
BUSINESS CARDS. A foreigner applied for his final son visited at the home of her fath- RAVENA. were up from Deoorah on Sunday citizen paper, over here, recently. er B. H. Remke last week. for a visit with Fred Iverson. uMif (Opinion. by judge W. Carter went ML M. I>. JEWELL, f When asked the who elects Mr. and Mrs. R. Jan. 15, 1917. Marvin Ellingson made several the president (answered, “Califor- to New Orleans, Tuesday Charley Huber delivered cattle to business trips to Decorah last week. Physician and Surgeon. BY HARRY J. GREEN. nia”. He got his papers. to spend the winter. Ossian market last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dresselhaus and daugh- building, Our regular correspondent failed Mrs. Julia Groff visited her Florence and Thelma Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellingson were Office in the Trzcinski DECORAH, IOWA, JAN. 17, 1917 to send us the usual budget of news, ter Mrs. Cloy Waters in Postville •ecoitd floor. Office hours, 10 to 12 and Viola Mundt spent Sunday at Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. last week, hence items not Wednesday. m.; p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m. our are the Hans Nygaard home. Dirks. t. 2 to 5 as usually. Walter Seaman phone, 257-2 for office; as numerous Mrs. entertained Eldo Peck visited with his friend Clifford Narvcson called at Iver- Standard Olaf Ringoen of Ridgeway, was the Embroidery Club Wednesday af- Sunday. 257-3 for residence. CORRESPONDENCE. Orlando Tovson last Monday. son’s a pleasant business caller at Cresco ternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Peyer of Idaho, J. D. HEXOM, M. 1). last week Saturday. Mrs. Sand visiteti relatives in visiteti at Frank Schweinefus’s the LINCOLN TOWNSHIP. Chester last week. past week. Peyer PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mr. and Mrs.. James O. and A number from this vicinity at- Jan. 15, 1917. SFILLVILLE. babe went to Decorah the first of tended the telephone meeting at Hides, Office phone No. Neither sleighing or wheeling is last week to visit at the Louis Rooms 8 and 9. Jan. 15, 1917 Nordnese last Tuesday. Office hours at its best these days. Sehweinefus home. Mike Herteges 605. Residence 516. Mrs. G. Hevser was visiting delivered several Citizens Bank Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. John Aegerter, Mrs. (’has. Glass returned from of to Pelts, at Decorah last Monday and loads hogs Ossian last Wednes- 10 to 12. 2 to 5. Sundays 11 to 1. daughters Esther and Elsie were friends Cresco Friday after a visit with his day. the other Tuesday. Decorah, lowa. pleasant Creeco callqrs relatives. Mrs. at week, Saturday. J. J. Dlouhy of Cicero, ill., is a Ben Eimers visited the Tallow, Miss Fay Gilbert of Ossian and Barney Holtey home in Ossian a DR. C. lIOEG, Some of our farmers have been business caller in this vicinity this Fred Peglow. Monona, were married few days the past marketing surplus grain week. week. their the at Decorah Wednesday, Jan. 10 by Oscar Tovson DISEASES OF THE LUNGS past week, Misses Bessie Tuchek, Pauline assisted Hans Ny- Beeswax, prices being good. the Congregational minister. Rev. gaard Given special attention. Office over Haug Mrs. F. T. Kapinos attend- saw wood last Wednesday and Mr. and .Mrs. Theo. Kratz and and Willett. From there they left for Thursday. Citizens Savings Bank. Office hours family were pleasant visitors of ed ‘Civilization’’, at Decorah. Wed- Chicago, where they will spend their to a. m., 2 to 6 p. Phone, Charley Sehweinefus and sons Furs 10 12 m. friendß and relatives at Ridgeway nesday. honeymoon. After they return they office 28-2; residence 28-3. the Haug Henry Haug tran- tailed at August Peck’s last Wed- other week, Sunday afternoon. J. J. and will go to Monona to live. nesday. With the passing of the year sacted business at Decorah Tuesday. A. E. CONRAD, M. I>. Miss Bessie Emery Hartley, lowa, Stene Johnson and son Leonard 1910 also passed away leap year. