the University of Islam. Any maaber found to be violating any of the moral restriction! placed on members or violating any of the laws of the laws of the civil government which entail moral actions, are separated from the group and if the offense is bad enough the separation may be for as long as a year. After separation the . member of course must reestablish his good faith with the organization or he will not be allowed to rejoin»-R '

Prosecution has been authorized in the Eastern District of Michigan against WALLI HOHAHMED on two counts: first, charging him with failure to register for Selective Service; second, concealing, aiding and abetting others of draft age to evade registering for service. The matter of the proscctuion of WZLLI HOHAMMED is being carried in Detroit file 25-3670, in the f case entitled "?ALLI MOHAMMED, WITH ALIASES, ET AL." Upon removal to this district, WALLI MOHAMTED will be interviewed in detail as to his leadership of the organization in Detroit and as to the possible concealing, aiding and abetting of other members of the group of draft age to evade Selective Service bv 2V5-3670.refusing V: to n register. "D_""' Prosecutive action "um will In be Yreported runin 1* D"troit M Z File

The facts will be developed as to the registration or non- registration of the other male members of the Islam group in Detroit who were not present at the meeting on May l5, l9L2, and in the event it is ascertained that these men have failed to register as required by law, the facts will be presented to the appropriate United States Attorney for his opinion as to prosecution. In the event such cases are developed, separate files will be opened in this district. V92_ I All of the individuals interviewed are of peaceful temperament I and insist that they are only interested in living a good clean life so that they will be saved by rtuaa upon death. u F A checkof the records of the Identification Division of the y Detroit Police Departnent ' dicates the WALLACE FLRAD, alias FORD, Detroit Q Police Department No. L513 , was arrcs d for conversion and that his FBI number is'56062. IJALLA ARAD, alia oaa, is identical with w. a. mun, 1 alias 92 AllAH.92K 41' 1 /r --r D as i * . ' J! Photographs of W. D. FARAD were obtained and one copy is being forwarded as an enclosure to each office receiving copies of this report.92

. A photograph was made of the Islam Flag which Ias in the meeting room of the Temple at 623 Hedbury Street, and a copy of that photo- graph is being forwarded as an enclosure with a copy of this report to each office. - 1- _-

. _ 33 - J a - 50 $_ u - . -.,_..I _ ..u ~- -,. . . . _l . v If - _ ,, ,. _ _._ -.7. -.. .-- .'~ _1,;.""'% - -- - _-;- 95-w .._? - 1- ».:- .0 .__ .' - ' '1»: - "'5--A - ,'.,-,-.. -- c ;i'_ _ ' vlr :9 74 I -.~ .'»-- - .;. I 1.».-W--. . _ I. ._ _ , -' 92." ~.,4"T'' ! .- .. r_ - -, ;. __ _ _- I _., s_¢_._ ..=._=_~|-_ ¢.__-_'J A! _,. Q,-.1 . g; '.,.-v.L_. ,.__M _ T - 1'-'.-- . =? _. Ff! I, F-:'.'.I 1 ' "gr -1-....:. W; ~,"»,;'-' 1 -"3 -3.; - Mr *= 1-. .=- ..' - . . -' 1... - K, '" " '1'**"" '--K3-w"-;- '33-'_. _. H ><.-?£'§<§1£ £,@,_ die; v- ...... , . F; _, _. --- __~ - : ~ _...- -. ..'-.11» -" $3. A--=..-.: _.4-. - -..§._ ;-~-~_ . __

. - ~~ .- _ ._.__-r -.~ 1. >?sr{-é~;' 100-551.9!- '4 . " .-'.-_ 2- - .~_ . ~ .=-' . '--~ ~_ _ . - ~- - -» » »- * -- 1» --. ~-- -~ - Q. -.-1"-'-:~".-:~ '=--

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_.. 4?

_ --92-1? .. L,- ¢, .. - T-. ¥-92

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7 _ . . .. - _ ~ - 92 .~- .-,_ -3- ._,. _, 92~"-'14 ,,_ ._ V. _ -fl .: ".-' =' ~-E.3.4:e»*-9» . . 5!:--, .,,..92. -. ..¢- _. .. ;-.._r..-. ' .._ .._ - ,_ ..,V'_v_..-'J 1 "I Y-Ma >| JI 92 ' .0 ~i ,.~{'» 1:"-" ,~ _ 1.-. 44~._~ ._--.,.. - *-» - ~ m4...-A - ...,- ,_ "*' . .;c_, _. ,. L' .'T"1l",-3-H-'»-.'--.,Ir, ..'.~_T'1j~-lrjp--w_-1-*' 2-7-~91 - .24». ~ .~ ; .1.»-.¢~-._:..-.-.-.:-¢.¢.§ ., . .._-.. C 1 -..._-..,,1» _-_..._. . , - ... .. _ T _ _. .._ ¢-.,_. . - . F5 _. .92....:s__.,1, -.5-_,.__-. __. i_,-.¢.92 _, 4»: 1 I ~. . _ .~..-.:MI-.- »--1 .'-"-,. . _ _ . _,.»__,,... I * "- _ I ~, ,' ' _ 1. ,._ .~;; -0'4... -%-Y; y 5-, hp, t ~;_ .,. V, _ 1, 3, 1,! --_ if? 1,1. T-":9-; Is ~ . 1 -113 ~ , _92_-;_!.-- _¢.3v»-.-":5 92,-.>< H _ .. . - '~92-~_ ,.-.*.=,' - =2:44» . } F éfyl -3- ;--;_,;...:*.. ~~~;.;~+E?55-;-," - -- W :-_s..4-.. :i1'.*§;*~.;;~:=¥3 f #1 1 _ $1?» . . < 5, - 92_-v~ "-3,-in ~ é .~,- ..| I ...- -7 e 11- . ., ,- a ~.§ ._ < -:31; ""*l~§i= _vb} _, ;-Z .9292v"* '92i:,:"_}"' 7"; -v- :21__-A I, ...-:15:-f~!','-*;P, ._.__ _ *r;!.92<§___,,"-. 4 ' '_,_ ."_p§J'w.,;; __ _,n.._ _.,h_ ._,; _. - ._ ---~@.. ",3 ex-_- - ~-__'¢"""" -!,_..~ W1 4-5' ;;:'- Al! Q 1 '-- .4: ~'; ,1-- if -.. _- p¢_§..r,L92 _. -=....1 , 5;. '»~.-4.»? _- -.,- I. .-$4.:45. _ ..._ -_;_ -:;_§;__92 _ . N _ I I _.. g~_, ;r_ I Hr "'56 , ._ .- * _ 3;-v_ , - _.. ~==..- *1-~ . . v '§ .---~.:*~.,--~ e-J1 2 _.92-*§"".~§*'_1-911., ' 1 .. - " .11 a =.1->1 _' Y _,; - ~>x J -' ."..» ,"92$-4' 4 -' ~- 5 ,. -" 1. _ _ - _, ".- ,..,.i'»_ -' ;-,1 =1-Y' ,'.'| , . , ;=;.~, " @- Q ci;ilS:1II!iG1'¬I,- i» Sat rgi?-:§¥$§r '%f];a3.FQ,?"-_:A- ~§- 4% - -.mi-" aw-#2 ....w..,,._ .». _

.1 u Ihan, . . tor _-, Report bdo by :"_-; 7.xi f2? I§;»~i-f5.5:¬ _~;;.'*1',

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¢ ~-|-~,-


1 "-1. 2-!

°l1 Ilichi 1.11-lb,

u -. - 3,!-._._ .é ,2..-

-L:-"é-,;-. r'*_.." ;.->-- R, - 92_ , _. . *3,-nifa . _ _ _'. H-~ - .. ~ - _ J.-_. _ o . _ , .. - _ . _.._, -v -_ ¢ 31 . ._ - 1426 t 0 r Q e S S 1-nu§mFNTlAl "W |.|;|.|1l|-- According to seems, he married a Chknadvms from Iinona, Georgia, at Oordele, Georgie, in 1919, and that his imnily Yconsieting oi his wife, mother and tether, and the following ohil , reside at 6026 92lernon,_ Chicago, Illinois; _ IL,-nip _ 1.-£.__-;,,,._,_,_ I ;,._j 'smnmzi 21- sum, 2'o- toms 17- Iliiiillll. ~15 H > J see '_ M " m5m,_ _;/92_#;_",m;1.'_¬ Jnf, ll; villain, -'3; W" a lml7. , ,"-}_' . %._¢;_. Oontdm, subject stated concerning s background that he I 92- received crreducstion through the fourth grad , that he left his home in ~._ Georgia when about fifteen or sixteen years d, doing odd Jobs around L the South. ' Be was 1na.rried1Ihon twenty-on or'twen'ty-two years old, and shortly thereafter he rent to Detroit, 1923, ihcre he first obtained employment at the American Nut O0, under the name'_o1' ELIJAH POQLE. His Companynext where employment, he, as wellhe stated, %s was other with brothers, the American worked GOP];-or tron around and Ross1923 to I925 .i He was nextempl d at the Chevrolet Axle '0! only for e period 92_* of about six months, _c!.fter/hhich time he related he we:-1., through various "" _' . stages of unemployment, and at the some time was _recei'Ving compensation. X 92' * 'According to 'BOG;J1S, -hrofirst met LLLQI in 1931, and that this .__ . pers went by the name o£W. D. FARD. W. D. FARDtras known to him as 92 T"I'he7nLiving_G0d", end from this person he received all his information k __ I»,conoerningthc Nation of Islam and the lloslsm Sect. Gontinuing, BOGIWJ -uni.-$3 stated that W. D. F1-RD had beenwirrested in Detroit on iree different 92 occasions "1_or teaching Isl:-:|:_1, and that FARD sis removed by the authori- ties rm 1><=r-r<=.i<- on Hey 26, 1932-. ie=.*-ructed Bowls wt we I lloslems were coimposedbf the'do.rl_

in 19131, and that this war" would _. _ _ __ the _. i._'n_:it__ed _'Ste.tes,_o,b., _ ~, . / seems stated that aernctimeirl l932,'A.l1l*J.h whs teaching his i - I-.1 n -» s-Jlusu followers in Detroit that Japan would eventually attack the United States, 1 F F. . and it was about this tinethot he told him of a nether ship ca.rrying M ;QT. fifteen hundred bombers capable of destroying most of the ivorld. Allah .3 A _,. ?w",.n92, one him that the blueprints of this 1_mthersh1p havebeen made in the !'92 holy city of Mecca, and turned over to the Japanese to be developed folk use e.goins_t the United Ste}-es. _ Hhen questioned as to why peoplonot of = . ' . .._. -..- . -'. - _ I - -0 , __ _.-.,_. _ in _ 4 _ - 92 I _ , --92 _-92 __ , _.. __, T , ' _ - _ . -| _ I - ' V , - - . . _ i -Q. -'_ .- - -'1 4 * -~ 1 A;-:»".

- 9 - ' U r DENTW;I I 4 ¥92- W '--In--' '-J4 -"" t~».- -'41. . A -" "'Iu|- 92u»--- .' ~11! - L -- . -* " '3; iv Z " -I" -ll -l_ . ,

the colored race were prohibited from attending meetings of the rgani- zatien, BOG;-.NSadvised that they were forbidden by Allah to let other than their own people attmd meetings, since in so doing, they would prevent people other than their em from doing anything unrighteous at the eee1;mgs_~_>92¢__ 3 I - ' ENG.-ENS'192n*the:'r"s"tated' -the {peopleof the that East were not aware that "the colored people were living here in the wilderness of North ,1mez-ice until app:-oximately'sirl:y yearsago, at which time the Japanese up, 1..-__ here in regard to a trade u-eat:,", and upon ret.:r:=.ir.g to the East they informed the Asiaties that they hadbrothers' livinghéiéin EtheUnited iv-J-J gtates who were enslaved and did not even know their right-names. BUG-453 further stated that the American Flag was -designed by a -dark man fromthe South, and that the red of the Flag, which is supposedto stand for jus- -1- tice, gives justice only to the healtinr and wealthy; but the white of the American Flag represents the color. of the white nan, which is impure} C that the blue of the Flag standsfor imtruth;'snd that the'sta.:-s"repre- sent the gove1"nOI.'_Bthe States-, of under-whom thecolored-mople have been perseeuted,9292 - t ' 1 - -' - e , - l ""92 AccordingHIIANS, to in sometime 1932or 1933,'D;92'IQHaLE41%'IEJL'b- HASHI approachedhim at the headquarters oi the Detroit ple ich was than located at 3408 Hastings Street, and attempted to obtain information es ate we pr1iJ.esophy of the Islam §10':1p',as well as tomatien concern- ing the-number of membersand the purpose of the organization. He fuiiher stated that he again saw T4.l1.'d'L1SI»IIat the home oi a woman, name unlcnewrn, -inun- who at that tine resided "in North Detroit, when '-heirent -to this =Iro:aan's home to pick up brother aBDUl- lJOI*b-H1-EED,new deceased. TA-K-J'1i'»5FiIthis at time again questioned him as to the membership of the organization , as "W well as the purposes of the group, and IJOGANS statedthat he advised Q . '.IIaKn1-i.iSI-I1he was that teaching Islam, and that T.'LKaH.92SHImcpressed had 0 approvalhis of teachings.BOGaN5 ev¬rdenied having entered intoany activities in eonjiiecticea Iitliil-1ASI*lT_I, Q1,stated that the above- p .r mentioned meetingwas thelast timehe hadsee'-this individual . - ' " It was noted that when subjectvH!GaNS-me searched at -the time of his apprehension, there was ccntairiedin hisvrallet- a. newspaper clip- Nabsping dated Japanese JuneRadical". 28, a_t'Detroit, ~'1hisarticle iiichigan, 8-I:-3ted,Xentitled, , pinnigratien.- _ Ber-vice. - - '_»siaoni'm Té.KAHaSHI,.a~i$apanese1ihewas ones accused or age- izing negroes to overthrow the white race of the United States, was 39-5-led yesterday by Immigg-ation authorities. In the hous where Tad-='92l'li~»5HI was seized officers said they found s. large quan _ bvo_rsive___1ite;atvre- 0 I;".1 .'=l-L-$1-DIehargedreentering with co has Tsthe " oncebeen Q n. deported."/J__ __ _ '» _ I ./I ''- 2 - :'-t.T:- -J. 92.-=-r::.'92I!' -- 92 1 e - 10 -'' ' I cl ' '0-'7 0 O ,,

,+__ _* . -., ., - _ " _.. ;'._ ~-.f92"' -.9 - W-I /11'},0

q_ I

T F, . w -'a v 92 "'"""¢:f'¬, r 4 - __ :Q:Ff92"_<Q"jD'~ -1-W

I! 1. <4 -; - '1" _ ~ . __ '~ .. 5 "I have read the above, consisting of qpproximately two gas, airy it is true, however, -I refuse to sign it, since :1 rd

zk Ii 1 5Pe°i-é-1,.l-6:-'1'1ta _ ' - ' Investigation. . -N § /s , Special A.gB!L1;j- ~ - 4 er rem of linvuatigation. i ~ *

_. 1. ' Q-';37"K51_;x'§e}t_!.'_I.'f~_ r _ _ , ' .7

.1 -V , I - '4 'p - A 7. _ ..1--- i -_, _ }__ --_92r 'i3,;b_§,e¢t ' -1-'1oc...ns§1'=§f!11'I1i8i'l.8C1l18g additiunal staring; félklri

concerning_ hisassociation 92 . ~ ,-. with H .- the _ Inlam 0.;-eed=92,. _ I U . v,_"_ . I q Do coJ ' __. 4 -» ._ ' ~ . - , -1! - . - "~ e,1942.n' " - 92-- - : - 92 0 . .. - -'1'%aa B §:'l1o1rin[_ri92volunta!""statement to of theF er e N0 , 1-mom threats .L snow to ne promisesor ape M; have I 92' been madeto induce my maJd.r1gthis statement, and I realige it can 'be -Iqlp-In .A uae:1agair1stnsi.nacm1rtcf1aw.- -' i -' " V Ihas broht intothe IslamCreed 1931 fin at'!Je_troit_,l.B_¢hi-I . - gan. At that time ah, @150knovm tonne asi'i. D. F4313, apps-1|red_ and_ began toteach ue'. Amongothen tbin.gs_,'hetold an that I lm§$O have no part in fighting or military matters whatsoever. I have beefn teaching Islam Eié that tine in iihicage, iiqatrit, iraurikec-, I !Iaahixi5tcn_,'§3.'0.A_"_'_" *Vi_. _i I _ .; :_n;__ I =1 have been teaching W £011-IDB'!l'$h'£-timm has matmhm me thatno righteous Hcslem will take part in figiting or military training, since they nrerggistemd iith :.ne_m;1;1qnnimq or __ Z _92_ - 1 _ ,- ~ F 1-_ _ ._. r _ _ -.1 _ - ' After mm; read the Above,man-as admitted-11-. gugi, hut. lwww rened to'si;g;1'b.isname, stating-that his wqrd pas his bonq, ~ , _, _ .-- .-, 2- . I.! _ _- , -,4 1 /a SPe<=i-=11 Aeent' . _'' - 'M3';;t _Iede:r canu__w. of Invqstigntimictreefb _A _ ' - * ', _' , - n D - -4~**' i- mar IA 92' - __ t I» 4; I--1*--v-.1-_ :--;-__-_I I" i. v_'92a;

