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A magical breakdown of the seasonal holidays to hWehlapt's yhaoppuen isngync to the cycles of the and bring at school:

GOLcD eSTlAeRbration & ceremony back into your life AWARDEES FOR wiAtPhRIoL -u 3 t feeling weird ab out getting a little witchy! Hello Soul Sister! Hello ! I'm Jillian Bolanz!

I help conscious, magical women, like you, uncover the truth of who they really are by guiding them in reconnecting to cyclicality, trusting their intuition, and choosing a life of flow, not force.

And this is why I'm OVER THE MOON for you to have my Sabbats Made Simple Guide!

Cyclicality is the naturally occurring phenomenon of ebb and flow, wax and wane, do and be that is happening all around us. From our female cycle to the moon cycle, nature is filled with the ever-flowing opportunity to take action and then rest, on repeat.

And when I discovered the ancient, divine-feminine led holidays, the Sabbats, that not only honor the never-ending cycle of the , but celebrate them with , tradition, ceremony, and ... I KNEW I had found the key to integrating my connection to the seasons and cyclicality as a whole into my life in a way that felt FUN and honored generations of powerful women who lived this life of flow that I so craved!

I know you're here because you're feeling that stirring that is almost a remembrance... that primal call from within, asking you to tap back into the that is naturally you. I know you're ready to drop the hamster wheel way of living that society told you you "should" live and create a life honoring all of you and your sacred energy, as it waxes and wanes throughout the day, week, month, and year.

I also know that you may be experiencing an inner wrestling match between the taboo that society has created around words like "" and "goddess" (to try to strip women of our power, ahem) and the deep knowing that you, as a powerful woman have. You were not MEANT to live in the linear, mundane, emotionless way the world has tried to mold you into.

Don't worry... learning about the Sabbats doesn't necessitate you immediately go out and buy a witch's - though if you want to, heck... fly, sister, fly!

What learning about the Sabbats WILL do, however, is help you live more purposefully, joyfully, and connectedly throughout the


Alright... here we go, here we flow, Goddess Girl! Since working with Jillian I have GROWN and more importantly HEALED in ways that I had never imagined possible. Through tapping back into cyclicality, I recognize monthly, seasonal, and annual patterns that I once resisted but now see as tremendous opportunities for growth. Jillian's coaching and this sisterhood in the True You Tent is second to NONE. This is the stuff that movies and magic is made of and it's real in this space! -Eva A., Goddess, Animal Whisperer

Oh and before we dive in... I hope you had a chance to check out info about my True You Tent™ that I was talking about when you requested this Freebie!

It's my sacred group coaching program (that is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT) where we put all that I'll be teaching you in this Sabbats Made Simple Guide into practice!

It's one thing to learn about these soul-enhancing celebrations, it's another thing completely to allow yourself the opportunity to experience, integrate, and actively change your life because of them!

I know that if you’re interested in the Sabbats and living cyclically, this would be the perfect real-life opportunity to be a part of a sisterhood, receive coaching and support, have fun on purpose, and actually practice this sacred way of living in real life!

To Learn More Go Here Now! https://www.jillianbolanz.com/work-with-me/the-true-you-tent/ First thing's first!

Okay, so FIRST!

Before we talk about the Sabbats specifically, let's talk about the Wheel of the Year...

The Wheel of the Year is the annual cycle of seasonal (Sabbats) that honor Mother Earth and the transformation she, and we, experience throughout the year.

It celebrates the turning of the seasons, the honoring of the elemental magic associated at each, and how to participate with the energy of the maiden to mother to crone to rest and back to maiden once more... gestation to birth to life to death to rebirth once more...

The cycle of life.

So cool, right?! So now onto the Sabbats...

A Sabbat is an ancient that marks the passage of along the Wheel of the Year by celebrating the it's in and all that is abundantly available to us within that season, and subsequently within ourselves.

Known as solar festivals, the Sabbats follow and honor the eternal life of the throughout the course of the year, celebrating the primary solar events (the and ) and the mid-points between them.

The Sabbats observe the ever-flowing physical experience of food cultivation by way of planting seeds, growth, harvesting, and then letting the fields lay dormant only to allow themselves to rejuvenate for the next year of planting, and so on, again.

Metaphorically, mythically and spiritually, the Sabbats honor the unending life cycles and relationship of the Goddess and the God.

The Sabbats are made up of history, wisdom, and tradition that date back far beyond any modern day religion... in fact, it's really interesting to see which religious holidays of today are BASED on these ancient celebrations of Mumma Earth!

And *BONUS* each of the Sabbats are a great freaking excuse to add more fun into our annually based lives! The Eight Sabbats If you drew a circle representing an entire year, you would find either a or at each quarter of the year. The and fall equinoxes would lay directly across from each other, in this circle, and the same would be true for the summer and equinoxes.

Additionally, the mid-points of each of these events would all have another mid-point directly across from it.

With each turn of the wheel, we enter into a new season of life that both requires our transformation and gifts us new opportunity to continue our never-ending True Self evolution.

And THIS is what we celebrate!

