Táin Bó Cúailgne Comprehension Questions 4
Táin Bó Cúailgne Comprehension Questions 4 Q-1 • Cú Chulainn suffers utter exhaustion and significant injuries as a result of his four-day combat against his foster-brother, Fer Diad. Who places in the streams and rivers that flow through Cú Chulainn’s home territory of Muirthemne the “herbs and healing plants” used in an attempt to restore the young warrior to health? Q-2 • In a gesture of support for the injured Cú Chulainn, the Ulster warrior Cethern mac Fintain attacks Medb’s camp. What kind of armor does he wear? Severely injured as a result of his offensive, Cethern joins the convalescing Cú Chulainn, who asks his charioteer, Láeg, to obtain physicians from among the “men of Ireland” to cure Cathern. How does Cathern interact with the 15 physicians who — having, with great reluctance, responded to Cú Chulainn’s demand (conveyed by Láeg) — conclude that Cathern can’t be cured? Q-3 • At Cú Chulainn’s request, Láeg obtains the services of Fíngan, a “seer-physician,” who examines several of Cathern’s wounds individually. From Cathern’s descriptions of who inflicted a given wound, Cú Chulainn is able to identify the attacker or attackers by name — for example, two of Medb and Ailill’s sons (known as the Maines): Maine Máithremail and Maine Aithremail. From which foreign country did two other warriors, inflictors of wounds, come? With which of his sons did Ailill attack Cethern, and what does that individual’s name mean? Q-4 • Of the two options for healing that Fíngan proposes to Cethern, which one does the injured warrior choose? Why, having engaged in the chosen cure, does Cathern fix the “board of his chariot” to his person? Q-5 • What does one of the Maines (Maine Andóe) do when — after having been healed — Cethern approaches the encampment of the men of Ireland? Why does he take that action? After Cethern’s death, his father, Fintan, attempts to avenge his honor by means of an action remembered as Fintan’s tooth fight.
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