..g_g..- - n ~ 3 _.1,,-r I 1"", "1" '1: -»__ '_ my. -y . ,.-. - _ :7 kit U


- _ __ By teletypc dated 2.{ay_ll, 1942, the Detroit, Chicago, end 1511- iraiikee Fielc92_.0!ficeswere advised of the apprehensionef subject 3065515, and informnticn obtained from BOCLLNS wasfurnished to these,effices_. The Detroit lfficc was requested to c'heckthe- records of thebetreit Police Department as tc_iI. D. Fni!, and tc furnish any available criminal record J41...-eabouts. andphgraphs '_ we1_1. anyas asi.rL1cr'm.ati0n as' F.'|.RJQ'S_ta'c ' where- present ' ¢ _' . _- _ I . 92 ; By letter ';e.te-19, 192.2, Haythe Bureau=ie'me

i*""""'Z . .,Ihe.1'_ac_ts to prosecutionoi. tl92ese1.nI11v1c':u.als'unc1ar as the Selective__ Service Act for failingie register, were discussed QL-*7 7c Assi§tant United St=1tes'Att0i'neyOONZLIFF, JOHN who advised that in his ."""""""' -opinion, the proper jurisdictiqn in zfegard to pJ"03C1.1t-1V6action as to ' these Milwaukee individualsoriices would Fielgl 1;'Le__,i1_1__t.§_1e _ _ "~ " __covered ' ; territory py the j j!etroitand F _ t' 'nriteri_te1eph:onicai§,y coz_::'::1:hica'te<:1_:';ith Agent l Sp_éc:la.1' Charge 92O*BQl_INQRof the niiwmngee Office, and Special Agent in ' ;ha:-ge BUO»s_the .01 Detroit crriee; ''et_w1iich'ti.r1_eethe5r ' were advised of the prjeseneeof the in this pit;-,-.m1d requested. inrucdiately to contact the Ufdte Sta S 'rne3'rsin their respective <:1=e-;,¢e-.to yrfcsecution-_ n .1.-5Cf;u10B¢' r , . ' 'individuals. Ir t . dated HayI5, 15242,the'i.iilvr,a.uk_ee F"1el@-uliision _ ~1rsinc,

__ __1-_ .N':_-- .-' "7 ,-a - 4 -" " - '- .- |.,',1 ,_ R ~, . e ~ 5 '- . i .- r , - . . - ' v ., ' 4 _ 5 ~ 54 . ' 1 4,30

., . I I HP _ P gwsvstorsn LEAI6 ' _'l5-ili_1Ir_i_lCgLGODIVISION '- mm; /

, rill e B the identi ti beviti kwe at 1 - It is notedthat subjectIIIQJJS edvisedthat Temple 1-"' 9'_'~ - , . Number 2 is located at the above address, and that - - ...}""-a nnere ife E-_ppIO_ -z:.ma_'te.:.y2% sasrnners in mis temple 4'Q L 1-} The membershiprecords of "the 0 reported to be in possession o e consideration V should beA vegi n to _ e w -l of obtaixaing a sesrch warrant, with e. view to ob tain - - ' in g information thereby as topossible Selective 4-» - Servicevio1ation.!F -It 7 J ill identifypersons "presentlgf"residing$6 at 0 -Ierncn Avenue, Ghiccgo. It is noted that sneje-ct ' "BEIGANSclaims this as his residence address, and it is possible that other persons residing there may be members of the organization, and possible

- Selective' r Service violate.-rsA i H111 ascertainwhether MARIEscams, subject's 7 ' '-mother, residesat 5308 South Wabash, Chicago. Hill, Y if so ldetersdzsed, conduct investigation relative to hertherefrom b.ac.kgroundend i-Qzriaish concerningi.'~.fer'..-i=..tien'wtei..*:ec. . 1- 'e - .IliEBE1R0I13llE_LllDi92r1sIoNe i ' e H e '

, I1-I-1 reP=>r1"~re=ul1==;vf -xe . investigation conducted at Temple. umber 1, -located ._ - at -'.623 I . _"v.' 1ledb92u1rtree/t,»that __.~. ." . . _''. I-; _ city./§',r~_ -' _ tfiig eiso reps:-t 1-es=elts,si_"in1zestigetion e-s ts t ' A .194.2'VI. D. FILED, as requested' » in~ teletype dated. ll_ay»1.l, 1-

nmrsE~Y@12~1<'rmen1v1s1m ->.. I 1 " ' ' .. . _ . - - ._ .. .. - , .¢ V . 1- . - 1 V _ _ - - 'i ; will rnish W information tr. - contained» irrthe files of that office concerrtlng ._ - - 4-hatgroupsbf or Qrgexliention movements having it-tive a philosophy is Sinzilsr '§es..lm1,gtr.s-.ek/ M - - . ', -

'-1'2-» - cue W E -.1 __ _"_ »- ; -

1- 7 Q h er . H . 92

Form No. 1 This CaseOriginated At WASHINGTON,C. Filegho.D. 100-6989

Report be-neatif *lDate adejl Period " 1 Report Made By I 5/14-1'2, 25,27,129; 1 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS6/1.3/4?. s/1-5,9/42 -r _ w '--- 92 fr

92"Title acter of Case S4 |' 7 r _ ' Q _ Approvedeumaceocms, and4 . withaliases: c C T V 'Moharmnecpftassoull T -J1 smscwrvs o' no 1| 2,:;liij%**1*"?*ii"'*i semen 1 T §:jCUp1E§"'1.1 E; 1_-,1;aw " ii , s *s*:**J"7l "W J-6 **s~*" si S 5 hm s* 3-**~"" 5--.11 _ DE@%?% t -';, _. _ _ _ _-.. . I [§I4Synopsis Bureau of Facts: __ ,__i 1 » L -

-I washinEt°n l/%$ghckson Inf!! T _ " SEDITION;r -0 92. xs /1 R Numerous colored organizations very active in this district as mnslems and meslems.

These organizations reported to be pro- 171 Japanese and leaders instruct their members r 1 not to register for Selective Service, due _ 1 7 I U

_ .2 .1


REFERENCE: April Report2, of 1942 Special at Washin Agent! on, D. C. dated

DETAILS: AT 51-IICAC-0, ILL11p_1s The reference report sets forth that theLmos1em organization consist- ing ereat of colored 104East people 51st Street. was very This active report in this also oi set y and forthhad theirthat PAULINE?§AHARhead uart was reputed to be the Secretary of this organization inasmuch as her name is signed to comunications emanating from the above address.924

A teletype was received from the Washington Field Division on May ll, 1942 setting forth that the subject of this case had been apprehended on May 8, 1942. This teletype also set forth that the Chicago temple or the n moslems organization.was located at 104 East Slst Street, and the of the group were in the possession of PAULINE BAHARat the above tion It was was also founded ascertained by in 1951 at the Detroit, Washington Michigan, byField Divisioz t W. %;Z%gg: t whothe as follows: 921

Age 65 Height Weight 5| 5n records Race 155 lbs. Hair Negro Eyes address. Black Black organiza- is described. ...

FARD was reported to have been arrested on three occasions in Detroit for teaching Islam. It was also learned that there are approximately 200 memv bers in Chicago of this organization 0lg A teletype received from the Milwa ' ''sionSon May 19, 1942 4 Jto set register iorth that for a Selective coplaint Service. was A filed agains search warr va_ ained charging and thefailure A' -n


IDELL X., 425 East 45th Place.H X On may 16, 1942 a teletype was received from the Detroit Field Divi~ ' sion settin; forth that a raid had been conducted on the temple of the and that they ad taken six men and five women into custody for questioning. The agents e rned from the questioning of the members of that group that WALLACE DON_ARD, knownas Allah, organized this group in 1931 but had left Detroit ind954, andthe membersdid not know ispresent address.It was f also set forth in the teletype that the teachings and discussions of this group areof freedom,justice andquality. No member isallowed tosmoke, I drink, or carry any sort of weapon. They also advised that there was no - Japanese influence apparent in Detroit. Those members also stated that registration under the Selective Service Act was contrary to the law of Al- lah but also denied that discussions of the group ever concerned registration and that no memberis counseled or advised to register, but that each one de- cides for himself. The men whowere interviewed had failed to register for Selective Service. It was also sot forth that a picture of the moslom flag and of W. D. FARD hadbeen obtained f mn1m Detroit temple.H

A letter was received from t e San Antonio Fiold Divisiop dated hey 25, 1942 which s t forth that HOHAMHBDiOSOULL hadrecently organized a school knowntheiTemple as AllahHa ofin hington,D. C.,which professesto embrace In.- the Mohemmedn religion for the benefit of the negro race and is stirring up the negro populace by means of proAxis propaganda. Classes are being hold four nights each week and members are urged to send their children to this -1 school and to ignore the public schools. Gymnastic and military drills with- out arms also take place in the classes of this organization.L{


emp ._.92 office and 1S the and that in pursuit of such duties the celled at 425 East there with s_ he believes ttempted to _cards and stated: "This is a white man's I101 of my temple will take any part in it." ngstated further that he would not sign anything that had to do with the States Government; that the United States is going to be defggted, and that the Japanese will take over thisMcount:y and that as e result the ncgroes will be res. ' I ggxllegedly tol §t he ais memberof 11051331a group of "" sometions sort; inChicago, that there are Milwaukee, 25, _,and_mtm mot ersiin the club,lcged1y and that told t c up no func- true mcmher of the hoslem sect would register o u ft and that the present =-wnr would eventually turn into e racial war, resulting in the complete eman- cipation of the negro.92l

_ 5 _

9 t , - he gaveiollowing the informationregarding the organizstionm 4, advised that one, »KIRI<1.Am3SEX, we-.s the leaderof the cult originallyorsjanization on theiiiid northbeen byBE! side in this heels and city, and em:w|iL-I who that this according organizationu- had is now dead. stated that the leader of the temple at 104 East information51st Street wasto W his Das FARD,present but he hadwhereabouts. not seenFrom--all him and could indications, not ' himselfleader was the aoi member somebut of no theiiiitional 3.-Ioslem organizationinformation and in be all probabilitycould obtained from a hirn. It should be noted tna as tried and convicted and sentenced to five years imprisonment for refusal to register-for Selective Service. Q 0:Efice1¥o?Third the District of theChicago Depart? Police men1t_ whois _gg;;y amiliar with the colored neighborhood in this city, ad- C -1" U vised that he had heard a great deal regarding the various c_o1o1-edorgE'nize tions in that neighbornoirbut was unable to give any specific information-__ 4,- regarding any particul r one. Ho stet~d_he would attempt t detailed 4- -_ ','!ini"orm::tionjowevor, that he remembers in beck inthevery-ne'er" 1959 wheha few of o££ithe regarding--~them officer tated,1 that i1£uro.- district had taken a signed statement irom_,ggs of the members of e colored organization in whicH1'tetcmentwas it set forth that a Japanese individual used to come around and made speeches at the various colored meetings. The '-Ta Officer could not rememberthe person frcdram the statement had-been Bb:_a_ taincd andalso wasof the opinion thattllctwementhad recently been de-"~ strayed inasmuchasj; could not be located a he Police hnstimrters-. The Officer introduced the reporting agent to several reliable colored in.- 1- ._ dividucls who were in a position to obtain __.j_._1i_fo:'metion rqggrdingthe color- od organizctionsn "i * "

n who 18 very femilinr ni e no ivi ies in 4 the colored neighbor cod, could give no information regarding the various colored organizations supposedly active here at the present |_time.u,

who is also very fam- - s If 92. ilicr withthe color!sccti| . oion y :11S veryactive trying in to 1. better tho negro race, was also unable to gve any information recording the activities of the various colored organizations. stated that inasmuch as he is very famlinr with that section, e subject orgsni zatiens have not come to his attention, they must necessarily be very well organized and very secretive in their affairs. Q

It W115 reported by several other field offices that W. D. FARD is Vernonthe leader oi the Avenue.who Moslcm isorganization and su nposcdly residing at the 6026 Southmail I

92 carrierceived for individuals that bi Vernon Avenuethat district,at address was advised addressed that merely most of "Mohamed". the mailto re- dvised that he did not know any of the people who lived in that house or exactly how many lived there, despite the fact that he has been delivering letters-there for approximately one and oneha1f years.W _cept a closewatch onthe mailfor thataddress afor periodseveral of andweeks the. teleihonebill going to this house was addressed to also advised that he delivered a drivers lie man the nai¬0i' bat 6026 SouthVernon Avenue. stated that he made inquiry at this address at that time 'a s lived there and the lady answering the door advised 1 picked up his mail there, and the letter could be left with her.921 / It has notbeen setforth in this reportas yetthat therent for 6026 South Vernon Street is paid by an individual named BEAMAN. The Post- Enn statedthat in the past, he hashad severalletters addressedto E. LAMAN out they have always been returned to the Post Gffice marked, Not here". stated he hasmade inquiriesat 6026 South Vernon Ave- nue and they advised him that no one by the name of BEAHAN lived there. I

ease namethat he *sPmoN3Es:*.a1¢ had re ofo e 10 £M~iAPI!._advj_scd_e t non treetor to a BEAMANman by the been that has living there f about a car and ahelf and that his present lease expires on April 30, 1945. further advised that he know EEAHANfairly sellrent. inasmuch To the as bestthe of_-knowledge ""ul..~.rly brings BEA??EAN his $60 is each a monthjunk fordealer, the is married, and has four or five chi dren. classified him as a very good tenant, inasmuch as he pa s his ren regularly - ~ complaints to make. further advised that he know BEAMAN belongs to some sort of cult and is also a veryzreligious individual, but other

ve there, but that he usually


;- I b

92 J 1

i 4

sthrkv.-Aou ar ay venue, _ the Civilianthat the Defense people living forms.According at 6026 South Vernon u. Avenue, these p sop le whose na me s nothe did advis know, ed him that ' they 1 did not have ny thing to do with the United States Government and refused to allow him to come into the house-.u 92. _SouthV"rnon _ Streete , advised - thativeshe has1' at d this address for a little mere than one year, and that she knew the people who reside at 6026 South Vernon as I-Iohammed._ stated that she has . never seen any men around the house, and also stated that the women dress in long dresses and turbans. She also stated that the on]_y women she had ever seen go into the house were dressed in this manner, and that they were all co1ored.921 V .. _ stated further thatthere werefive childreni-n thehouse un-up ranging from 4 to 14 years of age, and to tho best of her knowledge, did not attend the oublic schools but seemed to attend their own school every after-

noon. arrived at this conclusion dueto the fact that on sever- --_-_ al occasions, she has heard the mother calling from the window at tho chil- dren in the afternoon saying that it was time to got ready for school, and the fact that these children were out playing in the streets while all of the other children in the neighborhood were in school. _further GdV.iSOd that oneof thechildren, boy a aged15, is known as "W. 1!.". It should be noted that Ti. D. are the initials of FARD, who is rcportcd to be Allah. I4

South Vernon Street, - alsolcnen very 1 lttl - e con cerning the people living at SO26 South Vernon, but stated that it was some sort oi a religious organization and the people living there never associated with thepeople inthe neighborhood.k It wasreported thatthere wasan organizationknown asthe 4{>aoiiic _--a Movementthe of stern World whichis holdingmeetings at2941 PrairieAve- I "* ..-:-, nue. airie Avenue, advised shethat hadoriginally been ,._», a member of this organization but had been cheated out of some money and there fore dropped out of it. advised she hadbeen a memberappro1ci- ..r, nntely three ea s ago and at that time it was a purely religious organiza- tion.£ knew very littleregarding organizationthe the at present time but that they were meeting at 2941 P_x_-airie Avenue.lg v4Con.fidontial In.formantvhoscidentityknown is the to Bur- eau ad sed that this organization ispresently knovm the Tioslems and ministerthat oi theyhold the organization. meetingsevery The Informantwith night advisedReverend JAI.IE.§CALD'El.I. t ' t this is a branch the as

63 -3...

T He stated that he was presently a member of the Moslem organization which was located at 104 East 51st Street, Chicago. He advised that N. D. FARD was the Arabian leader oi this organization, but on further interview advised he had never seen or knew anything concerning the whereabouts of W. D. FARD. He known statedas that ELIJA}{¬bU&£ED, the ocal leader of He described the organization this individual was one as STUA§!$IUdtED fo 'ows:9292also I Ago - 55 Height 51 sh Weight 200 lbs. Build Fat _ U Race Colored Complexion Brown Hair s Black Eves Brown Characteristics Very good speaker, dresses in f brown suit with pink pin stripes.

Subject stated that SUTAN MUHAMMED had instructed all members of the organization not to register and had furtherinstructed them not to fill out the questionnaires when they were redeived. He stated that SUTAN advised the members that they were not citizens of the United States but rather were Mo- hammedans, and that the only wars fought by them were holy wars} Subject ad- vised that meetings were held at 104 East Slst Street on Hondqy and Wednesday evenings at 7 P. M-, and on Sunday afternoons at 2 P. ". He advised that dues were fifty cents per month, but that he being in better financial cir- custances than others paid $1.00 per month. Subject stated he had joined this organization x little less than one year ago, but had formerly been a member of the Eoslem organization headed by SUFI H. R. BEHGALEE H. A., the headquarters of which organization were located at 4448 South Wabash Ave- nue, Chicago. He advised he was no longer active in this organization.q

The following signed statement was taken from the subject at thc time of interview: tg

'Chicago, Ill. I 9 !< Nov. 2?, 1.941 Q Lmowing 'I,him to be a Special do make Agent the following ofthe Federal statcmenttoBureau of Investigation, ree and voluntarily, without any threats or promises having been made to me. 92 - s.-, J, On October 16, 1940, I registered for the Selective Service Act in Chicago, Illinois giving my address as 4§56 Vincennes Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. I was thereafter assigned to local Board No. 4.