Imbolc Ostara

Samhain Litha Mabon The Eight Sabbats From beginning to completion, of the Wheel of the Year: 1.Yule (Dec 20-23) first day of winter 2. (Feb 2) first stirrings 3.Ostara ( 19-22) first day of spring 4.Beltane () 5.Litha (June 19-22) first day of summer 6.Lughnasadh (Aug 1) first harvest 7.Mabon (Sept 22-24) first day of fall 8. (Oct 31) The truth about witches

How are we doing, witchy woman? Super interesting stuff, right? I know how exciting it feels to learn the general overview of something that our grandmother's grandmother's grandmother's grandmother (etc.) celebrated, practiced, and LIVED by... for me, it felt like I was unlocking the keys to some great Divine Feminine Kingdom!

And before I briefly break down each specific Sabbat, while we're on the topic of Divine Feminine, and because I know your heart may have just given a little *eek!* at my calling you a witch, here's how I define these beautiful-to-their-soul beings (aka women):

A witch is a powerful woman who honors and works with the abundant flow and cyclicality of nature around and within her in order to practice our boundless connection. A witch celebrates the limitless potential we all have individually, and collectively as a whole, in this time, space, and reality. So, why does our stomach do a flip- flop when we hear words like "witch", "pagan", "magic", etc.?


We've been programmed by fear. We've been told stories, and frankly, we've been told lies, that were born out of fear.

Witches are not evil beings who the devil (at this point, this actually makes me laugh because witches don't even believe in the devil... the devil was a construct that came about in later religions... but more on that at another time). Nor are witches other-worldly old hags, with warts on their noses who spend their time poisoning apples.

Witches are women. Powerful women. Women who KNOW their power. Who work with it, honor it, and utilize it to bring abundance, harmony, and unity to the universe within which they are a part of. Witches are women like you and me.

It's okay if it takes a little time for you to get used to this concept: it took me some time.

But the fact is, they were afraid of what they couldn't understand. So rather than celebrate & revere us, they demonized us, pitted us against one another, and tried to burn us down.

But fear, my witchy sister, will never overtake love. And LOVE is exactly what we are made of... it's what our inner energy and magic is made of... it's what the Sabbats honor and celebrate!

And so, we go on... Yule 1.Yule, the , is the longest night of the year and is the festival of rebirth! During this time we remember that the light will always return and that everything will grow again after the natural pause of winter. Yule celebrates the rebirth of the physical sun and the son god and it brings with it the promise and reminder that life never truly ends.

One sacred ritual you can practice to celebrate this day is to find a Yule log. Set fire to it (or light candles that you've drilled into it) at dusk, make wishes into the flames for all you are excited to see grow throughout this new year, and then extinguish it purposefully and utilize the remaining piece as kindling to help light next year's Yule log!

Colors for Yule are red, green, and gold.

Symbols include , wreaths, evergreen , and anything that represents the sun! I mbolc 2. Imbolc represents the stirring of the seed, the awakening of earth and the final moments of gestation before birth. I liken Imbolc to the final weeks of pregnancy. In these moments, the baby isn't quite ready to be born yet, just like the sprout isn't ready to break out of the ground yet, but things are quickening inside and soon the physical evidence of life (the baby and the bud) will be seen!

Imbolc honors the maiden goddess, specifically , who is rejuvenated from her winter's sleep, and is born again ready to create an inspiring life.

Imbolc is about and illumination, so one ritual you can do is to turn on all the lights in your home to encourage the sun to continue it's rise. This is also a great time to get creative with any new project that involves your hands!

Colors for Imbolc are pink, white, and light green

Symbols include Brigid's cross, fire and water, and the serpent who represents everlasting cyclicality. Ostara 3. Ostara, the spring equinox, is the celebration of new beginnings and harmony. Ostara is one of two days of the year where night and day are perfectly balanced, and with this Sabbat we celebrate new life, harmony, and all things fertility. This is the time where the goddess and god begin their courtship, two entities whole in and of themselves, creating a harmonious new life, together. The birds are chirping, the plants are growing, the sun is shining, and this is a Sabbat of great feast and festival!

One ritual that I love for Ostara is to write your wishes on an egg and then bury it, knowing you have planted the seed of intention for all that you are excited to manifest over the coming year!

Colors for Ostara are white and pastels of pink, green, and yellow.

Symbols include the egg (the yolk representing the sun and son, the white representing the moon and goddess), seeds, honey, and rabbits Beltane 4. Beltane is a cross quarter Sabbat between spring and summer and it's all about pleasure, fun, and soaking in the abundance that Mother Nature is starting to gift to us again! Fertility is the name of the game with this Sabbat. Love is in the air, the earth is brimming with life and during this time the goddess and god consummate their union.

There are so many fun you can do to celebrate Beltane: make a flower garland and cast it into a body of water giving thanks to Mumma Nature, dance around a may pole (the pole representing the masculine and ribbons representing the feminine) , or (safely) jump over a small fire and declare your wishes for conception and/or unity

Colors for Beltane are red and orange.

Symbols include fire, may pole, and roses. Litha 5. Litha, the , is the height of summer and the longest day of sunlight of the year. This is a time of high energy, utmost joy, promise of fun, and active participation with all of life's beauty! There is a great knowing that happens at Litha: abundance is on the way and using our revitalized energy from the sun to not just work, but also play, is essential!

