
Civil War - Outline #4 – Chapters 16-17

C. Summer of 1861 =both armies marched off with flags flying and drums beating, each expecting to win and to win quickly (in time they would realized no quick victory was in site)

+ Fighting would take place in 3 main areas, the southeast, the southwest, and at sea.

1. Union Strategy (3 stages)




2. Confederate Strategy =

a. What was the South relying upon? Why?

3. Battle of Bull Run = on July 21, 1861, untrained troops from both sides met here in .

a. How did the citizens come prepared to the battle? Why were they disappointed?

b. Who was the Southern hero and why?

c. What may have happened if the Southern troops pursued the fleeing Northern troops?

d. What did the battle show each side?

4. Union General George McClellan =

a. Too Cautious =

b. McClellan’s push on Richmond (sum up) =

D. Union = with the possession of the majority of the naval ships, the Union enforced a blockade on the South (not letting goods in or out of the South, attempting to starve and financially break the South). Blockade Runners were used by the South to counter the problem the blockade presented. The runners were small fast boats that would slip through the , bringing in the necessary supplies.

1. How successful was the blockade eventually?

2. The Merrimac versus the Monitor

a. The Merrimac / Virginia =

b. Describe the battle =

c. How did this battle change naval warfare?

E. Lee on the Offensive = Lee, the Southern Commander, in September 1862, advanced his troops into Maryland. Lee felt a Confederate victory on Northern soil would be a great blow to the North’s morale. Unfortunately for Lee, Union General McClellan found out his plans when a careless Confederate general had left Lee’s plans behind at an abandoned Confederate campsite.

+ What was Lee’s military belief?

1. (sum up) =

a. Antietam Winner?

2. (sum up) =

3. Battle of Chancellorsville (sum up) =

a. Lee’s response, “I have lost my right arm” =

F. Grant in the West = While the Union commander McClellan moved slowly against Lee, Union General Ulysses S. Grant moved much more quickly and deadly towards the Union goal of taking the (dividing the Confederacy). Grant’s forces took Forts Henry and Donelson in Tennessee, forts that guarded important tributaries of the Mississippi.

1. (sum up the situation and the first day) =

a. The second day and results =

2. What Union goal was achieved and how (in addition to the victory at Shiloh)?