Ghe Fa~Nmamian
GHE FA~NMAMIAN. .~~ ~- ~. - ~ - - Vol. xxv., No. 3. December, 1938. ~ ~ ~ ~~ . - Editorial Notes. It was with profound regret that the news was receiyed of the death of Mr. J. M. Aylwin at the beginning of the term. He was a pupil at the School from 1865 to 1869, and was in fact the oldest member of the O.F.A. Few can claim to have had such close ties, and for so long, with the School as he, for the name of Aylwin has been perpetuated in the persons of son and grandson; we rejoice, in fact, that Mr. G. M. Aylwin is now numbered among our Governors. Rightly, then, do we malic special mention of the passing from active membership of this stalwart Farnhamian, and pay a tribute of honour to his memory. *: * * * * We have passed through two crises this term. Tlie first, the threat of war, was faced with calm and steadiness in common with the rest of the country, and no other comment would be suitable in these notes. The second was our own private property, a full inspection by the Board of Education, in which every detail of school life was reviewed by experts. This too we faced calmly, and we believe that we can say (with all modesty) that we came through with credit. .J, 4, * * * -m -0 Congratulations to T. R. Alston on being awarded a State Scholarship on the strength of the Higher School Examination of last term. It will be remembered that he had already won, in special examination, a Hampshire County Scholarship. Well done! We hope to give from time to time news of his successes at Oxford, where he is an undergraduate at Merton College.
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