Litha is a time of dreaming, both consciously as you sync into your ideals for the future and unconsciously as you play with the meanings of the dreams that happen while you sleep. A perfect time to dabble in , try beautifying a space with flowers and sweet herbs, grab a glass of elderflower champagne, and try your hand at a form of divination that feels exciting to you! Pull a card, try with a mirror, or even just sit with your journal, with a willingness to receive divine guidance!

Colors for Litha include deep pink, red, yellow, gold, and orange

Symbols for this Sabbat include mirrors, sea shells, fruits, and flowers Lughnasadh 6. Lughnasadh, also known as , is the Festival of Gratitude, Marriage, and the First Harvest. At Lughnasadh we honor and celebrate the fullness of life. Mumma Earth who was pregnant with possibility only a few turns of the Wheel of the Year ago is now birthing and bountiful - from harvestable food, to growing animals, to lush plants and flowers, life is everywhere around us.

A great ritual to celebrate this Sabbat is to get quiet and give gratitude for any and everything you already have and state your intentions for all you are ready to harvest!

Colors for Lughnasadh are green, gold, light brown, and yellow

Symbols for this Sabbat include bread, grapes, wine, and corn Mabon 7. Mabon, the equinox, is the Festival of the Harvest. The second of the two perfectly balanced days of the year, this Sabbat celebrates harmony once again but the focus now shifts from action into being. Known as the Witch's Thanksgiving, this festival's focus is on harvesting what we've sewn and creating, nourishing, and giving the deepest appreciation for the bounty that the Goddess has provided. At Mabon, we relax after all of the action we've taken. We prepare for one more harvest after Mabon, but as we ease into fall, we remember that for every moment of action there gets to be one of rest- and that rest is on the way!

A super fun ritual for this time of the year is to create an with a cornucopia (the horn of plenty) and fill it with any and everything that represents abundance to you! Sip some warm cider, pull a tarot or oracle card, and sync into this sacred moment of relaxation.

Colors for Mabon are brown, gold, maroon, yellow, and orange

Symbols for Mabon include apples, gourds, pomegranates, and veggies

S amhain 8. Samhain, the Witch's New Year, is the third and final harvest of the year. This is the night where the veil is the thinnest between the living and the dead and we celebrate the eternal cycle of , knowing that once energy is created it cannot be destroyed. On Samhain, the Crone Goddess mourns the death of the god but in her wisdom she knows that physical death isn't an end, it leads to a new beginning.

There is so much to do to celebrate Samhain and many modern day activities stem directly from ritual and tradition of this sacred night. Build an altar to honor and remember your ancestors and seek to feel their presence, remembering that death does not mean they are gone. I also love to reflect back upon the previous Wheel of the Year, release what doesn't serve me and set intentions for what I'd like to call in as I birth myself into the next version of me in the coming year!

Colors for Samhain are orange, black, gold, purple, and silver

Symbols for this Sabbat include fire, a (witch's broom), cauldron Get some value out of all that?! Magical, right? For me, learning about the Sabbats alone led me to wonder where this knowledge and wisdom had been all my life!

And once I started actively teaching, practicing, and living them though... forget about it... it was a lights out, full-on embodied remembrance and true celebration of my soul!

There are SO many more rituals, stories, herbs, crystals, foods (omg the recipes I've tried since starting to celebrate the Sabbats... enough to make you drool all year long!), legends, energies, etc. associated with the Sabbats but I just KNOW that this Sabbats Made Simple Guide was the perfect introduction to establishing some foundational reconnection to what your soul has always known!

And seriously, soul sister, if you simply must have more - or are at least interested in having a conversation about what that would look like if real life- please go to my website to learn more about the True You Tent™ RIGHT THIS SECOND!



In the True You Tent™, I teach in great depth about each of the Sabbats as we approach them on the Wheel of the Year. We actually celebrate them together virtually, in sisterhood, the way were were meant to. There are group coaching calls, 1:1 coaching calls, live bi-monthly meditations, and the BEST real-time group Voxer conversation ever that unites us and makes us feel like we are truly in a tent together.


https://www.jillianbolanz.com/schedule-a-true-you-tent-call/ More resources for you!

Some books that detail the Sabbats and other witchy things that I absolutely LOVE are:

1. Witch by Lisa Lister CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW

2. Sabbats: A Witch's Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW

3. The Modern Guide to the Wheel of the Year by Judy Ann Nock CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW Come over & connect with me! Oh sweet girl, this has been an honor, a privilege, and a heck of a lot of fun! I truly hope you enjoyed and got so much out of this Sabbats Made Simple Guide and experience!

I'm so excited for us to be connected more. I put out new content all the time about the Sabbats, Mumma Moon and her phases, how to live cyclically and trust your intuition, and so much more on my Social Media Feeds and I'd love to truly connect with you over there!

Come say hi and drop me a message letting me know just how much you loved this Sabbats Made Simple Guide and how YOU will celebrate the upcoming Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year!

See you over there!

To the moon, Jillian