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Herold and formerly of Ossian, and Richard and the Evangelical children attended the marriage of sawed wood for Hans Nygaard last DAUBNEY OFFICE Members of Gatleman of Hartley. lowa, were Wednesday. church held a business meeting at Albert Herold, a brother of Mr. Her- united in marriage Wednesday, Jan. week, old Cresco Tuesday. They return- Miss Signe Tovson visited with Gingseng the church the other Wednes- at 10th., 1917. Amy Phone 241. day. Wednesday. her friend Moen last Wednes- ed home Mrs. B. C. Supplee and Mrs. Ross- day. Specializes m Surgery, diseases of Mr. B. Kala and lgnace Chloupek Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratz who man will entertain the Ladies Aid hogs I want to buy all the above women, and Obstetrics. been visiting his cousin, left for Chicago Wednes- Joe Remke marketed to Os- have friends and rela- Society, at the Supplee home, Thurs- last Wednesday. items at HIGH lIUCES. at and Cresco for day evening. sian Treatment of Rheumatism and the tives Florenceville day afternoon, Jan. 18. Everyone is Walter Peck is your Hides In a of days to Jim Kulish came Wednesday from attending school Don’t sell Heart is my Specialty. number returned the cordially invited to attend. Price in Centennial parental the here, Protivin to visit with home folks. this winter. outside towns. roof of former’s 15 cents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Barthelme Jr. last week, Wednesday. Matt Koblishka was a business will pay you MORE MO- I have eleven years college train- Mr. R. W. Anderson returned and family spent Thursday evening I Deuo Kratz of Sumner township, caller at Decorah Friday. ing and years of experi- from Minneapolis Tuesday, after a at Sr. NEY than any of them. If seventeen has been assisting the home folks Mrs. Anna Lusk returned Sunday the P. Barthelme home. ence). visit with friends. you fore part visit with daughters, Julius Brown transacted business can’t drive to Decorah, M. D. the of lust week, with their from a her Mrs. Harry Bullard spent Tuesday at August AGHASIE OSIIANA, P. Peck’s last Thursday. then ship them by stage line Mason City, lowa. work. Mrs. John Doubek and Mrs. Wm. in West Union, with her mother, Weasel Campbell at Ft. Atkinson. Lansing called at John Eli Bechtold of How'ard county Mrs. Zoller. Dene’s last Wednesday. or railway. was a pleasant caller the Mrs. Frank Benda and grandson I R«AN At URBAN, Phone 380 at Schild Miss Gussie Boyle leaves today Leo Barthelme autoed to Spill- Now —G E T BUS Y—R e - home, the fore part of last week. spent Sunday at Ft. Atkinson with for Mason City, where she will study viile last Friday afternoon. (OSTEOPATHIC Many of us Sunday and Mrs. John Doubek. member the old stand on PHYSICIANS would avoid Mr. to be a nurse. Lansing accidents if we’d all attend church Edd. Sbiral visited relatives at Wensel was a caller at West Water Street, 412-420, Postville between trains last Thurs- SULPHUR STEAM BATHS services instead of going speeding Garner a few days last week. Decorah., lowa. in our motor vehicles. Mrs. M. Pletka was visiting SATTRE. day. Charley Lair of West Union, call- Offices over Decorah Bakery Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haakensci and friends near Jackson Jet. last week. Jan. 15, 1917. a Decorah caller ed at Philip Barthelme Sr. one day Fred C. Koch were pleasant Cres- Jim Novak was The weather man took a notion to DR. H. H. THOMAS, shoppers Saturday. last week. N. H. ADAMS co the other week one day. make a change in the beautiful Meyer Mrs. Ben Eimers visited in Cal- Some of the members of the A. S. Fred of Ft. Atkinson was 1 weather we had first days Friday. the of the mar between trains last Wednesday. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of E. attended a lecture on the sub- business caller in town New Year. Several mornings the ject at Protivin, the other week James Bena drove to Conover Sat- Little Helen Eimers is staying • ¦» one thermometer has registered 16 to 28 evening, urday. with her grandparents, Mr. and New Martow Building degrees below ezro. Mrs. We Buy and Sell Office over Mrs. C. Schild attended the meet- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Landa, Mr. Herman Bush Sr. near Calmar Deeorah, 486-2 Nels Grindeland and John Lei- at writing. lowa Phone ing of the W, M. S. at the home of and Mrs. Jos. Jarosh of Little Tur- this e r> s dahl are busy calling on members Clate Arbogast was a s e Mrs. Ed. Thompson of Cresco last key, Mrs. Carrie Balik of Cedar Rap- visitor at Timothy, Clovers, Mixed Seeds, A. C. WOODWARD. M. D. of the Norwegian Mutual Protective the Weasel home last Wed- week, Wednesday. ids, Anton Schmitt and Wm. Hughes Association, renewing their policy etc., etc. Charley of of City, funeral nesday. GET OUR PRICES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Beucher Ridgeway, au- Mason attended the lor the next live years. toed west of the river the fore part of Wenceslaus Balik last Thursday. Phil Barthelme Jr. hauled saw O. Jacobson, Arthur Istad, Ed. dust to Mr. THE ADAMS SEED CO. of last week a business mission. The dance at Fisher’s hall last Dewey and Dr. Juen at Special attention given to diseases on Nordheim and Walter Forde, were the Marsh Bldg., VV. Water St. Mr. and Mrs. Otto spent Monday was well attended. Ossian past week. of women and children. Offices in Ernest callers at Sever Thompson’s. Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Will DEOORAH IOWA. a pleasant afternoon and evening at Mrs. Mary Moravetz and Mrs. Boeekman Opinion Building, Upstairs. day afternoon. spent Sunday Public the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred John Janovsky accompanied by .Mrs. at the Mat Wiltgen Telephone*: Mr. and Mrs. N. X. Nelson made home . Ossian. Peter Jr., of Howard county the fore Helen Shevik, Miss. V. M. Boy number one arrived at the a "surprise” on Mrs. Edd Winn at Oscar Jacobson called on H. T. Li- home of Mr. Soukup Calinar Tuesday evening, being Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schweinefus and Mrs. Jim quiu Monday. were Sunday the other week, Thursday, via the Winn’s birthday. visitors at the latter’s VETERINARIAN Helime|" Peterson shipped two folks, Finnegan stork line. We congratulate the littie Last Monday Jan. the Bth occurred Mr. and Mrs. P. H. of Dr. Clark hogs Chicago H. loads to market near Castalia. promptly, day fellow for choosing so good a home. the death of Wonceslaus Balik a Calls answered or Wednesday. John Barthelme of Cresco spent DECORAH, IOWA night. Hog Cholera, Prevention, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wagner drove long time resident of this town, fie Hans Spilde running poor who is the Sunday with home folks. and vaccination, Given Special At- to Spillville the other Sunday after- was in health for the last two Canoe Ridge buzz saw is busy saw- noon, to visit and or three years, r.ot being able to do Miss Regina Barthelme visited tention. Office Phone 407, Residence with friends rela- ing wood for the farmers along Hap- with her brother tives. any work. The funeral services were py Phil Barthelme 118. Decorah, lowa. Hollow. and family last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. (’. Sehild and Ralph held at the St. Wenceslaus church departed Mr. Hans Aker for his William Johnson and family visit- BOICE Si HOOK, were pleasant callers at the Char- Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. at Uourdlae, N. home