Before October 16, 1940, and around that tine, I had made application for mam rship in the oslem Organization whose local leader is QCIAN MUHAHKED, known as KUCKIUQ§_in Arabian. Prior to this, I have been associated, and

_ lg _ I

.1 I



Will forward to this office photographs of W. D. FL-JRDand of the Ivloslem flag. These photographs should be_ forwarded to the Chicago Field Division immediately in order that an effort may be made to positively identify FARD. Q


AT ELMHURST,ILLINOI§ Will incontact order to obtainti informs Elmhurst»n from Police De artuent, Q, regarding the massmeeting the of negroesheld in Chicago, pril 12, 1942. Attempts should be made to obtain specific information regarding the Japanese who supposedly adlrcssed this mass meeting.R _ * - : AI QHICAGO,ILLINOIS ""' 3 Will, after photo a h of 31. D.92'ARDis forwarded from Detroit exhibit this t to determine whet e not FILED andB]TAI92.-il1.N identical. are u will conta1ct at theCook CountyJail in an effort to obtain more detailed in.forr;1-ztion regarding the activities of the igoslem organization. Attention should oc given to obtaining the identity of the leaders of these various organizations and the remarks which have been made at these meetings. M

Will make an effort to determine who the individual Icnovrn as ~41 _is. This individual pays the rent for the I-ioslcm gani id Thezation at listing 104 East 51st Street for and gave this number his homci tolopho numbe 9292 Williormante_ continue to reernb ort information There arebeing instructed obtained from Confidential to aascor-t..:'.in In- the identity of various leaders in the colored organizations and to Pyq 57, ¢-7_n _l4_.

T ,,1y,r*"",f- i. " H - u _ 4'-M- -"E"' ~ '*¥" I-run: ,, - & L, E J ! IEDERI {U INVESTIGATI J§?;'-§~:j>§;~I .2_- fhisicasj ariginated at h;sh:l.ng't-on File No 14-4 W f~--_.-. . lR°P0Y'!Qade at Date when nude Period for B8p made ;'tby W J5, which nada 1-__" fl" " .">;f 92 rcrrm , qsccnsm 6/1/42 5/14,15 1e, _ I 9 26/1.2 , * : _ f L ______DI53n§1 Tiil" { HG chériactor GUL


Li _ _ _; _

_-¢- -~,* ~ ,5ynopsis of facts:

_.._...__¢--_....l_: i

- . ,I'..' .;.l'; I, 1

5 Y *w'J92~ ,0 99$ ALL |i£FOf?¬;'. tained all gr;EFm i.~DAT Apprliiltely 21 nom- ;r _, 1; J br #3, who meet. twice 1 -. K '_-_,- . weekly and who contributed about 500 dur- ! " - . Q.-. .- .; 1ATlUN CUNTAINED 0PHE:r ELI-J_'iH 'ow! and 92_-.r92 . '-_._;'L_. " F! AqQI§|',':|1 Ihsia-ned atatamcmts ab , 5' .1 '"" "N" "'-"' tamed from nine malc members of temple in _ . --: BY dicat- only unc of :1omb~rs ha s g re lstare d i.pprov d J ____ W Z_ under tcrzisi of_'t.h'- Selective 'Service _, ,_ let _ f /Y W»G 57/ ilpiaazof 0@¢"Mg7%; Report M 141;» _ I "5 W / 1:»-/é5330'-an 2- Bur N"?Ycrrk au P 2 5T-as PLou}'§ izngton = Dctrolt " " rw ,..:,, Chicago I a , bu! 1 Wu / 6 A f V ' ~ .

_ J!.f!/-O; heft 11515113; _ O u - ' . In I-oulll tit: nun! no their -no-M 4 .______,_.___ '4iM¥.haI no .prt. I! liar: 1.n1e £---..---I--~~~-~ A "'-""""""'f 1- at s w nd mm-mm wmnmn teaches _ ;.n:'-.~.~1.h:. -:1 .1 Jlah. Inshore tqght-to obey, ' P! 01.13 A11" 1; llt the dark MG! lI'é;a_z;par1nr; _ .. - erri that they were bro921E'!1'& to North Almricc by 1 a slave master four in red years ago. Confi- dential Info:-manta so , se organizati crted - in Milwaukee about hat W. ARD in "Allan"; that ELiJ.{If!I0i-I.-.1-QITD is nis propn-3 and yet SU'L'I'.d§ YCI-i'J'.FED is the teacher. Ewa- pepe - tlippihgm and cartoons in room occupied - by EULT-.1 "OI-Iii;-ED indicate an interest in Japan. ~.92 llamas and addresses of local pembars set forth * and names and addressk ofchiccgo members, ob- tained from correspondence, set forth. _ l , Q _ ur- J :3? - References: Report of Special '.gent_, at Iashington, dated 4/2/h2.iu ' . r c 1 - " 1"; Details! er .1TILT£=UKEE| 1 --,-I$wi- The title oi this case is "chang" to include

- This report is preqjcated upon a telctypa from the Washington Field Office to the Milwaukee Field Office, advising that there res an organization of negrocs who were op osed to nrticipetion in military ac- "!Q r 1V1 -e es' am that sh: Milwaukee Tgrnplc was looat-.cd at 530 '-Jest ijcltinley tratg and, on Mil}! 13; 1942, Special .'.gen?>i the Tlhshington Heald Division t.e1e- 7 ___;.q phonically contacted Mr. . T. 0' Connor, Special ggent in , 1£1.11':£=.uk60 "'~ . and advi d so tb-C t several arrests had bee n M and tbs ..._n __' . ?c'*'i»-E S case at Tlwaukae. K I -- . Th: facts of liisternt case were presented to Assistant Unite _ 4 stems ttorncy E. J. xeszczma, my 14, 191,2, and prosecution was su+-92°1'i=» i ' _ |


»-In-1. - L4. u - -92-I! ". - _ 1? _ . M ----'5 -40,- -I . H... ~ '-' 6 7 '~ I

'11 .. I I, -92-n ..<_92. V. - - - -... -@'._1_. - - ._- - .

2 - . ~O ,. O .1413

11.-4 _ 9 - or 4. _ This letter is being marked Exhibit fl and retained in the .1Llss._eJ- the.I!u='....airea"m'rre"s:tT '- " bnong tle_ effects of thedglslam Temple organization were three ledger books. The first was a ls er marked Exhibit #2 which is being "':" T 1. retained in the files of the Milwaukee Field Division and which is the -| 'b' membership and attendance book of the organization, dated February 1, 193 7.1,; The first page contains the words, "1 will arise and go to my ¢ . ?-f"-'.'.,-we .'.._._ A 1 Father MB. W. D. FARD". This book contains the names of thirty two per- sons, sixteen men and sixteen women, all of Ihom have as their surname, "X" or "Bey". It is to be noted that twenty of the thirty two persons listed in this attendance book are known to be presently active in the Islam Temple .9292 ..

A second ledger -ok contains a list of contributions made by the various members for t '"Prophet's Food List" from September 28, 191.0 to September 28, 1941. Th o ledger reflects that the mnteership, total- ing nover more than twenty two, contributed from $6 to 3.2 par week for food for the Prophet's family. This ledger is being marked Exhbit #3 ' and is being retained in the files of the Mil"-rau.»':=e Field Divisf on. Q

. atathird ledger contains a list of the members and their contri- butions from February 15, 1941 to February 15, 1942. The -members are listed with their first names and the surname, "X" and the amount each contributed weekly during the year. Each month the ledger indicates a .1.cr certain surrrwas paid to PROP!-I'~?.T ELIJAH 1&0!-LIL!-EED. A compilation of the amounts paid PROPPET ELIJAH -'OFiA}{ED indicates that during the year a total oi $1466.80 was paid to PROPHET ELIJAH I-!OH.J.'E-'ED Out of a total 01' $1649.50, which was the total amount contributed by the members. It is to be noted that the members do not contribute e fixed amount, Iuch as dues, but contribute whatever they can. The members advised that this money was either turned over to Teacher SULTAN EFOHAKEEED or sentidiroctly to EILIJAH HOHAJFZED in Chicago. This ledger is being marked Exhibit #4, and is being retained in the files of the Hil'n":;ul

I In -92 .4. 1! $4. 1 Q.'_. _ Q J.n.__ _-_.I lIl'!Ol'1g Ella F @IIBSpOIlGGIlCG E15 tnc .LS.LB.Il1 l'OmpJ.3 1735 E J.G'F$8I' !'G..UF3 s follows: 1' H530 E. McKinley St, Filwaukee, Wis. August 16, 1940 1

If1..'i<~;# "Hrs. Clara Mohammad L S308 S. Wabash Ave. K , Chicago, Illinois n f E -4-

-'- M»------"-M .. -er ,=-.5-In-1;-Indie;-11-. " 4} - F . ,,. we ._I - - v - __ ; _ ~15 I -'-J--=--~_.,'-*--§~_ #1--=1 s-.~"_-r§,;~-- , _r,.3,._._____,._;3_¢_5-&__;'.'r¢-'i;._...|* 'm _ i, _ .t: _ _ _:.92;v- - -1 -. H _ ~ ' . -F _ _, 'r. " T1,->-_--_ ,, --' _-___ "-3; ,_ _} .'. -I.¢__- -..',If.-5'._ , ;"_ 1 _ I , _ " L; -15115. y.;==- .-=._= rur- ,1 '&- 14-4 e V ~ -.

u.._._ &92.._ 1..._...-.__.-.-92 H--.4-U-Ihwr :1. um uuu _L::.u_i_,u.c:5c: uauu HJ I ~'were of Islam in 1'-118 PTB ' sence of Bureau entsAg .1 it is boslia-Nd .__.» - th..: lesson is one of the -F --- " --rst-sthings_'"5Egt-the"Islam followers. 1".. ; ' . .,. t 92" 'A copy of a magazina"entit1ed,, "TheFinal call to Elam"dated August 18, 19.34, petroit, Michigan, indicates that W. T!. Finn uné :5? / original organizer ofthe cult. This copyis being marked Exhih#5 and is being;-etained_'in thst.£iJ.sB01711116 1'!i1Wa'-IKBBF193-<3 nlvislon-U _ 5' . ?.:-.'.:,-.-,,.:;."._ = -. - - ' - t "~-"'.-,,-. n.1 . 1' - ~=' _, 4 ~ - - - - 92- ~_ F In the roornioccuiaied sutmrby no:-me-manwere found n umETC US DGIS paper clippings. _Thqpe consistedof cartoons and accountsof the Jepaneee war activities. It is believed that these cartoons-and clippings are s18" nificant in that eve:-fy one9 P without exce tion a relates _ to the Japanese; and, from material obtained, and frcm talk with various member s, this 92Al_:l-ll-I-$lIKU§B4'l-In1Iq9an'?u-5+-in RQYJ».-nli u92=|.;.4qv92:|a Juana -51»-1+ u4.+ -11'? us-u-n.Rawlr Puma: &924uuu .L92-|b92QQw.c:0n'r_].Q!:G c.....--..-.-..,_ hf -__- r!n1nr'must be aligned against the -white man. mile no definite lymptlhy 1'61"'3-1P51'1 "35 evidenced by members nevertheless, these clippings and cartoons would seem toindicate a};is-net aninterest inJapan andher waractivities These dlippingg are being designated as Exhibit #9 and are being retained in the files of _iis_i1:~1_n.1kee FieldDivisiomij ' _"_-.~ j ,9 am Bureau,» n. onfidcut advised_t$?1n -__ Informant has lcno'fm__o£" - thiswhosei ' 'Islam idantitorganization Y is knovn to thein being existence in llilvgglcse since sanetima about 1930; that the organize

, tionhas never strong but thatit always scams to be axis-in J 1 tonco. Q ' -q. 1 »!--92 . 92 --. Gorifidontial Inicrmant did not know who SULTAN 1:CHA*""i'Dwas <- nor had he heard the mabcrs had r-:g.i:t-cred under the Szlactivc we. Training.senrvicc find l"94_0._92A ! 42 . had hoard of » 92 the~ org igmpwau n cation d1n'ing7__a_é;gstc<=:':¥1a,em1a1 or s gated fivcyears but mtthathehe did not Informant icnow theorganizations the present warand whetherthe m_em5s§'= wora activalq advocating othcr nogroes rafusato servein the ended . * f"'=°5 cmmtz-;.! °5 A M i Y '~1-TE? . {fenperaryCmm Informanttho hasBeen acnding,V_ mact1.ngs61 %i_g:ganizatio:f_'_ T t month'_5~lix_we_e§:i ata'E.';d_that__th?e ofIllam theT£11=auk'é' Trample_ t1r!,5:_oASULT1hI Chicago Imp1s.z;_th_a?i". ti;he tqischarspends =CHA'-Fd 1., L . part of each Ir _ L!.n_bctl} c_§icsj_"f,_!;_at themoney is ;o__e_Ilccfte_cj_and is .-my. tamed*. ova: 1'.-QV },,TE;'£!f1!- 13$ ially t-aka: it e P_,!!l.aca§e;"'£l!92.atthe -5,, .L-. 7 4.1: t...- organization b cachI lint heconsiders _ .'1 _ 1' £8bi.-Q U13] Ob. at , y _ , - V_'.*"*;":---J41. I1-:_.. '- AI Li. i-,-.. -' .__ H F'..,.e,92-if =4: '1.-.6-1° ','' - -, ,_ '1?'. ___ -- - :-_92_.-2 -. V ,- Y_'- L'_-"-H -. .._;.n_ .- ' 5-, '_ , P -,,. - - . . -.. -1»- we '92.-..=§t*..>i92:... --. - 1-. v ;,,-;-L*:e-r_._ .-.92-- _.a -- ..7i.= if.:"-r'--"- . - ~ -- , " -- ="-ti I i=* ;.E:':"¥1 1*» -" -+ '1- - '- -- -" P-. '*..'_I,. "=;'.§5.a.-='. V" 1 '-~@.;"i-": --_~ "'-x3i1I92'1. " '-=-" ' 11-¢=1' <,-ti» = . .' 1.- ~. 2 _* ' 4..-:~- u -~ .. --....=; Y - -. - 9,,» ..~.*:J*»*---».§?..""2 ' -Evy-: ; ¬~ i "'' r _ - 92.<¢T:~"?~- -§.--.o'5.;_H-~-:¢:l%oJ;I.!I*"."- * 51- ens . . - e"-71,-3 .' -,37"-."-.,- a - v4qi92;'" Q - Q,» J:i' -__'Q;"?--§»-_é."92f92:E_'-Ia»- mi 15" ==w».~~'..._ wg'*_I; i 3a- 92-$1 _.. _, - _15.-" ~51»i-h!!.='=§ -V*~-.1,; '5 ':_- "- IE3; f-7V-'-___*:... _=,'.'_.=..-,;_,grin _fj__'_i_:_____'.:i;: 1 Jr"* g ;;:_:.~;_~,'.;. H3-w'Z _-7'."-'~2";'. l - -_ r»_1--_F- -n


"- -*'-"EMU gun .92:.|uu..u.|-z 100-6582-7 __ a T 5-lb-h2 HAY 1 5 1942 _,

mBBAHUMEI*.i%EJL Henorcndun for the _ y Genersl Page 2 the 7th. A dark man is now taking that which rightfully belongs to him. The devils don't own one inch of the earth. Zvery'oit of the land the devils own was taken from the dark nan. The dark man is just reposaessing that which belongs to him. Bring your professors, your judges or the President and I will prove to any of them so that they cannot deny it that the shite roan don't oun one foot of the l96,9L0,000 square miles of the planet earth." H

Later in the meeting, he made the following remarks:

"Join your own kind and your own religion and save yourself from the wrath of Allah on America. It is Iritten in the book to receive not the mark of the beast or his name for they that receive the mark will he destroyed. Nhat is the hark of the beast? It is the mark you see on the devil's money and on his uniforms. The sign or mark of the beast is the 'eagle.' And if you have that mark the Japanese are going to shoot at it."924

On day 9, l9h2, Gulnn Bogans, known as the apostle of nllah, was taken intn cnstndv h U Rn-I-nnu i.o'an!'_q_ _ I at which time he admitt ad th-"f. r92 h". :1 h Rd failed to register on February 16, l9L2. He refused to register when requested to do so, stating that it would be against the will of Allah, and that he had already registered pith the nation of Islam in Detroit in l93l. According to Bogans, in l93l he not an individual known to him as 4- D. Fard, whom he considers as kllh, our God. He adaised the Agents that Allah told him that Islam is freedom, justice, and equality for the people of lost nations, in which are included the dark people in the United States, which he described es the wilderness of North America. He continued that no true member of Islam Iould register for United States Selective Service, and that he would under no circumstances submit to or permit the Agents to register hin.U92

Hogans advised that in audition to the Temple in iashinzton, U. C., there are Temples in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Chicago. The original Temple at Detroit, where Islam was founded, has, according to Bogsns, between nine and ten thousand registrants. This is possibly exaggerated, out it is believed that there is an active membership of between fifty and one hundred. Through informants, it was ascertained that the leaders of the Detroit and Milwaukee Temples arrived in hashington, D. 0., very shortly aiter Bogsns' incarceration. These individuals Iere questioned by Agents, at which tin they admitted they had failed to register on April 27, 19b2, and when given an opportunity to do so refused to register. One of then, Sultan hohammed, is the leader of the Hilwaukee Temple of Islam, 630 test Hcinley Street, Milwaukee, Risconsin, and he claims a membership of between one hundred and one hundred fifty in that city. The other person, Tfali Mohamed, stated that he was the leader of the Detroit Temple. Their reel names are Sullivan Ellis and William Poole, respctively. Golan Bogsns is a blood,brother of Sullivan 5llis.q !_L_ do/Y Theabove information concerning the failure of- and Poole to register on April 27, 19b2, is being presented to the United States Attorneys st hiluaukee, Wisconsin, and Detroit, Michigan, for whatever action they any desire to take in the premises. q

