

PRESENT: Cllr C Alden (Chair of Planning), Cllr G Baum, Cllr M Beal, Cllr A Brown, Cllr J Fletcher, Cllr D Johnson, Cllr I Martin, Cllr M Mockford and the Clerk & Deputy Clerk.

IN ATTENDANCE: County Cllr C Purnell. District Cllrs R Barrow, J Connor, J Elliott and D Wakeham.

Cllr C Alden welcomed the Councillors and members of the public and opened the planning meeting at 7.31pm.

PL.319/18 TO RECEIVE AND ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs C Dean and S Newman.


PL.321/18 TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING MEETING HELD ON 12th SEPTEMBER 2018 The minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2018 had been previously circulated and were presented for approval.

Cllr M Beal proposed, seconded by Cllr A Brown, that the minutes be confirmed and signed as a true record. RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

PL.322/18 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Cllr C Alden announced that the Neighbourhood Plan had been approved for referendum by the Independent Examiner, subject to wording changes to some policies to bring them in line with the Examiners recommendations. The Clerk would circulate the final Examiners Report. Cllr G Baum asked who would pay for the Referendum and it was noted that this was the responsibility of CDC. Cllr G Baum gave a vote of thanks to Cllr C Alden and the Working Group for their work on the Selsey Neighbourhood Plan.

PL.323/18 COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION All communications listed below.

13/09/2018 NALC NALC Newsletter 13/09/2018 Keith Taylor MEP Let Communities Decide - oppose the undermining of democracy in the Government's planning consultation 17/09/2018 CDC Media Release: Record numbers visit The Novium Museum for its summer blockbuster exhibition 17/09/2018 CDC Media Release: Part of Selsey sea wall will be closed while surface water outfall is replaced 18/09/2018 SSALC South East Community Led Housing Conference 20/09/2018 CDC Media Release: Huge thank you to volunteers for helping with Selsey Beach Clean 26/09/2018 NALC Chief Execs Bulletin 26/09/2018 M Nicholls Selsey to Greenway 26/09/2018 CDC All Meeting Agenda 26/09/2018 CDC Media Release: Huge thank you to volunteers for helping with Selsey Beach Clean 26/09/2018 Pagham Council Request for call in of application in Pagham West 26/09/2018 BW Selsey Vision Video 27/09/2018 4Sight Thank you re: grant awarded 28/09/2018 Snak Shak Thank you re: grant awarded 28/09/2018 Arun & Chichester Citizens Thank you re: grant awarded Advice 28/09/2018 Cloud 9 Thank you re: grant awarded 02/10/2010 CDC Media Release: Car park improvements go ahead in 03/10/2018 CDC Map of temporary road closure Selsey Xmas lights switch on


PL.324/18 PLANNING LISTS WEEKS 37, 38 & 39

SY/18/01752/DOM 26 Sunnymead Drive Selsey Chichester Single storey side extension. There being no grounds for objection Cllr A Brown proposed, seconded by Cllr G Baum, SUPPORT RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

SY/18/01695/DOM Cranleigh 36 Park Lane Selsey PO20 0HE Retrospective application for wooden raised decking platform in rear garden. Cllr G Baum proposed, seconded by Cllr M Mockford, that the Committee should OBJECT to the application on the grounds that the raised platform would result in a loss of privacy and was unneighbourly with the COMMENT that any affect on ditching on the property be examined further. RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

SY/18/01966/OUT Stone House 82 West Street Selsey PO20 9AG Construction of 5 no. dwellings.

The meeting was suspended at 7.44pm to allow representations to be made. One member of the public addressed the Committee and raised his concerns in particular to Unit 3 ridge height obstructing light in adjoining gardens and loss of privacy, Unit 2 being close to West Street frontage and that windows should be kept high. The meeting resumed at 7.51pm

There being no grounds for objection Cllr C Alden proposed SUPPORT with the CONDITION that Reserved Matters should come back before the STC Planning Committee and that the ridge heights, particularly of Unit 3 as shown on the indicative drawing, be restricted. RESOLVED For: 7 Against: 0 Abstained: 1 Cllr G Baum wished her objection to be noted.

SY/18/02138/FUL La Palapa Lewis Road Selsey Chichester Demolish existing non-habitable building and build 2 no. chalet bungalows. There being no grounds for objection Cllr A Brown proposed, seconded by Cllr M Mockford, SUPPORT. RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

SY/18/02311/PA1A Sandhurst 8 Peachey Road Selsey Chichester Single storey rear extension (a) rear extension - 4m (b) maximum height - 6.15m (c) height of eaves - 2.4m. The Committee noted the application and had no comments to make.


As notified by CDC

SY/18/01862/DOM 2 Lifeboat Way Selsey PO20 0TT Change use of garage to habitable accommodation. PERMIT

SY/18/01011/FUL Near East Beach Kiosk Beach Road Selsey PO20 0SZ Change of use from fishing shop (A1) to a hot food takeaway – fish and chips (A5). Increase the serving hatch to the front elevation. WITHDRAWN


SY/18/01923/DOM Shaldon Lewis Road Selsey Chichester West Sussex PO20 0RG Single storey side extension PERMIT

SY/18/01943/PLD 2 Lifeboat Way Selsey PO20 0TT Change use of loft space to habitable accommodation to include 1 no. rear dormer and 3 no. rooflights to front elevation. PERMIT

PL.326/18 PLANNING APPEALS There were none.

