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Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA Vo. 71, No. 10, pp. 3911-3912, October 1974

LP-multipliers for Noncompact Symmetric Spaces (semi-simple Lie group/maximal function/singular integral operator) . . CLERC AND . M. STEIN Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Contributed by Eliss M. Stein, July 1, 1974

ABSTRACT Let be a real noncompact semi-simple However, a strong necessary condition is needed in the case of Lie group with finite center and a maximal compact a sub-group. The symmetric space M = GIK carries a noncompact symmetric space, due to the "holomorphic measure invariant under the action of G. The operators extension" of Fourier transforms of L"-functions (1 < p < 2). which map LP(M) continuously into itself and commute Denote by e the convex hull of the images of p under the with the action of G, can be easily characterized when Weyl group WI by e (0 < + < 1) the t-dilation of e = Cl, p = 2 or p = 1. This note gives some results on "singular and by 5gthe tube over the polygonC:: = + icky integrals" which map LP into itself (1 < p < + co). ga*R THEOREM 1. Let m be a bounded measurable function on a* Let g = k G) p be a Cartan decomposition of the Lie algebra and suppose that the associated G-invariant operator on L2(M) of G, and choose a maximal Abelian subspace of p, say a. If extends as a continuous operator on L"(M), for some p, 1 < p < G KAN is an associated Iwasawa decomposition, let () 2. Then in extends as a holomorphic function in the interior of be the unique element of a such that x = k exp H(x) (k E K, the tube 5,, where t - /p2 1, and is uniformly bounded there. n E N). For any (complex) linear form X on a, let To prove the theorem, notice that T must preserve the class of K-invariant functions on M which are in L", but also Ox (X) =I e(-p + iX)H(xk) dc the related L'-class, because of a simple relation between T and its adjoint on these classes. But now elementary spherical (where p is the half-sum of the restricted roots), be the ele- functions belong to some Lq, > 2. In fact, using complex mentary spherical functions of the symmetric space M = interpolation and the inequalities of Harish-Chandta' for Vo GIK [endowed with the G-invariant Riemannian metric one can prove the following lemma. (m,n) induced by the Killing form]. The algebra of G-invariant differential operators on M is LEMMA 1. If X E , then ||,X| <5 c" < + coforany q > q, commutative and the decomposition of the left regular repre- 2 sentation of G on L2(M) yields a simultaneous diagonalitation Taking the lemma for granted, then extend mr by Tt, of this algebra. More precisely, L2(M) = E, () -dv, = m(A)kx, and the fact that m is holomorphic is clear. G*R A first example of singular integrals-although not a linear where the action of G on E, is equivalent with the class one operator-is given by the Hardy Littlewood maximal function. principal series representation that is induced by the char- Define acter m a n H aiP, where v is a real-valued linear form on a. Now if T is a continuous operator on L2(M) which commutes f*(M)= sup JB(m,r) Kif Jf(n) dnI with the action of G, then there exists a bounded measurable T>O (mr) function m on a*R invariant by the Weyl group such that where B(m,r) is the (geodesic) ball, with center it, m and radius r. Because of the exponential growth of the measure of a ball as T= fm(v) I c(v)1-2 dv. r tends to infinity, the classical covering lemma used to prove weak-type arid Lv inequalities fails. However the LP result Alternately, this operator can be viewed as a convolution on is still true (1