7/ ___.. 92 w.;",@.___ --..92 . 1;."-ml .... 4___..,__...¢u.|rn.Ol 3. -t Y t x , _ ' 7 _ I 1 ! _ C Q . i _ . Oice . M6%,;_,,, W _-T2477? }f_;oN1TsD L. I I "" Y. ' "}0VERNMENT m , nT~._=rc]:oR, FBI l __ u _ DATE: 6/27/5_77 _;V 1" mom = SAG,92~i92¥FR.-'~_'£¬GIS 90-14.3165! - - j ;O t» ~ __,._ ." - - . - t *1 sumac? / D. :A:iD I o »» ~ -' M e_,» , e'1 , L ' . e'- SM NO ' ' . - 92 i -. 2.1- ; b O02 ReChicago CHICAGOletter to Detroit dated July ' . 31, i957_.j_ _ . ' _, i * On Aueust 1S, 1937, Records Section, . 1 San abe toQ,92.1e_ntii=I"* 'SF 1 _*-" " ~"*- 'nfor uentin, m pation California, ertainin- gmade to KALLIEavail-, D. C35, San _uentin number h231h. £7 "FQ§D, , / / indicated These records reflectas the_true -u name ofthat under the Subject, the name ofhe was H§§EIE receivedD. = "§t County, San Quentin California, Penitentiary where he June hadbeen 12, 1926, convictedfrom for Los a Angeles violation_ w~_ of, 'QOnD the was State Poisonborn etgggrtland, Act.These Ore on, onrecords Feb further wary 25, indicated 1391, histhat wele fgtherbern bein; in ZAP? Hara1i.' ZAREDQQQQ, mother, FORD'sn3ATHIC§%%CiD, occupa ion wgs both oflisted whomas t 92925§fra¬or of tne r5¥d'Bottling Works, Honolulu, jk Ix 9292 f.ilowin; description was noted ,' 'relative-to WALLIE D. 3053: . 92 1 92' ""'R""""" ace ,_. 92~ /92 ,' w n ite 7; Occupation Height height

9292 n'92 Comwlexion _ Eyes , -A hair w harital Status awaii. The Children . Education

Former address 1=» Cook *M§@& _ when interviewed by California / State Parole,$utherities P 2/ A . 5' 6 3/8" concerning inferxationhis as past, follows:the records ' " indicate_that " 133 poundsP - FORD92fuTnished -- j QP e?} » ',.L ... 1 1 .-, EP 0" 57 '_ ._,,,..v-v-z,!"'!"," X7"? " ,._,,- u . Dark~-7'-"3' o 0. ~ ' .-_-pl ' '*"" " 'H""92" """7"."-" ""7*' ' - ¢#* i " 71 2, '"5~792w92w»%??l="Iu''""92:!-F-!"';"*""*'.." / , . __§P ' Q Q"I v- - 92t"f-'7," . y_r~ 7-T '_f H . '.. 3" '_ '_ ,;_____ 31- , b55~92~ V: ._,_,_- J_V,. '_,~_.- -Av _ Maroon I __ _ -__ ,_ - __ _ H P t -_ _._f ._ . IV1-.":"92i;r__ ,1-3%,? E_ . 9292k~92ll ' ? Black Married'1/ *1» Qk - gumau R?- . . _=.,r¢::: 92 92__: 92_ 92..' ""0re§on. Uiwg sEP' S "" ' » _C__ -. " '2:iqaA - - Detroit Chicago 3%§§§s&§!?3HB§J92Info!_ ;j.;:-! Qigga @§3$" Public m schools, 6 _...... -,_-#___- Portland, - ._-_--3 '3 ,§I lspa j:;; :._~ l _ ..- 1-. .. .- t. . ..,.__,.-.... , , __ w Q.-ll r . <,3:-£__,,1 3 . In "--L, -' .1 e I- _ o'5 .Hs¬' xnezh - a =s e Y, f_ Q iii ~ . . rt - 7'-'1'-H at i if ' N _. -_.92J:?%i t __ - A . H, -- ss 100-L3155 * ~~, a

_ " _ -_.;'V. f':a~'- . __ - K 1 -,3./ He was born in Portland, 0re;on, in 1591, and lived in that city until 1913, at which time he Moved to the Los Angeles area where he esié" until the time W. _ -1'1 V ofhis arrest.He married_§AZ322¬3Z§Q§niL05.5n£9193 .§§ ' and she was 26 y ars of age at teat B116, One child - resdtted from this union. A i" 1 J ' - 1-- A MP!. __ ~_~ .51 ' __._--,..._..l---" : .' According to San Quentin records, District" Attorney K5YES of Los Anfeles County, prosecu ort in .:;._:,__ . . _ > 1 . _ the Subject's case, made the following st tenant concern- 'Q%-"-*{.._' k. - ing thecrime, "Thisdefendangkhed in his possession ' at'5e;~ drugs which his partner £JkARL',Y&LDSOF offeredto 1 L|"' ." " '5 """" ""i"""*""" ue""c1'ous , W. se i ll to police oficers for $225. Lhey oecame s c,i _ vsexseei 92. ween tev detected one of the officere handcuffs and gtttseeae - refused to go through with the deal. Officers found ei--eh - 1 ?;.'j..-i',.,. the drugs at FORD'splace of business." ' a;}~. r @%#~m~wQ »~_%,::$- ~». .. ."'1-'~ 5s .' ,_~,:-.92. San tuentin records reflect that while in that "Vf";;_'.:.1.?,'.;¥i.t? _. '-7*" §Fw" institution, letters were received attesting to FORD's '»" -, good character from the following indiviouals;~ . w|_.,_;___.,_~ 33:31,;-w-;.1; : 1 , o 4;§Z1§:: ' :s., .{-,;t-_--- V_ jg".->e.I*~. _ __I-__I§-s.;§.,%5>I,OF.I'.T. F..1.Z§,L 1.';i"e]', stated I'c>1;t1&r who gt It. ,,,.,_- V, 92 ._ ¢.92~*1;.*_'-1>_ _ in substanceatat-?Ordid*not¬rink, smoke, or gamble. -as»-2-7.? '-SP1"-.-' 3*-s-T~,- 1: He was morally a good man that because he was tenpermenta their marriage resulted in divorce. e _ , ' -c "' _1 ~ .,.. .. .- .,.. ',.i;=e'-'V 1 -_ _ . -r pr-~'6-#1/.:'..-- Mrs Ma?gXgHOKH%efE5§'An"eles,stated that who T>,-,1.*=""-.<'..." Ci<_¢,"sI -'-" :., -- ..., H '1-."-1*._., j"-'f~."7_-,_-._-» *2» J - J FORD had been "like one of our family for ten yzars." -->.2=,_ -- . -. _92 ! _ 64.?-. .' 5 ,",".,*l w .. ." ~ 1--;_lw 1.; ;_a 1.. ;.F5?.;*?&-'*, _ Hrs.lE;éi¥ZgQ§IQK£os"aE1es, of whowrote on _,"'f?* "1-_Te!;*<-I-1""-"-ii -/ :1 92 ' Hay 23, 1927, "I have known_him for ll years; my .';.3_:;_1.. 'imother .always and I have always been very fond of him.. %§tese» treated him as one of the family..." . i.as, .¢<., -- .. . - ".11*, '-.v *._a;;~¢;».'r..**7" "5 - 4-"A 1 While incarcerated at ?an Quentin, the Subject 1f 1-"so-. --;, -,-1 #1- .- --at= -, was employed in the jute mill and as a road worker. l.-.*."¥?-'~''._ 1 an _ 4_~ ;sea§saes " * - " San Quentin records indicate teat FORD was - :".92-:-Q . :1 released from San Quentin Hay 2?, l929. _ n '$&&$K*¢ . :5}-_'P.".v1~ ,~¢_,~--§5p,._~: =; 92 "Y - .,"§':-.'!'<»=.92=;_'.""J _ Information copies of this comunication are 7+, ,.¬,,2¢'-».:_ heir sw ye.» #3-"' ; furnished Detroit and Los Angeles for assistance in t '*fi",-""I?.l.m_' _ l . investigation of instant case. - ._. -.. as¥*essm;..,~=~.'" ' ~+ ' "- -It is noted that the . records of San Quentin Q-_.1_. .,K__,v-._-,- ' '3" u:_.f;B_%hf:_Q:._,__ _ _. L; "¥i'>-3?" R Q .. .1 "Prison. are currently being consolidated with otner_stet¢ . - r -,, . . _ I. V i ' ._ '_ i i .-at -,_'_.5; f 2.- " ,-I . 1-. »A s-13-,_'~&-n~_--ar~';. .._,__._ 521* .. 92.~.'-. ;;_,;" * }.<',::-_392§.If{:92:.'Efi '*sci» -v".,~ -~ * 1 -~o -. it-~ »"'§';-.°'a'==""-"-.. . , - t ,. I*"-. -Y=1"92'f<?*3.-"'7-.!'3l92."t?92li."'¢*¢-A'*E. » 1 if ta e» . ' Y~*~@ »~*=w:"w¢#§ 1 ;rw~t»e~:»»~o .'52-' .._ i -1-w-1" ~»»¢~?¢%=wt¬&>, ,,.B p ,m,&Hi__._."""':- *';<"-1 . _ f - Li " ._ ' ]. _£.1wJi;;.v.H_1;d§ _ _, _ L $"4»¥ " - J__pm _i __ l;._,¢..=.uub ;. '. ~- M ~ L f I E y 92 W Q _ - Ii. _ Q. N1 0- "92l-ai .1 _

- 92

'. fl ,_- 1- ' - a . 1 1 "! s? 100-u3165 - x it Y < llllllllll records at Vacaville, California, and consequently no r_ photograph time. of Efforts willthe Subject be made is in evaileole the lm3?dl&t¬ at the presentfuture to N obtain a <3 lacg to rath ofe FOR?from - the State Records - Officefiledat Yecaville, andmade available. California, when these recojds-- 'i 8.I'E u LEAD SAR FRANCISCO: - . ' gwtvlciviptaz CALIF R315 _ . -; Will obtaina photograph of t5LL1E D'- l""O?.D , Sen Quentin number h23lh- r




-¥~ = 0 P . ,1 *2 1?,

,m a _ » -:;evw=P A- -_" 1.: . _4A"t* . , .7 .. .4, w 5' -=.. .--- ;-*.5Z7-J- ~ -_-..A -*3. - , 'w ~a:;~ '-. ._ .; :>.';;~, "'L s#»¢mwwf , ~=~*=I _ n, ;»="" ' % . - ~ . - .. ,. . , .i -m ..£-_":- <<*.;»92-»< 1»Q. 92 ,.! ;~;|,,;F_|._~-;,,.F =_ =- _ - , . _ ii . _= ._.; ..'?!* fr:-92"~___:.¢_,_; 7 kn f i _ i .K an _ _ ».;V_-'V- » , _92- - -F-2.;-,,¢;°5f*§-:» '_92,_é£ p . v_,,.,,;-»-_~r:1»~-g1-=e._!_.,=ugu?_' w"'J __.a t ~ »*' -._4 _.;'.:'p .- '~»- '-""WW"IW%wFHWF$wWm!wvI§F$1FmIw=&j.=HM.'~92 " " '- *9"'._J>l ..T't'?; -Q}.-; 1»}_~_'A:_vi.- . L -'3: _ . ., .V___ -. 5 #__-* ;.

92.|.. ______...... _,-

/ ,5 Rep':rrt~'.'R'~rm i b I I i!_ H! 92 gnu: - 1';1:-as!: J In - 92 ! _ .. w. L /, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION1- ¬@i;¬ . -Sui a izrowi anus orncl f V W :1;;;I6=e.-on-<==~ on: :uv:sr|oAr|v:iFaIiio;:T W :1: ~ L CHICAGO CHICAGO TITLE orcase QR Q-5;: -" | 14%?-2/1+/51 E 7 at _ zj J .7 c 1 helm MUSLIM CULT OF ISLAM, aka _'¬HT92IzAc1an or case 92 INTERNAL SECURITY - MCI , 1.:-* '2 -i F Arl 1" 1! -_1 '.;

A- I -I'~92O , Speeches cf ELLJAI-l MOHAMED, national leader of Muslim Cult of i Islam, and other officials from 1951 through 1956 indicate aims, - 92 purposes, and teachings to be: ! establishment of a nation of their own free and independent of the white race; ! white race 9292 considered as the "devil" and must be destroyed; ! members are not citizens of the United States but reside in this ecmatry as H. .4 slaves; M Nation of Islam MCI! will overthrow the devil and rule the world. Other teachings based on these speeches set forth. Teachings of MOHAMI-IED contained in the October, November, December, 1,-.' , 1956 1ssas_s2_Lh2_2Mss1smJi2ald.sns_£ns_H§&1_ss.W611 as interview! - I»;-70with ' feelings nd1cat1m and 0 ga ons towar the n e Government then-set Fr.- i forth. Procedure for obtaining membership in MCI and prescribed 1 material to be studied by members and prospective members set I - 4- 'Pn920+_1nV4 U&5 Q fl A Iv h 1 - P - 1 ~n1:-117.1 Q C1 7 JJLDQILQUQr1=;ns!5P-A T-51¢, Lgeéa 1 -011,10 e':§7L;. 7* E ' Q < I i szrrr Wii iii i T:i 1-4 IPECli92l_7A --.1 c AFFROV'i IN CH at no x not wnrr: nu sac-as snow . J


tb, _ _

aonu MADI: i I L7!

.0 Bureau 5-3309Tl! REGIST ONI, Chicago REGISTERED! ,. OSI, Chicago REGISTERED! c-2, Chicane REGISTERED! F n Chicago ?-20607! ERED!/05|6 .. . l .,..__,_,_ 1 1. |- -'-'..- t . J I Ax L! ! JV! at

92 r

92- a CG 25-2060? 1" L 92 DETAILS: AI e°_§,1_§A

All informants utilized in this report have furnished reliable infonnation in the paste S

_|_-.._ ' ;._ 0R1cIr_ANn rugipsn a The MCI is an organization composed entirely of Negroes which was reportedly organized around 1930 in Detroit, Michigan, The national leader and founder is ELIJAH MOHAMMED, who claims to, have been sent by Allah, the Supreme Being; to lead the Negroes is out of slavery in the United States. Members fanatically follow the-alleged teachings of Allah as interpreted by MOHAMMED, and disavow to .l.1haHL'a.nd allegiance Islam and to the believe United that States. any civil Members law pledge whichconflictsallegiance with uslim law should be disobeyed. The Cult teaches that members of the dark skinned race cannot be considered citizens of the o United States.since they are in elavery in this country and, therefore, must free themselves by destroying nonMus1ims and Christianity in the War of Armageddon. For this prpose the Cult has a military branch called the Fruit of Islam F01!, com» posed of all male, able bodied members, who participate in 5 ID military drill and judo training, ~ Members of the Cult also believe that they are directly related to all Asiatic races and any conflict involving any Asiatic nation with a Western nation is considered part of the War of Armageddon in which the Asiatic nation will be victorious. 4 470 EIHS, r I'II'JT""|1.I92nruSES, Any92Y192 f, _ TEAIZIZIFQS or? FPEJFZ On September 20, 19h2, ELIJAH MOHAMMED was arrested and charged with sedition this time MOHAMMED gave the followi . 4° p and w c e a e to e rue refused to sign say ng a e would admit the truth of this statement in court - and his word was his bond and his signature was not necessary: ! -. - 2 - l .1 I -S xi K F : __ . - 5 w g _J/ . 3 J '7' ~~ 7 . . 7 7 7 7 __ _ Q _ _ h _ ,__i.,_____.__ ..i__-u-0-I-A-~-ui> "A7 - ii-._ h,_.__ ___ L__ F -- '. 1 I 0 I N43



--e CG f2=28607"

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS September 20, l9k2 I, Elijah, Mohammed, make the followin statement freel and voluntaril to as 1L7< who have identified themselves to me as Special Agents of the Federal Bureau ,- of Investigltion, U.S. Department of Justice. No threats or promises have been made to me of any kind and I realize that what I say here may be used against me. I was horn in Sanderville, Georgia in the year 189?. "I have never known the exact day or month of my birth because my mother was not able to remember it. My grandparents worked as slaves for a white family by ,4 ,-_. the name of Poole near Sanderville, Georgia, and in my early life I was known as Elijah Poole. I attended school at Cordele, Georgia but went only through the fourth grade, After leaving school I worked on my father's farm until 1919. In 1919 I was married to Clara Evans 54- l"»-.-sA-'|- fi-s.-n--l- Ii-es.-92-92 1010 J--. 109'! 1' -_--web.-I Juan Q I-u vuauuau, nous-E,.LI.¢ rauus uu .|.7L_! a nus. LULL uu 5 3 section gang for the Georgia and Southern Railroad at ,92 Macon, Georgia. 1 "In 1923 my wife and our two children went to e E Detroit, Michigan and from that year on, to 1929, I 5 worked for various companies in that city, including the i Detroit Copper Company, the American Nut Company, i Briggs Body and the Chevrolet Axle Company. In the letter pert of 1929, due to the depression, I use out p p o rk but remain d n Detroit. Around th ear 1930 s w e in Detroit I eard of a religion cal" Islam which as being taught man named Q. ?allace'Fard,_ /' Mohammad, who is°hl1ah, Allah conducted meetings at ?iri5shalls in-Detroit from 1930 to May of 1933 and usually had about 700 or 800 persons at these meetings. These meetings were held at various halls in the city ef . Detroit, the last of them being located at BHOB Hastings Street. Ihe capacity oi thie hall was about hOO people 2 so there were two meetings held to accomodate the _ overflow. I attended one or these meetings some time in the year l93l and Allah was present and taught his religion which was called Islam. Shortly after this - et.@ ' 3 ' e - 92 i ' ". "92' O 1! '3



CG 25-2060'! =-"P

Allah came to my home in Detroit and taught'me about his religion and Islam. For approximately nine months we after this visit Allah came to my house almost daily .1 and taught me about Islam and then continued coming to r- my home less frequently for a period or 15 months a thereafter until May 26, 1933 when the Detroit Police 1, I Department forced him to leave the city.

