191 Abbas, Mahmoud 9, 11, 168 Abkhazia 195 Abraham, Ronny 130
Index Boyle, Peter 112 Budget, UN 76, 139, 146-147 A Buergenthal, Thomas 130 A Woman’s Voice Burma 2, 36-37, 62, 86, 116, 189 International (AWVI) 191 Burundi 21-22, 92-94, 191 Abbas, Mahmoud 9, 11, 168 Bush, George W. 1, 9, 23, 30, 74, Abkhazia 195 87, 106, 163-169 Abraham, Ronny 130, 175 AbuZayd, Karen 96 C Afghanistan 19-20, 67, 82-84, Cambodia 136-137, 192 116, 146, 164, 166, 171, 190, 195 Capital Master Plan (CMP) 145, African Union (AU) 2, 23-24, 32, 155, 159-160 34-35, 55-56, 142, 167, 191 Caribbean region 44, 77, 188 Ahlenius, Inga-Britt 154, 176 Central African Republic (CAR) Ahtisaari, Martti 42 22-23, 35, 149, 191 Al-Hussein, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Central America 72 50-51, 60 Chérif, Taïeb 108 Al-Khasawneh, Awn Shawkat Children and Armed Conflict 62, 130, 175 177 Al-Qaida 52, 55-56, 63, 163 Children’s Fund, UN 70-71, 98, Algeria 28, 36, 164, 175 113, 187 Arnault, Jean 42 China 8, 35, 37, 46, 75, 88-90, Arbour, Louise 176 103, 116, 140, 149, 158, 174 Arrears 148 Civilians in Armed Conflict 64 Atomic Radiation, UN Scientific Climate change 69, 74-75, 196, Committee on the Effects of 198 121-122, 190 Climate Change, UN Framework AU (African Union) 2, 23-24, 32, Convention on 74-75, 198 34-35, 55-56, 142, 167, 191 Codex Alimentarius Commission Aung San Suu Kyi 36 102, 191 Avian influenza 102-103 Colombia 87, 92-94, 116 Aviation Security Plan of Action Commission for Social 108 Development (CSocD) 78-79, 187 B Commission on Sustainable Banny, Charles Konan 24 Development (CSD) 69-70, 187 Beijing Women’s Conference 84 Commission on Human
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