
Newsletter of Sutherland Podiatry Centre Volume 1, Issue 4

Weird Facts

• 48 teaspoons make up one cup

• Your body makes a new lining for your stomach every 3 days

• Cows, rice fields and garbage dumps are the largest producers of methane gas.

Walking With Elephants Don ’t you love the picture above??! I we got back, the Elephant trainers quickly tried to find a photo where my fat legs cleaned down their legs and made sure all “We can’t help were not showing, and that was the mud was cleaned from between their everyone, but difficult!. Anyway, this year’s holiday toes. I think this is an important lesson to was to Thailand, and it was fantastic. learn from, that is how important it is to look everyone can help Trekking with elephants was a definite after your feet (especially between your someone.” highlight. Spending time with my toes!). family was another highlight of the Ronald Reagan The end of this month sees us celebrating trip. , for those of you who are Now as you can see, we did this in the coming in for an appointment, we will give pouring rain, and the poor elephants movie tickets to those people who dress up were up their knees in mud. But when and celebrate with us! See you next week!

The Facts About Halloween

For those patients who have been with Gaelic culture. Samhain was a time used us for a few years, know that we by the ancient pagans to take stock of celebrate Halloween at the clinic. We supplies and prepare for . The ancient believed that on mainly do this for a bit of fun and to brighten up the clinic a bit. Now 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and everyone thinks that this is an American the deceased would come back to life tradition, when it is really a Gaelic and cause havoc such as sickness or tradition that was taken to America damaged crops. with the Irish and Scottish immigrants. The festival would frequently involve H alloween is celebrated on the night . It is believed that the fires of . The word Halloween is a attracted insects to the area, which shortening of All Hallows' Evening also attracted bats to the area. These are known as Hallowe'en or All Hallows' additional attributes to the history of Eve. Halloween has its origins in the Halloween. ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain (pronounced "sah-win"). Masks and costumes were worn in an The festival of Samhain is a celebration attempt to mimic the evil spirits or appease of the end of the harvest in them.

October 2014 ● Volume 1, Issue 4 ● SutherlandThe festival Podiatry would Centre frequently● Ph: 9542 3491 Page 1 involve bonfires. It is believed that the fires attracted insects to the area which attracted bats to the

How To Give Yourself A Pedicure

Sutherland Podiatry Centre Shop 2/17-19 East Pde SUTHERLAND NSW 2232 Pedicures have been around for over 4,000 years. Even the Ancient Egyptians used to Phone: (02) 9542-3491 colour their nails to show their social hierarchy, with Cleopatra’s red nails showing the highest social class. Fax: (02) 9545-5393 For many modern people, a salon pedicure is a monthly necessity. For others, it may be the occasional treat. Either way, a salon pedicure or even just a home pedicure is a great way E-Mail: to relax and pamper yourself while ensuring the health of your feet. That’s why the [email protected] pedicure is steadily growing in popularity for both women and men all over the world. Web Site: Here are some steps to giving yourself a home pedicure like a pro: www.sutherlandpodiatry.com.au  If you have old nail polish, remove it with a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover.  After the old polish is gone, proceed to soak your feet in a basin of warm water for 10 minutes. There are many commercial foot soaks available, but even plain warm

water is enough to soften the dead skin cells on your feet to make them easier to “At Sutherland Podiatry remove. This is important because dead skin cells and calluses can cause dry, cracked heels Centre we only have  Use an exfoliating body or foot scrub, foot file, or pumice stone to rub away dead one goal, which is to skin on your heels and on the balls of your feet. have our clients walk  Cut your nails straight across, and use a file on the corners to get a nice rounded out the door shape. You should avoid clipping the sides of your nails, as this can cause ingrown toenails delighted!”  Finally, dry your feet completely, then moisturize with a lotion or foot cream.

October 2014 ● Volume 1, Issue 4 ● Sutherland Podiatry Centre ● Ph: 9542 3491 Page 2