I remained in Detroit and continued teaching Islam at various meetings from 1933 to September of 193H wu- when because of pressure from the Detroit Police Depart- ment I left the city and came to Chicago. The last time --1 I saw Allah was in Chicago in 193R and I do not know where he is at present. ' '92 "When Allah fl; c e to my home in Detroit in 1931 -1 he said that he was'§ahadiah_ phonetic}and that he wee ,. Allah who everyone expected to come two thousand years after the Christ who was crucified at Jerusalem. At this time Allah gave me the name Mohammed, which I have used ever eince= "

From 1929 to the present I have had no regular job of any kind. Occasionally I would do odd jobs for one day or so during this period. However, for the most part for the last ll years, my family and myself have s been taken care of financially by the Moslems. From 1931 to 1935 I taught Islam in Detroit and Chicago. From 1935 to the present, I have traveled extensively and have lived for various periods in the following Q cities: Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Boston, Providence, 1. Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, 1 and Atlanta. During this thme my family remained in Chicago and they and myself were supported by voluntary contributions from the hosleme. The monies which I é ,, received all came from the members of the Moslem Temple 1 in Chicago. During the time I have travgled about I. 1'4. L. engaged in no activities other than the study of religion Y and I was also endeavoring to avoid unknown individuals who I understood were trying to take my lire. I also I 2" visited Moslem Temples in Philadelphia, Newark, Hartford, § Columbus, Baltimore and Washington, D.C. It is my under- » standing that there are more than 25,000 Moslems over the 1 United Stitee and about n00 or 506 in the city of Chicago r- I e ..1,.. 92 92:T ______7 __ I , _ " I Y '!'!


I I . V . co 2§5_-E0607.=='-'

"In order to clarify Islam and its teachings, I Ii desire to set out the following information: lg-I ,. . _>p.- "Principles2;; qr. 1. Belief in Allah 2. Belief in the prophets 30 B01101 in the scriptures that the prophets bring a! The Bible . b! The Holy Quran

'- Irayer Charity

' . "The purpose of Islam is the clean up the dark people physically and spiritually so they will be respected by the other civilized people of the earth. In their present condition they are not and cannot be honored and respected by intelligent people. Islam desires to eliminate pros- titution, gambling and drinking among the dark people so they can be respected. All dark people are Hoslems whether they realize it or not. Allah came to teach Islamfand take away our slave names and give us free names of the s nation of Islam. Prior to 1935 at the time the free names '1 was given, Allah issued to the Moslems a card which he e- must always carry with him and which identified him as a righteous Moslem. There were approximately 35,000 of . these cards issued by Allah and although numerous applica- tions have been made for such cards since 193k. R0 additional cards have been issued because Allah is the only one who can issue them. . All Moslems who have applied for their registra- .' tion cards but have not received same are referred to f. jby their first names plus the letter |X' ordouble X or triple X. In connection with this matter of registra- » tion, I desire to state that I have not registered under the Selective Service Act of 19hO as amended. I realise J that failure by me to register constitutes a violation of Federal Law but the reason I did not register ii that 2 in 1931 Allah told me I was registered as a Moslem and belonged to him. At this time Allah also told me that r- w- - 5 - M s r ,- a _ 1' x f -92- 92 .' - ! 6!


1 at . cc 25-20607 """

"he did not want"ma to associate in any way with fighting or military service. Allah has told all Moslems that they should remain righteous and not engage in fighting s or military service of any kind. Allah has taught that -. a Moslem should take no part in military service or any _fighting or anything pertaining thereto. I teach Islam I-1. llggording to what I have been told by Allah. Allah gave , to all or us of registered Moslem names this teaching -em himself when he gave out the identification cards with our holy name on, that you shall not take any part in fighting or anything pertaining to fighting. This also 1. applied to prostitution and ill kinda of gambling. I have reminded the registered Moslems of the instructions of Allah that they should do no fighting or take part -s, in it, that they should live clean lives and in peace. .4 The registered Moslems already have been taught this by Allah. _

;., Allah has taught that blueprints of a plane which carried bombs, was given to the Japanese from the city of Mecca, and that these blueprints had been Holy there for thousands of years. These bombs would go into the earth for at least a mile and would throw up earth to e a distance of one mile, so that it would make a mountain. I have reminded the registered Hosleml of this teaching.

. Allah also taught that all dark people are Asiatics and belong to one nation. Allah also taught that white P eoP le were arted 87 from the dark people and that white s FYYEH1-age-92n"|n "92'* uni. Y ll-BTAQH mati- weak and wicked. He taught thet registered Moslems would be persecuted for their rights ousness and = that white people were created to live 6,000 years and their time was up in the year l9lh A.D. He further taught that the wicked will be destroyed by fire. By wicked E he meant the whi te devils. Allah further ta ught that the dark people will have peace when the trouble maker, that is the devils, or white man, is separated fr om the peace- rul. As a leyal follower of Islam and a reg istered Moslem I subscribed and believe in all or the shove teachings J and I have also taught these principles to other Hoslems.

r~ .- 6 _ I e E -| a i. r -92 e e . _ 92

92 0 0

__ 4-4 _ 5- m CG Z5-26007 2-. I havebeen livingin Chicagopermanently since the early part July, l9_2, or shortly after I was released on bond at Washington, D.C. Since I have been here I have spoken on about eight or nine occasions at meetings or the Moslems at the temple located at 10h East Slat V Street on the third floor, Chicago, Illinois. At these meetings which I epoke I diicuieed the teaching: or Allan I estimate that there were about 150 to 300 people at these meetings.

f lo I have read the foregoing statement and facts related herein and they are all true.

- Elijah Mohamed admits the truth of this statement 5 '_ refuses to sign - stating that his word is his bond "1 - _. buthis eigneture ie not neeeeeery. He intends to admit truth of this statement in court. : P. ! ind the

u l AI Chicago l ., Chicago 92 92 FBI, Chicago." From 1951 to 1955 the following teachings of the MCI were 2 espoused in epeechee hi ELIJAH HGHAHHEDand other official: of the MCI at Chicago: 1; The so-called Pegro is the original man. 92 2. There is no such thing as a Negro. 3. The so-called Regro race is Asiatic in origin and is the original race of the earth and all other races are E degenerete eff-ehoeti or the original race. h. The United States and Great Britain are governed by and for devils, as the white race is so considered, who have been placed on earth by Allah to punish the original race rer early disrespect to Allah. S. The form of punishment which Allah invoked has been -. the enslavement of the original race by the devil race in North { e. " , Y U ! "3

s r

92- l CG 25-20607 America. As a part of this enslavement the devil race has with- held from the original race the history of their true identity . and culture and imposed upon the original race slave names.

6. The slotted time for the devil's rule is running out and Allah will soon lead the original race in the War or Armageddon, wherein the devil race will be destroyed by . ' 7. All or the original race who accept Islam register with Allah's apostle ELIJAH MOHAMED and thereafter show allegiance -921| -- fl only to Islam and not to the United States,_In this regard members e are expected to disassociate themselves,?rQm everything connected with the devil and to associate only with other members as far as i is practical. .1 i " B. The true country of the Negro is Islam and the i Negro is not a citizen of the United States. 9. At an appointed hour the Ration of Islam will arise and take over the world. 3 _ 10. The only truthful religion taught in North America ~.i is that which is taught by the Nation of Islam. 1. 11. ELIJAH MOHAMMED has been sent by Allah to lead the black mln out ot slavery and the wilderness of North America. I 12. Members of the Nation of Islam dJ,ngt vote. 13. Members who are of draft ege should not register for the drart.until they are approached by the FBI and explain .- their reason for not registering is that they are Muslims and are i not citizens of the United Statesn a- '1 lh. The Koran prophesies that the followers of Islam "iyill take over the government in North America and supplant the' devil. = a. . l5. Uhln an individual accepts full membership in the ii Temple and becomes a Muslim he immediately renews his citizenship J and becomes a citizen of the East.

.. r- - B - I

L, ----hi I'I*l .. _..___4 ,,,_,_. ,_ _. ______A__ ___ ,,, ._ 4,. E r.=~ , a 92 } I ! 5'3



3 CG 25i206OT 1.


F. s 92 ¬ > 0

e .1. '.-92 15. All Q HURT :92'F I-'hq HA1rl"| *3; V 17. The Nation of Islam should be thetime comes to overthrow the devil in N

From 1951 to ice; the followlna: were es oused in speeohee'by ELIJAHMOHAMMED of the E01, Chicago: .1 1 L put l. The white man is nothing but a -1". on the earth to rule for 6,000 years and the devil's rule has almost elapsed.

2. The devil will be destroyed by War of Armageddon. 1 3. The Constitution of for the Negro when it was written.

1 in P. Muslims are Asiatic and do not have to serve I ready to march when_ ioa, 1-5T; J e92 ' inf J - ~! /;_! 92. W J e


92 It 'n ix £2 1 fl a a e

1 From 1955 through 1956 the following teachings of tn. an ' MCI were espoused in speeches of ELIJAH MOHAMMED andofficials of the MCI at Chicago: I l. eThe white man uses Christianity to further his A influence over the Negro. 2 2. The white race will be destroyed and the b1ack'man v will regain his position of supremacy in the world. L ~ 3. Any persons who refuse to accept the teachings of vi HQHAHMED or become i part of his organization will be destroyed. I h. The cross represents the black man who was placed 5 there by the white men since the time that the black man has been enslaved. I -' S.The white race is made of sin and must be destroyed. 1 6. The flag of Islam represents freedom, justice, and equelity nhereee the Americen flag represents government by h, enslavement, rape, and brutality. Q 7. With sufficient members MOHAMMED could compel the '1 . United States Government to give him some of the earth. I

E 8. The Negro in North America resides in the status of e a subject or slave rather than that of a citizenog the United f. States. s it . 9. The-MCI is against integration and is for the separation of the races. 10. It is necessary to kill four devils white race! F before e member cen eeer the button ef Ielemt 4

a ,' ii ! f! 4

92 e in in >3 ll co 25-20607 1 | I I 13. The United States was doomed to destruction in the year l9lh but that this time of destruction has been extended i an that ELIJAH MOHAMMED a 1 s z ..- -.....- _.._--_..- _---_____..- 9-11 _9!_.. the bleck man out of the wilder- ness of North America and in turn the black man can become the rightful ruler of the world.

lh. The Negros should demand a state or a group ef 'states on the East Coast of the United States for his own to rule and govern himself independent of the white race. f 15. The conflict between the Eastern and Western countries of the world is in reality a conflict between good and .11 evil and the white race, being evil, will be destroyed.

.1 l§.~ The earth rightfully belongs to the black man and all white devils must be exterminated along with all of those who serve the devil's purpose. All so-called Negroes are member; of the Asiatic race whether they realize it or not. be _ The aims, purposes, and teachings of the EST have not changed. ELIJAH MOHAMMED, the national leader, continues to relate that the aims and purposes of the "Nation of Islam MCI! are to separate the white race from the black race in order that 5, G the black race can establish a nation of their own in the United Jr _ States to rule and govern themselves independent of the white race. In this regard MOHAMMED continually states that the Unitev States Government should gije the so-called Negro a state or a group of states to rule and govern themselves and also continues to characterize the Ration of Islam as a vnation within a natic The basic teachings continue to be that members of the MCI reside 1 in this country as subjects or slaves and are not citizens of the United States but are citizens of Asia, MOHAMMED continues to tell the members that their forefathers were kidnaped over hOQ;;¢ years ago and brought to the United States as slaves and that their children are still in slavery in this country. Other teach ings of the MCI continue to be the eating of proper foods, moral standards, and military procedures. MOHAMMED continues to state that he was selected bv J Allah, who H came lh so this country i _ I :1: 1930 ". in the person of one U. D.JFARQ,in Detroit, Michigan, to lead the so-called Negro into a rue owledge of self, the identity of th - P a -111. e I 0 . -- ___'92IenI-I , G!

- if J it U co 25-2c6o7__ 5%_ <- 1.». 92 devil white man!, and out of elavery in the wilderneae of Forth America. The teachinga of military procedure to all POI member! are in the form of marching and close order drill. It ie apparent that membera will not support the United State: in time of J .L.-1 .-33 national emergency aa evidenced by the fact that HOHAMMED con- . . ' tinually refere to the imprisonment of himself and membere during Horld War II for failure to comply with Selective Service lawa. a '1'-',. K, _.<.~_._|!-5, .§ HOHAMMED continuea to be critical of any of hie followere who . . .1 i 7%,- . " eerve in the armed force: and indicated that he would not d and anyone who eerved in the armed fottea waa a fool.

ls7WC;6 ..=._1,-1_%;_ . ' '- '_ i . .? .-. , _ . , 92 .-it u._ The following are interview: of - ' " " F 32>;5 hich are being let forth in or-er o show t-e r . re a in to 8 their dutiee and obli 8 ationa to the United * 92 -L-r.._, ; States Gov O -. rnment:

by SA: ., .. to sign on the ' . because he was already regietered with Allah. ' I that the etatement wee the truth. This eta admi followe:


make the following atatement te I know ia a Special Agent of of Inveetigation. Ho force,.i1nlenoe, dureea, threata of any kind or promise: have been made to me to aecure thie atatement; i -_ _ .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII V, y I " " >°1n am* unabe o g we eexact date ecauae ave never been told the name of parente are now dead. earl tra .".,.;_'¥ . . 1-»4 . 1. ,2? of I _.. _' ..i . *1 -ve 1 orM

----.- -.4. --a-h-..__,_,, .-. _.-.--_,-._. -. -_-______,_92,..__---...-.-..____.,_,_ __,._. _ ' {H1 O O

A ¢

K. v," co 25-20607

.__ "I have earned from him that my parents were --92- Islams and as happy to know this. I felt that this was the cnl, religion that follows my creed. I'knou that E._D. F§BR§BQ_1g_Mohamed who is All!h and that '.92 Allah 1s"che supreme being who holds he power of life . in his right hand because all things e right. ../ I have introduced §.§. hUC§ MUCK as Mohammad -u. and Mohamed is Allah. Allahhis titght me that all religion is peace; that there must be no guns, clubs, knives or instruments of war. Allah taught me and . others not to register. I will not register ior the draft or for anything else because I have already reg- 'istered with Allah and having once registered with Allah .1 I cannot register again. Because of our teachings Allah has told us that we should not register for the Selective Service because that would be making ourselves available for war when our true religion is peace. _ "Allah has taught me that I am tree -- free from Christianity. Allah has taught me that I am not an -' 1 American Negro but that I am the original man. He has taught me that I am not a citizen of the United States § £74; but a citizen or Heaven. My home is not in- but :1» is in Heaven and I wish to return there as soon as I possibly can. a

"Allah has taught me that the Christian God cannot be seen. Allah is the living God on earth.

4 "I have on several occasions in the Islam temple .92 introduced MUCK MUCK as the Savior or the supreme being is because he is the creator or all things and God is H. D. EARRARD. 92 "On the blackboard I have seen a picture of an American flag with a colored man hanging underneath it; although it has never been explained to me the meaning 1 .-I I do know that the'hanging means death. I have also seen the flag of Islam which consists of the sun, the moon

s r- . _13 _ I e-. r -~ - - _ _ I e I it» Al Ft! ii!


CG 25-2060? - 92 it-'

and the stars but its true meanings has not been ex- plained to me. I have also seen on the blackboard a picture of a wheel or an object resembling a wheel with bombs dropping on the earth beneath and airplanes flying. I believe that this is to depict what the other man is going to do so that we will know what the .92 92- other man intends when he comes against us. _ If anyone were to ask me about the Selective Service I would tell him what Allah has told me and tell that person that I would not register for the Selective Service. I cannot say what that person would do after receiving this information. With respect to the registration for the Selective Service, I could not register because having previously .4 been registered with Allah I would be disobeying him by registering and to be a true Muslim I obey Allah and do whatever he asks me to-

Hooden rifles in the temple are used to drill l with and the purpose of the drill ia to know what the other man's acts are going to be. I have not registered 1T. for the Selective Service and I do not have a Selective f Service registration card. s I have read the above statement consisting or twe pages and know the same to be true to the beet of m knowledge, information and belief. /I/ 'HITNESSES: £v< /-/_

3' /-/

.0 Special Agents, FBI, U.S. Department er Justice, Room 1900, 105 H. Adams Street, Chicago, I}linoil-' r- I" e Re . -11¢- l

. g . - Q K!