D. Wednesuay ed at the Julius Brown's home last. ley Kuntz home, other Sunday after- Rev. J. P. Broz officiating. His sons after an extended visit with relatives & noon. Charlie, Frank, Sunday. WILLIS NESS ATTORNEYS AT LAW James, Joe, John. and friends. > A Mr. and Mrs. l/)uis, were bearers. VVeu- number from Ravena attended Rollie Kratz were and pall Dewey Sampson and Aldrich Mus- the creamery AND UNDERTAKING Winnebago visitors parental born at Zareci, meeting at Nordness FURNITURE Office on Street. under the roof of ceslaus Balik was ser went to Decorah last we*‘k, Monday. the former's, last week. Bohemia, Aug. 15th, 1854. He came where they will attend Valders Busi- Hans Nygaard hogs W. M. STRAND, Rev. W. A. Sc holer (Teseo held to this country at the age of 41 marketed to Embalmer of ness College. Ossian last Monday. Licensed preaching services at the Evangeli- years settling, at Chicago, for about Helmer Peterson took a few days All Calls Answered Promptly ATTORNEY AT LAW cal church Sunday morning. a year. In 187 7 he came to this lay off this week Day or Night Bldg. to renew old ac- Office in E. P. Johnson Mrs. Mike Kratz has enjoyed the town, where he started in to do quaintances at Decorah and Freo- FREEPORT. services of a hired girl to assist lnr ‘blacksmith work, which he has kept port. East Watsr Streat Practice in ail Courts. up three years ago. Jan. 15, 1917. in her domestic duties. until some He Mr. N. Hendrickson and Mr DECORAH. IOWA Sore throat, (olds, etc., is again married Miss Mary Jarosh a year Jonas Akre took in the "Civili/a- Walter Hallman has been on the sick list the past few days. K. W. CUTTING, gripping some of us. later in 1878. To this union nine- tion” show at the Star, Wednesday PHONES: Htore— -V7 Residence Alice Kuntz was on the sick list teen children were born of which evening. Mrs. Wm. Malcomb went to Cres- 5 Red - jo« Black co ATTORNEY AT LAW one day the latter part of last week, four died. Three in infancy and one Victor and Gladys Nord- the latter part of last week, causing grown-up daughter age Wallace where she will visit relatives her absence from duty. at the of 22 heim. and Charley Grindeland have a few Office over Bromley & Co.’s Shoe A heavy fall of the beautiful came years. He leaves a wife and fifteen been days before returning to her home entertaining the measles the in Salem, Btjo(fe. Specialty—Good work at rea- to greet us the latter part of the children to mourn his death. The past They S. D. week. are now recovering Young sonable prices. week, »but was too feathery to ac- children are Anton, James, John, nicely. The Peoples’ Social Circle met at the complish much good. Frank,. ia)uis and Betty, living in Oliver Stoen Hatton, hall Friday evening. from N. D. Their next meeting will be BOE, I». S., The next meeting of the W. M. S. this town; Mrs. Shileny, of Little has been visiting at tbe held O. D. Nels Grin- Wednesday evening, 24. HENRYNESS of the Evangelical church will be at Turkey; Mrs. Matt Prazak. Mrs. home. Jan. All the deland young DENTIST the borne of Mr. W A. Scholer, of Wesley Kolda, Misses Carrie, Em- Sander pople in the vicinity are in- Grindeland made a busi- vited to attend. LICENSED EMBALMS! Cresco the second Wednesday in . Joe and Charlie, residing at Ma- ness trip to Highlandville Wednes- Telephone February. son City; Mrs. John Pelant at Hop- day. There will be a grab-bag social at and 358. Offices in Decor- the Yeoman hall Thursday all State Bank Bldg. The announcement made in our kins, Minn.; and sister Aloisie of Mr. and Mrs. W. Grindeiand evening, vis- Jan. 18th. to be UNDERTAKES items some time ago that Walter Brainard, Neb. The deceased was ited at the home of their daughter Proceeds used for V. L. TOPUFF, Kuntz arrived home from Edmon- well known and esteemed by all who church purposes. All are