PL.327/18 TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FROM PAGHAM PARISH COUNCIL FOR STC’S WRITTEN COMMENTS TO THE NATIONAL PLANNING CASEWORK UNIT IN RESPECT OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS WITHIN COUNCIL AREA, REFERENCE: P/134/16/OUT, P/140/16/OUT, P/6/17/OUT AND P/25/17/OUT In May 2017 correspondence had been received from Pagham Parish Council requesting STC’s support in their ‘call in’ application to the Secretary of State in respect of 3 large scale housing developments [P/134/16/OUT, P/140/16/OUT & P/6/17/OUT] which, if granted, would generate at least 1200 new homes. To be successful in their application Pagham PC needed to demonstrate that the impact of approval of the three schemes would go beyond ‘their immediate locality’. Pagham PC believed that the parish of Selsey would be significantly affected should the proposed developments proceed through increased traffic, pollution and increased pressure on the natural environment [ Nature Reserve] in the area and were seeking STC’s written support. This was resolved [PL.11/17] and correspondence issued. The National Planning Casework Unit had refused to consider the cumulative impact of these applications and Pagham PC were now seeking further support from affected parishes to request the relevant applications be reviewed. Cllr C Alden proposed from the Chair that the Chair of Council and the Chair of Planning review and update the original letter of response that was sent and send further correspondence in support. RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

PL.328/18 WSCC, CDC & STC REPORTS & ACTIONS District Cllr J Connor reported that at the recent CDC Cabinet Meeting, Members had examined the draft Infrastructure Business Plan which highlighted a number of County Highways projects. Attention was drawn to four projects, three of which were in relation to parking schemes to the west of the city which would take place in 2019 and the fourth being the Road/ SelseyTram roundabout which was not programmed in for improvements until 2020/2021. Cllr J Connor had questioned why the Birdham Road project could not be prioritised and the response was that WSCC had not yet designed the improvements. Cllr J Connor urged STC to contact other Parish Council’s on the Peninsula asking that they correspond to West Sussex Highways their disappointment that urgency had not been given to this project.

County Cllr C Purnell reminded the Committee that the Community Forum, provided by CDC for the benefit of the peninsula parishes and which met every quarter, took place last week. All Manhood Parishes could attend, request agenda items and network with each other. This event had not been well attended and County Cllr C Purnell encouraged all STC Cllrs to attend in the future.

Cllr M Mockford reported that at the junction of Manor Lane and Drift Road a wide expanse of grass was being used as an exit by cars from the new estate. County Cllr C Purnell would visit the site and report to Planning Enforcement. Cllr G Baum had walked the area with a member from Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group and they were very concerned regarding the landscaping and drainage issues. The hedge at the back of the development bordering Park Lane had not been planted. Cllr G Baum was requested to investigate what was on the original plans and report back to The Clerk, who could then write to the appropriate Planning Officer for clarification.

PL.329/18 TRAFFIC MATTERS CDC had received the annual request from Selsey Town Council for temporary road closures in connection with the Selsey Christmas Lights Switch On, Saturday 24 November 2018. The static road 3 closure was required from 2.00pm to 8.00pm for High Street, Selsey from the junction with Lewis Road southwards to the Bike shop (Peddlewise), 3A Hillfield Road, Selsey, PO20 0JX (Lewis Road remaining open). The road closure would run to just outside the Bike Shop and would be angled so the resident opposite (1 West Street. PO20 0JX) can get in and out of their property. West Street, Selsey from the junction with the High Street to 3 West Street PO20 9AA. The road closure barriers would be outside 3 West Street which is opposite the entrance/exit of new parade (opposite Aspect Electrical PO20 0QA). East Street, Selsey from the junction with the High Street to the shop entrance of E2 Hair, 2 East Street PO20 0BJ. Additionally, a rolling road closure was requested from 4.55pm to 5.30pm for St Peter’s Crescent, Selsey from St Peter’s Church towards the junction with the High Street and the High Street Selsey, towards the junction with Lewis Road. Comments were invited by Wednesday 31st October 2018. Cllr M Beal proposed, seconded by Cllr M Mockford that the request should be supported, SUPPORT RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

Cllr A Brown had been approached by residents in Mill Lane regarding the CDC recycling vehicle that ended in the ditch due to the side of the road crumbling. CDC were currently investigating this incident and the outcome would be raised with Highways. The Clerk was requested to write a letter to Highways voicing the general concern regarding the road as this was also a bus route for the Bunn Leisure site.

Cllr I Martin asked when the corner at Ferry Bend was scheduled to be widened as he had followed a lorry from the B2145 towards Selsey travelling at speed towards said area and it was fortunate there was no oncoming traffic as an accident would have occurred. County Cllr C Purnell advised that it had been raised with West Sussex Highways who were awaiting a design to be finalised before West Sussex Highways and Landlink could schedule in the roadworks.

County Cllr C Purnell noted that there would be a road closure in November between Sessions House and St. Peter’s Crescent whilst the pavement was being widened.

PL.330/18 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Cllr G Baum raised the issue that the Medmerry Cliff had eroded significantly from the Cliff to the Beach and asked whether the step, that had originally been put in by a local builder and had now disintegrated, could be replaced. Cllr G Baum was advised that any request for a contribution from STC would have to be considered as a future Full Council agenda item.

Cllr A Brown questioned whether the triangle at the junction of Manor Road/Beach Road/Church Road had been abandoned and who owned it. County Cllr C Purnell stated it was owned by West Sussex Highways. Cllr C Alden suggested that Cllr A Brown put a proposal together including a full costing report and request this as an Agenda item for consideration the Full Council Meeting. The Clerk was requested to write to West Sussex Highways pointing out the condition of the land.

Cllr A Brown noted that the section of the Warners Yard car park by the Football Club had been fly tipped. The Clerk also noted that the lights in the car park were not on in the evening. The Clerk would raise these issues with Kavanagh Retailing Ltd as the leaseholder.



There being no other business Cllr C Alden closed the meeting at 8.43pm.