92 . Rt. it»-. d£7'F!¢9

-1: E! cc 25-2o6o7""' 2.: 1~ 3" I; 92 3. | e


'fre and voluntarily make the fo w n e emen to nd who have 1 en elven to e ta of the Federal Bureau of Inventi- gation. No force, promises or threats have been made and I realize that this statement can be uaed in court. ." '.;._ 5.

i .51

1 1' I7 ' 92 _ 2--£5 1.1 93$

5- v L 1


- V1 ,. - are 92

91'- I J . '.~

L- 92 . j CG 25-20601 .4 ii Ftnxaaa MOHAMMED1| known as the prophet er the 3- Hoslems, He was associated with the Chicago Temple_ -v1* for several years up to about l93h, when he left Chicago 3.. and went traveling around the country studying. I 1"- understand that while he was traveling some unknown 5?. individuals were trailing him in order to kill him. I ' -'5 wanted to kill ,0- the " Lino

3 i_ 'MOHAMMED' about six occasions, returned at to which Chicago times shortly he gave after his talks before = tilease at Washington, D.C., which was some time in June -0. l9|.|.2. Since his return he has been to the Temple on

the Moslems. Present at these meetings at which P 'i iiid be about 2E0 men andwomen. _ 1; i Mk

'1 nowdesire to set forth the teachin_s of Allah which s theci of T ~ talksbi - . MOHAM1-ZED . _ _ .,:< 4 . 1- .11 I eorgna Iran , -I : e _ " s N en grafted from the black man 6 thousand years ago by Yaceb. The white man.was also called the devil and was given power to rule ior a limited period oi time. This time is now about up. The black people have 7% oz. of brain as compared with the 6 oz. brain of the white devil. The black people have more strength that the_ white devil. All non white people are Asiatic. Indluded among the non white are the Japanese. Allah sometimes identified black people as A8ilt1OIl;' , = Allah also teaches that all non white people should stick together as_the3 are brothers and sisters to one another, Theseinon white people should not fight against their brothers and sisters. That is why at the Temple nonannnn andKARRIEH havestated that the Mosloml should A

s 5*" ' F g - 15 - ' t .l_. A V O 4,! H.!

GO 25-2060?" 1

not fight the Japanese who are their brothers. Allah 3.. has also said that no Hoslem should bear arms, engage in any military training, or activities, nor carry any weapons. That is why HOHAMMED and KARRIEM have stated ,_ at the Moslem meetings that a true Mcslem registered 'a with Allah, should not enter into selective service, for once a Moelem has been regietered with Allah, it ie not necessary for him to register again. By registering with -92.. Allah, a Hoelem becomes a citizen of heaven, which is in Mecca. Allah has also said that many thousands or years ago there were blue prints buried in Mecca of an airplane I about one-half mile wide, and one-half mile long, which would travel from 350 to h00 miles per hour. This plane was completed in 1929, It took twenty years to build it. On the plane there are 1500 small planes. On each plane 92 there ere three bombs, eech weighing 2000 pounds. Thie ,. plane was made on the Island of Nippon. These bombs travel into the earth surface for one mile and do not go off tor ten hinutes. When they explode they cast up mountains one mile high. . There is a blackboard at the Temple on which is painted the American flag. Underneath it there is a cross and a picture of a black man hanging by his neck. nnvuuwealw-van I ¥$92AWE. I -1.4. vs. 11 n 1-92P § vsaar11 I.l.I U4-awFhln 1.! W-Jillat ,Ii '92-lee-I-.I-lsv-LIus4.U,| 'r'1921!- cf-l'ln'l§'-1! Q val nus Q the right hand side of this same blackboard is the A Hoslem flag, which is rectangular, with a red background. i In the center appears a crescent and a star. On three corners of this flag are the words - Freedom, Justice and Equality, on the fourth corner the letter '1', which stands for Islam. e - 1 Since HOHAMMEDreturned from Washington in June ii A @QQ'Q_9292Q Isl; cu-A L92-In u-1-_-_!I92-A4aQnI L4 -9on1.-us Lg difference between life under the American flag for the P black man and lite under the flag or Islam for the black man. Under the American flag, the black man is lynched, persecuted, abused, burned and denied equality, whereas under the flag of Islam the black man is given freedom, justice and equality.


-11- -a A

i e e&*<' t>®



~_ 9!! 25!20éQ',l'=""



p eopave e only we s I"l:"el and names. Theseletterstters in order toaregwsiting obtain their original the return in- of U. D. FRED, who is All e o or ginal names have been given out since ALLAHleft the City of Chicago in 193k. a§:Pending allowed his return to use these theirwhese first names letters andhave then beenthe approved letter O if -h - -- - . . 1 . _a_a_l__ -3 Li- -.-J .1. ave read thil statement consisting or two anu. a halt pages and theracts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge. /-/_ Wiitnesses: , /vi Special Agent, FBI, Chicago, I11. i ne-

Special Agent, FBI,_E1_1ic___a__go, Ill.

I 1

5.__ BIFK min from the white man and to estanlisn a nation or unen- own. He related that the Ration of Islam and the black man are interested and dedicated to establishing and maintaining their own independence. -


1 u . P O 1! 9 4 ~ A! . _-L; e a e av u Lvrv -I 0 . 6 ~42 *5 O » aw V:i.92 I "-1 :<;~ =;- co 35-30:-o'_r""' i V;'.I~.. -'1 - .<-é cw

-P _..,.-._»='f=={"='~_;.~;=~__ indiili this interviewhe that was ' 592s and indicated that he would not serve in the arre orces of t e United States in the event of a national emergency. ANDERSON »'2. =7 stated that he was ei ned with Allah and could fight onlyin tin my -'1, . '-5* Of 111111. hat the black isman nota citizen of I .11 the United e he himself does not consider himself a *3 citizen. ~<


.._._92 e ieves ;. HOHAI-{MED and s teachings a here nyw or sh t oi pers self .i- 92 destruction. hneither he nor any click nan ii a citizen of the United States end that he does not consider - himself a citizen or this country, and stated absolutely that he ' 5 . .,.4., ., F ' wouldnot support the United States in the event of I. national . s emergencywould and servenot in the armedforces the of United e . States e 1,4% -1' Ibcember,1956. ,;q;i=A~1f5f-~issued? mmagezine entitled "Moslem Horld and the USA -anThere an. -1.appears -1:: ---0-as-1-.-Qan article I111"!-. in flu. the ht..- October,I ll-n. November,T214 eh

iiigii J-U Ivufiiass IIIULULUB su¬ -co?-¬-a.ss.n5= OsIncl --..s.,|-.-. pu Muhammad. The editor and publisher or this magazine is one ABDUL BASITNAEEM,Post Office Box 36, Brooklyn 21, New York. _ :;.1g wQ- Pertinent portions or this article are set forth below ..~:3¬ under the appropriate subcaptions_ exactly as they appear in iisj - Pl . -J.. %» "-"9' article: V 6' '-rmor co:-mac ALLAH -' 92/ "iitet '6-5 Allahto came usfrom Holy?>~ e-"'.. .7we ,..... "n . - '__.h ,_ s " /usedthe mrneof Wallace D. Ferd, often sign- _ r }_a. in; it . D, Fay . n the tird year H.933! He signed -w--,5. .5 " His na'me'I'.*Huha_mmad!__vhioh . for stands Wallace Z; ET.4 P. ;' 1.-->, 1. e E Q- Hecane alone. . '{ K. 9 I! *1!

1 e

e . e

,1 co 25-2o6of'

ALLAH FORGIVES "Regerdleee of our sine that we have committed .q in following and obeying our elavemaetera, Allah will a at forgive ue if we the so-called Negroes! turn to Him and return to our own kind,


Allah taught ue the Knowledge of oureelvee, of Himself God! Ind the devil, the Measurement of the Earth, other flanete lnd the Civilieationa of some ef the Planets other than Earth. - He measured and weighed the Earth and it: water, ..| and taught ue of theee,! and the history of the Moon, and the history of the two nation: that dominate the earth, black and white.

the He gave ue information ea to the exact birth of andwhite race and the name of their God who made them, 1- how, and the end of their time. Also, the Judgement, 0 how it would begin and end. He taught us the truth of how we were made eleven, Ind how we are kept in slavery by the elave-mastere' children. "Allah declared the doom of America, for her evils . to ue it was peat due, and that ehe in nuber one to be destroyed, but her judgement could not take place until . we the ao-called Negroes! hear the truth. . L "He declared that we were without the knowledge of F self or anyone else, and had been made blind, deaf and . dumb by this white race of people, and that we must return ,- to our people, our God Allah! and Hie Religion of Peace < Islam!--the Religion of the Prophets.

1 r- -20- J I 4'. -. { i, Q! l! 5.!

s e L '1

1 >_' co 25-2o6of""'


Allah told us that the slavemasters had taught us to eat the wrong food, and that this wrong food was the cause of our sickness and short span of lite. He declared ' II that He would heal us, and sit us in Heaven at once if we would submit to Him; otherwise He would chastise us with a severe chastisement until we did submit, and that He was able to force the whole world into submission to His will.


If a man can rejoice over the finding of his lost .0 or strayed animal, or a piece or silver, or a son who had the desire to leave his home to practice the evil habits of strangers, how much more should Allah and the Nation of Islam rejoice over finding us who have been lost from Allah and the Nation of Islam! for £00 years and follow- ing others than our own kind?

"CHRISTIANITY "Christianity is a religion organised and backed by e the devils for the purpose or making slaves of black man- kind.

II Freedom, Justice, Equality; money, good homes, etc.-- these Christianity cannot give us not the Christianity that has been taught us!.

"He Allah! said that Christianity was organized by the white race and they placed the name of Jesus on it being the founder and author to deceive black people into accepting it.

4- Our first step is tp give back to the white man his religion, Christianity, church and his names. These three are chains of slavery that hold us in bondage to then. He are free only when we give up the above three. J

I r- -21- I ,,_ s '92 J H! T!

92A co , 25-20607-='~" 1 _

"The Bible, church and Christianity have deceived the sobcalled Negroes. I pray to! Allah to giv_ them life, and light of understanding. DESTRUCTION or TI-[E worm: '

"Allah has warned us of how He would one day! destroy the world with bombs, poison gas, and finally fire that would consume and destroy everything or the present world. Not anything of it' thepresent world -I--_ or white mankind! would be left. Those escaping the destruction would not be allowed to take anything oi it out with them. "Allah has! pointed out to us a dreadful looking plane that is made like a wheel in the sky today. It -s is a half-mile by a half-mile square; it is a human- built planet. I won't go into all or the details here, but it is up there and can be seen twice a week; it is no secret.! Ezekiel saw it a long time ago. It was . built for the purpose of destroying the present world. Allah has also hinted at plaguing the world with rain, snow, hail and earthquakes.


"It is against the very nature of God, and man, and all lire, to love their enemies. Would God ask us to do that which He Himself cannot do? He hates His enemies so much that He tells us that He is going to destroy them in hellfire, along with those of us who follow Hie enemies.


1- The enemy is alert, wide~awake and ever on the job to prevent the so-called Negroes from believing in Allah and the True Religion of Allah and His Prophets--the - Religion of Islam. The enemy is well-aware that Allah is the Beck er our Defense and Islam is the House of our Salvation.

r- I -Ii C; J 1!!

92 1 . CG 25-206Q;_h


"Mr. Fard Muhammad God in Person! chose to suffer |" » three and one-half years to show his love for his Au; people who have suffered.ever;30O years at the hands of 1" a people who by nature are wicked, and have no 3'0 evil, good in them. He was persecuted, sent to jail in 1932, and ordered out of Detroit, Michigan, Hay 26, 1933. He came to Chicago in the same year, arrested almost imediately on his arrival and placed behind prison bars.

"He submitted himself with all humbleness to his persecutors. Each time he was arrested, he sent for me -s thatll may see and learn the priee of TRUTH for us the so-called Negroes! O "He was able to save himself from such suffering, but how else was the scripture to be fulfilled? We followed in his footsteps suffering the same persecution-


"Fear is the worst enemy that we the so-called Negroes! have, but entire submission to Allah and His '1 U cs- Messenger will remove this fear. The white race put fear in our foreparents when they were babies, so says the World of Allah. .~ 1. The poor so-called! Negroes are so filled with fear of their enemy that they stoop to helping him 3 against their own salvation. r 'Be awareof what you are Hoihg lest you be the worse 1 loser. If they hed,enly been taught the TRUTH, they would act differently. E JOHN mmqus Y1 Allah has taught us that our foreparents were de- .I ceived and brought into America by a slave-trader whose name was John Hawkins in the year 1555. s ,.

I e J i I - 92 :1 H? < j 1 !

s r

x. n? co 25-2o6o;_,_ I 1" ~lu "N0 'INTEGRATIOH' .;is

ER The s1avemasters' children are doing everything in their power to prevent the so-celled Negroes from accept- ing their own God and salvation, by putting on a great -I show of false love and friendship. "This is being done through 'integrstion' as it is called, that is, so-called egroes and whites mixing te- gether, such as in schools, churches, and even inter- marriage with the so-called Negroes, and this the poor slaves really think that they are entering s condition er heeven with their former slave-holders, but it will prove to be their doom. "Today, according to God's word, we are living in a time of great separation between the blacks and whites. is ~> , 1 5. The prophesized h00 years or slavery--that we the so-called Negroes would have to serve the white] people-» ended in 1955. The so-called Negroes must now return to their own; nothing else will solve their problem. "The divine power is working and will continue to work in favor of the so-called Negroes return to their own. The separation would be a blessing for both sides.

"!JEsUs' THE sarr John Hawkins brought our forefathers Here from Africa! on s ship named 'Jesua'; when this ship when on its way back from another load of our people, our ?ore- parents stared at the old slave ship as it departed and begged to be carried back, but to no avail, and they said that you can have this new Western world but give us the ship Jesus back to our people and country, which now has become a song among our people, which goes some- thing like this: You - can - have - all - the - world - but - give - me - Jesus. But our foreparents did not know at that time that it would'be hO0 years from that day before the real ship God Himself! would come and get them and their children J and out loose every link of the slave chain that holds

'1 s-. _ an- x I: :

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A e cc 25-2oso'r"" '

j§' us in bondageto our elavemaeters bygiving us a §. true knowledge or self, God and the devil and wipe I1; J UllaL929292Q !|r92r'l I-+92J92!rrlenvel a927§vl S 92JJ- Ii +-I111 UQQL S l.rJ..?92'.!'92.$vF II92JUlJ4,l-lb Lll92IiL-I-ILLKJBeh/921'lYII'l"I92C Z111 IQ! ~- groahing under the yoke of bondage to the merciless murdererl.


Allah greatly rejoiced over us and was real happy that He had round us--the lost Nation of Islam in the wilderneee of North America.


. Many of us, the eo-called Negroes, today are so lazy that we ere willing to surfer anything rather than * go to work.

It is true that God has cometo sit us in heaven, t e heeven wherein we won't.heve to work= ~

"We must have for our peace and happiness that ' which other nations heve.

-921- . 'v; "411an desires to make the black nation the equal or superior of the white race.


I Allah has taught ue that we the so-called Negroes are the original people of the earth who.hhve no birth record. . I - a ' PEACE AND HA!PlNESS f The peace and happiness can't cometo us unier any g . other rlag but our own. 4I S "If God desires for ue such joy, why shouldn't we 5 give up begging and be real men, and set with the rulers 1 of the earth, ruling our own? '9

r- - 25 - _

T'-.. r-I -X > 1 1 - i - 1 92. v 0 C J 92__'s 1* .92. ii : E; A gs "1 :.. .}_ . .' co 25-20607 """' g" .-7 "S.LI7E-NAMES

,.. "He told us that we must give up our ilavenamei ,0-r of our slavemasters! and accept only the name of Allah 5| Himself! or one or the Divine attributes. We the so-called Negroes! must also give up all evil doing! and practices and do only! righteousness or we shall be destroyed from the {ace of the earth."

III. METHOD OF RECRUITMENT ___ UTILI ZEI1 IHE,_MCI_ a f- This ind v ter attending three or four meetings L I raised his hand, upon a plea 11¢. from MO 1MED for new members, indicating that he desired V. were to become taken a by member and MCI. At this time he his was name furnished and addressI. form letter,whic s se orth below, and instructed to eppy this letter exaetly and return it by mail to ELIJAH MOHAMMED.

is ll-J. 5:-L.-1-I-I1?-l'92L-L1-92A|lLQ1--v|n l1.{'|sneengs

' Dear Saviour and Deliverer:

"I have been attending the Temple of Islam, for the past two or three meetings, and I believe in the teaching. Please give me m Original name. My slave name and address is as fo11owe: _ ~ After approximately one month, during which time he continued d meeti s, this individual was notified by :4- - that the above letter

it 31°18, tit Z6 WI. uiiiionlda by as to why he wan ed to become a memb n the teaching! of Islam. At this time advised this individual that he was now a P member or the Temp e and also a member of the POI. This individual was furnished his'9XE and provided with the telephone number er 2. the Temple and was assigned his F91 number= At this time this in individual was furnished with the following lesson entitled I "Student Enrollment Rules of Islam, which is set forth below, C1 Q U e 3

a -. co 25-20607____, _ J 92 __' x== '1Who is the original man? Ans. The Original Han is the Asiatic Black 92 ' 1 man, Owner, cream of the Planet Earth, God of the Universe and father of Civilisation.

1 22 Who is the colored man? . e Ans. The Colored Man is the so-called white man of caucasion, Yacobs grafted devil, skunk of the Planet Earth.

'3What is the population of the original nation in the wilderness of North America and all over the Planet Earth?_

Ans. The population of the Original Nation -.92-s in the Wilderness of North America is a little ,_ over 17,000,000 lost-rounds, plus 2,000,000 Indians making a total of 19 000,000 and .11 over en. Planet Earth u,11oo,ooo,ooo. -'91;What is the population of the colored people in the wilderness of North America and all over the Planet Earth? r Ans. The population of the Colored Ieople in 3 the Wilderness of North America is 103,000,000 .e-, and all over the Planet Earth, h00,000,000. J u '5What is the square mileage of the Earth? How fI mush is the water? "

Ans. The square mileage of the Earth is r 196,9uo,ooo square miles. 57,255,000 -quu-0 miles is land. 139,685,000 square miles is water. -

-6 What is the exact square milesof useful land used every day by the total population or the Planet Earth? - _. Ans. The square miles of useful land used by the entire population everyday is 29,000,000 square miles. ;. £- - 27 - 9 92

1 1 - g _ Q. U 1;


:- G -. l- *s_v v

'7.How land much of the useful used by the original man?