invited to Mrs. Ole Haugen of Madison town- with the ton, Canada, was erronous, and due knew him. Their friends extend ship attend. several days last week. A. DENTIST to the fact that we had been wrong- them sympathy in this sad and try- Oscar Bernards J. Robinson has a crew of men Furniture fe. ly and Hans Hansen at work -building a dam the Finn Decoreh informed. ing occasion. autoed to Decorah Tuesday on busi- on Phone No. AO. Office in Ben Bear Block, Decorah. Several of our former Linconites ness. farm. Rev. Lackland will conduct were homo from Dakota, etc., re- Henry and Hans Aker, Oscar Ja- servi- Night or Day Calls Slvos M. KNGEIt, cently, for a visit with friends and OSSIAN ces here next Sunday afternoon at , L. cobson, Helmer Peterson gave prompt Caroful Attontloo Jonas 3 o’clock. All invited to and relatives. Akre a call Monday are attend. Jan. 15, 1917 fashionable eve- Mrs. T. E. Kirkbride spent a few FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE Miss Lizzie O'Brien has been as- Vista, ning. sisting Mrs. Mike Rev. Zim of Alta and Rev. days last week with friends in Post- Kratz at her do- of Calinar, dur- Mrs. Butler Forde and son I tel* Telephone 104 mestic duties, past or so. Kremer helped here ville. East Main St. the week ing forty hour devotion. mer drove to Decorah Tuesday to Our mail carrier now stops en- do shopping. Mrs. I. Brickner of Decorah sp-ml UKLWIti, route, during Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gilbert went a few days last week with F. J. the cold weather to Mr. John Stoskopf marketed three friends feed, eat to Chicago Wednesday to visit rela- near here. and his dinner. tives. loads of hogs at Decorah Monday. REAL ESTATE Manufacturer of Ralph Sehild iiad to Mrs. Rasmussen of Decorah spent absent him- Misses Ruth Higgs and Esther D. E. Wise was a pleasant caller FINE DOMESTIC CIGARS self from school duties the latter several days recently at the J. Nel- BARGAINS! Meyer of Castalia. spent Wednesday at Ed. N’ordheim's Saturday eve- son uome. part of last week on account of be- ning. "SMOKE THE LINCOLN” ing on sick here. Miss Williams of Decorah is the list. went to The wood chopping bee at Tom A number of Mrs. Broderick Calmar spending some time at the T. E. you are Interested In buying farmers went to to Otteson’s Monday resulted in a nig It NELL, Cresco, nart of Tuesday, se« her daughter, Mrs. Kirkbride home. land, or com* B. BUCK latter last week to pile of wood that was cut and haul- or selling write interview the horse buyers Will Korbel. >vo are glad to report that Mr I have some gen- there Mrs. C. F. Limbeck of MeCregO” ed. and see me. For First Class from abroad. Many and quick Funko who has been laid up with uine bargains land and im- sales visited at the A lively wolf chase took plac*9 blood-poisoning In BARBER WORK were reported. home of her mother, for the past few farms are within Ann last Sunday. Several hunters armed proved that Rev. John Bury of will Mrs. Lansing last week. weeks is able to be about again. everyone. Decorah Mrs. J. W. Lynch gave a surprise with high power guns and dogs by the reach of Opposite Grand Opera House hold preaching services at the Ger- Miss Plaeger of Burr Oak has jartv for her daughter Margaret tc the hundred, judging by the noise, spending past man M. E. church next Sunday mor- been thd two weeks a number of little friends. ihe chase lasted all day and by eve- friends BUCK NELL, ning, following Sunday school. Plan with in our village. B. E. Theo. Fleischer went to Cal- ning both the dogs and wolf felt like took to attend both above services. Mrs. retiring. A number from here in "Civ- J. C. BEARD mur Wednesday to visit her brother ilization” at the Grand in BARBER Our law makers are in session at, had his rig Decorah Des Wm. Helwig. Nela Nelson saw on last week. Moines