……… MIDHURST CONSERVATION AREA CHARACTER APPRAISAL AND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS Final Draft July 2012 1 2 MIDHURST CONSERVATION AREA CHARACTER APPRAISAL AND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS Contact Details For further information about the Midhurst Conservation Area please contact: Design & Implementation Planning Policy Chichester District Council, South Downs National Park Authority, East Pallant House, Rosemary’s Parlour, 1 East Pallant, North Street, Chichester, Midhurst, West Sussex PO19 1TY. West Sussex GU29 9SB T: 01243 785166 T: 01730 811748 E:
[email protected] E:
[email protected] 3 CONTENTS PART 1 THE MIDHURST CONSERVATION AREA – CHARACTER APPRAISAL 1 Introduction 7 1.1 Midhurst Conservation Area 1.2 Summary of special interest 1.3 The control of conservation areas 1.4 The local policy framework 1.5 Community involvement 2 Location and landscape setting 9 2.1 Location and activities 2.2 Topography 2.3 Geology 2.4 The landscape setting 2.5 Nature conservation 2.5.1 River Rother and Rother Valley SNCI 2.5.2 South Pond and stream area 3 History 10 3.1 Historical development 3.2 Archaeology 4 Spatial analysis 12 4.1 Layout and street pattern 4.2 Open spaces 4.3 Focal buildings 4.4 Key views and vistas 4.5 Trees 4.6 Roofscape 4.7 Boundaries 4.8 Public Realm 4.9 Paving Surfaces 5 The buildings of the conservation area 20 5.1 Building character types 5.2 Listed buildings 5.3 Positive buildings 5.4 Building materials and colours 6 Character analysis 24 6.1 Definition of character areas 6.2 Character Area 1:St