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PHENOBARBITAL: RELATIONSHIP WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND BIOCHEMICAL PIIRAMDERS. Salazar,.;Novoa,.; 0 ~:alw~a,.;Capurro,M.T. ;Troncoso,L.Centro de Investigaciones Matemo Infantil, Hospital Paula -. BOI&&, U.& & Chile. - Jaraquemada, Fac.de Medicina, Lhiwnickd ck Chile, Chile. Tkcardianslllarm tOHinfetalllam(Iamg1ara) isisM lkli~~mTrCGtoftkw~epptiC~~~~ bywintss3 ' tia7 of tk cam, kidqs ad a.In fetal effects m twated ptknts. PlRricusly ve hedmrstratej ht-tic mis~ispartiallylEiiat&~mtgfolawesad~ AsimlltaEosircreaEEinplismrnad~(F)icalro~Iwd. albmh (A) &Is, ate () leceIs ad alslire @rqhi2e(4P)activity %tkllarab~~at.Ta)neters~wmMinahQ in childm with mtal(m) tmatmnt wxe si@Smntly ciif'femt 8Nirmrmt, ve *e*e*- (la) adFplana @2lPIEd ' CCflbd gmP (p

THERMOGENIC EFFECT OF FEEDING IN NORMAL NEONATES. Cardoso, A. L. ; Saraiva,P .A .P .Hospital 6 das clinicas da Fac.de Med.Universidade de ~iioPaulo, Brasil. ~oqxsiticnad~~stakswre&temdredina sarpleof147naLe~ts.WEsarpleras stratit'ifdby The basal metabolism and the specific dynamic action (SDA) of ~afrn~rnaf~~talia(UCE)f~?aerprcoednes. milk were determined in a group of 34 nolmal neonates, meal urllcatorswxed,~~tk~afNhi~,Ctahs.~ appropiate for gestational age,.in asclosed-circuit metabolism sbjectstela3p3tofrt33lmor~~m.~~ charnber. The determinations of V02, VC02, RQ and KC2 (resting rate bthintltadWtwwtemUCE2ad3mtk~afa erlerw expenditure) were obtained at various 30 min periods ~rntainirg~of~adQoffat.~~~lad2~mte iscnly1/5ofWat ctEeIwdtetwmCME2 ad3.?rsseoqxsitimw% through the feeding intervals (180 min) the initial one at 30 ImadZhfat. Pe~m3ad5~is~-wimmLEMad minutes before feeding (BF) and thenceforth for 150 minutes post Sfat. mitintkW/Aratiowwin@haftk&jectsmtk feeding (PF). Results were expressed in Kg body weight and body Wesarpleadin5$/0oftkEsbjectsin~.WWhratiowtelay surface area. The values obtained at BF were considered baseline. %oftkHstnd31-din7hoftk&jects.AWh~@wford BF and PF veues of irc02/m2 were different (p (0.05). SDA in3%of&jectswithcME1. 9hafafwithwMaWhteh%. assessed by V02, VC02 and REE all together discriminated BF and Ceficit intkHJAratiowfordinsoftk st,jects. -01 irdicators of rutritia'al ~~PGswxe within mmd Unto;, in all m. 0130 rnin PF, regardless of the referential values. In the Fkmgcbin ad I-kramt 1-1s Mslgufkatly with &dlm. neonates who received breast milk it was not possible to detect PCSitiv? ad s@Wimt conelaticn (p tO.CO1) with R gTeater thm 0.8 SDA. vere ford t~mtcgr fm,Wipital d&fbM ad % ann fat, as wu as R valus m@rg tern 0.6 ad 0.7, telmm 0.6 ad 0.7, tem% tcgr fatarIw/~,whanlW/re. WEciif'fmtir&~aflrdymh.ess~re sagliflmt1y conelatmi with ~~ leek vhile ki&t ad m conelate Siglifimtly with hxglcbin lecel.

DENDRITIC DEVELC)PMENT IN THE MOCOFtTEX OF EARLY MAXIMAL PfiYSICAL CAPACITY (W2t.m) IN CHIW MALE AW_ 7 WOURISHn, INFNVl'S. Cordeiro,M.E.;Trejo,M.;Garcia, i r\ LESW ACCORDING TO SEXIJ& MATuRATI.CN (CWX). BODY E.;Benveniste,S.;Prado,R.;Colcmbo, M. Dept.of Basic 1 U CCMPOSITION, NUPRTTI~SI~TICN ANIYPHYSICRC mm TY LEVEL. Riwll6, .A. ; Barrera, . ; Gattas, . IWA- Sciences, Dept.of Pediatry, South Division, Dept.of Universidad de Chile. Chile. Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Institute of A continuous treadmiil test-with four consecutive mrk Nutrition and Fwd Technology, University of Chile. loads was employed to estimate V02k. in a sarrple of 147 mle It liits been demonstrated that the most vulnerable period for the adolescents of medium to lcw mioecananic level. 'Ihe sample was central nervous system is that of the 'brain gmVl spurt'. In stratified according to the degree of mturation of external genitalia according Tanner's Standards. V0&. (l/min) in- man, this process occurs mainly during the first 24 months after creased progressively and significantly fmn 1.6+0.3 l/min for birth.Within this period the brain can be affected by different subjects with CWX=l to 2.8+0.5 llmin for those with CWX=5. noxas, among them, protein and calorie malnutrition (Pa). In Average V0& was 46+7 ml/kg/min and 55+8 ml/Kg W/min respec- this work we have studied the dendritic basilar arborization tively, without variations with W. Positive correlations (R> reached by pyramidal cells of the Vth cortical lwer of the mtor 0.8; p <0.001) were foundbetween~0~(l/min) and Wt, Ht, cortex of mild, moderate and severe PCM infants and Wt,Ht2; LBM and leg circumference.Also positive and significant in well- correlations with R values between 0.7 and 0.8 were found for nourished, using the Golgi-Cox method and mrphcmetry.lk rraramric tigh circum£erence, lean arm area. Correlations also significant children(mild, moderate and severe) showed a si~ificantmWbn with R values between 0.3 and 0.6 wre found for total energy of the basal dendritic arborization; severe FCM being the most expenditure, plasm cmpr and hemglobin levels, m corpuscular affected of all. It is postulated that PCM during the first volum and for dietary intake of B vitamins and iron. V0& in mnths of life induces a reduced branching pattern of the basal ml/kg IBM/min ranges between 30 and 80 ml; although subjects in first quartile for this parmter do not differ at all in body dendrites, that could be one of the underlying causes of an size and capsition with those in the fourth quartile. The only abnormal cerebral f'unction. diEference between the b groups was the cardiac rate during the three last mrk loads in the treadmill test wich were significan- tly higher for subjects in the first quartile for VD?.t& (ml/kg m/min) .This can k atributed to genetic encbdwnt or a higher physical activity level, although the latter(&tained £ran daily record of activities) did not correlate with W&.