grinding uway at legisla- the operating bench last week, ture matter. Mrs. Ross Winn and Mrs. Lewis !rr The Yeoman are planning on a Rudolph Building, Decorah, low*. VVoolsey were up Henry Forde’s assistance they came Counting is tine on the hilly sides from Castalia social dance for Wednesday evening FIRST CLASS WORK Wednesday. to the conclusion that it was not ap- of week. days and youngsters go this these our Hugh spent pendicitis, but the cattle trout bunip, bump, tumbling and rolling Mrs. Ross and son trouble Mrs. J. N. Headington of Decoraii * Wednesday in Decorah, s li- Rockerfeller’s gasoline spending days DIXON LINZENMEYER, down grade on high gear, usually. with her wond*/riul has been a few with ter, Mrs. Joe mixture that freezes in cold weath- Freeport The Standard Bearers of the Mikesh. friends. BLANKETS, Miss of er. HARNESS, ROBES, Herman M. E. church held their Ida Remke Fort Atkin- I AN WHIPS, ETC. meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kirschiuan last week PLEASANT VALLEY. First Olaas Repairing, Washing, Wednesday even'ng. Oiling, Etc, Mr. and I EDISON Mrs. John Aegerter were DO YOU WINTER? Uy. 15, 1917 pleasant LINCOLN, Specialist callers at the Schild home Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Krickson MRS. last week, Thursday. If every man, woman and child in this vicinity have moved their household goods ¦ in your home means not Wesley to KraU was a pleasant busi- the Hans Krickson place which taste, but good •operfluons Hair, Moles, Warts, Bro- ness caller at Creeco. last week Wed- would only take one spoonful of they have rented for this year. ¦ only good ken Veins, Lime Balls and other nesday. Sarah Valle. Theo. Iverson and El- H judgment. See and hear foyipi blemishs permanently re- Charley Vrba was a pleasant cal- vin Ellis arrived home Saturday, af- moved by electricity. Best of Ref- ler at Cresco last week Wednesday ter visiting relatives and friends at them at the avences. CO3 River Bt. Decorah. afternoon. Brandt, S. D., and other points. Mall carriers and cream gatherers prindeland Sand John Lel- don't appreciate these kind of roads dahl were attending to insurance DECORAH MUSIC or weather either. 5(0n3 business in this vicinity. The next meeting of the Standard The sewing machine agent who SHOP Bearers of the German M. E. church EMULSION has been canvasing Winneshiek BAGS will be at the home month, put was GRAIN of Mr. meals for one itwould vigor intheir county in this vicinity and Mrs. after several them to W. E. Wiedeman, days I While they last we offer second Wednes- blood to rigors of winter weather and last week. Narve Narveson and ymi at 15e each; in bundles of 25 day in February. withstand the Theo. Anderson axo the buyers of lffgs (3.75). "After the Ball was Over” there prevent colds, grippe and winter sickness. these new machines. SPILLS were a sleepy W -—. TUB DIAMOND BRAND. A lot of fellows urouna SCOTT’S is a fortdying of particu- Bill Barnet and Leon Marlow from CHICHESTERndlNlAAinrllruriilt,A medicinal-food « the next morning. O, what a Franklin Prairie were calling £<( aXu Ol hr Dtoßoiil n fine in this rim <¦ u«a «ixi void time they had. lar benefit in changing seasons, and every drop yields burg last Tuesday. fiO uIL bum, talk! with Blua HibUm.uwtiim7\v>W Phone, or tell u» thd news, LJzzie Severson M Tab* m atker. Bur of iwh> ? sub- direct returns in richer blood, stronger lungs, and entertained a [n A "HE MAMS SEED CO, scribe for the Decorah Public Opin- 9 number of ladles at her home last [L a\£?nn buan ion and happy, fhelpgreater resistive power. No alcohol in SCOTT S. Monday. If* OJf ycaii kamal] Best, Safest, AHrau^^Ebio BECOKAH. IOWA. live despite hard | >•«*••» f (Phoae IS—Marsh Bldg.) times, high prices, etc. . Scwtt a Blnarfiald. N. JL Blvin Klim and Kirin Iverson SIItDBYWWKtSTS YCRTmR£