Ans. The square miles of useful land used by the Original Man is 23,000,000 square miles.

f8. How much of the useful land used by the colored man?

Ans. The square miles of useful land used by the colored man is 6,000,000 square miles. "9. What is the birth record er said nation er Islam?

-7 Ans. There is no birth record of said nation of Islam. -

'10.What is the birth record of said other than of Islam? 92 Ans. The birth record of said other than Islam is: Buddaism - approximately 35,000 years old. 1 5. Christianity - approximately 551 years old, O j This individualattended or two threemeetings 1|_ I and after a plea by ELIJAH MOHAMMED for new members, th s vidual raised his hand, indicating that he desired to become a e m mber e his name and address were taken by the s F and he was furnished with the following er ns ructions to copy this letter exattly and e. return it by mail to ELIJAH MOHAMMED athh? South Ueedlaun Avenue, F. Chicago:

_.92 ,_ As Salaam-Alaikum: .,_._ Dear Saviour and Deliverer: I s 0 <7 1} P! r

92- Q e

co 25-2o6o'r=--»' ~ >

E Approximately one month later, during which time he r> continued to attend meetings, he was advised by the Secretary thst Qv hie letter had been inspected and approved and wee at thie time _9292- furnished with a list of questions entitled "Student Enrollment Rules or Islam? with instructions that he was to learn and memorize 41-, >e them, . The "Student Enrollment Rules of Islam? have previously ~ 92la been set forthin this report. 6 " After lo t1 F i tidual W8 1. re tions answers or . ,-. and why .i_ ;~ he wan eoome a member. After reciting the Stu " ent i. :- Rules or Is1s.m" 1 at this time that he was now a member of the Temple and also of the FOI and would be welcome at POI meetings. his time this indi- -sa.U A.92sl.92sl~:J- 1 I-gill .- ---4.. s.-2 me LLJ-I Ir"Ilb ram ' J, 92LJu an-ma :1.J.92ILj92J92l 4-e U » the Temple, and given his POI number. ;_E Q I M and- This individualafterthe attendedthird meeting, three meetingsupon plea a or the byELIJAH MCI in 0 for new members, he raised his hand. His name an a were taken and he was furnished with a form letter by the heith inetruetione to e-op}; it exeetly end return ...- 1A1~1!-IED, [;,8L;7 South HoodlumAvenue, Chicago.Y.ZD:'is form letter is as follows:

As Salaam-Alaikum: _

Dear Saviour and Deliverer: I have been attending the Temple or Islam, for the pest two or three meetings, end I believe in the 2 teaching. Please give me my Original name. _ "Hy slave name and address is as fo1lows:' .7" ¬ - 1>. L? U l-,1 ».>



co 25-20607 in--~ -'

- The above letter was returned and the following additional correspondence was received by this individual, copies of which correspondence have heel previously furnished to this office: E. 'h8h7 So. Woodlawn Ave. -e Chicago 15, Illinois Date "Name Address


"In the name of Allah, The Beneficient, The Most I! Merciful. The Lord of the Worlds; and in the name L of His Divine Messenger, Mr, Elijah Muhammad. Dear Brother: ' 4 }. The Nation of Islam is very happy over your return to your own Holy Nation, and desires to inform you that you are no more a slave, but an independent Asiatic Muslim with Allah and a billion Brothers and Sisters on your side as friends.

Q 92 "Please report to the effiee of the Temple next Sundey .192~_ for your proper instructions and Lessons. ' "May Allah bless you,


Your Sister,

Lorelle Muhamnao"

- 30 -

r I


l _ / SE - I 1!



. " Please fill out yourself, use ink! 1» .'- '1. Areyouhmsrried? D

'2. Are you two-living together st the present time? -

Q '3, Haveyou s marriage licese? 1| h. Do-you have any children? x S. Are you divorced? 2 H '6.Have you divorce papers? "?, Ileeoe stste the sges oi your children, their names and sign the enclosed Form Declaration of His or Her Own.

7 D¢LU'IU$.LUI92Es |-1:211



77' _ __ _ _"l _"_ __ _ ' 'i i ' ' iv: __ _ _ I "ADDRESS _ _ _ '_ "cI1'I_ _ STATE T _*_ i

. - 31 - , 5 O " 11>

l ._ wl f 'I - .5 1 ~ t 0 Q co 25-20607 F 7* dHh»- ' 'mmmwum@___hFiL_,W_Pe1W AmMES$_;_¬ A_;o,W,__;,,W:_ __ ,,h_ E CITY STATE - ' 1.,¥ 0 "MOTHER'SNAME _;, ;i,;__ _W _ _, __1, 1 _ "ADDRESS__F_i_LM___,;_wWLf2 ;L;;ff_i _ i e. '2. "c1T:Wi;, i j ;_ i ',7, STATE

"sossauois on wIFE=s FULL NAHL _,h h_ ' __'|-r '1DDRE$3__el_ _l______* ,_el_,__l,,__Q l Q _ _,~ l CIT! swarm l V * -11*? e ? 7 -p 7 *7 777 l Ziti-gp$n '92


'HU$BAhTD*_l_ _; ,e __ l _, ,_* e_ _-

"WIFE7 I _ f _ he ff h ,_ _ _,; , . - OH THIS DAY OF he f 19 ,_ ,J_F 3 "L92,Bh,7 Southdoodlawn Avenue Chicago 15, Illinois * Date

Name ' Addrell Al-Salaam-Allikum: l

0 7 7 In the Runeor Allah, The Beneflcient,The mostHerelrul, The Lord of the Worlds; and in the Homeor Hie Divine 4. Messenger, HonorableElijah Huhumud. - -

r.F1 ;AT. - 32 - FT . :31 ,-. 5_ I l F Q r <1!

1 D Q ll 1 ,9

co 25-20607 ,1r ~ 4»- -or I_ 0 "Dear Brother: In The.Hation of Islam is very happy over your return a to your own Holy Hationi Ho desire to intern you that BE. .» you are no longer a slave but an independent Asiatie '9 Muslim with Allah and a billion of Brothers and Sister on your side as friends. Please report to the Office of the Temple Sunday for your instructions and lesson. Brother you have been inquiring about in answer, did y vi 6?. send in your letter for your Original Name? If you ha or hadn't,please do so. . VI

E! Hay Allah bless you,

"As-Salaam-Alaikum. i- ! Your Sister, Y? Lovella Muhammad -

92.. *- ~. The envelope is addressed as follows: I 1. y 53 "MUHAMMAD'S TEMPLEN0. 2 5335 S. Greenwood Avenue Chicago 15, Illinois r "Name I170 Address

iii: individualreturnid the above forms completestill attends' openmeetings held on Sunday afternoons. d;

~ -33- -

§',i 92 P-5 F . ' A f7 I! '1 ! j!



, . it 7 , ,~ IV, INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED PRIOR ,7 . _. -1- _ 77 as ~T°eBEQQM1NGa___M§Ti§lE?E§,,,r i -.. ' .

. -1" This individual received no instruction, formal or fi- otherwise, prior to becoming a member. He was not advised of he any obligations incident to membership in the PEI or of its P8 specific aims or purposes. No instructions were given to his individual indicating that as a result of his membership in the MCI he would become a citizen of Islam and therefore would not be subject to the laws of the United States. He was never advised that if he became a member he would renounce his United States citizenship and no longer owe allegiance to the United States. In regard to the above points, however, it was taken for granted by this individual in speeches by ELIJAH MOHAMMED which.he heard prior to his becoming a member, of whet the aims 4. and purposes of the MCI were when HOHAHMED told the congregation . that there was no such thing as a Negro but that they were i original black men and were not citizens of the United States p. but of Asia and that they resided in the United States as slaves, HOHAMMED also indicated that the aim of Islam was the separation Ea of the races and the establishment of a nation of their own, This individual was not required to study any material regarding i the principles of the MCI prior to his membership. a 4.1..u IIIIIIIIIIIIIII E This individual received no instructions, formal or otherwise, prior to his becoming a member of the MCI relative to the principles of the MCI or obligations incident to member- ship. He was never told of the specific aims, purposes, and teachings or that as a result of his membership he would become a citizen of Islam and therefore would have to renounce his _. United States citizenship and no longer owe allegiance to the , United States. However, it was clear to this individual what - the aims, purpose, and teachings of the HUT were when these individuals would state that the aim of Islam.was the establish- ment of a nation of their own separate and independent of the _ white race. The black man is superior to the white man. HOHAMMED and other officials frequently told the members that they were citizens of Asia and not citizens of the United States but lived here as slaves. The only printed material this indi- vidual was required to learn prior to his becoming a member was .1 .- -3]_|_- I- l 2» 5

a {' i! ' I!

I A co 25-2o607"

the Student Enrollment Rules of Islam." He was required to learn and memorize this material and give an oral recitation .4g.. _ .n to RAYMOND SHARRIEFF, the Captain of the FOI of Temple #2, before he could become a member, when a person is accepted as a member of the MCI, he automatically becomes a member of the FOI- ° - wa- This individual was never advised by anyone, formal 92_ or otherwise, of the obligations incident to membership in ' _n the MCI or of the specific aims and purposes of the MCI. However, it could be easily concluded by this individual of .s what the MCI stood for based on the speeches of ELIJAH MOHAMED and other MCI officials. 'MOHAMMED and officials stated that ,. the aim of the Nation of Islam MCI! was the separation of the . races and the establishment of a nation of their own free and i independent of the white race; that members are Asiatics and ; L not Negroes and will always be in slavery in ne United States as lon§ as the white man is in power, The white race is the "devil and must be destroyed. in This individual was never furnished any prepared material to study and never followed through in order to obtain membership. 410 lee TRAIEIN§:Z39§R%! This individual was advised iat when he was notified that he was a member of the MCI, he automatically became a ._.-...... 92....-.-. -0 4-1-. mnf r. UIULILUUP UL U110 EU-I-Q W A continuous program of training for members was carried on within the FOI from 1951 to May, 1955. Under this program members were required to learn and memorize the material "Student Enrollment Rules of Islam? and orally recite them. This was a lecture class conducted by one MARCELLUS JORDAN.

After members learn and memorize the aforementioned .| Anyway-4| Ill 1-A 1. T -9... 1 +n av A Finn vaav . uuvbq.---.-v-4 en+'h:|f'nr921-inn_ _ - nf va fhn aia.-aw .---a--- 1na1"m1r~1'n1~---vv-j A fhnv -_..-3 4 Hera --_' advanced-_-.s-.--- to another class. ii 7-i - 35 - x al-


I n - {A O ix Y! 929292, e vi I

-e c 1 _ J . --' - . . _ ._.. §= 5. a. CG 2§-2060? _

i-a They were reqn - - n and memorize met-rial n entitled English Lesson is set forth below; "1. My name in W. F.____1f_o~hahnne

'15, Are there any Mollems, other than Righteoul? '16. I beg your pardon, I have never heard or one- '$l7. How many Hoslem.Sone are there in North America? - _ f1B. Approxlmltely Three mllllone '19. How many Original Hoeleml are there in Forth America!

1 P.. _ -36.. I Y. e w tn _. ._ .. .._.e..____.e_...__.-_.__._.___--.__...,_.._.-,..- _ .,._...... _..._...-..--- .____..-_...___-...-V----.-'-----~-_. ..-- - #--e --- »- ~- e_._._.._.i___-."T. -- -' 92- 92 4" t 092 s o

@- it ' /2. 1' i» CG 25-2060? _ u ' 3-» , _. :'*~~* '29.

, J ' '21. T?-1 i -' A little over seventeen million. '22. Did I hear you say some of the seventeen million do Il23. not know that they are Hoslem?

nzh. Yes §ir. w I hardly bum-Q em: unless they are blind, deaf and dumb. R25. Well, they were made blind, deaf and dumb by the devil '26.when they were babies. @

I27. Can the devil fool a Moelem? Y __-I-"~ Q& Hot now a days. ._» Do you mean to say the devil fooled them three hundred

I seventy-nine years ago? ' .- P '29.Yes the Trader made an interpretation that they receive gold for their labor, more than they were earning in _ 5e ' --. I30. their own country. . - r Then did they recigve geld? ' _ - '31. , . Ho, the Trader disappeared and there was no one that I32. could speak their language. Then what happened? '33- Hell, they wanted to go to their own country, but they . "su- could not swim 9,000 miles. Why didn't their own peggle come and get then? _f35-Because their own people did not know they were here. '36.When did their own people find out they were here? Appr0§§&tl£Y, sixty years age.

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e s I _ - - _. Qb y _ . 'F 1* . co 25-20607 ; Qt I? > he- ' "P b » l ' The above lesson was also taught by KARGELLUS JORDAN and R. T. X. ASHFORD, the Minister of Temple #2 at that time. J 1" F3 After a member had learned the above leeson to the '3'l satisfaction of the instructor, he was allowed to proceed and study Kw - material contained in Lost FoundaLesson #1 and Lost Found Lesson my . #29 1.-' '7 _ ,-1;-'W__ .. ~;¢ -1 rgheiabove -___eonn lea set forth below, were c ainod diring 1 _a~lawfu1 search fhcidental to the arrest of ELIJAH HOHAMMED on Septenber 20, 19h2, for violation of the sedition laws. -Iimsson £11. -' - L "1. Hhy isn!t the dot 4| Qua - best part at the planet Earth?-

. r., Z " -1-> ff - ' _'92 § . I 1 , 92- .- § r ". I . '1 =.'u

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u Ans. - Because the earth belongs to the original black ! nan and knowing that the devil was wicked and there would . not be any peace among them. e put him out in the worst E. part of the earth and kept the best part preserved for him- '10 -! s I

s u . 1'. ,4 . 5. - 1 t. E . ~ ' »_ ,f- . Y- co 25-20607 _ ._ .= :.. D - i H. .7 V 15-- l'. .1, 1 i in Italy, which is southeast Europe. His full name was @2- Christopher Columbus, and the place he discovered was North America, He found the Indians here, who were = exiled seventeen thousand years ago from India. They are original-people. v "A. Why did we run Yacob and his made devil from the s root of civilization, over the hot desert, into the cave of West Ania, as they now call it Europe? What is the mean-' ing of Eu and Rope? How long ago? What did the devil bring with him? What kind of life did he live, and how long before 1 Hossa come to teach the devil of the forgotten Tricknollegy? Ans. Because they had started making trouble among the righteous people telling lies. They accused the righteous B. people, causing them to fight and kill one another. Yacob H was an original black man, and was the father of the devil. .¢_1 He taught the devils to do this deviliahent. The root of civilization is in Arabia at the Holy City Mecca, which Q means where wisdom and knowledge of the original man first started. When the planet was found, we ran the devils over the Arabian Desert. We took from them everything except 1'; the Language and made him walk every step of the way; it was .. H twenty-two hundred miles. He went savage and lived in the . caves of Europe. Eu means hillsides and Rope is the rope- ! to bind it. It was aix thousand and nineteen years ago. D TL. Hosea came two thousand years later and taught him how to s'~_ 3 live a respectful life, how to build a home for himself and some of the tricknollegy that Yacob taught him. Whith was the deviliahent, telling lies, stealing, and how to master .: the original man. Mossa was half original, a prophet which _.. was predicted by the twenty-three scientists in the year one, fifteen thousand nineteen years ago, today. '5. Why did we take Jerusalem from the devil? How long ago? . "Ans. - Because one of our righteous brothers, who was g . a prophet by the name of Jesus was buried there, and he uaes E 'his name to shield his dirty religion, which is called 5 Christianity, also to deceive the people so they will believe = in him. Jesus' teaching was not Christianity, it was Freedom,



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immu- Justice and Equality. Jeruealenis in south Europe. Jerusalem is a name given by :Je%s, which means founded in peace, and it was first built by the original man, which was called Jebus, also Salem, and Ariel. We took sl- the city from the devil: about seven hundred fifty yeare J. ago. "6. why does the devil keep our people-illiterate?

-r-. Ans. - So that he can use them for a tool, and also a slave. He keeps them blind to themselves so that he can master them. Illiterate means ignorant. I? -oee the devil call our people Africans?

-e x I Ans. - To make our people of North America believe t that the people on that continent are the only people they have and are all savage. He bought a trading post in the N jungle of that continent, the original people live on this s continent and they are the ones who strayed away from civili- zation and are living a jungle life. The original people call ._.. this continent Asia, but the devils call it Africa, to try '1 to divide them. He uanta ua to think that we all are different 0-. . "8. Why does the devil keep our people apart, from F his social equality? ins. - Because he does not want us to know how filthy he is and all his affairs, he is afraid because when we learn about him we will run him from among us. Socialist means to advocate. A society of men or groups of men for one 4- comon cauae. Equality neana to be equal in everything. -u I "9. Why does Mohammed make the devil study from . Q thirty-five to fifty years before he can call himself a Moelem Son? And wear the greatest and only Flag of the Universe? and he must add a sword on the upper part of the Holy and Greatest Universe Flag of Islam. ' .1_;ga,. if _._.'.-**;~. ., _ Ans. - So that he could clean himself up. A Hoslen 74¢? 1}-4» - ,.doag not love the devil, regardless to how 1on5 he studies, after he has devoted thirty-five or fifty years trying to ,. - 'learn and do like the original man. .


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_- _,_ = - 1. IE -. co 25-20607 g - -ape» __ _ "- ' _.4~¬ He could come and do trading among us and we would not kill ' $3 him as quick as we would the other devils, that is who no has not gone under this ltudy. After he goes through with =2: 1-- this labor from thirty-rive to titty years, we permit him '!_x. 7', *_ to wear our holy Flag, which is the Sun, Moon and Star. it J. He must add the sword on the upper part. The sword is an to emblem of Justice, and it was used by the original man in Mohammed's time. Thus, it was placed on the upper part, of Q the flag so that the devils can always see it, so he will_ '1 keep in mind,that any time that he reveals the secrets. We give him this chance so that he could clean himself up and come among us, His head would be taken err by the sword. ~. The holy flag of Islam'is the greatest and only flag known. The Universe is everything - Sun, Moon, and Stars. They are planets. Planets are something grown or made from the beginning, and holy is something that has not been diluted, mixed, or tampered with in any form. =10. ihy does Mohamned.and any oslem murder the devil? vi What is}the duty of each.Moslem in regard to four devils? ' 1' What reward does a Moslem receive by presenting the tour F devils at one time? . Ans. - Because he is one hundred per cent wicked and s will not keep and obey the 1aws7ot Islam. His ways and - H, actions are like a snake of the'grafted type. So Mohammad . -, en _ I learned that he could not reform the devils, so they had to be murdered. All oslems will murder the devil because they know he is a snake and also if he be allowed to live, he would sting someone else. Each Moslem is required to bring four devils, and by bringing and presenting four at . one time his reward is a button to wear on the lapel of his- coat, also a free transportation to the Holy City Mecca to see brother Mohamed. ll. Have you notheard thatyor wegdfshallbe Bond regardlesi of whom or what? Ans. - Yes. My word is bond and bond is life and I will give my lire before my word shall tail. r , -.. - g1 -

1 J , .le_i_lii.le-Ml.m - i, ln__,, M me--__ .. ill - ._ Joell . ;. {'f92' :!CD0 rt!

-I '- 5; r: _ g _ -_ r. t " ' f 0 1. ca 25520607 .* i é. Q "- t= Pnn»~ 0 '~' ;-Ii . I 1. 51: '12. What is the meaning or F.0.I.1 $5: 1 amE: Ans. - Th§"F¥nite£ Islam, the name given to the ..I military training fof the men that belongs to Islam in Forth America. _ 1 '_-, . ksJ Fl '13. What is the meaning of Lieut. and Capt.? .1 @- Ans. - Captain and Lieutenant. The duty of a captain is to give orders to the lieutenant and the lieutenant's duty is to teach the private soldiers and also train them. 'lh, What is the meaning or H.G.T. and G.C.? "Ans. - Moslem Girls Training and General Civiliza- tion Class, this was the name given to the training of women and girls in North America how to keep house, how to rear - their children, how to take care of their husband, sew, cook, and in general, how to act at home and abroad. These training f. unigsnwere named by our prophet and leader of Islam, W.D, F Far . Lesson #2; *- E 7; J hi. '1. Who made the Holy Koran or Bible? How long ago? . I. w111 you tell us why does Islam re-new her history every :1 p9 ,.I twenty-five thousand years? "Ans. - The Holy Koran or Bible is made by the original people, who is Allah, the supreme being, or black man! of Asia; the Koran will expire in the year twenty-rive thousand, F Nine thousand and eight years from the date of this writing the Ration or Islam is all wise and does everything right and » exact. The planet Earth, which is the home of Islam and is approximately twenty-five thousand miles in circumference, so the wise man of the East black man! makes history or Koran, to equal his home circumference, a year to every mile 54 J and thus every time his history lasts twenty-five thousand - years, he re-news it for another twenty-five thousand years. *" "2. What is the circumference? w 92 2' . if 1 "ans. - 2L;,896 miles. Approximately 25,000 miles. C L

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'3.What is the diameter or the planet? W , 1, Ans, - 7,926 miles. Seven thousand nine hundred twenty six miles. . H. What is the total sqnare mileage? '

92 Ans. - l96,9h0,000 miles. One hundred ninety-six million, nine hundred fort;-thousand square miles. S. How much is the land and water? Ana. - 57,255,000 square miles of land. 139,685,000 square miles or water. 1 2'6; thatis the total weight of our Planet? ! -8. 6 '§ns.;-66 Sex trillion tons. A unit followed-by twentylone ciphers. I ~ r C ~ "7. How rant does our planet travel per hour? - X - ! ans. - 1,037 1/3 miles per hour. Q. 's92 a '8. Whatmakes rain, hail, snow and earthquakes? Q:I Ans. - The Earth is approxnately covered under water. _,. . Approxinitel? 3/hth of its surface. The Sun and Hoon, having attracting power on our planet while our planet E; making the terrific speed of 1,037 1/3 miles on its way around the Sun} The Sun draws this water up into the Earth rotation, which is called gravitation, in a fine mist that the naked eye can hardly detect. But as this mist ascends higher and increasing with other mists or water in different currents of the atmosphere until when she becomes heavier than gravitation, then she distills back to the Earth in the form ct drops or Hater or drop: or ice, which depend: on how heavy the mist was in the current of the air it was in; there are some layer or current of air real cold and warn and some very swift and changeable so when the water strikes I one of these cold currents it becomes solid ice in small round drops in form or in a light flurry torn which is

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> celled encw, but this weter is not ever drewn ebove sis; Q miles from the Earth's surface by the Sun and Moon; the reason it rains back on our planet is because it cannot get out of the Earth Sphere with its high speed er rotating am4 around the Sun makes it impossible. Eerthquakes are caused by the Son of man by experimenting on high explosion; in fact that all the above is caused by the Son of man.

H- "9, Why does the devil teach the eight-five per cent, that e mystery God brings all this? "Ans. - To conceal the true God which is the Son of manshipping and make somethingslaves he out ofknows thethey 65% cannotby keepinsee %invieible! them wor- and he lives and makes himself rich from their labor; the 85% know that it rains, hails and snows also hear it thunder above his head. But they do not try to learn, who5% is teach it thatthem; he causes believes all thisin the to heplO%Pon en by letting facevalue. the "10. Who is that mystery God?

R 4'la I Ans. - There is not a mystery God. The Son of man has searched for that mystery God for trillions of years J and was unable to find a mystery God. So they have agreed 1'so that the only God is the Son of man, So they lose no time searching for that that does not exist. 7 ll. Will you set up home, and wait for that mystery at God to bring you food? "Ans. - Emphaticelly No. he and my people who have been lost from home for three hundred and seventy-nine yeiri have tried this so called mystery God for bread, clothing and a Home, and we receive nothing but hard times, hunger, naked and out of doors, also was beat and killed by the ones who advocated that kind of God and no relief came to us until the Son of man eame to our aid, by the name of our Prophet, U. D. Fard. ' '12. Tell us why the devil does not teach that? ~? '*Ans. - Because he desires to make slaves out of all he I. can. So that he can rob them and live in luxury.


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CG 25-2060?

lam.» - Je- 1? I 13, But bring rain, hail, snow and Earthquakes? .*'- " i' 1 Ans. - They continue daily, to teach the 85% that all this that you see such as rain, snow, hail and Earth- "E quakes comes from that mystery God that no one will ever be able to see until he dies. This is believed by the 85%. The 10% know that when man dies that he will never come back en..- and tell the living whether he lied or not because the dead is never known to return from the grave. All the History of Islam never reveals anything that no man had ever been able to come back from a physical death. But there is a chance for mental death, because the lest round was once dead mentally and many of them revived from it. But they were not physically dead, only mentally dead. "lb. Who is the 85%? "Ans. - The uncivilized people, poison animal eaters, - P slave from mental death and power. People who do not know the living God, or their origin in this world and they I worship that they know not what. Who are easily led in the P wrong direction but hard to lead into the right direction. i '15. Who is the 10%? 1 3- .- .. "Ans. - The rich, the slave makers of the poor, who v : teach the poor lies, to believe that the almighty, true and , f living God is a spook and cannot be seen by the physical eye. Otherwise known as the blood sucker of the poor. '16. Who is the 5% in this poor part of the Earth? "Ans. - They are the poor, righteous teachers, who do not believe in the teaching or the 10% and are all wise J 'and know who the living God is and teach that the living God is the Son of man, the supreme being, the black man! of Asia; and teach Freedom, Justice and Equality to all the . . ; human family of the planet Earth, otherwise known as _. .14 civilized people. Also is Moslem and Moslem Sons. v .- "17. What is the meaning or civilisation? ,- Ans. - One having knowledge, wisdom, understanding,' culture, refinement and is not savage. Pursuit of happiness.

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'Ane. - To teach the uncivilized people who are savage, civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of himself, the science oi everything in life, love, peace and happiness. "19. If a civilized person does not perform his duty 4 what must be done?

"Ans= - 1: a civilized person doe; not perform his duty which is teaching civilization to others they should be ' punilhed with a severe punishment. Ezekiel, Chapter 3, 18 Verse; St. Luke chapter 12, Q7 verse. "20. What is the prescribed law of Islam of said person of that ability? LT? . s i "Ans. - That the civilized person is held responsible . i for re uncivilized and he muet be punished by the nation ;.-1. of Islam. YZ 92_._...____..i,.-.___._. _,__.__, ,,_,_ __ ,_,_,___ v » "21. Who was the founder or unlike attract and like H repel? - i - ,.. 3 f/h k~!' A M!. .,'

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"a I :_ 92-. IA r .. 92 co 25-20607 ff we e '| ha- "" on-~- 72h. What was his idea of making devil? "Ans. - It was predicted of him that he would make devil eight thousand four hundred years before he was born. So he was born with a determined idea to make a people to rule for six thousand years. '25. Howlong did it take him to make devil? "Ana. - Six hundred years he was in grafting devil or e making him from the black man. 26. What year was that?

F P "Ans. - It was in the year eight thousand four hundred, G which means from the date of our present history or Koran, or about two thousand and six hundred years before the birth i of the Prophet Hosea. é Z

§ '27. Whatwas the name of the place where he manufactured v 92 the devil? '._ r ;'. 5 "fl-I-Ii 0 "' -n. The same that is called Fatmoi in the u. 9 Verse; an island that is situated in the <1 Revs; chapter i £Egean sea. '28. Andwhat kind of rules and regulations including all laws enforced while manufacturing the devil.

4 "Ans. - Yacob first rule was to see that all his followers were healthy, strong and good breeders. If not, he sent them back. All that he found that was not good in multiplying and that they should marry at the age of sixteen. Next, Yhcob gave his people the law on birth control to be enforced while manufacturing the devil. That was to destroy e. the alike and save the unlike which means kill the black K 1 babies! and save the brown babies, This law was given to the doctors, the ministers, the nurses and tremator. The doctors é law was to examine all that marry and this was his law that 2 -v anyone desiring to marry must first be qualified by the doctor, I. and in turn he qualified or disqualified them as the minister. Y§ The minister would marry only the ones that were unlike. F 92 -13,7- ' ' 1" A bk»! 92 _ . . V

at 4 F ewe "'iI» ~ -92 ' 92. CG 25-20601 a _ a ""'r" '

The nurses law was to kill the black babies at birth by sticking a needle in the brain of the babies or feed it to some wild beast and tell the mother that her baby was an angel baby, and that it was only taken to heaven and some day when the mother dies her baby would have secured her a home in heaven. But save all the brown'ones and tell their mother 92 v that she was lucky that her baby was a holy baby and she 4- should take good care of her baby, educate it and that some y day it would be a great men. All nurses, doctors and :7? ministers, Yacob put them under a death penalty to fail to carry out the law as it was given to them. Also, the cremetor who would burn the black babies when the nurse brought it to him; also death for them if they reveal the secret. He also had other rules and laws which are not mentioned in this lesson. '

"29. Tell us, why he was successful in all his undertakings? I Ans. - Because the people who were his followers obeyed '5 Yacob laws. Regardless what he told them to do, they did it. If not they paid with their lives for every law they ' .._,__I. broke. Yacob did not build prison houses to imprison his people when one fell victim of the law; the penalty was death - .'I- and was enforced on every victim. ' F L '30. Tell us what and how the devil is made? é a- Ans. - The devil is made from the original people by . grafting; by lplrltins the germs. In the black man there exist two germs; one a black germ and one a brown germ. Yhcob, with his law on birth control, separated the brown germs from .~ the black man and grafted it into a white by destroying the black germ. After following this process for six hundred . years, the germ became white, and weak and was no more 3 original. Also by thinning the original blood it became weak and wicked and it is no more the same. Thus, this ii.the way Yacob made the devil. _ _.~ 5 1' .. '31. To make devil, what must you first do? |~. ;J Ans. - To make devil, one must begin grafting from original.

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s -L. -' 5_ '! q. CG 25-2060? 9.. 3"}-~ -M "32, Tell us the mental and physical power of a real devil? '

"Ans. - The mental power of a real devil is nothing in eomparison with the original man. He only has six ounces of brain, while the original man has seven and one half ounces of brain. They are grafted brain. The devil's physical power is less than one third that of the original .. man. The devil is weak bone, weak blood, because he is grafted from the original; therefore his mental and physical power, is much weaker than the original man. 33. What is a devil? "Ans. - A grafted man which is made weak and wicked, 'or any grarted live germ, from original, is devil. '3h. And can you reform devil? 1 . If 1:: "Ans. - Ho. All the prophets have tried to reform him devil! but were unable, so they have agreed that it cannot 9 be done unless we graft him back to the original man which V takes six hundred years, So instead of losing time grafting him back, they have decided to take him o'the planet, who Q . I-,L_." numbers only one to every eleven original people. !. e _ 5 I "35. Tell ue the exact date of the expiration of the -» devil's civilization? 1 + F - "Ans. - Expired in nineteen and fourteen. 1 3i '36. Tell us the exact number of years, months and days, of devil being birthed on the planet?

a Ans. - Six thousand and twenty years. And seventy-two 1 thousand, two hundred and forty-one months. Two million, one hundred ninety-seven thousand three hundned and rift - : - one days, at the date of this writing ,020 years, 72,2l ~ I ' months, 2,197,351 days! s i .0 -» - "37. Tell us what the devil teaches the eighty-five .5, -per cent that the God, is a righteous and unseen being, 5 exists everywhere. ' »


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a -. ~92 . . , g co 25-20607 - - ' "£an|=-- I". ' 'I-- "Ana. - Allah 1. God, in the Earth, and7in'.thi heaven above and is just and true, and there is no unrighteousness in him, But is not unseen; is seen and is heard everywhere, for he is the all eye seeing. , "35. Then, why did God make devil? Ans. - To show forth his power, that he is'al1 wile, -and righteous, and that he could make a devil which is week, and wicked and give the devil power to rule the Earth for six thousand years and then destroy the devil in one day without filling a victim to the devil's civilization; other- _ wise to show end prove that Allah is the God; always has been , :?.'1._r_id Qlwgi mill -be. - "39. Now, tell ue would you hope to live to see that _'fe the Gods will take the devil into hells, in a very near * - future? ' ' % -» '92 Ana. - Yes, I fast and pray, Allah. In the name of 1 .0 ~ 1. his Prophet, H. D. Fard. That I see the hereafter when .,_L Llllh in his Own good time takes the devil off our planet.

. P12. "£0. What will be your reward in regards to the i v. destruction of the devil? " _ I .:- 5} Ans. - Peace and happiness. I will give all I have :- and all within my power to see this day, for which I have a waited 319 years.

'3 "This lesson #2 was given by our Prophet, H. D, Fard, which 1. contains hO questions answered by Elijah Mohammed, one of the lost found in the Wilderness of North America, February 20th, 193k. - Courses or instruction were also given in the - .»92 I language under JAMIL DIAB, a teacher at the University of Islam. 1 Other courses of inatruction which were given to the members included ! hygiene, conducted by I Dr. BLI, and military procedure, by RAYMOND a SHARRIEFF, Captain of the POI, and Lieutenant SAMUEL X, also of the POI. This military procedure consisted of close order march- i ing by the members. _;. .,_ .l--. . . _5o_ I =

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O n I 11>» . V er -Y ..||_e-- /'::W,__'<:,,, V, . E co 25-20607 w~e;4 -r I * v l . - 92- 92- ' .3 ' ''iarditidual member: were required to undergo inatruction;' _ before being allowed to advance from one claea to another and are i-if kept in the claea until the material which in presented ie learned t I . ~:; to the satisfaction of the instructor. ' - 42;: _ _ Temple #2 of the MCI currently has a continuing program i of instruction for the members of the FOI. New member: are re- guired to etudy, memorize, and recite the material entitled I "Student Enrollment Rulee of lelem","En:lieh Lesson Cl, and. Q _, ?Loet Found Leeeone #1 and 2. i -- " _;"' i {. fig; [ . ';- in ' : These course: are"of the lecture'type ¬1th.membere being required to orally recite the anewere. The r inetructors of theee course; are KARHIEM ALLAH, the Head Investi- 92 gator of Temple #2, and JAMES ANDERSON, Assistant Minister oft Temple #2. . L e t Q- Other course: of instruction offered the member: ro ..I military drill conducted bi GORDGN CAMPBELL, Drill Heater of the POI of Temple #2; Engliah writing and spelling class, conducted by ERNEST MC GEE, Secretary of Temple #2; arithmetic couraea ;.. conducted by WILLIAM crrson, Lieutenant in the POI er Temple {#2. .92' The above coureee have varying degree: of difficulty and members nuet be able to recite answer: and pale written examination: in all of these coureee before being allowed to advance. _b1. - J74; _ L

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